#only one you by momoland...fits like perfectly
GIRL 😭😭💜 ChiHo and #1 for the soft summer prompt pls UwU 💜
Yes!! 😭💜💜
Listen to: Summertime in Paris by Jaden Smith
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Kaho sighed as a cool breeze gently brushed across her cheek, a refreshing change to the heat that engulfed her everyday. Her bangs mussed slightly, falling into her face and she blew them off with a huff. 
She’d prefer if nothing blocked her gaze from the spectacular sight surrounding her.
The sky was a beautiful mural, a painting mixed with hues of light purple, pink, and blue that blended together in a way that could hardly be replicated. Clouds were scattered across the colors, like feathers in the air.
But the real sight to behold, she thought to herself, looking down at the hand intertwined with her own, was the boy walking alongside her.
Ryuunosuke walked calmly, one hand over the guitar strap on his shoulder. His pace was steady, perfectly matching hers. He looked ahead, often glancing down and giving her a big smile, which always made her heart skip a beat.
They didn’t talk much during these morning walks, where on his way to the music store, he’d stop by and pick her up. They’d walk together, before parting ways and Kaho would fall down back to Earth, her world revolving around her modeling job rather than the boy she loved.
She cherished these walks more than she thought she would.
Kaho’s gaze fell on the plants and trees that encircled them as they continued their stroll into a local neighborhood. Dew sat on the leaves, giving a shiny coating to everything. A slight mist was now in the air, visible to her. She fought back a smile, willing her mind to stop thinking of the atmosphere as romantic.
But that was impossible. With Ryuu, everything was romantic. With him, her stomach would always feel butterflies. Her heart would always beat a thousand times faster. A smile would always be permanently etched into her face, and he would always make her laugh harder than she ever had.
She stopped in her tracks. Ryuunosuke stopped as well, looking down, confused. “Are you okay?”
Kaho tugged on his arm lightly, her cheeks burning up as she looked at him shyly. “I’m fine. Just come closer.”
He complied, leaning down just as Kaho gently pressed her lips against his. Softly, innocently, barely brushing at first, but full of adoration, he returned it. They pulled away, and he grinned at her. 
Whatever he said next, Kaho couldn’t hear. She was still lost in the kiss and her feelings, and aggressively willing her cheeks to stop being so red.
Ryuunosuke laughed at something, probably the stupid face she was making. He pulled her in close as they continued walking again.
The sun had almost completely risen by this point, blanketing the two of them with its warmth and glow.
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senchoubutter · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Guys As Kpop Songs I Listen To Too Much + Why
i’ma just say it now, i primarily listen to girl groups since I cover songs and they are in my range and i find them fun to cover most so expect a lot of those.
All songs are linked!!
- Lucifer by SHINee || First and foremost I can see him performing this, easily. Aside from that, the song is tasty and classic. Jamil is a smart attractive man that is incredibly talented despite flying under the radar. People know of him but don’t take note until they know him, similarly to this song. It goes hard and you’ve probs heard it mentioned but you haven’t experienced until you played it at 3 am, screaming your heart out. Get to know Jamil and he ain’t just “some guy”
- Um Oh Ah Yeh by MAMAMOO || This song reminds me of the 90s/2000s and there’s something about Kalim that also does that for me. Maybe it’s the not a care in the world disposition. I can see and feel in the second verse’s rap, Kalim’s warm smile. I can imagine him grabbing my hand, telling me to chin up. The choruses make me think of simpler times. Finally, Kalim seems like he’s always having a good time just like this song
- Candy Pop by TWICE (yes i know its jp) || This song always puts me in a good mood. It makes me feel warm inside and like everything will work out. When I see Ortho, I feel the need to protect him but also can’t help but feel like everything will be okay. Something about him brings a happy, warm peace to my heart that reminds me to just take a moment and find the good in life. The peppy beat of it just makes me think about how he almost always is smiling!
- Fairy of Shampoo by TOMORROW X TOGETHER || the song starts an I feel as if I’ve awoken floating in the deep sea, but i’m not scared. I feel at peace and as if I’ve been here before. The song tastes like iced tea and feels like nostalgia. When I look at Idia I see my past self and even present self. I’m afraid, I want to hide. The feelings the verses gives me reminds me of laying in bed, curled up in a jacket that hides my whole body, similarly to Idia’s. The song and Idia’s character call out to a nostalgic but soft side to a distant past I can’t recall. I want to stay with them until I can remember
- gogobebe by MAMAMOO || It’s got a lazy but sexy sound that Leona emboides. When the song picks up in the choruses it’s like it takes over your body, drowning the listener in an ocean of sensuality and playful teasing. It’s got a lil edge though too that caters to the gruff “fuck off” expression he has. I see the noise Hwasa makes at the end as the wanton but confused noise fans make as the man leaves, tail swinging after teasing them
- BAAM by Momoland || BAAM has such a sassy hyped up beat that screams a bitch that gets shit done, owns who they are, and lives life having fun. And it embodies everything I feel upon seeing Ruggie's smug smile. Even the rap bit during the second chorus has the sass and done-ness of “Leona-san! Get up!!”
- Bomb by AleXa || This song kicks your ass and so does Jack. Don’t for four seconds think he won’t beat the shit outta ya for underestimating him, similarly to AleXa and her music. The energy and the “I’ll show you” vibes remind me of this big dweeb. I would fear this man but turn to love him much like how I felt about this song as it was this artist’s first song. How do I say they just embody each other in my opinion lol
- DUN DUN by Everglow || The sass. This song screams THAT BITCH, just like Vil’s everything. The way he carries himself is personified in this song. The power the song holds reminds me of his unique magic and how intense it is. Finally, the slower bridge is mythical and light as if giving the listener a feeling like they are walking on air and plays to the softer and more feminine side of Vil
- FINGERTIP by GFriend || Everything about this song is exciting. It’s suspenseful and alluring. If this song was a person, I could clear as day see it winking, whispering “chase me.” And that is exactly Rook’s brand of teasing and games. He’s a hunter but he’s got a charming aura to him still. This song wraps both of those things into it. The dance break is Rook’s darker senses personified. Umji’s lil “OW!” is he’s cute lil remarks in french, throwing you off now and then. But by the end of the song, you’re used to them and adore them
- Crossroads by GFriend || This song feels like a long lost friend that visits you in dreams. You can practically reach out to them but just as you do, you wake up. But you’re determined. That alone reminds me of Epel’s character as a whole. He doesn’t let his cute appearance push aside his wants and needs to be this tough guy. He, like Yuju’s strong vocals at the last chorus, presses on, determined each time he gets knocked down
- Deja Vu by Dreamcatcher || Maybe I’m biased cause I’ve covered this but this song is breathtaking. The melody speaks of a long road and the fight to keep on which I feel rings true for Lilia. We don’t know his true age but it’s clear he’s been around for quite a wild and the pain he’s probably gone through is unspeakable. He has stories galore and so much experience in life. I feel this song encapsulates a lot of what can only be speculated about him
- Crème Brûlée by GFriend || the soft, sweet song is addictive and cutesy. I feel Silver gets written off or ignored often, similarly to this song on the album. Sure he may not be god or a bad bad bitch, but he has his own warmth to him. Like this song, Silver makes me wanna curl up under a tree on an August evening and just take in life, making sure to breathe for once, releasing unnecessary tension and stress.
- Black Dress by CLC || Sebek is very interesting to me and when he blushes, my whole heart stops for a second. It’s similar to how when they build up to the chorus‘s first Black Dress and the music stops for like a split second. Sebek isn’t my favorite but isn’t my least favorite. I like him more than some though, I’d say. I’d say the same goes for this song. I love CLC, this isn’t my top song of theirs but I still like it a lot. There’s something uniform about the beat that resounds with Sebek as getting shit done in mind also. Sometimes a song just makes you think of a character and you can’t perfectly explain it
- Pretty Savage by BLACKPINK || Yes i know t’s only recently come out as i post this, but this bad boy on replay. The beat isn’t crazy upbeat but it’s interesting. Malleus intidimates me in general cause of his aura, and while I love this song a lot rn, it was very intimidating at first. It still has some “don’t come near me” energy. The slower bridge bit calls to his stoic expression, melodic and pretty
- ICY by ITZY || I’ll be honest both Cater as well as this song were things I thought at first were just meh, okay. But as time went on both grew on me. Now that’s not the only reason though I associate this with him. The, no pun intended, ice shattering sound of the song gives me friendly popular girl that seems to be buds with 80% of the school. This is the very vibe Cater always gives me. He wants to just have a good, happy life. Also the song is a “so what? I’m hot. Get over it.” vibe like Cater
- Drama by TOMORROW X TOGETHER || Ace reminds me the guy you fall in love with in high school and you no it’s not going to last but you let yourself get taken away with. Drama feels like a soundtrack of every fun adventure Ace goes on, no matter the trouble that he may get on. It’s fun beat just brings me back to skipping school, running to my car and trying to sneak away without getting caught. The thought of Ace at my side, would shoot my adrenaline through the roof just like the high note of the song
- God’s Menu by Stray Kids || Deuce is just ready to go swinging and that’s exactly what this song is. Elbows up and out, head down, swinging without a clue. The intensity and fire of it speaks to that fire in him. Meanwhile the prechoruses are soft and pleasant almost like it’s not the same song, alluding to that cute lil smile he has got
- REALLY REALLY by WINNER || Similarly to Ace, this song reminds me of a guy you fall for, but in college rather than high school. Everything about the song and Trey just feels right. The choruses hold your hand and fits perfectly in yours. They know what to say to make everything okay. It may not last, but you sure hope it does and will love them like it will. And while Trey isn’t my number one boy, those are the exact feelings I have about him too. Finally, the rap part reminds me of Trey’s more sadistic side, it bites and you may not think it fits entirely but the more familiar you get with them, the more both fit and you don’t mind it entirely
- Wonderland by ATEEZ || The demanding nature of the song makes me think of Riddle immediately. It’s intense and doesn’t mess around; it wants what it wants. Riddle is a rule based person and this song is rather militaristic aesthetically. The bridge though, is so regal and breathtaking. It could stop time. Riddle, despite the kind of guy he is, is the same way. The power he holds is impressive and admirable. This description may seem kinda like I’m shitting on him and see him solely as a rule boy, but like this song, I have made respect for him and wouldn’t want to cross him
- Love Battery by Hong Jin Young but performed by LOONA on Immortal Songs || This arrangement of the song has a certain magic to it that I melt in. At the very beginning as the build up singing ‘dangsineun’ i feel like I’m being submerged in a wave, reaching to shake Azul’s hand, signing a contract. The choruses remind me of his smile, how distant but inviting it is. Daring me to fall for him. The dance break bridge reminds me of the intense eyes behind those glasses
- Love Shot by EXO || This song and Jade are both things I am fearful of but greatly intrigued by. They share a scary beat and energy that says I fear you more when you’re smiling. Please stop slowly walking towards me, you’re scaring me. But at the very same time, the choruses keep me around like how pretty I find this twin. The combo of put together, intellectual friend but could kill easily and without remorse sends shivers down my spine if I think about it for too long. The chorus of this song make me shake my shoulders that suppress a shiver each time
- WEE WOO by Pristin || I love both Floyd and WEE WOO. The song is the feeling you get going 85 down the highway. Both song and Floyd, get me excited. They feel like the weekend. That feeling of coming home Friday during high school, tossing your bookbag down, and getting ready to hang out with your best friend. It’s a relieving and exciting feeling. It’s a peppy beat that bites during the harmonies a bit. Just like Floyd. Peppy, fun, but ain’t afraid to take a lil nibble
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wizardessshit · 4 years
WH boys’ character songs with the music that i have downloaded in my phone pt. 1
bc i’m poor and don’t have spotify
ALERT!: May contain spoilers
Leon - Paris in the Rain (Lauv)
'Cause anywhere with you feels right, anywhere with you feels like Paris in the rain (...) 'Cause anywhere, babe, is like Paris in the rain, when I'm with you
If you know about Leon’s personality, there’s no explanation. He’s blunt and doesn’t hesitate to tell how much loves Liz.
Leslie - Hello (SHINee)
How do did you start love? People who have loved please tell me.
This song is about a kind of awkward love, and that’s Leslie, girl. (Actually I was going to chose this song for Elias, another awkward potato)
Lucious - Dasher (Gerard Way)
When you go, when you go away. When you go, can you come this way? 'Cause I feel safe in your arms, and she's got dashes in her stars. I hope you both, come around this way
I kind of link this part of the lyrics with the fact that Lucious is inmortal, and I kind of imagine him gazing up the stars wishing the best to Claudia’s spirit, or even Claudia’s reincarnation.
Vincent - Butterfly (BTS)
You’re so beautiful, that I’m scared (...)  If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break. I’m scared scared, scared of that.
Spoiler! I relate this part with Vincent, because he mentions in his route, that he would never love anyone because he is afraid that he might will hurt them because of his job.
Sigurd - Cuando me Enamoró (Enrique Iglesias ft. Juan Luis Guerra)
If I could take a star down from the sky, I would do it without thinking twice, because I love you (...) But inside I understand that I can't, and sometimes I get lost. When I fall in love, sometimes I despair when I fall in love. When I least expect it, I fall in love. The time stops, my soul comes to my body, and I smile when I fall in love.
He’s kind, he’s sweet, he’s polite. No more further explanation.
Luca - Bboom Bboom (MOMOLAND)
I’ll give you all my looks. A series of my touch. One and only my love, love, my lover.
Y’know that Luca id the diva queen, and besides that actually he has a hard time trusting people, he would give everything for Liz.
Randy - Need You (Shlovesyou)
When you're about to lose your mind remember that we only get the same way as you did and let me show you how just stay here in my life.
Spoiler! This cotton candy has a lot of trusting issues, and he has been through so much pain, that I relate this song with the moment that he realized that in Liz’s arms, he would be safe.
Guy - All is Well (Kanjani8)
Let's step straight forward, the way our heart is. When we get tired, let's just take a break (...) It has reached, I will treasure your voice, your thoughts. The nonchalant days is taking shape, I’ll carry this small happinesses with both of my hands
I think that Guy’s easy-going, protective, but also carefree personality, fits perfectly with the lyrics of the song.
Elias - Give Love a Try (Jonas Brothers)
I, just trying to be honest with myself, with you, with the world. You might think that I'm a fool for falling over you
Actually this song talks about the singer that wants to convince the listener to accept his feelings and, forgive the redundancy, give love a try. But I kind of hear it like Elias trying to convince himself that loving Liz it’s not a bad thing.
Caesar - Screen (twenty one pilots)
I do not know why I would go in front of you and hide my soul, 'cause you're the only one who knows it, yeah you're the only one who knows it. And I will hide behind my pride, don't know why I think I can lie, 'cause there's a screen on my chest, yeah there's a screen on my chest. I'm standing in front of you, I'm standing in front of you. I'm trying to be so cool, everything together trying to be so cool.
Spoiler! His familiar issues, the abuse he received in circus, his criminal affairs and his true intentions. Of course that all those things that he hided from everyone, made him feeling like a hypocrite, specially in front of the person he loves.
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