#ooc. but Sampo feels inadequate for various reasons
maskednihilism · 3 months
i don't remember anything about my parents. [Listen he's not a muse but from Yanqing okie]
@shallliveoninsong || prompt! || From Yanqing
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"I don't remember mine either. But I've learned that parents is just a title people give themselves." Sampo should know. He did spend some time with his mother and she was anything but that.
She didn't harm him, nor did she let him die. But she also didn't take good care of him. Leaving him at the Tavern to find true elation, whatever that meant for her. His father he could say even less. Nothing in his memory could recall anything remotely related to that man. If he had one.
Sampo grabs the young swordsman by the shoulder, and pulls him close. "Parents are those who stay with you and clothe you. They scold you when you do wrong and praise you when you do right. Those are true parents." In other words... Jing Yuan was Yanqing's true father in the thief's humble opinion.
"Sometimes there's those who never get one. And they lived just fine." Not Sampo, goodness no. He came out all wrong. But others he knows of, like a particular Silvermane Captain who didn't have the support of either parent turned out just fine.
All thanks to his big sister. "So don't worry about silly titles. Focus on those who are with you. Those will be your family."
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