Hi!!! So I started working at a dialysis clinic and I’m already finishing up my classwork and I go out onto the floor on Monday to start my hands on training!!!! Im feelin v accomplished rn
Ahhh congrats!!! That’s so awesome and well deserved! You are working hard and it’s paying off! So proud of you!
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SOOOO I HAVENT been active for like forever bc of work BUT I was ran off the road INTENTIONALLY today and I need to vent, so hear me out. I’m indigenous and the two predominantly white towns that surround my reservation are really racist, like so bad that we worry all of the time, n e ways I was going home and this car with the state’s license plate (where one of the racist towns are) runs us (best friends and I) off of the road!!! like fully in our lane (btw I have tribal plates, they do this a lot and I’m def thinking abt getting them changed but I love how the tribal ones look), I’m swerving my car away from it so I don’t get hit, going up and down a hill swerving around trying not to roll because it’s really twisty on this road, skidding around, BARELY GETTING ANY KIND OF TRACTION TO BRAKE WITHOUT ME BASICALLY FISHTAILING IT ON DIRT AND ASPHALT and they just get back in their lane and speed off towards one of the smaller towns, so as soon as I was able to stop I called my big brother (he’s like my parent, my parents passed away when I was 12 and then 13) and he came rushing to us, a car pulls in front of us and says that they “didn’t see anything and thought we just hit a deer” bruh they were not that far behind us but ok and took off. we’re 21, 20 (me), and 18 bawling our eyes out, I’m shaky trying to figure out if it was actually real because wtf and idk if they even got caught because I couldn’t move, I jumped out of my car to look at the damages (which btw I did pretty well my car isn’t fucked up at all it’s just chipped in the front) and couldn’t make myself sit in my car and we all just looked at the damage and then AND THEN I HAD TO DRIVE HOME (my brother followed behind us) and was just shaky the whole time. So that shit was crazy, didn’t think that would happen, but I’m glad that I was driving, my best friend (21) freezes in bad situations and talked abt how she doesn’t know what she would’ve done, we barely stabilized the car, and sat there and cried lmfao but yeah, crazy day 💀
Ugh I’m so sorry that happened to you!! People treat cars like they aren’t giant weapons that can cause serious harm! I’m so glad you are ok (physically at least)! People are the tucking worst!!!
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