#ooh this occupies my Brian a lil
celestial-clownz · 3 months
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When will you listen?
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critterreads · 6 years
Brian and Critter convo's
This is just a bunch of convo's that just make this one massive shitpost, Enjoy ;)
Me, whenever Brian says anything gay: Are you sure you're straight?
Me, giving Brian food in the middle of a recording session: Here is your food, asshat.
"Im in the middle of something."
"You've been in middle of something for the past 3 hours, eat, please."
"I'll cook me'self something when I'm done recording."
"We both know you cant cook for shit. .... Also hello Internet, and bye."
the others are probably laughing at the convo
Me: I need death.
At the hotel for the convention that we all find out about each other. Brian and me got paired with one of the normal boys (Anthony, Marcel, Lui, Luke or Del [if he did]). We arrived first.
"You two are sharing a bed and I'll sleep on the couch."
"Ok, but why?"
"Well, one is that two to one when it comes to genders occupying this room. Two, I rather have the couch than a big bed and three, we both know how gay you're gonna be as soon as they get here."
"... Fair poi- WAIT, FUCK YOU!"
"Ik you mean fuck whoever is staying here."
"You're a lil' bitch."
"And you're obviously gay."
Me: makes a catholic joke
Brian: looks at me with a slight grin "Did you- really?"
"It's not like you're actually Catholic."
"You do have a point."
"Hey Brian, wanna go get Starbucks?"
his eyes widened "Did you say Starbucks?"
on our way back
"You're a Basic White Bitch."
"I know." sips his venti carmel blended latte
"That's not even the good shit too."
"Just cuz you fockin' can't have carmel doesn't mean it's not good."
"It's not just that, ... There is other good places besides Starbucks but you live in Ireland so you have no clue that there is better coffee."
"Ooh, so is lil' miss guardian gonna teleport me somwhere?" in a mocking tone
"One, Fuck tú. Two, I can't teleport. Three, I guess we just have to wait til we go to America."
Brian, in a call with the other bois who have guardians. "She calls me a 'Basic White Bitch'."
"Cuz you are one."
Brian: says something really gay while recording
Me: busting the door down "HA, GAAAYYYY!"
Also me: yelling from another room "AND THERE GOES TUMBLR!"
Me: shows Brian all the screenshots i have of him
Brain: "Omfg, I look good in all of these."
Ok, i can see Brian getting realy sick and him kinda panic cuz he hasn't recorded anything for a few days and im just like, "Relax, I can do it."
"Are you sure about that."
"Absolutely. I'll do a 'Reading mean comments video' and maybe do Mario Kart as well."
"You better not!"
"Well it's that or I read fanfics from tumblr."
"Ok, ... fine. You can do the fockin' comments video. Just don't be a asshole."
"No guarantees on that."
"You bitch."
Most of the 'Reading mean comments video' is me defending Brian by saying "As a person who has been living with him for the past 4 months, he's a jackass, but a nice one." Also answering some of the comments that have questions about me.The Mario Kart one is just me having fun even tho i vary with placing in each round.Funny thing is that his subs like the videos i did and keep tweeting him about them and hoping he feels better soon, so finally he gives in and watches them. After that, Brian starts a series on his channel callled "Terroriser vs. Critter" where me and him play 1v1 games and have fun.
Brian: sad and depressed
Me: in Waheela form, curled around him
"Dont you fockin do it."
sticks tounge out
"Dont you fockin dare."
licks him
"mumbles you lil bitch."
Brian: looking for one of his own merch shirts "Critter, have you seen a black shirt with my logo on it?!?"
Me: wearing it and holding a mug of coffee "I cant confirm or deny that I have."
"Why the fock did you take my shirt?"
"Cuz it's comfortable, ... it also hides my tits better than my shirts. I hate women's clothing."
"Ok then. ... Wait, how long have you been taking my shirts?!?!"
"About a month now, cuz it took me awhile to realize that you're about a size or two bigger than me."
Brian calls me into his room
"Do you ever get the urge to howl?"
"Brian, its 3 in the morning, why the fuck are you asking me this now?"
"You still didn't answer my question."
"If I answer it, will you go the fuck to sleep, cuz I cant sleep til you are asleep."
"Ok ... occasionally I do get the urge. You satisfied with my answer, motherfucker."
"Nope." has his cheeky grin on his face
"Don't you fucking think about it, I will make your life hell if you dare howl."
"It's not like you're gonna kill me."
"I will pull a Skye if you do."
stops grinning and rolls over in his bed "ok ... goodnight Critter."
"That's what I thought." finally leaves his room
(Im gonna reblog pt2)
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