#one of the lesbians isn't actually a lesbian she's bi but it's more fun to say lesbians but wait i could have just said sapphic
relencomp · 1 year
Listen Here. Yeah, You. I Have Something To Tell You.
I need to talk about the book I’m writing so badly but everyone I know is asleep or dead(?) and I hear Tumblr is cool about writing and stuff.
it’s got lesbians and big guns and magic and shenanigans.
I hear that sells like hot cakes here. Come take a bite.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Until I read the comments on that one post I had no idea the Bechdel Test was a joke and wasn't supposed to be a serious measuring stick by which you gauged if something was feminist or not. Everywhere I'd ever heard it brought up, it was brought up as a very serious thing, and it was a failure of media if it didn't pass it. I remember the debate about Mako Mori from Pacific Rim and if she was a character you were "allowed" to like as a progressive person despite the fact that Pacific Rim doesn't pass the Bechdel Test, the discourse, the discussion of if the director was sexist for not writing in another woman for her to chat with about non-men related stuff, the camp of people trying to insist that having a fully realized character arc and being as developed as any of the male leads = good writing even if she doesn't talk to another girl...
And I've also had the remark about my writing not passing the test, just not to my face. I searched my fanfic's name once, curious to see if anyone was discussing it outside of tumblr and AO3, and found a Tiktok complaining about it not passing the Bechdel Test. The top comment was "motherfucker YOU don't pass the test but we still watch your ass". I cackled and moved on, but neither the commenter, poster, nor I had any awareness this wasn't Feminist Media Critique 101 theory and was, in fact, a goof.
Right now there's a segment of fandom debating if Blue Eye Samurai is feminist since when Mizu and Akemi talk, they do bring up men, since, y'know. Women aren't considered people with rights in their era in Japan and thus it's something they mention instead of only talking about being cool girlboss badasses who never bring up gender. If something doesn't pass the Bechdel Test, a smug segment of the internet high-fives itself and congratulates one another on being More Feminist Than Thou.
They then get really angry if you disagree, even though by this metric, Sleeping Beauty (the original animated one, where Aurora has only 16 lines of dialogue) is more feminist than Blue Eye Samurai.
Okay, so, nonnie....
Dykes to Watch Out For (1983-2008) was a long-running comic and major piece of lesbian media. I grew up buying compiled volumes at the bookstore. To be honest, that kind of 90s-ish lesbian culture isn't really my scene despite me being bi, but it was very nice to have this slice of life-y somewhat realistic, occasionally somewhat parody, look at the queer communities around me. It's up there with Tales of the City for me in terms of being a window into a particular culture and time and place.
If anybody is interested in queer history, in addition to looking up factual info, I think a read of the complete Dykes would give a really good overview of how people were thinking about things and what issues came up a lot. You'll see things like Barnes & Noble increasingly putting feminist bookstores out of business in the 90s, attitudes towards porn in lesbian circles—all kinds of cultural issues of the day.
I drifted away as I got later in my teens and found more genre fiction I cared about, but at one point, this comic was a very welcome antidote to the glurgey coming out stories that made up a lot of the more realistic media.
Anyway, here's the comic itself, reproduced in its entirety because I think it's important to actually understand the context.
This is from 1985, so the era of Rambo, Conan, and Death Wish, each of which you can see being made fun of here. It's based on Bechdel's friend Liz Wallace's actual rule for seeing movies.
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That's it. That's the origin of this whole stupid test.
"LOL, fuck 80s action movies". That's it. That's the joke.
The fact that blockbusters still routinely fail to pass in the 2020s is shameful, but that was never the point of the strip.
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2012aura · 2 years
my girl bambi !
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summary : dealer ellie gives you freedom while she does deals, and it works in your favor.
warning : mention of alcohol and weed innuendo.
paring : dealer!ellie willaims x black!reader
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it wasn't unusual for you and ellie to be out past three in the morning, especially when she was selling for some white girls having parties while their parents were out of town. in fact, it was seen as sort of the norm now, you and ellie would go to these mansion-like houses and sell to these blond bimbos.
but that didn't stop you from having any fun while stopping by, especially when they were stocked with alcohol, jesus you went crazy. it was a rather busy saturday night, you and ellie were in your third house of the night. you wore a nice black dress, it complimented your brown skin and your previously colored ginger hair. you looked tasty, as ellie would put it every time you "dressed" up for one of these deals. ellie also looked nice, she was wearing something simple, a pair of skinny jeans and a sleeveless tank that had some band on it you both liked. you knew ellie was always an eyecatcher among the bi-curious, bi, and lesbian women shit even the dudes wanted her. but ellie knew you dressing all nice and shit made eyes come to you as well, even if you didn't notice them.
on this partial saturday ellie was way more lenient than usual, she actually let you go and explore while she did business. you were so happy, the first stop was the alcohol table, it had so many different types to choose from but you stayed true to yourself. you picked up a red solo cup and poured a nice amount of vodka into the cup, picking up the cranberry juice that lay next to it and you also poured a bit in. not too much to were it taste unrecognizable because you knew then you'd get too fucked up, way too quickly. a few good songs came on, a lot of the weeknd, and a mixture of other rap artists. you let your body move freely to the beat, trying to scope out ellie any chance you could. you were missing her if you were being truthful, a party isn't a party without her on your hips. the song came to its end, and you heard the start of the next one. you got visibly excited, it was one of your favorite songs by the weeknd, the morning.
now you really were trying to scope ellie out, you wanted to dance with her. you found her, once your eyes wandered for a few seconds, and she was coming your way. you practically pushed yourself through the crowd to get to her, a very cheeky smile on your face. "ellie it's my song, my song!" you exclaimed, letting your lip get close to her ear so she could hear you. you let the rhythm of the music once again move your body, dragging your hands from the side of ellie's body, as your turned forwards facing away from her. you arched your face and started to grind on ellie, and usually, ellie would say this is only reserved for her but, who is she to care! she knows you are hers, and she is yours so what's the worry. your hips moved slowly against her, your curly hair moving as you turned your head from side to side. the small amount of alcohol starting to get to you since you hadn't really eaten a lot today, just little snacks here and there. you stood up to finally face ellie again with a devilish smirk on your face, as you held your cup in front of you and drank the last of it. you let yourself get dangerously close to her. letting your and her hip grind against each other as the music kept playing. ellie let her hands go to your waist, sort of guiding you to the music beat.
you became flustered in a way, letting your head fall to her shoulder, continuing to dance along to the music. ellie had the hots now, she wanted nothing more than to take that dress off of you and show you what she thought of your dancing. her hand wrapped around the nack of your neck, pulling your head off her shoulder to face her. there was deep eye contact between you both, and the sexual tension was thick. you gave her a loopy smirk, before pushing yourself toward her pinkish lips. you let yours be wrapped up at the moment, kissing her until you couldn't breathe. there was a visible red on her face, she leaned back up against your ear to mutter something to do.
"how bout we take this home bambi, just me and you, hm?" with her sly smirk and of course you couldn't deny the offer.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
My Rachel Elizabeth Dare headcanons
Natural redheaded and greeneyed yoruba nigerian second gen inmigrant.She's darkskin with 4d hair
Autistic with schizophrenia
No masking game and that's her and Percy's special connection origin
Dresses like Miss Frizzle but with punk accents.Example:Gaudy dress with colorful tights,demonias,a spike collar and pink tears eyeliner
Aroaceflux,lesbian and a trans woman.Her and Percy define their dynamic as either queerplatonic sapphic girlfriends or exes to even closer best friends depending on the Percyverse(I have two-Persephone Jackson,which is regular tgirl Percy,and Perseo Jackson,which is transfem bigender Percy and some more canon compliant)
She grows up to disenmantle her father's company to replace it with a solarpunk international bussiness and Percy and her go to protests and do activism together and she rubs off her gender presentation on her a bit or rather helps her realize they kinda have similar ones
Her full initials being RED was on purpose because she likes to think she's funny(and she right)
Her special interests are art,weirdcore,green,enviormentalism and anarchy,her safe foods are mac and cheese joll of rice and slurpies,her stims are yelling flappy hands and physically crashing(no,really)and her blue hairbrush became a safe item post Botl
Perfectly nigerian-american in the sense that she's happily at peace with both her cultures(AFRICAN-american tyvm)
A complete bombshell.She's pretty,cute,hot,beautiful-If there's a word for attractive,it fits Rachel.Much like Percy,it flies way over her head thanks to the lifelong bullied outcast status until high school starts and she gets to Camp Half-Blood and has every other girl throwing themselves at her and unlike,she actually wanted all of them so she had tons of lesbian adventures and came out with hot girl mentality.Her endgame is undecided by me because she's too good with literally every girl her age
Her and Jason are pretty good pals that became through Percy and same for Nico and Hazel.If Jercy,she's Percy's best woman at their wedding and i can see Daregrace as a thing either poly or on it's own,it's an excellent ship that would 100% happen(lesbian Rachel isn't something i'm too firm on,i also love bi Rachel).She bonds with Percy's kids(meaning Nico and Hazel)pretty well since she's such a sweet and fun person and they share interests
She went on her own Kane Chronicles Adventure with Zia,Walt and Anubis and got powered up for a hot minute thanks to her african roots(I'm black myself but if this is offensive lmk!!).They still talk on the regular and even metup irl again once and she was the first to meet norse demigods because she housed Alex in secret for a few weeks before Mr Dare found out and kicked her out and they had a heartwarming reunion years later
"C'mon,you can't be a REAL redhead,you're black!Just say you wanted attention!" "I'm not gonna suck you off bro,can you let me play with my Tamagotchi in peace?It's gonna kill itself just to get away from you and then you'll owe me money.At least use your free time to take a shower or something else productive like apologizing to your Mama." ".....O-Okay,sorry for bothering you."
Her favorite holiday is Valentine's Day purely for the aesthetics,she's a Final Girls Fangirl,she knows how to draw in artstyles that don't exist and she has an instagram that she only made so she could use it with her best friends but eventually she also came up with the idea to use it for education and activism so now it's got two sides to it
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vegasandhishedgehog · 9 months
Fuck this, I wasn't tagged by anybody but since y'all are making me insane sharing your lovely faves on my dash I gotta join the fun!
10 BL People That I Want Carnally
Just so we're clear, I'm immediately not limiting myself to 10. I'm bi. You think we have limits? (Tumblr says yes, but that's why I'm on desktop for this instead of mobile)
Night from Dirty Laundry
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Are we surprised? This awakened a whole thing in me. I was constantly yelling from the rooftops about my love for this man in the cheapest drag you ever saw. This is my JAM. I'm already trying to calm myself down making the first entry on this post. GOD. And his whole committed-to-the-bit romancing a mafia leader and then robbing her because he needs money, but really he's a wee romantic who just wants to write exciting stories like all of us bitches on AO3? Honey I am FREE at 5pm on Saturday. Also, shush, I know it's not a BL, I'm counting it as part of the Midnight Series as a whole :P
Yok from Not Me
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PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR POLICE OFFICERS. We already have matching tattoos babe. He isn't perfect but he's a well-intentioned mama's boy and has swagger.
Maya from Laws of Attraction
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Listen, I don't think much explaining is necessary here. I'm a woman but she can call me "pretty boy" any day. Is she just Silvy Pavida with a MILF wife? Yeah. That's the point. I'll join. They would let me.
Speaking of Laws of Attraction, Nawin
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I deserve an insane golden retriever boyfriend. I deserve a man who can't spell his ex's name but can get a pilot's license. He deserves someone who will enable his silliness, even when there's trouble with the accountant. *kisses all over his wing tattoo*
Togawa from Old Fashion Cupcake
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Mr. Hamster Cheeks my love <3 The dates would be so good. And so would the food. And the food naps afterward. I'm a good snuggler, he's tall and there's a lot to snuggle. Win-win.
Ink from Bad Buddy
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I know many of us are weak for Milk Pansa, but like, there's a reason for that. She gave us the ICON for lesbian side couples. Please, girl, scare men away from me when they mistake a boner for full-fledged love. Make me feel welcome and important and pretty and like I'm the specialest girl alive. Be taller than me ;)
Wen Qing from The Untamed
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She didn't die, actually, we just eloped together, haha. I just think as someone who studied medicine, she'd have a lot of good tricks up her sleeve and I don't mean acupuncture needles.
Saifah from Enchanté
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Yeah. I needed to use this gif. Get that record deal my man. Live your dreams king. I also love that he's both the old man and woman here. Impeccable. We deserved more of him.
Uea from Bed Friend
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Gimme this catboy realness right now. Also, I just love him so much. He owns his narrative despite all the shit he has suffered and gets everything he deserves for it. We could be besties even. We could be...no I shan't say it.
SamMon from GAP
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I just want whatever is going on right here. Let me join. Simple as that.
Tops and Marwin from Ingredients
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I'm this guy. Except I think they'd be sad to see the other with someone else so I gotta have them one at a time. Tops, who's a shy cutie who can make yummy foods. And Marwin, who is basically Jeff Satur just pumped with extra himboisms.
Todd from Not Me
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All principles out the window. He's evil, he's sexy. I know exactly how much that specific hotel room costs to stay in for a night. It would be luxurious.
Rain from Love In The Air
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I know most people would say Phayu, and for Boss, yeah I understand, I am all there. But something about the way that little guy can fuck kinda makes me dizzy, I'm owning that. He doesn't have to be smart, he's just gotta be given compliments. Plus, my bed sheets match!
VegasPete from KinnPorsche
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They altered me chemically once and I'd let 'em do it a second time and many more after that.
Tagging @kissporsche @thisautistic @omegaphobe @shubaka @risu442 @khathastrophe @loveable-sea-lemon @fawndlyvenus @viva-yas-vegas @first-kanaphan @wherelanguage-ends @xxatlasxx @adanima @snake-and-mouse @scarefox @scattered-stardust @callipigio @sparklyeyedhimbo @jdotsodomite @futureexmrsmalcolm @suzteel @jeffsatyr @coconuts-mafia
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findafight · 1 year
R/nance shippers are some of the first to scream homophobia/lesbophobia if you disagree with them or point out the Steve of it all, but they're the first in line to vilify Vickie, a canonically sapphic character, because she gets in the way of their ship.
It's so silly tbh. Like the ship someone likes (that doesn't erase a character's sexuality) has any say on whether or not some is/isn't homophobic.
Everybody loves pure of heart, dumb of ass and lesbian friendship until that lesbian loves her bff more than the possibility of a romantic relationship lol.
And yep. I think this is the first time I've seen a fandom vilify a female character that's a canon love interest who is getting in the way of a non canon gay ship when the gay ship is also two women. Claiming she has no personality when we see her have a similar sense of humour to Robin and Steve, like a movie Steve likes, get a bit nervous talking to a cute girl and rambling a bit, breaking up with her boyfriend because he refused to stay and help their hometown after a natural disaster. She's loyal and funny and brave. She's not the same as Robin, she does have a personality, (saying she doesn't have one and then also saying saying she's just a copy of Robin shifted to the left is also sus like.. what do they think of Robin, then?) And the fact that Vickie is canonically wlw!! Bi queen!!!
Something about it feels hinky to me. Especially when some people insisting Nancy is a lesbian do it. Now, that is a fine and reasonable HC, but acting like her relationships with men, regardless of her actual attraction to them, meant nothing to her is also not it. She chose those relationships, and while it may have been comphet, they still mattered to her? They were still people she trusted and was close to. (Honestly, exploring how those were still meaningful to her but the romantic/sexual aspects were not what she wanted from life/realizing she's gay could be interesting.)
It mostly boils down to folks valuing Romo ships above any other significant relationships, and that if it wasn't romantic and there wasn't sexual attraction, then obviously it didn't mean anything. And also possibly biphobia (especially concerning Vickie!)
I'm fine with people shipping different things, ship and let ship, I can avoid things I don't like, but acting like Steve is an irrelevant part of both Nancy and Robin's lives mischaracterizes all three of them, and saying that it would be a non issue makes it boring. At least be interesting with it! I'm not even saying Steve would have a problem with it, but that Robin would because while Steve can downplay how hurt he was by Nancy, and blame himself, Robin would at least see how bad the relationship ended and wouldn't want to rub salt in that wound. I think Steve would be more worried about Nancy hurting Robin and/or lying about how much the relationship means to her than he would be hurt, through he would have every right to be. After all, he most likely doesn't know he was cheated on, but he does know Nancy said she loved him when she didn't.
It's one of those ships that makes waaaay more sense if it's at least five years from canon (and even then it doesn't make sense to me unless it's reconnecting, because I don't see Nancy staying close to anyone in Hawkins once she gets out).
Everybody has their headcanon etc, but I think fandom is much more fun when there's a balance and Romo ships aren't prioritized over platonic ones, especially platonic ones that are canonically incredibly important to the characters
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dee-in-the-box · 4 months
happy pride month, y'all! have some pride headcanons!!
none of these people are straight and/or cis to me. they've all got some weird queerness going on with them
Jack: transmasc (he/him mostly, but probably wouldn't mind they/them that much), bisexual. could see him being acespec, but sex favorable or indifferent. polyamorous.
Dave: nonbinary in a "i don't understand gender and idgaf about it" way (he/him, but honestly doesn't care. probably would find out about it/its pronouns and love those), pansexual. teach this guy about xenogenders i think he'd love those too. polyamorous (i can see it).
Peter: transfem bigender (he/she), and honestly doesn't know what her sexuality would be considering his weird gender situation (look, he grew up in the 50s-60s. the most exposure to the queer community she had was through Jack, and that wasn't. A Lot). me personally? i'd say lesbian. because Fuck It, Why Not?
Dee: technically cis because she never got to grow up and figure that stuff out (she/her), but i could see her growing up and being on the spectrum of GNC or Genderqueer (the genderqueer part is Definitely not me projecting (< lie)). also aroace (repulsed on both ends)
Henry: cis man (he/him; the first entirely cis person here), bisexual. listen. i heard that thing that was like. DD originally said he was bi but then changed it to straight after getting hate for it for some reason, and i decided to make it a situation where Henry just like. Acknowledged it was a thing for him but didn't really give any fucks because he busy Committing Crimes Against Humanity. everyone thinks he's straight though, 'cause he never mentions it (again, busy with Other Things. such as Causing Problems).
Steven: cis man (he/him), gay. This Is The Shortest Fucking One. also, Steven is the shortest adult of the cast; he's 5'5".
Harry: masc nonbinary dude (he/they), bisexual, polyamorous.
Jake: cis man (he/him), graysexual panromantic, polyamorous.
Roger: probably got some genderfuckery there, but i'll just say A Dude (gender neutral) for now (he/him), gay (as in Likes Men Or Masc-Leaning People), polyamorous. didn't realize the Gay & Poly Part until Dsaf 3. You'll Never Guess How He Found Out!
Rebecca: transfem (she/they/xe), and just queer in general. not exactly poly, but she doesn't mind Harry's...other partners (Jake and Roger). it's sort of a "This is my boyfriend, and this is my boyfriend's boyfriends! ^-^" situation.
and for a few others:
Caroline: cis woman (she/her), cupioromantic (aromantic micro-label; basically means that you don't feel romantic attraction, but still desire a romantic relationship) heterosexual. she still loves Peter, her love just isn't necessarily "romantic." i'd describe it more like queerplatonic. she got married to Peter because she does genuinely care for him and love him, but also because...well, it was what was expected of her. besides, she doesn't mind being married, it's actually pretty nice. Caroline's as close as y'all are going to get to a cishet Dsaf character from these headcanons.
Matt: transmasc agender (he/him), aroace (romance indifferent/favorable (see: "I'm Matt! Everybody loves me!"), sex indifferent/repulsed (do i even need to explain it? i think we know why this was what i picked for him).
now, fun facts!!
Jack actually doesn't experience a lot of dysphoria, just upset that he doesn't have a dick. he doesn't even mind the boobs too much (except that they make people think he's a woman; that part sucks), he'd probably just like a binder. wouldn't mind top surgery, but y'know. Binders Are Easier To Get And Cheaper Than That.
Dee is romance repulsed in terms of herself for the most part (as in the idea of being romantic herself grosses her out). except for Davesport. she told Jack and Dave to "get a room" multiple times in the Flipside.
Blackjack technically has the same labels as Jack, but y'know. Ghost Dog.
Henry doesn't understand why so many queer people work at Fazbender's (Jack, Steven, Peter, etc) because he just. keeps killing them. not due to the queerness but because They Keep Getting In His Way. what is it about the Chuck E Cheese rip-offs that attracts the gays?? Is It The Bears?? Is It The Fucking BEARS??? (i had to make the joke. i had to)
Modern Day Queer Discourse would piss Jack off. he was alive in the 60s and 70s when that shit was getting more mainstream. he's effectively a queer elder, technically (even if he kinda sorta Looks perpetually twenty-two because he kinda can't age anymore). he's seen some shit. i can see him saying on someone's "He/Him Lesbians Aren't A Thing >:(" post "my bigender brother is a lesbian, though. he's got a wife" and then logging off. you can't tell me he wouldn't
I Stand By My Statement: None Of The Kennedy Siblings Have A Normal Relationship With Gender. They Just Don't.
Jack just uses a lot of slurs for himself. he's got. So Fucking Many that he can reclaim (because y'know. Gay/Bi and Trans. and he was alive during the 60s and 70s. so you can only imagine the shit he's heard or had thrown at him).
the first time in his life that Dave ever had to worry about gender stuff was when Henry was having to like. fill out paperwork and things like that to get him an ID of some kind. when they got to gender, Dave didn't really know why that was important, nor what would really fit. they just put "male" on there because technically that would "fit him best" (since he, y'know. has a dick), but Dave didn't feel like either option fit.
i feel like Jack went to a pride event/parade sometime before Dsaf 3. like, maybe he finally felt comfortable actually going there and being out safely for the first time in his life. it was nice.
Caroline helped Peter with her makeup after she came out, and with growing his hair out.
after coming home post-Dsaf 2, Peter actually tried some dresses out. they also found out a way to still put eyeliner on him. and that was using a Sharpie to draw under her phone dial to look like eyeliner. hey, it works.
Peter never got comfortable enough to wear lipstick before he died, though :( so she never got to experience that
Jack: "If I had a nickel for every time I was someone's gay awakening, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but how does this keep happening-" (the three people in question are Dave, Jake, and Roger)
i have so many more istg, but this post is getting long. might talk about some more if anyone's interested, though!
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mountainashes · 11 months
Washington Siblings Time lets goooo
Beth Washington
She likes instruments and can play quite a few different ones. (I feel like I saw a hc somewhere abt her playing guitar? It stuck with me).
She also plays some sports, but not as much as Hannah.
She was actually quite popular in school (based off her relationship stat with Jess being reasonably high).
She's lesbian.
Her 'role' in the group very much seems to be sort of like Sam's in that she's often trying to prevent trouble.
She's constantly looking out for her siblings, especially when they're in a big social situation like a party.
She wears beanies everywhere. Emotional support beanies.
Has a crush on Sam.
She's usually quite laid-back, but when she gets annoyed she's immediately furious. 0-100 real quick.
Hannah Washington
She likes insects a lot. Especially butterflies.
She can and will pick up spiders in her hands she literally does not fear any kind of bug or creepy crawlies.
She's quite artsy.
She's quite strong bc of all the sports she does. She, Sam and Matt often enough end up in weird little competitions and go on runs/hikes etc.
She was sort of the weird kid in most her classes, but wasn't often made fun of because of the people she was friends with and her siblings.
She's generally always a little caught up in her own daydreams.
She's trans.
She's neurodivergent. Idk what specifically but she is nd to me.
She's bi but it would take her forever to realise that.
As Beth describes her, she's often quite 'naive' and if it weren't for Sam, Beth and Josh she'd likely be the target of many jokes, some more harmless than others.
She's very optimistic, bright and chooses to see the best in people. She's not as social as her siblings and spends most her time with Sam. She likes being alone often, left to her own thoughts and fantasies and ideas.
Josh Washington
He's very into art and drama, especially horror of course.
He hangs out with Ashley and she helps him write scripts, while he draws things from her writing for her.
Despite this he is very jumpy and easily scared.
Because their parents are often super busy he very much took on the whole big-sibling caretaker role.
He's popular despite being really quiet and somewhat anti-social. He's the kind of guy who disappears off of any social media for weeks and is very difficult to get into contact with.
He likes playing pranks and jokes, but only when they're somewhat thought out. Like he isn't just going to jump out from behind a door and yell it's gotta be way more interesting.
He's trans (I don't have a specific hc for him I stick to I just know he's very genderfucky).
He's queer.
He hates Hannah's bugs and complains all the time about them but he'd never actually do anything to hurt them or upset Hannah.
He's quite pessimistic, sort of the opposite of Hannah. He's very paranoid of others and their intentions, and he often isolates himself because of that. This has a lot to do with his mental health though, he doesn't actually like being alone.
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justanotherhh · 6 months
aspec headcanons for some hazbin hotel characters (minus alastor, cos that's canon babey)
charlie: allo-ace and bi, potentially leaning on demi-ace in her sex neutrality, but overall really not that interested in sex, beyond how it functions as a partner bonding activity. hasn't actually had sex before vaggie, not because she hasn't had offers -- this is hell after all, sex negativity isn't necessarily the problem -- but because she hasn't been in a relationship she deeply cared about and felt that safe in
vaggie: romance favourable aroallo lesbian, however has to unlearn internal sex negativity after previous bad relationships + some of heaven's more hypocritical ideas about what sex constitutes, and so being with charlie is a good way to slowly explore her attraction. more kinky than she would admit to... yet....
on the whole both of them fit into gaps around each other, and their relationship simply works because they believe in one another -- vaggie becomes attached first, when charlie patches her up, and then charlie, especially when vaggie becomes the biggest fighter for the hotel. that's the structure of their relationship, and the rest can be talked about. vaggie knows how important romance is to charlie and doesn't mind that being a part of their dynamic in the same way she'll join in on the hotel bonding exercises even though they're not really "her thing," and the two of them have sex as a way of being close (and at some point maybe they'll open up their minds to the fact that there's no bond as strong as that forged in bondage...)
niffty: aroallo het. also very kinky, very much the domme in any situation. this wasn't necessarily true while she was alive in practice, but it was in her heart. unfortunately hasn't had much opportunity to put it into practice in hell either, yet, due to being, well, on the far end of the terrifying scale. one of the reasons she and alastor get on so well is that they understand that their ways of relating to people are so different to the norm that they end up somewhere next to each other, even though he's repulsed and she very much isn't. still, they're in hell, someone should get that girl sub, stat! (some kinda big, scary-lookin guy for her to punish ideally)
sir pentious: token allo straight ally ✌ reads all of the literature once he discovers it's a thing. knows more about this than any of the others, even though it doesn't apply to him
cherri bomb: aroallo bi, likes sex, and also likes being swept off her feet, it's just she's too used by now to nobody making a damn effort. she's not romance repulsed, but she's not about to embark on a monogamous romantic relationship with anyone. she likes that someone would be into her romantically, as long as they don't get weird about it. the rituals of romance are fun, someone taking her out for dinner, treating her like she's someone special, not just like a one-night stand, but she's not giving up the one-night stands either. or the orgies! still, nice to have a familiar couple of dicks to return to
husk: i believe the word of god says pan, so let's run with that. on the aspec front my guy has loooooooow sex drive on the whole, and sexual isn't the kind of attraction that he understands in general, but secretly longs for a deeply romantic relationship of some kind, something out of an austen book or a knight in shining armor type myth. you know the kind: he takes the hand of his suitor and almost kisses it, but not quite, wining and dining, perchance even... cuddles..... (if sex is involved he might get with the programme, but it's not something he needs or initiates. this has made it difficult for him to get into relationships in the past)
angel dust: gay and on a spectrum of aspec that is trauma-informed, but also complicated by being naturally hypersexual. doesn't connect sex to attraction, and doesn't feel sexual attraction, so much as sex is a means to an end (scratching an itch, entertainment, power, work, intimacy although it's been awhile since that's been put into practise, etc). not sexually monogamous, and has no idea if he'd be into monogamy romantically either. in fact, is not sure if he is alloromantic, because there's no precedence that isn't related to power and control. may need a whole new kind of language for whatever relationships he'd form (not just with husk, but generally with the hotel gang) that lie outside of the structures he knows
that being said, all he wants is someone treating him gently, whatever kind of relationship that relates to
valentino: aroallo pan, but youknow. evil about it. could just be fucking left right and centre without making it such a big hassle for everyone else, but noooooo he has to go and own their souls too and make things difficult for them, and it's not just because owning souls is good business, he likes the ownership itself. that's part of the kink. does have favourite types of dynamics, in particular likes weird powerplays, whether or not he's topping or bottoming in them
vox: allo grey-ace bi. but evil about it. falls desperately in love and then becomes obsessive and possessive forever over that person, whether or not it turns to hate along the way. val had better watch out he never gets on vox' bad side... angel is already on thin ice simply for being one of val's favourites (RIP). that being said vox isn't really in it for the sex. he's in it for the power. and then every once in awhile he's in it for the sex (but only if it's got power involved). gets deeply weird about it all in a way that signals to everyone that it's a "once in a blue moon vox really wants to fuck val" time, so they can get out of the building sharpish in case it involves disemboweling an employee as foreplay
all of this is why voxval aren't a couple, aren't friends, but a secret, third thing (evil about it)
velvette: aroace, and not evil about it. she's just evil in other ways. honestly think she and alastor could get on in a different afterlife. she's not repulsed, she's simply strongly disinterested and somewhat annoyed with how much space all of this seems to take in everyone's heads to one extent or another. sort of a classic aroace in the way people in the past might have said "she was simply too busy for Romance," and yeah, she is busy, but if she wasn't she'd do literally anything else than get involved with any of *waves hands* that whole thing, just because it does seem to remove everyone's braincells -- she does write most of the voxval smut though. sometimes watches back videos of them going at it. just those two though, that asexual study-like-a-bug fascination. does she get off to it? that's her secret. okay so maybe a little evil about it
carmilla: aroallo (i wanna say bi, considering her and vaggie's tension), but not practising RIP. zestial would in a heartbeat, but she is unfortunately too busy, and not in the "aroace" coding kind of way, she just is. she's got two kids and an arms-business and millions of souls and potential heavenly invasion to think about! but yeah, she might feel more relaxed if she were to read his signs...
lucifer: alloace (bi?), but like. in a "i fucked your ex-wives" bragging rights kind of way. like yeah, he did that, but that's because he'll simp for a beautiful woman, not because he's particularly looking for sex. he'd be happy doing literally anything for a hot woman. big sub praise kink energy. (and this is why lucifer and adam could never have sex without a third-party dom/me involved -- what're two subs gonna do RIP?)
adam: lol, ok idk what would be funnier. alloace? aroallo? aroace? grey? demi? whatever says "talks a big game, but actually wouldn't know what to do with the whole thing if he had the chance, and hasn't had sex since eve left him, and that was kind of a lot of pressure being the only two humans and all, and like, was god watching all that, anyway, yeah ive had sex ive had all the sex (with one woman, missionary style because god might have been watching), did i do a good job, was that okay, of course it was, im not self-conscious about that, i fuckn love vaginas, yeah i can spell that word, can you spell uh, deeznuts, because that's what humanity came from babey, and now i never have to do it again, wait i didn't mean that last bit, anyway... where was i? do you think lucifer was better at sex than me?" -- whatever that is
lute: aroallo lesbian (and evil about it, but she's been indoctrinated, maybe she can chill out one day, we'll see). no, whatever she and vaggie had going on, i feel like it was incredibly toxic, did they have sex? didn't they have sex? did they have whatever a homoerotic subtextual sexual scene would look like? like when you watch those macho soldier movies and one of them is bullying the other into submission and there's a veneer of sweat and shame over the whole thing and close-ups of writhing muscles, but they never appear to have actual sex onscreen... that but with lesbian angels. lute is not over vaggie not submitting to her/her choosing to be in a (spits) "romantic" relationship (with a demon)
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abcwordsurge · 7 months
so! I just finished with the 1st draft of my Houston / Miami / New Orleans story that I'm writing for @kaz-playz (yes I'm still working on it, even after all these months, it's long and I'm slow, sorry, but I promise I'll get it to you someday)
I usually only edit my stories before posting, but I want nothing but the best for Kaz, so I'll probably do a full rewrite of this one. in the meantime, allow me to share with you some hcs for the trio that I stumbled across while writing the first draft
I've already talked about this, but just to establish a baseline, I hc Miami as pan, and using they/she pronouns
they're the biggest flirt ever, of course
they're light sensitive, and I think I've said this before, but just in case those in the back missed it: she wears her sunglasses (a gift from New Orleans) almost everywhere, and can't stand fluorescent lighting
they love the beach and cruises of course (cruise capital of the world, you know)
naturally quite pale, but you wouldn't know it- they're always tanned from so much time in the sun because she forgets sunscreen way too often :( (unless Nora and/or Houston are there to remind her)
she likes to go diving to explore the shipwrecks (but can't convince Nora to go with her)
shockingly, they're a Shakespeare fan. this isn't based on anything except, uh, plot convenience, and I like Shakespeare, so shut up /lh. (also she's a huge believer in "Shakespeare should be watched, not read")
Nora (New Orleans):
she/her, bi
literally the most gorgeous girl you will ever meet
not very flirty, but very kind, and there is often confusion regarding whether she's flirting or just, y'know, being a decent person
notably, has a realistic impression of how serious problems are (Miami has a tendency to be too mellow and not realize that something is a problem, while Houston is prone to dramatics- but not Nora, Nora's ~reasonable~)
not opposed to breaking the rules, and doesn't seem to respect authority figures very much (they're just people, after all, who are they to order her around?)
plays clarinet at a low-key jazz club, and is quite proud of it
very good at poker (Las Vegas is her frenemy)
she practices Vodouism (which, admittedly, I don't know too much about, so I'm hesitant to write a lot about it- I don't want to accidentally resort to stereotypes, y'know?- but it stands to reason that she would)
and finally, the star of the show, our girl!
she/her, raging lesbian
very prideful and stubborn, and a lot of people find her attitude "disagreeable," but her confidence and passion is actually quite endearing
gets bored easily, especially during meetings, and starts drama for fun
she thinks she's socially awkward because she has a hard time figuring out what people want from her, but most people don't notice when she feels awkward
also has sensory issues, though she mostly combats hers with being very particular about the clothes she wears, and avoiding crowds
had a bit of a sheltered childhood (cough Texas cough) but part of her rebellious phase was learning more about other cultures and people with different experiences from hers
she's found her place in the LGBTQ+ community (as the L) and likes to throw it in Texas's face during arguments (even though he has technically "accepted" her, he isn't exactly thrilled about it, and she knows it)
admittedly, she doesn't know much about polyamorous relationships (at least, at the start of my story *wink wink*)
so that's what I've got for now. to hold y'all over till I finish up the real story. have a good day :3
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purpleandstarlight · 1 year
Some time ago I said I would make a post about my opinion on various of the kuro characters' stance on the LGBTQA+ community so here It comes i guess. Gonna be a pretty long post I suppose.
Starting off with what may be a hot take: o!Ciel ain't homophobic or transphobic or anything. Yana may write him like that, but I feel like that's her problem and not his. It makes basically no sense with his character. He's just a dude trying to live his life and he canonically doesn't judge people for going against what society thinks should be the "norm" (His speech defending Snake in the Campania arc, to name one instance). He HIMSELF doesn't really follow the "norm" of a noble of that time period (Treats his human servants (so not Sebastian) like actual human beings and even family, doesn't seem to go to church or leave his house for fun much, hates socializing and going to parties). I personally even read him as aroace!
Plus he canonically read (or was at least knowledgeable about) Carmilla, wich I never read but from what I hear was gay Dracula before Dracula was invented.
That said, in modern era he WOULD make gay funtom merchandise for pride month only for the profit and not to stand by the gays. Not because he's homophobic, he just doesn't care about being so public in his support for the community if not for that sweet, sweet money. Tiny capitalist child. Awful little man.
Now, if you want to blame a Phantomhive for being homophobic...that's R!Ciel. An actually alive, not bizarre doll R!Ciel could be convinced of the LGBTQA+ community not being bad IF (and only if) his brother was a part of it and o!Ciel slowly educated him on what not to say or think. Like not even the knowledge that his father is the most bisexual person alive would convince him, he'd just live in denial. But we know that o!Ciel is sacred for him. "If brother says this, then it's the truth."
Bizarre doll R!Ciel is like those mums that go "I'm fine with gay people I just think that [insert extremely homophobic statement here]". He also says stuff like "The A in the LGBTQA+ community stands for Ally :)"
Lizzie is very nice and openly supportive, but WILL get sometimes flustered in front of two gay people being gay. She will also sometimes stumble and say something bad by mistake, but she immediately corrects her behavior as soon as she's explained that what she said wasn't right.
Tanaka? Complete Ally. No boomer behavior from the Grandpa ever.
Mei Rin? Ally. She is also a total lesbian who just hasn't come to terms with it yet, though. So for now she just says she's an Ally and moves on.
Finny is also an Ally who just doesn't get he's part of the community yet. He's aroace and doesn't know it.
Bard says he's an Ally, but the fact is that the only gay person he doesn't support is himself. Had his bi awakening after working with Sebastian at the Manor but denies it to himself like o!Ciel denies himself love and happiness.
Speaking of Sebastian, he's a very homophobic gay being. Not with himself. He knows he ain't straight and isn't upset about it. But if another person drops hints that they are, he's mad about it and WONT support them. Unless it's Agni. If it's Agni, he's EXTREMELY happy about it...
Agni is either Bi or a complete Ally.
Soma is the token straight friend. He's a complete Ally tho. Doesn't even hesitate. "Oh you're into men? That's cool! I'm into curry :)"
William is aroace and okay with that but he's also homophobic and transphobic.
Ronald is either Bi or another "token straight, ally friend"
Bonus: more sexuality headcanons!
Undertaker gives me big homosexual vibes but I also believe in the theory that him and Claudia had a thing, so I'll say pan.
Sieglinde is a lesbian. Had her first girl crush on Lizzie.
Grelle is obviously and canonically a trans woman and proud but imo she STILL needs to understand that men aren't her thing. Women are. She's in denial.
Also headcanon that in a modern era she would fucking hate the trans flag colours bc there's no deep red in it wich means she doesn't know how to incorporate it with her aesthetic.
Othello is ace. Idk if he's aro too or at least into women, but he's ace.
Alois is only into guys but also ace. @weeb-cheese showed me the light when they said he looked aroace to them. I can't completely buy the aro part but i am 100% sold on him being ace.
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aqg-arts · 1 year
Hi, I'm AQG Arts!
As you can tell from my bio (and my posts), I am an 'artist' who enjoys drawing anything that will make people laugh. I also love to write, though I haven't made any posts containing my writing. I'm also currently- actually, no. No spoilers :p. Instead, let me link the project when it's ready 😉
My pronouns are she/her/they/them
Here are some fun facts about me:
. I am a bi lesbian in a straight relationship
. I am a Demigirl
. I have a yt channel
. I have a discord
. I have an insta
. Please sign the Griffin Petition uwu
. I love Halo, Warframe, COD, Ghost Recon, etc
. I have four birds (two of which are just as old as me lol); France, Prince (cocktails), Buck and Dare (parrots).
. I have two fish, one's about 5-7 yrs, the other about 2 yrs (Jerome'eis and Tiger)
. I have a cat (Kelly)
. I have a horse (Archie, pictured bellow)
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. Queerphobes
. BLERQs (Bi Lesbian Exclusionary...)
. TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist)
. MERQs (MSPEC Exclusionary...)
. Anti-gay Christians (you know the ones)
. Zoos/'MAPs'/pedos (These people are NOT Queer; They are bigots, and they are actually harming people, even if they are 'non-practising'. The difference between them and us MSPECs is exactly that: They hurt people, and we just want to live our lives.)
. Misogynists
. Pro-lifers (don't even lol)
. Pro genocide (you are disgusting)
. Racists
. AI 'artists' (anyone who uses AI with that type of mindset (iykyk) will be purged from thou blog, UwU. In other words, no AI bros)
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Here's some of my fav art things I've done (some are WIPS), just so you can get a taste of my art lol. enjoy :D
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And for those of you wondering who the last one is, these are my Halo OCs (who is also a bit of a god/prophet of mine), Kalmaya-A118 and her 'AI' buddy, Firefall, redrawn. If you wanna find out a bit more about her, just look at the lovely little things I wrote down bellow ;)
I might add to her dotn't points later, however, for now, this will have to do. Also, be warned; Kalmaya isn't actually in the Halo universe. In fact, if she was, she'd break it because she is... too powerful.
Here are some 'fun' facts about Kalmaya A118 and her bestis bud, Firefall :3
. She lives in an alternative-but-not-really-alternative universe, where her powers can be handled (she's too gay for gaylo)
. She visits the cannon timeline, but only time to time (and only to cause chaos cas she a gremlin fr)
. In her universe, they're missing a couple of people (who are in my basement), but they're only a few 'KIA' Spartan's that ppl tend to forget abt... and maybe 3 or 4 or 10 very alive ones. (Spartèmon, gotta catch em all...)
. Kalmaya is technically a demigod (on the premise that I am a God)
. Kalmaya owns a gravemind (awolololo gang for life yo)
. Kalmaya is also a bi les
. Kalmaya yoinked Umbra and a few other warframes outta their universes when she- actually, this will be hard to explain without writing a story on it (hint hint future me)
. Kalmaya is lovingly nicknamed 'Brutedundee'
. Kalmaya bonked Ballas (because I couldn't 😤)
. Kalmaya beat the living shit out of Chak Lok's corpse (because that's what real heroes do when their bestie gets hurt)
. Kalmaya is not permitted to bring a bag of live popcorn onto any ship unless it is her own and no one is aboard; if she is caught doing so, Firefall will become straight and embarrass the shit out of her...
Ima keep adding to these dot points later, but for now? For now enjoy these brain sharts >:3
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Heyy! I love your blog, and I wanted to ask - do you have any headcannons about the Aliens in MvA? For me Sta'abi seems like a Lesbian...
gaww I'm happy to hear! gosh headcanons are so hard for me, apologies in advance that this is all over the place!!
hmm since it's pride, for fun I'd say Susan & Link are bi, Doc is a transman & aromantic or gay, Bob is nonbinary & pan ace
Coverton is either gay or demi aroace, Sqweep is a nonbinary (trans?)girl & ace lesbian, Sta'abi is pan demisexual, although I'm never set on labeling them but that's my idea!
oh and Gallaxhar is ace, Derek is bi (probably closeted)
‌the monster agents have their own private island where they live work free, nicknamed "Monster Beach"
Susan, ‌Doc, Link, & Bob have separate living spaces, but they share the same (beach) house. There are 3 floors and 1 ground floor, which extends to Susan's area that is the majority of the entire building. There's a lab/garage for Doc's projects just off the main residence, but the real works are at Area 5X. ‌Butterfly sleeps in a cavern of the cove behind a waterfall curtain.
‌Link has a driving license, a piloting licence, and a fishing licence and soon a licence to kill yes he has a car it's his 2nd baby
Link deserves a stuffed animal collection I think, but of course, his no. 1 will always be the rabbit, and they're all grouped on his heating pad rock thing
‌Susan video calls her parents weekly, tries to visit at least once a month but its more of whenever she can
‌Doc & Megamind are buddies. Although when the agents first met Megs it was a monsters vs alien situation (or monsters vs megamind hehe)
‌Doc's cockroach research contributed to the development of adding longevity to the average human which explains why Monger can be 90 and look like that, a less mad science former partner of his is responsible for this
‌there's an international Antarctic base that holds alien tech from around the globe (or at least what isn't "important" in each country's respective secret governments), these are mostly big and useless other than for study, an alien junkyard really
‌not sure how this would happen but I like the idea of Derek occasionally covering live news of the agents at work so a running gag is him getting splashed, slimed, dusted, swarmed, and such
Derek must have majored in meteorology, so there has to be something there. it's a special interest in weather and environmental sciences, but he'd avoid ever being called a nerd so it isn't that well known. he also had a hobby in photography, then wanted to be in front of the camera instead
‌MVA takes place in the same universe as Megamind, The Croods, How To Train Your Dragon, Rise Of The Guardians, Home, and Abominable (Shrek is canonically fictional, so dreamworksception? implying live action Shrek actually)
‌Link's species, the "aquappe", are not directly related to homo sapiens, but one of the cousin's ancestors (homo erectus?). I like to think their species evolutionary process was very back and forth (like a whale), but eventually became modern day mermaids. Like apes and whales they sing, but Link's adjustment to speaking might have affected his vocal cords. He still likes to sing, just shy about it like in the karaoke music party.
‌Link's first language is sign, which he learnt from Monger and few others, he learned proper English from Doc & TV
‌Bob also learned from TV, and Monger talked to him a lot
Bob's consumption/absorption of any material helps him regulate his mass. He floats on saltwater but will eventually break down after a very long period of time.
‌Monger has back scars from asserting his dominance over Link, an accidental acid burn from feeding Bob, and a matching chemical burn with Doc after he showed off one of his inventions
before Area 5X, Monger hunted monsters under an alias, although he was unsuccessful because it turned into a monster romance on at least 2 separate occasions
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bespokeminutiae · 1 year
Cassti is my protag and I love her so have some headcanons!!
Disclaimer: I have not finished the game. I've only played through the Cassti's chapter 2.
Please do not put spoilers on my post!!
Honestly I was not expecting to like her as much as I do but from the start she's been so damned compelling. I love her.
Very pragmatic
She's the epitome of "I'm a healer, but."
Like this is a deeply kind and compassionate woman but like. Do no harm take no shit. Some problems can best be solved with rest and fluids and an herbal tincture. Some problems can best be solved with a battle axe.
Extremely smart, like at the top of her field as an apothecary.
The second any of the other travelers realize how much medical knowledge she has they start pressuring her to write books or teach or found a medical school or something. Half of them even have ideas for how to fund it!
...She'll consider it if/when her joints start to go bad and she can't travel anymore.
So pre-amnesia Cassti was probably a lesbian (and in love with Malaya), but I feel like she's still reconstructing her sense of self post-amnesia and is more open than she would have been otherwise because there just. Isn't anything for her to go on.
She ends up poly and bi, in a polycule with Throné, Hikari, and Partitio.
Said polycule was originally just Throne, HIkari, and Cassti, and had not really progressed beyond a mutual acknowledgement of attraction and an understanding that maybe we'll do something about this sexual tension After The War TM, but Partitio is very free with physical affection and eventually broke down the walls between all four of them without meaning to.
For Partitio, Cassti is attracted to his optimism and charm and strong sense of right and wrong, as well as his determination to back up any of the ridiculous moves he made in the name of doing the right thing. He's not just bluster, he always puts in the work to back up his word and she likes that. He's also an easy mark to tease and that's fun.
Hikari was the first companion Cassti met on the road, and Cassti's first close companion post-amnesia. She's attracted to his grace and dignity, as well as his strong sense of duty and strong moral compass. They have similar worldviews and perspectives on a lot of things, despite coming from very different backgrounds.
Cassti's attracted to Throné because I'm a long-time thief/apothecary shipper and I'm not stopping now of Throne's sharp wit and sense of humor, as well as her grace and sense of fashion. She also admires Throné's determination to pursue her goals and is a little jealous of Throné's ability to be selfish, and really wants to see who Throné becomes once she's free of the collar.
...Every one of Cassti's partners made the first move. Cassti's very reserved and pragmatic and in the wake of the amnesia was really not looking for romance (let alone so much of it). She's not really sure how she ended up here, but she's happy.
She's always been somewhat reserved and a bit of a workaholic, but it's only gotten worse since she amnesia because her medical knowledge is all she has left.
Lost what few coping mechanisms she had in the war
Is a good patient as long as she's the only patient. Is a terrible patient the second someone else is also injured
Every time it is suggested that she get a hobby for relaxation purposes, she somehow manages to turn it back into work. Loves gardening! Only grows medicinal plants, etc.
She and Throné have chronic "No, let ME help YOU." at each other.
Gender-wise, Cassti is pretty solidly in the middle of the butch/femme spectrum. She'd probably be actually more butch, except her gender presentation is more about managing other people's expectations first and expressing her own preferences second.
Like seriously. She's designed her entire presentation around "Even if you only catch the hem of her skirt out of the corner of your eye, you know you've seen a member of Eir's apothecaries and can ask for help if you need it."
Like Temenos, she also feels that presenting as the gender she's chosen to present as is the one that grants her the most social benefits on the path she's chosen to walk.
She would not consider herself trans or nonbinary, but she's not at all attached to her femininity. The skirt uniform and long hair and she/her pronouns just contribute to the impression she wants to give off, which is "helpful apothecary."
People who had a hand in Cassti's dancer outfit: Agnea, Partitio, Throné
People who did not have a hand in Cassti's dancer outfit: Cassti
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
willsker (will/wesker I think?) and wenclair :3
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Basically I STRONGLY headcanon that these two were in a relationship at some point, and while by the time canon starts Will is married to Annette (and I like that relationship and don't want to break it up or put actual cheating in there), Wesker and Will are still very close in a very queer way. And I alternate between yelling about how Wesker trusts Will with his life, going all "wait, technically, Wesker is the undead monster that Will the mad scientist reanimated", and writing silly ficlets with banter and Will complaining about the snow. (I haven't been through the whole ship tag in...a while...but I have done so, and there are some great ones in there but also still not enough, especially when we filter out the ones with Wesker characterisation that's very jarring to me, or the ones heavily based around cheating, and the ones where it's unrequited...)
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I like their dynamic, I love how they grew closer over season 1, they're fun, I enjoy the ship... also saw a great post about the werewolf transformation+rescue scene paralleling Gomez rescuing Morticia in the first film, and there's also potential to contrast between Tyler (who transforms into a murderous monster--which would normally be something Wednesday would be into--but who kills people for motivations based in bigotry/resentment of a marginalised group and/or following orders from a bigot--very much not an Addams thing) vs Enid (who transforms into a much cooler monster and beats Tyler in a fight, and does it to protect someone she cares about, which is far more Addams)...
But at the same time, while they're compatible in some ways (Enid being kind and accepting for the most part towards Wednesday, and Wednesday encouraging Enid to stand up for herself more) and certainly have a great friendship by the end of s1, when it comes to them ending up in a long-term romantic relationship... there's definitely content I enjoy and if it happened in canon I'd be very happy about it, but I'm not 100% sure how much I definitively ship it yet. Their interests are very different, so when they're not investigating a murder I do wonder just what they'd do together. And I can also see the argument for it being a qpr rather than romantic. When it comes to my own fics, I still don't know if I want Wednesday to end up in a romantic relationship with Enid, in a qpr with Enid, with Joel, married to Lucas from the musical, married to a genderswapped version of Lucas from the musical, or what, and I'm just waiting to see how future seasons of the show develop things.
I'm also a bit...eh...about the insistence from some corners of the fandom that if they don't get together it's inherently queerbaiting (I think it would at this point be queerbaiting if they were both depicted as definitively straight and forced into boring straight relationships, and I am concerned about the possibility of that, but there are lots of ways to depict one or both as queer even without the two of them ending up in a definitively canon romantic relationship), and I'm outright uncomfortable with the "they MUST both be lesbians, if they're not both lesbians this show SUCKS AND IS HOMOPHOBIC, Wednesday could DEFINITELY never be into MEN I mean look at her she is OBVIOUSLY a lesbian and if you think otherwise you're wrong" I've occasionally encountered because like...bi people exist and depicting a character as bi isn't homophobic or "less representation" than her being a lesbian. And if anything there's more evidence in canon for Wednesday being bi than there is for her being either exclusively gay or straight (not that I really see any Addams as straight), since she's definitely interested in boys in various other adaptations but some productions of the musical have made her also into girls. The idea that she cannot be bi or it would be homophobic for her to be bi is just really uncomfortable to me.
Anyway it's a ship with great potential but also not one I'm insistent on as the only good option for her?
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darcyolsson · 11 months
actually how do you feel about the queer rep in tsc in general, b/c i feel like it's so good but also sometimes. Bad. like Anna was so messy imo, both as a nonbinary character and her relationship to Ari. but at the same time she writes so much queer rep for such a big and mainstream series.
i think the short answer is "overall very good, but not perfect, as can be expected from a cishet woman in her 40s"
long answer is yeah, it's a bit of a mixed bag sometimes, but generally good. i think she treats her queer and her cishet characters equally, without putting too much thought into certain sterotypes she wants to avoid, which does lead to a few questionable moments. (though she does avoid killing her queer characters like the plague, which, so true. keep that up)
i think a good example of this is how both magnus and matthew, two of the most prominent bisexual characters, are both known for being very flirtatious people, which is a negative sterotype i think most authors as dedicated to writing rep as cc would want to avoid. at the same time, there's also slutty characters who aren't bi (jace, isabelle, anna) and bi characters who aren't slutty (mark, kieran, helen). would it be better if she had avoided this stereotype altogether? i don't know!
same goes for the way cetain characters talk about magnus' femininity. though it's generally respected and generally admired, it's absolutely used as the butt of a joke like... all the time. would it be better if no one made fun of it, even though magnus' femininity is also explicity admired in-text by just as many people? i don't know, you tell me.
anna is......... a lot to unpack, isn't she. i can't really say how i feel about her gender identity since i'm not nonbinary myself, but i do think that if cc set out to write a genderqueer character she could have made that more explicit. i get that tlh being set in the 1900s leads to some complications, but i think a sensitivity reader may have helped her a bit here.
i do think her and ari's romance lacked a certain depth that other couples were given (and same goes for helen and aline, though they are obviously not main characters). i think this is mostly due to the way cc writes her male and female characters, or rather, their romances. it's a little hard to put into words but i feel like, in the end, her female characters are the ones who are regular people while the male characters often step into the sexy love interest role, ready to admire the Main Girl any opportunity he gets. that's not to say that most characters don't carry elements of both these roles sometimes, but it kind of leaves us with, like, Lesbian Sheep? does anyone get what the fuck i'm trying to say?
basically, when your romances depend on men being sexy dreamboats waiting for a girl to slowly fall in love with him, it's hard to write one without a man in there. the reason why ari and anna don't read as romantic is because they're both rational, three-dimensional people, whose main purpose in life is not getting the attention of some girl, when cc's romances almost always depend on the core dynamic being Regular Girl x Universally Admired Guy Who Would Kill Himself For Her If She Asked. (sizzy is a very notable exception to this, with izzy being the universally admired guy, while simon is the regular girl.)
basically, think her desire to write all her women as relatable, rational people for whom romance is not the single most important thing in their lives is preventing her from doing it. i'm very curious to see if twp will give us a better take on a lesbian romance but i don't count on it unfortunately!
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