#only got brown beagles and even maxed out the kennel so I could have more of them
therealvinelle ยท 2 years
Heretical thoughts on Gameboy games?
It's a great way to be introduced to the Harry Potter franchise.
I was eight years old, hadn't read any of the books nor seen the movies when a relative gifted me the Game Boy as well as the game for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
An incredible time was had, complete with the shock I had when the unskippable character dialogue revealed that Sirius Svaart was in fact innocent, and then the teeny tiny pixel rat turned into a not so tiny pixel man. Lupin turned into a werewolf shortly after that, and we had a boss fight.
The only thing resembling drama would be that the game was in Danish, so I learned the Danish versions of everybody's names and made something of a fool of myself because of this when I tried to talk to the cool kids about Harry Potter. "Have you read the books? Or even seen the films?" "No... game boy..."
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It was a great game. I sometimes miss it.
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