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askcoachchris · 4 years ago
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Saturday shout out to my good friend Bob! Bob said “Yes” to his health and has been crushing his goals. Just over 4 months in and he’s already seeing amazing results. Bob says, “ Going very well. Feel awesome. Just wanted to share my excitement.” Isn’t it time you said “Yes” to your health? Learn more: http://bit.ly/2IRHJ6E #askcoachc #healthfirst #timeforachange #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #foryou #weightlosscheck https://www.instagram.com/p/CJitgY-jpvT/?igshid=1nmc0iyi8fae8
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self-confitence · 12 years ago
11 Questions, Tagged by darkhairpalefacebeauty
Rule 1: you must post the rules
Rule 2: answer the 11 questions and make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people
Rule 4: tell them that you’ve tagged them
My Questions:
1. Favourite snack, both healthy and unhealthy.
I love fruit with chocolate as a snack. or POPCORN
2. What got you into exercising and eating healthy?
Absolutely nothing to be honest. I always loved sports and eating healthy foods. As I got older though I became more educated on food and exercise and what it really does for the body and fell in love.
3. If you were able to go anywhere in the world for one day, where would you go and why?
I want to go to millions of places, but not for one day. For one day, I'd like to go to that place in the USA where you can stand in four states at once. Why? Because for one day, I wanna do something silly and be able to say I stood in four states at once. haha.
4. What quote is the most motivational to you?
"Work will win when wishing won't."
5. Do you have any siblings? How is your relationship with them?
2 brothers. One I don't talk to. The other still lives with me and it's... an interesting love-hate relationship. 
6. What are the top three things on your bucket list?
1. Walk through the reported "scariest" haunted house in the world
2. Go deep sea diving to see the Titanic (or any sunken ship)
3. Swim in every ocean
7. What is your ideal holiday/vacation?
A cruise to the european countries.
8. What is your favourite childhood memory?
They are all really good. I can't choose.
9. How do you make exercise fun?
By doing things I enjoy that count as exercise. Soccer/qudditch/frisbee/football/track with friends. Go to the gym with le boyfriend and lift more than him. Also, music is a big thing for me.
10. What is you favourite Disney character and fairytale?
Maleficent, villain from Sleeping Beauty, is my favorite Disney character.
Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairytale though.
11. What advice do you have for people embarking on a healthy lifestyle journey?
Follow me! (: no, but really, just take it day by day. Every day is a success. If you did well one day, you're challenge is not to give up the next!
Your Questions...
1. Can you dance? What is your favorite kind of dance style?
2. What song is YOUR theme song?
3. What makes you feel better when you are in a bad mood?
4. Favorite thing to have for breakfast?
5. Whats your biggest fear?
6. Are you currently in love?
7. Favorite season?
8. If you could move to any place in the world, where would it be? (regardless of family, money, etc)
9. Best thing that happened to you in 2012.
10. One goal for 2013.
11. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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You can achieve anything you can imagine. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NHTeBj0Iq/?igshid=xqwfoxpwsfe7
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
Meet Jorge! Jorge decided to stop making excuses and start making progress. His words ... “Well, the old me would be sharing my favorite spots for beer and burgers. That's better right?! AND I would be saying that ALL gym people, healthy people, vegans, calorie reducin, shake humans are lame. HA! Now, I’m lame. Over here adding health years to my life after losing 60lbs. Just a lame guy, standing in front of you. Wanting you to try a shake. And a cleanse. You can live your best life too! ✌🏼💚💙” Congratulations on taking back your life Jorge! Small steps can add up to big accomplishments. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #reclaimyourhealth #superfood #superfoodsmoothie #superfoodshake #superfoodnutrition #superfoodformen #mensnutrition #dadhealthy #dadhealthjourney #dadhealthcoach #dadhealthtips https://www.instagram.com/p/B_CrS5jDNfR/?igshid=24vue7p7nrkj
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askcoachchris · 4 years ago
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Does your mind play tricks on you❓Mine does! And I bet you’re does too. Have you ever tried to do something new and your mind immediately tells you that in order to start you need to know everything about that subject before you start? Or you need to know about all your options before you start? If so, you’ve been duped by your mind. Your mind took the fear in your gut and transferred it into excuses. Now you’ve taken no action and therefore will see no results. In order to counteract this mind trick, I’ve developed a few tricks that help me control those thoughts so that I can take action in my life. 1. Start small and imperfect. 2. Follow simple steps. 3. Optimize as you go. I’ve missed so many opportunities because of my mind tricking me. I hope by sharing this today you can take action when you need to. #askcoachc #mindset #mindtricks #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #foryou #weightlosscheck #wellprenuer #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CKJorT3Dtn5/?igshid=4ibol117jgui
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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Be yourself. Be unique. Be special. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQT6MLnZpc/?igshid=hawfvp0f8vzu
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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Love yoga? HERE’S HOW TO DO A DOWNWARDS FACING DOG. Start in the tabletop position on the your hands and knees. You want to make sure that your wrists are directly under your shoulders and your knees are directly under the knees. Spread your fingers nice and wide and evenly distribute the weight on your hands. Inhale there, and on your exhale tuck your toes under and lift your knees off the floor, pushing your pelvis and your sit bone towards the ceiling. Push your heels towards the floor but without locking out your knees as you lengthen and press away from the floor. To release, bend the elbows and knees to come back to tabletop position. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-PgyRjg1i/?igshid=1om3nccw35at
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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Write your story the way YOU want to. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5HjH4DPYr/?igshid=ar211m1wzlq3
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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I'm not sure if the system "works". It's really hard to tell looking at Rob’s photos 😜😜😜😜😜 This system is LIFE-CHANGING❗️ #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #mensnutrition #dadhealthy #dadhealthjourney #dadhealthcoach #dadhealthtips #dadhealthcoach #dadhealthylifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CAur8p2jspe/?igshid=6jbagu3bwhac
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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Lauren's Story “Growing up, I had always had a small athletic build and never really had to worry too much about what I ate. ⁣ So, fast forward to becoming pregnant. I gained 85 pounds in my pregnancy putting me at 2️⃣1️⃣0️⃣pounds! I am only 5’2”!! For those of you who saw me, yeah ...it was really tough! ⁣ A year went by where I didn’t really pay any attention to taking care of myself since I was so consumed with taking care of twins. ⁣ During this time I was exhausted, sluggish, grazing all day on whatever I could find in the house, not working out, living in my maternity clothes and just feeling like pure sh!t. I didn’t want to be in pictures and I didn’t want to change in front of my own husband. I was at an all time low. I still had about 30 pounds to lose and I wasn’t doing anything about it.⁣ ⁣ Bumped into a friend of mine and she told me about her nutritional program that she had just joined (insert major eyeroll here 🙄). I thought these programs were total pyramid scheme‘s and such bullshit. Drink my food? Yeah, F that. NOPE.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣BUT after hearing her experience with it, I figured OK why not, what else do I have to lose at this point?!⁣⁣”⁣⁣ Congratulations Lauren! #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #mealreplacementbar #mealreplacementdrink #superfood #superfoodsmoothie #superfoodshake #superfoodnutrition https://www.instagram.com/p/CAp91JCnC8r/?igshid=2pozhcnsaz92
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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We all face challenges in life. The trick is to focus on your goals not the challenges. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfmLCgnfwX/?igshid=6r4evpsqbs3u
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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DID YOU KNOW ... ... research has found that people who imagine themselves performing a task, improve their performance in that task without physically doing anything❓ It’s true❗️ Guang Yue, an Exercise Psychologist at Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, discovered that people who did a virtual workout over three months in their minds were able to increase their muscle strength by 13.5% versus 30% by the people who actually did work out. I was lucky enough to have been taught visualization early on in my life. I have used it everyday since. If you haven’t tried it, give it a shot. It can be very impactful. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #successmindset #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaPLD7nlsc/?igshid=1om3u4869w0wf
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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Who would you be if you removed the social stigma placed upon you over the years❓Would you be the same person or a completely different version of yourself❓ Be true to who you were born to be❗️ Use this time to peel back the layers negativity, criticism, disapproval, and pressure to rediscover who you really are. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVGg-YjlPE/?igshid=udwaku6nzsq8
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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Do you have healthyTelomeres❓❓❓ Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Without the coating, shoelaces become frayed until they can no longer do their job, just as without telomeres, DNA strands become damaged and our cells can’t do their job. It’s so important to maintain their health. The more they deteriorate, the more likely we will experience chronic disease and accelerated aging. That is way I take a daily supplement specifically designed to support my telomeres. If you are ready to be proactive, not reactive, with your health, reach out. I’d love to share what i do. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself #telomere https://www.instagram.com/p/CANQ1AFHTft/?igshid=1pr0g1fzi47i2
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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A Cleanse Day is a nutritionally supported intermittent fasting day. The goal of a Cleanse Day is to keep overall calories low while receiving nutritional support. Cleanse Day-approved snacks will help you feel nourished and energized while supporting your health and weight loss goals. Staying hydrated is extremely critical for a perfect cleanse day. I also add some of my favorite snack options: 1. Collagen Bone Broth 2. BEA Sparkling Energy Drink 3. Protein packed snack bites Enjoy your cleanse days! #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #mindbodygram #mindbodyspirit #raiseyourvibrations #healthyhappylife #wellnessjourney #nourishyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIQLTyDlSh/?igshid=1q10up1qi0v94
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askcoachchris · 5 years ago
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Eating healthy can be hard. Think about it! Most of us live a fast paced life. We rarely have enough time to stop and think about what we are putting into our body. We’re in a hurry so we just grab what is closest to our next errand. And it’s not healthy. That’s why I am so excited that two years ago I found Isagenix. Whether you’re running a marathon, running a business, or running a family, Isagenix gives you the power to quickly fuel up and take on the day. In just seconds I can make a complete meal that keeps me full for hours. It’s packed with incredible flavor and the nutrients your body craves to support healthy weight loss, lean muscle building, and a better lifestyle. It has energy-fueling carbs, good fats, vitamins and minerals, and 24 grams of high-quality protein — all perfectly balanced to create a meal replacement that’s equally delicious and effective. Did I mention that it’s soy-free, gluten-free, and low-glycemic? It also comes in a plant-based option. Your body deserves to be nourished with the highest quality ingredients. It can do great things when nourished properly. #liveinspired #wellnessadvocate #onthisjourneytogether #askcoachc #mealreplacementbar #mealreplacementdrink #superfood #superfoodsmoothie #superfoodshake #superfoodnutrition #superfoodformen https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7JKN6jlMy/?igshid=tksgnvrxsiz7
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