#oof here is like a compilation of all the hc i have for the Kimura family
dxllhcuse ยท 1 year
Taisho Secret! The Kimura family
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1 - Mizuki absolutely loves dancing as dancing is literally in her blood. She will often learn either traditional or newer dances and incorporate in her style. Every morning, she will either sing or dance on the sunlight as she loves the warmth of the sunlight
2 - Saving her sisters truly awakened her love for nursing as Mitsuki decided to also pursue as a nurse. She spends her time studying the medical field, meanwhile helping out the injured demon slayers. When she isn't the the butterfly estate helping out the injure, she is seen out in the mission with her sister, Mizuki.
3 - Kasami is the tsugoku of Mitsuki as she is learning the cloud breathing technique. Aside from the breathing technique she is also learning the medical field as well, helping out her sister. You can sometimes see her walking around fetching some things for her sister or carrying food for the injured.
4 - It is a surprising moment that the twins survived the ordeal as both of them contains Marechi blood, however Mizuki was close to dying as her injuries was very severe.
5 - Even though Aunt Kimura isn't involved in the demon slayer corporation, she owns a vast collection of textbooks and objects that is involved with the organization. From the heian era to right now, Aunt Kimura have textbooks about every breathing technique style, the demon itself, medicine, journals and etc. The main goal of this collection is to hope to find any information involving the sun breathing technique, however it is prove to be difficult as many of them have been destroyed or burned.
6 - As the Kimura twins become a hashira, all of the library and other collections have been moved to their estate where they are being protected. Being protected such as the metal door being bathed both in sunlight and wisteria and covering the whole door and outside building wisteria. Aunt Kimura is actually relief to hear that their nieces will protect the books as she is retired from collecting other textbooks,
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