#one day I will stop fucking about with 'haha what if things were worser than canon' but today is not that day
other-peoples-coats · 2 years
training monateg ??
for the wip title meme
you might think that I have mispelt this title writing it out for the meme post, but no, I fucked up the title when I was saving it the first time and now it lives like this is my wip folder as a monument to dyslexia
I made a jokey comment/post a while back about what was the plan b, sheev if, y'know, all the traumatic shit he was forcing the jedi thorugh produced not dead jedi but, well, 10,000 intensely traumatised newly fallen Force users with lazer swords. This proceeded to start chewing on my brain. et voila.
teeny tiny excerpt ft the made up mutant space!bastard child of two-up and Russian roulette
Practically, if you flip a pair of coins in a game of terrellian doubles, and end up with two akglit, you're going to be far less concerned with the likelihood of the outcome and far more concerned with just how much oxygen — or nitrogen, or dorian gas, or whatever it is that you breathe — there is not in a coffin buried somewhere between nine and fourteen metres underground.
Similarly, theoretically, over the course of what would later come to be known as the clone war, there should have been less than a handful of Jedi who fell. They were trained, after all, and dedicated to the light, used to handling the darker parts of the galaxy, even if not quite to this scale in over a thousand years.
Practically, the scattered planetary systems of what had once been known as the Republic  are beginning to get very, very good at calculating exactly how much air is left in the metaphorical coffin.
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