#only achievable through plastic surgery
wildmelon · 2 years
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my sims from ~3 years ago give me nightmares
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bunny584 · 4 months
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Part II of this cute lil ask right here
A/N: Shit. You just graduated med school. And today…people expect you to…doctor? Mom come pick us up, we’re SCARED (real thought on my first day of residency).
S/N: Meet your first year surgical residency class. Undifferentiated little stem cells. The bottom of the surgical food chain. First shift last 36 hours and you work every second night until you drop. 
All you know is that you like to cut. Where/what/how that cutting comes will be decided later. Everyone has an idea of their subspecialty but…shit happens, preferences change and sometimes the spleen just bleeds for no fucking reason at 4 am when you’ve gotten 30 minutes of sleep in the last 3 days and you have to—what? Sorry. Forgive me. 
Let’s get into it.
For the love of God, interns — pick up your pagers. 
Dr. Yuji Itadori 
Specialty Interest: ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY 
Don’t tell Dr. Sukuna about this but who here is shocked. This sack of muscles THROWS SUVS AT HIS MORTAL ENEMIES ON A RANDOM TUESDAY NIGHT??? Please???? He also does shit like watch Wormo-Man parts I-V and this is peak orthopod behavior. Yuji definitely has contests with his patients on rounds who can crush the cranberry juice or protein shakes the fastest. Spoiler, he always lets the patient win.
Everyone thinks he’s just joking around but it’s his way of getting post op patients to get their nutrition in. He’s a very thoughtful doctor, even though people assume he’s no thoughts just vibes between his eyes. 
Dr. Megumi Fushiguro
Specialty Interest: HAND SURGERY (can be achieved via Ortho or plastics)
Hand surgeons are a different BREED. Do me a favor and google “hand anatomy.” Not only will you find like 400 bones, there are 7,000 tiny tendons, lumbricals, digital arteries, veins and nerves all packed into the little mitts we take for granted. And to add insult to injury — all of the muscles and tendons are in latin. Like whoever decided that please take your seat on this one way train to hell :)
Nevertheless, Dr. Geto spotted Dr. Fushiguro on day ONE of intern year. How meticulous and neat he is. How intelligent he is in the O.R. As an intern, Megumi broke the record for the fastest carpal tunnel release for residents (4 minutes, 35 seconds — not faster than mine though, 3 mins, 52 seconds over here big dawg). Suguru is Megumi’s mentor within the first week. Two peas in one moody brunette, pod. 
Dr. Nobara Kugisaki
Specialty Interest: TRAUMA SURGERY 
Nobara is 100% resistant to the Satoru Gojo, MD charm. Unlike the rest of the residents, she isn’t squeezing into Dr. Gojo’s trauma ORs just to graze his gloved hand with theirs. Or make eyes over the surgical masks. No, Nobara did her first cricothyrotomy and became HOOKED. The day she had to climb on the gurney to tie off a patient’s external jugulars because after coding and ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) they were SPURTING out of the large pipes in their neck — she was sold. Trauma surgery through and through.
Real story btw. It was insane. Whirlwind of a day from the trauma bay to the OR to the ice cream we all scarfed down after because we won that day. And you don’t win every day. So the days you get to tell the Angel of Death to fuck off, you savor them. 
Dr. Maki Zenin 
Specialty Interest: VASCULAR SURGERY 
Little known fact about vascular surgeons is that they are gangster as fuck. Hear me out. They like the blood PAPER thin, right? Small, rusty pipes need to get fluid through, so thin the fluid out as much as possible. Meaning patients are on aspirin, lovenox, heparin, and every other anticoagulant known to man.
Everyone else with a working amygdala is scared to DEATH of these patients bleeding because you look at them sideways and suddenly hemorrhage everywhere. Not vascular surgeons and not Maki Zenin. “Aorta ruptured..? No prob, just sew it up with a couple stitches. What—like it’s hard?” - Every Vascular Surgeon ever. Maki just gives unhinged-unbothered-let-them-bleed energy to me. Plus vascular surgeons do all of the amputations. Maki is doing that with her cursed tools and scrubbing in with hand sanitizer only. Period.
Dr. Yuta Okkotsu
Specialty Interest: TRANSPLANT SURGERY 
The OG lover boy is NO different in this AU. He is sentimental. He cries with patients. Dr. Nanami met him during the first month of his residency and immediately took him under his wing. Yuta is always the last to leave the anatomy lab, making sure to stitch the donors completely closed — even though no one will see. When asked why he spends hours post call doing it, he says: “Because they deserve respect until the very end.” Nanami And Yuta are a perfect match. After Yuta’s first liver transplant, Nanami takes him to the same hill he lays on by the airport. They both say goodbye to the donor together. 
Dr. Toge Inumaki
Specialty Interest: ….he switched to PSYCHIATRY, still tight with the surgical interns though.
Hello, please this is also obvious. Inumaki is the only one in the group who can listen intently for hours without interruptions lmao. He saw that aggressive surgery shit and said absolutely not I’ll take my talents ELSEWHERE 😂
And you know, funnily enough, a good majority of surgeons ALSO were torn between picking surg vs psychiatry. My mentor told me that its because its as invasive, just without the scalpel. The rest of us meatheads just like the scalpel a little too much to put it down. 
Specialty Interest: N/A
He is the hospital emotional support animal. 
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E/N: Alright interns. Do your best not to kill anyone. And if your chief resident (me) is sleeping, don’t page me. And if you do page me the patient better be knocking on heaven’s gates. And if they are knocking on heaven’s gates, they better not have crossed into the bright light before I get there. 
Real E/N: Kidding. I am so full of shit lol. I am the senior that brings my juniors cafecitos and treats and takes their pager to let them get some well deserved rest. 
Don’t be late to your OR cases, Shoo!
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rtothe3rd · 2 years
Being a girl;
I don’t like the “pick me” misogynist idea that stereotypically “feminine” things are inherently negative or shameful and can’t overlap with “masculine” ideas or qualities, and I hate how toxic and sexist and pro-ED the embracing femininity communities (coquette girlblogging) can be, as if being a woman is made of suffering and a woman's body is a vessel for misogyny in thin, white, childlike standards of beauty. Fuck it all; I do love the color pink and wearing lip gloss and buying clothes and Lana Del Rey and sometimes I even look at my horoscope and I use copious amounts of hairspray, but I want to be a lawyer when I’m grown up and and I swear like a sailor and I’m an honors student and my favorite thing to talk about is politics and I’ll debate anything that breathes, and I try not to equate my worth (or anybody else's) with the number of inches around my waist. How can’t those two things coexist? Why can't I put Taylor Swift's album drop and the senate midterms on my calendar? Why can't my walls be plastered with photo strips and artsy postcards alongside my 4 framed speech awards? Why can't I fantasize about being in love and also about kicking a nazi in the face? I'm a female; therefore everything I do is feminine, no matter what people say. I want to celebrate and RECLAIM femininity for myself and for womankind, not for the male gaze. Coquette pro ED and pick-me-choose-me-love-me subcultures have one major thing in common: catering to men and men in particular. The day that we as women stop hating ourselves is the day we stop feeding into a school of thought that fuels a multibillion dollar industry that creates and profits off our insecurities. If you're gonna wear makeup, wear it for you. If you're gonna change your weight, do it for your physical and mental health. If you're gonna get plastic surgery, understand why. Why you've always wanted bigger/smaller breasts, a bigger/smaller butt, a flatter stomach, a smoother face. Girls, don't feel rushed to go through puberty, but when you do, celebrate that you're maturing and changing. The stretch marks are healthy. Your breasts don't need to be any bigger or smaller to serve their purpose, whether that is to feed children or just exist. The blood is not filthy, it's a sign of health. Yeah, I know it sucks, but don't let anybody make you feel bad. Those asshole boys wouldn't exist if their moms never menstruated. And to women MY mom's age, you don't need to starve yourself to achieve what filthy pigs tell you you should look like after carrying and delivering a pregnancy for 9 months. You don't need to be as thin as you were at 20, this is supposed to happen. You don't need to inject toxins into your face to make it look like you've never smiled or seen the sun. You don't need to be ashamed of living and aging naturally, aging is healthy, you are supposed to get older. When was the last time you heard a a man your age complain about lines on his skin or 5 extra pounds? When was the last time you saw a male celebrity's stomach rolls or cellulite blown up on a tabloid cover and picked apart by the whole world? when was the last time you witnessed a man reduced to his appearance? why do WE owe beauty to the world, a world where our bodily autonomy is in jeopardy? Why are we only beautiful when we're weak and starving and cold, where we're miserable and tired and hurting, when we're manipulated and injected and stuffed and exploited and profited off of and sexualized and traumatized and forced? forced to perform and change and carry a child? Men will pay to see videos of naked women seducing them and turn right back around and advocate for our disenfranchisement. Men have been taught that they have the authority to reduce us, shrink us down to sex symbols and forget our humanity, and these men do what they want and make millions and get elected to America's highest offices and win grammies.
If you're a woman and you're reading this, you do not owe a man's perception of you to anybody. Every time a grown man online treats me like I'm stupid; every time a boy taunts me about Andrew Tate; every time another woman acts like politics are inconsequential; every time I remember an 80 year old man making obscene gestures to me on the street; every time I read a school dress code implying that my body is inherently pornographic; every time another pig is elected to our government; every time our trans sisters are oppressed and excluded by other women, the fire grows. soon it will consume me.
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madamlaydebug · 5 days
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What is Addiction?
Addiction is when a person continually takes a substance - or engages in a behavior - with a destructive impact on their health and life.
In Ancient Rome, when a person couldn’t repay a debtor they were forced to become their slave, or ‘addictus.’ This is the origin of being “a slave to your addictions.”
Addictions take many forms; some of them may surprise you. Do you struggle with any of these?
Body piercing
Book collecting
Plastic surgery
Prescription drugs
Screens (smartphones, computers, tablets, TV’s, etc.)
Social media
Video games
Addicts crave the behavior or substance, even when they know it causes them physical harm, mental harm, and/or harm to their relationships. Addiction can lead to criminal behavior, poverty, homelessness, and death.
Addiction is not defined by how much a person engages in the behavior but by the impact it has on their life. A workaholic may be very successful in the office, but at home their relationships are failing and their anxiety is increasing.
What Causes Addiction?
People become addicts through many different paths, but seeking pleasure (or avoiding pain) is the ultimate driver.
Whether a person is addicted to heroin or video games, their goal is to alter their mental state and reduce subconscious-stress.
Some people believe that taking drugs leads to addiction - but this is only part of the picture. Not everyone who takes narcotics becomes addicted to them. Therefore, there must be another factor involved - the human factor.
Research involving mice found they became easily addicted to cocaine when kept in isolation. But, when the environment was enriched with social activities, interesting food, places to explore, toys to play with and new mice to meet… they stopped taking cocaine! Just like mice, humans get depressed, miserable and bored when trapped in an unfulfilling life.
Unresolved Emotions
Addiction often stems from trauma. Adverse experiences during childhood (e.g. divorce, emotional neglect, poverty) predispose us to addiction later in life. Addiction is a response to painful or traumatic events, not simply a poor choice that people make.
Demonizing addicts is counterproductive; they need to be treated with care and compassion to maximize their chances of recovery. Brain scans on people with a range of addictions reveal the same neural circuits are involved, and they all share feelings of shame and low self-value.
People develop addictions to try and cover up issues and uncomfortable emotions:
To cope with stress and life events.
To escape the pain of past trauma.
To create connections with others.
To achieve a sense of control in life.
To avoid facing feelings of inadequacy.
To hush internal voices of self-loathing.
Overcoming Addiction
There’s no one size-fits-all solution for all addicts, but here are some general tips:
1. Find the Right Help
Addicts using opiates and narcotics need help. Addiction experts can provide the highly specialized support needed for this kind of recovery. Addicts can also be aided with behavioral re-training and dedicated recovery groups.
2. Increase Self-Value
All addicts can benefit from increasing their self-worth. Any activity that improves physical or mental health enhances esteem. Getting a massage, eating vitalizing alkaline foods, and going for walks in nature are acts of self-care that enhance how we feel about ourselves.
“Because the one thing you want to do is to LOVE, and that love should begin with you” - Dr. Sebi.
3. Be Ready to Give Up
The addicted person must be ready and willing to give up their addiction; if they are forced to give it up they are likely to relapse.
What are you ready to give up?
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latinaluxlisbon · 1 year
when you’re supposed to be thick but also be weightless and you’re supposed to have an hourglass figure which can only be achieved naturally through genetics but you can never have plastic surgery and you’re supposed to be short but have long legs and you’re supposed to be sexy but remain young and innocent and you’re supposed to be perfect yet no woman is a 10/10 and men can get online and debate which body type is the least attractive and no body cares and we’re all like a catalog for them to choose who to jack off to and they can get off to the most disgusting things ever but god forbid you have a single flaw or they will relentlessly bully and abuse you and if you didn’t know women are much less likely to take their own lives by a gunshot to the head or anything too gruesome because they can’t stand the idea of being unattractive even in death. i’m just so tired idk
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lizbethborden · 2 years
Femininity is a lot of work and it’s actually very difficult to pull off. Even the “clean girl” look, which is the visual opposite of the heavy coverage MUA look that’s been popular for a while, hinges on having seemingly perfect skin and a “naturally” flawless look, meaning there is a ton of investment in skincare, etc behind the scenes—skincare being just another arm of the beauty industry of course. The rules and standards of femininity are also always changing; a particular body type has been extremely popular and achievable through readily available plastic surgery and now that it has achieved total saturation, I believe it’s already starting to become unpopular—women getting their BBLs reversed etc.
I think that because of the amount of work it takes to be feminine, plus the deep emotional investment in femininity, it would be a misnomer to label it as “easy”—for the individual feminine woman, it is not. But on a social and cultural level, on the level of media representation and in terms of what kind of otherwise marginalized woman can achieve visibility, fame, or success, yes, femininity is “easy.” It is quickly intelligible. It is considered desirable. It affords access and results in better treatment.
I am not arguing for “pretty privilege,” nor do I think benevolent sexism (i.e. female servers who wear makeup getting more tips) is a good thing. I don't think "pretty" women institutionally oppress others. But I do think that this society promotes those it wants to see more of; that it will help a "pretty" woman succeed before an "ugly" one, and applaud the "pretty" woman much more. This society cannot even tolerate a woman at neutral--a woman with no makeup on, with her skin texture showing, natural hair, braless, simply existing in a physical state that is unaltered.
For masculine and GNC female people, these are the stakes. For many of us, we do not just exist at neutral, which our culture cannot tolerate anyway; we in fact actively cultivate a specific aesthetic or what some would call a gender expression that is in open defiance of feminine norms. That is why it is not, per se, "representation" for e.g. a masc/GNC lesbian or bisexual woman to see an extremely feminine woman in the public eye identifying as lesbian or bi. It can be even more alienating, in fact, than having her identify as straight. She is the easiest version of us to swallow, and we are nothing like her; not only do we not want to be like her, it would take so much active work to deconstruct the image of ourselves we've already built--something we've loved doing--and reconstruct ourselves in her image that it's like an unscalable edifice ahead.
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mariacallous · 2 years
On Monday 29 August 1994, sandwiched between a repeat of the 70s sitcom Happy Ever After and a showing of the 1988 movie version of Dangerous Liaisons, BBC Two broadcast one of the finest documentaries ever made. And now, thanks to a sudden wave of renewed interest, Three Salons at the Seaside has returned to iPlayer.
Directed by Philippa Lowthorpe, who most recently helmed a couple of episodes of the new Willow series on Disney+, Three Salons at the Seaside is a beautiful, delicate 40-minute film about (as you’d expect) three hairdressing salons in Blackpool, all of which appear to cater exclusively to women aged 70 or above. It feels like a dispatch from a lost age. Customers, no matter how loyal, are always addressed formally. Fishmongers pop in from time to time to take orders. All the phone numbers have five digits. Perms, in all three of the salons, appear to be violently non-negotiable.
This does all sound a bit “Who remembers proper binmen”, I know, but the appeal of Three Salons isn’t nostalgia. Instead, Lowthorpe was clever enough to let the women take centre stage – and it’s spending time in their company that makes for the real joy of this documentary. Although there’s an obvious class difference between the three establishments – one has its opening hours written on notepaper and taped to the door – the clientele have all very clearly clawed through mounds of life.
At the start of the film, conversation flits between casual gossip (a Coronation Street star who had plastic surgery and now looks “like a goldfish”) and how big a sofa needs to be when you only ever sit on the edge of the cushion, but after a while it all begins to coalesce around death. There are dead parents and dead relatives and, in one slightly tragicomic scene, a dead woman called Betty who has to be elaborately described because there were so many old women called Betty knocking around in Blackpool in the mid-90s.
But, overwhelmingly, it is a film about widows. Lowthorpe’s subjects all talk openly – in a bracingly no-nonsense, let’s-get-on-with-things way – about having lost their husbands, and their struggle to carve out a new identity in the world now that they find themselves alone. And, in need of something to gravitate towards, they have all been drawn to their hairdresser. These places have become integral hubs for their customers, all of whom have found community in routine.
This isn’t to say that Three Salons is a bummer, of course. Not only are the women all so fiercely indomitable that only a fool would try to mess with them, but the viewing experience is happily gauzy. Scenes pass by unruffled, interspersed with long, dreamy montages of white hair being combed, with a burbling synth soundtrack that could very easily have come from a Warp compilation. It’s Slow TV before Slow TV was a thing – made before the docusoap juggernaut swept in and tried to make all its participants famous. It is absolutely gorgeous, like a remake of Agnès Varda’s Daguerréotypes scripted by Victoria Wood.
The increased interest in Three Salons at the Seaside comes largely from the peerless (and too little watched! And too hard to find in the UK!) comedy Documentary Now! from US cable channel IFC, which has for years found rich pickings in beautifully recreated versions of old documentaries. In April, Seth Meyers wrote Two Hairdressers in Bagglyport, in which Harriet Walter and Cate Blanchett play two hairdressers who not only prise stories of increasingly absurd spousal death from their customers, but also put together the 1994 Blackpool hair salon equivalent of Vogue’s September issue.
Like all Documentary Now! episodes, Bagglyport is exquisitely done – at one point Blanchett matter-of-factly passes around a “ransom bucket” because “Mary’s been kidnapped again” – but its greatest achievement might have been reviving the source material. Three Salons at the Seaside is in turns sweetly funny and endlessly touching, but, in the years since its first broadcast, it has taken on a new patina. It has become a reminder of just how fast things move. The relationships of these women all ended. The shops are no longer there. We’re watching a way of life that has been utterly lost. And, before we know it, we are all likely to become variations of these women, broken and adrift, but battling through. What an incredible tribute this film turned out to be. I really cannot recommend it enough.
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In conjunction with @silvermoon424’s new project to scan and archive Mitsukazu Mihara’s 6-volume manga series Dolls: IC in a Doll, here is a copy of an interview Mihara gave in 2006 with Manga Magazine at Otakon, recorded here by Tokyopop!
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What a Doll! An Interview with Mitsukazu Mihara
(On the left-hand side):
Goth Loli goddess Mitzukazu Mihara has garnered an impressive level of fan devotion in Japan, largely due to the intricate and inspired Gothic Lolita fashions worn by her characters.
A master of the manga short story, Mihara-sensei began her career as an illustrator, gaining recognition and acclaim for her distinct illustrations in the Gothic Lolita Bible. Going on to create such noteworthy titles as Happy Family and IC in a Sunflower, Mihara-sensei took storytelling to a new level with Doll, a six-volume anthology series about a world where humankind coexists with an intelligent race of androids called “dolls”.
Gothic Lolita enthusiasts and sci-fi lovers - Mitsukazu Mihara fans are passionate, dedicated and intelligent. And with the release of Mihara-sensei's Beautiful People in February and Haunted House and R.I.P.: Requiem in Phonybrain in the fall, they're about to grow significantly in number. Get on board while you still can.
Manga magazine sat down with Mihara-sensei at the Otakon convention in Baltimore, where she discussed fashion, fandom and some of her surprising influences.
-Tim Beedle
(At the bottom:)
New to the work of Mitsukazu Mihara? For those looking to sample the best of the best, we offer a few suggestions.
"A Maid Servant" (Doll, Vol. 1) When Tokiko's fiancé leaves her for another woman, Tokiko assumes it's because she's ugly. But when someone starts defacing Tokiko's doll, we soon learn that ugliness has many forms.
"Beautiful People" (Beautiful People) Telling the tale of Mimi, a strong-willed woman who achieves beauty through plastic surgery, Mihara-sensei reveals where the true beauty lies, while serving up some of her most intriguing character design work to boot.
"Grave" (Doll, Vol. 4) Mihara-sensei gave life to the dolls, but in this story, she gives them death. "Grave" takes us to the SG Corporation's press room, where retired or illegally remodelled dolls are scrapped. A fascinating look at mortality, "Grave" is chilling...and life-affirming.
"Haunted House" (Haunted House) A very black comedy. "Haunted House" tells the story of Sabato, a hapless teenager whose attempts at romance are continually ruined by his outrageous family. Boasts detailed gothic art and plenty of dark humor.
"Home" (Doll, Vol. 6) An emotional story that serves as a denouement for the entire Doll series, "Home" is only fully appreciated when read after the stories that preceded it.
(In the center:)
Manga: Welcome to Otakon, Mihara-sensei! Is this your first time in the United States? Mitsukazu Mihara: Not only is it my first time in the United States, it's my first time traveling abroad. I'm having the best time!
Manga: What are you impressions of Otakon? Mitsukazu Mihara: I love it. All of these amazing cosplayers - I could sit and watch them all day long. This is something you just don't see in Japan!
Manga: In Japan, the vast majority of your fans are Gothic Lolita devotees. What attracted you to Gothic Lolita fashion? Mitsukazu Mihara: I just love the spirit of Gothic Lolita culture. When I first started drawing manga, Gothic Lolita was just taking off and I wanted to incorporate the trend. I think we've grown together. Actually, though, my first works were not Gothic Lolita - they were inspired more by punk.
Manga: Let's back up a bit. How did you begin your career as a manga-ka? Mitsukazu Mihara: When I was first starting off, I was very much inspired by the work of Yumi Tada (Yukikaze, Ludlow Garage, Sitting in the Balcony). I actually became her assistant. While working for her, I was scouted and asked to enter my work in an amateur manga competition and was very surprised when I learned that I won! I then went on to submit my work to Shodensha, who accepted it. I've been extremely lucky in my career.
Manga: Other than Yumi Tada, who are some of your influences? Mitsukazu Mihara: Kazuo Umezu (Orochi, Scary Books) and Junko Mizuno (Hansel & Gretel, Pure Trance). I also really love Tim Burton.
Manga: Really? He's an influence? Mitsukazu Mihara: Oh yes! He's my biggest. Edward Scissorhands is my favorite film of his. I find the way he balances dark themes with humor and heart to be inspiring. And I can't wait to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Corpse Bride!
Manga: What about the science fiction aspect in many of your books? Your stories in Doll and Beautiful People remind me of the work of Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury. Are you a fan? Mitsukazu Mihara: I'm a very big fan of science fiction. Blade Runner is one of my favorite movies. I'm also a fan of Asimov's robot books. In fact, the dolls in Doll actually follow the Three Laws of Robotics, even though it's never explicitly stated.
Manga: Let's talk about Doll for a moment. Aside from being a great piece of science fiction, there are a lot of social and psychological issues brought up by it. Did you intend for it to make so many statements? Mitsukazu Mihara: Yes, there were many issues I wanted to write about. Domestic violence, for one, remains a problem in Japan, and I felt Doll could be a good place to address it.
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(Off to the left:)
Doll is fearless in its subject matter, tackling controversial issues such as spousal abuse, gender inequality, bulimia and sexual objectification.
(Center, continuing from previous page:)
Mitsukazu Mihara: However, it was never intended to be at the sacrifice of the story. Telling a good story comes first.
Manga: Your stories often cross into the fantastic or surreal, but the characters and their emotions always feel real and relatable. How do you pull this off? Mitsukazu Mihara: I take my inspiration from my own life and I only write about what I know. Now, I'll often take familiar things and exaggerate them for effect, but I have to stick to what I'm familiar with. For me to do it any other way would weaken the story.
Manga: How does Gothic Lolita fit into it? Mitsukazu Mihara: In Doll, Gothic Lolita fashion symbolizes eternal beauty. The perfect Ghotic Lolita never ages - she remains young. It's as if she's not human, but a machine - or a doll.
Manga: Do you have a favorite character in Doll? Mitsukazu Mihara: I like Ichiro, the Remodeler. Of all the characters, he's the most I like.
Manga: What has your experience been like working with an American entertainment company, as opposed to a Japanese company? Mitsukazu Mihara: It's actually easier to work with TOKYOPOP than with Japanese companies. Most publishers are not as concerned with quality, but TOKYOPOP pays extra attention to keeping the integrity of my work. I am extremely happy.
Manga: What are you working on now? Mitsukazu Mihara: I have a couple of projects I'm working on: Doku Hime and Shigeshoshi.
Manga: Do you have a message for your fans in America? Mitsukazu Mihara: Thank you for all your support! I'm so pleasantly surprised and grateful that the American fans "get it" despite all of the cultural differences! The fact that Gothic Lolita is so popular here in the States pleases me very much!
(End of interview and article)
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elena-oc-blog · 3 months
You guys are in for a lore dump treat copy pasted from my personal discord server. I was just suddenly possessed by the muse when trying to sleep some more this morning
I'll put it under read more so you don't have a giant block of text on your dash, you are welcome
A bit about the different kinds of magic in my world:
Inborn magic: magic one is born with. This magic involves no spell casting and is instead manipulating ones own magical energy to achieve things. Still requires skill and discipline and practice to get better at it but it's a natural base ability some people are born with. It's pretty rare among humanoids and animal folk but most mythic born have at the very least minor shifting magic to better blend in. Inborn magic is typically just one type (fire for example) but in some rare cases there's multiple though more than 2 types are almost unheard of and will also cause instability in the body which can lead to corruption and explosive mishaps.
Learned magic: this is magic gained through study that requires spellcasting, gestures, rituals, glyphs and whatnot. This magic is extremely varied and can be workshopped into new types! It's basically taking the fabric of reality and the magic energy that floats around in the world and interweaving/recoding them into something you want it to do. This takes skill and patience however, and if you do it wrong results can vary from "nothing happened" for small spells and "giant fucking magic explosion/death" for complex spells. Some people are more attuned to learned magic and can see/feel the flow of energy around them. The amount of magic energy in any given area can also vary depending on nearby sources of for example spirits, demons, holy sites or even deities. This magic also consumed some of your energy to use as fuel, this can be replenished with rest and food. Learned magic can also be imbued into items which is..
Imbued magic: potions, charms, glamour. This magic can either be permanent or temporary, though permanently imbueing magic into living beings has to be done very carefully and takes a huge amount of skill and energy. This typically is only done with cosmetic magics such as permanently changing hair/fur colour, magic tattoos, giving a human claws etc. Magic plastic surgery basically.
Potions/magic drugs only give the consumer temporary magic changes, the duration and strength varying on the skill level of the potion maker and the potency of the ingredients
Magically imbued accessories and charms will only work as long as the user is wearing them or are placed in the environment correctly/remain undamaged
There's also magic artifacts which are objects permanently imbued with magic so that they have magic properties. Making one of these again take a lot of skill, patience, focus and energy so these are rare. Bags of holding are a popular example of this and a beloved luxury item.
Lastly there is patron magic:
Magic that was given to a mortal by a divine being. This can be done by spirits, demons, hellborn and gods. the more powerful/higher ranked the divine being is, the more powerful the magic has the capacity to be. There are two types of patron magic:
Blessing/Curse (permanent with no further energy input necessary from the divine) and Contract (There are conditions and contact that must be upheld with the divine being or the magic will be taken away. This requires a constant flow of energy going into the mortal from the divine being)
There's also ascension or damnation where a divine being turns you from being mortal into a demigod, spirit, monster or demon but this is very rare and almost unheard of outside of folk tales.
Hope you guys enjoy this lore dump!
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creepymarshmallow3 · 1 year
April 7, 2023.
"Beauty Deceived" incident
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Minor - this poor fellow is based on eisoptrophobia (fear of mirror reflection). In the past, he was a popular model guy on social media. He was a very handsome and attractive guy of 27 years old, his name is unknown. He achieved fame through plastic surgery, while he forgot that his family helped him in this, which, after receiving fame, he treated as a family of freaks, forgetting that he was the same in the past.
Popularity captured the guy. He became selfish, greedy, and narcissistic. He always liked to look in the mirror, saying to himself "how beautiful I am) ~ I'm the best)". His fortune in terms of money allowed him to calmly correct the injuries and mistakes on his face, making him flawless again.
One day, he noticed one such mistake on his cheek - a large cut after a little trouble, he hurried to the plastic surgery hospital. Once there, he was met by a doctor, he was wearing a gauze mask and glasses. He seemed to know that the guy came to him and said to follow him, the guy obeyed, endlessly saying to the doctor along the way that he should try VERY well with his face, to which the doctor only listened in silence.
Arriving in the operating room, the guy took a photo covering the scar from the angle, and posted it, writing:
"Ready to see the new me?) Wait darlings~"
The doctor chuckled when he noticed the message and asked the guy to hand over the phone, according to the rules of the hospital. The guy did everything.
The operation went on for quite a long time, but the guy was sleeping under anesthesia and did not understand this.
When he woke up, he noticed that his head was in bandages. The guy was not embarrassed by this because of drowsiness, after anesthesia his head was spinning. The doctor solemnly said that everything is ready, but it takes a couple of weeks to recover. The guy lamented why it took so long, but the answer was "wait".
After a couple of weeks, the doctor announced that the deadline had passed and it was time to remove the bandages, the guy was delighted but also indignant that it was unbearably long, plus he felt strange. All those days, the doctor gave the guy medications, ostensibly to recover from the operation. The doctor reassured him, saying that his preparations had special compositions, since the guy needed rest. Finally, the bandages were removed from the guy's head. The guy scratched his nose, but he was embarrassed that he felt strange, and looking at his hands he shouted:
- What is this?! What's wrong with my body?!?!
The boy's body was dark in color and became thin. In the past, beautiful hands have become bony with claws. The doctor hurried joyfully behind the mirror, and the guy sobbed and trembled, not understanding what had become of him. Bringing the mirror, the doctor affectionately said with a smirk:
- Look at you, handsome)
The guy screamed. It was a white face, and there was no hair on the head, one eye was with a wide pupil and the other was black. The doctor took off his mask and goggles. It was a trollge smiling in front of a frightened out of his wits guy. He tricked the guy into making a trollge out of him for fun. Trollge said that now the guy is as beautiful as he is. The guy wasn't his first victim. The guy was crying and hysterical from hopelessness, and the trollge took a photo on his phone, posting it on the guy's account. The poor fellow at that time was scratching his new face with his claws, sobbing and trembling. Trollge stopped him, and said that the scars suit him, but there is something more interesting.
Then he told him to look in the mirror again. The blood-stained guy looked in the mirror at his new face, and suddenly, blinking, he found himself in a strange place. It was greenish-pale, fog all around. The guy looked back, noticing the window on the other side of which was the troll, who, before putting down the mirror, said:
- You said it yourself, "Try hard on my face," and you know. From your doll face, it was the hardest thing to change you, but now you are perfect)~
After that, he put the mirror glass down, leaving the guy alone, in silence, without the opportunity to call for help ...
Minor is not dangerous, but on the contrary, he is shy and withdrawn. He cannot leave the mirror, just as the living cannot get to him, except for inanimate objects that can move back and forth in the mirror. He can navigate through different mirrors. His face is scarred and he often cries. His ability is reflection control. He can change your reflection, making him either insanely beautiful or insanely scary, depending on how you ask him. He regrets who he was and wants to go home.
He can show trolls as a canonically creepy side, or even human version.
If you try to console him by saying that he is not bad or beautiful, he will fall into hysterics and simply hide from you from the mirror, the topic of beauty is painful for him.
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disordinarybeauty · 1 year
Unmasking Sahar Tabar: The Enigmatic Iranian Influencer and the Price of Online Fame.
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Sahar Tabar, the Iranian influencer who took the online world by storm with her mysterious and bizarre online persona, has recently sparked controversy. Her online character, which she had created through the use of plastic surgery and Photoshop, has been a subject of discussion among many.
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While some view her as an artist who has mastered the art of creating a unique and fascinating online persona, others view her as a fraud, who is perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards and promoting harmful body image perceptions.
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Despite her claims that her appearance is solely a product of make-up, prosthetics, and digital manipulation, many have speculated that Tabar went under the knife numerous times to create her strange look. Her heavily edited images have certainly fed into the public's fascination with her, but at what cost?
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It's undeniable that Tabar has amassed a significant following and gained notoriety for her online images, but the question remains, at what price did she achieve her fame? Was it through hard work and artistic creativity, or was it through vanity and excessive self-modification?
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Perhaps, only Tabar holds the answers to these questions. Nevertheless, her journey and artistic persona have certainly left a lasting footprint on the online world and will undoubtedly continue to spark debates for years to come.
Youchat by You.com
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hairtransplantcostuk · 10 months
Understanding Hair Transplant Surgery
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Hair transplant surgery is a procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one area of the body, often referred to as the "donor site," to a bald or thinning area known as the "recipient site." This surgical technique is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, but it can also be beneficial for women experiencing hair loss. Find the hair transplant near me
There are two main types of hair transplant surgeries: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor site and dissecting it into individual grafts for transplantation. On the other hand, FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor site using a micro-punch tool. Both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's essential to discuss your specific needs with a qualified specialist.
The Importance of Finding the Right Hair Transplant Specialist
Finding the right hair transplant specialist is crucial for a successful and satisfying outcome. Hair transplantation is a delicate and intricate procedure that requires both technical expertise and an artistic eye. A skilled specialist will have the knowledge and experience to create a natural-looking hairline and ensure the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with your existing hair.
Moreover, a reputable specialist will prioritize your safety and well-being throughout the process. They will conduct a thorough evaluation of your hair loss condition, discuss the available treatment options, and guide you towards the most suitable approach for your unique situation. Additionally, a reliable specialist will provide realistic expectations and inform you about any potential risks or complications associated with the procedure.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hair Transplant Specialist
When it comes to choosing a hair transplant specialist, there are several crucial factors to consider. Here are some key points to keep in mind during your search:
Experience and Qualifications
One of the most important factors to consider is the specialist's experience and qualifications. Look for a specialist who has extensive experience in performing hair transplant surgeries and a proven track record of successful results. Check their credentials, certifications, and memberships in professional organizations related to hair restoration.
Additionally, inquire about their education and training in hair transplantation techniques. A specialist who regularly attends conferences, workshops, and training programs demonstrates their commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field.
Specialization in Hair Transplantation
It's essential to choose a specialist who specializes in hair transplantation rather than a general plastic surgeon. Hair transplant surgery requires a specific set of skills and expertise that can only be honed through years of dedicated practice. A specialist who focuses solely on hair restoration is more likely to have a deep understanding of the nuances involved in creating natural-looking results.
Before and After Photos
Before making a decision, ask the specialist to provide before and after photos of their previous patients. Evaluate the quality and naturalness of the results. Look for patients with similar hair loss patterns and hair types to yours to get a better idea of what you can expect. This will give you a glimpse into the specialist's skill and ability to achieve the desired outcome.
Communication and Personal Connection
Effective communication and a personal connection are vital in the patient-specialist relationship. During your initial consultation, pay attention to how the specialist listens to your concerns, answers your questions, and explains the procedure. A good specialist will take the time to understand your goals, discuss realistic expectations, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Facility and Technology
Visit the specialist's facility or clinic to assess its cleanliness, organization, and overall ambiance. A well-equipped and modern facility is indicative of the specialist's commitment to providing high-quality care. Inquire about the technology and instruments used during the procedure to ensure they are up-to-date and in line with industry standards.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials
Reading online reviews and testimonials from previous patients can provide valuable insights into the specialist's reputation and patient satisfaction. Look for consistent positive feedback regarding the specialist's professionalism, expertise, and overall experience. Be cautious of any red flags or recurring negative reviews, as they could indicate potential issues.
Researching Hair Transplant Specialists in Your Area
Now that you have a clear understanding of what to look for in a hair transplant specialist, it's time to start researching professionals in your area. Here are some effective ways to find potential specialists:
Online Directories
Online directories dedicated to hair transplant specialists can be a valuable resource in your search. These directories provide a list of qualified specialists in your area, along with their contact information, credentials, and reviews from previous patients. Take note of the specialists who align with your criteria and compile a list for further evaluation.
Professional Organizations
Professional organizations, such as the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), have directories of members who specialize in hair restoration. These organizations have strict membership criteria, ensuring that the listed specialists meet the highest standards of competence and professionalism. Consider exploring these directories to find reputable specialists in your area.
Internet Research
Conducting a simple internet search can also yield results. Look for specialists' websites or online profiles that provide detailed information about their practice, services, and patient testimonials. Take the time to explore their online presence to gather more insights about their expertise and reputation.
Reading Online Reviews and Testimonials
Once you have identified potential hair transplant specialists, reading online reviews and testimonials can help you narrow down your options further. Here's how to make the most of these resources:
Authenticity of Reviews
When reading online reviews, it's crucial to consider their authenticity. Be wary of reviews that seem overly promotional or excessively negative, as they may not accurately reflect the specialist's capabilities. Look for reviews that provide specific details about the patient's experience and results.
Diverse Range of Reviews
Consider reviews from a diverse range of sources, including reputable review websites, social media platforms, and forums dedicated to hair restoration. This will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the specialist's reputation and patient satisfaction.
Patient Testimonials
In addition to reviews, patient testimonials shared by the specialist on their website or during the consultation can provide valuable insights. These testimonials often include before and after photos, allowing you to assess the quality of the results and the overall patient experience.
Remember, while online reviews and testimonials are helpful, they should not be the sole determining factor in your decision-making process. Combine this information with other factors, such as experience, qualifications, and personal connection, to make an informed choice.
Asking for Recommendations from Friends and Family
Personal recommendations from friends, family, or acquaintances who have undergone hair transplant surgery can be invaluable. These individuals can provide honest feedback about their experiences and help you find reputable specialists. Ask them about their overall satisfaction with the results, the specialist's approach, and the level of care they received throughout the process.
However, it's essential to keep in mind that everyone's hair loss condition and desired outcomes are different. What worked for someone else may not necessarily be the best approach for you. Use recommendations as a starting point for your research and evaluate the recommended specialists based on your specific needs and preferences.
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Okay so, a lot happened, I need to type faster and fill in my notepad quicker but I only have two hands. Short recap: weird Christian plant guy, I did some 6th grade chemistry on metals, and Luddick is an idiot. And I hope he'll never find this blog. Let me start with this: I am in Prague and found myself a room. I'm sorry not to be able to update as frequently, but there's so much stuff happening who can keep up with that...?
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Transcript of the first and second page:
He's an ecert of Mueller's website. His newsletter is the funniest thing ever: "spread the work of the lord with science" and "how not to stay doomed" and "hello I made this website in the 1990s".
About the content, my notes are as follows:
He talks about his work being the one for the Lord and his "Master", which is, when you read further, a person we already know.
Talking about Eve and how she doomed the planet, he looks down on "mortals" and thus thinks he is immortal and claims these people dug their own graves.
He's fond of throwing people onto a stake it it gets him to his Christian world any closer. Apparently he's lost it.
There we are, the Golden Lion! That's Eckhardt, who has been around " a long, long time". He works with him to achieve at least immortality to break Eve's "spell".
Uhm yeah apparently cliamte crisis is his own work since he is just so, so good. He's batshit narcissist and I'm glad not to have met him.
Mueller is in Eckhardt work- and also fanclub and if everyone in there is just slightly like him, Lord have mercy on me. And Lara Croft. And perhaps Kurtis Trent if he's alive and after them, too.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page:
The main thing here is that I re-read my notes again, on Eckhardt's Sanglyph, the metals he is harvesting, and the ones he had hidden in the paintings. Something was weird about the metals and I wasn't sure why. Then I read about cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc and gallium- the names of the metals today. They are close in the periodic table, and since the alchemist needs a lot of them in a purified form, they are hard to get by for a normal person. What I conclude is the following: he wants to use cheap copper to do alchemist chemistry and turn them into other elements, something we normal people can only do with bombing atomic cores. If he manages to do that his way to using the Sanglyph and becoming the Golden Lion is way easier.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page:
So, my internet friend "PassionforResearchion" calls herself a scientist and has a passion for biology, plastic and medical surgery. She also loves genetic mutations, especially working with animals that can regenerate- I'll spare you the photos of her work. She seems to work well with Muller, though- she uploaded a picture of someone looking a bit like da Vinci's man, but in her notes she claimed this was "the Master". Who, if she means the same one as Muller, has to be Eckhardt. The figure looks like it has enhancements on its body and a chest plate with a glove(?) and something within its heart. Did she do this to him?
I'll annoy Luddick to talk to me again, and can maybe use my contacts. Or my fake ones. I need the dossiers if they're worth anything ang get a visiting pass to the Strahov, I think they're doing more than just research on Nephilim and plants.
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page:
I found Vasiley's art gallery, I found it through the mails of Carvier and von Croy. When asked about Vasiley, they wonderef how I couldn't have possibly heard of his death. After some talk they handed me a newspaper with an article that I took a photo of:
he died in his private rooms (house?)
the Russian mafia is supposed to be involved (not the Czech)
they were after the paintings
someone at the newspaper suggested the Montrum from Paris came here to murder him (he had ties to Werner and Cervier)
the Police keeps quiet.
I need to find his adress and check his place out.
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Transcript of the ninth page:
Ha, you will never guess whom I saw outside my hotel window! Just now! This guy. Fucking Luddick himself with an old red car and papers on the roof. He left for a smoke, I assume...yeah I totally didn't steal them. I did not. But I took snaps of the dossier of whatever I found important and left for my hotel room. The luck is with the idiots, and I am one of them.
I'm examining the dossiers right now. I have five photos on people and want to gather information on them as much as I can. Stay tuned, for I will try to get into Vasiley's place if I'm able to. Another crime scene to check out, can't wait to have my background check at some point!
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I've been saying for a bit that it's not... Louis' team, it's more than likely HIM. And hey, that's his choice so we should accept it bc if it was his team, I think he would have dumped them a while ago especially when he brought BMG on board. Matt Vines and Simon Jones would have been loooong gone. I want to know that he's happy with what he's achieved and accomplished so far bc it's great. But in order to get out this pop image and be accepted into an indie community, he has to put himself out there a little more and get out of his comfort zone. But again, he's in charge and we can only support him endlessly.
I've talked about this before but like objectively I do think that if he wanted to fire his team he could have and he would have done it by now so it means that he's choosing to keep them;
but it has to be said imo that not all choices are the same or that just bc you're technically choosing something it doesn't mean that it was a completely free or independent choice, to make a hyperbole think for example at women who choose to stay with their abusive bfs, technically it's their choice but in real life we know that that choice is heavily influenced by their trauma and they're definitely not free, to make a less dramatic example we can also think of how kids who grow up with parents who smoke are much more likely to start smoking too, and thats technically their choice but is it really? what about women who get plastic surgery to look like Bella Hadid? is that truly a free choice? what about teens from poor family who choose to pursue careers in stable fields that can give them a secure paycheck even if what they really wanted to do was paint ?
why are all these people deliberately choosing something that us from the outside can see will be bad for them?
the truth is that all of our choices are intrinsically linked to our experiences, to our environment, to what life and the world have taught us, bc all of those factors are what guides the way we see the world and the options laid out for us, can u really make a free choice if you can only see the options through the lenses of your own subjective experiences? if you cant even see all the options? if you've been taught that some are just too scary or that you're just not enough for some of them?
I conclusion I'm just saying we always need to consider this when we see people who are making choices we don't understand and also always exercise compassion
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
What is Addiction?
Addiction is when a person continually takes a substance - or engages in a behavior - with a destructive impact on their health and life.
In Ancient Rome, when a person couldn’t repay a debtor they were forced to become their slave, or ‘addictus.’ This is the origin of being “a slave to your addictions.”
Addictions take many forms; some of them may surprise you. Do you struggle with any of these?
Body piercing
Book collecting
Plastic surgery
Prescription drugs
Screens (smartphones, computers, tablets, TV’s, etc.)
Social media
Video games
Addicts crave the behavior or substance, even when they know it causes them physical harm, mental harm, and/or harm to their relationships. Addiction can lead to criminal behavior, poverty, homelessness, and death.
Addiction is not defined by how much a person engages in the behavior but by the impact it has on their life. A workaholic may be very successful in the office, but at home their relationships are failing and their anxiety is increasing.
What Causes Addiction?
People become addicts through many different paths, but seeking pleasure (or avoiding pain) is the ultimate driver.
Whether a person is addicted to heroin or video games, their goal is to alter their mental state and reduce subconscious-stress.
Some people believe that taking drugs leads to addiction - but this is only part of the picture. Not everyone who takes narcotics becomes addicted to them. Therefore, there must be another factor involved - the human factor.
Research involving mice found they became easily addicted to cocaine when kept in isolation. But, when the environment was enriched with social activities, interesting food, places to explore, toys to play with and new mice to meet… they stopped taking cocaine! Just like mice, humans get depressed, miserable and bored when trapped in an unfulfilling life.
Unresolved Emotions
Addiction often stems from trauma. Adverse experiences during childhood (e.g. divorce, emotional neglect, poverty) predispose us to addiction later in life. Addiction is a response to painful or traumatic events, not simply a poor choice that people make.
Demonizing addicts is counterproductive; they need to be treated with care and compassion to maximize their chances of recovery. Brain scans on people with a range of addictions reveal the same neural circuits are involved, and they all share feelings of shame and low self-value.
People develop addictions to try and cover up issues and uncomfortable emotions:
To cope with stress and life events.
To escape the pain of past trauma.
To create connections with others.
To achieve a sense of control in life.
To avoid facing feelings of inadequacy.
To hush internal voices of self-loathing.
Overcoming Addiction
There’s no one size-fits-all solution for all addicts, but here are some general tips:
1. Find the Right Help
Addicts using opiates and narcotics need help. Addiction experts can provide the highly specialized support needed for this kind of recovery. Addicts can also be aided with behavioral re-training and dedicated recovery groups.
2. Increase Self-Value
All addicts can benefit from increasing their self-worth. Any activity that improves physical or mental health enhances esteem. Getting a massage, eating vitalizing alkaline foods, and going for walks in nature are acts of self-care that enhance how we feel about ourselves.
“Because the one thing you want to do is to LOVE, and that love should begin with you” - Dr. Sebi.
3. Be Ready to Give Up
The addicted person must be ready and willing to give up their addiction; if they are forced to give it up they are likely to relapse.
What are you ready to give up?
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Transform Your Smile and Boost Your Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry in Mountain Home, AR
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Are you ready to unlock the secret to a radiant smile that can leave a lasting impression? Look no further than cosmetic dentistry in Mountain Home, AR! Your smile is not just a reflection of your oral health; it's also an essential component of your confidence and self-esteem. So why settle for anything less than perfection when modern dentistry offers an array of transformative techniques? Whether you're dreaming of pearly whites or longing for straighter teeth, this blog post will guide you through the incredible world of cosmetic dentistry and show you how it can revolutionize both your smile and your life. Get ready to unleash your true potential as we explore the power of cosmetic dentistry in enhancing not only your dental aesthetics but also boosting that much-needed boost in self-assurance.
What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance and function of teeth. This includes everything from correcting minor tooth alignment issues to providing more attractive smiles for those who suffer from self-consciousness about their smile.
There are many different options available when it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Mountain Home, AR. Patients can choose from procedures such as Invisalign®, veneers, crowns and bridges, bleaching treatments, and more. Many of these treatments can improve the appearance of teeth significantly while also improving their function.
Cosmetic dentistry is an incredibly beneficial option for those who are unhappy with their Smile. It can help boost confidence and lead to a more positive outlook on life. If you're interested in exploring cosmetic dentistry options in Mountain Home, please don't hesitate to contact our office today.
Source: Cosmetic Dental Associates
Types of Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is a wide-ranging field that can help you improve your smile and confidence. There are a variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can help improve your appearance, including:
Inlay dental work: This involves using a small, thin piece of metal or plastic to fill in teeth that are missing or have been damaged. It’s a popular option for people who want to restore the look of their smile without having to go through surgery.
Dental implants: These are artificial teeth that are fixed directly into the jawbone. They offer the same benefits as traditional dental bridges – they allow you to eat and drink without feeling pain, they provide stability and support for your teeth, and they last for many years.
Tooth whitening: This procedure uses bleaching agents to lighten up teeth by removing the underlying layer of tooth enamel. Whitening treatments can be done on-site in our office using local anesthetics or by taking advantage of our advanced laser technology.
If you’re interested in improving your smile and boosting your confidence, Cosmetic Dentistry at our Mountain Home office is an excellent option for you!
Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry in Mountain Home, AR can provide you with many benefits. Some of the pros of cosmetic dentistry include:
-You can improved your smile and confidence -It is affordable -There are many different procedures available -Many patients have positive experience However, there are some cons to cosmetic dentistry too:
-Some patients may not like the results
What Services does a Dentist Offer?
Cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve a brighter, more confident smile. A dentist can perform dental procedures such as teeth whitening, fillings, and crowns. They may also recommend treatments such as Invisalign or bonding to improve your smile's appearance.
How Much Does it Cost?
Mountain Home is a great place to get cosmetic dentistry. There are many dentists in the area who can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. The cost of cosmetic dentistry varies depending on the dentist and the procedures that are performed. However, most treatments typically range from $1,000 to $5,000. If you're interested in getting cosmetic dentistry in Mountain Home, be sure to speak with a few dentists before making a decision.
Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right for Me?
Cosmetic Dentistry is a great way to improve your smile and boost your confidence. With the help of a cosmetic dentist, you can transform your teeth into something that looks good and feels comfortable. Not only will you have a nicer smile, but you'll also feel better about yourself.
Some of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry include:
-A nicer smile that will make you look more confident -A restored sense of self-esteem -A more comfortable mouth area -Fewer dental problems in the future
If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry, there are a few things you should do first. First, take some photographs of your current teeth so that your cosmetic dentist can see what needs to be done. Next, find an experienced cosmetic dentist who can properly assess your needs and provide a detailed treatment plan. Make sure to follow through with the treatment plan as it will require regular visits by your cosmetic dentist.
Cosmetic dentistry provides a wide range of services that can help improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence. From teeth whitening to tooth restoration, cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you've always wanted and make you feel more confident about yourself. If you are interested in restoring or improving the look of your teeth without having to go through extensive dental procedures, cosmetic dentistry is an option worth considering. Give our office a call today to schedule a consultation so we can help you achieve the smile and confidence you deserve.
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