#ookiku furukabutte x reader
duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Houston, i’m sad as fuck. Can I please have an emergency request?? I noticed you haven’t written any for Big Windup yet, and I would feel so honored to be the first. Can I request Mihashi and Tajima comforting their best friend who’s hopelessly in love with someone? Thank you 😭😭 (also why is the safari formatting for this so strange??)
Hi Anon!!
First of all, I felt you with the safari formatting. It’s so funky for no reason 💀💀
I hope you’re feeling a little better now!! If not, I’m here to help :)
I know all about being hopelessly in love, so I hope this can be comforting for you!!
I added a little of my own twist at the end. I hope it will still suffice!
Please let me know if you need anything!
CW UNDER THE CUT: reader is attracted to males in Tajima’s scenario.
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𝑅𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑖ℎ𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖
You and Mihashi had became friends in your first year of middle school.
You’d always felt a strong connection with him. He just seemed like the kind of support system you’d appreciate having in your life.
Once high school arrived, love lives arrived for the two of you. You both made a set of rules. Rule one, you wouldn’t fall for each other. Rule two, you’d be there for each other during heartbreaks.
While Mihashi didn’t seem to have any crushes, since he was so focused on baseball, you had found yourself infatuated with someone in your class.
You hadn’t talked to your best friend in a couple days, since he had a big tournament coming up. So, you asked to take him out for ramen and told him you had to tell him about someone.
While not thrilled to have such an important secret on his shoulders, Mihashi agreed so he could spend time with you again.
“Ren they’re just amazing! Their eyes are so pretty, and they play (sport/instrument) isn’t that just something?!”
“Y-yeah! Totally!” He beamed in reply, completely uninterested.
“And they’re really funny. They care about people above all, plus they’re super respectful. I’ve liked them for so long. They always check in on me every day and- agh Ren I think I’m in love!” You whined, dramatically throwing your wrist onto your forehead.
You and your friend burst into giggles, ready to dive into your dinners.
“Just um… J-just make sure you’re careful! I-I would hate to you up-upset over them.” Mihashi said with as much firmness as he could muster.
“No worries, Ren. I think they’re the one I was destined to be with.” You chirped in reply before you picked up your chopsticks.
Dinner went without a hitch! You were happy to catch up with your best friend, and even more happy to learn all about him and Abe becoming closer.
Over the next few weeks, your pining for (Crush’s name) didn’t stop. If anything, it only got worse. You decided that it was time to take your chances.
One fateful day after school, you wrote a small note explaining your feelings. Now, you just had to wait for the right moment to give it to them.
The right moment presented itself to you during third period. They had dropped their notebook out of their backpack! Score! You picked it up and tucked the note inside it.
“Um, (C/N)?” You asked, tapping their shoulder.
“Mm?” They turned to face you.
“You dropped this. I wanted to make sure you had it, in case it was important!” You chirped, handing them the book.
“Ah, thank you!” They beamed in reply.
After school ended, you frantically texted back and forth with Mihashi about your confession. Eventually, you just decided to pop into his house to hang out with him.
“You n-need to get your mind off of this.” Mihashi said sternly, turning on your favorite movie and making popcorn. “L-let’s watch our favorite movie, and have a whole bunch of popcorn!”
You didn’t need much more reasoning to comply. You cuddled up right next to Mihashi and all of your worries melted away.
The next day, you were walking in with Mihashi and were met with (C/N) standing by your locker. “Good morning, (Y/N)! I got your note.” They said with a patient smile.
“I-I’ll leave you to it.” Your best friend said before turning around to catch up with some teammates.
“I’m sorry to have to say this, but I just don’t return your feelings…” (C/N) said a bit sadly, “Don’t get me wrong! You’re an absolutely incredible person, and whoever does get the honor to date you will be the luckiest person in the world, but I just can’t see you in that way. I’m sorry.”
Fighting back tears you smiled patiently, “There’s no worry to be had. Thank you for being honest with me. And likewise to you, the right person will be very lucky to have you.” With a slight bow, you turned around to find someplace to be alone.
When you arrived at your usual solitude spot, you immediately burst into tears. You texted Mihashi to simply say “no go.”
Within minutes, the door to the empty room you were in opened, and arms enveloped around you. “I-it’ll be okay.” a voice whispered.
“R-Ren-“ you whimpered, “Why does this a-always hap-pen?”
“I’m not sure.” He replied, running his fingers through your hair, “The g-gods always have some weird stuff planned.”
“Maybe it’s just me… I’m probably the problem., you know maybe it’s j-”
“Stop right there.”
Mihashi seemed to have lost all of his usual sheepishness in that moment. “You are not the problem. I don’t know what they may have said to you, but you’re not the one at fault here. Just because someone doesn’t return your feelings, doesn’t mean that you are the issue.”
“You’re an honest catch. The person who ends up sweeping you off your feet will be someone very lucky to say the least. You’re an incredible support system for anyone you meet, and you continue to grow and amaze me every day.”
“You, (Y/N), are an amazing human being. And anyone who doesn’t see that, I swear I’ll-“
He was cut off by you diving onto him and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you, Ren. I’m so happy you’re my friend.” You whispered.
Mihashi happily returned your hug, holding you close and smiling. “I do have to tell you something…”
You looked up, immediately concerned. “What’s wrong?”
In a mousy voice, Mihashi avoided your gaze and said: “I broke rule number one.”
Your heart suddenly leaped in your chest, had it seen something you hadn’t before? “Yeah?”
“Maybe I’ll need to break that rule myself”.
(C/N) was long forgotten that day, given that you had found the one who would be by your side forever.
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𝑌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑢 𝑇𝑎𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑎
Sweet boy Tajima had been your best friend since diapers. Your moms were childhood friends, so they were quick to introduce the two of you.
When high school came around, the brunette had grown into an incredible young man. You knew that there were bound to be people fawning over him.
“Oye, Yuu’. We have to set some rules about relationships.” You said in a firm tone, “I don’t want you getting a partner and leaving me.”
The pinch hitter smiled, “Don’t worry. We’ll start with two.”
“Go ahead.”
“Rule number one! We can’t fall in love with each other.” Tajima said with a deadly serious face, “I know I’m dashingly handsome, and hard to resist, but you must!”
Giggling, you nodded, “Rule number two?”
“Rule number two! You can’t fall in love with any of my teammates.” He said with a cocked eyebrow, “I know, I know, we’re all just incredibly attractive, but you have to have some self control! I can’t have my best friend dating my teammates! I wouldn’t want to have to kill any of them for breaking your heart!”
You saluted him with a goofy look on your face. “Understood, sir!”
The two of you burst into uncontrollable laughter, barely able to keep your composure at your antics.
Overtime, you had begun to attend all of Tajima’s games. You wanted to be the best support system that you could be for him. And through those games, you met Azusa Hanai.
You found yourself falling hard for Hanai. You adored everything about him and your crush grew stronger and stronger every day.
One night, you called Tajima to just shoot the breeze with him.
“Yuu’, you won’t believe it, but I have such a big fat crush on someone it’s so bizarre.”
“Yeah?” He asked, putting his phone on speaker and scribbling down math problems in his notebook. “Tell me about them.”
“It’s a boy. He is super sweet and always checks up on me. He seems really intimidating, but he’s actually so dorky and kinda timid? I’ve liked him for about two months now, and I think I’ve fallen in love.”
“Sounds pretty serious.” He replied.
“I think… I think I’m gonna ask him out tomorrow.”
“Go for it. But... just be careful now. I don’t have enough of your favorite snacks on hand. Plus you know how much it hurts me to see you cry.”
“I know, Yuu’. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
After that, the two of you stayed on the phone talking about anything and everything. Among that everything was your plan to ask out your crush. The two of you decided on giving him a flower and telling him face to face.
The morning came and you rushed to purchase a small rose. You found Hanai after school and approached him anxiously.
“Uh, Hanai?” You said, tapping his shoulder.
The boy turned around, smiling upon seeing your face. “Heya, (Y/N)! What can I do for you!”
You toyed with the leaves of the rose with your thumb and forefinger. “I uh-“ you squeezed your eyes shut and sighed, “Ireallylikeyoualotandiwantedtoknowifyoudbemyboyfriend-“
“Woah woah, wait show it down.” The captain said with an amused smile.
“I really like you a lot, and I’d like to ask you to be my boyfriend.” You said, giving him the rose.
Hanai took it with a shocked look on his face, “I- oh. I am so very flattered, (Y/N). I just don’t return your feelings at this moment. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh! That’s okay!” You chirped, “I am happy you were honest with me. Please, keep the rose.” You said with a bow and a smile.
“Once again im so sorry-“
“It’s not a problem, Hanai. When you find someone who you love, they will be truly lucky.” After that comment you smiled and turned away from him.
You retreated to the rooftop, your usual favored spot to be alone. Your tears started flowing harshly and you couldn’t help the whimpers that ripped from your throat.
Meanwhile, Tajima spotted Hanai in the dugout. He said his usual hello to his teammate and prepared for practice. He noticed the look on his friend’s face. “Everything okay, Hanai? You look troubled.”
“Yeah I just had to reject one of my classmates’ confessions.” He replied, picking up the rose, “and they gave me such a pretty flower too.”
“Flower…?” Tajima asked absentmindedly. Suddenly it dawned on him. “No-“
“No no no!” The cleanup hitter almost fell over from the speed in which he took off from the dugout.
Tajima sprinted to the rooftop, knowing exactly where you’d be. “(Y/N)!” He cried out breathlessly, upon seeing your sobbing figure.
Your best friend immediately pulled you into a pretty forceful hug, still running in 3x speed. “I’m so sorry. I’ve got you, you’re gonna be okay.”
You hugged him back as you stained his white jersey with salty tears. “G-God im such an idiot… I never should’ve-“
���You’re not an idiot. You’re in love.” He replied in a whisper, taking hold of your hand.
“Yes I am! He doesn’t even like me and it’s my fault. Maybe I was just too forward. Maybe he just isn’t attracted to me because I’m not pretty or my personality is weird or-“ you blubbered, breaking out of the hug.
Tajima physically covered your mouth with his hand. “Stop. I won’t let you talk about my best friend like that. You made the right decision. You are the most beautiful and talented person I know. You have the most lovely smile and laugh and you shine brighter than the sun. Anyone who isn’t in love with you is in denial.” He stated firmly.
You released a watery chuckle, “Heh, Thanks Yuu’. I just wish I listened to those stupid rules you gave me. If I didn’t break rule number two, things would’ve been fine.”
“To hell with the rules!” He yelled absentmindedly, grabbing both of your shoulders gently. “I break rule number one every day and it hasn’t ruined any-“
Tajima broke out of his ramble with wide eyes and a blush that spread to his ears. You stared at him, lips parted and eyes hopeful.
“Um. You can forget I said th-“
“No!” You yelped, “I mean-“
The two of you stood on the rooftop, stuttering out answers back and forth for a good half hour. When the deal was sealed, you returned to the field with Tajima, hand in hand.
He’d have to kill Hanai for making you cry, but for now Tajima was content with knowing you were finally with the person who would love you for who you are.
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