#ooc —♫— mun speaks
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rcdiostcrs · 7 months ago
so my riordanverse characters (+pjo!orion, pjo!jakke, & a new oc) are going to be here. at least for now. they're the only ones i have muse for so i'd like to have a single fandom, but more active blog. i'm mostly set up, so go ahead & follow if you'd like.
dm me over there if you'd like to continue any threads, otherwise i'll be abandoning them for a fresh start. feel free to send any memes from here over there until i start posting prompts. all plots are welcome to stay (in fact, i encourage it).
i will only be found on this blog for the foreseeable future.
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multiplays · 1 year ago
ooc : tag dump!
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rcdiostcrs · 3 years ago
it is once again time for me to thank queenie for her birthday wishes. our adventures have & will continue amazing. you are the best internet twin a guy could ask for. here's to us.
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Under the cut is a little message for my internet twin over at @rcdiostcrs​!
Keep reading
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grand-chamberlain · 3 years ago
Every time you post my world lights up a little more. :) <3
That's so sweet!!! >////<
Ily Linkle💜💜💜 thanks for being here with me!
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kaibacxrps · 4 years ago
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@ofthepuzzle​ has sent: ♂, ✘, ♫
Ask the mun! [Accepting]
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♂ :  Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
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// I don’t have one actually! At least.. I don’t think I have one. I try to prioritize older things I owe to folks (replies and asks), aside from that? I pretty much follow my flow, whenever I can.
✘ :  Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?
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// It has a lot to do with technology & the overall mannerisms, that come with having Kaiba inserted in the 2000′s time period. Even though Seto is a tech savy and an inventor, the series is clearly still somewhat limited to what the folks of that time had in mind for tech stuff.
I say this, because it is very easy to get caught up in talks about social medias/internet/etc. Meanwhile DM is a serie that LONG comes before those things truly took off.
♫ :  Are there parts of your own personality that you reflect onto your character? How do they work?
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// So, here’s a reminder: I’ve stated and even ranted countless times about the dangers of projecting & self-inserting into your muse, while it is harmless to keep things in a small amount (as in very minimal details on your muse). The moment you fail to draw the line between IC and OOC (or start blurring/overlapping/crossing those lines), things tend to get ugly pretty fast. I’ve had way too many bad experiences with folks who failed to do such thing, so I’ve got a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with that. Roleplaying is about writing a muse, NOT being said muse.
With that said, I do somewhat project some things about myself onto my muses, However as mentioned, they can only be found in small details that can be easily missed out on.
The fact most of my muses are bisexuals? Yeah, that’s not a coincidence as I like to build off my own experiences when it comes to being a bisexual. It just comes easier you know?
The majority of my muses speak portuguese, or I give brazilian portuguese voice claims. I don’t even use this detail in any of my RPs or writing, but it is a little detail I like having on them. IDK I guess that ends up helping me listen to the muse’s voice a lot easier than any other language.
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rcdiostcrs · 8 months ago
heading on a sibling vacation with my brother. won't be back to my laptop until august fourth. hopefully i'll have internet access, so i'll be around on mobile, but don't expect a whole lot of non-dm things.
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year ago
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year ago
just got back from seeing "the marvels" in theaters. a very fun movie!! the post-credit scene gave me some feelings, so spoilers under the cut.
THE FUCKING X-MEN!! OG TIMELINE ACTORS, TOO!! the circular door w/ the "x" logo. my man beast w/ blue & yellow shorts (still a bad color combo, imo). i will now be even more annoying when it comes to x-men in the mcu bc i wanna know how these universes will collide or whatever they decide to do.
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year ago
new icon alert! i got tired of colin's expression in the old one.
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year ago
sorry for being so inactive. winter break was a whirlwind & school starts back up next week. i have a bunch of other stuff going on this semester, so don't expect activity to be massive. i'll probably answer asks a day or two after getting them, replies when i can (they're just higher intensity for me). i'll still be online bc i keep my tumblr tabs open, so feel free to reach out for plotting / just to chat.
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rcdiostcrs · 2 years ago
i know i just added four characters, but the wolf pack cast is so pretty i wanna add them.
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year ago
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i kinda wanna make eleven an actual character...
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year ago
a few updates. all in one post so i don't flood the dash.
cleaning out my likes by moving the resources i use to their own sideblog. go to @caarraadiio if you wanna see which gif hunts / themes / icon packs / etc i use. it will all be tagged as *[character name] or *themes.
don't follow the blog unless you're just that invested in what resources i use. it'll flood your dash every time i get a new character.
taking a mini hiatus as i'm going to focus on passing my econ test & being a good asm for our camping trip this weekend. i'll be around on mobile for answering ims, but don't expect replies.
i made a connections page! it holds affiliate blogs & important npcs in my muses' lives. right now it just has siblings & lovers, but it can also hold friendships, rivalries, & other connections.
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year ago
i know i said i'd do replies & starters when i woke up, but i have a massive headache. going to watch movies in bed instead.
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rcdiostcrs · 2 years ago
last road trip update, ig.
made it home safe. my cat won't let her claws out of my shoulder & purring (she does this every time i'm gone for over a day). my dog really wants me to pay attention to her, but i have an armful of cat. sucks to suck. (for clarity, i did cuddle & play with my dog for an hour before going to my cat bc i knew cleo would monopolize attention. artemis is just being dramatic.) going to sleep for a thousand years now bc holy shit, eight days on the road really takes it out of you. gn.
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rcdiostcrs · 2 years ago
(you guys get the point by now)
today was awesome!! it was dollywood day!! it's a little out of the way, but i was able to convince the fam to go bc i adore roller coasters. & since it's the tail end of tourist season, there was no wait for any rides!! then i went to magiquest. spent all my arcade tickets on tiny dragons & a hedgehog. by then it was time to hit the road. tomorrow's the final stretch—i'll get to see my cat & dog again!!
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