#one of my posts on this on main blew up and ive deleted it since bc the notes were annoying
snakeoid · 1 year
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gacha delulu illness
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boyshoujo · 7 years
also when did i ever mention grandpas ??? i dnot rmember............... BUT I KNOW PUB ENCOUNTER!!!!! and lmao everyone in the game is ugly so that's why i didn't play it,,,,, and there's that one guy called..???? memori??? smth like that idk but he looks like ardyn??? an uglier version of ardyn lol!! btw i Don't want to fuck ardyn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SFLJLSKFJ tbh it’s been so long that i dont even remember why i was talking about grandpas,, i just looked it up and ur right the lawyer guy looks like a sad budget version of ardyn lmao???? wait i think i was talking about grandpas bc in hadaka cant u bang the old grandpa butler or something ?? LMAO
so much happened in the last 2 weeks and i wanted to tell u everything but i forgot about it :( lmao its like im a news channel and im like “bringing u the news”,,,,,,,,,,,,, also ur post abt rock robin is so long??? lmao??? but im gonna check it out dw,, ,,,,i have very high standards of the people i bang so they all better be hot,,.,,,.,.,,,.,.,
👏 BRING 👏 ME 👏 THE 👏 NEWS 👏👏👏👏👏👏JKLJFLFJKJFS theyre not that hot………………im just gnna tell u…………theyre not that hot………………………………… the sprites r all over the place tbh and the hottest character imo is the main character lmao BUT i think u’ll like wizz bc he reminds me of you LOL except he’s an asshole lmao
actually i really wanted to fuck willy wonka when i was little???? he was just…. too weird and i liked his weirdness,, and have u even saw his face??? who wouldn’t want to fuck that??? but i just realized im Actually him?? like he got all the money in za warudo but he just wanted a loving family,,,,, i didn’t give a fuck abt charlie or his family when i was little but now,,,,,,,,,, i wish i had a family like charlie………… i now understand why willy wonka is the way he is right now……
tbh ME TOO??????? like……………………..i dont know why…..lmao………. but he’s hot ? in a weird kitsch way ???? like id bang both versions of willy wanka???? i’d bang the angsty purple one AND the emo bowl cut wonka???????? also BINCH SAME ???? i want a kind supportive family like charlie’s ????? wtf ????? wow add willy wonka to the #LonelyBitchClub
the name of that fish in nemo is gill and,,,, its like gel??? got it??? its like hair gel LMAO!! !!! but yeh i searched everywhere and i couldn’t find any porn of him ;^( i even searched in deviantart and didn’t find shit… …… sad….. i didn’t even find any fanfic abt him….. i actually hated him when i was a kid and i thought he was a dick…. i still hate him but since he looks like sergei i gotta fuck him lol!!! if u came at me 10 years ago n asked me abt him i’d say i want to kill himabout hair gel: i thought he was a petty bitch and when he talked abt his hand i was always like: “get over ur self bitch” and ooooooh damn i just looked at his scars again and i take everything i said back   
FSJKSJFSJF out of curiosity i tried looking some up aND I FOUND THE WORST PICTURE IVE EVER LAID MY EYES ON THANKS!!!!! DONT LOOK IT UP LOL,,,, also tbh……….i lied………… ive wanted to fuck gill since the moment i saw him………… he’s a hot goth fish and im into that…….. :/ :/ :/ when u first showed me sergei i was like ..... wow..................... this binch is just like gill from finding nemo mixed w/ leon from resident evil....................
ok i admit it im from saudi arabia, i was going to expose myself sooner or later lol but its just where i live- ok hold on i have a little story, 5 months ago i joined a discord chat for one of the fandoms, i talked about how this fucking evil character is, well.., evil……, like its obvious he’s going to be the villain, and everyone talked abt how he can be a good guy and they all got angry when i said “yeah anyways i don’t like good guys cuz they’re boring” and they immediately asked -where im from, i said “why are you asking :)” ironically cuz its a fuckin chat lmao and u should mind ur own business?? so i said “saudi arabia” and i felt them all judging me?? like if i was from russia for example does that mean “russian people are always right” and if i was from another country u possibly hate r u gonna say “arabic people are fucking evil and their opinions are always wrong”??? like u can’t judge me by knowing my country binch??? i got into 2 arguments abt that character being evil and another one abt how’s his canon hogwart house is gryffindor but i said “he’s a slytherin cuz he’s an asshole, and he looks like draco lmao” and everyone got angry again cuz “how dare u??? draco is a spineless coward while "that character” can fight pretty well" and then i “apologized” for saying my fucking opinion cuz apparently if half the people in the chat disagreed with you then you’re fuckin wrong cuz they said so, and then they said: “u have learned a lesson today” and idk started listing the “lessons” i learned?? like they said: “1. if the people in the chat told u to stop, u stop” ???? stop saying my opinion??? its not your father’s chat??? u don’t own it???? and after that i washed my hands cuz i felt the dirt on them from that filthy chat, ,,,,,, and i was in this chat in the big holiday (its a 4 months holiday) and it was ruining my holiday?? so i was like “fuck it” and deleted the app and i was finally free
tbh i kinda assumed u were from saudi arabia bc all the other countries i listed were like 4am in the morning and stuff but u were still sending asks and i was like ?????? why isnt this binch ASLEEP !!!! dont u have school !!!!also lmao what discord was that ??? they sound like a bunch of nerds IM LAUGHING WHO SAYS “you have learned a lesson today.” LKSJLKDLKSDJSD they got sticks up their ass and take themselves too seriously………… and who gets that heated over harry potter houses in the Year of 2017 lmao….. and people who judge others based on where theyre from ? #Ugly :/
today we had an english test and i was the only one who got 20 i think??? so the teacher (its the fish teacher lmao) looked at the paper then at me and she then smiled and blew a kiss in my direction and said “kisses” and i was like??? and i felt like i was the only student who ever got the full mark and she looked like she haven’t seen any student get the full mark in her tests ever???? i guess im going to be her fave student,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,lmao she also gave me a little snickers
DJLKDSJLK she sounds so cheesy n dramatic wtf lmao………… wow what a turnaround…………….u should bcm the star pupil and Surpass her in English
being a dick culture™ is ubisoft sending me notifications and saying “the new chapter is out!!!! play it now!!!!!!!” “have you played the new chapter??????” “PLAY IT NOW!!!!!!!!” knowing damn well i can’t click on the game’s screem cuz the game is fucking dead,,,,,, like i sent them an email but i didn’t get any reply????tj is a libra??? what a loser,,,,,,,,,,, another reason to hate him,,, like from the moment he betrayed me from season 1 i canceled his ass,,,,, i mean i didn’t give a fuck abt him from the beginning LMaO!!! !!!!! but i knew he was a fake bitch and he was going to betray me,,,,,, 
do u need the links to the playthroughs on youtube ??? this is the season finale with louise but u cn find vincent’s on tumblr i thinkI LIKE TJ !!!! yea hes a libra ass binch but he has a good heart ??? ? he doesn’t deserve this slander………….Bye lol
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