benbenlang1 · 10 months
Am I Dreaming伴奏--Metro Boomin|A$AP Rocky|Roisee|《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》电影插曲
https://www.99banzou.com/product/1355065.html Not done fighting I don’t feel I loseAm I dreamin’ is there more like usGot me feeling like it’s all too muchI feel beaten but I can’t give upI’m still fightingMetro I don’t feel I’ve lostAm I dreamin’ is there more like usGot me feelin’ like it’s all too muchI feel beaten but I can’t give up UhWakin’ up feelin’ like the thankful oneCount up my 1’s…
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doctor-roman · 5 years
Krenko player on turn 3: “alright, hit you (me, Mike) for an ass load of damage”
Me: “alright, cool, that leaves me at uhhhh...1”
Ayli player, with a Walking Ballista at onecounter: “oh :)”
Me: “pls no”
Ayli player: “oh :)))”
Me: “PLS NO”
Ayli: “okay. But if you try anything, I’ll be gettin ya”
Me, later on: “okay, I’m going to wipe the board and cast Rise of the Dark Realms, getting back uhh...oh...oh, an Emissary of Grudges.”
Table: “O h”
Me, to the Ayli player: “does it resolve, master of my fate?”
Ayli: “Hmmm...there’s a very real possibility that you secretly choose the Krenko player...I’m gonna take that gamble. Yeah, sure.”
Me, typing on my phone: “:)”
“Oh, and one of the things I got from that RotDR was Magmatic Force. So I’m gonna uhh. Kick Rite of Replication on that?”
Table: “OH NO”
Ayli: “I PING YOU”
Me: *reveals Ayli player’s name on my phone as the secretly chosen player* “No :)”
And then I won. Off of one life. Hooray!
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internetbynight · 4 years
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<<𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙙𝙚"The mathematically minded Leibniz saw in the mystical elegance of the binary system where only the zero and the onecount, the very image of creation. The unity of the Supreme Being, operating by means of a binary function against the nothing, was sufficient ground, he thought, from which all things could be made."- Marshall McLuhan The great man-made simulacra pass from a universe of natural laws into a universe of forces and tensions, and today pass into a universe of structures and binary oppositions. After the metaphysics of being and appearance, after energy and determinacy, the metaphysics of indeterminacy and the code. Cybernetic control, generation through models, differential modulation, feedback, question/answer, etc.: this is the new operational configuration (industrial simulacra being mere operations). Digitality is its metaphysical principle (Leibniz's God), and DNA is its prophet. In fact, it is in the genetic code that the 'genesis of simulacra' today finds its completed form. At the limits of an ever more forceful extermination of references and finalities, of a loss of semblances and designators, we find the digital, programmatic sign, which has a purely tactical value, at the intersection of other signals ('bits' of information/tests) and which has the structure of a micro-molecular code of command and control.At this level, the question of signs and their rational destinations, their 'real' and their 'imaginary', their repression, reversal, the illusions they form of what they silence or of their parallel significations, is completely effaced>>
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joegiallanella · 5 years
Picklesburgh was chosen as the No. 1 best specialty food festival in America in a USA Today reader poll.
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martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
Key Customer Data Management Themes for 2019: 20 Expert Perspectives
David Raab, Founder, CDP Institute and MarTech Advisor Category Expert for Customer Data Management
New data types, such as voice, location, IoT, and augmented/virtual reality, will require new processing methods and marketing techniques
Increased concern about privacy by consumers and governments, will significantly limit what data is available and how it’s used, especially what can be shared as third-party data
As the ‘single customer view’ - until recently restricted to the top 15% of organizations – gets mainstream, will come the realization that just building the customer view doesn’t create value. You have to find ways to use it that meet business needs and customer needs (which are not necessarily the same)
  Tasso Argyros, Chief Executive Officer, ActionIQ
Personalized experiences at scale: For CMOs, this means pivoting from thinking in terms of email blasts and social pushes to delivering radically relevant -- even curated -- brand experiences across channels, based on individual preferences and shopping behavior. To do this, CMOs need to be able to capture and unify raw signals into rich individual customer profiles; make intelligent, AI-driven decisions based on all those signals; and orchestrate personalized messages across channels, automatically selecting optimal channels and tailoring content on the fly.
  Omer Artun, Chief Executive Officer, Agilone
The positive effects of data privacy will begin to be more widely accepted in 2019. Responsible customer data management will drive customer loyalty, as privacy will become an important customer preference. Brands will choose technologies that let them understand, control, and fully leverage first-party data; and the relevance of technologies that rely on anonymous third-party cookie pools will become less central to marketing strategy.
  Chris Jones, SVP Product, Amperity
A shift from DIY data management to focus on insight and action
Three years ago, most brands were investing a lot of internal resources in customer data management — building their own Customer 360 data capabilities from scratch, in-house. In 2019, smart brands will pivot to using trusted vendors to manage their customer data, shifting their focus to analytics, insights, and activation to drive better customer experiences. 
More investment in 1st-party data with the emergence of an accurate and scalable way to manage and unify it and use it to drive value. Brands will use 3rd party data more sparingly, only to fill real gaps in the data. This will result in cost savings and efficiency gains.
  Cory Munchbach, Senior Vice President, Strategy, BlueConic
Customer data is complex because of its volume, velocity, and variety- and that complexity is only accelerating. In 2019, CMOs that have been waiting for their marketing clouds or IT departments to provide a silver bullet are going to stop hoping and move forward with solutions that are specifically designed to manage and harness that complexity. By the end of 2019, CMOs who prioritize first-party data will realize that the only way to create a single customer data repository is to create a single customer data strategy; CMOs will embrace this fact in 2019 and put the resources behind the creation and implementation of this approach.
  Raviv Turner, Co-Founder & CEO, Calibermind
CDPs for B2B: In 2019, Customer Data Platforms that started as a consumer marketing technology will make it to B2B marketing. While the CDP technology is similar, B2B use cases are slightly different and include pairing online and offline buyer and account’s data; lead matching and routing; ABM and attribution. B2B CDPs offer significant advantages over internally developed custom data lakes, most notably time-to-insights.
  Laetitia Gazel Anthoine, Founder and CEO, Connecthings
The State of Mobile Application Usage survey found that users have a higher comfort level when they are in control of data sharing practices. As such, we’ll see a more mature, discerning mobile user who is taking control over their phone and knows how to restrict solicitations and control privacy. Users will continue to want fewer, but timely, contextually relevant content and notifications. They will want to be able to decide what information they want to receive and when – be it plain content or ad targeting
  Marty Greenlow, CEO, Ensighten
To date, CMOs have dedicated most of their time and resources to getting their arms around their data assets and ensuring they can draw meaningful insights from them. But as we saw evidenced in 2018’s seemingly endless headlines around high-profile data breaches, far too few marketing executives today are aware of the vulnerabilities within their current customer data management systems. In 2019, education around these vulnerabilities - as well as the required solutions to prevent data leakage and breaches within marketing systems - is going to take center stage.
  Shesh Vasudevamurthy, CPO, Lemnisk
CMOs are closely working with Heads of Service and Sales to create a centralized database and breaking data silos. Financial Marketers will begin to demand stricter vendor compliance on data security as they ramp up their customer engagement strategy. Customer data privacy will underpin the evolution of data management, as CMO strive for a balance between data governance and innovation in analytics for better customer experiences. The role of Chief Customer Experience Officer will emerge to drive collaboration between marketing, digital Initiative departments and other key stakeholders.
  Simon Smallchua, VP, Global Marketing, Lexer
High-quality addressability: all brands are moving from anonymous cookie pools to addressable segments with high levels of detail from 1st & 3rd party data
AI for everyone: by distributing data throughout businesses in a consistent and easy-to-use way marketing, service, retail and insight teams can easily activate, personalize and deliver ROI to the business (Source: Venture Beat, Andrew Ng)
Eco-system rationalization: brands are simplifying their technology and data stack, re-evaluating the role, cross-over and return of each platform to reduce cost and complexity
  Michael Katz, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, mParticle
Something as foundational as customer data should be about finding long-lasting stability through a thoughtful identity and data strategy. The complexities of customer data and its applications to drive growth requires CMOs to think beyond trends and build defensibility.
  Joanne Persico, President & CEO, ONEcount
Customer data privacy and regulatory legislations will meet at a crossroad for marketers in 2019. In order to use it strategically, data must be securely consolidated and maintained. CMOs will need a higher degree of consciousness when it comes to how their vendors manage data.
  Pini Yakuel, CEO and Founder, Optimove
As data volume and complexity increases, extracting insight from that data will become cumbersome. CMOs will be required to add advanced algorithm layers to their technology stacks to extract insights and create campaigns and strategies based on this insight.
  Marianne van Leeuwen, Co-founder, PRDCT
Permission management: due to stricter privacy regulations in the EU; increased transparency in data collection and use
Master Data Management: to control the ‘best’ customer information and deal with bad quality data
Value-based marketing: with data and ROI driven marketing campaigns
Data organization: and data governance best practices
  Mark Herrmann, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, SessionM
Over the past two years, CDPs have focused on the creation of the unified customer profile from data collected across disparate data sources. In 2019, CDPs will evolve to focus on data activation and personalization - especially as enabled through the application of AI and machine learning – to deliver key customer insights, predictive behavioral analysis, and associated marketing activity recommendation. The primary business question will be ‘what can marketers do with the insights?’.
  Preethy Vaidyanathan, Chief Product Officer, Tapad
CMOs will focus on fully utilizing the abundance of data that exists within their organizations and prioritizing the consolidation of data silos in order to increase marketing ROI with a multi-channel approach to customer data management. Data consolidation can drive a better understanding of the customer to create a seamless customer experience and drive business results.
  Adam Corey, Chief Marketing officer, Tealium
A transparent, centralized and accessible approach to collecting customer data is crucial - consumers are increasingly skeptical of brands with dubious and opaque data privacy practices. At the same time, to use data to optimize programs and make them more relevant for content personalization or streamlining cross-channel experiences; brands need access to a complete set of customer data - not just marketing data, but other data sources like CRM, product data, transactional data, and customer support data.
  Paulo Cunha, Chief Product Officer, Velocidi
2018 was the year of privacy regulations, like the GDPR, China’s Cybersecurity Law and the California Privacy Act. To stay in the clear, CMOs will continue to be directly concerned with the balance between respecting customer privacy rights and using data for personalization; and must choose the right customer data management tool and processes based on their ability to manage data responsibly.
  Eric Keating, VP of marketing, Zaius
First-party data management investments and capabilities will grow. However, managing customer identities and preferences across multiple platforms; and extracting value from customer data is incredibly complex and error-prone (especially without dedicated analytics or data science teams). Regardless of how data-driven or sophisticated your marketing organization is, CDPs must become easier to use or companies will abandon them much like the old CRM systems that go unused.
  Abhi Yadav, Co-founder and CEO, Zylotech
More (CDPs) Customer Data Platforms will evolve to include self-learning as a key feature. The way most CDPs are set up with DIY self-service options still doesn’t put marketers in as much control of their data they could have. Machine learning will become a necessary capability for any CDP to replace self-service with self-learning for powering pattern discovery, intent and recommendations that only AI can do better than people. There will be a better market understanding of different kinds of CDP – data collection, analytics, orchestration oriented – as customer-centric companies think of CDP as a key strategy for their direct to customer culture and vision.
Also read:
How to Measure Customer Data Platform Performance and ROI
Customer Data Platform Pioneers! 4 Exclusive Stories of Real CDP Deployment Journeys
Customer Data Platform Deployment | Getting off to the Right Start
  Looking to invest in a CDP? Don't miss our Comprehensive Guide to CDPs for Progressive Marketers
Also Listen: D2C CX Trends from CES’19 + CDP Industry Trends Alert!
Read all past issues of The CDP Explainer here
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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function-marketing · 6 years
ONEcount Launches New Landing Page and Form Builder Interface
The new tool, code-named Merlot, drastically simplifies offer building by combining a powerful, drag-and-drop WYSIWYG page builder with the ONEcount question and product building tools.
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kmelhart-blog · 7 years
Chpt 18
Post your 3 favorite margin notes from this chapter.  Why did you highlight and comment on these particular points in the text?
 The nominal exchange rate is the relative price of the currency of the two countries and the real exchange rate is the relative price of goods and services. 
Our textbook cites the Japanese plane acquisition from boeing, and if the US real exchange rate appreciates US goods become are more expensive to foreign goods.  Japan will cancel its order as the price has risen and there will be less demand for US dollars in the foreign exchange market. 
This concept was great as it explained the reasoning why there are less dollars demanded in the foreign currency market.  With less buyers for US products as the prices are now higher there is less US dollars in circulation in the world market as ie. Japan would need US dollars to buy that plane. 
 Purchasing power parity is a dollar or unit of currency should be able to buy the same quantity of goods in all countries.   
This is due to the nominal exchange rate and that the value of the currency is reflect in the price.  But this soes not hold in all cases, as the case in our text book of German cars.  Where US wants to buy the better German built car  ie. BMW.  Germany would send as many cars as possible to the US where it could sell more of them.  If the prices in the US are higher as the demand for them drives up the price.  Even if Germany could send as many cars as possible to the US it would never reach the level to drive the price to back down.  A price difference will remain.  This was interesting as I recently purchased a new car due to a car accident and bought a foreign car that I felt was priced right except for the repair costs even with the euro in the current exchange rate.
According to our textbook net exports are the value of domestic goods and services sold abroad (exports) minus the value of foreign goods and services sold domestically(imports)   When a nation is running a trade deficit nx<0 its buying more goods from foreigners vs. the amount that it is selling or exporting.   how it is financing the net purchase of these goods and services in the world market it must be selling assets abroad. This concept was interesting as the idea of needing foreign currency to pay for the imports or any business operations.  China was accused of hording US dollars financial securities such as Tbonds and the selling off of these are good for us as they wil hold less of our debet.    and Why Chin's US treasury Sell Off is Good News. Chovanac, P. ( 2015 Jan. 25) Foreign Policy.  Retrieved Aug. 10, 2017 from https://fp-reg.onecount.net/onecount/flexreg/displayform.php?utm_source=takeover%20launched%205_16_17&utm_medium=takeover&utm_term=20%25%20off&utm_content=quarter%20a%20day&utm_campaign=premium&g=0&form=161&pc=2DTH
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ONEcount CDP Adds Sales Training/Consulting Services
With these alliances, ONEcount customers will be able to deploy more targeted audience marketing campaigns, streamline controlled circulation efforts, and increase advertising revenue by training their sales teams to effectively use data that the ... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/onecount-cdp-adds-sales-training-203800714.html
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lover-jess-blog · 8 years
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Simplicidad y hermosura detrás de un sueño
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manatarou-sensei · 9 years
#kamakura #rans_the_moon #la_passion #onecount #年越し #良いお年を♡ #若宮大通 #鎌倉 #まだパリピになりきれないと知った (Rans the Moon)
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