#one of their kids is probably bffs with the Antichrist
nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 2 – The Parent Trap: Angst Edition
In which the Foxes are Sad, we unlock level 2 of Aaron and Andrew’s tragic backstory, some wild speculations are formed, classic sports drama tropes are embraced, and Fight Club is brought up yet another fucking time.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
           Neil expected the upperclassmen to say something about [Aaron’s remark about Higgins telling him he had a brother] when they put the court walls between themselves and Wymack, but apparently they shared Wymack’s tact. They flicked curious looks at Aaron and Nicky from time to time but no one pushed for an explanation.
We are once again reminded that this team is, in fact, The Fucking Best.
Y’all may be trainwrecks with various degrees of viciousness and assholeness, but you know when to not ask questions. <3
When practice is over, they go back to their dorms, collecting a stray psychopath on the way:
           Andrew sat cross-legged on the curb, hands on his ankles as he watched their approach.
           “You shouldn’t be outside if you’re coming down with something,” Kevin said.
           “Such concern.” Andrew grinned at Kevin’s cool tone. “Don’t cry, Kevin. It’s nothing a nap and some vitamin C can’t fix.”
Oh yeah, Andrew made some funny remarks about being ~sick~ in order to miss practice last chapter. I sort of missed commenting on that. I’m sorry.
Also, #me whenever I’m sick. Goddammit, Andrew, stop being relatable, this really isn’t very comforting.
Andrew doesn’t leave us much time to think about anything, though, as he vanishes off with Renee as soon as they arrive – which seems to displease everyone apart from me, once again.
Goalie BFFS for LIFE. <33
Aside from this rather fun things, though, we are once again reminded that yes, a not insignificant part of this team (and, partially, circle of friends) did just die a week ago.
           [Matt] stared at the key ring in his free hand like he’d forgotten which one would let him in.
           “He was such an asshole,” Matt said quietly.
           “I know,” Dan said.
Let’s get real here for a second: This is a very, very interesting exchange. Like, you’re overwhelmed with anxiety and grief at the thought of going back into a place you inhabited together with a friend who is now dead, and that’s what you say? How he was an asshole? I’m not even taking the piss here, I’m legitimately questioning why Nora would have him bring that up in that moment.
My interpretation is that this is Matt’s way of not being ready yet to voice his grief, so he instinctively covers it up with a negative remark, although of course his tone shows how sad he is and how little he means it. There is a “… but he was also my friend” floating unsaid in it, a “… but he still didn’t deserve this.”
I’m very, very interested in how you read this comment, though, so do message me! Let’s keep the seth discourse alive and well.
           Matt sucked in a slow breath and finally unlocked the door. He pushed the door open, then flinched back from the doorway and clutched harder at Dan’s hand.
My Tol sad son P R O T E C T  H I M.
Going back into the dorm, they discover that apparently, people hadn’t just moved out Seth’s belongings, they even took is goddamn furniture. Jeez. Way to be thorough.
           It was like Seth had never been here, like he’d never existed at all.
           Neil wondered if he would disappear so easily.
Ahhhh yes, the Josten Angst™, much-praised and always appropriate.
I feel like this goes without saying, but I just realized I’ve never mentioned this, do I need to spell it out? OBVIOUSLY he’s not gonna fucking bail like he plans to, who are we the fuck kidding, as if. He’s gonna realize they’re his family and shit and he’s gonna stop running and fight, for them and for himself and for his oh-so-bright future. and it’s all gonna be beautifully tragic and sports-drama-y predictable in the best possible way.
I seriously can’t wait.
(Side note: Something being predictable doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it, and even be excited for what’s going to happen. Just take fanfic. You know damn well those idiots will end up with each other, it literally says so in the description, but still we’re all clutching our phones scrolling frantically like oh shit oh shit what’s going to happen next. Just saying.)
In other news: IT’S BACKSTORY TIME.
I’m aware this ain’t nothing yet. This is like, level 2 backstory with 847589 more to come, and a boss battle at the end of every second one. STILL.
           “Why didn’t Aaron know he had a brother?” (…)
           “They’re twins,“ Nicky said. He waited for them to catch on, looked from one blank face to another, and frowned in disbelief. “Think about it for a sec, would you? Imagine you’re my Aunt Tilda. How eager would you be to tell Aaron you gave up his brother at birth? She hoped that secret would stay buried forever.”
Yeah, and I still don’t get that. Why did she have to give him up?? There is just no logical explanation so far??
The only things I can think of are:
She didn’t have the means to care for two children (the only acceptable option)
She didn’t want to care for two children and pulled a massive dick move
Andrew was sick/at risk of having mental health issues at birth and she pulled a massive dick move, although I’m pretty sure you can’t tell that this early?
Combination: Both of them were sick/ at risk of having mental health issues at birth, and she didn’t want to care for both of them, pulling a massive dick move. Still: Since when can you determine mental health risks at birth?
Bonus: She already knew he was going to be a gigantic asshole later in life and pulled a massive dick move YIKES her parents should have given her up at birth as well then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No matter what the actual explanation ends up being, I’m already not a fan of this woman.
So apparently, Tilda Minyard met Officer Higgins on tinder (lololol), he coincidentally met Aaron and of course the whole shebang Mommy was trying to hide was brought to light. Fate and shit.
Did she at least try to make things right afterwards?
           “She told the fosters she didn’t want anything to do with Andrew, didn’t want to know what he was like or how he was doing, nothing. She even made them promise not to contact her ever again.”
Yeah, no, what the fuck???????? Seriously, did you birth the literal antichrist or what the fuck is going on with you and not wanting to even acknowledge the existence of your OWN FUCKING CHILD.
           “Aaron found the PAL coordinators and gave them his information to give to Andrew. Two weeks later he got a letter in the mail that basically said ‘Fuck you, go away’.”
I’d like to voice a litany of ‘what the fuck’ here as well but we already know Andrew and this is actually completely in character.
Still, what a fucking dick move as well. I feel sorry for Aaron. Like, your mother doesn’t let you see your own twin brother, even denied his existence all your life, and said twin brother doesn’t help you one bit, instead tells you to fuck off, see you never. And now you have to spend every single day with that dude who outright told you he doesn’t care you were separated all your life?
I’d become a bitchy distant weirdo after that, too.
End of story: Aaron couldn’t contact Andrew again later as he went to juvie, when he got out Nicky’s dad bullied Tilda into bringing Andrew home, and the twins have been stuck with each other ever since. That was about three years ago.
No wonder they’re so cold with each other. Holy shit.
Side note: Both Nicky and Dan referred to Officer ‘Pig’ Higgins as “Phil” on the last few pages, yet I went back and it’s literally never said that that’s his name? Is it simply an editorial error or do they both know him from their previous lives oOOOHH interesting, let’s keep it in mind in case it comes up later again.
           Somehow Nicky and Kevin ended up eating dinner with them. It was the first time since the upperclassmen moved to campus in June that Neil had seen any of Andrew’s lot socialize with the rest of the team.
It’s at that very moment Dan brings up something I’ve been secretly thinking for the longest time.
The foxes had been a fractured mess from day one. But when summer practices started, ninety percent of conflict on court began with Seth. Seth was always ready for a fight with Kevin and the cousins. (…) It constantly forced the Foxes to take sides. (…)
           Dan put her hands on Neil’s shoulders and fixed him with an intent look. “Don’t go so deep you forget about us, okay? Put one foot in their rabbit hole and keep the other up here with us. You’ve got to be the piece that finally brings this team together. We can’t make it to championships without them.”
EXACTLY. Neil is – involuntarily – the best shot they have at finally getting into the realms of functioning teamwork. He gets along with Matt and Dan as they seem to like him (and he would be a fucking idiot to ditch them okay they’re the bEST) and obviously the monsters have adopted him as well now. Ergo: Stop angst-ing on about how you’re going to ~leave this team~ and start realising this is your fucking wonderful fuckup family now, and it’s your chance to bring it together.
This is a textbook sports drama trope – outsider makes dysfunctional team great through the Power of Friendship – and I love the fuck out of it.
           They made it sound easy when Neil knew it wasn’t. “I’ll try.”
           “Good,” Dan said, squeezing his shoulders once before letting go. “That’s all we ask.”
Why is Dan so great, seriously. They really could not have a better captain. <3
Moving on to more fun topics: Dan and Matt find out Neil has been taking way more classes than he should and will probably get academic burn-out before they even get close to the Ravens, which makes Dan go into Concerned Mum Mode immediately.
           “When I was in high school I worked an overnight job, went to school, and captained my high school Exy team. It made me hate everything about my life. I don’t want the same thing happening to you.”
Dan <333
           “Thank you,” Neil said.
           “Don’t thank us, remember us,” Dan said. “We’re your teammates. We’re here to help you with whatever you need, whether it’s this or games or general stress. We’ve all got different experiences, but we’re used to needing help. We’re just not used to getting it. But you’ve got us now.”
DAN <33333333333333333
Forreal @God @the universe @Nora Sakavic why did you let me not appreciate her properly before the girl is a TREASURE.
Speaking of treasured girls I love too much: Murder snowflake is back!!
And murder snowflake is… Hurt?!
           Neil wondered what alternate universe he’d stumbled into. “Andrew hit you.”
           “A couple times,” Renee said. “I forgot how fast he is when he’s high.”
           “Renee and Andrew are sparring partners,” Matt said.
I want a billion Fight Club AUs now where Andrew and Renee spar in the weirdest of places, quickly attracting a crowd of youngins with bottled up rage inside them wanting to learn how to fight, yet instead of the whole thing blowing up and becoming criminal and fucked-up they just teach them how to punch and box and do a lil bit of martial arts, and even though everyone thinks they’re weird AF they’re the best teachers in the whole city.
Side note: That thought was mostly inspired by this bomb ass fanart I found the other day, not knowing it had any base in canon, I thought it was just a great AU. (Seriously, I cannot get over it. It’s so great.)
Also, I’d say I’m sorry for talking about Fight Club so much, but honestly that film is a masterpiece and anyone who says otherwise can exist stage left. I know tumblr likes to hate on the pretentious nerd-fuckboys who think they’re ~special~ and ~deep~ for liking it, and I’m all for that, but seriously the film itself is AMAZING.
Ahem. Moving on.
           “I am a born-again, Neil. Andrew is not interested in my faith; he is interested in the person I was before. He and I have more in common than you think. That is why I make you uncomfortable, isn’t it?”
Ohh, homegirl is smart. She knows you’re avoiding her, ya idiot, you’re not as subtle as you think.
Also, CALLED IT. Cannot wait till we find out how many axe murders exactly she has hidden in her basement. I know I say this a lot, but her backstory is the one I’m most most most excited for.
           “I don’t understand you.”
           “You could ask,” Renee said.
           “Is it really that easy?” Neil asked.
           “I’m not proud of my past, but I can’t heal if I hide it. When you think you are ready to trust me, let me know. I don’t want it to be a problem between us. We can get a cup of coffee and talk about anything you like.”
Did somebody say BACKSTORY UNLOCKING COFFEE DATE because fuck me the fuck up and count me the fuck in.
Dear God, this got long. I’m sorry. Whee!!
Quick info: Sunday’s update will come Monday night as I’m visiting a friend in Leipzig over the weekend and won’t be able to write! I’m very excited though, we’re going to a bunch of museums and will possibly wear cosplay while doing so because we’re NERDS it’s gonna be GREAT //storms off
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closetedisaster · 7 years
Consider this your warning: Spoilers ahead for Spn 12x19
Ok so let's get to it. I'm catching up to 12x19 now. I shouldn't mention that I'm super excited Cas is back *_* so get ready for my totally random thoughts throughout 12x19. Also this will most definitely contain destiel so don't read if it's not your cup of tea ☕️ this is gonna be a long one, let's gooo - I remember perfectly well what happened the last we saw Cas Spn, no need to remind me!! - Sassy Cas is life. - Awww they showed worried af bf Dean - I love Dagon. Don't kill her. But u probably will. - Eileen 😍 - "Baby" "Sweetheart" stop objectifying those objects Dean!! - Does Kelly regret keeping the kid now? She's depressed, ain't she? I feel so bad for her.. 😞 - Is Dagon right though? The Antichrist baby from waay back was pretty chill. Where is he now? It would be perfect for him to come back! - Nooo Kelly don't do that.. but I can see why you would 🙁 - Sam researching 😍 - May 18th??? My birthday is on May 19th! Ugh if thay was a Thursday, Satan's baby and me would be birth date twins right? 😂 - ohhh you're in for a buttload of trouble Cas.. - oh yeah, show only Dean's face.. that's not suggestive at all 😑 - they literally just showed Dean's face from the moment Cas entered till he came down... but destiel doesn't exist right? - Aaaaand now Sam's face is blurry while Dean's being focused on. Like this scene is specifically just about those 2 idiots. - Oh no.. Dean is like "did Cas just say i was, heaven, and angels in the same sentence? Wtf dude! I've been pining here like a god damned wife whose husband has gone to war and you were with those douches instead of me!!?" - Also, I appreciate Cas not hiding where he was. I didn't expect that. - Cas and Dean arguing and Sam just hovering behind not wanting to is totally platonic stuff right? - OMG ARE YOU FCKNG KIDDING ME!! THIS FUCKING SCENE IN THE BEDROOM.. how tf am I supposed to keep calm for this!? - He. Gave. Cas. A. Mixtape. A MIXTAPE people!! You know that's a classic gift to give your love interest right!!? - Finally, idiots in love communicating! - I. Can't. Breathe!!! The bedroom scene just keeps on going! - akdiidsssjbdmkjhdbxb.. Dean just said Team Free Will! It's been only 10minutes people! I physically cannot Keep Calm! - "Great.. now suck my cock" << what Dean was probably thinking. - Tell me Cas won't go away now. I can't handle that 😭 - ohhh Satan's baby saved Kelly. Hmm for her, or for themselves? - I swear to God I saw someone headcannoning about Cas just removing the kid's grace so that they can be a normal baby! Omg I can't remember who u are but you did it! You predicted it 🙌🏻 - Sam my precious little honey. - Cas is gone again!!!? What the hell! He lied didn't he? - I want Kelly's happy ending.. and Lucifer gone. - No, no, no, noooooo. Why would you do that Cas! - Yeah Cas baby, show them where your loyalties really lie. - Seriously? That's your game? That sucks guys! - Cas no you can't do that. I knew you wouldn't 😌 - Dean wanting to kick Cas' feathered ass, yeah he deserves it. Dean don't remember that he doesn't have any feathers now? - Anyone else on the Team Tired Of Lucifer Storyline? - I kinda wish the baby was a girl? Like just imagine Lucifer fawning over his lil girl? - Cas just answer your damn phone! - Yeah I can't feel sorry for the angel being tortured by Dagon. - that google search 😂 - ok Misha looks amazing this ep 😍❤ - "There is no grand purpose at work" I wonder if that's true for us too.. 😕 - You and Dean you dumbass! - i can see daddy!cas happening - ohhh premonition! - hi I'm Dean. you took my sweetheart! Now prepare to pay... by.. being banged against a wall? - Dean looked Kelly over then once Cas by him, he hasn't taken his eyes off him.. but Sam is not staring like Dean it. But that's just Totally Normal BFF Behaviour right? (No homo) - Kelly wants to go because she saw that Cas will protect her (insert that emoji with the flower that I don't know how to do) - This ep has soooo much DeanCas staring. - he'll steal the impala, won't he? Ohh Kelly will! Dean is gonna be sooo pissed! - daddy Cas for real 😱 - Mechanic Dean and House Husband Daddy Cas. Can you see the domesticity? *melts* - I liked the other Joshua better. This one's creepy. Annnnd now he's gone! - Tell me Dean's gonna smoke her. Fck sweetheart is gone! - 😍😍😍full power Cas? Fck yeah we're gonna get badass Cas back! - Please tell me the child is good, can be good. - ohh did he show you with hubby Dean in the future? (*kissy faces*) Final thoughts: - My poor heart can't handle this ep!! I'm dead. - This feels pretty endgame. Is season 13 gonna be the last one? I literally don't know how they could go on. - Meanwhile, the BMOL were pretty silent this ep. - And we're back to Dean pining. Poor him :( - Did you also see how all scenes with Sam, Dean and Cas focused on the latter 2 idiots? I don't even need destiel goggles on to see that. - Solid ep. I liked it. Misha looked amazing, his performance is even better. - Full power Cas FTW baby! - Satan baby as the new God? He has displayed pretty godlike powers instead of Satan like ones.
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