#one of my favourite things about PJO is how they portray annabeth
scissors-barbie · 9 months
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mrthology · 26 days
what's your opinion on blonde percy? i feel really torn about it bc i love black annabeth and totally respect rick riordan's decision to base the casting off of their vibe/personality, and walker really does embody percy so well. i support not subjecting the kids to hair dye especially if the series continues for like 10 years, but then... i guess i think of it as this chance to see it brought to life and it doesn't matter what they look like as long as they capture the characters well, BUT THEN.... i realize that it may mean that later on, percy will be more associated to having blonde hair and blue eyes than black hair and sea green eyes, it's already kind of happening where he's being portrayed like that in the fandom, and it just bothers me so much 😭 i don't know why i'm so stuck on this because even though the blonde hair, gray eyes look was as associated with annabeth, i think her being predominantly portrayed as black in the fandom will be amazing and fit her struggles and personality/growth well, but i can't stand the idea of black hair/sea green eyes percy being overtaken by a blonde hair, blue eyes version? especially given that that's jason's look. and it just... horribly clashes with the image of percy jackson in my head and how he's currently portrayed in the fandom as having that classic greek hero look and looking like a younger poseidon? i guess canon percy kind of also gives more leeway for poc!percy headcanons which i absolutely love, since people are just so quick to blame him and assume the worst which, imo, in the landscape the US is in, would not happen as much if he had the typical blonde hair blue eyes white boy look (then people would just find a way to constantly make excuses for him)
i know i'm overthinking it but i'm genuinely worried for canon percy's appearance to be a relic of the past that only us oldies will remember and in the future percy will only be known as blonde 😭
I honestly see the books and show as different entities, and know many others who do the same! They're in the same universe but separate things. Some people will enter the fandom through the show and only watch it, some will watch it and immediately read the books for more content, some will stick to the books only, mix it up, go headfirst into fanfiction, etc.
Fanfiction is transformative, and people will continue to create how they want, regardless of canonical depictions. Having an actor attached to Percy (and all the characters) will colour some people's vision of him. Still, even in visual-only media, people in fandoms will always take artistic licence to explore what they want, how they want it. It's one of my favourite things about fandom!
As for his portrayal in fandom, I've been in a few book fandoms that have had movie or show adaptations, and even in ones where the visual media adaptation is massively successful and influential to filmmaking as a whole, the book influence is still there! If I still read fics where Legolas has dark hair after how insanely influential the Jackson movies were, dark-haired Percy will endure.
Basically, I'm not worried. If people participate in the PJO fandom after being introduced through the show, they'll encounter dark-haired Percy fairly quickly. There's SO much fanfiction, fanart, and more for this fandom, going back to the mid-2000s. There may be more blond Percy depictions now, but that doesn't mean the book canon is gone or will disappear!
I also can't touch on the political landscape in the USA comfortably, as I'm not American. I'm as educated as possible, but I still can't speak from lived experience. I 100% see your point, and have seen more discussion on the subject, but aren't comfortable speaking on it myself
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For the percy jackson qs All of them bc I'm a slut for u answering questions about the shit u love :3c
Aaaaaah thank you bae!!! This is super long tho because, you know me, I can talk A LOT about this universe. And also, if you have more questions, please ask me so that I can continue to gush about my favourite series in the entire world OTL 
1.How old were you when you read the Percy Jackson books?
I was 11 when I first started reading them 😂 I was a tiny bby
2.What year did you read them in?
Does this mean academic year or actual year? Because I read them in year 7 (6th Grade) so that would have been in somewhere around 2010 I think???
3. What caused you to read them?
My older brother had read them and recommended The Lightning Thief to me and a selection of books were being given out at my school for free to encourage kids to read and The Lightning Thief happened to be one of them. And the rest is history 😂
4.Which of the series have you read in the PJO universe?
All of them~ I have read every book in the PJO, HoO, KC, and MCGA series and I’ve just preordered The Dark Prophecy at my local book store so I can keep up to date with ToA. I’ve also read all the side books like Demigod Diaries and Demigods and Magicians, and the two books of Professor Percy and they’re all aligned in chronological order on my book shelve because I’m a fucking nerd OTL
5. What is your favorite series in the PJO universe?
Oh god help me. I don’t know??? I love them all for different reasons??? I find myself ranting most to other people about HoO but the Magnus Chase series is probably my favourite because not only is it a wonderful story but The Hammer of Thor was the first time I had ever read about a genderfluid character and the way Alex was portrayed was just so wonderful to me that I will reread that book over and over again, specifically on his pages because it’s kinda like seeing a little bit of myself in my favourite world. It heightens my sense of escapism and belonging there that’s for sure XD
6.Who is your favorite character?
From the PJO series- Thalia GraceFrom the HoO series- Nico Di Angelo/ Leo Valdez/ Reyna (DO NOT MAKE ME PICK!)From the ToA series- Will SolaceFrom the KC- either Sadie Kane (because I’m always here for another Ribena enthusiast) or AnubisFrom the MCGA series- ALEX FIERRO RULER OF MY LIFE!!!
7.Who is your least favorite character?
Overall?? Either Zeus (because he was the world’s first fuckboi) or Bianca Di Angelo. As an older sibling, I could never imagine leaving my younger sibling all alone just because I wanted a bit more freedom in my life. It’s incredibly selfish and I just can’t ever forgive her for it. She may have been a hero and an interesting character and I was really torn up when she died but I will never forgive her for the way she treated her younger brother.
8.What are your headcanons?
THERE ARE TOO MANY TO LIST!!! But one of my main headcanons that I will list here (I’ll message you others if you ever read the whole universe) is that Nico and Anubis know each other and get along. Now this started because they’re described as looking very similar to each other (black, shaggy hair, dark brown eyes, pale af with a similar fashion sense of just black on black) and it kind of snowballed once I read Son Of Neptune. Because to me, it would make so much sense for Nico to know about other pantheons long before the other demigods. Why? Because Death is universal across mythology. And Nico, as the son of Hades, needs to know about his death rituals which- I think- would lead him to researching the other pantheons and learning that immortality really is forever. But yeah, i just love the idea of Nico and Anubis being friends and looking out for one another because they both understand the stigma around death but they’re both actually kind of dorky the minute they stop being angry??? But yeah, there’s just one of my headcanons and look how long that took to summarise OtL
9.Do you read fanfic for these books?
Yesssssssss all day every day!!
10.Do you write it?
I try to OTL it’s just, with characters i love and adore so much I’m so scared of doing them a disservice??? If that makes sense? I’ve got a thousand scenarios in my head but when I try to write I end up starting at a blank screen for 30 minutes before going back and rereading the books again XD
11.What’s your favorite scene?
From PJO- When Percy offers Pandora’s Pithos to Hestia as an offering. It’s just such an important act at the time and I just love it so much!!!!From HoO- uuuurgh it’s a tie up between Jason comforting Nico after Croatia and then the ending with the two camps and Reyna being a badass. From ToA- I know this isn’t really a scene but when Apollo makes the remarked about Achilles, Briseis and Patroclus because Iliad jokes~~ 😂 but other than that, probably when Apollo starts to realise how shit a parent he actually is and feeling kinda guilty about it. I just love seeing him evolve as a person rather than stay the same immortal fuckboi forever. From KC- THE FUCKING CAN OPENER!!! I laughed for about an hour when I first read the bit when Carter finds out about Horus possessing him. I actually couldn’t read past that bit without laughing over and over again 😂 From MCGA- When Alex was lying down on the Bifrost. I always imagine it as a very beautiful scene because he’s got this rainbow light all around him but it also makes me feel sad for some reason I’ve yet to pin down. But yeah, Alex being pretty and melancholy surrounded by rainbow light~ From Demigods and Magicians- probably when Setne gets sucked into the snow globe. That was a good day reading that.
12.Most memorable quote?
‘With great power comes great need to take a nap’
13.Favourite romantic relationship?
I have a few! Solangelo is my favourite altogether tho because I love the contrast between the two (I’m a sucker for the night/day/death/life symbolism in a relationship) but I also love Percabeth, Jiper, Sam/Amir, Fierrochase, Sadie/Anubis/Walt (what is that relationship called??? I can’t remember OtL)
14.Favourite platonic relationship ?
Annabeth and Piper, Percy and Jason, Annabeth and Sadie, Piper and Hazel, Grover and Percy
15.Favourite familial relationship?
NICO AND HAZEL, NICO AND REYNA, NICO AND HADES, NICO AND JASON, (basically anyone who treats Nico like family and cares about him tbh) Percy and Sally, Thalia and Jason, Piper and Leo, Sadie and Carter, Sam and Magnus, Magnus and Annabeth (the little we’ve been given anyway), Sam and Alex, Apollo and his kids??? Like the way he’s actually starting to genuinely care and he feels mildly guilty at how much they’re supporting and caring about him when he’s done none of that for them???
16.What are your notps?
Reyna and Nico. Can’t stand that ship. Also Octavian and Rachel. Or anyone with Rachel really. Same with Percy and Artemis??? Like, no???? Artemis is a maiden for eternity, she has no interest in men whatsoever??? And Rachel is the oracle of Delphi so she’s sworn to not be with people for as long as she is the oracle??? I just don’t get it.
16.What house do you think Percy is in?
See this is really hard! Percy is certainly brace and noble enough to be in Gryffindor but he is fatally loyal to the people he loves and he works incredibly hard which are more Hufflepuff traits! But at the same time he can be cunning and tricky when he’s in a fight. But he’s not really ambitious enough to be a Slytherin and, while intelligent, he won’t follow up on an idea just because of the allure of knowledge so he’s not really a Ravenclaw…urgh I want to put him in Hufflepuff but idk. Either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.
17.What house do you think Annabeth is in?
Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Like she will battle past her ADHD and dyslexia for the pursuit of knowledge and to better specialise herself in the areas she wants to but at the same time she walked into her worst nightmares, then fell into Tartarus, got out of Tartarus, then went to war all within the span of a month and a half. That takes Gryffindor courage right there. So yeah, either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.
18.Thoughts on Luke?
I always feel really bad for Luke. Because he’s so relatable. It’s easy to see how he made the choices he did because he honestly thought that the Titans could be better because the gods mistreatment was all he had ever known. And it hurts what happened to him because he is the classic tragic hero; he made the wrong choices and the minute he realises what a mess he’s made of things, it’s already too late to stop anything. But he was able to do the right thing in the end and I just get really emotional whenever I think of that scene. It hurts too much 😭
19.What race do you think Percy is?
I don’t really know. I mean, we know he’s got a lot of his appearance from Poseidon so that means he should look very Grecian/Mediterranean, maybe he even has a sort of olive skin tone??? Idk. I guess whenever I think of Percy I just think of the kids I used to see on skateboards down at the local park. But yeah, probably Grecian if I had to pick.
20.What do you think of Frank and Hazel’s relationship?
I think it’s really cute. I like how it’s so fresh??? Because with Percabeth that relationship grew out of friendship over five books and Jiper has a natural flow to it with all the fragility and insecurity of a new relationship so it still works. But Hazel and Frank knew each other for such a short period of time before they started crushing on each other and I think it’s sweet to see kind of the love and first sight thing but warped slightly due to the complications that come with their lives. It’s interesting to see them struggle through all the confusion of a brand new relationship but still trying to keep themselves together. It’s nice to see that kind of love rather than the comfortable love of Percabeth or the steady love of Jiper. 21.What do you think of Calypso and Leo’s relationship?
I love it!!! At first I was skeptical but their banter and denial was really funny and the way Leo was determined to make it back to her. I had always wanted someone to treat Calypso right and I’m glad that Leo has someone now who will see underneath all the humour as well as appreciating him for himself :)
22.Do you follow Rick on any social media platforms?
Yes! I follow him on Twitter and on Tumblr~
23.What did you think of the movie?
I liked the visual effects but that was about it. And even then it was like, nice snakes, now where’s the plot??? I really did not like those movies. They need to be buried with the Avatar movie that never existed in my opinion.
24. What are your thoughts on the upcoming musical?
I’m really looking forward to it! I think they cast a really good Percy and I really like what I’m hearing so far. I love musicals and I understand there’s a bigger limit on what you can do on a stage compared to a film so I’m more lenient towards differences between the stage and the book.
25.Do you own any of the books and if so, which ones?
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH…..I have doubles of all of them OTL but there’s a reason for that!! One copy for myself so that I can always read them and then I lend out the second copies to my friends who are curious about this world that I won’t ever shut up about.
26.Which character are you most like, personality wise?
Idk really. Maybe Will??? Because I’m kinda easy going and I try to help out other people but if you piss me off you will know about it??? And it always takes people by surprise if they don’t know me very well at how angry I can be??? But yeah, maybe Will.
27.Which character do you look the most like?
If any of the characters have rainbow hair, I have not been informed of this! Nah but I don’t know. Without my coloured hair I just kinda look like a ghost with brown hair and colour changing eyes OTL Maybe Sadie because I used to be blonde but I dyed my hair so many times it turned brown and she streaks her hair a lot so yeah, Sadie Kane :)
27.If you could cosplay as any character, who would it be?
Okay I have cosplayer Nico before but I’m going to be cosplaying Alex at the next con I’m going to (unfortunately without her heterochromia because I’m allergic to contact lenses OtL)
28.What’s your favorite cover from the series?
Is it bad to say Blood of Olympus because Leo’s got a chainsaw in it? XD but yeah, actually Hammer of Thor because the Wolf mask on that cover with the eerie green glow across it is really cool!!
29.What are some books you would recommend to another fan?
Assuming these are books related to the PJO universe then The Demigod and Magicians crossover collection are definitely worth the read (assuming you’ve read both HoO and KC) and the Magnus Chase series because they are definitely worth branching away from the Greek and Roman gods.
If that means other series in general then His Dark Materials for definite and probably the Iliad.
30.Do you have any merchandise related to the series?
I do! I have a tshirt with Percy’s quote about procrastination on it (deadlines don’t seem real to me until I’m staring one in the face), and I have a matching charm bracelet, hair bow, earrings and necklace set with pendants that all say Camp Half-Blood on them
31.Any fan casts?
Not really. As long as they look the age of the characters *glares at the film* and they have the majority of the same features *again glares at the films* then I don’t really mind too much.
32.What did you think of the ending of Heroes of Olympus, if you read it?
I personally loved it. I agree it did feel a tiny bit anticlimactic over in Greece what with the gods kicking butt for the first time in the entire series but what happened between the camps and Gaia’s forces there was really cool. And the reconciliation of the camps afterwards and how everyone was getting along was really nice. And of course, the fact that Calypso was finally freed was a big A+ in my book.
33.Would you want to be connected to the Greek, Egyptian, Roman, or Norse Gods?
I think, as far as connected in the PJO universe way goes, I’d want to be a Magician for the House of Life. Because at least then I get a choice in whether or not I want a god in my life. If you’re a Demigod you get no choice whatsoever. If you’re just a magician then other than fighting in the apocalypse, you have a choice on what you want to do with your life (plus magicians can use electronics without calling down monsters on their heads)
34.What character from the universe do you think you would be best friends with?
Idk. It’s a tie up between Sadie, Leo and Magnus because they all have a sarcastic wit which I find hilarious but they all have differences that make me want to befriend them. Like with Sadie I could hang out with her any time of the week, and she has a really gives-no-shit attitude that I love (because I give too many shits about things) but at the same time she really cares a lot about her family and her friends which is important to me. Leo is hilarious in general but at the same time really insecure about stuff and I love helping people out and learning from them so I’d probably latch on to Leo and not stop bothering him about machines because all of it is really interesting. And then Magnus is a sarcastic little nerd who tries to be tough but is actually a sunflower and yeah, I have a lot of friends like that 😘😘😘
35.What’s the saddest scene from all the books?
Bob asking whether Percy would say hello to the stars and sun for him. That kills me every time to even think about. Fuck, now I’m crying 😭
36.What scene makes you the happiest?
Any scene of platonic friendship and love is guaranteed to make me happy. But most of all, when Hades told Nico he wanted him to be happy. That just killed me inside because it’s such a difference from the Last Olympian and Nico deserves happiness after all the shit he’s been through.
Thanks bae~
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mango-studies · 8 years
got tagged by @victoryrolls!! thanks girl :’)
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
nickname(s): senpai, 7π/6, bass (as in the part i play in flute quartet)
starsign: Cancer
height: I’m pretty short; only about 4′11′’ (150 cm)
last thing I googled: height converter (for the last question because i only knew my height in metric units)
fave music artist: uh my favourite singers are Kagamine Rin and Len; does that count?
song stuck in my head: Puszta, one of my (particularly difficult) wind symphony songs
last movie I watched: no idea, probably Zootopia on a plane from China
last tv show I watched: Masterchef prob
when did you create your blog: November 2016 ish
what kind of stuff do I post: study-related ofc 
do I have any other blogs: just my main blog
do I get asks regularly: nope (pls send asks! i don’t bite and I wanna find some mutual studyblr friends, so if i’m not following you, just send me an introductory ask!)
why did I choose my url: a variant of my main blog url, which came from how my favourite fruit is mango loool (also it’s a cute sounding word too)
gender: female
Hogwarts house: SLYTHERIN
Pokemon team: not a pokemon person (i’ve just never owned any games or consoles so i never had the opportunity)
favourite colour: rose gold or deep jewel blue
average hours of sleep: 5-6 
lucky number: 3 probably
favourite characters: Annabeth Chase - PJO series, Kagamine Rin/Len, especially when portrayed by Hitoshizuku+Yama, Ling - Waterfire saga (oh man i need more books)
how many blankets do I sleep with: 2 in winter (Canadian winters are my personal hell) and 1 or 0 in summer
dream job: not sure yet, something financial and social
following: 199 blogs
 @aetudes @momoirostudies @gradespiration @nocrastination @hobifulstudies @st-uhdying @officiallystudying @csec-studyblr @echostudies @perasperaadmed @studyoncaffiene @word-candy-studies @medscape  i’m gonna stop here for now but maybe will add on more later
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