#ooc; i draw primarily on my phone so this is scaled for mobile
whohasfourthumbsand · 1 month
+ Who Has Four Thumbs And-
+ -used them to design four new arms? This guy!
+ Tutor said I wasn't allowed to scale down Zheng parts so that I can punch holes in the wall (she also made me sign up for a class on the dangers of sleep deprivation?) but I still made some much-needed upgrades to their overall strength. I'm going to field test the new parts myself before potentially using the designs to upgrade Kennedi's work-in-progress. There might have been inspiration taken from the Caliban, but I'm legally not allowed to confirm anything. Only imply.
+ The tubes are temporary; I haven't worked out the cooling quite yet, plus I tend to overextend my joints when I'm still adjusting.
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