zhongshen · 2 years
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⁜ 景气 : answered @onigaami [ ' makes a low rumble in his throat and gently bumping their foreheads together. ' ]
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄 . there is the ghost of sensation , invisible horns that once wound the crown atop his head , vibrating in like to the sound the other makes . he is inclined to tilt his head forward , as if he could prod their protrusions against each other , yearning to align the grooves of hard bone to another & draw forth those ratcheting sounds . but they do not strike . there is nothing to grind upon . frustration grips him , but for a moment as fingers reach upward to grip the hard line of the oni's jaw , keep him close & present before him , as he presses his forehead back with a fervent force . chin tilts to press cold nose to the other's & pause just before contact becomes unpleasant . there need be no words . only the sound of zhongli growling his reply , twice as rumbling as the quivering , ancient earth settling into its shape .
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
looks down at, a big stupid grin on his face.
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An Oni? "... Do you need something?" He asks, slightly concerned on why he's being given the look that he's being given by this bulky youkai.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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"I mean... They are Snezhnayans," Zarina shrugs as she waves to the Fatui Skirmishers, who just got some medicine from her before she turns to face Itto. Her backpack was back on, and she was ready to continue going forward. "We've been kinda ostracized by affiliation whenever we go, so why shouldn't I give them what this place won't? They even paid me for not attacking us." Sokolova wasn't going to hesitate to remind others that those fools didn't have much of a choice. It paid well and they all had families back home. Not that she actually cared, this was simply to gain a good reputation before another. "If you asked me for medicine, I wouldn't have cared if you were an oni, a human, or an Abyss Order's agent. Just because I'm not a part of Fatui doesn't mean I suddenly see them as less than living people. What, are you hurt? I do have some painkillers here as well. Do you need some?" Before doing anything, though, Sokolova looks around. "Well, since they're gone, we can move on. You mentioned your grandmother wasn't feeling well. Is she also an oni? I'm only asking because I want to make sure that if I have to prepare any medicine, it will work for her."
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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" that name . . . where have i heard it before? oh, that's right. thank you, yes, i'm familiar with it now. i haven't met this Arataki Itto in person, but i have heard a few things about him while i was visiting Inazuma. he is . . . an interesting character, from what i can gather. the Arataki Gang are quite a notorious bunch, although for no real crime of merit. oh, they're loud and they cause some minor scenes, but they don't seem to have any real want to cause harm. such rabblerousers are not unusual where i'm from, although if i had to say . . . i'd probably quite like Mr. Arataki more - so than others. oh? he doesn't seem like the sort of person i'd like? heh, ahhh, you'll understand someday. "
genshin voicelines au
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
' . . . take you out . . . as in fight?'
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"O~oh, you want to fight for dominance with me there, sweetheart?"
She laughs, obviously teasing.
"Well, I guess... A fight would be fine, too. Not what I meant, but hm, fine too, yes. But I don't want a fight without any prizes if I win. It's also boring. I'm not Tartaglia, you know. I don't get excited over the prospect of fighting."
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
❝ got a case of pride, i get it. hope yours clears up quicker than mine did. ❞
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“Aw, are you worried about me, Itto?” Zarina locks her hands behind her back, her smile bright and slightly smug as she bent forward while tilting her head to look at the oni. Her stance is one of laid-back happiness, acting like the world is her oyster and she cares not about how the consequences of her actions will reach her. Her act is one of delight and openness, and her step is one of energy and light playfulness just like the cheerful tone of her voice. All is an image created from years upon years of acting, perchance partially becoming her true self but also being farther away from the cold and logical aspect.
If he sees her as arrogant and prideful, it is good. He should remain thinking that. It was better than anything else. He should continue witnessing her in this light without knowing just how deep the machinations and schemes seep into the very core of this world, eyes and ears across Teyvat and investors from across the world on that delightful black market. Poisons, toxins, biotoxins, information, drugs, and so much more. It’d be better if she were seen just as an arrogant scholar from Sumeru. It was better that way, she’ll take it happily.
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“Come on, don’t sound so pessimistic! I’m telling you, it’ll be a piece of cake. I’ve been to ruins where Ruing Guards were and I got unscathed… mostly,” she looks away, suddenly bringing in the act of shyness and coyness while stepping away from the Inazuman. As if she admitted he was right. Everything is a beautiful play and she’s the leading actress in this delightful play called ‘life’. Deception runs in her blood as a survival trick, it’s better to be underestimated than overestimated. “Listen, it’ll be fine! That’s why I asked if you could just show me the road. I don’t want you to get in trouble just because I want to study the local flora and fauna. You don’t have Rishboland Tigers here or Spinocrodiles. Those are pretty scary to suddenly come across, but Inazuma is so broad! I’m so glad Sakkoku Decree got lifted. I missed this land so much!”
Her excitement returns full power as she twirls around as if in a dance, jumping up the stairs while having Itto follow her. She is light on her steps, something she’ll never be able to get rid of. The quiet steps others won’t hear or recognize, steps of someone who knows how to sneak around or kill quitly. Then again, who would think that a scholar who seemed like a crazed researcher wishing to dive into deeper and darker parts of Sumeru with such a bright smile would actually be capable of atrocious crimes behind such light and bright smile. 
“Pride is a vice in excess, certainly, but it’s also something good as well,” she knows how hurtful pride can be, she already paid the price for being prideful as a child. Tears streamed down her face as the pain would echo through her whole body, a child beaten up by the adults who were angry that this child was able to get the beast in but the sheer numbers and the need to protect her brothers from being ambushed got her into that situation. But she was stronger now, far stronger than anyone could expect to be. Those torturous days will not be repeated. “But I can see where you’re coming from. I’ll try to be careful. Will that be alright with you? I’ll try to slow down my excitement. I am acting a bit too entitled for someone who asked for help. I apologize for that. It wasn’t my intention. Overexcitement gets to me sometimes. I’ll do my best to watch my language and me rushing forward.”
Her smile now became more apologetic as she'd place her hand where her choker with a necklace in the shape of the crescent moon would be, toying with it between her prettily manicured fingers.
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zhongshen · 2 years
⁜    景气   :    starter call [ for @onigaami ]
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   ❝             & how did you receive it ?   ❞ asks the ancient lord . divinity disguised in mortal flesh , the question comes with simple curiosity . the truth being that he knows well the answer . only wishing to hear it from the vision - bearer himself.
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   ❝   it is not uncommon to receive one without the favor of the lord of geo , i have heard . however , i have also known many to speak of his personal blessings . dream - visitations , offerings & reward . do you see it as a boon ?   ❞ in the fading golden sun , one can begin to see the light which reflects off the amber surface of the mountainside . it is as if the sun's final farewell drips over the cliffside like warm honey off the back of a spoon . it is only natural he share such beauty with one who carries the sigil of solid earth . ❝             share your stories with me , arataki - xiansheng .   ❞
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zhongshen · 2 years
<3 tag drops @onigaami @grandior
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