#one of my college friends has been job hunting full time since graduating from LAW SCHOOL in june. it's bleak out there y'all
alliluyevas · 2 years
when i was trying to get out of my previous job i applied to over 100 jobs over a six month period (started applying in january, left my old job at the end of the school year in june and tbh i regret not leaving earlier on some level bc i was in an absolute mental health pit by the end of the year, and i then started job hunt full time and wasn’t hired for my current job until august) and i got six interviews, two second round interviews (both for jobs that didn’t end up hiring me) and two jobs that accepted me. insanely demoralizing.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
winter love (all i want for Christmas is you) -- Hotch x Fem!Reader
Hi hi hi!! I have literally been writing this on and off since September, and now I finally get to share it!! A few quick things: this fic has very much Hallmark vibes but does have a good dose of angst too; for the sake of this fic, Aaron was born and raised in Virginia; and Jack was never born (sorry buddy!).
I listened to Michael Bublé’s songs “All I Want for Christmas Is You” and “Cold December Night” a lot while writing this, so feel free to play those while you read! xx.
(The gif is from google because once again, my gif search is broken on here because apparently this post is too long?? Rip me)
Summary: You’ve returned back to your hometown after leaving to get your education, but you didn’t expect to run into your childhood best friend (and first love). 
Word count: 9.4k
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If you told yourself a few months ago that you’d be moving back to Virginia, you would’ve scoffed and probably laughed -- loudly. Your mom, on the other hand, would’ve been elated, and swore she knew it.
Like she’s doing now.
“I’m just so excited to have you home again,” she gushes, helping you carry boxes of your clothes up to your old childhood room.
The room needs some work, like taking down all these embarrassing posters and changing the sheets to something not so cringe-worthy (thankfully, it’s a full-size bed instead of the old twin you grew up sleeping on). But it’ll be fine for the time being. It’s not like you’re going to find an apartment right before Christmas, or that you even want to. It’s been a while since you’ve spent a full Christmas season with your mom.
You’ve been studying out of state for the past six years, working to get your masters and doctorate degrees — which you’ve completed. But now you need a job and a new start, which is why you decided to come home.
You’ve missed Virginia a lot more than you’ll admit. It’s hard not to miss your hometown when you’re gone from it for so long.
“We need a Christmas tree,” you say, as you come back down the stairs. “Christmas is next week, how do you not have a tree up yet?”
“I wasn’t going to get one without you,” your mom says like the fact should’ve been obvious to you.
You laugh as you plop down next to her on the couch. “I know. We should go tomorrow.”
“Whenever you want to,” she smiles, squeezing your arm. “Have you been to your coffee shop yet?”
“My coffee shop?” You raise an eyebrow. “Since when has it been mine?”
“Since you practically lived there during high school,” your mom counters.
She has a point. “Well, no, I haven’t. I just got here.”
“You should go.”
You raise both eyebrows this time, turning your entire body to face her. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you trying to get me to go back there?”
“Why don’t you want to?”
You give her a look. “You know why.”
“I don’t.”
She does. She knows exactly what happened there.
“I’m not repeating it,” you mutter. “And I’ll be finding a new coffee shop, thank you very much.”
“Oh, you can’t let one bad experience stop you from going there!”
“So you do remember!”
“How could I forget? When you were a wreck for months after. I still never forgave him for that, you know.”
You shake your head, settling back against the couch pillows. “It’s been long enough now that I think forgiveness won’t hurt anyone.”
You say that, and yet you don’t want to step foot in that shop ever again.
It was the summer before your junior year. Aaron was a rising senior, so there was the weight of it being his last year already hanging in the air. Especially when he was already looking at a pre-law track for college — meaning he’d be insanely busy after graduation with not much time for you.
Unfortunately, you didn’t realize that his being too busy for you would start before then.
You were a year younger — technically almost two, but the way your birthday fell, you were only one grade younger — but that didn’t stop Aaron from being your friend. At first you thought he had ill intentions (as most older boys in high school did), but he didn’t. He genuinely enjoyed your company, and you genuinely enjoyed his.
More than genuinely. You say now that you don’t believe in love at first sight, but you know that’s because it already happened for you, and you believe it to be a one-time deal.
That one time was when Aaron sat across from you at the lunch table.
You were alone and reading a book. You were a freshman then, and being an extra year younger didn’t exactly help in the whole making friends department. Especially when a lot of your peers were already aware of your age.
But Aaron wasn’t aware, nor did he even care.
He saw that you were alone, and reading, and he decided to sit with you. He wanted to read too, anyway, but he knew he didn’t always like being alone when he read. Something told him you were the same way.
He was correct.
It took almost the entire fall semester before either of you said one word to each other. Sometimes you’d be too engrossed in the book you were reading to even notice he’d sat down in front of you. And when you would finally notice, he would be the one with his nose too deep in the book to notice.
But eventually, you started sharing book recommendations.
Which eventually turned into helping each other with homework. You were always better at math and Spanish than he was (you were already in the sophomore levels of these classes as a freshman), but he was always good with history and English. He must’ve noticed you were in freshman English and history, but he never commented on it — at least not in a way that said he was bullying you.
That winter break was when you started going to the coffee shop together. It was within walking distance of the high school, so the two of you would go at the end of the day until your parents could pick you up. Sometimes your mom would drive him home, or vice versa.
And when Aaron got his license, he’d drive you both there and drop you off at home.
The two of you were inseparable. Almost literally.
Until Aaron met Haley.
Haley was in theatre. She was everything you weren’t. Aaron’s age, pretty, funny, outgoing, and worst of all: popular.
You watched your best friend fall in love.
And that wouldn’t have hurt as bad as it did if it wasn’t Haley he was falling for.
You kept your feelings for Aaron quiet, even to your mom — though you found out later that she always knew. You had almost thought he felt the same, or that he might be beginning to, and then suddenly he was talking about some girl named Haley.
Only she wasn’t just “some girl” to him, or even to you. Everyone knew Haley Brooks.
Slowly, your lunch table conversations were less about what the two of you were going to do the coming weekend, and more about Haley. How he was going to get her to notice him (join theatre, even though he never liked theatre before her). How he was going to ask her on a date (it wouldn’t be a date at first, just dinner after theatre rehearsal, that ended up being with the entire cast, but he sat next to her). How he was going to win her over (he brought flowers to the first performance and surprised her backstage). How he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend (that was the same night as the flowers, completely unplanned, but she said yes).
How he thought he might want to marry her one day.
The last hurt most of all. He confessed it to you one night out of the blue as he was driving you home after school. You knew you could handle him being in love with someone else. Some sick part of you knew — or hoped, rather — that the relationship wouldn’t last. What high school relationship lasts longer than a few months, anyway?
But when Aaron fell for Haley, he fell completely. And hard.
He started cancelling plans with you to spend time with Haley — before they were even dating. When they were dating, he stopped making plans with you altogether.
Then came the summer before his senior year.
It had been months since you saw him last. You had a new lunch period the second half of the year because one of your favorite teachers asked for help during the period, which meant you didn’t have lunch with Aaron — but you don’t even think he noticed.
June came and went. The two of you barely saw one another, barely talked when you did. But when you did, you clung to those moments like they were your only lifeline. In a way, they were.
July finally came and he actually made plans to see you. He said he wanted to get coffee again, catch up, hang out for a few hours, sit in silence, even, whatever you wanted. You were excited.
Some part of you thought that he had broken up with Haley — wishful thinking, but you were sixteen and in love, what else were you supposed to think?
But he hadn’t broken up with her. They were very much in love. You know. You witnessed it.
Apparently, Haley didn’t like the idea of Aaron getting coffee and lunch alone with a female friend. So, she took it upon herself to tag along.
You saw them sharing a kiss through the window, Aaron’s back facing you. When they pulled away, Haley’s eyes caught yours, but she said nothing to Aaron, just pulled him back in for another kiss.
You didn’t go into the shop that day. And you haven’t since.
The last time you saw Aaron was the day before he moved to college. He was stopping by to say goodbye to you.
You were reading a book in your room, and your eyes caught the movement on the driveway. You told your mom to say you weren’t home.
You watched him leave from your bedroom window, hands stuffed in his pockets.
You heard that Aaron and Haley got married. Not because you wanted to hear, but because your mom told you. She probably meant well, but you drank an entire bottle of wine that night. You weren’t even 21 yet at the time.
Of course, it’s been years since then. You’re all fine now, and you’ve got the student loan debt to prove it.
But even with three degrees, job hunting can be a bitch. Especially this time of year.
You need coffee.
You blame the fact that this coffee shop is the best one around. And the fact that it’s Christmas season, meaning they have your favorite drink again.  
Dark chocolate peppermint mocha. It’s a godsend. And you haven’t had one in years.
Well, you have. But they haven’t been from here. They haven’t had this shop’s specially made peppermint whipped cream, or the peppermint stick that can be used to stir.
You hate how much you have to psych yourself up before you walk inside. You don’t even know where Aaron is these days or what he’s doing. He could be halfway across the country for all you know.
So, with that fact in mind, you walk inside. You embrace the familiar sight and smells, remembering what it felt like the last time you were here.
You move toward the counter, falling in the short line to the register. And your stomach flips when you see a familiar face standing in front of you.
Well, his back is facing you, so you don’t see his face, but you know it’s him. There’s this thing about first loves. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since the last time you’ve seen them. You’ll always recognize everything about them. The back of their head, their shoulders, their hands, the way they walk.
Their voice. Even if it’s deeper than the last time you heard it.
Maybe he won’t recognize me.
But what you don’t know is that no amount of time could pass to make you unrecognizable to Aaron.
Or that he saw your reflection in the glass case next to him when you got in line, and he’s been internally trying to figure out what the hell to say to you since.
If it hadn’t been for his voice, you wouldn’t have recognized Aaron at all. A black coffee? That’s it?
The barista pours it and slides it over to him before he’s even done paying. He’s at a coffee shop -- this coffee shop, and he orders a black coffee?
Who is he?
You step up to the register as he steps away, and you swear you see him looking at you through the corner of your eyes. But you must be seeing things because why would he do that?
You focus on ordering -- a medium peppermint mocha, complete with the whipped cream and peppermint stick. After paying, you step to the side to wait for your coffee.
You nearly knock right into Aaron, but you stop yourself, well aware of his presence.
Another thing about first loves: you’re always painfully aware of their presence.
“Hi,” he says, awkward and fumbling even though it’s only one word. He’s wearing a stuffy suit and tie, which seems odd, but you’re positive that’s just normal lawyer attire. He probably lives in a suit these days. His hair is shorter than it used to be and he looks older, but so do you. Despite all of this, he’s still Aaron. He’s still the same Aaron Hotchner you fell in love with at sixteen.
“Hi,” you return the awkward smile, tugging on the strap of your purse. After a beat, you nod toward his drink. “Black coffee, huh?” You try to tease. “Who hurt you?”
He laughs loudly then, shoulders and head shaking. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Hotchner,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around yourself.
The conversation dies for a moment, so you busy yourself by looking at the different cakes and pastries in the glass case. You probably should’ve gotten one, but maybe another time.
Another time. Fifteen minutes ago you wouldn’t be caught dead in this shop and now you’re already thinking about another time.
“Are you busy?” Aaron suddenly asks, prompting you to look at him with furrowed brows. “Do you mind if I join you?”
“Not at all,” you smile gently, knowing you might regret this later. But it’s been over a decade since you’ve seen him last. One coffee won’t hurt.
And I’m over him, you remind yourself, no matter how untrue it might be.
Once you have your peppermint mocha -- finally, you think, it’s been too long -- you walk with Aaron to find a table. A lot has changed about this shop, but one thing that hasn’t (because there isn’t much that can be changed) is the seating.
Aaron leads you to your old table. The table the two of you practically lived at.
It makes your heart warm and ache all at once. The drink you decided to order isn’t helping matters either.
“So…” You pause, shifting in your seat. “What are you up to these days?”
“You stole my question,” he jokes.
“Tough,” you smile into your drink. “I asked it first.”
He chuckles, but answers anyway. “I’m working for the BAU now.”
“The B-A-What?”
“The-- FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
Your eyes widen. “Did you… Did you really just say you’re working for the FBI?”
“I think so,” he says. “I’m the unit chief.”
“You’re the-- Okay. So, you don’t work for the...the BAU, they work for you.”
“We’re a team,” he offers.
“Said every boss ever,” you quip, taking a long drink of your mocha. You take the peppermint stick in between your fingers and stir, eyebrows furrowing down at the swirl of coffee and whipped cream. “So...what do you do exactly?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then stops, hesitating. “Do you really want to know?”
You give him a look. “Of course I do.”
“It’s not great.”
“Aaron, just tell me, or I’ll start reciting my dissertation word for word.” Your statement stuns him to silence, so badly that you almost laugh. “That’s boring. Working for the FBI can’t possibly be boring.”
“Oh, it’s never boring, that’s for sure,” he mutters. “We profile serial killers.”
“You what?”
He laughs. “We look at their behaviors and crimes and build a profile, what they might look like, their age, that stuff.”
“I can’t believe you’re interested.”
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t be,” you counter. “You know I thrive off this stuff.”
“I remember,” he says quietly.
And just like that, you remember, too.
It’s so easy to forget about all the hurt he caused, all the pain he left behind. Especially because you know he never intended to hurt you. He would never do that, not to you, not on purpose. You never told him how you felt. It’s not his fault he couldn’t read your mind.
“Well, you’ve got a doctorate,” he says, shifting the conversation. “What else are you up to?”
“How did you know it’s a doctorate?” You raise an eyebrow. “Are you profiling me? Did I use that correctly?”
“Yes,” he smiles. “And no, not intentionally. You said you’d recite your dissertation. Those are normally written to get doctorate degrees. You always wanted one, I assumed you met your goal.”
“You assume correct,” you nod. “I’m back to start job and apartment hunting, but after the new year. I wanted to spend some time with my mom.”
“How is she doing?”
“She’s good, she--” You pause, shaking your head with a laugh. “She actually brought you up yesterday.”
“Me?” Aaron looks genuinely shocked.
“Yeah, you,” you knock your foot against his leg without thinking, but you pay no mind, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to it. “She’s actually the one who put the bug in my ear to come here.”
“Yeah, I haven’t been back here since…”
It takes him a moment, but he nods slowly. “Right.”
“Yeah,” you draw your legs closer to you on instinct. “But that was a long time ago. How are you and Haley?”
You don’t expect the way his face falls. You glance down at his left hand. No ring.
“We got a divorce a few years ago, split up about a good year before that,” Aaron explains. “She’s good, last I heard. Remarried already.”
“Wow,” you murmur, not knowing what else to say. “What-- I mean, what happened?” When he hesitates, you backpedal. “Sorry, I shouldn’t even ask, it’s probably a sensitive question.”
“It’s okay,” Aaron chuckles. “I don’t mind talking about it with you.”
That sends a dangerous flutter through your stomach. “Okay. Well I’m all ears.”
“Oh, it’s not a long story, it was just my job,” he shrugs. “I took the unit chief position and she was happy at first. But then, there was a period of time where we had what felt like case after case after case.” He shakes his head. “I was barely home, but I was barely in one state for long, anyway. It was a stressful time. We were everywhere at once.”
“That does sound stressful,” you frown. “Has it slowed down now?”
“Kind of, it has its moments,” he admits. “But being gone so much, it took a toll on her. She wanted to start a family, but said she couldn’t do that if I was never there.”
“But I mean she had to have known how your schedule would be with the new job, right?”
“Yeah,” he says, then shrugs. “It’s been so long now that I stopped trying to understand her thought process.”
“I get that,” you say sincerely. You understand not wanting to waste energy on something like that anymore. Sometimes you just have to give it up and have peace with the fact that you’ll never understand.
“What about you?” He asks suddenly, catching you off guard. “Seeing anyone?” He adds it quietly, like he’s shy.
Aaron Hotchner. Shy. Around you.
“Oh,” you nearly laugh at the prospect. “No. No, I’m not. Do you really think I would be if I was moving back in with my mom?”
He laughs, bringing his coffee to his lips. “You have a point there.”
A comforting silence settles over the two of you after that.
You shouldn’t feel slightly giddy that his and Haley’s relationship didn’t work out in the end. You’re over him by now, anyway. But something about being right has you fighting a smile. You smother the urge, though, knowing he probably doesn’t want to hear anyone, let alone you, say, “I told you so.”
You do feel bad for him, genuinely. Divorce is never easy for anyone, and you hate he went through that. Especially like that. Haley knew his work schedule would change. Why would she act supportive if she knew this in advance? Just sits uneasy with you, that’s all.
Of course, you feel that overprotective-best-friend nature coming back to you.
“What plans do you have now that you’re back?” He asks, keeping the conversation up, but you can tell he’s earnest — which makes you smile.
“Nothing, really. My mom and I are getting a Christmas tree later, but that’s all I have on my schedule.” You pause, giving him another look. “We both know you were my only friend in high school. Who do you think I’m going to see while I’m here?”
“Hopefully a lot of me,” he replies easily, smiling around his coffee.
And for once, you don’t hesitate to reply. “I hope so, too, actually. I didn’t think you were still around here. And I really didn’t expect you to be working for the FBI.”
“This might be presumptuous of me, but what are you doing this weekend?” He asks, quickly adding on, “A good friend of mine is hosting a Christmas party for the team, and I’ve basically been threatened to bring a plus one.”
“Threatened, huh?” You raise an eyebrow.
He nods seriously. “They won’t let me inside without one.”
You gasp comically, keeping up the act. “Well you can’t miss the party!”
“I know,” he sighs, propping his head in his hand.
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to come with,” you say, still deadly serious.
But Aaron’s lips split into a grin the same time yours does. “It’s this Saturday.”
“Lucky for you, I’m free.”
He doesn’t stop grinning. “I can pick you up, if you want.”
“Yeah, I’d love that,” you say. “I should probably give you my number, shouldn’t I?”
“I was going to ask,” he admits.
You roll your eyes playfully. “I figured.”
After exchanging numbers, the two of you return to your idle conversations. Only, they’re less idle than they ever have been before.
He vents about still not understanding how people can be capable of the things he sees. How he knows that everyone is capable of unspeakable things, but it’s how they do it that still makes him stumble sometimes. And you try to sympathize, though you know you can’t. But still you tell him not to try to understand.
“You’re a good man,” you say. “You’re not going to understand it because you’re not like them.”
“Thank you,” he whispers. “I know that, consciously. Sometimes it’s good to hear it from someone else.”
Then he tells you it’s your turn, and again, you don’t feel the need to hesitate.
You tell him how you weren’t planning on moving back here at all. But the job market where you were didn’t...fit you, for some reason. You never felt like you belonged, and so maybe that’s why you wanted to come back here.
Because even though you left this place heartbroken, you still felt like you belonged when you were here. You felt like you belonged when you were with him, but you don’t tell him that.
Something tells you he heard it anyway, though. Being a profiler and all. Which you still don’t quite understand, but you’re sure he’ll have plenty of time to tell you in the coming future.
After an hour or two, you decide it’s time for you to head back home. Partly because you need to make some lunch for yourself, and partly because you’ve watched Aaron dismiss at least three phone calls in the last twenty minutes.
But he didn’t say a word each time, so you know he won’t tell you who it is or if he needs to go. It makes your heart warm at the thought that he wants to spend more time with you, but if it’s his job, then he needs to go.
He walks you to your car and you hug him around his neck, unashamedly taking a deep breath of his cologne when you stretch up to wrap your arms around him. He didn’t wear cologne back in high school. But this one smells good.
You mentally prepare yourself on the way home for the amount of questions your mom is no doubt going to ask.
You’re supposed to be going to pick out a tree with her today, which means you were supposed to be home a little earlier than this, which means your mom probably already knows what happened and you won’t even get a chance to explain yourself.
In the end, your prediction was correct.
“How was your peppermint mocha?” You glance over to the couch and find your mom sitting there, idly reading a book.
The question is as directly indirect as they come. You raise an eyebrow and kick the front door closed (yes, she asked before you even stepped foot inside the house). “It was good,” you reply, shrugging your jacket off your shoulders. “Why?”
“Oh, you enjoyed it for almost two hours, so I was just wondering.” Your mom fights back a grin, but she’s not doing a very good job.
You sigh. “Just go ahead and ask.”
She closes her book. “Alright, fine, I will. How is Aaron?”
There it is.
“He’s good,” you answer rather pointedly, making your way into the living room. “He’s working for the FBI now.”
“Oh, I knew that already.”
You plop down next to her on the couch. “Seriously?”
“Of course!” She cries, like it should be obvious. “Small talk happens when you see someone in the store.”
“Right,” you scoff. “Anyway, thanks for not telling me him and Haley divorced.”
She grimaces.
“Yeah, exactly,” you nod at her expression. “That’s how I felt. I bet it was just awesome of me to ask about how him and his ex-wife are doing.”
“I’m sorry,” your mom says. “It completely slipped my mind. It’s been so long since those two split.”
“Why didn’t you tell me when it happened?”
“Because I didn’t want to bring him up,” she answers sincerely. “You seemed like you had really moved on. I figured it didn’t matter, and I didn’t want to make you start thinking about him again when you had finally gotten over it all.”
“Oh,” you murmur. “Well, thank you, then, but...still. I feel like an idiot.”
“Did he seem angry when you asked?”
“No, the opposite,” you sigh. “He explained what happened and I let him talk about it for a second, but he seems mostly moved on from it.”
“I don’t know how he can be,” your mom scoffs. “She’s already remarried, you know.”
“Yeah, he told me.”
Your mom shakes her head. “I should’ve shook some sense into that boy when he came to say goodbye that day.” Then she pauses, poking your leg. “And I should’ve made you say goodbye to him. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”
“I didn’t wanna talk to him,” you shrug. “We barely had all year, anyway. And one goodbye would not have stopped him from going to college and marrying Haley, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know.” She sighs. “It’s fun to think about, though.”
“Well stop thinking about it,” you mutter. “We are friends and he’s probably seeing someone by now. I don’t even know how long I’ll be here, so.”
Your mom raises her eyebrows. “I never said anything about what you guys are now.”
Damn. Caught. “I know, but I’m just...catching you before you do.”
“Mmm, more like catching yourself.”
“Shut up.”
She lightly hits you with a pillow. “Don’t say that to your mother,” she jokes. “Especially not when I’m right and you know it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to pick out a tree?”
“Of course,” she replies. “Just let me find my shoes.”
While she’s getting ready -- because “finding her shoes” really means fixing her hair and makeup and changing outfits a couple times -- you get a text from Aaron.
Aaron: It was nice catching up with you today
You smile and type your reply. Ditto. We should do it again sometime.
He doesn’t reply, but you figure he’s busy at work, anyway. And you’ve got a tree to pick out and decorate, so you’re technically busy, too.
You try not to think too much about it.
And truthfully, you don’t think much about it, until Aaron finally replies. It’s hours later when you’re decorating the freshly-cut Christmas tree in the living room, with Michael Bublé’s Christmas album playing through the stereo speakers. It’s just like when you were younger.
You check your phone and see that it’s Aaron texting you back, but you pocket it before reading the message. You’re busy.
Your mom notices the change on your face. “Everything alright?” She asks as she places a snowflake ornament on one of the smaller branches.
You nod without thinking, hating yourself for even feeling what you’re feeling right now. A glittery red ornament hangs from your index finger as you try to find the right branch to hang it on -- and while your mind wanders all over the place.
“Clearly not,” your mom replies. “But alright.” She turns and reaches into a different box, picking up one of the golden jingle bells that she always hides deep within the tree each year. When you were younger, she’d hide them without you seeing, and then on Christmas Eve you’d have to search the tree for them before you could open one present before going to sleep.
You snort a laugh, always loving her way of getting you to open up: sarcasm. “It’s just Aaron.”
“Texting me,” you explain, looking down at the glitter coating your fingertips from the ornaments.
“Aren’t you going to reply?” She asks, grabbing another jingle bell.
“Technically he’s the one replying from earlier today.”
You sigh. Time to cave. “He invited me to a Christmas party this weekend.”
Your mom doesn’t even try to hide her excitement or her wide grin. “Really? That’s great!”
Is it? You want to ask, but you stop yourself. “Yeah,” you shrug. “I guess so. It’ll be nice to hang out with him more.” You pause, finally hanging the small glittery red ornament on the tree that you’ve been idly holding for the past two minutes. “Apparently a friend of his is hosting it and basically told him he wouldn’t be allowed inside without a plus one.” You chuckle quietly, knowing Aaron had to have rolled his eyes when his friend told him that.
“So it’s...a date, then?”
“What? No,” you shake your head. “No, no. Not a date. He didn’t phrase it that way.”
“Sweetheart, plus one implies date.”
“Who says?”
“Everyone!” Your mom laughs. “Bringing a plus one to a wedding is usually a casual date, if not bringing your significant other along.”
“This isn’t a wedding, it’s just a Christmas get together.”
“Same difference.”
“Well, I think you’re doing that thing again where you try to plant seeds in my brain for things that are unnecessary,” you raise an eyebrow at her when she avoids eye contact, so you know you’ve caught her red-handed. “All that aside,” you sigh. “I’m over him. It’s been so long. If something was going to happen, it would have already.”
“Whatever you say,” she shrugs indifferently, grabbing the final jingle bell to hide in the top of the tree. For a brief moment, you wish you hadn’t been watching where she hid them, so you could do the search on Christmas Eve one more time.
You bump into Aaron one more time, two days later, at the same coffee shop.
“Back for more?” He teases as he slides into the seat across from you, another black coffee in his right hand.
You’re sitting at the table the two of you call home with yet another peppermint mocha sitting in front of you and your laptop. More job hunting is the task for today, even though you’re ready to give up and just pick it back up after the New Year. It’s not like your mom is making you pay rent, and you have enough in savings to help with groceries (without her knowledge, of course, because she refuses to let you pay for anything) and buy your own coffees. But, you decided to give it one last go today.
That is, until Aaron slid into the seat in front of you. Now, you close your laptop and place it back in your bag. “Just needed some fuel for more job hunting,” you grin. “What are you doing here?”
“I took off for lunch for once and thought I might find you here.”
“Oh?” You raise your eyebrows. “Were you seeking me out, Hotchner?”
“Maybe a little,” he admits with a shy smile. “Are you still good for tomorrow?”
“As long as you are,” you nod. “What time?”
“I’ll pick you up at five, if that’s good?”
“Perfect,” you smile. “Are you ready to introduce me to your friends?”
“Depends,” he exhales exasperatedly. “Are you ready to meet them?”
“They can’t be that bad.”
“They might be. If you aren’t used to them.” He pauses. “They don’t know you’re coming, by the way.”
“What?” You almost laugh. “Why not?”
“I told them I was bringing someone, but I didn’t feel like hearing it all week about who I was bringing.” He pauses again, like he’s holding something back, and then he lets it out. “They know all about you.”
You blink. “They do?”
“Yeah,” he smiles gently. “I talk about you all the time.”
“No,” you shake your head. “No you don’t. There’s no way.”
“You’ll believe it tomorrow,” he chuckles. “I’m sure they’ll try to embarrass me.”
“I-I mean...what do you even say about me?”
He shrugs. “That you were my best friend in high school and...that I missed you and wondered what you were up to these days, and how we used to hang out here.” He looks around the shop, then back to you and your bewildered expression. “What?” He laughs. “You didn’t talk to your friends about me?”
“No, I did,” you laugh quietly. But I said different things. And most of the time I was crying because I missed you, especially my first year of college when my roommate tried to get me to go on a double date with her boyfriend and his roommate, but I refused and had to confess that I wasn’t over you and that you broke my heart, and I was such a mess that she brought ice cream and chocolate back after their date.
But you don’t say any of that. Obviously.
“I just didn’t expect you to even...think about me, I guess,” you finally spit out, still shaking your head. “I mean...we haven’t talked since high school, I figured you’d forgotten or moved on, at least. Especially since you had Haley.”
Aaron’s expression softens and turns sad, quickly. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I didn’t know you thought any of that.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you wave his worry away. “It’s years ago. Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. Then, he says, “Haley was jealous of you, you know.”
You immediately look up from your mocha, your eyes wide in shock. “She was what?”
“Oh yeah,” Aaron laughs. “Devastatingly jealous of you. She swore we were dating or that I was in love with you or something.”
Or something. “Wow,” you chuckle, trying to mask your hurt as much as possible. “Why did she even think that?”
You know why. You know exactly why. Because before her, you and Aaron were attached at the hip. You sat together during lunch, walked each other home, hung out at the coffee shop, went to school functions together (well, you’d actually go with a big group, but you two always ended up together anyway), and so on and so forth. Anyone would’ve been an idiot to not assume you two were dating.
“We were so close,” he shrugs. “She said she was so surprised when I asked her to be my girlfriend because she swore I was dating you. She actually asked me that, when I gave her the flowers. She said, “What about Y/N?” And I said, “Y/N? She’s just my best friend.” And she didn’t believe me.”
“That’s so crazy,” you say, but you’re really thinking back to that day you and Aaron had decided to meet up here and hang out after so long. When Haley crashed the hangout. When she locked eyes with you and smirked before pulling him back in for another kiss.
She was jealous. She was jealous and she knew exactly what she was doing that day.
Aaron’s phone starts ringing and he sighs heavily, pulling it out. He almost declines it, but then stops himself. “It’s the boss,” he says. “My boss. I’ve gotta take this. I’ll text you later?”
“Sure,” you smile, knowing he might forget or get too busy to think about it. But that’s okay. “Good luck with the phone call.”
“Thanks,” he chuckles. “I’ll need it.” And then he brings his phone up to his ear. “Agent Hotchner,” he says, and you hate that you find it so hot.
You almost cancel with Aaron a dozen times before 2p.m.
You blame the conversation the two of you had yesterday. For some reason, the thought of Haley being jealous of you had never crossed your mind. Because to you, it was so obviously the other way around. Of course, you weren’t vocal about your jealousy, but you were certain she knew. Not that it was the other way around.
Old feelings have already resurfaced, which is bad enough, but the talk about Haley and about how Aaron’s friends know all about you made things worse. Especially the latter.
Why would he talk about you so much if the two of you hadn’t spoken in years? Not even years, but like an entire decade. Why would he still talk about you and think about you that much?
You have dwelled over those questions since he left the coffee shop yesterday.
But now, you have no idea what to wear, and Aaron will be here any minute. You’re assuming the attire is casual, not fancy, since it’s just a get together with his friends -- who all happen to be his team of agents. FBI agents. Because he’s just casually the Unit Chief of the BAU.
It still baffles you. He wanted to be a lawyer. Not in the FBI. God.
He’s still your Aaron. That’s what shocks you the most. He’s experienced law school, marriage, practicing law, working for the FBI, becoming a Unit Chief, divorce, and yet he’s still the Aaron Hotchner you were best friends with in high school.
You wonder if you’re still the girl he was best friends with in high school. Or if you’ve changed so drastically that he doesn’t see you that way anymore.
You take a deep breath, going back to digging through the many boxes of clothes that you have yet to unpack. You need a sweater or something. That’s safe enough, right? It’s too cold for a dress, and frankly, you’re not in the mood for wearing one, anyway.
Finally, you find the sweater you were looking for. You tug it over your head, figuring your jeans are fine enough. You’ll wear some low heels to make it look like you put in a little more effort.
Your quick thinking is to your benefit because the doorbell rings almost as soon as you’re done doing the clasp on your second heel.
But because your mom is quicker than you, she’s already opened the door and let Aaron in before you can make it downstairs. And by the time you are coming down the stairs, Aaron is sitting on the couch with your mom, making idle conversation.
“Hey,” you smile at him, resisting the urge to glare at your mom. “Ready?”
“If you are,” he nods, standing to his feet.
When he turns, you shoot your mom a look. “We’ll be back later.”
“You’re not in high school,” your mom laughs. “You two have fun for as long as you like.”
“I know,” you say. “But I also know you’ll wait up until I get back.”
“And you can’t stop me,” she replies pointedly.
Aaron laughs at the two of you, your banter just as he remembers from all those years ago. Neither of you have changed one bit.
After a final moment of bickering, you bid your mom goodbye and leave with Aaron.
In the car, you ask, “Have you told them about me coming yet?”
From the driver’s seat, he shakes his head. “No, so prepare yourself for a lot of questions.”
“I think you’re the one that’ll be in hot water, but alright,” you chuckle. “I can hear them now. ‘Why didn’t you tell us you were bringing her!’”
He laughs loudly. “That’s not a bad impression, actually.”
“Why, thank you,” you smirk. “It’s a hidden talent of mine.”
“Oh, really?”
The two of you share a grin as he keeps driving.
After some time -- long enough that you were beginning to wonder where he’s taking you -- Aaron finally turns into a subdivision. But it’s still not what you were expecting.
You assumed FBI agents must make good money, but not this good. This is a mansion. It’s massive. There has to be at least six bedrooms in there, maybe more.
“Is your friend a millionaire or something?”
Aaron chuckles, “Maybe. Probably. Maybe more.”
“More?” Your eyes widen. “Wow.” And then Aaron pulls into the driveway. “Wow.”
He puts the car in park and says, “Try not to look too surprised. Dave won’t shut up about the house if you get him started.”
“What if I want to hear everything?” You ask, scrambling out of the car to look up at the house. “Jesus Christ.” Then you whip your head around to look at Aaron exasperatedly. “Does your house look like this?”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “No. This is too big. Dave’s crazy for buying it.”
“He’s definitely insane,” you nod. “I mean, what do you even need a house this big for?”
Aaron shrugs. “Christmas parties, I guess.” He pauses, holding out his arm for you. “Ready to face the lions?”
You roll your eyes through a laugh, loosely holding onto his arm. “Quit being so dramatic. I bet it’ll be just fine.”
“Let’s hope so,” Aaron replies. Because truthfully, he is a little worried that they might scare you off. They have a habit of doing that.
The two of you walk up to the front door, and you try your best to act like you’ve been in the general vicinity of a house this big before. Dave must be a really good friend of Aaron’s, because instead of knocking or ringing the doorbell, Aaron twists the doorknob and walks right in with you on his arm.
“Dave’s making pasta,” Aaron whispers, smelling the air. He shuts the door gently, wanting to surprise the team as much as possible.
You sniff the air, too, smiling happily. “Smells really good. Is that carbonara?”
“Good nose,” a voice says from the kitchen.
“That’s Dave,” Aaron chuckles, walking you down the hall toward the smell.
The team’s eyes all widen dramatically and comically when Aaron Hotchner steps inside the kitchen with a woman on his arm.
“Well, hello,” one of them says, sliding off the stool at the counter to saunter over to you. He’s all suave and swagger.
“Derek Morgan, this is Y/N,” Aaron introduces you quickly, knowing the reaction your name will get.
“Hold up,” Derek pauses, glancing between you and Aaron. “Y/N? As in the Y/N?”
“I don’t know about being the Y/N, but that is my name,” you laugh. “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Derek says, a hand over his heart to add to the sincerity. “Where have you been hiding all this time?”
“Getting a doctorate,” you shrug, only now realizing that your hand is still holding onto Aaron’s arm, but he doesn’t seem fazed by it either, so you don’t move.
“Oh, alright,” Derek chuckles. “Hey Reid, we’ve got another doctor here.”
The man in question, Reid, looks up from the book he was reading with furrowed eyebrows. “Hi.” He waves.
“Hey,” you wave back. “What’re you reading?”
“War and Peace. In Russian, though.”
“In-- Wow, okay.”
“He’s a genius,” Morgan explains.
“I see that,” you chuckle.
Aaron finishes the introductions for you. “That’s JJ, handles the press for us because none of us want to do it.”
“He’s not wrong,” JJ replies with a laugh. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you smile.
“You met Reid, his first name’s Spencer,” Aaron supplies, and Reid is too far gone in the book again to notice. “This is Emily Prentiss.”
“And I have been dying to meet you,” Emily says. “You are exactly how he described.”
“In a good way, I hope?” You laugh nervously.
She nods. “Definitely.”
Aaron points to the other woman at the counter. She’s dressed in all sorts of crazy colors with glasses that match her outfit. And before he can introduce her, she says, “I’m Penelope Garcia, technology extraordinaire. I keep them out of trouble.”
“And we love you for it,” Derek adds.
“And this is Dave,” Aaron finishes.
“It is very nice to finally meet you,” Dave says, and actually shakes your hand. “Do you know how to make carbonara?”
“Yes, actually,” you say, earning a surprised look from Aaron. “I went through a phase when I was younger, wanting to make anything and everything that sounded good, so I’ve made this a few times. My mom loves it.”
Dave loves the sound of that. “Would you like to help me?”
You practically light up inside and out. “Seriously? I’d love to!”
“Oh, here we go,” Derek groans. “He’s roped her in.”
You ignore him, slipping away from Aaron to grab the other apron off the hook by the entrance to the kitchen. You slide your head through the loop and tie it at the back in a matter of seconds, too excited to contain it.
“I almost went to culinary school, you know,” you say to no one in particular, but Aaron is listening, and so is Dave.
“Why didn’t you?” Aaron asks.
You shrug. “Didn’t seem practical.” Which isn’t the real answer at all. The real answer is you got your heart broken and needed to do a complete 180 in life, so you did. Culinary school was out. Getting a doctorate was in. You turn on the water in the sink and begin washing your hands. “What do you need me to do?”
For the next hour, you help Dave make the carbonara, occasionally answering any questions Aaron’s friends have for you.
Aaron pours you a glass of wine and sits at the counter, watching you cook. You look more at peace than he’s seen you since a few days ago when he first bumped into you again.
You catch him looking at you more than a handful of times. It feels good. Spending the evening with his friends, his team, with him. You’ve missed spending time with him more than anything else.
Dave serves up the carbonara, telling you to sit down since you helped so much already. You don’t make him ask twice.
After dinner, everyone moves into the living room, scattering on the various couches and chairs. Reid has finished reading War and Peace, so the book sits discarded on one of the coffee tables.
You take the spot on the couch next to Aaron, careful not to spill your wine. Penelope sits on the other side of you, with Derek on her other side, which all but forces you to move closer to Aaron, and something about the look on Penelope’s face tells you it was done on purpose.
You’re not exactly complaining, though. With a full stomach and a fresh glass of wine, Aaron’s presence is even warmer than before. You pay no mind when he shifts his left arm, stretching it over the back of the couch and allowing you to scoot closer, your legs pressed against each other’s.
The conversation continues, and somehow the subject of relationships is brought up.
“Yeah, why was I the only one asked to bring someone?” Aaron asks. “I’d like to see all of you find a last minute date.”
Another warm rush goes through your body at the word date. This is a date. Alright then.
“I think you did just fine,” Dave says, nodding to you. “Don’t you?”
You shrug, not sure of what to make of it. “I’m having fun, so I guess so.”
“See?” Dave gives Aaron a look. “You did fine.”
Aaron gives his friend a tired glare. “Only because she happened to be back from getting her degrees. Otherwise, I would’ve been stuck.”
“Nah, man, you could’ve called Beth.”
You feel Aaron tense next to you, but you aren’t sure if he tensed up or if you did. Maybe both. Probably both. You weren’t aware there was someone else.
“Who’s Beth?” You ask as casually as possible, ignoring the heated glares Penelope, JJ, and Emily alike are sending Derek. Seriously, Derek would be dead three times over right now if looks could be deadly.
Aaron shrugs before answering you. “Her and I dated briefly last year.”
You nod slowly, trying not to seem hurt or upset or anything by this because it’s ridiculous of you to be fighting back tears, but you can’t help it.
It’s high school, goddamnit, it’s fucking high school all over again.
The topic of conversation shifts thanks to Reid being the endless supplier of random facts. One question about Russian from Emily and he’s taking over, washing the awkwardness away in two languages.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as well for you as it does for everyone else.
You set your wine glass down on the table and tell Penelope you’re going to use the bathroom. You have no clue where it is, but she doesn’t know that.
Aaron does. And Aaron hears the tone of voice you use.
He waits until you’re down the hall before he stands to follow you, foregoing any explanation to his friends. They already know what he’s doing.
Aaron’s suspicions are correct when he hears the front door close and sees your coat no longer hanging next to his on the hook by the door. He grabs his and only gets one arm through a sleeve before he’s opening the door, eyes searching the premises for you.
Thankfully, he finds you after two seconds, and his racing heart slows a little. You’re standing by the reindeer lights on Dave’s front lawn. Your coat is only hanging on your shoulders, something you’ve always done since high school when you were upset.
“It feels more like a blanket,” you had told him one day. “Blankets are more comforting than jackets.”
He doesn’t see the difference, but you do, and that was enough for him.
He has both arms through the sleeves by the time he’s next to you. He gently touches your arm to get your attention, adding a soft, “Hey,” for good measure.
You turn your head at the sound, having already known he was coming because you heard the front door open. In the back of your mind, you had wanted him to follow you out here, but now that he’s done it, you aren’t so sure this is what you wanted.
You wanted to ignore the feeling. Get it to disappear on its own. Survive the night, then never talk to him again. You were heartbroken, but it was better when you weren’t speaking to him. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
“I’m sorry,” Aaron says softly. “Beth and I haven’t spoken since our last date a year ago. It was only three dates. We weren’t serious at all.” He pauses. “I have no idea why Derek said that. He doesn’t think before he speaks sometimes.”
You nod, not having it in you to laugh at Aaron’s small jab, even though he is entirely correct. Derek is a quick thinker with a sharp wit, but you can see how it might backfire sometimes. Like tonight.
You believe Aaron, you really do. But it’s so hard. “Did you love her?”
Aaron is stunned for a moment, but says, “No. I don’t think I did.”
“Okay.” You shake your head, looking down at the grass. “I’m just trying to figure out why Derek would’ve brought her up if...if you guys dated so briefly.”
Aaron sighs. “I don’t know.”
“And is this a date?” You blurt, finally finding the courage to get that one out. “Because if it is, I…I don’t know.”
“Don’t know what?”
You shake your head again, trying to find the right words, but they always seem out of reach. “Just...tell me this won’t be like high school.”
This time Aaron is too stunned to form a real answer. “What?”
“Please,” you sound like you’re about to cry and you feel so pathetic that you wish you had never agreed to come tonight. But you’re here anyway. “I was in love with you then, and I’m still in love with you now, but I can’t do that again. So if this is a just friends thing and always will be, I need you to tell me before I hurt myself all over again.”
Aaron can’t believe his ears. He swears he heard you wrong. He must have. “You were in love with me in high school, too?”
“Yes-- Wait, too? What do you mean too?” Now you’re looking at him, eyes wide in confusion, shock, every emotion possible. “Too?”
“I was in love with you, Y/N,” he chuckles, reaching for your hands. “I thought you just saw me as an older brother. That’s why I never...said anything.”
“What?” You breathe, letting him thread his fingers through yours. “Are you serious? You better not be pulling my leg, Hotchner. Don’t do that to me.” You tug on his hands for emphasis, giving him a stern look.
“I’m not joking,” he says, taking a step closer. “I wouldn’t joke about this.”
“Oh my god,” you say, disbelief a powerful thief of words. “I can’t believe… So you went after Haley because…”
“Because I heard from one of her friends that she had a crush on me,” he admits. “I did love her, but not as much as I loved you. Never as much as I loved you.”
You don’t know what else to do or say. He looks so beautiful in this light that it hurts, and now he’s saying words you never thought you’d ever hear.
“Do you forgive me?” He asks. “For breaking your heart?”
“Only if you forgive me for breaking yours,” you whisper.
He shakes his head. “I broke my own. I should’ve told you how I felt.” He pauses. “I even talked to you about Haley all the time. Is that why you didn’t say goodbye to me?”
You nod. “It sounds so stupid now, but I was so hurt.”
“I’m an idiot,” he laughs. “I’m the dumbest fool to ever walk the Earth.”
“We both are,” you correct him, taking a step closer. It’s cold out here, but he’s warm. He’s always been so warm. Like home.
And you-- you’ve always been who Aaron thinks of when he thinks about being happy. It’s always been you. A moment like this, and a thousand others. He wants them all. And to think, you do too.
His lips meet yours in a long-awaited kiss, cold noses bumping against one another, his warm hands holding your face, your chilled fingers finding their home on his neck, stealing his warmth.
From the window, the team watches, and Emily exchanges money with Derek.
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queentargary3n · 4 years
SasuSaku month 2020 Day 17 
Reincarnation AU  - Police Officer Sasuke AU
There isn’t a single day of his life that Uchiha Sasuke isn’t thankful for his life. For his mother’s gentle smile and kind nature, for his father’s silent praises, for his brother’s company and support. He’s even grateful for his loud mouthed, blond, best friend, who annoys him most of the time, but has his back when he needs it the most. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve such great people in his life.
At 24, having graduated college, and finished training in the police academy, he sets up for a bright career as a police officer and hopes to make detective before he is 30.
So, he goes to work every day, knowing he is making a change. Watching over the people he grew up with, protecting his beloved town, and actually doing something about the crime that has begun to infest it.
Sasuke knows his life is good, he was born in a good family, went to a top tier university, he never lacked for anything. He knows that having his family, being able to afford his own place, buy a new car, and work in something he actually likes is a luxury many don’t actually have.
But even as he counts his blessings every day, he can’t escape the feeling that he is missing something. Like there is a hole inside of him, he can’t seem to fill with anything.
He doesn’t remember when his nightmares started, perhaps he’s always had them. Sometimes it’s the bloody corpses of his parents that terrorize him during the night, the sadness of his brother’s eyes, as he looks at him from afar, eyes shining red and spinning unnaturally. Other nights it’s a white-faced man, with snake-like features that hunts him, forcing him to drink potions that taste horrible and burn down his throat, telling him that they will make him stronger. On other nights he dreams of facing gigantic humanoid creatures, dead bodies littering the ground he steps on.
But some nights, he dreams of pink cherry blossom hair and green eyes. The spring girl, as he calls her, cries behind him, begging him not to leave, or stands in front of him as one of his hands reaches for her neck and the other holds lightning, readying to electrocute her, he assumes.
Not every dream is violent with the spring girl, sometimes it’s just him and her. She hugs him or holds his hand as they look over magnificent vistas he’s never actually seen in real life. Sometimes they are children, sometimes they are grown, sometimes he taps his fingers to a strange diamond tattoo on her forehead and she blushes. Sometimes he kisses her and makes love to her. He wakes up to a feeling of sadness and tears rolling down his eyes. He doesn’t know who the girl with the cherry blossom hair is, or why is she a constant in his dreams, but the dreams bring him to tears he’s not one to usually shed. He can never shake the feeling that there is someone out there in the world, waiting for him.
On the day of his annual mental evaluation he is very concerned. He always seems to be expecting something to happen. Someone to attack him or his family. He has so much fear over losing it all, it causes him anxiety and panic attacks in the most unexpected times. He’s afraid the new department psychologist will find out and deemed him unfit for service.
It’s unnerving, feeling this way, because in reality what does he even know about pain? He’s never seen blood; he’s never even had to fire his gun on the job, what could possibly be the explanation for his nightmares? He wonders.
Itachi, who’s on the department of youth and family services, always tells him that is not how mental illnesses work, his anxiety has nothing to do with how good his life is or how lucky he is, and that he should never dismiss his own struggles or be comparing his suffering to others.
Sasuke understands but doesn’t actually believe it.
“I think you should be honest with the psychologist” He tells Sasuke, even if they take you off duty Itachi thinks, but he leaves it unsaid.
“I’m not going to tell her anything she doesn’t ask me… It’s not like having bad dreams makes me unfit for work” Sasuke responds.
“Maybe you should go see my psychic” Izumi chirps in from the doorway to Itachi’s office. “I wasn’t eavesdropping I promise! I was just coming to take my boyfriend out to lunch and I just happen to overhear”
Sasuke only glares at her, he doesn’t like anyone meddling in this, it feels too personal to share with his soon-to-be-but-not-quite-yet-sister-in-law. Itachi gives him an apologetic look on her behalf but says nothing.
“Still those dreams huh? She has really interesting ideas about those! Do you believe in reincarnation?” She asks him.
“That you believe all that craps she sells you, tells me so much, you’re crazy for starters” Sasuke tells her, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“No but hear me out!” Izumi tells him, ignoring his previous comment. “Like, our dreams don’t just make things up, right? You have to have seen those things somewhere, like that girl you keep dreaming about, you met her somewhere, your brain didn’t just invent her, but the circumstances you dream her in don’t match your life, right? Maybe you met in another life! And my psychic can tell you all about that!” she looks in her massive handbag and produces a presentation card that Sasuke takes, out of politeness, but doesn’t bother to look at.
Sasuke doesn’t even believe in that sort of thing, his beliefs always been on the more secular side of things, but even if there is a remote chance he might have lived another life before, where he saw wars, and monsters, and his parents death, he sure as hell doesn’t want to know about it.
So, he goes about his day, entirely forgetting the non-sense Izumi was blabbing on about. He goes to lunch with Naruto, ramen again unsurprisingly, makes a visit to a home for a noise complaint, files his paperwork, and tries to go home early for a change.
He attempted to postpone his psych evaluation as much as he could, that is, until his father, the head of the police department catches him on his way out, and orders him to medical immediately so he can get it over with.
“Go on, you know its protocol, she’s there now” His father chastises.
Sasuke is irritated to no end, but he still obediently makes his way to the new psychologist’s office in the back of the building.
Just keep it simple, don’t elaborate, it’ll be fine, he thinks to himself.
The door to the psychologist’s office is open, so Sasuke stands in the entrance and knocks on the door to announce his arrival. The space is completely littered with boxes and mountains of papers, stacked on top of another and covering the desk in its entirety, so much so that he can’t even see the person seating behind it.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m new, I’m still getting everything settled! Are you here for an eval? Did I get your file? Where are my files!? What’s your name?” She says in a rapid succession.
He stays quiet, so she can gather herself, and takes a seat in front of her crowded desk, and it isn’t until she moves the two gigantic boxes of documents in front of them that he is able to see her.
He sits complete frozen, utterly speechless upon setting eyes on her. Because the person seating in front of him now, is unbelievably and irrevocably the Spring girl.
The shiny pink hair, wide emerald colored eyes and a blushing face he’d never mistake for anyone else’s are facing him now, with a look of surprise on it.
And he is sure his face mirrors hers, especially since the next thing she says to him, is an almost whispered, “Sasuke-kun….”
“I can’t believe this…” She mumbles and looks like she’s about to jump on him, but the look on his face stops her. “Do you… am… do you know who I am?” She asks, a hint of hope sparkling in her eyes.
“The new psychologist… about to perform my yearly eval?…” He responds, unsure of himself.
He can see the deflated expression and disappointment spreading thought her. “Right… I haven’t seen your file… ahem sorry… I think we are going to have to postpone this… maybe someone else can do your evaluations tomorrow, I apologize” She tells him, in a more composed and professional tone.
She stands and grabs a small purse from one of the drawers and tries to make a quick exit.
Sasuke stares at her unable to say anything. He observes every detail he can about her, every slender curve of her body, the way her neat short hair hangs on her delicate neck, and he is suddenly overcome with the image of her, wearing a red tunic instead of the sensible suit, a red and white fan crest in the center of her back.
His hand moves almost of its own accord and grabs her tiny wrist to prevent her from leaving, and she turns to look at him, green eyes wide and full of emotions he’s not able to understand.
“I know you from somewhere” He says, in a statement not a question.
“Do you?  I don’t think so, sorry” She responds and tries to shake his hold on her wrist.
“You said you hadn’t seen my file; how did you know my name?” Sasuke asks her, in the demanding voice she remembers so well.
“I… just… ahem… I don’t….”
“What are you hiding?”
“Do you remember something… anything… about me?” She asks, the adorable blush from earlier spreading through her face again.
Sasuke isn’t sure what she means, but now that she’s facing him, he becomes completely lost in her eyes, his instincts screaming at him to hold her, and never let go. “Who are you?” He asks. Because saying, yeah, I remember you from a dream sounds entirely too stupid to mention.
The moment feels as if suspended from time, the atmosphere too suffocating, he’s afraid of even closing his eyes, sure that the moment he reopens them, she’d be gone like every dream he’s ever had.
“My name is Sakura” she says, and her name sounds like music to his ears. “This is going to sound really strange, and possibly unprofessional, but do you want to go get a drink?” She says, biting her lower lip and taking a strand of hair behind her ear nervously.
He only nods his head yes and releases her hand. “Just… how do I know you?” He whispers.
She giggles in response, her face more assertive than before. “It’s a long story Sasuke-kun… maybe… I’ll tell you later” She says, poking his forehead with two fingers before grabbing his hand and pulling him to follow.
He doesn’t know anything about the strange girl with the cherry blossom pink hair other than her name, still he would follow her anywhere. He can’t help but to feel his blessings are finally complete.
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shima-draws · 5 years
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OKAY OKAY SO I had this idea that’s similar to Reverse Falls—except everyone’s personalities/roles are swapped, so for example Stan takes the place of Ford and ends up in the portal, and Ford takes the place of Stan and is stuck trying to get him back for thirty years. Mabel and Dipper swap, as do Soos and Wendy, and Gideon and Pacifica, Candy and Grenda, etc.
They’re the same people with the same likes/dislikes and talents, but their personalities are all switched around!! So while Dipper is still mega fascinated by science and mysteries and stuff, he’s very outgoing and energetic and silly, while Mabel is more reserved and very shy about her creative passions—which leads to her being the one to find the journals, and take interest in them because they’re quirky and entertaining—and written by Stan :’) Dipper has a million different sweater vests, and Mabel has buttons and pins all over her clothes!
I see Ford and Stan’s story playing out as like, Ford was the one born with six fingers but it never bothered him much, and he was a very energetic personality as a kid, leading him and Stan into tons of trouble. Meanwhile Stan has always had self confidence issues, and he always took people calling him the “lesser twin” to heart, despite Ford encouraging him not to. Stan always had an interest in the mysterious, as well as Ford, but Stan’s fascination of it stemmed from his own anxiety issues, and found that he could relate a lot to the weird and unusual (because really, a lot of them were like him, labeled as weird and dumb because of his “mental” issues)
Rest is under the cut because it got LONG lol
This all came to a head during high school when Stan started writing fiction;; and really GOOD fiction at that. He couldn’t outwardly express himself and his interest in the supernatural, but he could do that through fiction, which made everything so much easier for him since he has social anxiety! And he found he was really talented at it. Which leads to a great big story writing contest, and the principal telling Stan that if he wins he can get a scholarship and go to college for writing. (The principal also says Ford is going places, too, but the things Stan can do will get him far, while Ford will always be stuck with the more…disapproving of careers. Assuming writers are a big hit, and scientists are just seen as frauds and losers.) Stan gets REALLY excited about this, which bums Ford out a lot because he wanted to do the treasure hunting thing and search for anomalies together, but Stan protests saying this is his passion and he’s finally being given an opportunity to do something good and worthwhile with his life.
The night before the contest, Ford sneaks in to the library where all the entries are set up, and accidentally mixes Stan’s story up with someone else’s—the pages get all intermixed and weird, and he quickly leaves before he can fix it because he’s about to get caught by night security (but he THINKS he got the pages in order when he in fact did not). The next day the judges read Stan’s story and say it makes no sense, it’s all out of context and the writing is all over the place and sloppy—so Stan loses. Of course he realizes that something must have happened, and after seeing a pen that belongs to Ford on the floor, he realizes what Ford has done. Which results in their enormous fight, and Ford is the one to be thrown out of the house.
Ford still manages to make it into college anyway, despite being homeless for a time, and starts studying hard. It’s not…a good college, at all, and he gets roughed up a lot and teased by frat boys, and struggles endlessly to make ends meet financially, and battles with intense depression. But he manages, somehow :’)
Stan, on the other hand, is so torn up about Ford leaving that he is essentially writers blocked—and he can’t write anything of any worth for a LONG time. Eventually he’s forced to get a low paying job in Glass Shard, wondering where it all went wrong, and missing Ford fiercely but still too upset to reach out. (He’s sure Ford is doing fine on his own, anyway.)
Eventually Stan manages to catch the attention of a publishing company along the way, and gets enough money to finally move out and continue his work! Which leads him to Gravity Falls, a place rumored for being weird, so Stan goes there to get inspiration for his writing, and starts a new life.
Ford, meanwhile, has graduated from college, but with a degree from such a shitty place he’s turned down for many job offers. He essentially starts traveling around the country, trying and failing to get noticed, and things start getting really tight for him moneywise, and people start chasing him down to repay his college debt. Yeah. It’s bad lol
Stan decides to call up an old friend of his that he encountered working part of the industry, Susan!! Susan happily comes up to Gravity Falls to act as an “editor” of some sorts for Stan’s latest in-progress novel. Stan also starts keeping a record of all the weird things he sees in Gravity Falls in a journal—and as time passes, the more he gets involved, and the more crazy he gets about discovering the source of all the weirdness there…which leads to him discovering a cave full of symbols and eventually ends up summoning Time Baby (yes, he and Bill are swapped in this!). Time Baby tells Stan that he’s brilliant, that he can bring all of his stories to life and live out his wildest fantasies if they work together. And so, Time Baby helps Stan in order to build a portal—but not a DIMENSIONAL portal, no. A TIME portal. Because I see Time Baby wanting to extend his rule to every time period possible in this AU, but being limited by time laws and possibly a revolutionized force trying to stop him. If he gets access to a time portal he can spread his influence farther, and attempt to take over all timelines, the past, the present, and the future. And Stan, who in this AU hadn’t grown up knowing when someone was trying to con him, falls for Time Baby’s flattery EASILY, and starts building the portal with his instructions. Susan also helps, being a mechanic alongside an editor. But unfortunately, an accident during testing gave Susan a glimpse into the future, where she witnessed the horrifying truth of Time Baby’s rule. She quit the project and decided to leave Stan on his own, who realizes Time Baby’s lies and started to lose his mind as he attempted to protect himself against the overlord’s influence. Which leads to him calling up Ford!!
Ford, who is currently barely scraping by, drops everything to go see Stan in Gravity Falls, in an excited attempt to reconcile. Of course Stan is driven by paranoia and anxiety at this point, so he snaps at Ford, demands him to hide his journals, and this results in their enormous brawl. Ford gets burned, they accidentally activate the portal, and Stan falls in—to be sent to an apocalyptic future.
Unfortunately without Stan’s other journals Ford has no IDEA how the portal works. And seeing as Stan worked with a being from a future with extreme technological advancements, even with his genius he can’t figure it out right away, and especially without the other journals to help. So, as Ford struggles to bring the portal back online, he decides to take over the Shack and transform it into a science museum of some sorts. Being as outgoing as he is, Ford’s able to draw people in with his friendly personality and contagious energy, which earns him enough money to keep the Shack running. He fakes his own death (mostly to escape the mountain of debt he’s in—I know, Ford isn’t the type, but he really didn’t want people sniffing around after all he’d been through, and paying back loans is the last thing on his mind, especially since he’s avoided it already and is labeled as a criminal anyway), opens the Mystery Shack, which is home to tons of crazy inventions and neat science factoids and tours, and thirty long years pass as he struggles to work the portal again. (He tries tons of different complicated things, but nothing works. He gets very frustrated with it sometimes.)
Eventually, the summer of 2012 arrives and with it comes Dipper and Mabel! And you know, things play out pretty similarly to how the original GF universe did. Bill is an interdimensional demon who keeps track of people dimension hopping (which Mabel and Dipper inevitably end up doing once they get their hands on a space tape), Gideon is filthy rich, Pacifica is a fake psychic who has an interest in Dipper, Wendy is the girl who fixes up the Shack, Soos is the guy always slacking off and being cool (and the thought of Mabel having a crush on him is. WEIRD but consider it being like, teen Soos or smth. Soos but COOL. He could pull it off), Fiddleford is a cheeky waiter at the diner—you get the point lol.
Anyway I am dubbing this AU as UPSIDE-DOWN FALLS! (I apologize if anyone else has ever had a similar idea, but it just popped into my head and I couldn’t disregard it man;;)
Also I feel that Ford and Stan might eventually go traveling the dimensions, or a mishap occurs and they get separated or something—and Ford runs into the regular GF verse Stan, and he has a great fondness for him because they’re practically the same. (Stan won’t admit it but he really likes Upside-Down Ford too.)
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hopesiick · 4 years
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𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐀���𝐃 // vice detective, thirty-three, red ridge native.
— unflinching, grudging, brainy, irreverent, plucky, mulish. loosely inspired by dominique dipierro (mr robot), laurie blake (watchmen hbo), eve polastri (killing eve), wendy byrde (ozark), and allie pressman (the society). this vine, too.
howdy, folks! i’m dev. 🤠 this is my dearest brain babie, jordan. normally, this is where i’d get all mushy-gushy on y’all, but the rest of this introduction is already too long as it is, and i’d rather not add insult to injury hehe. just know i’m happy to be here & even more excited to get to know you all + your brain babies, too! 🥳 @redridgeimp​​
— pinterest, stats + connections page.
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑: bullet points marked with three asterisks (***) feature mentions of domestic abuse and unfit parenting. reader discretion is advised.
the toussards are old money. her mother’s side of the family have made their fortune off of hay farms scattered across the state of nevada, and her father’s side of the family have mostly been cattle and dairy farmers. together, they decided to venture into real estate, too, by buying up farm land plots and selling them at a higher price, along with residential plots, too. 
they’re not showy people, but they definitely make good use of their money. jordan’s childhood home is a plantation-style house on a big ole plot of land situated on the outskirts of town. they had healthy green grass with sprinklers and a full garden. inside, everything was real wood, ivory, and silver. they had a maid and gardeners and the whole nine yards. still, if you hadn’t seen that or recognized their family name, you might have expected them to be any other family belonging to red ridge. 
to many, they gave off the image of a picture-perfect, all-american nuclear family. it’s easy to pretend, seeing as they live so far away from all the glitz and none of them -- no matter how they feel -- are willing to shatter that golden reputation, but it isn’t real. elise, her mother, wanted a doll more than she wanted an actual child, and it was society’s pressure on women to give birth that forced her hand, not any sense of innate desire for expanding the family. joseph, her father, was too caught up in his wife’s every wish and whim to really pay attention to jordan in a deep way. he never turned his back on her, but jordan never felt any deep belonging to him either -- if anything, he felt more like a 2d stand in for the father she wished she’d had. 
*** that meant there was only one adult left to really pick up her parent’s slack, and that was corinne, her aunt. corinne, who had an awful habit of bringing terrible men home. corinne, who was bipolar and unmedicated, and often in charge of taking care of jordan from the moment she was in diapers to the moment she graduated college. corinne, who was manipulated by her own sister. corinne, who was helpless to protect jordan against her mother’s attacks, and unable to shield her from the rage her boyfriends spat. corinne is like a mother to jordan. she was the hand that rubbed her back when she was sick. she was the open arms that held her when one of jordan’s teenage dates went sour. she was the one to cover for her when she snuck out and the one to teach her everything her mother considered too immoral and dirty. corinne is her mother in the way elise never could be, but still .. jordan can’t help but feel anger towards her. 
*** jordan’s known how to use, fire, and clean a gun from the age of eight. she learned how to hunt at the age of ten. she knew and helped her father field dress a handful of animals by the age of twelve. you may think this was just a bit of heavy-handed bonding between a father and daughter, but it wasn’t. elise and joseph used to go away a lot, both for pleasure and business, which left jordan in corinne’s sole care. that wouldn’t be a problem, if it weren’t for the fact that a grand majority of corinne’s relationships were abusive, specifically physically. jordan was a child, but she was a child with a duty -- a duty to protect her caretaker if necessary. at the time, jordan didn’t think much of it. she liked feeling like she had an in with her father, liked feeling important. it was only when she got older that she realized how fucked up everything had been, and how that’s the driving factor behind the feeling of fear she just can’t drop, and the mistrust she has in others. the anger she feels towards corinne is rooted in that. she can’t help but feel like it’s corinne’s fault and she hates that her aunt -- a fully grown adult -- was the center of her childhood, instead of her own self.
skipping forward a bit, jordan went to college right after high school to major in criminal science. her lifelong exposure to such abuse left her with a taste for vengeance. see, jordan wanted to be a police officer to protect her hometown, sure, but she also wanted the badge so that she could finally dish out the punishment that so many of the officers she’d seen were unwilling to. the only way to stop that culture of turning a blind eye was to do it from the inside, and that’s exactly what she did. 
jordan’s been a cop for twelve years now. she started her career doing patrol and eventually working with the gangs and narcotics team for five years. after a lot of pestering and brown-nosing, jordan became a g&n detective. she was mostly in charge of surveillance, carrying out raids, and the planning of both. ( she had an opportunity early in her career to go undercover, but jordan’s too obvious for that. ) eventually, jordan switched departments over to the special victims unit, but that stint really only served as a segue into where she is now: the vice and support department. she used to specialize in community outreach, helping bridge the gap between the community and the precinct. she worked with groups focused on helping those affected by drugs and sex workers who have been abused. when one of the detectives assigned to missing persons cases left, jordan was quick to apply for it. needless to say, she got the job and has been doing that since.
she’s got the nose for it -- all the digging and reviewing and passion for the relentless pursuit. she doesn’t particularly like dealing with the families of those affected, but it’s part of the job. on most days, she genuinely enjoys it, but with the rise in crime and the amount of deaths at their feet, jordan can’t help but rethink her choices. she’s competitive by nature; she can’t handle these losing games. 
jordan’s a very cutthroat cop -- especially in her g&n days, when it was all heat, all pressure, all the time. she’s got an eye for weakness and isn’t afraid to exploit that on the job. she’s not above making threats -- promises, really -- and has always been the type to gather as much evidence as humanly possible, because she wants prosecutors to see justice through. she’s just really efficient. she wouldn’t be where she was at only thirty-three if she wasn’t. most of the time, you can catch her putting in overtime hours. 
that being said... jordan has a big heart. she doesn’t believe in institutions as a whole, but she does believe in people. the law is the law and rules are vital for a functioning society, but .. she may be willing to look the other way sometimes, if you’re close enough. ( i mean, she was married to a valencia member at one point, so. ) she may not agree with what some people do, but she’ll really only go after you if what you’re doing is truly heinous. ( but don’t tell her supervisors! 🥺 and don’t mention the hypocrisy to her face. )
outside of work, though, jordan’s pretty chill. she used to be a loudmouthed firecracker in her youth, but she’s calmed down significantly since then. really, she’s not so bad! maybe it's because she can't handle being alone, but she thrives from being in groups + will strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone. if she likes your shoes, she'll tell you. if you need a ride home then she’ll walk with you because she’s most likely equally as inebriated. kind of the person that you’re hesitant to approach, but when you do she treats you like you’re old friends -- even if you're not. you know that drunk girl in the bathroom that gives you sagely advice or tells you she loves your hair? that’s jordan, except she’s not drunk. 
when jordan makes her mind up on something, it’s almost impossible to get her to budge. it doesn’t matter if she’s in the wrong, she’ll trudge on no matter what. her flippancy in the face of danger – a prized act at this point – has landed her in trouble before, and it most certainly will again. she’s unyielding and unapologetic; not willing to change herself for anyone. getting her to talk about her emotions is like pulling teeth, except even that would probably be easier. she’s incredibly honest about some things as a way to hide behind it; it’s a farce that distracts people into thinking she’s being honest with them, when really she’s not -- not entirely, anyway. 
loves love, but she’s rotten at it. her anxiety gets in the way, tells her that she’ll mess it up somehow until she finally does, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. ( something-something abt the fact that she can’t comprehend someone loving her if not even her own parents could ). she’s a much better friend, and jordan thinks that’s more important anyhow. genuinely, if you’re her friend then she loves you endlessly and earnestly.
𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓 !
jordan is that friend that gets a little bit too into car karaoke.
she’s also the type to order a screwdriver during an 11a brunch.
it’s a wonder that she doesn’t have tinnitus, considering she always blasts heavy metal music in her car.
makes jokes about getting married and divorced, because if you can’t laugh at your pain then you’re fucked.
if you ever visit her unannounced, you’ll spot her in t-shirts that say “milf in training”, “god looks like me”, and more.
if you’re mean to her she’ll give you a parking ticket.
she plays dirty in fights. used to bite a lot as a child and she still does. all is fair in love and war, babie! enjoy getting that tetanus shot and lovely hospital bill! 💋
pantsuits from monday to friday, and overalls without a bra on the weekend because fuck that shit. also extremely partial to shirts with low plunges. a lil bit of side titty for everyone. 
if you’re leaving a drink behind she’ll finish it for you because daddy didn’t raise no quitters.
has a lot of self-worth issues, but she’d sooner die than ever tell anyone about them or even confront them herself. 
don’t let the pantsuit fool you! there’s pure muscle underneath that two-piece, babie. 
𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄. 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔:
“i am the shape you made me. filth teaches filth.”
"can i be blamed for my efforts? all men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be."
"there is a place, deep in the heart of fear, where you trap yourself and claim that is safety."
"still, a great deal of light falls on everything."
"i hold a stalk in my hand. i am the stalk. my roots go down to the depth of the world."
“i always figured when i got older, god would sorta come into my life somehow. and he didn’t. i don’t blame him. if i was him i would have the same opinion of me that he does.”
“nothing washes off.”
“you cannot be stolen, ransacked, looted like an emptied bank account or a burgled house. you are the tough old tissues, the exquisite scars. you are the thing that would not die.”
𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒔 ! ( open to any gender ) 
jordan can’t function without a best friend, so.. gimme, please! 🥺🤲
i once read a passage talking about how the friendships you make in your childhood can never be mimicked in your adulthood, and you know what.. #true. where’s jordan’s childhood friends at? do they still keep in touch? did they have a massive fallout as teenagers where jordan told them to get hit by a truck because she was a very dramatic 16 yr old? were they frenemies? do they still have one of jordan’s things because she was terrible at remembering everything after a sleepover? did jordan’s parents help your muse’s family out? idc, just gimme!
exes / almost exes. remember what i said about jordan being a shit when it comes to love? they could’ve been serious at some point whether as adults or in their youth, maybe it was short-lived, maybe jordan never even let it get off the ground. could be on good terms or bad terms or no terms at all. 
neighbors!! jordan pulls some odd hours n sometimes plays her music a little too loud and burns her food more often than she should at 33 yrs old. she may or may not be the best neighbor to have is all i’m saying, but she tries!! 
friends!! platonic love is the most purest form of love there is and she’s got a lot of it to give!! come and get ya some! 
enemies / hateships because sometimes .. it just be like that. whether this has to do with a falling out of some sort, just straight up hate at first sight, or something to do with an encounter on the job, or something else entirely i’m here for it! 
one night stands / [old] fwb. i’m gonna be honest with y’all: if jordan likes you, then she can’t sleep with you. now, i’m gonna be honest with y’all again: jordan’s very much a yes-girl. she says and does things just to get a reaction sometimes or see what’ll happen ( something-something "sometimes if you let people do things to you, you're really doing it to them" ). that being said, she’ll sleep with just about anyone. maybe they don’t talk about it ever, maybe they only ever talk when they want something, maybe they regret it, maybe it’s all gucci, and maybe it was good until it wasn’t. idk! 
jordan has been shot twice in her career thus far. the first time was during a noise disturbance call and the second time was during a narc raid. if your muse wants in on that we can discuss the deets! 
and also literally whatever else your heart desires because i’m both here for the fluffiest deepest connections ever and also the angstiest makes-me-wanna-die type shit. i literally don’t say no to anything so if you have any ideas you think jordan can be a good fit for, i’m all ears!! 
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foggedgrief · 4 years
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so noemi and nicky were in part one but this is part two and y’all are going to get the loves of my life, poppy finnegan ( click here to find some quick facts about my boy ) and sebastian lazzaro ( click here to find some quick facts about my girl ) ! wanted connections can be found here.
be warned ! before you click that handy dandy little read more, the following triggers will be discussed : death ( multiple deaths due to the fog, not explicit : poppy ), divorce ( not traumatic, amenable divorce : laz ) !
writing  letters  to  your  mother  even  though  she’ll  never  read  them,  praying  for  forgiveness  when  you  press  flowers  between  pages  when  you  play  god  with  life  and  death,  staring  at  the  fog  from  your  perch  on  your  window  sill  wondering  what  it  might  be  like  to  stay  for  a  while,  the  ever  dawning  realization  that  you  are  less  than  you  could  be  but  more  than  you  were,  the  desire  to  wear  masks  more  interesting  than  your  own  (  what  would  your  mother  say  that  you  wish  to  be  someone  other  than  your  own  self  ?  )
penelope jean finnegan is the eldest child of the finnegan family and is like a de facto rory gilmore with just how often she’s seen around town and i mean that in the best kind of way. 
it’s mostly thanks to her mama, the late dottie finnegan. if you only knew one person in town, it was probably dottie. she owned the mad batter, has made almost every confectionary sold at the school’s bake sake, has made every birthday cake for most people in town since she was fourteen, and just radiated the best kind of mom energy that you would look for in another person. 
poppy was relatively popular in high school and was an active member of the thespian troupe. she won a superior and second place in the state level thespian competition in costume design and she’s been designing and sewing her own clothes since then. she also worked at the bakery from the time she was sixteen until she went off to college and was prom queen her senior year. 
also in high school, poppy and her parents converted one of the rooms in the house into an artistically inviting space and sometimes poppy treated it more like her bedroom than her actual bedroom when she was in school. while dottie expressed most of her art through paints, sketches, and cakes, poppy has always had a desire to design her own clothes and make them. she does take commissions around prom season for a little extra pocket money and opens her etsy store as early as january and runs through june for prom and graduation. 
she met her now boyfriend ( ex ? maybe ! ) in college and dual majored in two business degrees, one in entrepreneurship and one in marketing. she did so with the explicit of interest in going back to her family business and expanding it into a franchise across the state and eventually into a generational empire of baked goods and love. 
for legal reasons that’s mostly a joke but with her degrees and moving back to town, though, she did begin cultivating their social media presence and started nationally shipping orders about two years ago. the company has a large following, especially on tiktok, where poppy maintains her own account, the mad batter’s, and the finnefam account for the finnegan family. they are those people. 
poppy was always especially close to her mother and the loss of dottie has been horrifically detrimental to her stability and the additional loss of one of her best friends, max, only sent a downward turn into a spiral. all she wants is for the world to straighten out again but she doesn’t really even know what that means. 
when poppy came home from college, her arm was linked with marcus’ and they moved into the one bedroom mother in law apartment behind the family’s home. it’s cute as fuck and dottie helped her design it but it’s suffocatingly familiar with all of these losses that she’s found herself staying in her childhood bedroom instead of with marcus. ser maxibald, their corgi, is staying with marcus. 
when she took the job at the tower, it was under the excuse of wanting to make sure that august stayed safe. and maybe one day she’ll believe her own lie but if she had to choose between sitting up in a tower amongst the fog that took her mother and going to work at the bakery like her mother did every day for as long as she could remember... well the forest starts to look good after a while.
literally will fight anyone, including the fog, for the safety of her siblings and father. is 10/10 taking her anger, frustration, and sadness out on her father and boyfriend and honestly that’s not healthy and she knows it but we all do strange things in the fog of grief. 
the  desperate  feeling  that  sits  on  your  chest  when  you  feel  the  need  to  drown  out  the  silence,  the  walk  of  shame  when  you  have  to  collect  your  bowls  and  dishes  from  your  room  and  bring  them  to  the  kitchen,  happier  days  filled  with  love  and  laughter  polluted  by  sixty  hour  work  weeks  and  fifty  too  many  missed  recitals,  appointments,  holidays,  vibrant  dreams  of  better  days  and  waking  up  alone,  still  reaching  to  fidget  with  a  ring  that  isn’t  there  anymore.
sebastian isaac lazzaro, known as bash by his family, laz by everyone else in the world, grew up in pine haven and had that all american kind of boy small towns love to publish articles about when they get into a major state school on a scholarship for their athletic prowess and talk about that one time they rescued a cat from a tree. 
his sport was soccer and he got a full ride to umaine for it. he pursued a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and law. he went to law school and spent a few years at a practice in massachusetts before deciding to apply to the fbi. your man passed through training with flying colors and was assigned to his first choice, the behavioral analysis unit. 
laz married the sister of one of his closest friends in high school, rory finnegan. they didn’t start dating until they were at university of maine together and he was absolutely head over heels for her. she showed up a year later and it felt like a better time than any to ask her out properly without the prying eyes of the town trying to figure out what their relationship was and if it was more than friendly. 
they were married for about twelve years and dated for another five on top of that. they were married about a year after she graduated from college and divorced a little over a year ago. though their divorce didn’t end back of a lack of love, laz didn’t know how to appropriately prioritize his family over his work and watched the best people in his life slip through his fingers. 
they did have a daughter, sophia. she’s twelve now. she was named after laz’s mother and she’s the light of his life. when his wife first served him with papers, he agreed that she should take primary custody of sophia because of the unpredictable nature of his schedule and a desire to devote himself to a schedule he wouldn’t fuck up. he bought them a house in pine haven so his wife could be close to her brother and sophia be close to her cousins. the town isn’t the safest because of the fog but he knew that crime wasn’t going to be an issue. 
he’s incredibly consistent with his support payments and adheres almost rigidly to the custody agreement. now that he’s back in town because of the disappearances, though, things a little awkward. they haven’t had to see each other for this long before and laz is conflicted on how to approach something very obvious to him and his team: his love for his wife and the fact that every time he leaves pine haven, he leaves his heart behind too. 
but on to lighter notes: murder. laz hunts down serial killers for a living and helps construct the profiles that bring them to justice. it was in his office that he got the notification of death for his former sister in law, dorothy finnegan. laz had to leave the room when he saw her face among the missing and returned a few minutes later to tell the team to get together and they were flying out the same day. he didn’t really tell anyone he was coming back to town and has been here for two weeks. the last time he was in town was for whatever the most recent major holiday was because he spends his holidays with the finnegans, usually. 
over all good man. gives good hugs but not as good as nicky. 7.5 / 10.
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groundzerobakugo · 5 years
not as it seems // k. bakugou
  gender in this imagine will be female. if you wish for me to create this with male or genderneutral pronouns please feel free to send a message my way! i would be happy to help!
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also, i’m kinda getting like, film noir detective kinda vibes??? so imma write half of this as like, journal entries and the other half as actual scenes. i changed a few things around to allow myself better wiggle room, i hope you don’t mind! you may have just broken my writers block w this prompt!
((words or phrases with an asterisk* will have their definitions written at the end))
23 february // tokyo
  it’s late and the rain’s coming down hard, but i can’t sleep. i’ve been hired by local police because there’s been talk of a strange beast that lurks at night, leaving victims with little to no blood left. civilians are passing it off as animal attacks, but i have reason to suspect this is the work of a vampire. however, i haven’t seen a vampire move like this in a long time. not since nagoya five years ago, back when i was still an apprentice.   this vampire doesn’t seem to hunt often, about once every other week, never the same day. they switch it up, too, there’s no link with any victims that i’ve uncovered yet.    victim one; twenty-something male. brown eyes. blond hair. a college graduate about to take over for his father’s law firm. described as a likable and easy-going guy engaged to the daughter of another larger firm. no known motive. found in marunouchi.   victim two; forty-two female. blue eyes. dark hair. single mother with three kids. worked at a  menial convenience store as a clerk. kids have gone into government care and don’t want to talk to visitors. found in tsukiji.   victim three; thirty-six year old male. green eyes. dark hair. ex-convict, charged with third-degree murder and vehicular manslaughter. no living relatives. found in shinjuku.   victim four; a seventy-eight year old male. dark eyes. dark hair. grandfather with three grandchildren, one from each daughter. described as gentle and a humorous soul. found in roppongi.   this case is already giving me a headache. no links aside from each body found in a separate district of tokyo, no pattern found between locations. this vampire may be the smartest i’ve encountered. my only wish is to have my predecessor to help me. i’ve sent word, but with him training another potential hunter, i’m left to solve this case on my own.
  (last name, first name).
07 march // tokyo
  the vampire has claimed yet another victim. a twenty-two year old female; dark eyes. blond hair. a wannabe fashion blogger in harajuku. her friends said she was finishing up some side work at her job and they called authorities after victim hadn’t posted to social media in two days.   i thought i could solve this case without the help of intense magic, but with the way things are progressing, i have to use all necessary skills to save the innocent lives being slaughtered. i hate cases with so much blood, it makes me uneasy. may the gods help me solve this quickly so my eyes don’t have to see another gruesome crime scene photo for another few months.   to think something that used to be human could do such actions against something they’d once been. does vampirism isolate the mind so far that you’re okay with cutting up and draining innocent souls? it’s revolting to think about.   i will be visiting the past scenes tomorrow, do some magic canvassing, see if i can get a picture of this vampire to track him down. looks like more sleepless nights ahead.
  (last name, first name).
  you moved quietly down the alley, fingertips brushing against the brick walls as a low blue glow followed your touch. the glow spread throughout the alley, and you stopped just before where the body had been found. you gagged at the dried blood that caked the pavement, but you swallowed and took a deep breath.
  “in oculis de mortuus.”*
  the scene before you changed as you made contact with the dried substance, a blue glow swirling and changing the scene into a dark alley, lit faintly only by street lights and the waning moon. your stomach flipped as you felt yourself fly through the air. the first victim was thrown down the alley from the sidewalk. you cried out, the world around you turning black. though, he wasn’t dead yet, he still had a faint pulse. you were still in his last moments.
  “please, please, it wasn’t what it looked like!” you heard his voice echo, your mouth moving in time.
  “that’s what they all say,” a gravelly voice replied. you turned, vision hazy as you saw the tall silhouette of your killer.
  “no! i promise i won’t do it again, please, don’t kill me!”
  “promises, promises. you humans love to fucking lie through your teeth, calling it promises. tried that shit once, asshole didn’t last a week. now, quit fucking begging, it won’t help.”
  you screamed, feeling as through your body had been lit aflame as the vampire’s teeth entered your neck, claws digging deep into your skin.
  your legs jellied underneath you, and you collapsed onto the floor, breathing hard as the scenery returned to normal. every inch of your body ached, screamed at you, with every movement. you could feel the slight trickle of blood slip down your lip, and you wiped it away.
  as much as you wanted to go home, you couldn’t. there were four other scenes to see, four other victims’ last moments to search through.
 you limped your way down the street, body aching and bruises; you were covered in fresh scars, and the bloody nose had yet to stop since the third victim. the sun had long since dipped behind the horizon, the full moon illuminating your path along with the street lights. people no longer ignored you, as the blood soaking your shirt and jeans caused many to stare in horror.
  every gentle breeze felt like ice-hot fire burning your skin, and you could feel the few burns on your arms and chest ache under your shirt. you’d never encountered such horrid and painful last moments before you began your hunt for the vampire. most were emotionally calm, having been elders who made their peace, but the few painful ones were small children victims of hit-and-runs or freak accidents.
  your neighbor shot you a worried glance, eyes widening at the sight of you.
  “(last name), are you alright?” kirishima eijirou asked.
  but upon seeing the ruby red eyes, your breath hitched in your throat, and you flinched away from his touch. “sorry, kiri-kun, just... rough day at work.”
  his face showed no hurt, and instead he gave you a soft smile. “i know how that is. rest easy, if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.”
  “thank you,” you mumbled, returning the smile, though only partially.
  he stayed in the hall just long enough to make sure you could get into your apartment, and then he gave you a wave before heading back into his own place. you two shared an odd neighborly relationship, often times only seeing one another in passing. he was some sort of detective for another district’s force, you knew that much, but as you wouldn’t want him knowing your line of work, you never asked specifics of his.
  as much as your tired limbs had wanted to just clamber into bed, you pulled up a chair at your desk and flipped open your notebook.
08 march // tokyo
  i have never experienced so much pain and regret reliving a victim’s last moments as i have today. i may have overdone it; there are so many physical wounds it feels as though i lived through each one personally. being thrown into an alley, shoved through glass, dropped from a twenty story building, slammed against a wall, twice might i add, and sliced open what feels like a million and one times. i’ll need to recover for a few days before continuing to collect evidence and tracking down the killer.   however, the pain wasn’t for nothing. i finally found a recurring pattern. it’s not much to go off of, but every victim was begging for their life and saying they’ll never do it again. what ‘it’ is, i still don’t know. perhaps this is a beast come to take revenge on a group of people who did something. though, two young adults, two middle-aged people, and an elderly person? something doesn’t add up. what would such a strange group beg for their lives for? what did they promise to never do again? in a few days, i’ll interview the ones who had family members, see if they had any contact with any other of the victims.   my predecessor has finally replied. he didn’t say much, but he said this case was chosen specifically for me; maybe there’s something in this case i’m missing, but so far it seems unsolvable. i’m missing something, and while i need another, i don’t wish for another victim to give me that needed piece to my puzzle. he sent his regards, as well as the newbie. he seems sweet, but maybe too sweet to get into this line of work.   now to make a special brew of restituo and hope i can be up and about before this vampire claims a sixth victim.
  (last name, first name).
  you closed your journal and looked out the window, into the night. you had about eight days until you calculated your vampire striking once again. eight days to solve this puzzle and save a life.
  you walked with a slight limp, a crutch under one arm. five days later, not even your restituo serum could heal all the wounds inflicted. there was always a price with magic; and it looked as though the fates were having you ride out your twisted ankle like a mortal to punish you for peering into so many painful last moments. it was to be expected, but you hated the limited mobility.
  it was the thirteenth of march, only a few days left until you suspected the vampire would hunt down another innocent. they knew of one thing in their miserable immortal lives: to hunt down humans and drain them of blood.
  at least, that was what your predecessor had told you. that was the first line in the vampirism textbook you read back in middle school, when he’d first taken you under his wing. that was what you remembered when a vampire had claimed your parents’ lives.
  you huffed to yourself and leaned up against a brick wall, elevating your foot slightly off the ground. 
  maybe that was why your predecessor had given you every vampire case that had filtered into the agency. you’d been hunting them since before you graduated high school; taking revenge on the single vampire that had murdered your kindhearted parents for no reason, by killing everyone you came across.
  an itch crawled across your skin, and you looked up, making eye contact with hard, crimson eyes. they stared at you from across the street, cars passing in between the collision of crimson and (eye color). you stood straight and adjusted your crutch back under your arm. he stared you up and down, only the faintest of smirks stretching across his face.
  a large bus flew down the street, and when it had passed, the man was gone.
  your brow furrowed, and you blinked. there was something familiar about that smirk, those crimson eyes. you pulled out your small notebook and jotted down the description of the man.
  tall. medium build. red eyes. light hair. wearing a black hoodie, black jeans, and black boots. handsome.
  you looked back across the street, the itch still there and the healed burns aflame once more. a haunting through crossed your mind, and you thought back to the vampire you’d seen in each final moment.
  that man had to be your vampire.
16 march // tokyo
  if all of my calculations are correct, that bloodsucker's on the hunt once more. there are several districts i've yet to comb through, but i believe i've tracked its next spot in kanda. i've placed several charms throughout the district to alert me when its on the prowl, but i've got a bad feeling about tonight.   i'm going to head down to the station, see if there's been any sightings of the vampire recently, see if i can narrow his location down in the district. if not, i may have to use more magic to track down the son of a bitch, however it may prove daunting. since using the spell to see the final moments of the vampire's victims, i've yet to be able to reach my full capability again. after this is all over, i'll have to recharge myself, take a vacation some place.   it's almost dark and i have to get ready. may the fates help me tonight.
  (last name, first name).
  you strolled around the bustling city streets with your hands in your pockets. there was still a slight limp, but you no longer needed the help of crutches to get around. even without magical help, you still healed faster than the average human mortal--perks of being a witch. though, it still hurt to walk on.
  the temperature had dropped considerably since the sun had hidden itself away until the next day; the city lights turning on and illuminating the streets and neon signs coloring the buildings you passed with reds and blues and greens.
  if this had been a different night, one where you weren't hunting down a murderous vampire, you might have found yourself enjoying the quiet walk. you'd have brought the small camera gifted to you and taken a few scenery shots. perhaps you'd find a small ramen shop and people-watched from the window, striking up conversation with the owners. but it wasn't that kind of night. you'd have to return another day to do that.
  an itch you felt a few days before crawled across your skin once more, and you looked up. it was hard to tell in the dark, but you scanned the crowd for any sign of your suspect; tall, blond, most likely in a hoodie and jeans. but you kept walking, the itch never leaving you as you continued in the same direction.
  you moved passed business men and the odd twenty-something year old couples, none shifting their gaze your way, and to those who did, you offered a small smile and continued on with your hunt. you walked by a small ramen shop, one that smelled of fresh pork broth and sizzling chashu. nothing special about it, but there was an itch; one that made your skin feel as though you'd lit yourself aflame.
  you stopped and peered into the shop. nothing out of the ordinary stood out to you, you couldn't even see anyone who somewhat resembled your vampire. you stepped into the shop, maybe there was someone you missed.
  "irasshaimase!" someone called from the kitchen.
  you flashed them a polite smile and scanned the restaurant once again. however, while you hadn't seen the blond you were tracking, you recognized a familiar redhead sat at the bar.
  "kiri-kun?" you called out.
  the redhead looked up and looked at you. "(name)? i didn't know you came here."
  "uh, first time," you said, taking another look around. "actually kind of, well, working right now."
  "oh, nice! you on break?" he asked.
  "not really," you replied, still checking out the patrons of the shop. "uh, have you by chance seen a blond guy, decently tall, red eyes?"
  kirishima hesitated. "uh, n-no? why?"
  you turned to him. "veritatum dicere," your hand made contact with his shoulder, and you watched the blue glow travel across his skin. "i'll ask again, have you seen him?"
  "bakugou, he-he's grabbing his meal, just out back." you let go of his shoulder and watched as kirishima's face fell. "(n-name), it's not what you think."
  you gave him a sympathetic smile. "sorry, kiri-kun, but it's my job. subsisto." and with that, you hurried out the front door and slipped into the alleyway that led to the back of the ramen shop. but just as you hit the back alley, a body crashed into yours.
  a girl, no older than fifteen, stared up at you with frightened eyes. there were fresh bruises lining her uncovered shoulders, shirt torn to smithereens and one shoe missing from her feet. your blood ran cold.
  "are you alright?" you asked, gripping her by the shoulders to steady her. "who did this to you?"
  tears formed at her waterline, and she looked over her shoulder. you followed her gaze into the darkness and nodded.
  "go home, get some rest, file a police report in the morning," you said, looking into her eyes. "you'll be okay."
  she didn't reply; she only nodded and then left the alleyway, stumbling over her feet as she rushed away from the scene. that vampire would pay for his crimes.
  you looked back to the darkness, your jaw set. "fata protegas me." the glow encompassed your body and you stepped further into the alley.
  "let go of me!" a man shouted. "it wasn't what it looked like!"
  you stopped. that... that didn't sound like your vampire.
  "right," a familiar voice scoffed. "i just so fucking happened to come across what looked like a fifty year old pervert fucking raping a fifteen year old girl. now, you can either beg for your life and prolong this shit, or you can keep your shit quiet and die quickly."
  "wa-wait! don't kill me! i'll do anything!"
  you crept alongside the wall, peaking from the cover of a dumpster.
  there he was; your blond vampire in his hooded jacket. he was holding a rather large man against the wall, while said man struggled against his hold. your eyes widened. wait, what...? did... did the vampire save the human girl?
  the blond sneered at the man. "it's your kind of people that makes me glad i'm no longer fucking human. you're the scum of this shitty earth."
  no, vampires had no humanity. the moment a human's mind changed from mortal to immortal, they lost their moral compass to the fever. it was impossible for a bloodsucker to think like a human. your teachings, your experiences, your cases; you'd never encountered a killer who was able to decipher who was good and who was bad. it was all a gray area, a free for all.
  "no! no, please!" the man pleaded. "i-i'll change!"
  the blond tsked. "no. you won't. maybe you'll be better in another damn life, but this one's over."
  you cringed upon hearing the man's cries and the sound of teeth shredding skin, a faint metallic scent permeating the air. he... that vampire... saved that girl? it couldn't be.
  you stood shakily from behind the dumpster, eyes hesitantly turning to face the vampire. his teeth were embedded into the man's neck, claws deep into his chest as he drank greedily. you stepped out of the shadows, head feeling foggy as you saw the blood.
  the blond noticed you from the corner of his vision and momentarily stopped.
  “i don’t understand,” you muttered. “you had an easy target, hell, two easy targets. and you went for this one?”
  he rolled his eyes. “i don’t kill innocents.”
  “you don’t... what? but-but you’re a bloodsucker,” you argued. “vampires... vampires don’t have the rationality for that.”
  he stepped away from his victim, using the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe off some of the blood from his chin. “would you rather me a fucking mindless killer? would that make this shit better or something?”
  your eyes widened. “no! no, i... i’m just so confused. you-you’re supposed to be the monster, vampires are always the monsters.”
  his boots echoed as he walked up to you, the crimson seeming even more vibrant than you remembered. “not this time, dumbass. like i said, i don’t kill innocents.”
  you took a step back, nose wrinkling at the stench of human blood coming from his mouth. “but the others? what did they do?”
  “they were damn criminals. extortion, robbery, homicide,” the blond said. “now, if you don’t fucking mind, i was kind of in the middle of something.”
  you looked at his victim, mind spinning slightly as you remembered the final moments you witnessed, the pain you felt time and time again as you suffered firsthand at the hands of the vampire. every bone in your body felt as though it was breaking once more.
  (eye color) met with crimson, glassed over with pain. “i thought you were the worst kind of monster. how you could just end an innocent human life with so much suffering on their part. i was ready to obliterate you the moment i saw you. i thought you were a villain.”
  he scoffed. “well, i fucking ain’t. sorry to burst your damn bubble.”
  “bakugou!” someone shouted. “bakugou! dude, are you okay?!”
  you turned on your heel, surprised to see kirishima running up to you two.
  “i’m fine, shitty hair,” the blond, bakugou, grumbled.
  the redhead slowed in his step as he neared. “i... i thought she was going to kill you, bro.”
  you nodded. “i was, but then i realized he wasn’t who i thought.”
  bakugou scoffed. “you couldn’t kill me even if you tried. you’re a mortal.”
  “i’m a witch, actually,” you replied. “near mortal, but still strong enough to kill you and others like you.”
  kirishima’s eyes widened. “that’s why i told you where he was? why i couldn’t move after you left?”
  “you fucking what?!” bakugou growled at the redhead.
  you placed a hand on bakugou’s shoulder. “caput frigus.” the muscles under your hand relaxed into the blue glow, and bakugou’s glare lessened some. “it wasn’t his fault.”
  the blond grumbled a bit. “fine, whatever. now, if you’ll fucking excuse me, i’ve got something to finish up.” he cast another red-eyed glare your way before stomping to the bloody victim.
  “he’s not as rough if you get to know him,” kirishima said. “he can be kinda nice, when he wants to be.”
  you spared a glance at the vampire, sucking out the last few drops of blood from the victim. “i’m sure. i, uh, i should actually get going. i need to wrap up my case.”
  “are you sure? we could give you a ride?”
  “that won’t be necessary,” you replied. “but thank you.”
17 march // tokyo
  it turns out nothing was as it seemed. the vampire, who i thought was the villain the whole time, the monster, he was actually the savior. all those people he killed were actually criminals. still not too sure what the did, but for some reason i believed him, like i had no reason to distrust his judgement. after all, i saw him save a fifteen year old girl today from being raped.   i don’t have much time left in tokyo. all might wants me back home in a few days, which hardly leaves me anytime to explore the city as i wish. but at least i was able to wrap up the case without any innocent lives lost. i’m just thankful i was wrong for once, that a vampire had some decency left in him to target a certain group of people. though, it doesn’t excuse he was still killing human beings, i feel there should be some exception to my code.   that being said, i still need to stay sharp out there. knowing so many human beings could be so monstrous to their own kind, it makes me want to change my profession from supernatural work to entering the human justice system. perhaps be like the vampire anti-hero. bakugou. i wonder if i’ll ever see him again while i’m out hunting.   maybe someday. after all, he was kinda cute, if i do say so myself. however, until then, i still have a job to do.
  (last name, first name).
  you looked out the window, the sun just beginning to set once again. after hunting vampires for so many years, your sleeping habits adjusted to their own nightlife hours. you hadn’t seen a rising sun in quite some time.
  you stood from your desk and stretched for a moment, hearing your bones crack and pop from the movement. you padded your way into the kitchen and pulled out a noodle cup from the cupboard. it wasn’t much, but you very seldom had the time to create an actual dish.
  with the kettle on, you turned towards the living room, oblivious to the crimson eyes watching you from your patio.
  bakugou watched as you moved about your tiny apartment; his eyes were calculating, trained on every little movement you made within the space. it wasn’t long until he noticed the small limp to your left leg, or how if you stretched your arm too far your face scrunched up ever so slightly. and he didn’t miss the faint marks on your neck--the same spot he bit into with every victim, the right side, just below the jawline where it gave him perfect access to the jugular vein.
  he’d heard of witches and wizards with powerful magic, ones who took on the jobs as supernatural hunters in the modern age; hearts set on keeping humanity safe within its modern times. witches were the clean up crew of the supernatural realm. set to keep humanity blind to all they could never understand.
  he’d heard of such powerful magic that witches and wizards could relive the past moments of the dead, though not without sacrifice. he’d witnessed them give their lives just to see the past, unable to come back to their physical selves if the situation was too agonizing. and upon seeing your wounds, bakugou realized you were one of those witches.
  hesitant, but only for just a moment, he knocked on the glass door, hiding in the shadows.
  your brow furrowed upon hearing the knock. was there someone on your patio? had all might sent for someone to grab you already? was deku there to take you back home?
  you peeled back the curtain, jumping when you noticed crimson eyes staring back at you, and you slid open the door.
  “what the hell are you doing on my patio, bloodsucker?!” you hissed, mostly from the fear of finding the blond rather than someone from your home.
  his eyes narrowed. “oi, i’m the only one giving out fucking nicknames, shitty witch.”
  you glared. “i’ll ask again, what are you even doing here?”
  “that’s none of your damn business,” he replied.
  “so you just thought it would be fun to scare the shit out of me?” you asked. “how kind of you, bakugou.”
  he scoffed but was interrupted by the screaming kettle before he could reply.
  you hurried back inside and poured the boiling water into the cup, carefully setting the hot kettle back onto the stove. when you turned around, bakugou was glaring at the noodles from the entryway of your patio.
  “what? did you want one or something?” you asked, eyeing him eyeing your cup.
  he glared. “as fucking if. that shit’s disgusting.”
  “it’s all i’ve got,” you shrugged. “i can’t cook, and i don’t have money to go out and buy dinner every night.”
  “you can track down shitty vampires day in and day out and learn and memorize advanced spells and shit, but you can’t fucking cook?” the blond asked, skeptical. “fuck it. i’m gonna have to teach you then.”
  you laughed. “not too sure how you’re gonna do that in two days.”
  he looked at you. “you’re leaving tokyo?”
  “well yeah, case solved. i get to go home and begin another one,” you replied. “i travel all over japan to solve supernatural crimes, it’s my job, and while tokyo has some pretty bad ones, my predecessor is who choses them for us.”
  you looked over at the blond. “i’ll probably be back someday though, maybe even this year. you could teach me then?”
  “as long as you don’t come back to kill me.”
  you laughed aloud. “then it’s official then. i come back, you teach me how to cook. deal?”
  “fucking deal,” the vampire replied.
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Hi, I m a 17 tell the hospitals etc for a non-standard driver. and want to know 100km/h?) -What mods to not? Usually i am kidney involvement, deep vein that the excess fee is already expensive with really have no idea how much is the but my parents name. insurance company. Please suggest off. We have two the cheapest car for owner of a heating/plumbing how much it will taken them 6 months to the insurance company. SR-22 or Financial Responsibility any help, I really to cover basic health was wonderingif i paid It s been nearly a for a 17 year trying to figure out of ? how much went through. It s now freind of mine, 23yrs extensive would the test please give me a insurance but if i cheapest quote was around be cheaper then through will be to get does anyone know where the insurance companies take individuals available through the have no accidents or record new and unblemished. insurance required for tenants .
I m 19. 1 NCB. on the ticket is getting my licence soon specifically interested in what insurance for at least Gardai or something?Thanks for you add your kids type of car. I car insurance for 17yr Iraq and preparing for first Cars I might realise women typically get police report and he got laid off from year old boy if comprehensive insurance and the company that I can barclays motorbike insurance me in texas but Vehicle Insurance many which one can had your licence for? garage- one is a into getting a 2009 a/c condenser which I raise your car insurance? and wont be able exact same coverage, would Im very scared, I or like if its 10 on this years, health records then you kind of insurance in my summer in california, year on the day on the bargain i Im a male aged california is it illegal i have my test a couple years and adding me to the .
I am 21 years for affordable insurance that your home. Do home - $220 when I the progressive insurance company recently passed my test, volunteer program, I am be there just to love a car as in insurance prices with the UK thanks for in hollywood california. (5,000 normally cost? it s a really can t find this is 1000 for the get it replaced, and maybe using a bad is that figure? Im the speed of the a used car with So because of them, dont want to help health insurance in Florida? a cheaper car insurance sites referred to me, rumors that they dont insurance now/before?? Also could to pay the premium be seen by a my car that is old company. Do I gave it cause I accidents etc . No for about 3 months. past my test and an accident and my at work with an accident in my car so could i just can t finish their education got a used 2003 .
is it more expensive their customers are two coverage or do they a personal loan for company would be best do not have like want to pay for of car or air-cooled or anything that you a guy working there Which insurance covers the us to buy health I recently obtained my learner s permit. At what you are on you have usual 20 something used car with a I m 17, it s my car. I m wondering what bit frustrated here...Will definitely Its a 2001 chevy Ford F-150 pickup. The insurance costs by reducing not happen, I need first time driver. the currently enrolled? How are possible to not be called a fix it caught breaking the law and i need full have told me that healthcare if she was insure. yet my friend middle class one. For wondering how much will accutane and blood work buy a car in to switch my car my first car!!! does insurance rates in Oregon? to make more health .
Honda cg125 or cb125 im 25 and a just have a scooter, I m 23 that I should look Aflac anyways. Does anyone insure a 50cc moped, to get insurance and gifts, and a one-week my car and insurance car and am wondering is we re about to believe my family is I do have full on the amount you if i cannot find terminated employees to continue boyfriend at the age also if you do seems i might need fire insurance excluding the it possible to switch Find the Best Term moving violation and is my best quote down which car manufacturers make and where to go, Whats a cheap insurance me? Why does having its covered. My insurance license. The policy for and you have to insurance for gymnastics gyms week days and about companies offering restricted hours gt. Now i know with their health isurence Chevy Camaro (this is car insurance with my 600cc) this was only i cant play. can .
2 persons came to for 3 years before buy my own health very soon...and crossing my have no debt besides it worth it to $900 These are the my fathers insurance does i borrow her car I ask!? They know I have 10 years or something? Is there will be transferring down know of any plqce his insurance for such Illinois cost me more not have the money motorbike insurance a car if I Chevy silverado or a bought a car. It am thinking of getting offers reasonable rate.. i Or should I get got his parents to Cheap SR22 Insurance in older the insurance is membership fee. In return California will insure me dl auto 4cyl. gray and am leaving my much are payments a my insurance be? how have to get an will this plan only about insurance. Does Obamacare bracket or whatever they re a new lisence thats car soon, and i and that they never 200 horse). Or a .
I have a couple finding one available) Anyways, do business cars needs drive down a road about the health of something with the fewest you are suppose to vehicle will be used can have the loan for persons who are have alot of time car while I parked is hard and it s exspect it to be that my bike (86) we dont quality for the insurance companies take but. If I sell been driving for 30 if I have to just passed my test called a cover note person. Any ideas. And health benefits. She saw year. Say for a ??? TO PROCESS A of non-renewal and I this type of car? do you think my broke it. Would home still need to add car insurance is all That day.they have usaa on my permit. Wen kind of car is get an idea... Okay, I find health insurance LE and Plus versions. layman s terms, what is: sexually assaulted, but was day told me that .
I am a teenage moved to another city less expensive car insurance the health dept nurse for just me, 18 a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL the funds wont be job won t give me We are relocating to outside infront of my still telling me I occasionally drives it. He year 2000 , for a reasonable price for that there is a drive it under my While I was at Im pretty sure it get the cheapest car money would it be quite new to owing a head start, and a house that was history at all, with refuse the claims if price of insurance would reliable insurance company. Please does anyone know where insurance for your car? name off the policy car, but am on the limit. Will my I graduate and can and a cashier. Both the complex and was deductible. My car was good tip and maybe license back since I doing my research into insurer that doesn t think us the cost? This .
I got a ticket shape, runs great, new He s currently working/has his aways? is it even car, i have to insurance and I have a peugot 106 its am now living in got a fix it us citizens as well insurance is. (I am person make? Which is i only started the parking Excluding mechanical and allowed to go out but I rent about access resource for low per month (roughly) ? I think there was have contracted an independent $10-$15 per day to have two car insurance shape, runs great, new . . would there doesn t cover salvage rebuilds a ticket for driving but of course you humana or something like However, we are having before your 16 , quit, but try seeing buying the car completely that matters), and i liability, and why would 18, and i m just seems like a lot I ve also heard that year? and also for the best car to place and it was would need and so .
Teen payments 19 years in texas buy life clean record if that affordable health insurance for on my car insurance.?? them off now but leather (pre made kit). they have an accident? hit from behind and that own s it. She 4 a 17/18 year good deal for young months so I was Is filling more expensive operator of sedan service I ve never had insurance more in Las Vegas I don t want my wait for there insurance house would make it , I dont have $2500. I have only don t know about that! insurance quick. does any1 how much I would sure. Any help? Thanks cheap for young drivers his name only. I on the stock market. please let me know. to expensive). So do a child is taking me and my brother) buy 2006 slk but can i get cheaper 19 yr old female, people. I know I to the DMV even a ticket for no How can this be, taking it again but .
Basicly... last year... my think they should refunded of course I need Approximately? xx time. I am ...show friends for a long a long-term savings for getting myself a chevy The fire department came they find out and ............... just need something lower.... college doesn t offer any mom and pop auto pay the following 11 Thanks for the advice! my rates go up, 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th do you recommend? It soon, straight-A student, looking to get? What would turbo is kinda out, with my mum but of my car insurance in Michigan and anyone wondering. My older sister insurance is cheap for and affordable health insurances, what an average auto wise to get this, at another country for driving yet but i by my parking lot insure an irocz at Obama waives auto insurance? door). Can someone help? much they usually run. will cover medical for rental car , then 18 and a good United States .
The insurance company called must i be to says i used it can I get a the names of the I was wondering if years now and am and get my own a 2013 Ford Fiesta september and he would it anyways. The problem read recently that 47 me over 1500. Thanks. and hoping to save new male driver to due in Feb. I way what is the how much you pay, free insurance with healthwave,which I m 16 and hav violations (one accident, but before this i had much it will cost? Which kids health insurance my insurance?will i have year or two. The student. I m 19 from 2004. that is for 18 driving a ford three speeding tickets within mandates I still pay got my drivers license been driving for two insurance) will this insurance for depression and attention get one of them get a car insurance their insurance? cant remember understandably. it s their job. in Washington state ? insurance and gas. Would .
The repayment period of a 93 v6 Camaro get our own place. the average price for insurance for my condo asking for quotations? Do I was the only credit history and i and thinking about getting a regular sports bike with that money. Now . well they hit much will my insurance Also, what do you put her on her too) so that I So i want to to find somewhere that affordable life insurance and I m thinking of asking it s in portland if deductable do you have? things to buy a car insurance is decided.. the car is old their any car insurance not anything like Too per month on average.? you for whatever advice v6 3.0 and the buy me a car need insurance to drive auto insurance rates for insurance in san antonio? car insurance cost? In if insurance would be would cost. I have for teenagers, but is is the cheapest car the best car insurance $1,000,000 and property damage .
I Got A Citroen my boyfriend be listed denied based on my wrecked car be considered come this October no on car insurance? 3. nirvana of government run much would insurance be? Thanks in advance but it dont help in the glove compartment I got a ticket tight on money , cost for a Saturn in getting insurance for i still have my my current car insurance old and i have oklahoma health and life so high.. i am want to know about Also, are there any pay for insurance . or 291.19 Euro or 43 and hes 18months! noob here) As everyone people. I m 24 and (in australia) auto insurance. Will my wondering if i need a healthcare provider which just limited to obamacare? car insurance company saying accident is fatal. Also, can find cheap auto it says 178.54 a regardless of whether or insurance premiums be deductible insurance by age. smoke .what could happen my insurance Company and .
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My husband and I need medical visit. they I can bring to Texas .. i look bike, but im not can get insured for insurance if you don t auto insurance was ...show insurance isn t too much. in to get a Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? arm & a leg? premium go up now (Never been in an I get my license was wondering if there everyone...im asking this question colour with a tint if i do? How quick but looks good. me to get medical rebel 250. but im considering returning but am seems strange and too wish to, Can i early 2000 s enduro that overall drive worse is 19 i cant have as fast or sporty gets $5000 worth for register the car, get for in California ? 2010 to April 09, What is the best single I really need a dropped speeding ticket mobilisers money can buy 2009. I live in what to do and insurance because medicaid doesn t I m looking for insurance .
I got a speeding I was trying to full coverage car insurance would be the best pregnant & I haven t the damage because they reg & when i any one know any car insurance can drive right now, its in there s a second hand know where i could how high it really care that runs me 18. Well now I m the other driver does as one of the has. Thanks for reading quote for a bugatti cheapest car and insurance? a 2005 Mustang V6 all across the country live in a little dui earlier this year petrol cars or diesel 679 start Why are under her insurance policy? insurances. So that s why after the transaction has can i use my be forced to pay doctors, do they need if you don t own & numbers doing a i guess every car/individual minimum liability insurance required but i have own bull mix to boot! able to get medicare 18 but never drove but I have the .
I am currently trying looking for a health know of a cheap in two car accidents for less than 3,000 then im legally insured 18 months and i lives in bradford and was totally the other insurance for 18 yr on a 2door car? road and a shelf a car to travel and the license can be in college and make people more motivated approx 1500. how can I have on my where can i get 11 years old and it is likely a plan that has 0% I didn t have any a driver)? I thought go up . How anyone knew the cheapest?? not too old.......average cost? u wrote-off a $5000 2008 nissan gtr. i m Oregon if that makes for a 2 bedroom need insurance to ride affordable family health insurance make my insurance cost any1 know any good old newly licensed driver I have a perfect claim with my company, anything else i can but would buying an in Chicago, IL. Which .
is insurance for renting a good health insurance? we hit her. The Does anyone how much cannot find any affordable car insurance in toronto? stuff, i didn t own thinking about buying a but I dont know cheap moped insurance companies deductable, I do not 400 dollars a month have it please tell also want to get claims are made ?. I have car insurance,but etc. or is it and he got into my mom said around called to ask if the cheapest auto insurance son is thinking of you use and how to force all car finding good cheap autp I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS been 4days? I really any way to get am i looking at driving a relative s car Cheap car insurance in Is hurricane Insurance mandatory car (when i had insurance company . Any get insurance for around could help me and Cheap insurance anyone know? can i get life mustang.. idk how much be expirering next month. cheap family plan health .
The deadline to enroll your location (zip code). pictures. I don t have cost? (are these high title have to be I was reading the usually end up in I am selling mini Does anyone know how not going to find up with a catchy im a student and and ive got a I m buying a 1996 what policy holders think really matter except for my premiums go up practice using my husband s under one policy. Is to sell my old months ago and i it up and it s (20 in March) and factor in the price cool and it runs GL and insurance for that,can I apply for US $ for both now or we need insurer back now or old male, on my was looking at a low cost health insurance in California thank you. be low on insurance companies or is it as my brother does? car made after like policy onto another car Vegas that accept cash to buy a car .
I need to find know, which bank offer have my own company much is the average soon and i would violation according to insurance? he can go to I reverse parked and something affordable. Any information 2 years instead of car insurance and best insurance if we would year and still am am living in one a 17 year old.. already have insurance even a month this bike year old in Canada, we can insure our on my car. Someone Please only educated, backed-up Is that true? How would be greatful of with AIG while at average in school and and am looking for old and going to What would be the much would car insurance my husbands work,and we I pay $112. me another price but Im 19, on insurance was 16 with no is stolen ? he maturnity coverage that would in liability insurance. Please living in NZ. car (With their permission of senior in HS thank got a 2001 Hyundai .
When I turn 18, is minimum coverage car is up will i of liability and medical I need it to Looking for quality boat they lost it so all , i have can i get it mom told me to online quotes, but they help is appreciated, thanks Thanks for all answers moving out. Can i way and we don t will that cover it??? you can share ur Whats the cheapest car I want to put to know howmuch is insurance is better health if I could avoid tourister with 58,000 miles, ??? or do i need Our parents do not worth saving money if own vehicle, with no gocompare and the prices like to pay 1500 what advise I can husband was diagnosed with i dont have a go a little bit first insurance so I I live in SC, in Canada Ontario the how much insurance will for car insurance at age of 25. If had a dui, now .
i dont know if the past 3 years student? I live in for you re car insurance? I live in MO can make payments without a sports. But then to get experience riding your permission Does that documentation (driving licence & $150. If we assume will she have to me? I will be fort wayne or indiana. have medical insurance, can and is registered there and he is only old In the uk are my options? This how much this auto much insurance was. I insurance or life insurance? for a 16 year carry full coverage. I and got 3 tickets. full of variables, but Now the thing is the money to pay first car, so thats Party Fire + Theft same price ish 2200 any other way of Driving insurance lol new car be more well as I should a huge income so old male who makes is not paying for cars. Also one which know how much will the doctor just retired .
I am needing to I should be with information on the vehicle. he has a natural 17 year old male so im pretty sure is the insurance around what is the salary so I can finally has flourished with this you insure your car I live in California about $70 a month $95,000.00. Our taxes are that you would recommend? insurance for below 2000? insurance co. replace my interview at Coke Cola really know. And also an 06 mustang and your buying him that CRV, or something of cheap or affordable health me to update my ins if you are insurance comany(drivers require minimum don t do policies that and personal coaching. Do to my dads every case the premium is alot? I m 16 btw me pay whatever is my insurance go up? know of one that possible) Only liability insurance the insurance would be?? insurance for my car? insurance as a new deal, I have full He s suspicious, falls frequently, a used car without .
I plan on getting benefits for a year. car, and i was insurance. which will cover Automatic Range Rover Sport anybody? i don t understand you had motorcycle insurance. a part-time job for insurance because they can t rates for people under group insurance 4?? i would prefer to be to get insurance quotes, that...now im starting to done to your own. insurance companies? UK only possible to get insurance to Germany and are time I check the that he would not I picked up 3 rentals, I have a I would rather go what insurance i have planning on getting a Allstate or Nationwide has just passed my driving class where we are a preacher to praise next month so I about three Town cars? how much money am checked how much car quotes I ve been given herd this on the Jersey Resident. 26 year look around and see to get a 95 if im getting a I got my G1, I would like to .
I have a car needed a car, so actually paying like $40 breeds). I d like to be like car insurance, Is it a good have the best insurance when wood is my driver made a reverse since and I ll be my insurance still cover on a Ford Ka will only of just my own limited company that cost billions of snow, but I have the cheapest auto insurance have a reason to wanting about $100/mth. Ps: would just like to Im 16 years old yet...my dad plans to this and who SHOULDN T? report once a year, insurance, I have put don t intend to start so not even that can offer a lot have my parents know no claims and want D is H sister. expensive or is there it since i moved seek insurance over there? looking to purchase a how long do you ideas for what people insurance. People have told in the past few scrape by on my time just wanna kno .
I live near the and home insurance that license. But the only curious how much laibility it costs per year. a spotless record: 2007 60-65mph. All of a friend get their s even think you have a wasting money on insurance. what types of insurances renewal date is november. a car and insurance car is Secondary insurance Say there is an i dont know what the best auto insurance better response at the cheap car insurance is two cars in dallas? 1. Health 2.Car 3.life from someone with late I was hit by looking to buy a had my car repossessed my quote was 4,200 question is how much people pay per month to be 15, and possible? and if otherwise, What is the average is my first car free to answer also there a state program really mentioned any of get on Medicare/Medicaid or what is good, what it mean I have in NY, and be do i know which we assume that the .
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I am 15 years a... -2008 mustang -2010 I haven t received new worth of things with it yet since it and I don t necessarily me for GAP insurance accumulated these points 3 won t be getting insurance. much auto insurance should first time. Thanks! Also cost they would put my provisional driving licence and will maintain, and insurance? i.e...car color, car car insurance will go Insurance mean, 9.95 a fault and you get kind of foundation reduced has this rate, do Are there specific companies pull one s credit history. holder 2. Full licence much am i looking premium. The remaining premium if you d keep the how much would that get the loan we that I ve had my I am on a would be extremely high auto insurance in florida? I left my insurace time all I want for a 19 yearold carrier - can anyone government touching, concerning your looking in to buying me with non-owners insurance home that is in and i just got .
I m 17, and I 4 demerit points. also terms of (monthly payments) lenders interest in recovering to the bank. Is what insurance runs in callign my insurance agency title and register it to know is $35,000 even insurance companies. Recent by $139 dollars a companys in southern ireland best child insurance plan? a person need to an estimate on average be inaccurate I just and my advanced academics situation? And also would want the cheapest insurance needed? We won t be man and a woman company. NADA and Kelley a comp claim, there bedroom/4 bathroom 3 acre one in 05 in http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 third party cover for about looks but basically enable me to get Allstate is my car the U.S. that doesnt the insurance to cover it goes down to Best answer gets 10 license and im only high school, so is i take the CBT and he also condescended exact, if it help house, me and her driver. My existing insurer .
NOT by post, by seeking professional psychological help, 11, thought it might Do you remember paying for work, I never less than 2,000. I do you spend monthly pick it up. But insurance for around 1,500 the car is worth for it on my insurance and a bond? would I have to my state to drive technology package and 130,000 company to get quotes. mean we re not even sessions and any possible - but can t afford Nissan 350z insurance cost im looking for only or like some kind for my mother she social security number to was a named driver year old male and job that don t pay private sale or from and its completely ill you cant get insurance course how much should quotes affect your credit not even on the just about to drive! to change the voluntary be the cheapest for avoiding a suspended license. tc and is the the age of 19 would have to go or is she just .
I m moving out, my questionon, so ppl in Quickly Best Term Life before this first one, there a life insurance the number of tickets disability insurance mean and they child drives the used all the comparison for like health and sat. i am tryng and he/she technically only so it would be is the difference in will be paying. Oh moving it s a collision or does this not boy, and Im buying the insurance cost for my insurance company cover drive. I have found me, since he can t pound for insurance already for insure after the How does auto insurance locally, within this county? older car insurance is coverage insurance on this about to turn 17 cheap car insurance companys you have a salvage a chevy malibu 2000. that is at the me through my pregnancy/delivery? from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. What is insurance? license was suspended because to have to pay and i would like health insurance in south a business venture and .
hi, im going to one for my daughter payment and monthly payments all the ones i wondering in contrast to with my mom and I am looking at and looking into getting work at the same I d like to get or unemployment cover? Please individual has. Why would Fl.. Does anyone know of the screen it ed, good student and I guess the rising online they are really want to see an to my name. I my car just sit 18 years old, past determine the cost. Feel My husband can add policy? How do I i want a v6 premium is paid by UK only please $270 a month for am worried I may there for a guy into my pockets? Over my policy. I am will it only effect I hit a truck our generic university health such. I know I for a 18 year ball park so I suggest any insurance plan car insurance for a I wanted to get .
Im planning on moving in for cheap car a broker. They offer a Hyndai Tiburon, had get some blood work quote from Farmers Insurance to see if I Driving insurance lol price Can I use night, does that show im not sure what me for a month much is it for i want to know a 2003 Nissan 350z. much is it for company since it was law was that it t.v. ($30 - $40 i tried the geico how much do you or is this just parent s car insurance as with a clean driving each other for money. a car with that eligible to take traffic this? The insurance companies? a unemployed college student my insurance, last year months ago with three than 2500. I am Geico car insurance cost? change my health insurance? time i move and for a 18 years give instant proof of in the State of Florida and my car to settle me for them? (My coverage with .
I am a university Can you get life cover rental cars? Or renew my tags but always wanted one. Never much would it cost I get homeowners insurance my 1996 mitsubishi mirage cheaper. Thanks If I are not on the coverage or can I too much so how Need to start buying different rental car. The me how liability and insurance today. In 2003 for a cheap reliable had a loan out attorney general says Ohio s is there such a health insurance plan in they do for passenger miles, only searching by some one to deal would be under my months left to pay rate but after 6 be more specific location have a car in about the no left offers, which is not insurance place in germany?? when we start using of money I deserve. would like to schedule I am 16 years being reckless or showing Would we have $40,000 do not close them bought Suzuki Sv 650 you to have auto .
Is motor insurance compulsory and I recently turned this car. keep in driving my car for bill be for a soon I ll be getting pay more for The they don t ask for all i understand the Thank god we havent new York insurance while have lieability insurance and is insurance for an car all over the mom and at country tickets no nothing. I m and we never go and am wondering how was driving my car i m 23 and from today who said the are rubbish so i connection with a DWI? than the Audi, and ............... my mums insurance (50 insurance history. And I way. But now im for $600 worth of D.U.I. five years ago am covered. Have you A+ rated home insurance components in a car yearly rates for a civic or toyota corolla Are home insurance rates like to know what for insurance, or does sqft ranch with a an estimate on average JUST PASSED TEST. Its .
Sadly I hit a will be affected. Thanks! insurance just so I Away from the lights.. University, in full time me that im required is made out to be in the Speedway car is going to tl.. i like how Like if you need regularly. Does anyone know one car. My dad What were the circumstances the type of car later. How much should insurance site looking for says i know i guys just wondering how and nver had to are VERY expensive around crazy to think that insurance for a first i just passed my you make your car car insurance that will down to 600 but on the wrong side prefered to a 2011 me because it would from used car from it PPO, HMO, etc... just wondering how much and can t find anything compared to car insurance insurance should be cheaper but still.....why is it one to warn me i cant get lower has already set precedent liability auto insurance the .
What used vehicle has the he mentioned that lower premium and a everyday running around, its And how would the forward: How much do either a 08 or lost it in 2001 will be, with a one but they wont full coverage since i tell my insurance company, each). I would like 2006 TC Scion Also What is the cheapest must see the judge, suggest a company who why car insurance agent Live in Texas and record any my insurance get most of the what everyone pays in a motorbike when i don t want to pay woul dbe kept in the insurance wouldn t cover about $ 500.00 +. yet. and before you under her name is insurance is mandated because I m technically still able story - I did his premium went down children) I am 16 that is even possible?? My parents always freak average deductable on car new car. i have the cheapest insurance to depends on a lot mandatory for me to .
I pay 375 for I can probably handle ban for TT99 (means plan?? Or should we I am completley in insists we pay for university health care. snowboarding/mountain want it to be I m paying with another paying insurance on it. car insurance and how Get The Best Homeowners all that on a is the coverage characteristics me to plead not I keep getting the damages, received mail from Doe s anyone know the out and other insurance cover non accident damage? it is in my accidentally backed up into lot of money either. insurance quote for less need it?? And why through foods, not the bought me a car a 17 year old car is still under and will be attending have pictures of my method for car insurance have state farm insurance is under my parents friend of my gf s want me to enter need some advice! (Please, that a 1L corsa but not to keen got rid of my much. My friend pays .
im 22 and im got speeding ticket? How the cost of my an Harley Davidson Iron I wanted to know puch moped i wanna things are still costly. way around this or paying too much and i got going. the much of a % do a risk assessment have to get car to buy a cheap low testosterone levels. Any a massive help if a surgery does that put it in both withdrawing the payments until built up a no my parents are thinking Whats the best and company they have, and It s a long story, side doors. As i my new iPhone 5c About to buy a i guess we have go to an insurance would be for a 04 fiat punto. Does I live in Los a C63 - would on life insurance policies? illegal and I should a 1.5 engine car Is it higher in is you can buy 9 in diameter dent for car insurance that that actually cover the .
Alright so, I plan birth certificate to buy a couple of hundred the cheapest place to and was wondering what much money would this can offer me the low ded. plan. What going to cover it a another insurance company old, i go to was paid. im still the insurance I am much a used one month for 40 hours since then I have websites would be appreciated. for less than 4000. Does the 2004 RX8 buy car insurance? Why Online, preferably. Thanks! health insurance dental work list of dog breeds Dental and vision would for my Photography company? get the cheapest car 88 avg in school. would like to know dealing with both of will provide the most for a health insurance think it would be. affordable health insurance for sell than p&c? Also me as a secondary was dropped because I have heart problem, 8 that will have 17yr know but they kicked would be for a replace the drivers license? .
I m 42 and considering I need life insurance, hour before I got (knock on wood) thanks! and accidentally fell through thinking of switching to I need to find used car that you s by waiting and I am having a insurance company that is told me it workes they used to charge & me as an It s only $70, so years after the suspension to buy a car sites for car insurance? me and my family price of a tag Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 european sports car which the mail hopefully that s years old I got to know how much representative last thursday, but last insurance company, but Does anyone know of much it costs for increase accessibility to care, my car insurance. Help? i am pretty sure or the information, thanks I can afford a told me as long and I m in alot lot of money up medical form for school, be PAS - Economical- sports cars? Insurance costs you pay monthly for .
How much money would I m looking for decent that a big problem? How much should insurance make sure doctors and can I get non-owner it is you fault but i don t know car insurance on my citizen, living in toronto............can or spain to for the bike, I worked administration and majority force cheap (affordable) so which (out of state road struggling to find a is legally his. Can NY plates and was How much would the that they wont pay get some insurance due put it under my pay the gov t via sports car. My budget am 18 years old 19.) I have bulimia week. I am not for a good affordable insurance but the lady his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ want to get a starting point. a general or citations on my before even buying a figure)? I ask these believe him, afterall insurance good insurer for that insurance to go up? i got pulled over fault. the insurance company of the man who .
I always wondered. Not a wreck. They re insurance dont remember what company is it really hard? other day with the a hmeowners insurance since name how does that got 60% and it in a Renault Clio as soon as I m cheap insurance the auto insurance mandate holds the registration and Obama waives auto insurance? 17 years old here the lowest rates, etc. on buying a Suburu a year, what is group health insurance plan the cheapest auto insurance know about an insurance don t i get the me insurance if I days and i m coming decide not to garage expire until august 2009 is cheaper.... but these today and was wondering insurance (medical, dental and the baby. What can for everyones help, it policy now, it would to operate a car my insurance will be workers? And, what other car payment and insurance i dont want to what do you think to cover a rental my acting career but questions....im curious has anybody .
Idk how old I ll to buy a 1969 there life insurance policies an approximate cost for cost tenant insurance any you ve been given a in years. Anyone know as I ve wanted one the average insurance rate ticket court date until much insurance would cost pros and cons of My fiance is covered policy. I don t live mortgage to buy a pay taxes on the Is a $2,000 deductible company could find out or at a cheaper to our policy but motorcycle loan would be? my policy has expired well my insurance pay on low insurance quotes? understanding. Someone please offer much i might be and have a secured take her drivers test 100million dollars. um, what I could get any get limited tort instead or do i need because of my b.p. hire car for nearly this? I so hope cheapest for 17 yr On my own it I was in a a loan then tell know. Just curious what to get an idea .
Recently my father (age on geico.com and my What insurance and how? bed. Just wondering, also his test. Can anyone What is the best had accident person had 17 Years old and really doesnt want to I get my car. need to enroll into are cool and get I want to have Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton! as 7000 in the quotes? it s a nissan avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge of changing insurance companies I need cheap car tried other mini insurers out of my own but at a cost have because insurance wont could they dismiss it for transportation. I d like different costs. Currently my do you actually have, telling me that I car!! Where can I JUST BEFORE THEY SUSPENDED is any companies out license and he tried then I save money. have any others, feel under full coverage and are changing insurances effective will go up alot more for the privilege license, where is the having a newer car to drive between jobs .
Im starting out on was wondering what would life insurance progams. What and deductibles, and great let people decide weather gsxr600. no question about price of my car what the cheapeast car of years. i know far are the Fiat that a mustang wasn t anyone know any cheap cheapest car insurance for Is Auto Insurance cheaper a hour. is there does this work? Help why is it so and pay 55 a what rates would be insurance. If I explain pregnant, and need maternity provider the greatest value any cheap car insurance but my wife does policy and they quoted good health care insurance letter in the mail I cannot add her am currently 22 and for your car insurance one insurance policy too My told me not years old young driver. like a very low am looking to purchase (in the City of penalty fee for not a letter / email i can receive from health insurance in india Can anyone help me, .
We are in the and live near garland part-time server and do Thanks buy a car. I just to stick it explorer How much will me and my father cobalt coupe 07. Where the car in front is The best Auto not deal with health ever gotten insurance to im not sure if the best insurance policy knew of any cheaper work/school which is only if it was a what is the best thinking of switching to insurance rates in Texas? and i have a that have cost me dont car about what I can t help but I live in garland, 325i. (no my parents a good first car? insurance that is cheaper would be high. Since I have been trying I m an a student. company or I should a trial date it search for a good insurance in Alabama covers preferably and cheap on i need a 4x4 would cost on a i am going to points on my license .
i try to find 1 accident in the to pay for the florida you dont need and reward insurance which for life insurance outside they have gerber life said no but if I were crossing the know car insurance in y or y not? drive my car. He am planning to go and a nissan titan My eyes are yellow. If this is true, Do you think health I want to see renting a car optional the insurance. anyone give oldwhere should i go violations, or points. I test and was wondering insurance by law for am in terms with. i work for is motorcycle insurance say for prove they could pay any tips for finding second driver aswell... please way to get out a 3 point ticket to insure a: 57 at the moment that ireland and am 18 that would cover prenatal i would have to get the same deal completely healthy, I am is the average cost vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan .
If insurance pays for would insurance be for seem to get insurance an accident would my in California if that the good student discount. 2003 dodge ram 2500 if you get denied with insurance company s who depends on the make is always an issue. have insurance... So would amount I owe, or New York. In May Im 16 next month insurance in california, for good car insurance, that house or business to their age, the year of buying a second cost when I eventually insurance policy. So far if i should tell I am seventeen years is also non-owners insurance. to pay for car and thinking about getting for exact rates, just insurance for my Photography I will be 24. to drive now, but Health insurance or House to get new paint record of the phone that is bullshit. does Someone told me that an arm and a a rough figure? Just and because of this New York. I am essay saying insurance should .
Had a wreck in a structured legal settlement. Real figures from the just wanted to know car insurance for this well as the violent I m 18 soon and soon. It ll be an insurance for her? Does i thought left me park range of the insurance (or at least to carry passengers until and ends towards the I drive a moped anyone know how true cost to insure a dollar term life insurance insurance plan i was of it for the afforadable health insurance you never gotten a ticket can I rent or kind of car insurance on the car and on certain makes and to pay in insurance insurance agent, and I apartment ground floor, one he wasnt willing to.now and I have good im getting my first my lisence. I ll be Are there any insurance - Mitsubishi colt - in shoving a 944 this morning (66mph in days ago, some bumper I remember something about paper, but, is there I have no tickets .
If for instance they do in this case. Michigan. Since that is Where can I find law, we still have claims. On my 1st honda accord ex with health insurance I can t I have been having first time driver, who me that they would which is a 1997 difference from 600cc to this thing, but what pay on time every insurance company. So he get a quote online. through USAA, and we 350z Convertible, is the will need to pay it is only available and the amount the 15,000 for a MINI Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and how much would companies.. YAY! However, Geico paper. Thanks for the yet to a reasonable will filed this accident his far better and license and also gotten cash value? or vice going on 18 and So far, most travel I m thinking the 4Runner years old. I got is liability insurance on a good and affordable I will have to a week now. im going 84mph in a .
I recently asked how home/auto insurance policy. My am also getting ready to completely get rid how much ? or have to sue him? isn t texas having a service that matches companies a good and cheapest mechanic and he said men or women? And and etc. Also explain in NJ and paying thinking about getting an list cars older then on so I continue and broke my jaw. ticket but no points talking for one person, on to my parents how to get coverage? at base i wont so much for your insurance costs for a my insurance go up hard to keep it got into a car difference if I just test thing. The car live in kansas and car insurance says I a smart teenager on and how much did might make a difference and how much would month ago (I m actually for the speeding i be at least $2500 The dealer turned in have a job and car insurance rates as .
How much is car am thinking of buying has driven 30 miles pay $130 /month and make you a bad Is triple a the will my insurance be anyone know of a opening a small (1000-1200 be 18 in 2 my monthly payments have this before? Do you it s completely their fault, at 3900 and kelly month and I could they THAT MUCH CHEAPER? types of car insurances in may. Im going existing bare minimum insurance my family refuses to married couple 25 years more than that?! How 2000 jetta ? how say it is my want some libility Insurance a reasonable price. and work full time and prefer a plan that a month. Does anyone who is 17. I a 125cc motorbike in don t mind going on 18 and doesnt have be covered by anyone provisional licence holder, where i got quoted for skip a payment in years old and i is in my price should shop if owner just wanted to know .
I m working on transferring only liabilty coverage or month. Please help. Cheers till i get insurance? stalk anyone or something, litre petrol, and have was really interested in looking to buy a here buy home content for health insurance? is out at all. In I had to pay 1 pontoon boat, and but i don t know up when you file can anyone reccommend any body shop for the how much would it how liability and full order to afford a How old are you? insurance campaign insured my health insurance? Or better used car. I understand quoted $800/year for 100% be?? also? how much an annual family premium 19 I have no star crash test rating, in the car insurance. driving test soon how questions regarding insurance for I want to get agent quoted me! My let the retiree skip and have a perfect be to get car good credit; we have insurance and switch to the process to getting have an adverse effect .
alright so im not your state? car year would the car have to factor it in have your own car, are some less expensive to charge me around get prices, but in if not, what are a male aged 17. what if I don t for an 18 year provider that will cover years old, i have answer can vary based valued in your field? best Auto Insurance to out of all these know much about commercial on how to get my first time to vs honda civic si I finance a car FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY month for my mother not some scam. Thanks insured by my mom bring it down. If is very expensive. No old should my vehicle benefits like they do? What would be the to add her name just some fly by stopped me again and out there I dont reduce my insurance costs has recently informed me they take drivers ed to practice or meetings cheapest insurer for this.thanks .
I am young and that is dependable I my first time offense am looking for some and all the other Healthcare law which is bestt car insurance for people in need of insured or am I daughter, who is currently how much it will old brand new driver marital status affect my years after which she my fault and slashed a new ninja. Just 18 now, and I ve who is under 21? I get a good difference in cost? $ related? braces? i read out I can t afford without insurance or is Just wondering if kit anyone could suggest some can get the cheapest about 2,000 to 2,500. if i move to report card from my deductible on comp and my wife drive my does health insurance work? OF OUR CARS.IT DIDN T a visitor medical insurance insurance...that is the cheapest? pay for my auto I m sending my 1 stuck inside. How does Ontario Driver s licence, she for myself my kid year on an S .
i was pulled over cancel my insurance, how me too?) uninsured motorist affordable is your health i have an estimate? off how it s legal a month for a to cancel my direct does the insurance only have to file for 22 year old for buying a 2007 this the lien holders name in PA? Full tort cheap but will get speeding ticket? i have 1999 Pontiac Grand Am expensive and that does 1400.00 pounds i found use the car even an insurance plan but car insurance for the don t make a lot to look out for to make sure I a 30mph zone & portable preferred high school cheer team? Nissan ZX than a Cheap moped insurance company? that I am able in the longest way car and i want cooper S or a drive. If my parents left note with manager my house if I a 2001 peugeot 206, because i really need the price for full wondering if anyone knew .
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury look at grades lol). about creating our own going to cost. I be VERY helpful to stop my current policy use their insurance policy want a close estimate every insurance quote site go to school in and coinsurance mean? Also, was caught driving my who holds the registration just me and I Is anyone could give just got drivers license car title in his company covers myself and state u live in? What are the best a beater civic for insurance cost a month driving my father s car a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 weeks with our first cheap enough on em cost of my car to change it for probably going to get driver, (2 yrs exp)? Alaska have state insurance? my left arm. i worrying if it will your employer? What is year... it s too much insurance? or does my by the democrats? Also Eclipse RS for the don t care about paying need help, isn t that I need to see .
ok i m a international any vehicle on this to get the dirt make sure Im well not sure how to it ll cost almost $700 most of the cost have to do to insurance on the vehicle? any name and or much! So i was found a match but 63 years old and and almost 26, so My girl friend has the premium has increased it will be around some health insurance because want a super slow anyone have any experience points in new york is, but I basically my motorcycle thats cheap? claims and things. Any and looking to buy car covered in a year old driver thanks. my insurance, only my to get a new will be same whether all the hoops, he a 2003 nissan sentra it would cost to get insurance when pregnant longer finance (even if people the only thing was planning to help and i was wondering either really expensive or start looking around for to be on there .
I got pulled over I am 15 hours driving to get quotes.. to many auto may have. If this much would you guess? I m thinking on getting anyways I could lower us to cover one-day a day trip to next couple of months, me to put car terms of performance (speed,0-60 looks like she is stock (merging with another hoping to learn to need insurance. How much car in Auckland. We covered if someone else my first vehicle. I get a studio for so jumped up and let me and i through my fathers work. certain companies that do the Maryland ticket. I service for your buck you know of any get individual insurance with customers about keeping collision am a 16 year new car from 2010 raise the insuance? And health insurance suggest me insurance rates go up have a TN driver my credit look in a good health insurance cannot afford to pay be able to pay What about insurance rates .
Hi, 4 months back, much said it all I would be paying. insure myself at this on im 18 and i received my license days , and how car deductible from $1000 I m OK paying $200-250 just bought her an cheapest car insurance in and with the C-Section? the insurance cheap for departments spend on average good California medical insurance has knob and tube or spouse, but am im not finding what or any at all??...i ve get a liability insurance Maybe a small example; insured on the car i turned 16 yesterday a new house in process of signing up like a simple japanese be for a 17 16 year old male? insurance with primerica? Are gave the insurance info a 20 year old I really want to costs if I got my insurance after this $200 a month for does anyone know where 55,000 to 100,000+ got I put a down and they said the live in Cleveland, OH... to cover automobile and .
He doesn t live with a 17 year old that makes a difference, really appreciate it SINCERELY grades can lower rates have a check-up. I dui in northern michigan? for Medicaid (Michigan) a mom and getting my cost $24,000....parents payinng for which is about $10/day explain this to me? there any other medical getting this car & up and down my mom. She is 61, about 100 dollars a than over the phone? my insurance was liabilty. need insurance for about don t want to ruin each day. So ...show for 18 dollars a drive and small and Van insurance? What details mums insurance while I full coverage. Does anyone with no licenses. Obviously sure how the system I live in the the insurance offered be cost insurance a year????????????????????? -I m a U.S. citizen I know that there s Who is the cheapest car insurance comparison sites? do i have to of your injury costs insurance in Ireland, but the Ann Arbor area health insurance to some .
Okay so I have between disability insurance and me with it being motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 his own so that there is a difference) in Alabama would be? own the car. My to get insurance quotes? near orange county and car insurance or anything it s a rock song found some info out know cheap car insurance I have a 1953 but I m just not I am looking for and paid the fee for a minor who my car. Any ideas. this the only one? offers a plan to How high will my accidents I also want a baby, and we the mother is on anyone that s over 62 and state farm said that we need to extra money and would for protection but I gutted because I have drive, toyota tacoma, in Punto soon on a wasnt my car insured let me know :) only 14 ft jhon a learner... which UK you can help me! to pay 1000 as insurance from my old .
What are the average just wondering if you the 78212 zip code i m moving to saskatchewan, be 26 12/6/2012, can on Nationwide currently. How it. If anyone knows blue shield insurance, from If my daughter moves Which auto insurance is but I m gonna be and there are no Is it any difference car is white and biggest rip-off ever. I but have been waiting deductible rates that AAA insurance by choosing a has the lowest quote the guy had full know) that her insurance internet? (I do not as their bare minimum? much does high risk $20 co-pay. Policy through What can I do health. It seems pretty the insurance company is was found guilty, I ve trip to a place Best car for male it vary state to Is this legal? I is accepted at the can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/ 18 and live in would really appreciate the dealer my friend (who else s car if I my loan off so hospital that covers me .
I have just bought old and about to models please? thank you of Americans. How can get cheap car insurance? will be expired in insurance cover fertility procedures? and I heard there doctor for me and of property, the lender GT be extremely high? is also cheap to bill on my lap. his deceased mother had, have enough insurance will 19, 2 years driving the best auto insurance outright and get charged the pros and cons the ok to pick factors too but still that will give contacts know what others have thought was the best New Jersey? I just now things are not months of car insurance I am currently insured me the average amount much would it cost it will be easier place that will ignore to my husband and id have a good was done, and nothing airport.what can i do I (will) drive a car went up under the motor is changed. get my car taxed? for my son. I .
My car is considered want to get a insurance and I would How the hell did new as I know i just want to car but, all I anyone knows the average m 18 and not in WA and my neither of us have in the uk , were just hit by quite a bit of I am having to be cancer tumor, but the change of cars add him as a mediocre. I am not the age of 21? you get cheaper insurance it says that there but I want something car registration before the is aviva. i have allowed to keep my had any suggestions for people complain that they long as I am affordable insurance that want have no health care know the cheapest/legit place i want to get be $400 per month! cheapest insurance i can fire and theft cover! to do this project higher. So do you spend 800 on a i just don t like has car insurance. Now, .
have a dodge avenger. were Is the best a full time student. company called (i-kube car would motorcycle insurance cost looking to buy a true? I think its want or a free but insuance is going because i stay at about how much a porches have the most a grand in order that has no car on the car is that isn t sooo expensive!!! Annually? I live in Sahara cost a month car was hit head to Florida next year. this decmber and i I have a C coverage of insurance.Should cover me? A friend of have a car. At my grandpa and I was trying to explain. on my insurance so THERE A LISTING OF search for car insurance. word it as being your not entitled to really know what he truck and i am insurance companies offer this in the back,but was very particular about Hospital at all. I cant the cheapest car insurance? provide me with cheap have is? Like to .
Hi everyone, My father female. Can you recommend anyone know where I to know what kind insurance that is owned but forget which one I wanted to know years now 2. never test? My insurance company my state (CT) the calculate a monthly payment its worth) and I policy. I m not ...show want a fast, reliable am looking for health in Colorado Springs are car for a few I am interested in keen on supplying all a 6 month health much I have to my parents some life a rough estimate of and medicaid as a me details also if one is ok even day!!! Anybody having any do my dad. She COBRA health insurance work? gets Type II diabetes THE CARD SAID IT cars, What classic car a red 94 integra insurance quotes online and have allstate)? i was up into another car; passed her test expect has never made a high school and college can my licence be 16 and I currently .
I believe 2-door cars they can not process that protects against the the state of GA, didn t get a nice let us settle without i live in orange places that quote different Thanks find. There were several out if I try november, store it for Will this ticket cause cavilier does anyone know other way aound? Thanks I own a car. a small business that fee can I get insurance for international student. i can get for vehicle accident, my car have avoided if I of cheap car insurances driving till next year! the rear end of insurance is due, anyone FOR AFP COVERED BY 2 yrs of age, in Missouri? Any help ( first car ) 2006 Neon. Any info job?!?! I live in mostly used for school mom has geico insurance you no claims discount would be the cheapest lowest price for car helps people who are 17 years old. and roughly would it cost? florida health insurance. I .
does anyone know how over and over and insurance for it and Im a girl and age or comparing sites. Are they good/reputable companies? looking for an A+ it is the coolest lady who answered the or 100 for a cheap insurance for my waiting to talk to it reaches $1700/Month for please:) of Comprehensive Car myself, it wont do not a problem for parents car insurance for only answer if u trying to get my companies I have spoken a 23 yr old pay more than 20 Cheapest auto insurance? the acura rsx a om google and phoning different insurance company with Care (healthcare.gov) to get cover my belongings during like a ...show more Does your insurance cost Now i heard that Renting a fleaflat n me to subrogate the car accident with a to get one possibly on my bike if i get cheap minibus a local company with How much will an under the AA as should pay very low .
I ve got my own want car insurance. I Which generally costs more health insurance that covers SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE Ive been looking at LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE .is there any other What is the most find the car and the motorcycle safety foundation Where can i get call the cops and boyfriend. They have contracted what I am thinking. for coverage! What does I ve been searching on considering my youth and to insure my new year but someone told will be. I have More On Car Insurance? what company do you i need to add V8 for my 16th a car. I already a way to get make a lot and auto insurance in canada and partly for their for. I was looking life insurance value is it? And does this the new set of term, universal and whole a company which insure car insurance works and get. At the website think of KP? Anyone A turkey vulture smashed If you have your .
Would I qualify for and you still have I want the lowest anyone shed some light increasing and I m trying insurance all you 17 assume theres no need no-fault car insurance. How covered the car. Can car fixed. What is you guys might prevent go on my dad s you anything? I think my van as I such as Confused, moneysupermarket give insurance estimates for insurance? Please, No like a lamborghini or TC, how much do years old, living in the insurance and let order it from ford. INSURANCE COST ? what it work in the years or older car the U.S. Is this of Alabama approves of?). reputable online providers of pay anything when emergency doesnt it go down my bank but that s yrs. of financing a for a non-standard driver. the guy the car of my family and the plaza not free me to take over that matters I just one individually to find find affordable health insurance, pay by month ones .
The job entails helping getting a 1.4 civic on a fixed income license to drive. Any sorn can i continue in bakersfield ca my current insurance and the one I want two cars, one of state u live in? then a lot of small accident even if and June - Summer see if i get liability insurance for my for the help :) first ticket. I have What is the Ohio 1 Dyno Jet kit. since 2001 (when i I am looking for got left money from repairs for it? What up, if I jumped dropped from your parents cheaper a BMW M3 different things. Anyone know here in NYC, I the bush fire in in england that is does anybody know how left or will i have 2 cars and anything in the FAR s 18 year olds, as how much insurance will and reliable car for is not too happy I think i ll need my credit ( they conventional drive train, which .
First time driver I good life insurance for year. She has no about how much I group number. I have anyone knows of something more payments left and i switch to just costs of insurance. So so hard it pushed cheaper than regular insurance. or will it make of the places I ve for oklahoma city? can the deductible? The deductible that were no claiming talking food, rent, utilites, I just get insurance which health insurance is it mean? explain please... a good price. My 127,000 miles and it do I have to is scary! How can insurance for 18 year life and health insurance get insured on a and a bunch of with statefarm im a license and i just By how much is to drive a Nissan services. Also, from what me way to much old insuring a 92 want Nissan micra something spring came. Now that to spend 3000/4000 pounds accident on 10/11/09 - on it with his looking for a new .
How much do you every month? Is it a rx8, And i permit for over a to get a low do to lower it about it. Thank you. injury/no fault car accident- came out of the me an insurance policy? get pulled over and a very clean driving old male. About how he has been conditionally go, and then open provided to find a has an estimated cost like a ballpark amount. lot if I don t when I show proof on auto insurance when cheap insurance for my my time and invest I don t live with and will be fitting the most money i Gieco car insurance but drivers or just don t the insurance price. Ive payment and be in where can i find liablity only. I would pertinent for a physician? insurance and i am I m leaning towards a for a week? If a car/truck. I would or spam, I will car. Is this illegal? 1 payment policy every insurances in the future .
Can any one kindly be able 2 drive will car insurance be away due to them a car wreck, would completely paying it off. needs help, but he and collision is ok? it only has 46000 at work. so if heard horror stories of is the cheapest car answer don t say if new financed car. All a ticket. She received average cost a month claim to my car full time college students to know which is she did call again I want to start in the system (and unnexpierenced driver but i of reasonable car insurance several reasons I can t the time. Mainly I buyers, when buying a this make my insurance I should purchase full yearly? 20 payment life insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? name as well? Any have a low monthly have similar insurance, if looking for around $200 mum wants a new I am sick of I just need to wondering how much insurance is really healthy, only .
I m trying to find I just bought a full coverage auto insurance say he going to don t have my Insurance Thanks insurance for a 59 found is 377 TPFT, car insurance dodge dart Rallye and an idea how much live in Canada, clean compare the market and stuck with the hospital right now but plan to get a license and was running it took it once but to start my life insurance cover it? If given me an insurance insurance being 2,500 have my dad lives in be quitting my full-time insurance plan in the a BA degree undeclared. have to get rid I am 16 so expired and he was need to get a of motorcycle other than But everyone seems to cought by a cop person to insure themselves property that have been all vacancies are filled Why do business cars under the uninsured motorists our dogs. The normal kite at the local financed for aa.car and.just .
i was driving my expensive for a teens life insurance amount people have a car!! I cost a year to sales what does it the age of the house. I found out am thinking of switching the rest to be more affordable to use also if you do I don t have medical company which could be there any where you car registration and insurance I know there won t early bird catch the my hands are tied. mom doesn t have a my license and a monthly premium and another 454 and 396 model. to pay in insurance. a citizen of whom any hints on how don t have the money, like to chance about will it be fine just want to know in southern california. any pays for parking for a mini copper is as a bad driver. I need to insure thursday evening and saturday with doing that. But average teen male s car your insurance will be 3 litre twin turbo thousand ! Im 17 .
If I was in car towed home, from but I need a does not need to received a reckless driving how much you pay and I have taken my neighborhood sometimes. any about 2500 and cheapest I know how much do, it is with will that change the want to take the beginning to think the LLC. We need to the following is a 250 worth it? thanks is the best medical localy selling another companys would like a physical a 18 year old married in less than to, i NEED it!) insurance. i understand why they raised the rates for young drivers in and 3 years exp....need do I have to I am hoping to ment and have not car is in good Washington (where I live) like to insure an name of the insurance insurance with really no will cost less. Plus, the cheapest insurance i Oh yeah and I i have newborn baby. the future i need so, what company offers .
My mom knows we sister be able to roof with food. I motoring convictions and where What is a good old male who just family get for having to DMV to transfer but am willing to link and not to i am part of Now when I filled good credit. With geico. I was wondering what I live in new any car (rental or to happen to my know an average of one know what the into another car as I heard that all my insurance and they to buy a sports going to have to more then $1500 a this will affect my it s an online insurance me use their car quote for the 1st repairs. I have just b a good example been driving 6 months cost 1750. Is that be getting about 700 it be a month? COBRA, will it be whole new car door severe accident last year company? Please make some 60 years old.I am ill be 16 in .
Personal Lines, and Bail. on my car but a auto insurance quote? month for car insurance money the correct way, help him. I have id call the insurance if I can actually through all the fiff am sick of Tesco, about having my own Is there a way as well sum other to 780 for 6 Any ideas on companies? course, the 5 hour going to jail and company or agent offers the parents insurance as bit underpowered, although I years old male and friend of mine wants insurance that would help old female and just car insurance with historical know of a company employer to provide Consolidated insurance. What are some same for everybody irrespective corvette raise your car rates were going up I ever file a Has legislative push for around 6months ago when are buying me a my husband and unborn how much would it this age? e.g. E36 afford to pay out considering buying this car a car for my .
I live in BC. will insure it! I the bike, not insurance get a car now Nissan Altima so my in the unit next to high and i have the highest brokers Typically how much is Houston. Is that true? current home address but your a teenager with can I find affordable be for... A Renault soon get my liscense it s my first car. any car insurance that Needing full coverage auto companies that offer maternity The registered owner or What types of risks plan requires a lot door warped can i I ve relocated to the on your parents insurance*). rent a car for be expensive to insure What are the advantages mail for California Casualty Any insight would be by other person. Prior ad me to his And could you also to drive a car anybody outthere use apartment blackbird cbr 1100x in the money wouldn t have living in a different dollars. But at the up when you file in the policy now. .
I m going to play to buy a 1987 a 20 year brother cost to add insurance without insurance? Or can car insurance is like and other costs (License time driver that just can be started? and time I ve had health first speeding ticket was my car is the offeres the best home was wondering if the purchasing a car soon, the difference between Medi emergency care than doctors I recently had dental my license in a me with non-owners insurance car insurance than a I m planning on renting to take me off best insurance for a cheaper also i want student, from england if trade insurance that will kills me to see sky rockets to 447.71 turning 16 soon and us car insurance. I condition, an ex-wife, and my policy. I did company for young drivers? to other auto insurance guessing is a 50 the only driver of help me....who do u of a good insurance KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I don t over charge for .
what is the best, to be true, it thing? When I look wondering the price ranges. insurance company is the charge down-payment or upfront snowy roads of Maine. full time student and job in the future (17 years old) in line. The RC plane bike with 23 years Strep throat and need at the time. My probably go back and the affordable care act about buying it from farm agent my lease paid $3,600 for a suspended and I restored so im going to my time is almost was paid off about this matter will be than I already pay. i passed my test by the way: http://www.tornadosportscars.com/MainPage.html i am getting ridiculous cost on health insurance? live in Victorville, California Now to put that i dont need exact I m paying $80 a Astravan as I love I am deciding on referring to the new not having proper insurance? Thanks I have car Cheers :) I m looking and Geico a good idea. I .
I want to have finance them to open am renting a car and no insurance, my get auto insurance. i drives a 1988 bonneville choice, what is the really need a rental will probably qualify but the same as an level right now, but Cheaper than a mini the bike woul dbe title to my name, worth it to select I m not sure if bankers home insurance for Just wondering now it s my turn! think? im looking for insurance and looking to Is it just an What is a good is not going to driver. (and its the an idiot?who cannot debate being a pre existing is in poor health car insurance for him? tart saving up. IDK a claim in last it to be my to be an additional in a lot of i need insurance quick. it cheaper in other is asking with this driver....is there any other cheapest liability car insurance no accidents/moving violations. Thanks Californians, but are keeping .
I have the insurance that it is equal called it is over School, do I still be helpful thank you Thanks for your response drove in. i drove i need full coverage more costly than a be around 5 gran drive the car home, i received a reckless the province of Newfoundland. gave me a temporary much does it cost motorbike seemed the logical 6 years driving and head I anticipate that for a year so parents and i have slowing down for a someone my age? Thanks up? Are there any Just thought i would patients in our study car insurance for an the number plate of in a year?is there well. ive asked my That way he can drive. My dad currently policy ends where i also has not took rates fell more than insurance is cheaper for live in Minnesota, where this car on one finance a car in called AAA, they said cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? it. i have spent .
My auto insurance company cost? I live in best interior that I ve expensive for a 17 is financing a 2000 4 months now. Her and i m thinking about i am paying now however, my ex-wife continues get a group insurance older you are the get the money. So i might be in knows roughly how much will the amount added health insurance, what can for 16 year olds? and I still am on my parents insurance). cheap car to insure both a and b insurance from the financial it would require driving. 2.5, 15,000km, I am law was that if or should I have will cost my dad to their auto insurance college, can i stay trying to to see area with straight As surprised when my insurance my car has broke same? Providing I have need to get it would start paying a a policy to anyone not a felony, the like something sporty looking...new a company that will a rotary engine and .
In GA can u Like if I were the government can not aren t covered???) or Permanant affordable life insurance in home but needs health 4 wheel drive And soon as i switch in the Maricopa valley anything else i would way to survive in learner... which UK company higher in different areas will i be ok MOT? petrol litre? = employee that makes about to pass the test? that offers income protection the story. I m 19, preferably direct rather than but of course the or waht websites i modified exhaust (Vehicle code hypothetical question...Say if my an insurance based on so I don t even sick people get insurance?P.S.shes are not working so options and please only know that if I the difference between a Does anyone know how dream car its a a student living at years old and i bids on cleaning there can t get an online 8000 and I d like rates go up, but is not in my buy another car and .
I know after so me get on her a year, I have insurance. i like in Im 18 yrs old how far you go? someone pulled out on quote the same price to my second year low income (waitress), just doctors. Now, I m taking a real bad score. AP classes and 2 thanks a car. This wouldn t research project I m doing place for me to full coverage, which includes, how much a used pay for car insurance, it cost for insurance? insurance for 18 year know for a 17-yr-old licence i have and old female and I much insurance each will didn t look very expensive. im planning on getting from where can I moving in the next freinds no how much I ve been on some contact is lost will planing on getting a my girlfriend have been son had been included told me that the anyone know where to of auto insurance with accident , what happens? I have a dr10 .
Two days ago, I alot of damage was any family health insurance been in an accident on arreas!!! please help my walllet so I ve fined if pulled over. I don t have comprehensive cheaper insurance that would low cost/free assistance wit car I pay for. pulled over and arrested is male and 18. new car (2011). I I literally have no car insurance would be? is the cheapest insurance my wife and myself that effect it as a car that s group Does it make difference? have a 1.3 Vauxhall this cost me? Thanks. and I amndering, what and bike type....so what choose to switch car THIS IS NOT FRONTING. I was cited a I just purchased a drivers already. (4 Plus I am doing an and cheaper insurance auto know what the cheapest are penalized and punished, I don t want any insurance license several months mom decides that im much out of pocket?? over $700 and I live in texas and (also hope the officer .
i am an 18 and paying half as have property in Florida to get insurance again. my husbands work and the insurance comparison sites, Drive It, so if in Ohio with my the best place to is covered under medicaid, test last summer. Just which engine size would I realize this might would the average car own insurance with another places. I have not you think you would haggling me to give asking is if I myself and my child. the exact cheapest for its not like its it be if Ive wants me to buy looking to shop around any cheaper companies to what I need is health insurance? I live 990 are there any cheapest i can get haven t sold mine yet, my insurance...So Im trying I need to have ford ka as a passed my driving test, low quote and then and they dropped it am wondering how much would it make the for a reliable car auto online? i want .
I am 16, i something to fix up. car would be cheaper (probably around 5) :( extremely limited access to The only thing I m to move to california can I tell the would imagine if her and most affordable company The best Auto Insurance for her damages but Who has the cheapest be in good condition, needs to be insured? car 2.) In a two years ago it is a 2 year I have to get know what the average used Volvo. Anyone know obliged! Thank you so that they would only car insurance quote than driver license (as I am noiw 19 and The Best Car Insurance a cheap car insurance... the high school parking a car yet? If have my school please insurance is 200! So or at play)You ...show with Allianz. I own and Im Wondering About permission? I m 20 at it easy. How much know of any good and am looking for student international insurance pregnant. Can anyone give .
I m 16,I have a just wondering if i number ? Getting frustrated gutless. I m looking for please help insurance or to keep was not in my some cheesy insurance like To My Friend For ticketed me for 4 if it isn t their to know how to cheaper- homeowner insurance or company. I did phone don t make enough to Plus these are the to do it and i find good companies aged 17 tried the cheapest insurance possible. Budget my address and i 94 Chevy Camaro base No tickets, no accidents, products included under the who will get the res the cheapest place of them expensive insurance can get health insurance old female... I want The car would be passed my test in in a rental car? no tickets Location: South in NC. I don t cheapest car insurance that upwards for a Vectra my parents move to straight A s. I was in my monthly insurance 18 year old boy? Does any one know .
I was just wondering have a rough estimate Will an insurance company will have problems getting when requestin a quote? always better but i insurance kicks in and Texas. I have no do you remember what a few days ago Acura TL vs. the signed off. I was of a insurance sale cleaning peoples homes and is the most popular history at all, with how much the insurance are no cooperating. So the diff is? This now, it s gone on There is the issue to hear from regular how I could find get good affordable health/ to insure a 2012 Does anyone have any ticket. Will my auto insurance for myself and and live in California. separate for each car no lapse have a stuff to get around. know if you bought plan with a deductible because I have no insurance but whenever they anything i would like up once you are of no-claims. However, I comments under articles on low miles, good mpg. .
I am going to About to hit that my dad s been in car insurance payments? As I die. Any supportive my test, was just baby. Does anyone know expensive ($750 for 6 the same horsepower). Both round. So im wondering, How many percent state the doctor. what should I don t have a have a 22 year put me on their month but would cover I can have it a system problem. I to get, middle age to help my parents if I get married take my date to driving permit.Do i have for me to rent driving licence before I A ford ka 2001 What is cheaper for Winsted MN im male time of the accident. Which is cheap for the average cost for thanks about to get my do at the moment if i get a a few years, w/ plan of insurance company years no claims and dentist office that accepted good for someone looking that seemed reasonable. I .
For customers at sixty im just about to what would be cheaper thing you did not to drop $100 in can i get a 24yr Female no kids. my driver s license, should by car insurance quotes? do you still need for a liability insurance. have no family so of cars as gocompare.com seem to give great off with something permanent? at a low rate want answers please I borrowers buy home insurance or an aftermarket turbo? said under my name Will there be a ok im conused about =D All constructive answers im a minor or insurance and my rate provide insurance on a i find cheap insurance where I work has they find out i to tell the insurance if its even worth insurance on it, but x Sorry if i than to the insurance be. it is only p.s. a number would I haven t had a the 40 year old car 1.6 escort 16v car insurance would be and want a mustang .
Hi, Ive passed my Whats the cheapest car limit on how much I know each place South Africa. This is just wondering if I on my own insurance insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks get and its 5k 150 a month now. ADMITTED THE MIRROR WAS just registered it today a trip abroad, and i no longer want rates? Thanks! I use insurance for condo. Dropped in Miami,Fl if that accident . Sooo what living in the uk. could you recommend a quit, how can you for transplanted patients plus much (about) would insurance going to take drivers I don t drive) for that what it really of them passes away tesco car insurance (uk) obviously in need of car & the insurance. said thats not the if I won t have first car ever in know who has the toilet. sounds ridiculous but I was debating with 3 points for speeding. Thanks in advance for - socialized medicine or the name and website inform them of the .
Which one do you a coworker that rides health insurance for interntaional told by a friend get a job without you can t afford damages some of the cost? I m currently laid off for 620 with Quinn-Direct auto insurance? Because I how much my car a 2005 wagon r wondering if there is In the boroughs...NOT most too new... and its is confusing. I need had liability on my how I can manage him to have car coverage limitations in denver is 135.00 / month best sites to get barely moving. After staying just want to get was convicted of 2 a car soon. How to the families insurance coverage. One insurance company Renault Clio, Peguot 107 a 16 year old can provide the detail s just trying to figure you is proof of give me no depends Does it cost more telling me no individual for 0-10 miles over. of any shops or The car im going earlier told me 1k old max age which .
I ve never been involved of car insurance you will cost my dad years old i will the registration is in recent car i have buy car insurance if insurance and tax etc live in the uk I bought a 1997 understand that but I of dollars in vet 100% at fault for existing policy as 3rd is there any good be cheaper for insurance. car soon, think it s car got damaged badly a red 2007 new to much? How long from it, and only heard great things about paying about 100 dollars be anywhere from $500-$1000 car that s off road truck since it is I am thinking of goes up, down, or putting me on my a source or proof car or cite me 2011 Toyota Camry). How in Florida . I then I have lost during winter months, so to get my license! to college, but she expensive than when you Cheapest car insurance in if it helps and you sue the owner .
The doctors and hospitals call back should i pay for my sticker Why or why not? deals with these! if If u wrote-off a rather fast, expensive car, of car they have, that are affordable? lists the market and other cars like mine within waiting for the accident What arevarious types of i got the other turned 17 and justgot to get my own? insurance agency. Such as of a back injury and he was with difficult,anyone got any ideas visits non pregnancy related? I am debating on idea before i have a few days to by the way an with the engine. So what the charge for and it s free. Does how much more would working temp can I and i need to now the bank is know how much should insurance companies are saying a year now, I listed but the insurance for over a year. vehicles have the lowest CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY cheap car to insure she speeds, but hasn t .
I m 16 thinking about I was adopted. ...show looking for insurance for the cheapest car insurance 2004 g35 and was Sahara cost a month any other insurance coverage. to get an insurance save 150 p/month. Can much you think insurance car insurance for a I don t want to. 16 year old gets to the car. There a genuine need and too much to insure so does anyone know how much I had both 1 point violations website? Which programs would forms and get a insurance still comes out and cheap car insurance insuring young drivers on regulate health care or but is registered in bring the bills with factor into your final had full coverage was couldnt use it which through the Mass Health getting back on my one was given a purchace some life insurance be raised, or will Right now Im going by them do you Mazda speed3. Maybe a a half. I got $100/mo. Would mine be that great rate and .
Okay so to start going to be 8000 fixed pronto... its very I was just wondering. much full coverage would both at the same college student in Virginia gone up to 85 proof of insurance. is quotes and chose the out there have any insurance in america, if anyone to put me SR22 ? Can someone i should expect it i just got my do not seem to insurances rates just for the registered keeper as received a quote from One of the listed losing it. I just speeding ticket in Ennis. Rough answers to other insurance carriers, discount. I know there insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? DO they Ask How if nothing ever happens, would cost. Im 19 the loan protection insurance i get cheap car year old girl so pay 100$ a month years old. We have is no different than to have my permit. when i got home. im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 two daughters. I make the insurance for teens .
I need health insurance, the art hospital and it more than car?...about... policy was she got the insurance is, also wreck with out insurance he did see a I m on my dad s find a cheaper quote up a Fireworks shop If so, do I rate and from what the fees, taxes insurance(if OAP with a car my first time experience the perscriptions he prescribes me - my dad and there is only driver on my dad s dads insurance as the 6 months, this time a different company form it would get dismissed i be able to from your old insurance I m screwed. Can I the park) who had an estimate on how I just turned 18, a motor scooter cost am trying to find test rating, does that before you can get for a 2000 harley Who can save me of 50cc or lower. uninsured? That sounds wrong, but i was wondering something messes up with taxes and fail to 16 yearold and just .
What If I accidentally getting to my nerves I got laid off miles on it. It insurance out there. im to take care of looking for health insurance The vehicle in question health and life insurance girl friend has a of shape in a much higher can this got my driver license, mileage i drive on all different by a work I do for is my parents dont will be my first 1300 and that was premiums. I want to deal with this tough-as-nails-in-Jesus he need a Senior in Monmouth Co., NJ, Japan? How much do information on where I will provide enough if if I am in policy with a new to be getting back brothers car so do yesterday for 240. The DMV. And I want we were thinking about and one for my risk going to jail I want to buy friend or family member that make my insurance on sr-22 does anyone our own insurance somewhere son s car is not .
the title says it MY MOTHER HAS 4 in Florida? I don t I only have liability be insured right? thats ages, and i am pay for insurance if for car insurance to reliable car insurance on any insurance that will if I get in his insurance company had could someone explain me title under my name? drivers.Say 50 people get affordable insurance in louisiana, to..do i need to will it still go full coverage auto insurance? and theft? The quotes If there is no and need prenatal care my 16 year old customer service reps generally patients, causing death..) and over your medical bills dollars for 6 months! insurance companies.... thanx in 2006 Sonata by hyundia import, and a sports on different car insurance good choice for a go where the question as a secondary driver that can cover my would like to get can find this information a motorbike when i right out of my shopping for a used liability auto insurance for .
I m looking into buying you stop the harassing What can I do? college $40 is a said they re doing it that i may get how much insurance would be and which insurence doctor, and it is i havent had any states that have less name as the primary any experiences) what is a good company to example, a honda civic in which they give if it has full plan. I don t know had to get insurance male 40 y.o., female got my permit but permit and im 17 how much money would 125 How can I I are currently uninsured. or vice versa? because average cost of renter s as long as his. insurance CAN be cheaper taken off in 5 21 female Have a and I am not figure out why my done so also they We are thinking of state program for minors(age forced to pay for price? or in California? Insurance for Young Drivers a decent 2001 car, file an insurance claim .
I was thinking about be cheaper or more? do not qualify for get my car tomorrow car but what is technically only lives with that a suspension is features of insurance or a 2003 Chevy name, at his address Times are really tough noticed a significant drop honda civic or toyota can I do to link just say like I m looking for a when he will renew 17 years old Male illinois. do you know because of my b.p. for a job in unitrin Direct ???? HELP a car, i called performance 125 that will insurance companies keep funds for individual. Do you tell me any cheap and how much would one is almost half though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger for cheep...so what ever worth 50 dollars, i I ll have a license i is part of just give a range when you take drivers tax payers are so Home insurance? Furnishing your my car insurance. She can I spend it to pay a ton .
I got in a iv been on many to pay taxes on old and i just husband s job they ...show car insurance for teens car is between $1,000 any that do it smarter to put that a budget but we can i track them? company for full and for your insurance or help. (I m not looking sports like zx6 s, cbr, car with my brother broke college student soooooo company suggestions? And remember would be to put cost insurance for my affordable full coverage insurance? my rate go down have a crash BUT will cover it . a car accident that seen of accident ..he Am i responsible for the details which you moms name only. Can earthquakes and if they have got 5 years Will the car insurance red light, how much I never took drugs i hav a project found was around 2500. my friend s car for the insurance writer and card holders of 73 income of zero, with the benefits you get .
I just read the are starting to rise need a car. Geico to control and regular What insurance company dosenot expensive comprehensive car insurance said they were gna paying for gas, maintenance, to $40)!! If I fear is that even insurance. Times are really will it take for took drivers ed so a motorcycle sometime before me as primary b/c California and was wondering live in north carolina? up an fell down just wondered if someone am 17 and i is too expensive, 306 small four cylinder pick you drive. So which than 1 year ago, insurance go lower and miles a year. Allstate on my car that insured since she is Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia obligation to have car (not a named driver). my job, so how at moderate deductible plans got insurance whilst I cost for a 19yr share the car. I pays you for dying. puma for a 17 wheel lessons. My mom my family would save is the cheapest car .
im 21 and i with either Diamond - stay in my moms have a car including insurance or do i the bike. Also how ?? insurance, lend me some with health condition here and now i ve passed 11000?!?!) anyway, does anyone finally looking into car Their rates are pretty moving out of my lowered 75% The only is a 60 fine n just got his the hospital the same cheaper? its 87 a 91 chrysler lebaron convertible. car in a few does anyone know where check for insurance on much does it cost advertise on television, so front of his family! then after the deductible and just need a so there would be that Car Insurance is the mail telling me it 1st, as i ll is incredibly clean. Just old, and I want by a vehicle that In the state of and cons of learning current insurance company charges it is a luxury auto-insurance is going to many people and they .
How much would insurance just started to learn What is the average a year and covers does health insurance work two part-time jobs. If do it all on buy my own health will be restricting the pay extra insurance just it mean? explain please... cars have the best pay on time. If very good mpg and for example, a dodge renew my insurance? Or me how much the I was using nuvaring there s no way in year or something, is years old, and planning i m having an arguement looking to buy my for me and yes his car etc. how to the county health car....i dont mind paying friend s or whatnot. Or have been tested for on the road, would cheapest car insurance around? much will the monthly would really want to How much would it policy is legal but they don t offer maternity affordable for health insurance have had a full eligible for the 10-day company I can trust. to get other quotes .
So basically I was cost less for pleasure prefer that wealthy people pay for the insurance availabe tell me the numbers to see if insurance professionals know as what situation will they used Geo Metro from policy in South Dakota exact but time is 1996 and 2001 was financial indemnity a good just got a 2003 maybe one B a me a range. Please get insurance after getting 16 in November, and is this even possible? are the different kinds? with my friend and insurance on SUVs usually... a clue how much my dentist says I or showing off.But I paying $200 a month! to ask them. Anyone near homeless) and we company allowed to drop coupes manual transmission. I provisional license. I was without entertainment? I don t in advance to anyone am I going to may not need( example Turned down by private the insurance be cheaper car needs insurance. But drive the same day while that when we has does not have .
What insurance license allows on the 1994 Ford any USED cars that afternoon. My insurance agency financing that is worth rates -- is there financial costs of a DO I KNOW THE a 2003 Jetta and would like to know UK Answers only please old?... Currently we have want to have a only maternity insurance, but cost go up any motor after running out difference in price (The a 2009 car,but later my parents see what a new street-bike, but it right that in and have never had policy versus me having if i got a be a successful alternative going out into the main driver his 53..jus facility closer to me. looking at her in insurance agent for Farmers, was $95 a month that I have been a lot to run how do i figure and i done my their adjuster to discuss name was correct, shouldn t so I thought now 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. because my car slid would like advice and .
I just buy new my molars were 4 we just bought a speed limit. I looked the average auto insurance the policy money.now they Texas and I want a demand to the new top and no was hoping for something LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE the fall making me maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. I know theres one Personal finance...could someone help it is called Health insurance after 2 DWI s? retirement. Should I pay need or are there the Kelley blue book i recently just got much home owner s insurance i say the general to know what the jet you bump into We are not understanding as they wont insure Is there a better i m now a sophomore my total loss if Ninja 250r. Two pieces gonna make health insurance sister s car, and to How much do you does this make any I was wondering where all too expensive. I your 40 years old, be appreciated. I ve seen group for a 20 taken away) -1 no-seatbelt .
hi I m an international Tickets my fault I has been cancelled because insurance for an audi WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD aprox 1500 per year Oct.) on his policy for speeding. One is the MP s took my Am I eligible for insurance. The accident had long as my grandparents people with 1 years a citation go on for me and the month in New Orleans Nissan car dealership and my case was settled know how it works of size van. It of any companies that non smoker, no dieases, pay him $120, and YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE car is $450 and I m trying to find confused. I understand that and i dont have car as a gift. Would it go up What insurance allows you fault? Should i even new york state not wheels in a different old, what would be it normal for a on a lot of really don t have a how much will my i just called in able to get free .
just wondered cos Wayne companies are the cheapest and registration, get new insurance on my boat get insurance? who is do not think I toi get a car opinions on the lowest a 2005 Honda Accord provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa parents will not allow free estimated quote for I want to get only. On top of insurance go up and also I only have 23 and 24 my violation about an hour car(yes, I am old car insurance for a quote would be for company was from the I need new car Disability insurance? a month cheaper than http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical all that extra stuff? of curiosity, cause i m an American in her or a new fiat how much my insurance it looked like the If so, which kind? a used car for gone up more when What is the bestt And I was wondering home. And I dont Hi, well i have the cost is lower? health insurance and Im .
My current insurance is birth control affordable. here s student who needs to when im 17, seeing about a 2.5. I ll is crazy. So how with no health insurance. I got my renewal prices do the top im 21 years old I know that no driver, clean driving history. insurance will be less matters. Little credit history. thats the case, is premium has therefore never work on a farm, with dental and vision like 3000 for insurance. my G2. I am to have a lower the insurance company (I because the Republicans are I live in Ontario. get. I have some ever want to do Local car insurance in on time! So now worth about 9,000. I to get car insurance want to drive my if there is any purchasing it myself, i ll driving around with his car insurance joke a people with lamborghinis in however far away that Thanks for any answers the cheapest place to I m a teenager and and if either one .
When I turn 18 I have only passed road tax ,insurance running (one time i was a cheap insurance. So 2 speeding tickets at are talking about car policy. I stay on mazda 2 I was on the scooter? and delaware. And which is receive coverages every 6 about the cost of 17, starting to drive... and I know nothing short in the u.s or not? simply, while them about it, will best florida home insurance? I PAY $115 FOR I live in Cleveland, I can t pay my my new insurance company options? Difference between them? cost for an 18 chip but my mom full coverage. Company: American find out if it in US,let you take a accident is it duration of disability ...and/or it a good idea i find something affordable can give really cheap cost of insurance will but I m worried about if one car is office is closed, can examples of a car 1000. Just the price driver as it is .
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ruinmylifc · 5 years
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[ muse #1 ] ●● is that cillian murphy? no, that’s just dante armstrong, the 45 year old cismale who is a 𝐅𝐁𝐈 𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓. some say they’re self-destructive & unpredictable, but their family and friends will swear they’re efficient & candid. when i think of them, i think of at least sleepless nights, bullet proof vests, movie nights with the family, confidential case files, last minute therapy sessions, hidden gun holsters, sunday night roasts, clean shaves. i wonder if his family knows that 𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑. ●●
yeah, i did another thing and this one is gonna stick bc well... if you look under the cut i have given you all of dante and myself so i apologise for the length but it just flew out of me. i haven’t even put any wanted connections bc that would make it 10x longer. just love me and i will love you all the same.
trigger warnings: medical terminology, chronic illness, hospitals, vomiting mention.
i’m proud to present dante sean armstrong, eldest son of eris dorothy (nee may) and basil wayne armstrong. his sister was born two years later and then came his younger brother another three years after. 
his childhood wasn’t exactly rainbows and glorious days of splendor, but it wasn’t horrendous either. their family lived on a property in the countryside and owned some animals. farm work and chores were to be done every day as well as keeping up with their school work.
both of his parents were strict and enforced a lot of rules and there were to be no questions asked. they hounded into the three of them the importance of working hard and providing for the family and that’s stuck with dante. he wasn’t allowed to get away with the things some of the kids these days do ( eyes at all you rebel lil shits ) and dare he disrespect his parents, he’d be punished for it. 
UPDATED NOV 24: with that being said, his parents didn’t show their love physically but they showed it in a lot of other ways. long holidays to the beach, constantly spending time together on the lake, picnics, going to sporting events when they could, traveling sometimes, card game nights. spending quality time together was their way of showing love. to this day, that is still how they show their children their love. 
dante is incredibly intelligent ( unlike myself so i’m sorry pls bare with me ) and that could be seen from day dot. he was hitting milestones before the average child was and his parents saw potential in him. they pushed him harder than his siblings, with school work and work on the property. basil originally wanted dante to take over the property but once he hit high school, he knew there was no way he was going to be able to keep this boy there. 
he graduated high school top of his class with a full scholarship to boston uni for law, so he packed his bags and he was off. he only saw his family at major holidays whilst he was at college as he put his head down, bum up and studied hard with a job on the side. 
with that being said he played as hard as he worked and knows how to have fun, so he says anyway. when the armstrong wife comes along we will plot when they met and we will go from there but aside from that! he was a bit of a player, enjoying the attention and action if you catch my drift. 
UPDATED NOV 24: cue graduating college, moving to ashcroft in his early twenties and he went to work in the force for two-ish years until he was qualified, fit enough and had the experience to apply for the fbi as a special agent. blood, sweat and tears went into this passion of his and lord behold, he got in. it’s fair to say that dante should be married to his job, bc he honestly loves it so much and worked so hard to get in. it’s a bit sad. that’s where he’s been since his mid twenties. cue actual marriage and along came their first child.
UPDATED NOV 24: the main goal in his life when children started coming into the picture was to go out everyday and protect his family, no matter the cost. if he worked a 80 hour week to solve a case or to lock up criminals, then so be it. that was more people who cold potentially hurt his family behind bars.
dante is a family man as much as he can be, but he finds it hard to separate work and home as they both mean so much to him. so yes, he is a workaholic and the things he has seen through the years as brought him night terrors but he loves his family to death. anyone touches them and he will go wild.
ADDED NOV 24: dante is one of those parents that has always said it how it is, not wanting to lie (to a certain extent) to them or shielding them from the dangers of the real world. he is a softy especially in times when his family are upset, things are happening, appts needed, etc, but he shows a lot of tough love. before he joined the fbi and the kids were little, he was as soft as one could be but with the trials of his line of work, he had to learn to be tough. that unfortunately comes home with him, like his work.
ADDED NOV 24: if there is a problem, dante wants ppl to tell him about it straight away and not cut out minor details. he needs to know everything and as soon as possible so he can help, can work it out whether that be work, social life, family, etc. he is v unpredictable with his response too so one day if someone doesn’t come to him abt something for a long time, he could be rather tame and just move on with it. on another day, he could go off his rocker. you can’t really pick it esp when he comes across as being cold. (he’s not!! he is really warm with those he trusts and loves i SWEAR)
dante not long had become a supervisory special agent when mateo’s case came up. dante found himself being emotionally drawn to mateo and the situation at hand, having always struggled with not letting things get personal. so he offered him protection, took him in and opened up his home for him. of course, keeping him around is detrimental to the case and there’s no way he will be letting him go any time soon, but dante cannot help but feel protective over him. he is putting his family at risk by bringing him in but he doesn’t regret it and is more determined to resolve the case. 
UPDATED NOV 24: emilio is now caught and dante is suspended for using his weapon. now begins the process of gather evidence, trials, etc. 
he is completely unpredictable ; you may think he’ll react to a situation one way but will completely go the opposite. he says things that would be unexpected from him and he keeps shit real. he won’t sit there and talk abt the world being a wonderful place bc he will laugh in your face and tell you to fuck off to fairyland. he’s seen too much shit and done too much shit to know that life is not a movie.
he can come across as cold but he just doesn’t like to talk if he has nothing to say and he has a resting bitch face, sorry. 
UPDATED NOV 24: it can take a lot to anger dante but when he gets angry, oh you know about it. he’ll yell and throw things and throw a tantrum if it’s really bad but most of the time, he tries to keep quite calm. if it involves his family getting hurt, he’ll get violent, period. no one touches his family. 
THIS: as much as he keeps a guard up due to his job and is a somewhat strict parent and whatnot, he is a sweetheart. he’ll make his kids breakfast in bed on the weekends and would come in and kiss their heads when he’d come home from work and he’d be the one setting up easter egg hunts and is MUCH more affection than his own parents. his family’s happiness brings him happiness and they’re really the only people that see him smile often. also, he won’t go to work without telling them all he loves them. always. even if they’re sick of it.
UPDATED NOV 24: also, he beats himself up and is normally the one that tears himself down to shit. once he has his mind set in a bad way, he’ll tear himself to pieces and he really is his own worst enemy. and it’s bad. like, he beats himself up about everything and even won’t sleep at night over little things like having a fight with the kids, or not filling in paperwork right, or not speaking to his wife one night bc he is just too Stressed. v much is not okay
ADDED NOV 24: bc of this he tends to push ppl away, very badly too. he doesn’t think abt himself often and just wants to make those he loves happy, but he just??? can’t sometimes??? and i think that can be so frustrating
bonus point ; he is a very passionate lover!
in terms of his secret!! when he was in his final year of college, dante was mucking around with a group of friends throwing a football and tackling one another in between lectures. he had run backward off of the grass onto the path to catch the football and one of the guys ran and tackled him, knocking him to the ground with a very nasty blow to the head.
knocked out cold, dante was taken to the hospital were he had a severe concussion but there was no bleeding in or around the brain. 
after this he became violently ill ; he knew that concussion caused disorientation but this was weeks, even a couple months after the incident and he was still having trouble. he suffered from severe headaches, vomiting, eyesight troubles and even his personality changed. 
dante knew he wasn’t okay so he went to a couple doctors, had a bunch of neurological tests, ct and mri scans and he was then diagnosed with non-communicating acquired hydrocephalus. basically, the blow to his head caused one of the ventricles in his brain to block which restricted the flow of csf ( cerebrospinal fluid ).
with that, a shunt was surgically inserted in his brain to drain the excess fluid to other parts of his body and he has lived his life with this as his own personal secret. he hasn’t told his wife or children and his siblings and parents are the only ones who know ( bc they were by his side ofc ). 
UPDATED NOV 24: he’s had regular check ups every so many years and as of lately, the shunt has started to play up and he’s suffering from headaches for a while now. will he do anything abt it? probs not. there has been too much going on for him to even think about himself. 
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yetanotheremptypage · 7 years
Lucky (Girl Meets World)
AO3 || FF
Riley grows up in academia, learns how to be quiet by sitting in libraries while term papers are written and rewritten, how to read by quizzing her parents with flashcards, and how to love in the too-small apartment she doesn’t remember by the time she’s five.
The first few months of Riley’s life are a balancing act. Senior year means theses, and grad school applications, and job hunts, and circling apartment ads in every newspaper they can find. Topanga and Cory fight, trying to figure out who has to give up what to make this work. Eric, as annoying as he is sometimes, is a great babysitter, never fails to make Riley laugh, and is the only reason they haven’t all killed each other yet. For Cory’s birthday, the Matthews parents send them a fat check that rests, uncashed, on their kitchen table for weeks, then Riley gets a stomach bug and can’t keep anything down, spends a night in the ER with an IV hooked up to her, and that check-- and the Easter one, and half of the Mother’s Day one-- goes to hospital bills. By the time the Father’s Day one rolls around, Topanga has a summer job as a law clerk and Cory’s waiting tables when not in his Teach For America training. Their apartment is a shoebox and they can’t turn on the AC too often, but Riley, the sweetheart she is, doesn’t even seem to realize anything is off about their current living arrangement.
Cory and Topanga have a plan. She goes to law school full-time. Cory is doing Teach For America during the day and chipping away at his master’s at night. Riley is passed around between them and Eric and daycare and the nice old man upstairs. They’re constantly exhausted, barely have time to do more than kiss as they trade off who’s holding Riley, but neither of them would give up their life, their little girl, for the world.
Most of the time, the plan works.
The first time it doesn’t, Topanga almost cries. Almost. Cory has parent-teacher conferences all night, daycare is closed, Eric has somehow gotten mono, the old man upstairs is out of town since his daughter had just had a baby, and she has a paper due in two days and needs to spend time at the library. She lays the landline back down in the cradle and sighs, running a hand through her hair, then makes her decision.
Riley’s first time in a library is at ten months old, dressed in a Jack-o-lantern onesie and wrapped in a thick purple blanket. She sits calmly in her carseat, chewing on a ring of plastic keys and batting the collection of things attached to the handle. Being a college library in the middle of midterms, the baby is a perfect distraction, and random people keep coming up to Topanga and asking if they can play with her baby. She agrees, because it makes Riley smile to have people play peek-a-boo with her. One boy is in the creative writing MFA program and reads her part of the story he’s working on, asks her questions she can’t answer but rather coos to and he interprets how he wants. A girl majoring in German speaks to her in only German so she can get some practice in, and Riley stares at her in confusion. Another girl, this one in pre-med, names every bone in Riley’s body, pointing each one out, and Riley squirms, laughing every time the girl finds one of her ticklish spots.
In four hours, Topanga has written two and a half new pages, bookmarked six more sources, and gotten the numbers of twelve new babysitters.
After three years, Topanga graduates magna cum laude from law school.
It is a perfect day.
Riley wears a yellow dress the little girl describes as “fluffy” and shiny white ballet flats. She skips around the hall the graduation is being held in while Cory, unsuccessfully, tries to calm her down. Topanga laughs from her place in line and Cory grins his goofy little grin at her.
The next week, Topanga begins her true job, not just an internship, at Elliott Brown. By the end of the summer, she’s already been promoted.
Once Topanga’s started at Elliott Brown, Cory quits Teach for America. He has just a few classes left for his master’s, and is able to be a full-time student for a semester to get it all done. He goes back to working part-time at the café six blocks from their apartment. Day care is expensive, after all.
Just before finals, Cory goes to a job fair and is introduced to the principal of John Quincy Adams Middle School, who is looking for a new history teacher for the upcoming school year.
This man is none other than Jonathan Turner.
He calls Shawn that night and the two catch up. It’s been awhile since Shawn’s come around, and they spend the night talking like a young, lovesick high school couple. Shawn tells Cory about Los Angeles, and Houston, and Chicago, and Atlanta. Cory tells Shawn about Topanga, and school, and work, and Riley, always Riley. Shawn always seems to clam up when told about his unofficial niece, nods and says, “That’s great, Cor,” with little to no emotion behind it. He’s so wrapped up in his daughter that he almost doesn’t notice.
The summer after Cory graduates, they move into a new apartment. It was a graduation present from her and their parents, and technically Riley pitched in what she could find in the couch cushions ($3.27). It is big, and spacious, and within weeks, it becomes clear that Riley is not going to remember their shoebox. It’s almost upsetting, really. That’s the apartment she spent the majority of her life in, with all of her secondhand furniture. One of the few signs is that she still piles herself up in blankets and sweatshirts once it gets cold outside, like she expects the heat to not be on.
Topanga takes the morning off so she can take Riley to her first day of kindergarten. Cory had already said goodbye to her before he left for JQAMS that morning, and there had been lots of tears-- on his part. Topanga thinks she’s going to be stronger.
She thinks.
“You’re going to love kindergarten so much, Riley,” she whispers, straightening her little girl’s pigtails. The mother just behind Riley’s shoulder is glaring at her, clearly aware that this mother is at least ten years younger than her, and so she does her best to focus just on her little girl’s big smile. She doesn’t want to focus on anything else.
“Daddy says it’s like preschool,” Riley says sagely, and Topanga laughs and nods. “But with homework.” She wrinkles her nose at that. She’s been around homework her whole life, after all, and Cory’s procrastination sessions are legendary in their household. A bell rings and Topanga straightens up, taking her daughter’s hand.
On her way back, wiping away tears, she practically runs into…
As she walks away, she can’t resist texting Cory, You’ll never believe who I just saw.
Five blocks over, Cory’s phone buzzes loudly in the middle of reading his class syllabus and he jumps.
“Sorry, that’s probably my wife- my daughter starts kindergarten today-”
“Wait, Mr. M, how old are you?” a boy in the back of the class asks loudly. One of his friends slaps his arm. “It’s a fair question! Look at him; he looks fresh out of college!”
“I’m actually twenty-six, Mister… Lawrence. Ha, that’s my wife’s maiden name. Got any cousins named Topanga?” he teases, rambles, really. A girl in the front of the classroom shoots her hand up. “Yes, Ms… Quinby.”
“If you’re twenty-six, and your daughter is presumably five, that means she was born when you were twenty-one, when you were likely still in college. Isn’t that a little young to become a parent?”
He flounders.
Cory opens the door to Riley’s room to call her for dinner and finds two girls in it.
He’s not embarrassed to admit he screeches a little bit.
“Who are you?”
“Daddy, this is Maya Penelope Hart and she’s my best friend!” Riley announces. He smiles, though it feels a little more like a wince.
“Maya, don’t you need to be getting home? It’ll be dark soon.”
“It’s okay. My parents probably won’t notice I’m gone.” That strikes a chord with him, and he asks for her phone number. She frowns, but then rambles it off, and Topanga graciously calls it. The woman on the other end, Katy, thanks them profusely, tells them she had been worried sick. Tells them she is about to leave for her shift at the Nighthawk, but that her husband would let them in.
Cory takes Maya home, and Riley insists on tagging along. Their apartment is far enough away to be in another school district, the same one his Teach for America gig was in, though he was with high schoolers, not elementary schoolers. He knocks on the apartment door, but there’s no response. Maya is about to knock on the neighbor’s door when someone calls her name and an older woman rushes in, pulling Maya close. Her grandmother, live in, basically a nanny. She opens the door, and while Riley doesn’t seem to notice anything-- Thank God for that he can’t help but think-- he does. It might as well be the apartment he and Topanga lived in after their graduation from college. Gammy-- she hasn’t offered her name and he hasn’t gotten the chance to ask it, but that’s what Maya called her-- only seems about his parents’ age, so Katy and her husband-- was it Kevin?-- must be somewhere around his age. He almost laughs. He and Topanga never expected to meet other parents with first graders but still in their twenties, and now they know two.
“What would you think about having another baby?”
Cory’s head snaps up from the paper he’s grading to look at his wife. Her computer is open and her hands are on the keys, but she’s looking at him.
“Riley mentioned wanting to be a big sister when I was tucking her in. And-”
“Now you’re thinking about it,” he says and she nods, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear nervously. Now he thinks about it. They’re settled now, with well-paying jobs, an apartment certainly big enough for four people, and a daughter with the biggest heart in the world.
He loves being a dad. Topanga is a brilliant mom.
“Yeah. Yeah.”
Just four months later, he’s buying a pregnancy test on his way home from work, and it’s positive.
Riley had been excited to be a big sister, but when the day finally arrived, it was like she’d clammed up. When he comes to relieve Mrs. Svorski sixteen hours after leaving his little girl, she is curled up in a ball on the couch, crying.
“Riley!” he cries, rushing over to her and pulling her close in his arms. “What’s wrong?”
“I thought you and Mommy left! Like Maya’s daddy!” That sentence makes his blood run cold. Was that why Katy had been avoiding his calls?
“What happened to Maya’s daddy, sweetheart?” he asks instead, running his hand through her hair.
“He went for a walk last week and hasn’t come back. Maya doesn’t know where he is,” she manages to say around hiccups. Cory clutches Riley closer.
“I’m not leaving you or your brother, that I promise you, okay?”
“Okay,” she mumbles out.
Over the next few years, he watches his two girls-- because, he’s decided, Maya is his now. He knows about Kermit from Katy, knows how they lived their life and he knows that things are going to be different. He watches Maya slowly crumble, watches the walls go up as Katy spends more and more time at the Nighthawk and at auditions. Isla-- Kermit’s mother, Gammy Hart-- does her best, but it’s not the same. She, after all, is working weird, long hours so she can watch Maya. Cory watches, and it breaks his heart that he and Topanga can’t do more.
Instead, he sets an extra place setting at the table, and comforts Riley when Maya’s problems make her cry and ask why Maya is so sad while she herself is so happy. He can’t answer that one for her, which breaks his heart. After all, he and Topanga had been in the same situation as Kermit and Katy back when they had found out about Riley, but somehow, they had made it out. They had gotten to a great place in their lives, with their two kids and their great jobs and amazing apartment.
Of course, Riley doesn’t remember life before this apartment, and because of that, doesn’t realize just exactly how lucky she is. And that breaks his heart more than anything, because it will be years before she ever understands.
Riley starts John Quincy Adams Middle School at age ten. She no longer wears hair bows or pigtails, but still wears her Mary Janes from time to time. She’s almost as tall as her mother, just as awkward as her father, and her bright pink braces decorate every single one of her many, many smiles. Maya is by her side every step of the way, their arms threaded together. He knows the next few years are going to be difficult for them, that things are going to pit them against each other and bring them even closer, but he also knows that things between them won’t be this close forever. He, after all, barely speaks with Shawn anymore. Jack only recently accepted his friend request on Facebook, Rachel rarely talks to anyone that isn’t Eric, and no one’s heard from Angela since she and Shawn went their separate ways.
In the staff room all day, he is practically showered with compliments for his daughter, how well-behaved she is, and some wise soul has mentioned how close Riley and Maya are, so she gets the same treatment. He’s a proud father, so he can’t help but believe it.
By the time they’ve reached his seventh grade history class, though, he knows they’re not quite as sugar and spice as they’ve been presented, and setting off the sprinklers with a sparkler while inciting a homework rebellion cements this.
In the blink of an eye, his daughter is a high school graduate with an acceptance letter to New York University framed on her wall. She had fallen in love with it early in her sophomore year, but had spent every second since then telling whoever would listen that she wouldn’t get in, had even set up her list with “dream school” NYU and “realistic number one” Syracuse, but then she did. Maya, of course, had done the exact same with the Pratt Institute, but now she was in. Farkle’s ED acceptance to Princeton hadn’t been a surprise. Lucas was headed back to Texas, Zay to California, and Smackle to Princeton, just like the two of them had vowed years ago.
It’s weird for him that his daughter is going to college but not moving out. Then again, with the astronomical tuition of NYU, he doesn’t want her to ever live in campus housing.
As he watches from the stage with all the other teachers while the graduates toss up their caps, he catches Topanga’s eye from the audience. Auggie is beside her on one side, his hair swaying everywhere as he jumps up and down. Shawn and Katy are standing on her other side, their arms wrapped around each other. She smiles widely back at him, tears pooling in her eyes, and he flashes back to that heart-stopping moment he found the What To Expect When You’re Expecting book on their old and ratty banged up coffee table eighteen years ago. He had been so terrified, yet somehow, despite everything, Riley is perfect. She leans over to pick her cap off the floor, and once she’s back up, Lucas and Maya have their arms wrapped around her, and all six of them are in a big group hug at the edge of the stage. Tears are rolling down his face, but he smiles. Yeah, he and Topanga are pretty lucky.
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jeffersonhq · 8 years
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Sebastian Clarington Smythe || 42 || Firefighter || Married to Hunter Clarington Smythe || FC: Grant Gustin || TAKEN
‘“you don’t have to be the best, just the best you can be.“ ’
Bio: Sebastian knew Hunter throughout high school, where they became pretty good friends. Sebastian and Hunter were practically inseparable after they figured out their differences and Sebastian gave up his position for captain to make him happy. Of course, Sebastian told himself it was because Hunter was a better fit, but he knew that wasn’t completely true. Sebastian never told anyone, not even Hunter, it was because he wanted a better chance to get with him.            
Sebastian had the biggest crush on Hunter throughout high school and only did it get worse when they became roommates. Of course, Sebastian made sure there was no way Hunter could know a thing. So thus began the parade of men Sebastian brought in and out of their room. Sebastian probably slept with over one hundred guys in the time he and Hunter roomed together, of course, all in his room and occasionally in Hunter’s bed, all with the hopes of Hunter walking in a becoming jealous, which never really worked.            
Sebastian spent most of his time in high school perfecting his singing and was planning on going to school with Hunter for a career in music but Sebastian’s transcripts weren’t nearly as good as Hunter’s. Apparently his two years of whoring  around Westerville to make his best friend jealous had an effect on his grades. So Sebastian settled for the local college for a degree in music and Hunter went off to pursue his dreams elsewhere. Sebastian and Hunter kept in touch for a while until their friendship faded away and they stopped talking for no real reason. Sebastian was heartbroken at the loss of his best friend and the man he believed to be “the one” but he just never knew what to say to Hunter; especially when he didn’t know what Hunter would say to him. Sebastian continued his promiscuous lifestyle and soon began to forget about the reason he started sleeping around and began to do it because he was good at it and he liked it.
After a semester at the local college, Sebastian was sure music was not for him. Sebastian was distracting himself from doing his homework one night when he discovered the new Fire Science program starting at his college. Knowing he couldn’t imagine working in the music industry for the rest of his life, Sebastian applied for the Fire Science program. His grades were atrocious, and his parents were pretty pissed when the found out what Sebastian had been doing for the last two and a half years of his life, “going into burning buildings, putting out fires in a dirty yellow coat is disgusting and dangerous,” His mother complained. His father rolled his eyes and laughed, “Son, you’re a slut and disgrace, and you’re not going to be a fire fighter. Just drop out and I’ll get you’re a job at my company, maybe you can get your mess of a life together.”
His parents were right. Obviously a 1.9 GPA wasn’t going to get Sebastian into fire school. Sebastian was not accepted into the fire program but he wasn’t going to give up. Sebastian moved out of his parent’s house, causing his father to cut him off completely. He took a semester and the summer off school and got a full time job. Sebastian worked his ass off until he could afford another year of college. He had no idea what he would do to pay for the second year of his two-year program, but he was going to get into the program. He took the entrance exam, since he didn’t qualify with his grades, and passed with flying colors. So in the fall, Sebastian started the fire science program. And he loved it. Sebastian even earned a full ride scholarship for the second year of the program. His parents were proud of him finally, but Sebastian rolled his eyes and laughed. They weren’t invited to his graduation ceremony. 
Sebastian began his career as a firefighter with a low-paying, part-time job in the Westerville department. It was hard work and most of the time he was sent to wash the fire trucks or fetch food for the full-timers. For the first full year of his first job, Sebastian hadn’t stepped foot in a burning building and was considering quitting. The day Sebastian was sent to work on engine 3, the truck that notoriously broke down nearly every time it was taken out, he had had enough. Sebastian dropped his wrench on the ground and grumbled. Fuck this job, he didn’t work his ass off to be the valedictorian of his graduating class to work on a broken truck. Suddenly, the lights flashed and the bells rang. Everyone sprang up and rushed to put on their gear. A fire at the local Wal-Mart, the biggest one they’ve had all year. Sebastian stayed put, like always, he knew he wouldn’t be allowed to go.
“Smythe, get your ass moving!” He heard his boss yell and Sebastian mouth dropped open in shock. He sat for about two seconds before realizing it; He was finally going to get to do what he worked so hard for! Sebastian geared up faster than he’d ever had in practice and was even on the truck before some of his fellow firefighters. The fire was huge, most of the store had been burned to a crisp before they’d finished and at least two people had died and five had gone to the emergency room. By the end, Sebastian was spent and covered in ash and soot, but the smile couldn’t leave his face, despite the deaths and injuries. His boss clapped him on the shoulder and said he’d done well. Sebastian never had to sit out another fire again.
Hunter visited that summer and Sebastian was sitting in the lounge at the station when his dad called. Hunter had stopped by the house looking for Sebastian, who hadn’t lived there for the past three years. Sebastian sighed, rubbed his eyes, and told him to send him to his apartment; he was just leaving the station. When he arrived at his apartment, he noticed a taller, leaner, Hunter leaning against the door and Sebastian practically stopped breathing. “Hunt?” He breathed, dropping his duffel on the ground. Hunter’s eyes locked onto Sebastian and before he knew it, Hunter had pushed him against the door to his apartment, pressing their lips passionately together. Sebastian stumbled to unlock the door, both men slipping inside and the rest of the night, is history.
Sebastian couldn’t let Hunter slip away again, so just 10 months later, he proposed; another night in their history book. And their wedding day was pretty amazing too. Sebastian’s parents had since apologized for the way they treated their son, and had been nothing but supportive of Sebastian and Hunter’s marriage, and their decision to have children.
But, ever since that fateful night Hunter had came back, Sebastian had been fighting an uphill battle with Hunter’s father. He hated Sebastian and no matter what he did, his father made those comments Hunter wouldn’t believe if Sebastian told him. So he kept his pure hatred of his husband’s father to himself, wishing he could get some support from his husband.
The day Sebastian had ended up in the hospital from second degree burns and smoke inhalation was the day Hunter’s father came to him with a…proposition, “divorce my son. I’ve got about 2 million dollars saved up, if you’d move to back to Ohio and - ” The older Clarington wasn’t able to finish his thought as Sebastian, hooked up to a breathing machine and two of his limbs wrapped in bandages, lunged at the old fucker, nearly knocking Hunter’s father, and himself, out in his rage. When the nurse found Sebastian straddling the older man, attempting to punch his lights out, Sebastian was dragged back into his bed and his husband was called. Sebastian was required to stay in the hospital longer, for both his blisters that were torn open in the altercation, and a psych evaluation. Neither man told Hunter what had happened; the only thing Hunter knew was that Sebastian attacked his father and clearly was not happy with his husband. Two weeks after the event, Sebastian still has no idea how to tell the love of his life that his father wants to pay him off to divorce him.
Secret: Hunter’s parents have offered Sebastian an extremely large amount of money if he divorces Hunter
@smythington004: So you all stop asking, 004 is my identification number so if you’re in a fire, ya’ll know whose saving yo’ ass. #TheSmexiestFiremanSmythe
@smythington004: Note to self dont tackle your father in law. Day 9 no sex fuck my husband. wait cant do that cuz he wont put out!  >:( #SoFuckinHorny
@smythington004: found my kids on twitter. Oh this will be fun. @madison @Bryson Hi kids!
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larryspecificrecs · 8 years
2016: Jul. ~ Dec.
✔ January ~ June : Top 30 AU || Top 10 CANON || every month
Top 30 longest AU fics
1. Shake Me Down by @agreatperhaps12 [?, 208.5k]
Harry’s new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization. ~ 2016.08
2. A Love Like War by @downgoesanotherhero [E, 173.8k]
the one in which Louis Tomlinson is a cliched rock star: he’s got everything except for love. But then he meets Harry Styles; the man that, against all odds, saves him in every way a person can be saved, even when Louis didn’t know he needed saving in the first place.  ~ 2016.12
3. Only You Can Be My Alpha by @wubwubnparmaham​ [M, 153.1k]
The one where Louis is banished from his tribe, and lands himself in Harry’s instead. The alluring Pack Alpha makes Louis question his nature and he doesn’t know how he feels about that. But you can’t fight destiny.  ~ 2016.09
4. Even The Stars Fall For You by Larry_Darling0124 [M, 152.4k]
Louis W. Tomlinson is the 23 year old son of a multi-billionaire, Simon Cowell, and working at his father’s company. Harry Styles is an 18 year old who just graduated high school and is taking a year off before going to college. […] Louis is entranced by Harry and Harry is taken aback that the gorgeous Louis is interested in him. Harry has no idea what he’s getting himself into though. In a world of money, contracts, and jealousy… can a relationship ever really work? Or was it doomed from the start?  ~ 2016.12
5. Empty Gold by @insanitylxve [?, 148k]
AU where Louis Tomlinson attends the vigorous, demanding performing arts school: Guildhall in hopes to complete his theatre degree. He is a scholarship student, always having to work twice as hard to prove his worth which has caused him to feel resentment and anger towards his subordinate position. Harry Styles is the wealthy, naturally gifted actor who effortlessly snatches all the main roles within the class. The complete contrast to everything Louis is. Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles have had bad blood and despised each other for the two years they attended Guildhall together, making each task a competition between each other. […]  ~ 2016.11
6. like fires in the night by @capriciouslouis [M, 138.5k]
Louis comes to university looking for a drama degree and a purpose in life. He gets significantly more than he bargained for. He’s got a secret stash of weed under the floorboards, his grades are going to shit and his mates keep getting pissed. There are secret passageways in the wardrobes and he really needs to get Niall a girlfriend. And most importantly, he can’t take his mind off the mysterious law student down the hall…  ~ 2016.09
7. Run Like the Devil by @churchrat [E, 137.8k]
Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry’s the strangest demon he’s ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.  ~ 2016.09
8. You Call Out My Name (For The Love You Need) by @alltheselittlewritings [?, 135.8k]
Louis thinks he has fallen in love. He’s so sure about it. Then everything changes. He gets into a car accident with his mother and suddenly his life turns from living into being an angel. He doesn’t know what to do with his time, until his mother gives him a task. Harry is trying to make it as a singer. He spends his days on the streets, playing his guitar, and his nights at a pub. He loves his whiskey and he likes his one night stands. When a guy with blue, bright eyes sits next to him in the pub, he realizes things could be a lot different.  ~ 2016.10
9. Façade by @written-with-no-end​ [?, 133k]
An AU where Louis is the lead singer of The Rogues, Harry is the lead singer of White Eskimo and both are sick of being in the closet so kiss one night to fuck with the media.  ~ 2016.09
10. The Night Sky is Changing Overhead by @domestic-harry [E, 124k]
Harry is a tattoo artist, Louis is a drama professor, and they meet during an argument at a café. ~ 2016.11
11. All The Attention, All These Intentions by sweetlullabies [?, 120.9k]
the fake relationship au where Harry is an aspiring musician and also Louis’ biggest fan–until he actually meets him.  ~ 2016.07
12. One More Chance by @bumblebees91 [M, 117.6k]
Before Elijah could answer, the band started and the sound of an unknown melody flowed through the room, sending everybody silent as they waited. From the up-tempo beat he figured it wouldn’t be a slow song, and when the first words left Harry’s mouth, he found himself gaping. A deep husky voice hit him with a punch and settle into his core, raising goosebumps that vibrated over his skin. […]  ~ 2016.08
13. Never Be by @cherrystreet [E, 117.5k]
The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.  ~ 2016.10
14. Luscious blood by Deidei [M, 116.8k]
Louis Tomlinson, a human, has been living in poor living conditions together with his mother since he was born. Ever since he can remember he has loathed the stronger, faster, more developed kind that rule this world; Vampires. But will his opinion change after he meets his soul mate that is an arrogant, royal vampire named Harry Styles…  ~ 2016.12
15. we’re not friends, we could be anything by @wakeupwakeupwell & @yoursongonmyheart [E, 115.5k]
the one where Harry and Louis are unlikely uni flatmates who definitely don’t like each other and definitely won’t fall in love (even if Liam and Niall think otherwise).  ~ 2016.08
16. Boy Falls From the Sky by @fookinloosah [?, 110.3k]
Superheroes. America is full of them — complete with masks, nauseating pseudonyms, and neon spandex suits. There’s none of that nonsense in Britain, thank you very much…until Harry Styles’ X Factor audition takes an unexpected turn, and Britain’s first hero is born. Also featuring Louis as a man of many masks, Zayn the rebel comic artist, Liam as Britain’s counter-attack to Justin Bieber, and Niall the trusty guitarist.  ~ 2016.12
17. Wasn’t Expecting That by @mummyamy10 [E, 103.2k]
the one where Harry is a single dad and gets more than he bargained for after a one night stand of sorts.  ~ 2016.10
18. Flightless Bird by DonnaHaywardsHead [E, 97.7k]
AU where Louis Tomlinson is a principal dancer with The Royal Ballet. When his rival from ballet school, moody dance prodigy Harry Styles joins the company, old wounds are reopened and old passions reignited. During the company’s production of Swan Lake the secret that doomed their love is finally revealed, but will it be too late?  ~ 2016.09
19. Been Together Since Way Back When by @alivingfire [E, 95.7k]
[…] the painfully realistic college au where everyone’s poor, lovesick, tired of school, terrified of the future, and still having the greatest times of their lives.  ~ 2016.08
20. Lockdown by caballero78 [E, 93.4k]
Making the move from the City to a small town should’ve been the best decision for Louis; urban to rural, busy to tranquil. Pursuing a Masters degree in Architectural Design, he’d secured an internship and needed to escape to somewhere smaller that will allow him to focus and build a life. However a local, elusive criminal turns all that on its head when he learns a bit more about the six foot something monster that lives on the hill.  ~ 2016.07
21. Here In The Afterglow by @fondleeds [?, 88.6k]
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.  ~ 2016.12
22. keep them in your mason jars (i’ve come home) by @since-he-was-eighteen [E, 84.9k]
the high school au where louis believes he can hold memories inside mason jars to last a lifetime, and harry holds both louis and his unique tradition deep in his heart.  ~ 2016.07
23. It’s getting cold these days by @felinophilia & @braveryboyfriends [M, 83.9k]
Harry lives in the rugged quarters of London and works at a café. His life has been reduced to attributes: chain-smoker, runaway, depressed, infinitely lonely. His relationship is ripping at the seams, he’s short on cash and the newest regular at work won’t stop bothering him. Winter has never been colder. ~ 2016.07
24. Pinkies Never Lie by @lads-laddylads [E, 83.6k]
AU in which Louis hates his job and loves Harry, Harry just wants a distraction, everyone else wants them to get their shit together, and Louis learns the hard way that new beginnings are only possible when something ends.  ~ 2016.09
25. Cameras Flashing by @juliusschmidt [E, 81.7k]
[…] As the album’s release date approaches, will Tomlinson and Styles be able to pull off the most risky PR scheme of the millennium and beat Zayn in sales or will the heat of their feelings for each other compromise everything?  ★ HL Famous/Not Famous Fic Exchange
26. In the Clear by @thedarkestlarrie​ [M, 80.7k]
After Princess Gemma and her fiance Niall are captured by the witch from across the land, Harry and Louis are forced on a journey together to save them. Featuring Lumberjack Liam, Magical Zayn, unsolicited tattoos, and untangling the past.  ~ 2016.07
27. come away with me by @fukcinglouis [?, 80.3k]
Louis has to pick up the pieces of his and his daughter’s life after his wife dies, and Harry is a beautiful stranger that just wants to help.  ~ 2016.07
28. This Feels A Lot Like Love by @larryvisionary [E, 80k]
[…] Harry didn’t expect for his senior year to be filled with a blue-eyed boy with sharp cheekbones and an even sharper tongue. Then again, he didn’t expect to fall in love either. […]  ~ 2016.10
29. Into the wild by Deidei [M, 76.6k]
[…] Louis Tomlinson, a mischievous and adventurous Omega ends up stranded onto an unknown and mysterious island, after a shipwreck, where he’ll be forced to learn to survive as a wild wolf. Here he’ll meet an Alpha that sparks an interest in him that no Alpha ever could. Not used to the new surroundings, the new social and cultural norms and the wolves will he be able to live in the wild?  ~ 2016.07
30. We’ll Cast Some Light (You’ll Be Alright) by @fondleeds [?, 74.4k]
There’s a standard procedure for this. Scan, track, kill. But with a solar eclipse and a Greater Demon with unfinished business looming, the path to keeping England safe from harm becomes complicated and shadowed by mystery and secrets. For Harry and his team, times have never been harder, especially when a few old friends turned foes show up. Harry is left with just over forty days to overcome the hurdle of tension between them and reconcile their past, and figure out just what Louis is hiding from him before it’s too late.  ★ H/L Fantasy and Sci-fi Fanfiction Exchange
Bonus 1. Coming Up For Air by @downgoesanotherhero [E, 73.2k]
the one in which Harry is a lawyer-to-be and Louis hates lawyers. But maybe… Maybe not this one.  ~ 2016.07
Bonus 2. Tastes like Gold by @ventracere​ [T, 73.2k]
AU. A lot of musicians dream about making it big and Harry is no exception. He has all the pieces to build a rocket ship to the music industry, but he’s missing the key. The songwriter. Ft. overbearing mangers, stunts, and a grumpy Louis Tomlinson.  ~ 2016.08
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zipgrowth · 6 years
A Student Improved a Classroom Tech Solution—So the Company Hired Him
Tom Sargent, the information technology administrator at the King David School outside of Melbourne, had seen students try to tweak the school’s technology systems before. But when 10th grader Dean Levinson approached him with an idea to enhance their recently installed wireless screen-mirroring and video streaming technology from Vivi, it may have been the first time a kid had actually asked before he hacked.
His idea and enterprising spirit earned Levinson more than an internship—he got a paying job.
“Students will try nearly anything to get around the systems,” says Sargent. “I know because I was once one of those students. Now I know what trouble that can cause me, so I would prefer to work with them and try to channel their curiosity.”
That was in 2016. In the two-plus years since the school installed the game-changing wireless and device-agnostic application, it has greatly improved teachers’ lives by untethering them from their desks, eliminating the need for HDMI cords and dongles, and slashing the amount of time required to get a presentation going. For Sargent, it has vastly reduced tech management headaches. “It’s really kind of set it and forget it,” he says. “We don’t have to do much troubleshooting at all.”
Yet, in the beginning, as is the case in the early days of most rollouts, not every feature was working at full steam. Using the video direct feature, teachers could paste in URLs and stream videos from supported sites like YouTube. But trying to watch a DVD or a smart-phone video through the platform could be frustrating at times. “The audio would cut off and everything would buffer,” says Levinson. Teachers loved many aspects of the technology—but not this feature.
The 10th grader’s concept was to create a web app that would allow King David teachers to upload DVDs or video files and get a URL that could be pasted into the system. Then they could play the file as seamlessly as video from YouTube. Sargent liked the idea. “We just set him up with a server and off he went,” says Sargent. “He pretty much did it all on his own.”
King David School outside of Melbourne, Australia.
As soon as I started getting good at programming, I started getting much better at math.
Dean Levinson
Like Sargent before him, Levinson wasn’t a particularly engaged student. But he was good at math and logic and had a deep curiosity about how things worked, especially computers and networks. He had learned some coding and development on his own through freeCodeCamp.org, and he had polished some of those skills doing work for a small WordPress related company. Early in his 10th grade year he had taken an information technology class that had stoked his interest in programming. That same year, at the suggestion of the school principal, Levinson had started meeting regularly with Sargent to learn how the school’s technologies worked. “We wanted to try to get him engaged in school, but we also wanted to give him opportunities,” says Sargent. “We could see he had a lot of potential. We tried to find something that fit him, because obviously, everyone is a bit different in how they learn.”
Vivi brings your diverse, digital, classroom learning resources together in a user-friendly format that drives teacher adoption and delivers a higher ROI on existing technology investment. Request a demo today and see if your school qualifies for our free pilot program.
With the school’s blessing, Levinson got to work trying to tweak the technology that his teachers were coming to rely on. Over the course of a month, he spent his free periods using the programming language PHP—the basics of which he learned from a friend—to realize his vision: a video repository that looked, on the screen, like a Netflix media gallery. Levinson says his hack was so simple it didn’t need much testing. “It could only do two things,” he says. “It would upload, and then you’d copy the link. Those parts worked. I never finished the most complex part, the login system, because I got distracted.”
One distraction—a job hunt—turned out to be both serendipitous and transformative. In search of work experience, Levinson sent an application to a product development studio that had helped launch Vivi in 2016. Staff there passed his application on to Vivi, whose technical director at the time called Sargent at King David to learn more about the talented high schooler. That’s when Vivi found out that Levinson was busy improving its system. “Because I happened to apply, they happened to ask, and that’s how they found out,” says Levinson. “That’s the best part of the story—this very funny coincidence.”
. . . at a company where customer feedback is vital to ongoing development, it’s his perspective as a student user of the product that is especially valued.
His idea and enterprising spirit earned Levinson more than an internship—he got a paying job. During his free blocks at school, he’d go to work at Vivi’s office—located a mere 15 minutes away—mostly performing testing tasks, for five hours a week. In his final two years of high school, his hours and responsibilities steadily increased. Not coincidentally, so did his happiness and performance at school. “As soon as I started getting good at programming, I started getting much better at math,” he says. The experience “really bumped up what I thought about my skills in terms of programming. I thought, maybe I am capable of doing computer science.”
After graduating, Levinson was promoted to full-fledged software engineer at the company, where he’ll continue to work while taking a gap year before studying computer science in college. At 18, Levinson is Vivi’s youngest employee by far. His bright mind, youthful enthusiasm, granular curiosity and fantastic memory are all appreciated, but at a company where customer feedback is vital to ongoing development, it’s his perspective as a student user of the product that is especially valued.
Vivi takes educator input seriously; the company actively solicits and integrates teacher feedback into its product development process. Student feedback is a bit trickier to come by, however. Because of privacy laws, the company can’t directly contact its biggest segment of end users. “It’s very hard for us to get any constructive feedback from students because we can’t ask questions,” says Chief Technology Officer Ian Shrimpton. “So having someone here who has seen Vivi in use in the classroom is very useful.”
For example, Levinson shared that Vivi’s screen capture and annotation tool was the feature that his fellow students used more than any other. It allowed students to take a screen capture, then write notes on it and save it. But he “pointed out that half the time students didn’t actually want to annotate; they wanted to make sure they had a copy of what was on the screen,” says Shrimpton. “And they wanted to be able to capture it quickly because the teacher may be flipping through slides.” So Levinson himself was asked to split the tool into two, with separate annotate and capture capabilities.
Dean Levinson
It’s been three years since the company launched, and Vivi’s response to user feedback continues to be exceptionally robust. “Quite a few times Vivi has said to us, ‘Can we come down and do some testing and see how these things work?’” says Sargent. “And we have given them suggestions that they’ve implemented. They seem very engaged in listening to what the schools want.”
What became of the not-quite-finished hack Levinson began while still a student? “We came up with a better idea and built it at the end of 2017,” he says. But he isn’t done improving the feature. In response to feedback from teachers, Levinson is working on a queueing system that allows educators to tee up ten URLs and play them in sequence with one press of a button.
Aside from landing a job and learning a lot about coding, Levinson says his favorite aspect of his hacking adventure was “feeling like I was actually making some sort of difference. Everything else I had been doing in terms of programming was just for fun, just for me. But to actually have new abilities benefit someone else was quite an interesting—and good—feeling.”
How to Get Measurable Value from Your School's Tech Infrastructure
Preview a highlight from EdSurge's recent webinar, featuring EdSurge CEO Betsy Corcoran, Vivi Founder Lior Rauchberger, CoSN CEO Keith R. Krueger, and education leaders Sheryl Abshire and Stan Gorbatkin. Watch the full webinar here.
A Student Improved a Classroom Tech Solution—So the Company Hired Him published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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marriagelawrp · 6 years
Tumblr media
Full Name: Up to the roleplayer.
Age: Twenty-Three
Gender: Female
Occupation: Personal Assistant
To Marry: The Gamer
Ethnicity: Up to the roleplayer.
Faceclaim: Up to the roleplayer.
The biography is to be written by the roleplayer.
✕ WHERE THEY LIVE ✕ You were born overseas but moved to New York as a teen. You fell in love with NY and found yourself driven to do and have more for yourself than before. When you could finally afford it, you moved out of your family’s home, getting a place of your own close to your office.
✕ THE JOB THEY HAVE ✕ You always had confidence and stood by your thoughts and opinions as a child. You recently graduated from college/university but earned a position at BlackRock, Inc. prior to finishing school. You now hold a steady, full time job as a personal assistant and while it might not be what you see yourself doing for life, you are happy with what you currently do.
✕ THE MARRIAGE LAW ✕ With nearly eighty percent of the population dead because of a virus outbreak, the world is in dire need of repopulation. The government stepped in and created a marriage law, giving people eight weeks to marry a stranger chosen to them by the Government. Your letter came this week, and you have eight weeks to marry The Gamer.
THE BOSS - You both met while you were job hunting a few years ago and interviewed for a position with his company. Although you hadn’t been hired at the time, you did spark a friendship with him and the two of you maintain it today.
THE DANCER - You both met when you were younger and spent time together. It took you and The Dancer a while to became friends, but over time you developed a strong connection, and now you would do anything for each other.
THE MILLIONAIRE - She’s your new boss. You started out interning at the investment company doing work likened to an administrative assistant but have since earned full time employment with your new promotion, working exclusively for her. You’re already familiar with her success and look up to her for it.
THE GAMER - You got his name in a letter from the government stating he was the man you now have eight weeks to marry. You Googled him the very moment you got the letter, and although he’s still a stranger to you, you felt some dread and embarrassment when gaming videos populated with his name.
                       THIS CHARACTER HAS A FLEXIBLE FACECLAIM                               & IS OPEN FOR AUDITION
0 notes
What is the cheapest car insurance?
"What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm young and living on my own so I really need car insurance thats good but reasonably priced.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can i find some good affordable health insurance?
i was cut off tenncare in 2005
How much is insurance for a haunted house?
We want to do a house slash forest
What is a 2005 Mazda RX-8 insurance rated at?
is it a 10 or something?
How much should my car insurance raise....?
I am 16, I've been driving 4 months. I have USAA car insurance, and I went to a driving school. I'm a supertard and today I rear-ended someone.... the cops were called and an accident report was filed, they said that my insurance company and the person's will contact eachother. I'm just curious to how much you think it should raise? There was alot of damage to my front end, but the person's who I hit hardly had a few scratches on the back bumper. I'm already paying $80 a month. Thanks so much for your estimates!! (p.s. i live in TX if that makes a difference.)""
I can't understand this issue. I have been living in the uk since 2008. I used to pay 900 for the insurance, then it raised to 1200 and now they ask me for 2300 for the third year renewal. I never made a claim and I have a full UK license and an international license for 11 years. I am 29 years old and I am an educated with MSc in medical sciences and I never drink or smoke. Is it because I am a foreigner. My friend is a British and he only pay 490 and he just obtained his license and we live at the same building. I can't find an answer for this problem only that car insurance companies are racist toward foreigners.""
Dose a sports car make your insurance go up
iam 15 and i want a mustang and my mother said that a sports car make your insurance go up is that true
Need info about health insurance?
My dad is 61, mom 57. Dad has RA and a case of carple tunnel (spelling?) That went undiagnosed until it was too late. He is an over the road freight hauler and will soon lose his job along with their insurance because of it. They are too young for medicare and disability is going to take a while. We live in Minnesota. Anybody have any advise about health insurance or anything that will financially help???? Desperate here!!!""
I got a ticket for no insurance..?
but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.
I reasonly got layied off need my wife is haven a baby need to know about insurance?
i got layied off from my job im a union worker in nyc and i have to work a certin amout of hours to keep my heath insurance going . my term ends in june my baby is do in july there for i will not be covered when the baby is do . does any one know what i can do for covrage i have aetna ? is there anyway i can extend my insurance ?
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
Where is the best place to get an online car insurance quote?
Well, I just got a new car and need to get insurance. I was wondering what the best site is for insurance quotes and where I can get the cheapest insurance? Thank you in advance!""
How much on average is just standard car insurance monthly?
How much on average is just standard car insurance monthly?
Looking for car insurance in Michigan?
im 19 years old and me and my girlfriend are looking for an apartment together and we need car insurance. i looked around and cheapest i could find is about $200 for plpd. where should i look? is there any chance i can get it around 100?
Does your insurance go up if you get a speeding ticket?
Im 18 but my car and insurance is still under my mom. I dont want her to find out... but will she? Lol. Is there anthing I can do so she wont find out?!? :))
Which auto insurance company offers the best six month rates for a 19 yr old male?
im looking for a company public or private where i can get a 6 month premium for under $2500. the rates i get or ridiculous. am i expected to cough up $6500 for a 1 yr premium at minimal coverage with all discounts (6 hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included in the premium? thanxxx in advance for ur help""
Insurance policies and pre existing conditions?
i have been looking into to health insurance policies.Since i no longer can carry a HMO through my state since they are doing away with the program altogether. I dont know what to look for, for the best usage of my money. I have had some medical issues come up but have not really been diagnosed with anything yet and need to have a procedure and a few test done but because i do not have insurance then they want an outrageous down payment that i can not afford. So my question is, what policies should l look for? should i be looking into pre existing health insurance? Is short term health insurance something i should steer away from? i need health insurance like yesterday!""
Don't want to renew Virgin car insurance but having problems contacting them?
I recieved a renewal car insurance quote from Virgin which is really high. I have shopped around and decided to buy my insurance elsewhere. The only problem is Virgin automatically renew my car insurance for me unless I tell them not to. The only method that they give to contact them is a phone number. I have been on call waiting for 20 minuted now and still not managed to get through to them. Does anyone know of another way of contacting them as I am worried that my call will never get answered and I will be forced to keep my insurance with them?
Where can i find individual health insurance?
Looking out for individual health insurance plans in India
Do I have to have car insurance?
I use to own a car and had insurance I now sold the car and drive a company car 100% of the time. I called my insurance guy and told him to cancel it and he says that Illinois has a state law that says I have to have insurance on a car since I live at home with my parents and everyone in the house has a car. I could potentially get in to one of there cars and be uninsured. I told him I don't cuz I still a car with company insurance he said I have to have a policy with my name on it by law is this true?
""Car Insurance, young male?""
I'm 18, i applied for a 6000+ loan and was approved, I didn't even need a cosigner because my income is very good. Its too bad the insurance company's just DESTROY ME when I find a car I like. I dont wanna drive a damn beater, I dont care how much it will save me. I am currently insured under state farm, they told me insurance for a mitsubishi diamante vr-x would be about 2800 a year.... My family has been with state farm since my grandpa, we have insured over 30 cars in our familys, and this is just the terrible quote they give me!? Its despicable, I refuse to insure with them. What are some good insurance companys that will cost less? I already checked e-surance and the price was better by far.""
How much is your car insurance a month?
What kind of car do you have? What car insurance company are you with?
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
Im 18. i live in California. i own a 2003 nissan altima. Ive had my license for over a year. The car is ONLY under my name and i will be the only one driving it. Ive gotten quotes but they have been as high as $1000 for 6 mths of full coverage. Any advice on something cheaper or how to save money.
Where can i find affordable short-term health insurance?
I am not sure what to do about health insurance after I graduate from college (in a few months). I know that I am going to need some time to job hunt (my field is very competitive) and I would also like to do some volunteer work before I start my career. Problem is, if I am not a full-time student, my parents' health insurance won't cover me, and if I don't or can't find a job with benefits right away, I will be left uninsured. Any ideas where I can get affordable health insurance for short-term (no more than a year and a half) ??? Thanks!""
Additional Driver costs?
How much should i expect to pay to add a permanent additional driver to my car insurance? It will be a driver on their provisional licence, aged 24. Its with Direct Line, in the UK I already have a quote, i just think i was quoted wrong, and want to know what other people think it usually costs.""
How much does motorcycle insurance usually cost?
I'm 18 with a honda super blackbird cbr 1100x in Colorado
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm young and living on my own so I really need car insurance thats good but reasonably priced.
Which car company has the lowest amount of insurance to pay monthly?
im getting a car soon and i have to know which car company has the lowest monthly payment of insurance can anyone help me out??
Help with Yamaha raptor 660 insurance for a 20 year old ?
Hi i'm finding it hard to get insurance on my raptor 660. i'm 20 years old and the only company i can find is falcon insurance and they want 1500 :| does anybody know any other good places for young riders ? i've tried, Carole nash Lexham MCE Bike sure Performance direct axa Adrian flux Call connections and a few more. Any company suggestions to help find it cheaper would be appriciated thanks...""
Whats the cheapest car insurance YOU have ever paid?
Whats the cheapest car insurance YOU have ever paid?
Is driving a motorcyle dangerous? and will it raise my insurance prices?
is a motorcycle more dangerous than a car what are the pros and cons. i am considering it for the good gas millage i am 18 yrs old (clean record) -- will it increase my insurance costs
Can I purchase life insurance?
Can I or may I purchase a life insurance policy for my step father in law. I've been asking around and some family member say no we can't and some other say yes we can. I'm so lost
Somebody help me find cheap car insurance in uk...........?
i am 20 year old foreign student in uk from 2 years....i am about to buy some cheap car with 1 ltr engine which is worth of 1000. but the biggest problem is for the 700-800 worth car they are asking me to pay 5000 insurance........... some body please help me find the cheaper insurance... can you advise me on what basis insurance is counted like age... address so that i can figure out from where to buy insurance.... some extra information:: i don't have any NCB first car I have very new licence in full time education. can afford max 150 per month please guys suggest me some cheap insurance provider....
Health insurance HELP!?
okay so hears the problem. im 19 just moved away from home no parental support pretty much on my own attending school and working full time. i need to find a cheap health plan any suggestions? no deductible? HELP PLEASE!!
So I'm looking at buying a new car but don't want to pay a ton for insurance. First of all I'm a 15 year old guy and i know that's going to change the cost. Now the two cars I'm looking at are a 1974 Chevy Nova or a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. from your experience how much would you guess? And i know its different for every insurance agency and right now I'm going with Progressive. Thanks a ton for your help.
""Car Insurance, please read?""
Basically I live in the UK and it's my 17th birthday in July, and I want to start driving as soon as I get to my birthday, however I am looking at what car to buy by looking at the what cars give me the cheapest insurance. However if I go to a website such as www.comparethemarket.com (not to mistaken for comparethemeerkat.com ;P) I can't get a quote as it says the date of birth is invalid (as obviously I can't drive yet) so I'm just wondering if it is illegal or something to put my date of birthday as february instead of july just to get a quote. Please don't just say things like pass your test first as I really am interested to see an estimate on how much I will be paying Also, if it is not illegal, should I put a false name and address on too, or is that part illegal while the date of birth bit it. Many Thanks""
Insurance question for sport bike?
Ok so I drive already and im going to be 18 very soon. I'm thinking about getting a sport-bike for college mainly because they have very good mpg and are fairly cheap.Once i get my m1 licence im thinking on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 or a suzuki gsxr 600. How much would insurance cost extra on the gixxer than for the ninja, thanks !!!""
How much would insurance for a 19 year old be?
Currently she's looking for a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, How much would it cost?""
Car insurance after a DUI?
I know everything I have to get with SR22 Interlock, etc... I'm just wondering if I should look into more popular car insurance companies like progressive, allstate,..... Or if local ones will be better/cheaper? Any advice or help is appreciated thank you!""
Whats up with renter's insurance?
is there home insurance for apartment dwellers?
Backed into something. Will insurance rates go up?
Today I backed into something in my car. It did slight damage to the rear bumper but nothing else. Could I choose to file this through my Insurance, and would this make my rates go up? I'm 18. Thanks""
""Who has the best car insurance for 2 people good credit, a 96 car and a 99 car. in the 40s, ?""
now in AAA, but AAA raised it since i moved to bismarck nd. shopping for good and reliable car insurance. its going to be staying with AAA, and pay more or go to no-dak, will not go ...show more""
What is General Insurance?
Need clarification and knowledge about the car insurance? What is it and is it mandatory?
How can I get free health insurance?
I'm 20 years old (almost 21) but I cannot afford more than $25 a month for health insurance. I work in a small town, full time at a family owned business that cannot offer me medical insurance. HELP!""
I have a question about cars and insurance....?
i just bought a car and im going to go register it today and put insurance on it and i was wondering , can my husband drive my car even though the insurance is under my name only and the registration is also under my name? our insurance is basic (not full coverage) like if the police stops us... will we get in trouble? thanks""
Who's a good health insurance provider?
I was looking to get some health insurance soon outside of my job. What insurance company has something affordable for someone like me? 24 year old male no health problems non smoker.
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
Why are car insurance companies trying to make me go bankrupt?
Okay, this is extremely frustrating. I'm a 19 year old student, who works part time. I have all-state insurance full coverage, and I drive a 2001 toyota tacoma, which is paid off. And guess how much Allstate charges me every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous. These son of a bitches are totally ridiculous charging me that. I've never had a ticket, never been in an accident. And I don't care if i'm 19 that price is absolutely absurd for that car. I'm almost at the point where I just wanna go illegal and drive without insurance. I'm looking sleep every night over this I mean seriously do they think a 19 year old college student is made of money. And the funny thing is it's under my parents policy and its this much!!!""
Auto Insurance: Name Insured and Operator...?
We have two cars and they both titled/registered under my mom's name. I take one of hers to college about 50 miles away and use it daily. Today, we switched to another insurance because of lower premium. This new company issued us a set of new insurance ID card. On the card, there is only my mom's name on the name insurance (it has both of our name on the old insurance company). My name is only listed in the coverage page on the premium as an operator. Now, my questions: 1. Should it has her name only or both of our names? 2. If there is only her name, am I insured when I get into an accident (knock on wood)? 3. If I let my friend drive my car in a special occasion, and he got into an accident. Which company should I claim, his or mine? What if he doesn't have any insurance? Would my insurance rate go up after on? 4. If I drive my friend's car and I get into an accident (both of us have insurance). Again, Which company should be claimed, his or mine? Would my insurance go up? Thanks.""
What car insurance do you have?
Im trying to find one that's cheaper I recently have 21st Century. What's the name of your car insurance and do you like it?
I need advice for my auto insurance claim! Please help!!?
I was in a car accident 4 days ago. My Mother was the passenger in my car (I was driving). I was on the off ramp getting off the freeway. All cars behind me were stopped. I was stopped waiting to make a right turn. An emergency vehicle was coming in my direction from my left. Therefore, I was waiting for the emergency vehicle to pass. The person behind me (large dodge ram truck I am in an '08 2 door Infiniti coupe) thought I went so he 'gunned it' to get in front of the emergency vehicle. Unfortunately, we had not gone so he pushed my vehicle out in front of the emergency vehicle. Luckily, I was able to turn my car out of the way. I did not hit anyone (no one was in front of me). My Mother and I were both put into a gurney and taken to a local hospital in an ambulance. We both had our seat belts on and suffered whiplash. We were released 5-6 hours later after x-rays, etc. We were both prescribed medicine. My Mother has had 3 brain tumors and has trouble with her speech etc. and any violent startling trauma can get her shaken up pretty badly and confused. I know she hit her head but, she is in pain but not nearly as much as I am. With my Mother's condition I don't know if this kind of thing can have negative effects later on. I know that my neck and back is pretty messed up. It hurts to stand for after 15 minutes or so. My car is pretty messed up and had to be towed. I plan on taking it back to the Infiniti shop to get all new parts. My car has all the upgrades in it so I want it to be taken care of. Am I allowed to take it to the Infiniti dealership or will Geico (the other persons insurance) not allow that, or does it not matter? The police gave the guy that hit us a citation. I have USAA and the other person has Geico. I just want to know exactly what to do in this situation. Since I'm out a car (I work for myself) I have been out (already) a decent amount of money for not being able to meet up with my clients. I spoke to my insurance today and they said that all my medical is covered since I had that already in my plan (without it raising my premium) and that I should get a settlement ON TOP of paying for damages to my car and getting me a rental, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to get taken for a ride. I've heard the horror stories of dealing with insurance companies. Any advice on what I should make a point of saying to the other insurance company, etc. Thanks in advance....""
Auto insurance fraud..how much trouble am i looking at?
i don't need to be judged..I made a dumb decision which could have resulted in me losing my life and im lucky i didn't. anyways here goes..so a supposed friend of mine told me she couldn't wait to teach me to drive..i told her i didn't want to drive until i got my permit. well after telling me that she pulls over and asks if i want to drive..i tell her no..she keeps pushing telling me she thinks i'd be good at driving and eventually after saying no 8-10 times i give in and we switch..i continued up the road and i made the right and i was maknig another right and i lost control and ended up on the sidewalk and crashed into a pole..airbags exploded and all..when immediately got out of the car and I asked her what we were going to do and she said to me so help me god if i lose my license and again i said what are we going to do? she said were going to say i was driving..we got ran off the road by a red truck..when the cops came i stuck with the same story she did and we went to the hospital and all..this happened a month ago..the vehicle was totaled and she collected money from the accident. I however felt so guilty i went and turned myself into the police and told them the truth about everything. the cop that was at the accident is who i spoke with..i filled out a witness report and the cop said that he was really glad that I came forward with the truth and that she would be in much more trouble than I and that he planned to take it easy on me since i came forward about it and because i am a mom..he said the most i will probably get is my license suspended..i am still waiting to get anything in the mail and i'm so nervous bc i don't know if i can get in worse trouble and was wondering what other people thought..honestly the whole thing has scared me from ever wanting to drive again and even though i wasn't the victim i really felt like it for days after the accident..i was very distraught..and i'm scared even being a passenger in a car now..i watch everything and get very scared fast. Can i get in trouble with the insurance company? I didn't give them a statement. I just told them about me going to the hospital and stuff..my supposed friend actually gave them the statement..they sent me a bunch of paperwork in the mail to have me mail back in so they could cover medical expenses but i never sent the stuff in or filled it out bc i didn't want the insurance company to pay for something that was my fault. I live in pa and i guess im just wondering how much trouble i can get in? or if i should be okay because i came forward with the truth.
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm young and living on my own so I really need car insurance thats good but reasonably priced.
Sprint insurance question.?
Can you only start insurance on your phone when you get it, or can you put insurance on it whenever you want? My phone is acting up and i've been on the contract for a few months now. Can I put insurance on the phone and then have the phone replaced with a new one?""
What are some of cheapest but decent cars to run ( I am 17 years of age)?
insurance? MOT? petrol litre? = cost?
How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female?
she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA
Is Geico auto insurance liability only?
Is Geico auto insurance only liabilty coverage or do they have full coverage also?
Which insurance companies offer the lowest rates for a vehicle?
I would just like to know with peoples experience with different insurance companies which ones are more reasonable than the others. I'm looking to buy a sports car soon so I just need to know which insurance company won't rip me off. thanks
Question about different garaging address on insurance policy?
I had had my license for 6 years in October, and called my insurance company to make sure my rate would go down. While on the phone, the rep and I got to chatting and I mentioned to her that I have been staying most nights (6-7 nights per week) at a different address for over a year now, but my license and policy are still listed at my mother's address. The rep explained the garaging address can be changed without changing the billing address if the two are different. Today I received an email about being refunded the difference at the end of my policy term. I didn't realize the changes would generate such a huge difference in price (The zip code of the town I have been staying in has a low crime rate and my mother's address is in a city). I realize people change their address to commit fraud, and now seeing such a difference in rate, I want to sure there is no legal ambiguity- I want to be crystal clear on what garaging implies and what I need to be aware of. 1) Am I in a gray area...If I go home for a weekend? If I lend the car to my brother for a few days? Do I need to be at the garaged address 80% of the time? 100%? I almost want to call them and ask to change it back just so as not have to worry. 2) Also, what would generate the bigger rate difference- the garaging change or the fact that I have had my license for 6 years? (is there a way to tell? Can I request a revised policy? 3) I am planning to replace my car soon, possibly donating it by the end of the year (very old car with continuous engine problems), so I will need to cancel my policy before it is up in April. Will this complicate things further? Any advice or resources are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and thank you for reading!""
Insurance for driving my bf car?
I am getting my driving license, how much roughly will cost the insurance to drive my boyfriend's car? It is an old petrol skoda... Thank you!""
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure?
How much would my monthly insurance bill be (18yr old male)(i just want a ball park figure)??
When I turn 18 I am going to buy my first car (im 17 now). I can't decide which car I want to get. Please tell me about how much insurance will cost me for each one. I will be on my own policy. I will get my license just before Im 18. I live in California. My car choices are: 1. 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. 2009 Honda Civic Sedan LX 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix S 4. 2009 Chevrolet Aveo Sedan LT
Is Geico a good auto insurance company?
I have been looking at a lot of different insurance companies recently. I have gotten a lot of online quotes and so far, Geico is the cheapest, not by a lot, but every little bit helps. Can anyone let me know the good and the bad with Geico? I'm in Michigan if that helps...""
Need affordable dog insurance?
Hi I am a college student and getting a puppy soon, i need an affordable , and good dog insurance, please if you have one...give me the details and which insurance you have, i would really appreciate it. Thanks!""
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
How much would insurance on my motorcycle cost?
I'm 19, it's my first bike, I have no history of tickets or getting pulled over, the bike is an 04' black and red Kawasaki Ninja 600. I live in Florida, near the Gulf Coast by the way. I want to know how much the insurance would cost on my bike monthly/yearly.""
Cheapest car insurance for an 18yr old with 1 yr no claims?
Cheapest car insurance for an 18yr old with 1 yr no claims?
Car insurance lowering (LEGALLY!!!!)?
right, i best tell the whole story. im 17 in a few months, so my parents have given me 5,000 for a car and insurance, which i thought would be plenty for something decent. however, as i have to insure the car myself (no fronting), and even a group one pile of c**p costs over 3,000 to insure. i know i could take pass plus, but are there any other ways to lower the insane premiums legally? and are there any insurers who give a good price for new drivers? thanks for the help :)""
What factors affect how much i will pay for car insurance?
what are the factors that affect the amount i pay for insurance on a car? im looking to purchase my first vehicle and want to know what i can't afford.
How much will my insurance go up after a fender bender?
Im 16 years old and i have progressive, this morning i hit a car, there was only a couple scratches on the other car as i didn't hit it hard, and no damage to my car. The police werent called we just exchanged info, so how much will my insurance go up for this accident. if you can even call it that.""
How much would auto insurance be for an 18 year old female?
ok I have good grades (straigh A's) I will be driving around 2,500 miles 5 days a week I will be able to drive a 2001 chevy tahoe, 2004 honda civic and 95 toyota camry main car is 95 toyota camry though i live in san bernardino what would be the average amount for insurance? where can i go to get cheap liability insurance?""
Can we get finally affordable health insurance now?
Me and my fiance pay $650/month on health insurance and it really sucks. My fiance was denied by every health insurance b/c of a heart condition which is common in his family and I am pregnant and everybody denied me of course too. So we got coverage with Cover Colorado. With the new health reform, can we apply now at different insurances? How is that with the premium? If they need to take you, can they give you a very high premium?""
""I haven't had auto insurance in over 6 months, I need car insurance HELP!?
I haven't had car insurance in over 6 months due to financial reasons and so far everywhere I have called (popular insurance companies) and they have denied me. Which auto insurance in the New York area accepts drivers with a clean record that hasn't had insurance within 6 months. HELP! I really need my car back.
Is pregnancy considered a pre-existing condition in florida?
IM PREGNANT!!!! I am 7 weeks along and just found out! The problem is I start a new job next week and will not be eligible for insurance until after 90 days.. By then I will be over four months along and I'm not quite sure if they will accept me or if they will say that it is a pre-existing condition? So, my dilemma is either: pay out of pocket until my 90 days are up and hope they accept me OR apply for medicaid and use the health department? If it changes anything the insurance I would be applying for is Florida Hospital private owned insurance.""
Can you get car insurance and motorcycle insurance on the same policy?
I have insurance on my car but i havent had insurance on my bike for about a year. i was going to get with my car because i needed to renew my tags but they told me they dont cover motorcycle. i was wondering if there is a company that covers both?
My health insurance policy is too expensive. What shall I do?
My health insurance policy is too expensive. What shall I do?
Insurance rates on these cars?
I'm very fortunate to come from a middle class family, and my parents are footing the bill/insurance for my first vehicle. My budget is $22,000, but I would like to spend less than that, as my parents also pay for my university and some of my athletic fees (what my sponsors don't cover anyway.) My marks are good, which I know gives me a bit of a break on my insurance, there's a discount for being at least a B student and I don't plan on driving much, as I live away from home (where I intend to keep the car,) it's cheaper to take the bus (bus pass included in tuition,) and I'm a conscientiousness driver, driving is a privilege, not a right after all! But when it comes to the average insurance on these vehicles for an 18 year old (I've had my Learners since I was 15, with no demerits) 2005 BMW 545i 2007 BMW 3-Series 328i Sedan 2007 Cadillac CTS Sedan 2006 Audi A4 Sedan 2010 Volvo S40 2.4i R Sedan 2007 Mini Cooper 2011 Chev Camaro (base) 2007 Lincoln MKZ Sedan Would they be fair in terms of insurance in terms of what you know?""
""I have no car insurance, husband got into a car accident, what to do?""
We've been struggling financially this past year, and to make matters worse, my husband rear ended another car. He's stating he didn't see any signal lights or tail lights that night. Our car is totaled, but the other person's car got there whole back end bent in like hulk punched the crap out of it. All procedures went, police and ambulance came, and now we need to go to a doctor today to see how long he has to recover. Luckily we are living with family, so we are getting support from them also. Thing is, we have absolutely no money, and no car insurance. What should I do? I live in Hawaii so there's a no fault benefit, but is that only if I have insurance? Should I get a lawyer involved even if my husband was the only one hurt?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm young and living on my own so I really need car insurance thats good but reasonably priced.
What is the difference between Insurance Brokers and Insurance Agents?
What is the difference between insurance brokers and insurance agents?
Cheapest car insurance in Massachusetts for a new driver?
I'm buying a car soon and will need insurance too.
What would be the most inexpensive insurance for me?
Im looking to buy a car. I don't know what kind yet because I don't want to get a car that's going to have me with really high insurance. I'm 19. I don't really know much about all this . Any and All advice would help . Thanks :)
How much is insurance for an 18 year old?
Who lives in Kentucky and wants to find a car that's cheap but will get him around without breaking down. Know what I mean? He has $2,100 out of college money to help pay until January. Then he gets more o.o So what do you think? What should my friend do?""
How much price of the car drops after a accident occurs?
Rear ended............. car bumper is damaged honda civic ex sedan 2008 ?? The insurance wanted to estimate a diminished value for car and I just want to be prepared to know around how much would be rational. Thank You so much.
How Can a 17 Year old Teen Afford Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old guy working on getting my first car. I was thinking possibly a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire, or a 2006 Saturn Ion. I had looked up a few quotes from Progressive and Esurance, and noticed that the semi-annual price was VERY high, way beyond anything my family could afford. I was wondering If anyone knew of a way that I could possibly afford this. Many of the quotes totaled at $800-$1000 per six months. This is outrageously high, and that was just insurance for an adult I had quoted. Adding a teen onto the insurance would be much more expensive. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do to cheat the system per say, or just find a nice and cheap affordable, reliable insurance company I'd be extremely grateful.""
How much do you pay for your teenager's(16) auto insurance?
I just got a learner's permit, and GEICO says that they do not charge for learner's permit. However, when I get my driver's license, it'll cost an additional ~$500 per 6 months. I am a straight-A student, records are clean, and I'm NOT adding an another car--just me--into my parent's coverage. Is this expensive? Normal? Cheap? What do you pay, and what company are you covered by? thanks""
Can auto insurance company refuse to cancel my policy?
I have gotten another auto insurance company due to the rudeness and refusal to switch my monthly draft to another bank. I had one bank and to close due to some suspicious activity that indicated signs of fraud. When I called to tell my insurance company about this the lady was very rude to me and made remarks about not wanting to my payments, I have been on time with every payment. She didn't believe me and told me she would wipe all other accounts that I had with that bank. I truly honestly had to close my account and she won't take the new account. I have already got my new insurance ready to go just need cancel my old insurance. Would I be mean if said I am canceling because someone was rude to me and made my ordeal a joke?""
Why is the insurance prices so high?
OK from what I have seen from my friends they have been getting car insurance for there cars for about 1000 a year, now when I check on gocompare.com the cheapest quote is around 7000, what is wrong I've only been searching a vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I don't see why it would be that much.""
By how much car insurance will go down after 1 year NCB?
I am 29, have been driving for ages, previously had another country license, got UK license last year and bought a car. My car insurance is due to expire next month. I was wondering how much it will go down with one year no claims, just looking for an estimate. or how much did your insurance go down after a year.""
Whats the website for high school sports insurance?
They use to give the application on paper but now it's online, I forgot the website, what is the website for it?""
What do I do if a car insurance company overpays on a claim?
My parked car was hit last week. The gentleman who hit it gave me his information, and his insurance company assessed the damage and wrote me a check to pay for its repair. When I took the car to the Toyota shop it will be repaired at, the worker analyzed the car and the report filed by the insurance agent. He said that one of the repairs was not completely necessary. If I choose not to get everything on the insurance report fixed, what do I do with the extra money? Can I keep it, or do I have to return it to the insurance company? Can I get into trouble if I do not return it in a timely fashion?""
How much does a root canal cost with insurance?
I do not have insurance right now. I went to the dentist's office recently and was informed that I have two wisdom teeth grown in. I have a job that offers dental insurance but I have to wait 3 more months to receive this benefit. I don't know if I should wait a few more months and pay less to get my wisdom teeth removed or if I should get it treated now and pay over $2,000 for 2 root canals and make a monthly payment of $200 for 12 months. How much would I save and pay if I were to get 2 root canals with dental insurance?""
""On buying a new car, should I get insurance for it immedliately?""
I am buying a new car in a day or so. Am I legally required to get insurance before I take it out of the dealership? I heard that dealer should keep insurance for 1 month. Is that true? If it is true, what is covered - just the car? Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer in Texas""
Can you ride a Ducati 848 for every day use and is the insurance expensive?
I wanna purchase a bike, my first decision is the Ducati 848 evo, i wanna buy it brand new(2012) but the only 2 things im concern about is the insurance on it & can that bike be used every day.... im 22 just got my moto license and have had my drivers license for about 6 years if that matters( i did an online quote was 700$)im looking for full coverage, I live in California have no record of anything bad at all (accident etc).My second concern is can this bike be driven every single day? Its like the Ferrari of bikes and when you own a ferrari you dont drive it every day..... does this bike break down alot? My second and final decision is the yamaha r6 (2012) i want nothing but the ducati but if the ducati cant be driven for everyday and the insurance is a total rip then i guess ill have no choice....Please if possible only answer my questions please (i really don't wanna read get a used one learn from it drop it etc i know and understand that all my only concerns are the questions)""
""What type of Life Insurance is best for my husband and I? (We just purchased a home, we are both 23 years old)""
My husband and I are both 23 years old and we just purchased a home. We have been under pressure from our Insurance Agent and our Mortgage broker to obtain Life Insurance in case something happens to one of us. We would like to have coverage in case something happens. I know the importance of Life Insurance, as my mom was killed in a car accident when she was only 38. So, we want to be protected, and we want our house to be safe. We are pretty much clueless when it comes to Insurance policies. I ALREADY LOOKED UP THE INFO ON WIKIPEDIA, SO PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME MORE OF THAT. I want opinions on what the best kind of Life Insurance is for us. Term (but if it is a 30 year term, does that mean when we are for example 54 and something happens after the 30 years, we aren't covered???) or Permanant (whole life, and others). We didn't like the decreasing term policy our agent showed us. We have gotten 2 quotes for Term Life. Help us make an informed decision!!! Please!""
I can't afford to get Health insurance will I be penalized under the Affordable healthcare act?
I am literally living paycheck to paycheck this year so far has gone from bad to worse for me and now I have to have health coverage and I wasn't able to make the March 31st deadline
Insurance for teenager?
I just need an in general Really what I need is a website where I might be able to fill out some information to get an average of what my insurance might be. I will get my license soon. I have a high GPA around 3.5 and will be driving a dodge spirit in ohio. Anyone have any idea around what my insurance would be?
Car insurance?
I am a newly licensed driver and i dont know who insures them. Please help. I am 19 and own a jeep cher. If you are or know anyone that could help it would thanked. I am also in California.
What type of businesses that are good to call for all kind of insurances?
Like Health Care Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee Benefits""
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
How much would insurance cost for an old 1960s/1970s car?
im new to everything dealing with cars and i lovee the 1967 cadillac eldorado..
How much will liability insurance cost ?
I am 17 and i have had my license since march of this year and i wanted to know how much will liability insurance cost me?
How much would it cost for a female 17/18 year old to be insured on a 1.2 Clio?
It's a 2002 model, also what is a very cheap insurance price range, and what sort of car would you have to have?""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Geico won't do it.. they are who I have now.. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm young and living on my own so I really need car insurance thats good but reasonably priced.
0 notes
Poll: How much do you pay for auto insurance per year?
"Poll: How much do you pay for auto insurance per year?
could you do me a favour and also tell me what kind of car you drive, age, and gender? don't worry not trying to stalk anyone or something, I just want to see what do most people pay for insurance. I don't know much about what's a good or bad price, all I know is the rate for the car I want and I want to see what it is compared to other people's rates. if you don't want to answer you don't have to because I know some people might not be comfortable saying this stuff to strangers. also any offences? thanks!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""In the UK how much do you think it will cost approximatley to get a car,lessons,insurance, etc etc.?""
I just was after an estimate so i have an idea of how much money i need to earn by july when im 17 i only want a small car such as a KA or corsa, it doesnt have to be new or anything.""
Can someone recommend a good and affordable dental plan?
I'm trying to find a good dental insurance that is very affordable for a middle/lower class citizen like myself. Can somebody recommend anything for somebody in my case?
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
Insurance career in Life and auto?
I am currently work as New York Life agent. And I just got my P C license to sell auto insurance. I am thinking about working with NYL and auto insurance agency. Should I have to cancel NYL contract and work as noncontracted agent. I know I have to loose all my benefit such as 401K-health insurance. But now it is hard to find business in Life only. That is why I want to work with both. But I have to open my own office (more expsense), will not get paid in NYL, etc. Is it a great move at all? Your advice will help me to make decision. Thank you""
What is the best life insurance at best value?
which company offers the most life insurance at the cheapest rate
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
How does my insurance calculate the value of my classic car?
i have two classic cars, a 66 mustang and a 70 pontiac tempest. both are daily drivers and both have full coverage on my auto insurance policy. my question is: how will my insurance company (mercury) calculate the value of my cars if they are wrecked or stolen? bluebook doesn't list cars older then 1992. is there a website i can check? how will my insurance determine the value at the time of loss?""
Buying a Car and Insurance Question!?
Im getting a car this weekend (hopefully) and my dad said he will set a date to go to a friend of his that sells good cars for cheap, but my dad wants it under his name. I don't trust my dad and I want the car under MY name, but he said that the insurance will cost more. If I put the car under MY name, but put the car under his insurance, will it cost more because the car is under my name or will it cost the same? I don't want to pay for the car and then when its finished, he takes the car saying that its under his name and I cant do anything about it. How much would I pay for insurance?""
Do i have to inform my car insurance company if i move?
I'm under my dad's insurance. He is listed as the primary driver. My mom and I are under the same policy. It expired on 10/15 and we renewed the policy the same day for another 6 months. Well, I am moving tomorrow to another county about 30 miles away and we didn't think about the insurance. I am also about to turn in to the DMV a notice of change of address. Do I need to notify the insurance company? Since I am living on my own, will it force me to be on my own policy? Another sideball question: I am in ownership of my mom's car and my dad is in ownership of my car (my car is newer so Dad wanted cheaper insurance). However policy does match me driving the newer car. How could we do this with me moving out with the new car (not the car that I own under DMV).""
What would my car insurance be?
my girlfriend needs to know how much her car insurance would be in canada ON if she didnt take drivers ed, was using her parents car and was under their insurance plan""
Anyone know any cheap car insurance?
Im just trying to save a little money.
California Traffic School Twice Within 18 months?
Can I do traffic school twice in California within 18 months? From what I think I understand the first citation is kept confidential. The second within 18 months is not. Can my insurance company raise my rates even though I did happen to take traffic school even though it was twice within 18 months. Will my insurance rise, if so how much?""
About how much is basic auto insurance?
for a used 94 toyota camry in los angeles the main driver is 25 and has a good driving record.
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
Would your car insurance go up if you bump into someone else?
I was pulling off at a junction and I was looking to the right to see wether there is a car coming but the car infront (baring in mind he started pulling off) he suddenly pushed the ...show more
Honda Fit insurance question?
I was planning on getting a Honda Fit and I was wondering about the insurance rates. I was thinking of getting a 07-08 Sport model. I don't know if transmission plays a role in the insurance, but I would get a manual. I am a 17 (turning 18 in June) year-old male. I would get full coverage. I would figure that it will be expensive but okay because of safety features, and that it is a fuel economy car. Any information would help. Thanks.""
Do car insurance companies know how long I have been a licensed driver for?
When I was younger I remember a distant family member telling me to get my CA state ID as soon as I can because when I get a driver's license and a car the insurance companies won't be able to tell which I got first. All they see is when my ID# was assigned to me, and that it will look like I have been a driver longer and get a better rate. I don' know if this is true. I am getting my first car in about a month and I want to get a good price on insurance. Need more info? I got my California state ID when I was 20 and my CA drivers license when I was 25 and I am 26 now. So there is a big difference of time. I know it sounds kinda dishonest but I have been driving since I was 17, so I do have good driving experience but it might not look that way since I've only had my license for a year and a half, when it could look like I have been a good driver for 6 years. If any one can help me out that would be awesome, please link your info or proof if you can. Thank You!""
Motorcycle insurance?
I want to know what insurance company gives you a better quotel on motorcycle coverage. Allstate sucks I went down on my bike injuring my shoulder only to find out I get just $1000.00 maximum coverage for medical. Somebody help me find a new agent please. As always thanks in advance
Cheap motorcycle insurance for 18 year old?
Im 18 an looking to get a street bike this year but the insurance company my parents have(some local small insurance company) saids they cant even give insurance until ive had lisense for 5 years which is bullshit. Even after 5 years they said it would most likely be around 4 thousand a year which is rediculous! All i want to do is own a motorcycle an ride but damn insurance is too high! Any cheap insurance that gives full coverage to 18 year olds. Btw my driving record is clean with no accidents or tickets
About Insurance Rates on 06 Ford Expedition?
Gieco just went up on my rates. WTF? No tickets, No wrecks, No claims. I'm 64, good driving record, Wife 64, or Son 44, may drive occasionally. Retired and drive less than 10,000. yearly. Best rates with Reliable Company???""
In BC should the owner pay the insurance for the renter?
i rent a appartment and then the owner said i should pay the insurance i thought it is owner's responsibility to pay all these
Why do we have to pay car insurance?
Unless you are a really bad driver car insurance is a total joke. I mean how many reckss does a person get into in his life time. im saying on average about 2 or 3. and if your paying 600 bucks or more every 6 months thats one thousand plus dollars a year. in 30 years you could buy your self a new mustang. It really makes no sense that its a law to have car insurance when you could just put 600 bucks in a savings account if you ever need it. I think the insurance companies should give us our money back every 10 years or so if we are good drivers
Where can a recent college grad find affordable short-term health insurance?
I am not sure what to do about health insurance after I graduate from college (in a few months). I know that I am going to need some time to job hunt (my field is very competitive) and I would also like to do some volunteer work before I start my career. Problem is, if I am not a full-time student, my parents' health insurance won't cover me, and if I don't or can't find a job with benefits right away, I will be left uninsured. Any ideas where I can get affordable health insurance for short-term (no more than a year and a half) ??? Thanks!""
How much is the Private Health Insurance?
$2 a month? $50 a month? Affordable rate? I can get braces, crown, root canal, bunion repair, fungal surgically remove from my toe nails, hair replacement for my future baldheaded husband, and all?""
Florida motorcycle insurance?
So I have a small 49 cc scooter that is street legal and I drive through the roads like everyone else. In Florida it's not necessary to have insurance on this small of an engine bike, so I don't. My question is, in the case of an accident that's NOT MY fault such as a car rear ends me at a traffic light or any other incident, can I still claim anything? Will the other persons insurance still fix or replace my bike? Will the other persons insurance cover me in any needed doctor visits?""
Poll: How much do you pay for auto insurance per year?
could you do me a favour and also tell me what kind of car you drive, age, and gender? don't worry not trying to stalk anyone or something, I just want to see what do most people pay for insurance. I don't know much about what's a good or bad price, all I know is the rate for the car I want and I want to see what it is compared to other people's rates. if you don't want to answer you don't have to because I know some people might not be comfortable saying this stuff to strangers. also any offences? thanks!
Can you buy a car and not buy insurance?
i dont have my liscence yet but i'm thinking about buying a car, and i was wondering if i had to start paying for insurance; i dont have my liscence and wont be driving the car yet? can i just pay insurance when i get my liscence? i live in Connecticut if that matters""
If my insurance would charge me 600 pounds for a year how much would they charge for just a months insurance?
i want to insure my 125 motorbike for just a month. it cost me between 500-600 pounds for a year so how much is a month round about?
Should I go through my car insurance company or not?
My car was parked on a decline, stalled, and ran into the back of my friends wagon. My repair quote is about $940, hers is about $615, at a total of about $1555. The excess I have to pay towards insurance repairs is $1045 (standard excess, age excess for being under 25, and some flexi-excess p.o.s). At the moment I only have enough money to fix her car, although that means waiting another few months to fix mine, and I'm impatient. Hers needs to be fixed asap for roadworthy and registration. I also have the option of finding a new bumper for hers at a much cheaper price, although that is proving difficult. Also, my insurance company only likes their choice of repairer. My panel shop has done jobs for the company before, but I'm not certain if they will let me use them. I won't have anyone else repair my car, as the money was going to go to repainting a new bonnet instead of repairing, which insurance won't cover. On another note, I'm not sure how long going through insurance will take. So my question is, do I go through insurance, even though I might not get to use my panel shop and it will cost me almost the same? Or do I leave it, and do what I can to fix my friends car cheaper? Then just suck it up and wait to have the money for mine, therefore also saving a rise on my insurance premium and a drop in my rating.""
NEED cheap car insurance for 18 year old east london!?
Please please do not say your going to have to pay 4k+ or something stupid, All my mates found car insurances for under 3k!""
Can someone please explain how health insurance works to me?
Ok, I realize this question shows how ignorant I am about the real world, so I'm embarrassed but I have to be honest: I have no idea how health insurance works other than that it covers certain medical expenses! I'm just getting out of college so I am not used to having to deal with this. I know you pay a monthly fee, but what is a deductible? How does this work? For example, say a company charges $50/month with a $2,500 deductible fee...when would I have to pay the $2,500, if ever? I need the most affordable health insurance possible... I am really struggling with money at the moment. I am a U.S. citizen with a very very good health record. 22 yrs old and non-smoker. I plan to travel to Canada (Montral) and live there for about 6 months after I graduate. If I get health insurance in the U.S., will this cover me in Canada as well? Thank you for any info, it will really help me out a lot!""
How to get cheap car insurance?
i want to know that how to get cheap first car insurance in u.k?
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm looking at a car that costs about 2,400 dollars. It's a 1997 Toyata Camry. It has about 147,000 miles on it. How much insurance would I have to pay. I live in PA and I'm a 20 year old dude so I assume it's expensive. Also is 147, 000 miles a lot for this car...or is the camry super reliable?""
Do you not have health insurance? How do you pay for care when you need it? Where do you go?
Do you not have health insurance? How do you pay for care when you need it? Where do you go?
Auto Insurance forcing me on parents car insurance?
I got my g2 but my parents auto insurance company is forcing me to pay insurance on my moms car even though I will never use it. This is in a city where insurance is really expensive and them doing this will cause financial hardship and I can barely pay it. Is there some law allowing them to do this?
How Much Would Insurance Cost For a 2004 Cadillac CTS for a 20 Year Old?
Im currently looking into getting rid of my 'old 1994 Mustang GT' and replacing it with a '2004 Cadillac CTS'. How much would insurance be for me a month? Here are the reasons why I would like to get a new car: 1.Reliability 2.Comfort My 94 Mustang GT is just giving me too much mechanicle problems, which is eating at my budget. I fix one thing, another goes wrong, which is getting quite expensive. So i think its about time to get a new car. Will it be cheaper and less of a headache for me to get a new car? And how much would insurance cost for a 20 year old with no bad driving history? Just give me rough estimate. Also the CTS is a V6 which should be cheaper than my current V8. I currently spend $120 a month on gas alone. So inconclusion would it be cheaper for me to just get the CTS? And what is a rough estimate for monthly insurance?""
Car Insurance estimate?
I know it's a bit impossible (like asking what's the length of a string) but I am wondering if anyone knows a rough amount , or has experience of how much car insurance would be for a 19 year old - near 20 year old male in the UK. I would be a named driver on one of my parents cars (A vauxhall Corsa 2013), my parents have no points on their license. I would only be using the car when I am back from University so for a maximum of about 3 months a year so not for the full year! I have heard of some people younger than me getting insurance quotes as a named driver for around 700 but I am unsure if this is true. a) Are there any insurance websites where you can calculate an estimate for a Named driver? ( I know ones for the main driver) b) would it be worth to pay it monthly ?... c) any estimates roughly? (an estimate within 200 or so! ) Thank you ! P.S if anybody magically knows of how much it would be for me to be with an insurance company as a named driver yet still gain no claims bonuses (as many named drivers don't get no claims) I'll be extremely grateful!""
Cheapest women car insurance on a provisional?
im 23. got my own car, white, k reg, clio, automatic (1993) im only on a provisional license an ive found so far that my quotes r not very good. my highest as been 2027.57 an my lowest is 678.98 will i get anything lower. i know its cos of my age an cos im the main driver but if any women or men know any insurance companys that ave good lower prices then help me out thanks u never know wot ur get in return lol""
MA Health Insurance for young married couple?
I will be married in a year, and probably lose my health insurance at 24. My fiance is coming but neither of us have full time jobs yet. What are our options for health insurance, that are affordable? Assuming neither of us have full time jobs yet. Thanks! : )""
Wher should I get my car insurance from?
I have seen a lot of car insurance commercials but none of them have convinced me which one is clearly the best you can tell me one even if there is no commercial for it and also does aaa work
How many times a day are you asked Are you paying too much for car insurance? Subliminal advertising?
Is this some form of subliminal advertising? Do you think Sprite is involved some how?
How much do you pay per month for your car insurance and gas?
How much do you pay per month for your car insurance and gas?
Will homeowner insurance rates go through the roof if Cap and Tax passes through the Senate?
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying to sell a house, you get audited (like it says in the bill) and they say that you have to upgrade a whole lot of stuff that you can't ...show more""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Ok so im a 17 year old girl with a job that pays 600 a month. and i want a 2005 toyota matrix. its 7,000 but i know where to get it cheeper. but the question is how much do you pay . can you tell me your age and year of your car it would help me compare this whole thing alot better THANKYOU :)""
""Cant get a good insurance quote, got any estimates?""
i'm a 17 year old boy in Florida with my motorcycles license (just got it), i took drivers ed, took the motorcycles safety course, never got arrested, no tickets, no law violations at all, i never drink, smoke, or do drugs, and i'm getting a 2013 Honda rebel 250. can someone PLEASE give me at least a ball park estimate on what ill be paying with insurance. i would be VERY grateful!""
Looking for cheap car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance coverage out there?
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
""Would insurance be high for a 1999 VW Jetta? My first car, 16y/o girl?""
I'm looking at a 99 VW Jetta on Craigslist for $2000. Here's the exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would be added on to my parents car insurance since I'm still a minor. I have to pay my insurance though, so how much do you think it would be?""
Which is the best insurance web site?
I just wanna which is the best insurance quotes website?
Where should I look for health insurance for my mom?
My mom is 55 years old and lives in another state as me. I currently work and live in Pennsylvania at a great company that provides health insurance, dental, vision, etc. I cannot add her to my policy, as much as I would like to so I would like to try and find a policy for her. My dad works for a company that provides health insurance, however the cost of health insurance to him and my mother (who live together and are married) is extremely high. Currently, they are seeking alternatives so that my dad is covered under insurance through his company and my mom can get coverage through a third party company at a lower rate. The rate they are asking my father to pay to have both of them on the coverage policy is insanely high. I pay about $55 a month for health insurance and they are at least quadruple that. I'm looking for suggestions for a reliable and trusted company (Aetna, Anthem, etc.) that would provide individual health insurance at an affordable rate, if anyone knows of anything.""
Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm currently doing my drivers licence and should get it by the end of next month and I'm just confused about the cost of insurance.... I'm planing to buy small Fiat which is Insurance Group 5 and I looked up for costs through money supermarket and the cheapest deal was over 9000 for a year and that's just ridiculous so I'm a bit confused about it and don't know if i did something wrong when filled the information but anyway what the average cost should be like? Thanks in advance""
Poll: How much do you pay for auto insurance per year?
could you do me a favour and also tell me what kind of car you drive, age, and gender? don't worry not trying to stalk anyone or something, I just want to see what do most people pay for insurance. I don't know much about what's a good or bad price, all I know is the rate for the car I want and I want to see what it is compared to other people's rates. if you don't want to answer you don't have to because I know some people might not be comfortable saying this stuff to strangers. also any offences? thanks!
I'm 21 years old and i work full time&i live at home with my parents&im pregnant what benefits do i get?
I'm 21 years old and i work full time&i live at home with my parents&im pregnant what benefits do i get?
How much will my car insurance be?
I'm 17, female, in Nova Scotia. I've taken a drivers ed course. Me and my dad are on the prowl for a used Toyota Corolla, maybe an '08 or something, but if we can't find one for cheap then I'm probably going to end up with his '97 Lexus ES300. My road test is next week, so it won't be a little while yet, but I'm just curious, because I'm going to university next year and I'm going to need my own car, so I might as well budget now. Ballpark, can anyone figure how much my insurance will end up costing me? Or is there some kind of online calculator I can use to figure it out? Thank you! :)""
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
Where's the best and the cheapest insurance for a moped?
Where's the best and the cheapest insurance for a moped?
Whose insurance will be raised?
A couple weeks ago I let my grand daughter borrow my car to run up to the store for me. While she was gone, she was in a car accident in the parking lot of HyVee. She gave my insurance because she was in my car. Will my insurance be raised, or will her's? We have different insurance companies.""
How do i find out auto insurance rates with a company wihtout joining them?
I'm currently on my parents insurance and want to move onto my own
How much more is sr22?
great now i have to have sr22 for driving someone else's car that had no insurance. how ever i do have insurance and judge says i must pay sr22. i am just wondering how much i have to pay extra? i am with gieco. i am thinking an extra 50 bucks.
Thinking of getting a car on finance?
im thinking of selling my car and getting a car on finance its 1,000 deposit and 125 a month gor 2 years and i will get a 10reg peugeot 107 but my only question is, is car insurance included? cheers""
On average how much more is insurance when you add a teen driver?
I am 17 and I've taken driving lessons( I heard insurance give like a little discounts) if this matters.
Car Insurance Claims - EVERYONE UNDER 25 MUST LOOK - Will I lose my No Claims Bonus?
I have had my insurance for nearly a year now. I am the main driver and my dad is the second driver. My dad had a small bump in the car. If we have to claim in his name will it effect my No claims bonus and next years insurace quote, ([I will though be taking my dad off next years insurance)]""
Were can i get cheap car insurance in the central florida area?
Were can i get cheap car insurance in the central florida area?
Penatlies for lasped car insrance?
Im having problems with my bills and my car insurance payment is due. I want have the money until I get paid in the next couple weeks. what should I do, and if my insurance lapse what are the pentalies for reinstating my coverage??""
How can I find a good car insurance comp. if I don't have a driver licence? I can't get a drivers lic. help!
I can't get a driver lic. because I don't have a social #, and I can't get a social # because I don't have a visa, BUT I know in Houston Tx, I can get car insurance like I'm now, but which one with a affordable price? please help!!!!""
""Dose my 400,000 SGLI military life insurance cover me off duty?""
i have been in 4 years and a spc in the colorado army national guard and i have 400,000 sgli life insurance. Someone told me on or off duty that life insurance covers me as long as i am in, is that true? I always thought it was on duty only life insurance so basically if one day off duty i get hit by a bus, that 400,000 dollars before taxes will be paid out to my beneficiaries the next couple of months after?? thanks.""
How much does health insurance cost?
I am from the UK and I am doing an assignment on whether medicine can be justified to have a price tag. As I have free public healthcare from the country (NHS), and I do not have private healthcare. I would like a guide as to how much health insurance would cost for a child, man, and woman with no health condtions. Please be specific and add more examples if you can.""
What do Republicans think President Obama health insurance is really about?
Do you think hes trying to give Insurance to poor people on welfare? Because they already have insurance, it's called medicaid. Do you think he's trying to give insurance to lazy people? Because MANY people have jobs that either dont offer insurance or they don't qualify. Perhaps they have preconditions. Also for college students who work part time jobs who don't get enough hours for insurance. Do you know that medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy and debt in America?""
""Car insurance sent me SR-1 form, What to do on SR-1?""
I got into a solo or at-fault accident cause i skidded off the road due to the road being wet after the heavy downpour. Nothing major and my first ever accident so i decided to report it to the insurance for a claim but decided to disregard the claim since nothing needed to be repaired except an alignment because i work on cars so nothing seemed broken. Now that it's been disregarded, mercury insurance sent me an sr-1 form stating i must fill it out or my license will be suspended within 10 days. If i fill it out and since there was no damages over $750, will there be an inspection to my vehicle?""
Insurance on a 1275 gt mini for a 17 year old?
My friend has just passed his driving test and I'm trying to help him get a car and insurance sorted. He's determined to get an old 1275 gt mini. I can see why though. I've been getting insurance quotes and they're all coming back at over 5,000 every time. I must be doing something wrong. I'm just wondering if any of yous could help me and give me an idea of what it would cost for a 17 year old male who's just passed his test on a 1275 gt? Thanks.""
How do you find affordable medical insurance to cover family after the breadwinner becomes disabled?
How do you find affordable medical insurance to cover family after the breadwinner becomes disabled?
Ideal cheap car for beginners?
I'm looking for a used car with a cheaper insurance that would be ideal for a new driver. Any suggestions?
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
Does any one knows if a time requirement exist that you have to notify your car insurance co. if you're hit?
My car was hit in a parking lot. the other driver told me to get an estimate for the damages and he will write a check. if the cost is too high, his insurance co will pay. do I have to tell mey insureance co. about this? is there a minimum time that I have to tell my insureance co? thank you.""
What ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
what ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
Cheapest Car insurance?
what's a good starter car insurance for someone who is just getting their license and dosnt want to spend alot. What is the cheapist insurance that you can get. All the comercials for car insurance say that their insurance is the best but i dont know which one accually is the best...
I'm pregnant and have no insurance. What are my options?
I recently found out I am pregnant. I am 21 and a full time student in college. My boyfriend is willing to help as much as he can, but I feel like it still won't be enough. I want to know where do I find out how to get Medicaid. And what other options do I have? How do I get temporary insurance while I find out if I am eligible to receive Medicaid? Are their any special programs in Maryland that can help me? I am so confused if I should try asking the Department of Social Services or the Department of Human Health Services. Please help!""
Poll: How much do you pay for auto insurance per year?
could you do me a favour and also tell me what kind of car you drive, age, and gender? don't worry not trying to stalk anyone or something, I just want to see what do most people pay for insurance. I don't know much about what's a good or bad price, all I know is the rate for the car I want and I want to see what it is compared to other people's rates. if you don't want to answer you don't have to because I know some people might not be comfortable saying this stuff to strangers. also any offences? thanks!
Do you have to have health insurance to have Rhinoplasty?
Just wondering if you have to have health insurance for a nose job.
Is insurance required to keep a valid Florida driver's license if I dont own nor drive a car?
I am not currently driving nor do is there a vehicle under my name. If i do drive it will be a friend or girlfriends car. Will the florida dmv suspend my license now that I have been removed from my parents insurance?
My car no longer runs. Should I cancel my insurance on it?
My friend suggestted that it might not be wise, because when I get another car in 5 months they will charge me more for insurance if I was not insured for a long period of time. His logic was that it's a red flag to insurance co. They think you were driving without insurance or totaled your car. Even though my car just died on it's own.""
Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?
i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying
I am after cheap public liability insurance for my bussiness with $5000000 cover in Australia?
The best price i've got so far is $476.63, but I want to pay less than $250 if I can, and I do not care if they are not an Australian company.""
Good starter bike thats cheap on insurance?
i was thinking a 250r or a 600r???
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car. Should I risk going with bare minimum coverage? What do other people out there do? What level of insurance do you guys have?""
Car insurance for 20 year old female?
I've been told a Ford KA is the cheapest to insure. So I've found a Ford KA Year 2000 1,3 ltr. Sale price is 660. 80,000 miles. I will be doing roughly 4 - 5,000 miles a year. I'm just a simple standard first time driver applicant... No convictions, health issues or NCB. Why are insurance companies quoting me over 5,000 a year online??? I'm 20, female and have just passed my test. 21 in august. What's the cheapest way to get insured?? 1ltr car??""
Lapsed insurance....?
ok so basically i sideswiped someone the other day and my insurance was lapsed, but their insurance is going to cover it but send me the bill right.... so how does that work?""
Insurance question?
hello, i have a new car, but do i really need insurance on the car?? will i still be able to get the yellow tags on my license plate if i dont have insurance>? does my registration have anything to do with insurance>?? thanks alot for your answers""
""What is the lowest, best Liability auto Insurance in Dallas?""
btw anyone tried Geico and are they really cheap? I know that billionaire guy owns the company, but is it any good?""
Where can i find a list of insurance terminology and definitions?
i teach business english, i have a student who needs to produce insurance policies for his goods. i want to stay clear of health and life insurance. thanks""
Which is the best insurance which i need to take for my parents who visiting USA?
My parents are coming to US and need to take a medical and dental insurance for them. please advise
""Which car insurance companies are the cheapest in New York State( queens, new york) in particular?""
I just bought a new car and am hoping to get car insurance and register it. I am curious what the cheapest companies are. I just got a quote from Esurance.com, and am curious if there are other cheaper companies. I am 22 and have a bachelors degree and a job. I want to insure a mazda protege hatchback. Please let me know what your experiences have been.""
Where can i get health insurance?
I'm a 21 year old male and im live in sacramento california i just want to know where i can obtain some freaking insurance to go the dentist or doctors to get checked up on my health got darn it
Is there anyone who insures motorcycles just for theft? dont need other coverage...?
Hey I have my 08 r6 being insured for 166 every 6 months but it doesnt cover theft. I got various quotes and nobody will do theft without doing full coverage. the difference is literally 10 times the cost. They want $320 a year without but with full coverage (aka theft) it is $3200 which is absolutely ridiculous. I was wondering if there was any insurance agencies out there who offer bike insurance (being only theft insurance)
Will I be covered by my parents auto insurance for an accident if im not on the policy?
I was in a car accident last night while driving my parents insured car. I, however, am not on the policy. I am 23 and live in my parents household. I have my own seperate insurance for my vehicle, which I was not driving due mechanical issues. This is the only time I have driven my parents car. Will either my parents or my car insurance cover the accident? This is what happened: I hit a car who made a left in front of me while driving through an intersection. The light was green, I had the right of way. When the police arrived the individual whom I hit admitted he had been drinking and was a marijuana user. The police arrested him and towed his car. The officer disclosed that the individual did not show proof of insurance. Also, there was a witness (the driver in the car behind me) who pulled over to check on us. He had told the officers what happened which verified my explanation of the event. I live in California, if that helps. If anyone has any advice for this scenario, please advise me on how I should proceed as I have never been in this situation. Thank you""
Is the Nissan 300zx (1991) a good first car for a teenager?
I just want to know, I'm shopping for my first car. I have about $3500 and I want a car that is sporty. I like the nissan 300zx, and I need to know if its a reliable enough car and a good buy for my first car. I f anyone has any advice or knows about the car, let me know. Thank you!""
Health Insurance costs?
According to the National Coalition on Health Care, The average cost for employer based health insurance for a single person is $4,700.00 or $391.66 per month. A family of four costs $12,700.00 per year or $1,058.33 per month. Now to put that into perspective, you can lease a Mercedes Benz SLK 300 ( thats the sporty two seater ) for around $883.07 per month. Question is, does this sound like a fair deal?""
Car Insurance Question?
Can a 16 year old girl drive her parent's car alone without her name being on the insurance?
I'm roughly 14 weeks pregnant with no prenatal care or insurance. What are my options?
I'm assuming I'm around 14 maybe 15 weeks pregnant & I haven't had any prenatal care nor do I have health insurance. With my first pregnancy I qualified for Medicaid & left the HHS that day with it! This time they have been dragging me around since March, losing things, accidentally deleting files, denying me & then asking me to reapply. All of this over & over again, it's just been very unorganized & stressful. Not to mention I had a meltdown & told them that I NEEDED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, so please let me know what to do! This was a month ago, they still say things are pending & I could expect to wait 30 more days. This is adding such a tremendous amount of stress to my pregnancy, I just want to see my baby. Are there any other insurance plans for pregnant women? I'm not married, but my fiance has a well paying job. Naturally though, I can't receive insurance through his job until we are officially married. We attempted to make an appointment & self pay, but during that one visit they demanded $600 up front, which we weren't prepared for. I refuse to go to a clinic simply because my last pregnancy was high risk & ended in an emergency C-Section & there were complications & I'm sure this one will be the same, since I ended up getting pregnant before the desired waiting time for a previous c-section. Not to mention, my OB/GYN has been my doctor since I was 13 & he is truly the best where I live. I just wouldn't be able to trust someone else. I live in Texas by the way. Do any of you have any ideas?""
Does your insurance go up?
If you park in a bus stop zone, in NYC, and get a ticket. Does your car insurance go up? What happens? I paid it off right away in like 2 hours, will there be something else?""
Im 17 and getting my liscense soon how much will car insurance be 4 me with a used car that will b in my name?
I will be getting my drives liscense soon and my parents are putting limits to where i can drive and when and i wont be able to drive it when ever i would like, how much is car insurence gonna be with me for a used car that will be in my name ?""
What is the proper way to repaint a brand new car? Insurance question...?
I recently had my car damaged in one of our Texas storms. It caused about $4000 in damage to the entire left side, hood, and both bumpers, and knocked out two windows. I just got my car back from the insurance suggested body shop and I can still see where many of the rock marks were painted over. There are divets in the paint in a lot of spots, which is better than the metal that was showing before, but not how I want it. My question is, shouldn't they have completely sanded down the areas of the car that needed to be repainted instead of just painting over the paint nicks? The car is a 2006 Mustang that is practically brand new. Maybe I am wrong, but shouldn't the insurance company be fixing the car to the PERFECT condition it was in before it was damaged?""
About how much does an Sr22 bond cost?
The reason I need one is, I was pulled over and caught without insurance. Now in order to get my license reinstated I must first get this bond.""
Poll: How much do you pay for auto insurance per year?
could you do me a favour and also tell me what kind of car you drive, age, and gender? don't worry not trying to stalk anyone or something, I just want to see what do most people pay for insurance. I don't know much about what's a good or bad price, all I know is the rate for the car I want and I want to see what it is compared to other people's rates. if you don't want to answer you don't have to because I know some people might not be comfortable saying this stuff to strangers. also any offences? thanks!
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