#oohh myy good
gummydummy19 · 6 days
For all the Simon “ghost” Riley girlies out there…
Badhjur made a PH account and posted this AMAZING video with insane good fanart so go check it out because oohh myy goooddd 🥴🫶🏻💓 (its basically a comic he voiced ft an anonymous female character who voices the OC)
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aiizenn · 1 year
okay okay so what’s your favorite Shikai command, Bankai (the way it’s said) ,Bankai name, and Bankai visual? Also just what’s your favorite all time Bankai in general?
𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 💭₊˚ෆ ohh yeees, hii anon!!
ok ok so! this is honestly a piece of cake (i’ve totally thought abt this b4 ໒꒰ྀིྀི ੭ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ꒱ྀི੭ ) let’s goooo . . .
my favorite shikai is definitely—without a doubt— “shatter, kyōka suigetsu” ! it is just so beautifully done. like the whole “shatter” fits the work of his shikai. it has the ability to control all five senses to the point that the person can misinterpret another persons form. creating a simple or complex illusion to deceive his opponents, such as creating a decoy of himself !! kubo is such an amazing mangaka, he did an astonishing job with every command, all are well written, but aizens definitely stood out from the rest!
my favorite bankai (the way it’s said) is no other than how ichigo says it ! it’s one of the most iconic lines and the va did such an outstanding job! you can hear how he says it from the bottom of his heart &’ puts all these emotions into that simple word. aaaand!! it’s the whole pause! oml the pause!! it’s that tiny pause that he does that makes it all much better. “BAN—KAI” !
my favorite bankai name is “minazuki”. unohana’s simple one word bankai name leaves me in awe (although her bankai is far from simple). there are different ways how one interprets the meaning of the name, but the one i like most is “all things end”. it goes well with how her crimson blood-like whip ‘blade’ which could’ve had acid due to the bubbles and hisses— which then dissolved and destroyed everything around her.
my favorite bankai visual? easy. it’s byukuya’s. the pretty swords that turn into pretty pink petals when given its command? count me in! i don’t think there’s much to say besides it’s so breathtaking! when it first appeared in the soul society arc, i was all giddy! plus it suits his so well, a pretty bankai for a pretty man!
my all time favorite bankai is and will always be uraharas. firstly, his shikai commands are mwahh: awaken, cry, &’ call out. the way he says “bankai” with his distinctively calm voice is a chefs kiss. the name of his bankai??! ugh so so good. “kannonbiraki benihime aratame” meaning “modification of the crimson princess dissection at doors of avalokiteśvara” (if you look into the meaning of it you’ll see just how much that bankai suits him) aaand omg the visual?? i can’t wait for his bankai to get animated, in the manga it was so beautifully drawn and when colored . . . oohh myy gossh. overall in general, uraharas bankai is my all time favorite. from his shikai commands to his bankai visual. absolute masterpiece !!
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seokka0o · 1 year
My lady🙇🏻‍♀️
Hello 🤭🤭 I thank you for your interaction always 💚💚💚 I'm always very happy when you show that you liked it
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icarusinaccurate · 1 year
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madmadmilk · 3 years
omg jacky! life is good today! luckily i just got a ticket to see nwh on wednesday 😍 i wasn't able to buy a ticket earlier bc of work so i was pretty sure i wouldn't be watching nwh this week but there was still one lonely seat left and now im gonna go to the cinema all by myself 🤷🏼‍♀️ ive never done that before but idc there just weren't any seats left for inviting any friends 😂
OOHH MYY GOODDD!!! i'm soooo excited for you!!!!! lol may i ask what country you're from, cos... HOW ARE YOU SEEING IT ON WEDNESDAY??? 😳
but yayayyy! i'm glad you were able to get a ticket, and tbh going to movies by yourself sounds like a really good self-care date! nothing to worry about except yourself and how badly the movie might wreck you.....
anyway, have fun! stay safe, and DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT IT UNTIL I'VE WATCHED IT!!!! take care 💐🌷💕✨
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laurianos · 4 years
Kings Rising - Ch. 4 Summary
All quotes in regular text. My dumb comments / summarising in bold.
‘Laurent,’ he said, ‘what have you done?’
‘Does it bother you to think of him hurting your country?’
‘You know it does. Are we playing now with the fate of nations? It won’t bring your brother back.’
There was a violent silence.
‘You know, my uncle knew who you were,’ said Laurent. ‘He spent this whole time waiting for us to fuck. He wanted to tell me who you were himself, and watch it wreck me. Oh, had you guessed that? You just thought you’d fuck me anyway? Couldn’t help yourself?’
‘You ordered me to your rooms,’ said Damen, ‘and pushed me down on the bed. I said, “Don’t do this”.’
‘You said, “Kiss me”,’ said Laurent, each word enunciated clearly. ‘You said, “Laurent, I need to be inside you, you feel so good, Laurent,”’ He switched to Akielon, as Damen had at the climax, “it’s never felt like this, I can’t hold on, I’m going to -”
(Can I just say at this point I like to imagine the guards standing outside overhearing all of this like, ‘oohh... myy... goddd... 👀👀👀’ 🤣!!)
‘Stop,’ said Damen. He was breathing in quick, shallow breaths, as he might after heavy exertion. He stared at Laurent.
Laurent offers Damen troops and supplies in exchange for Delpha.
He felt the shock that made him remember that this was Laurent, and not any other young man of twenty. (I often have to remind myself he is only twenty!)
He said, ‘Did you plan this from the beginning?’
‘The hard part was getting Guion to let me into his fort.’ Laurent said it steadily, the private edge to his voice a little more private than usual. (Lies! Nooo don’t let the poor baby think you betrayed him. It’s all lies! You were kidnapped, goddammit!)
They argue back and forth. Move. Counter. Repeat. To paraphrase: ‘Give me one good reason.’ ‘Because I’m Laurent and I get what I want. Bitch you thought.’
Do you want to play this game against me? I will take you apart.’ 
‘You’re alone. You don’t have allies. You don’t have friends. You’ve proven true everything your uncle ever said about you. You made deals with Akielos. You even bedded an Akielon—and by now, everyone knows it. You’re clinging to independence with a single fort and the tatters of a reputation.’ 
‘Please,’ said Laurent, ‘insult me further. Tell me more about my tattered reputation. Tell me all the ways that bending over for you has damaged my position. As if being fucked into the mattress by the King of Akielos could be anything other than demeaning. I am dying to hear it.’ 
‘Did you think,’ said Laurent, ‘that I would come here without the means to enforce my terms? I hold the only proof of Kastor’s treachery that extends beyond your word.’ 
Damen’s hands became fists. He felt fundamentally outmanoeuvred—even as he could see that Laurent was bargaining alone, with very little, for his political life. Laurent had to be desperate to propose fighting alongside Akielos; alongside Damianos of Akielos. 
‘Are we going to play another kind of pretend?’ Damen said. ‘That it never happened?’ 
‘If you are concerned it will go unmentioned between us, never fear. Every man in my camp knows that you served me in bed.’ 
‘And that is how it is to be between us?’ said Damen. ‘Mercenary? Cold?’ 
‘How did you think it would be?’ said Laurent. ‘You’d take me to your bed for the public consummation?’  (Ooooh. Damn. Burnt.)
It hurt. Damen said, ‘I won’t do this without Nikandros, and he won’t give up Delpha.’ 
‘He will when you give him Ios.’ 
‘I see you’ve thought of everything,’ said Damen, bitterly. ‘It didn’t have to be—you could have come to me, and asked for my help, I would have—’ 
‘Killed the rest of my family?’ (Ouch)
He thought of all Laurent had done here, every piece of impersonal leverage, to control this meeting, to ensure it played out on his terms.
‘Congratulations,’ said Damen. ‘You’ve forced my hand. You have what you want. Delpha, in exchange for your aid in the south. Nothing given freely, nothing done out of feeling, everything coerced, with bloodless planning.’ 
‘Then I have your agreement? Say it.’
‘You have my agreement.’
‘Good,’ said Laurent. He took a step back. Then, as if a pillar of control had finally collapsed, Laurent surrendered his full weight to the table behind him, his face drained of all colour. He was trembling, his hairline pricked with the sweat of injury. He said: ‘Now get out.’  (Rest poor baby 😭 you have a serious wound. You need to look after yourself. Paschal's salves can only do so much!)
* * *
Laurent had known who he was, and had still made love to him. He wondered what mix of yearning and self delusion had allowed Laurent to do that. 
The ache of loss didn’t make sense, because Laurent had never been his. He had known that. The delicate thing that had grown between them had never had a right to exist. It had always had an end date, the moment that Damen reassumed his mantle. 
* * *
Damen goes to break the news to Nikandros.
He waited, not turning away from what it meant, now, to be King. If he could give Laurent up, he could do this. 
Nikandros came into the tent.  
It wasn’t pleasant, the offer or the price. Nikandros couldn’t completely hide the hurt as he searched for understanding that he didn’t find. Damen gazed back at him, unbending and unflinching. They had played together as boys, but now Nikandros faced his King. 
Damen remembered hoping for a homecoming where it could be between them as it was in the old days. As if friendship of that kind could survive statesmanship. 
‘He’s playing us against each other,’ said Nikandros. ‘This is calculated. He is trying to weaken you.’  
Damen said, ‘I know. It’s like him.’ 
Silence, while Nikandros kept his words in check. 
‘The men will talk,’ said Nikandros. He was pushing the words out with distaste, he did not want to say, ‘About—’ 
Damen said, ‘No.’ 
And then, as though Nikandros couldn’t help the words that came out next, ‘If you would at least take off the cuff—’ 
‘No. It stays.’ He refused to lower his eyes. (Out and proud Nik. Out & Proud! *insert xyai fanart* XD)
Into the painful silence, Damen said, ‘And you? Will I lose you?’ (Cryy 😭)
It was all he allowed himself. It came out in a steady enough voice, and he made himself wait, and say nothing more. 
As though the words were coming up from the depths of him, against his will, Nikandros said, ‘I want Ios.’ 
Damen let out a breath. Laurent, he realised suddenly, wasn’t playing them against one another. He was playing to Nikandros. There was a dangerous expertise in all of this; in knowing how far Nikandros’s loyalty might be stretched, and what would keep it from snapping. Laurent’s presence the room was almost tangible.
‘If someone kills your family you don’t rest until they are dead.’ 
The words dropped between them. He remembered Laurent’s eyes in the tent as he had procured this alliance for himself. 
Nikandros was shaking his head. ‘Or do you really think he’s forgiven you for killing his brother?’
‘No. He hates me for it.’ He said it steadily, without flinching. ‘But he hates his uncle more. He needs us. And we need him.’ 
‘You need him enough that you would strip me of my home, because he asked you to?’ 
‘Yes,’ said Damen. 
He watched Nikandros struggle with that.
‘I’m doing this for Akielos,’ said Damen. (... and for a certain blonde-haired someone 😉)
Nikandros said, ‘If you’re wrong there is no Akielos.’ 
* * *
Damen enters his tent
The privacy was like a blessing. He didn’t have to hold himself up, he could let the weight of exhaustion bear him down to rest. His body ached for it. He wanted only to prise his armour from himself and close his eyes. Alone, he didn’t have to be King. 
Damen realises he is not alone. One of Nikandros’ slaves was there for him. 
Damen is acting awkwardly. In the past he wouldn’t have found there to be an issue. He notices the cuff on her wrist.
He let out a strange, unsteady breath. He realised that his breathing had been unsteady for some time, that his flesh was unsteady. That the silence had been stretching out between them too long. 
Damen says he will not use slaves anymore. He unpins his own cloak and drapes it round the slave’s shoulders. Damen is relieved to be alone.
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