#one thing abt bsd for me is that i’ve never been a big fan of a lot of the plot lol. even the whole vampire thing caught me off guard
nolongercorrupted · 1 year
my excitement about the skk yaoi aside:
the whole chuuya not being a vampire plot wasn’t the smartest writing choice imo. at all like
how did fyodor even come across ‘vampire’ chuuya
remember that manga panel where vamp chuuya was sweating and looked stressed/tired? what was that
chuuya just….killed all those prison guards??
and most importantly:
chuuya clearly successfully infiltrated mersault himself so WHAT was stopping him from killing fyodor right then and there?? why did he even need to pretend to be a vampire to break in????
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charmspoint · 3 years
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT ABT THE BSD MANGA ILY THANK YOU I FEEL LIKE MY OPINION IS FINALLY VALIDATED WHICH IS: BSD has turned meh. I have become indifferent towards the plot due to the fact there are no real stakes - I feel like the OP characters like Dazai will always have a solution with a deus ex machina feel to it, making it impossible for me to care. With the recent chaos happening in the manga (I too gave up on the manga a year or so ago!), I was baffled to find out I could no longer enjoy it. My memory is poor, and I can't really pinpoint it at the moment, but BSD just... doesn't engage me as it used to. Keep in mind I was an obsessive fan of it and analyzed it to the tiniest details, but all of my great love for the series has long died, sadly. But! I am glad to hear you feel similarly about it because, yes, the potential was there, but it got terribly wasted.
Bruh don't I feel it, me and @autumn-foxfire have like monthly bitch sessions about the state of bsd at this point. I was also super invested in it in initial arcs (Up until the guild arc ended) and then slowly started petering off only to drop it the first time around the hunting dogs introduction. Then after some time i was like okay ill go give it a second shot, came to the vampire arc went 'wow this is really fuckin stupid' and dropped it again. Idk will I pick it up again, maybe I'll just stick to being an anime only, even tho I also have problems with some adaptation things but that's BESIDES THE POINT.
Please click under for The Point
The thing about Kafka is: He's really good at coming up with interesting concepts and ideas and REALLY BAD at executing them in any sort of satisfying way. Like, when I say I only like bsd until the end of the guild arc, I don't mean it was perfect. It could have handled it's female cast better, it would have been fun to see more mafia and agency team ups besides soukoku and shin soukoku, I still don't get why shin soukoku is supposed to be a replacement in training since Dazai and Chuuya still work together perfectly and even if they hate each other they hate each other less than Akutagawa and Atsushi AND have way more experience fighting together but that once again is besides the point. The point being those arcs of bsd were SATISFYING. We got introduced to two organizations, seen them butt heads and then have them forced to work together against a common enemy. It's very simple but it's effective and it's satisfying.
And then the rats struck.
While up until then bsd wasn't perfect it was fun and had lovable characters and an interesting plot and engaging dynamics. Rats arc wasn't horrible per say, the idea of the cannibalization was really fun (Though I think Kafka should have used it to get rid of Mori, nobody fuckin likes Mori) but this is where we slowly get introduced to what I think are two main failings of Kafka's writing: That he's unable to handle characters properly and that he likes writing smart things but doesn't know how to write smart things.
Kafka has a very, very bad habit of INTRODUCING TOO MANY FUCKING CHARCTERS. Every arc is a new massive group with like a bunch of members, one of who may actually end up being fleshed out before they are inventiblely replaced by another large group or maybe two why the fuck not. The mafia and the guild left lasting impressions on me and I can still name all the main members but fuck me if i know a single rat aside from Fyodor (AND ILL GET TO FYODOR). Kafka feels like someone who's idea of rising conflict is 'introduce a bigger enemy each time' and it's just so annoying. Chapters and arcs end up centering around these groups of new characters while old characters, who we loved the manga for, just fall into obscurity. He almost had me in the hunting dogs arc by giving Yosano a backstory. I was so excited! I was like!!! finally development for the agency!!! But that barely went anywhere did it. I've talked about this with Foxy but it really feels like Kafka is just BORED of the og characters and is trying to silently sideline them for his new shiny characters. When's the last time we saw Chuuya again, you know, the ex partner of one of the series protagonists? The next predicted mafia head? Is he important? Foxy tells me Dazai's been sidelined too, fUCKIN DAZAI, for a good while I was sure Kafka liked Dazai a lot better than Atsuhi for protagonist and now he's getting sidelined. I know bsd is still really popular in japan but at this point i think it would have been more merciful for Kafka to just end bsd and start a new manga with new characters instead of doing whatever weird metamorphosis this is turning out to be.
Introducing new characters isn't a bad thing of course, but bsd has become mcdonalds of new characters. They are cheap and disposable. I can't feel anything for them because I know nine times out of ten they'll barely make any impact and they'll disappear as soon as the new group slides in. When adding new characters you should do so while knowing what role those characters will play in your plot, what will they bring. If a character is just there to waffle around until they get shoved away they should probably be cut because they are wasting time and space. AND YOU SHOULDN'T SIDE LINE YOUR CORE CAST FOR UR SHINY NEW CHARACTERS YOU'LL GET BORED OF IN COUPLE OF ARCS ANYWAY, ARE YOU A TODDLER???
I still think that bsd could have been SO much better if instead of focusing on the next big evil group they just focused on shifting tension between the agency and the mafia. I mean they've had to team up for the guild and then they immediately got thrown into the cannibalization. It would have been interesting to see them pull against and pull towards those ties made during the guild arc when they are forcefully pitted against each other again (and decide that killing mori would be in everyone's best interest). Instead we got, idk I already forgot what the rats arc ended up being about, atsushi and aku team up again yadda yadda yadda, Chuuya gets done dirty and never recovers, Fyodor ruins Dazai
SO ABOUT FYODOR. As I said, Kafka strikes me as someone who REALLY likes to write geniuses and who wants people to think he's super smart but also has no idea how to show his work. At first this was okay. We had Dazai and Ranpo who were very good at pushing the plot along and sometimes you'd get explained how they got to that conclusion and sometimes you didn't but it usually wasn't a big deal. But then the writing became more and more and more of 'well he's smart so he figured it out so just trust me' without actually explaining anything and as you said, it ended up feeling boring, unengaging and very deus ex machina. You know what Kafka's writing reminds me off? That video about how Sherlock is so happy to stroke itself to how smart they look while never showing their work, you know the one. Kafka likes writing smart characters but doesn't actually know how to write smart characters so instead of giving us reasons and clues and explanations to how they come to some conclusion, how they predicted or planned or whatever, he just goes 'oh well they are super smart so they figured it out'. I don't think I need to explained why this is bad, annoying and unengaging writing. This is why i say Fyodor ruined Dazai for me, Dazai was fine as a genius but then they had to pit him against Fyodor who's another genius and things just got ridiculous. You know how in that sherlock video the guy points out the one scene that encapsulates every irritating thing about sherlocks writing. This had been it for me and BSD (thank you Foxy for helping me find the panels)
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THATS NOT HOW CODES WORK, THATS NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS, THEY WOULD JUST BE COMING UP WITH TWO DIFFERENT SETS OF CODES HERE. Even if they were both smart enough to remember every conversation in detail, how on earth are they supposed to 'guess out' what the other means. How are they supposed to confirm or deny that's what a certain word means in a way that can be understood, how can they even guess what the word the other guessed is IF THEY ARE BOTH TALKING IN CODE. KAFKA'S ANSWER: THEY'RE MONSTERS, THEY ARE JUST THAT SMART, NO NEED TO EXPLAIN IT BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST THAT SMART AND THAT'S YOUR SOLUTION AND THAT'S BULLSHIT. This scene broke bsd in half for me and honestly made me dislike Dazai for a long time (I got better), but it honestly shows so well how Kafka wanted to make his characters so smart he actually made his manga really fuckin stupid, ruining very good and interesting concept he had started with.
In the end, Kafka writes how I wrote when I was 15. With no idea where the plot is headed, adding new characters and situations whenever it strikes his fancy whether they work for the story or not, ending up just flopping around plot holes and fizzled out character arcs and boring ass writing. And that's fine for a 15yr old writing fanfiction. It's not fine for a presumably grown ass published author of a relatively popular manga.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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previouslynekolyssi · 7 years
tagged by: @sparkelingsparkles!! THANKS BISC ;D
nicknames: Lyssi, obviously! But literally no one irl calls me that. Even when I meet internet friends in real life I ask them to just call me Alyssa because Lyssi just feels so funny to be called in person? xD
gender: Female
star sign: Gemini to the CORE
MBTI type: I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I’m an enigma. My personality changes every single day I swear. I’ve taken the MBTI test SEVERAL times and have gotten like 3 different results? Most consistently it says I’m ISFP, though idk how accurate that really is...
height: 173 cm/5′ 8″
time: Oh wow I had to look up the code for this lol UTC-08:00??? I’M IN CALIFORNIA
birthday: June 11th!
favorite bands/solo artists: Big big big fan of Panic! At the Disco, Ed Sheeran, and Taylor Swift \o/. I’m also BTS trash as of like 2 months ago lol
song stuck in my mind:  I...have had... X Gon’ Give it to Ya stuck in my head....FOR DAYS. FOR. DAYS. BECAUSE OF THIS VIDEO.
last movie watched: I raaaarely watch movies. I can binge an entire anime in a night no problem, but I have a really hard time being motivated to sit down and watch a single movie lol. The last movie I “watched” was...Bambi? When I babysat a few weeks ago? xD last show watched: The past few days literally all I have been doing is rewatching BSD and BNHA and it is has been glorious
when did I create my blog: This blog was created...oh man.... in January? My first anime blog @lyssi-on-ice (lol rip) was made in November but it was just a sideblog and I wanted to make a new, main blog and then HUZZAH nekolyssi was born!
what do I post abt: Way too much Haikyuu and art that is mostly Haikyuu. But if you noticed BNHA is slowly taking over my life sooooo BRACE YOURSELVES
last thing I googled: “California time zone” due to previous prompt but that is NO FUN? So let me show you some gems from my recent search history... “akaashi keiji” (reasonable) “asuma kousuke” (also very reasonable) “flip table emoji (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ ... (WORTH IT) and my personal favorite.. “what do you call someone that rarely appear at things” (I NEVER FOUND THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR?!?!??!) edit: ELUSIVE. ELUSIVE WAS THE WORD. OH THANK GOD
do you have other blogs: -technically I do? My old blog was @lyssi634 (previously lyssiplier lmao) from when I was really deep in the markiplier and youtube fandom in general. Then on that account I made @lyssi-on-ice before I just created an entire new account, as explained above. Both of these blogs are entirely inactive, don’t bother looking through them lol
why did you choose your url: STORY TIME. When I started tumblr in November of 2015 I was there for the markiplier community and I wanted to add -iplier to my name but I didn’t like how alyssiplier sounded..so I dropped the “a” and just went with lyssiplier...which was supposed to be read as lyss-iplier. But people thought it was lyssi-plier, and that’s how people started calling me lyssi!! Then that transferred over to lyssi-on-ice, and when I made this blog I chose “neko” because I love cats! (Quite a nice tribute to nekoma as well)
following: 97! I need to find some bnha blogs...
followers: 1,702 (THANK YOU!!!!)
fav color: Black. But if we’re talking actual color, then Teal!
average hours of sleep: Totally depends. Lately I’ve been getting 6ish? I’m attempting to fix my sleep schedule since I start work again next week because as a teacher I need A LOT of sleep...but so far no luck lol lucky number: 11 <3
instruments: I sing! YES I’M COUNTING IT AS AN INSTRUMENT, SHUSH. And I also play guitar, but a very basic level. And I haven’t picked it up in like..8 months? So....
what i’m wearing: Nekoma t-shirt & shorts (aka my usual attire)
how many blankets do i sleep with: I have my comforter (that I end up kicking off completely bc California) and one of those really fuzzy blankets you get at Costco to snuggle with. Yes I legit snuggle with a blanket still, LEAVE ME ALONE I’M JUST A BIG CHILD
dream job: I want to teach in Japan ;_; Which actually isn’t a far off dream..once I get my credential cleared this year I can apply to teach American children at the military base in Japan...I’m going to be looking into that very soon!
dream trip: JAPAN (wow no one saw that coming). Also Europe but I am actually going there this October so it’s not so much as a dream as it is reality now :’)
favorite food: I love all kinds of food. But I have a particular affinity for chicken enchiladas ^^ (also any kind of junk food)
nationality: American? Is that what I’m supposed to say? But I’m Irish and German! May or may not share last names with a certain German anime character..
tagging: my sheepish personality prevents me from tagging lots of people..... so I will just tag @anetecomics and @majesticartax \o/ (and anyone who wants to do it, of course)
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