#ooc / my hearttt <3
vegalores · 5 months
❝ i know i need help but i'm not quite ready to ask for it. ❞ / theodosia to lestat !
@araneorum | lelio and theo
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There   is   an   almost   sullen   definition   cascading   over   his   features   when   she   says   this;   a   part   of   him   that   had   long   been   dormant   beginning   to   awaken,   in   response   to   such   a   pitiful   melancholy   that   swiftly   pulls   him   back   to   how   Louis   once   was.   Perhaps,   Lestat   considered,   his   fledgling   remained   as   such.   He   would   not   know, these   days,   as   they'd   lost   touch   with   one   another   many   years   ago,   now. 
Eyes   of   a   very   demanding bioluminescent   blue   prowl   over   her   features,   allowing   his   gaze   to   linger   a   while   upon   the   gentle   shudder   of   her   lips   as   he   does   so.   Perhaps   it   is   somewhat   distressing   in   her   current   condition   to   be   studied   in   such   a   manner.   There   appears   to   be   a   great   deal   of   rather   unpleasant   inclinations   trapping   her   thoughts   in   the   confines   of   her   pretty   little   head   right   now,   that   he   cannot   fathom.
All   of   his   love   and   devotion   for   the   dark   haired   woman   display   themselves   forthwith,   as   though   the   only   feeling   he   can   obtain   in   that   very   moment   is   devout   compassion   in   the   face   of   absolute   anguish   that   she   is   experiencing.   "   Chérie..   "   he   begins,   those   same   hues   of   blinding   blue   gazing   into   the   depth   of   her   very   soul.   "   For   all   I   am   and   all   I   have   done—you can confide   in   me.  
"   Je   chéris   votre   cœur,   "   he   whispers,   closing   the   unforgivable   distance   between   the   pair   with   a   single   step   toward   her,   enclosing   the   woman   within   an   embrace   that,   for   such   a   vampire   as   he,   can   seem   very   ill-matched.   But,   with   Theodosia,   he   cares   not.
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found--family · 4 years
a summary of 15x14: 
Dean wearing an apron :3 
what Angel contacts?? they're all dead (re:lazy writing) 
Mario Brothers reference! but *go Luigi*?? 
Dean's problem solving = taking shortcuts/not working through the solution 
meatman!Dean comin' to town! 
Dean's Scoobydoo underthings / multiple pairs of novelty trunks 
the Dean Deluxe Burger™ has 2 salad elements + no bacon
Dean is not a slob who wears stinky clothes wth
Wood Nymph Magic = BUNKER OOMPH!! 
The Telescope!!
Monster Radar™!!
i appreciate Sam's skepticism, ie. they only sensible writing to be seen
no way they'd leave Jack alone with a supernatural stranger atm 
those vamps were drinking bagged blood + their activity hadn't warranted a case.. Monster Radar™ is cool but no questions asked is /not/ how Sam and Dean hunt these days *it's called Growth* and ignoring that is peak OOC writing. they would've at least googled first.. 
the Bunker halls decked with Christmas lights! + smiley!Dean 
so Mrs. Butters gifted Dean the Scoobynatural sleeping robe? she probably gleamed the idea from his Scooby trunks 
cholesterol added to the list of things Dean can't just ignore 
another hunt with zero investigation?? OOC (love the klaxon tho) 
Mrs. Butters waxed the Impala?? how do you say *torture + death* in Wood Nymph tongue? 
Jack not clarifying that Castiel is his chosen father?? OOC for shame 
are smoothies the new comfort drink?? (they laced w smth right?..) 
oh so hunting without cause is the new normal?? WTF 
the boys hurrying off with a packed lunch = adorabubble 
looking forward to the codas of Dean leaving Cas voicemails about Butters and all the holidays he's missing :( 
Thanksgiving!Dean is a green-beans walrus cutie patootie 
pumpkin carving!! 
the boys have their own merry Ghostbusters themesong 
GRANADE LAUNCHER!! + MJÖLNIR!! (gratuitous but i love it) 
Happy Bday Sammy! + party hats + horns + headboppers 
another jab at Dean's age - he's only 4 years older than Sam! 
Dean not getting to celebrate his *next* birthday = foreshadowing? 
Dean being denied (birthday) CAKE, i see what they did there.. 
..oh wait! just a bad joke. huh. 
Dean being a big happy kid all episode: novelty underthings, all smiles for the holiday festiveness, Scoobynatural sleeping robe, loving being taken care of.. he is a beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves all the love 
she leaves to make the smoothie?? what happened to *POOF! here you go*?? inconsistent writing over the seasons due is understandable but.. within one episode? that's lazy writing (edit:oh, i see.)
in the absence of the boys doing casework for their hunts i appreciate Jack, who is left behind in the bunker, investigating the case of Mrs. Butters 
the boys are hunting monsters without first investigating - ie. All Monsters = Hunt Worthy atm, meanwhile a monster stranger makes herself at home in the bunker and they don't think twice about it 
as much as i like seeing Cuthbert again i roll my eyes at the Thule 
SONUVABITCH!! like papa like son :3 
Sam dressing up for date night with Eileen + driving one of the vintage cars from the garage (someone please art that) 
the Dean Cave™ tv was broke which means movie nights have been laptop-bound recently ie. Cas and Dean on Dean's bed 
CALLED IT ie. the smoothies were to adversely affect Jack 
Dean choosing not to ignore the problem but instead trying to explain it to Jack, thankyou 
*pain is just weakness leaving the body* wtf 
why smash button with hammer?? 
happy ending achieved by talking through the problem 
re:Mrs. Butters, amazing performance by Megan Fay 
INTERDIMENSIONAL GEOSCOPE™ sees into other dimensions ie. the Multiverse 
conflicting end message: the MOL used her yet she'll treasure their photograph always?? 
why the repeated jabs at Dean's apron?? it's not even novelty or worn at full-height 
Dean makes a sad but spirited mess of a birthday cake for Jack - while adorable, that's not the Dean we know in this corner of the Multiverse
i need to submit at least 1 fixit: Cas is on video call for Jack's birthday cake moment :3 
Jack wishes for safety, happiness and peace for his family 
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