#one requires the ability to convince the other requires the authority to demmand
In a similar theme to this post, Sympathy only works because everything is semi-sentient.
Y’see, the 2 parts of the stick realize that you believe that they are the same thing so much and they just don’t have the heart to let you down and embarrass you in front of your friends. The more different the two objects are, the odder they find your belief so you have to work harder to convince them that it would be embarrassing if they didn’t play along.
When two sympathists battle, it is really just who is better at peer pressure. (of course, the bindings you say are just the language of the objects. “Come on dude, that bit of a stick is about to jump off a bridge, don’t you want to?”)
Master Hemme teaches intro to sympathy, because he has so little charisma. It demonstrates that if *he* can convince objects anyone can!
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