#ooh almost forgot to add one of my fav details is the idea that older EPF operatives use these 'secrets' to mess with newbies
adenthemage · 2 years
Hi first of all shoutout to you for going through my entire blog I love when people do that
Second of all you mentioned an OC in my post about a 2k3 separated AU and now I’m intrigued 👀
- teenagemutantninjatrauma
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Hello!! First off no stress about the art blog this is gonna be rambly anyway so it fits lmao. Also I'm so glad!! I'm goin through a biiiiit of a revival of my childhood tmnt obsession and your blog has fed me, thank you very much.
Anyway rip you pushed the OC button so now I'm never gonna shut up.
So I've only recently started building OCs for 2k3 but the basic conceit is that it surrounds a division of EPF that specializes in cross-dimensional crises and anomalies. The OC I was referencing, that uses that concept of "what if Bishop had a good reason to keep a non-human under his employ" is named Franklin Ritter.
So the fun thing about Ritter is that they're a krang from the 2012 universe that tripped through a few portals and got stuck in 2k3. The original inspiration for them was an actual krang from the show who was animated to be unusually-expressive, compared to how the krang are usually portrayed. So I STOLE them and they're Ritter now.
The basic story beats go that Ritter got dumped into the 2k3 universe just as the Triceraton invasion was happening, beamed right into one of their ships rip. Freshly-freed from the hivemind, they were very invested in Not Dying, and as they were sneaking around they stumbled across a lone EPF Operative who had been unlucky enough to get trapped on the ship as it was taking off. Thinking Ritter's just some weird civilian, she refuses to leave them alone, and they end up fighting for their lives together to escape the ship. After which, of course, they kinda bonded.
This particular operative, turns out, is one of the more elite soldiers within EPF (a few headcanons went into her existence, like the idea that every once in a while Bishop will personally train a soldier who has already proven exceptional, and they will then be more trusted to run operations without him.) She thinks Ritter is a pretty good fighter, for a civilian, and wants to bring them on-board. Quite a bit of drama ensues after Ritter agrees, unaware of EPF's general sentiments towards, yknow, aliens. They do spend some time being experimented on, but eventually the operative, having good standing with Bishop, manages to argue they're an asset that can be utilized on the field. Ritter is allowed to work under her under the caveat that they always remain disguised, and if they ever screw up it's her job on the line.
That's the basic premise, anyway! I have spent a lot of thought on Bishop, EPF, and the particulars of how it might function, so most of my OCs surround that lol. They're all very new, but Ritter is definitely one of my favorites!
here's them btw:
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