#only daemyra’s line gets to live sorry
sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Do you think that GRRM goofed up by killing off Jaehaera? Had she lived and been the mother of Aegon III's kids it would have been so much more satisfying an end to the Dance. Plus that way the Blackfyres would have descended from the Greens (through Daena), and all the Blackfyre-Targaryen conflicts could have been seen as a continuation of the Dance. I get mad at it, it was such a good conclusion thrown away for shock value.
Hi there Anon 😊
I would like to begin by apologising if I sound insensitive.
Absolutely he did not. George gave the Dance a clear winner: the Blacks. The side that remained. At the same time he ended the other, the Greens.
This is for everyone who likes to think that both sides were just as wrong.
Yeah no, sorry. 🥰🍿
This to me was the perfect conclusion after everything that happened during the war. How each side behaved. Who started the war and who started the bloodshed. The line of a man who fed his sister to his dragon while her son watched could not go on, and neither would her son ever be happy marrying his daughter in my opinion.
I also have a lot of thoughts regarding Jaehaera and I will agree that given how George made her, he had no need to kill her off in childhood. I don’t believe this little girl would have ever had children so the Greens’ line would have still ended. But I do understand he got rid of her so Aegon III could marry Daenaera. It’s honestly a sacrifice I’m willing to make and I wouldn’t have written it differently if I could.
Also I do enjoy the commentary that it was most likely a former green - Unwin Peake - arranging it. Sorry I’m petty like that.
Again sorry if I sound insensitive but I just don’t care about the Greens. I just established no emotional connection reading about them.
Also I cannot stand arranged marriages. Baby Aegon chose Daenaera so the Lord has spoken. It is Daenaera we want him with 🧜🏻‍♀️ his mermaid.
Like I know I’m sounding mean because Jaehaera was already born a green, Aegon’s daughter and Alicent’s granddaughter but it makes me too happy their line ended to care.
Again sorry.
PS: everything written here concerns the asoiaf canon only. Only. Only. Only.
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chicken-wayng · 3 days
Don't know if you're aware of the current fandom drama but certain fans *cough* Team Black *cough* are attacking fan-artists because they're creating AUs where Jaehaera Targaryen lives thus Aegon III doesn't marry Daenaera Velaryon.
It's honestly pathetic that they're being this petty over FICTIONAL characters, but harassing real life people is a step too far imo.
That being said, as a Rhaenicent fan what do you think of Jaehaera and Aegon III's marriage working out?
I was not aware. I try to stay away from fandom drama. I think a toxic fan (on either side or no side) spewing hate to the actors, fans and writers (cuz let's be real, they're doing what they can with a money-hungry, cash grabbing network that's cutting every corner they can. It's not great, but to send threats??? That's nasty) is WEIRD. I'll say it again for the people in the back:
No matter thy side, don't send hateful threats. Tis gross my dudes.
I think I know the fan art you're talking of and I think it's beautiful. I love AUs (obviously, according to my top post) so I think that they were not only able to come up with one but also do art for it, well that's hella cool.
Honestly, I haven't read the book since high school, so is Aegon 3 the one that has all those kids, including the old man in GoT (damn I really need to reread those but I'm so obsessed with Cobra Kai fanfiction it's not funny)? Cuz if not I'm totally blanking on who Aegon 3 is.
Sorry that didn't answer your question, but thanksya for asking it! I can say though that in my professional opinion, as long as a ship isn't pedophilic why go out of the way to hate on it? I know GoT/HoTD walks a fine line (and often go over it) but seriously even Daemyra is okay in my books. I don't like it, I can't read fics with it UNLESS it confronts her gender envy of him. I'll even admit to enjoying some Lucemond fics (there's this one really good one that talks about the smallfolk, (Luke falls, gets saved by Aemond, thwarts Blood and Cheese by taking Groceries and taking him to the street of silk and hiding) legit it was plucked from my brain and they wrote it just for me) - cuz toxic love is okay as long as we all know that it's that. Like I have Rhaenicent brain rot so badly BUT in real life, in a modern world, I'd encourage both of those mean girls to get therapy and read some feminist works. (Alicent needs to read Who Cooked the Last Super frfr) before even being in the same room as one another.
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daylander1000 · 2 years
I don’t want to say that I disagree with the last anon (I don’t, i want that fluff too 😭) but I think what’s happening is very much in line with what we’ve seen of their relationship before in your fic. As kids, they kind of always verbally kept each other at arms’ length and even at such young ages (which wow. absolutely wild how the world had hurt them so young that walls started coming up at 8 and 9 years old) It’s understandable that at 16-18 they wouldn’t be the most talkative in that regards. I think Aemond’s POV (which their first meeting mostly was in) shows just how deeply insecure he really is, and how he truly held onto Rhaena as the only thing he could’ve ever really relied on to make him feel okay, while Rhaena, while I won’t say she’s completely moved on or anything, has understood and accepted change. To me, they seem like that whole “If I loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more.” or saving all the reverent stares and lovesick smiles for when the other looks away IDK sorry for rambling i just have so many thots
Lolol, no need to apologize. We all want the fluff. Sometimes I'm sitting writing and reminding myself "Hey, come on, keep this fun."
For me, it's not that she's moved on from their friendship but she's moved on from the idea of looking to Aemond (and his mum) to "rescue" her because she's at a point where she fully appreciates the danger and risk of being on the wrong side of her father.
While Aemond was studying the sword, she was getting a 7(?)-year post grad certificate in Daemyra Behavioral Psychology. She's seen firsthand how her mother, Harwin and Laenor's entire lives are disregarded and she doesn't want to be added to the jetsam/flotsam.
Aemond's still someone with a mother, a Criston, a grandfather, a granny dragon, older siblings in line to be the next king and queen... He was hurt and he's aware that he's on the expendable end of the Targ spectrum, but he's still protected in an enmeshed, 'circle the wagons' sort of way.
Rhaena's living the opposite of that enmeshed family dynamic. Estranged sister, dead mother, father was bad to begin with, worse now that he has his dream family, her grandfather is a Luke Stan, so she's in "Sinnerman, where you gonna run to?" mode.
Running to Aemond's wagon circle isn't a great idea cause that's not safe at all. Asking him to leave his wagon circle to ride out for her is 1,000% riskier. Hell, she's not even sure how circling the wagons are supposed to work because she's never had it done for her. She's seeing them do it around Luke tho, positioning hers and Baela's wagons to take the hits, so she's kind of like "fuck wagons in general. I'm going independent."
But of course to Aemond, that's like "Did she just totally reject the safest, most well organized wagon circle in all of Westeros? Is it because of that one single time I weak-linked it? Wtf do I do with this second wagon with your name on it? Sell it, like some kind of wagon-salesman to a pilgrim doing last minute wagon shopping???"
(he's left it a little late in the war game to start making allies and planning a power marriage with another family)
I mean, in the past and at this point, it's more of a proposal for her safety rather than a sign of any undying love, lol. And she's saying, "I'd rather take my chances with a non-prince who doesn't have a dragon who I've never even met before than you" so there's no way not to take that personally when he's out there training with Criston to work past his disability and make something of himself every way he knows how. That's worse than "I don't want to marry you." That's "you're incompetent/you're gonna get me killed/I don't trust you with my life or anything at all."
I actually had a happy reunion chapter written and drafted on AO3 just ready to be published. Real Swan Princess like, but I rewrote the entire thing to add some friction because they were hardly on the same page as children so it made sense for the gap to widen a bit.
Wasted time, but yeah.
I felt this version was a touch on the cruel side but I truly didn't mean it to be. Just wanted to emphasize that she's lost some of that easy friendliness and ability to communicate with people properly after getting out of her Shawshank sentence.
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