#one of my fave bts cause it clearly shows their dynamic
accio-victuuri · 2 months
when you find someone that matches your weirdness 😂😂🫶🏼
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lesovoj · 3 years
Yes to all the things you've said!!! There is a insanely strong bond between all members. But then you look at those two and there is something else, something more, and I don't even know how to describe it tbh but it's so special. And tbh it's up to you if you feel like publishing or not. Write your essay!
I think that special something is "you are me i am you" thing they do often. Their way of telling us how similar they are. In most cases that seem to be their love for stage, passion to perform and love for their fans. Jungkook said how he feels connected to Jimin the most on stage and how Jimin is his catalyst. Jimin on the other hand said how he learned so much from Jungkook and how he felt his absence so greatly whenever JK couldn't perform with them. So from all we have seen/heard we can say they rely on each other a lot on stage and probably off stage too. The way they influence each other is so pure they can be perfectionist together but at the same time they also know how to ground and comfort each other. They seem to relate to each other on a very visceral level that speaks of trust and admiration.
But what makes their dynamic even more interesting is despite the fact they are so alike they are also very different people in some ways and that is what imo creates that unmatched chemistry between them and what makes them so interesting to watch in the first place. Like i said every duo in bts is very close has wonderful chemistry but jk and jimin seem to put that on another level.
I think there is much to say about them and i have seen a lot of ppl discuss their relationship and what could it be but i would like to take a moment to remind people that what we know of the guys is only a fraction of who they are. So i like to not think too much about what kind of relationship they have and more so just enjoy what they decide to share with us.
And that includes how freaking amazing they are when they dance together... i mean insane? I feel even silly talking about it cause their chemistry and energy is off the charts. Jikook subunit would end us all. Their voices just sound perfect together i would never recover. Jungkook adjusted one of my fave songs he ever written "your eyes tell" to incorporate Jimin's higher range ; he used Jimin's capability of insanely high vocals to add another element to the song. Not to mention Jimin's constant praise and admiration for Jungkook's singing. Jungkook's awe of Jimin's way of dancing and saying how lucky they are to have someone like him in their team. It's so beautiful to see them supporting eo artistically all the time.
What always comes to my mind is that old interview where Jimin said he listens to emotional songs and songs Jungkook recommends then JK going all surprised "really?" And Jimin's shy little nod. They can be so cute. You can tell Jimin always held JK in high regard even way back then.
I also do think we see jk and jm interact the most as a private unit, their relationship seems so important to them. You can see that just in the way it developed and changed through the years. The transition of their relationship is extremely beautiful. They seem to hold it dearly and worked hard on it and that is why it is upsetting to me to see so many ppl call it fake.
Some of the small stuff i really like about them is how Jungkook knows things that Jimin doesn't even remember about himself sometimes it shows how sweet he is how he pays attention. How for Jimin Jungkook is his "safe" place we could clearly see that in his last bday vlive i don't think i need to say much more about that. Jimin's cute ways of acting small/weak so JK can lift him up or help him carry stuff i mean that's just adorable. Another one is what i said already in the last ask - how they can talk to each other with eyes only. Talk about being close with someone huh. There is so much with them but to me that one stays number one cause it is so rare. To be able to do that with anyone. What they have is just very rare but wonderful. The only bad thing about them is not enough time to appreciate something cause there is so much of everything. I could be writing for days and still not say half of it.
Oh also... that muster day 2 convo lives in my mind rent free.
Jimin ( to the bug ) : happy birthday happy brithday!
Jin : it's not their birthday
Jungkook : why? It could also be their birthday today
Wow Jungkook that is so boyf{\>\{~{~ of you.
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