#one of my favourite nectar songs dont @ me u know im right
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mr holywooooood wont u come back soooooon
#joji#one of my favourite nectar songs dont @ me u know im right#nectar#rambles#mr. hollywood#george kusunoki miller#joji miller
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all of them :))) ✨🌟
oh dear lord mads
Crimson - What was an event that’s shaped you to be who you are today? - i would probably say when i took my speech classes, as it really grew my love of public speaking and speech writing :>
Light Pink - Do you have stuffed animals? - yeah! i have a plush elephant, a green dinosaur, a small lamb, and a plush tweek doll from south park. they all chill with me and i love them
Blush - Are you single? - indeed i am!
Amaranth - What’s your favourite emotion? - im fond of :3 and :p
Cherry Blossom - How are you feeling right now? - kind of nervous for camp but overall really excited! and sleepy but thats unrelated
Hollywood Cerise - What are your ambitions? - i want to become a speech teacher or an english teacher and teach people how to find their voice in public speaking
Razzmatazz - Favourite TV Show? - …hannibal…
Rose - Where do you feel most comfortable? - in my room, with a laptop on my bed and my cat next to me, just fuckin Chillin
French Rose - What is your favourite flavour? - lemon!!
Cameo Pink - Favourite movie? - dead poets society, all day every day
Buff Orange - Would you consider yourself athletic? - not at fucking all. i used to be but not anymore :[
Burnt Sienna - Favourite smell? - roses and peaches. hell fucking yeah.
Melon - Do you like to dance? - sure! when i get ready in the morning and at night i dance to random music in my pajamas
Carrot - Do you bake? - i make shit from boxed things, but from scratch no
Copper - What is your favourite kind of day? - a rainy day but not a thunderstorm and its saturday and i just got out of work and i have lots of money from it :3
Orangeade - When do you feel alive? - gonna keep it real with u, i cant really remember the last time i felt really alive. im just kinda here exisiting
Gamboge - Where do you want to travel? - id love to go to europe or back to san francisco or new york city!!
Peach - Favourite texture/s? - lace…
Vermillion - How brave are you? - not brave at all! im such a coward!
Bittersweet Shimmer - What is your favourite memory? - when my best friend visited from maryland and we hung out all day. thats the first that comes to mind.
Flax - Do you like going to the beach? - i fucking hate the beach
Wheat - Who can you trust the most? - i have a lot of trust issues but i really honestly can trust my best friend irl, @sarkisianns, and @g0bbleb0ners. i luv dem.
Laser Lemon - What kind of phone do you have? - an iphone 6
Gold - Are you high maintenance? - i cant really say for sure but like, probably yeah im a mess
Mellow Yellow - How calm are you? - im never calm literally ever i have an anxiety disorder
Unmellow Yellow - How high energy are you? - i used to be super high energy but recently ive been tired all the time :[
Papaya Whip - How honest are you? - i try to be as honest as humanly possible. i see honesty as the best way to go always, no matter what.
Transparent Yellow - Would you consider yourself to be special? - id like to imagine i am but honestly probably not
Canary - Favourite song? - atm its souk eye by gorillaz, but in the past its been ‘american pie’ and ‘viva la vida’
Reed Yellow - Do you play an instrument? - used to play drums, but not anymore! so no
Pear - Where do you feel rested? - in bed
Olive - What is your favourite food? - sushi is mmy fav its yummy
Fern - Favourite plant? - roses!!!!!!!
Moss - Are you quiet or loud? - depends on who you are. if i know u, i never shut up. if we dont know each other, im really silent.
Tea green - How do you relax? - i try to sleep or i watch drew gooden on youtube
Celadon - Dream job? - in a perfect world? speech writer or professional public speaker
Harlequin - Can you act? - im not really a theatre kid, but i am taking theatre next year so like who knows maybe ill find my calling
Malachite - Do you speak more than one language? - god i WISH but no
Mantis - Favourite animal? - kitties or sloths :3
Seafoam Green - Do you like water? - i fucking love it so much if i didnt have it, id LITERALLY die
Sky Blue - Would you ever want to fly? - sure! then id never have to drive which is ideal
Periwinkle - Would you want to breathe underwater? - yeah why not
Powder Blue - Or control the weather? - prob not i wouldnt know what is best for all the plants so i might kill them. but maybe to move all the hurricanes so no one dies……… yeah lets do that
Liberty - Become the president/prime minister? - id rather be shot in the chest
Space Cadet - Become an astronaut? - even tho i was known as ‘space kid’, space is terrifying so no thank u
Celeste (lol it me) - Have perfect pitch? - nah i like singing badly
Eton Blue - Become invisible? - YES PLEASE!!!!
Indigo - Become immortal? - no thanks, i dont want to see my mom die ever
Iris - Grow plants at will? - ROSES EVERYWHERE!!!!! THATS THE DREAM!!!!!!
Whispering Blue - Or teleport? - HELL YES!!!
Lilac - Would you want kids? - no way no how
Lavender - What is your favourite time of day? - early morning with the soft sunrise!!
Mulberry - Could you betray someone? - this is ominous as fuck but probably…. not… i mean, id like to think i couldnt
Eminence - Favourite sounds? - music and my kitty purring and making my friends laugh :3
Palatinate - Do you think you’ll make it to 100 years old? - probably not lbr
Prune - Do you ever think about dying? - everytime i enter a car or a movie theatre or walk alone i think about dying
Fandango - Do you spontaneously start singing sometimes? - YES. ITS MAGICAL
Thistle - If you could become wise, rich, or intelligent, which would you rather? - rich so i could give money to people who need it since rich people refuse to fucking do it
Mauve - What would you name your kids/pets? - id name a cat neil and a ferret either milo or bilbo
Royal Purple - What’s your favourite emotion? - …happiness…?
Cream - If you had 1 day left to live, what would you do? - probably sit in my bed and sob uncontrollably
Silver - Are you a good person? - i dont think so, no
Ecru - How do you feel about the world today? - i think its in a very scary place rn and sometimes its hard to see good but if u look or it, it will always be there
Auburn - Favourite colour? - pink or red :p
White - Do you own lots of makeup? - i wish i owned more but im terrible at makeup so not really no
Black - What is the greatest success of your life so far? - probably getting my blackbelt
Bronze - Would you follow my blog? - u silly goose….. i already AM!!! :DPink Nectar - What’s your aesthetic? - roses and peaches and softness and angels and sunshine and heart shaped objects and kitties and everything girly and delicate
Sepia - Do you like photography? - sure! but im bad at it but i like looking at it
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rules:: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people I don’t know 20 people
Thanks for tagging me @notwvrriors xo
— what was your last…
1. drink:: fanta aka the nectar of the gods
2. phone call:: my mum and dad I think
3. text message:: lol ok don’t know many kids who want to die but coolio!
4. song you listened to:: Misery - Creeper
5. time you cried:: yesterday
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice:: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it:: no
8. been cheated on:: no
9. lost someone special:: yes
10. been depressed:: yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up:: no
— fave colours
12. pink
13. mint
14. black
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:: yes
16. fallen out of love:: no
17. laughed until you cried:: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you:: yes
19. met someone who changed you:: yes
20. found out who your friends are:: kinda
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list:: yes
— general
22. how many your facebook friends do you know irl:: most if not all
23. do you have any pets:: I wish
24. do you want to change your name:: YES
25. what did you do for your last birthday:: uhh cried and worked in a factory and had a panic attack bc fun times!!
26. what time did you wake up today:: I didnt sleep lolz
27. what were you doing at midnight last night:: texting someone on tinder
28. what is something you can’t wait for:: dan and phil show
29. what is your favourite animal:: cats and dogs and unicorns
30. what are you listening to right now:: basket case by green day
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom:: yes
32. something that’s getting on your nerves:: my own thoughts
33. most visited website:: tumblr
34. hair colour:: black
35. long or short hair:: long
36. do you have a crush on someone:: unfortunately. at least it gives me writing material and shit like that tho
37. what do you like about yourself:: lol that’s funny hair and boobs and I can write decent poetry sometimes
38. want any piercings:: yes, I want a nose ring (not a septum one tho) and nipple piercings
39. blood type:: O
40. nicknames:: my old crush used to call me Christababe :(
41. relationship status:: single.
42. sign:: leo
43. pronouns:: she/her
44. fave tv show:: rpdr, brooklyn 99, the good place, skam, glee, asoue
45. tattoos:: someday.
46. right or left handed:: right handed.
47. ever had surgery:: no
48. piercings:: someday
49. sport:: lol that’s funny i like badminton but im lazy
50. vacation:: i’m going to belgium in a week. i want to go to russia and poland and germany and norway.
51. trainers:: yeah doesnt everyone have a pair
— more general
52. eating:: last thing i had was m&ms i’m so healthy
53. drinking:: uhhhh fanta
54. i’m about watch:: my own soul leave my fucking body
55. waiting for:: someone to lower their standards to date me
56. want:: to be loved? to be less depressed? to be talented? correct answer is D: all of the above
57. get married:: I’m open to the idea
58. career:: probably teaching?? but dream career would be poet or designer
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:: hugs. but kisses are so good too
60. lips or eyes:: eyes
61. taller or shorter:: well i’m short so i guess i’d want my s/o to be taller?
62. older or younger:: preferably older than me
63. nice arms or stomach:: nice personality
64. hookups or relationships:: relationships i want to lose my fucking virginity though
65. troublemaker or hesitant:: hesitant
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger:: no
67. drank hard liquor:: no
68. turned someone down:: no
69. sex on first date:: no
70. broken someone’s heart:: no
71. had your heart broken:: no
72. been arrested:: no
73. cried when someone died:: yes
74. fallen for a friend:: fuck this question
— do you believe in
75. yourself:: lol
76. miracles:: no
77. love at first sight:: no
78. santa claus:: i’m not fucking five
79. angels:: i’d like to think they exist. i know some people who are honestly fucking angels on earth.
— misc
80. eye colour:: brown/black
81. best friend’s name:: uhh i have like a lot of best friiends but lettie is my bestest. and i have uhh karl and chloe and bella and natalie and iza (i hope u dont mind?) and also priscilla and david and i think thats all the ones i can call best friends anymore?? idk after high school things got umm difficult
82. favourite movie:: pride (2014) or rocky horror or rent. or sth else thats gay
83. favourite actor:: idk probably Idina Menzel bc shes pretty and i used to have a big crush on her
84. favourite cartoon:: ummm idk adventure time i guess?
85. favourite teacher’s name:: fuck u for making me choose. louise or jennifer (but a specific one because there were like 3 at one point and one of them is a fucking bitch!!!!!) or emily or natasha idk i have a lot of fucking favorite teachers ok. theyre so great and important and i dont want them to leave my school and i want them all to teach my brother bc they were good teachers :(
I tag @samrull @veronicasanders @lettiehigh @rippling-waves @akakuro4869-blog look i dont know 20 fucking people ok also yall dont have to do this if yall dont wanna bc its real fucking long but im a curious bitch
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