#only used like a bit of the head but it helped a lot
cherienymphe · 1 day
A Family Affair
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Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: NON-CON/DUB-CON, STEPCEST, age gap, plus size!reader, infidelity
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies | ➥ divider by @firefly-graphics
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summary: It's no secret that Rafe doesn't care for his stepmother, so when he suddenly starts being nice to you following his father's neglect, you're relieved to think that you can finally start acting like a family.
You sighed to yourself as the sound of Ward’s light snores faded behind you, your feet carrying you down the hall as you sought something to drink. It was late, and while you should’ve been asleep alongside the rest of the house, you were wide awake. Your thoughts strayed to your husband, and a familiar pang made your chest ache. Per usual, you attempted to ignore it, but the late hour and solitude prevented you from doing so.
Ward was so busy with business as of late, and while you knew what you were getting into when you married him, you hadn’t anticipated just how often you’d find yourself alone and without him. It wasn’t so bad the first few times you found yourself scarcely seeing him for weeks on end—business eventually letting up and allowing him to spend more time with you before the cycle repeated—but it started to get old after a while. The constant back and forth and ebb and flow of your relationship…
“Don’t you like the nice house? The fancy cars? The semi-annual trips?” was what he’d asked you one day when you brought it up.
At your reluctant nod, he’d merely given you a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek.
“You know it’s never temporary,” he’d murmured against your skin, trailing his fingers down your arm. “Work just pulls me away, sometimes.”
That was almost a year ago, and you were even less used to it, now.
The lifestyle made up for it in some ways, the sex in others, but you never thought you’d find yourself thinking that it was your stepchildren who really brought you so much joy on those days where you wondered if this relationship was fulfilling enough. You smiled into your glass at the thought of them, shaking your head as you remembered something Sarah had said the day before. They were far from perfect—one more so than the other two—but it was in a way that was almost endearing. Most of the time…
You swallowed down a sigh along with your drink as you thought of a familiar dirty blond.
Rafe Cameron was Ward’s only son, and such a title brought along lots of expectations that Rafe ever failed to live up to. You still couldn’t quite tell if Ward expected so much of him or if Rafe just refused to apply himself. You settled on something in between, a little bit of both of that from both of them. It made you sad, sometimes, and over the past few years you’d done your best to help and be there for Rafe, but all of your effort seemed to be in vain.
The twenty year old just didn’t like you…and you wondered if he ever would.
He was never shy about his feelings regarding you and on some level you appreciated the transparency, but on another it did sting a bit. There were moments where you wondered if he simply thought you weren’t good enough for Ward. You quickly learned how shallow Rafe could be, and it wasn’t like you were the thinnest woman out there—far from it, in fact. It definitely wouldn’t surprise you to learn he felt his father could do better in that department, but for some reason, you just didn’t buy that excuse.
The looks he gave you and the cold manner in which he talked to you sometimes made you feel like it was something far more personal than something as mundane as weight. It was moments like these where you realized just how much Rafe’s behavior got to you, and not because it hurt particularly bad, but mostly because you didn’t understand it.
You found yourself entertaining the same kind of thoughts a few nights later when face to face with Rafe, declining his ‘suggestion’ of throwing a little ‘get together’.
The younger man wasn’t happy with the discussion, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek—a tell-tale sign of his annoyance you’d come to learn— as he eyed you like you were something he’d find on the bottom of his shoe. With a soft scoff, he folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the back of the couch. You didn’t appreciate the small curve of his lips.
“You realize I'm an adult, right…? And that I technically don’t have to ask you permission for anything…right…?”
You licked your own lips, briefly glancing away with a sigh.
“Is that why you brought it up to me instead of just telling your father what you’re going to do?”
His expression shifted, the smile dropping from his lips, and you watched the way his jaw ticked.
“Ward would flat out tell you no, and you know it. I’m simply telling you no more than ten people. The last ‘get together’ you had here is still a little fresh in all of our minds, and you’re lucky I’m compromising at all after Wheezie found a condom in her room,” you reminded him. “There’s a reason you’re having this conversation with me and not Ward.”
Rafe’s nostrils flared, but he otherwise said nothing.
His silence gave you the opportunity to let out a sigh, stepping towards him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes closely followed the movement, used to him watching your every move. It was like Rafe didn’t trust your very presence, something you were sure he’d be over by now, but time had yet to prove you right.
“I’m on your side, Rafe. You understand that, right?”
He merely looked away from you, and you continued.
“I don’t enjoy you and Ward being at odds. You and I are a whole other conversation, but you and your father? I’m trying to help you help yourself, and you just seem to fight me every step of the way-.”
“You’re not my mother,” the blond coldly interrupted, making you swallow.
It wasn’t his sentiments that surprised you, but that he was actually saying it aloud. You long knew and accepted that Rafe didn’t—and probably wouldn’t ever—see you as such, but you were taken aback by him saying it and also saying it to your face.
“You’re just some thick thirty something piece of ass my dad married because hey…it’s not socially acceptable for a fifty-year old man to marry some twenty-five year old, so a thirty-eight year old is the next best thing he can get without being called a weirdo.”
He said all of this with a casual shrug, throwing his hands up, and you blinked.
You watched him as he straightened himself, slowly approaching you as he sniffed, eyeing you in a way that—for the first time ever—actually made you want to hide away from the world.
“Don’t worry about the party. I’ll just have it somewhere else…”
Rafe didn’t give you time to respond, brushing by you and leaving you to mull over his harsh words alone.
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You clutched your water bottle to you, eyes wide as they landed on Kelce of all people in your kitchen. The dark skinned young man was merely getting a snack, nothing that caused for any kind of alarm, but you simply hadn’t even known he was here. His presence surprised you, and clearly yours surprised him by the way he also looked at you with wide eyes. Although you didn’t understand why.
This was your house, after all…
“How long have you been in the house?” you wondered, moving to the sink to refill your bottle.
“Uh…only about twenty minutes,” was his answer.
You nodded at that, understanding why you hadn’t been privy to his presence. You’d been lounging by the pool for at least forty-five, and when you turned back around, Kelce’s dark eyes met yours, the look on his face unreadable. The silence between you felt awkward for some reason, and you hesitantly took a sip of water, eyeing him with a frown.
“Is Topper here too? Do I need to make extra pasta tonight?”
“Uh, yeah. I mean…yes to the Topper question, and no to the other. We’re not staying,” he said with a shrug just as you heard loud footsteps on the stairs. “I actually think Rafe is chilling at my place tonight.”
“Okay,” you slowly responded with an even slower nod, still unsure about the look on his face.
You were going to ask him if he was alright when another familiar face joined you both, Topper stopping just at the entrance of the kitchen. His brows rose a tad when his gaze landed on you, and whatever look passed over his features had come and gone too fast for you to name.
“Hey, Mrs. Cameron,” he greeted. “Going for a swim?”
You briefly glanced down at your bathing suit, fixing him with a look that had him nodding.
“Right, stupid question…”
You looked between the both of them, curiously and suspiciously, mind running wild with the possibilities of just what could be going on with them.
You settled on weed.
“If you three are smoking up there…”
They both rushed to deny that, frantically correcting you.
“No, no, we’re just…you look very pretty today,” Topper politely said.
The compliment—even if a little backhanded—took you by surprise, having not expected that, at all. You looked between them again, recognizing the appreciative look in Kelce’s gaze at last, and you let out a small snort. It was flattering in the way a compliment from a child was, and you shook your head.
“Thank you, Topper,” you finally replied, moving to leave the kitchen. “I’ll be outside if any of you need anything.”
You hoped that they wouldn’t. Aside from the three of them, the house was empty, and you’d been taking advantage of such all day. A nice glass of lemon water, an engaging book, and a beautiful sky was all the company you needed to relax poolside. You really didn’t want that to be disturbed by college sophomores burning down the kitchen.
As you made your way towards the backdoor, you briefly caught sight of Rafe standing at the top of the stairs, one hand on the railing and the other occupied with his phone. His gaze broke away from the device just as you looked up, and your gazes only connected for a second or two before you were looking away, but not before throwing him a small smile.
You knew he wouldn’t return it.
The rest of your day was spent as peacefully as you hoped, Kelce’s words ringing true when Rafe did eventually leave the house with no intention of returning it seemed. You were done cooking just as Sarah and Wheezie came home, and although Ward partook in supper, he did have to leave early and retire to his study. You got the feeling that he’d be coming to bed late again, and as much as you tried, you couldn’t ignore that annoying tickle in your chest.
A small voice in your head told you there was a fine line between work and spousal neglect, and you’d shaken your head, cursing yourself for being so dramatic. Besides, even if Ward was neglecting you a tad, a million women would kill to be in your position. A few months without proper affection and alone time with your husband was nothing when you considered the lifestyle you were living.
Especially for someone who looked like you.
Your life could be a whole lot worse, and you promptly told yourself to stop acting so spoiled. It was just another rough work patch, something you should be more than used to. Granted, this time seemed to be dragging on longer than the others, but you knew that Ward would be able to step back some time soon and take you on dates and spend time with you and make love to you like he normally did.
You just needed to be patient.
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“You really don’t have to help clean up, Rafe.”
That was what you told the younger man as he grabbed the leftover casserole, searching for a tupperware to put it in. You eyed him but not in a way that was thankful or curious but instead in a way that was…perplexed. You’d been eyeing him that way for weeks, now, and you couldn’t find it in you to care if you were being subtle or not.
Gradually—almost too gradually for you to notice in the beginning—Rafe had softened towards you. That might’ve been the wrong word to use, but he was noticeably more agreeable—not necessarily kind—and it had thrown you for a loop from the first moment you noticed it. It was something so small—putting gas back in your car after he’d borrowed it to be exact—but it was also so out of the ordinary for Rafe that you couldn’t help but to linger on it. You’d stood by the door for what felt like minutes, still holding the keys he’d dropped in your hand.
It would’ve been easy to write it off as a one time uncharacteristic display of behavior but then he was asking if you wanted anything before he headed out and was helping you clean up after dinner and was replacing that one thing you were about to run out of before you even had the chance to. You weren’t complaining in the slightest, but you had gone to Ward to ask what he’d said to the younger Cameron to get him to treat you better.
“Nothing, I swear,” Ward had said to you, pulling you into his lap at his desk. “Maybe he’s just realizing how lucky he is to have you.”
You’d resisted the urge to roll your eyes at that, positive that Ward had found a way to put the fear of God into your stepson.
“I helped make the mess, didn’t I?” Rafe drawled, responding to you. “Besides, it’s not like I’ve got plans tonight.”
You frowned at his back at that, finding that incredibly hard to believe. If Rafe wasn’t with his friends, then he was spending his free time with his girlfriend. You’d never officially met her, but you heard him mention her in passing sometimes, and you were positive she was who you’d seen him at The Wreck with once. She was blonde and thin and as stereotypically Kook as one could get. She seemed just Rafe’s type, and wondering if she was out of town or something, you asked him.
He didn’t respond right away, and you almost assumed that you’d overstepped, tried to force this relationship too far too fast, and you'd be confronted with the Rafe you were used to at any moment now. However, the younger man only shrugged, putting the casserole in the fridge.
“She just has other plans tonight…”
The response was vague, but you left it alone, simply nodding.
When Rafe needed to get by you to put the empty dish in the dishwasher, his hand briefly touched the small of your back, and you gave it no mind but you did eye him again as he put more dishes in the dishwasher. Ward may have sworn up and down that he didn’t say anything to Rafe, but you surely didn’t believe him. You supposed that it didn’t matter either way, not particularly picky about whatever forced Rafe to start respecting you.
The other man wasn’t rolling his eyes at you and insulting you and giving you looks that could chill ice. That was all that mattered, and so pleased with Rafe’s forced change of heart, there were moments that you forgot about how tied up Ward was with work. After all, you’d long noted that it was your stepchildren that were the biggest pleasant surprises in your marriage, and now that that included Rafe, you almost didn’t mind that a month turned into two and then into three and eventually four of hardly any affection from your husband. 
Your mind was off of it…until Rafe was mentioning it.
“If I wasn’t so sure that he’s obsessed with you, I’d think he was soft launching a divorce or something…”
You frowned at Rafe’s words, giving him a look that he clearly felt because he looked up from his phone. The look in your eyes must have portrayed your thoughts well because Rafe rolled his eyes, reaching over and touching your shoulder.
“It’s called a joke,” he drawled. “I know how hectic work has been lately. Trust if he could be up under you all the time, he would.”
The way Rafe said that gave you pause, thrown by the slight bitterness you swore you heard there. You’d always had the brief thought that maybe Rafe was just jealous of your relationship with Ward, his desire for the other man’s approval no secret. It wouldn’t be unheard of for a child to envy the part of their parent that couldn’t be shared with them but with a lover or friend instead. Rafe was continuing before you could linger on that thought though.
“I’m just pointing out that work hasn’t ever been this bad before…”
He only just dropped his hand from your shoulder.
“I know he probably hates it as much as you do, but unlike you, he can’t distract himself with Wheezie or Sarah or shopping or days spent by the pool…”
Rafe trailed off, a glint in his eyes that came and went, and you watched as he pulled his lip between his teeth before fixing you with a haughty smile.
“It’ll pass,” he shrugged.
You had never worried that it wouldn’t, but if even Rafe had noticed, you started to wonder if maybe you should.
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“Uh…yeah, Rafe’s just upstairs.”
You moved out of the way to let the younger girl in, the ire on her face as clear as day. You watched her as she stomped up the stairs, and you worriedly wondered if you’d done the right thing. What if Rafe wasn’t expecting her? Even worse…what if they were in some kind of fight and she chose to hash it out here? Closing the front door, you quickly made your way to the bottom of the stairs, surprised to hear their voices so clearly.
It was clear to you that he hadn’t let her in his room.
“The whole nonchalant boyfriend thing is getting old, Rafe.”
You blinked at that.
“Every time I want to see you, it’s excuses. You cancel half the plans we make, and when you are with me, your mind is a million miles away,” the blonde girl practically spat. “So, you either don’t have the balls to dump me or there’s someone else.”
Her tone got particularly nasty near the end there.
“...and God knows I would love to see who you’d dare to cheat on me with.”
This conversation felt too personal—too raw—and you slowly backed away just as Rafe let out a cold chuckle. You made your way to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner, the task having been interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. Your frown deepened as you chopped onions, unsure of what was going on between Rafe and his girlfriend but hoping he had the decency to treat her right.
You mulled over her words, confusion filling you as they played in your mind. Rafe had been spending so much time at home the past few months that you found it hard to believe he’d been putting an ounce of effort into anyone else. The only woman you were sure he was spending a considerable amount of time with was…well…you. The thought made you snort, but it was the truth. It was funny because you were sure that you’d seen more of Rafe than you had your own husband as of late..
So many times you were already asleep when he came to bed, and when you woke up, his side of the bed was empty. There had been quite a few days when Rafe was the only other person at the breakfast table and some days where he was wading in the same pool you were lounging by or just scrolling on his phone while you read on the couch. Ward had long told you he hadn’t said a thing to Rafe about treating you better, and at the time you hadn’t believed him, but you also felt like you knew Rafe well, and you knew he wasn’t the type to do what he didn’t want to do for long—if at all.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the sound of their hushed voices traveling into the kitchen as they moved through the house, tones angry.
“Do not talk about her like that,” Rafe suddenly spat, those words as clear as day, and you paused in what you were doing.
A few more hushed words were angrily exchanged, and it wasn’t long before you heard the door slam.
Your disappointed tone was all that met him when he stepped into the kitchen, and he eyed you, a hand in his pocket.
“It’s not what you think,” was all he said. “She’s full of herself, alright? If I’m not in the mood to be around her then I must be cheating.”
You pressed your lips together as he neared the island.
“I don’t know… It sounded like she has every reason to suspect to me.”
Rafe fixed you with a look you couldn’t name, a smirk dancing along his lips.
Now, you rolled your eyes, giving him a pointed look.
“Not on purpose, no, but… Whoever this other girl is, defending her like that to your girlfriend surely won’t earn you any points.”
His laugh took you by surprise, and you looked at him as he leaned his forearms on the island top, looking up at you from beneath his lashes. His hair kissed his forehead.
“I wasn’t defending some ‘other girl’,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “I was defending you.”
You faltered at that, blinking with parted lips.
“She said something about having to talk to you just to see me and…” he shrugged. “I didn’t like it.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, simply settling for ‘oh’.
“Trust me there is no other girl…just you, and it’s not your fault that my stepmom is more interesting to be around than that stuck up bimbo.”
You didn’t like the way he talked about her, but he was patting your hand and leaving the kitchen before you could reprimand him on it.
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You weren’t all that surprised to find your living room occupied by familiar faces—more than used to it—but you were taken aback when one of those familiar faces greeted you with a charming grin.
“Hey, Mrs. Cameron…”
Kelce’s tone made you roll your eyes, and you didn’t miss the way Topper lightly hit his arm.
“Afternoon,” you said, a comment about the weather on your lips when the dark skinned boy was suddenly on his feet.
“Let me help you with those,” he hurried to say, taking half of the grocery bags before you had a chance to protest. “They look kind of heavy for you.”
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” you lightly told him.
You supposed that Kelce found himself with a bit of a crush on you—you weren’t stupid—but it was harmless. After all, it manifested in ways such as him complimenting you when he saw you and helping you put groceries away. It was hardly anything to find fault in and complain about. At least, that was how you saw it, but evidently others didn’t agree.
“What the hell are you doing?”
The cold voice had you both pausing, and for a brief moment, you could’ve sworn it was Ward, but no one was more surprised than you to come face to face with Rafe. You blinked in confusion at him, but the blond only had eyes for his friend, those baby blues narrowed in a way you hadn’t seen in some time. He looked at Kelce like he wasn't a friend, and you took a few steps towards him.
“Kelce was just-.”
“I know what Kelce was doing,” was all Rafe said, his tone and few words enough to make the young man in question slink away.
You watched him disappear with a scoff, slowly looking at Rafe again.
“He’s your friend, Rafe. No need to be rude,” you lightly scolded.
The blond rolled his eyes, slowly rolling his head to look at you with a gleam in his eyes that made you freeze for half a second. He’d been so nice to you lately that you sometimes forgot how mean he could be—how mean he could look—but that glint in his gaze was gone just as fast as it came. A smirk ghosted over his lips, and there was nothing humorous about it.
“I need to be rude because he’s my friend,” he said, finally moving to help finish putting up the groceries. “He’s been sniffing around you for months, and you’re just lapping it up.”
You frowned at Rafe, prepared to say something against that when his next words forced you to swallow your words.
“I know my dad’s kind of been…” he slowly ran his gaze over you. “...dropping the ball lately…”
You reared back at that, completely aware of what he meant.
“...but don’t encourage Kelce. You might find it sweet, but he’d fuck you in a heartbeat if he could.”
He ignored your outburst, slowly brushing by you as he put some spices up in the cabinet. When you looked over your shoulder, he was nearing you again, and he chuckled when his hand rested on your back.
“He’s my friend,” he softly said, his voice sounding like it was right at your ear. “No one knows what he’s thinking more than me.”
You didn’t doubt that—and you surely didn’t deny it—but you still didn’t appreciate his callous tone and words. You wrapped your arms around yourself as he left the kitchen, taking slow steps to stand at the entrance as he rejoined his friends. You couldn’t see them, but you could hear them, and you pressed your lips together at the sound of Kelce’s apologies.
“You know he doesn’t mean anything by it,” Topper’s voice echoed. 
You chose to tune them out, turning away to gather the empty bags.
Rafe’s words—and the look he gave you—took up your thoughts, and there was a  bitter taste in your mouth that you swallowed down. You didn’t appreciate his commentary on your romantic relationship with his father, both because it was embarrassing and wholly inappropriate. Was it that obvious to everyone else how isolated you and Ward had become from one another? You hated the idea of Rafe and his friends sitting around and talking about it.
While your relationship with the blond had improved, there were times where he definitely talked to you like less of a stepson and more like a friend. You preferred if there were some boundaries, but you reminded yourself that this was Rafe and maybe this was the best you’d ever get. You asked yourself if you really preferred how things used to be over whatever this was?
Rafe only chuckled at you a few weeks later when you brought it up.
“Come on, you know it’s mostly just teasing,” he said with a shrug. “Besides, I see how much my dad’s work bothers you when it pulls him away.”
He shrugged again.
“Sue me for trying to make you laugh about it…”
He was helping you put up clothes that you’d washed, and your gaze traveled to the dresser, eyes landing on a picture of the man in question. Rafe had always been observant, that had never been one of the issues with him. It was always getting him to do something with what he’d observed that was the problem. If someone had told you a year ago that you would be discussing your marriage with Rafe of all people—even just casually—you probably would have laughed.
You weren’t laughing today though.
“I appreciate the gesture…sort of but…that’s not your place, Rafe,” you sighed. “You’re supposed to illegally drink and get high and do stupid things with your friends. You are not supposed to concern yourself with how my marriage to your father is going.”
You paused.
“...even if it is just a joke.”
You heard Rafe make a noise you didn't recognize, and when you looked at him, his gaze was already on you. He’d long stop folding Ward’s shirts it seemed, content to lean against the nightstand and watch you. His expression was even—unreadable—and when he tilted his head to the side, he hummed.
“Why not?”
You hadn’t expected that response.
“He’s my father, and you’re married to him, and that does affect me in some ways. It affects all of us actually…”
You frowned at him.
“You think Sarah and Wheezie haven’t noticed?”
You deflated a bit at that, eyes widening a tad.
“You don’t think they talk about how different things are between you lately and if you’re getting a divorce?”
You slowly shook your head, lips parting, but Rafe continued before you could say anything. 
“Who do you think has to reassure them? Because they’re definitely not going to talk to either of you,” he scoffed. “I think I should be allowed to comment on your relationship because if it goes south…well…we lose another mom.”
You looked away at that, entirely unprepared for the turn this conversation had taken. Rafe had a point, you had to admit, and you almost felt silly for expecting Rafe to have no opinions on a relationship that he was correct in saying affected him. Attempting to lighten the mood, you let out a soft chuckle.
“Well, let’s be honest. You never thought of me as much of a mom, anyway,” you folded a shirt. “Ward and I are not getting divorced anytime soon, but if we did, I have a feeling you wouldn’t be too bent out of shape over it.”
The other man didn’t respond right away, and when you glanced at him again you realized why. He’d moved closer—you hadn’t even heard him do so—and you watched him take the shirt out of your hand. His fingers brushed yours as he did so, and Rafe pursed his lips, eyeing the shirt in his hands.
“That might’ve been true some time ago, but… I’ve come to appreciate you a lot more than I have before.” 
He continued before you could even smile at that.
“The potential our relationship has and…what we can do for each other…”
He looked between your eyes as he said this, and the longer he stared at you, the more off the silence felt.
“Right,” you slowly said, and Rafe only smirked.
“My dad hasn’t really been doing his part to keep you happy in this family,” you shook your head at him, but he ignored it. “...and I get it. Work and all that, but I actually like having you around now. Especially when you walk around in those tight little one pieces…”
You stumbled back at his words, heart dropping to your stomach.
“I mean, I doubt you’d ever leave…but you would be a lot less likely too I think if someone else was picking up his slack.”
You were acutely aware of how quiet the rest of the house was—because it was empty. Wheezie and Sarah were both with friends, and Ward was out, leaving just you and Rafe. That fact had you blinking, and while some part of you wanted to write Rafe’s words off to a sick joke, something deep down knew that he wasn’t anything less than serious.
“What…? Kelce of all people can flirt with you, and you eat it up, but here I am telling you I’m going to do what my dad can’t, and you look like you’re ready to crawl out of your skin,” he chuckled with a shake of his head.
“I’m not married to Kelce’s father,” you breathed. “...and he’s like a horny teenager. He’s of no consequence—Rafe…you’re in your father’s bedroom…telling his wife that…”
You couldn’t even get the words out, and Rafe grabbed your arm, pulling you closer.
“That what? That I don’t understand how my dad can have a wife like you and still prioritize work?”
You attempted to move away, but Rafe’s strength took you by surprise, gasping when he held you against him, one hand finding a home on the curve of your waist.
“That I get why Kelce keeps seeing if you’ll give him an ‘in’ because I feel the exact same way? Except, unlike Kelce, I don’t really care about getting permission?”
That angered you, and you were sure it was all over your face.
He swallowed what you were about to say with a kiss, effectively shutting you up. If his strength before had surprised you, it was nothing in comparison to the feeling of Rafe lifting you and depositing you on Ward’s bed. It shook under your combined weight, and he was moving at a pace that was hard to keep up with. Rafe’s mouth was all over you, and so much was happening that it made it hard to think straight.
“Rafe…stop,” you gasped.
“Why?” he wondered against the skin of your stomach as he pushed your dress up. “How long has it been? How many months? You can’t tell me that you won’t enjoy this.”
You pushed at his head, but it was of no use. When his mouth attached to your cunt, you reached out to clutch at the bed, thighs almost crushing his head as you tensed beneath him. The feel of his tongue sliding between your folds had your eyes rolling, and deep in the back of your mind you hoped and prayed that no one would walk through that door.
You didn’t even want to imagine what this would look like should someone come up the stairs.
With his arms hooked around your thighs, he rolled you both until you were sitting on his face, and once again his strength had your head spinning. It seemed that in this position you;d surely have more of an upper hand now, but Rafe’s grip was strong on your legs. To your dismay, you couldn’t lift yourself off of him, and you had no choice but to press your hand into the mattress as he ate you out. His head moved beneath you, moving from side to side as he lapped at you, panties harshly pulled to the side.
As you felt how wetter you were becoming under his ministrations, you thought about his words—about how he said you’d enjoy this.
You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being right, but the way he hummed told you that your body was doing that for him. You cried out when he slipped two fingers into you, stretching you out in time with tasting you, and the only sound in the room was that of your harsh pants and the wet sound of his tongue and mouth between your legs. He only allowed you to roll off of him when you came—hard and mind shattering and everything that you hadn’t felt in months.
You were a panting and overheated mess as you laid there, eyes wide and unblinking as you tried to process what had just happened. As you did, you could hear Rafe moving behind you, and only then did you attempt to gather your thoughts and sit up. You were embarrassingly wet, and the fact that Rafe was the cause had your head spinning and stomach turning. Before you could turn around and ask him what the hell was wrong with him, his hand was in your hair.
You’d only just gotten it done, and he twisted the braids around his fist.
He shushed you when you cried out, using that same strength to push you back down. His other hand was in between your legs—stroking you and fondling you and sinking his fingers into you again and again. With your dress around your waist, you could feel his bare skin against your thigh. You could feel the length of him and how hard he was, and while half of you feared what was to come, the other half couldn’t help but to make you clench around his fingers at the thought of Rafe sinking his cock into you.
“You’re so fucking tight, you know that?”
He pulled his fingers out before pulling at your panties, the fabric stretching painfully before they tore completely. 
“My dad must only fuck you once a month,” he chuckled to himself.
“Rafe,” you scolded, attempting to push against him, but your movements faltered when the head of him pushed into you.
It made you sharply inhale, and you squeezed your eyes shut as he slowly sank into you inch by inch. His hand was still tight in your hair, pressing your head down to the mattress while he forced you to arch your back. You heard him cursing the more he filled you, and when his hips were flush with yours, he wasted no time in pulling out before swiftly sliding back inside of you.
You couldn’t swallow down your moan.
“That’s it,” you heard him breathe. “You missed this, huh?”
He wasn’t wrong, but Rafe was also…longer than his father. Thicker too, and the stretch was something you weren’t used to. The feel of his cock made your toes curl, and you clawed at the expensive bedding, hating the way you started to meet his thrusts. Your brain felt like it was taken over by a fog, only able to focus on Rafe fucking you and chasing your high by using his cock. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, and you were so grateful the house was empty.
You were embarrassingly loud.
You felt unable to control yourself, crying out as you clenched around him and words tumbling from your lips that you didn’t recognize. Had you begged him to fuck you harder? Stretch your pussy? Come inside of you? It was possible, to be honest. You hadn’t realized just how much you missed this feeling until it was your stepson of all people giving it to you.
When you eventually found yourself on your back—and face to face with Rafe once again—you were lifting your hips to make him sink into you faster every time. Your dress had long been discarded, underwear hanging off of your hips in tatters, and your nails were pressed into his back. If Rafe was bothered by the feel of that, he didn’t say anything, but you doubted that was the case. He was too occupied with connecting his hips with yours and plunging into your soaking cunt. The sound of your coupling was loud—the squelch of your core reaching your ears with every thrust—and you absentmindedly noted that you’d never been this wet in your life.
Was it the way he’d just taken what he wanted? You’d never been the kind of woman into stuff like that. Perhaps it was the obvious though—the forbidden nature of it all. Rafe was your husband’s son, and he was fucking you—on Ward’s bed no less. You’d never been into stuff like that either though. Everything about this was nothing at all like you, and when Rafe’s phone lit up on the bed—a familiar name popping up on the screen—your heart sank.
His girlfriend.
You’d forgotten all about her too although you weren’t so sure she and Rafe were even together anymore. You hadn’t seen her or heard about her in some time, not since that day she came by the house, and his words and demeanor that day suddenly made more sense to you. He had been consuming so much of his time with you, but you hadn’t thought anything of it. Now, though…
You had no choice but to acknowledge what had been right in front of you all along.
You threw your head back as Rafe thrust into you slow, your legs parted as he rested on his knees, his gaze focused on where his cock disappeared into you. You looked down too, growing wetter at the sight of your juices on him. You were literally dripping around the length of him, making a mess of your thighs and the bedding, and when Rafe spoke to you the first time, you didn’t hear him.
“What…?” you breathed, looking at him through hooded eyes.
“I want to come inside of you so bad,” he purred, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your jaw. “Want to fill you up on his sheets and let it drip out.”
You didn’t say anything to that, but the way you clenched around him made Rafe chuckle.
“Does that turn you on? Hmm? Does my dad know what a whore he married?”
His thrusts grew rougher, making you gasp.
“I should probably be grateful though. Anything less, and you would’ve fought harder to stop me,” he murmured. “...but you didn’t because you knew you’d enjoy this. You knew you’d like fucking me.”
You could feel how close you were—and you were sure Rafe could too—and you dug your nails into his arms. You did want him to come inside of you, you wanted to feel him twitch as he spilled into you—filling you up and coating your walls—and you wanted to push it out after he pulled out of you. Ward always used condoms, and you understood it. He didn’t want any more children, and you were so far from menopause, but you couldn't even care about that right now as Rafe pushed you towards both of your highs.
When he came, he came with a loud grunt, and you couldn’t stop moaning as the feel pushed you over the edge. You swore that you felt him deep in your gut, his hips roughly slapping against yours as he forced you to milk him dry. Your legs shook and your vision blurred, and you were disappointed when Rafe didn’t stay in you long enough. Your heart was going a mile a minute, and you couldn’t move.
You just laid there with your legs strewn about, Rafe’s cum between your folds and sweat clinging to your skin. When you finally looked at him, he was running his hand through his hair, but it did no good. It was so damp with sweat. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world, like he hadn’t just fucked his father’s wife, and when his gaze met yours, there was a haughty smile on his lips.
“He’ll probably be working late tonight…”
You swallowed at that, hating the way your heart jumped.
“...so you’ll have to be quiet while he’s in his study.”
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reshinless · 3 days
10 minutes. a drabble of fingering ++ dry humping (and a bit of eating you out) w/ spiderman!kinich in his suit.
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spiderman!kinich who gets easily stressed, the pressure of being a superhero all kinds of people look up to get to him easily surprisingly for a guy who's usually stoic all the time, not caring for anyone outside of his little circle of friends.
but spiderman!kinich misses you while at work, even on the job when there's no villain in sight, or simply waiting on the criminal for let's say 30-ish minutes or so- he'll swing by the shared apartment you both share.
spiderman!kinich accidentally lets out his anger on you, but quickly being interrupted by a kiss (from you). you knew he'd never tell you these things, he barely opened up about himself back when you two first met, and now that he loved you, you knew he wouldn't throw this away unless emotions took the best of him.
spiderman!kinich who just as easily returns the kiss to you, it was clear when his tongue spoke for him- he was hungry. almost as if he planned for this to happen.
spiderman!kinich suddenly pins you down to the couch, your head on the armrest of it as he kisses down your nape, caressing your cheek with his gloved hand. going as far as to kiss down to your stomach, about to strip you of your pants until you quickly informed him you'd be in an interview soon enough.
spiderman!kinich had no problem straddling you on his lap, laying down on the armrest instead, using your clothed cunt to rub against his 'stress boner' (or whatever he calls it).
it was just that little push, and now he didn't have to do much. letting you do all the work; watching you squirm, and pushing yourself into his dick, but when you get tired.. he'll use the strength in his palms to make sure you both finish into your clothing <3
but that's a last resort. he talks you through it anyway.
"mhm, that's my girl." he hums of approval, watching how you rubbed your clothed cunt onto the tip of his cock ughh!! "uhuh.. that's right, I know you can do more."
spiderman!kinich who loves to praise you. groaning as the grasp on your thigh gets a little tighter to sign to you how he was feeling good. a sign for you to keep going.
spiderman!kinich loved to watch your head throw back, along with your velvety tongue loll out, feeling his shaft increasingly harden against your pussy.
spiderman!kinich didn't have the time to take off his suit sadly, but it definitely defined his abs a lot better. hhhh you could only moan to imagine what it'd be like to ride them.
spiderman!kinich who let you on your back, to rub his digits against the fabric of your panties under the short pencil skirt you decided on for the interview later on.
"so soaked.. just from a bit of humping?" he cooed into your ear, slowly pushing your underwear to the side. slowly fitting his fingers into your hole, one at a time.
the air felt heavy with the musky scent of sweat. strands of hair stuck to your forehead, your eyes glance over to the clock- ten minutes before your interview. spiderman!kinich looked over to the time as well, he could make you cum before that time was up, no problem.
spiderman!kinich who only fingered your hole faster, watching each second tick down to nine minutes, hearing the loud squelched your hole made each time.
adding another digit, you had already creamed onto his fingers. that's one, he made eye contact with you, knowing you couldn't keep your eyes open because of how much you were feeling down there.
his eyes analyzed the way your eyebrows knit each time he hit that one spot, so.. what if he kept curling his fingers against it right after you've just came?
well, the short answer to that was you would cum again, licking it off his fingers, licking his lips right afterward.
his hand pried your legs open, enough to spread it wide enough for his head to fit under your skirt, his tongue taking a dip into your delicious cunt. you couldn't help but clench around his fingers that worked at your hole before. that was 6 minutes.
the way his tongue started to coat your already-wet clit with saliva had your orgasm start to build up once again, adding a third finger into your hole only made it worse, or better in his point of view at least.
his fingers started to work exceedingly fast, or was it coincidentally about to his 3 minutes before the clock would hit 6:25. it's fine if you were a few minutes late right? he's pretty fast at swinging with his webs.
kissing your clit, making sure his tongue would have a long-lasting effect onto it, his started to lap your succus faster than before, not to mention the way your back arched from the sudden jump in pace.
"mmmf- kin i- i'm.. g'na be late!" you said, your hands fumbling everywhere, not knowing where to put themselves. you threw your head back with a whine of his name. he simply hummed as a reply, sending vibrations to your pussy.
there it was- you finally came, squirting onto his face, and landing onto his fingers. licking the aftertaste for a few more seconds, you had to detatch him personally off your delicious taste, making a pop sound.
"you.. don't really need that job, do you?"
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thecuriousbeauty · 2 days
can you write something with cowboy harry, like a sex in a pickup truck or something like that?
Easy there, Cowboy (Cowboy!Harry x reader)
A/N:- I made this a oneshot cause once I started writing it, I just kept going. Now I understand the obsession with cowboy tropes these days. Thanks for the request, anon! Let me know if you guys would like a part 2!
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Word Count: 5,131
Warnings: Smut. Oral(m receiving), fingering, penetration(p in v), dirty talk. Talks about horses and horse riding.
Synopsis: y/n decides to go home to the countryside when she gets a university break. Little does she know she'll fall in love with the new cowboy who's working in her father's ranch.
You felt great to be back home. You grew up in the countryside, in your father’s ranch and around all the different animals. But your father had big dreams for you, he didn’t want you to spend your life tending to the ranch like he did. So you studied, and went off to the city to attend university. You always rush back home when you get breaks. As much as you love the city, you miss your home and its people so much.
“I might take Clover for a ride today, dad.”, you tell your father as you sit with him, eating breakfast. Your mother kept piling your plate with food, murmuring about her daughter not eating enough while being away.
“Yeah? He’s been a bit aggressive these days. The vet said he’s alright, don’t know what’s wrong with that one, cost me a fortune to get him.Thought I’d use him for the race, but I’m not so sure now.” Your dad mutters, making you frown. “That doesn’t sound like Clover.”
Clover was your favorite horse and he was always gentle to you. “Yes, see for yourself. Harry will be around when you go, just ask him if you need something.”
Your dad has talked to you a lot about Harry, the new cowboy who started working for your father. He had joined a few months back, just when you left, so you had never met him. Your mom and dad seemed to love him though. They said he’s helped bring up the profits by a huge margin. 
“Mom, I’m stuffed!”, you laugh, pulling your plate back as your mom comes with more home made sausages.
 “Eating all that city food has messed with your appetite, sweetie. You used to eat so much as soon as you got back from the ranch!”
“Because I used to get tired from helping dad.”
The ranch wasn’t too far away, so you decided to walk. You put on your boots, and got going. Your father’s ranch had all kinds of animals. Chickens, cows, sheep. But what interested you most were always the horses. And that’s where you rushed off to first. 
The earthy, dusty woodchip and ammonia laced smell of the stables reminded you of the horse races your dad used to take you to when you were young. 
“Well hello, Silver!” You greeted the first horse, who immediately greeted you with a happy neigh, nuzzling her head right onto your shoulder as you reached out to stroke her shoulder and neck, giggling. “How’re you doing girl?”
You had named most of the horses, and the method you used was their appearance. Silver is a beautiful white horse. White horses are quite rare and Silver was your family’s favorite. She has won a lot of races with her impressive speed.Your father’s very proud of having her. The only problem is that she’s getting old.
You greet the other horses, and finally make your way towards the last one, kept separate from the others, which makes you frown. 
You loved all of the horses, but this boy is your favorite. He is younger than most of the other horses, yet, he’s the only one who can beat Silver in races. He has a rich brown body with defining black shading on his legs and tail. His soft parts, such as the muzzle and eyebrows and around the flanks, are golden brown. 
“Might wanna be careful with that one, miss.”
You turned around to see the handsome young man, watching you curiously. With the long dirt covered boots, and the cowboy hat he had on, you figured he was Harry. 
Wow. You had no idea Harry was hot.
“Why’d you say that?”, you ask.
He pushes the barrel of horse feed to a side, dusting his big hands against each other. His sleeves were rolled up and you could see that his skin was inked. Just his sculpted arms made you imagine how he could use it to hold you down while-
“He’s not as friendly as the others. Doesn’t hesitate to put down whoever irritates him, which is just about everyone.”, Harry speaks, not taking his eyes off you. He had sharp jaw bones, captive green eyes and beautiful features on his face. 
Harry’s lips turned up into a smirk as he caught you checking him out and you quickly looked away. “Are you here to look at horses?”, he asks.
“No, I’m here to take Clover for a ride.”, you tell him, smiling as you look into the big beautiful caramel eyes of the horse’s, letting him know it was you, before you slowly move your hand to stroke his neck. 
“You know his name and he seems to know you, seeing as how you’re not on the ground yet.”, Harry comments. “But I would advise stepping away right about, now," he adds as you move your other hand to stroke his body. 
“Hey buddy, you miss me?”, you coo softly, grinning as the horse lowers his head down to you and you nuzzle your against his forehead. “I missed you too.”
Harry had never seen the horse being affectionate to anyone. But if he was a horse, he would definitely want to get close to you as well. You talked to the horse like you were talking to a child. 
“He’s never been aggressive around me, Harry. We rode round the hills every evening.” Harry strides right next to you, slowly putting a hand on the horse as well, and he didn’t make a fuss at all. 
“See? Just needs a bit of extra love, this one. Oh I’m y/n, by the way.” Harry smiles, already having put that together by now. Your dad always talks a lot about you, his only daughter. He never expected you to be so strikingly beautiful though. 
“Nice to meet ya, y/n. No wonder why Clover likes you, he’s fallen for your beauty.”, Harry says, making you giggle as Clover continues to nuzzle his head against you. “Lucky horse, getting to flirt with you.”
“I much prefer animals over humans, anyway.”
“Why is that, y/n?”
“Cause they don’t cheat on you, they don’t lie to you, they’re innocent and they deserve our love.” 
Harry was now very interested to know more about you. “You don’t think there are humans capable of that too?”
y/n shrugs, going to open the small door to get Clover out. “Maybe.”
“Well there are things animals can’t help ya with, ya know.”, Harry says, stepping aside as you lean down next to him to undo the lock. He sucked in a breath as he saw your ass in those tight jeans. 
“Nothing I can’t do to myself.”, you answer, getting up and turning around to look at Harry. “I’m gonna take Clover out now. Nice to meet you too, Harry.” You give him an innocent smile, and he gives you a smile back, but his mind was already having thoughts. The kind of thoughts he shouldn’t have about his boss’ daughter.
You were out with some friends at the local bar, catching up. Most of them were in relationships, so you felt a little awkward after some time. You excused yourself to go get a drink. 
“Aren’t ya a fine little thing. Haven’t seen you around here before, have I?”, a heavily drunk man steps in front of you, eyeing your body up and down, letting out a low whistle.
“That’s cause I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere around you.”, you mutter, stepping aside but he blocks you with his body, letting out a laugh. “I wonder what else you can do with that mouth, little girl. Wanna show me?”
“Move!”, you snap as you try to go through his other side and he steps in front of you again. 
“Clint, leave her alone.” You were surprised to see Harry step in between you two, pushing the other man away with a hand on his chest. “She’s not interested. Go away.”
The man grumbled before going away, and the tall cowboy turned to you, his eyes looking you over. “Are you okay?”
He was not in his soiled work clothes. He had a different, cream colored cowboy hat on, and boots, but not the ones he was wearing back in the farm. The light colored shirt he was wearing fit around his muscular torso very well, and it was slightly translucent, allowing you to see that there were more tattoos on his body. 
You quickly nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks Harry.”
“People around here never really change.”, he says, giving you a small smile. “You look bored.”, he notices.
“Is it that obvious?”, you let out a laugh. His eyes twinkle as he smiles. “My friends are busy snogging their boyfriends’ faces off. I was just about to get a drink before leaving.”
“Well, let me give you some company.”, he says, nodding his head towards the two bar stools at a corner.
“Oh it’s okay Harry, you must be here with your friends too-”
He cuts you off before you complete, “They’ll survive without me for a while.”
So you follow him to the bar, and you both order your drinks. “Do you wear your cowboy hat all the time?”, you ask, making Harry chuckle. “Most of the time, yeah. Is it not my style?”
“No it is, you look great-” You flinch and Harry smirks, spinning on his stool as he faces you. “Thanks, love. I think you look beautiful too.”
You know the blush is creeping up your cheeks, and you hope he doesn’t see them. “Thanks. Um, tell me about you, Harry. My parents speak very highly of you.”
“I love working for them, and they treat me well! There’s nothing much to know about me, I’m a cowboy, I love my cattle and horses.”, he says plainly. “But you, you’re interesting. What do you study?”
You tell Harry about your course in the University, and how your father didn’t want you to spend your life on the ranch like he did. 
“You must think I’m some stuck up bitch, I lost most of my friends like that.”, you say, chugging some beer from your jug. 
“No, I don’t think so at all! It’s amazing that you’re studying something you love, and it’s not like you forgot about your home. Like I said, the people here will never change, y/n, don’t think too much into it.”
You nod, smiling at him. “Now I know why my parents like you so much.” Harry wasn’t anything like the other men you’ve met. He had a broad mind set, and he was respectful.
He grinned, showing off his dimples. You haven’t been able to take that cute smile out of your head since the time you first saw it. You spend some more time talking with him, until you decide to stop on the beer. 
“I blabber shit when I get drunk. Don’t wanna embarass myself.”, you explain, and Harry laughs, swiping his hand over his lips as he keeps his empty jug on the counter. “I’m sure it’s not gonna be embarrassing, love. What do you usually blabber about?”
Your heart melted at the term of endearment, and you took a minute to answer his question. “Uhh, things on my mind at the moment.”
“Hmm. What’s on your mind at this moment?”, Harry whispers, leaning closer to you. Your eyes move to his lips. You really want to kiss those lips, throw his hat away, run your fingers through his hair while he pulls your clothes off of you.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”, you answer instead.
“I really would. Think I know already but it would be much better if I can hear it from your sweet voice.” You tip your head to the side, watching him pull out some cash to pay for the drinks. “I can take care of mine-”
“My treat! Got my monthly pay from your dad today.”, he winks at you and says bye to the bartender. “Come on, I’ll drop you home.”
“Is it on your way?”
“Yes, I live on the next street.” He places a hand on the edge of the barstool, keeping it steady so you can hop off. You get out of the bar and Harry points to the truck. “That one.”
“Of course. You drive a truck.”, you nod as you follow him and he laughs. “What? Do I look like someone who drives a truck?”
He does, actually, you thought. Big and strong.
“It has a lot of space, you know, and I use it a lot for work.” He opens the passenger side door for you, offering you his hand to get in since the seat’s a little high up. You held his calloused fingers, they were rough but also really warm and strangely comforting. You realized you were still holding on to it, so you quickly dropped it.
If Harry had noticed it, he didn’t comment on it as he closed your door and went to the other side.You sat in silence for a while, until he asked you, “Do you think Silver’s the best option for the race?”
“She’s great, we use her all the time but I think Clover’s our best bet if we wanna win.”
“I think so too, he’s faster.”, Harry answers. “And as far as I’ve seen, you’re the only one who can ride him, so you should do the race instead of me.”
You turn to look at him. “Harry, you won our last race with Silver. Besides, I won’t be here that long, I’ve gotta go back to uni.”
“Oh.” His face looked a little disappointed. 
“How about we work with Clover together? I’m sure we can train him in time for the races. He’ll let you ride him. If not, Silver’s always a backup option.”
Harry slowly nodded.  “I’m using you as defense if he decides to be mean, though. That horse can kick.”
You laughed, slapping his arm lightly. “I think he just doesn’t like you!”
“Oh come on, everyone likes me! You just met me and you’re already falling for me.”
You gape, turning around fully to face him. He had a smug grin on his face. “I-I’m not!”, you say, but your face was heating up.
Harry shrugs. “Whatever you say, love.”
It was wrong. He worked for your dad. But God, as cocky as he was, it was the truth. You are falling for him, hard.
“I’m gonna go get this to the houses, thanks lad.”, you hear your dad as you go downstairs. You had just woken up, but everyone else already had and they were on and about their work. 
You wouldn’t have gone down stairs in your shorts and an old t-shirt if you’d known Harry would be there. He had brought in the milk supply from the cattle for the day. You finally saw him without his hat, which was tucked under his arm. 
He had lucious brown locks, curly at the ends. 
“There she is, sleep well, honey?”, your mom asks you and Harry’s eyes shoot up to look at you. He takes in your outfit, and smiles. 
“Yes mom, good morning everyone.”, you say, going down the rest of the stairs since Harry’s seen you anyway. 
“Harry told us what you want to do with Clover and I think it’s a good idea! Nothing wrong in giving him a try.”, your dad says and you nod, looking everywhere but at Harry. “Be careful.”, he adds.
“Don’t worry dad, I’ll watch out for Harry.”, you say, making them laugh. 
“Nice to know.”, Harry says, drowning the rest of his tea and your mom takes it from him. “Thanks, Mrs.y/l/n. I’ve gotta go now, I’ll be around whenever you wanna come over.”, he tells you and you nod. 
“We have to go to the market in the evening to pick up some more fodder.” Your dad walks him out.
“Sure, I’ll bring my truck.”
You went over to the farm later, finding Harry feeding the cattle. “I liked your outfit in the morning.”, he calls out to you, making you roll your eyes. “Shut up.”
“Seriously, it was cute.” You grab the extra gloves laying around, putting it on and grabbing the sweeper. “Thanks! I finally saw that you have hair, I thought you were bald.”
He scoffed, and you grin before starting to sweep all the dirt. “y/n! Leave it there, I’ll do it. Don’t get yourself dirty.”
“It’s fine, I grew up doing this stuff. I’d love to let you do it, but we don’t have all day, Harry, you and Clover need all the training time you can get.”
“Yes ma’am.” You didn’t know, but Harry made a mental note to get up extra early tomorrow so he can finish all his work in time before you came over. He found himself staring at you in awe. You had tied your hair up into a high ponytail, keeping it away from your face that barely had any makeup on. 
“Pass me the shovel, Harry?”
He snaps out of his trans, getting up and taking the shovel, grabbing the sweeper out of your hands. “What-”
“-I got this, you can feed them.”
He didn’t really give you a choice so you switched places. Once you were done, you headed to the stables to get Clover. Harry kept the saddle and blanket over the horse, getting him ready as you wore your helmet and gloves. You mounted him and he trotted along, making a guttural neigh as Harry kept one hand on the bridle. He was walking alongside you, holding his helmet in the other hand.
“Be nice, Clovie.”, you rub under his neck, and look at Harry. “He likes neck rubs a lot, so if he’s getting restless, that’ll help.”
“Noted.”, Harry nodded. Once you were out to your usual spot where the horse can run free, you got down. “You gonna let Harry ride you?”, you coo, as the beautiful eyes of the horse look at yours. 
Harry carefully mounts the horse and he neighs, immediately trying to shake him off. Harry has experience with a lot of horses so he didn’t fall right away, he held on with one hand and reached to do the neck rub. 
“There you go, it’s okay, Clovie..”, you say, nodding at Harry as the horse calmed down, just a little bit.
“What’d ya say we go for a small ride?”, Harry asks the horse. Clover was clearly ready to let go and run. 
“Keep talking to him, he likes it.”, you tell him, stepping away and taking your helmet off. “I’ll wait here, come back safely!”
“If I die let my mum know that-fucking hell!” You couldn’t help but laugh as the horse took off. This was going to be fun.
In the next few days, you worked with Harry to train Clover and they were looking good for the race. Clover had stopped throwing Harry off for fun, and you loved to know that Harry didn’t think he was an aggressive horse anymore. He just requires a lot of attention. 
You noticed Harry coming to your house quite often too. He would either bring something in for your mom and dad, or come to take something for the ranch, stealing glances at you whenever he came. 
You were sitting up in the balcony with a book in your hand when he came that day, and Harry was disappointed he couldn’t catch you. He was just going to his truck parked outside when you whistled.
Harry looked up with wide eyes, and grinned, but put his finger up to his lips. “Your dad’s right here!”, he mouthed and you giggled. 
“Can I come up there?”, he asks, already looking around for a way to get up without having to go inside the house again. 
“Stairs at the back.”, you tell him, pointing to the back of the house with your thumb and he runs away. 
Soon the cowboy was there to see you, tipping his hat to you in greeting. “I was hoping to run into you.”
“I’m sure you were.”, you tease. “What’ve you been up to?”
“Can’t go long without seeing me, can you?”, he teases back, stepping closer to you, backing you up to the wall.
“Nothing like that.”, you say, holding your breath as the tall man towers over you. He reaches a hand to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You’re so pretty.”, he mumbles. You blush under his gaze, keeping a hand on his chest. You both knew you liked each other and that the other knew, by now.
 “Harry. You realize what can happen if my father finds out?”
“He won’t find out.”, Harry says. “And if he does, what's the worst that can happen? I’ll lose my job. No problem, I can go work anywhere else. Cowboys are in high demand, you know.”
You shake your head, grinning as he smoothes a thumb over your cheek. “Besides, what’s life without a little thrill? I know you enjoy it. I’ve seen the way you look at me like you want me to fuck-”
You bring your other hand up to cup his mouth. “Harry!”, you whisper-shout..
He snickers. When you lower your hand he says, “Love it when you look so blushy and flustered for me.”
You hear your dad telling your mom he’s going to go out, and Harry has to move his truck or he’ll see that he’s still here. “I’ll see you tomorrow, your mum invited me over for a barbeque.”, he tells you before he goes.
You nod, and he bends down to press his lips against your cheek. Even that light touch sent shivers through your nerves, shivers that made your whole body tremble. “S-See you, Harry.”, you managed to say.
“See ya, pretty girl.” He winks and tips his hat to you again, before taking off. 
Your house was filled with a lot of people. Your mom and dad love to host a barbeque party every now and then. You sat exactly opposite from Harry, both talking to family and friends, but stealing glances at each other when you had the chance.
You wore a cute yellow summer dress, and Harry wore jeans and a red shirt, leaving the top buttons open, with a bandana around his neck.
Finally, when Harry was free, he caught your eyes, giving you a look. He nods his head to the door, telling you he’ll be waiting outside. He leaves, and soon you excuse yourself to leave too.
You looked around for him, and a hand wrapped around your wrist, tugging you into a closet. “Finally. God you look so amazing in this dress.”
“Thanks! I like your look too-”
He presses your hand to his crotch. “Feel that? That’s what you did to me.” He was so hard. That must have been painful. 
You were wet too. You wanted him to stuff that bandana into your mouth to keep you quiet while he fucked you. The thought made you clench your thighs together, and Harry cups your cheek, pulling you closer to him with his arm wrapped around your waist. “Can I kiss you, y/n?”
“Please.”, you whisper, and he doesn’t hesitate to press his lips to yours. Your eyes close as his lips mold against yours and you respond with enthusiasm, tilting your head back as he leans in, devouring your lips. You rub your hand against his crotch, making him groan. “Shit. I’ll come in my pants if you do that.”
You started to go down on your knees, but he stopped you. “It’s too dusty. Let’s go to my truck.”
“Your truck? What if someone sees?”
You were giggling with the thrill of it as he grabs your hand and leads you out without anyone seeing. “We’ll be careful. But I can’t wait any longer, I need you.”
You got into the back of his trunk and you made him sit, while you laid on your stomach, keeping a hand on his thigh. You didn’t really have space to sit down. Harry dropped his pants and you took his dick out of his boxers, mouth watering at the sight. 
“You’re so big.”, you muttered, boosting his ego. “Thanks love, do you wanna take me in your mouth? Give it a taste?”
“Uh huh.” You wanted nothing more. You lowered your head, taking just the tip into your mouth. Harry groans at the sight, he could also see your ass this way and he flips up your dress so he can grab a handful of your ass, making you moan. You slowly take him into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, one of your hands fondling with his balls. 
“Bloody hell, that f-feels so fucking good.” Harry throws his head back, his other hand bunching up your hair into a makeshift ponytail so he could hold it away from your face. “T-That’s it, baby, just like that. You know how many times I’ve dreamed about having those pretty lips wrapped around my dick?”
You take him deeper, eyes watering as his hips thrust upwards a little, making you gag. “Shit, sorry.”, he says.
 “It’s okay, I like it.”, you whisper, stroking him with your hand as you lift your head up to look at him. “Are you gonna cum, Harry? Fill my mouth up?”
“Fuck, yeah. You’re gonna take it all like a good girl, aren’t you?”, he moans as you put your mouth on him again, and he pushes your head down, your nose burying into his mound as his dick hits the back of your throat. You feel him getting close and Harry tugs you off by your hair, shooting his cum into your open mouth. You swallow it all, humming and he pulls you up to sit on his lap, bringing your lips to his again, tasting him on your tongue. 
He slips his hands under your dress, squeezing each of your breasts. You start grinding on his thigh, rubbing yourself against him. “Harry..”
“Don’t worry, baby girl, I’ll take care of you.” He brings one hand to where you most need him, pressing his fingers over your throbbing clit making you gasp. “You’re so fucking perfect, I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you.”
“Yeah? Do whatever you want to do to me, Harry.” He pulls your panties to a side, his fingers running over your folds. “You’re so wet, darling. Is this all for me?”
“Yes.” You moan as he slips two fingers inside your pussy. “I can’t wait to put my dick inside this pretty hole. That feel good, baby? Want another finger?”
“Yes, yes, please..” Harry gives you another finger, curling them to stroke against your g-spot, making you grip onto his shoulders and writhe on his lap. “I’ll give you whatever you want, sweetheart. I’m so fucking gone for you.”
You were cumming on his fingers soon, moaning loudly. “Yes, baby, give it to me. You sound so sweet, you know? Wonder how you’ll sound when I’m inside of you.” Harry gets you through your orgasm, continuing to move his fingers in and out of you until you smile up at him, cheeks flushed. 
He grins, bringing his fingers to his lips, licking his fingers clean. “You taste so sweet.”
“I need you inside me.”, you kiss his jawline. You couldn’t wait to feel full from his dick. 
Harry nods, and lifts you up so he can stand up. “Legs up on the seat, want you on all fours.”
You do as he said, getting on the seat and pushing your ass out. Harry groans, spreading your cheeks. “Never seen such a pretty pussy before.”
“Quick, Harry, we have to go back inside!” As much as you didn’t want to, you had to.
“Right. I’ll just have to save eating you out for later, eh?” He had to bend his head to stop it from banging against the top of the trunk, and he kept one knee on the seat for support as he brought his dick to your entrance.
You push back against him as he enters you, and you rest your head against the seat, moaning. “Oh fuck..”
“You’re so tight, god, so perfect.” He pushes his full length inside you and lets you adjust for a minute. “Fuck me Harry..” 
“Gonna fuck you so good, sweet girl.”, he promises, pulling his hips back and thrusting it forward making you squeal. He went in so deep, hitting all the right spots. You were trying not to scream. 
“Shit there’s someone outside.”, Harry says, but his movements didn’t slow down. 
“W-What?”, you were out of it, you didn’t care at this point. You wanted to cum. He took his bandana off of his neck and brought it to your mouth. “Here. Hate to muffle your pretty moans, sweetheart, but we don’t wanna get caught now, do we?”
You moan into the cloth as his fingers push it into your mouth just like you imagined, but this was hotter. “So warm and tight, best fucking pussy. I’m not gonna last much longer.”
Harry goes faster, holding onto your hips. “You gonna cum for me sweetheart?” You nod, and it only takes you a few more seconds to reach our high. Harry pulls out when you’ve finished, stroking himself as you turn around. He takes the bandana out of your mouth and holds your jaw open with one hand, the other shooting his cum down your throat again.
You swallow it all down, and Harry collapses next to you on the seat. You both catch your breath, and smile lazily at each other. “That was good.”, you say.
“Never thought I’d take a sexy girl in the back of my trunk.”, he said, and you roll your eyes. Harry reaches to grab a cloth from the front and wipes around your mouth and neck. You fix your panties, dress, and your hair. 
“Do I look okay?”, you ask him.
He smiles, cupping your cheek for a quick kiss. “Perfect.”
You both get out of the trunk, and he mutters in your ear, “I’ll top this off next time, promise.”
“Next time huh?”, you say and he smirks, playfully smacking your ass. “I know how well you can ride horses, maybe you can show me how you ride something else.”
You gasp, turning around to hit his chest as you were now walking towards people and they couldn’t hear what was coming out of his dirty mouth. “Easy there, cowboy.”
Taglist:-@livypops12352568 @harrydeary, @harryswifee, @harrysbxtchh, @gracelovesethan, @kiwitsayedsugar, @angeldavis777, @madstyles3204
(Drop a message if you want me to add you to my taglist!)
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yurunivo · 18 hours
Hello! I really love you self aware idea! Can you please make another part? This time Can you focuse more on Mavuika and the Creator!Reader (Gender Neutral),please? (Also om how the other archons and Neuvillete would be trying to search for the reader and maybe using other organizations to help the search) if not please feel free to ignore this. Have a wonderful day!
This is my first time getting a request! Hope you enjoy!
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Synopsis: hanging out with Mavuika! (And the other nations' planning to reach you) part 1
TW: Mavuika and reader's relationship is implied romantic but can be read as platonic, OOC, yandere, SAGAU imposter au, bad writing, bad grammar, english is not my first language, not beta read
Characters: Mavuika x gn!creator!reader (again can be seen as romantic or platonic), yandere Archons + Neuvillette x reader
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Cleaning at bars was a tedious job. It was easy, sure, but it got boring at times. Customers always made the day fun with their gossip, so you leaned into that. It could've been something simple, like how their boyfriend cheated on them, but it was still more entertaining than mopping the floor.
However, there was always one customer every night that you were looking forward to meeting.
Always clad in a mysterious cloak that made them look like a runaway, blazing bright eyes and red hair.
It was Mavuika.
She came a bit later than usual. You decided not to worry, Archon duties are a lot after all. Yet, she came anyway, dressed the same as before. The cloak was a bit messily put on, so her hair was still visible. You sighed as you left the place you were cleaning and went up in front of her.
"You didn't have to come y'know," you fixed her cloak to hide her hair, yet she only smiled at you.
"I insist," she only replied back. You rubbed your temples at the stubborn woman. Seriously, shouldn't she be busy with work or something?
She seemed to be eager to tell you something, considering how she was holding your hand. You raised an eyebrow at her as you gestured her to speak.
"Well, want to combat practice with me later, (fake name)?" Oh no. You didn't know how to fight! Sure, you did fight against the abyss, but you barely managed to survive!
But you only nodded. Declining now would only make her suspicious, even though the fact that you were being chased around without fighting back was suspicious enough. But, you'll find out a reason later, for now, all you had to do was agree.
"Sure, but only at my day off. Maybe the day after tomorrow?" You were trying to find a lie to tell her then, but for now, you hid your feelings with a smile. She nodded, looking content with your answer.
"The day after tomorrow it is."
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Your hands were uncomfortably sweaty.
The day after tomorrow being right now, you had to tell Mavuika as quick as you could to not gain suspicion. Telling her you got isekai'd from another world was obviously not an option, but you had already prepared something in your head. It was similar to the isekai idea, but it's much more believable. The execution was the only problem.
You were at the outskirts of the Scions of Canopy, where Kinich lived. She came 5 minutes later and greeted you with much courtesy.
"Hope I didn't make you wait for long (fake name)," she told with a bit embarrassment. You shrugged her off.
"It's fine Mavuika, and you can just call me (name)," you replied back. You mustered up the courage to tell her your reason not to fight. But before that, you had to ask her just this one thing.
"How did you know that I was the creator? I don't think there was any part of me that stood out," you were interested to know, after all you thought that you hid yourself very well.
She all but smiled as she pointed out the grass behind you.
"The creator is connected to Teyvat, so everything would bloom in their wake. Since you were in the nation of Pyro, where I'll know everything that's going on, it was quite easy to find out." You looked behind to see beautiful flowers right behind you. You were shocked to see this many flowers in one trail. Wait, then why did the other Archons not realize that you were the creator? Eh that doesn't really matter, what matters was that you were here with Mavuika, safe and sound. But, you took this revelation to gift her something.
You took a flower from the trail. Mavuika was interested to see what you were doing, but you hid it from her. Using the flowers and leaves, you created a flower crown for her and put it a top her head. You smiled, she did too.
"Thank you (name)," she laughed softly. But now you had to explain the fighting part. You sighed as you contemplated.
"Err, Mavuika, I actually don't know how to fight.." You mumbled and cursed your self for it. She looked surprised.
"Why not?" She asked again. You felt embarrassed for having to say the reason. You took a deep breath and prepares to say why.
"I'm.. Not the creator. Like the original one. I'm a reincarnation of them, I have no idea how to fight not do I know anything about the past," you breathed out, cringing at what you just said. However all she did was look at you with understanding, after all, she knows the pain of reincarnation.
"It's fine! But do you know anything about the previous creator then?" She asked curiously, to which you shook your head. She hummed. She got an idea to improvise, it seems like.
"How about I teach you then?" Huh?! This wasn't going as planned! You didn't want to fight at all.
"T-that's not needed, I'll j-just waste your time," you tried convincing her, but she didn't budge. Eventually though, you reluctantly agreed. She smiled and thanked you for allowing her to help.
"Just try to imagine yourself using Pyro abilities, you'll get the hang of it later." You were really trying. The amount of stress that you had to not burn yourself to death was enough to actually kill you. Still, you trusted Mavuika and her abilities, so you tried anyway. You tried and tried and tried, but nothing really came. You were visibly disappointed, but Mavuika tried to encourage you.
"How about this, you imagine something you don't like, and try to use your emotions to drag your Pyro ability out," she suggested. You seemed to find this useful, so you tried it.
Closing your eyes, you thought of something terrible happening, and instead of seeing the imposter hunt that you very despised, you instead saw Mavuika.
You were being hunted down, sure, but what was most important was that she was getting punished by the Archons for not giving up the imposter. Her face was battered and bruised, and she was slowly slipping into unconsciousness. You watched in horror, and tears started to well up in your eyes. This couldn't be! Unfortunately, you were crying in real life too, and Mavuika realized immediately.
"Okay, uhh, you don't need to think about it now," she tried comforting you, bringing you in an embrace to calm you down. Once you came back to reality, your eyes were puffy, and your face was red.
"... Sorry, can we do this another time?" You sniffled, still holding her. She was warm, and you found your self drifting to sleep. She sighed as she picked you up.
"Of course, just don't overdo anything, kay?" She smiled warmly, brushing the tears from your eyes. She wrapped you in a cloak, getting ready to start camp.
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Neuvillette contorted his face in disgust. The waters tasted disgustingly sweet. The creator's happiness with another person, likely an Archon. But the waters then tasted bitter, from the creator's sadness.
If only he could just drag you out of that place and keep you for himself, but no. He'll need the help of the other nations to do so, so he sucked it up and left the Palais Mermonia. He visited Furina, just checking in on her before leaving. He'd leave some of the work for Clorinde to do, he trusted her enough to do that anyway.
Reaching the imposter's throne room, there was a long sitting area where the rulers of the nations were there. Only the Cryo, Pyro and Anemo Archons weren't there, but the acting grandmaster came for Anemo, and the director of the Fatui Harbingers came for Cryo. The Geo Archon returned to his status as the God of Contracts, and the Electro and Dendro archon were sitting in their own seats. The imposter was on the creator's throne. They were dead, blood seeping out of their head. Their expression was one of shock, as he could vividly remember the day the Geo Archon killed the imposter.
A seat was vacant. He clenched his teeth at the mere thought of the Pyro Archon. He'd get you back from her, no matter what it took.
"We all know that the creator is in the nation of war, Natlan. However, since the neither of us know its weaknesses besides the Pyro Archon being a human, we need to create a plan to ambush the nation," Jean spoke up. Everyone in the room nodded along with her, too obsessed to notice their wrong doings. However, there was one who objected to this clause.
Nahida raised her hand to interrupt Jean, turning all eyes on her.
"You all chased down the creator like a rabid dog, and now you're trying to kidnap them to do a job that they don't want? What kind of leaders are you? The creator was in Natlan for a few months by now, and since they're not leaving, they are probably enjoying a better life there than your own selfish desires," she objected.
Neuvillette all but admired the young Archon. Despite being small and weaker than the others, she still had the bravery to stand against everyone. However, this was one thing that he didn't agree with. He just stayed quiet though, waiting for someone to object the small Archon.
Raiden did. The God of Eternity looked at Nahida with disdain, preparing to answer the deity.
"And how are you so sure that the creator is having a better life in Natlan Buer? For all we could know, they could actually be running around the vast nation. And, you are one of the younger Archons after all, what use does your words have?" She asked coldly. When she was about to respond back, she got interrupted.
"It is settled, we shall find the creator in Natlan, no questions," the God of Contracts added in. Nahida couldn't speak now. After all, what power does she have to a much more experienced God?
Neuvillete glared at the Archons.
"Whoever shall get the creator first will be the one to solely have the creator in their nation," Neuvillete furrowed his brows at the Archons. They did the same, but still agreed to the conditions, not really thinking of what you want.
Now, all the leaders were going back to their nation, telling their line of military to get prepared. They had to have you all for yourself, and they will do anything for it.
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Done! Hope you enjoy!
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userunknowenha · 2 days
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Cat eyes
Pairings: Park Sunghoon, Lee Heeseung x Reader
Description: You love your boyfriend, Park Wonbin, the two of you have been together for a year now but you know, even if he won’t tell you, that there are two guys that have been picking up on him: Park Sunghoon and Lee Heeseung, you can’t handle it anymore, you need to talk to this two horrible humans that can’t just leave him alone, so you do what, you shouldn’t have done, that is talking to them.
Warnings: this is filthy sorry, smut, bullying, cheating (don’t), dubcon, a lot of fluids, is implied that they are in college but they bully the bf since highschool, also kinda implied that reader is a bit of a bimbo. Hmm imply that the reader has small breasts, oral (female rec), fingering, kind of stalking, unprotected sex (don’t), sir kink (sorry), let me know if I missed anything.
Disclaimer: if you guys are not comfortable with any of the ones mentioned before, don’t read! This is pure fiction, this has no relation to them irl or anything, MDNI.
He would be mad if he ever finds out where you are, your boyfriend hasn’t exactly tell you all the story on how it began and how it came to the point that he is “used” to them picking up on him, he hasn’t either tell you what they do to him but after months of him crying, some weeks he arrives at your place with bruises in his body, he cuts you off for weeks sometimes because he just doesn’t want to deal with anyone and it hurts you to the bone that they can’t just leave him, you know Wonbin, he is a sweetheart, after all he is your lover, so sweet and caring with you, makes you wonder what kind of people are these two to just bully someone like your boyfriend.
Biting down on your lip, you hesitated to knock on their door, Sunghoon’s and Heeseung’s place, your hands grabbed the hem of your skirt feeling like you should have not come here with it, but you can’t help it, you always need to look pretty! More when you know that Wonbin loves it and after talking to them you did have plans with him and didn’t want to go back to change.
With the last courage in your head to yourself you knock on their door, huffing when none of them answer you knock again, this time a bit stronger than before. This time it surprises you that Heeseung does open the door, looking more confused when he sees that the unexpected visitor in his place is you.
“Hmm? Can I help you?” He looks down on you with an uninterested look on his face making you feel more nervous than before. You can hear your own heartbeat in your ears but you can only stutter “Y-yes! I need to talk to you a-and Sunghoon!” Now he looks at you with a little smirk on his lips before just saying “Not interested, sorry”.
What? You are left confused at his response but react when you see him closing the door, even surprising yourself you find yourself grabbing the door before he can close it completely, he looks at you with frowning eyebrows “What the fu-“ “Please! Listen to me!”.
Surprisingly enough he lets go of the door but instead now pulling you inside by your arm, yelping in surprise you stumble forward, hearing the lock of the door you turn to look at him “You said me and Sunghoon right? Let’s go to him then” not letting go of your arm he pulls you until the two of you reach the living room where the other guy can be found, sitting down on the couch just mindlessly scrolling on his phone.
“Hey man, we got company” finally freeing your arm he takes a sit next to Sunghoon, but leaving enough space in between the two of them “Hmm? What is she doing here?” “I don’t know, she just said something about needing to talk to us… go ahead pretty, what is so important that you are bothering us?” Standing like this in front of them is now making you feel embarrassed, they look at you with such an intense stare that it makes you rethink your choices of coming here.
“I… just, I wanted to know something first…” mentally cursing at yourself for speaking like that, you remember your boyfriend, you need to do this for him. Now clenching your fist beside your body you look at them “Why do you guys bully Wonbin so much?? Please leave him alone! He hasn’t done anything to you guys for you to treat him like this!” You didn’t mean to raise your voice but you can’t help but feel anger towards them.
Waiting for any of them to say anything you are ready to call them out again but this time Sunghoon's voice stops you “Wonbin? Park Wonbin?” “Y-yes! Him” Sunghoon just smiles at your response before spitting out “Why would we stop?” You had already told yourself that they were going to be a tough cookie to break but that question was not one that you prepared in your head hours ago while you were preparing yourself before coming here.
“Yeah pretty, he is our entertainment, who is going to entertain us if he is not around?” “You guys shouldn’t be picking on someone to begin with! It’s- it’s just not right!” Heeseung laughs at you, they know you, they do know that you are dating Wonbin, how could they not notice the pretty little thing next to the useless boy that they torment. They obviously notice as well that he does not treat you, such a sweet thing, like he should, but even as bad as they are they would never pick on a woman, much less the perfect one that you are.
“Look…” the older male starts “you came here to tell us to stop tormenting him?” He gives the man beside him a glance as if they are watching a comedy movie in front of them “Yeah, who do you think you are? Acting like you are his mom or something”, scoffing you can’t believe how rude they are.
“I’m his… girlfriend, so I care about him, his mental and physical health and you two are the cause of it deteriorating!” You hesitated a bit saying that you are his girlfriend, after all you don’t know if the two men in front of you know that information, maybe your boyfriend is keeping you in secret so that they don’t pick on you too.
Now it’s turn for both of them to laugh, making your face go red with how insulting they are, “Pretty, you should know better than coming here, by yourself and demanding us to do shit that we don’t want to do” Heeseung says as he stands up from his seat, walking slowly towards you, maintaining eye contact with you, he stops when he is just right in front of you he reaches with his right hand your chin, he grabs it with force, without thinking you grab his wrist with both hands but he pays zero mind to it, “Look at me, I’m going to give you two options, we forget that this even happened, you get the fuck out of here and let us alone with your pathetic boyfriend or… if you really want us to stop bullying him, then you become our plaything princess, what do you say?”
Your heart is racing, the grip that he has on you hurts, but you don’t understand what he is trying to imply “W-what, plaything?…”, getting startled when you feel other pair of hands on your waist behind you, you try to turn your head around but Heeseung strong held on you doesn’t let you, you can only hear Sunghoon explain “Yes baby, if you want us to stop bothering him, we just need you to replace him” “Mhm, just we plan to do different things with you”.
Sunghoon is starting to get impatient when you feel him bury his face on the crook of your neck, inhaling deep before letting a big lick on it, making you shudder and feeling weak on your knees, “N-No! Don’t do that” “Then give us an answer pretty” “We are waiting”
You have no other choice, if you want them to stop and leave him alone, you have to accept, but you can’t help but feel uneasy, knowing that once you accept you would have to do stuff that you don’t want and probably won’t like, closing your eyes with force you say it “I’ll, I’ll be your plaything, just leave him alone please” you stare deep into Heeseung eyes with tears forming on yours.
They both smirk to themselves after hearing your answer and the first one to make a move is the one in front of you, moving his grip from your chin down to your neck and applying pressure on it but enough to let you breathe, also leaning down to capture your lips with his, both gestures making you gasp in between the heated kiss, he takes the opportunity and slips his tongue in your mouth. Now the man behind you groans at the image in front of him, moving one of his hands that was on your waist down to the curve of your ass, squeezing it while the other one just draws little circles around your waist, making you shudder in their hold.
Heeseung gets away from the kiss in need of air, he moves his hold in your neck and grabs both of your hands in it, while the other one drops down to right in between your legs, making its way underneath your skirt and right on top of your panties “By how undecided you were I thought you didn’t wanted this, but fuck you are so wet baby”, before you can even try to say anything back you gasp in surprise when you feel his middle finger rub circles against your clit, arching your back trying to pray away from his touch, you feel the other male behind you, not only you feel his hands all over your body but you feel his crotch press in your butt.
“Yeah, princess, with how you are grinding against me I’m starting to think this was your plan since the beginning, dressing like this, with all your makeup done and this hairstyle you have, it’s like you dress up for us” “I did not!”, you whine but can’t help but feel a bit glad you did dress up.
You hear Sunghoon chuckle at your whining but now he grabs your face, squishing your cheeks in between his hand and turning you around before he kisses you while still grinding against you, his kiss is way more rougher than Heeseung, making you feel dizzy. It seemed that both of them are desperate when your attention isn’t on them so Heeseung pushed his hand inside your panties and let out a soft hiss at how wet you felt against his fingers.
Gathering enough of your wetness while teasing your clit, he pushes his finger inside of you, making you let a loud moan against Sunghoon’s lips, up on seeing your reaction he pushes another finger in, now starting a pace inside of you, going all the way up to his knuckles and the out almost entirely before going inside again, “Are you sure you didn’t wanted this? You are sooo wet and it looks like you enjoy my fingers in your pussy baby”, leaving kisses down your neck, he stops on top of your shirt, letting go of your hands he orders “Hoon take of her sweater”, immediately obeying he takes your sweater off in one swing, leaving you on your polo shirt, Heeseung is quick to pull the shirt up until your tits are in view.
“Look, not even wearing a bra”, if you knew it was going to go like this you would have worn one but you were wearing a sweater on top and just supposed to go out with your boyfriend your past self decided it was better not to wear one.
“Has that stupid boyfriend of yours ever eaten you out? Hmm?”, Heeseung asked you and you can’t help but stare at him with wide eyes but he just smirks, bringing up the hand that moments ago was just inside you and he does something that makes your mouth go open in shock, he licks his fingers clean, humming against them, tasting you “you taste so fucking good, if that fucker hasn’t eaten you out before, I’m going to baby”.
He pushes you against Sunghoon, him taking the hint grabs your arms pulling them behind you, locking them and then pulling your body to sit on top of him in the sofa from the beginning, now with all your weight on top of him you can feel his hard dick against you, making you blush, “look at you, all shy but so eager for this”, Heeseung teases you, while he drops on his knees in front of you pushing your legs apart he licks his lips at the sight. Bringing one of his hands to push your panties to the side he groans seeing how wet you got, “fuckkk, prettiest pussy ever baby”, and with that he dives in, giving your pussy a long lick all over your lips, “N-Noo, sto-“, a hand slaps over your mouth and another to one of your breast, twisting your nipple in between his fingers.
“If you make any sound, it would be you screaming at how good we fucking you, not you complaining, you hear me?”, with the same hand over your mouth he forces you to nod your head as in saying yes, chuckling he says “Good fucking girl, yesss”.
Heeseung is just restless against you, you didn’t answer them but they were right, your boyfriend has never eaten you out like this, saying he didn’t like the taste and only fingering you when you didn’t orgasm when you two slept together, so this feeling is so intense to you, making your legs shake besides his head, you look down at him and you felt yourself clench at the sight, Heeseung is looking at you with hooded eyes but still with so intensity making you whimper against Sunghoon’s hand, “Fuck baby, with how much you react I’m only assuming he doesn’t fuck you good right?”, this time by yourself you nod at his question, whining with how good you are feeling.
The one behind you frees your mouth because he asks, “If you are going to cum you need to ask us permission pretty, only then you are allowed to”, frustrated you let your head fall backwards, into Sunghoon’s neck, with heavy breathing you start to feel that familiar knot in you tummy, never have it felt this intense but you knew better than to not listen to them, “Please! P-Please Hee! Hoon! Please let me cum!”, neither of them stop their work on your body, you even feel Heeseung’s fingers back inside you making you cry out loud. “I’m s-so close! Please please!”
“Go ahead baby, cum on my tongue, let me taste you”
“You heard him pretty, cum”
Your eyes rolled back, your back arches on its own because of the intensity of your orgasm, you let out a moan that sounds pornographic, “Come on now, don’t be ungrateful, say thanks pretty”, you can still feel Heeseung’s fingers and tongue on you making it difficult to find the words that you are supposed to say, “only the beginning and you are already this fucked up, you really are so cute”.
“Thank y-you Hee…”
Heeseung stands up, making you stand up on your shaking legs but his grip doesn’t let you fall, you hear rustling behind you, turning to see, Sunghoon is stripping out of his clothes and after he is done, he looks at you and giving you a smile he grabs you and with in one motion he forces you to be on all fours just in the place that he was seated but not quite content enough he pushes your head down, making you painfully arch your back while presenting all your bottom to them, “Fuck yesss, It’s my turn now beautiful, I’m going to fuck you like this”.
You don’t even have time to protest when you feel the tip of his cock right in the entrance of your hole, gasping your quickly say, “Wait w-wait, I don’t think it is-“ “I told you I don’t want to listen to your complains baby, and don’t worry I’m gonna make sure it fits”, without room to say anything he pushes his dick inside, slowly thanks to how tight you are, you bite down your lip and roll your eyes at how full you are already feeling and he is not even fully inside you yet.
“You are sooo tight baby, fuckkk, are you sure you are not a virgin?” Once he is all inside you, you can’t help but feel all your body tremble at how big he feels inside you, you notice that he just gives you a few minutes to get used to the feeling before he retracts his dick only until the tip and with a hard thrust he bottoms again into your pussy, and that’s how he continues to fuck you, with long, hard and quick thrusts.
“Ho-old on! Too fast!”, with the pace that he is going you can feel the air being push out of your lungs, reaching out behind you as in to stop him, he only grabs both your hands in one grip as in to stop you to only hear him mockingly says, “Stop trying to act as if you’re not enjoying this, your sweet little pussy is sucking me as if you don’t want me to leave you”.
This is so overwhelming for you, your body hurts in the position that he has you on, he is going so fast but you feel so much pleasure with how he is having his way with you, Sunghoon upon seeing your reactions brings down one hand over to circle your clit, making you let out a scream in surprise, you even feel the tears threatening to fall down, “Come on baby, cum all over this cock, cum all over sir’s cock”, not once slowing down on his peace and never stopping the movements on your clit, your mouth on a ‘o’ shape you whine what you can, “Yess, sir! I’m cumming oh my god!”.
Both Heeseung and Sunghoon let out a groan once they heard you use the title that the latter one called himself, and to him it felt like heaven, feeling your cunt clenched and unclenched so fast while you are cumming, arching your back even more surprising both males with how flexible you are. “S-sir, slow down p-please…” but he just couldn’t listen to you, not when he is so close, “shut t-the fuck up baby, I’m almost there” giving you his final thrust, you felt like they were the most intense ones, before you feel him spilling all his cum inside of you, making you feel so full.
“Shit…” finally pulling out of your pussy, you thought he was going to give a little time to rest but once he pulled out, he saw how some of his cum spilled out and couldn’t let that happen so he collect the juices that were spilling with his fingers and plunged them right back inside of you again, tears are now falling out of eyes with how sensitive you are feeling.
“Hope you haven’t forgotten about me princess” after Sunghoon let you alone, Heeseung was quick to come over to you, helping you getting you on your knees while he positioned himself behind you, one of his hands immediately went down to your chin, pulling your face up so that you can look him in the eyes, “You ready for me princess?”, just as his friend did, he with the hold on your face makes you nod your head, smiling to himself, he leans down to kiss you once again but you do notice that this time he kisses you softer than before.
In the middle of the kiss, he lets his hand roam all over your body, neck, breast, waist, hips until he reaches for your thighs, he wraps one arm around each of your thighs and raises you with ease, your arms automatically circle around his neck afraid that he might let you fall but it only makes him let out a hum in satisfaction.
What you didn’t know is that the reason why they only never tormented you and only your boyfriend was because both boys had a soft spot for you, they have observed you since you started to date Wonbin, first thinking to themselves that you guys were just acquaintances or that he was courting you, oh the disappointment they felt once they found out you two were already in a relationship.
They wanted to take you away from him, he didn’t deserve you, they saw how he went out with other girls while still being with you, they saw how preoccupied you were when he arrived home late after meeting some whore; as the guys say; they have seen how you always get yourself so pretty, so dolled up for him when he was trash with you. Five dates that he had canceled on you, six dates that he came in late; some of those even three hours later than the time the two of you had agreed on; and one anniversary that he had forgotten, sure the two of you have only being together for one year and three months but your first year anniversary was something that you were looking forward too, ooh how tempted Sunghoon and Heeseung where to go to you and show you how a real man treats a woman like you.
So when Heeseung saw you, all dolled up, at the door in their place, he thought he was dreaming but he wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip away. They had to have you.
“I’m going to fuck you while standing up Y/N, I’m going to fuck you gooood”, you gasp in shock when says your name, it surprises you more that he made you even wetter with how he said it. Maybe you are some kind of pervert for liking this, but it’s impossible to not feel all hot when you have two men ducking you dumb after more than a year of disappointing sex, despite you finding yourself disappointed after having intimacy with your boyfriend, you couldn’t just leave him for that! It’s too cruel but if this is what you have been missing all this time, you are starting to regret it.
Heeseung lines up on your entrance before slowly pushing you down, the stretch and the position making your eyes go white as they roll back, “it’s- you- too big, no!”, but even with that comment, he continued to push himself inside of you, until you felt his balls against the curve of your bubble butt.
“Damn I fucking love how your pussy feels baby, so wet, so tight”, with how deep he is going inside you it makes you forget everything and the only thing coherent coming out of your lips are cries of his name and the words ‘yes!’ and ‘sir!’. You feel one of his hands coming up from your thighs to your lower tummy, pressing down he growls and tells you, “I can see the outline of my cock inside of you baby, so fucking good”.
You look down once he moves his hands and let out a cry when in one of his thrusts and can actually see his dick bulge in your tummy, being fuck to the point that you can’t even think before you let out with a voice that almost sounds like a purr, “Y-you can see how good you are fucking me s-sir”, looking back at your face he can’t help but moan at the look at your face, drool coming out of your mouth, mascara all over your cheeks with how much you have cry out of pleasure, your lips all swollen as a result of the two of them kissing you with such a intensity.
“Fuckkk, you are so pretty Y/N, letting us ruin you, you are now ours baby, never going to let you go” he mumbles against your neck, letting all types of bites and hickeys on it. “F-Fuck you are going to make sir cum baby, are you close too? Hmm?”
“Yes sir! L-Let me cum, please!”
“Go ahead baby, let’s cum together”
Bringing your lips together once more, he feels how your body shakes with how intense your orgasm was, moaning against his lips as the two of you make out in such a messy manner. He pulls out only after he felt that he already emptied all of his cum inside you, riding both of you out of your orgasms.
He sits down with you on top of him and even without realizing when the other male had left the room, he comes back, now wearing only sweatpants, he smiles at you when he noticed your eyes on him, coming close he grabs your face and lets down a sweet kiss on your lips, pulling apart he lets down a towel on your shoulder before you feel Heeseung’s hands in between your legs, but you turn down to see that he is cleaning you up with some wet wipes.
“You thirsty? Hungry? Need to go to the bathroom?”, your head is in spirals at the sudden change of treatment but can’t help but feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, all the attention they are giving you makes you feel shy, “Hm? Now you are getting shy of us?” “Hah! Look, even her ears are all red”.
“Stop… can I have some water please?” Sunghoon passes you a bottle, already opened up and it feels so refreshing once it goes down your throat, “Good girl, let’s take a bath and then order food, yeah?”.
Once again in Heeseung’s arms but this time bridal style, he takes you to the bathroom where he sits you down in a corner of the bathtub while he prepares it for all of you, you hear Sunghoon’s steps coming closer, you look up at him and he is staring down at you with a phone on his hand.
“Your boyfriend is calling.”
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luvyeni · 18 hours
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⸃ ⸰ ⌁ you're becoming such a drug to heeseung ヾ
BADBOY!이희승・ FEM!reader ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ g ・ smut ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ wc ・ ‎4.1k ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎| ‎ ‎click to library
𓂃 🎞️content warning. corruption kink , oral sex ( male & female receiving ) , smoking , unprotected sex
「 ୨୧ authors note 」 after many many many MANY requests , here's part two to the sinner and the sin ... 「 read part one here 」
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it was safe to say your parents weren't happy with your little escape — no upset wasn't the word to use; at some point you believed you parents were ready to send you an all girls boarding, you saw the pamphlets on the table; you almost ran away from home again that night.
they took away everything; not like you had much to begin with — but you did have the phone heeseung gave you, they didn't know about it so keeping it hidden was easy; at first , before the bedroom checks , then you resorted in hiding it in between your mattress and box spring.
seeing heeseung was even harder now , since your parents tracked your every move— his parents wouldn't even look at your parents , they were so ashamed of what they thought their son did; and your parents allowed them to believe such; they didn't want the church to find out and think differently of not only you but their parenting.
it was definitely a challenge, but you and heeseung made it work — it took a lot of sneaking around and you learning how to climb out of your bedroom window in ‘one of your cute little dresses’ heeseung liked to call them, just to make you blush.
you remembered the first time you snuck out of your bedroom window; it was after your sister caught heeseung in your room , and told your parents , which resulted in nightly check-ins. so there you were at 1 am in the morning , climbing out of your window , heeseung at the bottom “encouraging you” — more like looking up your dress as you trembled in fear. “baby you got this , just go slow.” he said, which made you scoff , a whimper following. “of course you want me to go slow , so you can see under my dress.”
that made him snicker; holding his arms up. “come on princess, you got this , just jump.” he said. “i'll catch you, i promise.” so you did, jumping off the roof , straight into his arms. “see , i caught you.” he whispered in your ear. “didn't i tell you i was going to.” he held you in his arms. “you sure your parents didn't catch you.” you nodded. “they're sleeping and my sister is sleeping over at a friend's house.” he held your cheek in his hands. “good , let's go!” he held you in his arms, running down the to his car. “heeseung slow down!” you shrieked , giggling as he lowered you on the hood of his car. “maybe we should just do it right here.”
you cheeks heated up at his straight forward and crude language. “we’re in public.” you bit your lip. “oh but princess , that's the best part.” he bit your cheek. “stop it.” you pushed him away, legs shivering from the cold. “im cold.” you said. “oh we definitely can't have that can we?” he helped you off the hood of the car , opening your door. “what a gentleman.” he tipped his head. “only for you.”
“so where are we going?” you asked once he got into the driver's seat. “somewhere safe don't worry.” his hands found your thigh. “just enjoy the ride like always.”
that night you didn't only learn how to jump off the roof of your house — you learned how to do something else , something that only heeseung could teach you. “do you like…” you started gaining the attention of your boyfriend. “like what baby?” the radio low , your window down so you don't inhale the smoke that he was smoking. “you know doing it with me?” you picked at your nails , the man in front of you. “you mean fucking you?”
“yo-you didn't have to say it like that.” he smirked, taking another puff. “that's what it's called, baby.” he said. “but he's , i love it so much , so fucking much that im risking your dad calling the sheriff every time im with you.” he said. “well i just feel like you do so much and i just lay there…” you frowned. “you lay there and take it like a good girl.” you blushed. “just how i want you to be , why are you asking me this?”
“well jake asked me something a few nights ago.” heeseung knew it was a bad idea to have jake pick up , but sunghoon was busy. “what did that dumbass say?” he said. “he asked had i gone down on you.” you said. “and i told him i didn't know what that meant.” you clutched his jacket around your arms. “he told me to ask you.” you looked at him with such confusion , he wanted to punch jake , but secretly buy him all the beer and weed the boy could ask for — because fuck he was waiting for you to ask him this. “so what does it mean?”
“it means when you take those sweet little lips you use to kiss me here.” he reached over , kissing your lips , you smiled as he pulled away , his eyes much darker. “and wrap them around my cock.” he smirked as you pulled away with wide eyes. “an-and that feels good?” he blew a puff of smoke , nodding. “the best feeling in the world , besides you know being inside you.” you slapped his arm , still a little sore from the recent tattoo he had gotten — a butterfly, your favorite. “don't say it like that.”
he laughed , you pouted. “baby you want to learn how to suck me off?” you gulped. “will you teach me?” he nodded , his already hard in his pants. “fuck of course i will baby.” he said. “as long as you don't go around using it for other dudes.” you gasped. “of course not.” you said. “never.” he smiled , throwing the butt of the cigarette out the window into a puddle. “good girl , you should only use anything i teach you for me only.”
you waited for his move. “pretty girl , let's move to back seat, don't want to hurt your pretty tummy.” you obey, quickly climbing in the back seat , flashing the boy. “fuck okay.” he followed behind you. “now you don't have to take all of it this time.” he said , lifting his hips up , pulling his pants down along with his underwear down. “i know it's probably a lot for you to take.” his cock standing tall , mushroom head red and leaking with pre-cum. “fuck you keep staring baby , you're drooling.” you looked at him with wide innocent eyes. “baby I'm gonna burst if you look at me like that.” he gave his cock a few tugs. “fu-fuck , you wanna learn how to please me princess?”
you nodded , your eyes trained on his cock , of course you've taken him before , but it was so much more intimidating knowing he was going into your mouth. “good girl , ready?” you whimpered. “wh-what do i do?’ he brought his free hand to your cheek , running his thumb across your bottom lip. “open up baby.” pushing his finger inside. “now suck.” he groaned , watching you suck his thumb , you've never sucked him off before , but if was anything like that he was sure he wasn't gonna last. “good fuckin girl , now all you have to do is do that to my cock.”
pulling his thumb out of your mouth. “touch it baby , with both hands.” your hands replacing his hand. “now.” he grabbed the back of your head. “follow my lead.” he lowered your head until you were face to face with his cock. “you look so pretty down there baby , open up that pretty mouth.” you obeyed , opening your mouth. “now wrap those sweet lips around the head of my cock.”
the moan he let out when he felt your velvety lips on his tip sent a shock wave of pleasure to your lower region. “suck it baby , like those lollipops you love so much.” groaning when you did exactly that. “oooh fuck , like that.” he hissed. “now try and take more inside.” he let you set the pace , slowly lowering yourself on his cock , he could already feel the back of your throat and he wasn't even fully inside you. “yeah , fuck , now move your head up and down.” he instructed. “don't use your teeth though , yeah good girl.”
his head thrown back in bliss as you got the hang of it , bobbing your head up and down on his length. “oh fuck you seriously haven't done this for anyone?” he was glad he was you first in anything , he could mold you into the perfect slut for him. “all this for me?” you moaned around his cock. “fuck you doing all this just to please me?” you tried to take more of him , only to gag , drooling around the base of his cock. “oh fuck baby , don't do that , gonna cum too soon.”
tears streaming down your face, his hand slowly guiding you. “fuck baby , gonna cum.” he groaned. “i need you to get off of you don't want me to cum down that tiny throat of yours.” you in fact didn't get off of him , you kept sucking him off. “sh-shit baby , you want to cum in your mouth , nasty girl , where's my innocent baby gone.” he hissed. “fuck im cumming.” you tried to take him but he was cumming too much , you pulled off of him with a pop! coughing and teary eyed. “you looks pretty.” he pushed the remnant of his cum off your lips into your mouth. “good girl , you took my cock like a pro.”
you smiled , lips swollen. “did you like it hee?” he tucked himself away , pulling you into his lap. “i fucking loved it baby.” he said. “i definitely can't let you go now.” he said. “can't let anyone know you have these skills , need to only be used for me okay?” you nodded. “okay.”
you looked at the clock. “i have to go back soon , my parents will wake up.” you frowned. “i don't know when the next time i’ll see you again.” he caressed your cheek. “we made a way tonight and before , we'll make a way again i promise.” he kissed you. “okay.” you said. “good girl , now lay down.” he said. “why?” you asked , he didn't say anything , just laying you down in the backseat. “did you really think i was gonna let you go like this , all dripping for me.” you whimpered out his name. “gonna eat then fuck this little pussy before sending you back home.”
safe to say you made it back home and back into your bedroom , and in bed right before your mother came in to check on you.
you pulled out your phone , a message for heeseung already waiting for you , to make you smile before you finally shut your eyes.
that was the last time you saw him; which was about 2 weeks ago , and it was killing you inside. “why are you so depressed?” you sat at the table, eating breakfast; it was sunday, church day. “your mother and father are ruining my life.” you picked at your food. “by not letting you hang around bad influences , sure we're ruining your life.” your mother said. “just be grateful we got you away from him before it was too late.” you rolled your eyes. “i can't wait until i move out of this hell hole.”
the drive to the church was boring and uneventful; that was until you pulled into the church house. “all we want is the best for you.” you dad said. “that lee boy is nothing but trouble , and will lead you down a dangerous path.” your father said. “whatever , im just counting down the days until im free.” you stepped out the car , making sure to slam the door to formally express your anger with your parents.
heeseung no longer came to church , his parents giving up on him , the church no longer welcoming him. “let's sit down.” your mother guided you to the front where you always sat , your parents greeting everyone else. “hey.” you heard a voice behind you , making you turn around. “jay?” you furrowed your eyebrows. “what are you doing here.” he pointed to your where your parents and his parents were talking. “you're not the only one that has to keep up with appearances.”
“have you talked to heeseung?” he asked. “only on the phone , i haven't been able to get out , my parents are really cracking down.” you frowned. “don't worry i got you.” he said. “what do you mean?” he smiled. “just follow my lead.” he sat down , your parents joining you soon after. “this is mrs. and mr. park.”
you bowed politely. “nice to meet you.” you smiled. “oh what a polite girl.” mrs. park complemented. “that is jay.” his mother pointed out. “mother we go to the same school.” he said. “i know who she is.” she chuckled. “i hope she is doing well in school.” your mother said. “she recently went through a rough patch a few weeks ago.” you rolled your eyes. “oh i heard it, so awful what that heeseung boy did to her , you must've been so scared.” you opened your mouth. “actually— we're just glad it's over , now she can focus on her studies.”
“speaking of studies, me and yn have a test coming up.” jay said , you turned to him. “we do?” he looked at you. “oh yeah , it was for history i think , super big test.” you never know how good you were at lying until you met heeseung; after that it seemed like that's all you were doing. “oh there's a nice cafe they can study at.” his mother said. “that's quite fine , just be home by midnight.” so quick to allow you to go with jay when she thought he was a nice church going kid…
you sat through the sermon , so ready for it to be over. “hey try and pay attention, you don't have that long.” jay whispered , you nodded , still unaware about what he was talking about.
soon the sermon was over; you stood up , stretching your stiff body. “yn.” jay came over to you. “you ready to go?” he held his hand out. “huh?” he looked at your parents who was talking to his parents once more. “you wanna go see your boyfriend right?” you smiled. “really?” he nodded, holding his hand out. “let's get you out of here.” he said , you grabbed his hand , making your way over to your parents. “well don't you two look adorable?” your mother said , you rolled your eyes. “we're gonna go now.” your parents nodding. “midnight yn.”
jay let your hand go as soon as you were out of your parents eyesight. “don't tell heeseung , he'll kill me.” he said, opening his car door for you. “where are we going?” you asked. “well my parents are home , so i can't have you two there , luckily sunghoons parents aren't home , his house is just as nice.” he got into the driver's seat. “it's only a few minutes away , your boyfriend is already there , he stays there when my parents are home and his parents are up his ass again.”
the ride to sunghoons was quiet , and short , but your hand shook with anticipation; it was only two weeks , but it felt like eternity to you. “we're here.” jay said. “that was fast.” he nodded, turning the car off. “you know , he really cares about you.” he said. “really?” you blushed. “i’ve never seen him climb into a window for a girl before.” you smiled , getting out of the car. “i really like him.” you said. “yeah i kinda figured that when you ran away from church , we've been going to the same school for years and i've never seen you do something even remotely as bold.” he said opening the door. “go ahead , they're all in there.”
“jay is on his way over.” heeseung sat slumped in his chair. “he had to do something with his parents.” heeseung looked at his phone. “bro she's probably in church , it is sunday.” jake said. “it's been two weeks since i saw her , her fucking parents are so strict.” he hissed. “i can't even see her in class , because her fucking friends keeping her away.” heeseung felt like he was losing his mind , he never felt this way before about someone — it was almost painful that he wasn't near you , you were his new drug and he was going through withdrawals.
“jesus i've never seen you so down bro , give it time , you'll see her real soon.” the door opening. “that must be jay now.” sunghoon said. “we're in here jay.” heeseung looked down at his phone. “oh isn't this a nice surprise?” heeseung looked up , swearing his eyes were deceiving him. “yn?”
you smiled seeing the boys face after two weeks. “heeseung.” he stood up from his chair , running over to you. “oh my god , you're here.” he hugged you. “jay helped me.” you said , heeseung gave the boy a handshake. “thanks bro.” jay nodded. “i have to get her home by midnight.” heeseung was squeezing yours. “that should be enough time to do whatever you want.” before jay could even heeseung was dragging you up the steps. “hey modern day romeo and juliet, the room to the left , please don't use my parents bedroom to fuck.” he yelled. “don't use mines either!” you giggled as heeseung dragged you up the steps. “heeseung slow down.”
he turned , grabbing the sides of your face , kissing you. “i missed you so much.” he said in between kisses. “fuck two weeks is too fucking long without seeing you.” he said. “never gonna let that shit happen again.” he was kicking the bedroom open , pulling you inside. “i-i missed you too.” you stuttered , he sat down on the bed , you standing in between them. “it was so hard not seeing you.” he smirked. “yeah baby , how hard?” you chewed your bottom lip. “come on, pretty talk to me , let me hear that voice.”
“so hard.” you sat down in his lap , wrapped your arms around your waist. “yeah?” he kissed your neck. “he-hee.” you moaned. “you missed me that much baby?” he sighed , his tattooed hand coming up to your boob, squeezing. “you're moaning so prettily for me , i barely even touched you precious.” he chuckled in your ear. “you've been waiting for the next time i fucked you?”
“ye-yes please.” you whimpered, subconsciously grinding against him. “oh fu-fuck baby , lay down.” he said. “need to taste you before i fuck you.” you climbed on the bed , eyes doe like and blown out as he hovered above you. “so cute baby , your little innocent eyes , i know you're not that innocent anymore.” he kissed your neck. “my little sinner aren't you?”
his hands lifting up your dress , revealing your panties. “so pretty baby.” he smiled. “so ready to be eaten , i bet you're real sweet for me.” he spread your legs. “it's so messy in between here baby , just a few touches got you so wet for me.” he pulled your panties down , laying on his stomach. “such a pretty pussy baby.” you gasp feeling his lips on your thighs. “you smell so nice.” your clit swollen. “pl-please heeseung.”
you moaned , feeling him licking up your folds. “so sweet , like candy.” he groaned , pressing his face against your mound , eating you like he had been starving. “oh my god , heeseung please!” you gasped , pulling at his locks. “fe-feels so good.” you moaned , his thumb coming up to your clit , rubbing the neglected bud. “so good baby , so fucking good.” you grinded against his face. “keep doing that baby.” his voice muffled. “keep fucking my face , make yourself cum.”
you gasped , yanking his hair as tight as you could , your legs closed around his head as you came. “oh my god!” he didn't even care about the lack of oxygen , just getting you to your climax. “oh fuck.” he pulled away breathlessly , giving your clit little kisses , watching you twitch. “good girl , good girl cumming so well for me.” he kissed the inside of your thighs. “fuck baby , im so hard right now.”
“bet you that pretty pussy missed me didn't it?” he freed himself from his pants , his cock in need to be touched. “thought about fucking you for two weeks.” he groaned , stroking his cock. “jerking off to the thought of your tiny little cunt wrapped around my cock just isn’t enough.” he pressed his tip against your hole. “need to feel it.” you moaned as he slowly slid himself inside you , both of you moaning. “fuck that's it baby , swallowing my cock like a good girl.”
he pulled out , his tip nestled inside you. “take it all for me.” he slammed back inside you. “hee!” you shrieked , clutching his arm as he began to pound into you. “fuck precious , tiny cunt is so good.” he grunted. “hee-heeseung you're so big.” you moaned out loudly , your hands lifting up his shirt , his toned stomach on display. “yeah baby? you can take it right , you always take my cock so well.”
it felt like he was consuming your every being , his scent sticking to you. “oh baby gonna take of you baby.” he groaned. “gonna take you away from here.” he whispered in your ear. “would you like that?” he said. “leaving this stupid city and going somewhere just me and you?” your brain fuzzy , you nodded to whatever he was saying. “pl-please heeseung , take me away from here.” you moaned. “please.”
his thrust became faster , his hair covering his face , sweat dripping from his body. “not much longer , fuck.” he cursed. “just after graduation,” he said. “gonna give you a good life.” he hit the spot inside you that had you seeing stars. “heeseung I'm gonna cum.” you screamed. “cum for me precious , cum all over my cock.” he howled out. “fucking cum.”
your back arched off the bed as you came. “oh my god!” you shrieked. “fuck baby im cumming!” he moaned. “gonna cum.” he thrusted a few more times. “shit!” he pulled out of you , just as he was cumming. “fuck we made such a mess.” he moaned , his white sticky substance , covering your cunt. “fuck this is what falling in love is…” you giggled. “is it?” he leaned in kissing you. “yeah it is.”
you guys spent those sacred few hours in bliss , holding each other , your fingers tracing his tattoos , all alone in your own world — until you had to once again face the inevitable , even then heeseung couldn't let you go. “once you graduate im gonna follow behind you.” he said. “or you could graduate with me.” jay laughed in the front seat. “it's a little too late for that , i have some money saved up , just for a place , i can get a job.” he said , you smiled. “you really thought about this?”
“since the day i saw your little pink bra at the church that day.” you slapped his chest. “stop bringing that up.” you smiled. “i love your plan.” of course it had a lot of kinks and needed a lot of work , but it was a plan. “of course it needs work , but we have time for that , just worry your pretty head about other things.” he said. “with what?” he smirked. “church.”
as you approached your house , he hid in the back seat so your mother wouldn't see him , you giggled. “you look ridiculous hee.” he smiled , you got out of the car , waving goodbye to jay. “bye heeseung.” you couldn't help but laugh at the man crouched down below , blowing him a kiss.
“my precious girl…”
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©LUVYENI translations to other sites prohibited, reblogs are appreciated but not forced !
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fuji-sen · 2 days
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 5: Burning Pinecones
[ part 4.5 ] || [ masterlist ] || [ part 6 ]
divider is made by @/saradika-graphics
warnings: the usual violence/blood for sagau fics.
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"Traveller, would you like to accept a personal quest from me?"
Aether stared dubiously at the man in front of him, which the Cavalry captain noticed "Come on, aren't we friends?" The blond and Paimon stared at him incredulously, then the two travelling partners stared at each other, engaging in a mental conversation.
'Do they not trust me that much?' Kaeya felt a bit hurt but brushed it off when the duo turned to him once more. "You're not going to ask us to hunt down this 'imposter' are you?"
It was the blue haired man's turn to stare at them flabbergasted "My, you think so little of me. Haven't you heard the saying Innocent until proven guilty?" "We know that!" Paimon huffed "it's just. . you're still in the knights of Favonius, We're surprised you haven't gone all. ."
"Murderous" Aether offered.
"Yeah! It's a surprised you aren't as murderous as Jean and Lisa were with this lookalike." Paimon pointed out. "That's fair, but I would prefer knowing all the details before acting."
Aether sighed, "all right, then I'm guessing you want us to track down the lookalike and gather information to help decide whether they are the imposter or not. . right?"
"Astute as ever dear Traveler" Kaeya clapped with a Cheshire like grin. "Why can't you do it though?" The traveler questioned "You're more familiar with the region as a resident of Mondstadt."
"Be that as it may, I am a member of the Knights. I expect Jean will be ordering all of us in a mandatory man-hunt for the 'Imposter.' You two on the other hand have a chance of not partaking in it in the guise of already being on a separate quest."
Aether and Paimon frowned, "are they really set on killing them?" He asked, he did not like this, he did not like how they were acting. Upon first meeting them, they seemed reliable and level-headed, now they seemed like. .
"Faith does a lot of things to a person traveler, Paimon. You will find that once word spreads across Teyvat that person will no know peace, even if they end up really being the Creator. So hopefully you find them first."
Golden eyes stared into periwinkle eyes. "Should I warn them about everything?"
Kaeya combed his locks "I'll leave that decision to your judgement in character. I should go now, I have a feeling that Jean will have someone call for me soon."
"Then me and Paimon will head out now, but. . have you any idea where they might be?"
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Thanks to the effort of the Samuchurl and the other hilichurls you had recovered quickly. All though the scars remained littering your body, still the pain that lingered was gone, you were no longer bothered by the lingering effects of electro from Lisa's attacks.
Your stomach was no longer empty and you were no longer in tattered clothes. The Pajamas although salvaged was now in a rucksack, you debated on whether throwing it away but seeing as it is your last memento of a life so far away from your grasps. . you decided to keep it in the end.
Now however, what draped your body was clothes that you could only describe as traditional or ethic, the type of clothes you'd see hilichurls wear. Luckily it fitted you and covered you properly considering hilichurl clothings usually cover the lower half of the body if you compared it to the in-game models. It reminded you of Claude's first attire in 'who made me a princess'*.
However the Hilichurls did not wear shoes so you had were still going to be walking barefoot. Dvalin or rather in the current timeline, Stormterror, had not returned to the area, you assumed he would be with the abyss mages or terrorizing mondstadt so you weren't scared for your safety (not like Dvalin would ever hurt you but you don't know that-) and you could stay with the hilichurls and your pyro buddy who were the best company right now!
Still. . you can't help but let your eyes linger away from the hilichurl camp. Despite the trauma that would no doubt haunt you for a long time, you still wanted to just. . explore Teyvat and everything it had to offer, well except for the people, you wanted to try the cuisine, wear there clothes and if it seemed like you'd be stuck here till you die. . maybe open up a shop or find a permanent home.
Inazuma would be nice as it would be based on Japan, but Liyue's culture also caught your eye. . but then Mondstadt's scenery, Fontaine's architecture and fashion. . .
"So while the hilichurls were busy you decided to take a walk, of course, some inkling inside you knew to avoid any humans and since your choices were either the brightcrown canyon teeming with enemy mobs or go south and find your way to dawn winery and then wolvendom. .
Brightcrown canyon was your choice of course.
"What-" you stare at the pyro slime that was angrily bouncing in front of you, as if stopping your escape. "I'm just going to take a walk."
It's stare was unnerving, clearly not wanting you to go anywhere else but the hilichurl camp. "I'm not going near any mondstadters if that helps my case!"
It stopped, blinking and then began happily prancing around you in circles.
You chuckled at the cute pyro slime as you scoped him in your hands, you didn't question how you weren't harmed by its flames, you were afraid to know what that means for you after all. Would that be considered proof of being an imposter?
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"Okay so last that anybody has heard of this creator lookalike, is that they fell off the cliff behind the headquarters of the knights and landed in Cider Lake" Paimon repeated as she and Aether were just outside of the city, across the bridge and in front of a fork in the road.
The left road would lead back to the whispering woods then to the lake, then the beach where they came from when Aether first came to Mondstadt. The middle one would lead to Wind rise and farther off would be cape oath. Then the path that led to the right of them would lead to a small village named Springvale, then to dawn winery and Wolvendom and the farthest place there would be Stormterror's lair.
They stared at the map that Kaeya had kindly given them, marked with numerous locations that were well known in Mondstadt. "Okay then what happened after is that Stormterror came during the commotion which led to a chance for the person to escape. . then when they fell into the lake, followed by soldiers trying to catch them. . Stormterror took a sip or rather bite out of the lake and ate the people there?"
Aether continued with a distraught looking expression as he tried to imagine it, well he didn't have to imagine it for long because due to a commotion near the lakeside he turned, finding Amber and a few knights pulling a net which contained fish, clothes and . . dismembered limbs.
Paimon paled, floating behind him as she covered her eyes.
Despite the nauseating feeling he approached to inquire about the bodies, it would be bad if the creator lookalike had been eaten by Stormterror. "Oh Traveler come here!" Amber waved over as he gulped but nonetheless reluctantly got closer. The smell of iron filled their noses, nauseating them.
"A-are you finding the 'lookalike' I heard they fell into the lake?" Aether offered, trying to ignore the close up looks of the bodies in his peripheral vision. "Yes, we are looking for the 'imposter' we need to make sure they're dead." The outrider corrected, with a disturbing look the travelling duo could not quite place for a lack of better terms.
The blond haired boy scrutinized the outrider in front of him, sure they had a rough first meeting when Amber was very suspicious of him but he got past that because she was doing her job, this however. . hunting down a person just because of the face they were born with, was this her job as well as an outrider? as a knight of Favonius? This was not the person he respected, and that made it all the more disappointing.
This entire situation flabbergasted him, perhaps it was because he was not of this world but. . was it common sense to hunt someone down and kill them on sight for having the face of a God? would there be no trial? no interrogation or due process? He understood the appeal to devote ones self to the Creator, for he felt their lingering warmth and love even from an inanimate statue in their image.
He also understood that there was a prophecy of an imitator, a devil disguising themselves as the creator and being a sign of chaos, and sure Mondstadt was in a chaotic state but what if the prophecy wasn't real? prophecies weren't exactly reliable anyways and was it worth risking the chance of harming and offending their Creator if that person wasn't an imposter??
"What got you so quiet?" Amber noticed as the boy flinched, "nothing, it's just the smell is bothering me."
"Oh- that's fair, Sorry for making you come closer I should have approached you instead" she at least had the nerve to be sheepish about it "This is the first time Stormterror killed someone. Mostly they have been causing disturbances with the storms and some injuries here and there, but this would be the first recorded casualties."
"Does that mean, Stormterror's gotten ticked off by something?"
"Probably, it's probably because of the Imposter" the brown haired girl's lips had thinned considerably "I guess Stormterror has a bit more common sense to attack the Imposter as well. That's nice at least, if only he had finished the job."
Aether forced himself to laugh awkwardly, "well, I uh see. . anyways I need to go. I have a quest to fulfill."
Not really noticing his behavior, Amber offered something with a smile "Oh where are you headed? I'll be going on a search and exterminate party with a small group of knights maybe we could join together and help each other."
"Maybe some other time-" Paimon finally spoke, cutting Aether off "Sure! Where are you headed?" Amber who brushed off what Aether was originally going to say "We're going to comb the areas around the lake, if Stormterror didn't managed to kill the imposter then it's likely that they were able to swim to the shores."
"Wait-" Paimon quickly elbowed her friend before turning to Amber "then uhh, we'll pick the farthest one, it's more important that we find the Imposter after all, right Aether?"
"I- oh yeah, I guess." he quickly said after realizing why Paimon was agreeing to the suggestion.
Paimon's eyebrows had ticked in annoyance at the subpar acting Aether possessed. Honestly, could he not be so obviously weird about the imposter-lookalike situation!
Amber meanwhile smiled "That's great!" she was none the wiser "It's nice to see you prioritizing the more important things in life!"
She unrolled the map as she let them take their first pick, Paimon and Aether glanced at each other, wondering which place should they take.
Their outrider friend(?) was called away by a knight so they spoke in hush whispers. "where do you think they'd go. ." aether hummed as paimon whacked him in the head, "hey!" he hissed "what was that for!"
"For you terrible acting, could you be anymore obvious?? You know we have to find them first!" Paimon complained tugging at his ear, "right look sorry!" he swatter her much smaller hand away "but we have to choose now."
Paimon bit her lip "but what if we picked the wrong location and Amber and the others find her first. ." The traveler sighed "It's a risk we have to take, hopefully. . her luck doesn't run out."
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"I need some herbs and spices, oh and some more sweet flowers and berries. . It'd be nice if I could catch some meat too." You absentmindedly said, as your pyro slime friend stared at you curiously, you love food after all so it's not entirely weird to be collecting ingredients.
The rucksack on your shoulder was already filled with mint, mushrooms, matsutakes, pinecones, sweet flowers and a few carrots. It was getting fairly heavy but still, you were excited to begin cooking with the ingredients and food that Teyvat had to offer. Would the mushrooms taste even slightly different from the ones in real life? is sweet flower sugar a better type of sugar than the one in real life as well? what about pinecones? how do they taste? she actually tried biting it but it wasn't any good, since the description of the item in-game was about having oil-rich seeds you assume it was either a substitute for cooking oil or the seeds are actually eaten or could add a taste to the few recipes that used them in the game like the hash browns.
"Want one?" you offered an apple to the pyro slime who shook in your hold, "so that's a no. Do you prefer sticks and coal? or what about pine cones?"
The pyro elemental being stared at the pinecone you handed him, and proceeded to eat it, simply by burning it inside of him. "Oh. ."
Luckily he seemed to like it enough when he jiggled like a happy jello. "We really need a name for you!**" you smile, petting him. There was a couple that went to your mind however before you could decide you stop by the coast or shores of the lake, you could see Mondstadt in the distance where the city was under dark gloomy skies.
'serves them right'
your eyes widened, surprised at your own bitter thoughts, one part of you loathed the city that traumatized you and rejected you but a part of you couldn't help but think of the poor people. .
"it's going to be okay, the traveler will save Dvalin and everything will be fine."
You basked in the sounds of the water and the chirping of the birds, as the smell of burning pine cones and freshwater filled your nostrils. You felt a sense of calm despite seeing the city under a blanket of darkness, from the looming dark clouds above it.
*snap!* body freezing up as you hear footsteps and the shaking of bushes. Your pyro slime friend jumped out of your hands, wiggling threateningly at the direction of the noise.
Turning slightly, you see two people getting out of the bushes. A boy with long blond hair, braided neatly and another, much smaller, floating near the other with silver hair.
Aether and Paimon. .
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*this is claude, of course the clothes are not that open so your chest is covered (tho depending on you there may be a side-boob view (based on the shirt cut meme)) ** I will be posting a poll for the pyro slime's name, you are free to recommend names here, and if a name has been chosen, the person who gave the idea can request for a special chapter from this series (that can happen canonically, or not, or in a diff region.) however if a name I have suggested for has been chosen then I'll give a list of ideas for special chapters you can vote on that will be written.
Current compiled suggestions: Fuji_Sen has suggested! Lava Cake or "Java" based on the food / coffee" Fuji_Sen has suggested! Monsieur Creme Brulee or "Creme" based on the food. @Fantasyhopperhea has suggested! Soleil or "Sol" @Cactus4226 has suggested! Ruru (Py-ro, ro -> ru -> ruru)
taglist: @fantasyhopperhea @rhoswen-drake @cchiiwinkle @aman3kkun @coffee-or-hot-cocoa
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exceeded caution part 2
first time for everything
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series masterlist
a/n: heyy y’all!! so this is part 2 of exceeded caution. a lot of it follows the actual movie because i needed set-up for ghostface. there’s still a lot of interaction between the reader + sam & tara but some of it is from the first 30 minutes of scream vi essentially.
warnings: violence (gun usage, knife usage), cursing. he/him pronouns for ghostface.
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a few days ago, sam was nowhere near the forefront of your mind. you had stayed with the group as they navigated their way through accepting that ghostface might be back.
you hadn't spoken to tara much, you felt like you wouldn't be any help to her. she didn't need her ex-girlfriend that she only dated out of convenience around her constantly.
instead, the other carpenter sister started to find solace in your presence.
you found yourself over quite a bit, you noticed that they valued strength in numbers. you even all set a rotation between the group for who would cook that week.
during your week to cook, sam insisted on joining you when grocery shopping. as you promised her that she wouldn't be alone, she mentally promised you the same thing.
"it's just a simple beef stroganoff recipe, sam. you really don't have to come." you smiled sheepishly as you pulled up outside her apartment, she was hopping into your passenger seat.
"ghostface won't let a grocery store stop him from taking lives." sam was firm in her words, you sighed in defeat and drove off towards the shops that were only a couple minutes away from her place. you wanted her to feel safe still.
she pushed the cart while you took ingredients off the shelves, mumbling to yourself as you chucked them in the cart.
"tara used to say your food was amazing. where did you learn to cook?" she asked you, you looked away from your list to smile at her.
"my mom, she's amazing at cooking. she gave up her career to support my dad and become a fulltime housewife." you explained. "i used to help her cook all the time."
"that's pretty cool. i find myself never having the time for new foods. i should probably get on that."
"i can teach you some. or make some for you, i like cooking for people." you shrugged, taking another ingredient off the shelves.
sam would normally decline if you were anyone else, but she felt the urge to accept.
"sure. that would be nice." she nodded at you.
sam had enjoyed you being around more often and getting to know you outside of tara. she even found herself calling you a friend.
or rather, she tried to keep it at friend. she was trying to hide the fact that she felt a pull to you, she didn't know how to explain it. although, one thing was sure, there was an element of guilt to it.
she wasn’t the only one feeling guilty. you felt almost dirty with how much you thought of sam. because of the frequency of your contact, you found yourself wanting to see her more.
was this against some form of girl code that you shouldn’t want to hang out with your ex’s sister?
“um… how are you?” she could see that you were nervous to ask her that. “i know you probably get asked that all the time but i never ask… and i want to know.”
“that’s fine. i figured you would get curious. you always seem to be.” sam commented.
“is curiosity bad?” you teased a little, noting her phrasing.
“no! not at all.” she perked up, shaking her head.
“don’t worry sam, i’m joking.” you realised that the carpenter sisters weren’t used to bantering with someone they weren’t extremely close to— or someone they didn’t love.
“right.” she bit her lip. “but no? it’s not bad at all.” she chuckled. “but i’m… not okay?”
you nodded, respecting her answer and silently thanking her for being honest.
“i hoped that we would escape this when we moved. and i’ve been doing everything to protect tara but it didn’t end for sidney prescott— so i assume that it won’t end for us.” she scratched her brow, the stress getting to her. “i’m sorry you got involved.”
“it’s okay, sam. i knew what i was getting into when i dated tara.” you nodded. “if it happened again, i already knew i’d stick around.”
“that’s admirable.”
you felt your heart clench a little when she said that. nobody had ever told you that your desire to stick around was admirable. you always got “clingy” or “overbearing.” that was the first time you’d ever gotten a compliment on it.
“oh! um… thank you.” you stuttered out, a blush flooding your cheeks. you knew that sam meant it too, she wasn’t just saying it to make you feel better. she was genuinely saying it.
“it’s true.” it was.
you tried to push your flustered down into the depths of your mind as you struggled to reach the top shelf with the last of your ingredients. you were definitely taller than tara— everyone was. but not tall enough to face this eight layered shelf.
sam was.
sam was taller. and she made that perfectly clear when she basically pressed up behind you to grab this damn dijon mustard for you.
oh no… oh no… you had to stop those thoughts. you had turned around too quickly, basically coming chest to chest with the girl. she didn’t seem to mind— and you refused to mind.
you had never been this close to her before. your eyes trailed over all her features, taking them in. she looked just like tara… maybe that’s whats got your heart beating at the speed of light.
but she wasn’t tara. no, she was sam. and you found that to be what sealed the deal for you.
you found her pretty.
you remained silent as you finished off the last of the ingredient collection. you walked over to the self check-out, scanning the items as the blush continued to make its presence known as sam hovered.
you shuffled some things around in your pocket to try and find your card but before you knew it, sam was paying for your groceries.
“what—“ you tried to protest but the transaction had gone through already.
sam didn’t know what overcame her.
it was her way of taking care of you.
it was even her way of apologising to you.
"sam, you didn't have to do that." you shook your head at her.
"my treat, i didn't get to cook for everyone so this is my way of contributing." she shook you off. you knew that was a lie because mindy sent you a photo of meals you missed, one being sam's.
there was no undoing it now. you sighed and reached for the bags, but sam was one step ahead of you, grabbing them and walking out of the store.
you wished you could wash the blush off with soap.
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when you arrived for dinner with your groceries. everyone was already at the carpenter’s apartment. they were spread out across the entire floor, conversing with each other.
you got to cooking almost immediately, knowing that everyone had potentially been there for a while. sam left your side to talk to quinn.
you kept feeling eyes on you.
the shorter carpenter sister was talking to mindy when she felt her attention turn away from her and onto you. she watched you cook, she actually always loved your cooking.
she loved when you would make a dinner catered just to her. she actually missed how lively the kitchen used to be when you were in it. you were even dancing around now, your headphones tucked over your ear.
she smiled a little at how you shook your waist to the music. everyone knew not to bother you so you could get it done quicker.
but tara wanted to bother you. she wanted to approach you and say something, anything to break the silence.
you were friends before everything went down. she thought that maybe she could at least salvage that, that would be her way to redemption.
mindy kept talking and talking before cutting herself off suddenly, realising that tara was no longer paying attention.
“tara, don’t.” mindy said, disappointment clear in her tone. “this is something you need to give time to.”
“there’s been a lot of time.” tara muttered, glaring at mindy.
“you can’t just break her heart and expect her to let you back in so quickly.” mindy held her shoulder back.
“i know it won’t be quick, but i have to try.” tara said through her teeth, pulling her shoulder out of mindy’s grasp and starting to make her way towards you.
tara stopped on her heels when she saw her sister already take your attention. she thought that she’d better not interrupt you.
“whatcha listening to?” sam asked you, her arms crossed over her chest.
you pulled your headphones back a little.
“sloppy jane.” you said.
“sloppy jane? what kind of name is that?!” sam laughed.
“she’s cool! i promise!” you raised your hands up in defense. you took your headphones off your head, you gently placed them on sam. your hands nicking strands of her long hair before you pulled them away.
she held eye contact with her as her head bobbed to the music, you matched the bobbing, knowing which part of the song she was on.
a smile formed on her face while you two were in sync. your eyes started to crinkle up with a smile as your hair started getting in your face when you headbanged. she joined you until the kitchen was filled with laughter.
“okay… okay. i see it now. she has a good sound.” sam agreed with you, placing the headphones back on you but leaving an ear open.
“thank you.” you chuckled, moving the beef strips into the bowl you intended to serve it in.
“this smells soooo good.” sam practically moaned out, you laughed at the noise she made.
“well, you’re gonna have to wait like everyone else!” you teased.
she groaned and rolled her eyes. you liked seeing her loosen up a bit more, you were grateful she was getting more comfortable around you.
as you two laughed, tara stared on.
she remembered when she was in sam’s place. she even felt herself grow jealous at her sister. why did she ever think that what she was doing to you was okay? your heart was gold and tara thought she had turned it dark— she realised your golden heart’s integrity never faltered. you were still just as good.
she was cruel and she broke your heart. she didn’t think she would regret it— until she suddenly felt all that guilt wash over her. was she regretting it?
you enlisted sam to help you bring all your dishes to the table.
“beef stroganoff, pasta, and rice. choose your carb to go with it and enjoy!” you presented your meal to the group.
everyone admired your work and sat down at the table. you ended up sitting beside mindy who talked your ear off about some pottery class that she and anika took.
you glanced over at sam first, her eyes meeting yours during her conversation with ethan. you two exchanged heartfelt smiles, you had a good day because of each other.
then you looked at tara, who was already looking at you. her first serving was practically gone. you knew that she loved one thing about you, and it was your cooking. she held a sadness behind those eyes, you saw into it, but you had your doubts that it was sadness.
when you noticed her plate, you felt yourself flash her a smile too. she returned it, it was shy but still genuine. her plate was cleaned up just seconds after everyone served themselves.
crumbs of you, tara would take. she cherished that smile you gave to her, even if it was forced or accidental. it filled her brain.
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washing up had to be done, you wanted do it yourself, saying how you were on a roll from cooking that you wanted to do the cleaning too.
sam was about to speak up but suddenly, tara found her voice.
“i’ll help!” she said, chirping up. everyone looked at her with confusion. they didn’t expect that she would do that for you.
“oh… okay!” you said, making your way over to the kitchen.
you scrubbed the plates and handed them to her to dry. it was a good system that worked.
“you did well with dinner today. your cooking is always good.” tara smiled at you.
“thank you, tara. i appreciate it.” your lips pressed into a thin line.
“i just wanted to say that.” she put the plates onto the drying rack. “we haven’t spoken in a while.”
“i know. i just wanted to give you space. i felt like i wasn’t much help to you ever. and i felt like i wouldn’t be much help now.” you confessed. “but i want to stick around, i would be a pretty shit person if i didn’t.”
she felt horrible that you thought that you wouldn’t be help. in fact, there were some nights that tara found herself longing for you.
“we were friends before this, do you think we’d be able to get back to that?” she asked, searching your face for hope. but all she saw was doubt.
“maybe, tara.” you turned to her, handing her the last of the dishes. you saw the dejected look on her face and sighed. you wanted to go back to that too, you missed the tara that was a good friend to you. “but we can try.”
tara’s face lit up, a bit of shock also hidden between the lines. “okay! yeah… let’s try.” she put the dish away and held her hand out, you chuckled but you shook it.
what you failed to see was your maybe friend’s sister staring at you both from the living room, her jaw tightened as tara touched you.
sam zoned back into the conversation, realising that the show they were watching was long gone and replaced by the news again.
there was another death.
sam erupted in her anger, suddenly storming into the kitchen, grabbing the sharpest knife that she owned.
you had no idea what just happened, tara followed her sister back to the living room, the commotion having everyone sit up.
“sam! slow down!” tara yelled after her sister, you joined them after putting the dishes away. “can we please think about this before you decide to abandon my college education?!”
you couldn’t blame sam for wanting to leave. this was something that she just wanted to escape. as much as you would be upset, you would understand. you’d help, even.
you would help them pack up if it meant they were away from everything. you were prepared to never speak of the carpenter sisters again, in hopes that they would never have to go through this again.
“this can’t just be a coincidence, tara!” sam yelled back at her. today was the day where you saw the genetic stubbornness displayed by the carpenter sisters.
“quinn, can you please call your dad?!” tara asked their roommate, quinn immediately nodded. you could tell she didn’t want to get yelled at by sam but it was a reasonable point of action.
everyone flinched. you didn’t. it was just a phone ringing to you, but to everyone else, it was so much more.
sam’s phone blared on the table, she walked over only to see that it was gale weathers, she declined the call without a doubt.
you watched as quinn travelled across the room, telling sam that her father wanted to speak to her. you heard the muffled voice of mr. bailey from where you were standing.
“okay, thank you. i’ll be right there.” sam hung up. “he wants me down at the station.”
“i’ll drive you.” you said, grabbing your keys. “i live close to the station.”
“you shouldn’t have to—“ you cut sam off.
“no. i will. no man left behind, remember?” you said, firm in your decision. sam sighed but nodded.
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you, sam, and tara made it out the door and started to walk to your car.
suddenly, sam’s phone rang again. the two girls stopped when they saw the name displayed on the screen.
richie kirsch.
richie? you recognized that name. you huddled closer to the sisters, closing your eyes to rack your memory for where you knew that name.
no. wait.
it couldn’t be. he was dead, wasn’t he?
“don’t pick that up.” tara said, looking up at sam.
sam hesitated, but it could be important. these calls were life or death for them. she picked up.
you looked at your surroundings. you suddenly felt so exposed, like anything could happen to you now that you weren’t in the comforts of your own home— or anyone’s home.
“who is this?” sam asked into the phone. you couldn’t hear the responses, only sam’s facial expressions changing as time went on.
her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes changed. you saw woodsboro glaze her pupils, you knew she was thinking back to her life before the city. everything was resurfacing.
“i want you to think long and hard about whether or not you wanna do this because the last two people that fucked with us ended up dead.” she said, planting her feet down with determination.
your eyes started to tear away from sam, not absorbing the conversation.
bad gut feeling.
you had to stop ignoring those.
“you better watch your back, asshole.” sam said.
and tara yelled.
a cloaked figure sporting a ghostface mask suddenly grabbed tara, you sprung into action. tara elbowed the figure and you shoved him into the bike rack.
“go!” you said, running just behind the two sisters.
“there!” sam redirected you into a little corner store. you stood with your front to the door while the girls yelled at the cashier to help them, starting a fight with someone in line.
suddenly ghostface walked in.
you backed up into sam, pushing her backwards a little bit while one of the customers stood tall in front of the infamous killer.
you watched as ghostface drove their knife into the man, multiple times.
you gasped, your hand flying to your mouth. you had never seen anyone get killed before. you thought ghostface had specific targets, this wasn’t just an ordinary killer, this killer wasn’t afraid to take any life that stood in his way.
you turned around and the three of you flooded into the back of the store as the clerk wielded his gun.
when the first gunshot rang, sam’s arm flew to cover you as chips flew everywhere. tara was crouched just beside the two of you.
suddenly, there was a second gunshot. but only after you heard the clerk start begging for his life.
you tried to stay quiet, you didn’t realise where parts of your body were. you had a hand on sam’s abdomen, bunching her shirt into your fist. you were terrified, you had never gone through this before. you couldn’t imagine what sam & tara were feeling.
you couldn’t move— or else he would know where you were.
the corner store was quiet, it was like a cruel game of cat and mouse. you heard crunching as the sound of boots got closer to you.
all three of you rounded the corner to avoid detection. sam hid behind a freezer while you and tara hid behind the shelving. you saw sam’s eyes flicker to a can on the ground and you knew what she was trying to say.
carefully, you reached out and picked the can off the floor. it was disgusting and sticky. was this what they had to result to when defending themselves? putting themselves in disgusting situations? you felt twisted picturing them going through this once— now twice.
you threw the can across the corner store, hearing boots walk in the other direction. it was a successful distraction. the three of you started crawling towards the exit.
when you heard the boots stop moving again, you paused. sam leaned forward, you could tell that she could see a lot clearer than you. she slowly inched towards the shelving, then she suddenly shoved it with her shoulder, knocking it down.
god, she was strong.
had she been training herself to get stronger? in case this happened again?
the three of you hauled ass to the exit, being met with cop cars and their sirens.
the three of you were escorted into the cars. the sisters rode in one while you went in the other. you fidgeted with your fingers. then it was daunting on you.
baby’s first ghostface attack.
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you sat in an interrogation room at the precinct. the walls were closing in on you.
you had been close to death before. you remember when you and your parents got into that gnarly car accident that had you coming out with several broken bones and whiplash. you cradled your arm, feeling the after-effects of the worst injury you sustained.
but this wasn't a car t-boning yours. this was a killer.
and you felt like death was kissing your cheek.
you didn't know where sam and tara were, you assumed a different interrogation room. you were waiting for ages, you thought that maybe someone was attending to them first.
you sat in silence for about ten more minutes, trying to decompress the situation.
the lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing detective bailey. you had met quinn's dad in passing, never really speaking to him.
"mr. bailey. how are you?" you asked him, sitting up in your chair. you noticed he had files in his hand. this was going to take longer than you wanted.
"i'm good. thank you... how are you doing? you weren't around for woodsboro, i'm sure it's a bit of a shock to be involved now." straight into it.
"a bit is an understatement, sir." you let out a dry chuckle. "i'm assuming you're going to be asking me more than just 'how are you' though..."
"i'm sorry. i know you're probably tired." he sighed, you nodded. you were trying to hold back a yawn.
"it's fine."
he sat down across from you, opening the file and putting its contents in front of you.
"you're the newest addition to the group, quinn has talked about you. i know you and tara had a past relationship. were you frequently in and out of their apartment?" he asked.
"yeah... tara and i were together for a bit. i usually visited her and i also hang out with mindy and chad, so yes, i was frequently at theirs." you nodded, you often found that honesty was the best policy with these things.
"i know that your relationship with her ended badly." he stated, you scoffed.
"surely a bad break-up isn't enough motivation to go on these killing sprees, right?" you asked, a bit offended.
"sometimes it might just be."
"did you have access to sam carpenter's belongings?" he followed up. what did sam's stuff have to do with this?
"um... no. not really. i never really interacted with sam until ghostface was rumored to resurface. and even then, i don't really have that access." you crossed your arms across your chest, your eyes scanning the photos on the desk. you spotted a photo of sam's license, bloodied and dumped at the scene of the crime.
someone was trying to frame her.
"we found sam's license next to the body."
"well she was with me all day. we went grocery shopping and i cooked everyone dinner." you quickly jumped at the chance to defend her. "tara was there too."
mr. bailey nodded at you confirming their alibi.
"sam said the same thing." he reassured you. he leaned in a bit closer to you. "although, i'd be cautious about those sisters. especially sam. i wouldn't get too close."
your brows furrowed in frustration.
"i'm sure i have nothing to worry about. they're good people." you didn't want to speak any further on the matter.
you hated that the thought of either of them being responsible for these deaths even crossed the detective's mind. he was supposed to be helping them.
two knocks against the door turned the detective's attention to another officer walking into the room.
"the fbi is here." the officer said. detective bailey looked confused.
"the fbi? where?" he stood up then turned to you. "you're free to go. i think sam and tara are waiting for you."
you stood from your seat and followed him, making your way over to the two dark-haired sisters. tara was the first to spot you, nudging sam until she turned around.
you sped up, you didn't know what it was. you just had to make sure she was real.
you wrapped your arms around sam. you felt her tense up out of shock but return the gesture.
"i'm sorry." you apologised for the sudden hug.
"it's okay." sam smiled warmly.
you turned to tara and put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing softly.
tara's eyes met yours. those pleading doe eyes, they wanted more than just a squeeze on the shoulder. she wished she was sam in that moment.
"i'm really glad you two are okay." you cleared your throat. sam smiled at you, even if it was forced, it was nice to see.
you heard two voices chatting just a little bit aways from you. sam started moving towards them, you and tara followed behind.
"kirby?" she spoke, getting the attention of a blonde woman.
"hey sam." kirby replied, moving to hug sam as well.
"do you know each other?" bailey asked.
"yeah... we went to woodsboro high together. she was a senior when i was a freshman." sam clarified. you studied the woman in front of you.
all you could say was that she looked cool. she was an fbi agent that had been monitoring the sisters for a little while. you realised that this had been the kirby involved with the killings too. they shared a very unique experience between each other.
you stayed behind sam while they conversed. kirby was handed the mask that was left at the scene. the mask used in the 2011 killings. kirby lifted her shirt to show the scar that charlie walker gave her.
sam looked uncomfortable. she realised then that this was bigger than just a killing spree, they were trying to send a message.
kirby proposed you all worked together but sam interjected, not giving her the chance to finish.
"we're getting out of town." she pushed through kirby and detective bailey.
"i'm sorry, that's not possible. you're both persons of interest. all three of you are." bailey warned.
"are you serious?" tara stepped forward, the growing frustration evident in her voice.
"he's right." kirby confirmed. "but if we work together-"
"we're going." sam basically barked an order at you and tara.
"my car's back at your place." you said. sam nodded. a small part of her brain was happy that you would be around after that.
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when the three of you made your way out of the precinct, you had never seen so many cameras before. reporters swarmed the three of you, immediately asking sam questions like if she had an alibi or if tara felt safe with her sister.
they didn't pay you any mind, how could they? you were fresh meat to the group, they didn't care about your story. luckily, it allowed you to mercilessly shove them back, helping make space for sam and tara to walk through the flood.
you found yourself holding onto sam's waist, pulling her towards the open spots you've created with your body pushing against the reporters.
"gale weathers." a voice sounded out in the crowd, causing the sisters to stop in their tracks. you knew that name too, it felt like an endless revision on who was who, if you had studied well enough. "do you ladies think that you're the reason that the ghostface killer has come to the big apple?" she asked.
you saw it in sam. she snapped. she'd had a long night, she nearly lost her life. she nearly lost her sister. and her... friend.
she swung with her fist out.
"sam!" you exclaimed as gale ducked, avoiding the punch. you pulled sam's waist back, you knew she didn't need another video of her going viral. she put her hands over yours, allowing you to hold her back. you had to admit, it felt nice knowing you had a bit of pull on her.
although, you failed to account for the shorter carpenter sister. you failed to catch her pulling her elbow back and swinging at gale with a force of her own.
you jumped at the noise made by the contact and had to hold back a laugh at gale's shocked face. sam cracked a smile, she couldn't help herself.
"stay away from us." tara spat at gale.
you two turned to walk towards a cab that was parked outside the station. you pushed sam slightly by her waist, hoping she wouldn't turn back around.
but gale weathers just had to say something.
"are you two seriously still mad about what happened?"
"you wrote a book. about them." she didn't expect you to say anything. she didn't know who you were or what you were to the carpenters. she looked at you as if you were irrelevant, like another body that ghostface could dispose of just to raise the numbers.
"and who are you?" she asked, a snark in her voice.
"doesn't matter. you took advantage of them. of the fact that they lost their friends, they nearly lost each other." you shook your head. "i remember you, from tara's stories."
tara watched you fight back. how could you still do that after she hurt you? you were full of surprises. she had never seen your tongue so laced with venom before.
"you lost someone too. dewey... if someone kept shoving that down your throat, how would you feel?" you asked, glaring her way as sam and tara entered the cab. gale's stance shifted, she was uncomfortable with a stranger knowing so much information about her personal life. but then again, she put the carpenter sisters' life out there for the whole world to see.
"i remember your book too. you called sam unstable, you painted her in the worst light possible. and i thought you had been through enough with her to know that that's not true." you turned back to the two girls, opening the door to the back of the cab for them.
sam's face was unreadable as she hopped into the car. she stared at the back of your head, or more like the back of your seat. you stood up for her, breaking your kind and golden-hearted demeanour. she was worried that being in this situation would change you for the worst.
you sat in silence after telling the driver where to go. leaning back into your seat, you tried to keep your eyes open. you hadn't gotten any sleep since last night, your time divided between the carpenter residence and the station.
there was so little to say and yet so many words were jumbled in your brain.
when you arrived at the carpenter's apartment, you yawned as you exited the cab. sam caught you do so and stopped you before you could unlock your car. her hand covered yours, gripping it in her own.
"you should rest here for a little bit. you're too tired to drive." she said, looking down at you. you wanted to get home and sleep in your own bed but you knew she was right.
you put your car keys away and walked upstairs with them.
tara immediately made a beeline for the bathroom. she always showered after coming home, she couldn't go a day without smelling like vanilla.
sam put pillows and blankets down on their couch and walked into her room, coming back out with some clothes.
"you can change into these for now, you might as well make yourself comfortable. and you can sleep for as long as you want." she said, you took the clothes and nodded at her.
she sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket up slightly to cover herself, you grabbed the blanket to stop her.
"what are you doing? i'll take the couch." you said, furrowing your brows.
"no. you'll take my bed." she looked up at you from the couch.
"it's your damn bed, sam." you didn't mean to sound so ill-mannered but the tiredness was getting the best of you.
"i know. so i'll do with it as i please." you know it was just her trying to show that she cared. "so you're taking it."
you sighed sharply, you were about to take a massive risk.
"share it with me." you said, holding your ground. you didn't want to kick sam out of her own bed.
she saw the determination on your face. you two were going to sit here and bicker if she didn't give in now. she nodded, standing up and making her way back to her room.
you changed into sam's clothes, her scent wafting as the shirt fell over your figure. then you cracked the door open enough to slip yourself into her room.
just as you entered sam's room, tara came out of the bathroom. she had the look of a shattered woman on her face, you should have been going into her room. she should have offered first.
you shut the door behind you, walking towards the bed where sam was sitting. you spotted her nursing her hand, spotting a deep cut from crawling on glass at the bodega.
"sam, you should've gotten that taken care of." you scolded her a little, walking to her bathroom and grabbing a medkit you knew was there. tara had told you that she put one in every bathroom.
you knelt in front of sam, unpacking the kit to grab the antiseptic and a bandage.
"it's fine, it's only a cut." she protested.
"if ghostface doesn't get you, an infected cut will. and i think that's extremely embarrassing." you tried to make light of it, your exhaustion washing over you. "this'll hurt."
you dabbed the antiseptic into sam's cut. she hissed at the sting. but the sight in front of her was better. you, in her clothes, patching her up. this was probably the worst time for her to form a crush, and probably the worst person to form it on. her sister's ex-girlfriend, who was now involved in the ghostface killings. but your soft features, your concern for her, it was hard to resist you.
she chalked it up to exhaustion, maybe this crush would fade away when she was in her right mind.
but when you situated yourself next to her in bed, your respectful nature forcing you to leave ample space so you two weren't touching each other, she hoped that she would one day earn the honour of closing that gap.
as she closed her eyes, she listened in to your soft breathing. and even when you accidentally ended up shoulder to shoulder in bed,
sam refused to move.
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author's journal okay i actually spent way too much time on this chapter, i had to write out the first 30 minutes of scream vi with a reader insert so it was a little bit more cohesive with the storyline. i don't know how i feel about this one chapter in particular but i'm starting to see the vision for the rest of the series teehee. i promise it wont just be the whole movie written down but it'll definitely have canon events. next chapter is most likely going to be non-canon as much as possible just cause this is a romance fic at the end of the day.
also this is the song i intended for the reader to be listening to with sam
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cherrycolored-punk · 2 days
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NHTK - Chapter Two
pairing: brother's best friend! Eddie Munson x fem! Reader, reader is Reefer Rick’s little sister.
w/c: 6.2k
author's note: this is a repost from my previous blog @strangemagicc but somewhat re-written, some of their story has changed. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please reblog if you did, support is always appreciated!
warnings: angst, mention of cheating (technically not reader), mention of anxiety and a past car accident, brief mention of money issues for reader
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“Fucking shit!” 
Eddie can hear the worry in your voice as he rounds the corner. The sound of his heavy boots against the tiled floor catches your attention.
The fear is vibrant in your eyes when you turn to him, a quiet cry for help and he can’t help but chuckle at the scene. At the state of your brows pushed together, face twisted in horror.
He looks over your shoulder, noticing that the popcorn is overfilled and smoke is billowing from behind the glass doors of the machine. Charred pieces of popcorn fall into the vat; the burnt smell wafts around you and fills the air.
“Way to go, Little Lipton,” he laughs and moves around you to turn off the machine.
“Shut up,” but the words come out like a whine.
You’re already annoyed that he caught you creating a mess and even more peeved that he’s looking at you with that cocky smirk of his.
“Alright,” he sighs heavily, “this one is going to be out of commission for a bit, so we’ll need to make sure that one is always prepped with fresh kernels,” he tilts his chin to the only other popcorn machine and leans against the counter with his arms crossed.
“Out of commission?” Your voice raises an octave, face twisting in horror as his words make alarms blare in your skull.
“Yeah,” he chuckles as though his next words are obvious.
“We have to clean this one before we use it, or all the other batches are going to taste like shit, and that’s not the easiest or fastest task.”
“He’s going to kill me,” you groan and drop your head back.
He being your manager and a major pain in your ass since the day you started working here. Mark wanted things a certain way; candies lined in a specific direction, cups displayed for the customers to see, popcorn made to perfection and not burnt until it turned to dust.
“Probably not kill, just maim,” Eddie shrugs with a crooked grin, a glint of amusement in his chestnut eyes as he stares down at you.
“You never told me what to do if I burnt the kernels,” you abruptly look up at him and swat at his arm. 
His smile grows wider at your display.
“That’s because I told you not to overfill the kettle and never thought you’d ignore that tidbit,” he sighs dramatically, “guess that’s what I get for thinking.”
Reflexively he moves out of arm’s reach before you can do any serious damage.
Eddie enjoys the way your lower lip juts out, how your forehead creases between your eyebrows when you are mad, and fuck, were you pissed.
It had been nearly two weeks since you started working at Hawk Theater, trying to save up for the new camcorder you’d been eying, and Eddie had been assigned to train you.
Or his form of training, which was a lot of “this is how they want us to do it, but this is what works.”
The problem was that you’d been distracted.
It was the way his smile lifted to the side and the way he tied his long curls into a messy ponytail. How he’d look at you when you caught onto something quick or the reassurance he’d quickly give when you didn’t. And sometimes, the sun would shine through the windows and hit his eyes just right, making them look like molten honey.
You couldn’t help the nervous flutters that sprung to life when he was near, your childhood crush resurfacing with teeth and taking hold of you.
It made it hard to listen and remember the instructions he told you, like not to fill the kernels past the very obvious line or else.
He never expounded on the or else, but negative consequences were heavily implied.
“You’re such a jerk,” you rebut, but the venom fell flat, the insult sounding endearing to Eddie’s ears.
“You already knew I was, sweetheart. Don’t know why you expected anything different now that you work with me,” he begins cleaning out the popcorn machine. Dumping the burnt kernels into the trash can before adding the cleaning solution to the kettle.
Your heart is still fluttering, replaying the single pet name over and over again.
“Guess that’s what I get for thinking,” you mimick him and begin helping him clean so the two of you would be ready for opening in thirty minutes.
Eddie watches you from the corner of his eye, the way your gaze is lit with mischief as you tease him, and he can't help but smile to himself.
“Are you two trying to set this place on fire?” Mark Huntzberger, the manager, bellows as he came down the stairs from his office. He eyes the mess you made with a stern, critical eye that shifts over the concession stand and back to you.
The air still smells of burnt kernels and puffs of smoke still swirl in the air - highlighted by the afternoon sun peeking through the windows.
You can’t help the way you shrink under his scrutiny.
“I know this may just be some summer job to you, but this is my livelihood. If you can’t get it together by the end of the week, I will make sure this one fires you.” He points a fat finger at Eddie before turning his attention to him. 
Munson’s face has gone flat, eyebrows set in a straight line. Jaw tense.
“It was an honest mistake,” Eddie interjects.
“Clean it up,” Huntzberger orders before disappearing into the ticket booth.
“Why did I think this was going to be easy or fun?” You question more to yourself than to Eddie, shoulders tense as you tie the trash bag containing the burnt kernels before pulling it from the bin.
“Because the town fuck up works here, how hard can it be?” He nudges you with a wink, wiping the inside of the soiled popcorn machine with a clean rag.
“Move over, Eddie. Someone’s about to take your place,” you giggle and walk towards the exit doors that lead to the alley behind the cinema.
Eddie drops the rag into the popcorn machine, following you outside.
The summer air is suffocating with its humidity—the sharp stench of spoiled food wafting from the dumpsters causing you to wince as you approach the dumpster.
“Don’t do that. It’s the only thing I got going for me,” his grin grows wider as he walks in step with you.
He was all self-deprecation all the time, and you begin to wonder how much of it he really believes—the thought causing a pang of sadness to twist in your gut.
You lift the bag over your head, but he stops you, taking it from your grasp and hoisting it into the metal canister.
“Y’know it’s not true, Ed’s,” you begin, brushing your hands off and looking up at him. Eyes nearly squinted closed from the intensity of the sun.
“What’s not?” He questions, leaning against a brick wall that hid the dumpsters from the rest of the alley.
You stand in front of him, toe to toe, trying to hide the way your gaze dances over his face. Tracing the freckles that line his nose and admiring the dimple pushed into his cheek as he smiles at you.
And fuck, he’s caught you staring.
“That you don’t have anything else going for you,” you clear your throat, “you have lots of talents-“
“Ah, yes, I am known for my natural ability to annoy and antagonize,” he interrupts, and you roll your eyes.
“You’re so annoying,” but the words sound more affectionate than irked.
“I’m being serious,” you begin again, “I mean, I don’t know many people who can learn a new song on the guitar half as fast as you. Didn’t you learn Master of Puppets in like a week?”
You shrug, doing your best to be nonchalant.
“And what about all the stuff you know about cars? Or the random tidbits about pop culture and music? You’re like an encyclopedia britannica,” you continue with a small laugh.
“For all things useless,” he corrects. 
You poke his side causing him to flinch away from your touch, swatting your hand in the process.
“I mean it!” You insist, gaze holding his. 
It’s the exact look you get when you’re excited about something, and Eddie chuckles, ears turning a shade of red from the attention you’re giving him.
“You’re just trying to flatter me so I don’t fire you,” he jokes, but you continue to look up at him with a dramatic bat of your eyes, inching closer.
“Is it working?” You retort, exaggerating the breathiness of your voice.
For a brief moment, you see his confident facade falter - his eyes darting between your eyes and the plush of your lips as he swallows hard. 
But in an instant, it returns.
“Flattery always works with me, sweetheart,” he winks and turns back to the building.
There it was again.
Your heart stops, skips, and starts again as you will your legs to move. You watch his retreating frame, eyes boring into the back of his head.
“You coming?” He doesn’t stop walking, and you take wide steps to catch up with him.
Before you walk back through the door, you grab his arm and turn him to face you. He’d successfully evaded your compliments before, but you needed him to know it wasn’t empty praise.
“I meant what I said, Eds.” 
He looks at you with a questioning perk of his eyebrow but doesn’t verbalize his confusion so you continue on.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” you squeeze his arm softly so he can feel your sincerity.
When he doesn’t say anything, you release his appendage with an uncertain grin and pull open the door, the cold cinema air greeting you.
Eddie watches your retreating frame for a moment, a little taken aback, before following you to the concession stand.
The two of you fall into an easy silence as you work. 
You wipe the counters and finish cleaning the popcorn machine, carefully following Eddie’s instructions while he sets up the rope dividers in between each register, making sure things are organized just as Mark liked before the doors opened.
He looks at you every so often, and you try to hide the way his subtle attention affects you, keeping your head down and focused on counting your till. Having to recount when you catch him looking again.
But finally, you’re ready for the day; doors unlocked, and fresh edible popcorn ready for the masses. A small line of moviegoers already stood in front of the ticket booth.
The two of you rest your backs against the counter, waiting for the first customer to approach, when Eddie leans over to you, warm breath fanning your ear.
“Thanks, (Y/N).”
It was the first time he said your name. Acknowledged you as something other than Little Lipton.
The first time Eddie saw you as more than just his best friend’s little sister.
Eddie clamors into his trailer, heavy boots dragging across the worn carpet as he trudges to the kitchen and swings open the fridge, grabbing a six-pack that is nearly gone.
He spreads out on the couch and chugs one can before reaching for another, eyes darting around his home. Uncle Wayne had been gone for nearly a week on another cross-country drop-off, and Eddie usually enjoyed having the place to himself, but now the silence engulfed him.
The clock on the wall ticks loudly as the seconds pass, his thoughts clashing into each other.
Eddie tries to keep his attention on the TV as you enter the room for the fourth time that afternoon.
Rick shakes his head, taking a quick absent look in your direction.
“Dude, I think my sister might like you,” your brother laughs as you disappear back into your room.
Eddie scoffs at his words, but the thrum of his heart would’ve given him away if Rick could hear it.
“I’d never date your sister,” Eddie nudges his arm against Rick’s, eyes still trained on the video game as he sniped an enemy target, but his mind wanders behind the wood of your door. Wondering what you’re doing and if Rick might actually be right.
“Like I’d let you,” he chuckles, breaking Munson’s train of thought.
Eddie’s brow twists in confusion, and it isn’t lost on Rick. 
He turns to his friend with a flippant roll of his eyes and a gentle nudge against the metalhead’s shoulder. Prepared to emphasize his point.
“Oh, come on. I love you, man, but there’s no way in hell I’d let my sister date a guy like you.”
Eddie chuckles along with Rick to conceal the sting of his friend’s words.
He knows all the things that people don’t like about him. His hair, his tattoos. The bad reputation he’d more than earned, but to hear it from his best friend made it sting more.
He can’t help but wonder if you see him that way, a loser with no future—just the town freak. 
And in that moment, he promises himself that he’ll never put himself out there to know.
Eddie presses his palm to his eye, a headache building behind his orbital bone. 
Rick’s words reverberate off his skull as he grapples with the feelings he’s long ignored. The feelings that had sprouted and made a home of him since the summer he worked with you.
Eddie can still feel your lips against his, the electricity still humming in his veins, and fuck, he wishes it had lasted a moment longer.
He made a mistake, a huge mistake, and winces every time he thinks about the look on your face when he pushed you back into the passenger seat.
Eddie knows that if it went further, you’d only regret it once the sun rose and you’d sobered up. Once the realization hit that you’d slept with the pariah of Hawkins and he couldn’t live with you seeing him that way, with you regretting him.
Not when he already saw it in so many eyes around town.
He isn’t exactly someone you could take home, someone you could brag about or show off a picture of. He knows that much, has been told that much, and already accepts it as truth.
When girls got with Eddie, they expected fun. They expected drugs and a quick hookup.
Some of them never talked to him again, pretended they didn’t know him when they ran into him in town, and others told him that being with him made them realize they’d hit rock bottom.
God, he couldn’t handle you telling him that he was your rock bottom.
Eddie decides that it’s better to ignore it, to ignore you. Better to pretend it didn’t happen despite the way he feels. To spare himself from the regret he knew you’d eventually feel.
It’s a rainy day, and fat drops bounce off the windshield as your father drives. Faster than usual. 
In a hurry but you don’t know where to.
The air conditioner is off, creating a layer of condensation on the windows. Making your legs stick to the leather seats of your family’s beat-up station wagon.
You draw butterflies on the glass, a small finger tracing against the cool pane. Grinning wide as your drawings expose the gray sky and the way the dark clouds roll quickly against its expanse.
The low hum of Strawberry Fields Forever plays over the radio, but your parent’s voices are louder.
Your mom sniffles, and you lean up in your seat to see if she’s crying, but the length of her hair conceals her face from view.
“Mama,” you push against her seat with your sneakered foot, but she doesn’t respond.
“Jude, please pull over. I can drive.” Your mom insists, tugging at your father’s arm, but he shoves her off. 
You unbuckle your seat belt and pull at your mom’s shirt, trying to get her attention.
But your voice is cut off, muffled below the volume of the radio as your dad’s hand reaches for the dial turning it until your ears ring.
You shrink back into your seat, lower lip jutted as you look between the two of them. No longer able to understand what your parents are saying, the scene in front of you a mix of gestures and twisted faces making you more confused.
Your mother pulls on your dad’s arm again, and he shoves her off, turning his head to look at her. Mouth wide as he speaks, but you still can’t understand what he’s saying.
Everything else becomes a blur of lights and pain—endless pain shooting from your leg and throughout your body.
Your cries wrack your body but are silent to your own ears. The scene around you a mix of broken glass and lifeless eyes.
Then darkness.
You wake up in a cold sweat, wild gaze darting around the room as sit up in bed. The fabric of your tank top clings to your sweat-slicked skin uncomfortably, and your head pounds behind your eyes. A rhythm that matches the way your heart is beating against your ribcage. 
Bile rises in your throat, the nausea that always accompanies the nightmare.
The sting of your leg a reminder of the accident, of the pain from that day.
You press a palm into the skin of your thigh, massaging the muscle marred by a thick scar that’s a shade lighter than the rest of your flesh. It aches like it just happened, like you are ten years old and trapped in that car again. 
You groan uncomfortably and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to bring yourself back to the present. Trying to ground yourself with the distant sound of the coffee maker and the smell of burnt toast. The soft song of the birds outside of your window.
Slowly you become grounded, heart settling into a steady rhythm, and open your eyes.
Sunlight streams through your sheer curtains in brilliant rays, yellow hues creating a soft glow along your pale blue walls and highlighting the dust that dances through the air.
You throw your head back against the pillow, not ready to face the day. 
Images of the night before flooding your vision.
Simon and Rachel, her mouth pressed to his. The way she smiled up at him, held his hand.
The scene too familiar for a random drunken hook-up.
You press your palms into your eyes, rubbing until you see swirls. Until you are reminded of Eddie’s stunned face when you sat in his lap, hands pressed to his chest. The way he bucked into you.
The way he pushed you back into the passenger seat.
“Fucking idiot,” you groan with embarrassment and pull your pillow over your face, letting out a muffled scream.
You stay concealed under the pillow, contemplating jumping into the lake and disappearing altogether. Definitely not ready to face Simon and Rachel. Or Eddie.
You flail your body around as another wave of embarrassment rolls through you, causing your pillow to fall from your face.
The incessant buzz of your phone catches your attention, and you glance over at its illuminated face. The screen full of notifications that you can see without grabbing it.
Hesitantly you reach for it, eyes pouring over all the texts.
Simon: Guess you decided not to come tonight?
Simon: helloooo?
Simon: so you’re just going to ignore me now cos I asked you to go out?
Simon: not like we can’t do date night another time, wanted to go have some fun for once
Simon: so you did show up
Simon: you left with MUNSON?
Simon: you’re really just going to ignore me?
Rachel: (Y/N)?
Rachel: Simon is really worried about you
Simon: We need to talk
Rachel: Text me when you’re awake
You swallow the emotion that arose and wonder if their guilt had kept them awake, if it had eaten at them or settled into their chest. Felt whenever they breathed.
Were they even capable of that?
Slowly you push the sheets off the bed and force your legs over the edge one by one until your feet are planted firmly in the plush carpet, your back still pressed against the mattress. Phone forgotten, lost somewhere in your purple comforter.
You will yourself off the mattress and clamor out your bedroom door. Mind focused on getting a glass of water to cure your dry mouth.
The throb of your head returns as the smell of burnt toast grows stronger, and fuck, why did you drink so much last night?
You can only assume the assault on your nose is your brother’s fault.
“Is it really that hard to cook toast, Rick?” You complain loudly as you stumble into the kitchen and throw open a cabinet door, reaching for a glass on the top shelf.
You turn towards the sink, blissfully unaware that there is a set of eyes on you. Watching as you whistle and fill your glass to the brim. Foot tapping to a song that only you can hear.
Eddie watches you, a little petrified like a deer caught in the headlights.
He knew he’d see you, it was your house after all, but he wasn’t prepared for how much he’d see.
His eyes trace over your legs, stalling on the swell of your ass. He watches as you lean over the counter to get a better view of the lake from the window just above your sink. The angle exposing a glimpse of your butt cheeks.
It’s like you know what you’re doing, know that he’s watching and driving him just a little bit insane.
He swallows harshly, refocusing his attention back on his breakfast. Doing his best to ignore you like he’d planned.
“If it isn’t little miss sunshine,” your brother greets, his words dripping with their usual sarcasm.
You turn around to mock him but stopped in your tracks, eyes practically bulging from your skull when you notice Eddie, and you grip your cup harder.
Had he been sitting there the whole time?
He quietly nibbles on a piece of bacon. Avoiding your eye contact entirely.
The embarrassment you felt before flares awake, and god, you want to crawl into a hole and disappear entirely.
Blinking rapidly, you shift your gaze back to Rick.
He sits at the table, grabbing a plate and shoveling food onto its surface. Eggs, bacon, and the incredibly burnt toast.
“Have work today?”
“Like I do every Saturday,” you shrug, tone bored and doing your best not to glance at the metalhead out of the corner of your eye.
You sip your water, focusing on how its cool temperature slides across your tongue—trying to focus on anything else.
“I’m not going to be able to take you to work. Mrs. Wheeler needs me to take a look at her car and then I’m picking up some extra hours at the shop.”
You had yet to overcome your fear of driving, already having a hard time just being a passenger. 
“Can’t mom take me?” you question, but Rick’s head is already shaking as you get the words out.
“The transmission is acting up in her car. Need to look at it,” he states around a mouth full of food.
“Then how is she getting to work?” You set your cup onto the counter sharper than you intended and fold your arms over your chest.
“She’s not, has one of her headaches again,” he gestures to his head and shovels more food into his mouth.
“That’s why I need the overtime and for you to go to work, we need the cash. Next deal isn’t coming in before the light bill is due.”
Your shoulders sag—the constant stress of bills weighing heavy on you.
“I can just walk or get an uber,” you suggest with a tight smile, reaching over to grab a piece of bacon. 
The walk isn’t that long.
“Your uber is already here,” he points his head towards Eddie, and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at his suggestion.
Not happening.
“I can just walk,” you reaffirm quickly, causing Eddie’s eyebrow to quirk.
“Why are you acting like such a brat?” 
You roll your eyes.
“I’m not, just don’t want to make Eddie go out of his way for me.” You unfold your arms and gestured absently towards him.
It was mostly true anyway, you didn’t like the idea of returning to the scene of the crime or spending the twenty minutes it would take for him to drive you to work in awkward silence.
“He’s not, stop being weird.”
“I’m not being weird,” you scoff, voice rising slightly and definitely being weird.
“Besides, I can just ask Simon to give me a ride,” you shrug nonchalantly, taking another bite of bacon. 
Rick doesn’t need to know that you aren’t talking to Simon and definitely wouldn’t be getting a ride from him.
Eddie’s elbow settles against the wooden dining table as he watches you and the way you so easily lie to your brother.
“Jesus, fine, whatever.” Your brother holds out a hand to get you to shut up and chugs his orange juice. 
You reach for another piece of bacon but this time off his plate. Rick grabs your hand, shaking the piece out of your grasp, and turns to you—his face twists in disgust when he notices what you’re wearing for the first time.
“Go put some clothes on before Eddie gauges his fucking eyes out.” He wipes his mouth and waves a dismissive hand at you, chuckling at his own lame joke before biting into the bacon that you tried to steal.
Eddie chuckles along with your brother, his pale cheeks blossoming pink. His faux laugh disappears when he notices you sneering in his direction.
“Oh, I’d really hate for him to do that,” your voice drips with sarcasm as you roll your eyes, taking quick steps back down the hall and to your room.
You press your back against the wooden door, a mix of anger and annoyance filling your chest. Overtaking any embarrassment you previously felt.
No, Simon wouldn’t be giving you a ride but neither would Eddie. You’d rather risk showing up a sweaty mess than sit in a car alone with him.
What you didn’t plan on was for it to start raining ten minutes in. 
Large drops had fallen from the sky in quick succession, dark clouds covering the warmth of the sun and creating a chill in the fall air. One of Indiana’s infamous sporadic showers.
The maple leaves are already starting to turn yellow, their brightness a contrast against the gray sky. The air smells of the evergreens, the sharpness of their leaves mixing with the sweetness of the maple trees.
Your feet trudge through the mud, splashing dirt onto the cuffs of your jeans. The road feels longer in the bad weather.
The white of your assistant manager shirt clings to your skin, revealing the pink of your bra, and you cross your arms over your chest in an attempt to conceal it.
There’s a small part of you that wishes you had just taken the ride from Eddie, but there’s a bigger part, the more prideful one, that is glad you hadn’t.
Not after the way he’d laughed at you, chuckled at the thought of even being attracted to you. When you’d just mauled him the night before and this would be the perfect time for lightning to strike you down.
To end your misery, the embarrassment clinging to you once again like the fabric of your shirt.
In the distance, you can hear a car approaching, and you move further into the dirt to avoid being hit. 
Hoping it isn’t a creep or a new serial killer looking for his next victim.
But it’s worse.
It’s Eddie.
Smiling at you from his rolled-down window, van driving slowly on the road's edge.
“Are you that fucking stubborn?” He questions, although he already knows the answer.
“Go away, Munson.”
You don’t look at him, eyes focused on the road ahead.
“Simon a no-show, huh?”
You click your teeth, trying to appear nonchalant. Like the words didn’t dig at you.
“Looks like it.”
His shoulders drop as you continue to ignore him, and he decides to appeal to your sensible side instead.
“You’re going to get sick.”
And why did he think you could be sensible?
He groans and speeds up a little, parking the car just before you to block your path. You stop in your tracks, listening as he climbs out of the driver’s seat and rounds the car.
“Are we really going to do this again?,” he questions as he trudges toward you. Boots slamming into the mud. Curls a little wild and starting to cling to his face when he looks at you.
“Do what?” You give him an innocent smile, eyelashes batting dramatically. 
Eddie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Just get in the fucking car,” he states through gritted teeth, his annoyance only making your grin widen.
“Sure you wouldn’t rather gauge your eyes out?” Your voice drops low, mocking Rick’s tone. 
You drop your smile, gaze a little cold as it meets his, and push past him to continue your walk to work.
He throws his head back, face to the sky. Of course, you were pissed about that.
“I’m sorry, okay?” He turns to you, watching as you get a little further way from him.
“For driving me home last night and making out with me or for laughing at me this morning?” You turn around and begin to walk backward, arms lifting from your side. 
A little tired, a little defeated, and you stop beside his van waiting for his answer - concealed from the rest of the road.
“Laughing at you,” his voice is earnest, “I didn’t mean it.”
You nod, his words a salve to that wound but still, there was the mortifying way he’d pushed you away from him.
Eddie began to walk towards you, drawing closer. The scent of his cologne invading your senses.
“Sure you aren’t sorry about the making out part?” You question, eyes trained on his amber gaze as he approaches.
He swallows roughly and debates whether he should be honest. 
“I’m,” he pauses and sighs heavily, “I’m not sorry about that.”
You shrug your shoulders in an attempt to appear flippant, to seem as though his reassurance doesn’t affect you the way that it did. Heart hammering wildly, legs a little wobbly because Eddie Munson didn’t regret kissing you.
“Well that’s good, I’m glad neither of us regretted it,” you turn back around, missing the way his gaze lit up at your words. The reassurance that he needed.
“Now you can go on your merry way and pretend that you gave me a ride. I promise I won’t tell my brother that you didn’t.”
His hand is warm against your arm as he spins you around to look at him.
Your shoes slide against the wet earth from the force, and it is for a brief moment that you see him before you crash into the soft mud.
“Fuck-“ your curses are synchronized as you fall and pull him atop you, his weight causing you to groan from the sudden impact.
Eddie’s knee is slotted between your legs as he lifts his weight onto his forearms, brown gaze boring into your eyes. An apology on his lips when you begin to laugh. Giggles filling the air around you.
You looked at the evidence of your fall, your white shirt now painted brown. Ruined, and marred from the mud. Your hair is a mess of dirt that clings to your face.
Eddie is nearly devoid of any filth. The only evidence he’d fallen is the mud that soaks through the pants of his jeans. 
And it’s a little bit annoying how he isn’t as muddy as you.
Slowly you reach your finger up and slide it across his pale skin with a wide mischievous smile. Chuckling at the way his eyebrows marry at your actions, the way his jaw juts to this side and he shakes his head.
“You brat,” he lifts a hand and attempts to copy your actions as you try to wiggle away. His free hand stills you, holding you by the waist, as he drags the other across your cheek.
His playful smile mirrors yours.
“You jerk, I have to get to work!” But your tone doesn’t match the light in your eyes.
“I don’t think Huntzberger wants you hovering over the popcorn, let alone walking into the building, like this.”
His eyes roam your body, noticing the way your nipples are pebbled against the pink lace of your bra, easy to see through the sheer fabric of your shirt. The way your jeans hug the flare of your hips as you squirm beneath him.
Your breath hitches as you watch the way his gaze dances over your frame, chest rising and falling at a quick pace that isn’t lost on Eddie.
“How much time do you have before work?” His voice is a little gruff, affected, and it takes a moment for you to form a coherent thought.
You blink rapidly, hands resting on his chest absently, and clear your throat.
He lifts off of you and reaches a hand to help you up, but you pull him down into the mud beside you.
“You little shit!” Eddie looks at himself, the mud that clings to his jacket and jeans.
“Oops,” you shrug and lean out of his way as he throws mud at you.
“I have like two hours,” you laugh, looking at him completely amused.
“How long did you think it was going to take you to walk?” He lays there defeated, chuckle matching yours.
“I don’t know, it was just in case-“
“In case what? You had to fight a pack of wood rats to get through?”
“Shut up,” you shove his face from yours, mud caking his cheek.
Eddie gasps at the same time you do, realization dawning as he tackles you back into the mud.
It was like the whole world fell around you, ceasing to exist except for you and Eddie. His muddied face hovering above yours, long fingers digging into your sides as you try to wiggle away from him.
Your giggles fill the air, and you push at his chest.
“Stop! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Tears spring in your eyes as you push against his chest once more, dirt seeping further into your clothes as you lay there at his mercy.
“Say please,” he insists, and you shake your head, hands gripping his shirt.
For a moment, he stops, fingers stilling at your sides and he smiles at you mischievously. Face moving half an inch closer, and your smile falters briefly, gaze darting to his lips and back to his eyes. Their deep brown staring back at you, a light in them you hadn’t seen.
“You don’t regret it?” He questions, needing to hear it again. His breath fanning against your face.
You shake your head, already knowing the “it” that he thought you regretted. 
Eddie leans closer, his lips a whisper above your own. Shaky breaths mixing with yours.
Your heart skips as you anticipate the first touch, your eyes fluttering closed.
Eddie pulls away, slowly. Hesitantly.
“Think we should get you back home,” he looks down at your dirtied clothes and chuckles, face hovering above yours. You try to hide your disappointment as you nod in agreement.
He pushes himself off of you wiping his hands along his jeans before stretching out his hand to help you up.
Your palm slides against his, caked dirt pressing against his warm hand, and he pulls you against him. Sliding his hands down until they settle on your waist.
His nose traces yours as his fingers dig into your hips, and he swallows hard.
The composure he’d always managed to maintain quickly slipping away.
You tilt your face and run a hand against his jaw, cupping his chin. Thumb lazing against his stubbled flesh drawing circles in his skin.
“Fuck it,” Eddie breathes, and his lips push against yours.
The press of them makes you gasp, they’re just as soft as you remembered but more fervent than before.
His tongue presses at the seam of your lips, swiping against yours when you open for him.
He tastes sweet like spearmint, and you hum.
Exhilaration thrums through you, and you pull him closer, arms wrapping around his neck.
Chest to chest.
Hearts synchronized, each beating at a rapid pace, and you want the moment to stretch on.
For the kiss to never end.
Thunder cracks in the air and the two of you pull apart, looking up at the darkened sky just as the rain begins to fall again.
Eddie looks back at you, his dimpled grin wide as the first drop hits his cheek, and you yelp as another drop cascades down your face.
He presses a quick kiss to your lips, enjoying your surprised gasp. The way you instantly melt into his touch.
“Will you please get in the fucking car now?” 
You nod rapidly, your hand slipping into Eddie’s warm palm. Allowing him to pull you towards his van and into the passenger seat.
< prev | next >
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azmstea · 3 days
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Okey, I KNOW some people already made this idea (found out while I was working on this), but I really wanted to make my version of it so let's go!!
Well, I decided to rework a bit Twisted Cosmo because I personally never understood why he is a common one to begin with. And also explain how his ability would work!
This will be a PRETTY long blog with a lot of yapping, so if you're actually interested in the "AU", keep reading!!
Alright, let's start by explaining a bit about him.
"He believes he's helping others, but his healing method doesn't work like before. This twisted, separated from his best friend, walks around looking for people to heal with hearts that block any healing items and causing random effects for a few seconds. Be sure to never be spotted without full health!" - Research description.
During a blackout, Cosmo got lost and was forced to separate from his best friend Sprout and had only one heart left by the end of the process. When arriving at the elevator, he noticed Sprout having a hard time with a twisted, and he also had one heart. Knowing that his stamina was low at the moment, Cosmo does something he never did before: He used all his strength to remove his last heart and give it to Sprout, saving him from a fatal attack. Sprout made it to the elevator, but Cosmo couldn't say the same. (I want my Fruitcake angst y'all, or else I'll cook it)
We aren't sure how exactly toons became Twisteds, but for the sake of this "AU", Dandy decided to use Cosmo as a way to test something new: An ichor heart in a non main character toon. This heart made Cosmo stop from dying, but it causes him A LOT of pain, since his chest is opened and the ichor causes physical pain. He still has some conscience inside of him, but the ichor stops him from acting like how he used to and makes it more difficult to talk. His body and head are full of bites, like the twisted that was haunting Sprout tried to eat him before. His arm is way bigger and heavier than before, but he doesn't mind much because he is pretty strong around his arms, but it surely brings some extra pain for his right side.
Deep down, he just wants to help other toons, but he can't realize how he isn't capable of doing it in a positive way anymore thanks to the ichor.
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Yes, I know, only main characters have sounds to show that they're nearby, but I want to add that if Cosmo is extremely close of you (in the same room or in the next room), you're capable of hearing his ichor heart beats, which are fast and loud. Like this, players can escape from him in case they are in a dangerous situation.
(I saw a video called "swap au" on YouTube and took a bit of inspiration from it, but I changed it to make it a little more interesting!)
Twisted Cosmo's ability is inspired in his Toon's active: Heal others, but with a reverse effect.
If you have all your hearts, Cosmo won't follow you or harm you, he will keep walking because he doesn't want to hurt anyone (something like Glisten) and because he knows you won't need any heals. At first, it's like he won't even do anything at all.
However, if he sees you with 2 hearts or only 1 heart, he will grab his ichor heart from his chest and start chasing you, with the intention of throwing a heart at you and "help". His attention spam is a little longer (3.5 s) and his speed increases from his canon twisted form, but his eye vision isn't the best since he doesn't have one of his eyes, so he can't see you from extreme distances like Shrimpo.
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If he catches you, your empty heart slots will be filled with a weird "ichor heart", similar to main characters. As his description says, the heart will block any kind of healing, so things like Teagan's active, medkits and bandaids won't work at all. Along with that, you'll get a random effect for 10 seconds from the I category (like "Confused I", "Slow I", "Tired I"). After the attack, Cosmo will no longer follow you because he thinks he finished his job there. (Distractors you're all screwed🔥)
And plus, you can avoid his attack if you heal yourself BEFORE he can heal you.
Another ability of his is being able to know when and where a player got hurt. Let's say you have 3 hearts, but you got a hit from Shelly in "x" spot. In this scenario, Cosmo will immediately go to "x" spot no matter how far he is from the place. If you manage to leave where you were before he arrives, good! If not, Cosmo will chase you to give you an ichor heart. Sounds "inoffensive" at first, but depending of the situation, it can make your life pure hell.
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If you have 1 regular heart and 2 ichor hearts, Cosmo will no longer care about you during that floor because it's impossible to get another hit without dying, leaving you in a vulnerable situation for any complicated twisteds like Pebble or Goob. That's why I like to call him the very first twisted that won't kill you directly! I wanted to play with the fact that he's a supporter as a toon, so why not make a "supporter" twisted whose job is make your gameplay harder?? Maybe a new type of twisted?
"Will Cosmo also follow you if all machines are done like Glisten?" I'm still unsure of it, but to keep his "support" role, I suppose he would just accept his fate of being alone, because at least he can "help" others. (I WANT FRUITCAKE ANGST!!!)
How do you remove the ichor hearts? Again, still thinking about it, but just like Shelly's "Confused" ability, the effect should be gone once you reach the elevator. I thought about leaving the effect for 2 floors, but I dunno if this would be too OP or anything, so you can decide on this!
Now congratulations! You know who is twisted Cosmo and how to survive to one of the most annoying Twisteds ever!! /jk
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I suppose that's all for now about him! He's still in development, but this is the main idea of him and his abilities!
And don't worry, I will be sure to cook some good old angst with this concept. Hope everyone enjoys it!!
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Toji, who doesn't understand your love for hanging halloween decorations so early.
"It's the middle of September, do we really need to start decorating now?" He mildly complains, with a half smirk on his face.
You roll your eyes at his not so subtle ways of getting under your skin.
"Middle of September is not that early, and I'd decorate it like this year round if you didn't hate it so much." You grumble back at him, tossing a pumpkin throw pillow his way, him catching it with ease and putting it under his head, getting comfortable on the couch.
"For an assassin, you think you'd enjoy halloween decorations, just a tiny bit. Don't like spooky things?" You ask him, as you start putting a variety of themed bottles on stands and shelves.
"Just don't really care to decorate I suppose." He considers, watching you carefully twist bottles around to your satisfaction. He may not say it often, but he does enjoy when you're able to fill in the cracks his wife had left behind when she died. It took a lot for him to trust you, but now he's glad to have let you in.
It wasn't that he wasn't a decorator, it was just a homey thing he didn't want to continue doing after his wife died. Now, he was glad for Megumi's sake to, to have someone in his life that could show up for these types of things. He loved seeing you ruffle his hair as he walked down the stairs, a small glimmer of excitement at decorations across the house.
"Wanna help after you grab some breakfast?" You ask him, and he nods. He bolts for the kitchen, the one time of the year he might be most happiest.
"See, wouldn't hurt you to get excited about halloween like the rest of us." You call out behind you, trying to goad Toji into a silly argument. You're about to turn around after not hearing a response, only to feel arms around your waist.
"Yeah, yeah." He grumbles into your shoulder, kissing you along that area.
"Maybe we should dress you up as Gomez this year, considering how much you love kissing me there." You laugh, glad he might be getting into the spirit. A step off the couch means the next steps could be helping you to decorate.
"And see you in Morticia's dress? Where do I sign up?" He grins, and you shove him lightly in the chest.
"Yeah okay, whatever." You roll your eyes and laugh again, running towards the kitchen to start decorating with Megumi there.
As Toji follows you into the kitchen, he thinks he'd really follow you anywhere.
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nanamincreampie · 2 days
Quiet choso
Choso Kamo x Black plus size reader
Warning: 18+ mdni, Choso expriencing puppy love
( part 2 )
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Quiet Choso who’s always been on the sidelines, keeping to himself but never missing a single detail when it comes to you.
He’s seen you in class so many times, always effortlessly put together. Your soft 4c hair, styled in a neat bun today, draws his eyes whenever you walk in, and your rich, deep skin glows, accentuating every curve of your plus-sized frame. It’s not that he’s staring, at least not in an obvious way, but his gaze always seems to find its way back to you, the way your dress hugs your hips, the soft outline of your waist, and the fullness of your thighs that press against the seat when you sit. He notices everything about you without trying.
He never says much, but he’s always listening, especially when you speak in study groups. The soft, calm tone of your voice commands his attention in ways that the professors never could. Even when you greet him in passing with a gentle "Hey," he only responds with a quiet nod or a brief “Hi,” his voice barely above a whisper. He’s not used to talking, especially not to someone who stirs him up like this.
Today, though, it feels different. You’re sitting in the library, the same place he often studies, and your presence is impossible to ignore. The fitted dress you’re wearing perfectly hugs your curves, and from his spot across the room, he admires how effortlessly beautiful you are. Every time you shift in your seat or tuck a curl behind your ear, his eyes linger just a second too long.
As he flips through his notes, his mind isn’t on the pages in front of him it’s on you. He tries to focus, but when he glances up, you’re smiling at him, soft and shy. His heart skips a beat.
You catch him watching, and with a soft laugh, you tease, "Choso, are you even studying, or are you just people-watching?"
His throat tightens, and he clears it, turning his eyes back to his notes. “I’m studying,” he mutters, though even he knows it’s a lie.
You stand up and start to make your way toward the stacks of books nearby, and his gaze follows you, admiring how gracefully you move. There’s an ease in the way you walk, your dress moving fluidly over your curves, every bit of your figure making his mind race. And when you bend slightly to grab a book from a lower shelf, he can’t help the way his breath hitches, eyes drawn to the way the fabric clings to your hips and thighs.
It’s then that another guy walks up to you, trying to make conversation. Choso clenches his fist under the table, feeling a sudden rush of jealousy as the guy leans in too close, his eyes wandering over your figure. He watches the interaction from a distance, his jaw tight.
"Come on, don’t you want to grab a coffee or something?" the guy presses, a little too eager.
You smile politely but shake your head, clearly uninterested. "No, I’m good. I’ve got a lot of studying to do."
Choso feels the tension in his chest ease a bit as you turn the guy down, and when you return to your seat, your eyes meet his again. There’s a playful glint in your gaze, as if you know he’s been watching.
"You alright, Choso?" you ask, your voice soft, genuinely curious.
He nods stiffly, trying to keep his cool. "Yeah, I’m fine," he says, though his tone betrays him.
You tilt your head, eyes narrowing slightly as if you’re figuring him out. "You sure? You seem… distracted."
Choso doesn’t answer immediately, unsure how to respond without giving too much away. Instead, he lowers his eyes to his book, biting the inside of his cheek.
You laugh softly and shake your head. "Well, don’t let me distract you too much. We’ve got exams coming up." You give him a teasing smile before returning to your notes.
And Quiet Choso, who sits there, unable to shake the feeling growing inside him, is left wondering just how much longer he can stay quiet about how he feels. Because every time you walk by with your curves, your soft voice, and that smile, it gets harder and harder to keep his thoughts to himself.
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gatorbites-imagines · 12 hours
In that case… Could I please request Killer Croc/Waylon Jones with a supringly really attractive boyfriend (like a male version Jessica Rabbit level hot, like it dosen’t even make sense for someone to be that hot) who no one understand how Waylon pulled. Waylon’s boyfriend is very sultry and alluring.
And Waylon roughly breeds his boyfriend doggy style 😇.
Thank u :)
Waylon Jones x Male reader
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Guten Abend squad, how is everyone doing? Classes are still running at a max level, and I’m starting to think this is just how it goes. So, time to chillax with some Waylon.
Not as smutty as I would have wanted, but this honestly just built a life of its own and started running.
We see in the comics, or at least in one run, that Waylon does have game and knows how to pull somebody very attractive, so its not too surprising so could pull you. That’s what you think at least, since he’s a great guy, to you.
I imagine you two met after he left the circus, maybe you guys even left together. With Waylon being the circus’s “freakshow” and you only being there as eye candy to sell tickets. With you both being reduced to nothing but your looks, you two find solidarity with each other, and fall in love.
No one ever really took your love seriously back then, just thinking you were using Waylon for protection, since someone as pretty as you couldn’t be safe anywhere.
Insert the “seriously, what do you see in that guy?” “he makes me laugh” scene.
If we go with the verse where Waylon was in Halys circus, then the only ones that seemed to have some version of acceptance of your love was the Grayson’s. it was one of the reasons you two left the circus, having a strong feeling of what had truly happened to them and who caused it.
After leaving the circus, you couldn’t live in the sewers like Waylon. This meant you got an apartment, in the beginning in crime alley since it was cheapest.
You may have been so beautiful it would drive people mad, but you also had a head on your shoulders. So, in the end you set up a legitimate business, maybe you even become something akin to a designer. Mainly because your lover is so big, there’s no other way to get him clothes.
And maybe during your time in crime alley, you stumble upon a scrawny kid who, though he may act tough, still has a light in him. And maybe that kid ends up being batman’s second robin, who remembers how kind you were to him and everyone around you, so he doesn’t go as hard against Waylon.
The past you have with the Grayson’s also means that Dick takes it easier on Waylon, and they even settle down and talk at times. You’ll regularly find the two former robins hanging around your art studio, even years later when they aren’t robin anymore.
Your lover goes to Arkham, a lot. But you never hate him or even argue with him. You’ll just pull up to Arkham in your most beautiful outfit during visitors’ hours and hold Waylon’s hand as you two act like a new married couple, even if it’s been twenty at this point.
And it may have been twenty years, but you just seem to have become more handsome with age, aging like fine expensive wine. You don’t become shrewd or corrupted by the world around you, instead you stay kind and patient. You’re still in Gotham though, so you’ll turn violent if you have too.
No one really believes that Waylon purrs, until you show up and he becomes as meek as a kitten, ready to roll in your manicured hand.
Its no secret that you, one of the most famous designers around, and Killer Croc, are together. But its just such a normal part of everyday life now, that no one really questions it. your works never been dirty, you help those around you, and lift up poor and struggling artists whenever you can. So, what if your husband is tearing up the road trying to bite Batman to bits.
Theres a viral video in Gotham of you stepping out during one of Waylon’s rampages, and just scolding him, wagging a finger in his face and still looking so unbelievably gorgeous as you do so.
And yes, of course your design trademark is crocodile scales, or anything along those lines. You’ll never use real crocodile skin, but you do use the print or shape.
After all this time, people don’t fear Waylon as much as they probably should, all thanks to you. Its kinda hard to fear a guy when you know his boyfriend is unofficially titled the most beautiful man in Gotham, who’s also as giving and kind as the Waynes, whilst being more involved in the nitty gritty, since you still live in Crime Alley.
Someone has threatened Waylon with telling on him to you at least once too, which doesn’t stop him, but it does cause him to freeze and get an “oh shit” expression, long enough for people to run to safety.
Being one of the most skilled fashionistas around also means you have met the Waynes on multiple occasions.
The shared past with Dick and the circus, and Jason, though you don’t remember him as vividly, means you get called on more than most.
As you measure them out and start making designs, conversations flow, and Damian most likely ends up bluntly just asking you why in the world you decided to pair up with Killer Croc of all people.
You correct him in your answer, referring to your husband as Waylon, and then you just start waxing the poetics. Of your shared past, of the deep unshakable love you both share, and how under all his struggles, Waylon truly is an amazing man.
You’ve never confirmed that Dick was Robin, even though it was very obvious. Its not your place to judge how he, or his family, deal with their trauma or whatever they have going on. Your lover swims through the sewers, you can’t really say anything.
A few passing comments are made though, obviously. You tell the Waynes to “take it easy next time they see Waylon, wont you?” with one of your heart shaking winks before you saunter out, ready to start putting together your latest design.
Its kind of an accepted, not really a secret, secret. Its never put into words, and they know that you know, and you know that they know you know. Nothing ends up happening with it though, outside of you making some jokes and judging their hero outfits.
With age you’ve become less sultry and alluring, at least in the way the public can point out as obviously as before. You have simply mastered your field, and know just how to play people around you if you need too.
Though, you didn’t really learn to master it for the public. It’s mainly just for Waylon, so you like to see how his nostrils flare, and when he starts chuffing in the back of his throat when you saunter around in nothing but a silk robe.
The bats know that the first place Waylon goes when he gets out of Arkham is to you. But…they also all know to wait at least a day or two before they come for him. To allow you to spend some time together, but also because most of them have caught of glimpse of you… reunions…
Bruce wont admit it, but he’s at least impressed with you being able to take two of them at the same time, even after all these years. He might note down your many skills somewhere… just in case.
Reunions with Waylon are typically a hot and steamy affair. Or well, as hot and steamy as a guy whose as cold as a reptile can get. There are days where either of you may not be up for it, and then its just cuddles and having some nice domestic time together before he’s taken back to Arkham again.
But when it does get hot, then you are very happy you own the entire building. Waylon can get quite loud, but never as loud as he still makes you even after all these years.
Sure, you’ve learned to handle it more after all this time, but it still makes you squeal when Waylon fits both his shafts inside you at the same time, lifting and moving you around like a doll.
Where Waylon may be rough and violent in every other part of his life, Waylon is slower and much more careful in the bedroom. He doesn’t want to lose his senses and hurt you on accident. You have some very faded bite and claw scars on your body, back from when you first got together, and Waylon likes to remind himself of that.
Sometimes you do want him to be rougher about it, so you pull all the skills you’ve gained over the years. And Waylon is but a man, even with the scales and all, so he can’t resist you for very long. It always ends up with you writhing, face in the pillow that’s stained with your tears and drool or pleasure, as Waylon growls and snarls behind you, his big, clawed hands moving you back and forth with ease.
He always feels a bit guilty about it afterwards, especially seeing how much you leak all over the sheets. Expect to find yourself being pampered and loved on for the next couple of days. Even the bats seem to leave you to it, most likely having heard your cries. You get a feeling the people in the next building heard them too. But you honestly don’t care anymore.
You may have Waylon, and many others, wrapped around your finger, but so does Waylon with you. And neither of you really seem to mind anymore.
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bpmiranda · 6 hours
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The Bodyguard IV |l. howlett|
A/N: slow burn, friends to lovers, bodyguard!logan x original character, 21y/o f!character, mentions of organized crime, drug use, suggestive content
Logan knew this was a difficult position for him to be in right now. Inexplicably, he developed some sort of feelings for Mercedes - the last girl in the world he should’ve gotten this close to, but he couldn’t deny it anymore. It was foolish of him to think he could talk himself out of the way he cared for her or trick himself into believing that his feelings were not nearly as intense as they actually were - because things only seemed okay when they were together.
“You goin’ in?” Logan asked as they sat in his car outside of the clinic where she worked. Mercedes had not moved an inch, she sat in the passenger seat anxiously picking at her cuticles in her scrubs and she shook her head. Logan figured something like this would happen, and he wasn’t upset, but relieved.
“I don’t-I can’t do-” Mercedes stammered quietly, eyes glossy as she stared at the clinic apprehensively. “I can’t go in, Logan. I-I’m not ready.”
Logan rested an arm along the back of their seats to look at her, her deep brown eyes locked on his face, and he gave her a small nod. “That’s okay. It’s only been a few days.” Mercedes gave him an appreciative look, but she still seemed shaken and it hurt him that she was this traumatized over something that Emilio and the others had already forgotten about; they replaced Gomez easily, without missing a beat meanwhile his sister was tormenting herself with guilt. “Do you want to grab a coffee?” He asked, his hand coming down to rub her shoulder as she nodded slowly, a tear slipping down her cheek. Logan leaned over and kissed her forehead before he drove away from the clinic.
Mercedes had two things on her mind; the guilt she carried for not having been able to help Gomez, the man that trusted her with his life, and her budding feelings for Logan. Their relationship had always been flirty and lighthearted, but as things were becoming heavier and more intense, he didn’t shy away from her. Logan was all the more present in her life, always prepared to help her out any way he could, even beyond the duties of a bodyguard. Her emotions were fragile and she was incredibly susceptible to affection and attention right now, she knew that, but she had a feeling that Logan wasn’t just being nice. Maybe he’d stop her if they got too close to a line that they shouldn’t cross, she needed him to do it because she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself. Logan was the only man she could see herself falling for, and she wouldn’t be reasonable enough right now to see the harm in it.
They were at the beach, parked in the lot where they could overlook the sand and the never ending ocean ahead of them. The sun was beaming brightly, sparkling off the water, there were parents with their children playing in the sand and couples diving into the ocean. They were living their lives as if someone had not died the other night and Mercedes felt sick.
“Here,” Logan pulled a joint out from inside his jacket pocket and she couldn’t help the small laugh that left her mouth as it seemed that he could read her mind. “It’s not as nicely rolled as yours, but it’ll smoke.” He teased as she set the spliff between her lips and he lit it for her.
“Thanks.” She murmured as she let out a deep sigh and tried to ease her frazzled nerves. It was easier when she was with him, she felt safe with him. “Do they ever talk about him?” She asked after a moment and Logan shook his head as he lit a cigar. “They just brought someone in to take his place?”
“That’s usually how it goes, yeah.” He said before exhaling a cloud of smoke that smell of spiced cinnamon and bourbon.
The radio was playing a song that Logan enjoyed and he turned it up a tiny bit while she rolled down her window to let out the smoke. It was silent, but the kind that was comfortable and let her think. Logan never pressured her to talk until she was ready and that was something she had always appreciated. Logan put out his stogie while Bill Withers sang softly in the background and he turned the radio up before looking over at her as quiet tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes glued down on the short joint between her fingers, watching it burn slowly.
It’s not warm when she’s away,
Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone,
Logan knew he shouldn’t. In the back of his mind he knew it would lead to something else, but she looked so sad and he had this uncontrollable need to comfort her. It was an ache he felt at his core, he knew that his purpose was to protect her. Mercedes was his to care for, after all.
Wonder this time where she’s gone,
Wonder if she’s gone stay,
Their eyes met, held each other’s longing gaze for a moment before Logan brought her into his side and she sniffed against his chest, crying softly into his shoulder while he cooed gently at her, “I’ve got you, baby doll.” Mercedes nodded, believing him as she nuzzled into him.
And I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
Her arms were wrapped around his waist as she looked up at him with those beautiful, pleading eyes and a pouty lip. Logan let out a small sigh as he caressed her arm gently, his other hand came up to touch her damp cheek. “This okay?” He whispered, searching her face for any sign of uncertainty as she nodded at him.
I know, I know, I know
Hey, I ought to leave young thing alone
One of her hands moved up his chest and she rested it over his heart as they kissed slowly, almost experimentally, giving each other time to pull back. Logan’s heart was beating hard against his ribcage as she seemingly melted into him and sighed against his lips. His hands grabbed onto her waist and she followed his lead as he guided her to straddle him. “Don’t leave me.” She pleaded, tears still rolling slowly down her face as they pulled away to take a breath, their foreheads pressed together.
“I’ve got you.” Logan murmured, kissing her again, addicted to the feeling of her lips. His large hands held her face gently in his palms as she fisted his brown leather jacket. It was a long kiss, far too long for their compromising situation, but all Logan could do was hope no one they knew saw them. There wasn’t a force on this Earth that could stop him from consoling her, kissing her, comforting her the best way he knew how to comfort a woman. His woman.
During the ride home, Mercedes was still sitting beside him. Her head rested on his chest as she had fallen asleep while he kept an arm wrapped around her shoulders and one hand on the wheel.
It just felt right.
They had to keep it a secret. Emilio was clearly not a fanatic about the idea of them together, even before they actually realized themselves that there was indeed something going on between them. They simply couldn’t let him know he was right, he would be all the more furious if he found them out now, he would see them as liars, and consider their relationship a betrayal of his trust. Logan tried not to let his feelings affect his work, but it was difficult when Emilio’s men would flirt with her whenever she would be called in to patch somebody up.
“Que bonita eres.” (You are so pretty.) They would say while Mercedes treated them, and she only offered a kind smile and a mumbled ‘thank you’ as she finished up. Logan’s blood was heated enough to possibly burn someone with a single touch as he stood and listened them run their cheap game on her.
“No te deja el lobo por un segundo, verdad?” (The wolf won’t leave you for a second, right?) They would tease, glancing at Logan as he stood against a wall, supervising their behavior and protecting her. They wanted to upset him, they thought he didn’t understand as much as he did, and it only made his anger towards them grow.
Mercedes would look over at him and he would only smirk a little, knowing that when they said ‘lobo’ they were talking about him and in a way, he enjoyed that they thought they had a chance, enjoyed the fact that she would be leaving with him. “It’s his job, he’s my bodyguard.” She would shrug as she continued her task, smiling to herself because Logan was very protective - incriminatingly so.
“What are you doing later tonight?” They would ask as she was cleaning up and gathering her medical equipment. Before she could even come up with one of her witty responses, Logan had an arm around her waist and he was already guiding her out.
“Not a chance.” He’d say while shooting daggers at the men, daring them to try anything. “We done here?” He asked her and she nodded, looking up at him with a sweet smile, her face warm as he led her out to his car parked outside the safe house.
His car. Where they would spend countless hours making out heavily, quietly, day or night. Mercedes couldn’t resist him when he was so authoritative with others, so protective of her. “Jealous, Logan?” She’d tease as his hands gripped tightly onto her thighs, his teeth biting at her bottom lip to leave a mark.
“You have no idea.” Logan sighed.
Mercedes couldn’t help the soft giggle that left her lips as she said, “You know I barely like you, I’m not looking at any of them.” She teased and Logan laughed, grinning up at her as she ran a hand through his hair and smiled sweetly at him.
“That makes me feel better, baby doll,” He chuckled, kissing her chin lightly and then her jaw. “Especially since you’re kind of a pain in my ass anyway.” Mercedes laughed and lightly smacked his firm chest as she got off his lap. “They’d bring you back to me in no time.” He smirked as he started the car to take her home and away from this rundown gas station in the middle of nowhere where he had to stop because he simply needed to feel her kiss.
Everything was better with each other. Logan didn’t want to be at his little apartment when he could be with her. And with him driving her around anyway, it just made since for them to spend all their time together. They fit into each other’s lives almost seamlessly, it didn’t feel like a forced transition at all.
“Quieres una cerveza o tequila?” (Do you want a beer or tequila?) Mercedes asked as they came back to her apartment from their long day out. Logan took her jacket for her and hung it on the coat rack, doing the same with his own coat as he considered his options.
“What do you want?” He asked, turning around and seeing she was already pouring two shots of tequila. Logan chuckled as he walked over to her, placed a hand on her hip as he stood behind her, and they clinked their shot glasses together before downing their liquor in one go. “C’mere.” He said as she groaned softly from the burn of the gold alcohol in her throat. Logan took her hand and led her to the couch, the spot where their nights usually came to a pleasurable end.
They would make out, nothing more than that just yet. Logan simply needed to feel her, be in this moment with her as she sat on his lap and kissed him. Her dainty hands smoothed over his shoulders and chest while he held onto her ass and caressed her thighs. Their tongues moved in synchronized movements, giving and taking from each other as it heated up. It never went any further. Not because they didn’t want it to, but it just didn’t feel organic to force it. Nothing between them had ever been forced or rushed, why should this?
It wasn’t long before Emilio caught wind of them. One of his men mentioned in passing that Mercedes seemed quite close to the wolf, questionably close. The man had been speaking out of jealousy and while Emilio wouldn’t usually care about who his sister was seeing, he couldn’t have his best problem solver getting distracted at a moment when his organization had far too many rats and enemies.
One afternoon, Logan was called in while Mercedes was at work, and he had a feeling he knew what the conversation would be about. Emilio had him meet at a warehouse where the cartel stored their cars and ammunition. Upon entering the warehouse, Logan eyed the two men with Emilio who was on the phone with whom Logan assumed was Clara based on how he was speaking to her. “Esta aquí, te hablo después,” (He’s here, I’ll call you after,) Emilio said, holding a finger up at Logan who shoved his hands in his pockets in wait. “Si amor mío, te amo.” (Yes, love of mine. I love you.) The drug lord looked up at Logan and gave him an acknowledging nod with a smile as he walked over to a table where there was a cup of coffee, a few papers, and a gun. Logan watched closely as he raised the mug to his mouth and sipped loudly. “Logan, I have heard some rumors of concern to me.” He said as he set the mug down and sat against the table, arms crossed as he looked at the mutant standing across from him. “Rumors about you and Mercedes.” Logan shrugged and Emilio chuckled. “I cannot be mad, I knew it was a possibility when I ordered you to care for her.” Emilio looked over Logan and shook his head almost in a disappointed manner. “I just always thought you were smarter than to let some pussy affect the way you work.”
“My work is to protect your sister.” Logan retorted.
“Por ahora,” (For now) Emilio said with a smirk as he grabbed a paper from the table behind him and cleared his throat. “I have a letter here from an American Sergeant by the name of William Stryker, ring any bells?” Logan shook his head, confused and growing agitated from the drawn out interrogation. “Well, he knows you.” Emilio continued to read the letter and he chuckled, Logan felt uneasy as he noticed the two men closing in on him. “Señor Stryker is willing to pay a lot of money for you, Logan. Makes me wonder just how valuable you really are.” Logan glared at the man on his right, his claws unsheathed themselves from his knuckles and Emilio held a hand up to his men, motioning them to back off. “Por favor, (please) Logan, no need to become violent. I wouldn’t ever think of giving you away like some old dog.” Emilio laughed as he set the letter down. “I just have a question.”
“What?” Logan snapped, growing tired of his game.
“My sister isn’t some girl, you know this, but if she started blur your focus, well, I wouldn’t be too troubled to straighten out that kink in my organization.” Emilio rubbed his jaw thoughtfully as he stepped closer to him. Their eyes held each other’s intense gaze and Logan could see a smirk threatening his face. “Is she the only reason you stay?”
Logan should’ve known it was a trap, something more than what it seemed, but he didn’t want to risk her safety. If Emilio thought she was all he cared about, he fear she would be used to hurt him. “I stay for the money.” He muttered, letting his claws retract into his hands. “Mercedes is an added bonus.”
“That’s all I needed to hear.” Emilio grinned, clapping Logan’s shoulder as he guided him out of the warehouse. “It’s a shaky time for the cartel, Logan, tú entiendes, no? (You understand, no?) We just want to be sure everyone’s alliances are where they should be.”
“Yeah, I get it.” Logan muttered before he took the envelope Emilio handed him with his payment for the month and he quickly headed back to his car.
With the news of this man Stryker searching for him, Logan found himself wondering about his past, something he hadn’t done in a while. His memories were always warped, coming to him in bits and pieces, in incoherent dreams that never made sense. The fact that Stryker had known to contact Emilio told Logan that the sergeant knew he was in Mexico, but he didn’t have any jurisdiction on this continent. For now, he had time to think.
“Logan,” Mercedes’ voice called him out of his thoughts and he looked over at the passenger seat where she was looking at him curiously. “Everything okay? How’d that talk with Emilio go?”
Logan smiled at her and took her hand in his so he could kiss her knuckles. “It went fine, baby doll, just got paid.” He winked and she rolled her eyes.
“Right, your babysitter money.” She teased as she clicked on her seatbelt and Logan chuckled as he started the car and rested his hand on her thigh. Since the day at the beach, she seemed to be returning to her usual persona, her usual quips and her playful attitude as prominent as ever. It relieved him more than anything to see her this way, playful and a little mean, as was usual for her.
“I see it more as getting paid to drive a pretty thing around.” He said, making her face warm up as she shook her head at him. Logan felt a sense of urgency as he looked at her and he knew this was something he couldn’t put off any longer. “Wanna go somewhere with me?” He asked her and she smiled, nodding as she intertwined her hand with his in her lap.
It was a longer drive and he wouldn’t answer any of her questions so she guessed their destination, each guess growing more and more ridiculous the further they got from town. “Are we going to Asia?” She asked as Logan parked by the side of the road and he chuckled as he shook his head. Mercedes looked around and noticed he took her to the desert and she couldn’t help a nervous laugh as they sat in the middle of nowhere. “Am I that much of a pain in the ass?” She joked and Logan smirked at her as he moved an arm to rest behind her shoulders.
“If we’re in this together,” Logan said, gently running his fingers through her hair and sighing at the sight of her in the light of the setting sun. “I want to be honest with you.” Mercedes gave him a concerned look and she nodded slowly. “I’m not a good person, baby doll. Haven’t been as long as I can remember, and there’s not much that I can remember before meeting you. Not much that matters anyway.” Her lips turned slightly into a shy smile and she looked away from him. Logan caressed her cheek with his thumb and gently guided her to look back at him. “If it’s going to be me and you, you need to know everything about me. I don’t want you getting involved in something that you might regret later on.”
“Are you trying to scare me out of being with you?” Mercedes asked with a little smirk and Logan couldn’t help his chuckle as his eyes fell onto the dainty crucifix resting on her chest.
“I know you’re not scared of anything.” He said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and moving his thumb over her studded earring. “More than half the bodies out there are my doing.” He said, avoiding her eyes now and looking at the vast, plain land ahead of them. “Not because your brother told me to put them out there either. It was my idea, told him it would be easier than putting a bullet in everyone that wronged him. It’s second nature to me, almost, hurting people, sometimes even the people I care about most.”
Mercedes was quiet for a moment, and she chewed on her lip as she processed everything he said to her. “You’re not the devil,” She said softly, her hand resting on his thigh as she leaned closer to him. “You’re not some wolf or animal,” Logan looked at her and she gave him that sweet smile that always made him ache for her. “You’re just a man, Lo. You’re allowed to do what you can with the cards handed to you, you’re allowed to make mistakes, you’re allowed to feel regret about the things you’ve had to do to survive.” Her hands came up to his jaw and she smiled as his beard tickled her palms. “I’m yours to care for, right?” Logan nodded, his arm came around her waist and he slowly pulled her along the seat so she was pressed against him and their lips locked in a kiss.
“I’ve got you,” He whispered against her mouth. “I’ll always take care of you.”
Without breaking the kiss, she climbed onto his lap and he sighed as she settled her weight on his thighs. Her hands tangled in the hair at the base of his neck and he caressed her back tenderly underneath her top. “I know you will,” Mercedes sighed against his lips. “I believe you.”
They made out in the desert until it grew dark and their lips became raw from the incessant rubbing of his beard against her soft skin. His hands roamed almost every part of her body as she caressed the knots and aches out of his shoulders. Logan wasn’t sure what, but he knew something was coming, and this night gave him the reassurance that he could make it through anything as long as he had her.
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12 @shybluebirdninja @iamburdened @imtherain
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Okay, this is the second part of this, because I had so much fun writting this dynamic. Outlaw Dewdrop x Sheriff Swiss except he's also a retired legendary outlaw himself. Might not make sense without the first part.
Dew will admit it, he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie. In his line of...work...it makes sense. Close calls and near death experiences leave him thrumming with energy, giddy and exalted. But his favorite thing, oh, it's the thrill of the chase. Wether he's hunter or hunted, it never fails to get him going.
Knowing the Multi-Faced Thief is after him sure feeds into that particular addiction of his. Helps that the man is easy on the eye.
The memory of the Thief - Swiss, he learned - all up in Dew's space, leaning against the barrel of the gun, discarting the threat like one would bat flies away, his sparkling grin too bright in the low light, followed Dew even after he put miles between them.
More than a few nights, that memory, as well as many others of Swiss' voice, his amused chuckle, his careless stance, drove him to buck into his fist, spilling all over his knuckles while clutching the necklace - Swiss' - in his free hand.
And, look, Dew is smart, he trusts his guts, he's quick to get back on his feet no matter what the situation is, usually comes up on top of any face off with any other criminal, but he knows, deep down, that he's up against one of the most remarkable individual he's ever met. The Multi-Faced Thief's reputation is one for the archives, as well as his track record.
It sparks a feral kind of delight in Dew.
To be this man's sole focus - and it might be presomptuous of him, but Dew believes he is -, to occupy his thoughts...what a thrill.
Swiss finally catches up to him just as the sun is kissing the horizon, setting alight the small, inconspicuous town Dew snuck in, taking care of hidding his face.
It's the sudden agitation of his mare that alerts Dew from where he was starting to arrange the straw in a somewhat acceptable mattress for him to spend the night on - renting a room, with his infamous scar giving him away, is not an option.
By the time he's precipitately turned around, it's too late. Swiss is on him in an instant, a shadow pouncing with the efficency of Death itself. One hand one Dew's belt, the other on his shoulder, and he's thrown out the stall, rolling in the dust.
Accepting the movement is the only way not to get hurt ; Dew let himself fall, uses the momentum to immediately push up on his feet again. He doesn't get to draw his gun, though, before a strong hand wraps around both his wrists - both ? Hot. - and he's bullied against the back wall of the stable, arms pinned above his head, the cold steel of a blade kissing his throat.
The grinning face that haunted Dew's dreams for weeks is hovering above his, Swiss' eyes glinting victoriously as his chest heaves up and down.
"Hi, Dewy."
Adrenaline, sweet sweet adrenaline, has Dew's ears ringing, but it can only do so much in this position. A bit of wiggling only gets him a warningly stronger press of knife against his bobbing adam apple, so Dew resolves to snark back.
"Didn't know we were on nickname basis."
Swiss' smile widens. The hand holding Dew's wrists shifts, until he can run a thumb over the man's delicate bones there. Dew's breathing hitches the slightest bit. Swiss is warm, pleasantly so, he notes absent-mindedly. The rapidly fading light shines on multiple gold jewlery at his ears, highlights the thin sheen of sweat on the man's skin.
"I think we are," Swiss argues, voice low, close to a purr, "you know quite a lot about me, don't you ? Really studied my case, mmh ? As for me..."
Swiss tilts his head, the brim of his hat casting a deep shadow over his face, though it does nothing to hide the "cat that got the cream" expression on it.
"After following you for this long, I feel like i know you better now. You're a clever one, aren't you Dewy. Slippery little fuck."
It sounds almost fond.
Dew gives a half shrug, careful not to disrupt the blade where it sits snug against his skin.
"Didn't build my reputation on lies."
He gives it a shot then, if only for the sake of his pride, twisting his leg to try and trip Swiss. The man is too quick though, pins the offending leg with his knee, tutting.
"Now, now. Behave, will you ? I'd hate to have to damage that pretty face of yours."
"I doubt that," Dew huffs. It's a bit of a shot in the dark, but something is telling him he's right, so he pushes on. "You'd love to stake your claim, wouldn't you. Leave me with a premanent reminder of our...encounter."
Oh, the sweet way Swiss groans, throwing his head back. Looks like Dew hit the nail right on the head. Then those burning eyes are back on him and Dew is hit by the overwhelming need to keep them that way.
Swiss pushes even closer, until their chests are brushing with each breath they take. Something like hunger basks his features in feral need.
"Maybe I'll leave you with something sweet, after, but first, we have business to settle, don't we Dewy ?"
In answer Dew grins, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah, business."
He dares to lean a bit more into the knife, chasing the high of being so close to the blade, so close to Swiss, both dangerous in equal measure. The buckle of Dew's belt clinks against Swiss'.
The evening air is heavy, a powder keg only needing the slightest hint of a spark to explode.
Around Dew's wrists, Swiss' hand flex. He twists his knife until Dew has to tilt his chin up, throat even more exposed. Swiss' eyes stray on the smooth skin bared by the movement.
"My necklace, Dewy."
Oh isn't Dew going to have fun with that.
"Eager to stick your hands under my shirt, Swiss ?"
"Sure am."
In a swift motion, Swiss slices Dew's poor shirt open, slipping the knife back in his belt once it's done. The rush of air against his now bare chest has Dew involuntarily arching.
"I quite liked that one," he protests half heartedly, even as a traitorous shudder wracks through him. Swiss hums, wrapping his hand around the necklace. Now would be a good time to try something to break free, but if he's being honest, Dew's mind is far away from escape plans.
"So you did keep it...was worried you'd just sell it off somewhere."
Dew grins. Swiss' eyes flick up, back to him. Up close, he's even more beautiful. The scruff on his cheek must feel wonderfully scratchy, the two moles under his left eye too charming for such small details, the few patches of grey at his temple- far too attractive, that.
"Wanted you to keep looking for me," Dew admits, a bit breathless.
He sways and nearly falls head first into Swiss's chest when the man let go of his leg, tugging him flush againts him by the necklace, still holding his arms up.
"Oh, Dew. Wanna know a secret ?"
Without waiting for an answer, Swiss tilts his head, breathing almost directly in Dew's mouth.
"I would've kept chasing you, with or without the necklace."
That's what does it for Dew, self-control snapping. Before he's even realized what he's doing, his mouth is on Swiss'. For a split second, apprehension wraps around his spine, but then Swiss is half slamming him back against the wall, lips working against Dew's with equal frantic energy.
And oh does Swiss know what he's doing. Cupping his face with his free hand, angling it so that he can deepen the kiss, nipping at Dew's lip before swiping his tongue over it to dissipate the sting.
They're panting by the time they pull away. Slowly, Swiss releases Dew's wrists. He let his arms fall to his side, reaching for his weapon not even crossing his mind. Instead, his hands find Swiss' waist. The man grins, dark and hungry, taking his hat off with a flourish to set it on Dew's head.
There is not much sleep involved that night.
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Miller Bros Contracting & Car Wash
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a/n: this is entirely self-indulgent. there's a car wash near my house called Tommy's Express and it got me thinking about our Miller brothers running one before their contracting business really caught on. any historical inaccuracies are because i did not exist in the 1900s in any capacity. i also didn't have the brainpower to write this into a full-fledged fic. bon appetit.
so it’s around the mid-90s
when Joel and Tommy first started their contracting business, it was really slow drumming up enough work to pay the bills and they needed side work to bring in more income
baby Sarah suggested a car wash after “helping” Uncle Tommy wash the truck in the driveway
said car wash was no more than a little wooden stand at the end of the office’s parking lot with a hose, buckets, and rags and sponges
Tommy primarily did all the washing while Joel was in the office keeping an eye on the phone but he’d come out and pitch in on particularly quiet days (and when Sarah needed to burn off some energy)
Tommy is only ever clad in jean booty shorts and flip flops (no shirt because he’s a slut) and purposefully gets himself soaking wet and sudsy anytime a cute girl drives into the lot
(he has a special mixtape that he plays on such occasions and puts on a little extra show while washing, just squatting and flexing left and right. eventually Sarah learns all the words to both "Baby Got Back" and "Tootsee Roll" and Joel is pissed.)
(Tommy once caught Joel humming in the kitchen and never lets him forget it. “hey Joel, it’s your favorite song”)
you’re new to Austin
you and your old-ass 1982 Chrysler LeBaron convertible (to quote @maggiemayhemnj) that you got as a teen after earning your driver’s license – you got to pick the car, the only condition was that it had to be used
you roll in one day, long overdue for a wash
Tommy gets himself ready then does a double take after you park and he sees the car
he starts just circling it and inspecting practically every inch – “goddamn, how is this thing still runnin’?”
Joel watches Tommy fanboy over the car a bit from inside the office before poking his head out the door and calling to him to get to work
you play along with Tommy and his flirting – you can’t deny that he’s sexy – but you just can’t stop stealing glances at his older brother through the front window
and after you go inside to pay and Joel tells you to drive safe? you’re a goner
you become their first regular – because Tommy is just so thorough and even put air in your tires one time when they were low, no extra charge – definitely not because of his big brother pretending not to watch the two of you
“there’s my favorite hunk o’ junk!” – Tommy’s go-to greeting
one day you come by and it’s rattling like crazy
you go inside to pay afterwards, as usual, and Joel finally says more than just the polite sendoff – “uh, s’probably not my place to say but you should really get that noise checked out. sounds like it could give out at any second.”
“oh, you could hear that, huh?” “darlin’, you’d have to be deaf not to hear it. jus’ want you to be safe.”
as luck would have it, it craps out just a few days later
you dig out the Miller Bros Contracting & Car Wash business card – the only one you’ve ever kept because it has Joel’s number on it – and walk a couple blocks to the nearest payphone
Joel answers and you’re all anxious and apologetic that you didn’t know who else to call
he just says “i’m on m’way”
you have to resist the urge to curl up and hide when Joel parks his truck in the space next to you and grabs a toolbox out of the bed
you stand off to the side, watching respectfully as he fiddles around under the hood before determining it’s a battery issue
“thought i told you to get it looked at”
“i did but the guy said i need a whole new battery and i just don’t have that kind of money lying around right now”
“how much did he quote you on it?”
however much it was, it’s way too high and Joel knows it – greedy bastards taking advantage of single women who don’t know any better
“tell you what, lemme give you a jump jus’ to get ‘er going and i’ll fix it up for ya”
and he does not take no for an answer - "i ain't leavin' you to deal with any more sleazy mechanics"
you follow him back to his house where he tells you to go ahead and park in the driveway
he opens up the garage and starts grabbing tools when he stops and curses himself, turning to you and rubbing the back of his neck
“i, uh. i'm missing a pretty important part. you're more than welcome to wait here while i go run and get it, i won’t be long.”
you start to protest, he’s done so much for you already, you’re fine with just borrowing their phone book and calling a tow, but Joel is not having it
next thing you know, you’re sat on the living room floor with baby Sarah munching on a bowl of cereal and watching Wakko Warner sing about all 50 united states and their capitals
Tommy finally comes downstairs and sees the two of you hanging out and almost has a heart attack before turning on his Charm
you flirt with each other for a few minutes before he joins his older brother outside
“what’d’ya do to my favorite hunk o’ junk?”
“don’t even think about it”
“what? i didn’t say anything.”
“you were ‘bout to”
“if you’re gonna stand there and bother me, at least make yourself useful and hand me that thing”
eventually Joel finishes up and heads inside to see Sarah sprawled halfway across your lap on the floor
“uh…your, uh, you’re good to go. lemme just, uh, take her and i'll see you out.”
the sight of Joel carrying his baby girl up the stairs to her bed is enough spank bank material to last you for weeks
he comes back down and leads you back out to your car, passing Tommy on his way in and he gives you a cheeky wink
your driver’s door is already open with the keys in the ignition so all you have to do is get in and drive away
instead, you stall by trying to offer some money to cover the cost of the parts and Joel shuts you down immediately
“you’ve already given us enough of your money, s’the least i can do”
“well, sure, but i was paying for a service. that's not the same thing.”
“you know what, you actually did me a huge favor by keeping an eye on Sarah for me. so how ‘bout we call it even?”
and before you can even think, you step forward and kiss him
and Joel kisses back
you barely pull away and Joel grips your wrist
“what was that for?”
“…your tip?”
he just laughs and leans in, lips not quite touching again
“drive safe, darlin’”
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