#one of those “vacillates between ‘death is too good for me’ and ‘im basically a god’” personalities no in between
ruushes · 8 months
28 How well does your Dark Urge function under pressure?
it’s sort of context dependent! typically they thrive in and enjoy dangerous situations and they’re egotistical enough to have no problem making decisions and taking on the group leader role, so generally quite well. on the other hand there’s the constant pressure of resisting the dark urge, which is more challenging - they’re always in a cycle of looking for excuses to justify indulging the urge, then feeling debased and weak and regretting it, but finding good behavior taxing and unrewarding and breaking down to indulge again. they keep trying tho… sometimes u just have to fix your high ponytail and move on 😔✊ 😂
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