#one of the lighthearted moments in the deep darkness that is age of bronze
violet-moonstone · 4 months
remembering a little scene from "age of bronze" by eric shanower (which i highly suggest anyone who likes greek mythology and especially mycenaean history should read -- if you can handle how fucked up the story is) where agamemnon is annoyed by how heartbroken menelaus is over helen, and he turns to his bestie odysseus and says something like "let me give you some advice, odysseus: never fall in love with your wife" (gods know agamemnon doesnt love -- or deserve -- clytemnestra) and odysseus is just like...."uhh yeah...it's a bit late for that"
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the-rovarians · 5 years
Good Morning, Beautiful (Humanized Rovarians)
This fic inspired by this drawing from @darklinespectra​ 
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Amity woke to the sun warming his face. He groaned tiredly, tempted to shut off his comm before Dr. Johnson started calling to wake him up and tell him to get to work. He just wanted five more minutes!
But his alarm started going off, dragging him out of sleep and into wakefulness. His hand smacked the alarm hard, shutting it off. He groaned again and shifted in his sleeping bag...or rather, his blankets. Yes, that’s right, he didn’t sleep in a tent with a sleeping bag anymore. Not since he’d found the aliens and gone to live among them. Not since they’d accepted him as one of their own. Not since he’d first laid eyes on.....him.
Amity sat up in bed and looked over at the large bed’s other occupant. The rays of sun that had awakened him now seemed to beg him for forgiveness as they played perfectly across thick, strong arms and a powerful chest (the view of which was not obscured by a shirt at the moment, much to Amity’s delight) before they came to rest on the face of his love. Opportunity had one of those inhumanly handsome faces that left his age a mystery, although Amity found all of him inhumanly beautiful. The neat, but not completely flawless dark brown hair that was now messed up from sleep. The intense, deep brown eyes that Amity knew were concealed by their lids. That voice that always warmed him inside. Yes, he was perfectly beautiful, even with the scars still present on his back and torso.
Amity remembered when he’d first seen those scars, and how moved he’d been to hear how Opportunity got them by nearly dying himself to save his sister Spirit from enemy fire in the midst of a bloody war. It was the moment Amity had started to fall in love with him, a feeling he’d been afraid to admit until Spirit urged the two of them together and he realized the feeling was mutual. It was the first time he’d really been held tight in those strong arms.
Looking back now, there were times Amity still couldn’t believe the big warrior and co-leader of the Rovarians had fallen for him, a rather average, if on the small side, Terran man who could barely talk to him when they met. But there he was, laying beside Amity, a golden band on each of their left hands. He smiled and gently brushed some of Opportunity’s hair aside before placing a soft, tender kiss on his forehead. But just as he started to sit up, he felt an arm around him.
“Going somewhere?” Brown eyes met Amity’s as a smile greeted him and Amity felt a kiss on his own forehead.
“Nope, I was just moving so I could be closer to you.” Amity wrapped his arms around Opportunity.
“Aaww, I love you, too, Amity.” There it was, that warm, strong embrace he loved so much. Amity nuzzled into the warmth of his love’s chest, feeling the powerful heartbeat beneath the thick muscle there.
They stayed like that a moment longer before they got dressed. Amity in the simple Rovarian tunic and loose fitting pants he’d replicated, along with a pair of socks and shoes. Opportunity had his standard uniform of sleeveless red tunic, gray pants, and black boots. His red-bronze armor fit over it easily, and hugged his form in a way that only emphasized it. His rank bands encircled his upper arms as his gauntlets clicked shut around his lower arms. Even now, over a year since they first got together, Amity found it hard not to stare....and not to feel self conscious or inadequate. Opportunity recognized the look and hugged him close again.
“I love you, so much.” the Rovarian said, running his hand through Amity’s hair “and nothing will ever, ever change that.”
“I don’t deserve you,” Amity replied, “You could do much better.”
“Oh, Amity.” Opportunity lifted the smaller man in his arms and just held him close, “Maybe I could, but I don’t want better. I want you. My Amity. Forever.” He smiled and gave Amity another kiss before setting him down. “Now, let’s go and have some breakfast, I’m starved"
Spirit was already up and in the kitchen when the two emerged from their room, and once again, Amity felt out of place.
Like her twin, Spirit was tall and powerfully built. She wasn't what men on Earth would call "sexy", rather, she was the kind of woman who made such men pee themselves in fear. Honestly, she looked like an Amazon from a Wonder Woman comic. She actually had come dressed as the superhero for NASA's most recent Halloween party, and the look suited her perfectly (Amity and Opportunity had been Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk, respectively). Her armor only made her look more like an Amazon. Amity knew she could fight as well as one, too. He'd seen her in action when he'd accompanied her to rescue Opportunity after he'd been kidnapped and tortured.
On the other hand, Amity knew her to be lighthearted and fun on normal days. Her smile and laugh were often contagious, her bright brown eyes and her dark hair up in messy buns with strands hanging out in various places further enhanced her lively look, as did her springy, floaty gait.
"Bout time you two got up. I was thinking you fell into a couples coma in there." She stifled a giggle when she saw Amity’s cheeks go red. "Relax, Am, I'm messing with ya. I know you two love your mornings together."
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moblitberner-bunch · 2 years
3. The Prostitute: Bought, Beaten yet Unbroken
The temperature had started to rise, though the sun was one of the many stars Kuchel would never see. The cold days eventually became milder and less dark, even though barely any light would enter the underground, anyway. Days, weeks and months passed after her first time and first day as Olympia. Yet, time hadn’t made it any easier. 
She would still cry often, but she made sure she would only let her teardrops flow once her clients had left her cell. That’s all it was, a cell. You could barely call it a room. There was space only for a bed, a chair and a candlestick, not much more. 
Her morning routine remained the same for all those months: she would wake up sore and stiff, cried a few tears as silently as possible, and try to get up to start the same merciless day again and again. Thalia often came by her cell in the mornings, to sooth her, to wipe her tears and whisper her words of encouragement. They would wash themselves up together, and grease their throbbing parts with goose wax. Thalia was a lovely, but very young girl. The Father rebranded her Gaia.
Poor Thalia had been born in this brothel, she did not know any better than the smell of damp sweat, the sounds of moaning and the pain of every night’s intercourse. She had been a prostitute since the age of 11, when she had just started to bled, and now she had accumulated years and years of experience as a concubine, even though she was just 19. 
Many men wanted her, she was a lovely girl. Plump curves, brown curly hair and soft facial features, green eyes and a melodiously sweet voice. The moment she started to talk, men would be enchanted by her like a siren would enchant lost sailors. 
She also was extremely caring, always considerate of others, generous with sharing her food when others had too little to live off and always in a lighthearted mood. She often sang the other Daughters awake each morning with her sing song, like a hummingbird at sunrise.  
Kuchel got up, straightened the hem of her shapeless dress and went to have breakfast with the others. The same meal every day, morning and evening: dry bread and a cup of water, nothing more. It wasn’t much at all, but it was enough to hold on for three more days. And another three days, and another three days. Every day the timer reset, as long as she would have enough clients to feed her. And that, that was the difficult part. Just like The Father had told her the very first day, she ‘wasn’t pretty enough’. Men did not like to choose Kuchel, she was often the last one of the group of Daughters that would be chosen, and only because all other Daughters had been chosen already. 
It was all different for Zeinab, who the father had named Medea, the most exuberantly pretty girl of all Daughters. She was tall, had a small waist but voluminous breasts and hips, dark hair but extremely light blue eyes and a bronze skin tone. She wasn’t born in this brothel, no, her story was a sadder one. Born at the surface in the inner district, lived the first 20 years of her life in wealth. Her skin kissed by the sun and her lungs filled with fresh air, her delicate hands had never needed to do dirty work, only play musical instruments. Her family had fallen from grace and riches as financial debt had stricken them. They had to sell every piece of jewelry, furniture and clothes they owned, and when there seemed not a single thing left to sell, they sold Zeinab to the deep darkness of the underground. The only thing left for Zeinab to stay alive, was her body. And her body had been a battleground by now.
She did earn much, fortunately for The Father. Zeinab therefore was his outspoken ‘Favorite Daughter’. Of course she wasn’t allowed to keep the extra money for herself, she still had to give it all to The Father, who would then spend it on hard liquors to drench his sadness of living in the underground away. Nobody was happy here.
Kuchel, Zeinab and Thalia, who had become friends these past months, sat themselves down at a table with some drunken blokes. Thalia had a lot of trouble accepting Kuchel at first, but that had nothing to do with her. Thalia just missed Ritsia with all her heart, her best friend had bled to death, and the same night Ritsia had been replaced by a new girl. Kuchel felt sorry for her, and to prevent having to go through the same problems Ritsia had to deal with, they often tried to pass possible remedies to prevent pregnancy. Some push a sponge up their vagina, some use herbs. Most of those seemed to be ineffective, as it was a commodity for women to end up pregnant.
“You. I want you, for 5 coins.” A drunk gambler told Zeinab, and Zeinab railed him in as quickly as she could: 5 coins was quite a treasure. 
It did not take long before Thalia was chosen as well, her voice so sweet as honey made the men go weak. “I would love to pleasure you, sir.” She would whisper playfully.
Many men skipped taking a look at Kuchel, she was always either too skinny, had too much of a cold appearance or wasn’t exciting enough. The only men who she would end up taking to her cell were those desperate for joy. Usually in ways their wives wouldn’t tolerate. Beating, whipping, the weirdest kinks that were not suited for the surfaced society were unleashed here, in the sinister brothels underground. Kuchel had to suffer through that what the client’s wives would not want to provide. 
“Fine. You then.” A middle aged man with whiskey on his breath told her with a defeated sigh. “I’ll take you then, for 1 coin.”
It wasn’t much, especially as she would only keep a quarter of it. The Father would confiscate the other three quarters. And yet there Kuchel went, back to her cell, dragging the drunkard by his hand. She felt the tension rise, but nothing gave her more anxiety as the moment the door to her cell closed behind them, and they were alone. She had promised The Father she would do anything. And there she sat on the bedside, waiting for anything to happen. No rules. No limits. Just the client and his wishes.
“What would you like to do?” Kuchel chirped lecherously.
“Turn around.” The man told her abruptly, and with a crude tone. Kuchel barely had the time to turn herself around and lie down on her belly, as the coarse hands of the man already forced her onto her stomach. 
Without any delay the man started to rip open her dress until her back was bare, and mercilessly threw the now useless piece of fabric in the corner of the cell. Kuchel laid there. Still, silent, anxious and barren, only her panties covering her genitals. But not for long. 
The man forcefully undid her of her panties, and started to fidget with his own pants to unleash the hardened cock inside. 
Without any warning he jumped on her back and pulled her up into the doggie position, he would literally fuck her like an animal, and Kuchel struggled to keep her tears back while he thrusted his penis inside her. In and out, in and out, harshly, fast paced and careless for her sensitive body. Kuchel agonizingly but silently whimpered in her cushion. 
The man slapped her ass every 10 seconds until her skin had turned raw and red. The more pain she felt, the more ecstasy the man would feel. 
Kuchel couldn’t contain herself anymore and cried out, pleading for mercy on her.
“Stop! Stop! Please stop!” She would beg, but the man only responded to her plea by violently punching her in her face. 
“You don’t have a say here, you are no one.” He replied, and kept thrusting until he reached his climax.
He dropped beside her on her bed and sighed blissfully, his white cream still smudging Kuchel’s inner legs. He grabbed her by her hair one more time before he pushed her off and left the cell.
“Don’t be such a whiny cunt, it doesn’t befit you.” Were his last words as he slammed the door of her cell behind him.
“But… But he punched me!” Kuchel explained The Father, hoping for some sympathy, a useless quest. She should have known better, of course he would not have sympathy for her, he barely had scraps for her to eat. Pity would be the last thing he would give her.
“So what, he paid for it. You said you would do anything, so live with it. Or do you want me to throw you back on the streets?” A villainous expression formed on The Fathers face. He didn’t like his Daughters disobeying him.
“No, no I don’t mean to disrespect you or your business, it’s just, if clients keep on injuring us, we don’t look that appetizing anymore for new potential clients.” Kuchel explained, she had never been an unintelligent woman. In contrary, she knew lots about how the world and its people worked, if she was born in a family with proper amount of money she would have a choice, and she would excel in anything she chose to do.
“I don’t care. As long as the client pays, he  can do whatever he pleases.” The Father came closer towards Kuchel, and gave her a cursory but casual slap in her face. Her check turned red. “He can beat you, just like I can beat you. And now, go back to work!” He ordered, and dragged her roughly by her arm, back to the foyer. She had earned a quarter tonight, just enough to buy a dry loaf of bread and some water. Enough to survive three more days… three more days… three more days…
No matter how many times she would be hurt, bought or beaten, Kuchel promised herself to never break apart. 
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blznbaby · 6 years
Today Was A Fairytale
Book: The Royal Romance Pairing: Liam x MC Audience: General Note: The fic is titled after the song 'Today Was A Fairytale' by Taylor Swift. This song came on and I immediately thought of my kinky king and had flashbacks to great moments in the story. I miss him so much :( I suggest listening to it while reading. It kind of played through my head like a music video :). I didn't really edit or put much thought into grammar. Here's my rough draft. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixleberry Studios. I do not own rights to the song. All rights reserved to Taylor Swift
Liam stood in the grand ballroom of the palace and found himself face to face with the most breathtaking woman he’d ever seen. Her hair was dark and flowing, a black demi-mask securely tied around her head, and her shapely figure hugged the fabric of her red gown that popped against the deep bronze of her skin. Even with half her face hidden she was striking. There was something about this mystery woman that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. And it wasn’t just her beauty—there were scores of beautiful women there. Perhaps it was her smile, the almond shape of her eyes, or the way her beauty seemed to radiate from within. She shimmered. She glowed. She was utterly radiant, and Liam suddenly realized that it was because of the light in her eyes. She looked so damned happy. Happy to be where she was. Happy to be who she was. But who was she? He was certain that if he’d ever seen those eyes before, he would surely remember. He stared hard for a moment, then his eyes went wide.
“Marcella!” he exclaimed, shock apparent on his face. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
Marcella couldn’t help but grin. “So…this is a good surprise I hope?” she asked slyly.
“The best,” his eyes twinkled at her. “I can’t believe you came all this way for me.”
Ever since their magical night in New York he’d had trouble focusing on much else. He played that night over in his head a million times with the hope that he would see her again. He hadn’t forgotten for a moment how it had felt to be with her, and he’d spun more than a few fantasies about what it might be like if she were part of his future and there she was, right in front of him. Fate had been kind.
“Liam…I know we have something special. I want to see what it can be.”
“I feel the same way,” he breathed.
The sounds of a dreamy waltz filled the ballroom. Liam extended his hand smiling at her expectantly. She smiled back, a wide, beaming grin that traveled straight to his soul. She put her hand in his, and it was only then that Liam realized he’d been holding his breath. She leaned forward, “I don’t…I’m not sure I know the steps,” she whispered. He smiled confidently, assuring her. “Just follow my lead.”
His hand found her waist, and he drew her close into starting position. He was strong, but gentle as he guided her every movement across the ballroom floor. They moved together elegantly as one, in perfect sync, as hundreds of people looked on. But, in that moment everyone else in the room seemed to fade away as they looked into each other’s eyes. It was something straight out of a fairytale; a girl being swept off her feet by a charming prince. And from that moment on, they knew this was the beginning of something special…
Today was a fairytale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
Most women would’ve swooned or run off at his admission, but Marcella didn’t care. So what he was some Crown Prince of Cordonia or whatever the hell it was, to her he was the same guy she’d met earlier that evening. The man was special and not because of his wealth and title, but because he was kind, thoughtful, charming, and admittedly handsome, which was a rarity these days. Liam was relieved. It was nice to be considered a little less than a prince and a little more of himself and he realized that the more he talked to this woman the more he came to like her...
You took me by the hand
And you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
He approached the front door of the Beaumont estate, glancing at his watch—5 p.m. He felt awkward showing up unannounced, but he needed to see her. The way Marcella had thrown herself into the courtly life with such grace and enthusiasm hadn’t gone unnoticed. He knew it wasn’t easy, especially for her. He imagined dating for her was quite different back in New York and after everything she had done for him, he wanted to meet her halfway. He drew a deep breath and straightened the lapels on his blazer, nervously pressing his finger on the doorbell.
“You’re a delightful surprise,” Marcella laughed lighthearted.
“…it’s maybe a little silly, but…would you go on a date with me?" Liam asked, hopeful.
Marcella was pleasantly surprised, a glimmer of a smile on her face. “A date?”
“My first true date. I want it to be with you.”
Even though he’d never been on a date before, he was prepared to pull out all the stops for her. He had done all the research necessary to ensure a proper date. That night, he just wanted to be Liam and Marcella. Two normal people away from the pomp and circumstance of court. Awkward icebreaker questions and first-date nerves were foreign to him, but he was excited for every bit of it. He knew it was last minute, but every fiber in his being was hoping she’d say yes.
“Liam…I’d love to go on a date with you!”
Liam was delighted, the corners of his eyes creasing from smiling so hard. “Sounds perfect. I’ll meet you at your room in an hour?” Excitement fluttered inside her like a million butterflies, and she gave a small nod. “I’m in the east wing, fourth door from the right. I’ll see you then.”
Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
“Ya know…I think I prefer this look second to you in no shirt at all.”
Liam chuckled, “I’ll make note that you prefer t-shirts to three piece suits.”
His dark colored t-shirt was the perfect disguise in their incognito adventure. People rushed past, barely sparing them a glance as they continued their romantic walking tour along the busy New York City streets. Liam thought it funny, although they were completely surrounded, they were ignored, no one seeming to notice Marcella sticking out like a sore thumb in a cream colored ball gown. But, he wasn’t complaining, it was nice to be normal for a change and there was no one else he’d rather get lost in a crowd with. It was like the first night they met, before she knew he was a prince. The greatest gift the city had ever given them was each other and it would forever hold a special place in both their hearts.  
You told me I was pretty
When I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Marcella shook and beat at the skirts of her dress, trying to remove any remnants of dirt or dust that may have soiled it from their hedge maze rendezvous. They had to return to the ball before anyone noticed their disappearance. She smoothed down her dress and patted her hair, pulling a twig from her long dark mane and tossing it aside. She giggled at herself, she was sure she looked ridiculous. She turned to Liam, and huffed, “hey, how do I look?”
He stopped brushing the sleeves of his black dress coat to smile at her, his gaze sweeping up and down her body…he had never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life.
“You look like a princess,” he said softly, taking her hand and pressing it to his lips, his eyes growing serious,”…or someone who is about to become one.”
Time slows down
Whenever you’re around
Time ceased to exist as they took off running, weaving through the many twists and turns of the hedge maze, laughing and giggling like two kids, heading for the large tree in the distance just around the corner. Liam was hot on her heels, as she made a beeline toward the center, confident in her victory when he reached out to tag her, his momentum sending them tumbling and rolling to the ground, stopping at the base of the tree. They looked at each other before bursting out laughing like a pair of hyenas. It was something about her that made him want to break all the rules, their game of maze-tag unexpected, but somehow perfect. He had laughed more in that maze than he had in ages, perhaps this was exactly what he needed.
Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must’ve been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must’ve been the way
Today was a fairytale
The boat slowed in the harbor, Lady Liberty emerging from the mist. Liam stood silent, so much unsaid that didn’t need to be said. He was moved beyond words, in awe of the view, and of her. No one had every planned such a grand gesture to make his dreams come true. No one had ever cared enough to listen and get to know him for him. She had touched him in a way she could never understand. It was nothing short of a dream and it had been so long since he’d allowed himself to dream. He felt wonder, happiness, and for the first time, possibility. He knew he would cherish the moment for the rest of his life.
Liam drew closer to her, admiring her sense of adventure and her unique way of following her heart. Marcella smiled, realizing she had set off something inside of him. Something inside that had been dormant for so long that he didn’t even know it still existed. Throwing caution to the wind, she pulled him into a deep kiss. She was falling for him…hard. There was something about him, and she knew she hadn’t stopped smiling since their eyes met earlier that evening. In the morning she’d be back to reality, but tonight he was hers. Though shocked at first, Liam responded eagerly, giving in to the magic of the experience and trusting her fully. He finally had the freedom to be whomever he wanted to be, even if it were only for one night.
“I’m glad to have met you Marcella. I’ll never forget this night.”
Today was a fairytale
You’ve got a smile
That takes me to another planet
Every move you make
Everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Liam led Marcella through the flower-covered arches at the country estate, a swift breeze rustled over the hedges, picking up the sweet scent of roses. Liam picked Marcella up in his arms and spun her around. He always felt like himself whenever they were together, perhaps even his best self. Marcella giggled at his unexpected change. He was different that day…lighter…more carefree. They smiled together looking into the maze, when she spotted a pretty wooden swing hanging from a giant tree.
“Hey Liam.”
“Hey Marcella.”
“Will you push me on the swing?”
“My pleasure.”
Marcella was over the moon. They talked for what seemed like hours, their laughs echoing through the maze. Liam wanted nothing more than to get lost in the maze with her and never find their way out. Liam slowed the swing to a stop, leaning over, wrapping his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him, resting her head against his shoulder breathing him in. Liam tightened the embrace, pulling her to his chest. Looking up, Marcella cupped his check and pulled him over, pressing her lips against his. This. This was what he’d been waiting for his entire life, without even knowing that he’d been waiting. This feeling of being so incredibly alive, like every inch of his skin was awake, all because of her. As he pulled away, he laughed. She looked at him, puzzled. “What are you laughing about?”
He laughed again; he couldn’t help it. “I’m just so happy.”
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is now it’s getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense ‘til the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down
Whenever you’re around
Marcella peered over the edge of the waterfall, putting her hand in Liam’s.
“On three? One…Two…Three!”
It were as if time slowed as they both bent their knees and jumped, confident in their leap of faith. They flew through the air hand in hand unable to scream, the exhilarating fall taking their breath away. Their bodies hit the cool clear water with a thunderous splash. 
“Thank you for coming out here with me. For getting to know me. For…for caring about me, Marcella. I’ve never had anyone in my life like you. And now that I have you…I never want to lose you.”
They shared a heated kiss as Liam brought her body flush against him. Marcella reveled in his warmth, running her fingers through his hair, bringing him closer. They pulled apart, breathless, their foreheads touching. They knew they hadn’t known each other long, but whenever they were together everything made perfect sense. Everything was becoming so much clearer.
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must’ve been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must’ve been the way
Today was a fairytale
She hitched up the hem of her dress and walked across the palace grounds, making her way through the hedges to find Liam waiting for her at the center. He heart fluttered at the sight of him standing there. Twinkling fairy lights and bright pink and yellow roses surrounded them while the soft sound of chirping crickets played in the background. It was magical. Liam was grateful that she had come out to meet him. It was just as he wished it to be, just the two of them before their lives changed forever. He had so much to tell her, things he’d been wanting to say for quite some time. He had never expected to feel the way he did about anyone or meet someone as incredible as her and he didn’t want to spend another minute without her knowing exactly how he felt. He had never said the words to anyone before, but he knew it was as true as his own name.
“…Marcella…I love you.” He said softly, watching her carefully.
Marcella looked back into his all too serious eyes. “Liam…I love you too.”
Time slows down whenever you’re around
I can feel my heart
It’s beating in my chest
Do you feel it?
I can’t put this down
The stars twinkled in the night sky as they disembarked the boat on their last stop of the evening. They strolled shoulder to shoulder toward the base of the Statue of Liberty while taking in the majestic view. They were back at the place where it all started, finally, they had come full circle.
Liam turned to her, his gaze intense with every ounce of love he could muster as he took her left hand in his. Marcella could feel her heart racing, pounding in her chest. Suddenly, her breath caught in her throat, eyes growing wide as Liam slowly got down on one knee…
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must’ve been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must’ve been the way
Liam opened the right box tucked in his hands to reveal a dazzling diamond ring. He looked into her eyes with every ounce of love he could muster, and began to speak.
“Lady Marcella, queen of my heart, I have yearned to say these four words for a very, very long time…” Realizing what was happening, her right hand flew over her mouth.
“Will you marry me?”
Tears streaming down her face, she frantically nodded. “Oh Liam…Yes! A thousand times yes!”
He gently slid the ring on her finger and rose to his feet, looking deep into her dark eyes, his smile more brilliant than she had ever seen before. He picked her up and twirled her around in his arms. They shared a thrilling celebratory kiss as she wrapped her legs around him and he held her body tight against his. He set her down and she stood in his arms, his forehead resting against hers.
“I have never been happier than I am in this moment!”
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must’ve been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must’ve been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must’ve been the way
Today was a fairytale
The doors of the church opened, revealing a flower-strew cathedral filled with their closest family and friends. She glided down the aisle on Bertrand’s arm. Looking ahead, she saw him; her future husband, her king, her one true love standing at the altar, smiling, his eyes glistening with emotion. Liam happily received his bride, and the ceremony got underway, his thumb brushing across her knuckles as he held her hands. The pure joy in his eyes as he looked at her was almost overwhelming. She blinked back tears, as she recited her vows and completely lost it when Liam recited his. Everything was wonderful, sweet and heartfelt and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.
“By the power vested in me by the kingdom of Cordonia, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
Marcella threw her arms around Liam’s neck and kissed him passionately. He slipped an arm around her waist, dipping her into an even deeper kiss. With all the guests erupting into cheers and congratulations, they walked arm and arm back down the aisle. Outside, hundreds of well-wishers cheered as their King and new Queen emerged from the church and stepped into the warm sunlight.
“King Liam! Queen Marcella! Look over here!” They turned as Donnie held up his camera and their lips meet in a sweet kiss, the first of many in this new and exciting chapter in their lives. They climbed into the carriage and pulled off into the sunset, waving….
Today was a fairytale…
“Sorry I’m late. Thanks for your patience, Miss…?”
Marcella blinked out of her reverie and tried to focus on the handsome stranger, who was staring at her, thoroughly amused.
“Uh, Marcella,” she murmured.                                       
He looked at her questionably at the mention of her name, struck with an unexpected, and strangely intense, sensation that he’d met her before.  He extended his hand. “Charmed to make your acquaintance, Marcella. I’m Liam.”
She place her hand in his. “Trust me, the charms all mine. It’s nice to meet you, Liam.”
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