#only thing that's missing is for arthur to lose an arm🙃
robotclownindulgence ¡ 4 months
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Malevolent really is in it's medieval fantasy era huh
edit because it is. season 5
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ttuesday ¡ 3 years
Gimme some Arthur super fluffy BUT add some angst and everyone is scared shitless of him and you’re just like ☺️ and he is like “WHY?! IM SCARY I KILL PPL DAMMIT STOP CRAWLING INTO MY LAP/COT/JACKET AND HUGGING UP ON ME GIRL!!!!”
-ends up giving up bc he secretly loves it and when you try to move his arm just tightens- “ahem.... might as well just fuckin stay ya damn pain in my ass”
“I love you too my grumpy outlaw”
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And just like:
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It also helps that mid snuggle in a saloon you blew someone’s head off for coming up on him from behind with a knife and THATS when you finally hear
“haha that’s ~my~ girl.” And you implode. Just confetti.
honestly this was such an amazing ask, I don’t think I did it the justice it deserves but I tried my best! I haven’t written anything properly in a while so I’m a bit rusty but I definitely had fun doing this one lol. Thanks for the ask <3
Word Count: approx. 1000 
You told Arthur you’d meet him at Smithfield’s Saloon, Valentine’s biggest and most popular watering hole (not that it had much competition). He was unsure of meeting there, considering the last time he was at the saloon it ended with him beating up one of the locals in the middle of the street, but he eventually agreed.
It was a quiet evening in Smithfield’s. A handful of people sat at the different tables and the piano man played a mellow tune while some fellers focused on an intense game of black jack. You leaned against the bar, casually glancing over at the saloon doors every few minutes. Arthur was gone on a job for Strauss so you knew he’d probably be a bit late. You swirled around what was left in your beer bottle before downing it in one. 
“Howdy Miss,” a young, drunken fool (no, it wasn’t Sean) stumbled next to you, trying to smoothly lean against the bar.
“Not interested” you said coldly, in no mood to deal with random drunks. “Hey, c’mon now you don’t even know what I was gonna say” he protested, swaying a little too close to you.
You immediately tensed and snapped “Touch me and you’ll lose your fuckin’ hand”. You really weren’t in the mood. All you wanted was a quiet drink with Arthur, not to be chatted up by some drunk.
“Christ, woman” he swayed backwards. He kept talking but you were no longer listening, instead you focused on your lover entering the saloon. You weren’t the only person who noticed Arthur enter. The man at the piano stopped playing his tune, those seated at the tables went silent and even the bartender stopped cleaning a glass to look up and watch him. For a moment, no one in the saloon moved.
A smile spread across your face as you rushed over to Arthur, throwing your arms around him and burying your face into the crook of his neck. You knew Arthur was hesitant to hug you back, too cautious of the people around ye. You broke away from him just enough to see his face. “I’ve been waiting a while,” you said before giving him a quick peck on the lips “I thought something might have happened”. 
“I’m fine” Arthur dismissed “just had to get some money for Strauss, nothing out of the ordinary”. 
As people in the saloon began to go back to what they were doing before Arthur had entered, you looped your arm around his and ye walked to the bar. Arthur ordered your drinks before noticing how you kept your arm entwined with his. “Ain’t you being very affectionate today” he gave a small chuckle. “Do you have a problem with that?” you asked playfully, leaning up and kissing his jawline.
Arthur picked up the drinks and walked over to a free table, shrugging “I wouldn’t say I have a problem with it”. “Then what is it?” you sat down next to him. “Darlin’ I ain’t a good man” he started his usual speech. You heard it time and time again. He isn’t a good man and he doesn’t deserve a caring, sweet thing like you. “Arthur honey, you know that isn’t true” you replied, sipping at your beer.
He lowered his voice “Do you know how I’ve spent my day so far? I’ve beat up a sick man and for what? A couple of goddamn dollars. Did you not see how everyone in here looked at me when I first came in?”.
You smiled slightly “I thought it was kinda hot how they all looked like they were scared shitless of you”. He rolled his eyes yet you could see a fond smile tug at his lips.
You shifted in the wooden chair you sat on, finding it uncomfortable. You smirked as you tapped Arthur’s foot with your own under the table “That seat taken, cowboy?”. “I’ve just told you I’ve beaten up a sick man and all you’re thinking about is sitting on my lap,” he shook his head but he couldn’t get rid of the smile on his face “unbelievable”.
Giggling, you slid your drink over by Arthur and stood up, ready to move to your new seat. But that’s when the drunken fool from before returned. “I know a real comfy place to sit, Miss” he slurred his words, extending his arm out to grab you. But before he could, you grabbed his arm and yanked it behind his back. Next you pushed him towards the table, his head slamming down next to your drinks. You had subconsciously taken out your hunting knife and held it to the man’s throat. “I thought I warned you a while ago not to bother me” you snapped.
For the second time that evening, the whole saloon went quiet but this time, they were looking at you and not Arthur. Arthur glanced around before subtly placing his hand on your lower back “Alright darlin let’s not give the sheriff a reason to arrest us”
You debated it in your mind whether the kill was worth the hassle of getting the sheriff on your tail. You knew if that happened, Dutch would probably get pissed off too. You sighed and let the man go, placing your knife back into its holster. The man sprang up and nearly tripped over himself in the process. “S-sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to bother you” he stuttered as he went up the stairs and out of sight.
Arthur guided you down to his lap. “That’s m’girl, always ready to fight at a moment’s notice” he praised as you got comfortable, wrapping your arm around his broad shoulders. “You sure you want me sitting on a big bad outlaw’s lap?” you teased, raising an eyebrow. Arthur snaked his hand around your waist, holding you close “I guess I can allow it this time”.
You went to give him a quick kiss on the lips but Arthur immediately deepened it, running his tongue along your bottom lip before slowly pushing into your mouth. Momentarily pulling away, you grinned “I think we should rent a room tonight”. “That sounds like a great idea” Arthur agreed before kissing you deeply again.
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