#ong toast is the only thing that matters
I'm totally in my toast with butter arc rn. An absolute fiend for the sourdough and Kerrygold rn. I'm toastpilled and buttercore rn. Ong.
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tillitbreaks · 4 years
request: ong i think this with akaashi would be super cute 🥺 i’m alrdy sofT thinking about it *cries* prompt: “I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn’t want to wake you.”
a/n: ahh I really enjoyed writing this, thank you for sending it anon! and thank you to @dorkyama for being the best proofreader a girl could ask for ;) also tagging @lceiji bc akaashi :3
pairing: akaashi keiji x reader
word count: 967
warnings: none, just pure tooth-rotting fluff. I also tried a slightly different writing style, so consider yourself warned :’)
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♡ .⋅} ────── ⊰
When your eyes flutter open for the first time this morning, the sight you’re greeted with is of your boyfriend, Akaashi, reading, and my is it a sight to behold. His face is dappled in honeyed sunlight, casting shadows against his cheekbones with every swish and flick of the curtains in the early spring breeze. The book he likes to keep on the nightstand is balanced on his chest, with him somehow managing to flip the pages single-handedly. His reading glasses are perched on the tip of his nose, eyebrows furrowed in a look of utmost concentration.
“Keiji?” You mumble, surprised to find your boyfriend still in bed beside you. Well, under you would be a better description. You’re nestled in the crook of his shoulder, his left arm trapped beneath your upper back.
“Oh, good morning love.” His stern expression immediately melts into a small smile at the sound of your voice, and he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Good morning.” A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth despite your grogginess, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of his lips, always so gentle, against your skin. “You don’t have class today?” You ask quizzically. Normally, he’s the one to rise first since he opted to take mostly morning classes this semester, making sleeping in together an all-too-rare occurrence.
“Yeah. I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn’t want to wake you.” He explains, turning his attention back to his book, and the way he says it, so nonchalant and matter of fact, you’d think he‘s telling you the sky is blue.
You jump him, tossing the book aside and straddling his hips so you can plant a thousand kisses all over his face, unable to contain the affection that’s swelling like a cresting wave in your chest. “You’re the best boyfriend ever, you know that?” You tell him in between pecks, refusing to slow down for a single second. You even toss his pair of glasses aside, an innocent bystander in the way of your barrage of affection.
Akaashi laughs, and it’s a joyous, flustered thing that‘s drawn from the deepest chambers of his chest. He braces against your brutal assault by setting his hands on your waist. “Oh, am I really?” His gaze is full of mirth when you finally pull back to look at him, and his smile is positively brilliant, crinkling the corners of his eyes and you swear you can see the stars in them. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him so happy, so unguarded and entirely at ease and the idea that you are the reason makes your heart swell with a joy that’s hard to contain.
“Yes, really.” You sigh, leaning down to press your forehead against his, maintaining eye contact all the while. “I love you.”
His grip on your waist tightens, pulling you closer. “I love you too.” He murmurs, feeling warm, content and safe in the hold of your gaze, hoping you feel the same in his.
And you do, you feel warm, content and safe and a million other wonderful things as you stare into your love’s eyes, eyes that are glimmering like pools of liquid sapphires and you want nothing more than to dive in deep and never resurface.
A low rumble breaks you two out of your blissful trance, and with a pang of embarrassment you realize it’s your stomach. Akaashi laughs again, another one of those rare belly laughs that makes your heart dance in unimaginable ways, fondly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Hungry, love?” He asks, the ever so slightly teasing tone of his voice making heat creep up your neck.
“Maybe.” You mumble, refusing to look directly at him when you know your cheeks are a brilliant shade of scarlet right now.
“Come on, I’ll make your favorite for breakfast. I have a reputation to live up to now, after all.”
He’s joking, and it’s so unlike his normally stoic demeanor that it makes you chuckle a little harder than it should have. He‘s in a great mood this morning, you note as you climb off of him and onto your feet, hissing slightly at the sharp sting of the cold floor against your heels. Akaashi notices - he always does.
“Here, take my slippers.” There he goes again, making a seemingly simple phrase carry the same devastating weight as a wedding vow. You slip your feet gratefully into the fuzzy black slippers that are at least three sizes too big and slip your arms just as gratefully around your boyfriend’s waist, clinging to him like a koala, much to his amusement.
“What are you doing?” He chuckles, though he doesn’t make any attempts to detach you, his hands only coming to rest on top of your arms.
“Loving you.” You murmur into the fabric of his t-shirt, your head nestling itself in the expanse between his shoulder blades as you two begin to waddle in sync to the kitchen.
He’s grateful you can’t see how flustered he is by your clinginess, though he’s not sure why he feels flustered now when you were quite literally on top of him in bed not five minutes earlier. It’s just the effect you have, he supposes, and he knows in his gut that it’s true when your fingertips burn sparks into his skin when you reach for the same piece of toast, and when you giggle at him for spilling lukewarm tea down his front, brandishing that smile he adores so much like a sword straight through his chest.
Loving you is painful but only in the most heavenly way possible - it’s just the effect you have on him, he supposes, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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rhapsodic-euphoria · 6 years
Hierarchy- Chapter 6
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You widened your eyes. You couldn’t be caught, you didn’t do anything. You mentally cursed yourself for being so stupid.
“Ms. Yoon Sung-Ri?” The officer was actually really young. He was probably only in his mid-twenties, and didn’t look too bad.
“Yes?” You tried to put on a confused front.
“You’re associated with Min Jeong-Hui, correct?” He replied, tilting his head a bit.
“Yes.” You respond, your hand tightening around the door knob.
“We received an anonymous call about a stalker.” He said.  
You clenched your jaw. This was much more worse than bring caught.  
“If it’s okay with you, could you come with us to the station?” He asked, gesturing outside of your apartment.
“Yes. Let me just grab my stuff.” You nodded and quickly grabbed everything.
You locked your door, and followed the officer to his car.
It was a quick drive to the station. Both of you were quiet, the tension was enough for the both of you.
You were in the office of some sort. The desk was filled with paper and manila folders.
“Ms. Yoon.” A man came into the room with you and the officer.
“Yes.” You nodded at him.
“I sure Officer Ong has told you the gist of the situation.” The man nodded to the officer who stood behind you.
You nodded.
“But I’m sure he hasn’t mentioned the situation at the club.”
You were taken aback. You tensed up, ready to attack if you had to.
“No, I was not.” You spoke, unsure.
“I believe right when you had left the facility, there was a shoot-out.” The man spoke, sitting on chair behind the overfilled desk.
You were shocked. You remembered the weirdo who tried to harass you and wondered if he had something to do with it.
“No one was killed, only a few were injured.” He continued. “We were cleaning up when we received the call.”
You slowly nodded, taking in the information.
“The call told us on how one of the people who had started the shoot-out was stalking your friend.” He leaned back in his chair.
You clenched your jaw. You seriously overestimated the police force. Obviously, whoever made the call was trying to throw the police off. If someone did want to help, it wouldn’t be anonymous.  
“W-What should I do?” You put the ‘worried friend’ act.
“For now, I would want you to maybe start living with her, and staying with her for as much as possible.” He said, getting up from his seat.
“Okay. That’s doable.” You said. You pulled out your phone sending a text to Jeong-Hui.
Sung-Ri: You’re moving tomorrow to my apartment
Jeong-Hui: What???
Sung-Ri: You said you were having trouble with rent
Sung-Ri: Besides, you’d actually get meals that aren’t microwaved.
Jeong-Hui: But so soon?
Sung-Ri: I’ll take care of it
You closed your phone, knowing that Jeong-Hui would trust you, no matter what.
“Thank you, officers.” You said to both of them. Giving a polite smile, then walking out.
You rubbed your hands together to make some warmth. You tried to wave down a taxi, only to be rejected by the cold wind the passing car made.
“I can take you.” You turned to see Officer Ong behind you.
“Uh. No thanks, thank you though.” You smiled at him.
“Really. I just got off my shift.” He insisted. “Besides, you live in the direction where I do.”
“Um. Sure.” You shrugged. What’s the worst he could do? It’s not like you haven’t killed someone while they were driving either.
“C’mon.” He gestured to the sleek sportscar.
“Woah. Didn’t know police officers made so much money.” You said as you climbed in the car.
“Heh. Lots of things you don’t know.” He smirked at you, turning on the engine after fastening his seatbelt.
“Doubt it.” You smirked right back.
Baekhyun POV
I started to hum a random tune stuck in my head. I sat myself on my chair, twirling around a bit before sliding myself in front of my computers.
The screens showed various things. Security cameras from several different place, classified documents, code, and most importantly; profiles.
“So... who are you looking for?” I asked the maknae again.
“A woman who was in the Bangtan club a few hours ago.” He rolled his eyes, as if he couldn’t believe that I didn’t understand his un-understandable rambling.  
“Hmm, okay.” I flexed my fingers before rapidly typing onto the keyboard. I saw images flash in one of the computers.
“What did she look like?” I asked, flipping through security footage at the club a few hours ago.
“Pretty short, beautiful, red dress.” He said simply.
“O-kay. By ‘pretty short’, I’m sure you mean ‘above average’ height for a woman.” I ran my eyes over the footage.
“Eh.” Sehun shrugged.
I rolled my eyes as I pulled up my sleeves.
“Wait.” Sehun stops me at a piece of footage.
“Where did the staff from the other camera go?” Sehun pointed at the camera footage.
I frowned, flipping back and forth from both footages. I typed some things into the computer and yelped in delight.
“The footage is looped.” I said.
“So? How does that lead me to the woman?” He asks, confused.
“Here, is this the woman?” I flipped to the footage with the ‘cut off’ staff. Right in the edge of the screen was a woman with a skimpy dress, going to the direction of the looped camera.
“Y-yeah.” Sehun scampered up to the screen, almost knocking me down.
“Hey!” I tried to shove him back. Key word: tried. I barely budged his taller frame.
“Sorry, hyung.” He steps back a bit.
“So, why’d you want to find her?” I asked, starting to type through the thousands of profiles in our database.
“I want her in.”
“What.” I said. “You can’t make those calls, Sehun.”
“Not in, in.” He says. “I just want to hire her.”
“For what?” I asked, stopping.
“To find them.” He says, looking away.
“Hell no.” I told him. “We seriously can’t get involved with them after what happened. They don’t even want to be involved with us.”
“Besides, what makes you think someone like her could find them, anyways.” I shot at him.
“I just know.” Sehun insisted. “You have to trust me.”
I stood there silent for a time. It would be valuable if we had at least an eye on them. And, I would basically take all the credit.
“Fine.” I say simply. “I’ll send you the profile later.”
“Thank you, hyung.” Sehun said.
“Whatever. Just go.” I waved my hand in the air.
I heard him leave, the click of the door filled the now silent room.
I rechecked all the footage, trying to find at least a clear picture of the woman. The only sound was the tapping of the keyboard, and the occasional squeaks of my chair. I stopped at a piece of footage where the woman was waving at the camera.
“Shit.” The woman in the dress was Sung-Ri. “I’m so fucking toast.”
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keuncats · 5 years
Rare by Selena Gomez os (mostly) Our Characters, Ships & More.
Hello, here i am again. still very weird. but also i said our characters in the title but as those songs is about empowering women and you have a lot of more than i am, which i love all of them and that’s just me praising them, so i will try my best to speak from my heart and as you advise me too: you just gonna have to take it. and even a spoiler: theres a lot of gays couples in here too.  but here we go.
Okay, first, i’m gonna be honest with you that i already listen to this song like last week because someone leaked but was with that alvin and the squirrels voice?you know those from youtube right?so when i was listening anyways cause it was a good song and i put in repeat and i was thinking who was this song. first i was like this could be nayoung or jihu or even danbi because she had a lot of fucked up relationships. but then my mind light up and i was like: oH MY GOD THIS IS MILK!!
Baby You've been so distant from me lately And lately Don’t even wanna call you "baby"
okay because i’m talking about your character and i’m not tried to godmodding in anyways, however, as my mind imagine those scenes as a telenovela of six pm from globo tv,  and as i watch a video one time about arranged marriage i think that at least in the beginning, as a young girl minkyung must at least had this figure in her head that in the end she would fall for this great guy who would treat like a princess or something, but it was not it and turn out really awful and triggered to see as she was cheating on and other more awful things she had going through
Saw us gettin' older (Older) Burnin' toast in the toaster My ambitions were too high Waiting up for you upstairs (Upstairs) Why you act like I’m not there? Baby, right now it feels like
you probably didn’t expect for the first track going in this direction, but this song is totally about minkyung in her marriage with the lee guy i always forget the name. and the way she literally left everything to go live and marry this man and she tried her best to make that marriage and family work, which as you said once it was at the begging when their son born, but still that man after all treat her like garbage.
It feels like you don't care Why don't you recognize I'm so rare? Always there You don't do the same for me, that's not fair
even if she didn’t care to go through hell with all those spank and betrays because it was better when it was suffering than her own son, she must feel awful or even worst she felt like this was okay to happen because this was, as you said once, the only world she knew was that one where she sort of locked in a house just to take care of her son and house and plants or even as she had to get permission for him to do stuff like her degree in biology. is even sadder to think as a jeju people, minkyung was the only person in that island even if a fucked situation she was not kissed by the sun and ended being great as she got older.
I'm not gonna beg for you I'm not gonna let you make me cry (Ah, nah nah, make me cry) Not getting enough from you (No-oh) Didn't you know I'm hard to find? (Find, hard to find)
well this part is when sanchan is already a grown-up living in another place and she finally decided to divorce that motherfuck pf her husband.
I don't have it all (I don't have it all) I'm not claiming to (I'm not claiming to) But I know that I'm special (So special), yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare (Ooh yeah)
in the end of the day, she is and has every aspect of a jeju person: she is strong, kind-hearted in every ways possible and well still smile that can save people. her ex-husband didn’t appreciate her but as myself there other people like her son and her grandson who both made her their safe place, theres also seulgi who well try to avoid her but thats just because of the trauma she loves her grandma, who couldn’t? even bonghu considered minkyung her mother because she acted like one more than her mother itself. and well, even getting into 60 she found lian, who became her good friend who was someone who understood her, however, he is lian even old he flirt with her just as a joke but also not because she is great and beautiful in every aspect.
Dance Again
As you can see by the title of the song is gonna be about a dancer and we have a lot of that, huh? At first when i didn’t read the lyrics just the song i was thinking this was linlin theme song, but actually turns out as julie. like this is literally julie. genius still doesn’t have a lot of description of the song but i search for what selena said about all of the tracks of the song and she said that:  “The purpose and the meaning of this song is that you can be vulnerable, you can have all these feelings, … but now I’m ready to let loose and it’s so cheesy, but I’ve gone my step back … and it feels good.”, and this reminded me of what you said in julie’s set for perfect. and this is a song that describes her even more.
Happiness Ain't something you sit back and you wait for Mmm, ah Confidence Is throwing your heart through every brick wall Mmm, ah
this is just lyric speaking of that chandler’s quote: if i’m going down i’m gonna bring everyone with me! because well, she didn’t regret getting that dick as we saw her when dispatch exposed them and when she was going against her father and saying she got married to him. she found a guy who was more crazy and wilder than her, c’mon.
Vulnerable Ain't easy, believe me, but I go there Mmm, ah It's like I'm ten feet tall I'm high off the weight off of my shoulders Mmm, ah
and this is about after 7sins disband and her fans like: fuck she is jobless, will she ever return again? and then she made a contract with keun and became a solo artist and believer was a huge success because everyone was wondering what the fuck she is doing and she turn out the tables even if there still people who hate her and others who workship her (myself included) she still the hot topic everyone likes to talk.
I kickstart the rhythm All the trauma's in remission No, I don't need permission
and this right here i could see julie since living in the states and had to got to korea with her father, and when she enter ong how her father made her get out of there to put in another agency and she uses valak to break up with kaili,  as  in general, she was getting older, and got that attitude of her that she don’t need permission to do anything from anyone even if she was kinda of scared if her father would kill her boyfriend.
Feels so, feels so, feels so good to dance again With my emotions undressed, I'm going in (Go in) With everything (Everything) To dance again Feels so, feels so, feels so good
and with that, i rest my case.
Look At Her Now
Well, as a said before that personally this could be Kuen song but being truthful this could every woman who was betrayed and how she stronger after all just as Nayoung, Kim Yura and i’m realizing now how this also totally about Soonyi and Jihu. I take responsibility for all of those.
They fell in love one summer A little too wild for each other Shiny 'til it wasn't Feels good 'til it doesn't It was her first real lover His too 'til he had another Oh, God, when she found out Trust levels went way down
I mean you can totally see that guy is nameless and how he abused of nayoung who was still young and didn’t realize this was abuse itself because she found him a good friend as she was working in dramas and made her feel good so she fell for him more than anything and would do anything for him to like her no matter what always until she discovers he was hooking up with Kim Yura too which i don’t know but as a male predator that he is he made her feel the same way even she was a lesbian and i don’t know about her other relationships but i know she fell for a lot of wrong people so that part of first real lover could be her crush on nayoung. And well, Kuen also had a nameless not exactly as nayoung, he was just a singer from a band that she mad in love with she even stop talking with her family and friends because she wanted to be with this dude and him well cheated on her but she did too but it was a back and forth toxic relationship. As Soonyi and Jihu both being about Sanghee but in different aspects, because Sanghee in the begging was like her best friend who would have sex with and with another person until a baby came and even she wanted to get an abortion, Sanghee assure her to not to that because he would take care of the baby with her so she did it and accepted to marry him because since college she had sort of feeling for him, she truly loved him and there a lot of good times in their marriage thats why she was not just sad but very much angry at him for had another one because he could at least talk to her about that as when they were going and she would be cool with that but no she went against her back and was with Soonyi, and this other is not a saint she knew exactly what she was doing but she got pregnant and well trust levels went down with Sanghee too she didn’t obligate him doing nothing that was main part of him.
Fast nights that got him That new life was his problem Not saying she was perfect Still regrets that moment Like that night Wasn't wrong, wasn't right, yeah What a thing to be human (What a thing to be human) Made her more of a woman (Made her more of a woman)
This give me flashbacks of that thread of Keun and Nayoung in the club when it was born the: Kim Yura i thought you moved to Japan. Also flashbacks of Kim Yura having sex with nameless. But i think this verse speak more for Soonyi than anyone, those nights she would have sex with Sanghee in the hospital and everything
She knows she'll find love (She knows) Only if she wants it She knows she'll find love (She knows) She knows she'll find love (She knows) Only if she wants it She knows she'll find love (She knows) On the up from the way down Look at her now, watch her go
And to finish this up. As i am the partner of those women, i’m happy of them being extremely strong and being a better a person and deserved to in the end deserve true love. yes, i was speaking this mostly to Nayoung and Kim Yura but also for Kuen. Soonyi, well, you made him sortar of a good man.
Lose You To Love Me
This is again a song about Nayoung. I don’t know if you want me to explain this, we know her history, you more than me since you wait to show me Dear John to speak more about her relationship with nameless. UPDATE: Hansol and Nayoung about her dear mother too.
You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah
Again this is about her and nameless and how she was so over hills to him to the point to make diets just because he told her she was fat. she did everything for him because it was the first person who showed affection to her (or it was what she was thinking it was)
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
And this is more about Keun than Nameless. Well, maybe the part of hate you more of being from Nameless but also how she used that to have the strength to broke up with Keun in that day.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me
Again more about Keun and well how she went to therapy after they broke up and she discovers her more about herself in there to become the person better much version of her we know.
I gave my all and they all know it Then you tore me down and now it's showing In two months, you replaced us Like it was easy Made me think I deserved it In the thick of healing, yeah
There’s no men who are worth it. I said this because both Nameless and Keun went out there giving their dicks out. Of course Nameless did it worst, but Keun attitude of making a whole album made her that bitch was maybe at the same level of make her think she deserve everything bad when she was just trying to healing.
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us
Oh FINALLY not a heartbreak song. so anyways, this song i will not talk to much (i believe) but when i listen to the song this could be any bad bitch but because this song remembers me of Kyungri solo when WNDR debut i’m gonna be selfish and say this is her song. She is your ultimate bias, so take it.
You all in your feelings, baby, all into me I'm one in a billion, baby, don't you agree?
Obviously, you know, I'm aware of that I'm breakin' hearts like a heart attack Got him right where the carats at
As Selena Gomez said:   “Ring is sassy. I don’t know if I can say the real meaning behind it [on here]. … The point of it is it’s a confidence. … It’s all about feeling good about myself and being able to kind of be intimidating to guys”, which is speak to me of Kyungri. It just made me remember how every male trainee was afraid of going into her even if all agreed she was hot.
Wrapped 'round my finger like a ring, ring, ring They just like puppets on a string, string, string I put it down, they call me up They doin' way too much So I'll just let it ring, ring, ring (Oh-oh)
THIS APPLIED ALSO FOR SULJI WOw that whore. Wait My miND REMINDE me of jinhyung going to ask her out and he was like: “i’m korean”. but this is about every guy ever kyungri messed with just because she was thinking how men are stupid and it was so funny. thats why not just jinhyung, but every guy who her mom made going to a date with or a random guy she met and she had fun with them, not names mention cause they really are that random of the universe even linlin and wndr didnt knew much about them imagine us. but we know even dating she made a pact with her boyfriend to flirt with other just for fun and not getting anything because it was fun to mess around with people. 
Yeah, I received your message, all twenty-three (Twenty-three)
You know I'm Jordan with it, G-O-A-T (G-O-A-T)
and this is about her birthday when jinhyung send those messages. it was funny. and sulji with dino probably.
Circlin' me, they just like satellites (Ooh) Circlin' me all day and every night (Ooh, yeah) Circlin' me, I'm sure you sympathize (Ooh) A-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Ooh) Oh, na-na
i believe this is also the song you thought sulji would listen to it, imma right? i just imagine she is the shit. which she is because well even stupid she made seth, dino, nurse guy and as you once said she made out with jack.
This song was the hardest to think of someone else. First, because i’m trying to find one for Linlin. Second, i was like: no, okay, this song is about Danbi. But in the very end i realized this about Minhye.
If I give you every piece of me, I know that you could drop it Give you the chance, I know that you could take advantage once you got it If I open up my heart to you, I know that you could lock it Throw away the key, and keep it there forever in your pocket If I give the opportunity to you, then would you blow it? If I was the greatest thing to happen to you, would you know it? If my love was like a flower, would you plant it? Would you grow it? I'ma give you all my body, are you strong enough to hold it?
As far from Danbi, i tought of her because, again, she had a lot of relationships and not very good one, especially that one who took her money, so it understandable of how she was one step back of being with Daehyun at the beginning because she had been through a lot since her family problems and her taking care of her dad and her sisters and already getting another guy who wouldn’t help her out with converted or at least easying her mind, it was worth? she needed it, maybe it was daehyun but she needs to take care of herself first.
If I show you all my demons, and we dive into the deep end Would we crash and burn like every time before? I would tell you all my secrets, wrap your arms around my weakness If the only other option's letting go
and about minhye, this is more her to jukan after college or any guy ever, as she could look bad at his point of view for just had sex with for two times and move on but still because she is got through a lot with her mom suicide and her whole life is a mystery but it is a fucked life she went so sharing those stuff is a hard and well jukan don’t look like the exact caring type of guy because he was an idiot back then but somehow him just love her helped and also how she overcome being this successful influencer with her business.
If I hand you my emotions, would you even wanna take it? (Would you even wanna take it? Yeah) If I give you all my trust, then would you fumble it and break it? (Mm, mm, mm, mm) If I let you cross my finish line, then would you wanna make it? (What you wanna make it, what you wanna make it?) I think I'm ready, won't you come and flip the switch and activate it? (Ooh)
Now this also could be Jinah because she is also someone who went trough some shit and we didn’t see her crying about even once. she is also someone who was very much strong and how she was a prostitute as object for a lot of men to find love even that person was bokyum was beautiful and also she gave up this life to go to college and became a psychology.
If the only other option's letting go I'll stay vulnerable
People You Know.
This song can have a lot of meanings, not just as lovers but as friends or even family too. Thats one of the reasons even if the song looks to me about Hansol and Chan-u, Anna and Kuen, this is mostly about Chihye and Inna and could be even also about Eleanor and her sister. Let me show you.
You were runnin' through me like water Now the feeling's leavin' me dry These days, we couldn't be farther So how’s it feel to be on the other side?
This is where i thought of the couples because well one of them got to move or travel to other places and the other just was there moving with life also but coming back and seeing how things changed.
So many wasted (Wasted) Nights with (Nights with) you (You) I still can taste it (Taste it) I hate it, wish I could take it back 'cause
This couls be Chihye over Inna seeing that she stop being friends with her when she got poor. This is also gonna become more Eleanor centered. Because those lyrics i believe was when she was fighting a lot with her sister or sort of when their dad died but also i think more when her sister decided to take those pictures of her and zeev making sex in the bathtub and show to the internet to make money from it.
We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't
this is inna point of view i believe, when she discovers chihye ended up marrying the guy she liked and that person who runs away with her daughter and also the one who she loved was too and even put a detective to find her, isn't? woW
When it was good, we were on fire Now I'm breathin' ashes and dust I always wanna get higher I never know when enough is enough
This look to me Hansol and Chanu so, let me just add here.
We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't
Personally, as i have an older sister myself i can assure that idolizing them and want to become like them is very real thats why i feel for eleanor when she asked keun to not made her sister going to jail. because even she tried to screw up her relationship, she was her family, she was one of the first people she interacts in the world with, she was her first best friend and how they went crazy drunk parties it happened with them. i actually don’t know much, because my vision is the same as zeev’s of it, i can just feel empathy from it and just think how much it felt for eleanor to have this big figure she loved to do something very mean. Thats it.
Let Me Get Me.
Okay, so as this song selena sings about overcoming her mental illness and feeling a sense of freedom of the thoughts of her heard. this could be also about Linlin? yes, but because the rhythm of the song i believe this song speaks more about Seulgi.
Like a prayer surroundin' us, movin' effortlessly Every word is relief I'm in dance floor therapy, all my babies and me But tonight, it's for free No self-sabotage, no letting my thoughts run Me and this spiral are done Burn this camouflage I've been wearing for months Tryna let a little happy in for once
This is much more about last year, which theoretically speaking in our minds was the year that her brother basically tried to killed himself, also days after she kissed her best friend out nowhere and even she ignored it looked like it was gonna be a horrible year for this girl especially with her depression but it was also the year of a lot of comebacks, and tour, and syrch. so it ended up being an amazing time for seulgi because not only she got the money, she got new friends, she got even the girl, she got to go to new places who wouldn’t made think of the tragedy part of her life, which made her try to be her she thought it went away.
Diving in ferociously, dancing intimately I'm so connected to me In the dark, I'm letting go, so anonymously I guess this is what it feels like to be free
this is you making badgalseulgi ans saying you were the most close to the real seulgi then ever before. but also i belive those lyrics hits harder if you think this is about moving on aside from wndr and her relationship with hailey and her archive what she wants more for her.
Don't get me down, I won't let me get me (Ooh) Don't get me down, I won't let me get me (Ooh) I'm good right now, I won't let me get me Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside-out
this is literally her fighting her depression and grow of it each day because she knows theres much more that the world can afford her and this is what her parents would be happy she would do. which they are but not just them or me but also every person she is close it cheers for her and is proud of her. even herself because of how depression sometimes can appear even in your best days but seulgi was strong and turn it inside-out.
Crowded Room
Is gonna start being a lot more romantic as now. At first, i try not to think of men but this song sounds to me like Clay and Allen, but this is also about Yura and Chiyo and oh my GOD now after i was saying about seulgi this is also the girlfriends. Before i think of other people let me explain those three gays couples.
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
This makes me remember of that party of when clay and allen met, actually the whole song remembers me of the day. plus, also them living together and being goofy idk. and how this song is repetitive this will gonna explain the others couples later.
It started polite, out on thin ice 'Til you came over to break it I threw you a line and you were mine
for me this is literally them texting each other and allen like: wanna sext xD. but this is also yura in japan and having this instant connection with chiyo and she just trying play cool but also flirting and chiyo doing the same. as from the girlfriends, this could be about when they were just friends and then the kiss happened and you know what went next.
Yeah, I was afraid, but you made it safe I guess that is our combination Said you feel lost, well, so do I
this right here i think its very much seulgi and hailey, its like their march band, you know? but this is also allen and clay’s march band and how they went dating and how clay was so in love with him even if has his first experience with a boy and felt so good with him that made thinking about himself and how he wanted to do with his future and with allen on it. and yura and chiyo because of how much homophobia they had to go through for those other gays can be free to love.
So won't you call me in the morning? I think that you should call me in the morning If you feel the same 'cause
exactly, in wich couple in there theres at least one foreign that live away or had to go to another place. so,,, this is mostly allen and chiyo after met and talking with their lovers and just wanted more because they like them. seulgi and hailey well because they miss each other even just as friends, isn't?
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
so now i  will explain more because for me this is also Yura and Chiyo, well they had to face a lot together because its a  new decade now but people are not open-minded as we thought they would, but it was worth getting to it and fighting for their rights because they were together in this, the two of them and didn't matter of anything. i'm not just talking about marriage or adoption but everything
Engulfed in the flames Engulfed in the shame Betrayed by your imagination In over my head, but that's alright
oh, this is hailey getting through stuff after the kiss but also seulgi when she figured out she was gay, same as kim yura, and this is clay in the dorm thinking about the harvad boy.
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room (Oh) Baby, it's just me and you
and now as for the girlfriends. i can totally imagine sonders making those videos with this song on twitter with all their moments together in the tour, in wndr tv, fansign or even just walking in the airport.  even if they were the couple that had more people surround them, they also were the last couple to have like the opportunity to be  open to the media, but they didn't care or even wanted that because the thing that matters was just that they would stick together.
The world keeps on spinning, but I ain't dizzy yet, yeah The more that you give, give, give, give, the more that you get
you know, all those three couples made each other feel like what they have couldn't be real because it felt so good and this could really happen to people like them (your muses mostly)? all of them feel free but also both of those three couples facing up stuff together in the relationship and thats beautiful.
You make the whole room feel slow-motion You make me feel like I'm drowning in a potion Closed off, tryna get a little open The more that I give, the more that I get So baby, I'ma call you in the AM You're down for my love, honey, say when I be waitin' on my time 'cause I'm patient
again, you can see how easy-going they made feel to each other, but this rap i believe is more my characters to you?? chiyo was there even facing nameless, she was with yura for everything and yura deserved somebody who would stick with her and love her, thats why theres the part of i'm patient. and this is hailey didn't care if they were together as friends or girlfriends but in the end she knew they would be together again because its their connection. and this is allen moving to south korea just to be more close to lay and date him for real.
Kinda Crazy
Another who was hard to think about but them it come to mind: This is Anna and Kuen, yes i warn you theres just gays in here. But also Linlin and Mingyu
Hey, you started out sweeter than hard candy Words were like licorice to the taste But slowly, all the sugar, it went to waste Went to waste Oh, you started getting funny with no jokes I started seein' through you like a ghost And now I'm pretty sure I can't take no more I can't take no more-ore
This is literally Kuen in the other side of the world had to be point out to be the person Anna was talking in her songs, such as Bbibbi, which was not very much lovable ones. Which i said that she could had feel sorry for messing with her but also she was very much angry with her because she didn't exactly talk to her she just decided her songs as she sings about her experiences. And this is clearly Mingyu and Linlin because of all the fights they had and Mingyu couldn't a lot with Linlin ways sometimes
I think you're kind of crazy And not the good kind, baby 'Cause you're actin' super shady You know it, you know it Been dodgin' phone calls lately But still textin' me, "Baby" Yeah, I think you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it You've been lyin' just for fun Luckily, no damage done But now I see you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it
This is about every chat of mingyu and linlin we had but also kuen still angry but both of those would still text each other like nothing happen ,,,, until,,,
Hey, you're the one who started talkin' to me Made the move, asked me to be your babe And now you're treatin' me like I'm insane You're insane
THIS IS ANNA PAYBACK IN THis song and how she had to take kuen changing her to those white dudes but still would play with her heart and going but you are my oldest friend :-(( and she had enough as she should #goanna. AnD ALSO LINLIN'S BECAUSE mingyu acting like mister right but always would come to her place still or even going to another country, yes men sucks my men are the same as the real ones.
I think you're kind of crazy And not the good kind, baby 'Cause you're actin' super shady You know it, you know it Been dodgin' phone calls lately But still textin' me, "Baby" Yeah, I think you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it You've been lyin' just for fun Luckily, no damage done But now I see you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it
they ended up marrying each other.
This is totally Chan-u and Hansol but i'm gonna be bold here and put one of the newest ships since i talk a lot about lesbians in here so this is also Gigi and Park.
This is just what the doctor ordered (Yeah) Put a gold star on my disorder Yeah, we've talked around every corner If I'm lookin' at you and me, we're on some kind of symmetry
Because you said Gigi took some medicine because she had some kinda of problem but she took and have cool parents i thought this is hit more than the bipolar of Chan-u.
I'm a sensitive situation (Mmm) You're a hot and cold combination Oh, we both know we got complications (Mmm)
No need to explain about chanu and hansol in here. and i know we have seven more new ships ver much new and stuff to think about it. i don't know if park has complications, she just a crazy chick who likes to do stuff and doesn't care about much, she is very much like chihye when she was young and rich, you know? she just reckless.
I try not to bother, not to bother you (Ah) But my kind of trouble likes your trouble too (Ah)
and this is just Gigi, because  Chanu is a brat he doesn't care if would bother or not, same as Hansol. Oh my god i realized now he is chihye's son too.
Can we keep it on a first name basis? (Ah) We could overcrowd each other's spaces You get me higher than my medication Take me to different places, let's face it, I'm gettin' impatient (Ah)
again, as you said about gigi having problems with her mental health it made me think, park wouldn't be like: stop doing, party, fuck, blabla, you know? i don't know even if she even knew but if she knows she would respect her as the same, she is very much feeling and just wanted to have a good time. ANd YOU KNOW ABOUT THE GAYS.
Cut You Off
Now, finally, as the album is ending, this is about Haneul and her breakup with Hyuntae but more specific when she decided to stop shadying him
Pull up to the mirror, staring at my face Gotta chop-chop all the extra weight I've been carrying for fourteen-hundred-sixty days Gotta, gotta, gotta clean my slate
Is a song about moving on and feeling better by yourself, which haneul did eventually after stage of crying, denying, songwriting, hate, all of that after one sex with john. i think thats is incredible. just kidding eventually she would do that.
And I might as well just tell you while I'm drunk, yeah The truth is that I think I've had enough Professionally messin' with my trust How could I confuse that shit for love?
and this is about that day hyuntae tried to talk to her and said he loved her and she throw champgne in his face, as she had a lot of reasons to react like that because she was heartbroken over a text message, his long-time friend who became her first real love doing this way? she deserves more respect for that. this also is about the date she got drunk in chinese with seth.
So I gotta get You out my head now I just cut you off You out my head now I just cut you off When I'm without you I don't overthink it, I just carry on, get You out my head now I just cut you off
this was written by haneul. haneul worked with selena.
Sweeter Place
OH MY FUCKIN GOD I WAS WATING FOR A SONG ABOUT THIS WOMAN AND IT WAS THE LAST TRACK? CRIST SAKEs. If you don't know i'm talking about Linlin and this song talks about Selena's struggle with anxiety, so yeah.
Is there a place where I can hide away? Red lips, french kiss my worries all away There must be a sweeter place We can sugarcoat the taste Sweeter place There must be a sweeter—
this is very much about i believe when she is alone in her own thoughts after a fight with mingyu maybe or someone else but anyways how her life is a lot of times upside down.
So lemme tell ya Ooh, got two feet on the ground and felt what real is like What it was like Livin' out of the scene, out in the wild Learnin' to breathe Up in the clouds, far from the crowds I can't believe I can be loud Holdin' hands with the darkness and knowin' my heart is allowed Allowed
This is again her and her discovering her anxiety in the medical field of her agency. i can't talk much about that because you know. but this is selena accepting it and being unapologetic about it and thats much very linlin.
As I fantasize So much to see, I'm in paradise, oh, I Always seems I'm new inside Deep, deep down in me, I go now, baby, born to fly, oh, I Now see, how could it be? We will find our way, we'll find the things we seek, ooh-ee You see, I'm mesmerized This is just for me and I am cuttin' ties, goodbye Ooh, no, no, no, no
oh this also could be feat chanu, cause this is the rapper part and the rapper also had struggles with even got into rehab for it? anyways, chanu and linlin are very much a like thats why they are friends and sometimes they could even talk about those stuff idk what i'm saying now. love those motherfuckers
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its-lifestyle · 5 years
It is a disheartening but inescapable truth that these days, most family recipes do not get passed down. While oral tradition and observation used to prevail as a method of learning, most urbanites now hardly ever cross the thresholds of their kitchens – at least not enough to learn how to make heirloom recipes.
According to a 2013 study by UiTM titled ‘The effects of transmission of Malay daily food knowledge on the generation practices’, Malay heritage recipes have been heavily affected by the trappings of modernity.
The study, which looked at mothers in their 50s to 70s and their daughters in their 20s to 40s, found that many members of the younger generation eschewed traditional Malay food in favour of convenient, easy-to-prepare meals.
Thankfully, there are still people out there dedicated to sharing recipes with receptive family members, which in turn, will ensure that these recipes survive the travails of time.
Keeping it in the family There is a flurry of activity in 69-year-old Siti Zaleha Md Nor’s family home. Her grandchildren have come to visit and there is a recurring symphony of little feet running around the house. In the living room, Siti’s husband Abdul Syukor is entertaining a family friend who has popped in.
In the heart of the home – Siti’s sprawling, spacious kitchen – the bubbly matriarch herself is bent over the stove, carefully stirring an assortment of ingredients. Huddled beside her is her beautiful daughter-in-law Fiona Noor Aishah, 36.
Aishah never used to like Johor food until she tried Siti’s food. Now she watches her mother-in-law to learn how she makes all her heirloom dishes. Photo: The Star/Samuel Ong
“Mak, so when you cook this, you have to keep stirring it slowly, is it?” asks Aishah, as she is better known.
“Yes, then all the flavours will come together,” responds Siti Zaleha, never taking her eyes off the pot.
In many ways, this charming scene is reflective of just what a good job Siti has done of converting the Kelantanese Aishah into a lover of the traditional Johor food she makes.
“That’s true, I didn’t like Johor food until I tried my mother-in-law’s food,” agrees Aishah.
Interestingly, Siti herself is not from Johor – her mother is from Selangor and her father is from Negeri Sembilan, so she grew up learning the traditional foods of those states, like rendang Minang and Selangor-style masak lemak kuning, as well as various other dishes that her talented mother picked up along the way.
A talented home cook, Siti (centre) is slowly but surely passing on the recipes that she has perfected to her daughter-in-law Aisyah, left and daughter Syefa, right. Photo: The Star/Samuel Ong
“My mother was very possessive of her kitchen so she would only let me watch and help clean up. It was only much later that she allowed me to cook.
“My father would say, ‘Don’t let her fry things, she might get oil on her face, then no one will want her’. And my mother would say, ‘If she doesn’t know how to cook, it’s worse. Nobody will want her because of that’,” recalls Siti, laughing heartily.
The bubbly Siti learnt how to cook from her mother and now often cooks for the 18 people in her large family, including in-laws’ and grandchildren.
From the very beginning, Siti found that she loved cooking – a good thing as her mother grew to depend on her to help cook family meals for Siti’s nine siblings, a familial routine that made a huge impact on young Siti’s life.
“I started compiling my mother’s recipes from young. I suppose even then I was thinking that when I have my own family, I want to cook for them too,” she says.
When she started dating her husband, family lore is that the first time she cooked for him and his friends, he was so impressed with her food that he proposed straight away!
“I was telling myself I must have passed the test, because he asked me to marry him that night!” says Siti, as an abashed Syukor denies such an incident.
In any case, after her marriage to the Johor born-and-bred Syukor, Siti began learning how to make authentic Johor food like laksa Johor and mee bandung from Syukor’s sister.
“I watched her and always made sure I was there when she was putting certain ingredients in, so I roughly knew what was in the dishes,” she says.
Siti’s inherited recipes have been adapted slightly to create what she calls “revolutionised Johor food” which is much-loved by the entire family – from her husband down to her six children and grandchildren.
Her version of laksa Johor is delightful and underscored by a punchy sambal and a thick gravy with fish-laden undertones. Her mee bandung is also very good and is a flavour-packed meal designed to elicit joy.
These days, Siti is invested in ensuring that her daughters and daughter-in-law learn the family recipes – even if they have to stand right next to her and watch how she does it.
“We come here once or twice a week and my mother-in-law cooks these meals, so that’s when we watch her. Because she’s not very good at recounting the recipes properly, we just have to watch,” says Aishah, who is slowly learning how to make traditional Johor food like laksa Johor.
Siti’s daughter Nur Syefa Abdul Shukor, 41, is also a fan of her mother’s traditional Johor dishes and is picking them up.
“She always nags us and says, ‘You guys have to learn these dishes, because when I’m not around, who is going to cook it when you want to eat it?’” she says.
But perhaps the biggest testament to the quality of Siti’s food comes from her husband.
“I think my dad is so used to how my mum cooks stuff that when anyone else makes it, it’s not as good. I remember my late aunt used to say, ‘Oh, now that your wife cooks for you, you don’t want my food anymore,” says Syefa, laughing.
Serves 8 to 10
oil, for frying 15 shallots, blended 8 cloves garlic, blended 100-150g dried prawns, blended 4 tbsp chilli paste 350g beef, sliced 2 litre water 1-1 1/2 cup tomato sauce 8 stalks mustard greens (sawi) 5 pieces beancurd, each cut into 6 4 tomatoes, quartered 600g yellow mee, rinsed and drained 5 eggs dash of pepper salt to taste
In a large pot, heat oil, fry blended ingredients. Add chilli paste and sliced beef and stir. Add water, tomato sauce, sawi (stalks only), beancurd and tomatoes and stir to combine. Add the mee, break eggs into different parts of the pot and let it cook. Add sawi leaves and cook until a little wilted, then season with pepper and salt. Serve hot.
LAKSA JOHOR Serves 8 to 10
500g spaghetti 600g ikan kembung 5cm ginger, blended finely 5cm galangal, blended finely 15 shallots, blended finely 8 cloves garlic, blended finely 6-7 tbsp fish curry powder 150g dried prawns, soaked and blended coconut milk from 1 ½ coconuts 6 stalks lemongrass, crushed kerisik (toasted, grated coconut) from 1 coconut 4 pieces asam keping 2-3 tbsp chilli paste (optional)
Vegetables to go with laksa 10 long beans, sliced at 1cm lengths 1 big cucumber, hollow removed and sliced 2 big red onions, thinly sliced into rings 500g beansprouts a handful of daun kesom, finely chopped a handful of daun selasih, finely chopped
Sambal belacan (to blend together) 1 ½ inch toasted belacan 10-12 red chillies 2-3 limau kasturi
Boil spaghetti and drain well. Set aside. Boil fish with enough water to cover it, and add a piece of ginger. Set aside fish stock. Drain, debone and blend the fish. Heat up some oil and fry blended ingredients, curry powder, fish, dried prawns, coconut milk, kerisik, asam keping and coconut milk. Boil until the mixture is a little thick. Serve with spaghetti, sambal belacan and raw vegetables.
Mother-daughter-in-law culinary connection In her cheery, sun-kissed kitchen, sweet-natured Zainon Johari, 70 is working in unison with her daughter-in-law Hasniza Hussin, 40. As Zainon fries meat, Hasniza slices chillies, the two working seamlessly together as they chat happily away.
Since she married into the family, Hasniza has worked hard to pick up Zainon’s wide repertoire of recipes, gleaned from a lifetime of cooking. As a child, Zainon learnt how to make authentic Johor food from her mother.
Zainon learnt how to cook from her mother and after she got married, she learnt all her mother-in-law’s heritage recipes too. Photo: The Star/Low Lay Phon
“I grew up in Johor and learnt how to cook by watching my mother. My mother could cook for very large groups of people and used to make dishes like laksa Johor and mee siam, which she was famous for,” recalls Zainon, chuckling.
As Zainon got older, her mother slowly passed the cooking baton to her – a task she was thrilled to get!
“When we reached a certain age – no matter how high we had studied – there were chores for us to do. My eldest sister didn’t like being in the kitchen, so I got assigned the kitchen and loved it!” she says.
After marrying her husband, the jovial Dr Ahmad Ezanee Mansor, Zainon started spending a lot of time in the kitchen with her Kelantanese mother-in-law.
Although Zainon (right) learnt how to cook from watching her elders, she has now written down her recipes so that it is easier for Hasniza (left) to follow them. Photo: The Star/Low Lay Phon
“My husband left Kota Bharu when he was six, because his father was a civil servant who got transferred all over the country. And my mother-in-law picked up recipes from each state and because I like being in the kitchen, I made it a point to learn how chik (a term of endearment in Kelantan) made everything by watching her.
“I am happy that she shared her recipes with me. Because even though she is not around anymore, her legacy is with us,” she says.
One of the recipes that Zainon’s mother-in-law passed down to her is her delicious daging tok chik, a beef stir-fry dish that is simple but incredibly tasty.
“That recipe is from my mother-in-law – she never told me the name of that dish, so we call it daging tok chik, because that is what my children called her. So now this recipe has gone down to my daughter-in-law,” says Zainon.
Zainon’s fiery, flavour-packed ikan bawal kerutuk is a recipe she inherited from her mother that she still makes to this day, although not as often as her husband Ahmad can’t eat very spicy food.
“I get pimples when I eat spicy food. Seventy years old and still getting pimples, can you believe it?” he jokes.
Then there is the family’s devilishly good, royal-style banana pudding, a recipe which Zainon’s mother-in-law got from legendary actress Maria Menado (popular in Malay movies in the 1950s and 1960s), who was the consort of the late Sultan Abu Bakar of Pahang.
“When my father-in-law was posted to Kuantan, Pahang, at the time, the Sultan of Pahang was Sultan Abu Bakar and Maria Menado was his consort so my mother-in-law befriended them and she learnt this recipe her,” says Zainon.
Zainon says it is important to her that Hasnizah learns the family recipes as this is the only way the recipes will be passed down through the generations.
To ensure this happens, she has even changed the way she transmits the recipes. Instead of having Hasnizah watch her, the way she did with her mother-in-law, Zainon has measured and weighed all the ingredients for her dishes. Then, she sends her recipes to Hasnizah via WhatsApp!
“My story and mama’s story is totally opposite, I ask for the recipes and she WhatsApps it to me. Then I get all the ingredients and try it at home and if something is wrong, I ask again. Sometimes even if you follow the recipe exactly, it won’t turn out the same,” says Hasniza, laughing.
Ultimately, Hasniza says she is equally determined to learn from her mother-in-law’s vast culinary experience as her recipes are tried-and-trusted.
“My husband enjoys his mother’s food, so it’s better that I learn from mama – the real source. She has proven that her food is delicious, so I just follow lah,” she says, laughing.
To which, a beaming Zainon adds “I’m happy that my children like what I cook.”
500g beef sirloin 2-3 tbsp ghee 2 big onions 2 red chillies salt to taste a pinch of turmeric powder
Cut meat into medium thin strips. Add salt and turmeric powder, keep aside for about 10 minutes. Heat pan. Arrange meat on pan. When half cooked, turn over. Let meat get dry and nicely browned. Then, add ghee. Add onions and chillies, season with salt and some turmeric powder and serve hot with rice.
For blending together 1.2cm galangal 6 small shallots 4 garlic cloves 2 buah keras a little bit of turmeric powder
For cooking 1 cup blended dried chillies 2 medium bawal fish, fried 3/4 cup coconut milk 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed salt to taste brown sugar to taste
Blend ingredients for blending together and set aside. Add oil in kuali. Fry blended chillies and blended galangal, shallots, garlic, buah keras and turmeric powder for 5-10 minutes. Add in crushed lemongras and coconut milk and let simmer for awhile. Add in fish and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Serve hot with rice.
BANANA PUDDING Serves 5 to 6
1 comb banana (pisang raja or pisang mas), cut on the diagonal 1 tin evaporated milk granulated sugar, for sprinkling on banana 1-2 tsp vanilla essence 1 cup cashew nuts, fried 1/2 cup prunes, steamed
Fry bananas until caramelised and put in a casserole dish, then sprinkle granulated sugar over it and cover. Repeat with all the bananas. Heat evaporated milk and add vanilla essence; heat for awhile but do not let mixture boil. Pour milk over bananas in casserole. Spread cashew nuts and prunes on top.
from Food – Star2.com http://bit.ly/2M4XUAd
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