#one meat brawl
ducktracy · 9 months
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nyankochan · 18 days
Cloudcalling on the Savannah
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Synopsis: It’s time for the yearly Cloud Calling Festival in the Sunset Savannah. It’s Leona’s first time home in years and there’s more than one reason why he’s avoided visiting.
Pairings: Leona Kingscholar x lioness!reader (she/her pronouns)
Content: fluff turn smut at the end, vanilla sex, virginity loss
Word Count: 4.2K
A/n: bonus points for catching all the Lion King references.
I headcannon that Leona speaks another language at home, like Swahili or something that he speaks when he doesn’t want people to understand his conversations.
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15 years ago
Leona grunted in pain, trying not to bite his tongue as you pinned his frame to the mat. Even though you were way smaller than him, you managed to overpower him with ease and flip him on his backside.
“Pinned ya’,” you say with a toothy grin, your baby canines poking out cutely.
“Get offa me,” Leona grumbled, trying to push you off so that you wouldn’t see the ways his cheeks started warming from embarrassment, not even from losing but rather, your close proximity made him uncomfortable for some reason.
You gleefully let him go, Leona rubbing his shoulder that was now achy from the way your nails dug into them. “That’s two wins for me, and none for you~”you tease.
Leona growls and while you weren’t paying attention, lunges for you. The two of you tumble to the ground once more, but you swiftly manage to roll the two of you over. You sit on top of his chest, keeping his arms pinned to his side.
“Pinned ya again.”
Your hands feel warm against his. Your ears twitch slightly in excitement, something so small that most people don’t notice, yet Leona has developed a subtle knack for picking up the littlest things about you. From the way you style your bangs slightly to the left and how you prefer your meat grilled when the two of you visit Raintree Market. However, when it just comes to fighting, your senses outshine his. But with your mother being a renowned veteran amongst the Palace Guards, Leona believes you came out of the womb fighting.
“Tch whatever. I’m done.” Leona shoved you off, standing to leave the training room.
“Ehh? But I want to spar more! Isn’t it fun!?”
“No,” Leona answers flatly. “I’m gonna go take a nap.” Your ears flatten in disappointment.
“Boo you’re no fun.” Nonetheless, you follow the young prince along like a guard, yet you ramble away about anything and nothing at the same time, immune to his annoyance.
If Leona were to be honest, he found you highly annoying. The only reason why you two were forced to spend any time together was because of your parents. If he had it his way, he’d rather spend his day napping or perhaps playing chess. Nope. Because of you, he gets dragged along with your shenanigans most of the time, and he can’t say no without you running off crying to your mother or Neji scolding him about being nice.
You were a real thorn in his side.
“Heyyy Leona…Leona…Leona! Are you listening to me?”
“Not one bit,” Leona responded, making you huff in annoyance.
“You know what! When we get married, you’re gonna finally listen to me!” You suddenly proclaim, making Leona stop abruptly. More like, he ended up stumbling over his feet. You not paying attention walk right into him.
“Huh?! W-why in the world would I marry you!?” Leona yelled, trying not to stammer over his words due to the fact that he was so caught off guard by your statement. Marriage?! You two were 5. That kind of stuff was disgusting! He’s seen how his parents act and he wanted no part in it.
“Neji said we will,” You say as if it were the most obvious thing. “So, when that day comes you’re going to listen to me, Leona Kingscholar!”
Leona, despite his efforts, found himself grinning. Then laughing. You continue to huff and pout, not liking being made fun of.
“Sure,” Leona said in between laughs. “And when that day comes, I’m all ears.”
Present Day
Leona was annoyed, more than usual. He had just arrived home for the Bead Brawl and the Cloudcalling festival, and things weren’t already going to plan. Well, nothing had gone to plan from the moment Neji called and so graciously reminded him to come home this year, so he couldn’t skip out like he originally planned. Then, not even 10 minutes into arriving at Sunset Savannah, Jack suffers from heat stroke and they have to detour to Sunset Villa for him to get proper medical treatment.
While at the Villa, they find Kalim, who was a guest on behalf of the Scalding Sands Al-Asim family, to which Leona makes him a substitute on the team in lieu of Jack.
“Whatddya say, Kalim? Your ‘friends’ need your help?” Leona says, without a hint of sincerity.
“Leo having friends? Never would’ve seen the day.” The new voice makes Leona stiffen. Suddenly a pair of hands cover his eyes. Though his vision becomes obscured, he doesn’t have to look to know who the grating voice belonged to. “Guess who~”
“I despise guessing games,” Leona retorts.
“Boo~” The person lets him go. “You’re no fun.”
Leona sighs, rubbing his temple in annoyance. “I shouldn’t be surprised you’re here, Y/n. I’m sure your mother’s stationed here for the festival.”
It’s been maybe a couple years since he’d seen you. He actively avoids coming home for many reasons, her included. When he does come home for the holidays, he does everything he can to avoid you. In recent years, with your training for the palace guards, you’re too busy to even harass him.
Since the last time he saw you, you’ve slimmed out more and gained more muscle. The uniform doesn’t look baggy on you now. You’re still short as ever though.
“Neji told me you were finally coming home,” you say, somewhat coldly. A complete change from your earlier bubblier persona. “You enrolled in a prestigious school and now you’re too good for us back at home, huh? I can’t even get you to respond to a text nowadays.”
Leona rolled his eyes. “You still like picking fights over dumb stuff.” Now, he’s gathered an audience, his classmates staring in confusion and wonder at the lioness that suddenly appeared. “Everyone, this is Y/n L/n. She’s the daughter of the palace guard’s head commander. We grew up together.”
“It’s nice to meet Leo’s school friends,” you say, teasingly. Leona just clicks his tongue in annoyance while the Night Raven College students go around introducing themselves.
“Miss Y/n and Prince Leona are betrothed, set to be married by the time they’re 25,” Neji interjected. He gives Leona the side eye. “You’d best use proper titles when referring to your future bride.”
Hearing that Leona Kingscholar was engaged, set to marry in only a few short years surprised Grim, Yuu, Kalim, Vil and Lilia nonetheless. Even more strange, Leona and Y/n seemed more like annoyed roommates than what one would expect a future husband and wife to be.
After everyone gets changed into their liongarb (no one comments on the fact, though it’s noticeable, how the color of Leona’s clothing complements Y/n’s), the group goes down to the Raintree Market to explore some of the city.
You and Leona play tour guide, all while bickering between yourselves. If Leona suggested something that you didn’t agree with, you counter with your own. You also throw no shortage of sly comments Leona’s way whenever he complained about his brother, his leadership skills, or how the country would benefit to actually harvest their resources instead of leaving them be. Not that you didn’t agree, but if Leona were actually home more often, he could implement some of the good ideas you know he has.
It’s a mixture of uncomfortable and entertaining for Grim, Yuu, Kalim, Vil and Lilia.
“It’s hard to believe they’re actually going to be getting married,” Vil deadpanned. “It may be a good thing they aren’t taking the throne.”
They watch in amusement as Leona approaches what looks like some sort of kabob stand. You had been standing there staring wide eyed, mouth slightly agape with drool. Without asking, Leona bought two and gave them to you. Your face warms, and you mutter something along the lines of a thank you as you take the food.
“I don’t know,” Lilia laughs. “I think they have their own strange way of showing their affection.”
“Miss Y/n and Prince Leona may not look like it, but they’ve always been close,” Neji explains, watching the couple with an amused look. You tug on his sleeve, pointing at another stand while nibbling on the food he had just bought. Leona seemed to sigh, rolling his eyes as he lets you tug him along. “The L/n family has protected the royal family for generations. Prince Leona and Miss Y/n did in fact grow up together, but she was always trained to be able to protect him and his brother, Farena.”
“How did they end up being betrothed?” Yuu wonders.
“Prince Leona’s parents and Miss Y/n’s mother thought it would be a great way to unite the families. After all, why not if relations between the two have always been good?” Neji then sighs. “Unfortunately, those two have always had a knack for causing trouble. They both slack off on their duties, Prince Leona more so. However, Miss Y/n’s seemed to focused more on her duties as of late because it keeps her distracted from Leona’s absence.”
“Aw it sounds like she misses Leona-senpai,” Kalim commented.
“Though she never will admit it, it does bother Miss Y/n when he doesn’t come home,” Neji confirms. “She keeps a stubborn guard up, but I think she truly loves Prince Leona. As for Prince Leona-“
The influx of patrons makes the Raintree Market all the more crowded. Leona doesn’t even seem to realize what he does. He’s just being a gentleman (for once) in his eyes when he guides a hand at the small of your back to keep you close. His tail swishes back and forth, ears standing on alert while you order a dessert. You offer a spoonful of the custard treat to Leona, who boredly takes a bite.
Who would dare mess with the fiancée of the Prince of the Afterglow Savannah? Especially when he was around.
“He’s quite overprotective, you see,” Neji says. “Although Y/n’s trained her whole life to protect the royal family, I’m sure Leona would lay down his life to ensure her safety.”
At the end of the day, the Night Raven College team returns back to Sunset Villa after several practice rounds for the bean brawl where a feast had been prepared to welcome all of the esteemed guests. The current strategy Leona had come up with was to have Kalim as vanguard, Vil as the middle, and for Lilia to compete in the final bout as the anchor. Though practice went well, to say that he wasn’t worried still was an understatement.
“You look more annoyed than usual,” you say, plopping down beside him on the couch. “All your friends are enjoying the music and the barbecue and you’re sitting over here like a bug on a log.
“It’s nothing,” Leona responds, taking a bit of food off your plate. You huff in annoyance. You eye the stage where Kalim, Grim and Lilia joined dancing with the performers. You stand, putting your plate to the side.
“Come on.”
“Come dance with me,” you say holding out your hand.
“What? No way,” Leona rolls his eyes.
“Please Leo? Humor me?”
At your plea, Leona sighs. He stands, grabs your arm and pulls you to a rather obscure corner where there aren’t many onlookers. You two were forced to practice this traditional dance so many times as kids, you both could do it in your sleep. Even though he may not look it, Leona is a great dance partner who guides your movements in tangent with the rhythm of the music.
“You really don’t want to do those lessons, don’t you,” you finally speak, switching to the native language of the Afterglow Savannah so that your conversation is relatively private. “Dragging along your classmates in this little scheme of yours. You can be a pain in the ass sometimes, ya know.”
“What can I say,” Leona answers back in the same language. “I don’t want to waste my time on something so pointless and boring.”
You roll your eyes as he whirls you around. Leona’s eyebrow quips when he notices something strange as your hair flutters up. Did you always have that scar on your collarbone? “If you actually did your job, then maybe we could see some real changes here. You sell your ideas short.”
“Doesn’t matter. In the end, I will never be king. And you will never be queen.” The way he says it, it’s almost like he’s disappointed. Sad he’d never be able to give you the title or the throne if married to him.
“I don’t care about being Queen,” you say quietly. “Things like that don’t bother me. I just want to stand with you as your equal.”
When the song concludes, the two you stare at each other for a beat too long before separating. A small audience, much to your embarrassment, had gathered to watch the two of you dance.
“Never thought I’d see the day where Leona would dance,” Vil mused.
“Ohh! You should join the pop music club!” Kalim excitedly suggested.
“What a great idea,” Lilia agreed. “The night’s just started! Let’s continue the party!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”Leona sighed, rubbing his temple, though only you picked up on it. You snicker under your breath. “We’re calling it a night. The tournament is early tomorrow and we all need our rest. So off to your rooms.”
Kalim and Lilia seem defeated, like kids told they couldn’t have dessert. Nonetheless you all disperse and start heading towards your own separate rooms.
“Y/n, where’s your room?” Leona asked. His classmates’ ears perk up at the sudden language switch. They didn’t know Leona was bilingual.
“Fourth floor. Why?”
“Come with me real quick to my room.”
Of course, as the second Prince of the Afterglow Savannah, Leona has a private suite that’s honestly like a mini apartment. His room overlooks the city which seems to glow as the sun sets. Though you’ve grown up here all your life, the sunset never ceases to amaze you.
“What did you need from me?” You ask, taking a seat on the king sized bed.
“That scar on your collarbone. That wasn’t there last time.”
You stiffen. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Leona clicked his tongue. “You think I was born yesterday?” He grabs the shawl you had been wearing and tore it from your grasp before you could protest. There it was, the deep scar that ran from your collarbone, disappearing down your shirt and creeping up part of your neck. Your hair usually covered it, but he thought he was imagining something when he saw it back at the dinner. “Gods Y/n…what did you do?”
“Why does it matter to you?” You snap back. “I got it a several months ago. You wouldn’t have come home anyway.”
“If you were hurt that bad of course I would have! Y/n, that’s not just a minor scratch. Now tell me what happened or I’ll find Neiji.”
You sigh. “It was just an accident during training. We were out in the Savannah on the cliffside and I fell trying to protect one of the other lionesses. I think I fell about twenty feet they said. Banged up pretty bad. It happened around your midterms time, so I opted not to bother you during your studies.”
Though you treat it like a lighthearted manner, you fractured several bones and cut yourself pretty deep on a jagged rock. It was just a freak accident. No fault on either party. But it did take months to recover and by the time Leona came home for winter break, you were out of a cast.
“It’s fine! You always tell me I’m more clumsy than a newborn gazelle, so don’t worry so much-“
Leona stares at you with an unreadable expression. But you can tell from his tenseness, that he’s pissed. He then suddenly pulls you into his chest.
“Don’t hide stuff like that from me. In fact, no secrets period. I don’t care how small. Got it?”
“I…uh…mmh…” you bury your face into his chest, inhaling his scent. He smells like mango and cedar. “Leo…I missed you…”
“Yeah yeah…I missed ya too.”
Omake-sexual content ahead
“I should go back to my room,” you sigh. Leona’s scent was so comforting, if you weren’t careful you’d fall asleep.
“Just stay here,” Leona said nonchalantly.
“Eh? We can’t?!”
“Hah? Why not?” Leona seemed almost insulted. “We used to share beds all the time as kids.”
“B-but that’s different!” By now your face was feeling hot from embarrassment. Your ears twitching skittishly.
“You’re my fiancée, are you not?”
Now you scoff. “This coming from the same guy who at five complained about marrying me.”
“If I do recall,” Leona said, closing the proximity between you two. “You were the one so insistent about it, going as far to say I better listen to you when we do. Well, you got what you asked for,” Leona taunted, his breath ticking your neck, making you whimper quietly. His hands snake around your waist, pulling you closer against his chest, preventing any escape. “I’m all ears kitten. You gotta use your words and tell me what you want.”
“L-Leona, please…”
“Mmm? Please what?” He tilts your chin up, his piercing green eyes staring into yours. “You’ve been yapping and pissing me off all these years only for you to decide to be quiet the moment I decide to listen?”
The embarrassment’s too great, so defiantly, you bite your tongue and refuse to say anything. Leona grins at this. “Fine then.” He undos your belt, pushing you to the bed as he pulls your pants to your ankles. “I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”
Leona sheds his cloak and in one swoop, takes off his shirt. His muscles flex with each movement. Your face flushes. It’s not like you’ve never seen Leona without a shirt or anything. But was his body always this attractive?
Kissing him isn’t what you expected. He’s gentle, almost hesitant, when he cups your cheek to press his lips against yours. The tenderness is so endearing you miss the way his hands wander up your sides to grope at your breasts. You whimper quietly.
“My pretty fiancée,” Leona mumbles against your lips. “Your heart’s racin’. You nervous? I’ll stop if you want.”
“No… don’t,” you plea, keening into Leona’s touch.
Leona is surprisingly attentive to you, prioritizing your needs over his own pleasure. He sits back on his heels to slide your underwear down your legs (pocketing it for later). He could feel his dick twitch in his pants as he takes in the sight of your pretty pussy, dripping wet from arousal. With a tight grip on your thighs, Leona takes an experimental lick at your core. The first wave of pleasure shoots through you which has you trembling.
“Now, I can get used to this,” Leona grumbles. He eats you out aggressively, his tongue weaving through your folds. Actually if he were honest, it brings him great satisfaction in taking care of you. Perhaps maybe even turns him on a bit. He could feel himself getting hard just from your taste alone, his stiffening cock beginning to press uncomfortably against his boxers.
Your back arches off the bed. Your fingers find their way into his long hair which you pull roughly. A throaty growl resonates from the back of Leona's throat. You feel something else prod down there, soon realizing Leona inserted one of his slender fingers, moving it in tangent with his tongue to stretch you out further.
"W-wait. Please," you whimper. "M-my stomach feels weird." With a loud cry, you feel your orgasm wash over you. A gush of slick coats Leona's tongue. He greedily laps up your essence, savoring the taste of you. He delivers one last harsh suck on your clit before pulling back.
“Let me know if it hurts, m’kay? Leona almost sighs in relief as he finally releases his cock from the confines of his boxers. His stiff erection oozes pre from the tip and twitches in his hand as Leona gives himself a few slow pumps to ease the pain.
Your heart’s hammering in your chest, still coming down from your orgasm and the anticipation of Leona claiming you. He aligns himself at your entrance, leaning down to claim your lips in a kiss again. Leona groans, spreading your legs wider as he slowly inches his cock deeper into your cunt. You whimper, a little too loudly, making Leona quick to cover your mouth.
“If you don’t want any of my annoying classmates to hear, you might want to keep it down.” His hands fall back to your hips as he feels your walls squeeze snuggly around him. His mind feels hazy and it takes everything in him not to ram into you right then and there. “Fuck. I’m going to cum at this rate if you don’t relax f’me.”
You on the other hand, cover your flushed face with your hands. Your body trembles with pleasure, heart racing in your chest. It feels so good. And your stubbornness makes you hate to admit that. You want more but Leona makes no effort to move, just holding your legs around his hips. His finger gently and teasingly tracing your clit.
“Look at me, Y/n,” Leona pants. You shake your head, keeping your hands over your face. He clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Stop being difficult and look at-“ When he pulls your hands back, Leona’s shocked to see tears in your eyes. “Oi. Why didn’t you say anything if it hurt?!”
You shake your head mumbling, “I-it doesn’t hurt-“
Leona’s ears twitch. “Huh?”
Your face burns. “It doesn’t hurt! Fuck. Leona. Please!”
A laugh rumbles through Leona’s chest. “Tell me what you want, Y/n. Look me in the eyes when you do.”
His striking green eyes bore into your own, not taunting you like usual. Almost begging for you to say what he wants as his restraint wavers.
“Leona, please fuck me.”
Leona grins. “Whatever you say.”
Your breath hitches as he moves. Leona growls lowly, fighting the urge to fuck you hard and fast. He rocks his hips, slowly dragging his cock through your walls making your shiver. Maybe you’re just sensitive from your last orgasm, but his lax pace makes you feel every vein on his cock as he reaches your cervix.
“Fuck, this feels good,” Leona grunts. You just squeeze around him so snuggly. Your walls flutter each time he moves, bringing him closer and closer to his release. He truly didn’t want it to end too soon. Especially cause he wanted to draw another climax out of you.
“M-move faster please,” you gasp as he hits your cervix again making tears trickle down your cheeks. Leona is quick to wipe them away, peppering your face with kisses. Your hips involuntarily buck up to meet his, desperately searching for more relief.
“Next time. Next time I will. I don’t wanna…fuck, cum yet.” He pulls your legs over his waist so that he could hit deeper. Your breath hitches from the penetration.
"T-there! A-again!" You beg. You wrap your arms around Leona’s shoulders to hold him close. Capturing your lips again, Leona sucked hard on them in order to bruise, his canines grazing them. His thumb jabbed against your clit, providing additional stimulation that ultimately threw you over the edge.
You come with a low whine, nails digging into Leona’s shoulders. Your clit pulsated, feeling like it was still vibrating. Tingles raced through veins, rocking your entire body.
"F-fuck, I'm close!" Leona pants.
Leona felt his own high reaching. His thrusts became less rhythmic and more sloppy. Low grunts and moans left his lips. The feeling of You tightening around his dick even more was enough to send him over the edge.
He comes with a low groan, pulling out at the last second, painting your stomach with his seed. His body rocks and he collapses on top of you, burrying his head into the crook of your neck.
There's silence between the two of your for a few moments as you both recover from your orgasms. Leona’s first to move, grabbing a tissue to wipe you down and check to make sure you’re not hurt. Other than the darkening hickies on your neck and chest (which he’s proud of), the fucked out bliss expression on your face says you’re otherwise content.
He tucks you into his chest, tail winding around yours. You relax against him, your hips aching slightly.
“Hn? Go to sleep,” Leona muttered.
“But it’s really important.” You shift so that you’re facing him. “So please listen to me?”
He sighs. “Okay. I’m all ears.”
You crane your head up so that you’re able to press a soft kiss against his lips. Leona blinks somewhat in surprise. “I love you,” you say, before sinking again into his arms.
You feel him press a kiss against your temple, and he squeezes you closer to him. His chest rumbles, almost like a purring cat that’s content. “I love you too.”
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ddejavvu · 10 months
Can you do an anakin smut but face riding?
Like, reader tries to stop him because she is insecure of her body being to heavy and he just..does not give fuck.
Also, love your work❤️❤️
this post is 18+, minors dni.
in true anakin fashion, he takes this as an insult.
you push against his cheeks when he tries burying his face against your wet cunt- your soaking cunt, can't you see you need him? and he's almost annoyed when he loosens his biceps around your thighs so that you can scramble backwards to where he's trying to drag you in over him. You're staring down at him with apprehension clear on your face, and there's nothing he wants more than to push past it and ravage you until you can't keep your mouth closed.
but he raises one eyebrow, waiting for your explanation. when you placatingly croon, 'don't, anakin, just lay me down instead. 'might be too heavy, i don' wanna crush you'.
you have to remember that anakin functions almost purely on ego. he's cocky, he's arrogant, he knows he's too powerful for his own good and he loves it. not only is he powerful with the force, but he's also been through years of rigorous training to refine his body, too, and he knows that he could overpower just about anyone even if he wasn't armed with his saber. so when you dare to suggest that he might not be able to support you- when you practically jump him and grind yourself all over his thighs and then deny him your cunt when he knows you need it the most, when you've been pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing and all of a sudden you're pulling away, suggesting that maybe he can't take it-?
he can't have it? he can't have you? he can't have you and he can't have your needy cunt because he's not strong enough?
your very kind and caring concern for him is interpreted as nothing less than a vicious insult.
he turns his head to the side and bites your thigh. he doesn't nip it, like he would to incite some sort of playful brawl, or lick it like he would before indulging in what's between the two of them. No, he opens his mouth, bares his teeth, and bites into your thigh, grabs a hunk of the meat of it with his teeth and digs in until he can hear you scream. it's rough and he doesn't break skin but he does hope that it bruises, because all of a sudden apparently you need a reminder of his strength.
you're staring down at him with tears eyes as you clutch at the bite mark, blubbering, 'anakin, what-?' but he's not taking pity on you.
"The fuck do you mean by that?" He spits, "You think- you think i'm not strong enough? you think i can't handle it?"
"No, Anakin!" You try to reason, but he's well beyond the point of no return, "No, I just mean that-"
"That you'll be too much for me, is that it, baby?" He asks, eyes ablaze.
"No, I just want you to be able to breathe!"
your words fall on deaf ears as he muscles you forward again, ignoring your squeals of protest as he presses his face into your cunt. he doesn't lead with his mouth, but with his chin, so that from nose to chin he's flush to your pussy. you feel his nose nestled just beneath your clit and you feel him breathe you in, a mortifying sensation because you know you must smell like sweat and sex and filth.
"Don't tell me what I can and can't handle," He warns, his voice low and muffled by the heat of your cunt. He glares up at you, and you're starting to wonder if this has turned into some sort of punishment for daring to question him, and then you wonder why that makes it all the more enticing, "You want me, you were rubbing yourself all over me earlier like some pathetic little slut. You need me, and i'm going to take care of you. You think i'm not strong enough to give you what you need? I'll show you. I'll fucking show you-" He pants, inches away from being worked up into a fit of rage. he takes a deep breath, chest still heaving even though he hasn't cut off his airflow quite yet, still tantalizingly close to your cunt, "I'll fucking show everyone. I'm gonna make you scream, angel, and everyone's gonna know how wrong you were."
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What Attracts Them [1]
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Vulnerability. If there is any weakness or fault in your self-concept, Alastor will pick up on it and try to exploit it to garner a connection with you. He’s not particularly fond of approaching someone without an ulterior motive in mind or solely because he finds you mildly interesting -among other sinners, that is. He needs leverage and uses whatever he can pry or observe about you to his advantage. Need protection? He’ll offer to guard you. Need financial support. He’ll hand over any amount you desire. As long as you either sell your soul or initiate loyalty to him, Alastor will proudly proclaim you his (property).
Alastor is wildly addicted to dual-sided sinners. The pure joy he gets from seeing you go from being sweet, shy, and agreeable to bloodthirsty, witty, and downright stubborn gets him going. You don’t often get that way unless it’s to put someone in their place or to show how protective you are of him -even if he’s far more powerful than you in every way. Still, when you do, his grin stretches wider than usual, and he’ll constantly try to encourage your violent behavior out into the open after the fact.
He’s got a massive thing for motherly types. Partly because he is a momma’s boy but mostly because he is very prone to being taken care of, as much as he’ll deny needing anyone’s help. What overlord would willingly say they like having their ears petted, antlers touched, or hair messed with by the one they love? None. And he won't be the first. You can always do the simplest things too: helping Charlie around the hotel, giving angel advice (even if he doesn’t use it), or running around with Nifty trying to help her catch bugs strikes a nerve in the stag he can't ignore. Seeing you tend to others makes him incredibly hot-blooded. It gives him more motive and excuses to breed you later on.
Dancing. He loves to trot around his room late at night with you. Soft jazz or swing music playing from him keeps a smile on your face as he leads you through various steps, effortlessly twirling you around the room and addicted to hearing you giggle softly anytime he sweeps you off your feet. He was a phenomenal dancer while alive, and that fact hasn’t changed in death. You will either have to learn from him or already be light on your feet when Alastor decides to ask you for a dance.
Alastor doesn’t mind having a chaotic partner but values a higher level of ‘obedience’ from them. If you aren’t the type to make a deal with the stag and he can’t convince you to do so, he’ll settle for an almost toxic form of companionship. What he says goes, and if you put up a fight, he’s not above reinforcing his command. Physically or emotionally. No one has ever called the Radio Demon fair, and they’ll never have a chance to. He does enjoy your stubborn fits occasionally, though….they make it so much more fun for him when he has to break you into submission again.
Overprotectiveness. He’s got a bad habit of practically stalking you whenever you’re away from him, but you have quite a temper when he’s put in a vulnerable position. This doesn’t happen often, though. For instance, his brawl with Adam enraged you to want to skin the angel alive. Luckily, Nifty and Lucifer got to know him before you did. Alastor adores it when you hiss at sinners who stare at him a little too long and can’t help but smile wider when you flash him an innocent look right after. You’re smaller and much more prone to be hurt, but you’ll still claw someone’s eyes out for him…yeah he’s never going to let you go.
Alastor isn’t very touchy but delights in invading others' personal space, so having an overly clingy partner would annoy him. You learn he appreciates acts of service more than anything else and is pleased to see what you do for him—keeping his room and Radio Tower tidy even if they’re usually clean and straightening out his bow tie if it’s crooked, bringing him raw meat after a long day of running errands, or even slipping into his room at night to sleep even if he’s wide awake himself just because you ‘miss him.’ It's all so trivial, small things you get used to doing, but meaningful to him nonetheless. He returns the favor in the best ways he can think of. Praise, gifts, making you cum until you can't think straight… You're such a sweetheart, and he can't help showing you bits of gratitude.
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A sucker for the cliche type of love. Running into you while on a stroll, seeing how clumsy you can be right off the bat, and feeling obligated to help poor little you make Lucifer giddy. You don’t mainly get why he’s so infatuated with you at first sight, but having the attention of Hell's King is flattering. Your friendliness is what pulls the devil in like a magnet at first. He wonders how you ended up in Hell even though you’re lovely and genuine. He finds kinship with those out of place because he fell from heaven for the same reason. In his opinion, you stand out amongst other sinners by being less of one.
Confidence. Whatever vanity you have, Lucifer drowns in it. Your looks, talents, and impression on others…if it’s all done with a sense of pride, he can’t get enough of it. His drug is seeing the smug look on your face when you make him beg for attention. When you want something from him and know you’ll get it if you ask, that glint in your eye sends the devil spiraling to his knees. You don’t have to be obnoxious about it either; quiet as a mouse hanging onto his arm as he walks about, he’ll, with a slight smirk of delight on your face when people stare at you, stroke his ego more than anything else could. You’re his prize, and he’s glad you’re proud.
Curiosity. You are asking him questions, getting him to talk, or even rambling about what’s on your mind, which comforts Lucifer. It reminds him of his time in heaven, being able to express his thoughts to those who’d listen, and you tend to do the same, which excites the fallen angel. He enjoys explaining things to you, deconstructing complex concepts to see your bright eyes light up with wonder, and the oh-so-sweet smile you give him during long, in-depth conversations eases his heart. The pure excitement on your face when he shows or explains something new to you is contagious. You’re too cut to be left clueless.
Touchiness. Lucifer is very prone to clingy behavior and sees nothing wrong with that. He likes your attention on him. Physical touch is his favored love language, and sharing it with you comes naturally. You often sit in his lap, play with his hair, pet his wings, and cuddle. He can’t get enough of it. He shudders when you’re all over him, pining for a kiss he can’t resist giving to you and whining for another right after he gives in. His hands never wholly leave you, and yours always find a way to bring him in close again.
Creativity. He’s drawn in by those who have an eye for the arts. It doesn’t matter what your interest maybe if it’s a form of expression for you; Lucifer tends to admire it. He’ll go as far as researching facts about the subject/hobbies to impress you with his knowledge and actively participate in the activity. You don’t mind him joining in, happily spending time with him more often, and appreciative that he puts so much effort into learning about something you love to do.
Reliance. Not in the sense that you’re utterly helpless without him but more so that he likes to be needed even for the most minor things. Being unable to help or fulfill another’s wishes irks Lucifer. He embodies pride, and feeling useless damages him a lot more than other things. He’s very attentive and soft-spoken even when agitated with you, and he genuinely does his best to do anything you ask of him. Once you become his, the world (alive or dead) is yours for the taking. He hates it when you brush him off to do something on your own, so you’re bound to let him tag along with whatever you do to keep him busy. He doesn't intrude if it's too severe of a boundary for you, but he can't help but want to take care of you with the utmost diligence.
Brattiness/Sassiness. Lucifer can't understand why he's attracted to a sharp tongue and an even colder attitude (which only occurs when you're upset with him), but he loves every second of it. Sometimes hell does or says things on purpose to piss you off and get your focus back on him. Other times, if you're already in a sour mood, he’ll suggest you take that anger out on him. He's noticed a pattern of you using stress as an excuse for him to fuck your brains out, and he's not mad about it. If making you break down into tears underneath, thanking him for fucking the bitchiness right of you after the edge of another high slowly wears off helps you in any way….Lucifer won't hesitate to participate. He wants to see you happy, but he loves the minor spats of aggression you have, like every other sinner in his domain. Though, you don't get very cutthroat as much as the majority does.
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New filler posts because sometimes I have random ideas and need a break from writing a series. ❤️
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jyoongim · 6 months
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Human!Alastor x wife!Reader
Themes: 1930 based! Human!Alastor x wife!Reader, domestic life! fluff, smut, devotion, slight manipulation, mention of children, pregnancy,  blood, murder, secrets 
Chapter four chapter six
Chapter Five
Something smelled.
Every time you entered the kitchen, a putrid scent would assault your nose.
You didnt know where the smell was coming from, but you were determined to find it.
You had cleaned every inch of the kitchen, thinking it was some old food you had failed to dispose of.
But it still lingered.
You followed your nose, trying to locate the smell.
It led you to the cellar.
Did some animal get in and die from the heat? You mentally groaned at the thought at having to find some decomposed vermin and having to clean it up.
You held your reflex to gag as you descended the stairs. God it was rancid.
You didnt even bother to turn on the light as you traveled down to investigate. You looked around and from what you could see nothing was out of the ordinary.
But there was trash bags stuffed in a corner.
Alastor usually did well in making sure the trash didnt overflow, but you guess he had forgot.
Mustve been the deer you thought as you grabbed the bags and tried to move them.
But one bag was all too heavy for you to carry.
You huffed and grabbed at it again, thinking that carrying it at a different angle would help, but the contents of the bag shifted and must have not been sealed properly as something spilled out.
Cold, slimy liquid splashed your bare feet and you cringed.
This was definitely what was causing the smell.
Your stomach did flips as the smell assaulted your senses.
You figured you needed the light and made your way to find the switch.
Now seeing your surroundings clearly, you turned to see where you left the bag and froze.
That’s what your eyes registered first. 
Thick red liquid was leaking out of the bag and when you approached further to the dumped contents your blood ran cold.
Was that a hand?
You felt bile rush into your throat.
There must be some mistake…what was a…a body doing in your cellar?
You shook your head and waddled back up the stairs.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. You were frazzled.
You poured yourself a glass of water. Maybe there was an explanation for this. There had to be right?
You took a deep breath. There was a body in your cellar. There was a dead person in your cellar. Could you even consider them a person? The state they were in…
Your eyes drifted to the pot on the stove. You approached the pot and opened it. The beef stew Alastor made. You sniffed it.
It smelled normal.
You picked up a piece of meat and examined it.
It didnt look like any meat you knew.
Your stomach curled as realization dawned on you.
Your husband had fed you human meat…
Your head was in the trash can before you knew it. Throwing up the water you had just sipped.
You made your way to your pager, the line beeped and the deep brawl of your husband answered “Honey! Is everything ok? Im kind of busy”
You were panting, shock settling in you “I-I just wanted to know if you could come home straight from work today?”
The man chuckled “Of course dear. Why don’t you rest a bit you sound rattled” you bid him goodbye and sat on the couch.
Theres no way this was happening…
Alastor quirked a brow when you didn’t come to greet him home.
The house was dimly lite except for the kitchen.
He smiled and found you sitting at the table, rubbing your swollen belly.
”You’re not indulging in a late night drink are you my dear?” He nodded towards the bottle of whiskey and glass in front of you.
You jumped slightly, having not heard him come home.
You quickly gathered yourself and have a shaky smile “of c-course not. I thought after a long week you would like to whine down”
He let out a low hum and made himself a glass.
Alastor noticed how you seemed…nervous.
You didn’t met his gaze and fidgeted in your seat.
”What’s troubling you cherie?” He asked downing the drink.
You wanted to blurt out and question him about the thing in your cellar, but you didnt know how he would react.
You had to wait for the right moment.
So you shook your head with a smile “Baby been giving me trouble that’s all. Didn’t realize how much I missed doing simple things without being out of breathe”
He laughed and leaned to place a kiss on your temple, a large hand over your very big bump. “You should take it easy. I told you you ain’t have to do anything. Just sit pretty and grow our child”
Your heart buzzed. 
There was no way your husband, your Alastor was a killer.
Maybe the hormones was making you delirious.
Maybe it really WAS just a deer carcass.
But you were certain you saw right…
”Did you clean today? You know chemicals aren’t good for you to be around. You shouldn’t be putting unnecessary stress on yourself darlin”
You pouted, wrinkling your nose “Something was rotten. You know how I feel about my kitchen Al.”
If you didnt know your husband, you wouldnt have noticed when he tensed up, but as quickly as it happened, it passed.
”Rotten?” He asked, face frowning.
You nodded “I threw out the strew, I think it went bad”
Alastor’s fingers drummed on your stomach and then he shrugged.
”guess Ill have to do better next time” he pulled you up and lead you unstairs to rest for the night.
”Guess Ill have to do better next time” what did that mean?
You had got dressed for bed and settled beside Alastor who pulled you to snuggle into his side.
You let out a yawn, eyes getting heavy “Al?”
He hummed in acknowledgment as he looked over some scripts.
“You would tell me if something was troubling you right?”
He glanced down to see you looking at him.
”Of course dear why?”
You shook your head, closing your eyes 
“Nothing just wondering”
Your soft snores filled the room and Alastor let out a sigh as he set down the papers.
He slipped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.
He looked around. While he had made sure to thoroughly clean up his mess, your cleaning was another level.
He sniffed and nothing but chemicals greeted his senses.
Something was rotten
Could you have…
He made his way down into the cellar. Flicking the light on, his eyes scanned the room.
The black trash bags were still in place.
His eyes narrowed noticing the red liquid coming from th bag.
Oh that just wont do.
He hauled the bag over his shoulder and went into the backyard.
Alastor wouldnt let his clean reality be faltered by his sinful deeds.
After all…
you didn’t need to know your husband dirty little secret….
Hi Jyoongim here !
I am at the point of the story where everything is now about to shit and dont know how long this story will be. Im thinking at least five more chapters (They will be long) but who knows. Blood and Bliss WILL have a second series, but until then…i would like to address something…. The next few chapters will have heavy themes. As a black writer i feel it is important that I show the history of my people and what African Americans had to deal with in the early centuries in the South United States. With that being said; be mindful and open-minded about the themes that will appear in the next few chapters Thank you
@th3-st4r-gur1 @yourdoorisunlocked @popamolly @doggone-devil @rulesareshadesofgrey @zombiesnips-blog @boney-horse @ilikemyteawithmilk @alastor-simp @alastorsgirl48 @alastors666creampie @alastwhore666 @alastorssimp @alastorsaries @al1fers-haven @dasimp777 @thewinchestah @certifiedcrybabyyy @markster666 @okay-babe @catherine1206 @angelicorpses @hazelfoureyes @yunimimii @smoky000 @siiv3r @southern-bayou-beau @luzzbuzz @karolinda007-blog @catmunist @ivebeenthearchersstuff @evedenn @luluxx118 @vexendoe @preciousbabypeter @justtnat @willowshadenox @celestial-vomit @over-the-little-blue-house @impulsivethoughtsat2am @purplecatsandhearts @strawberrypimp666 @peachedtvs @peachedtv @altruisticalastor @chanty-loves-turtles @cxrsedwxrlds @nightshadelm @theangeliclibrarian @voxsmalewife
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
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Warnings: public unprotected hot tub sex, fighting, public masturbation, voyeur
If there was one thing JJ hated it was Kooks. They were all the same. Entitled, rich pricks. Summer night parties ended with more fights and brawls than a prison with all the egotistical assholes running around. JJ was impulse must of the time but when it came to you.. he could get cruel. Especially in the hot tub at the latest Kook mansion with Rafe Cameron’s eyes tracking your every move.
You always felt Rafe’s eyes on you whenever you were at parties. It made your skin crawl but you couldn’t help but enjoy how possessive JJ became. He’d bend you over Rafe’s table and hold eye contact while he fucked you if you’d let him. But it would only end in a fight and someone getting stitches. Plus, Kooks talked to cops.
“If he doesn’t stop looking at you, I’m going to lose my fucking shit.” JJ growls, his arm thrown loosely over your shoulder in the hot tub. You had a clear view of the Kook sitting on the patio, sipping a beer while maintaining his unblinking gaze.
“He’s a creep. Ignore him.” You plead, sliding your hard across his lap and grabbing his cock in an attempt to distract him. JJ’s attention snaps to you, his eyes darkening as you get him fully erect in a matter of seconds under the water.
“He’s looking at you like a piece of meat.” JJ bites out, his body tensing as you both try to track your movements under the water.
“Yea. I want to knock his fucking teeth down his throat.” JJ growls, hissing through his teeth when you free him from his swim trunks to stroke him.
“More than you want to fuck me?” You whisper sweetly, teasing his throbbing tip with your thumb. You bat your eyelashes at him as he starts to breathe harder, his eyes barely having any blue left.
“You want me to fuck you out in the open for anyone to see? Remind that fucker who you belong to?” JJ rasps, his hand coming up to pull you closer by your throat. You lean in and run your tongue along his lips, continuing to stroke him as he shudders.
“Please, baby. I’m all yours. Do what you want with me.” JJ’s eyes dart from you to Rafe and back. His lips tipping up in a mischievous smirk before he moves to the opposite side of the hot tub, giving Rafe his back and pulling you onto his lap.
“Fuck me and make him watch, pretty girl. Make him watch you fall apart as I fill your cunt with my cum.” JJ smirks, pulling you in for a heated kiss. You pull back breathless, looking up to see Rafe leaning back casually in his chair without a care in the world as he stares back at you. A brow raises at you, a silent challenge to see how far you’d take this.
The power you felt was unimaginable. The ability to make someone you both hated watch as you fucked someone else had you nearly ready to burst already. Fuck the party and fuck Rafe Cameron.
You bite your lip as you tuck your bikini bottoms to the side and let JJ line himself up with your entrance. Your entire body shudders as you slowly sink down on his thick length, your head tipping back as JJ’s hands move to guide your hips until you’re completely filled by him. Your entire body is flushed and slick with sweat from the heat of the outdoors and the hot tub water along with the very public sex you were about to engage in. It all only heightened your need for release, leaving you on the edge already.
JJ’s hand cups the back of your neck, his other arm wrapping around your waist as he starts to roll his hips. Your fingers dig into his muscular check as your body ignites with sparks and your toes start to curl.
“Look at me, baby. Open your eyes.” JJ rasps, pulling you from your blissful haze. Your eyes slowly open and you clench hard just by seeing the look of pure lust and adoration on his face.
“Look at me while you fuck me. Ride my cock.” JJ practically growls, his teeth bared as he nears his own release. He was so hard and thick inside you, nudging your insides so deep that there was no way you’d be able to walk right after this.
“Fuck.” You pant, digging your fingers in harder as you start to fuck him back, meeting every powerful thrust just as greedily. Just when your body grows taunt and your pussy clamps down like a vice with JJ’s mouth on your throat, you look up to make sure Rafe is watching.
You’re immediately startled by what you find. So startled you let out a gasp and your movements falter but JJ doesn’t stop. JJ groans against your neck as he cums, signaling your own release that has you biting down on your bottom lip so hard you taste blood. The orgasm seems to last forever as you whimper and whither against him, watching with fascination and horror as Rafe smiles back at you just as he cums in his hand under the table, just visible enough for you to see. He quickly covers himself with a towel but there was no denying what has just happened. The disgusting display throws you into another orgasm and you bite JJ’s shoulder to keep from screaming even with the sudden gush of fluid between your thighs. JJ feels it too, his arms tightening around your body as he fucks you through it, murmuring praises and loving words as you finally come down.
You’re horrified by the fact that you just came to the sight of Rafe Cameron finishing. It was disgusting and erotic which made you hate him more. He’d stolen the moment from the two of you and warped it to satisfy his own needs like he does everything else. Instead of getting mad and storming off over your public claiming of your boyfriend, Rafe had jerked off to the sight.
“You squirted in the fucking hot tub.” JJ’s amused voice draws you back from your angry thoughts, his lips still on your neck as he rubs a soothing hand down your back. You also hated the fact that Rafe had caused you to squirt for the first time. Without even touching you. Rafe grins at you like the satisfied predator that he is, discreetly cleaning himself up and tucking himself away before sitting the towel back on the table for some unsuspecting loser to use later.
“Take me home.” You murmur against JJs ear, lifting your hips so he can tuck himself away and slide your bottoms back in place. JJ tries to look over his shoulder at Rafe but you stop him with a kiss.
“Take me home and fuck me in our bed.”
“Only if you promise to squirt for me again.” JJ growls, kissing you hungrily before sliding you off his lap and helping you exit the tub. JJ wraps you in a towel as he throws a satisfied look at Rafe and throws his arm over your shoulder to lead you out the back gate. Your legs still feel like jello as you cling to JJ’s waist, the after effects of the hardest orgasm of your life still lingering in your system when you hear someone jogging to catch up with you both.
“Hey JJ, I just wanted to thank you.” You tense at Rafe’s voice, immediately noting the way JJ’s body stiffens against yours as he stops to face the provoking Kook.
“Stop.” You murmur to JJ but he ignores you.
“For what?”
“For letting me see what Y/N looks like when she cums from watching me jerk off. I bet she felt really fucking good too.” Rafe flashes that cocky smile as JJ pulls away from you to shove Rafe in the chest.
“Stop it!” You cry, completely humiliated and embarrassed.
“The fuck did you just say?” JJ growls as Rafe shoves him back, stepping into his space with a dangerous look in his eyes.
“I said, your cum might be in her pussy but she came thinking about me. So remember that the next time you want to have a pissing contest with me.”
You reach for JJ but it’s too late. His head snaps forward, his forehead catching Rafe’s nose. Rafe curses, stumbling back as blood immediately gushes from his nose and down his lips. Rafe locks eyes with you, giving you a wink before his expression hardens and all hell breaks loose.
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seaslugfanclub · 11 months
Hello! I just wanna say I really like your Disney Villain writings, they are funny and really cute! Can I request where the Disney villains are fighting over who is Y/N’s favorite villain? I thought it would be funny
Oooh great idea! This one was so much fun to write! (Can you tell that Honest John’s my favorite?)
No, I’m their favorite!!
No one knows how the conversation subject was brought up, but it more than ruined the villians weekly poker night. Curses filled the air and sidekicks where used as meat shields.
“I’m easily (Y/N)’s favorite person out of all of us, no- this entire park!! No one is better friends than Gaston!!” The Frenchman boasted, loose hair’s flying around his face. “They regularly compliment my physique, and they sneak me in special hair products!! There’s no room for argument!”
“Oh please frenchie, (Y/N) isn’t as daft as the other cast members. They have taste for more refined gentlemen. Like yours truly.” Captain Hook scoffed, ignoring the glares from the other villians. “Might I remind you how they gifted me the entire trilogy of ‘The History of Piracy’? Or how much they enjoy my culinary skills? They have supper with me every Tuesday.” Hook affirmed, more than confident he had bested the competition.
That was quickly interrupted by a swift *bonk* on Hooks head, Jafar looming over the ex- pirate with his staff in hand.
“While I agree with (Y/N)’s taste, it surely isn’t a cowardly captain.”
“Why you-” Hook started, only to be bonked on the head again.
“Why me? Well that’s easy, I’m a very persuasive individual. I’m able to… ‘charm’ those in upper management to give (Y/N) longer breaks, or keep any unsavory park guests from harassing our dear caretaker. (Y/N) obviously favors someone who makes their job easier.”
“Your joking right? Didn’t I see (Y/N) yell at you for 30 minutes straight because you were eyeing that princess Jasmine?” Hades chimes in, finally deciding to butt into the conversation after watching the other villians argue from the sidelines. Jafar stopped speaking, averting his eyes and mumbling.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought. But c’mon guys, you know it’s ya boy here who’s (Y/N)’s number one pal.” Hades points his thumbs towards himself.
“I was one of the first people here who (Y/N) met, we knew each from day uno. I can’t count the amount of times that they’ve kept my shit-ass sun god of a brother from bugging me. And they even made the most adorable altar for me, with pomegranates and the whole works!!”
“Oh, so gauche. If it wasn’t for my expertise (Y/N) wouldn’t be half as stylish as they are. Not to mention our ‘girls nights’. I’ve opened an entire new world of skincare for them!” Cruella hissed. (Actually remembering she had to pick up (Y/N) that special cream made from horseshoe crabs)
A threadbare glove raised amidst the crowd, Honest John appearing from seemingly nowhere
“Im sorry to disappoint you all, but it’s myself who’s won (Y/N) heart. They’ve fallen for my effortless charm lock, stock, and barrel! I mean, I’ve been their nap partner countless a times, they quite enjoy cozying up to my fur.” John preened, smiling back at the memories of warm afternoons snuggled up next to (Y/N).
“Fur!? Why you little- I’ll skin you-”
“Just wait till (Y/N)-”
The poker room devolved into full out brawl, nearby cast members rushing into the room in attempt to break up the crowd. All the while, in an empty back room (Y/N) was sharing a sandwich with their guest.
“Y’know what, Ratigan?” They said between bites. “Your my best friend.”
The rat stared up at them, finishing his bite,
“…. Ew.”
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Imagine Geralt realising how pissed you are after running into you again…
It was another busy day where knights, men and women of all corners came in to rest their battle-weary feet and drink mead. There would be the occasional brawl but they were nothing when you compared it to battling a cursed wyvern with a blindfold.
You exited the back room having just refilled the pitcher of cool mead when a familiar grunt caught your attention. Just behind a rowdy table of farmers, in the corner, sat the Witcher - Geralt of Rivia - and a bard who was far too chipper while sober.
Inching a little closer, you busied yourself with empty flagons while remaining within earshot of the pair.
“Come on - it’s not a bad lyric. Ah, what do you know? You can wield a sword but not understand the complex meaning behind a beautiful string of words.” The bard said.
Geralt scoffed. “It wasn’t complex.”
An old man slid a few coins across the table for the service which you pocketed and then moved on to the next.
“We can’t stay long.” Geralt told his companion. You glanced back briefly and saw the brightly dressed man staring into his coin satchel, concerned.
“I could swear there was more silver in here. Geralt, I think I’ve been indecently swindled.”
You wanted to confirm that the man could easily have fallen prey to the notorious pick-pockets that haunt the tavern but you stayed silent, now distracted by a customer who ordered some pies.
“Don’t forget the carrots this time.” He reminded.
You wanted to tell him where to shove his carrots but heard your name being shouted from across the floor.
“Y/n, I need a word!” It was the tavern owner who enjoyed paying you less than what you were owed. With a sigh, you trudged over to him away from most prying ears. “You’ve been waiting on those tables long enough. Deliver those pies and refill goblets on the double or I’ll show you out the door.”
You had half a mind to bite back but chose to hold the words at bay. In ten minutes, the pie was ready to be collected from the kitchens. As you walked it to the table, you made the decision to confront Geralt but upon approaching his table, found that the Witcher and his bard had vanished, leaving behind some coins for the hospitality.
Geralt would have heard your name being bellowed. He would have seen you answer the call. And yet, he still left?
The farmer who had ordered the food found his plate empty as you swerved around his chair and rushed out the wooden door. Turning left, you followed the small path down to where riders often tied their horses, your own being one of them - spotting the familiar silver hair and lute of the bard.
Words appeared to have failed and rational thoughts had abandoned your mind the second you fled.
Your hand flipped the pie out of its casing and with one, well-aimed throw, found its mark. The bard screamed and the Witcher stopped in his tracks instantly stilling for a few seconds.
Then he turned, his jaw clenched. “Did you throw a meat pie at my head?”
You tossed the empty pan over your shoulder. “You bet I did and I’ll do it again.”
The bard at Geralt’s side grabbed his guitar and hid behind the broad-shouldered man fearing that he would be next. “Oh, they’re pissed. What did you do?”
Geralt exhaled as he pulled stray bits of pastry out of his locks. “I’m not sure…”
“Not sure? You fucking ignored me in the tavern! Friends for years and it doesn’t warrant a simple ‘hello’?” You yelled.
Jaskier peered out from behind, “Oh, he’s always like that. We’ve been friends for several weeks and he pretends to hardly know me - such a jest.” He chuckled to himself quite fondly.
Ignoring the brightly coloured song man, Geralt addressed you, now free from the discarded food. He had indeed acknowledged the your presence the minute he set foot in the tavern but found himself reliving old memories instead - some good, others painful.
“I didn’t think you’d want to see me after that business with the striga.”
“The striga?” You repeated, remembering the event he was referring to where he had taken claim over the beasts defeat instead of giving you proper recognition. “That was over a year ago, I was bitter for perhaps a few weeks but no more. But you wouldn’t know that because you ran off with Roach.”
“I didn’t run off - I just - you were injured and I had no reason to hang around while you healed.” The Witcher explained. “In hindsight, I probably should have checked in.”
You nodded vehemently. “And since you didn’t, you’re very deserving of that meat pie.”
“The pie was mean.” Geralt frowned.
“Oh a tale of a strained but beautiful friendship filled with battles and miscommunication - you must regale me with the details.” Jaskier grinned.
You would gladly do so if your old friend would have your company once more. Raising a brow at Geralt, you posed the silent question.
“Don’t you have a job?” Geralt asked.
You squinted in return. “I abandoned my post and stole a pie. I’m surely fired.”
“Fine - but only until the next village.” The Witcher negotiated, knowing full well that his friend would likely be staying for a longer time. He grabbed the reins and pulled himself up on his horse with a small grunt.
You shared a similar grin to the bard and sent a high whistle into the air to call forth your own steed for the journey ahead.
When the horse approached, you took hold of the reins and walked alongside Jaskier.
“While we’re on the topic, I’ll tell you about the time when Geralt fought an ifrit almost fully naked.” You winked and caught the eye roll on your friends face.
Jaskier pulled his guitar to the front and strummed a few strings to start a catchy tune. “Oh, I’m ready for this.”
~ More imagines here ~
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bitterkarella · 3 months
Midnight Pals: Physical Fitness
[at the beach] Sonia Greene: oh howard this was such a lovely idea! Greene: a romantic seaside picnic and just the two of us! Greene: and we've got your favorite food right here - untoasted white bread! Greene: isn't this nice? HP Lovecraft: [sweats, stares at ocean] right sure
HP Lovecraft: Hey! Quit kicking sand in our faces! Sonia Greene: that man is the worst nuisance on the beach! Aleister Crowley: [grabbing Lovecraft] listen here, I'd smash your face, only you're so skinny you might dry up and blow away!
Crowley: [to greene, as he manhandles lovecraft] look babe, why don't you drop that zero and get with the hero Crowley: i'll show you how a real man kicks sand in people's faces! Crowley: THE GREAT BEAST!!! DO AS THOU WILLT!!!!
Lovecraft: The big bully! I'll get even some day! Greene: oh don't let it bother you, little boy Greene: i'll fix you up a nice big meal, put some meat on those bones Lovecraft: and that'll help me build muscle? Greene: [sweats] um muscle? um sure yeah muscle
Poe: howard, you need to stop letting aleister pick on you Lovecraft: but he's twice my size! he's all buff cuz of all the mountain climbing! Poe: you could start working out? Lovecraft: you mean physical labor? Lovecraft: sport?! Lovecraft: [sweats] like a common cornishman?!?
Poe: you should try it Poe: a good regimen of rowing and swimming helped me build mass Barker: oh come on edgar Poe: no really! Poe: [removes shirt, revealing he is super swole] Barker: Barker: oh right Barker: right i forgot about that
Mary Shelley: listen up nerd you don't need exercise Shelley: what you need is one of these [flips switchblade] Poe: oh come on mary, what if he gets attacked when he doesn't have knife on him? Shelley: dunno, that's never come up
Shelley: next time aleister gives you shit, you give him one of these [pantomimes shivving] Poe: mary, violence never solved anything Shelley: it does if you're good at it Poe: Barker: ah ha ha she's got you there edgar
Lovecraft: Darn it! I'm sick and tired of being a scarecrow! William Hope Hodgson says he can give me a real body. all right! i'll gamble a stamp and get his free book Lovecraft: i'll just not eat this week to afford the stamp
William Hope Hodgson: are you "fed up" with seeing the huskies walk off with the best of everything? Hodgson: sick and tired of being soft, frail, skinny or flabby? Hodgson: i know because i myself was once a puny 97 pound "runt" Hodgson: today, I am two separate gorillas
Hodgson: give me 5 weeks and my body building plan will turn YOU into the bronzed adonis you were meant to be Hodgson: through a dynamic combination of cardiovascular training, lifting big kegs, and standing in the desert while getting your balls tanned by an ultraviolet machine
Lovecraft: wow, how's you get so buff?? Hodgson: from constant brawling during my navy days Lovecraft: w-wait Lovecraft: you're a sailor?? Hodgson: yeah you should know from my popular lecture series about how much the navy fuckin sucks ass Lovecraft: [sweats]
Hodgson: ugh, i tell you Hodgson: it's just impossible to pay the bills with pseudoscience fitness programs catering to mens' insecurities Hodgson: i'm gonna pivot to weird fiction instead Hodgson: that's where the big money is
Hodgson: what if a bunch of pig men attacked a big house Smith: [on phone] hey clark ashton? it's me! your cousin! marvin smith! Smith: you know that new horror genre you're been looking for? Smith: well, listen to this! [aims phone at hodgson]
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coveholdenmyluv · 3 months
Mean Girls - Eren Jaeger
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synopsis. Eren's the new kid at Trost Academy and being fresh meat in his senior year isn't easy. Especially so when the only friends he's made yet have managed to convince him to help them mess with "The Plastics". The problem?
He's got the biggest crush on their queen bee, Y/N.
series masterlist.
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chapter warnings. Foul language, rich ppl, mentions of vomit, mentions of shitting your pants (what even are these warnings LMAO), laxatives, mentions of giving a character laxatives, hitch is a bitch (I love her I’m sorry I made her like this), drama drama drama, a lot of menstrual product talk (these characters are very comfortable talking abt these things!)
chapter synopsis. From a brawl at the supermarket to a meeting with the Queen bee’s arch nemesis, our trio’s plan preparations seem to be coming together! Though, will learning some lore regarding our resident plastics impede on Eren’s drive? Perhaps the future isn’t looking so bright for our revenge seekers…
chapter 2. Fuck with the Plastics: start
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"Bag secured, over." Mikasa spoke in her usual monotone voice.
"And... you're completely sure that this will only make her a bit gassy, right 'kasa?" Armin spoke next, the shake in his voice painfully obvious even through the speaker of Eren's phone. With no answer, he tries again, "Guys? Hello?"
"You're supposed to say 'over', Armin!"
"Oh! Over."
"Alright, mine is secured too... over?" Eren announced as he slipped his arm through the plastic bag, doing his best to be inconspicuous, though the hood over his head isn't helping his case. His attire was mostly to calm his troubled conscience.
The three way call had one purpose and a very important one at that.
Phase one of 'Fuck with The Plastics'.
"Good boy," Mikasa purred and Eren swore he could hear the mischievous grin his reply had caused to form on her face. "Now Armin, relax. All this is gonna do is make her tummy a bit upset, a little gas here and there never hurt anyone. She'll get the humiliation she made Eren bear... only much much worse because of her status, plus ruin her chances of winning this highly anticipated game and possibly her entire athletic career. Over."
"Please, stop repeating what could go wrong. I'm getting nauseous again..." Eren groans into the speaker.
"Mikasa, you say that now but, what if she's allergic to it or something? Ohmylanta, what if she dies?!" Armin screeches and Eren fears he may begin to wail soon. "I don't wanna go to jail guys! I can't go back!"
"Geez Louise, Armin." Eren winces as he pulls the phone away from his ear. "My ears are bleeding."
"Oh wait Eren, now that you reminded me, can you get me some pads from the store? My cycle is pretty heavy today." Mikasa asks.
"Uh, T-M-I Mikasa..." Armin mutters as he glances around the student aid center. His portion of contribution to the trio's master plan is arguably the least interesting, though the boy didn't seem to mind. All he was put in charge of was attaining their tickets for the game, which they receive free of charge with their student ID's.
"Mikasa, I'm literally already walking out of the store." Eren says exasperatedly, though his pace has already begun to falter in preparation for his U-turn.
"Well then, go back? If I bleed out all over the bleachers, it's your jacket I'm using to wipe it clean. The ball is in your court."
"Oh my gosh, fine!" Eren relents. "What size?"
Silence reigns over the three, and Eren swears everyone in the supermarket had audibly halted all movements along with them.
"Mikasa, you know damn well..." Armin begins.
"Armin! Shut the hell up, the length helps with my leakage so mind your own business!"
"Zayum, okay geez."
"Wings or no wings?" Eren asks, already having made his way back into the multiple isles freshly restocked.
"Wings, please. I want to be ready for anything." The girl answers ominously.
"I don't even want to know what that means. I'll head back to the academy after I'm done with this, where do you guys want to meet?"
"The restrooms near the cafeteria are right beside the doors that lead to a path straight to the stadium. We can meet there." Armin suggests, already beginning to make his way towards the meeting spot.
"Okay. Actually, since I'm here, do you guys want any snacks for the game?" Eren asks while he grabs a box of fruit roll ups and a bag of hot Cheetos for himself. "How long does a soccer game last?"
"A little under an hour and thirty minutes, and that's if they don't go into over time which they probably will, considering who they're playing against." Mikasa answers, "Oh, and I'll take an oat meal crème pie and a red Gatorade. But! The one with the twistable cap that you can suck on."
"We'll see how long this one will last with what we have planned, though." Armin mutters into the speaker anxiously, "Anyway, I'll take some Skittles, baby Gerber puffs, Teddy Grahams, Hubba Bubba, strawberry Hello Pandas, Scooby-Doo snacks, Gushers, Pirate's Booty-"
Eren hangs up before the other boy could finish, deciding it wasn't worth his weekly allowance.
He had already arrived at the feminine hygiene products aisle by the time Armin had sent him the remaining 27 items on his wishlist for tonight, which Eren promptly ignored. The wall that held most of the menstrual supplies was expanse and slightly intimidating to the teenage boy's eyes, though that was not to say he was taken off guard. Having a close relationship with your mother desensitizes you to a large amount of aspects of womanhood that most immature boys his age would either cringe at or ridicule.
He knows the brand his mother uses is best for absorbing, but they're not the best at being discreet. He wonders which Mikasa would prefer, though he decides that coverage and preventing leakage must have been her priority considering her earlier words. Deciding upon the trustworthy brand he had always picked up on late night pad runs with his mom, he notices how it seems to be the only brand that has yet to be restocked. The one in his hand being the very last one in XXL.
As he turns to leave the isle, a high pitched voice, practically whining curse words, catches his attention. Before he instinctively turns his head towards the sound, he internally prays for there to be no reenactment of his first encounter with Armin, knowing he couldn't bear to handle another stereotypical bully, much less work up the courage to stand up to them once more. 
"They don't have that one today, I swear I've looked everywhere!" The, now visible, person speaks into the cell phone clutched to his ear. "I don't know? Does everyone suddenly use the biggest size available? I know you do not need double X."
It seems to be a young boy, perhaps only a few years younger than Eren himself, with messily styled H/C hair and a few piercings adorning his delicate face.
"The one with the purple flowers on the box or the navy blue one with the stars?" The young boy asks, his impatience slowly making its way into his features.
Wait, purple flowers?
Eren's gaze moves back toward the box in his hands and his eyes trace those exact purple flowers printed and plastered smack dab in the center. Though, he knows there are tons of other brands that use matching floral patterns, perhaps this boy was looking for the one with the green background instead of the pink one Eren held.
"The one with the pink box, right?" The boy asks.
Well, perhaps he was searching for the 7 hour wear edition instead of the 8 hour one Eren got for Mikasa. Surely that was the case-
"8 hour version? Do you need to charge it or something, why is there a time limit?"
Certainly he couldn't be looking for the same size, not many people would be as paranoid as Mikasa due to leakage-
"Mm, XXL? Oh, cause of leakage, got it."
Run, that's what Eren needs to do. He knows how far passionate boyfriends would go for their lovers, especially ones as young as the boy he is sharing the aisle with. Kids his age will either pay romantic relationships no heed or take them far too seriously.
Though, before he could pivot in the other direction, the boy ends the call and turns to presumably search for the pink floral box in the size XXL. Coincidentally, the exact box Eren plans to buy.
The last box.
Green meets E/C.
His heart drops to his ass and his arm hastily shields the prized object behind his back as visible sweat forms on his forehead. Though, truly his efforts were all for naught.
Silence follows as the two teenagers hold eye contact, one accompanied with worry creases near his brows and the other with an unamused pout to his lips.
"Those are the last double X they have in stock, aren't they?"
The H/C boy sighs and holds his hands up in surrender. "Look, dude. I come in peace, it's fine. What do I look like to you? Someone who would go batshit over menstrual products?" Eren shakes his head hastily, to which the younger boy agrees. Of course, what was Eren thinking? Incriminating a person who looked to be no older than the age of 15 was not cool on his part.
"You're right, My bad."
Letting any past thoughts flee his mind, Eren resumes his standstill with the stranger, neither seemingly knowing what to do next...
...before the stranger juts a finger behind Eren and exclaims, "Hey, look over there, it's TSwift!"
"What?! Where?!"
Eren was tackled to the ground and landed with a coherent 'oof', the assailant clambering on top of his chest and tugging at his arms to loosen the tight grip on the box that remains in his hands.
"That was a low blow, you psycho! I haven't seen her since I was in fifth grade!" Eren whines as he tries to free himself. Deciding that his actions were amounting to nothing, he thrusts the box away from his body and above his head, the cardboard sliding across the tiled floor of the supermarket.
"Morality is non-existent when it comes to the last box of pads, pretty boy!" The younger boy grits as he abandons Eren's body in favor of stumbling to his feet to reach the box.
As the boy steps over his head, Eren grabs onto one of his leather boots, causing him to plummet with his fingers outstretched only inches away from the prize. Eren flips himself onto his stomach and scrambles over the other boy, laying a palm atop his face to thwart his vision. In retaliation, though not after a sharp squawk, the boy chomps on the fingers overlaid his mouth, causing the brunet to cry out in pain.
"Give up!" The boy demands, "I don't care if I have to bite every one of your fingers off, I'll be leaving with that box!" He declares and delivers a torturous blow to Eren's crotch, causing him to wheeze and topple over in pain. "Aha!" The boy proclaims as he nears his victory, emitting a cry of premature success.
Though, before his slender fingers are able to reach the jackpot, his worst fear is born into existence.
"My Prada boots!" He squeals in agony and fear as Eren holds the cherished shoe above his head triumphantly and a pained smirk creases onto his face. "Don't you dare you monster, they're monolith!"
"You rich people are all the same," Eren scoffs as he throws the boot aways behind him, not sparing a glance in the direction as the boy abandons the box in favor of running over to his beloved shoe. Eren limps over to the pink box and swipes it up with an exhausted sigh escaping his lips. "I win." He states in a cocky tone, taking pride over the brawl he emerged victorious from, already preening at the amount of bragging rights he had just earned himself. "Mikasa, you owe me big time- ack!"
Not without a war cry, the unrelenting stranger rams a shopping cart into Eren's body, forcing the brunet back onto the ground and causing the box to slip out of his grasp and slide onto the floor once again.
"Never mess with my Prada boots again," He heaves and delicately steps over to the abandoned box, taking it into his hold and placing a kiss atop the the printed flowers. "Auggie, you're awesome." He then turns to face Eren and boldly upturns his pierced nose at the sight of the older boy sprawled on the floor. "You put up a good fight, unfortunately for you I reign superio-"
"I didn't hear a bell!" Eren shouts as he springs up and tackles the shorter boy, resulting in the two wrestling on the ground once again, just as they had originally started. Scratching, kicking, and biting their way across the floor, though noticeably making zero progress towards the box they both sought out.
An awkward cough acts as the bucket of cold water that halts their movements, both boys craning their heads in the direction of the sound alike deers in headlights.
An employee that hauled a cart filled to the brim with pink cardboard boxes and printed purple flowers decorating their surfaces stood before their tangled ball of limbs, gifting them a critical stare. Leisurely, and hesitatingly so, she tucks the prized boxes where they belong, before scurrying away with her haul of products stacked into her squeaky cart.
An air of silence follows the departure of the poor retail worker, both boys remaining stunned by the sudden appearance. Though, after realizing what a compromising position they had been caught in, the unraveling of their limbs went unspoken as they stood simultaneously.
Another awkward cough, though this one originating from the brunet, filled the vacant space between the two. Eren grabs ahold of one of the boxes that was recently stocked, his head hanging low in embarrassment. "So..." He utters hesitatingly.
The younger boy clears his throat, "M sry." He mutters.
"I said I'm sorry! ...I know that Tswift joke was wrong of me."
Eren sighs in resignation, now realizing how idiotic his actions were, especially considering the fact that he seemed to be the older of the two. "It's fine. I guess we were both signed up for errand boy today, huh?"
The stranger shook his head, "Yeah but, to be honest, this is my first time going on a pad run for my sister. I wasn't 'old enough' a few years ago, and even then we don't usually do our own shopping. Our butler handles all of that."
"Oh..." It was stupid of Eren to forget that most people in his city were lathered in riches, but he did. His recent encounter with this new boy only furthered his forgetfulness, because what sort of opulent teenage boy was willing to engage in a full out brawl for a box of pads? "Well, either way. I'm guessing these aren't for you?"
"Nah, they're for my sister's friends. But, she can get pretty impatient real quickly and I'm not in the mood to deal with teenage Godzilla. She'd probably run me over with her convertible."
The mental image of Godzilla driving a convertible, only to then run over an edgy teen made Eren chuckle, "I get it, this size seems to be in high demand."
"My sister says that it's because of leakage, whatever the hell that means. I don't even think I want to know."
Eren smiled sympathetically, little brother ignorance was something he knew about all too well. "So, why are you here instead of your butler? I think I would have stood a better chance against him if I'm being honest."
The boy shrugs nonchalantly, "She says it's an emergency. Those girls can get pretty scary when in a state of panic. For being older than me, you'd think they'd be better at dealing with stress."
"I understand completely." Eren huffed in exhaustion, "My friends and I are dealing with these real popular kids at our school, we've got an ulterior motive of course, but we've seen a fair share of their antics and I can tell we'll have our hands full. At least the pay off will be worth it. We have a whole plan and everything."
The boy cackled a laugh that shook his whole body and clapped a palm onto the older boy's shoulder, "You don't say? What's such a good prize worth dealing with what seems to be a bunch of rich maggots eating away at your soul?" He asked.
"Well, it has to do with this girl..." Eren begun to attempt to elucidate the entire situation to this stranger but in the end only arrived with stutters, before he decided that the effort of reliving his trauma was not worth it. He sighed, "It's a long story."
Unexpectedly, a highly pitched rendition of 'I'm Just a Kid' began to chime in the stranger's pants, causing him to wince and groan in annoyance. "A story that I can't stay for, unfortunately." He muttered before slipping the device out of his pocket. "It's Godzilla." He confirmed his suspicions but made no moves to accept the call. Instead, he offered a jeweled hand towards the brunet.
This hand wasn't like the one that was offered to him earlier today. Instead of diamonds and gold, silver and various colored stones wrapped around this boy's digits, crowning them with luxury and status.
"My name's Augustine, but you can call me August." He paired with a friendly grin, bringing attention to the silver lip ring hung on his bottom lip.
For some reason, this boy struck something within Eren. He didn't know what it was, but there was a sense of reminiscence flooding his senses when he stared at his smile. The reminiscence that creeps up on you when you look at your sibling and recognize that the shirt they have on is in fact not theirs but yours.
He can't put his finger on it... but August reminded him of someone.
Nonetheless, he excepted his dressed hand with his own bare one. "Eren, it's just Eren."
"Alright, just Eren. I have to go, but hopefully I'll see you around!" August called out as he scampered down the aisle before Eren could have gotten another word of parting out.
What a nice guy, Eren hopes to see him again.
After grabbing the snacks that his newest friends had ordered, promptly ignoring 25 items on Armin's list, he pays the nice woman working the register and makes his departure. By the time he steps back on the pavement, the sun has begun its decent, painting the concrete buildings and vibrant trees in a golden hue.
Trost truly is a beautiful district — the architecture alone places it on a superior level when compared to many other extravagant districts out there.
Eren himself has never lived the kind of life that his new friends or acquaintances were born into. Although having a successful doctor for a dad, it was never an aspect that had ever brought upon wealth for the Jeager family. His mom rapidly rising in her fashion designer career is what has brought him to such a district as this one. Mrs. Jaeger is well on her way to being known for her individuality, and he couldn't be filled with more pride.
Having to leave his old school was pretty easy for him, he had never had many friends there anyway. Sure there were the few he could greet in the hallways, but none that had ever willingly stricken a genuine conversation with him, much less an interesting one. Though, that's not to say the experience of moving out of the blue in your senior year was something he was excited about either, that wouldn't be a nice time for anyone.
It was just his luck that he'd already made a fool out of himself on his very first day. In front of his crush to boot.
Y/N Ackerman.
He wouldn't lie to himself and proclaim that he has no feelings towards the girl. He quite literally puked on her because the amount of emotions she made him feel at a single glance proved to be overbearing to his body. Though, a portion of himself finds itself conflicted. Actually, scratch that - multiple portions of himself find themselves conflicted. As if the little people in his head are arguing against each other, and he isn't sure which side he should be on.
On one hand, the purple person that he decides to name Armeen is arguing that he should hate the girl. Mikasa said that Y/N had surely made it her goal to embarrass Eren in an attempt to solidify her superiority against him and that she was a vicious person with the ugliest soul she had ever seen. 
On another, the red person, Mika Mika, proclaimed that he already hates her. Armin and Mikasa have informed him of her vile friends, the people she willingly surrounds herself with. She condones their actions by mere association. Not to mention the absolute joke she had made of him, which was sure to have cost him a year's worth of ill-repute. Hell, probably even the rest of his soon to be miserable life.
But then, as if he had grown a sudden third hand, there appeared a pink person. This one unnamed, whispered details the other two would surely never approve of. How could she be a vicious person, when she had went out of her own way to not only invite him, but his only friends, to her highly anticipated game AND her own home, knowing that everyone in their grade had heard the abrupt invitation? She was willingly attempting to help him fix his image. How could the person those little people in his head describe as ruthless and callous, ever make his insides light on fire, as if he was a skewered rotisserie chicken on a white Sunday morning? How could the devil herself bring upon him feelings only talked about in movies?
Gaslighting someone to their wits' end by batting her fluffy lashes. It's an old tactic really, but one that would never die out, nor could it. Eren isn't stupid, he knows the truth of the situation. How dire a messy set up like this could have affected her reputation as well, he gets it. Understands that measures need to be taken to prevail through such a trying time. When you're at the top, tiptoeing a razors edge, everyone at the bottom has a clear shot to shoot you down. Those mean comments and accusations of prejudice are just the paint strokes crafting a precise target onto her back.
But, to bring him and his friends into her little scheme?
To escape that threat, you need to move, and to move, you need stepping stones. Eren won't let himself or his friends be used as stepping stones.
That's exactly the reason why the three of them have developed a plan to knock her off of her prodigious throne. No longer will they allow the Queen Bee of Trost Academy to continue her reign of exploitation.
Instead, she will... shit her pants?
Well, that's the best they could come up with, so it'll have to do.
It was simple in nature really, Eren simply needed to buy her a drink, one that Mikasa claims has always been her favorite pick to drink before a game, though Eren still questions how she even had that information, and then he will offer that said drink to her as a peace offering.
A seemingly innocent gesture, except it's not. Mikasa was in charge of acquiring laxatives which they would infuse into the refreshment, which Y/N would drink and whatever happened next would be left up to fate. Though, Armin had elucidated three paths that which this plan could take.
Probability 1: She'd harbor a stomach ache, forcing her to be benched due to her poor performance, effectively eliminating the captain of Trost's varsity soccer team. Ruining her image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 2: She'd fart up a storm, or worse, ruining her image of the ideal senior of the year, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 3: She'd pull an Eren and projectile vomit all over her teammates and opponents. Ruining her stellar image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
The third was preferred for their goal of seeking revenge, but they wouldn't complain if either of the other two played out perfectly.
"Finally, Eren! You took so long, we started to wonder if you had gotten lost on the way here." Armin says as the boy approaches their meeting spot.
"I did, three times. There is no need for this school to be so damn huge."
"Well, you're here now so..." Mikasa surreptitiously looks over her shoulder and then Eren's, "You got the goods?" She asks.
"Stop acting shifty Mikasa, you're making me nervy." Eren rebukes, eyes glancing from side to side in paranoia.
"Do you have it or not." She exasperatedly asks. He timidly ushers the plastic bag her way, his back moving to obstruct the exchange from any prying eyes. "Good boy, keep me covered and I'll crush these bad boys and then pour them in."
"Hurry 'Kasa, I don't wanna go to jail!" Armin's nerves get the best of him, and just as Mikasa began to pour the laxatives into the energy drink, his trembling palms latch onto her shoulders and begin to shake her back and forth. Unfortunately, the forcible motions cause her hand to slip and pour more than what was necessary for what they had planned. "Oops..." He breathes.
Eren's jaw drops at the amount, "Holy shit, are you- are you sure that's okay?" A dramatic gasp forcibly rasps his throat, "She's not actually gonna die, right?!"
"Uhm... no... I don't think so."
"What do you mean, you don't think so?!" He screeches.
"Armin, chill." Mikasa grits, before twisting the cap of the bottle and giving it a good shake. "She'll be fine, we're not going to jail. All that'll change is the addition of one more possibility, which is shitting her pants for real."
"I thought we were only joking about that? You mean she'll actually shart herself?" Eren asks.
"Yeah," Mikasa declares with no amount of remorse in her irises, simply tilting her head to face him head on, smirk standing proud on her lips. "Even better than we planned, right? Give the bitch the humiliation she deserves."
After a moment of maintaining arduous eye contact with the ravenette, Eren relents, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling instead and interlocking both hands in his shaggy hair. "You're crazy. Like deadass, you belong in a mental hospital."
"Okay but, wait. The bottle is already open, no one who has a right mind would accept an already opened drink from someone she met yesterday." Armin points out, ever the observer.
"Well, she's gonna have to in order for this plan to work..." Mikasa mumbles, lips pursing in thought. "Oh, Eren! Why don't you be a doll and offer to open it for her, that way she wouldn't even notice it has already been open." She announces with a proud nod, clearly impressed with her solution.
Eren however, isn't as impressed. If anything, the pit in his stomach twists and turns even tighter, bringing forth creases onto the surface of his skin as his face lightly scrunches in disgust. Playing a direct hand in the demise of anyone's athletic career can be catastrophic to the psyche, though he doubts Mikasa's is being affected much if at all.
"Good boy-"
"Stop calling me that!"
"Anyway, we should get going now. Or else, we'd be late. The game starts in 20 minutes, and the walk there is about five, give or take. Though, the introductions take up a good 10 to 15." She ignores the boy.
"Plus, we still need to find seats. Hopefully we won't have to sit on the opposing team's side, or else we'd be royally fucked." Armin adds as they exit the school building.
The pathway that leads them directly towards the stadium is beautiful and cleanly. The school itself is exceptionally cared for, with vibrant green bushes that looked as if they were clipped with the utmost precision. Marbled vases for various other plants and polished benches littered across the lawn oozed a luxurious aura.
"Who are they playing against?" Eren asks.
"I think it's Stohess Prep." Armin answers.
"Oh, that means drama~" Mikasa adds, "10 bucks Levi chokes out Coach Nile?"
"Mm, nah. 20 bucks it's Ymir and Hitch." Armin replies, pointer finger prodding at the fat of his cheek in thought.
"Oh, I forgot about those two. 30 Y/N is forced to step in either way."
"40 bucks she joins."
"50 that they recreate that one Euphoria scene from season 2."
"60 someone yells plus ultra."
"70 bucks Y/N gets hit by a bus and dies."
"Okay, you need an exorcist." Armin quips.
"I've been wondering, why do you hate her so much? There's gotta be history you're not telling me." Eren asks the girl.
It was true, he can feel the animosity she seemingly reigns in 24/7 and he wonders if it was at all reciprocated. Though, he has the feeling that it's heavily one sided.
"Mikasa and Y/N-"
"Armin, shut it." The girl grits before her friend could have thought to utter the remainder of his statement.
Eren groans, "Armin, don't shut it. Open it. Open it wide."
"Don't word it like that, Eren..."
"I just don't see the point," Mikasa admits, though her face was telling to how difficult the situation seems to be for her, "What's in the past should be left there, why open up that can of worms?"
"I don't know if you've noticed, but it's pretty damn obvious that those worms have been out for a while now. You don't think I've noticed how personal this seems to be for you?" Eren rebuts.
"Oh, and I'm not supposed to notice how personal this is for you? As in, more than just some revenge brought upon by petty high school humiliation?" She challenges, and her piercing gaze bore into Eren's own. "You've made your little crush pretty obvious, the addition of this information might change more than you think it would, Eren."
"Who I have a crush on is none of your business. Besides, yeah, I'll admit I'm not blind, I can tell Y/N is an attractive girl. You can't blame me for admitting so, but a silly little school crush is just a silly little school crush at the end of the day. I don't get how your past with her had anything to do with something as minuscule as that."
Mikasa's arms crossed before her chest in frustration, and she kept her head forward, not relenting at unsealing her lips. Though, Armin, being placed in the middle of both teens, hates being a quiet middleman.
"Y/N and Mikasa are cousins." He blurts.
Eren's jaw drops, "What?!" His fingers thread through his hair once again, this time gripping at the roots because what the actual fuck. "You're fucking with me, right?"
Armin shakes his head vehemently, "Deadass. They even have the same last name! You'd have never guessed, right?"
"Well, not really. Like, at all."
"Trust me, I wish it wasn't true either." Mikasa sighs.
Eren's arms flail before him defensively, "No! It's not that I wish it weren't true, it's just that it's hard to believe considering how you guys are like polar opposites. I mean she's so... y'know-" He awkwardly shrugs his shoulders, expecting the action to speak the words he couldn't find in himself to utter out loud. "And you're... y'know..."
Armin coughs, "Emo."
"I'm not emo! As a matter of fact, I'm not even a goth, contrary to popular belief. I'm just edgy, how hard is it to look up, people?!"
"...what's the difference?"
"Oh, shut up, Armin! That's why your balls haven't dropped!"
"You promised you wouldn't bring that up anymore!"
"Armin, your balls haven't dropped?"
"Oh, look! We're here!"
As Eren looked before them, he was met with the front of an impressive industrialized soccer stadium. The words 'Home of the Scouts' were engraved above the entrance in proud bold letters. He notices that they are currently standing in the middle of the massive parking lot, containing multiple first class busses bearing the titles 'Stohess Stallions'.
Guessing that those belong to the opposing team, and that team was no where to be found, Eren concludes that both teams must be inside already. Which begs the question, how late is this trio?
"You're in the way."
Eren nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden stern voice, and the freight was not limited to himself. Armin squeaks and hides behind his two friends, using them as human shields, though Mikasa simply whips around with a nasty scowl at her face because, who would have the audacity?
Oh, that's who.
"Hitch." She grits.
Coming face to face with a group of girls clad in forest green shorts and jersey's, though their matching team jackets obscured the latter, was intimidating, to say the least. The one standing with the most pride, right at the front and center, wore a smug smirk on her face that her short and wavy dirty blonde hair framed beautifully.
"Well, well, well, would you look at who we have here." She drawls with a laugh. "This is such an interesting trio you guys have going on."
"Mikasa who is this, and why did she come up to us like an anime villain?" Eren whispers towards the ravenette.
"Just our luck." The girl mutters under her breath, not at all a just answer in Eren's eyes, but he was not about to voice his thoughts.
The stranger eyeballs Eren in a way that a certain Ackerman did just a few hours earlier in the day, though this time it did not have him weak in the knees, instead an eerie shiver ran down the length of his spine and caused him to gulp down a yelp.
"Come lookin' for a barf bag, new kid?" She decides to single him out directly, "You know, it's almost funny. I always have the same reaction you did when I see Ackerman as well! I don't blame you, hell, I'd even praise you if it wasn't so disgustingly embarrassing." She jests. "You are new aren't ya? Man, the balls you must have to pull that stunt on your very first day. Oh, the look on her face was enough to have me in tears, I've got to tell you."
"It wasn't on purpose." He mumbles with an eye roll.
"Oh, be careful Hitch. You'll make him mad and we just had our jerseys dry cleaned." Comes a voice from beside her, one of her teammates presumably. This draws out many more chuckles from the group of girls, causing Eren's cheeks to heat up from the jab at his poor stomach.
That voice, low but smooth, causes both Armin and Mikasa to stiffen, as if they had recognized it.
"No way..." Armin mutters, his eyes widening in surprise as the owner of the voice made herself visible.
Another blonde, though this one a paler tone, with glacial blue eyes and a sloped nose emerged from the group, a large bag slung over her shoulders and purple cleats hanging from her fingers.
She had an aura about her, one familiar to Eren. One that wrapped itself around every throat and forced the people around her to pay her heed.
"You're right, Annie. Coach would bench us if we happened to sully them and he can't afford to bench his star players." Hitch agrees, though her eyes are not on her apparent teammate. Instead, they seemed to be inspecting Armin and Mikasa's faces, clearly amused by their starstruck expressions.
"Kasa, do something..." Armin whispers.
"What do you want me to do, hex her?"
"Mikasa, long time no see." Annie continues. It seems that the two know each other, perhaps they are old friends? What a heartwarming reunion. "How's it feel living in your cousins shadow?"
Or, perhaps not.
Mikasa's eyes darken and she begins to fumble in her bag for a pair of scissors, "I quite like the shadows, it gives me a place to properly plan your downfall. Maybe even your murder."
Hitch gasps and feigns a frightened expression, "Oh shiver me timbers, small emos are so scary."
"I'll show you scary cunt-"
"Hey hey hey! What's going on here?" Connie unexpectedly appears from behind the trio, his arms making their way around their shoulders. "You guys will be late if you keep loitering around."
"You could never be Bokuto." One of the girls murmur.
"Oh, Connie, I'm so glad you're here. Bend down a little will you? I feel like I have something stuck in my teeth." Hitch jests as she rubs a finger across her pearly whites.
"Aha, funny." Connie grits, "Hey, how's Marlowe by the way? I imagine he's better since he left you for, who was it again?" He asks with a false pensive look.
"Her mom." Armin declares with a proud grin.
The girl clenches her jaw and scowls, "Fuck you, Connie. Isn't yours chilling upside down on a roof?"
"Wrong AU, hitch."
"At least my hair doesn't make me look like I call corporate." Connie retorts.
"Yeah, well at least-"
"Hitch, we don't have time for this." Annie interrupts, holding her wrist out and allowing her teammate to glance at her watch... is that a Rolex? "We still need to warmup."
Eren doesn't think he has ever seen Connie's eyes darken as much as they did then, shooting daggers at the blonde on par with the ones Mikasa fires at her cousin. "You finally decide to talk, Annie?" He calls the girl out.
Without even sparing him a glance, she states a monotone, "I have nothing to say to you." And walks away from the group in pursuit for the entrance.
Following her departure, Hitch scowls at the fact that she too should follow. "Whatever, I'll save my energy for your little friends on the field. You better watch your captain, it'd be a shame if she forgets her place and mysteriously finds herself on her knees where she belongs."
"Don't dish out what you can't take." Connie asserts.
The girl simply rolls her eyes, "Let's go." She says and takes her leave, taking her army of followers along with her.
"Saweetie did it better!" Armin yells after her, to which Mikasa agrees and waves her hand daintily at the group.
"Man, you are having the worst of luck today, aren't you, Eren?" Connie says with a guffaw.
Eren groans and holds his head in his hands. "Trust me, I know."
"I'm surprised you held your own, Connie. Considering that was literally Annie... and she's with Stohess." Mikasa says.
The boy sighs, "Yeah, I know. Fortunately, Reiner found out yesterday, so we weren't as blind sided. Though, we still haven't told the team, and that's been a topic of discourse amongst a couple of our friends." He answers, and the pained expression on his face almost forces Eren to feel sorry for him.
Shaking his head lightly to disperse his frown, he instead returns his attention towards the brunet once again. "Anyway, don't worry about Hitch. She's always like that. It's petty school rivalry shit that we used to have with Marley till they shut that school down. Now Stohess thinks they need to step up and claim the spot as our rivals." He explains, though Eren laughs at the ridiculousness of his joke.
They're in high school, clearly it wouldn't actually be that serious, right?
Why is Eren the only one laughing?
"No literally, look." Connie says and juts a finger towards the busses they had spotted earlier. Eren hadn't spotted it before, but right under the school name seemed to be the words, 'Trost Academy rivals! Fuck Marley and Fuck Trost!'
"Oh..." Eren utters breathily, "We're too old for this shit."
"Anyway, we should really get going or else we won't find good seats." Armin ushers his friends with his hands.
"Oh!" Connie exclaims with a newfound grin, one that Eren thinks fits him better than his previous frown. "Don't worry about your seats, you can come chill with us. We've already saved some for you guys."
Armin gasps dramatically and his eyes nearly bulge out of his skull. "Y-you mean, your VIP section? We get to sit in VIP?!" He screeches. Even Mikasa seems taken aback, her jaw slack and her brows hiding behind her bangs, though she didn't dare voice it.
"Yup! Though I had no idea it was called that, Sasha is gonna freak when I tell her!" The teen buzzes with anticipation. "I'll lead the way, come on."
As they begin to follow him, Eren leans into Armin's ear to ask, "Why are they called the VIP seats?"
Armin sputters, "Why else, Eren? They're the best seats in the stadium. The plastics are the only ones to ever use the space, but today we're making history."
"We haven't even told you about the rest of their clique." Mikasa adds.
"The rest? There're more than the eight we've talked about?"
"Oh Eren... there are levels to this shit, okay? Not to mention, lore." Armin says whilst his fingers wiggle before Eren's face to build suspense.
"For instance, remember Annie from earlier? The blondie with blue eyes and a tongue as sharp as a dagger?" Mikasa asks.
"Well, she might not act like it, but she's a retired plastic."
"What? You mean she attended Trost at one point? Also, you can retire? Why would she retire?"
"She didn't just attend Trost, she was a founding member of the plastics. A true OG. She helped run our halls. In fact, I'd go as far to say that she was once closer to Y/N than Jean has ever been." Armin said.
"Then, what would make her willingly give that up?"
"Something so simple and obvious, yet achingly torturous that you wouldn't help but sympathize with her. Especially someone like you, wearing your heart on your sleeve like that." Mikasa lightly jabs at her friend.
"Just tell me, 'kasa. I'm not as soft hearted as you think I am." Eren grumbles.
"Unrequited love."
Eren's breath catches in his throat at her words, for he couldn't believe what she was implying. "W-what? You're telling me..."
"Yup," Armin decides to finish his sentence, "We're not sure which way it went or how exactly it went down, but...
One of those girls loved the other far deeper than just mere friendship."
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Taglist: @idreamitski @str4wberrylover @jesus-son-of-god @hoejosblindfold @caycaysblogg @simpingmyassoff @youatemylollipop @enouche @longestline [comment to be added, dm to be removed!]
A/N: im sorry this took so long, its shorter than the last but twice as long as my first draft 😟
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(first | previous | #untitled shenhe game )
> say yes but you are no hero
It is true that you fought Beisht and drove the ancient god away from Liyue Harbour.
“Yes,” you say, “but I am no hero.”
You weren't trying to be a hero. You were simply protecting people you cared about.
Some of your friends have disagreed with you on this. Yun Jin said that a hero is defined not by their motivations but by the difficulties they overcome. Yanfei said that there's no legal definition of heroism so arguing over it is pointless.
No matter. You know what you know:
“I am simply a human like any other.”
The woman in the gray hooded cloak tilts her head. She seems to be thinking this over.
“That's very enlightened of you,” she eventually says. “Still, it's an honour to meet someone as formidable as you.” She motions towards the dead Fatuus. “May I take his badge?”
“Yes,” you say. (She likely wants it for the Tianquan's recycling program, in which Fatui soldiers' badges can be traded in for a thousand Mora each. The Tianquan is very environmentally conscious.)
“Thank you,” she says, and begins rifling through his clothes. “Miss, may I trouble you for your help with something?”
“I am busy,” you reply. “I am making noodle soup, so I am hunting for Boar Meat.”
“Really? I can get you some Boar Meat.”
“I would prefer to hunt my own kill.”
“Oh. I see. It's just, please, my research has stalled and... Is there anything I can do for you? Would you like arrows? Or some Hunting Traps?”
Hunting Traps might be useful. When used correctly, they can result in additional meat at a higher quality. Nobody is quite sure how this works.
“The local boars are really aggressive,” the woman adds. “Even with your prowess, I wouldn't recommend getting into a brawl with one. It's too risky. One of my boys got knocked off a cliff by a boar just the other day.”
(You are aware of the risks. Cloud Retainer once told you a precautionary tale about this exact thing happening to Xiao.)
(Multi-choice: multiple popular options may be picked.)
> offer to trade Fowl bits; ask what she wants help with; go challenge the boar
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ducktracy · 9 months
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With humans are space orks what do you think would happen when aliens discover boxing or gladiators
I think that fighting rings and gladiators could go two ways.
A) Not At All Common.
The enjoyment that humans find in spectator fighting is based in adrenaline and some kind of instinct deep down that lends itself to brawling.
One fairly well established trope in haso is that adrenaline is like a battle drug to other species and the fact that humans produce it naturally is insane to them. Pair this with the basis fighting media has in adrenaline and you'd get a really fucked up perspective from an outside point of view.
Like, why the fuck are these fleshy, unarmored meat sacks the ones that have an innate "fuck you up" instinct??
B) Yea, but not like that
Maybe it's not as intense, or it's just for formal duels or challenges.
Either way, the fact that something usually considered a far reach of violence in alien cultures being a common sport so casual it's become routinely scripted is disturbing. What the fuck does a species enjoy that?
Anyways sorry it took so long to respond lol
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I think that Austria has one of those hairless meat cats. I think he found it on the street. He puts sweaters on it so it does not get cold. He carries it around in his purse. It's still a little feral so it bites everyone who isn't Austria. He probably named it Strudel or something. Everyone wants to get rid of Strudel. Nobody likes Strudel. Strudel has been alive for 80 years and is still kicking. If anyone dares to harm Austria's wrinkle baby, it's game on. Strudel is that meaty barrier that keeps Austria from flipping his shit big time. He probably keeps a picture of Strudel in his wallet and shows it off on airplanes. He probably takes Strudel on walks around his gated community and gets into brawls with his neighbors who think that Strudel is gross. Strudel probably manages to bring Austria dead things while simultaneously being an indoor cat. Do you see my vision? Give Austria a crusty meat cat 2023.
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dadvans · 4 months
memorial day
Memorial Day is always the Monday to end all Mondays, year after year. Buck discovers it’s a little bit better when you have a guy waiting for you after a stupid shift and you both get to trade war stories.
Tommy greets him with a kiss and presses two beers from a six pack to his hands when Buck lets him in, then walks over to the kitchen to put the other four away.
“I don’t know about you, but my stupidest call today was putting out a brush fire caused by a gender reveal party. You’d think after El Dorado people would fucking learn, but holiday weekends always bring out the idiots.” He opens the refrigerator door and spots the saran wrapped plate Buck left there for him. “Or maybe you had a much better day than me. Bobby cook?”
“No, uh, actually,” Buck says, hunting for the church key in the drawer behind him. “My stupidest call of the day would be the neighborhood barbecue brawl that broke out. Three guys arguing over who would man the grill. The backyard seemed salvageable when we left, but one guy’s face not so much after another dad tried to give it the smash burger treatment on an open flame. Some families were so embarrassed they actually sent us home with leftovers. I was able to weasel out a second plate for you.”
“Evan.” Tommy takes the plate out and stares down at it with a confused little smile, what Buck has taken to calling his Who Me? face in his head.
“It wasn’t hard, pretty sure Athena and Maddie and Karen got one too. Anyway, you should try the potato salad. Apparently, it’s grandma’s famous recipe.”
Buck cracks the caps off both of their beers and replaces the church key with a fork for Tommy. Tommy gives him another look before digging in. One bite of potato salad in and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
“Fuck, I love you,” he says, meaningfully at the plate and not at Buck.
Buck laughs. “Wings aren’t bad either. Cole slaw I can do better.”
“Sure,” Tommy replies graciously. He picks up a chicken wing and has the meat practically sucked off the bone in two bites. “I can’t remember the last time I spent one of these actually getting to enjoy part of it.”
Later, after Buck gets him to wipe the buffalo sauce off the corner of his mouth, Tommy gets on his knees for Buck and shows him exactly how grateful he is with a fairly luxurious blowjob. Buck comes down the back of his throat and slurs out a thank you for your service, to which Tommy playfully flips him off. And he’s no potato salad, Tommy didn’t need to say it, but he’s feeling pretty loved too.
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octuscle · 1 year
My best friend has become a skinhead and wants me to join him, but I’m too in my head to even wear the clothes, let alone get the haircut and tattoos. Can Chronivac help me?
One option could be this package here from the Halloween costume store. Just try it on! At least everything is still neatly clean… That should change soon….
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Activate the costume in the app now. And have fun!
Oi mate! Life as a skinhead is cool, isn't it? Fucking, smoking, drinking, partying! And every now and then a good brawl. Yes, the job at the slaughterhouse as a meat cutter is exhausting. But it pays well. It has made you one of the best customers of your piercer and tattoo artist.
You still hesitate to get your neck inked. But believe me, it won't take long until the time has come.
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Your costume is activated by default until November 01 at 08:00. If you don't want to wake up as a little bourgeois again after an all-night Halloween party, contact me in time.
I found your hot pic @skinheadlife.
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