#ooc: this took a looooong time so feel free to do with it whatever you want!
🗣 - signed dr. picard
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The screams of a tempestuous pandemonium fused with irate orders intoxicating the idyllic atmosphere were still audible behind him as the android swiftly manoeuvred his way back down the claustrophobic, subterranean maze. The cacophony of the turmoil that was meandering outside and resonated between the rolling hillsides in the remote valley, that expanded outward from the entrance of the cave, was a fierce reminder of why it was imperative to adhere to the Prime Directive ⸺ albeit they were not responsible for violating General Order One, the Romulans were... However, they would still endure the pulverising weight of the magnitude the ensuing repercussions would embody. They could ruminate on the aggregation of errors and infringements they were on the brink of committing, but their primary objective was to seek another exit, another way out of the incapacious labyrinth.
The petrol blue uniform was scorched in the centre of his chest where their electronic weapon had nipped him; the fragile fabric was still smouldering and the lacerations that had been riven by the impact exposed his blackened bioplast sheeting. At moments like these, he considered himself lucky that he did not possess pain receptors and that the outer layers of his design were comprised of high endurance materials... Data sped around the bend of the tunnel and into the cavern where he had left the others. The Doctor was still crouched beside Riker, monitoring his vital signs; an anomalous power surge had incapacitated Riker and whatever systems he had activated could bear a correlation with the sudden arrival of the native inhabitants of the planet who were presently congregating outside. When the android became stationary within a couple of meters radius opposite the other two Starfleet officers, his slender, sinewy fingers were still firmly clutched around the phaser. They had to find a solution to pre-empt a further escalation of this conundrum, preferably before their foes would come bludgeoning down the labyrinthine caves...
The android did not elaborate on his bedraggled appearance; he surmised that Picard was capable of conducting his own extrapolations and formulate his own mental inferences. Besides, it harboured no significance.
    ‘Sir, I am afraid we must locate another exit. They have us surrounded, and if my calculations are correct’ ⸺ which they were, for he seldom erred ⸺ ‘we are outnumbered: 78 to 1. We do not stand a chance,’ he informed Doctor Picard, his yellow eyes momentarily darted down to behold the injured Riker, if only he had heeded Data’s advice concerning the untrustworthy design of the mysterious electronic device... ‘I tried to contact the Enterprise, but it appears they have enabled communication inhibitors ⸺ we can safely assume that the inhibitors are likewise capable of deflecting incoming transport signatures. To put it differently, sir, we cannot escape, only postpone the inevitable by relocating ourselves; in order to survive, we must attempt to find a fissure in their shield and use it to our advantage...’
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