#one day i will be wearing cute alexis rose style clothes but i will have the forearms to pick up lads n lasses n carry them around
sleepingfancies · 3 years
I peaked when I scooped a girl up bridal style
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artificialqueens · 7 years
But I’m A Cheerleader! - Chapter 26 (Aja x Farrah) - Millie
A/N: hey! Long time no see I guess. In hopes of curing my writers’ block, I decided to write something a bit different. Hope you enjoy!
Prom had snuck up on Aja. It was getting towards the end of the school year, and all of a sudden, half the school had gone crazy, intoxicated with the idea of attending a high school event with shitty music and spending heaps of money on an outfit they’d only wear once. Prom had never been her scene; it was overrated at best. But her friends had been badgering her all day about it (even Sasha) and she knew she’d have to go. Plus, she knew Farrah would certainly want to go with her, and making Farrah happy made herself happy.
Aja’s back still hurt, but it was bearable enough to go to school. She didn’t go in the first couple of days due to the pain (although her girlfriend had dropped in during lunch those days to check on her), and that just allowed the anticipation of prom to build up within her friends, and they unloaded it on her as soon as they saw her. Farrah had contributed too, and Sasha had informed her that the blonde wouldn’t stop talking to her about dresses and makeup. Aja found it sweet, and the thought brought a smile to her face. Prom was a whole two weeks away, so she could understand the commotion, but it all seemed so sudden; she could just whip something up the day before.
“Guys, look at this one!” Charlie exclaimed, showing a picture of a flowing, rose dress on her phone. “It’s so pretty.”
The rest of the Glamazons crowded around the screen and marvelled at said dress, throwing compliments out into the air. Everyone was on their phones, searching for their looks on every prom dress website imaginable. Well, except for Jaymes. She was only a sophomore, and the prom was for juniors and seniors only - her and Valentina would be the only cheerleaders not attending this year, and that saddened the rest of them.
Aja was looking as well, sifting through the virtual rack on her phone, but she couldn’t find anything she liked. Prom dresses were just so ugly most of the time, and she wanted something she could actually wear in public that didn’t have “bully me” written on it. Most dresses were frumpy, satin and/or polyester, and had cheap detailing on it. Not to toot her own horn, but Aja could make something more desirable in her Textiles class. Maybe she’d just buy something from a clothes store so she wouldn’t be wasting her time or money.
Farrah came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, her phone in her other hand. “Found anything yet?” she asked.
Aja sighed. “Nope.” She shuffled to the side to silently tell Farrah to sit next to her so they could look together, and Farrah followed suit.
“Well, I found some really pretty ones on this store’s website, and - get this! - they do a couples’ discount,” Farrah exclaimed, beaming up at her. “That’s if you’re willing to wear a suit. That’s the only way it applies.
She scrunched her face up. “No, thanks,” she said.
“Ugh, fuck heteronormativity,” Sasha drawled. “Don’t shop there.”
“But I love the dresses!” Farrah whined.
Shea chuckled. “She’s joking,” she said. “… I think.”
“Add to cart…” Farrah narrated, clicking various parts of her screen, her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth as if it were a hard task. Aja peered over her phone to check out the dress, and Farrah wasn’t lying - it was beautiful: a sheer blue with rhinestones placed sparsely over it, slowly getting closer together as they climbed further up the the boustier. It complimented her eyes perfectly.
“You guys realise that prom isn’t for two more weeks, right?” Aja said.
“Come on, Aja!” Alexis replied. “It’s fun. You get to dress up, party, and see friends all before school ends for the summer.”
“Yeah, I thought you’d be more into it.” Farrah pouted. “You take everything so seriously.”
Aja rolled her eyes. “Not prom.”
Farrah looked up at her with genuine hurt in her eyes. “But-” she protested.
“I’m going,” Aja assured. “For you.”
She broke out into a smile again and hugged her before going back to the Bombers’ table.
Sasha gave Aja a warm smile. “You guys are so sweet,” she said.
Aja smiled back at her, and continued to browse dresses.
Several days later, and the Glamazons were dress shopping. Most of them didn’t trust buying their prom outfits online, even from a well-known store, so they’d hit the town, and as expected, dragged Aja along with them. Aja didn’t really have anything in mind apart from the fact she wanted to match Farrah in some way - not that she’d admit it, but she found that type of thing cute.
They visited just about every damn prom dress store in central Hollywood, but her friends were so picky. Alexis insisted it was because, “It’s going to be a special night!”, but it still frustrated Aja, and she quickly grew impatient.
Aja had picked her own dress at about the third store they entered, and in all honesty, that was the thing that put her in the prom spirit. And, on the plus side, it wasn’t even as ugly as the others; she wasn’t expecting to like a prom dress, but here she was. It wasn’t the typical long, flowing prom dress style, but that was probably why she liked it. Instead, it was more tight-fitting and complementary, and had blue detailing - so, it kind of accompanied Farrah’s dress well.
Sasha gasped as soon as Aja had picked it up. “It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed. “Do you like it?”
“Strangely, yes,” Aja had said.
Now, they were all packed into another prom store (probably the twentieth they’d been in), which was relatively small, and covered in pink and glitter. The reflection of each tiny sparkle practically stabbed Aja in the eyes.
“Ugh, Jaymes would’ve loved this,” Nina commented, looking around in awe. “I wish she were coming.”
Aja nodded. “It’ll be strange without her. Like the tryouts,” she said.
“You guys are talking about her like she’s dead,” Alexis laughed. “Come on, let’s just enjoy ourselves; it’s what she would want. Oh, god, now I sound like you two.”
Aja snickered at her and looked around anyway, squeezing past each mannequin in the cramped store. Nothing was really to her taste, but it wasn’t like she had to pick something from here. Farrah, on the other hand, would’ve adored this place. Too bad she already had a dress.
Alexis squealed, signalling that she’d found something she liked. Everyone gathered around instinctively, admiring the corsage she’d picked out. It… stood out. It was covered in rhinestones (because everything in this place had to be like that, obviously) and was bright pink, much like everything else in the store, but Alexis seemed to absolutely adore it.
Shea had found a dress as well, and if a stranger encountered her in it, they would probably think she were a princess. Sasha took one look at it held up against her, and her eyes practically fell out of their sockets. She bit her bottom lip and looked back up at her girlfriend, smiling.
“Try it on!” Farrah insisted as soon as Aja had presented it to her at her house. “Please.”
“Do I have to?” Aja asked. “I just spent all day walking around and I’m tired.” She only wanted to wear that dress once, and that was on prom night. She could imagine it now - the heavy material weighing her down, sticking to her the entire night, and then she’d inevitably spill something on it.
“Aja,” Farrah whined. “I really want to see it. And you know I’m definitely forcing you to look at me in mine.”
“Yeah, I’d actually prefer that.” Farrah’s cheeks tinged pink.
“Please, try it on!”
“Ugh, fine,” Aja said, getting off the bed and taking herself and the bag with her dress in to the bathroom. She wasn’t sure if they were at the stage in their relationship yet where they could comfortably get changed in front of each other. Plus, they agreed to just take “baby steps”, although the term was quite ambiguous. It was clear that Farrah preferred to take it slow, anyway (Aja would get to the bottom of those spontaneous panics eventually).
After changing, she walked back into her bedroom, twirling around once and watching the bottom half flare up. It was uncomfortable, just like she’d imagined, but when Farrah looked at her in the way she did, she forgot the feeling of the dress gripping her skin.
“You look so beautiful,” Farrah said, a little breathless as she stood up and wrapped her arms around Aja’s waist.
Aja dipped her head down to kiss her, tangling her fingers in her girlfriend’s thick, blonde hair. Whether she was all dressed up or just in “lazy” clothes like she was now, Aja always thought that Farrah was beautiful, too. She always had. And even with her eyes closed right now, she could picture Farrah’s blue ones and the genuineness of them.
Farrah pulled back after a moment, her lips more plump than before and stars in her eyes.
“I can’t wait to see you like this at prom,” she said breathlessly.
And, all of a sudden, Aja couldn’t wait either.
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bachelorbro-blog1 · 8 years
Season 21 -- Week 3
Alright, here we go.
Liz is gone. Who cares? No one (except for everyone because Nick had sex with her and she got to see his peen even before Corinne, who, much like Tinkerbell, needs applause or she will die).
Not wanting to be outdone, Corinne dons a trench coach in the style of a flasher you’d see in a movie that was filmed before 1970. She lures Nick outside by the pool, produces a can of whipped cream, and sprays it on herself. When he decides to slow down, she flies into a blind rage, cries to one of the girls whose name I don't remember, and then passes out. She does not attend the rose ceremony. 
At the rose ceremony Nick sends home Hailey who doesn't wear panties, Lacey who isn't really a person, and another blonde whose name I don't remember. Hailey cries a lot. Then she leaves, never to be heard from again.
The next morning Nick calls Corinne out ever so slightly and she plays it off as if nothing happened at all. The first group date is announced. The ladies will be performing as back up dancers in a made up Backstreet Boys concert. All of sudden the Backstreet Boys are wheeled in by their home-care nurses. I don't remember any of their names other than Nick Carter. The ladies proceed to urinate all over the floor. Josephine looks the most surprised (but she has Comic Sans face, so she always looks like that).
When Corinne discovers that this is going to be a date that focuses heavily on dancing she starts hyperventilating. “I’m not a good dancer,” she explains. “I’ll have to keep my clothes on,” she laments. Jasmine, who works as a professional dancer, is obviously excited, but Danielle L. wins anyway. Nick and Danielle L. dance onstage with the Backstreet Boys while everyone else watches. Corinne rips all of her hair out, strand by strand. She pulls Nick aside after the concert to make sure that he hasn't forgotten who she is or what her chest looks like. 
Jasmine is sick of talking about Corinne. Clearly, I’m not. Sorry, Jasmine. 
Nick has a private conversation with Danielle L. This is essentially the first time she’s gotten any facetime with him so I’m surprised by how much he likes her. I had forgotten she was there. (Side note: Where is Danielle M.?) Danielle L. and Nick dance. 
We cut back to the mansion where the girls who didn't know who the Backstreet Boys are are chilling and drinking wine together. Vanessa gets a solo date. Dominique is pissed, and rightfully so. She hasn't even been shown on camera in the three weeks she’s been on the show.
Anyway, back to the date that's still happening. Corinne talks about her nipples. At this point I’m decently sure that she had some sort of sponsored plastic surgery and is legally obligated to mention them in every episode. 
The other ladies finally find out that Corinne has a nanny. Raquel Revealed (I’m pitching that as an hour long documentary). Corinne discusses cheese pasta (macaroni and cheese or just like pasta with grated cheese on it?). She explains that Raquel enjoys doing what she does. I don't think she does, Corinne, but believe whatever you want, honey. It’s all going to be ok some day. 
Jasmine is annoyed. Jasmine is always annoyed. Danielle L. gets the group date rose. Corinne is upset because Raquel isn't there to make cheese pasta. (Cut to Raquel popping a bottle of champagne and smearing cheese pasta all over Corinne’s important business documents). 
Vanessa and Nick are having a space date. It looks a lot like something I would have enjoyed in fourth grade. But then it gets really cute (until Vanessa pukes in a bag). Nick is really sweet about it. Then they kiss (hope she had a few mints beforehand...) After they rejoin us on Earth, Nick and Vanessa have dinner at the tallest building in wherever. Vanessa talks about her grandfather who died right before she came on the show. She is top three. Nick cries and gives her a rose.
For the final group date, the girls will be participating in the “Nickathalon” which is just an excuse for Nick to watch their boobs bounce. Brittany is excited to crush the competition. So is Jaimi. I smell a spin-off. We finally get some Alexis time. I am thrilled. As previously discussed, this is an Alexis fan blog. 
Rachel, Alexis, and Astrid get to go to the finals. I forgot that Astrid was there. Astrid wins, but she also kind of doesn't because Rachel shattered the ring that they were supposed to carry with her foot. I’m sure it was an accident, but the crunch was really satisfying.
Dominique is now crying. She feels overlooked. She is not wrong. When they finally arrive at dinner after the Nickathalon, she attempts to sit with Nick, but he pulls Astrid aside instead. Dominique cries again. I feel bad for Dominique. She really hasn't gotten any time with Nick. He’s leading her on and that’s not cool. She deserves better.
Jaimi refers to herself as “the weird lesbian.” Alright. Don’t sell yourself short, Jaimi. Weird lesbians are cool lesbians. 
Nick and Rachel have a heart to heart and then Dominique finally gets a chance to confront Nick. She calls him out and he acts like a little bitch. He kicks her off. She deserves someone better anyway. “I think Dominique is amazing,” says Nick. He's lying. If he thought she was amazing he’d have given her a chance.
Rachel gets the group date rose and secures a spot in the top three. 
Nick and the ladies are going to have a pool party. Who thinks Corinne is going to get naked again? Raven speaks for the first time this whole episode and rubs lotion all over Nick. She uses way too much. It’s pretty nauseating. 
All of a sudden Corinne is bouncing around in an inflatable pink castle. Nick calls her fun and playful* (*a sociopath). The other ladies can hear Corinne shrieking in the distance. They plan to drown her in the pool when they discover that she is essentially having sex with Nick in the bouncy castle. Vanessa isn't having it. “Everyone is just jealous,” whines Corinne. 
Raven pulls Nick aside and reminds Nick that Corinne is 24 (as if she isn't 25). She tells Nick about Raquel. Nick is intrigued. Plot twist: Raquel is the next Bachelorette. 
Everyone is mad at Corinne. Vanessa calls Nick out. Is he going to send her home like he did to Dominique? No. “I'm not judging Corinne. I’m judging your actions,” says Vanessa. I scream. Amazing. Thank you, Vanessa. 
After next week’s previews Josephine and Nick sing an original song. Josephine has a solid voice? Wait, no. I lied maybe. I hope her cat likes her songs...
Top 5:
1. Danielle M.
2. Vanessa
3. Rachel
4. Astrid
5. Alexis  
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