#one has like curls and her bf was helping her curl treatment like all while in uniforms like how hard is it
woahajimes · 1 year
perhaps if i were to swallow a shotgun
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
scrapping with bakugo and SLEEPING his ass
a/n: i was watching fight videos and remembered that girl knocking her bf tf out while they were play fighting so we finna host a fight club in the ua common room lmao male reader btw
lets get it
contains cussin as usual, fighting, usage of the slur nigga, black! deku, black! mina, angry bakugo, meechonmars/dopeisland vine reference, TODOROKI, KAMINARI, SERO AND MINA ARE MESSYYYYY
Bakugo Katsuki
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“You guys should fight.” Kaminari said. “Why should we? I don’t wanna hurt him even though I’ll win.” Bakugo said, not looking up from his phone. “Right, okay, but the last time you said you got bitched out by Midoriya? Don’t bite off more than you can chew, baby.” M/N commented, scrolling through his feed. “H-Hey don’t include me in this!” Midoriya exclaimed as Bakugo scoffed. “Shut the fuck up. Don’t forget how you got laid out by ya moms in front of Aizawa.” Bakugo said as he glared at him. “That’s how you feel? Aight then bet. Get up.” M/N said as he stood up. Sero and Kaminari shot up and started to move the furniture. “Did I hit a nerve?” Bakugo said, mockingly as he put his phone down. “Nah. We jus gon have to fight without our quirks. I bet you I’ll sleep yo ass.” M/N said. “If you start leaking then that’s on you.” Bakugo said as he stood up.
“Aww shittt. It’s about to go down. Place ya bets!” Kaminari said. “Bakubro don’t go overboard! He’s still your man.” Kirishima said. “And I will fight my man. Ain’t no special treatment.” Bakugo said as he fixed his slippers. M/N fixed his pants and kicked his slides off. “Without shoes?” Midoriya mumbled. “I think this is very inappropriate behavior! You shouldn’t fight your significant other! He’s also your classmate!” Iida said while making chopping motions. “Iida, my nigga. Respectfully shut the fuck up.” M/N sang as he cracked his knuckles.
“I-you know what I’m going to be quiet.” Iida mumbled as he crossed his arms. Aoyama only snickered and patted his shoulder. “ROCK HIS SHIT!” Mina exclaimed. Uraraka looked at her. “W-Who’s side are you on?” She asked. Mina shrugged and giggled. “Girl, ion know. I just wanna see some hands get thrown bad girl club style.”
“You ready, bae?”
“Fuck yeah. You ready, M/N?”
“Aight then! Fight!” Sero called out. “Kaachan’s gonna start with a left hook.” Midoriya whispered to Uraraka. “Deku, darling. We get that you read him just give us some funny commentary or shut it.” Aoyama said as he threw a pillow at him. Midoriya squealed as he caught it. Bakugo swang on M/N. “Weave!” He called out as he moved from the swing. “M/N better win this. I wanna see Bakugo get knocked out.” Todoroki grumbled while recording. They watched as Bakugo and M/N kept swinging on each other, until Bakugo punched him in his side too hard.
M/N winced and backed up, holding his side. “Oh shit. Baby, you okay?” Bakugo asked, worriedly as he looked at his side. “Oh nah, I’m finna whoop ya ass.” He said as he took off his hoodie and tossed it at Todoroki. “YUH! GO CRAZY ON HIS ASS, M/N! MINK MINK MINK!” Mina yelled as she stood on the couch. “SHUT IT, PINKY!” Bakugo yelled. M/N pulled up his pants and ran up on Bakugo. Bakugo dodged a punch and swang. M/N ducked and punched him in the jaw. “BOW.” He exclaimed
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“DAMNNNNNNNN.” Everyone yelled, standing up as Bakugo folded. “K.O. Nigga! Take yo ass to sleep.” M/N exclaimed. “Oh my god...” Momo mumbled as Mina stared at Bakugo’s knocked figure. Iida crouched down and gently slapped Bakugo’s cheek. “Oh wow. He’s. He’s out.” He said. “Period I guess. Shit.” Sero said as he chuckled. “You just knocked him out that easily? How? Did you hit a pressure point?” Midoriya asked. “Bro ion know. All I know is that I knocked the nigga out. Aight move I’ll take him to Recovery Girl.” M/N said as Todoroki tossed him his hoodie. He pulled it back on. He slipped his slides back on and put Bakugo over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“I now have the best video I’ve ever seen. I’m never deleting this.” Todoroki said as he sent it to the 1-A groupchat. “He... He just put Bakugo to sleep, kero.” Tsuyu said. “Told y’all I’d knock his ass out. See yall.” M/N said as he went down the hall. “I bet you Bakubro’s gonna be PISSED.” Kirishima said as he plopped back down on the couch. “Then it is what it is. If Bakugo gets dragged twice in one day it was meant to be.” Todoroki commented as he lightly smiled at the video. “I’m surprised Bakugo went down that easily.” Jiro said as she fiddled with her earphone jack.
“You’re TRASH.” M/N yelled as he pressed down on the buttons. Mina could only laugh as she watched tears roll down Midoriya’s face. “My dick is in yo mouth. My dick is in yo mouth.” He exclaimed as he got in Midoriya’s face. Midoriya sniffled as he continued to play. Sero started wheezing. “Damn, bro. You really do eat ass at playing 2K.” Kaminari commented. “S-Shut up, I know.” Midoriya whined as he wiped his eye.
They perked up as they heard stomping footsteps. “WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?” Bakugo yelled. “OH SHITTTTTT ROUND 2, YALL!” Mina screamed as she jumped over the couch. Todoroki ran out of the kitchen, one hand holding his bowl of soba and the other holding his phone up. “Woah waittttt.” He said as he slid to sit in the corner. Bakugo swang around the corner, hands popping. “Oop, lemme move because I do NOT want to be caught in this.” Midoriya said as he paused the game and ran out the way. “Shittt I even got my Mortal Kombat music and Jiro’s microphone.” Kaminari said as he stood next to Sero.
“You.” Bakugo growled as he pointed at M/N. “Hey baby. How’s the jaw?” He asked as he looked at Bakugo. Bakugo’s eye twitched before he lunged at M/N. Kirishima yelped as Kaminari immediately started playing the music. “Round 2! Fight!” He announced in the microphone. “Nah you not finna mush like that, bro.” M/N exclaimed. “AAAAAAANDDDD THEY SCRAPING LIKE DOGS!!!” Kaminari yelled as Todoroki slurped on his soba. “LET’S GOOOOOO!” Mina exclaimed as she jumped up and down. Midoriya watched with his jaw dropped as Bakugo dragged M/N by his ankle out of the living room.
“OH SHIT THE FIGHT’S MOVING.” Kaminari yelled as he ran after them. Mina and Todoroki got up and jumped over the couch to chase them. Sero, Midoriya, Tsuyu and Hagakure slid into the hallway. They all watched and recorded as Bakugo and M/N threw connecting punches at each other. “GET ON TOP, M/N! WHOOP HIS ASS AGAIN!” Mina yelled as she clapped her hands. “Should we intervene?” Midoriya asked Sero. “Nah give em a couple minutes, then we step in—” Sero was cut off by Kaminari screaming into the mic. “GODDAMN!” He yelled as M/N kicked Bakugo in the chest, knocking the wind outta him. Bakugo groaned as he curled up in a ball.
“NOW WE STEP IN.” Midoriya yelled as he ran and grabbed M/N from pouncing on him. Todoroki stood there recording Bakugo. “Damn. That’s rough, buddy.” He commented as Kirishima helped Bakugo up. Mina high fived M/N before running to Bakugo. Sero shook his head. “Well shittttt. This has been another Bad UA Club fight.” Kaminari said as he looked at Kirishima and Mina helping Bakugo.
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sequoiann · 4 years
the world beneath our feet
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member: yoon jeonghan side character(s): kim mingyu (bf) genre: royalty + hanahaki with a twist + fluff & angst (pt4) word count: 4.2k
tagged: @hnslchw​
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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Jeonghan went into a daze. He wanted to get the physician, Ivy, to repeat what she had just said, but as much as hoped that he had heard her wrong, he knew well enough that it had really happened. 
The King and Queen were confused, and rightfully so. To them, it seemed that Jeonghan had loved you with his whole heart, so that rule wouldn't have made sense. They would've probed further, but the look on their son's face made them keep it for later.
The King turned back to Ivy, speaking in a firm but not unkind tone. "Prescribe Y/N whatever medicines are necessary. Give her treatment as you would to royalty.”
Ivy had a worrisome frown on her face and seemed like she was going to say something, but the slightest shake of the Queen's head made her realize their intentions. She simply acknowledges the orders as the Queen thanked her, before bowing and leaving the room.
The Queen then turned to Jeonghan, placing a comforting hand on his forearm. "She'll be fine, dear."
Jeonghan felt a rush of irritability but quickly subdued those feelings, knowing his mother was just trying to console him. Shaking his head, he tried to put whatever was left of his rationality into words.
"You should head back to the celebration," he said softly. "We shouldn't leave the guests." 
The Queen nodded, understanding his concern. 
"We will soon, son," the King assured.
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Jeonghan sat on the armchair by your bed, watching you as you slept. Was this how you felt when he was sick? he wondered. He had many thoughts and he was spending the time organizing them. 
Physicians were hustling in and out of your room every hour or so, gently pouring liquids down your throat because you didn't seem to have the energy to wake up. It was so frequent that he got annoyed; he was sure you would probably want some peace and quiet too, so you could just rest. Besides, he, of all people, knew that medicine wasn't going to help you. If medicine worked on this disease, he would've been cured of it long ago. 
When it reached a point where he couldn't take it anymore, he ordered the physicians to limit their entry to the room, saying that he'll take responsibility regarding the orders from the King. 
Only then it was quiet. And that's when he started thinking.
Why did he even doubt you? How could he have missed out on that rule? He should've known better, being one who had read books after books of hanahaki (that barely provided any useful information, if he might add  — they just went on and on about the dangers of it, and they made him feel so dejected and pessimistic he just stopped reading altogether.) 
His thoughts continued to drift.
(After sending the King and Queen out of the room and a little down the hallway, Jeonghan had turned to return to your room. He'd just check on you one last time before he went for the announcing. He caught sight of someone standing right outside your door, facing him. His eyes traveled up and recognized the man as Mingyu. Jeonghan felt his heart squeeze and his throat tighten as he stopped in his tracks.
Mingyu was the one who walked up to Jeonghan. His eyes were fuming, his jaw clenched. The next move happened so fast Jeonghan barely saw it, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't expecting it. Mingyu was now grabbing Jeonghan by the collar. 
"It was you, wasn't it?" Mingyu growled through gritted teeth. He didn't care about the fact that they were both surrounded by guards now, armed guards who were a step away only because Jeonghan had discretely held up a hand by his side to hold them back.
"You have no idea how much she loves you," Mingyu fumed. "She went through so much and saved you from death. And this is how you repay her? Do you know how much pain she goes through every time you doubt her? Have you seen her writhe just because you're being an insecure asshole? Have you seen it?" He was shouting by the last sentence, his grip tightening around the fabric. The guards tensed, ready to pull him off the prince, but Jeonghan kept his hand up.
No one else but Mingyu was close enough to see that Jeonghan's eyes were bloodshot; his nose soured up and his throat tight from the urge to cry. A prince doesn't cry.)
Jeonghan didn't notice how wet his eyes had become until he felt a teardrop pool at the outer corner of his eye, just enough to bead but not enough to roll down his face. Mingyu's words were haunting his mind.
Jeonghan swallowed and shifted his armchair closer to you, thankful that you were placed lying closer to one side of the wide bed so that he could easily hold your hand — and keep it held as he propped his elbows on the bed.
Rubbing small circles into the back of your hand, he watched you, taking in your small details: how your eyebrows weren't exactly symmetrical but were cleanly shaped, how you had some freckles along your cheeks (probably because you were out in the sun so much when you were still the palace gardener, he deemed) and how your lips were slightly parted as you slept.
Your lips.
When did it happen, he questioned. Was it when you two kissed he kissed you? Or maybe being side-by-side was all the flowers needed to- to switch a host...
Jeonghan was suddenly overwhelmed with the need (the want?) to be away from you. As far away as possible, so he won't do you any more harm. So whatever flowers he had left would stay in him. So that perhaps, you'd stop loving him, so the flowers in you would die off without causing you pain ever again.
Almost in a trance, Jeonghan slowly loosened his hold on your hand, placing it back down beside you before standing up. His hand was still on yours, as if memorizing how your skin felt just one more time, before he turned to leave.
You curled ur pinky, which hooked onto one of his fingers right before it managed to slip out of your hand. Jeonghan whipped his head back around to see your eyes fluttering open. 
Jeonghan hesitated. He wanted to crush you in a hug and plant kisses on your forehead and tell you you'd be alright and that he would stay right beside you —  but he couldn't. 
"Jeonghan," you whispered. "Where are you going?"
It took everything for him to not just break down right there and then. 
Just this once, he told himself. This one last time. 
He came closer to the bed, bending over you as he let his hand caress your head and move the stray strands aside. 
"To get the doctor, love," he told you, allowing a small smile. 
"What happened? Am I sick?" 
"Yes, but you'll be fine," Jeonghan tried to assure you. "We all get sick sometimes." 
You smiled, chuckling softly as you let your heavy eyelids close. "So now it's your turn to take care of me, huh?" 
Jeonghan would not have heard what you said if he wasn't so close to you. As you drifted back to sleep, you don't notice the pause before Jeonghan answered. 
"Yes, I'll take care of you." 
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The next time you woke up, it was dark. And strangely cold. 
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You felt a lot better after a day or two. The royal physician had told you that you collapsed because of overwork and fatigue, and you were a little confused at first since you didn't think you were, well, overworked, but perhaps you had been quite busy the past couple weeks that you didn't notice.
Sitting up on your bed, you looked over to a maid standing beside the door with her head bowed. It made you uncomfortable that she was being so formal around you when you weren't even royalty. 
She seemed to notice you staring at her for a while, so she bowed a little, asking, "Is there anything you need, Princess Y/N?" 
You were taken aback. "Please, I'm no princess," you hurriedly said as you got off your bed. Did the King already make the wedding announcement? Is that why they're addressing you as such? "Just Y/N will do." 
When the maid didn't respond, you continued, "Is the prince in his office? I haven't seen him in a while. He must be busy."
 "Prince Jeonghan is out for duties, Your Highness," she responded, and you pressed your lips into a thin line. It would take a long time for you to get used to being addressed like that.
"Right. I'll just take a walk then." 
"As you wish, Your —" 
"Right there," you cut her off as you put up a finger and scurried uncourtly to the door, giving her a small wave before you left. "I'll be back soon!"
Telling the guards outside your room that there was no need for them to accompany you, you wondered if you should go to the garden or the kitchen first. In the end, you settled with the kitchen. You remembered the moments right before you had passed out that day; the pain in your chest and fainting on Mingyu. You chuckled to yourself  — he must've been quite shocked. (You wondered how overwork has got to do with feeling like you had your insides pinched and twisted.)
You stopped outside the kitchen door and peeked in, scanning around for a taller-than-average figure and frowning when you don't spot him.
"Oh, Y/N!" one of the older cooks called. You smiled and said hi. She was the one that usually let you steal bits and pieces of the food during preparation.
"Is Mingyu here?" you asked. 
"He went to deliver brunch," she said. "He should be back soon." 
You nodded and said your thanks before turning around, almost crashing head-first into someone's chest. And only 1 person would be tall enough for your head to be at their chest level.
"Ah, there he is," you heard the cook lady mutter.
"Mingyu!" you grinned.
He looked surprised, glancing at the lady before leading you away from the kitchen door. "What are you doing here?"
"What, am I not allowed to be here? I'm always here," you retorted.
Mingyu frowned. "I thought you weren't allowed to leave your room." 
It was your turn to be confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"
You could almost hear the gears turning in Mingyu's head as he zoned out for a second. 
"Anyway," you started, snapping him out of it, "Shouldn't your first question be among the lines of "oh! Y/N! Are you feeling better?" instead of "why are you here"?" 
Mingyu rolled his eyes before droning, "Oh, Y/N, beloved Y/N, are you feeling better?"
You shoved him, your strength making him smile.
"Yeah, you must be feeling better," said Mingyu as he rubbed his arm, hiding his relief. "What did the doctor say?"
"Overwork," you shrugged, hugging yourself. "Kinda weird a diagnosis but, she's the doctor."
Mingyu's smile disappeared almost immediately as he bit the inside of his cheek. You frowned again.
"What?" you asked. "Stop doing that. You're scaring me." 
Someone else called Mingyu from inside the kitchen, and you looked towards the sound. Mingyu doesn't.
"I think they need you," you nudged, looking back at him when he doesn't respond. 
He seemed to finish making sense of something as he put a hand on your upper arm before he left for the kitchen. "We'll have to talk tonight." 
You nodded slowly. "Su-ure," you muttered. "Tonight." 
(Your walk in the garden wasn't as lighthearted as you hoped for it to be. Mingyu was always the free, unbothered soul, and the way he acted was bothering you.)
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That night, you waited anxiously for Mingyu to come over, but when he doesn't by 9 pm, you left your room in your nightgown and saw him outside, just down the hallway. A flash of relief washed over his face when he saw you emerge. You noticed how the 2 guards stole anxious glances at one another as Mingyu rushed to you.
You were so, so confused. "What are you doing? Why don't you come in?" 
Mingyu looked past your shoulder and glowered at the guards, before gently holding your wrist for a second to lead you away. You followed. 
Both of you rounded a corner to a private, unused room. It was where informal meetings were held.
You sat down on one of the chairs. "I feel like I've missed a week worth of tea while sick. Are you going to fill me in?"
Mingyu sighed. "You trust me, right?" 
"Is that a real question?" 
Mingyu doesn't laugh. 
"Yes, yes I do." 
Mingyu hummed. "I'll tell you what you missed. But you have to promise to keep your emotions in check as best as you can and listen through the whole thing. If you pass out again, I'll—"
"Okay, okay. Hurry already."
So Mingyu told you everything. What he heard from outside your room after you passed out (aka your actual diagnosis), how Jeonghan stayed by your side for that full day without eating but never went back after that, and how no one, especially not Mingyu, was allowed into your room. 
"That's why I was so shocked to see you out at the kitchen," Mingyu told you. "I thought that if he didn't allow me in he definitely wouldn't allow you out."
You weren't saying anything, though you felt the prick in your gut yet again. Every time Mingyu mentioned or hinted at how Jeonghan had lied to you, you were bound to feel upset. That is a form of hurt inflicted on you by the host of hanahaki, and the flowers in you aren't going easy on you. 
"I'm guessing now," Mingyu started again, watching you carefully, "He's avoiding you on purpose so the flowers will stop harming you eventually." 
Your throat was tight. "By making me lose feelings for him?"
Mingyu nodded. 
You let out a shaky breath. You weren't angry at him; you understood what Jeonghan was trying to do for you. You understood all too well; you knew if you stopped loving him, the flowers would leave your body. But...
"He can't do that," you started, your breathing starting to feel heavy and ragged.
From the look in Mingyu's face, he understood why too. But he was more worried about something else right now.
"Y/N, I swear to God," Mingyu deadpanned, standing up and kneeling beside you to look right at you. "Listen to me. He's going to be fine. You still love him and we both know you will continue loving him no matter what his small brain does. He's fine, Y/N. But you're not going to be if you don't stop thinking he's not going to be fine because of you."
That last line hit the spot, you thought as your eyes welled with tears. Your lungs were folding in on themselves again, slowly, very slowly. 
"Y/N?" Mingyu checked one last time, but you could only look at him with crumbling eyes and shake your head. You thought you could take it. You couldn't. 
"Okay, that's it," he said, grabbing your arm and putting it over his shoulder. "Get on my back." 
You do, and he quickly brought you back to your room. He could hear how short your breaths were on the way, and he tried to talk to keep your mind off it. He knew you were dwelling on the fact that Jeonghan was putting himself at risk for you, and that's why the flowers were hurting you. 
The guards stepped forward when Mingyu approached your room door. 
"Move! Are you going to stop her from entering her own room?" Mingyu snapped. 
The guards quickly exchanged glances before stepping aside. When Mingyu entered the room, he gently laid you down on your bed and told the panicky maid (who was cleaning the room) to get the physician.
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"Your Highness," said the royal guard hurriedly.
Jeonghan looked up. 
"Princess Y/N..." 
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Jeonghan ran, and the guard ran behind him. He burst through your room door, eyes darting from you to the physician to Mingyu.
Your eyes were closed, all your energy focused on trying to think about happy things, but they all went one round back to thoughts of Jeonghan. You opened your eyes slightly when you heard someone enter your room. When you saw Jeonghan, you wanted to sit right up and hold him. It was weird how this is the first time you're seeing him in about 2 (or 3?) days. It felt like a whole week.
Jeonghan spoke to Ivy first, not seeming to notice that you were awake amidst the dimly-lit room. "How is she?" 
"Stable, Your Highness," she assured. "It was... triggered slightly." 
Jeonghan turned to Mingyu, his eyes hard and cold. "What. Did you do." 
You wanted to speak, to explain everything in one breath, and knock some sense into Jeonghan, but your body couldn't, not right now.
Both you and the royal physician watched as Mingyu and Jeonghan left the room. 
"I know you want to talk to him," Ivy said, patting a towel on your forehead to get rid of the cold sweat that was making strands of hair stick to your face. "But get better first. I'll try to bring him in after you've calmed down, alright?" 
You nodded, silently thanking her.
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"You understand that there's no way you could've avoided it like that," Mingyu told Jeonghan. "She loves you. Do you not get it? If you keep avoiding her like that, she'll start thinking she did something wrong. She'll get hurt. How is that any different from what you're trying to prevent?"
Jeonghan was not stupid; he had thought about this scenario, but he still thought it had the best chance of protecting you. He was afraid and had made his decisions on a whim. 
"You know why she's hurting now?" Mingyu asked rhetorically. "She was worried. For you. She knew the flowers would grow in you again if you made her lose feelings. You'd be in pain. She would live at the cost of yours. You think she'd be okay with that?"
Jeonghan remained silent but never stopped looking right at Mingyu. Mingyu could tell he was getting through to him.
"Now, the best and only thing you can — and should — do is to love her and treat her as well as how much you love her. You can't keep this up. You should know better than that."  
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Jeonghan hesitantly re-entered your room 30 minutes later. You immediately used whatever energy you had saved to sit up (much to Ivy's horror), which made Jeonghan rush over. 
"Lie down!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing?" 
You shook your head. Your eyes were starting to water again. You reached out to hold Jeonghan's hand as he sat beside you. (Ivy quickly left the room.)
You had so much to say just a few minutes ago, but now nothing was coming out. You could only look down, holding back your tears as you focused on his hand in yours. 
"Please don't leave," was all you managed to say hoarsely. 
You didn't notice that Jeonghan was also tearing up until he sniffed, which made you look up at his face. Glossy eyes meet glossy eyes.
You frowned, the corners of your lips drooping as you cupped his face with one hand, wiping away the teardrop from his cheek with your thumb. 
"Why are you crying, dummy," you mumbled, not looking away from him.
Jeonghan managed the smallest smile. There was a pain, but also relief behind it. "I'll do better," he told you, looking down. "I just wanted to protect you." 
You held both of his hands again, not tightly but firmly. "I know, Han," you spoke gently, trying to even your breathing. "But I love you. It's not just going to go away if you leave me like that. You know I won't let it." 
Jeonghan looked at you with a small pout, his eyes gazing for a while as if in disbelief that you existed and that you were right there with him. Then he moved forward and enveloped you in a hug, the same way he did before. Your head was tilted up slightly from resting on his shoulder, and his head was rested on yours. You allowed yourself to sink into his embrace — it was getting quite draining for you to hold yourself up.
Jeonghan took in your warmth and everything else. Your smell, your soft hair slightly grazing his skin. 
"I love you, Y/N," Jeonghan whispered. "So, so much."
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You were seated in the center of a wide, velvety armchair, a bouquet of flowers in your hands, and your back straightened from the relatively tight corset around your waist. It wasn't too tight that you couldn't breathe — after all, you were going to be in it for the whole day  — but it was tight enough to give you a figure you never knew you had. You looked down at your lap; at the fabric of the dress that covered you from shoulder down. It was so white that it was almost glowing, an additional layer of lace decorating the plain white foundation underneath it. The very bottom rims of the dress that formed a train on the floor were lined with gold embroidery, and so were the bodice and the rims of the sleeves. The sleeves were fitting on your upper arm but widened from your elbows down to look flowy and U-shaped. Your hair was let down in natural curls and adorned in flowers and pearls. 
The maids who were with you in the room were standing by the door, giggling in delight as murmurs were heard from outside. You smiled, laughing softly to yourself. 
Apparently, the prince himself was having a hard time coming in to get the first look at his bride. And it wasn't because anyone was stopping him; he just wasn't 'mentally prepared'. 
When he finally came in, you felt your heart thump in expectation. He was wearing a white suit with gold embroidery, a matching set with yours — with his gold culottes hanging from his shoulders. You especially liked the way his hair was styled. It wasn't too much different from the way his hair usually was. 
Jeonghan stood there for a second or two, unmoving, just staring. You felt your face heat up as you laughed and dropped your head. 
Jeonghan let out a big sigh as he tilted his head to a side and put both of his hands behind his back.
"I don't know how you still managed to exceed my highest expectation," he said, a small smile on his lips. Everyone could tell he was trying his best to maintain his composure. 
"I would say the same to you," you returned. Different from him, you were smiling at your widest. "You look dashing."
Jeonghan almost laughed in delight, a broad smile forming on his face for just a second before he smirked playfully, shrugging his shoulders. "As always." 
You jokingly grimaced as you shot him a dirty side look, everyone else laughing at the wholesome interaction.
Just then, you saw a head poke into the room from behind Jeonghan. 
"Oh, Mingyu!" 
Jeonghan turned around, then sighed. "Your timing is impeccable." 
You could see the question marks floating around Mingyu's head. "What?"
You snickered, shaking your head as you waved him over. 
"You look great," Mingyu managed, his hands placed in his pockets nonchalantly.
You narrowed your eyes. "That's the best you can do?" 
He shrugged. "Yeah." 
You scorned, kicking upwards towards Mingyu. He jumped to a side, dodging your kick, but not before one of the maids gasped and scurried to you. 
"Your Highness! Don't do that, it'll ruin the dress!" she prattled, quickly running her hands over the fabric to smooth out the wrinkles you made. You were wide-eyed, mumbling small apologies as you attempted to give her a hand. Both Jeonghan and Mingyu shot each other a look and giggled.
Jeonghan walked over to you, tracing your hairline (he usually does that to brush stray strands aside but of course there were no stray strands today). You felt your skin tingle from his touch. 
"You're absolutely gorgeous," he said with utmost sincerity, making you blush. "As you always are, my love, but just a bit more today."
Smiling and gazing, you held his hand. 3 years have passed, but you still feel your heart leap whenever Jeonghan spoke to you like that.
Mingyu watched the smile on your face, a small one tugging on his own lips. Just for today, he told himself, he won't gag at the lovey-dovey acts.
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You stood in the middle of the stage in the cathedral, focusing on Jeonghan's warm brown eyes, his porcelain skin, his cherry lips that were parting to say "I do". 
"Love," he whispered in the quietest hush to knock you out of it. You notice your clammy hands in his, then noticed that the officiant had stopped talking. 
"Oh," you exclaimed softly, recollecting the only thing you had to say: "Yes. Yes, I do." 
Claps and cheers erupted as the officiant proclaimed Prince Jeonghan and Y/N husband and wife. However, they were nothing more than noise in the background as Jeonghan leaned down to touch his lips to yours.
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captaingondolin · 6 years
Codywan 7, with the vode, Jedi, and all of obi-wan’s friends (Dex, Quin, Satine, maybe even Hondo) Also, not just w family and friends, I want to know how their enemies react, bc I know for a fact Dooku would be disapproving and ventress would be very lewd about it
Oh oh ooooh, this was brilliant, it’s gonna be so much fun to answer.
…so this turned into yet another fix it. Is anyone surprised? The whole second chapter of Keeping secrets, keeping faith is about people finding out about them (it’s mostly written, just not posted yet). Turns out it’s one of my favourite things to do, so here’s more because I can’t stop.
To Obi-Wan’s endless chagrin, the very first person to find out is Ventress. Him and Cody have been cut off from the rest of their men and Cody is wounded. Conscious, but in no shape to fight. She surprises them forehead to bucket in a proper keldabe kiss. When she fights Kenobi, she is taken aback – the last time she encountered such protective rage was during an unfortunate encounter with a mother gundark with youngs.
“How do you tell your boytoy apart from all the others? Or do you just fuck whoever is at hand?” she sneers, trying to distract him but feeling even then the emptiness of her taunts.
An uncharacteristically silent Kenobi Force-shoves her against a cliffside so hard she passes out.
The vode are quick to figure things out, even though they both try to keep things under wraps. Waxer has had his suspicions for a while, but he is sure on Ryloth. Cody tilts his helmet in a specific way when he looks at the General, like he wants the other to know that he is Looking at him. It’s a small tell for anyone who doesn’t live in armour, but Waxer is perceptive.
Dex knows the second Obi-Wan and Cody walk in together and he is really happy for the kid. He won’t say it out loud because he doesn’t want to be disrespectful, but he’s always had his perplexities about the Jedi’s idea of propriety and he thinks Obi-Wan needs more hugs. And to get laid. He means that in the nicest way possible.
Quinlan gives Cody a cheery salute and goes to clap Obi-Wan on the back. His hand meets armour where there never was before, but the shock doesn’t come from that. It’s the hand painted Jedi symbol – really, even without his particular talents, he is sure that piece of duraplast would scream about love and care and protection to anyone who cared to listen. Obi-Wan looks horrified. Cody’s expression is hidden by his helmet, but Quinlan can feel the spike of fear. He shakes his head and laughs at them. “Let’s go,” he says, “You can give me the details on the go. Just treat my brother well, Commander, or I will find you and make you regret ever leaving your growth jar.”
They run into Hondo yet again on a supposedly neutral world. When their mission inevitably goes pear-shaped, Cody sets aside his pride and begs the pirate for help. “You said you like the Jedi. You said,” he grits out, “You’re Obi-Wan’s friend. Just help me get him back.”
“You’ll owe me a favour, soldier.”
“I’ll owe you my riduur’s life,” Cody nods, and Hondo knows Mandalorians and life debts. It’s a good bargain. And he’s a romantic, deep down. He can’t let the nice Commander lose his Jedi.
That, and he knows valuable information when he has it. Finding himself in a tight spot on Mandalore, he decides to gamble that piece of juicy Jedi gossip. When the Duchess herself comes down to his cell to question him, he knows he’s hit jackpot.
Satine is happy for Obi-Wan, but it still stings a little, knowing that he could set aside his vows, if the person was right. Knowing that she wasn’t the right person. She doesn’t begrudge him whatever happiness he finds in these dark times, but she does assign a luxury honeymoon room to Kenobi and his Commander when they are sent to help her once more. She lets them sweat a bit before revealing how she knows, and that she’s keeping their secret.
Cody tells Rex and Bly when they come back from Maridun, because his brothers will be intolerable if they hear it from someone else.  
Anakin doesn’t get the same treatment. Obi-Wan is definitely not being petty because his former Padawan hasn’t told him he’s married. Not at all. Anakin finds out in the worse way possible, when he goes to get Obi-Wan from his Temple quarters, since he wasn’t answering his comms, and finds him in bed – no, worse, he finds him cuddling up to Cody on the sofa. They are watching a documentary together and occasionally making out. Anakin is scarred. Scarred! (This is so cute, he comms Padmé to tell her like five minutes later.)
Dooku says: “Qui-Gon was always one for carving his own path, but this seems like a bit much, doesn’t it?” with the tone of the homophobic grandpa who thinks having a bf is just an act of rebellion. Anakin is there too, and he is offended on his Master’s behalf. But before either of them can do anything, Cody shoots the Sith and comments: “You Jedi. Always talking.”
Cody reports directly to the Jedi Council after that. He is very tempted to say that he shot the man because he was trash talking his boyfriend, but too professional to do so. Still, he has the uncanny feeling that Master Windu knows.
Beside him, Obi-Wan smirks and mouths “you’re projecting” at him. Then he steps forward and declares in front of the entire Council that he as formed attachments and is no longer able to uphold the Code. “As the war will surely end soon now, I trust that you’ll see the wisdom of letting me keep my post as General and my lightsaber at least until the situation is settled. After that my resignation will be complete.”
Yoda probably has a heart attack. Windu would like to be surprised, but he’s already gotten the gossip from Ponds and has felt this coming. Ahsoka falls into the Council chamber from where she was eavesdropping. Anakin doesn’t even bother reprimanding her and just laughs at all the bewildered faces.
(it could have gone oh so differently)
Anakin finds Obi-Wan curled up on Cody in his quarters. He doesn’t disturb them, but he can’t hide a spike of rage. He is lectured for any small comfort he takes for himself, and here is his master, playing the perfect Jedi to the outside world and hiding private attachments.
Ahsoka hears it from Rex after the end of the war. She thinks about Order 66 and her heart breaks anew.
Obi-Wan deposits a small bundle into the arms of Beru Lars and with that loses his last living connection. Oh, but loneliness hurts more when you have learned to live with another soul.
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