#one day i might be normal abt languages and translation. today is not the day.
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satellitesunset · 8 months ago
the fact that I can never read my favourite pieces of media in their original language bc I don't speak it. keeps me up at night actually.
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blacknidstang · 4 years ago
middle east anon ✨[wow i just have to write “middle” and then my keyboard types it itself by now lol]
no problem! and yes i’m feeling kinda better now.. and you? I saw one of your posts today that didn't sound like you were fine...
ohh but if the pronunciation’s like the arabic one so اساس would be pronounced “ asas” and اثاث would be pronounced “athath” or am i wrong?
yes i feel the same! i’m rly glad to be born here bc of the language💖
uffff dats a looooot of dialects haha
but i know what you mean! arabic has over ughh idk how many but there are A LOT. and they are rly not a like the standard arabic..
kurdish is a brach of persian? wow i didn’t knew that thank you!! i have a friend who is a native kurdish speaker so that information is kinda rly good to know. 💗
in arabic our “zh” is “ز" and we don’t have a “j” only “g” (ج) but that’s sometimes also used for “j” or we just write "چ” like in persian. we sometimes also write "پ“ for “ p” but it’s not a “real” arabic letter.
but i rly don’t know what "گ” is..
all i know is that it’s used in kurdish too..
and no ofc you didn’t bore me! i rly rly rly enjoyed reading this!💘💜
so i hope it didn’t forget anything haha
btw..iknow you like poetry and you like german so..there’s a german folk song i rly like and i kinda thought you could like it too..
it’s called “Ich hab die Nacht geträumet”
(you can find it everywhere in the internet)
also, i translated it for you to english, i hope the translation is not TO bad lol
“I dreamed this night
probably a heavy dream,
it grew in my garden
a rosemary tree. *
A churchyard was the garden
a flower bed the grave,
and the crown and the blossom
fell off the green tree.
I collected the flowers
in a golden jug,
and it fell from my hands
so it shattered to pieces.
From it I saw pearls trickle
and droplets rose red:
What may the dream mean?
Oh dear, are you dead?”
*the rosemary tree is a sign of death
First of please let me say i listened to the song and it was so beautiful i'm almost in tears!! And such beautiful poetic lyrics. I'm just gonna play it for the rest of the night and send it to my best friend too! Thank you so much dear anon! You are so kind and gentle i'm really shaken. And the fact that you are sending these lovely messages when i'm going throw some bad stuff?? Really, don't know how to appreciate it. 🖤🖤 Btw i'm good now tho. Yesterday was an awful day but worse is gone 😃💜 glad to know you are feeling better too.
Anyway, aaa yes you are right abt pronunciations of اساس and اثاث. But we pronounce both as "asas" :D oh and yeah i'm aware there are far too many different arabic dialects too. I remember i had a syrian friend and another friend of mine who was actually good in arabic said she only understand very little when she talks in arabic.
Ohhhh ok! But i'm a bit confused!!! So we studied this i dunno, "standard arabic" in school bc that's what Quran is written in and well, that was the whole point of learning arabic and back then i remember we were taught some different stuff. Like wasn't ز the normal z? (The english z tho! I know it's pronounced differently in german XD) Bc i remember the basic arabic didn't have "zh" (this sound i meant /ʒ/) but also knowing that lots of arabic countries were part of french colonies i think the letter inevitably entered the language (or i might be wrong about the origin of it?)
Oh and the گ which i mentioned as hard g.... like the g in "girl" :D since i remember that letter doesn't exists in arabic and only the soft g which is that ج. (Like you know, the g in giraffe)
And hahah yeah actually gotta admit i had a bit of doubt that kurdish comes from persian? And i did some research and yepp that was it. (Altho there are certain groups of kurdish people talking in a completely different language also which apparently they insist is a branch of kurdish but it seems to have a very different root! Maybe your friend would know better :D)
Anyway, thanks again for the song. Honestly i'm inspired to pick of german again but i dont know if i can handle learning 3 extremely different language at the same time T_T but german is beautiful gaaawd i wish i had never dropped it
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