verseandrhyme · 3 years
the libation bearers
@resurrectionpact ; @thelordoftheair ; @ceaselessblade ; @onlygodremembers
The kingdom of Valla, referred to by those who dare as the invisible kingdom, is a land hidden away at the bottom of the Bottomless Canyon, only to be visited every few decades when the skies above the lands of Hoshido and Nohr change. Following the curse of its creator, the silent dragon, none live there but ghosts, whispers of the past and what once was and no longer is. A land lost to time and myth, just as any belief or faith’s inevitable end.
In the here and now, it is not Vallaites, but unknown shadows that surge upon the monastery with weapons drawn and spells alight, crying out for the blood of the devout and retribution for whatever secrets time has swept away.
It is not the same. But the similarities are enough to leave Mitama on edge.
Mitama rolls a 19. Crit! 3.5 damage. Target is now poisoned.
Mitama’s voice cracks through the battlefield as she charges in, Valaura flying through the air once more to seep into the shadowy archer’s skin. The figure cries out as the spell burns and poison takes hold of its form. 
Should she be concerned about how easily she’s taken to the spell? She’s never dabbled in poisons before...her father-
isn’t here. Nor is the Dawn or the Dusk she knows so well. Only the Goddess and the blessing she bestows upon them in her name, despite the mark her protectors call a stain of sin upon her ankle. Well...if the Goddess deems this the path Mitama might take, so be it.
She’s never been one for fighting fate anyways.
Sword Mercenary attacks for 1 damage.
The sound of the sword slicing through the air grabs Mitama’s attention before the pain as a cut blossoms on her arm. She hisses and recoils, turning to face the new opponent. Before she can retaliate, another figure attacks it. Mitama blinks, recognizing Ike, before she huffs.
“Still charging in without a thought, hmm?” She calls, turning to find her next target. “Try to keep that head on your shoulders, empty as it is!”
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regnumaves · 3 years
It’s a Lovely Dungeon and You’re a Horrible Golem || Team Catacombs A
@sheerloyalty @gricencchos @deavaritiagrado @onlygodremembers @baldursson
What the heck is that.
The question is genuine on Tibarn’s part - this darkness is really getting on his nerves - as they chance upon a door that should, hopefully, lead to some progress (if it could also lead to some light, that would be lovely, but he is not getting his hopes up), but a mechanical giant of some kind stands guard.
Intruders shall not be tolerated. Your blight, your stains, your sins are writ large upon your bodies. Such evil cannot be permitted to enter this sacred place. For a thousand years I have upheld my duty to protect the monastery, entrusted to me by the Holy Saint Seiros. And I shall uphold that promise for a thousand years more!
OK, he gets it. Anyway,
with a wince - he has a feeling this will not go well - he transforms and flies up as much as the space available to him allows, before charging up, his talons stretched out to test their newfound opponent.
Tibarn attacks: 1d20+2=4. Miss. Golem HP: 30/30
The test fails miserably, for a brief trick of the light makes Tibarn think the golem’s head reaches higher up than it truly does, and he merely flies harmlessly above it, stopping himself only in the last moment from crashing into the wall.
Golem counterattacks: 1d20=9. Barely hit. Tibarn HP: 11.5/12
The dodge maneuver almost saves him from the swing of the giant’s lance, but he does take a scratch to his side. He shakes the hit off quickly; nothing major. It missed his wing, and that’s what’s important.
Well, this is going to go swimmingly for him. Who sent him here again?!
“Someone who can see better in this godforsaken place, get that thing!”
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theofficersacademy · 3 years
Activity Check: August
We’ve conducted the activity check for August!
If your muse is both:
Not listed below
Has made the activity requirement for this month (3 IC posts, regardless of any exemption status)
you may claim your activity skill point! Simply add it to your Total Skill Points on your stats and allocate it wherever you please. If you have reached a new letter rank and would like to claim a new ability, please message the Masterlist.
Bernadetta @monkey-cups
Raphael @leicestersbeast
Roy @princiful
Lon’qu @feroxiswordsman
Forrest @musing-fabric
Bruno @onlygodremembers
Clair @hycanitho
Lissa @lissa
Virion @archestvirion
- The House Leaders
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regnumaves · 3 years
Screaming Into the Void || Team Catacombs
@alfvangr @ceaselessblade @onlygodremembers
The darkness seems to get even more overwhelming than it was before.
The soft moss covers the top parts of the walls. The floor gives less of an impression of a cave, and seems more like a proper room, the walls and floors are made from carved stone blocks rather than bare rock, and the halls themselves are wider and taller. However, there is no doubt that the place had been damaged heavily by the passing of time; or perhaps some other unfortunate fate. Water stains the walls and gathers in large, deep puddles on the floor.
A soft hum reverberates through the air, almost like the distant echo of the monastery’s choirs singing their hymns, or perhaps the gentle voices of the spirits of Serenes chanting their galdrar in perfect harmony.
And the odd voices - the whispers of departed souls seem to follow them wherever they go. Voices of people old and young, male and female and everything in between and outside.
Who is this?      Lost lambs of the Goddess? What is it that you search for?    This is a place of peace, and so we protect it with our lives.                   TURN BACK NOW. Will you be of use to me?
What answers the questions is a loud, surprised screech of a hawk that shreds the silent darkness like a talon would tear through delicate silk, as Tibarn bonks his head on a wall that seems to appear out of nowhere right in front of his beak.
“Son of a--”
He stops himself before he utters the final word, and merely groans in frustration. Reyson and Leanne aren’t here, but that’s no reason to swear.
But by the legendary Soan’s long, hairy tail, this is so infuriating.
At the very least, this area is just a little more spacious, allowing him to transform and fly more freely; even then, however, he certainly has more space vertically than horizontally. The ceiling is high enough to accommodate another of one those altered golems from earlier - which, now that he thinks about it, may not be a particularly good thing. On the sides, however, the walls are mere centimeters from his outstretched wings, his feathertips brushing the moss covering them if he does not fly in a straight line for even a moment.
He shakes his head to recover from that crash just now - hopefully it’s dark enough that they did not see that very well - as he lowers himself towards the flightless ones.
“Find anything interesting?”
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