#ooc: So she isn't saying that to your muse specifically
huntershowl · 1 month
——— BASICS ! ♡
NICKNAME : raine
PRONOUNS : she/her
ZODIAC SIGN : gemini
went to college for game design, with a focus on writing/narrative and 2D art!
i love cooking and baking — currently work as a chef and i arrange a mean charcuterie board :) fav recipe of mine is probably either banana bread or white chocolate lemon scones.
very into tabletop games, but cursed to hate playing over call. in person, i am known to make detailed irl props, animatics, cover songs and shit like that because immersion is my favorite thing to foster in any sort of roleplaying experience!
too much. too much. tumblr since 2012, but online rp in general forrrrr. 15?? yrs? since i was in third grade and rped with my bff via emails. kjdshfjkshf ive been through the shit. ask me about horror stories and i'll have a fuckin Tale for you (FROM THE LAST FEW MONTHS EVEN. but also earlier. ive seen things. to the extent that i've been actually considering writing an unofficial dissertation on rp from a queer anthropology lens )
for muses i prefer to write? ALWAYS sad characters. always. if a bitch isnt a little bit sad i lose interest fast. dsjfhkjshdf more specifically, angry femmes, hard-edged bitchy men with hearts of gold. usually has endured some sort of abuse. a bit unlikable, has a long way to go before they're comfortable with vulnerability. occasionally i have an off-type muse pick though (a couple of love-embodiment rays of sunshine, or get.o jj.k for example, but they're still ALWAYS SAD)
for muses i write against? for seph, i prefer characters with some sort of mean streak/bitchiness/hard edge to them. she doesn't do super well with outwardly soft and gentle characters — her muse avoids them and i tend to lose insp fast, even if i love the character ooc.
in a general sense, i'm drawn to characters who are also angsty in some way, but more than that, i'm drawn to conflict. if a dynamic isn't rough in some way, if there's no conflict between them, then it's less my vibe personally! no shade to those who like harmonious/fluffy character relationships of course — i just. yk. my brain likes to cause problems.
——— FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT ! ♡
FLUFF : small doses, short threads! i like fluff a lot, but only occasionally
ANGST : honestly like 90% of my content. eve my fluff threads turn sad. i love putting characters through the meat grinder — not only seph either, just say the word and i will HAPPILY inflict my villains on your blorbo! ask any of my writing partners and they will be able to confirm how much angst is on this fuckin blog JKSDKJDSH
SMUT : on discord yes! on dash, i'll ride the line and get a little spicy, but nothing like super explicit. ALTHOUGH this is a wiggly rule — i might try to explore it with trusted partners at some point if i get less shy
PLOT / MEMES : BOTH. plotting is very very helpful for me because i'm a chatterbox and tend to enjoy dynamics where we can also yell about em ooc. also having spicy plot points and conflicts to work towards makes it easier for me to write multiple threads haha <3 but memes are amazing ways to start interacting, as long as i have some sort of direction going in. so both!
tagged by: stoled from @tewwor
tagging: YOU!
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shilo-sumac · 6 months
(( OOC Post! edited last 4/23/24
I saw someone have a separate post about the norms of the world their muse is in (I'm so sorry I forget who) and I thought that would be a good idea! uh. this may be a text wall and more may be added. I love my HCs im sorry. ))
There are small basic animals in her universe, such as pollinator species (moths, bees, ect), fish, and small near the bottom of the food chain animals (mice, fish, other bugs, small birds) To me this makes sense because there are both plant Pokemon and normal plants in the actual canon, and stuff needs to pollinate somehow lmao. There are no large animals, this niche is only filled by Pokemon.
Killing Pokemon to consume is frowned upon in many regions. There are still people who do, but it's viewed similarly to how an American would view eating a pet animal. Meat is made in labs and is indistinguishable from the meat from our universe on a taste and nutrition level.
Pokemon have varying levels of sentience. Most Pokemon have a basic understanding of the ideas of what a human is trying to convey, with Pokemon (and their humans) gaining more understanding from each other as their bond grows. Some Pokemon are on a close level to humans, and some perhaps even more so, though this is not confirmed.
The "power of friendship" is a real force in her Pokemon world. The more love you have for your partners the stronger you and your team are, though of course training and strategy is also important. Building bonds with your Pokemon also allow both trainer and Pokemon to understand each other better.
Rarely, people can directly understand Pokemon as if they are speaking common language, but this is very rare and usually something they are born with. Usually, trainers and Pokemon can get a basic idea about what theyre communicating to each other once they know each other well, depending on individuals.
I have a whole post about how pokeballs and the box system works here , basically they give them a little mini enjoyable environment :D
Pokeballs will not work unless the Pokemon has at least a tiny bit of want to be captured. Masterballs are hugely frowned upon
There are no dogs or cats in universe. The words "dog" and "cat" (ect) are used just as descriptive terms for certain mons. Hopefully that makes sense?
My HCs are a combination of the anime, games and occasionally small bits of the manga, with the largest focus on games. I also mix in irl animal facts. Because I am the animal version of Shilo's encyclopedia.
Some things specifically about Muse:
Shilo will not use proper spelling/grammar and only uses capitalization for certain proper nouns to show respect. However, she will type properly when making her care guides. (if you wanna read those they're tagged under #pokemon headcanons iirc, the art is a bit... awkward and old tho. i wanna continue these but theyre a bit labor intensive!)
Shilo gives off odd vibes. Usually people get used to her. On the other hand, Pokemon are naturally drawn to her and tend to trust her. She is human tho. Mostly. As for the details, I hope to one day be good enough to reveal them well lmao.
While unable to directly translate, she is strangely good at being able to tell what a Pokemon is trying to communicate.
Shilo is autistic as fuck and sometimes kinda annoying. Her special interest is Pokemon and she is basically a walking Pokedex.
Shilo's sanctuary is on a small unnamed island nearby Sinnoh. Technically it isn't a part of any region. She works there mainly alone (technically some of her Pokemon act as staff willingly). The facility itself is small but the island itself is large enough to comfortably fit many many Pokemon.
Shilo wants to befriend at least one of every single species of Pokemon. She knows this is unrealistic. She will try anyway.
Shilo has dissociative identity disorder, some anxiety issues, minor PTSD, and some major imposter syndrome (despite liking to say she's the best)
She's not very good at making people friends and her new Rotomblr friends are very novel to her.
About some side characters and Pokemon:
Her childhood was mildly traumatic, so she doesn't want to visit Unova again, but is happy to explore any other region, and often does.
she doesnt remember how old she is exactly but she's near her early to mid 20s
Alistair is her cranky roommate/helper who owes her a debt. He knows barely anything about Pokemon and they do not like him very much. He gets attacked a lot.
Rin is the first Pokemon Shilo befriended. She has a scar over her left eye due to Pokemon hunters when she was young. She is more powerful than the average Zoroark, and tends to hang out in human form so she can have human privileges. She cannot speak human regardless of her form.
Char the Charizard is a rescue due to being rejected as a Charmander for use as a starter since he cannot use fire type abilities.
Her Espeon and Umbreon (Morgan and Simon, respectively ((also both female despite their names)) ) are her very good emotional support mons.
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fazeruined · 1 year
NAME: JellyCream for the most part or either Jelly or Cream
PRONOUNS: She/her but I don't mind They/them
METHOD OF COMMUNICATION: Mainly Tumblr (inbox/DMs) and Discord
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS: Um I've actually lost track of it at this point but- I'd say I've begun roleplaying circa 2005 through several platforms and forums back when they were more of a thing. On Tumblr specifically I started somewhere between 2007 and 2009 but been more consistently roleplaying since 2013-ish, with a few other places on the side but that's mostly narrowed down to Discord now.
RP PET PEEVE: Oh god so many through the years... I'd say when a mun can't fucking hold IC matters apart from OOC and makes it everyone else's problem and ruin it for everybody, especially after claiming they have no issue with IC =/= OOC, y'know, like a liar-- I absolutely saw this shit happen and it caused such a fucking collapse on a nice friend group that used to exist before that.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I'm okay with either
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Upon observing, my replies tend to be of medium lenght most of the time, plus small text (<s>) which makes it appear shorter. But I can work with any lenght depending on what me and my partner are going with.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I'd argue that in order to write a character you have to put a bit of yourself into them at the very least, no matter if canon or an OC. Gretel isn't my only muse, and of course I'm not as hellbent revengeful as her lmao, but I can lowkey relate to the thought of feeling so wronged and injusticed that the premise of throwing the concept of 'bigger person' and such through the window and go fuck all can be tempting at times. On the other hand there are muses like my Faz Ent. guard/employee 'Banshee' (over at @jammedmuses ) who is extremely nurturing and I write kinda like someone I wish I had as a friend IRL growing up.
Tagged by: @classico-fazbear
Tagging: use those raccoon hands of yours and steal it from me
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marga3ry · 10 days
[ #MARGA3RY ]   ────────   a highly private , original interpretation & portrayal of MARGAERY TYRELL from g.r.r. martin's A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE franchise. this portrayal is fandom independent && headcanon based [ ... ] crossovers are preferred [ ... ] loved by ouija , rules below the cut , est 2024 , 21+ , she/her
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affiliated with :
001. general  ⸻ this blog is a highly private writing blog for MARGAERY TYRELL from g.r.r. martin's A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE franchise. i consider myself fandom independent, meaning i want to develop margaery outside of fandom interpretation. i'll take inspiration from the books and show, but otherwise i want to take her in my own direction. if you are gonna be staunchly opposed to canon-divergency, this isn't the blog for you.
002. following ⸻  this is a highly selective blog , i am keeping my circle very small right now and will only interact with those who make concerted efforts to plot with me. i practice mains, i'm not interested in exclusives. i do not follow writers under the age of 21. if you're ever softblocked and you still want to interact, please feel free to follow again, it's never that serious i promise.
i softblock liberally if we have not interacted, i'm not interested in being a number to people. i don't expect to be responding to our threads every day, i don't expect constant ooc talk, we all have lives and other muse interests. what i expect is interaction with other posts that show you're interested in my muse. a like or a reply to a post goes a long way. when time goes on and you're radio silent but still active on dash, i'll likely just softblock just so i'm not feeling unwanted. i promise it's not a big deal, it's just about curating my dash to active mutuals.
003. formatting  ⸻ i don’t care about formatting or icon usage on your end , you do what makes you most comfortable. i personally use normal text with some formatting, and icons only show up in writing if i feel like it. i'll use them if i'm feeling it, otherwise there may be threads or posts where they're absent because i couldn't be bothered to add them. if there's something about my formatting that doesn't work for you let me know and i can adjust.
004. shipping ⸻  i love shipping and am always open to discussing it. val requires chemistry to ship with and i require being comfortable together ooc. it's not going to be a focus on this blog and i'll never be the first to ask in order to keep people from feeling uncomfortable. if you are interested, let me know, i won't consider it forceshipping, but be aware i may say no.
005. plotting ⸻  i rely heavily on plotting and interacting ooc and my attention will be focused around those of my followers who i have a plot for and rapport with. it isn’t necessary to have one off the bat , but if interactions are going to go anywhere , plotting is required. i typically prioritize these threads/muses and if we go a period of time without interacting or you showing interest in my muse/blog at all, i'll softblock so i can keep my dash to the people i'm actively writing/chatting with.
006. interacting ⸻ i will like starter call , but do not wait to see one on my blog because it won’t happen often. instead , please send memes. they can always become threads. and they are great ways to explore our muses while we aren't working on our active threads. send them and send them often, i'm never agitated if you're sending multiple. i'll delete any i don't have muse for but i'll always answer some.
007. triggers ⸻ there will be adult content present on this blog including , but not limited to :: sexual content , potential mention of self harm , violence , adult language. if you are uncomfortable with any of these please tell me and i will avoid them in our threads. i don't have any specific triggers, however i will always tag potentially triggering things as : trigger tw
008. ooc ⸻ hey i’m ouija , 30+ i’m just a nerd. I have a full time job and a home to maintain so my activity will vary. psd by poohsources
i've grown comfortable existing on the edges of fandoms and just fitting val within them, thus i'm very crossover friendly.rape, incest, pedophilia, hate / bigotry (ie: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc) is not accepted on this blog. i may keep myself distant from callouts or personal drama that appears (mainly just because i don't like calling attention to myself), however i'm not against them when it comes to keeping the dash safe and letting people know about problematic people.
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findroleplay · 7 months
👾Hello! Im here looking for a specific plot!
(Preferable I'd play muse A, age doesnt really matter but if muse B can be a year or two younger or older, even better.)
Lakeside is a town near Winchester, you could say it's 'lost in time'. You often see a mix of fashion from the 80s all the way to the 2020s with no real set style. Along with this the phones and everything that comes with technological advances just doesn't seem normal. You've got phones that don't even look like anything we know of and TVs the size of a house. It's a somewhat weird world, but oddly enough it's still..somewhat grounded? People go to school, people work, people just live their lives in this odd town.
In this town resides muse A. Muse A to say the least is far from a saint, they're a senior in high-school (or starting college) but they're well known for the simple fact they had a gang of friends. Seems simple enough, like they just were having fun, but as time went on the town started disliking them and wanting to eject them from the town due to their antics, and how they know the gang progressively got worse. Muse A has a good heart, but have stolen money and done things to earn it so he could provide for his sister while keeping the inheritance from their parents to pay for her college and a bit for his own. Context aside, muse A never really felt love so much as lust. Cue muse B, an ex of his that got the closest to achieving that. A stereotypical rich girl with a brother Muse A tended to lock horns with; she was frankly manipulative. It worked simple, kiss the ground I walk on and I provide for you. She thought money was enough, that was her 'love'. She had been infatuated with muse A but frankly it just didn't work out because of her manipulative behavior and how she treated others as inferior. You'd think the break-up would be a wake up call, but instead she believed he'd change his mind at any point and take her back. Issue is? Her persistence while annoying, is working. Borderline obsessive, but Muse A doesn't want to go back to someone who he believes never really even loved him, and he doesn't want to use someone for their money.
What I look for in the story(ignore this if you'd like), is pretty much a feeling of not wanting to go back to something he knows isn't really good for him while dealing with anger issues that turn his gang activities from innocent(like the T-birds from grease) to more criminal-like while using the reasoning of his sister for it; and Muse B wanting to return him to where she believes he belongs. Whether she changes or not is entirely up to you. Maybe she *didn't* love him and just liked having someone attractive around to worship her, or maybe she did love him and just can't help be manipulative and believe money *is* a love language that Muse A would like. The rp doesn't have a set direction it'll go in and just depends on your interpretation and my own when it comes down to when we write.
- I am very open minded and I'd like to think I'm VERY friendly! I often do edits for my partners of both my character and theirs! Maybe even both together? Anyway! I also do spotify playlist and generally I'd like to think I show that I genuinely care for my roleplay partner and the roleplay.
- With that being said, I'd rather you not answer this if you believe you are way too dry or just don't like talking ooc, we won't mesh well!
- Another thing, I'm copy pasting this in several places but for the places that don't have an age limit, I'm specifically looking for 18+ people.
- Here's where some of you might just be driven away. I'm M, and while I would love to double up if necessary(my specialty mayhaps?), if not doubling up in almost any case I'd be playing a male character. I feel perfectly comfortable playing a female character but I'd want to use a guy unless it's double ups.
- For my side I'd like MxF or MxM only if the male is feminine. I'm NOT trying to fetichize a certain demographic of men, I simply have a preference for a certain style of clothing and/or femininity. However for your side? I'll play anyone and anything in any pairing. I'll happily be the girl of your dreams! Pause..?
- I'm big on this one, I'll try and summarize because this ask is already long enough! I love character and worldbuilding. I gush about it and I'm pathetically enthused with the idea of the world being more than just our characters. Likelihood is, there'll be more than just our two (or four if doubling) characters!!
- I'm literate to novella, but I don't demand perfect grammar or 4k character responses. I only ask for a minimum of 500 characters(letters-?) Per response to give me enough to work with and enough to gush about.
- I'm patient! But! I'm looking for decently active partners that'll respond atleast..I dunno? 6 times a week? If you could do much more or everyday, hell that'd be lovely. I have a life too so trust I know shit can get hectic, but I'm not looking to rp once every 3 days for 10 minutes. If you get busy though? Let me know, I wont ditch you like that!!
- Realistic fcs!
Like this and I'll reach out! We'll be roleplaying and discussing on discord!!
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findyourrp · 7 months
👾Hello! Im here looking for a specific plot!
(Preferable I'd play muse A, age doesnt really matter but if muse B can be a year or two younger or older, even better.)
Lakeside is a town near Winchester, you could say it's 'lost in time'. You often see a mix of fashion from the 80s all the way to the 2020s with no real set style. Along with this the phones and everything that comes with technological advances just doesn't seem normal. You've got phones that don't even look like anything we know of and TVs the size of a house. It's a somewhat weird world, but oddly enough it's still..somewhat grounded? People go to school, people work, people just live their lives in this odd town.
In this town resides muse A. Muse A to say the least is far from a saint, they're a senior in high-school (or starting college) but they're well known for the simple fact they had a gang of friends. Seems simple enough, like they just were having fun, but as time went on the town started disliking them and wanting to eject them from the town due to their antics, and how they know the gang progressively got worse. Muse A has a good heart, but have stolen money and done things to earn it so he could provide for his sister while keeping the inheritance from their parents to pay for her college and a bit for his own. Context aside, muse A never really felt love so much as lust. Cue muse B, an ex of his that got the closest to achieving that. A stereotypical rich girl with a brother Muse A tended to lock horns with; she was frankly manipulative. It worked simple, kiss the ground I walk on and I provide for you. She thought money was enough, that was her 'love'. She had been infatuated with muse A but frankly it just didn't work out because of her manipulative behavior and how she treated others as inferior. You'd think the break-up would be a wake up call, but instead she believed he'd change his mind at any point and take her back. Issue is? Her persistence while annoying, is working. Borderline obsessive, but Muse A doesn't want to go back to someone who he believes never really even loved him, and he doesn't want to use someone for their money.
What I look for in the story(ignore this if you'd like), is pretty much a feeling of not wanting to go back to something he knows isn't really good for him while dealing with anger issues that turn his gang activities from innocent(like the T-birds from grease) to more criminal-like while using the reasoning of his sister for it; and Muse B wanting to return him to where she believes he belongs. Whether she changes or not is entirely up to you. Maybe she *didn't* love him and just liked having someone attractive around to worship her, or maybe she did love him and just can't help be manipulative and believe money *is* a love language that Muse A would like. The rp doesn't have a set direction it'll go in and just depends on your interpretation and my own when it comes down to when we write.
- I am very open minded and I'd like to think I'm VERY friendly! I often do edits for my partners of both my character and theirs! Maybe even both together? Anyway! I also do spotify playlist and generally I'd like to think I show that I genuinely care for my roleplay partner and the roleplay.
- With that being said, I'd rather you not answer this if you believe you are way too dry or just don't like talking ooc, we won't mesh well!
- Another thing, I'm copy pasting this in several places but for the places that don't have an age limit, I'm specifically looking for 18+ people.
- Here's where some of you might just be driven away. I'm M, and while I would love to double up if necessary(my specialty mayhaps?), if not doubling up in almost any case I'd be playing a male character. I feel perfectly comfortable playing a female character but I'd want to use a guy unless it's double ups.
- For my side I'd like MxF or MxM only if the male is feminine. I'm NOT trying to fetichize a certain demographic of men, I simply have a preference for a certain style of clothing and/or femininity. However for your side? I'll play anyone and anything in any pairing. I'll happily be the girl of your dreams! Pause..?
- I'm big on this one, I'll try and summarize because this ask is already long enough! I love character and worldbuilding. I gush about it and I'm pathetically enthused with the idea of the world being more than just our characters. Likelihood is, there'll be more than just our two (or four if doubling) characters!!
- I'm literate to novella, but I don't demand perfect grammar or 4k character responses. I only ask for a minimum of 500 characters(letters-?) Per response to give me enough to work with and enough to gush about.
- I'm patient! But! I'm looking for decently active partners that'll respond atleast..I dunno? 6 times a week? If you could do much more or everyday, hell that'd be lovely. I have a life too so trust I know shit can get hectic, but I'm not looking to rp once every 3 days for 10 minutes. If you get busy though? Let me know, I wont ditch you like that!!
- Realistic fcs!
Like this and I'll reach out! We'll be roleplaying and discussing on discord!!
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skyfcx · 1 year
// 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? & 📕 — favorite book/series?
It's Monday. Don't look at your calendar || Prompt 📕 — favorite book/series?
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     Comic books are books. I can say Calvin and Hobbes without crucifixion. Because it's Calvin and Hobbes. I read the collection books so goddamn much when I was still in school, they'd make me absolutely crack out in laughter at so many times.
     And I don't use him a whole bunch, but Calvin is technically what I use as my mun faceclaim! It's just that I usually prefer to use the muse of the blog for OOC posts too, but he's on my mun page for the blog! He's a delight, his character and how he violently does and doesn't act his age is hilarity. The shit that comes out of his mouth... mwah. Hell, I had a blog for Calvin and Hobbes for a real short period of time!
     Calvin and Hobbes is great, go read it. This is not a request.
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
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     Short answer: Celeste. It's a pixel art 2D platformer that offers the most fair but tough series of tightly woven platforming challenges. Its story, though simple, really touched me in a personal place in my heart. It's godlike.
     The long answer I wrote first is going under the cut because it's just me rambling about Celeste and I don't want to condemn the dash to my screaming.
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     i feel lawfully obligated to say splatoon 2 and smash 4 strictly due to how many hours i've sunk into those games, but i think the utter rage they've caused me in the past makes everything positive i've experienced with them level back out back into the 'obsession i ultimately wish i didn't have' category. it's akin to drug use, really. I've kicked Smash Ultimate, but Splatoon 3 continues to latch onto my skin like a leech.
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     In reality, I'd probably have to say Celeste is my favorite video game! It's a game with phenomenal gameplay that's tighter than tight. And it's got a story that spoke to me on a rather personal level, it honestly made me cry a bit at a specific point in the game! I love my difficult platformers with a passion, and that game just feels so good to get right, and this game's difficulty isn't just because 'ooo retro games are diffy', no the challenge actually speaks to the underlying story that the game is trying to tell. It's a game about a girl climbing a mountain. Both physically and mentally.
     But in its difficulty, I have to say that never in my days have I ever seen a game that so genuinely wants to see its player succeed! From the gate, Celeste sets itself up as a difficult hike up a mountain that you might not see yourself ready for, but it knows you can do it. It puts obstacles in your way that deter you from breaking past its overwhelming challenge, but there are so many things that aid in the narrative of preservation in the face of a towering opposition.
     For as long as I live, I'll never forget the fact that during Farewell, the game's DLC chapter that acts as the send-off for the game as a whole... in the very last and quite lengthy and certainly challenging room, if you die enough times, you'll get a small scene where Madeline, your player character, is sitting down dejected.
     Some dialogue telling of her doubts that she can even complete this last room is shown, and it's a Part of Her (a little goth version of your character that was previously an enemy before you work it out with yourself and you two join sides) that tells her, and the player by extension, to keep going. To give it a few more tries. She knows you can do it. And it's just.... augh.
     That and so many other instances of this game believing so goddamn hard in you makes me so happy, I adore that game so much. I've gotten all the strawberries on multiple playthroughs, I've gotten all the crystal hearts, done all the B- and C-sides, completed Farewell, NO I haven't gotten all the golden strawberries I'm not GOD INCARNATE, jfc (but i have gotten them for all chapters until chapter 5. those things are fucking agony i dont think i'll ever get all of those damn things).
     AND. I even repurchased the game on Steam JUST so I could download the absolutely ENORMOUS mod called Strawberry Jam and play it! I'm still playing it to this damn day! Oh and the music is superb, Lena Raine is so mwah. And the guest musicians they got for the B-sides are fantastic. GOD I LOVE CELESTE. PLEASE GO PLAY IT. I'M SO SERIOUS.
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curscdxblccd · 1 year
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Don't let your victim bleed out.
Don't let the secret out.
Don't get caught.
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Heyo! You may call me Amber. I am 33 and use she/her pronouns. I have approximately 15+ years of roleplaying experience. Please read these rules carefully before interacting.
This blog will have dark and mature themes riddled throughout it. It is very much an 18+ space. Minors; do not interact!
I do not have triggers of my own (at least not that I've experienced so far) but that does not mean I do not respect your triggers. I will do my absolute best to tag things that may be a trigger. If you have a specific trigger or tag that you'd like me to use, please let me know.
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General Rules
This blog is 2SLGBTQQIA+ friendly (mun is part of the community), and will not tolerate any anti-lgbt hate. Do not follow if you don't want to read about it.
Please don't Godmode - it should go without saying, but just in case there are some new friends to rp. Minor things to move the plot along is fairly okay, but any major action that assumes my muses reactions is a no-go, and will result in me asking you to edit your reply.
Following: this is a sideblog of @embersxintheheart - that will be the blog that follows back.
Drama: the only drama I am interested in is the stuff between the muses. I do my best to stay out of things between people. As I tell the kids I work with; "I am Switzerland".
I have severe social anxiety, so I tend to admire from afar for months, or longer, before I can get the courage to even DM someone. Please be kind when interacting ooc.
Shipping and Smut
I am most definitely open to shipping - give me all the ships. However, I do ship based on chemistry between the muses. So if the muse isn't feeling a romantic connection, there are always platonic ships, and familial ships. Please do not assume ships though.
Smut will be a thing on this blog. I will do my best to tag it, and/or put it under a read more - but I am very bad at remembering to do this. The muses will not engage in smut with characters under the age of 20.
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
((sdfghdgfs I figured it'd be easier to respond to that ask in a new one, just because idk how easily the notes can show up ahah
but! I also have no issue with those kinda asks! C: For me, if it were an issue, I'd either delete it, answer it myself instead of Carter, or answer it ooc and explain my issue with it. So far, that,,, hasn't really been an issue? and usually if I answer for her it's because it's a topic that would genuinely bother Carter and isn't something she really can speak about, or it's something that's just easier for me to explain ooc versus ic. Plus, I,,, don't put a whole lotta canon stock into those kinda asks? like I have no issue making those things a part of her canon (or the canon for that thread/ship), but if I were to think of it in a more "reality" sense, because,,, why would Carter listen a complete stranger? xD I feel like it would be more of a "who are you get the hell out of my house" versus her spilling her guts and/or taking their word without even questioning anything about that interaction fshjdf
and like Silence said, I also have no issue writing out of order! My thoughts don't work in a linear fashion anyway, and I really do enjoy writing things outside of linear. I like writing from point a to point h to point c, because it's fun! C: Plus, none of what we write also really needs to be considered part of our ship's main canon, so to speak. Like, any stuff involving Pietro and Carter's kid is in an au verse, rather than it being a part of their main, so we have that variety and not so much a huge commitment to that plot! I very much so enjoy winging it when I write in certain ways, and I'm not really tied to having any particular thing happen in a specific fashion
also, I do wanna say I do understands your concern, nonnie, but I can definitely assure you, for Carter at least, her feelings for Pietro and Basch were very much so her own to begin with sdfgjhdsf - Carter fell for Basch in the ikau, and since she is still herself as seen in her main verse deep down, it was easy to reflect her feelings for him in her alt main! And with Pietro, I told Silence this, but I actually meant to reply to one of her opens for Pietro's birthday a year or so ago but never did because I was worried Carter would come across as flirty. Which,,, in hindsight, she absolutely was, and that happened before the anon started sending us stuff xD Carter was definitely into him before intervention, ahah - I just tend to overthink and was worried it would come across as me trying to force a ship or something, and that goes with anytime any of muses have feelings for another x'D
but uhh yeah! I'm not at all worried or bothered by any asks we get pushing our characters to say something or know about something before they would if we just wrote it ourselves C: Like Silence said, it's a fun way to get our characters to actually do/say something they wouldn't normally approach otherwise (or would in a different manner/way later), and, like she also said, it's always something we can redo later if we wanted!
personally, I'm here to have fun and enjoy the ride, and those kinda asks just add to it xD I just feel bad for Tony who's constantly getting whiplash from 'em DFSJHGSDFJHK
{i am the caretaker of souls} @starcchild, Okay cool, I didn't want to step on any toes, but it seems like we're on the same page. Yeah, I personally like jumping around too. I figure if we're here to have fun, then we should go where our inspirations take us. Why not write any scenes we want to, however we want to, whether they're in order or not? We're not limited or bounded by things we've written before. We can always rewrite or add onto what we've already written. I've had really developed ships for some of my muses that went for years, and then one day we decided... why not start all over again as if they didn't know each other, just for the hell of it? If you love the characters and you love how they interact, then nothing is boring and nothing is a waste because it's all enjoyable.
And yeah, that's a good point too. Pietro and Basch were definitely into Carter before those asks were sent, heh. It wasn't like those ships only happened because anons forced us into it. They were going to happen anyway, heh. And a lot of times, Midge and I are talking behind the scenes about things and potential threads, and then we'll get asks that are along the same lines. Or we'll get something and one of us will be like, well I never thought about that but it's a cool idea, let's do it. So if anything, these asks only add to our overall rp experience.
Don't worry, both Midge and I are perfectly capable of saying no, or not answering something, or answering OOC if need be, regardless of the reason for us needing to do so. It could be an issue with the muse, or we just don't want to go there for some reason. Some of you may remember me refusing to answer a lot of asks for Martha on this blog a while back because they got very inappropriate, and addressing that out of character. So yeah, don't worry about us. If we want to assert ourselves or we don't like an ask, we'll let everyone know. ;)
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kallistcs · 2 years
name: Unni pronouns: you don't need to know :v she/her preference of communication: I guess IMs to start out? Tumblr IMs are shitty as hell but what you gonna do. rp experience / how long: LOL uhhhhh If we're going by "RPing on the internet" ca. 2002. (I've definitely been RPing in one way or another for the majority of my life, at this point.) If we account for how I actually started RPing, a couple years before that with my cousin, in person! Internet-wise, I started out over MSN IMs and Gaia online forums, then Livejournal and Dreamwidth, some forum experience in-between? (I don't remember wtf it was but I do remember I have RPed on forums other than Gaia Online haha). Now added Discord since a couple years back and, most lately, here on Tumblr. best experience: I'm gonna list two because one is of course the people I've really clicked with in terms of RP partners! The other is similar is different to this, because while I had several and long, threads with this person, we exchanged no more than a handful - if that - messages of OOC communication throughout our stint of RPing together, and yet all the threads grew organically. I definitely prefer a bit more plotting in general, but it was really cool to experience RP in this manner! rp pet peeves / deal breakers: I can't remember any pet peeves at the moment, but as for deal breakers... one liners. I just can't do that. It gives me too little, even if I wasn't usually wordy myself. I'm sure it can still be a fun RP experience if both of you prefer to play like that, but 99% of the time and barring a very specific type of thread (characters exchanging text messages, basically) one-liners isn't something I will find fun or engaging. fluff, angst, or smut: all of it, it's whatever, all fun. I might require a bit more plotting angst-wise since it can get overwhelming/drag me down, but in general drama is fun! long or short replies: I am an inveterate word-spewer; if I am in my feels about the topic and I have lots of thoughts on the internal narration for the muse, it doesn't matter if we started from a one-sentence meme or something plotted, it will probably get long. Not always, I am capable of shorter replies, but, uh... often... plots or memes: Both. But I definitely lean a little more towards plotting, even if that's just a general sort of check-in of where we want to start and then use a meme to jump off from that. I just like having some idea where we're both at and what we want out of something! are you like your muse: Which of them? ;P But no uhhh in some of the cases I'd say "I sure hope the fuck not" and in others... I don't think so, no.
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pvremichigan · 3 years
Reason I don't RP is every time I see Mich is with someone new, when she isn't picking trouble she's shutting down conversations. So no matter what I write for you I must prepare to wrap it up right away if my muse isn't someone to pick a fight or call her back, or if they were she would probably find a chance to beat up to prove she's so strong or something. Just gonna look a while more and see.
Short answer: Uh. Yeah.
Long answer... I'm gonna put this bluntly because it's the only way to explain it. It may come off rude but that's not my intent.
It's specifically in my rules: "-All first interactions with Mich usually fail or go poorly. She does not care for newcomers and will treat them as if she’ll never see them again after the first encounter. It’s the interactions afterwards that will cause her to change that. For Mich, multiple interactions are needed for her to know your muse or care to talk to them. She is not a one and done woman, she will forget you if she doesn’t see you again."
So if there's more than one interaction, you have better chances of having a decent thread with her. She doesn't like strangers, she doesn't like meeting new people. You have to WANT to talk to her in order for shit to work, like GENUINELY want it. If your muse is not the type to follow or bother with it again, 100% the thread will end. You have to catch her eye or impress her for her to give you her time. And no, this isn't a demand to cater to her. Mich NEVER caters to people she doesn't care deeply for. Mich HATES if people purposely cater to her. If your muse is not the type to care if they made an impression, then she does not care for interaction. She's very indifferent if you don't want to "impress" her or "cater" to her, she is not here for short lived meaningless connections. She's not here to waste time or put up with bullshit and waste her time on strangers. It's in my rules, it's simple. You don't have to prepare to wrap it up if that's not what your muse would do. If it is, then so be it. No dust off her shoulder.
Secondly, it's beyond incorrect to say she'd just find an excuse to harm your muse. She gets violent when she feels she's being disrespected or she feels her boundaries are being ignored. It's not to prove she's strong unless someone is taunting her, like @hartkhosogh 's Lear. But that was, in fact, discussed a LOT ooc and they were looking FORWARD to it. They wanted that.
She isn't all about fighting, don't assume your muse has to want a fight or conflict to interact with her. Conflict, believe it or not, pisses her off. She doesn't purposely pick trouble, she's just aggressive in nature. Her words and tone aren't held back or sugar coated because she thinks it's bullshit to do such a thing, it makes her less her and more catered to everyone else. She's sick of people being disrespectful and picking fights. It's the whole reason @smokes-and-bullets 's Fran and @yesfxckyxu 's Jack respect her so much. She didn't pick a fight. They respected her and her authority and, in return, are treated like family.
You can keep looking if you'd like, she's not going to change for anyone. These warnings were given many times before and it's somewhat hurtful to come across people who only see her on a "surface" level, which half the time are assumptions. I've put too much work into her for her to be seen on such a surface level. I appreciate you looking into my threads with her, and you should definitely try to look more into her to understand her.
Not to mention she has plenty of other verses that are all unique regarding story and personalities. There are verses where she's human, less abrasive, more loving, more angry, way stronger, more caring and selfless, etc. There's a lot to work with.
Thank you for being honest, and I hope this clears things up. If not, and you're still discouraged to interact, there's no harm in softblocking or even interacting with my other muses. I will give a warning, they are on the backburner so threads with them won't be as quickly done as threads with Mich.
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wintershieldedheart · 3 years
three hot takes? oh man, let's go!
1) plotting. no right hear me out - I understand not wanting to do the majority of the leg work with plotting. personally, I don't mind coming up with ideas and throwing them around, because plotting is probably one of my favorite ways to interact with rp partners. that said, when someone's rules say 'don't come to me unless you have a specific idea', I'm immediately turned off. to some degree I get it; having someone come into your dm's with a 'do you want to rp?' and then not providing anything further is exhausting. on the otherside, having to go into someone's dms (that you haven't spoken to before) and provide plot ideas without discussing their characterization with them first is fucking intimidating. it also puts all the work back on the other person. plotting should be a give and take - 'what kind of dynamics are you looking for? I'll suggest a, b, c and then you hit me back with 'yes and'. YES AND is vital when plotting because it adds to the conversation and allows for the plot to grow and the effort to be matched. this might just be a me thing, but honestly when I see the 'don't come to me without ideas' clause I am immediately put off because it means I'm doing the leg work.
2) stop making oc's go through 10 extra steps to 'prove their worth'. not every canon character is going to be well written - sorry not sorry. some canon characters are super ooc, some are not going to be your cup of tea, the same as an oc. please stop saying 'your oc is the exception because it's not like the other ocs'. it's not a compliment if you're insulting someone else in the process, and frankly it has the same energy as 'you're not like other girls'. stop. 'it's good for an oc' implies that canons and ocs are in a different class of writing ( ie canons are inherently better ) and it's exhausting. she's a good character. period. end sentence. the extra ten steps and back handed compliments are exhausting to navigate.
3) similarly, stop invalidating other people's characters. just because you envision a canon character doing something different, doesn't mean someone else's perspective or creative decision is any less valid. if everyone in this fandom wrote their canons the exact same way we would lose such a vital part of why rp is so fun and exciting. people should be allowed to have their own interpretations of these characters without having to justify every single character choice they make that deviates from fanon & canon. if someone's interpretation isn't your cup of tea - move on. but don't invalidate their muse or their writing choices.
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youvegotrpmemes · 2 years
Hi again I messaged a few days ago about writing with a lady that both ic and ooc is pressuring me to change my muse because he has PTSD....I tried writing with her again....she did explain her reasoning a family member went down the same path my muse is going down...the thing she doesn't seem to understand is even after I explained....she got upset that my muse shut down in the thread and hide under a table to get away from her muse and kept apologizeing...I explained to her that one of my muses biggest fears is hurting those he cares about family and friends...and she just had it where not only her muse several times but she also wrote as my muses god telling him he's hurting everyone around him by not healing himself...his PTSD...and being selfish by not doing anything....I understand she wants my muse to help himself....and that's good...but to me it's not realistic to suddenly have him fine after being told he just needs to help himself....it takes time...not five minutes.
I'm honestly lost as to how to try and explain to her anything...and thank you for replying last time I appreciate it a lot!
follow up from here
okay, yeah, if you haven't already, absolutely block her. And I honestly recommend a permanent block rather than a temporary one
I do want to say her reasoning is understandable! But... the thing is, and this applies to everyone, if there is a topic that is either a trigger, a squick, or something that simply makes you uncomfortable... you must make the decision to engage in that content or not. It's one thing if it's suddenly sprung up unannounced, but when you actively know about it, but still choose to engage, you honestly are the one at fault. You can control the environment you're in on the internet - for the most part, at least. I do understand you can't always control what you see, but there are plenty of ways to keep your space comfortable for you. So, in this case, for her to actively participate in something that is personal to her and obviously bothers her, and then try to make that an issue for you and your muse, she was absolutely out of line. Especially when she started writing as your muse's god. Like... I'm sorry, but what the hell? That's... yikes. If you had agreed to that and she handled it in a more constructive manner ic for your muse, whether with her own muse or with your muse's god, to explain that your muse needed to get help for his PTSD without belittling and manipulating him, it would've been one thing. Or, even if you both agreed to have, ic specifically, interactions that involved a more negative response to your muse's character and her muse facing consequences for that, that would've been one thing as well! But... yeah, she was definitely out of line
and you're right about it not being realistic for her to expect your muse to just recover from his PTSD in such a short amount of time! Even if she wasn't trying to pressure you to change your muse ooc, and her muse was a lot kinder and more understanding to yours ic, that's... not something that always just goes away. It takes time, and, while it doesn't always last forever, it... can take years for a person to work through it, depending on what caused it, how they handle/respond to trauma, and whether or not they're receiving help - but, even without help, it is possible to work through it. Having someone negatively react to it isn't going to help the person with PTSD, and it certainly isn't going to be the encouragement needed to seek treatment if they haven't already
at this point, if I'm being honest, I'm just going back to what I said at the start. Just block her. There's only so many ways you can explain this, and it doesn't sound like she's trying to listen or understand. And, it also sounds like the topic is something that bothers her, so... she probably should reevaluate how she's putting herself in this situation by interacting with it. Now, that's not to say it's a bad thing if she copes by writing her muse as someone who actively helps those with PTSD - I can absolutely see that as a way for her to help herself - but... this isn't the right way to do it, because it's hurting you and your muse in the process. That's not okay
anyway, I think I've rambled enough fsdghjdfs - but, you're welcome!! <3 I'm happy to help if I can!
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ivythedelinquent · 9 years
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow steal your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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