#one where I stare at a screenshot and draw his face and body as accurately as possible
ohjeeztrains · 2 years
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Henrietta loves her giant foxy boxy husband so much
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judesmoonbeauty · 19 days
Miss Fairytale Keeper, Come Have Fun With Us: Jude Jazza END
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Translations will not include screenshots or CGs as mentioned here. Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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When I reached out, it was Jude’s hand I took.
Jude: If ya let go of me, I won’t letcha off.
Kate: Okay!
He makes me stand up, and kicks away all those attacking me, one after the other.
Jude: Tch, what kind of management do they have to be so hated like this?
Kate: Should YOU be the one to say that about other people?!
Jude: Don’t say unnecessary things!
The ones who attacked me were thin, and looked very poor.
They’re people who’ve lost something very important to them through gambling.
Even if I do sympathize with them a little, it’s never an excuse to draw deadly weapons.
Jude: Run!
Punching and kicking, he defeats his enemies one after the other, pulling me along strongly, and as we head for the door, we dodge bullets in the thick black smoke.
As we left the casino, explosions sounded behind us.
We kept running until we reached a nearby port.
Jude: I’m havin’ a real shitty day.
Kate: Is it okay now?
Our fastened hands were easily released, and the warmth of my right hand cooled quickly.
Feeling a bit lonely, I opened my mouth to gloss it over.
Kate: In the end, we didn’t collect any evidence.
Jude: There’s evidence.
Kate: What?
I’m not sure where he got it from, but holding a thick ledger in his hands, he handed it to me.
When I looked inside, I saw things other than money that had been wagered in the casino so far, and a list of customers who received them alongside Viscount Smith’s signature.
Kate: When did you get this?!
Jude: Took it from that damned Viscount when the explosion happened.
(I couldn’t see because of the smoke, but I guess that’s what happened.)
Based on the overwhelming evidence, the casino will be brought to justice before her Majesty the Queen.
Just as I was feeling relieved over completing the mission, I suddenly remembered something.
Kate: If I had known that I was being used for collateral, I would’ve bet….
(I knew that Jude would win…..)
Then he made a disgusted expression…..
Jude: Our princess doesn’t seemta understand why she was prohibited.
As we stood facing each other, the sea breeze blew through his hair.
Jude: Ain’t no way someone who shows their emotions so easily could win.
Jude: Imagine how much a young woman without much money would hafta pay if she lost?
I recall the words of Viscount Smith and realize.
(Selling my body, experiencing atrocious things, the worst case scenario….)
A chill ran down my spine as I realized how naive I’d been.
The client list had records of women and children being sold, and I finally understood those repeated words had been for my sake.
(Jude said that he’d protect me.)
Feeling mixed emotions of his kindness and my own naivete, i bit my lip and looked down, but when his shoes came into view, I looked up.
Jude: Really, cantcha say thanks to the person who saved ya?
Kate: …! Thank you.
When I expressed my gratitude to him, who is foul-mouthed but kind,
Jude: Seems like Crown’s Fairytale Keeper has grown attached to the admirable Vogel.
Jude: Kissin’ the winner. I think ya wanted that bad personality.
Kate: That’s something Nica said on his own,
Jude: Such good friends that yer on a first name basis. (Jude’s angy face.)
His raised voice and pouty expression, seemed to indicate he was in a bad mood.
Jude: I mean, is the princess even bold ‘nuff to kiss a man herself.
Upset with his making fun of me, I confronted him.
Kate: It’s just a kiss, I can do it.
Jude: If so, then I’ll betcha won’t.
Kate: If I can kiss you?
Jude: I’ll do anythin’ ya say. Probably impossible anyway.
He’s so confident I can’t do it despite my enthusiasm.
We faced and stared at each other for a while,
(Where should I kiss him……) T-T on the lips.
I looked at his lips, but didn’t have the courage, so I felt conflicted,
Jude: ….Ridiculous. (I’m with him on this one.)
He turned on heel and walked away.
Kate: W-wait a minute!
I quickly grabbed his arm and stood on my tip toes as he looked back at me,
Jude: Huh?
I kissed his forehead.
Kate: ….I kissed you.
Kate: Now, please listen to what I have to say.
He put his hand to his forehead, his eyes slightly open,
Kate: I’m Crown’s Fairytale Keeper, not Vogel’s Fairytale Keeper!
Starting to feel embarrassed, I ran past him.
Kate: That’s why I’m going home!
A few seconds later, with the sound of him turning around, only one word was heard.
Jude: Kid.
(He’s making fun of me again…..!)
When I turned to say something back, I saw the softest expression on his face.
Kate: Huh……
It was as warm as sunlight, and it was the first time I’d seen it.
It felt like time had stopped for a moment,
Jude: What kinda dumb look are ya makin’?
His grumpy face returned immediately.
Jude: Hurry ‘n go home.
He started walking and I followed him quickly.
Kate: Please wait!
Perhaps the reason why I didn’t stand next to the swinging jacket that was a step ahead of me, was because the excitement I felt still hadn’t gone away.
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[Master List] [Jude Epilogue]
Heh, jelly Jude. Pouty Jude. More of that please.
Dividers: @.adornedwithlight
Tags List: @sh0jun @theimaginativelyreticent @sapphire-323 @letter-from-afar @nateko @cosmowgyrall. @lunaaka
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batarella · 4 years
All That Jazz (Jason Todd x Theater Star!Reader)
-Requested by: @inconspicuousasparagus​  
(Sorry I didn’t include the Batfam, girl! I hope you still do like this though!)
The last three smut fics had public sex in it. I swear I’m not a felon.
Slick your hair
And wear your buckle shoes
And all that Jazz
This song. This fucking song. This fucking song that never seemed to end. He knew this scene was going to bite him in the ass, but there wasn’t any worse possible time for him to get a fucking huge boner. Jason shifted around his seat with as little movement as possible.
He placed his hand on his crotch. Fuck. The friction just made it worse.
He tried with the arm rests, but the two people beside him had them occupied.
He bit on his hand. Focus on the pain. Look anywhere else on stage. Just not at you. Jason shouldn’t have bought a seat so fucking close. He could see the lace of your stockings, the ties on the corset, the bright red on your lips that he desperately wanted against his dick. Fuck. It was getting bigger.
It's just a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl
And all that jazz
Velma Kelly. It was your first night as Velma Kelly during your run as an understudy, and you only had a few performances. You were so happy when you heard the news, and Jason was even more pumped. He watched other performances of Velma with you and he couldn’t wait to see you on stage as one of the sexiest characters in any musical. You had a fantastic voice, and tonight, it resonated into him and went straight down to his fucking crotch.
He didn’t know he had a thing for 1920s vaudeville girls in fishnets and bob wigs. Fuck, how was he supposed to know that? Maybe it was because it was you. It was probably that. Or not, because he wasn’t going to look at tiny black dresses the same way again.
Your legs were up in the air, your arms were around another man. But instead of feeling the slightest pang of jealousy like he usually does; it only gave him a more accurate image of how you’d run your hands all over his chest if you were in character.
Motherfucker. He was going to draw blood eventually from chewing at his gums so much.
The scene did eventually end. And it was only the overture.
He prayed he’ll get through the night.
Jason was already outside waiting for you, and immediately he pulled you into the tightest hug, never mind the bulk of your coat and his. It was the final touch of the victorious sense of pride you needed after your first successful performance.
“You. Were. Amazing.”
“Thank you!” You grabbed his face and kissed him hard even as the other cast members had walked out the door and gave you knowing glances you couldn’t care less about. Jason wasn’t going out for patrol tonight. Even after the performance. It was your night. He was going to dedicate the whole of his to you.
“I thought I messed up my lines back there,” you squealed. “Hopefully no one noticed!”
“You were perfect. In every way. I’m so proud of you.” He hugged you again and kissed the top of your head. You couldn’t stop smiling, inhaling into his neck and enjoying that lighthearted, blissful rush through your whole body.
“I have more good news!” You handed him your phone with a screenshot of an email you got while you were performing.
“They loved my audition! I’m officially Anne Boleyn in the Original Gotham Cast of SIX!”
“HOLY SHIT, WOMAN.” Jason snatched your phone and read through the contents. You couldn’t stop squealing and hugging him, jumping around even with his large chest in your arms. He kept kissing your face, neck, anywhere that wasn’t covered to hide from the cold. He kept saying ‘I’m so proud of you’ ‘God, you’re amazing’ ‘I’m so lucky to have you’ over and over like it was the only set of words he knew at the moment.
“Jason, you can totally go on patrol tonight if you want to-“
“Oh, no.” he pulled you into his arm and walked you out of the alley back to the car. “I’m not letting you out of my sight. Not after that performance.”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you have your costume with you?”
He opened the car door for you and you stopped to look at him skeptically. “No, but I’m wearing a black dress underneath my coa-“
“Good enough. Get in the car.”
You laughed when he walked over to the driver’s seat a bit too eagerly. Like he was skipping like a little boy. You drove out of the theater and turned the heater on.
Jason turned to you, and everytime you stopped at an intersection, he’d put his hand on your knee and squeeze it. The car was getting too hot, so you took off your large coat.
His mouth instinctively began to water. The black dress wasn’t the same. It had long sleeves that covered most of your arms, but your had boots on so you only had thin leggings underneath you still looked so hot. And the lipstick you had on hadn’t faded. Jason drove his hand further up your leg, then pulled away when the light turned green.
“Jason, you are horny as fuck.”
“You can’t fucking blame me when you were up there in fishnets, Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop laughing after that. “Were you hard for the last two hours?”
“Three. I had a boner since the overture.”
“Oh. My God.”
Another traffic light. And it didn’t look like he was going to get past this after the next one. The traffic was a fucking ass and it wasn’t going to be until another thirty minutes until he reaches the apartment at this rate.
“You looked so fucking hot. As much as I loved the show I couldn’t wait to get home and fuck the living daylights out of you.”
“Mmm,” you hummed and leaned in against his ear. “Would you like me to sing while you’re at it?”
“You’ll be screaming the highest fucking notes you never thought you’d reach.”
Jason’s hand went to your leg again, this time playing with the thin fabric going all the way up to your upper thigh.
“I swear I’ve never had a boner like that in public in my life. I had to go to the bathroom twice in the intermission. I almost wanted to jack off while I was at it if not for the line. Fuck, I couldn’t take it. You’re so fucking hot. Your performance was one thing but the costumes you wore. Shit¸ I couldn’t stop staring at your ass.”
He squeezed your leg. You could feel your juices seeping through your underwear.
“Jay,” you breathed too heavily. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, kitten.”
You looked at him with the hottest smirk and made sure the red of your lips were what his eyes were on when you licked them intensely. Further up, his hand reached the waist band of your tights, just as the cars began to move. “Fuck.”
He turned the car to the right. Whichever was the quickest way to the apartment. But there was traffic no matter where he went. He stopped again at a red light, and his hand went back to your hip, under your tights and underwear so he could have at it with your cunt.
“Fuck,” you moaned. It was the same sounds you made on stage when you sang. You threw your head back and reclined your seat.
“These windows are tinted right?”
“This used to be Bruce’s. Of course, it’s tinted. It’s practically a mirror.”
“Good,” you laid back and kicked off your boots. You were getting so wet. Your hand was gripping your hair just as he started circling your clit, gathering your wetness and stimulated it with more pressure than he usually gives you. He was rougher tonight, and you gasped when he pressed on it a bit too hard.
“That’s it. Lay down. Lick those red lips for me.”
You did just that, and his fingers violated your clit even faster. Your moans were getting louder, and you could only hope this car was sound proof. You bit the back of your hand but Jason pulled it away from you.
He heard a car honk its horn and it turns out the light had been green for a while. Jason cursed beneath his breath and you took it as a chance to relax. “Play with yourself, kitten. I’ll watch you.”
You couldn’t argue. Your hand continued Jason’s job and you spread your legs even wider, never taking your eyes off him while you played with your folds the way he’d do it. You circled your clit, inserted a finger or two into your hole, or teased yourself with neither of those sweet spots just to drag it out. He’d watch you when he had the chance, and his breaths were short, his chest heaving, and the sounds of your long, needy moans, his cock was painfully asking for some action in his pants.
“Lick your fingers and squeeze those tits.”
You kept at it. There were the beginning flashes of an orgasm, shocking you to your core and making you tremble and twitch, but you slowed down just as those flashes happened, then went faster again once the shocks simmered down. Your other hand that had been squeezing your breast under your shirt was now around your neck. You brought your fingers to your mouth, dragging them long and hard with your lips wrapped around them, so harshly that your lipstick stained.
You took your tights off, and your pussy clenched at the exposure of the colder air. You raised your legs up, and he had a perfect view of your cunt. You inserted your middle and ring finger inside you and slowly pumped them in and out, filling the air of the sounds of your lapping juices and your animalistic moans.
You looked at Jason, then watched your own fingers with your mouth locked open. You craned your head over, watching you fuck yourself, watching it happen as the wonderful sensations buzzing through you as a result from your own doing, then you went faster and threw your head back against the seat. Your other leg snaked around Jason’s thighs, causing enough friction against his pants to drive him insane. A sharp turn around and you were met with a dark, lightless alley where he parked.
“Jay, why are we h-here?” you asked even with your fingers inside you.
Jason didn’t answer and instead, removed your hand so he could replace it back with his, with his other hand this time.  He leaned over you, lips on yours while he violently fucked you with his fingers. The slow buzzing through your limbs were now a fast, overwhelming current that sent you screaming in an instant. The sound of your wetness, and how his fingers sent you thrashing uncontrollably in your seat. You grabbed the hand holder by your seat and gripped tightly just to contain it, but he only went faster, curling his fingers at just the right angle.
His hand was on your hair, gripping it tightly when he felt you come hard. You were violently shaking, holding onto his arms this time. It was so wonderful, and you bit his shoulder to stop yourself from screaming too loud. The heavenly highs that sent your limbs almost to the point of dysfunction. It was so fucking good. You panted as the high subsided.
He pulled his fingers out, bringing it up to your lips for you to lick. Jason kissed you again and sat right back against his seat.
His dick was practically poking out of his pants. The clock in your car told you had about thirty minutes past midnight. You still wanted more. One round was never good enough. Jason ran a hand through your hair and you went with it, leaning over his cock.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the end of me.”
“Your cock obviously can’t wait any longer.”
You unzipped his pants, and your legs went up to the seat so you could fold them under you while you worked. Jason could see your pussy still throbbing through the reflection in the window, so he brought his hand back onto your cunt just to wet his own fingers.
A sharp slap to your ass cheek, just before he smoothed it over with his palm. You freed his cock and it was already leaking so much, it looked like he was cumming in his pants. You took no time to wait and took him into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down and widening your mouth as much as you could.
He turned the music up. All That Jazz. The one from the movie. It was playing from his phone. You giggled at that took him whole, pumping the bottom half with your hand. He held onto your hair and guided your head to his own liking.
He wasn’t going to last long. Jason wanted it fast, too. The rush of being in an alley. So dark, yet you could unmistakably look at every detail of you like you were perfectly lit up. He threw his head back, moaning your name. You felt his palm over your ass and went faster when you felt him squeeze.
You choked with him in your throat and gagged, swallowing around him which made him twitch. Another sharp slap against your ass, and you bobbed your head violently and hollowed your cheeks, sticking your tongue out with the amount of drool wet enough to drench his underwear.
He busted so much of his load into you, and you kept swallowing around him, over and over to let him ride out his high. His hand on your ass was tight enough to leave a mark, and you swirled your tongue around the tip just as the last of his cum blew into you.
A bit of his cum was on your mouth. Your lipstick was almost entirely faded by now, so you licked the last of it, including the cum.
Jason kissed you immediately, and held your face.
“Are we gonna reach home soon enough or are we gonna do it right here?”
He looked back. There was still no one around. No one usually came here even at this hour. Not even criminals liked hanging out at this corner.
“I think we’re fine here.”
Jason held your chin and slowly slid on top of you, spreading your legs and reclining your seat even further.
Taglist: everyartistwas-firstanamateur  @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki@everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208@offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal@mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive  @lucy-roo  roseangel013bf
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
I know you say that the Adam stuff in v3 was a good example of visual storytelling in rwby, do you think there is anything else, in your opinion
Yes! Let’s praise poor RWBY for once lol 
I’m sure there’s a lot that I could choose from but that would require me combing back through old content to jog those memories. So let’s stick to Volume 7. Overall, I quite enjoyed the JNOR vs. Neo fight. There are plot convenience issues (the stupidity of having the group carry the relic around instead of putting it in the vault) and choreography issues (I’ve heard a number of complaints about the slow-mo and how Jaune and Oscar don’t integrate well with Ren and Nora), but the fight does a good job of conveying a lot of information visually. It’s one of the few moments in the volume where I felt like RT was successfully a) using the medium to its advantage and b) achieving more than one thing in a single scene. 
Warning: Here be lots of screenshots. 
First, I want to acknowledge that lately RT has been demonstrating a talent for horror-esque writing. RWBY obviously isn’t in the horror genre, but via the Apathy we saw that RT can crank up the creep factor when they choose to. This scene does something similar (though admittedly much more subtly) and it starts with the opening shot of the destroyed guards. 
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It’s a simple thing, but note how dark the room is, especially compared to the hallway outside. This is supposed to be a terrifying moment. The team has just arrived looking for Oscar and have instead found a disaster zone. There are scorch marks on the walls. The guards aren’t just lying powered down, they’ve been hacked to pieces. Though AIs without aura or souls, they’re designed to look like people and at first glance it definitely seems like we’ve got three bodies decorating the bedroom. Nora’s panicked cries tell us how bad the situation is, but we get that loud and clear from these visuals first. Also note how, despite being lighter, the hallway is dominated by a very deep red. I’d actually say to a certain extent this is a mistake - the pink/reds of the environment make it easy for Neo and Nora, with their predominantly pink costumes, to blend in too well during the fight - but in regards to color associations we get some nice shots throughout that convey danger and high emotions. 
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When “Oscar” comes on the scene we know, instantaneously, that it’s not Oscar. Not just because we as the audience know that Neo is off doing something nefarious, but because via the language of film/television that’s not how you re-introduce an established character. You don’t hide their face like that unless you’re about to reveal something - like the fact that that’s not really them. This is also the first of a number of medium closeups on the relic, putting emphasis on it first because someone currently holds it who should not have it, and then as a means of reminding the viewer what this fight is about. 
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Via some great attention to detail, we see again the clear wrongness about this “Oscar.” That’s not how Oscar stands. That’s not how Oscar smiles. More than just animating him differently, this shot pulls from those subtle horror tropes. He has the dead-eyed look of a doll or a supernatural being that immediately makes the viewer (if not Nora) go, “Wait...” It helps that Oscar is a short boy with dark hair. Put him in different clothes and he could play any number of possessed kids. 
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With Neo’s deception revealed, we get what the fandom knows is not good visual storytelling. AKA, Oscar charging down the whole length of the hallway while Neo just stands there and lets herself get hit. I don’t need to re-hash how stupid that was. What I like a lot more is the subtleties in how she communicates given that, obviously, Neo can’t rely on any dialogue. Coming out of the hit she immediately has her umbrella leveled at the group and pulls out the blade to communicate, “Yes. I’m taking you on.” The neat choice though is that she brings the umbrella down to do it. She takes her weapon off the group, if only for a moment. Jaune has just gotten done insisting that she should give up because it’s four to one. The blade says, “I’m taking you on” but lowering her umbrella likewise says, “I’m so confident about taking you on I’ll even make myself vulnerable for a second.” 
Which retroactively makes her getting hit like that even stupider but it’s fine we’re moving on. 
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During this time we also get a lot of insight into Oscar. Check out how utterly bedraggled he is, showing us how tough the initial fight with Neo was and how lucky he is to have escaped. He clutches the relic close to his chest and stares, scared, at the rest of the team. Oscar hasn’t reached a point yet where he instinctively draws his weapon and prepares to defend himself (indeed, he didn’t even have his weapon out during that initial encounter. That’s one hell of a rookie mistake). He’s still a terrified kid who hopes he won’t have to fight at all, literally hiding behind more powerful friends. This is all great characterization, the only problem is consistency. Nothing about Oscar has been consistent. One moment he’s holding his own against Lionheart and insisting he fight Hazel. The next he’s getting his ass kicked by Neo and cowering at the prospect of more. One moment he’s positively done in by these fights, horrified, scared, unsure of himself. The next he’s confronting the general of a kingdom with all the wisdom of Ozpin. This guy: 
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and this guy: 
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Exist about fifteen minutes apart. Because though RWBY is great at visual storytelling within each scene, they don’t keep it consistent from one scene to the next. Which is why Oscar is (accurately, imo) animated as an inexperienced kid in Scene #1 and then inexplicably becomes a wise old mentor in Scene #2. Not because anything occurred between Scene #1 and Scene #2 to create that change (let alone such an extreme change), but only because the show suddenly wanted Ironwood to look like an unhinged character. How do you achieve that? Not by having the guy he’s talking to act as winded, wild, and emotional as him, but by having Oscar speak calmly, rationally, softly, sounding oh-so-persuasive so you don’t listen to the actual words he says and how nonsensical they are (you’re as bad as Salem). Instead, you pay attention only to the visuals (Ironwood looks crazier than Oscar so he must be wrong). Ironwood is a great example of how RT sometimes tries to get visual storytelling to outweigh basic logic/what’s been said on screen. 
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Anyway, I’m getting off track. The fight begins and I do still love how Oscar is depicted here, even if it doesn’t align with what we get later. The moment that umbrella and cane cross was great because who doesn’t love visual symmetry? Oscar grabbing Neo is wonderfully in character because he’s barely trained! He’s a kid! He’s flying by the seat of his pants and going with whatever vaguely successful act pops into his head. The absurdity of, “I’m just going to grab her” is tempered by Oscar’s furiously determined expression as well as Neo’s brief look of shock. It works up until they realize what Oscar grabbed was just a copy. 
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I mentioned early that JNOR often doesn’t work well as a team, unless it’s specifically in the context of Jaune giving orders and the others executing them. Oscar and his lack of integration is obviously exempt from this, being the newbie both to fighting and this particular team’s dynamics, but Ren, Nora, and Jaune have no excuse. The first half of this fight is a good example of what I mean. We see Nora attack. She’s tossed aside. Then Ren attacks. He’s slammed into the wall. Oscar attacks (umbrella vs. cane) and it’s only at the last second that Jaune arrives with his shield to stave off a blow that would fell him too. Why is everyone taking turns here? They know none of them can beat Neo one-on-one and Jaune just said that their victory lies in it being four-to-one. So why separate out all the attacks? Arguably we can read this as a major flaw of JNOR’s and visual setup for something they’ll have to overcome later. In reality though I highly doubt this was deliberate on RT’s part, leaving this as bad visual storytelling (in that it makes the characters look stupid) as opposed to good visual storytelling (JNOR will realize this flaw and work to correct it). 
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After Neo disappears we get a chase through the hallway that does a great job of showing us precisely how weaker Oscar is compared to his teammates. He doesn’t have their stamina, breathing heavily and falling further and further behind. At one point (screenshot #2) he arrives just in time to find the team turning back in the direction he’s just come, showing not only how he can’t physically keep up, but also his place in this team/the group. He’s literally not with them. Anyone who has followed my blog knows my thoughts on how the group has treated Oscar and if (again) I were inclined to think that RT was aware of that treatment and working to integrate it into the show with the intent to resolve it, this would be another great detail. As it is, I think Oscar as a character is just continually going to get the short end of the stick. In particular, the crane shot shows us exactly how far behind Oscar is. The others charge ahead without him, not caring where he is or if he can keep up. Which leads to this. 
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Oscar rounds another corner and they’re gone. Nowhere to be seen. If anyone had the thought, “He’s not that far behind. It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be,” Ren, Nora, and Jaune were clearly moving fast enough to round another corner and leave Oscar stranded. Here those subtle horror elements come back into play, particularly the maze-like design of the corridors. The only unique marker we get is the info board, otherwise it’s all identical hallways, housing a killer, with Oscar now left alone in it. The long shot makes him look small and emphasizes his isolation. 
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Then he’s attacked and it’s suitably scary. The hand over his mouth. The dark room again. We only get the briefest glimpse of Neo-as-Nora before she attacks, but that one second is another excellent moment of animation. Nora has never sauntered away like that. Even the quickest look in an action-driven scene is enough for the viewer to go, “Nope. Not Nora.” 
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The attack itself is the one moment where I think the slow-mo serves a good purpose. We might know (via that quick shot, how characters act (Nora is unlikely to pull Oscar aside like that) and expectations for how a story functions) that that’s not Nora, but Oscar doesn’t know that. The slow-mo gives us - and him - the chance to focus on Neo’s eyes changing, that stomach-dropping moment of realization, and we see Oscar’s horrified shock in the close up on his own eyes. Though RWBY doesn’t always grapple with the emotional implications of every encounter, I think it’s worth noting that this can really mess someone up. Oscar thought he was safe with an ally and had the rug pulled out from under him. He will now forever have the image of Nora attacking him, regardless of the fact that it was really “Nora.” Jaune likewise exclaims in horrified surprise when “Nora” charges him down the hallway. The ability to turn into someone else is an advantage that Neo knows how to use to its fullest. Not just in regards to spying, but how to unsettle your opponent too. 
Waiting for the day she turns into Pyrrha ngl. 
We see that same work when she encounters Ren. Admittedly, I’m torn on this one. If only because I agree with others when they ask, “Doesn’t Ren spar with Nora all the time? He should be able to hit her.” The context of “Barely trained kid thought he was with a friend and then watches said ‘friend’ attack him” is not the same thing as, “Much more experienced fighter realizes the moment ‘Nora’ rounds the corner with an umbrella that that’s not her, has no doubt hit her numerous times in the past during training, yet for some reason can’t bring himself to hit her now.” It... doesn’t quite work. Here, I think RT does a good job of showing us Ren’s distress, it’s just that this is paired with a very bad job of establishing what that distress is and why it exists. This is what we needed to hear about during the party conversation. If Ren and Nora had actually talked rather than just kissing, we might have understood why Ren is suddenly incapacitated here when “Nora” looks at him sadly. 
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As said though, the emotion of the scene is great even if we don’t quite know where it came from. Neo’s pitiful look, Ren freezing in shock (check out the red there too), his dumbfounded expression as he just sits in the middle of a battle, and when we come back to him we see the tear tracks. Overall, this scene does a great job of incorporating lots of information beyond “Team JNOR is fighting Neo for the relic.” We just need to connect that information better to what came before this scene (Ren) and what comes after (Oscar). 
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Finally, Neo slams into the other guards and transforms again. I love this final shot of her, both for how she moves and the implications of the transformation itself. Meaning, Neo is a professional. She had a job and she did it. Once the relic was in her possession and she had an escape route, she took it. Neo doesn’t get distracted by taking revenge - these are some of the people we fought against when Roman died - or trying to take them out to please Cinder, or even just going after them because she’s Evil. Neo is focused, no unnecessary actions taken, and that, just as much as her semblance and skill, is what makes her dangerous. 
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tenjouu · 6 years
DO-S STORY EVENT: I won’t let you say no tonight; Lancelot sweet + premium
You all may know this as the Lancelot-sensei event, or you will come to. for some reason, everything was 500% more embarrassing in chinese,, (i also wonder how they’re going to do the honorifics if they adapt this to english)
lancelot: ‘乖乖听老师的话‘ 
i nearly teared up from the secondhand embarrassment
also brief warning, the screenshots that i did save..... are out of order so THIS SUMMARY may also be out of order ahahaha
This post has both the sweet and premium endings!
As far as I can remember in the first chapter, Lancelot and MC are enjoying the good weather, and MC tells Lancelot that he should rest well and take breaks from work!! Lancelot says that he supposes he doesn’t really know when to take breaks (since there’s never really a good time), let alone how to take breaks. MC still insists that rest is super duper important, and no matter the work, he should still take care of his body—so Lancelot smiles at her for worrying.
Later, Edgar and Jonah catch MC in the hall. Apparently there’s going to be a ball soon, and naturally, MC should be the one to dance with Lancelot... But MC doesn’t know how to dance! Since she and Lancelot are lovers though, MC thinks this is something that she’ll have learn eventually, one of the many things that she’ll take up in order to stay by his side, and in order to,, befit him, I guess ;u;. So she says that she’s absolutely willing to learn (even with the time crunch), so Edgar and Jonah say that they’ll get her a teacher, and that they’ll meet in Lancelot’s room at night to start the first lesson.
MC wonders why it has to be Lancelot’s room but shows up anyway. Edgar introduces MC to her new dance teacher. It’s Lancelot LOL. MC’s completely surprised and asks, isn’t lancelot-sama busy though? and Lancelot confirms this and says this is why they must have these lessons at night. It makes sense for Lancelot to step in personally, since Lancelot will be the one dancing with MC anyway. Though MC is initially reluctant because she doesn’t want to take up Lancelot’s time, Lancelot gives some pretty good reasons, and Edgar says that they should start soon. (When MC says lancelot-sama, Lancelot says that it’s now lancelot-sensei, so MC switches to Lancelot-sensei during their lessons!) MC resolves to work hard and they begin! Lancelot says that being called sensei by MC is pretty refreshing.
Lancelot starts with a lot of technical positioning and tips on how to adopt proper posture, and tells MC to relax her stiffness. MC listens to all of these very carefully. He also demonstrates the footwork, and MC admires how seamless his form is!! MC repeatedly gets distracted by how beautiful Lancelot is. same
At one point, MC steps on Lancelot’s foot really hard too. His face:
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He of course takes it very gamely and reassures her that it’s fineeeeee
(lmao while this is going on, edgar and jonah on the side of the room fawn over how good they are as a couple, out loud, and MC sneaks a glance at them, and then Lancelot also pins them with a heavy stare and they take that as their cue to leave LOL)
MC and Lancelot practice for a while, and then Lancelot ends the lesson there for the night. MC goes back to her own room, but later Lancelot asks to come in, checking up on her. Because MC was looking a little lethargic and lackluster after the lesson, he wondered if she was really tired out (best boyfriend) and came over. When she reassures him, he smiles anyway and kneels down by her bed. MC doesn’t react quickly enough, and he bares her foot and starts massaging it. And then THAT’S WHEN MC GETS FLUSTERED at the fact that lancelot is touching her foot, with his bare hands, she makes a sound of protest, and Lancelot gets worried, does it hurt?
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mc: i can’t let lancelot-sama do these kinds of things....
Even though I wanted to stop him, he smiled without responding and even accurately pinpointed and applied pressure to the sore part of my foot.
lancelot: it’s fine. i’m doing it because i want to. (LOL i’ll leave you with two possible translations: (1) i’m doing it because i want to (2) i like doing it) so relax, alice.
MC feels kind of guilty about it, but since Lancelot insists and it feels really good, she lets it happen. She wonders at how Lancelot’s really good at giving massages too, but Lancelot says that he learned this from Kyle. He went to ask how best to take care of MC after the dance lessons because he was worried. MC is really touched and once again is reminded that she wants to work hard in order to honor the time and effort that Lancelot is putting in to help her—and so that she can be a good partner to Lancelot!
During the day, Lancelot works, and then at night, the two of them resume their lessons. AT ONE POINT Lancelot tells MC that during the dance, knowing the correct steps is important—but so is the appearance of the dancer. While dancing, one should keep a smile on their face. When MC smiles at him, Lancelot smiles back fondly (and a little wistfully, YOU KNOW HIS SPRITE’S WISTFUL SMILE) and says, ‘Exactly like that.’ He also tells her to keep her chin up, and the lesson continues!! During this whole period though, MC is worried about her progress because there are only a few days left. Lancelot tells MC that she should rest instead of practicing after their lessons are over, saying who’s the one who said that taking care of the body is the most important? so MC listens to him, but isn’t quite reassured. 
So she practices during the day too, and Loki catches her out shopping, doing some forms. Interested, he asks what she’s up to, and she explains the situation about an upcoming ball and how she’s worried about not practicing enough in order to dance well at Lancelot’s side. Loki playfully offers to practice with her, and MC thinks about it being better to practice with a partner and agrees with some surprise when suddenly, Lancelot appears and says very stonily there’s no need for that.
He approaches MC and Loki and draws MC close?? or behind him?? if I remember correctly,,
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lancelot: alice is my student. there’s no need for the cheshire cat to step in. (lit: there’s no need for the cheshire cat to help practice but it doesn’t hold the same contempt in english when directly translated,,,)
loki: goodness, you gave me quite a scare. even you have your tetchy moments, huh?
Loki bids them farewell, and MC says bye. Though surprised, she’s still happy that she could see Lancelot in town (LOL and even if he got jealous, the depth of his feelings just made her happy too). She asks why he knew she was here; he explains that he was in the area for a meeting and heard her voice. But she notices that Lancelot turns his critical gaze to her; Lancelot asks if she thinks the lessons aren’t enough, so she explains that she just wants to do well for Lancelot, and she is a little worried about being able to keep up, so she’s just been practicing during the day too.
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lancelot: to think that i didn’t notice my student’s feelings, it seems that i lack as a teacher.
lancelot: since practicing together during the day won’t be possible, i’ll be enforcing a more stringent regimen.
lancelot: i won’t show you any more mercy. you can look forward to tonight, alice. (手下留情 is so funny when lancelot is using this on MC)
e-eh? why does it feel like the situation’s always escalating?
Later that night, as promised, MC goes to Lancelot’s room. He’s notably stricter and is quick to point out all of the things that she’s doing wrong—to which MC panics on the inside because wow there are a lot of things and she can’t possibly fix all of those things at once—but Lancelot compliments her where it’s due (like when her posture is good!). MC is a little distracted because Lancelot’s expression this time is different from all the other lessons; he’s so serious. She wonders if this is the expression he has when he’s working, and when Lancelot’s side profile comes in close, she marvels at how handsome he is and then her heartbeat quickens.
lancelot: though the waltz certainly is a dance between lovers, your gaze is far too fervent.
he lifted my chin to peer closely at me, causing heat to rush to my cheeks.
lancelot: are you thinking something shameful?
I regret not taking the screens... But this was his expression:
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And here’s where it diverges!
Sweet (....i don’t remember this as well sdflkjf)
MC flounders a little, a little lost. Lancelot lets her take the heat a little longer before he breaks into a playful smile and says that he was just joking. They get quickly back to lessons after MC reassures Lancelot that she’s fine. Lancelot tells her that it’s okay that she was distracted, but during the dance, all she should think about is him. (MC is like, i can’t say that i am only thinking about him!!) and after that, I’m pretty sure things go off without a hitch. She gets back to focusing and does the smile and the head-raised-high thing!! Soft moment.
The day of the ball is then upon them. MC rushes to finish preparing and runs to the waiting carriage, apologizing for keeping Lancelot waiting. When Lancelot sees her, his eyes widen in surprise, and he pauses. MC asks if something’s wrong (if she overdid it / her wardrobe isn’t good), but Lancelot shakes his head and smiles and says that it’s because she looks beautiful. (;;;w;;;;;)
They pull up to the place, and even though MC acknowledges the blood, sweat, and tears she put into all that practice, performance anxiety is still inevitable... Lancelot notices that she’s tense and tells her again that all she has to do is focus on him, and that she practiced hard. And MC steels her resolve and they go in and destroy. Spectators watch in awe when Lancelot and MC dance together!
After they dance, Lancelot’s over talking to some other people (kingly duties), so MC approaches and greets Ray. Ray is (with his usual laidback cheer), ‘You were great out there. lmao talk about a surprise, you had me thinking you were some ojousama’ (probably meant noble’s daughter; he used 小姐 which is kind of to that effect but i couldn’t think of an english equivalent.... debutante? except without the debuting,, just an upper class young woman) 
MC thinks huuu, ray,, you’re exaggerating too much—
MC says casually to Ray that she actually didn’t even know how to dance before, but worked really hard to learn it in the short period of time before the ball. Ray’s like, ‘oho? you’ve worked hard’ and then MC says that Lancelot was her teacher,,
ray: lancelot? was your teacher? (his expression is absolutely baffled)
mc: (laughs) yes, he’s a very shrewd teacher.
ray: i can’t imagine it at all...
They laugh together while watching Lancelot with his crowd from afar. MC thinks to herself that she should properly thank Lancelot later, and so that’s how the event concludes.
Later that night, Lancelot and MC are in Lancelot’s room. Lancelot asks if MC’s feeling worn out from the anxiety, and MC says that she’s not, but rather than her, isn’t Lancelot tired? Lancelot replies that he’s not either, thanks to having an excellent partner, and smiles at her. MC deflects and says it’s because of Lancelot that she could become a good partner to him. Then she also happily reports to Lancelot what Ray said about mistaking her for a noble’s daughter and said that he was hyperbolizing, but was pleased about it. When MC tells Lancelot this, his expression suddenly turns serious.
lmao he then expresses his disagreement, and MC deflates a little, wondering aloud if it’s because she didn’t put in enough effort? But then Lancelot looks at her gently and says, that’s not what I meant. I mean that you’re incomparable to those other women. You’re unique to me. Lancelot then cards his fingers through MC’s hair and says that MC worked really hard this week. MC says that as long as it’s for Lancelot, she’ll do her best, and that after such a major learning experience, she feels like she’s gotten close to Lancelot. Lancelot says that hearing this makes him happy— (;;;w;;;) and they have some banter back-and-forth about being student and teacher:
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lancelot: you’re a good student. a quick learner and eager.
mc: naturally, because i learned from the best sensei.
lancelot: the best sensei, you say. do you really think so?
lancelot: ‘the best sensei’ wouldn’t have such impure feelings for a student. 
Lancelot-sama smiled and lifted my chin to kiss me.
lancelot: even then, am i still the best sensei?
of course.
mc: of course. to me, lancelot-sama is the best sensei, the best lover.
And so concludes the sweet end!!
Premium (i never got the ‘do-s’ vibe from lancelot even though it was in his character profile...... but i finally got it from this event lmao)
lancelot: are you thinking something shameful? mc: no, nothing like that... lancelot: then why don’t you say what you were thinking aloud?
(ahh...) How could I possibly say something like ‘looking at Lancelot-sama up close makes my heart beat faster’ out loud......
lancelot: oh? you refuse to speak?
lancelot: answer me. be good and do as sensei says.
(I JUST HAVE TO SAY— lmao i can’t convey just exactly how embarrassing 乖乖听老师的话 is to me because it’s a bit patronizing (like something my mom would say to me ‘乖乖听妈妈的话’), which is the intended tone, but also because the reduplication of 乖 extra emphasis for MC to obediently, meekly do as what she’s told,, i was awash with straight embarrassment. if i were to convey the same level of secondhand embarrassment, then i bet official translations would go like: be a good girl and do as your teacher says but i’m not ready to step foot in that world so,, i’ll leave this text for you to decide)
...It really is shameful, but all I can do answer honestly.
mc: .....when i was looking at sensei’s side profile.....i felt that [sensei] was very handsome
After I responded hesitantly, Lancelot-sama sighed in resignation.
lancelot: in other words, you ignored the fact that you’re in the middle of a lesson to think about such irrelevant things.
mc: i’m really sorry...
Ah, what do I do? I’ve let him down...
lancelot: get into position again.
mc: a-all right.
When I assumed form, facing Lancelot-sama and taking his hand, suddenly, he roughly pulled me close by the waist. 
i can’t remember if i screencapped the whole thing so
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lancelot: students who don’t pay attention during class must be punished.
Keeping MC’s body pressed to his, rendering her unable to move in his firm grasp, he initiates a very heated kiss, so intense that all she can do is receive. When they break apart, MC starts off with a dazed Lancelot-sama, but he:
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lancelot: right now......you should use sensei, right?
And then kissed MC again. at this point when i was reading, i thought to myself  i need to re-evaluate just exactly how pure i thought lancelot really was,,
Timeskip to the dance; after MC and Lancelot finish dancing together, Lancelot tries to get MC to take a rest, and takes her away from the crowd, towards the long table. At this point, the order of my screenshots went to heck and my RAM was shot from birth, so all I can do is throw out the things that happen:
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lancelot: (jokingly) won’t you call me sensei again?
(2) Lancelot hugs MC from behind. MC looks at him curiously, asking Lancelot-sama? and Lancelot says that when they’re dancing, he can hold her like this in his arms. sdlfkjfjf what a romantic
lancelot: during the lessons when you would call me sensei......it was a little flustering.
mc: it was?
He actually felt this way..... I didn’t even notice.
Feeling an affectionate warmth bloom in my chest, I let out a laugh.
mc: i really am very thankful towards you, lancelot-sensei.
Lancelot’s happy to have supported MC, for MC to depend on him—but then he says that he realized something when he was teaching MC how to dance. When MC asks him what this is, he says seriously, I don’t think that I could teach other people. 
(3) When MC wonders why, since Lancelot was a perfectly good teacher, Lancelot replies that it’s because he, as a teacher, was in love with his student. And then MC replies that then she’s also not a very good student, for falling in love with her teacher, and the both of them agree that they aren’t very suited to the student-teacher relationship model.
(4) lmao it’s not a premium ending if it doesn’t get a little frisky. So Lancelot ups the ante and drops his head onto MC’s shoulder and pulls the dress off that very shoulder to mouth at her collarbone. She makes a noise in surprise and pleasure, and Lancelot tells her to keep her voice down so that no one hears. lmao when MC is like, but this is a public area,,,, and tries to protest, Lancelot once again tells her to listen to sensei and repeatedly teases MC. in the middle of torturing her, and her having some trouble, he says firmly that no one else is allowed to hear the sounds that MC makes, lmao MC tries her best but let’s face it, lancelot’s really good—so then the two of them return to lancelot’s room, and that’s the end.
secondhand embarrassment was very strong. lancelot is wild. i never knew this
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