#one of these days ill go back and finish everything....... sorry louie i gave up on your sidequest......
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mizzyislost · 7 months ago
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habby birthday moss n oati......... and one year anniversary of pikmin 4 i guess
also some oatchi plush shenanigans beneath the cut
look i just wanted an excuse to show this guy off
my aunt made him for my birthday..... he is perfect......
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s-creations · 4 years ago
In Sickness, In Health Chapter 4 - Chicken Pox
Fandom: DuckTales 2017 / The Three Caballeros           Rating: General Audience           Relationships/Pairings:  José Carioca/Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles     Additional Tags: getting sick, being cared for, mental health, injury, sore throat, common cold, chicken pox, broken bones, whooping cough, taking care of others.
Part of a Series Called: We’re the Three- Sorry, Six Caballeros!
Author’s Note: I just want everyone to be aware...as I was writing/posting this, I have over 30 bug bites on my legs at this moment... This was an interesting story to write with itchy legs. XD
Huey knew something was wrong when he couldn’t enjoy his favorite meal one night. Something Donald took notice of as well. 
“Are you feeling alright Huey?” The older duck asked.
“I’m not feeling very hungry… I guess.” Huey held still as a hand was placed on his forehead.
“Hmm… You’re feeling a little warm. Alright, let me give you some aspirin and you’re going straight to bed.”
“But, it’s Friday! I haven’t finished my homework.”
“Suck up.” Louie muttered. Wincing when he caught José’s disapproving look.
“I’m sure a good night's sleep, you’ll feel better. Good enough to finish your homework in no time.” Panchito attempted to appease the stressed duckling.
“...Are you sure?”
“Absolutely! You’ll wake up feeling great.”
It was the first time Huey realized that adults could be wrong. Because he woke up early the next morning, before the sun was even up, feeling worse. 
He thought his skin was on fire. Itchy and irritating, Huey’s first instinct was to furiously scratch at his skin. Only to immediately regret it. Feeling like the fire had turned into an inferno on his skin. He was unaware he was screaming until Donald was attempting to calm him down, pulling the duckling down from the top bunk. Everywhere he was being touched hurt, Huey letting out a weak sob that being held found no comfort. 
“Chicken pox.” Donald whispered frantically. 
“I’m already calling the ER to see if someone can see him.” Panchito commented. Phone pressed against his ear as he skillfully wrapped Huey in a thick blanket. Which somehow comforted Huey as the pressure seemed to help. But caused him to panic slightly when he couldn’t move all that well. 
It was a quick conversation between the roaster and whomever was on the other end. Panchito, Donald, and Huey piling into the car. The duckling rested on Panchito’s lap while Donald drove. José and the two remaining ducklings standing on the porch. Worried as they watched the car drive off. 
For Huey, the drive was a bit of a blur. Drifting in and out of sleep. Waking only when a part of the irritated skin had something brushed against it, the burn flaring up again. He was only aware when they arrived at the hospital when the bright lights hit his face. Even being in a well lit area, the duckling was having difficulty paying attention. He heard the doctor say something about treatment and having to be separated from everyone for a few days, if not a week. 
“Do you have any ideas where he would have caught this?” The doctor had asked.
“Someone from school?” Donald gave a weak reply. 
“But no one else has called in.” Panchito whispered worriedly.
“We will send an email to his principal and I would recommend you do the same. But, the most I can advise is that he gets plenty of rest, warm baths with the medication, and ointment every morning. Clean his sheets, as well as his brothers. And have Huey sleep away from them. Have all adults had the illness?”
Both adults answered with a nod. 
“Then you all can be around Huey. But I would keep it to one so as to not raise points of contact.” 
They were soon leaving. The adults talk while Huey is on the verge of falling asleep again. 
“The couch would work.” Panchito offered.
“What about the bath? Our bathroom is the only one with a tub. Moving Huey could cause the other two to catch it.”
“Huey gets our room. José can sleep with the other two and you can sleep on the couch. I can stay with Huey.”
“Do you really trust the four of us to the kitchen?” Panchito smiled weakly. 
“I think it’s a risk we’re gonna have to take.” 
“How about I stay with Huey? I had to help a few younger cousins when they caught it. And this pequeño bebé seems about as rambunctious as them.”
Donald frowned as they climbed into the car. “Are you sure? What about your job?”
“I have a few days off, it’ll be fine.”
Huey fell back asleep as the car started up and they drove off. 
If the duckling thought the illness was bad, then the medicine was down right annoying. The powder used in the bath water smells strong and leaves his skin dry. Then the ointment that would be applied would stick his feathers together. As well as his clothing. Even then, Huey would have hours in which his skin would be on fire and he couldn’t do anything about it. All reaching a point where the duckling had to wear oven mitts so he wouldn’t unconsciously scratch. 
Huey had been placed in the adult’s bedroom with Panchito acting as his caretaker. Having placed another t.v. into the room, with a stack of the duckling’s favorite movies next to it. Donald had also gone to the library to check out what he could. But nothing could keep the crawling skin from Huey. Every time he started to relax, his skin would flare up and it took everything not to scream again. Either in pain or frustration.
After a few afternoons of this system, Huey was close to breaking. Everything about this was driving him absolutely crazy!
“Alright, lunch is ready.” Panchito walked back over to the bed. Carrying the tray of food over that had just been passed through to Donald. 
“‘M not hungry.” Huey replied weakly. Laying flat on his back and staring up at the ceiling. 
“Uncle Donald made your favorite. Grilled cheese with carrot sticks. Yum!” The rooster paused hearing a small sniff coming from the duckling. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
“I hate this! I’m itchy, I’m sticky, my skin hurts and I’m hot! I don’t want to do this anymore!” Huey sobbed, arms flapping. The oven mitt covered arms making a hard ‘flump’ against the bed. 
Panchito immediately picked the crying duckling up and cradled him close. “Shhh… Shhh… You’re going to be okay. I know you’re uncomfortable, I know it’s itchy. But you’ve been doing a great job and I’m so proud of you…”
“I don’t like it…”
“I know…”
Huey was surprised when Panchito moved back towards the door with the duckling still in his arms. Sticking his head out and calling, “Donald?”
“Can you get me an ice pack?”
“Oh, sure. Give me a second.”
While they waited, Panchito hummed softly while swaying slowly. Huey relaxing, eyes closing slightly as his head laid on the rooster’s shoulder. Who paused when Donald’s hand stuck in, ice back in hand. Which Panchito took and moved back to the bed. Gently laying down with Huey resting on his chest. The duckling was about to question what was happening when the ice pack was gently rubbed over the inflamed back. 
It was immediately relaxing. Huey smiled weakly, eyes closing as he further melted into the red feathered chest. Falling asleep the easiest he had in the past few days.
Huey was absolutely relieved when the bumps and itchy skin finally disappeared. Getting a clean bill of health from the doctor’s office. 
“I don’t know Huey. You were really making a fashion statement with those oven mitts.” Louis smirked. Taking Huey’s playful punch easily. 
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years ago
If you wanna read the fanfic on Fanfiction.net then here https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13222144/1/Lovesick
Title: Lovesick Summary: Dewey wakes up feeling horrible due to being sick. Luckily enough, he has Huey to help nurse him back to health. (Prompt fanfic. One-shot.) Rating: K+ Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort Series: DuckTales 2017 Pairing: Huey and Dewey (HueDew) Dewey tossed and turned his body, groaning from feeling hot and uncomfortable. He felt his body burn up as if he was food being cooked inside of an oven. He kicked the sheets off of him. He lied on his side as he held onto his pillow tightly. His breaths became heavier by the minute. Of course he had to get sick right after Louie got better. Usually it took a couple of days before Dewey got sick, but it didn't seem like illness wanted to wait. Curling up into a ball, he forced his eyes shut. All he wanted was to go back to sleep, yet he woke up early in the morning feeling like shit. Dewey turned his body around, facing his back towards the bedroom door. He pulled the pillow down while still having his head on it. He sniffed everything back up, but only for a second. Doing that caused him to have a split-second headache and cough. He put his hand on his forehead, ready to grab on part of his hair. He removed his hand and put it back on the pillow, grabbing the pillow case. Dewey groaned aggressively. He swallowed whatever saliva he had in his mouth, getting rid of the soreness in his throat for a few seconds. If he got up to get a bottle of water, it could help, but he didn't want to get up. "Dewey, are you okay?" He heard Huey whisper. He moved his head down, opening his eyes to see Huey on the ladder. He closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. Dewey felt the bed sink down at a few parts, figuring Huey was getting on his part of the bunk bed. He felt Huey's wrist go on his forehead. It felt much cooler than how his body felt, especially his burning face. As the eldest pulled his arm away, Dewey coughed sharply. He tried to cover his mouth with his arm and elbow. He then looked at his older brother, who was sitting near his feet. “How did you get sick so quickly?” Huey asked in concern. “I don't know. I’m sorry...” Dewey let out hoarsely. He started coughing again aggressively. “No, don’t apologize, Dew! I’m here to take care of you.” He softly said, patting his back very lightly and gently. Huey went to get off, but Dewey grabbed his hand to stop him. Huey looked at him as he gently pulled away from him. Dewey pulled his right arm out from under his pillow. He put his pinkie and thumb together, tapping his chin a few times with his index finger. He then laid his hand flat, putting it on his chest, making as much of a circle going clockwise as he could from laying down. Dewey then put his right arm back under his pillow. "Okay, I'll go get some water for you. And I'm going to get some tissue too. You really need it." Huey whispered. He then left to get tissue, water, and whatever else he was planning on getting or doing. Dewey put the entirety of the pillow under his head as he heard the door open and close. He rolled up his sleeves and rested his arms on his body. He closed his eyes. He gulped once again, hoping that it'd help in the meantime. He kicked the blanket away, but he tried to make sure they didn't go off the bed. Dewey tried to keep it on his right side without the blanket touching him. He wanted to go back to sleep, but Huey might come back by the time that he did. Yet, he felt so terrible that he'd rather fall asleep than feel hot to death. He opened his eyes and looked over to the door on the other side of the room. Dewey kept an eye on it, waiting for it to be opened, waiting for him to come back. His eyelids felt heavy, compelling him to close them for at least a second. For what felt like a minute later, Dewey finally heard the door open. It sounded like it was being opened and closed as quietly as humanly possible. He made himself open his eyes and saw Huey walking towards the bunk bed. Huey was carrying a couple of water bottles and a box of tissues in one arm, and a plastic bag in the other one. Dewey softly sniffed as he sat up. He watched Huey climb up the ladder and get his knee onto his bed. Huey put the bag where Dewey could grab it whenever he needed it. Huey then handed him the box of tissues, those of which Dewey grabbed out of his hands. He took one out and blew his nose as much as he could while being quiet, since he didn't want to wake Louie up. When he was done, he put it in the bag Huey brought. The eldest gave him one of the water bottles he was holding. "It's not exactly cold, but here you go." Dewey took it and drank some of it. After he swallowed a few times, he sighed in relief. "It's fine," Dewey smiled. "It's something for me to drink, and that's fine by me as long as my throat isn't sore for a bit." He moved forwards, but Huey gently pushed him back. "If you were thinking of getting a kiss from me, then you can't exactly do that while you're sick. Can't exactly get your brother sick when he's trying to take care of you, now can you?" Huey whispered. Dewey crossed his arms. "Fuck being sick damn it..." He said to himself under his breath. He grabbed the water again and drank from it. "Well, I'll go and get you some soup." He told him as he set his foot on the ladder. "Don't go anywhere, alright?" Dewey slowly nodded while closed the bottle. It wasn't something he planned on doing, as much as he hated it. He watched Huey as he climbed down and walked out of the room. He grabbed the bag and tied it to part of the bed so he didn't accidentally touch the inside of it. He sneezed, causing him to put his hand on his throat while the other one went for the tissues. Dewey hated that his throat hurt, even more whenever he sneezed. He wiped the boogers off and blew his nose again. He put the tissue in the trash and then laid down on his left side. He put his arm under the pillow. He was going to wait there until Huey got back. Dewey silently yawned and closed his eyes.
Dewey felt himself being shaken. He gently pushed the hand away. He didn't want to wake up right now. Whoever was there kept shaking him. That caused the sick triplet to open his eyes and turn around. He saw Huey in front of him, holding a tray containing a bowl of soup, a bottle of orange juice, and some medicine for him to take. Behind Huey, he could see the sunlight coming through the window. Dewey didn't think he was asleep for too long, nor did he think he was sleeping at all as a matter of fact. He looked at his brother again, who had a warm smile on his face. "Time to get up, Dewdrop." Huey told him softly. "I apologize for taking so long, stuff kind of happened so it took me longer to get you what was needed." Dewey sat up and carefully took the tray from Huey's hands. He went to put the tray on his lap when Huey stopped it from touching his legs. Huey grabbed a part of the blanket and put it on Dewey's legs. The middle triplet waited a couple of seconds before he finally set the tray down. Nothing else happened, so he laid it down on his crossed legs. The only thing that Huey did was move away from him, sitting by the ladder while he looked at him. Dewey stared at him back as he began eating. He soon looked away from Huey and at his the soup. He set his arm on the side and laid his head on his closed hand. It wasn't the best tasting thing, but it helped so he ate as much of it as he could and drank some of the orange juice. Dewey raised his head up, hearing Huey's phone go off. The eldest took his phone out and started typing, which caused Dewey to raise his eyebrow. A minute later, Huey put it away. "What was-" Dewey coughed harshly, interrupting what he was going to say and he went to drink the orange juice. "What was that about?" "I forgot I had a Junior Woodchuck meeting today," Huey stretched his arms, "but I told them I wasn't coming today." Dewey's eyes widened. "What? No, you go ahead, you don't have to be here to take care of me." He coughed once again. "Go do your Junior Woodchuck thing." "You're more important. That can wait." Huey said smiling at him. Dewey couldn't help but smile back. Even if Huey was going to miss out on whatever Junior Woodchuck thing it was he was going to do, he was happy his older brother was staying there for him. He finished up everything and took the medicine. His face turned into one of disgust when taking the medicine. He shivered, having goosebumps appear on his body. Huey grabbed the tray and went down the bed ladder with it. Dewey drank some of the water and went to follow Huey, but the eldest held his hand out. "You're staying in bed. You need to rest." "I don't like staying stuck in just one place though!" "But it's necessary if you want to get better, Dewey." Dewey groaned and coughed. "Come on, it wouldn't hurt if I was out of bed for a little bit!" "You wouldn't get better quicker though." The middle triplet crossed his arms in annoyance. "Can we at least do something so I'm not in one spot doing nothing?" He went for the tissues and sneezed into that, throwing it in the bag and getting water right afterwards. After a few seconds of thinking, Huey said "yeah, we can figure something out when I get back." He then left the bedroom with the tray in hand. Dewey grabbed the bag, tissue, water bottle, and the blanket, then he went to the couch with everything in his arms. He put the almost everything on the side of the couch and sat on the couch, half-heartedly wrapping himself up with the blanket. He sneezed and coughed again, causing him to grab the tissue and blew his nose. He sniffed harshly, causing him to cough more. Dewey made himself feel as comfortable as he could, letting himself rest on the couch while he waited for Huey to come back. A few minutes later, Huey came back. Seeing Dewey on the couch, he crossed his arms and his eyelids dropped, making his eyes become half-lidded. "Dewford..." "What? I'm resting, aren't I?" He said a little hoarsely and stuffily, nervously smiling at him. Huey opened his mouth to argue, but only sighed looking at him. He went to Dewey and gave him a bag of cough drops. He then went to see what he could put on for the both of them for a few hours. After finding a couple of movies and putting one of them on, he sat down onto the couch and near Dewey. The middle triplet inched closer to Huey, kept his head in a different direction while still seeing the screen, and leaned onto his arm and shoulder. Huey went to gently push him off, but at the last second he decided not to. He seemed too comfortable there for him to do that, so he left him be until the next time he decided to get up. When the movies were done, Huey got up and put the second movie away in its case. As he was about to leave, Dewey grabbed his arm softly. "Don't worry, I'll be back, Dew." Huey pulled his arm away. "You get back in bed, okay?" Dewey sighed in silence and annoyance, only nodding. He didn't bother to argue with him. Huey smiled and left the room while Dewey took everything and moved them back to his part of the bunk bed. He drank the water, though there wasn't much left. After he drank it all, he put the bottle in the plastic bag, and he rested his head on his closed hand. He heard the door open, which caused him to look in that direction smiling, but his smile faded after seeing that it was only Louie coming in. The hooded triplet walked to the bed and grabbed his laptop. He looked up to look at his older brother. "Sick huh?" "Yep." Dewey answered, coughing afterwards. "Well, hope ya feel better, Dew." Louie said. "I'd stay, but I don't wanna keep Webs and Lena waiting." Dewey nodded in understanding and both waved each other goodbye. Louie left the room and Dewey was left alone again. Dewey laid down as he crossed his arms. A few minutes later, Huey came back with some more orange juice. Carefully, the eldest climbed the ladder up to the sick triplet, who slowly sat up to receive the drink. He drank some of it and gave the cup back to Huey when he was done. He sniffed a little, crossing his arms. Huey breathed in, held his breath, and went in to kiss his younger brother's forehead. When he pulled away, he smiled at him. Dewey smiled back. Being sick sucked, but it sucked even less since Huey was there with him, even if he couldn't kiss him.
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merlinzedane · 6 years ago
:DEEP SCARE: part 5
Huey could begin to see the city of Duckburg beginning to raise into view in the distance, and one of the first things he clearly could recognize was the high and almost completely glass covered building with a big W smacked on one of its sides.
It was clear that it was still being build upon and it looked nothing like it did the day he first visited it with his brother Dewey.
Huey lets out a yawn a little to loud to his liking as he leans against the limos door, he knew that he needed sleep, he just couldn’t get himself to take a nap out if fear of getting trapped in a nightmare.
Well it really wasn’t a nightmare he just couldn’t wake up again even if he knew he was asleep, it was just him sitting against a rock in the dark...being watch in silence.
Huey shivers at the thought and begins to rube his hands along his arms trying to get a little warmth in them.
He wasn’t going to sleep before he found a book or something that explained his weird and frightful situation.
“I’ll like too see you try” the words was said with a big hint of amusement in them as the where whispered to Huey.
Huey sat straight up after hearing them and looks over at Launchpad with a expression of confusing, “di- did you say anything just n-now?”
His voice came out more scared that confused.
“What?” Launchpad questioned as he looks over at Huey before he continued “oh! No I didn’t say anything bud”
The older male finished before looking down at the book he had been reading.
“Oh okay then...” Huey began looking away with a more nervous face, buuut it quickly turn into a face of horror after realizing there situation and he quickly looked over at the other again.
Huey quickly grips at the wheel just escaping with a scrap to the side from the big truck that had been honking and now can be seeing giving them a very rude hand gesture in the side mirror.
“Hehe ups..” Launchpad begins as he can feel a unnerving hard glare given to him from the side.
The rest of the drive was in total silence and the limo was now on its way through the big gate and up to the manor.
“Weeeeell here we are! hope you didn’t get to stressed out back there earlier..” Launchpad said as he begins to drive very slowly up in front of the big front door with a nervous smile, clearly still taken back by the glare he got earlier, the glare that had looked so out of place on the younglings face.
“Well... cya in about a hour! im of to pick up the others from their little trip!”
He finished with a still nervous smile that began turning into a concerned one when he still wasn’t getting a answer from Huey that now was facing away from him, stopped in his tracks as he was opening the limos door, Huey tried clearing his throat “okay ya ehm..see you later” Huey said before he opens the door and gets out without looking back at the other male and closes the door nice and calmly.
The limo first begins to drive away when Huey reaches the too of the white marble stairs, he looks up at the big door and the back at the limo that now was driving out the metallic gate longer down the hill.
He turns his head back to look at the doorknob this time with the feeling of being uneasy beginning to rise from his stomach towards his chest.
He turns the doorknob and goes through.
Everything looked the same in the entrance hall nothing out of place but even so it still felt kind of....new?
Huey grips harder at his backpacks straps as he can hears music being played somewhere, he walk towards one of the two doorways close to the big staircase in the middle of the hall.
Peeking around the corner of the left one he sees the living room with the fireplace and the big tv hanging against the wall over it, Huey walk a little more into the room now staring at the big red sofa where he and his brothers spend most times seeing a movie on a Sunday evening with Webby.
He lets out a tired chuckle as he remembers how it had went last time when it had been Webby’s turn to choose a movie and of course she chose a horror one, Huey had of course expected Louie to hid away behind him and he did, but he hadn’t been the only one that day.
Huey smiles as he remembers how Dewey out of nowhere began to hug him too as he tried to hid his face behind Huey’s shoulders,Huey small smile turned into a small frown as he realized he didn’t remember what the movie had been about, concerning how could he forget something easy like that.
Huey jumped away from the sofa in fright from the sudden voice and he turns his head too see Beakely that was standing in the doorway to the kitchen to the right of him staring at him with a small frown.
“Im sorry for scaring you, I just didn’t hear you come in” she says with a apologizing smile.
“Oh it-its fin i was in my own thoughts” Huey response as he begins to scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment with a tired smile, “ i was actually on my way up to put away my things”
He says as he begins to go towards the doorway to the hall with the staircase slowly.
“Oh okay” Beakely says looking towards the doorway herself before looking back at the young duck “would you mind coming down to the kitchen after your done? i have a feeling that your quite hungry after some normal food after that hospital garbage” she finished with a smile as she watches Huey turns to look at her fully facing her this time.
A bigger smile finds it way on to his face “that sounds good, ill be back in a few minutes”
He finished before walking out of the room as Beakely turns around and goes back into the kitchen.
Huey walked up the stairs and continue down the right hallway till he came to a door full of different kind of signs and stickers on it, he looked closely at a few of them there was a set of sticker with three different animals, one for each of them it had been Dewey’s idea of finding stickers of their favorite wild animal, Huey looked at the little fat seal Louie had chosen and then at the tiger Dewey took a liking in, and at last he laid his eyes on the grey wolf sticker he had put beside Dewey’s tiger.
He thought he would smile after looking at them he used to smile every time he saw them, but somehow he couldn’t.
“You haven’t slept in almost 4 days Hubert thats why..” he said to himself in a whisper, as he opened the door to the bedroom he shared with his brothers, but what he didn’t notice was that his shadow had changed behind him, it was now towering high above him with bright orange eyes staring down at the back of his head and as he closed the door behind him, the shadows head turn and looked down the hall now staring at a set of big double doors containing one of his great uncle’s many treasure rooms.
It smiled with a deep rusty chuckle as it began to grow small again and it slowly slipped under the bedroom door, quickly and quietly hiding itself back inside the tired ducks own real shadow and the orange eyes closed once again, the plan was going smoothly.
After Huey finished putting away all his things he had in his back he walked back out the door and down to the kitchen.
The first thing he noticed when he walk into the kitchen was a cup with steam coming from it in the kitchen island clearly showing it had some kind of warm liquid in it.
He walked over and sat on one of the high chairs as he watched Beakely with a hint curiosity as she clearly was making something, but it only lasted a few seconds before he looked out one of the big windows that was facing the backyard with the swimming pool and he quickly laid his eyes on the houseboat.
It was being held about ground by some wood work on the grass beside the pool because it was still to broken to float on water after the big fight a couple month back, and it has now become a hobby job for his uncle to do when he wasn’t working.
A quiet clank sounded in front of him and Huey turns to see that the steamy mug from before was now in front of him and he takes it in his hands as he says a quiet thank you before beginning to sip from it.
It was mint tea, Huey slowly closes his eyes as he focuses on the taste, it gave him very relaxing feeling when he drank tea, like after something big and stressful had happened, or it had been a very irritating day too.
“How you feeling?” Came Beakely’s voice after a few seconds and Huey opens his eyes again, the housemaid was now sitting over for him on a similar chair holding a steaming mug of her own and concerned expression on her face, she pushed a plate with two sandwiches in front of him.
“Im feeling okay, im...im just really tired thats all” Huey answered while he takes a hold of one of the sandwiches before taking a bite out of it.
“How about your head was it critical?” Beakely asks before taking a sip from her own mug.
Huey looks confused at her before realizing something.
She was in the dark of the hold accident.
“Wait how much do you know of what happened?” Huey says surprised.
She looks out the window “honestly all i know is that you where quickly driven to the nearest hospital after you came out for a bad accident” she finished looking back at Huey with a frown.
“No one had the energy to tell me, your brothers didn’t want to say anything and I didn’t want to push my niece, both your uncles where hard to get a hold of specially Mcduck, and Donald was mostly at work or visiting you at the hospital soooo” she continues “and when i tried to asking Launchpad he gave me the look of a puppy that had been kicked...”
She was now looking down at her now half empty mug.
“Oh” Huey says quietly as he looks down at his mug too, and there was silence for almost a minute, “i fell down a deep ravin..” he looks up to see Beakely with a face of shock and horror.
He sighs before continuing “i got a nasty scare on my forehead” he lays a hand on the bandage around his head, “but somehow i got away with only a mild concussion, a flashback of Louie’s terrifying face expression when he saw him in the cave flashes before him and Huey shivers of the chilling memory.
“The doctor said i had been really lucky...”.
Again the silence took over the kitchen.
“So where’s Webby?” the words came with a hint of curiosity in them, Beakely looked to be happy to change the subject “shes with your brothers at the schools field trip” now Huey got surprised “wait what you finally said yes to let her join our school?!” Beakely gave a short laugh “no actually, Dewey had asked the teacher if they could let her join the trip” Beakely’s smile grew bigger of them memories of a excited and happy Webby when she got her aunties approval to go.
“He!, yeah I cannot wait to see how much homework i have to catch up on” said, the words full of sarcasm in them.
But the smile on the young boy slowly fades again as he looks down again, “ho- how are my brothers?”
Beakely opened her beak to answer but someone else answered for her, “they holding up just fine”
Both ducks sitting in the chairs turn there head to the doorway to see Donald duck with a tired but happy smile as he locks eyes with his nephew.
I did it yay! After so long xD
Well i hope i wasn’t to rust when writing this chapter! Hope ya all enjoy it!
@delta-toons @janetbrown711 @curlscanbefiesty @cartoonlover233 @analyticamethyst @saycheesecabrera
Sorry if I forgot got someone 😅😅😅
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raavenreyes · 8 years ago
Bellamy x Raven: reincarnation / immortal au
Word count: 2,487 words.
Description: Bellamy Blake has been alive for longer than he’d care to admit. When he refused to side with a God in a petty disagreement, the God decided to curse him with immortality. When the war resulting from the petty disagreement reaches Bellamy’s front step, the immortality benefits him but kills the love of his life. Now, thousands of years later, he’s doing his best to blend. That is, until the love of his life finds him once more. But that’s impossible, right?
[ rating: R for language. chapter description: bellamy blake tells everyone but raven reyes how feels about raven reyes. its basically canon verse without ppl dying]
Chapter 6.
Booming music filled Bellamy’s ears, and it felt like for a moment, his brain was shaking in his skull as he made his way through the crowd on the dance floor. There was a time in his life where he went out to the bars, or a couple of clubs every weekend, but now he was in a period of rest. Every once in a while he enjoyed going out, it usually meant good drinks and on occasion, when he was feeling it, a one-night boyfriend or girlfriend. But now, his presence in the nightclub was on business rather than pleasure.
“Nate!” He shouted from the other end of the bar as the man manipulated two chrome shakers in his hand. “Miller!” It was his last name that caught his attention, and Miller slid over, giving Bellamy a smile.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Raven said you needed some dinner, I was on my way home, offered to drop some stuff off.” He held up a bag and Nate grinned from ear to ear. “It’s Louie’s on 5th and Beret.”
“Damn right.”
“Hey, Asher! I’m takin’ my lunch.” His co-worker gave him a thumb’s up and Bellamy followed Nate out into the back of the club, sitting on empty wine crates next to each other. A beat of silence settled between them as they opened up their meals. “You mind sittin’ with me, or is Raven waitin’ for you?”
“Ah, no she’s not. She and Lexa are having a girl’s night. I don’t know, I told them I’d be home late to give ‘em some space.” Bellamy replied. “I think it’s good for her, y’know?”
Nate nodded, taking a large bite out of the sandwich and wiping the corners of his mouth as he chewed. “Did she tell you about Anya?”
“Mentioned her. That’s her ex, right?”
He cleared his throat. “After Anya left she uh, kind of sank in on herself I guess.” Miller shrugged. “We wanted her to go out with us, meet people, but she just…I dunno, it hurt her.” Bellamy stayed silent, staring into the darkness of the alleyway. “Sorry, does it upset you to talk about it?”
“No, no,” He replied immediately. “I just…I wish she would talk to me about it because I wanna help her heal, but she doesn’t—she won’t. I try to bring it up, I tell her about my wife and—”
“Wait dude, you’re married?”                                    
It had slipped so suddenly, Bellamy didn’t even notice. “No, I’m—widowed.” He lied, leaning back against the brick wall. “I was married, but I lost her.”
“Shit, I had no idea. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, she knows. She told me about Finn.”
“Yeah, Raven told me she told you—you know, I don’t like speakin’ ill of the dead but that dude was jackass sometimes. Treated Raven like shit, but he had his good moments.” Miller took another bite, but continued talking through his full mouth. “Crazy though, how life can just rip people away from you.”
Nate crumbled up the wrapping paper his sandwich had come in, tossing it into a nearby trash bin. “Nate,”
“I think I love her.”
“Good, you deserve it.” He smiled. “Don’t tell her yet, though. You need to have a conversation about Anya.”
Bellamy nodded. “I’ll let you get back to work. Gotta get home to my girl.” He patted Miller’s back before heading back into the club. Bellamy lit up a cigarette once outside, deciding to enjoy a smoke before he hopped onto his bike and went home to Raven.
“Mind if I borrow your light?”
Bellamy turned, holding out the lighter until he recognized the face. He dropped the device and slammed the other man’s body into the wall of the club. “You son of a bitch,”
“Nice to see you again, my son.”
“Fuck you.” He hissed. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I’ve never seen you so angry.”
“You cursed me with this shit and then abandoned me—me and Lexa,”
“Lexa, unfortunately was not my handiwork. That…was someone else. Ontari the dreadful. She gets jealous, and she does so often.”
“Yeah? What name d’ya go by now?”
“Jaha? That means dignity, right? That’s somethin’ you don’t got.”
“I understand you’re upset.”
“Get rid of it. Now. I want to live a human life.”
“Why, because you fell in love? I told you, Bellamy. Life repeats itself eventually. You have your wife back, you should be happy.”
Bellamy took out another cigarette, cursing himself for dropping the half finished one in his hurry to assault the god in human form. “What, I get another…seventy years with her and then another two thousand without her? Yeah, sounds fucking great.”
“You’d like me to lift your curse so you can die with her?”
“Yes.” He breathed out.
“And what if she dies before you? An accident, a sickness, a bad piece of tuna?” He asked. “Then you’re alone for those seventy years.”
“I don’t care. I’m sick of this, I don’t even know how old I am. Can’t remember where or when I was born, and until a couple months ago I was losing the memory of Raven’s face. I don’t want that to happen again.”
Jaha shrugged. “I can’t help you. The curse is permanent. You are to live until the world itself dies. At least you’ll have Lexa.” Bellamy let out a growl of frustration. “Accept it, Bellamy.”
“Why me, huh? Why me?”
“You displeased me.”
“Great answer.”
“It’s the truth.”
He shook his head, “Leave me alone. If you’re not gonna help me, leave me alone.” His eyes closed, and the air around him dropped in temperature. When he opened his eyes again, the man was gone.
Home was a welcomed sight, and a smile lifted his cheeks at the vision before him: Raven and Lexa sharing a blanket, at the bottom end of a bottle of red wine with a platter of cheese and crackers between them. “Hi baby,” Raven greeted him warmly, a slight slur in her tone.
“Did you get my girlfriend drunk, Lexa?”
“I might have, she’s adorable when she’s drunk.”  She teased, and Raven’s face got even redder. “Well, Dad’s home so I should go.”
“Oh no, Lexy, come on. Stay.”
“I would love to, birdie but Clarke just got off work.”
“Starbucks?” Bellamy asked as he shed his outer wear.
“No, she got a second job as a cocktail waitress at that piano bar.” Lexa explained, pulling on her leather jacket. “I’ll see you guys later.”
Bellamy followed her out into the hall and closed the front door behind him, causing Lexa to raise a brow at him. “That fucking bastard showed himself to me.”
Her eyes widened, “You mean—”
“He goes by Jaha now. He also told me he wasn’t the one that cursed you. It was Ontari.”
She groaned. “Ugh, that fucking bitch. She was tied up with him, I should have known.” Lexa ran her hands through her hair, tugging slightly at the roots. “Well, what are we gonna do, Bell?”
“Something. I’ll figure it out.” He wanted to tell her the curse was permanent, get her to stop trying so hard but…he couldn’t. The words were there, wanting to spill over the edge, but something was holding them back. “Get some sleep, I’ll call you in the morning.”
“I’m sorry, Bellamy.”
“Stop being sorry for this, it’s not your fault, Lex. You carry too much sometimes. I worry about you.” He pulled her into a hug and pressed a kiss to her hairline. “I’ll see ya later.”
When he entered the apartment again, Raven hadn’t even noticed he had left, eyes still glued to the muted television. He settled in next to her, and that pulled her attention. She gave him a lazy smile and he pulled her leg into his lap, massaging around her knee. “Hi, handsome.” She cooed.
“You smell like hoagies.”
“I had dinner with Miller behind the club.”
“Thank you for doing that. Sometimes he gets so into his job he forgets to eat.” She explained. “You okay? You look stressed.”
“Yeah, I’m fine, baby.”
“I worry about you all the time. You got so much in that head, I think you’re too old for your body.”
You had no idea, he thought to himself. “Let’s get you into bed, Rae.”
“Wait, wait,” She whispered, slender fingers digging into his skin on his arm. She slid her hand up into his shirt and sought out warmth. “Wait, don’t go. I have to—” She hiccupped. “I have to tell you something.”
“I’m sure it can wait until morning when you’re sober and able to form a cohesive thought.”
“No, it can’t wait—I was talking to Lexa and she told me—she told me everything, Bell.” His heart began pounding in his chest. How could she? That wasn’t her secret to tell.
“Rae, lemme explain.”
“No, I get it. I should have seen it because sometimes you say or do things that…I can’t explain, and I—it scares me, but I get it now. I get it.”
“I know it sounds crazy, but—”
“No, it doesn’t sound crazy.” She shook her head. “Bell, you loved her. You were lucky to find someone you loved that much.”
“Lexa, she explained your relationship you had with your wife, why you’re—why you’re you…the way you are and,” She sniffed. “I don’t wanna replace her, I don’t want you to feel obligated to love me as devotedly as you did her. I don’t…” He sighed in relief, closing his eyes for a moment. “Bell, I…”
“I miss her,” He said, but it was a struggle through bubbling emotion in his chest. “I miss her so god damn much but I feel like I foun—I find her, I find her in the little things. It helps. Some days, it feels like she’s right in front of me.” Bellamy made eye contact with Raven, fingertips tracing a small tattoo of a heart on her wrist bone. “Right there. Like I can, smell her, hear her voice. I was forgetting what her voice sounded like.” A tear fell from his cheek and turned into a darkened spot on his jeans. She ran her hands into his hair, and he turned his head to the side to kiss along her wrist. “When I lost her it ripped a hole in me, baby. I can’t—”
“I love you.” She whispered, and he looked up at her in time to catch a tear sliding down the outside curve of her cheek. He caught it with his thumb and kissed the trail. “You don’t have to say it back, just—I wanted you to know. I needed—I love you, and you don’t have to feel like you have to keep that from me because of…I want you to be able to talk to me about her, y’know? She’s…she’s a part of you.”
He nodded. “Thank you, Raven.”
“I’m someone who cares, Bellamy. If that’s all you want to think of me right now, that’s fine. Love me when you’re ready to love me. Tell me when you’re ready to tell me. Just know you’re safe with me.”
“You’re so drunk,” He mentioned, and they both began to laugh through their tears. Bellamy deposited a kiss onto her lips.
“I’m getting a tattoo on Friday, do you wanna come?” She said suddenly.
“Where are you gonna put it, do you even have room?”
“I’m getting Rambo’s machine gun from the first movie on my hip.”
“It’s fucking Rambo, Bellamy, I’m honestly offended you even asked me that question. Now, come help me to bed because I can’t remember where it is.”
“Anything for you, Reyes.”
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