#onision and his children
still-got-no-idea · 11 months
hi. i'm not going to be formal about this. i stockpiled the evidence and the proof. i have more information that you need about sssniperwolf, and i'll display it here
her far more horrid actions from videos she's deleted are going to go in their own separate area in this post. mostly because it is fairly triggering content that shows that she is, potentially, a predator.
to start off, here is this video and this video
these are from two youtubers that are greatly respected and are known to very resourceful in these sorts of accusations.
here is another video, however i don't know the guy so keep that in mind. it seems fairly accurate, but i don't know a thing about him.
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i cannot confirm this, but this is a potential motive behind these actions. do not take this as any sort of fact. it is just speculation.
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this is partially accurate. each state handles it differently. the state here is california. here are a few of their laws regarding threats.
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i, personally, would say someone showing up to your house and taking a picture in front of it would be reasonably terrifying.
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a bit more insight into california's laws on this.
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there is also this. yes, there are several videos on this. i recall hearing about this.
here's a video that seems fairly well done and thought out. she was usually in controversy, yet this is still bigger than that. this also goes into her ghosting a child with cancer.
at this point, there are going to be some heavy topics. such as predatory actions towards minors. please keep that in mind and feel free to not continue after this point.
now, from what i can tell this video don't seem fake at all.
you cannot tell me that asking minors to twerk for you is not predatory behavior. shane dawson (or onision, i forgot) did it, and look how that all ended. both are known predators, and are known to groom children. it is, absolutely, predatory for a grown adult to ask a child to do anything of that nature.
this video is more about everything in general, including asking the children to do inappropriate acts
so that's all i've collected. there is a lot more, trust me. there are articles about her being arrested in 2013. i just don't have the energy or time to continue this post. so stop harassing the people i care about. here's you're proof and evidence, either believe me or don't.
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opinated-user · 1 year
wait. has LO groomed more people than just ginger?
parasocial grooming is what happens when a creator makes content that attracts children, all the while inserting sexual themes in their content in order to normalize it for an audience that wasn't ready for it.
this is what Shane Dawson did for years by making highly sexual jokes around and about children, including a young cousin.
this is what Onision did by rating the hotness of the girls on his audience that send pictures to them, some of them minors, or talking about sexual topics on his kid friendly content. which obviously resulted in the grooming of a young woman.
this is what LO has done by creating content around properties made for children and directly speaking to children (that whole video of "grab the heaviest and bluntest object you can find and smash it on the head of your bullied" was directed to the minors on her audience being bullied), all the while introducing with no warning her own kinks into it (massochism, incest, pedophilia, etc) and creating a environment where she herself is highly sexualized. thus making the people in her audience feel like they have to be sexual in order to stay in her good graces or get her attention at all, even if they're minors because LO never put any effort to separate her kid content from any sexual mention.
Patch talked about this happening to him (feeling that he had to be sexual to be his friend at all), and since then other people did as well. for what Sunny has described, that is what LO did to him as well.
this is entirely intentional, btw, not an accident. LO has been told countless times this is no way to treat her fanbase while doing the content she does, and she hasn't changed at all.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
I'm glad that guy brought down Onision. I use to literally cry cause I'd remember all the shit he's done and how he'd get slap on the wrist for it. Like how he rated underage children's bodies and when someone contacted him and asked to delete it he sent his fans after them. I fear for the life of his children, I know his daughter fell out of a window years ago and there was that whole thing were his spouse cried cause they found out they were having a girl. If only he'd bring Glip down next.
I think Glip's all but brought themself down. But yeah, fuck Onision to the hottest layer of Hell.
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onisiondrama · 20 days
He called kids ‘degenerate scumbags’ the ones who would upload to the rating website. Jeezusssss. They are still kids bro wtf gross
Yeah I caught that part. He is continuing the lie that his forums for his rating video submissions always had an 18+ only rule. They did not until around spring 2017. He defended his right to rate anyone of any age for months before caving and making that rule.
He is blaming his fans for lying about their ages when in reality he allowed and invited them to submit photos.
He also says his fans were the one “demanding” he make those videos, but he was the one that started the photo submission trend in his fan base with his Onision.co forum in August 2016. After that he moved to tumblr and would tell fans what to submit at the end of each video. It wasn’t really until Onision.xyz that the fans were the ones solely coming up with the topics.
I am planning on getting back into loo wiki editing and making an article about the rating fans series to get all the information out there because he just boldly lies about that stuff when there is mountains of evidence proving otherwise.
I wasn’t able to listen to the whole live, but I did record it. I’ll upload it tonight. The only new information I heard was that he revealed his daughter is “fully” autistic. He says that’s why she climbed onto the window and messed with the screen.
That would give some context as to why Lucas worked with autistic children at one point.
A couple more side notes: Tumblr hasn’t been allowing me to post through their app for over a month now. I can only reply to asks. I was waiting for an update to fix this, but so far none have helped. It’s really frustrating because I’m used to mostly using mobile to post screen shots and updates. I’ll catch up on my old pc some time this week. Hopefully the app will work properly for me again soon.
Lastly, I lost access to the Discord I used to talk to other Onision archivists. The hard drive I have most of my Onision video archives has been not working so I am going to take it to a professional service to try to restore the videos onto a cloud. Sorry for anyone I lost contact with! If that is fixed I’ll make a new Discord account.
Sorry I had to use this ask to get all the info out.
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hollyhayes · 11 months
Irrelevant side note: they actually have 3 kids, not 2 (2 sons and a daughter). All 3 of them are said to have behavioral issues:
1. Onision lets his oldest son hurt his younger 2 children (particularly the daughter): for example, he once pushed her off of the couch head-first.
2. Doesn't let them socialize with any other children. The last friend that they had was Madison Decambras' daughter, and that friendship ended in 2019.
3. Onision and his former spouse fought around the children constantly; and even when they weren't fighting, they were telling sexual jokes around the kids (such as joking about him fucking her doggy style).
4. Greg once argued with a woman (I believe that her name is Maya) over why she didn't want to fuck him while he was holding one of his sons in his arms.
5. Ayalla, after she left in 2016, said that she's never met any children who cry as often as his kids do.
6. Greg didn't even speak to his children until they had learned how to speak back (seriously). KIDS LEARN HOW TO SPEAK BY BEING SPOKEN TO.
He also once let Madisons' toddler daughter sit in a soiled diaper for several hours while she was out shopping with his spouse and he was supposed to be babysitting her. She was about 2 years old at the time. I think he just genuinely doesn't like children (or women). (I also think that he's incapable of caring for pets; but that's a different point entirely. He's killed or given away at least 3 pets (Lou, Dobbs, and Reptar). He let Madisons' daughter sit in a dirty diaper for so long that she ended up developing a diaper rash.
7. The kids are already showing signs of having extreme behavioral issues, even at this young age. One of the boys has spit in Gregs' face and pushed his sister off of the couch head-first.
8. Greg and his partner have sex while their children are laying in that exact same bed. Seriously.
9. One of their sons has already lost some of his teeth by the age of 2 because he was being breastfed at night without having his teeth brushed afterwards.
9. They leave expired food out in the open where their kids can access it. In one of their videos, one of the dogs walked past with a moldy piece of food in its mouth. Onisions' partner didn't even know where it came from.
10. Onision gets mad at his spouse for turning up the heat, even in December.
11. Their daughters' hair is a mess. It looks dull and unkempt.
12. They routinely tell their children to go play on an iPad instead of interacting with them. For example, there was one vlog that Kai did during a blackout where you can see one of their sons hiding under a table with an iPad.
This is all information that I've learned from people who have stayed there, himself, and police reports.
His spouse lets all of this happen knowingly, because they care more about their relationship with Greg than they do about their own children.
My Mom also has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and has done many neglectful things; but this is SO far past the point of abuse that it's crazy.
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nemobeatrice · 10 months
Fic Writing Questions Tag
Thank you for tagging me, @hunter-sylvester!
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
I have 62. It'll look like I have 53 if you don't have an account. Some of my fic are restricted.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
248,908. Gees...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
JJBA, Elder Scrolls, WoW, Shrek, Saints Row, Elden Ring, and Dragon Age. I also wrote a hate fic about Onision. I hope he goes to jail. It was something I wrote way back in 2012, but I posted it on July 13, 2021. However, I mostly write for JJBA.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So I got Bored and Wrote this for my Friends (JJBA) E (for explicit)
JoJo's Azeroth Adventures (JJBA and WoW) M
(Was) Stuck in Traffic (JJBA) E
Fugo Meets his Minecraft Boyfriend (JJBA) Gen Aud
Daisies and Roses (JJBA) T
I'm not going to provide a link to my explicit fics, sorry.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of the time. When people compliment my fics, I say thanks. I don't know how else to respond. 😅
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mostly write fluffy feel good fics BUT..........................I did write this, teehee! c:
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, I've written a lot of stuff. That could be any of them. Uh, this, I guess.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't received any hate, yet. But I do mostly write JJBA fanfic, so I expect a hate message.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I don't write much of it. It's crack.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, yeah! This one is probably the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I hope people alert me if that happens.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
My brother and I have written some chapters for certain fics.
13. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Poly La Squadra and Shrohan (Shrek x Rohan). Oh, and FuGio.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Golden Miners is a WIP, but I'll finish the next chapter sometime in December.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Gee, I don't know. I guess people like it when I write something funny.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not good with grammar. Tbh, I don't know how tf I graduated high school.
Hmm, and I guess details too. I read one of my fics (a smutty one) during stream, and my brother kept wanting more details about certain scenes. I just think some details aren't necessary for the reader to know, but maybe I'm wrong.
Oh, and then there's editing. Omfg, the typos I make.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I usually avoid doing that. If I'm writing in English, the whole thing is going to be in English.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Elder Scrolls.
19. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hiking in Murren, Switzerland because I love how I made Diavolo a disaster. Domestic Life with Diavolo because I enjoy a bit of slice of life. Trip to Crystal Mountain because I loved Crystal Mountain so much that I wrote about it but with one of my fav ships. Liurnia's Burger King because my friend really loves beating children up and calling the enemies Burger King employees.
Oh, and I do love this one chapter my brother and I wrote.
I know two people I could tag, but I don't think they get along. So... anyone who wants to do it.
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itsbansheebitch · 1 year
I can't even. This article doesn't even make him look good. He admits he's still messaging minors. He is so disconnected from reality.
“Quickly, please name five famous male gay celebrities from the ages of 20 to 25,” he says. “You can’t because they don’t exist.” - James Charles
Remember this is the guy who defended Colleen Ballinger and called Adam McIntyre a liar. He was fine with a 30 something year old sending lacy underwear to a 13/14 year old. He could easily date someone older, but he CHOOSES to message minors. This is so disgusting and spits in the faces of everyone he's affected.
He complains about being "canceled" but then is dead silent when Adam, Johnny, Becky, Oliver, Ella, Alex, and more come out about their stories. Not to mention the victim blaming in this article. he is AN ADULT he should know better! I don't care if he's in his 20s, as someone younger than him, I find his behavior to be REALLY WEIRD at BEST.
Not to mention Colleen's Ballinger's lawyer may or may not have defended Armie Hammer, Prince Andrew, Brian Singer, Danny Masterson (and maybe Bill Cosby, can't confirm though). :/ The lawyer also sent a cease and desist to to the WRONG email. The email of a fan account of the H3 Podcast (Ethan's Basement). That's some Onision energy lol (Wrong Chris Hansen)
I'm so done with YouTubers (Especially OG ones) being creeps and predatory. Someone needs to crowdfund a lawsuit fund for these kids. Some of these kids have JUST turned 18. Colleen and her family KNEW that Trent was at LEAST creepy towards kids, enough for them to warn him against messaging people under 18 years old. He literally told Oliver that when HE WAS 13 YEARS OLD. You don't even want to know what else he messaged them.
I want to add that Johnny, Becky, and Oliver are not "Weenies" (one of the group chats), however, this does not make their experience any less valid, in fact I'd say it is even more horrifying since that means THERE ARE EVEN MORE VICTIMS.
This situation is insane and my heart goes out to those effected. Both the "direct" victims, those speaking out AND those staying silent. My heart also goes out to former fans of Colleen, I know how it feels to find out a creator isn't who you thought they were. I hope you all find peace. <3
It should also be said that Colleen has children. She has a family channel, a vlog channel. I'm not saying she or her family should be harassed, but we need to hold them accountable for their actions. If Adam is telling the truth about being sent Trisha Paytas' nudes at ~15 years old (which I have no reason to believe otherwise, however, I am open to the truth no matter what side it come from) then Colleen may have committed a FEDERAL CRIME.
This isn't YouTube drama, it's crime.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
which youtuber would you kill
onision, one of the paul brothers, or that one shitty youtuber who made his career harassing his children for "prank videos"
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teamxyellow · 1 year
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“According to plaintiff Regina Alonso, Jackson and his spouse Lucas Jackson used the channel’s popularity to “groom” Alonso from age 14 to 17, encouraging Alonso to send “flirty” messages and naked photographs. The three began dating, according to the lawsuit, with the intent to solicit sex from Alsono during a suggested visit to the Jackson home in Washington State. Alonso claims the relationship caused her serious “physical and psychological” harm.”
“He attracted many young followers by posting videos about “body image, appearance, self-identity, and suicide ideology,” all topics that helped him appeal to young girls “questioning their self-image or identity, or seeking answers and guidance,” according to the lawsuit. … But for a creator of his size, his main drawn was his close interactions with fans, who were encouraged to message him through a personal forum and send him photos of themselves to “rate.””
“In January 2021, a Discovery Plus documentary with To Catch a Predator’s Chris Hansen presented the claims of Alonso and two other women, who alleged Jackson had groomed or abused them and then used his fame and YouTube notoriety to undermine their stories and encourage harassment. A day after the series finale, Onision announced he would be leaving YouTube because his channel had been demonetized.”
“YouTube Partners, such as Onision, acted with impunity and even worse, YouTube contributed to and profited from the enticement, grooming, and exploitation of children while promoting known predator and YouTube partner, Onision,” said Lisa Haba, a partner at The Haba Law Firm in a press release Wednesday. “YouTube could have prevented all of this harm, but it inexplicably racked up revenue and provided a sanctuary for Onision to lure, identify and recruit vulnerable children for grooming and ultimately, exploitation.”
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What is your opinion on the whole windowgate situation? I hear a lot of people thinking it's somehow set up (I do not personally believe that), what's your take on it? Do you think it could've happened to anyone, or Kai and James/Greg caused it? Why didn't he show the security cam footage?
My take is just neglect, pure and simple. They’ve never given a shit about their kids, it was Sarah or Kai’s grandmother who ever cleaned the house or watched the kids while Kai or James would make their videos or livestreams. Kai seems to like the idea of being a parent more than actually being a parent and it shows in their videos. Meanwhile Greg just fetishizes pregnancy and clearly has no love or care for his children
In various vlogs you can spot the kids under the tables with an ipad. The son has anger issues and will push his (at the time under 2) younger sister off the couch. If you’re taking care of your kids and watch them the kids would never be in a position where one could push the other, very young child off furniture. Especially if this is a common issue. Greg even thought a good way to deal with the kid’s anger is to allow his son to try beating him up (who knows if he lets his son do that, but he’s said it so he obviously thinks that’s a good thing to say online). During a power outtage instead of comforting the kids Greg and Kai vlogged while one of the kids was in the background with a full brightness ipad under a table while it was pitch dark otherwise. Greg and Kai then went to olive garden and it’s unknown if the kids went with them or were left alone at home during the outtage.
Greg and Kai have made it clear all the “womanly duties” like general cleaning and cooking is all up to Kai as well as indicated the same for childcare. We also know that once while Kai and Madison were out and Greg was supposed to be caring for the kids and not only refused to change at least one child’s diaper because he thought cleaning up a poopy diaper would make people think he’s a pedophile (ironically solidifying his pedophilia more if he’d even sexualise cleaning poop off a toddler), but didn’t even think to call the mother that her child was obviously completely coated in poop long enough to cause serious rashes. In fact, it was entirely likely he just left the kids alone and didn’t even so much as check up on them during that time because you just can’t miss a diaper that filled nor the constant crying of a child who needs their diaper changed. While Kai might be neglectful, Greg just flat out ignores his children.
During the incident Kai was cooking and instead of getting Greg to stop being useless and watch his damn kids, Kai decided to leave the child alone in a completely seperate room to be parented by the TV. While being interviewed Kai even admitted that the girl had a history of being very active and climbing everywhere yet thought it was perfectly fine to put her in a room alone with no view of her. Greg added also that the girl had a history of standing on the windowsills and so the parents always kept the windows closed and locked yet Kai left them alone in a room without making sure that was the case (or potentially the kid learned how to open windows). Another perfectly acceptable thing was Greg deciding to film a video of his fallen child instead of comforting her because he was afraid CPS would suspect foul play while randomly citing the Shiloh incident. Again, ironically this is a lot more suspicious and wouldn’t even exonerate him even if he was questioned as to having thrown his child out the window or something. If anything I see this as yet more proof of him not giving a shit about his children because after the initial shock and yelling at his spouse to call 911, he grabbed his camera to film the child being comforted by his spouse and the window the child fell from (even the officer noted the reasoning as strange).
I personally don’t see it as suspicious that the security video didn’t capture the fall because it was just a doorbell camera and the video does collaborate at least Greg’s story that he went outside after hearing weird noises and immediately ran back to Kai telling him to call 911. I also see no reason for greg to show the evidence because it’s more useful when combined with the police report and really only shows that Greg was indeed surprised to see his child lying on the ground with multiple head fractures (but I guess proves he didn’t have anything to do with it). As for the other video it was a one second video showing his bleeding child on the ground followed by a pan up to the window that would need to be pretty much fully censored to be on youtube (but even then he’d likely be in the shit because of the content). No reason to bother trying.
I don’t think this is something that could happen without stupidity and negligence but I don’t think any of it was intentional. While I think Kai is a horrible parent, I do think they do love their kids and doubt they deliberately put their young child in a room with an open window in order to kill them and Greg does have a pretty much iron tight alibi so it’s not him either. It would be nice if the two of them started to pay closer attention to their kids now, but I unfortunately really doubt it.
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Whenever anyone mentions Onision, I am forced to make a snap decision about whether or not to tell them that I spent the better part of 3 years running a moderately popular Onision hate blog.
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opinated-user · 1 year
yeah Lilys right when she says we are “a bunch of children being weaponized by a very disturbed individual.”
I’m a young 22 year old minor being groomed and manipulated by Lilys haters
(I’m being sarcastic btw)
according to LO, neither Ginger, Lolo or MO could have been groomed in any sort of way, no matter how old and more influence LO has over them, no matter how she behaved with them while they were minors, because now they're adults and so should be able to do whatever they want.
this is the same the logic that Onision used when grooming his victims, btw.
so yes, indeed. with you just stating that you're already an adult have been magically exempt of ever being groomed by anyone for any reason.*
(*not actually how grooming works, but we're talking about a groomer's words)
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gorillazfan222222 · 6 years
Funny how in 2013 onision did a skit basically putting meat eaters in a bad light because "eating meat is bad because animals are getting killed" and also in the same skit talked about the eviroment and how deforestation is wrong ( which it is) but now he's being sued by the state because he destroyed wetlands and probably hurt a lot of animals.
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onisiondrama · 1 year
Based on his 4th book I get the impression that onision can never be content in any relationship, but at the same time can't stand the notion of being single. Even as a kid he was always fixated on past relationships and when in a relationship pines over other girls. He doesn't appreciate his current marriage to Kai nor does he show any effection or appreciation for him or his children. He's never satisfied. What a sad man.
Yeah, I always viewed him this way as well.
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hollyhayes · 11 months
New Onision BS
1. Onision lets his oldest son hurt his younger 2 children (particularly the daughter): for example, he once pushed her off of the couch head-first.
2. Doesn't let them socialize with any other children. The last friend that they had was Madison Decambras' daughter, and that friendship ended in 2019.
3. Onision and his former spouse fought around the children constantly; and even when they weren't fighting, they were telling sexual jokes around the kids (such as joking about him fucking her doggy style).
4. Greg once argued with a woman (I believe that her name is Maya) over why she didn't want to fuck him while he was holding one of his sons in his arms.
5. Ayalla, after she left in 2019, said that she's never met any children who cry as often as his kids do.
6. Greg didn't even speak to his children until they had learned how to speak back (seriously). KIDS LEARN HOW TO SPEAK BY BEING SPOKEN TO.
He also once let Madisons' toddler daughter sit in a soiled diaper for several hours while she was out shopping with his spouse and he was supposed to be babysitting her. She was about 2 years old at the time. I think he just genuinely doesn't like children (or women). (I also think that he's incapable of caring for pets; but that's a different point entirely. He's killed or given away at least 3 pets (Lou, Dobbs, and Reptar). He let Madisons' daughter sit in a dirty diaper for so long that she ended up developing a diaper rash.
7. The kids are already showing signs of having extreme behavioral issues, even at this young age. One of the boys has spit in Gregs' face and pushed his sister off of the couch head-first.
8. Greg and his partner have sex while their children are laying in that exact same bed. Seriously.
9. One of their sons has already lost some of his teeth by the age of 2 because he was being breastfed at night without having his teeth brushed afterwards.
9. They leave expired food out in the open where their kids can access it. In one of their videos, one of the dogs walked past with a moldy piece of food in its mouth. Onisions' partner didn't even know where it came from.
10. Onision gets mad at his spouse for turning up the heat, even in December.
11. Their daughters' hair is a mess. It looks dull and unkempt.
This is all information that I've learned from people who have stayed there, himself, and police reports.
His spouse lets all of this happen knowingly, because they care more about their relationship with Greg than they do about their own children.
My Mom also has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and has done many neglectful things; but this is SO far past the point of abuse that it's crazy.
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justvamping · 4 years
y’know what no, I am gonna say it.
Shane Dawson deserves to have his career ripped away from him. He deserves to have his subscriber count plummet (like he said James Charles deserved to), to not get to make excuses for his disgusting actions, and none of his future projects supported– ESPECIALLY that movie he claims he has in the works.
he cannot hide this shit anymore no matter how hard he tries, “depression and anxiety” are no excuses to sexualize and harass children. You canceled Onision for it, do the fucking same to Shane Dawson.
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