#one of those lithium ones that gets HUGE when it’s about to explode
mildmayfoxe · 1 year
just got an ad for those new flip phones with the screen all the way through & since i knew the second i saw them originally that there’s no way they have a significant life span in use ive been asking everyone i encounter with one at work what they think and sure enough everyone has said they suck. one of the people i talked to was a mom who said she was on her second one already because the screen gets fucked up on the fold (big surprise) & her son was having the same problem & she regrets getting them even though they were fun for a while. why didn’t they just give it a normal hinge & two screens
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Charge Out Of This
It has been a rough week on those for whom change comes slowly. It is exacerbated all the more if the change is against everything you believe to be true (even if it isn’t). Just in the last two days, we have seen people come completely unhinged over a Bud Light beer can. It all started when a special one-off can of Bud Light bearing the face of Dylan Mulvaney, the transgender woman and TikTok star, was delivered to her.
Then Kid Rock entered the chat, trying to regain relevance by—get this—buying a few cases of Bud Light, and then shooting them. I’m sure the folks at AB InBev were quaking in their boots. Oh, the irony of spending money to announce your boycott.

Oh, and never mind that Bud Light has supported the LGBTQ movement for quite a few years now, and issued its rainbow-themed aluminum bottle in the States for at least the last two years. I guess some folks missed that one, and I am pretty sure that AB InBev couldn’t care less what Kid Rock thinks or anyone else. The bottle will return this year, and a tall boy version—circulated on social media—will be available in Canada.

But I can only imagine the laughing emojis once social media picks up on the fact that Walmart plans to install EV charging stations at thousands of its stores by 2030. Beer is one thing, but EVs? There are enough other brands available that a boycott of one beer is simple. EVs being foisted upon us, as the naysayers contend, is quite another.
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Naturally, the usual red herrings will be offered as evidence for why this will never work. You know. Child labor in the Congo, finite amounts of lithium, fossil fuels used to produce and deliver EVs, how well EVs perform in the cold, etc. Instead, they should be focusing on the real issues, which have always been range anxiety, price, and access to charging stations.

And it is the latter that Walmart is trying to help solve. Since Walmart’s stores are within 10 miles of 90% of the US population, these plans are huge. Of course, you would still need a Walmart app while traveling to know when you’re nearing one (especially if you really need one!).
I have said before that I am a believer in EVs at least in principle, but not just yet in terms of practicality. I need to be able to drive 750-800 miles in a day (that’s my upper limit now that I have gotten a little older), and I do not want to be fretting about charging stations, how far I can go on a charge, and how long it will take to get that charge. Put simply, I don’t fancy unexpected downtime.
But things are getting better, as evidenced by Walmart’s move, as well as news this week of a forthcoming Dodge Ram EV truck that has a range of 500 miles. Now we’re talking, and if they could put that in a van, we might just have a conversation starter.
While I applaud Walmart’s move, I am still scratching my head a bit, because their target market is among the least likely ever to buy an EV. Unless, of course, they live in California and have no choice. I agree that it is going to take commitments from heavy hitters like Walmart to help usher in the EV revolution, but the folks stopping for a quick charge may very well not be Walmart shoppers.

Then again, that may also be part of a complex marketing plan, because what else are you going to do while your car is charging? Sit there in the heat or cold? Or come inside to shop? Yeah. That same thinking helps explain why Walmart welcomes RVers to park in the outer reaches of its lots.
I’ll be watching today for my local media to post this news item to their Facebook feed. I’m sure there will be more heads exploding. It’s as predictable as the wind is out here. And as in all cases, to once again intone another of my pithy statements, if you don’t like what you see, just move along.
Now if Walmart could just get customers to return their shopping carts. Ah, but that’s a whole separate issue.
Dr “Fill ‘Er Up“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Yes, I loved fireworks when I was a kid, and I blew up more than my fair share of Black Cat firecrackers and M60s. But that’s before I understood the environmental impact of what I was doing. I know if I’d had less damaging ways to celebrate I would have had just as much fun (seriously, what child wouldn’t have a great time throwing eggs that smash into a flurry of confetti?) If you want to be extra-considerate of nature, make sure whatever you choose is as eco-friendly and biodegradable as possible; light-up poi and other battery-operated light toys can have years of use, and make sure your confetti eggs don’t include plastic-based glitter or other non-biodegradables.
I realize that I didn’t cover related topics, such as how fireworks can cause massive fires. Wildfire is a topic I’d like to give its own comic down the line; needless to say, another reason to avoid fireworks is the potential for accidentally setting things alight (such as the Eagle Creek fire in Oregon in 2018.) I do also acknowledge that smaller fireworks of the sort most people use at home, like firecrackers and smoke bombs, are less of an impact individually than mortars, but they still contribute a lot of pollution on their own, and are likely an even bigger source given how many people buy them each year.
Also, here are a few links on the ecological impact of fireworks, in case you need more talking points when discussing this with others:
Finally, if you thought the toad on panel four was cute, you can get her as a sticker at http://wyntkan.redbubble.com!
Website | Redbubble Shop | Ko-Fi Tip Jar
Transcript under cut.
[Title: The Trouble With Fireworks]
[Image 1: A variety of brightly colored fireworks explode in the sky.]
Once again Independence Day is upon us, and millions of Americans plan to set off firework, from single firecrackers to giant mortar displays. While it may be fun for some, these explosions carry a heavy cost for nature.
[Image 2: Several canisters labeled “copper chloride”, “strontium carbonate”, “sodium nitrate”, “barium chloride”, “calcium chloride” and “lithium chloride” are above an arrow that then points to more fireworks going off, and then another arrow points from that to two murky clouds, one labeled “greenhouse gases” with the chemicals ozone, nitrogen, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide, and the other “airborne heavy metal particulates” with the chemicals strontium, magnesium, copper, lead, lithium, potassium, calcium, and barium.]
Fireworks employ a variety of chemicals, particularly those with bright colors like Roman candles and mortars. When incinerated, they release a harmful array of toxins like greenhouse gases and heavy metals across a large swath of air, soil and water. These create a long-term health hazard for people and wildlife alike.
[Image 3: A young opossum stands between two trees alone, looking at the bright lights of fireworks in the distance.]
Noise pollution also has a destructive effect on wildlife and other animals. Fireworks scare nesting birds, causing them to abandon their young. Opossums, foxes and other mammals may become separated from their young. And the stress from the noise can lower animals’ immune systems, making them more vulnerable to diseases and parasites.
[Image 4: A toad hides under grass, behind a rock.]
The impact of fireworks noise is even greater on small animals like insects, amphibians, reptiles and rodents. The percussion affects them more severely. Birds and other flying animals may be knocked out of the sky or badly burned.
[Image 5: A red and black border around the following text.]
I won’t go into detail, but I’m sure many of you have heard stories about people deliberately harming wildlife and other animals with fireworks.
[Image 6: A sandy beach is covered in fireworks debris and gunpowder residue.]
And if you’ve ever been to a park or beach after Independence Day, you’ve likely seen huge piles of debris left over from fireworks. The gunpowder residue on bits of plastic, paper and other trash are difficult to clean  up, toxic if left there, and are a reminder of the chemical pollutants now soaking into the soil and water to be absorbed and ingested by humans, wildlife, and other animals.
[Image 7: Five children of varying ages play in a grassy field with sparklers, glow sticks, and confetti-filled eggs.]
We can celebrate holidays without doing this much damage. Consider lower-impact fireworks like sparklers, and clean up your trash after. Other alternatives for kids and adults alike are having a red, white and blue tie-dye party, creating your own light show with glow sticks or—even better—light-up poi, and throwing eggshells dyed red or blue and filled with rice paper confetti that “explode” upon impact with the ground!”
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breakingsomething · 4 years
the fall part fifteen - the topic of forgiveness
basic summary: marvin does an emotional speedrun. chase attempts an apology. a storm is coming.
trigger warnings: mentions of medication, hypnosis
tagslist: @synonymsforzombie @spicydanhowell @skyewardlight @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars @cest-mellow @graveyardlettuce @lower-your-expectationss
marvin had had hangovers before, but this one was just awful.
the hotel was nice though. someone that he assumed was staff had brought him toast and apple juice, which he was immensely grateful for. it helped his headache ease. then he'd spent the morning psyching himself up for getting up and going to face his brothers again, which he really didn't want to do but knew he'd have to eventually. he supposed he couldn't avoid his responsibilities forever. ugh, everything hurt.
"what was the name of the man who paid for my room last night?" he asked the receptionist as he finally worked up the energy to check out. the woman smiled at him, the computer screen lighting up her face as marvin waited patiently, clinging to the desk for support. he was tired as shit. maybe he should have taken advantage of the free room and slept longer, but he knew his brothers would be worried. he wondered how many frantic texts they'd sent him before remembering anti had stolen his phone. the thought shouldn't have been funny. yeah, he needed a nap.
"it was… anthony berlin," the woman told him, pushing up her glasses as she looked at him. marvin nodded. he didn't recognize the name, like he'd expected. a small part of him had thought the interaction between them had seemed very familiar, but of course he'd been drunk out of his mind. he probably was just imagining things.
"thank you," he said gratefully, and flashed a small smile at her as he left. this hotel was pretty nice, actually. he wondered how much it had cost for a room, but decided not to ask that as well. once outside, the cold air practically slapped him in the face. well, that was one kind of wake up call. he should definitely go back home now.
he didn't.
he walked to naomi's instead. she'd managed to move back yesterday, though the shop was closed and likely wouldn't reopen for a little while. he went up the fire escape and knocked on the side door, whistling sharply to let her know who it was. it took her only about a minute to answer, and marvin breathed a sigh of relief when she did.
"why are you on my fire escape?" was the first thing she asked. she looked different from the last time he'd seen her; bags under her eyes, hair yanked back into pigtails, fringe hanging in her face. "i mean, good to see you. uh. yeah. good to see you."
"good to see you too," he said softly. he tapped his shoes on the metal bars, avoiding the thin vines that had woven themselves through them. he cleared his throat and glanced back up at her. "do you wanna go somewhere? the beach, maybe? we could go sit at the gazebo and get fish and chips? or -"
"fish and chips sounds good," she interrupted. a grin split her face. "let me get dressed very quick. i'll be out in five minutes."
five minutes later, they were on their way down the steps and towards the high street, talking casually like the events of last week hadn't happened. it was only once they'd arrived at the shop down the street that naomi quietened, lowering her head and silently taking marvin's hand.
"they're going to start me on carbamazepine," she murmured. "that's usually used to treat epilepsy, but it's effective for bipolar as well. the lithium wasn't working anyway, so they're easing me off of it. i should be good in a month or so."
marvin blinked, then smiled wide. "oh - naomi, that's great!"
she snorted, turning her face away so he couldn't see her grin. "yeah, i suppose. i'm - i'm sorry about my breakdown. i know i must have scared you."
he squeezed her hand gently. "you're ok. i've… i've dealt with things like that before. henrik sometimes has flashbacks and barely recognizes us when we try to help him. we're always there for him, and i'll always be there for you."
naomi's lips parted, and her eyes flickered away. "oh, uh - thank you. thank you, marvin, i… ugh, i don't know why you put up with me sometimes. but thank you for it."
they each got a container of fish and chips, then walked to the gazebo, grabbing a spot on the benches. "you'd think there'd be more people here so early on a - what day is it?" marvin said as they ate. "thursday?"
"i think so," naomi said. she threw a chip across the ground, and above twenty seagulls immediately flew down and began fighting over it. "lost track of the days. they're all the same, anyway. boring." she glanced at marvin. "unless you're visiting. those days are easier to manage."
marvin went silent, staring at his plastic fork. it was a minute or so until he spoke again. "are you really ok? now, i mean. i imagine that - breakdown, was, uh… something that'd been building up for a while."
she sighed, crossing her legs over each other. "i guess. i do feel better, yes. i'm going back to therapy and i believe new meds will help a lot. i just… it scares me, the way my magic exploded like that."
marvin hunched further over himself, resting his elbows on his thighs. "has that happened before?"
"mm-hmm," she hummed. "never to that extreme, but yes. i suppose that happens when you - when you're bottling up so much emotion inside of you. you can just explode."
she kept talking, but marvin was staring down at his food with unfocused eyes, suddenly not hungry. he had lashed out at chase with his magic. had that been why? maybe marvin wasn't as composed and put together as he thought he was. maybe. but he was supposed to be the big brother now. he couldn't afford any explosions like that again.
"- anyway, what's been happening with you? it seems all i've talked about is myself," naomi was saying. marvin jolted, snapping back to attention guiltily with wide eyes. naomi giggled at the look on face. "daydreaming a bit there, pyro?"
he laughed. "maybe, maybe. sorry. i'm - doing fine, yeah, fine." he decided not to mention the storm or anti or his own magic explosion. she didn't need more stress on top of her own. "do you wanna walk down to the beach? i'm sick of sitting still, and we've been here for like, ten minutes."
"sounds about right, you adhd ridden bastard," naomi joked, and they set off again, chatting about nothing the way they always had. it made marvin's head hurt. something about how… how usual, how samey this was. it was like the past three months hadn't even happened. like it was april and they'd just celebrated chase's birthday and jackie had come home with a huge cake, having forgotten henrik was supposed to be getting it, and chase had ended up with two cakes that he'd shared with the kids and even stacy when they'd come round to give them his presents. marvin remembered on that specific day they'd sat out the back and ran about like idiots for a few hours, even some of the adults. jackie had lifted louise onto his shoulders and marvin had taken connor, and they'd raced up and down the garden, stacy occasionally yelling for them to slow it down before they got hurt. a few neighbourhood kids climbed the fence to play with them, and eventually it had turned into a right party, every one of them laughing so hard their chests hurt, the heat of the sun making them all dizzy and warm. it had been such a good day. and to think that all that time, anti had been chained up in jackie's makeshift base under that shop, tortured and hurt. just the thought of that made the memory sour. why had that been better days?
"you know, everything's been so strange lately, hasn't it?" naomi said, stirring him from his thoughts. they had arrived at the stone steps down to the beach, and naomi was walking down the wall with her arms outstretched so she wouldn't fall. "ever since you, uh, found anti. like, there was the veil breaking, the resurface of the black magic people, that weird ass storm…" she stumbled, then leaped from the wall to the sand of the beach. "a lot has happened in just three months."
"yeah," marvin murmured, kicking sand into the air. the wind blowing off the water was salty and cold, messing up his already scruffy hair. "it's all shitty! all shitty. let's just… let's run down to the bottom of the beach and then go back up towards the park." he glanced at naomi, grinning. "what do you say?"
naomi's eyed flashed with mischief. "i say... i have a head start," she said, then took off running like a child, sand flying behind her.
"hey!" marvin called. he raced after her, the wind roaring in his ears, nearly slipping on the unstable ground several times. he caught up with her right as she reached the second flight of steps. "that was - that was cheating, you asshole - rematch, rematch!"
"catch your breath first, pyro," naomi grinned. they sat at the top of the steps next to the park, the grass still wet from the rain. marvin doubled over and rested his head on his knees, breathing hard.
"you're - terrible," he gasped. "swear to - god, i'm - gonna - get you back."
"pfft. you wish." she ruffled his hair, and he gave a small shriek of annoyance. she laughed at his reaction and leaned back to look at the sky, laying her back on the grass. "it's getting dark already. think it's gonna rain again?"
marvin laid back too, facing upwards. the sky was getting very grey, black clouds rolling in. "maybe," he agreed after a moment. "hopefully not for a little while."
they just rested in each other's presence for a while, warm and comfortable. "i missed this," naomi murmured. "just sitting doing nothing like this. it feels like i'm always doing something these days."
marvin nodded, yawning contentedly. "yeah, i get the feeling. so much shit always going on." he raised his hand to the sky, twirling faint strands of magic round his fingers, small and controlled. "i just wanna run around and do random bullshit again."
the wind rustled the trees, people playing faintly in the background of the park. it was a while before naomi spoke. "do you think raymond's alright?"
marvin startled. he had barely thought about raymond since he'd been taken, mostly because the memories hurt and he didn't like to think. a small stab of guilt hit him, and he turned his face, cheek touching the cold grass. "i dunno," he mumbled. "i hope."
the truth was, raymond had now been missing for almost a month, and hecate was starting to lose hope for finding him. marvin never thought he'd say it, but he hoped he'd be ok. the two of them had been really close, once. and as much of a dick as his ex was, marvin didn't want him in the hands of jackie.
"remember the day we met?" naomi said. she raised her arm next to marvin's, and several dead leaves flew off the ground to rotate round her hand, visibly getting greener and brighter as they spun. "you were running from him cause you owed him money. you ran into my shop to hide. that's how you set my door on fire, ha!"
marvin found himself giggling at the memory. "oh my god, yeah. and i was hiding under the cash register bit while you told him to fuck off in swedish? holy shit, that was fantastic."
naomi's arm shook with the force of her laughter, and she bumped into marvin, resting their hands together in the air. "i wish you could have seen the look on his face, he was raging. i suppose we have him to thank for us meeting, actually, which is very weird." she turned towards marvin, dark eyes twinkling. "that's pretty funny, when i think about it. the irony, ha -"
she froze. marvin opened his mouth as if to say something, but just licked his lips and swallowed, mouth dry. was she implying what he thought she was?
"can i kiss you?" he said without thinking. his heart was pounding so hard he could feel it in his fingertips, which were now entertwined with naomi's. he wondered dimly if she could feel his heartbeat.
"i'd like that," she whispered.
marvin leaned forwards, eyes fluttering shut, and pressed his lips to hers before quickly pulling away. "shit," he giggled, covering his face with his hands. "i've forgotten how romance works."
naomi laughed. "no, you're doing it right." she rolled over and bumped their noses together. her breath was warm, chocolate eyes sparkling like stars. "this is peak romance. kiss me again."
and he did.
the yelling started as soon as he got in.
"where the fuck were you?"
"henrik, calm -"
"chase, i told you to let me -"
"no, i told you not to be an asshole!"
marvin just stood there and took it. he couldn't be bothered to say anything back. really, it was amazing how quickly a good mood could dissipate in this house.
"jesus, marvin, are you even listening?" henrik cried. his face was blotchy, hair mussed like he'd just been asleep. he poked a finger into marvin's chest, face screwed up in anger. "you didn't come back for hours, you sent us one bullshit text saying "oh, i'm taken care of for the night," and then you don't message us again! what are you playing at?"
marvin sighed, closing his eyes. "i never texted you, henrik."
"- and you even think you can - you what?"
marvin winced at how cold henrik's tone had gone. "i didn't text you," he said, loud and clear. "anti stole my fucking phone. i spent the night in a hotel then went out with naomi. is that ok by you?"
henrik blinked, mouth falling open. "you - i - i thought you'd gotten your phone back! who texted us saying you were alright if -"
"don't know, don't care," marvin muttered, before pushing past henrik and standing in front of chase, speaking to him only. "i'm sorry i lashed out. i should have been more in control and i shouldn't have gotten so upset."
"no, i was being the asshole," chase sighed. he leaned against the oven, bouncing on his heels and biting his lip. "i was mad about something else and took it out on you. i'm really sorry."
marvin nodded. "well, then that's settled," he said. "problem solved. i see no more reason for us to fight anymore."
"i - what - no!" henrik spluttered. his glasses had fogged up with his anger, and he quickly took them off to wipe them. "i'm not done -"
"i don't give a shit." there was no warmth in marvin's voice, no emotion at all. "i'm done. i'll see you guys later."
and with that, he raised his chin and matched out of the room, head held high until he got to his room and collapsed against his door, trembling and eyes stinging.
he sighed softly, breaths shuddering. maybe he should have asked naomi to borrow her phone so he could message his brothers like he'd originally planned to do. to be fair, he'd gotten a bit preoccupied. a smile spread across his lips, and he gently touched them with the pads of his fingers like a lovesick teenager. well, something good had happened today. something different. maybe that was what he'd needed.
"i'm going for a walk."
henrik barely looked up from his computer. "sure. go for it." then he blinked, suddenly softening and looking up at his brother with tired, pale blue eyes. "and… be safe. are you alright?"
"mm," chase grunted, already yanking on his jacket and pulling on his boots. "i'm fine. i'm gonna - meet lucas, actually. i should be back soon."
henrik pursed his lips, nodding slowly. he glanced back towards his screen, but his eyes kept flickering back to chase, concern etched in his face. chase ignored it. he had shit he had to do.
he needed to apologize to lucas. in person. he'd already texted him, but felt like he owed him a real life apology for running out on him like he had. chase had no clue what he was going to say - sorry i freaked out when our faces got too close, i have childhood trauma relating to my sexuality that's scarred me for life - but lucas had agreed to meet him next to the train station, and chase was already rehearsing what he was going to say in his head. hopefully they could be friends again after. he'd hate to lose a friend to something so dumb.
"sir! excuse me, sir, sir!"
chase whipped round at the sudden frantic cries. running up behind him was a man with curly black hair and a long coat, freckled face pale and panicky. he stopped and doubled over, trying to catch a breath. "i'm sorry - but my - my children, my two sons, they've disappeared and a woman down the path told me she'd seen them come up here with some man - have you seen them?" he was shaking, eyes wide with alarm. "please - i can't lose them, please help me!"
chase made several stuttering sounds, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. his chest tightened in sympathy for the man; chase had lost his own kids before, and he could feel the man's panic in his own heart. lucas was going to have to wait. "i haven't seen them, i'm sorry," he said, and the man sobbed with dismay. chase held up both hands, stepping forwards. "but i'll help you look for them! they came this way?"
"yes, yes," the man cried, his scottish accent thickening with tears, swiping at his face. "i asked several people, a woman with a pram told me she'd seen two boys, black hair like mine, coming this way. i'm - i'm so sorry to bother you, oh god, i'm just so sc-scared…"
"hey, it's ok," chase comforted, flapping his hands awkwardly. "i'll help look. come on, let's see what we can find."
the streets were oddly empty. strange, it wasn't even six o'clock yet. "what are your kids names?" chase asked, attempting to distract him.
"dolos and apate," he babbled, tripping over his shoelaces as he walked. "they're twins, seven years old, my wife chose the names because she loves names that mean things. she died recently and there's been - there's been no one else to help me look after them…"
"i'm - i'm sorry," chase said, eyes scanning his surroundings as they got deeper into the city, farther away from the train station. "uh, what's your name? i forgot to ask that, i'm sorry."
"ronald," he said, getting farther away from chase as he walked faster. "i know, such a difference from my kid's names - fuck, i don't know what i'll do if i can't find them!"
"sl-slow down!" chase wheezed, clutching at his side. ronald paid no mind and raced round a corner, disappearing from view. chase cursed silently. "ronald - be careful!"
it was only when chase turned the corner too that he realized something was wrong.
in front of him was was the music shop. silent aside from the blowing wind, birds cawing in the darkening sky. ronald had completely disappeared, and all chase could hear now was his ragged breathing and the blood pumping in his ears.
"ronald?" he said softly.
a sudden, blood curdling scream suddenly rang out from inside the store.
chase wasted no time. he took off like a shot, shoving the doors wide open and darting inside. "ronald?" he cried, bouncing round the room looking for a door. there was nothing, just a small back room that was completely empty apart from a charred guitar. "ronald, where -"
and oh, shit. there was a door behind the place that had once probably been a cash register, slowly opening to reveal what looked like a white hallway, where chase could hear faint screams emitting from.
his first thought was to call the police. he dialed the number as quickly as he could with shaking fingers, waiting for someone to answer. eventually, after far too long, someone did. "hello?" came a man's cockney english accent. "brighton police, what's your emergency?"
chase quickly filled them in on the situation, all the while walking slowly closer to the white door. he felt like something was drawing him closer, calling him, even. "that does sound serious," the policeman was saying, somewhere far away. "do you know if the man is alright? he's screaming, yeah? well, that's not ideal. maybe it'd be best to go see he's ok."
"yeah," chase mumbled softly. his head felt like it was full of wool. "maybe i should."
he could hear the policeman laughing as the phone slipped from his hands.
the hallway was painted white, no doors or windows, slanting downwards to a large silver door at the end. and it was the sound of the door behind him slamming shut that snapped him out of his strange trance, eyed widening with the gravity of the situation as he realized he was somehow trapped.
"hey - hey, let me out!" he screamed, sudden panic filling his veins and making him immediately lightheaded. "no, no, no, this isn't funny, let me out, please, please let me -"
"chase," came a familiar irish accent. chase took a sharp breath, not daring to look. not daring to turn towards the source of the voice he hadn't heard since the owner of it had threw him in the air with black magic. "chase, i want you to listen to me."
someone was tapping on marvin's window.
now, the problem with this was that he was on the second story, maybe ten feet off the ground. he hauled himself off his bed, shoving his laptop to the side and blinking away his headache. he'd been so caught up in messaging naomi that he hadn't even noticed the room had gotten dark. it had probably been staring at the bright screen that had caused the problem. he yawned, rubbing his temples, and threw open his curtains to see -
"oh, you're fucking shitting me," marvin shouted. he threw his hands up in the air, staring at the man who was somehow ten feet in the air, clinging to a pipe with shaky fingers, grinning proudly as he looked in. anti tapped the window again, managing a small wave before gripping the pipe again.
marvin shut the curtains.
the frantic banging started up again straight away. marvin rolled his eyes and opened the curtains again. "what do you want?" he asked flatly, glaring at anti hugging the pipe tightly. he was pale and trembling, soaked through from the rain, nose bleeding with a bruise over one eye.
anti made a face and attempted to mouth something. marvin furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, not understanding. it was harder to tell what he was trying to say with no tongue in his mouth. eventually, marvin managed to decipher it. "you got mugged?"
anti nodded. marvin gave a despairing sigh and dragged a hand down his face. "ok. give me one good reason why i should trust you."
anti opened his mouth again, but suddenly his fingers slipped and he nearly fell, scrabbling to find a foothold so he wouldn't be left dangling in the air. his breathing visibly quickened, and he shook his head rapidly, mouthing one word over and over. marvin couldn't tell what it was, but he could also tell that anti was absolutely going to fall if marvin didn't let him in.
part of him wanted to shut the curtains and just let him go. another part of him wanted to open the window and smack anti's hands off the pipe himself. and another part of him, a much more depressing part, just didn't want to see anyone hurt anymore.
"you're so pathetic," marvin said flatly. anti nodded solemnly.
with a dramatic eyeroll, marvin pushed open the window, reaching out an arm to pull anti inside. anti gasped with relief as he left go of the pipe and tumbled to the floor, slamming his head off marvin's desk. marvin didn't move to help him.
anti groaned in pain. but by the time he'd sat up, marvin had a glowing hand held in front of his face. "this is a damage spell," he growled, pressing his other hand to anti's chest. "i've just wound up all the power based magic in my body and compressed it into my hand. i will not fucking hesitate to shoot this through your goddamn skull if you so much as touch me or my brothers at any point. i will eviscerate you. do you hear me? i will eviscerate you."
anti nodded again, eyes wide. the second marvin let go, he scrambled back into the wall, breathing heavily and clutching at his neck.
marvin narrowed his eyes, lowering his hand just slightly. "now. tell me what you're doing here or i throw you back out the fucking window."
anti didn't even attempt to respond. he just stared at marvin's lit up hand, his pupils dilated. he swallowed, almost completely unmoving.
marvin sighed and shook the magic from his hand, distributing it throughout his body again. "fucking hell," he muttered, and sat back on his heels. "hurry up and talk. i'm getting sick of the sight of you."
anti blinked and raised his hands to sign, but they were shaking so badly he couldn't seem to move them properly. marvin frowned and touched one of them, yelping. "fuck - you are so goddamn cold, how are you even alive?"
he paused, then tugged down anti's right hoodie sleeve, making him flinch. his wrist was still somehow bruised and painful looking. "how did you even do this, anti?" marvin despaired. "i'm just - fucking hell. how did you climb up in this state?"
anti's eyes had gone slightly unfocused. he didn't appear to be listening. marvin groaned. "here - do you have my phone? you can communicate using that."
anti shook his head, and marvin sighed again. "didn't expect so," he muttered, and went to get his computer off his bed. before handing it to anti, he held up a hand in warning again. "break this and you die. i'm not fucking playing around."
anti made a face and slowly flapped his hands in a circle, trying to warm them up enough to type. "the phone and also your kitchen knife got taken when i got mugged," he wrote slowly into an empty google doc. "sorry."
"of course," marvin sighed. "of course. so what do you want?"
anti hesitated before writing the next part. "can i borrow your computer?"
marvin didn't even have any words. for a moment he just stared at anti, open mouthed, before raising a hand and slapping him across the face.
anti yelped loudly and made an exaggerated what the fuck face. marvin curled his hands up with rage, digging his nails into his palms. "you - you, you - you fucking dare even -" he was shaking with anger, tears picking the backs of his eyes. "oh, you fucking infuriate me!"
anti attempted to write something again, but marvin cut him off, slamming his laptop shut. "no. get out. get the fuck out. i don't know why i decided to let you in here. get out."
"wait!" anti signed quickly. "i'm trying to -"
"no!" marvin cut off. "i don't want to hear it -"
"i'm trying to find -"
"i'm giving you ten seconds to get out or -"
"i'm trying to find dapper!"
marvin froze at that last sign. anti looked like he wanted to retract his statement as he saw the look on marvin's face. "you fucking what?"
anti shrank back briefly before sitting up again, trying to regain some scrap of dignity. "i've been looking for dapper," he signed, keeping his eyes trained on marvin. "he's nearby, i know he is, and i -"
"if you think we're letting you near him ever again," marvin said quietly. "you're wrong."
they were interrupted by the sound of anti's stomach rumbling loudly in the quiet room. anti winced and pressed his hands in on his stomach, trying to silence himself. "hungry?" marvin asked with a raised eyebrow. anti flushed, rolling his eyes. he shook his head, removing his hand from his stomach. it immediately started up again and anti hissed through his teeth, curling in on himself.
"i should… probably get you food," marvin said quietly. he still had no clue why he was doing this. why he was giving anti second chances. he breathed in and out, trying to calm himself again before speaking. "fucking hell, why am i even bothering…"
he stood, blowing air out his cheeks as he thought. "you're not staying the night here," he said firmly. anti looked like he wanted to protest, but lowered his hands after probably a second of self reflection. marvin nodded, satisfied. "and i'm not letting you use my computer. especially not for - that. but i will get you food and water and an ice pack for your wrist, cause you're really pathetic and as much as i despise you, i don't wanna find your body on the floor of a bus shelter one day. you got all that?"
anti bobbed his head slowly. marvin glared down at him. "now, stay quiet while i get you shit."
anti's shoulders slumped down, and he gestured to his mouth, making a face of seriously?
marvin groaned. "i mean it, anti. shut the fuck up. if henrik finds out you're here, he'll kill you. and i will let him. got it?"
"fine," anti signed, glancing away. "i'll shut up."
marvin grabbed the doorknob and shook his head. "i can't believe i'm trusting you again," he muttered, before opening the door and immediately coming face to face with henrik.
for a moment, neither man said anything. then henrik started. "trust who again?"
marvin's heart was racing. "uhhhh… myself?" he nodded quickly, his palms suddenly sweaty despite the cold. "giving myself a pep talk. you know, gotta stay on my toes." he laughed nervously, and he hoped anti had had enough sense to duck out of sight in case henrik peeked in. henrik glowered, and for a moment marvin was completely convinced he knew. then the other man lowered his gaze and sighed.
"ok, sure. marvin, i'm - i'm sorry i was an asshole to you. we can't keep going in fucking circles like this." he laughed softly. "not to sound like that arschloch. honestly, i hope he's suffering in the rain out there. i can think of no one who deserves it more."
marvin winced. "uh, yeah. i'm just gonna -" he gently pushed by to get down the stairs, desperately praying that henrik wouldn't look in his room. "i'm gonna make food. 'scuse me."
"marvin," henrik called, and marvin briefly screwed up his face before turning round again. the doctor was looking down at the floor, wringing his hands awkwardly. "i - i'm genuinely very sorry. i know i… didn't sound sincere before. probably because i wasn't being sincere. but now i am." he took a sharp breath between his teeth. "i think we should stop fighting. put all this anti business behind him. i think we can now both agree that anti is an untrustworthy bastard, right?"
marvin bit the side of his lip, guilt welling in his chest. "mm-hmm," he hummed, beginning to step down the stairs. "i'm - sorry too. i am. thank you for… yeah."
his heart pounded as he darted through the house to the kitchen. and as he started on making a sandwich with a packet of crisps, he wished and wished jackie had never picked up that fucking necklace.
"jackie," chase said, voice unsteady. "jackie, i don't - i don't… i don't understand."
jackie nodded slowly. both his hands were raised next to his face, covered by a pair of gloves. red hoodie, mussed hair, goggles on top of his head; he looked almost the same as he always did. but chase knew this wasn't the same man he'd once called brother. the blue of his eyes had turned a solid black, and although chase couldn't see his necklace, he knew it must be underneath his shirt. he wasn't even wearing the thick glasses he could never see without. chase took him in, heart pounding in his ears.
"just listen to me a second," jackie said softly. chase nearly sobbed at his voice. "please. i need to -"
"where's ronald?" chase demanded loudly. his eyes darted back and forth, looking for any other way out of this tiny hallway. "and i've - i've called the police. they'll be here soon."
jackie sighed, then tapped the back of his gauges. "come in," he murmured, and suddenly the silver door behind him opened up, two people stepping through. one was ronald, dead eyed and stiff. the other was a tall blonde man chase didn't recognize, wearing a trench coat and holding a bat. jackie gestured towards each of them respectively. "chase, this is rhudy. and this… this is aaron, our dear policeman. also my boyfriend."
"'ello, 'ello, 'ello," aaron said in a mocking tone, flashing chase a grin. ronald - rhudy - didn't move. just stared straight ahead without any expression on his face. chase felt sick.
"you tricked me?" he spat. "you - this - this is the boyfriend that hurt henrik?"
aaron rolled his eyes. "no, i'm one of his many other boyfriends. i'm the one he saves specifically for when he needs someone to pretend to be a policeman."
jackie turned and shot aaron a glare before turning back to chase, softening. "i want to talk to you. there was no evil intentions behind this, i swear. i just needed you to listen."
"this is where you kept anti," chase managed. his lip was quivering, and he blinked hard so he wouldn't cry. "this place, this weird b-base of yours - why? i don't understand. and why him?" he waved a trembling hand towards rhudy. "what's wrong with him? why does he look like that?"
jackie took a step forwards, just slowly. "i built this place to hold anti, yes. very high tech, but i had help." behind him, aaron straightened, tilting his head up proudly. "and rhudy is - no one important. well, he is, but not to you."
chase shook his head, fear pulsing in his veins. "why's he so… dead looking? why did you lure me here?"
"well, to answer your first question… he is dead," jackie explained, like it was nothing. "i killed him. accidentally, of course, and i didn't realize until recently. this is his soul you're seeing. i control it." he lifted a hand, and rhudy immediately followed, blank faced. jackie smirked. "like a little puppet. remember when anti was younger and always called us his puppets? oh, the sweet sound of the tables turning… warms my heart."
chase's breathing quickened, his stomach rolling. he could taste the bacon tortellini he'd eaten for lunch in his mouth again. "you - he - jackie, that's so fucked!" he squeaked, ashamed of how wavering his voice was. "that's so fucked, i - what do you want from me? answer the question!"
aaron opened his mouth, but without even turning round jackie held up a hand and aaron silenced himself, huffing and leaning on his bat. jackie looked suddenly serious. "chaser, i want you to believe me. this necklace - it's… corrupting me." his hand drifted towards his collar, and he clutched at something beneath his hoodie. jackie winced in pain, and chase's heart tightened. his brother looked up, desperation visible in his dark eyes. "i want rid of it, but i don't know h-how… i feel like something bad is taking over my mind, m-making me do things… i don't want to be like this. i don't, i don't." he shook his head, screwing up his face. "i'm so sorry i hurt you."
everything about this screamed danger. but chase found himself taking another small step forwards, lifting a hand to touch jackie's arm gently. "i knew it wasn't you," he choked out. "i told marvin and henrik. i told them. i said that you were still in there, that your magic was just hurting you - i'm sorry i doubted you, i'm -"
jackie suddenly pulled him in for a hug. chase didn't even hesitate, just immediately melted into it, clinging to his brother like an anchor. jackie was cold. he had always been so warm.
"i'm sorry," jackie whispered, voice cracking. "i love you, chaser, i love you with all my heart."
"i love you too," chase sobbed. he opened his eyes briefly, and looked at aaron and rhudy. rhudy didn't move or react. aaron was looking at his phone, bored. he glanced up to give chase a small, wicked smile, eyes glittering.
"tell me you really love me," jackie said. there was something in his voice that instantly put chase at ease, making him relax in jackie's arms, warm and sleepy.
"i really love you," chase murmured.
jackie's grip tightened on his back. "tell me you'll obey."
"i'll obey," chase said, even quieter.
jackie pulled away, smiling and facing chase head on. oh, his head was spinning. he felt so empty, his thoughts gone. "good," jackie grinned. "good. now listen closely."
he leaned into chase's face. "you're going to go straight home and forget you ever saw us, or that you came to this store at all," he whispered, voice dripping like honey, filling chase's head. he nodded sleepily. jackie smirked even further. "you're going to wait until i tell you i need you. understood, chaser? nod again if you understand."
chase hummed softly, bobbing his head mechanically. "i understand," he said flatly. "i understand."
jackie pushed him away gently, turning chase towards the door and opening with a few button presses. "by the time you've left the store, you'll have forgotten everything," jackie told him, his voice far away. "remember what i told you. i love you, chaser."
true to his word, by the time chase had gotten back out into the now pouring rain and the colour returned to his eyes and face, he didn't remember a thing. had he been planning to meet someone? he didn't think so. no, he needed to go home. go home and wait until he was needed. needed? needed for what? his thoughts screamed. chase shook it off. fuck, he had forgotten to take his meds this morning. must have been why he was so confused suddenly. it must be.
he hummed to himself the whole way home.
anti was right where marvin had left him. leaning against the wall under the window, shivering and burying his face in the curtains. marvin sat down beside him. "made you a sandwich. it's, uh, bread and butter with like, a full bag of cheese and onion crisps. i also have a bottle of water. it's tap water. and a pack of ice." he placed the last one on anti's wrist under his sleeve. anti sat up, hissing through his teeth at the pain. his eyes darted back and forth across the room, and marvin frowned. "are you alright?"
scowling, anti nodded, yanking his hand away and pulling it close to his chest. silently, he grabbed the water bottle and clingwrapped sandwich and stuffed them in his hoodie pockets, not meeting marvin's eyes.
"you're welcome," marvin said sarcastically. anti rolled his eyes and tried to push himself to his feet, managing to get onto the windowsill again.
"yeah, you'll have to go back out the window," marvin deadpanned. anti scrunched up his face, and marvin pushed him aside to open the window again. "i know, it's terrible. but like i said, i don't want henrik to see you."
anti made another face as the sound of pouring rain picked up ever louder through the open window. marvin threw his hands up at anti's reaction. "what? what is your problem?"
anti just shook his head and swung his legs out the window again. "i don't know how the fuck to climb down," he signed, glancing down to the floor below. marvin huffed loudly.
"don't care. have fun." he tapped anti's shoulder, making him flinch. "don't come back here again, ok? fucking christ."
anti rolled his eyes and grabbed hold of the pipe again, giving a small gasp of pain as he clung to it with his injured hand. marvin only watched him go for a moment before straightening and wandering back to his bed, flopping down and pulling his computer back onto his lap.
there was a sudden yelp and a loud thump from below.
marvin immediately leapt up again and raced to the window. anti was on the ground, flat on the grass. "fine!" he signed up at him, giving a thumbs up. "fine!"
he staggered to his feet, swaying painfully. marvin huffed and slammed the window shut again, closing the curtains. this time, he definitely didn't look back.
chase came home an hour later.
"how was your meeting with lucas?" marvin asked with a supportive smile. henrik had filled him in on the situation, and he was going to try and help chase as much as he could with it. "did it go well?"
chase blinked, resting an arm against the doorway. "meeting with who?" he mumbled. then he shook his head, mouth falling open slightly. "oh. oh, oh, oh shit. oh shit!"
marvin furrowed his eyebrow in confusion. "chase, what? did you - did you meet up with him?"
chase palmed his forehead, groaning loudly in despair. "i didn't, i meant - i forgot, christ, how did i forget that?"
marvin gaped. "you forgot? how do you forget - how do you - isn't that what you went out for in the first place?"
"yeah!" chase's eyes were wide with sudden panic. "yeah, how could i forget? i just walked around and then came back, i must've gotten really lost in thought - oh fuck, he's gonna hate me, marvin!"
marvin placed his hands on his brother's shoulders, looking him in the eye. "chase, bro, calm. it's ok. we're all very preoccupied, this is heavy shit we're dealing with recently. just tell him the situation." he lowered his voice. "have you looked at new therapists? you just seem so spacey lately."
chase nodded slightly, bringing his head forward to rest on marvin's collarbone. "mm. i did. i promise i'll show you later… i'm tired, marvin."
"i'll help you upstairs," marvin said softly. he knew chase sometimes got like this where he randomly forgot things; it was a symptom of depression, he knew. chase murmured something into his chest as marvin wrapped an arm around him, assisting him in stumbling out of the kitchen into the hall. he could hear henrik on a call with someone in his room as he walked by. "you just rest, drink water, feel better tomorrow."
and if chase noticed the tone change in marvin's voice, he didn't say anything. he definitely didn't see marvin's face crumple as chase fell onto his bed, drifting off almost immediately. and when marvin left the room, shoving his hand in his mouth to stop himself from crying out, he thought about how much he missed the days that henrik, jackie and jamie were all here together when chase got into states. how he didn't have to do it alone. something heavy sank in marvin's chest. he chose to ignore it.
don't cry, don't break. just deal with it and move on.
and he did.
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To begin with: Precisely what is a hoverboard?
These kinds of hoverboards can't actually levitate, a la " Back again to the near future Part II. " Rather, they use tires to move over the floor. It noises lame, but really, they're a lot more fun to trip than the usual skateboard.
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Theoretically, they're called "self-balancing scooters. inch These scooters look and work like small Segways ( without the handlebars) continue when you low fat forwards and braking and reversing as you trim back. You face ahead while use and operating refined motions of the ft, torso and hip and legs to go in virtually any path.
To get going, whatever you perform is step on. Both pressure-sensitive footpads allow you to control the acceleration and steer together with your feet. Because the hoverboard begins shifting the brief moment you step on, dismounting and increasing can be tricky initially. As there is no deal with to constant yourself, managing can be difficult -- you can fall off at the time you get accustomed to the board.
In fact, it's kind of a good work out. You utilize your primary to remain well balanced and also feel the burn off in your calves and feet because the muscles in all those areas help you steer.
If you call them best hoverboard for kids, self-balancing explosions or boards waiting around to occur, these two-wheeled scooters aren't heading anywhere.
This kind of tech fad might have been cool, but it had a dangerous part. This past year the news headlines was peppered with reviews of hoverboards getting and exploding fireplace. Towns prohibited them from sidewalks and highways. Airlines more than likely allow you to bring them onto aeroplanes. Merchants such as Amazon online and Overstock halted offering particular models and even informed customers to garbage ones they already have already received.
Be enough it to state that a complete great deal has changed within the last 12 months. Should you be searching for a panel this kind of holidays and beyond, right here will be the plain points you should know prior to you get.
Perform hoverboards capture open fire still?
2015 noticed many studies of hoverboards exploding or combusting. At fault was a mixture of faulty electric batteries and bad consumer electronics. Hoverboards are driven by huge lithium ion battery power that can get hot and explode under uncommon cases -- something similar is usually considered to have occurred with Samsung Galaxy Notice six earlier this fall.
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In early 2016, the buyer Product Safety Commission rate investigated the safety of most hoverboards across all brands, suggesting that any new hoverboards produced be " qualified UL 2272 compliant" to meet the requirements to be brought in to the US (more upon this later). Compliant hoverboards are less inclined to result in flames.
There were counterfeits then. CNET video maker Mariel Myers experienced this when the girl purchased a plank coming from a third-party vendor upon Amazon online marketplace. com and were left with a cheaply made false. At the right time, these types of knockoff boards appeared to be even more susceptible to explosions and fires, but we have no idea for certain. To get the true board, she finished up going right to the Canadian manufacturer's website.
What exactly are other protection concerns?
Even though you won't need to bother about explosions, there are hazards to bear in mind nonetheless.
Falling off and harming yourself. Just like any kind of fast-moving vehicle, traveling a good hoverboard can lead to damage. Hoverboards can reach a maximum swiftness of about 10 mph, so you might maintain a far more considerable harm than you'll falling off a slower-moving skateboard.
Though most cyclists (at least in SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA ), do without it all, proper safety gear is crucial. You may need a helmet, leg patches, elbow pads and hand guards. This will decrease your threat of fractures, sprains and other accidental injuries if you fall.
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Traffic incidents.  Very much like skateboards and bicycles, gleam risk of engaging in a traffic incident, particularly if you're in or near to the street. A teenager was killed and struck with a coach in London while riding a hoverboard. Please don't ride a hoverboard in the pub or near traffic -- unless of course you're in California exactly where hoverboards are categorized as a bike under regulations.
Pounds limitations. Hoverboards have the very least (usually around 45 pounds) and maximum weight limit (some cedar plank can support approximately 300 pounds). These limitations will be designed to safeguard the mobility scooter and rider, therefore you should browse the manufacturer's site for more information.
Kids under the weight limit shall have trouble traveling, since the scooters won't identify their excess weight and won't balance properly. When your child trip a hoverboard? You need to use your very best judgment.
Steep hills. The majority of planks also won't run increasing or down high hillsides, over 30 degrees usually. You will find zero height limitations from the cedar, though retain mind that a lot of lift you about 4 ins above the bottom. For anyone who is especially high, you'll operate a larger risk of striking your mind while riding.
Why are they a popular choice?
Hoverboards can be rough to obtain the hang up of. But once you grasp riding a single, this techniques with you seamlessly, preventing on the penny and easily turning. Driving one particular almost feels as though an expansion of yourself, and that generally does not require any manual movement, just like a kick or skateboard scooter. You can grab a great deal of quickness (most top out at about 12 kilometers each hour ), which makes them faster than walking.
Although they could be expensive, they're smaller sized and cheaper in comparison with a Segway (which costs upward of $5, 000), so they're much more accessible to buy, make use of and store.
Therefore which hoverboards must i purchase?
There are various companies selling hoverboards, starting around $220 and reaching up to $800. Most of them function the same just, with minor variations in style and specs. I've ridden a number of models. While there are simple variations in the way they trip, it isn't easy to differentiate the high-end and less expensive variations.
The largest factor to consider when shopping is to ensure that is UL 2272 qualified. When you are unfamiliar with UL, it can be an business that says, validates, assessments, verifies, audits and inspects electrical products. UL seeks to "facilitate global trade and deliver satisfaction. "
That said, remember that CNET hasn't tested these kinds of makes thoroughly, neither can we attest to their particular family member  basic safety or absence thereof specifically.
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Top 5 best hoverboard in the market
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hello everyone welcome to a new video where today we're going to review the top 5 best hoverboards in the market in 2018 immedately is based on my personal opinion and I try to list them based on their price quality durability and more if you want to find out the price in more information about these hoverboards.
If you want to learn deeply on hoverboard and want to choose the best on Acejourey [ Best Hoverboard Under 200 ] has an detailed article on this topic.
Best 5 hoverboards in 2018
#5 mangaboos tw0 1
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Mini scooters have become a rage in the
recent past everyone from celebrities to
people everywhere are seen using it it
is a vehicle that looks so easy to use
in a building that everyone feels like
trying it out the tw0 1 is lightweight
hoverboard that can be used by both kids
and adults and it looks very modern and
attractive with 4 different colors
available if you haven't driven a
hoverboard before you don't have to
worry because it is easy to learn and to
use the tw0 one hoverboard is very
lightweight making portability no issue
you can carry it anywhere with you
the mega wheels dw0 one is one of the
best 16.5 in Southborough scooters that
excelled in all electric city safety
tests with UL 2272 requirements which is
powered by a four thousand four hundred
million power samsung lithium battery
and comes with ul-listed charger all of
this can prevent the hoverboard from
getting damaged the tw0 one hoverboard
is equipped with two 350 watt motors so
you can have more stability and more fun
while riding it it's high speed can
reach 12 km/h which is pretty good
considering the price of this hoverboard
looking at this hoverboard it is easy to
find many reasons why purchasing it
would be a great investment although it
is definitely a plus it you will look
cool riding up and down the street in
your neighborhood on the newest
there are other feature that this
hoverboard offers it has 6.5 inch dual
tires which are pretty good and they can
even let you drive this hour board
through grass mud or other rough
even though it can do that I don't
recommend you to take it is a tough
since it that can damage the hoverboard
if you're a heavy guy you don't have to
worry because this hoverboard can handle
people that weight up to 240 pounds
without the problem most of the
hoverboards today in the market can
support that much weight so that's a big
plus overall it's a great and durable
hoverboard so if you are looking for a
hoverboard that will get the job done
perfectly and that doesn't
much then the mega with tw0 one is your
#4 razor hovertrax
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To the first hoverboard modeled from razor did not come out the way they've hoped and even though it was a good ride it did like some of the features and also the speed and distance were just mediocre but this new upgraded 2.0 Harbor tracks is much better than most of the whole boards in the market today
for starters razor is a well known and
trusted brand which distributes products
worldwide which means that they know
what they're doing and they always stand
by their product and quality it's been
tested by ul and gotten its certificate
for being one of the safest hoverboards
available and there's nothing to argue
about that here it's reliable and if
you've seen the way you have test these
sour balls you'd know that if it passes
its robust and quality made what I love
the most about this hoverboard is that
it is usable by both adults and children
and it performs equally well for both of
the main quality of this hoverboard is
its durability it's made from shatter
resistant polymer allowing it to
withstand a fair amount of punishment
wasted looking brand new the Howard
trucks 2.0 features dual motors that are
so sudden that you can barely tell
difference between the device being
powered on or off what I don't like
about this hoverboard is that it's not
waterproof meaning there's no way you
can use them outside on rainy day also
the fact that it can only run for an
hour before draining the battery is a
bit discouraging these problems aren't
specific to the racer though this is
hoverboards in general and maybe they
will get fixed in the future since they
are still new also I think that the logo
on the side of the wheels looks a bit
childish in my opinion but that's just
me and this shouldn't be a huge problem
with everything said and done the
original Chuck's 2.0 is one of the most
attractive Autobots on the market and
definitely one of the most reliable and
advanced ones the improvements over the
previous version are quite a brilliant
and it's perfect for everyone from
absolute beginners to hoverboard experts
looking for the next big thing it's just
the kind of model you can go wrong with
no matter how hard you try don't just
take my word for it though you should
definitely check it out for yourself
because it's a great hoverboard and I
highly recommend it next up at number
three we have a
#3 sweater on t1
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you'll probably have heard that a number of our boards all last year when the fire or even exploded there are way too many unregulated products with dodgy components and frankly it's surprising there were more fires than accidents however this is not the case with a spectrum t1 the spectrum t1 is one of the first hoverboards that got certified by ul so you can say that they brought the trend to the market this means that the electrical drive battery and charging systems have been being saved the specs
on t1 is a solid well-built versatile
hoverboard it has plenty of power and
really accurate periscopes that pick up
on every nuance of your movement this
hoverboard has two safety technologies
which will develop a swagger on to make
their board the safest on the market and
those technologies are the safe stop
technology and the century shield the
safety of technology system aims to
eliminate false caused by the battery
suddenly dying on you what it does is it
makes the hoverboard beep with a warning
signal before it detects that the
battery level is too low and it limits
the top speed of the hoverboard so that
if you to continue writing it a sudden
stop won't be as jerky or Saada endless
and the century shield technology is
aimed at the safety of the batteries the
ride is super smooth of course the 6.5
inch wheels won't go over big cracks or
grass as easily as a loo larger tires
but that's to be expected
the ride is battery smooth as the
gyroscope in a spectrum t1 are top
quality this hoverboard with his
excellent handling incredible safety
features and really awesome weight limit
of 220 pounds his ideal hoverboard for
kids and adults also overall I really
love this hoverboard and I would
recommend it to both children and adults
that are looking for a high quality
hoverboard this is durable enough to
withstand shocks and beginner mistakes
it's not that expensive and I would say
that it is definitely worth the price
and number two we have the epic go
classic epic go south classic scooter is
packed with powerful features and is
everything you could wish for from a
reliable hoverboard with these great
levels of safety and performance it is
ready to go for any form of journey you
need to make eight point five inch
rubber tires can navigate most terrain
support the state making it the best
hoverboard in this category the sturdy
build is easily evident through the
entire board it provides riders with
good grip on gravel sand crest or
pavements which allows you to travel
anywhere you will be able to feel how
stable the hoverboard is even when
traveling at high speeds the well
thought-out design of this product is
nothing less than great it scores highly
in all aspects from its powerful motor
to get you moving over different
- is ul 2271 certified health working
battery epic goes hoverboard is larger
than others on the market safeguarding
your better ride with increased control
with the sleek an extractive design it
is a strong product to work the 400
watts dual motor on the self balance
board can propel you up to immersive
speed of 10 miles per hour as the motor
is so powerful your speed can be
maintained while traveling uphill -
making it among the fastest offer boards
available it allows you to travel around
10 miles on average with just a single
charge the power means that it will
offer you a greater balance capabilities
as you speed along with a good battery
life this is the perfect board to take
for a day playing at the beach or in the
park even if you plan on being confident
to the payment this board does a great
job of handling the roughest of roads
and the bumpiest pavement I personally
also love the design of this hoverboard
because it looks a bit different than
most of the models in the market and
that's a pretty good thing overall the
epic go classic is a high-performing
model that performs is saved in the well
this model is extremely fast stable and
decently comfortable to ride it has the
customer support to back it up a nice
fantastic peak for those who want to
push their hoverboarding to the max
#1 spectrum t6
Tumblr media
the spectrum t6 is so far the biggest
swagger on hoverboard on the market it
is equipped with a 10 inflatable rubber
tires mounted on aluminum rims and
powered with two 350 watt motors the
maximum speed of the t6 is around 8
miles per hour with maximum driving
range of 12 miles with turning radius of
Caesar decrease in collective ability of
swag 26 is up to 30 degrees depending on
if you travel through mud grass or
one really great feature of this
hoverboard is its cargo capability with
maximum load capacity of 420 pounds
which is almost twice as more as the
majority of other available hoverboards
on the market also it comes packed with
LED headlights and non-slip foot pads to
the speaker's up control and built-in
carrying handle to ensure the battery
lasts long enough despite the hard
conditions of upright rides the t6
battery both central shield multi-layer
battery protection which essentially
encases the battery in a Democrat
mininum casing this technology is
patented to switch on and is perhaps one
of the reasons Western hoverboards past
the ul certification testing with 235
work models under the hood power is no
problem for the swagman t6
you probably will notice much difference
in terms of speech from prior models but
it really does the business on rough
ground and in clients let's have the
twelve miles per hour speed limit is
right up there with the faster boards on
the market certainly fast enough for
most and you'll be looking at a range of
up to 12 miles per charge depending on
how you handle it along the way this
model also has Bluetooth speakers
included which have been taking a step
into the right direction with the
spectrum t6 offering clear louder and
generally better sound than ever before
that's also not denying how beautiful
and sleek the unit itself looks as a
whole to be honest this faction t6 is a
bit harder to ride compared to some of
the hoverboards on the market that is if
you are a beginner also when writing at
top speeds it feels a little bit shaky
but nothing to be concerned about
internal although users seem to love the
t6 and find that it delivers up to the
claims a spectrum makes for it it's not
cheap but its durability and off-roading
capabilities justify the price assuming
that's what you're looking for in a
scooter it's definitely one of the best
hoverboards in the market and if you are
looking for a hoverboard that is durable
and that will last you for a long time
test Vectron t6 is your answer thank you
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vapinskye-blog · 5 years
Vaping Myths That Refuse to Die
A Quick Guide to the Zombie Vaping Myths
The recent debunking of a study that found toxic metals in e-cigs is a great example of a zombie vaping myth being laid to rest. There are many of these myths and expect them to reappear wherever anti-vaping activists can be found.
Vaping Myth Bingo
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The same horde of zombie vaping myths (a plague in zombie parlance) appears with regularity and they are discussed in detail below. If you encounter someone who parrots more than one or two of these myths and refuses to be persuaded by facts, there is always the possibility that you have encountered a dyed in the wool anti-vaper. Despite that possibility, the vast majority of people who buy into these myths have simply been misled by hysterical headlines and the organized efforts of anti-vaping zealots.
Vaping faces a lot of headwinds in the eyes of the public, politicians and regulators. We are competing from a position of weakness but are armed with the facts. Rolling back these myths will be a time consuming process and is up to us. But rather than getting too frustrated, the next time you encounter an anti-vaping op-ed, website, or advocate, count the number of zombie myths they rely on. If the number reaches four — spelling the word “Vape”— you have won “vaping myth bingo”.
Toxic Toxins, Meddling Metals
Last February, news outlets pounced on a John Hopkin’s study about metals in e-cig vapor. The general gist of these articles, too numerous list but easily found with a simple search, was that vaping is poorly understood, vapers face unknown risks and vapor clouds are laden with mysterious, frightening toxins. That the mechanism of vaping is well-understood and the study was a bit suspect did not merit a mention.
The fallout from this study was immediate. Anyone who has Facebook knows that talk of “toxins” and “metals” are pretty much kryptonite to consumers. There is no question that many of these headlines were designed to stir up those fears.
A closer inspection of the Hopkins “toxic metals” study, published in the journal Inhalation Toxicology, found that these metals were present in miniscule amounts and the Hopkin’s study reached its alarming conclusion due to a serious error in methodology.
The authors of the original study measured e-cig vapor as an environmental toxin and not as something that is inhaled a couple hundred times a day at most. You would have to vape over a ton of e-juice a day to hit the aluminum toxicity threshold.
Popcorn Lung
The popcorn lung is the rather flippant nickname for a horrid condition: bronchiolitis obliterans. This is a frightening disease damages the smallest airways in your lungs and makes it difficult to breathe. It has been compared to COPD. The disease was dubbed popcorn lung because of its prevalence among employees of a microwave popcorn factory. The culprit was found to be diacetyl, which is used to mimic buttery flavors. Workers at the factory were exposed to excessive quantities during the manufacturing process.
The amount of diacetyl in cigarette smoke is one hundred fold greater than was found in the e-juices with diacetyl. Moreover, since concerns about diacetyl first made headlines several years ago now, there has been a concerted effort remove that ingredient from e-juices. It is banned outright in the UK, one of the most vape friendly countries.
If you are concerned about popcorn lung, there are plenty of great diacetyl free options available. That said, there are no known cases of popcorn lung that are attributed to vaping.
More tellingly, there is also no link between smoking and popcorn lung, a much more likely conduit based on both dose and the sheer number of people who smoke heavily. There is also no scientific evidence linking popcorn lung and the grinding of coffee beans, in which diacetyl happens to occur naturally. Diacetyl is also found in such diverse items as vinegar, coffee, milk, yogurt, wine, whiskey and cheese.
Popcorn lung is no joke and biased sources will continue to use it to effectively vilify vaping.
A Formaldehyde Myth That Just Won’t Quit
Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring in your body but is toxic in larger doses. It has a very negative connotation because of its association with embalming and death. It is also present in a wide range of foods ranging from meat to tomatoes. Traces of formaldehyde in aspartame, present in amounts less than your body generates or is found in a many common vegetables, have been used to malign the artificial sweetener for years.
Formaldehyde appeared in relation to vaping when the New England Journal of Medicine used jacked-up power settings and dry hits to generate elevated levels. It has since been shown that no human could reasonably be expected to pursue or endure such a punishing and madcap approach to vaping.
This shoddy work has been dismissed a number of times, including a 2017 study in the journal Food and Toxicology.Unfortunately, hack pieces such as an intentionally obtuse and misleading op-ed piece by Dr. Joseph Allen in the NY Times, continue to resurrect this zombie myth.
Anti-freeze Myth
One of the more scientifically illiterate myths is that e-juice contains anti-freeze. This is due to the presence of an ingredient with a scary sounding name: propylene glycol (PG). Authorities in the US, Europe and globally have declared PG to be GRAS, the standard for generally safe in food.
This has not stopped click-baity headlines about PG in various popular foods from flooding social feeds for the past several years. The scientific community invariably mocks these PG awareness campaigns but companies often respond to consumer pressure.
PG is in the same chemical family as alcohol and found in scads of medications, prepackaged foods, dressings, condiments, ice cream, frosting, candies, baked goods, cosmetics, hygiene products, toothpaste, popcorn, soft drinks, bread, dairy products, fast foods, drink mixes and sundry other items.
As it is flavorless and odorless, PG is used with vegetable glycerin (VG) as a carrier in e-juice. The PG/VG blend in an e-juice has a huge impact on throat hit, cloud size and viscosity. Here is an article that explains PG/VG ratios in e-juice.
Unfortunately, PG is often confused with toxic ethylene glycol, which is the primary ingredient in anti-freeze. To further muddy the waters, non-toxic antifreezes are made with PG. So technically, PG is found in anti-freeze. It just happens to be used because it is not poisonous and is especially valuable in applications where using toxic ethylene glycol would not be appropriate, such as the cooling systems of food processing machines.
Myths about E-Cig Users
There is no shortage of myths about e-cigs being a gateway drug, more addictive than cigarettes, being as dangerous as smoking and nicotine causing cancer. None of these has been shown to correct. It is important to keep in mind that while addictive and potentially dangerous, nicotine is NOT the cancer causing agent in cigarettes. That would be the smoke, ash, tar and additional added chemicals from combustion.
Flavor Myths
Anti-vaping advocates and federal regulators have gotten a lot of mileage out of flavor myths. The fact is that fruit and dessert flavored e-juices are not manufactured with the sole purpose of hooking children. They are by far the most popular flavors with adults as well. Whether there were unscrupulous marketers targeting children or not cannot be answered with complete certainty, but the fact is that Vapor4Life has no interest in selling their products to minors. We have taken serious steps to prevent this from occurring either on our e-commerce website or at our Northbrook vape shop.
Old concerns about pets and children drinking e-juice have been largely addressed by changes in bottle design and by adding child proof latches to mod tanks. It was never the epidemic that it was made out to be, but please keep these items safely out of reach.
E-Cigs Are Not Regulated
The FDA announced new e-cig regulations just last month. The FDA’s mandate to regulate has been exercised with a frightening degree of regularity, stultifying innovation and potentially establishing insurmountable obstacles for adults who are looking for cigarette alternatives.
Exploding E-Cigs
There are few things more repellent than the idea of having your face or genitals blown off by an exploding e-cig. There have been several gruesome stories over the years, especially during heyday of Mech Mods when rank amateurs were experimenting with devices far beyond their level of expertise.
During the height of these fears we provided this 18650 Battery Safety Guide.
That said, lithium ion batteries can explode under certain circumstances and battery safety is extremely important. Last year, there was a recall of certain Samsung devices due to the fear of battery explosion. The culprit in this case was overheating and sub-par counterfeit batteries. This news story can serve as a cautionary reminder to always purchase your batteries from a reputable seller and to be mindful of your battery’s condition.
Store your batteries in a plastic case when not in use, do not transport them in a purse or a pocket with change, keep them out of direct sunlight and water, refrain from placing them by an open flame, replace them when signs of wear and tear appear and do not use peeling batteries. Lithium are used in all manner of electronics and you should take similar precautions with all of your devices.
Originally seen here:
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Lost Lullabies - Chapter Sixteen
Description: Mickey Milkovich, former child star turned action movie star, runs into his old co-star, Ian Gallagher, out on the street in the middle of a winter night. When Mickey takes him in, he doesn’t realize that Ian has the power to completely turn his new life upside down.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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Ian walked in through the backdoor of the Gallagher house and was immediately assaulted by half a dozen people yelling his name. He did his best not to drop the gifts he’d brought as Debbie wrapped her arms around his middle. Kissing her on the head, Ian greeted her and handed off the presents to Fiona who was always ready to step in so a disaster could be avoided. Debbie pulled away so Carl could take her place, his hug a little more formal, his disastrous impulses now mostly sated by his military training. Liam grabbed onto Ian’s leg as well and, for a moment, Ian found it impossible to move.
           After his younger siblings had finished with him, Ian shrugged off his coat and took a seat at the kitchen counter. Fiona scrambled around from the fridge to the cupboards as she tried to cook several dishes at once.
           “Need any help?” Ian said.
           “You’ll just slow me down,” she said, not even a hint that she was joking in her tone. As she bent down to check on the turkey in the oven, she added, “Where’s Mickey? I thought you said he was coming.”
           “He wanted to take a later train,” Ian said. “Something about Milkovich Christmas Eve tradition being getting wasted as fuck.” He shrugged and dipped a finger into the mashed potatoes before licking it off.
           “That’s disgusting.” Fiona winced as the sound of a crash came from the other room but ignored it. The one good thing about all the kids being old now – with the exception of Liam – was that she could trust them to sort out their own shit every once in a while. “How is it working with Mickey again? You know, especially after all that stuff that you told me a while ago.”
           Ian laughed, shrugged. “It’s pretty good, actually. He’s... he’s happier than he used to be.”
           Fiona raised an eyebrow. “Anything happen between you two?”
           “You really want to know?”
           She shrugged. “Spare me the details, I am still your sister, but if I’m seeing your boyfriend instead of your incredibly homophobic crush, I gotta act different.”
           “Let’s say you’re meeting my incredibly homophobic and closeted boyfriend.”
           “That sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
           Ian didn’t know how to respond to that, so he didn’t. He watched Fiona cook for a little longer before slipping off his stool and heading into the living room where the rest of his siblings waited. Liam was sitting in front of the Christmas tree, shaking presents one by one. Carl sat slouched on the couch flipping from Christmas cartoon to Christmas cartoon to Die Hard to Christmas cartoon. And Debbie stood at the back of the room with Frannie in her arms, cooing at the girl.
           Ian walked over and kissed his niece on the cheek – it’d been four years and he still found it weird that he had a niece. As he spoke to her in sweet, soothing tones, the front door opened. He looked up to find Lip walking in, unravelling a scarf from around his neck.
            Ian stiffened and watched his brother, waiting for him to look up. To say their relationship was strained would be a bit of an understatement. Ian had thrown his life down the drain and dragged Lip with him. Even though Lip had pulled himself out – he had taken courses to boost his high school grades, gotten a couple scholarships and went off to college – he still blamed Ian for his life being further behind than it should have been. And he had every right to.
           But when Lip looked up and saw Ian, he only smiled and pulled his brother into a hug. “Hey, man,” he said with a laugh. He clapped Ian hard on the back. “You’re looking good. Like really good. How long have you been clean now?”
           Ian shrugged. “A little over two months.”
           “Wow. I’m proud of you. Real proud.” Lip stepped back and took off his jacket. “Can’t believe you went back to acting though. I vividly remember your exact words being ‘not even if those Disney fags suck my cock.’” He raised a brow. “So, who did the sucking? Was it Manning? Because I’d really like to see that prick get on his knees.”
           “No luck there.” Ian laughed. He lingered awkwardly in the middle of the living room as Lip went to sit down beside Carl. He felt out of place in the house even though he’d lived there his entire life. Maybe he finally got why Mickey never came back to the Southside. After movie sets and constant drug tests and safety, it felt like a trigger bomb just waiting to explode.
           Ian forced himself to settle and took up a spot on the arm of the couch. He made it through half the Rudolph movie before the doorbell rang. Jumping up, he went for the door and opened it to see Mickey and Mandy on the other side. He couldn’t help himself. His heart leaped in his chest. Grabbing Mickey by the back of his neck, he pulled him into a heated kiss and backed right into the living room without letting go of him.
           When he pulled off long minutes later, he smiled and whispered, “Merry Christmas.”
           “Merry Christmas,” Mickey replied, his voice low and sultry in a way that made Ian’s blood rush downwards. Mickey cocked an eyebrow. “I didn’t know my present to you was coming out to your entire family.”
           “Sorry.” Ian bit his lip. “I’m just happy to see you. You mad?”
           “Not at all.” Mickey pressed forward and kissed him again.
           They broke apart to Mandy’s laughter. Ian let go of Mickey to hug her, kiss her on the cheek. “It’s good to see you again,” he said. “When you moved to New York, I thought we’d lost you for good.”
           “You would’ve too if I could have only gotten a ring on my finger.” Mandy shook her head and sighed. “But now I see my brother’s already stolen you from me?”
           Ian laughed and got the Milkoviches settled in to the living room. He ended up sitting practically in Mickey’s lap – not that that was an accident at all – and whispered most of what he said into Mickey’s ear. The entire time Mickey kept shooting him glances that mixed affection with worry, an expression that turned Ian’s stomach, but he was too high on life to let it bother him. Mickey could be worried. Hell, Mickey could think he was on drugs for all he cared. If he got to sit on Mickey’s lap, nibble on his ear, and play his fingers across his chest, he didn’t care if Mickey thought he was involved in a terrorist plot.
           Fiona came out of the kitchen thirty minutes after they arrived. She hugged Mandy and gave Mickey a slight wave, a smirk brimming on her lips. She got the party started with quick efficiency, getting Liam to hand out the presents, and ending all childish arguments about who got to go first. She even pulled out a camera to make memories. Ian gave Mickey a huge kiss on the cheek when she turned the camera their way and the end result was a Polaroid picture of Mickey laughing like a maniac.
           With all the presents open and the crowd going back to their own business, Ian leaned his lips close to Mickey’s ear and said, “I got you something really special back at my hotel.”
           “Mmm,” Mickey murmured. His eyes were half-closed like he was sleepy drunk without having had a single beer. “Is that what’s stuffed in your closet?”
           “Ian...” Mickey sighed and Ian tensed. Mickey let his hand rub smoothly up Ian’s leg, a comforting gesture as he looked up with serious blue eyes. “I need to talk to you about something. And I don’t think you’re gonna like it.”
           Ian nodded, slow. “I get it. You wanna stay in the closet for your image. It’s not a big deal. I can—”
           “Ian, this isn’t about me. It’s about you.”
           “I’m not on drugs.”
           Mickey shifted out from under Ian and got to his feet. He grabbed Ian’s hand and pulled him out the front door, stopping on the porch. He turned to look Ian in the eyes. “We need to go to the clinic.”
           “What?” Ian said. “Because I didn’t use a condom? Look, sure, I haven’t been tested in a while, but I’m usually safe and I haven’t shot up since the last time I was tested, so I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.
           Mickey let out an annoyed exhale. “No, Ian. Not that.”
           “Then what?”
           “I think you’re manic.”
           Ian blinked. “What?”
           “You’ve been off the rails lately, Ian. And if you say you’re clean, then I believe you, but you’re still not sleeping and who knows how much shit you’ve bought to stuff that closet and you’re still talking way too fast and... I Googled it. They may all be drug symptoms, yeah, but they’re also bipolar symptoms. And your mom—”
           “I know what my mom had,” Ian snapped. “Fuck, Mickey.”
           Mickey grabbed his elbow, stopped him from turning away. “I know you don’t want to hear this,” he said, his voice just a little unsteady. “Fuck, I don’t wanna be right about this, Ian. But you know the kind of shit your mom used to do. And I’ve been looking it up and the drug abuse... a lot of bipolar people use drugs and alcohol to cope. I don’t want you backsliding because there’s something else going on other than addiction.”
           Ian met Mickey’s eyes and softened a little. There was nothing but concern in the other man’s eyes. “Fine,” Ian said. “We can go to a clinic.”
           He stepped to go back inside but Mickey stopped him, again. Mickey said, “I think we should go to the clinic now, Ian. Hopefully get this all sorted out before we start filming again.”
           “And when the studio gets word of this? They were wary of hiring me in the first place, Mick. And I can’t hide this from them when they’re testing my piss every week. Sure, they’ll be fucking confused as to why I’m using Lithium to get high, but if you think—”
           “Ian. You are the best actor on that set.” Mickey’s eyes were bright like fire. “Anyways, they can’t fire you for having a fucking mental disorder. It’s unethical and you could sue their asses for it.”
           Ian nodded.
           “So, the clinic?”
           “Fine. Whatever.”
           Mickey let go of him and waited. With a sigh, Ian headed down the front steps and started down the road. He knew where the community clinic was. Between having every one of Debbie’s pregnancy check-ups there and Ian having ended up there high off his ass more than once, the route was seared into his mind. It sent chills through him to be back there. He hadn’t been back in a while.
           He walked through the glass door, leaving Mickey to catch the door on his own. The nurse at the front desk looked up with a smile. “Mr. Gallagher,” she said. Ian tried to remember her name, failed, and glanced down at her name tag. Nancy. “How nice to see you again. What can I help you with?”
           “I, uh...” Ian dropped his eyes to the countertop.
           Mickey nudged him in the ribs, gave him a curious look.
           Ian shook his head.
           “He thinks he might be bipolar, like his mom,” Mickey said, his voice low despite the fact that the place was empty. “We were hoping you guys had some tests you could run or something?”
           Nancy nodded and stood up. “Of course. Mr. Gallagher, do you want this man to come in with you?”
           Ian shot Mickey a glance and then shook his head, quick. He looked down at his feet while Nancy rummaged for the right paperwork. With a smile, she ushered Ian out of the waiting room and down a long white hallway that he knew too well. As they went, she chattered on about the weather and staff gossip and asked him innocuous questions about his life. Then she stopped beside a white door.
           “You’ve dealt with Dr. Charles before,” she said. “You spent quite a bit of time talking to him about addiction when you were a teenager. Do you remember?”
           Ian nodded.
           “All right. He’ll be with you in a minute.”
           Ian entered the small room with a tight weight in his stomach. He took a seat in one of the two armchairs, tapped his fingers against his knee, and looked around the room. The walls were white and bare. The only other furniture in the room was a small desk with a computer on it, the Windows logo bouncing around the screen. Ian started to regret not asking Mickey to come in with him but he didn’t know what Dr. Charles would ask and he didn’t know what he didn’t want Mickey to know.
           Dr. Charles entered a few minutes later, a smile on his wrinkled face. He’d seemed to age two years for every year Ian had been away from him. “Ian,” he said as he took his seat, resting his clipboard on his knees. “What a pleasant surprise to see you again.”
           “Don’t doctors kind of hope they won’t see their patients again?”
           “We both know you stopped coming to sessions against my wishes,” he said but he didn’t seem upset. “Can you tell me what’s brought you back?”
           “I, um, well,” Ian began. He took a deep breath and spoke to his feet. “I might be bipolar.”
           “My mom has it and I’ve been... I’ve been really fucking happy lately and I don’t see why that’s a problem but my... friend thinks it’s an issue and with my family history, it’s just... he wanted me to come.”
           “Ian.” Dr. Charles waited until Ian looked up at him. “I want you to know that having a mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. No matter what we figure out here today, you have to keep that in mind.”
           Ian nodded.
           “Now, let me pull up a little questionnaire and we’ll see what we find, okay?”
           Ian nodded again. He waited for Dr. Charles to wake up his computer and find the right sheet. Then he started with the questions. The first ones were easy – name, date of birth, height, sex, weight – but then they started to get a little harder. He had to describe his symptoms and really, he just started listing off the things Mickey had said he was doing. He hadn’t even realized most of it. Sure, he knew that sleeping three or four hours a night wasn’t normal and that he’d been wasting his money, but he thought it was all the hype of the movie set. Even when the director told him to speak slower, he always thought it was his nerves getting the better of him. He didn’t think he’d ever done anything like Monica, nothing worthy of having people compare him to her.
           “Hypersexuality?” Dr. Charles said.
           “Hypersexuality,” he repeated. “Having a higher sex drive than normal.”
           Ian stared at him for a long moment, nausea curling in his stomach. He’d been on Grindr way more than usual. He’d jacked off maybe seven times yesterday to the thought of Mickey. How many times had he told Mickey he’d just wanted to be friends only to crumble under the weight of his lips? Had that all been the illness? Had none of that been his feelings for Mickey? Was it just about sex? He thought he might start hyperventilating. He didn’t want his first time with Mickey to have been about an overblown libido, didn’t want to go on meds just to realize he’d never wanted Mickey at all.
           “No,” Ian lied. “Nothing like that.”
           Dr. Charles typed it in. A few questions later, he finished the questions and turned to Ian. “Well, Ian, it takes more than a cursory assessment to properly diagnose bipolar disorder. Furthermore, there are different types and which one you have won’t become clear without more therapy.”
           “From what you’ve said to me today mixed with your family history, I would say there is a strong chance you are bipolar.” He held up a hand to stop Ian from interrupting him. “I’m going to start you on a low dose of Lithium and I’ll need you to talk to Nancy at the front desk to set up weekly appointments. It’s all right, Ian. We’ll get through this together.”
           Ian was too numb to even nod. He got up from his seat and let Dr. Charles lead him back to the waiting room. Mickey stood immediately but Ian was already moving. He barrelled out the door, breathing hard, and only stopped two blocks away to catch his breath. A few minutes later, Mickey caught up with him.
           “What the fuck, man?” Mickey sounded out of breath. “You okay? What happened in there?”
           “Forget it,” Ian said.
           “You just burst out of there like a fucking race horse and you want me to forget it?” Mickey grabbed Ian’s shoulder and turned him to face him. “What’s up? What did the doctor say?”
           Ian bit his lip hard. More than anything, he wanted to shake Mickey off, yell at him, and walk away. He didn’t want Mickey to know. He didn’t want Mickey to worry. And he definitely didn’t want Mickey Googling more shit just to find out that Ian’s sex drive had nothing to do with him at all.
           “Ian,” Mickey said, soft. “I’m here. Whatever’s going on, I’m here.”
           “He said maybe.”
           Ian shrugged. “It’s hard to diagnose apparently, but he wants me to come to therapy and start Lithium and... fuck. Mickey, I can’t do it.”
           “Sure you can. Maybe not here, but we’ll get you a therapist closer to work and—”
           “No, Mick, I can’t fucking live like this. I can’t be bipolar. I just can’t.”
           Mickey’s eyes widened a little. “What are you saying, Ian?”
           Ian shook his head, tried to blink back the tears. “I’m just... My family already thinks I’m Frank. I can’t be Monica, too.”
           “You’re Ian,” Mickey said. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Ian, holding him tight. “Fuck your family. And fuck what they think of you. You are not your parents, Ian. You are you and you’re a lot fucking better of a person than they are.”
           “You sure about that?”
           Mickey nodded and pulled away. “Now, come on. Let’s go back there and book those therapy sessions, okay?”
           “Okay.” Ian reached out for Mickey’s hand and wrapped their fingers together. To his surprise, Mickey let him and didn’t pull away for the whole walk back to the clinic.
<<Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen>>
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cornylabs · 8 years
Every story has a beginning even story of the universe  13.7 billion years ago a mysterious event occur our universe went into motion with a big bang the creation of everything. Our sun mostly has hydrogen and helium and its surface temperature is about 10,000 diggers for energy our sun converts about 700 million tunes of hydrogen into 600 million of helium every second, the sun is part of our solar system formed around 4.5 billion years ago including earth and 7 other orbiting planets from mercury to Neptune. Our solar system is spinning flying through space at the speed of 134 miles per second turning in the circle as part of a vast collection of stars and solar system and many of those stars with the planetary system like ours. Our solar system orbits the center of the milky way galaxy. like the milky way, there is infinite galaxy that makes the universe our universe is big it’s expanding every second. 13.7 billion years ago our universe was very small and looked like a cosmic egg than something happen our universe started to expand galaxy started to form. 300 million years after the big bang inside of forming galaxies gravity was doing its work of squeezing together of clouds and dust causing pressure and heat to violently rise when the temperature reaches about 18 million diggers, hydrogen atom slams together creating helium which creates energy. for creating stars universe needs more things not only hydrogen and helium. And then for that hydrogen and hilum creates lithium creating 25 of the common element including carbon, oxygen nitrogen, and iron. And after the few million years after the first star born and some of them exploded these explosion known as supernova providing an extra boost of energy needed to create a heavier element, stars creates uranium, gold, and all the rest of the material needed to fill our world. To build a proper house we need the right material all in one place and to create the star like the sun we need all the material at the same place and for that stars explode and reborn each generation with the heavier element than the last. this process is called as supernova waves. 4.6 billion years ago there was much material gathered and a new star is born that was our sun it is so massive that it gathered up 99.99 per of gas and dust in the solar system in that dust there was our planet.
By the time earth emerges just over 4 and a half billion years ago our earth moving so rapidly that the day last about 6 hr early earth was of only molten lava and black volcanic rock  and because of gravity lighter material drifts through surface and forms a solid crust while heavier material get to the centre, forming a molten iron-nickel core which creates a magnetic field that reaches out into the space like a force field protect our home from sun deadly charged particles soon this magnetic field will allow life to grow. 4.5 billion years ago an object size of mars smashes our planet at the speed of 25000 miles per hr earth swallows up most of the impact but there were many dust particles around us that gravity gathers all partial in a secondary sphere around the earth which is called as our moon. It helps in many ways you will know if u read my last blog, because of our moon the length of our day become lengthy of 25 hr. 4.4 billion years from us it was too hot on earth to liquid water to exist but there is water vapour steam in the atmosphere because of steam a little rain must fall for million of years our planet cools rain pours down forming puddles lakes and eventually our ocean by 3.8 billion years ago our planet has the moon and a permeant ocean. 3.8 billion years before there was water and nothing else  beneath the ocean 6 simple elements including hydrogen from the big bang  and oxygen carbon and nitrogen created by stars has combined to form a key substance that will make life  including us Seven hundred thousand years after the earth from life on earth begin bacteria each one of us have to live in our body then they are people on this planet. 2 and a half billion years ago bacteria learnt how to consume sun energy to leave by doing these they also create oxygen. The ancient sea was full of iron particles and bacteria creates oxygen, then rusted iron collected on the sea floor billions of years later these huge deposits rase up to become major sources of iron and steel. ones there is no more iron left in the sea bacteria fill the ocean with oxygen molecules and escape into the atmosphere. And then some bacteria learned to live in oxygen over the next two billion years life become more complex, sky become blue and ocean reflects them, large solid continents appear earth becoming more like place that we call home.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Lithium-Ion Batteries Work Earns Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 3 Scientists
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on Wednesday awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to three scientists who developed lithium-ion batteries, which have revolutionized portable electronics and are very likely powering a device you’re using now to read this article. Larger examples of the batteries have given rise to electric cars that can be driven on long trips, while the miniaturized versions are used in lifesaving medical devices like cardiac defibrillators.
John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino will share the prize, which is worth about $900,000.
“Lithium-ion batteries are a great example of how chemistry can transform people’s lives,” said Bonnie Charpentier, president of the American Chemical Society. “It’s wonderful to see this work recognized by the Nobel Prize.”
The three researchers’ work in the 1970s and ’80s led to the creation of powerful, lightweight and rechargeable batteries used in nearly every smartphone or laptop computer, and in billions of cameras and power tools. Astronauts on the International Space Station rely on them, and engineers working on renewable energy grids often turn to them. By storing electricity generated when sunlight and wind are at their peak, lithium-ion batteries can reduce dependence on fossil fuel energy sources and help lessen the impact of climate change.
M. Stanley Whittingham, 77, a professor at Binghamton University, State University of New York, and one of the three winners, said that he always hoped lithium-ion technology would grow, “but we never envisaged it growing this far. We never imagined it being ubiquitous in things like iPhones.”
John B. Goodenough, 97, is a professor at the University of Texas at Austin. With the award he becomes the oldest Nobel Prize winner, but is still active in research.
And Akira Yoshino, 71, is an honorary fellow for the Asahi Kasei Corporation in Tokyo and a professor at Meijo University in Nagoya, Japan. He said after the announcement that he was pleased that the technology could also help fight climate change, calling lithium-ion batteries “suitable for a sustainable society.”
Ever since Alessandro Volta invented the first true battery in 1800, scientists have tried to find ways to get electrons to flow from a negative electrode called an anode to a positive electrode called a cathode. Volta did this by stacking discs of copper and zinc, and linking them with a cloth soaked in salty water. When wires were connected to the discs to complete a circuit, the battery produced a stable current. In subsequent decades, versions of these batteries powered telegraphs and other devices.
The first rechargeable battery came about in 1859. These were made from lead-acid, and are still used to start gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles today. But lead-acid batteries were bulky and heavy. Nickel-cadmium batteries, which were less efficient but more compact, were invented in 1899.
For many years, there were no major advancements in battery technology. But the Arab oil embargo of 1973 made many scientists realize the extent of society’s dependence on fossil fuels. Dr. Whittingham, who was working for Exxon at the time, began searching for improved ways to store energy from renewable sources and power electric cars.
He knew that lithium would make a good anode because it released electrons easily. It also had the advantage of being the lightest metal. So Dr. Whittingham started looking for materials that had a high energy density and captured lithium-ions in the cathode — the side of your battery with the plus sign.
Dr. Whittingham discovered that titanium disulfide, which had never been used in batteries before, had a molecular structure that let lithium-ions into small pockets. This resulted in the first functional lithium battery.
“The big advantage of this technology was that lithium-ion stored about 10 times as much energy as lead-acid or 5 times as much as nickel-cadmium,” Dr. Whittingham said. Lithium-ion batteries were also extremely lightweight and required little maintenance. “So there was a huge incentive to move to lithium-ion.”
Unfortunately, Dr. Whittingham’s new battery had a problem. When it was repeatedly charged, thin strands of metallic lithium would grow out from the negative electrode. Sometimes, the strands would grow long enough that they reached the cathode and short-circuited the battery, and could cause an explosion.
Dr. Goodenough, then at Oxford, predicted that lithium-ion batteries would have greater potential if the cathode were made with a different material. He noticed that cobalt oxide was similar in structure to titanium disulfide. It could tolerate lithium being pushed into it and pulled out over and over. It also made the lithium-ion battery almost twice as powerful as Dr. Whittingham. The battery now generated four volts.
Building from Dr. Goodenough’s work, Dr. Yoshino, who was at the Asahi Kasei Corporation in Japan, then showed that more complicated carbon-based electrodes could house lithium-ions in between their layers too. This eliminated pure lithium from the battery entirely. Instead, the system used only lithium-ions, which are safer.
These developments ultimately led to commercialization of the lithium-ion battery in 1991 by another Japanese electronics giant, Sony Corporation.
The compact nature and reliability of lithium-ion batteries made the technology a staple in electronics that had once been powered primarily by disposable batteries that consumers always seemed to run out of at the wrong time. That included radios, hand-held gaming devices, laptop computers and eventually smartphones and wearable computers.
But the technology has its flaws, too.
There is a limited number of times that a lithium-ion battery can be replenished before it deteriorates and can no longer hold a charge. In addition, a faultily designed lithium-ion battery can turn into a miniature bomb.
Some of the biggest tech product recalls have involved battery defects. In 2006, Dell recalled 4.1 million laptop batteries because they could erupt in flames. More recently, Samsung Electronics recalled and discontinued the Galaxy Note 7, its flagship smartphone, after several reports of the device exploding.
Technologists often point to lithium-ion as an innovation roadblock: While computer chips have doubled in speed every few years and digital displays have become significantly brighter and sharper, tech companies have made only incremental improvements on batteries; there’s not much that engineers can do beyond making the batteries bigger and implementing software algorithms to make hardware more power efficient.
Despite the hiccups, companies continue to rely on the batteries because they can be cheaply and reliably reproduced. They have also been scaled up for use in larger settings.
Energy storage, most often using lithium-ion battery technology, is widely seen as necessary for transforming the electric grid to a carbon-free system and combating the effects of climate change. Most electricity in the United States — and in many other parts of the world — comes from fossil fuel sources, predominantly natural gas but also coal.
Battery technology helps replace those carbon-emitting sources because it allows power companies to store excess solar and wind power when the sun does not shine nor the wind blow — the weakness of those carbon-free sources.
The most critical area for the electric grid has been providing power when people return home from work during the summer and turn on their air-conditioners, cook dinner and wash clothes, when utilities often rely on natural gas plants designed to meet those periods of high demand, known as peaking plants, which typically are more expensive.
“What’s exciting about lithium-ion technology is it has the power to unlock the sun 24-7 to really help renewable energy power our future in a way that we haven’t been able to capture until now,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of the California Solar and Storage Association, an industry group.
The potential of battery technology is highlighted in Northern California, where Pacific Gas & Electric is shutting off power to hundreds of thousands of customers on Wednesday because of the risk of wildfires.
Some of their neighbors who have combined solar and battery systems can continue to meet their energy needs.
“From a high level, lithium-ion batteries have increased reliability, they’ve enabled greater renewable penetration, they’ve reduced the reliance on centralized power,” said Ed Fenster, co-founder and executive chairman of Sunrun, one of the largest residential solar companies in the United States. “They’re going to do to the electric grid what the P.C. did to the mainframe computer.”
But while the batteries can be a part of the solution for reducing fossil fuel use, they have also resulted in other problems around lithium extraction and waste.
More than half of lithium is gathered using brine extraction from deep inside the earth, especially in South America, and the rest is still mined traditionally from rock. Both methods have caused environmental damage to areas around lithium processing operations. And as the demand for lithium increases, companies may resort to using energy-intensive heating to speed up brine evaporation. Some lithium sources could also be overextracted.
Once lithium-ion batteries are used up in electronics, they are often disposed of improperly by consumers. Less than 5 percent of lithium-ion batteries are collected and recycled in the United States, according to the Department of Energy.
“If you think about the batteries in cellphones, most of them are thrown away and end up in landfills,” said Alexej Jerschow, a chemist at New York University.
While some companies that make smartphones and other devices have attempted to improve their recycling records, dismantling the batteries and removing the metal for reuse involves another high-temperature melting and extraction process.
“It is just not economical,” Dr. Jerschow said.
Scientists have experimented with new power technologies that use alternate methods to replenish batteries, like pulling energy from the air or through radio signals. But any potential successor to lithium-ion would have to undergo rigorous safety tests before being introduced to the public.
Who won the 2018 Nobel for chemistry?
The prize last year went to Frances H. Arnold and George P. Smith, both of the United States and Gregory P. Winter of England, for work that tapped the power of evolutionary biology to design molecules with a range of practical uses, such as new drugs, more efficient and less toxic reactions in the manufacture of chemicals, and plant-derived fuels to replace oil, gas and coal extracted from the ground.
Dr. Arnold was only the fifth woman to win the prize.
Who else has won a Nobel Prize this year?
The prize for medicine and physiology was awarded to William G. Kaelin Jr., Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza for their work in discovering how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.
The prize for physics went to three scientists who transformed our view of the cosmos: James Peebles shared half of the prize for theories that explained how the universe swirled into galaxies and everything we see in the night sky, and much that we cannot see. Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz were jointly recognized for the other half of the prize for their discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star in our galaxy.
When will the other Nobel Prizes be announced this year?
Megan Specia contributed reporting.
Sahred From Source link Science
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bestofthenets · 6 years
Best Power Bank 2019 Detailed Review
Best Power Bank 2019 Comprehensive Guide
The technology has developed and improved in the last 15 times. We live with realities well beyond what is imagined. There are still areas where such advanced engineering still does not furnish adequate mixtures. At the beginning, artillery engineerings are coming.
As long as the artillery technologies are not well developed, if we are using our mobile machines intensively, we need to get accustomed to the power bank reality to accuse it outside.
In this article, we shared with you in the most detailed style what is necessary pay attention to when purchasing influence bank. You can also look at the most recent developments powerbank representations from the link below and purchase them.
The bigger, the better! The battery technology is still moving in a extremely primitive course, in other words the right balance. The higher the mAh significance of the battery, the more battery life.
The high mAh value of the battery represents more opening, weight and thickness.
The biggest obstacle in front of electric cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, today's battery technologies. Because in order to increase the range of cars, it is necessary to stir the artilleries much larger and heavier, this time the ga consumption of private vehicles is increasing more and a vicious circle is made. This is the case with the phones.
Let's get to know the batteries.
We always use the abbreviation mAh. So what is this mAh? This term, which is used as a millamper/ hour, indicates how many miles of amperage are likely to be stored per hour and can transmit to the machine. But it's worth reminding. Amperage- the hour is not an energy unit.
1 Ampere= 1000 mAh Take good care of the chargers you use. Typically 5v 1A output power writes. 5V is fixed on USB outputs. But the amperage value is variable.
A charger with 1A production dominance accuses a 2000 mAh artillery in about 2 hours.
In fact, we know that our fast charger is the charger, which has a higher production amperage. A charger with 5v 2A output charges the 2000 mAh artillery in one hour. This behavior, you accuse 2 times faster than the 1A charger.
Of course, higher-speed accusing engineerings are also available. Usually the present is increased with special coils and the artillery is shaken to provide faster charging.
Losses should not be forgotten You received a powerbank of 10,000 mAh, ie an external battery. The artillery of the charger is 2000 mAh. With a straight logic of ten, 000 mAh powerbank, you think you will accuse the 2000 mAh battery five times, but there are losses.
Nowadays, battery engineering is still extremely are subject to the hot. Power bank expects the region to be used, the charging cable use, the poor quality of the cables will increase the loss, specially because it will show more resist. With time-dependent state decreases and ecological points, the 10,000 mAh influence bank are enabled to fee a minimum of 2000 mAh of 4 to 4.5 hours of full capacity.
What is Power bank?
There is not much discrepancies between Power bank and the artillery behind the cell phone or tablet. As a develop, both batteries. Power bank's enterprise is to add additional dominance to your mobile machine, which has a reduced charge with the productions on it.
Power bank simulations are today's most well known accessories. Each companionship has different capacities, tens or even hundreds of different superpower bank alternatives are available. So what should be paid attention?
What should we pay attention to when buying Power bank?
1- We will determine our needs
Power bank, the portable artillery, as we can see from the figure of a portable produce. So it wouldn't be rational to choose the most difficult one immediately. A practical solution that will help you will be the most ideal.
For example, if you have a smartphone with a 2500- 3500 mAh capability, you will need a mobile charger at least 6000- 7000 mAh. In particular, if you are very mobile and the strength outlet is very low, we recommend you to increase to 3,000 mAh for a full charge.
In short, it is ideal to know the capacity of the machines you are using in milliamps and choice a powerbank with a capacity of about three times the total.
2- Powerbank charging quicken and fast charge support
Think of Power bank, such as mobile batteries, as a artillery that is plugged into your charger. As we mentioned in the middle of our section, the charger with a 1 amp will charge a 2000 mAh artillery in two hours.
But a 2-amp charger accuses a 2000 mAh battery for 1 hour. In other messages, when taking powerbank, we need to look at the ampere costs of USB outputs.
If you are going to buy Power bank, we recommend that the minimum production superpower of 5000- 7000 mAh is at least 2 ampere for influence banks with 1.5 Amps, 8.000- 1000 mAh and above.
Of course, today, tight accusing assistance is guaranteed by the names and certifications of some makes. A Powerbank that supports Qualcommtirs Quick Charge 2 or 3 will quickly accuse produces with fast charging on the Android side.
Because the speed of the mobile charging know is appropriate to provide for much higher than the normal accuse charge. Imagine you have an urgent responsibility and you're out. You have now connected your invention to the powerbank. It needs to be charged as soon as possible. If you tolerate a loss of occasion, you would not buy power bank anyway.
Therefore, we recommend that you stay away from the influence bank with 1 amp influence. Of course, if you love to wait, it's a separate issue.
3- Powerbank Power Output Number
The output multitudes on the Power bank are quite important.
If you are both a tablet and a smartphone or two smartphone users, we recommend that you have selected powerbank with at least 2 yields and two productions with 2 amp power.
If you are using a single invention with a 2000- 2500 mAh battery, the powerbank with a single output, thin and light briefly with a modest 5000- 6000 mAh powerbank will be enough for you.
4- LED warning and accusing while charging
You came home after a long way. You have used your external artillery a lot. You want to charge both your telephone and your external battery. What do you do?
You plug the portable battery into the charger adapter and connect the smartphone to the portable battery. Thus, both the smartphone and the portable artillery will charge at the same period, even if the battery is extended.
But there are models that can't. Be the first to choose from strength bank solutions that are both rechargeable and chargeable at the same time.
There is also an LED notification that shows the status of accusing and charging a device.
Batteries are like tiny missiles. They can explode when to be subjected to undue heat and startle. Therefore, we admonish you to take care of your portable artilleries. Batteries, specially 10,000 mAh and above, may cause even more serious effects.
Move your mobile artilleries, ie your influence bank answers in safe locations. Also prefer trusted firebrands. There is a lot of imitation power bank on world markets that holds a much lower level than those on paper that cannot provide much appreciate. Be careful!
Finally, pay attention to the USB cable you are charging your telephone with. Poor cables extend the charging day, reducing the efficiency of the external artillery. Good cable= minimum opposition and maximum speed.
Best Power Banks in 2019
1- Mophie powerstation Plus XL( 12,000 mAh )~ ATAGEND
12, 000 mAh portable artillery with build-in switch-tip cable Triple-tested artillery ensures peak performance and safe operation 2. 1 amp output-charge smartphones or tablets Slim easy-to-carry blueprint and aluminum finish The# 1 and most trusted firebrand in portable power High Capacity( 30000mAh ): It is safer to give. Optimum size among the same capacity power bank with build-in A-Class Lithium polymer artilleries. And it is unable to indict 2016 MacBook 2 experiences, iPhone 7 nearly 10 hours, Galaxy S7 virtually 6.5 periods and iPad Air virtually 2.5 times. For Nintendo Switch, satisfy buy imuto USB to Type C cable separately and it can be compatible after the system upgrades. Observe: It is not pocket-size due to its' high capacity. Digi-Power Technology: Smart digital screen proves remaining influence in digital form, and it's hidden until initiated. Taurus X6 fits for almost all USB-powered devices .( DO NOT WORK WITH MACBOOK PRO) iM-Power Technology: All USB ports see your invention intelligently and deliver quick charging, 3* USB 5V/ 3.4 A( Max .), substantiating to charge three machines at the same time. Multiple Smart Protection System: stop your inventions safe from over-charging, over-voltage, over-current and short circuit. What You Get: X6 External Battery Pack, Micro USB cable, Travel waterproof pouch, User guide, our 18 -month warranty and friendly customer service. Mention: It may not support devices with small-scale currents under 1A, like some bluetooth headsets, smartwatches and so on. Choose the RAVPower Treatment: Entrusted by 100,000+ clients for hindering their inventions charged when off the grid Colossal Battery Capacity: 26800 mAh costs most smartphones over 6 occasions or a tablet 2+ experiences for an average of 9 periods of unrestrained usage per charge Charges 3 Invention Simultaneously: 3 iSmart 2.0 USB ports furnish a potent total current output of 5. 5A. Greenback: Does not substantiate Qualcomm Quick Charge High-Speed Recharging: Charges in just 14-15 hours with a 2.4 A charger or 30-31 hours with a 1A charger What You Get: 1 x RAVPower Xtreme Series 26800 mAh Portable Charger, 2 x Micro USB Charging Cables, 1 x Carry Pouch, 1 x User Guide& Free 18 Month Warranty The Anker Advantage: Join the 30 million+ powered by America's guiding USB accusing brand. Huge Charging Influence: High-speed charging for telephones, tablets and USB-C notebooks. Boasts 1 USB-C( 30 W) and 2 USB ports( 5V/ 3A each ). Colossal Capacity: 26800 mAh of strength costs most telephones over 7 periods, tablets at least 2 experiences or notebooks at the least once. Recharge 3x Faster: Hour for a full recharge is reduced to 4.5 hours thanks to Power Delivery input( 27 W ). Compatible charger included. What You Get: PowerCore+ 26800 PD, 30 W USB-C wall charger, Micro USB cable, USB-C to USB-C cable, travel pouch, welcome navigate, our worry-free 18 -month assurance and friendly customer service. Jackery Portable Power Station, Power Outdoors. Your safety, our concern: built-in UL showed battery cadre ensures your safety. Rocket Fast iPhone Charger: built-in lightning cable allows super fast charging for all iPhones, TWICE as Fast as iPhone original charger with original cable; free yourself from long and riling accusing time. The Most Compact Power Bank as ever: yet the stronger 6000 mAh battery charger, amply accuses an iPhone 6/7 /8 up to two times within 1.5 hours or an iPhone 6 Plus/ 7 Plus /8 Plus up to one and half experiences within 2 hours or an iPhone X/ Xs up to 1.4 hours within 2.5 hours; travel around with Bolt in pocket. WHAT YOU GET: 1xJackery Bolt 6000 mAh portable charger, 1x Micro USB charging Cable( accusing adapter not included ), 1xUser Guide, 1xThank You Card. 24 -month produce warranty and 7x24 hrs friendly customer service.
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breazyvapors · 6 years
Rich Tobacco Fin Starter Kit - Fin
Vendor: Fin Type: Hardware Price: 12.49 Rich Tobacco Fin Starter Kit - Fin You'll be ready to rock and roll with this starter kit that is going to get you all set up to start vaping on the right foot. If you are someone who is turning to vaping as a way to be able to help quit their smoking habit, this kit is going to be ideal for you and make getting into vaping a breeze. With this package, you are going to be receiving the Fin battery, one cartridge in the flavor Rich Tobacco and a USB charger. The typical life of the rechargeable battery that's included in this kit is roughly six months and it takes about two hours for it to be charged from empty to one hundred percent. Compact and so easy to use, this is just the right set up for anyone who is always on the go and needs something that is going to be able to keep up and provide them will all of that satisfaction they desire and so much more. Product Features:   * Equivalent of approximately 40 Tobacco Cigarettes * Comes in a medium level of nicotine * Rechargeable battery life is 6 months with regular use * You only need to buy Fin cartomizer refills once this pack runs out * White tipped LED light illuminates when you draw on the cigarette * Two hours are needed to fully charge the battery   Flavor Included: * Rich Tobacco Refill Cartridge - Fin - How do you like your tobacco? Rich, of course. You just won't be able to stop yourself from taking inhale after inhale of this fabulous flavor that tastes like that irresistible tobacco taste that you know and love and gives it a more gourmet feeling that will give you all of that complexity and multidimensional nature that you desire all at once. It's going to be a breeze to be able to give up your smoking habit with this wonderful flavor by your side, making it feel like you never parted ways with it to begin with. You are going to be able to get all of that satisfaction that you crave without those downsides that have you starting to feel guilty and wish that you would have abstained. Now you can indulge your desires and stay just as satisfied as ever now that you have this exceptional cartridge around to give you everything that you could ever need. Fin is a brand that has really taken the bull by the horns and has embraced the idea of making vaping products that will be able to come along with you on the go, no matter how busy your life is and how many huge adventures that you go on. These pods are going to provide you with up to 300 puffs each, which is the equivalent of roughly two packs of cigarettes! Rich Tobacco is going to be one of those must haves that you will definitely want around! Primary Flavor: Tobacco Package Contains: * 1 x Rechargeable battery * 1 x USB * 1 x Cartridge in Rich Tobacco      ***All specifications and descriptions are based on information provided by the manufacturer. Information provided is not representative of testing and or verification by Breazy.com and should be used at consumers discretion. Disclaimer: Use At Your Own Risk! Advanced products are for experienced users with extensive knowledge of how electronic devices work along with access to the appropriate safety tools. Please ensure proper precautions are take when using these devices. There is an inherent risk with the use of any and all rechargeable batteries in any circumstance. Use special caution when working with Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable cells, as they are very sensitive to charging characteristics and may explode or burn if mishandled. Never leave charging batteries unattended. Breazy Inc will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporarily that may be caused by the improper use of a Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable battery/batteries. https://breazy.com/products/rich-tobacco-fin-starter-kit-fin?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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gesteckt1 · 6 years
Toshiba Satellite P775 Battery all-laptopbattery.com
After ensuring the laptop booted properly, I powered it down and took off the back cover. Nine screws and a lot of clips hold it in place, but once removed, you have access to the M.2 solid-state drive (SSD), two slots of RAM, and Wi-Fi card. These can all be easily replaced down the line, so you can save a couple hundred dollars now on smaller storage and less RAM and wait for a third-party deal to come your way. Unfortunately, there's no hot-swappable battery, but I did get about eight hours from a charge when going about usual tasks. When in dire straits, the USB-C charger can get it back up to about 75 percent life in an hour.The laptop is respectably thin at 0.74 inches (18.8 mm), and you still get a wide selection of ports that can handle older and newer devices. There's no Thunderbolt 3 or Ethernet, but you do get two USB-C and a Mini Ethernet port that's compatible with Lenovo's extension cable. HDMI 1.4b makes it easy to hook up a display, and two USB-A 3.1 ports mean you won't be looking for a dongle for your older accessories.
A fingerprint reader for Windows Hello is set into the palm rest, and while it looks like it would hit your palm while typing, it's placed strategically to avoid any rubbing. It logged me in quickly and easily every time, with no need for a password. A discrete Trusted Platform Module (dTPM 2.0) security chip is also included for added security, and you can upgrade to a Core i5 vPro processor (CPU) for remote management.In everyday usage, the L380 seems like a competent worker. I didn't notice any hiccups from the 8th Gen Core i5 CPU and 8GB of RAM, and testing with Geekbench and PC Mark came back with standard results. I saw a single-core 3,945 and multi-core 9,775 score with the former test, and a score of 2,762 with the latter test. These are average results, and while you won't beat the more expensive ThinkPad models, you shouldn't be disappointed with what you get here.
Finally, the keyboard, touchpad, and TrackPoint system are what you'd expect from a ThinkPad. The keys are slightly cupped, they have a lot of travel, and they make a satisfying click. The appropriately-sized touchpad uses Precision drivers for the full range of Windows 10 gestures, and the TrackPoint system remains intact, with three physical buttons and red pointer. It all works as it should, and comfortably at that.Like a lot of Lenovo's cheaper laptops, the ThinkPad L380 suffers from a display with low brightness and poor color reproduction. The brightness issue is a bigger deal here, with the display hitting just under 250 nits. It has a matte finish that helps cut down on glare, but in a well-lit room you'll probably find yourself wishing for a few more increments of brightness. Testing color accuracy, the L380 hit 66 percent sRGB and 49 percent AdobeRGB, both pretty low results. This isn't a huge deal on a business-oriented laptop — as long as you don't plan on any photo or video editing — but it's still something to keep in mind.
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Toshiba Qosmio x505 Battery
Toshiba Qosmio x770 Battery
The other main grievance I have is with the SATA SSD. Here Lenovo's gone with a Samsung PM871b, with a faster PCIe option available. In testing, I got a 545 MB/s read speed and a 528.9 write speed, which is average for budget devices. The great thing, though, is the ease with which you can swap out the SSD down the line for something far faster.Other than the dim display with poor color reproduction and the slow SSD (which can be upgraded at checkout or easily swapped out after purchase), Lenovo's ThinkPad L380 has a lot to like. Its 13-inch size hits the sweet spot for many people, there's a good selection of ports that will cover accessories for the next few years, and it's built well, true to the ThinkPad line. It's also priced competitively, opening it up to a large audience that can't splurge on the higher-end X- and T-series ThinkPads. All-day battery life and versatile USB-C charging ports means most days you can leave your charger behind when heading to the office.
Who should buy this laptop? If you're in the market for a business companion and don't mind a display without great color reproduction, the ThinkPad L380 is a cost-effective laptop for students and professionals. It's durable, it's the right size to carry around, and it has great battery life to get through a work (or school) day.Most of the electronic gadgets we use are powered by lithium-ion batteries, and very occasionally, those lithium-ion batteries can malfunction. When they do, they have a tendency to burn or explode, and the results can be catastrophic. Exhibit A: Security camera footage from a plastic fabrication company in Letchworth, England.The video shows an HP Envy laptop catching fire when left on charge overnight, eventually burning down the owner’s entire office. As spotted by Motherboard, some models of HP Envy laptops are under recall by HP due to faulty batteries, which “have the potential to overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard to customers.”
Steve Paffett, the owner of the plastic fabrication company and also the laptop, told his local newspaper that he “was sat at that seat earlier that day and I swear it would have taken my face off or killed me.” He said he was woken up by the intruder alarm for his office, which was triggered by the fire. He logged onto the CCTV app and saw the fire, and called emergency services before running to the office and fighting the fire with extinguishers. By the time the firefighters arrived, the damage was done.“The ground floor is ruined, all the stock is written off – luckily none of it caught fire, but it’s just covered in smoke – the whole building is filthy and reeks. The fire and ambulance crews were amazing and could not have done more under the circumstances. I’ve already been given a small insurance payment – just enough to continue to trade – but it’s not quite the same thing as being able to get on with your day,” Paffett told The Comet.
Toshiba Qosmio x775 Battery
Toshiba Satellite a660 Battery
Toshiba Satellite a665d Battery
Toshiba Satellite c655 Battery
Toshiba Satellite c655d Battery
Toshiba Satellite c655-s5056 Battery
Toshiba Satellite c660 Battery
Toshiba Satellite c660d Battery
Toshiba Satellite c665 Battery
Toshiba Satellite c670 Battery
Toshiba Satellite c670d Battery
Toshiba Satellite c675 Battery
Toshiba Satellite c675d Battery
Toshiba Satellite l555 Battery
Toshiba Satellite l600 Battery
Toshiba Satellite l630 Battery
Toshiba Satellite l650d Battery
Toshiba Satellite l655d Battery
Toshiba Satellite l675d Battery
Toshiba Satellite l700 Battery
Toshiba Satellite l745 Battery
Toshiba Satellite l745d Battery
Toshiba Satellite l750 Battery
Toshiba Satellite l750d Battery
It’s not something you often give a lot of thought to, but the modern consumer laptop battery is a pretty advanced piece of technology. Not only does it pack several dozen watt-hours of energy into a relatively small and lightweight package, but it features integrated diagnostic capability to make sure all those temperamental lithium cells are kept in check. Widely available and extremely cheap thanks to the economies of scale (unless you try to get them from the OEM, anyway), they’re a very compelling option for powering your projects.Of course, it also helps if, like [teliot] you have a bunch of the things lying around. For reasons we won’t get into, he’s got a whole mess of Acer AL12x32 battery packs which he wanted to use for something other than collecting dust. He had the idea of hooking one up to a solar panel and using it as a power supply for some ESP8266 projects but wanted to be able to talk to the battery for status and diagnostic information. After studying the Smart Battery System (SBS) protocol the batteries use, he was able to come up with some code that lets him pull 37 separate fields of information from the pack’s onboard electronics using his ESP8266.
It took some fiddling with a multimeter to figure out which pin did what on the eight pin interface of the battery. Two of the pins need to be shorted to enable the dual 12 VDC pins to kick in. Technically that’s all you really need to do if you want to utilize the battery in a low-tech sort of way. But to actually get some information from the battery, [teliot] had to identify the two pins which are for the System Management Bus (SMBus) interface where the SBS data lives.Once he knew which pins to talk to the battery on, the rest was fairly easy. SBS is well documented, and the SMBus interface is very similar to I2C. Like all the cool kids are doing these days, his code publishes the battery info to MQTT where he can plot it and get finely grained info on the performance of his solar power system.
0 notes
Give ME A chance to enable YOU To locate A SAFE AND RELIABLE HOVERBOARD
You’ve concluded that it’s an ideal opportunity to take care of business and purchase a hoverboard. The main issue is, now you don’t comprehend what hoverboard to purchase.
You would prefer not to get one that will explode. Or then again one that is excessively costly. Or on the other hand excessively modest so far as that is concerned. You’ve heard that the shoddy hoverboards will probably detonate.
You need one that is quick, yet in addition a hoverboard that is protected. The hoverboard isn’t for you, however it’s for your children, so you have to know which hoverboard is the best for kids.
Does this sound like the contemplations going through your mind as you search for hoverboards on the web?
It’s OK; I’ve experienced a similar thing myself. When I was endeavoring to discover what hoverboard to purchase, I had each one of those same considerations and inquiries.
Actually, those same issues are what influenced me to choose to make this site. I needed  to be the best hoverboards site and to enable individuals to locate the ideal hoverboard for their requirements.
Does this sound natural?
You’ve been searching for a hoverboard for a smidgen now.
You’d seen the stories about how hoverboards were dangerous, and that there had been a colossal review of them. In any case, you realize that there’s another wellbeing standard for hoverboards (UL-2272) and in light of this you’ve settled on the choice to get one.
Be that as it may, as much as you’ve scoured the web attempting to locate the cheap hoverboard to purchase, whatever you’ve done is discover more inquiries.
Inquiries like:
Which hoverboard bursts into flames?
Is a lithium-particle battery safe?
Where’s the best place to purchase a hoverboard cheap?
Where are hoverboards sold close me?
Which hoverboard is the best?
How do hoverboards function?
Where would i be able to discover a hoverboard with Bluetooth available to be purchased?
How would I utilize a hoverboard?
What is a hoverboard? Is it like a bike? A skateboard?
Here’s an inquiry: why is picking the best hoverboard so troublesome? Also, for what reason do they be so expensive cash?
Have you as of now observed 1,000,000 hoverboard destinations that don’t give any valuable help?
Perhaps you’ve perused a huge amount of hoverboard surveys that all say that “You should purchase this hoverboard,” in any event you believe that is the thing that they were stating between all the spelling and linguistic blunders.
Have you as of now gotten your hoverboard, however you accidently broken it while riding?
Or then again you have a hoverboard that looks precisely like everybody else’s, and you need to figure out how to modify your hoverboard.
You did realize that you can alter your hoverboard with things like hoverboard spreads and substitution shells, isn’t that so?
Do any of these inquiries seem like something you’ve been looking on the web?
It is safe to say that you are sick of being befuddled by hoverboards and you simply require a fast response to some basic issues?
Provided that this is true, at that point you will love.
Not certain which hoverboard you need, but rather you know the rudiments and have a thought of what you require? See the hoverboard examination survey and its correlation of 7 hoverboard brands.
I began in view of a remark a companion made. He had been getting some information about them, and I asked him for what valid reason he was soliciting me rather from simply Googling it himself.
I was flabbergasted when he answered that he had attempted yet couldn’t discover anyplace dependable. Every one of the destinations he discovered appeared to be scrappy and gave the idea that they didn’t comprehend what they were expounding on their site.
He persuaded me that I could improve. The rest is history. Since I began the site in 2015, I’ve independently helped more than 100 individuals locate the best hoverboard for their particular needs.
As I said above, there are bunches of extraordinary articles and audits about hoverboards and self-adjusting bikes. Likewise, there are the different aides about utilizing, repairing, and modifying your keen adjust board.
Here and there, notwithstanding, there’s insufficient time to peruse all that you may need. So here’s a speedy hoverboard correlation table featuring my main 3 suggested hoverboards.
Nobody hoverboard is ideal for everybody’s needs.
For instance, you may need to purchase a hoverboard for your children.
Bill, then again, is getting into hoverboard dashing and needs to get the quickest hoverboard that you can purchase.
I’ve picked what I believe is the best hoverboards in these classes:
the best execution hoverboard with Bluetooth speakers. (under $600)
the best all around hoverboard (under $400)
the best spending plan hoverboard (under $300)
Do you have something that you have to think about hoverboards?
Don’t hesitate to send me a message, and I’ll enable you to out. You can discover the contact shape on my About page, which is connected from the base of each page on the site.
See the entire hoverboard FAQ page which has every one of the appropriate responses you require.
A Segway is a two wheel mechanized individual transporter. On the off chance that has a wheeled construct the rider remains in light of while clutching a handle. The handle steers and drives the transporter.
The amount ARE SEGWAYS?
The costs of a Segway shift from about $1500 to $5000. The new MiniPro from Segway retails for $740. Why are they so costly? As a result of the diverse highlights incorporated with the bike.
You can discover Segways available to be purchased at the organization site Segway.com. There are likewise different brands that are comparable on Amazon and EBay.
The scaled down Segway board is the thing that a few people call a two-wheel smaller than usual shrewd self-adjusting bike. Envision a Segway without a handle and after that contracted down to about the extent of a skateboard. Consider it being a sans hands Segway. The bigger Segway has a handle and can go speedier and more remote than the Mini-Segway.
A hoverboard is a drifting board that resembles a skimming skateboard without wheels. It initially ended up well known in the Back to the Future motion pictures.
A hoverboard is otherwise called a two-wheel self-adjusting electric bike. There’s not a genuine hoverboard without wheels. Innovation isn’t exactly prepared to give us the genuine hoverboard that we as a whole need to have. Multi day we will have them, I trust.
A genuine hoverboard as in a drifting hoverboard without wheels does not at present exist.
There are a couple of recordings on YouTube that have some model hoverboards.
It’s as yet quite a while away before we can have a hoverboard like the one in Back to the Future. Watch this video; it’s cool.
A smartboard is a name for a two-wheel electric self-adjusting floating board or hoverboard.
Ok, It’s Beginning to Make Sense
IO Hawk is a brand of self-adjusting brilliant wheel. They were one of the primary brands of hoverboard sold in the US. In any case, there have been some legitimate issues for them as of late confining what they are permitted to offer.
Hoverboard/Hover board
Smartboard/Smart Board
Self-Balancing Scooter
Electric Self Balancing Scooter/Self Balancing Electric Scooter
Parity Board/Smart Balance Board/Self Balancing Board
Floating Scooter/Board
Smaller than usual Segway Board
You see the point. I think the longest name that I’ve seen is this: a two-wheeled without hands self-adjusting keen electric floating bike. Goodness, with Bluetooth speakers, lol.
I have numerous more responses to a wide range of inquiries regarding hoverboard, electric bikes, and shrewd adjust wheels. I’ll call them what the maker for whatever model I happen to discuss calls them. Make sure to see the Hoverboard FAQs area. Likewise, I will make a Complete Guide to Hoverboards that you’ll have the capacity to get for nothing.
0 notes
Give ME A chance to enable YOU To locate A SAFE AND RELIABLE HOVERBOARD
You've concluded that it's an ideal opportunity to take care of business and purchase a hoverboard. The main issue is, now you don't comprehend what hoverboard to purchase.
You would prefer not to get one that will explode. Or then again one that is excessively costly. Or on the other hand excessively modest so far as that is concerned. You've heard that the shoddy hoverboards will probably detonate.
You need one that is quick, yet in addition a hoverboard that is protected. The hoverboard isn't for you, however it's for your children, so you have to know which hoverboard is the best for kids.
Does this sound like the contemplations going through your mind as you search for hoverboards on the web?
It's OK; I've experienced a similar thing myself. When I was endeavoring to discover what hoverboard to purchase, I had each one of those same considerations and inquiries.
Actually, those same issues are what influenced me to choose to make this site. I needed  to be the best hoverboards site and to enable individuals to locate the ideal hoverboard for their requirements.
Does this sound natural?
You've been searching for a hoverboard for a smidgen now.
You'd seen the stories about how hoverboards were dangerous, and that there had been a colossal review of them. In any case, you realize that there's another wellbeing standard for hoverboards (UL-2272) and in light of this you've settled on the choice to get one.
Be that as it may, as much as you've scoured the web attempting to locate the cheap hoverboard to purchase, whatever you've done is discover more inquiries.
Inquiries like:
Which hoverboard bursts into flames?
Is a lithium-particle battery safe?
Where's the best place to purchase a hoverboard cheap?
Where are hoverboards sold close me?
Which hoverboard is the best?
How do hoverboards function?
Where would i be able to discover a hoverboard with Bluetooth available to be purchased?
How would I utilize a hoverboard?
What is a hoverboard? Is it like a bike? A skateboard?
Here's an inquiry: why is picking the best hoverboard so troublesome? Also, for what reason do they be so expensive cash?
Have you as of now observed 1,000,000 hoverboard destinations that don't give any valuable help?
Perhaps you've perused a huge amount of hoverboard surveys that all say that "You should purchase this hoverboard," in any event you believe that is the thing that they were stating between all the spelling and linguistic blunders.
Have you as of now gotten your hoverboard, however you accidently broken it while riding?
Or then again you have a hoverboard that looks precisely like everybody else's, and you need to figure out how to modify your hoverboard.
You did realize that you can alter your hoverboard with things like hoverboard spreads and substitution shells, isn't that so?
Do any of these inquiries seem like something you've been looking on the web?
It is safe to say that you are sick of being befuddled by hoverboards and you simply require a fast response to some basic issues?
Provided that this is true, at that point you will love.
Not certain which hoverboard you need, but rather you know the rudiments and have a thought of what you require? See the hoverboard examination survey and its correlation of 7 hoverboard brands.
I began in view of a remark a companion made. He had been getting some information about them, and I asked him for what valid reason he was soliciting me rather from simply Googling it himself.
I was flabbergasted when he answered that he had attempted yet couldn't discover anyplace dependable. Every one of the destinations he discovered appeared to be scrappy and gave the idea that they didn't comprehend what they were expounding on their site.
He persuaded me that I could improve. The rest is history. Since I began the site in 2015, I've independently helped more than 100 individuals locate the best hoverboard for their particular needs.
As I said above, there are bunches of extraordinary articles and audits about hoverboards and self-adjusting bikes. Likewise, there are the different aides about utilizing, repairing, and modifying your keen adjust board.
Here and there, notwithstanding, there's insufficient time to peruse all that you may need. So here's a speedy hoverboard correlation table featuring my main 3 suggested hoverboards.
Nobody hoverboard is ideal for everybody's needs.
For instance, you may need to purchase a hoverboard for your children.
Bill, then again, is getting into hoverboard dashing and needs to get the quickest hoverboard that you can purchase.
I've picked what I believe is the best hoverboards in these classes:
the best execution hoverboard with Bluetooth speakers. (under $600)
the best all around hoverboard (under $400)
the best spending plan hoverboard (under $300)
Do you have something that you have to think about hoverboards?
Don't hesitate to send me a message, and I'll enable you to out. You can discover the contact shape on my About page, which is connected from the base of each page on the site.
See the entire hoverboard FAQ page which has every one of the appropriate responses you require.
A Segway is a two wheel mechanized individual transporter. On the off chance that has a wheeled construct the rider remains in light of while clutching a handle. The handle steers and drives the transporter.
The amount ARE SEGWAYS?
The costs of a Segway shift from about $1500 to $5000. The new MiniPro from Segway retails for $740. Why are they so costly? As a result of the diverse highlights incorporated with the bike.
You can discover Segways available to be purchased at the organization site Segway.com. There are likewise different brands that are comparable on Amazon and EBay.
The scaled down Segway board is the thing that a few people call a two-wheel smaller than usual shrewd self-adjusting bike. Envision a Segway without a handle and after that contracted down to about the extent of a skateboard. Consider it being a sans hands Segway. The bigger Segway has a handle and can go speedier and more remote than the Mini-Segway.
A hoverboard is a drifting board that resembles a skimming skateboard without wheels. It initially ended up well known in the Back to the Future motion pictures.
A hoverboard is otherwise called a two-wheel self-adjusting electric bike. There's not a genuine hoverboard without wheels. Innovation isn't exactly prepared to give us the genuine hoverboard that we as a whole need to have. Multi day we will have them, I trust.
A genuine hoverboard as in a drifting hoverboard without wheels does not at present exist.
There are a couple of recordings on YouTube that have some model hoverboards.
It's as yet quite a while away before we can have a hoverboard like the one in Back to the Future. Watch this video; it's cool.
A smartboard is a name for a two-wheel electric self-adjusting floating board or hoverboard.
Ok, It's Beginning to Make Sense
IO Hawk is a brand of self-adjusting brilliant wheel. They were one of the primary brands of hoverboard sold in the US. In any case, there have been some legitimate issues for them as of late confining what they are permitted to offer.
Hoverboard/Hover board
Smartboard/Smart Board
Self-Balancing Scooter
Electric Self Balancing Scooter/Self Balancing Electric Scooter
Parity Board/Smart Balance Board/Self Balancing Board
Floating Scooter/Board
Smaller than usual Segway Board
You see the point. I think the longest name that I've seen is this: a two-wheeled without hands self-adjusting keen electric floating bike. Goodness, with Bluetooth speakers, lol.
I have numerous more responses to a wide range of inquiries regarding hoverboard, electric bikes, and shrewd adjust wheels. I'll call them what the maker for whatever model I happen to discuss calls them. Make sure to see the Hoverboard FAQs area. Likewise, I will make a Complete Guide to Hoverboards that you'll have the capacity to get for nothing.
0 notes
What To Consider Before Buying Power Tools
There Are a couple of great ways to get your performance power tools at more reasonable prices while maintaining the quality of the gear themselves. The few things that you wish to focus on when you're deciding on your purchases are that tools you require, the functionality that the tools offer, and the equipment's quality for maintenance and lifetime. First, Jot down exactly what jobs or projects you have coming up along with those that you expect in the future. Next to every one, specify which type of gear you will need especially when it comes to making your tasks easier. Finally make a last collection of individual tools that you want to purchase starting at the top for the one which you would use the most to the bottom as the least used instrument. Have a drill as an example. You are able to purchase a plain drill to drill holes in wood and/or metal; read the description to be certain it can drill into metal. Most drills do not work well when drilling ceramics, concrete, or masonry things. For that you will require an influence hammer driver-drill along with the appropriate bits. This tool, just like you would expect, hammers the bit on the surface beating small pieces off till you receive the ideal size and depth that you would like; the more impacts/blows per second (IPM/BPM) the instrument creates, it is going to get that gap done faster, and the greater the torque, the quicker your work will proceed too. The next step up in the effect hammer driver-drill is the impact driver; this usually has more impacts/blows per second and much more torque to get things done even faster than the effect hammer driver-drill. Similarly, a drill could be fitted with socket type bits to use to attach attachments or push bolts, but a consequence wrench will get the work done even quicker. Also, if you apply the right tool for the job, the time and money stored on the job will translate into prolonging the life span of your other instruments because a drill-driver used to set a hole in certain masonry is going to abuse the tool and shorten its lifetime. Another Example are saws. There are lots of types like circular saws, reciprocating saws, jig saws, band saws, cut-out tools, multi-tools, and chain saws to select from depending on what you need. Here again there is a saw that fits the needs of different situations. Should you apply the right one for your job, you will spend less time at work without having to perform more work to clean a rough job up afterwards. Believe it or not I have seen some people do demolition work with a chain saw and ruin the series when it hit nails, whereas, a reciprocating saw with the ideal blade would cut that such as butter. Just about Any instrument is available Now as a cordless or battery operated model; together with the advancements in batteries that were made over the past decade, there is really no need now to utilize tools with cords that simply get in the way and may be harmful dangers. NiCads and lithiums are the most popular with lithium ion carrying the lead and being the primary battery being manufactured fo most tools today. The main complaint with lithiums is when they run out of power the only stop with no warning. Some of the manufacturers like DeWalt have begun to address this problem with the addition of battery fuel gauge indicators to give the operator an idea of how the battery is powering down; not all batteries have this feature yet. A few of the firms have made huge strides in how the batteries cost. By way of example, Makita has an integrated shock absorbing feature and an integrated memory chip from the battery to communicate with the Optimum Charger to allow for a more efficient control during the charging procedure to improve the battery's life by actively controlling the current, voltage, and temperature; the charger features an integrated fan to cool the battery to increase the battery's life. One point to note when using these newer lithium batteries is if they become extremely hot, allow them to cool down down, and see that they don't get so hot they explode. Some tools come as brushless models today. This Keep an eye out for the instruments with specific clutches that release when the tool binds; this will definitely save replacing your clutch and engine, thereby extending the tool's life. With the most recent advances in plastics, several Of those performance power tools now have softer hand retains and lighter weight as well as better ergonomics to permit the user to work more comfortably for longer periods of time that means less time a job to break, and in turn, time and money saved overall. Many Hammer/impact type tools have built-in vibration controllers, but many don't. That's 1 feature that varies across the board. Within a specific business, models which are almost identical may or may not own a vibration reduction feature, so in the event that you want this feature, check the specific tool you are interested in very carefully. The Standard of The tools that you purchase can fluctuate considerably. Unless you really can't afford good quality gear or you simply need something to get the work done today and don't wish to lease a tool, then you should really consider purchasing for your tool's caliber. This is because a well-maintained tool can endure for several decades, or even your life. The actual price of this tool distribute over that several years will wind up being less expensive over the long term rather than having to buy several of the same lower quality gear at the same time period. That is the reason why things like the previously mentioned anti-binding clutch-motors, vibration reduction, and battery-charger efficacy and cooling features are essential to extend the life of your new tools while creating maintenance simpler like using the brushless attributes and being more effective in precisely the same moment. The Selection of what power tools to get differs for each one of us since we all have individual needs depending on what jobs or products we work on. Simply take some time beforehand to figure out what you need rather than impulse purchasing. Maybe even buying a group of power tools together like a combo deal or bundled package could help you out over the long term. Recall excellent performance power tools are an investment. I have loved construction sheds and houses and doing a variety of house Improvements as well as many woodworking jobs using both hand and Performance power tools for ages. I enjoy exploring how programs vary and Adapt them for my requirements. I enjoy using my imagination as to how and what I Imagine filling your own drop as a get-away for A workshop or committed hobby place with amazing power craftsman 108 piece mechanics tool set; that's What I am going to do next. Have fun with your imagination craftsman 165 piece mechanics tool set  
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