#one could say I chose 4 for each show as a way to celebrate 4 Minutes
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make me write ✍🏻
Hello! I saw this one being shared around and I desperately need to start writing again for my sanity, so I figured this could help me 😀 Whoever wants to do it, too, go ahead and tag me as well, I want to see your WIPs :3
Rules: Send me an emoji corresponding to the WIP - as many as you want - and I'll write 3 sentences for each emoji and share it. 😴post-canon VegasPete somno fic 🌡️Pete gets sick. He doesn't take it well. Vegas takes it worse. 💔Macau and Pete had a fight, Vegas deals with the aftermath 🍚hospital era, Macau and Pete make merit together 🔴DFF NonWhite AU 📱how Tee convinced White to go to the trip, DFF missing scene 📷New&Non during canon, New sending photos to Non from the UK as a way to mend their relationship 🪙KPTS x DFF crossover, Tee is a witness to one of Vegas' visits to his uncle 🍆4 Minutes episode 4 AU in which Korn doesn't stop, dubcon 👻Tonkla feeling Dome's presence in his life ala episode 4 ending 🫥Tonkla masturbates to battle the sads. It doesn't work. 💍pre-canon, Korn talks to Tonkla about Fasai
#one could say I chose 4 for each show as a way to celebrate 4 Minutes#(somehow I didn't do it for that reason)#thank you in advance for all who'll send me anything#I owe you my life#yu is writing#(creating a personal tag to keep track of the thing)#vegaspete#teewhite#korntonkla#ask game
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What do you think about Kate not going to Earth Shot?
So, I very much did not have an opinion on the whole “Kate doesn’t go to Singapore” thing beyond the fact I thought it was fine and moved on with my life but since I am nothing if not opinionated, I’ve decided to get an opinion. Also, this is very long.
1. We quite literally, if not already knew, already had a very strong inkling she wasn’t going. How is this shocking to people? Even the very original press release is entirely focused on Earthshot, rather than William and Catherine (which I checked when the rumours first surfaced) so - unlike with London and Boston - it hasn’t been a given that she’ll go.
2. Also, she doesn't need to go. Earthshot is nothing to do with her, beyond the fact she’s married to the founder. Ngl, I get really frustrated when William goes to Early Years engagements so I can’t be upset Kate isn’t going to Earthshot. I get that there's not really a need for her to be at most things but this is different than Trooping, which is a celebration of the monarch because - in a way - she does need to be there on the one of the most significant days of the BRF each year. She doesn't need to go to the Duke of Edinburgh awards, she didn't ever go to Invictus, she is not essential for Earthshot.
3. Saying Earthshot needs Kate is laughable. The most popular royal is William. He’s always been the most popular (bar the Queen). Earthshot is his thing. If anything, Kate being there takes away from the event. I also think Earthshot is phenomenal and is almost strong enough to stand independent from the royals entirely so this point is moot. Don't get me wrong, there would be more press coverage with Kate there. There would be a lot more fan coverage with Kate there. But doesn't that just take away from the coverage of the 15 incredible nominees?
4. I don't know who chose the date for Earthshot. But I don't think William could just change it because of George's exam (also, these aren't Eton-specific exams because the dates for these things are readily available and there aren't any Eton-specific exams in November.) The date had to suit the Earthshot council, Singapore, the nominees, the Earthshot trustees. The fact it's in November at all, not December, makes me feel like the date was out of their control.
5. George having exams is not “an excuse”. I’m not a parent but I am a teacher and I know that if a child in my class has a big thing coming up in their life - maybe a show with their drama club or their mum has gone on holiday or it’s their birthday - you check in more and give them more attention. Remember being 10? Imagine sitting exams - a really big stressful exam, when previously the only exams you will have taken will be phonics screeners and times tables checks and in-school tests - for the first time and both of your parents are not only not there, but are out of the country in a different timeline. This is fundamentally different than them wanting to do school drop offs and pick ups (they need to get over that but I’ve accepted they won’t). You don’t know how George will react to doing an exam but his parents do. This is a non-negotiable for me.
6. Controversially, I don’t think it’s the 11+. I think it could be the Stage 2 admission test for Tiffin School - even if he doesn’t go there, I know that if you’re aiming for grammar schools, some families choose to do a range of entrance tests, since it lessens pressure. These tests are independent from the 11+, which - if George is doing - he has already done.
7. If she didn’t stay home, the three scenarios are: George does the test and everything is fine; he does the test and struggles immediately, whether due to the test or to his parents not being there, which will have a huge impact on him; or he does the test, feels fine, and in 30 years releases a tell-all book about his mother - known child mental health campaigner - abandoning him to wear fancy dresses. If she does stay home, she can support her son. I know which I prefer.
8. “It’s sexist because why does Kate stay home and not William” - he can’t skip Earthshot, Kate doesn’t have to go to Earthshot, they can’t pick the date of the exam. Next question.
9. The lack of royal tours is an issue. I don’t think it’s a royal issue - it’s a FCO issue (I will call them the FCDO over my dead body). There’s a reason there have only been 4 official overseas FCO visits this year and two of them should have been one state visit. I would also like to see more overseas working visits but a) if the FCO have been explicitly against it, I would not recommend working against parliament and b) if we’re not doing a tour, I’d rather they focused on doing UK- and Commonwealth-based visits first. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that official Commonwealth visits (even if not tours) are up in the air since there was a Commonwealth world tour last year and no one knows whether Charles is supposed to go there first. TLDR: they need to sort out overseas visits and do more, they need to get out into the commonwealth, the FCO need to get over themselves and start planning official tours again.
10. I will be really annoyed if she doesn’t do any engagements that week but we don’t know that she won’t! It’s different to work in the UK while the kids are at school and take off the day of George’s exam, being available in the evenings, than being in Singapore for the whole week. (I am going to rule out her being at the State Opening of Parliament because the Waleses would never have been there this year - the fact William was there last year and that Charles went as Prince of Wales are moot and she won't go without William - and I hate this rumour). Also, my last anon helpfully pointed out about the fact it coincides with Remembrance Week so...
11. Yes, I would have loved her to be at the Earthshot prize ceremony and I would love to see her in a new gown. I like seeing Catherine’s clothes but honestly her recent gown track record is poor so maybe it’s for the best. There are people who won't watch because Kate won't be there. But also my mum and dad watched Earthshot because it was on TV on Sunday night after the Strictly results; lots of people watched it because it's on TV, on BBC, near Christmas; people watched it because it's about the environment and has a royal in it. It's not all about Kate, as much as I'd like it to be.
So, essentially, I had far more opinions than I thought I did and everyone complaining is being an idiot. I would have loved to see Kate in Singapore - the South Seas tour was incredible and we're overdue an Asian tour - but, since the circumstances are what they are, this is the best option. Can we all please just stop talking about it now?
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One of a Kind Vamp Chapter 4: Style and Swag
The day after Jeese's party, Dakota wakes up to a message telling the gang Rory and Erica were awake and mostly alive. So, what better way to celebrate than hitting the mall and shopping at a Hot Topic. What a way to spend the day.
Notes: Well, I really left this story to rot. I'm sorry okay getting locked out of my laptop really sucked the motivation out of me. Along with all my Halloween plans, which is what I've been trying to make up for this year. Anyway, this story was inspired by my first trip to Hot Topic a few years ago for my sister's birthday and let me tell you I'm not a fan of the place for reasons I'll get into in the story. Originally, I was just gonna list my favorite outfits Rory wore in the series and Dakota's opinion on them but I'm terrible at describing things, so I scrapped it in favor of this idea. So, this took me three days Rory week is in full swing let's have some fun fam Enjoy the story.
Dakota walked around the clothes racks as she waited for Rory to leave the changing room. In hindsight, she had no idea why she even agreed to this; going clothes shopping at a Hot Topic was not on her 2011 bingo card, nor was Rory becoming a vampire last night.
The invitation came out of the blue; she woke up to a text message from Jesse of all people, telling her Rory and Erica were awake and survived their respective transformations from human to fledgling and full-fledged vampire; how he got hers, Ethan, and even Benny’s phone numbers was something she didn’t care about, as she threw off the covers and ran to wake up her friends with the good news.
After rushing to Jesse’s place and confirming with their own eyes that the two blonds were safe (along with Emily drop-kicking Jesse to the ground once he opened the door.), The cult leader gave the gang the rundown on their new friend’s status in his group. Much to Benny, Ethan, and Sarah’s dismay, Rory chose to complete his transformation and drink human blood. But to show the group he wasn’t as bloodthirsty as Erica, he requested to drink from a bloodbag, much to their relief. However, Jesse and his friends weren’t as pleased with this showcase of humanity, but still Jesse agreed that he’d get Rory accustomed to their way of life eventually. After an hour of planning their next move on what to do with their friend’s newfound undead status, Erica and Gord suggested taking the gang to the mall to grab some new duds. Erica’s been waiting years to break out of her nerdy looks and become the hot, bad girl she knew she’s always meant to be. Rory, on the other hand, couldn't care less about changing his attitude, but if new clothes could bump up his high school rep, he’ll take it. And he gladly dragged the others along while going to whatever shop caught his eye.
They browsed for hours, just looking at everything and anything. Erica was having a field day, dragging Sarah and Gord to each store to try things on. Sarah had never seen Erica so overjoyed and was honestly happy herself; it felt fantastic to have her best friend back. After having lunch at the food court and going to a few stores Dakota and Mabel had their eyes on, the gang were about ready to head home. That was until Rory saw a Hot topic and just couldn’t resist heading inside.
Which led us to now: Dakota had never been in a Hot Topic before, and she couldn’t say she liked it. The clothing of chose was more for scene and emo kids, which was a style she was never into, despite most kids her age already being in that phase lifestyle. It was never for her; on top of that, the music was way too loud, and the song selection kind of sucked in her opinion. Heavy Metal and Punk Rock was so not her vibe, not to mention whosever idea it was to destroy shoppers eardrums while they browsed should be fired. She couldn’t go two steps in without her ears hurting; because of that, she stayed closer to the entrance, and she wasn’t the only one.
Vampire super hearing was a blessing and a curse. Sarah, Jesse, and Gord were more sensitive to the louder music and decided to stay outside. Erica wanted to see if she could find some Single Tear merchandise but ended up finding more outfit ideas and dragged Sarah inside to get her input. Meanwhile, Benny and Ethan went to a nearby store to grab their more sensitive ear friends some ear plugs, which Dakota and a few others gladly took them. Now they were able to walk around without the fear of going deaf.
“Pretty gaudy place, wouldn’t you say?!” Benny said to Ethan,
“Yeah, no kidding, I never understood why scene and emo was so popular or why anyone would willingly shop here!” His best friend agreed,
“Though I guess if you ever wanted a goth girlfriend, this would be the place to get one. The casher is kind of cute; you know if piercings are your thing.” Benny added, though he really wasn’t into the vibe of the store.
“Yeah, I guess so!” Ethan yelled, trying to hear himself over the music, “Do you think Rory and Erica are almost done? This music is starting to give me a headache.”
“You want to wait outside until everyone is finished shopping?”
“Yeah, I like that idea!” Ethan shouted back as he and Benny left the store.
Meanwhile, Dakota continued waiting; there wasn’t much in terms of clothing that fit her; however, the shelves that displayed Japanese rements were more her style. She was thinking of buying a few Kirby ones when Jesse came up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She gasped, spinning around to face him, rainbow wand in hand.
“Whoa, whoa, no need for that; I’m just here to chat.” He reassured her, holding his hands up in surrender.
“What do you want to talk about?” She questioned uneasily, not too keen on trusting the vampire that got them into this mess.
“Come on, let’s go to a quieter part of the store, so we don’t have to yell.”
The younger girl nodded and followed him.
Jesse leaned against the wall while Dakota kept her distance. However, it was quiet enough that she could remove her ear plugs.
“So, how do you like it here? You girl’s moved in recently, right?” He asked,
The other nodded. “Yeah, we moved in about a week ago. It was Amy’s idea; she and Emily’s parents grew up here.”
Jesse nodded with a thoughtful hum. “I see, for only being here a week. You’ve become pretty close to those geeks and my girlfriend.”
“Um, I think you mean ex-girlfriend.” She pointed out with a scowl, “And second of all, those geeks have names, Ethan, Benny, and Rory.” She spat, “Which you should know since Rory is a part of your quote-on-quote cult now.” She said, adding air quotes for emphasis.
Jesse put his hands up again. “Sorry, didn’t realize you were that protective over them.”
Dakota sighed, crossing her arms and turning away from him. “Look, Rory’s a good kid, and even if Erica has turned to the dark side, I don’t want him following suit.”
Jesse clicked his tongue, remembering an important detail: “Oh, that’s right. Word on the street is you’ve got a little thing for him.”
“Yeah, so what if I do?” She replied, arms crossed, still avoiding eye contact, “At least I found someone who makes me happy; unlike most girls, I tend to stay away from those shallow, popular kids.” Like you was left unsaid, but Jesse was able to figure it out by the way she glared at him.
“Ouch, that cuts deep.”
The other scoffed, rolling her eyes at him as she turned away. “You know, at first when Emily said there was something off about you, I thought she was just being paranoid. But now that I have firsthand experience of the things you pull, she was right to be suspicious of you; I will never forgive you for the way you hurt Sarah. Or for forcing her into a world she wants nothing to do with, along with turning Erica and Rory. I don’t care how happy they seem right now; you still had full intentions on killing us, some friend you are.”
Okay, now that really hurt his feelings; maybe that came out a little harsher than she meant to, but too late to take it back now. Besides, he deserved it.
Jesse opened his mouth to refute this point when Mabel ran up to them, smiling brightly.
“Guys, you have got to see Rory’s new outfit; he looks so cool.”
“I am so in.” Dakota smiled, following her best friend, while Jesse followed suit; however, their conversation wouldn’t leave his mind.
The moment the young girl’s eyes landed on the blonde, her breath hitched. Rory was wearing a red jacket with black sleeves, black jeans, and a chain necklace. And paired up with his black sunglasses, Rory looked so hot in Dakota’s eyes the rockstar vibes he gave off made her heart race.
“So, how do I look?” He asked, turning around so everyone got a good look,
“You look great, Rory.” Sarah giggled; she had to admit he did look cute.
“Meh, not date worthy, but you look the part at least.” Erica shrugged, and that was a compliment coming from her.
“So, what do you think, Dakota?” He asked, the most excited to get her input,
“I what?” She stuttered; she mentally cursed herself for staring. She may have confessed her feelings last night, but the two were far from dating.
“I asked what do you think of my new look.”
“You-You look great.” She smiled, a small blush appearing across her face. “I’m serious, Rory; you look like a rockstar!”
“Whoa, that’s a pretty high compliment coming from you, babe.”
“W-Well, it’s hard n-not to complement you when you’re looking t-this cute.” She stammered, her face getting redder by the minute.
“Okay, so we got our new clothes. I say, Let’s pay and get out of here. I have a hair appointment to get too.” Erica said, flipping her hair,
“Yeah, just give me a moment to change.” Rory nodded and returned to the changing room.
Seeing Rory laugh so merrily with Dakota and Mabel as they skipped down the street made Jesse realize how pure a soul the blond geek was. A little too pure for his own good but pure all the same, it wouldn’t be fair to corrupt such a kind heart. Besides, Erica fits the bloodthirsty look way more than Rory could ever hope to achieve. And later that day, when Rory got his hair done up in a failed pixie cut, that had the others laughing at the cute but slightly ridiculous hair style. Well, let’s just say Dakota has never wanted to kiss someone more.
And let’s also just say Rory was more than happy to make out with her behind the school, where no one suspected a thing.
First things first Dakota is 14 to 15 in this story, because there is no way he'd willingly make out with her during their canon age gap. For those who don't understand what I mean, Dakota is 10 in my mbav fanfic series Whitechapel Adventures and later turns 11 unless stated otherwise for this story anyway I've left her age up to readers interpretation for those who want to link these prompts in the WCA canon. Also, yes, the outfit Rory chose at the end is the outfit he had on during the end of the mbav movie that is without a doubt my all-time favorite outfit he ever wore next to his pre vamp blue jacket and his Keep Calm and Don't get Bite shirt. I freaking love his season two fits oh and his blue hat he wore backwards for the season 2 premiere and the episode Siren Song I so wished he wore it more it looked so cool on him. Anyway, I hope to continue updating this story as Rory week continues Whitechapel Adventures Origins will return soon hopefully, I can finish chapter two before next week ends. Anyway, thank you for your endless support and I will see you all next time love you. Oh and for those who don't know what Rements are search it up they are the cutest doll house furniture ever I recommend looking for the Kirby ones Kirby cafe is the best.
#roryweek#day 3#roryweek 2023#mbav#mbav stuff#rory keaner#my babysitters a vampire#fanfiction#my babysitter's a vampire#ao3#mbav fanfic#mbav rory#rory keener#ethan morgan#support me on kofi#support me on patreon#fanfiction.net#ao3 fanfic#archive of our own#fanfic#ao3 fic#ao3 writer#fanfictions
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This Jimin album brought me so much happiness but the fandom/members/solos/kpop stans really made it a bad experience. Face will be a month old on friday and instead of celebrating another member is going to drop 10 fucking songs so Face will be forgotten😔😔😔
You are complainging about jk only but suga is clearly going to get more support than Jimin. He has a radio show on apple music like what?
I can see him woth 4 remixes. We already know he will have like 3 music videos. What a joke
Not forgotten by me.
It's been a month and I still listen to it at least twice a day because I actually want to.
It was a good experience for me until the sales thing happened. I don't care too much about what antis say, and I would've still not cared if it wasn't for the blatant hypocrisy shown after the Jungkook photos with scooter and BangPd. I complain because I don't think those events: Scooter and Jimin's drop from top5 were a coincidence.
I expected Yoongi's album to drop before his tour, I knew it would be like that since the moment the tour was announced. There was just no way he'd go on tour without a new album, so I was expecting the blow. I also think pjms complaining about the radio show on Apple is... dumb... because Jimin would not do a radio show anyways. That's what Yoongi wanted to do because he likes that stuff or whatever. I'm also sure Jimin will tour too eventually, as he said, he doesn't have enough songs just yet. But he will have more. The only injustice I see is them not letting Jimin film more music videos. And the timing of the album release.
The timing is not fair. I already said this when On the Street was announced and I didn't take it well that Hoseok was announcing his enlistment and single at the same time because we all know what that looked like -as much as I like Hoseok. Someone posted some companies prediction and said that there are 4 BTS solo albums planned for this year. FOUR. In 12 months. That should be around 3 months for each album. They had to squeeze Jimin's and Yoongi's in one month for some reason. A reason that I think will make sense when taekook get second half of the year all to themselves.
That, or hybe just really wanted yoonmin to do promo together since they've been pairing them together for a while even before the hiatus started. Hybe trying to make it look like they're still a family that goes to sleep together every night is really fucking hilarious, if not sad.
Honestly, it makes 100 times more sense for Yoongi to have released his album first, and then leave for tour and have Jimin release now in April. But I'm telling you, and I've said before, they did this on purpose T_T I'm not changing my mind unless Jimin himself says "I chose to release this day."
I don't really mind if the fandom will focus on yoongi... they're fans for a reason. It seems useless to complain about army focusing on BTS members because that's what they're supposed to do. I guess they feel they already did everything they could for Jimin, and everyone seriously did a lot; and now they'll try to get same or similar results for the other members. Jimin really paved the way. And again, it's not the fandom's fault, it's the company's fault.
The one thing I'm mad about is that he should be in the military already. He's been dodging that like... It should be him going, not Hoseok.
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My Favourite Total Drama episodes and why?
1. Backstabbers Ahoy! (TDROI)
I considered Total drama revenge of the island to be a fun season. While we are introduced to a new set of cast, they are just as good as the older ones. Backstabbers Ahoy! Is an episode that has that. Scott is the main antagonist for the season and we get to see his villainy with the ways in this episode. During the episode, somebody has been stealing stuff from both the toxic rats and the mutant maggots. Originally Scott was going to frame Brick whose been on both teams but ended up switching to Dawn whom was starting suspect Scott and his plans.
While switching from Brick someone who was on both teams to Dawn whose only been one. However it make sense to how Dawn is like as a character. Dawn doesn't steal things but because of how strange she is. They would suspect her to be one to do it unless evidence was provided. During the episode, Dawn is seen carry a trashbag so it would be perfect opportunity for Scott to frame her. Another thing like this episode is the comedic aspect of the toxic rat boys. In the last episode, Brick ended up being switch to the toxic and in this episode we see how he reacts to them and their own opinion on him as well.
2. Search and Do not Destroy (TDI)
This is the episode, where Heather is brutal towards Gwen in an emotional level. Heather has always target Gwen like reading her diary out to the entire viewing world in Not Quite Famous and when she ripped Gwen's skirt where everybody saw her underwear in Who can you trust? But this was takes the cake. Heather doesn't care about Trent and when her dispute with Gwen is more so the fact that Gwen doesn't seem to listen to her. The two have been mortal enemies since the beginning so Heather was going to do something. Heather’s reasoning for kissing Gwen's crush Trent isn't that much or a reach considering you want to make sure you and your alliance get to the finals, however it is malicious.
It's interesting to see where the keys and how the campers tried to get it. Izzy getting both her and Lindsay's key in different scenes is really funny and how Owen has to get his key from the bear is funny but the highlight is definitely that Geoff's key is in the skeptic tank than when he opens the chest, he gets cologne.
3. Anything Yukon Do I can do better (TDWT)
This is the episode, we see Alejandro playing his role as the villain and boy does he deliver. I think choosing Bridgette as the target before Leshawna and even Lindsay in Team Victory is a calculating but also when you think about. It's more so a test towards Bridgette herself. During the celebrity manhunt special due to Geoff getting a lot of attraction towards Female Fans and because whenever Geoff showed any attention towards the female fans (seirra was one of them), bridgette gets jealous. She could be thinking the worse than Geoff isn't loyal towards her.
In the previous episodes like walk like an Egyptain, you see bridgette being smitten with her. I think her saying that she has a boyfriend is more to remind herself but because of how insanely attractive alejandro is. She ends up believing herself that she doesn't have a boyfriend. I think the reason why Alejandro chose Bridgette is because she's more a weak link in her team. This is the episode where another team besides team Amazon doesn't win a challenge.
4. If you can't take the heat (TDI)
This was the episode that got me hooked on the show and this is probably the perfect episode that pretty much sums up season 1. Heather is a bitch to her teammates and thinks highly of herself? I hope she gets her karma. Duncan and Courtney seem to get on each other's nerve but have this chemistry? They are gonna get together. This is the episode where we see how the teams interact with each other. Killer bass aren't that great as a team but they are close as friends and Screaming Gophers while are stacked more than killer bass are dysfunctional and are basically in 2 or 3 cliques. This is also the episode where it shows a bit of Lindsay's arc by her disobeying her orders to give her the make-up bag.
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Hailey breaks down 13 looks, from WNDR to Go Off | Life in Looks | Vogue
Hi Vogue. This is Hailey and I'm going take you through my life in looks. I lived a lot in a short period of time so let's found out what is in here.
Birthday Party Look
Oh, so we’re gonna start like that? Okay… That was my 20th birthday party. I want you guys to keep in mind that it was the first time I had money. I was still a silly teenager inside, so I just wore everything I thought was cool, all at once! That’s why I was so loaded with necklaces and bracelets.
This fringed Fendi bag was the cutest thing I had and I remember that I bought online in a vintage instagram account. Réalisation par still makes the simplest and prettiest dresses to this day, I loved that dress so much! It was so comfortable to wear, and I remember just wanting a cute, short dress that I could dance comfortably.
I LOST THIS JACKET IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARTY, thank god, because this is a ugly jacket... Besides that, I have such good memories from that day because it was actually the first time I ever threw a birthday party, which was something I had in my whish list since I was a trainee.
Actually, Seulgi’s outfit at this party was way more iconic than mine. She made a statement with that little boat Chanel hat.
2. 2040 Ong World Concert
This was the time that I would personally call our "breakthrough" moment on a worldwide scale. We were very lucky to be well received by the korean public since our debut, which allowed us to become a very successful and stable K-pop girl group. Then we released the Kill Bill mini album, and we just exploded everywhere. I mean, it was insane!
Everything needed to be sexy and kinky for us, and I lived for it! I had the idea to wear this corset backwards because I thought the knots covering my chest would look cool and would match the details of my Moschino boots. The stylists were worried because I kept asking them to make it cinched, and they were like, "Can you even breathe in this?" But to me, the tighter, the better. I loved every leather-inspired look we wore. I felt like I was in my element wearing those types of outfits, and I felt really sexy performing React.
You know something funny? I wore a corset in almost every outfit when I was working with the group, and fans started saying that I was being mistreated because my outfits always looked the same. But in reality, I was the one who personally asked if I could wear a corset because I loved wearing them! They looked so chic to me, and every chance I had to wear one, I took it.
3. Moschino Fashion Show
So, I don't know if you know or remember, but I used to be a global ambassador for this amazing brand called Moschino. This picture was taken when I attended one of their fashion shows during Milan Fashion Week.
Overall, this is outfit is very simple. The jacket fit me perfectly, it was slightly oversized at the shoulders and pockets, but it reached my waist so well. Those derby shoes made me look so cute, and the bag was a vintage piece from their '90s collection, which I took home because, look at it, it's so pretty. The glasses I'm wearing are a silly homage to Adrian Appiolaza, the creative director of the brand. He is such a sweetheart, and I'm grateful to have him as a friend til this day.
I loved working with them! Everybody was so kind and welcoming. Moschino was all about being playful and witty, their fashion runways always were different from each other and so we matched really well and I felt honored that they chose me as someone who could represent the image of the brand.
4. Get Stupid EP Release Party in Los Angeles
Usually, in K-pop, when you release an album, you hold a press conference or a showcase livestream to talk about the songs and the single. But since I no longer have a contract, I can say it: I hated doing those. It was so boring, I died a little inside every time. Like, nooooo! If I was about to drop something that significant, I want to celebrate by partying with everybody I worked with, my friends, and my fans! This was the first thing I planned while working on my solo debut, and it blended really well because all three/four songs were about partying.
Everything in this came from my personal closet. As you may notice, I love wearing jackets, it doesn’t matter if it’s a coat, denim, leather, or fur, like this Dries Van Noten you see me wearing. I actually I gave this jacket to charity because I don’t really have reasons to wear fur when I go out anymore. I also gave this prada mini skirt away. I mean, it’s gorgeous, but it's been ten years since this picture. My favorite part of this look is the fact that I’m wearing different earrings. I put them together like this because I lost the other pair of both earrings, so they just become a new pair. You know, couples that are different from each other can work sometimes.
If you compare this to the first look in this book, I think you can see a growth. My style didn’t change, I just learned how to present myself better, you know? I mean, I had to get my stylist’s approval before I went out but that's still improvement! For me, it was all about smoky eyes, messy hair and being slutty. What else can I say? I was twenty-two, blonde, and ready to get stupid.
5. 20th Years of ONG Entertaiment Special Party
You know when you're a little kid, dreaming about being a famous singer or actor? You imagine yourself dressed in a glamorous, unique gown at a prestigious event, winning a Grammy or a Oscar? Well, I reached a point in my career where I thought I was successful enough to make that dream happen. I wanted to see if I could get into Hollywood’s archival fashion department and borrow a dress for my label’s anniversary party. AND THEY LET ME!
So, this is a costume dress from a movie that I’ve never watched it, I have no idea what it’s about, but I know there was a princess in it and I took her dress for the night. And let me tell you, I have a LOT to say about that day. First of all, I walked barefoot on the carpet because nobody could see my feet under the dress, so I was like, "why bother wearing shoes?" I only put them on after I entered the venue. Basically, you can walk in this dress, but you cannot sit in a normal chair. So, I sat on the floor, on this huge red gown, and everything felt totally normal to me. But then I had to pee. Luckily, my bodyguard, who has been with me for years and knows me better than anyone, brought a winter coat for me to wear at the party. So, I took off the dress, went to the bathroom, and ended up spending the rest of the party in nothing but a black coat, underwear, and my Versace heels.
Could I have worn a sophisticated high fashion gown that was a normal size and actually comfortable? Yes! I would have looked gorgeous in it. But don’t you think doing something as insane as this feels more like me? I’m not an elegant or graceful person, I could never do classy without feeling like a total impostor. And honestly? I looked camp right in the eye, honey.
6. 1night Club Launch Event
This was when one of my dearest friends, Kayn from Arkam, launched his own club, and I would never have missed it for the world. It was also mandatory because he was dating our make-up artist.
Everything I’m wearing here is thrifted. I used to be a huge thrifter! I still am, but not as addicted as this girl here was! Nowadays, I'm more into exploring pieces in my closet that I thrifted a long time ago and never wore or remember i had it. I bought this jaguar-printed red coat at a vintage store in New York called What Comes Around Goes Around, and it's the piece that made this outfit screams Hailey.
I used to be obsessed with this skirt! I look so good on it, and you know the most important detail? It wasn’t a zippered skirt. It just had buttons in the front, and I could easily take them off. Normally, I’m not a plain-shirt-with-a-mini-skirt kind of girl, but if you look closely, this shirt didn’t have any buttons, it was just a knot holding everything together. And I don't wear bras, so I could have easily flashed someone with my tits. That's very me!
Yeah, it was a really fun night. I was one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave, and you know a party was good when that happens. That, and when you leave to have sex.
7. Purple Sun Teaser and Music Video
That was the first time I appeared with my natural black hair, and it was the result of a bet that I lost while playing mini-golf with the girls. We had agreed that the person who ranked last would have to dye her hair for our next comeback in a color chosen by the other three. I lost and they made me dye my hair black because the only time they had seen me with my natural hair was in my childhood pictures, that I only showed them because of some documentary we had to shoot and Kyungri still thought it was A.I.
You know those flashbacks of the dead wife you see in movies? That was plot of the music video. I invited some friends to go with me to Thailand, 'cause in my opinion they have the most beautiful sunsets and made my friend Jeremy film us with a digital camera. We to Koh Samui island and just have fun and make memories, and create a music video.
All the outfits, except this one, weren't planned, they were just my usual clothes. I wanted to have a shoot of me on the beach just during sunset or in when the night is ending when the sky turns purple. So, Jeremy and I spent the entire day at the beach, filming me swimming and playing around, just waiting for the perfect purple sky moment.
The purple bikini set is from Gimaguas and that it was my personal. The knit polo shirt isn’t from a brand but from an artist called Patrick Carroll, who creates art pieces through knitting. Occasionally, he knits clothing as artwork, and sells each piece as one-of-a-kind. My stylish dm’d him, asking if it was available for purchase because we thought "And I love so deep we can not measure!" perfectly captured the meaning of the song, which is inspired by the people I love the most in this world. It’s also felt incredibly cozy to wear it, and to this day, I wear it whenever I feel cold at home.
8. Lollapalooza Festival
This was my first and only time performing a show by myself. I was working with Ludovic De Saint Sernin to design a custom-made outfit for the performance. They were showing me their archives to get my team inspired, and they showed this two-piece set. I fell in love with it!
I had a lot of hair extensions on. We had to glue my nipples to the top, not because I wasn't afraid to have a nip slip, 'cause hello, this top is made for it, but the fabric was so thin that we got scared there might be a wardrobe malfunction during the show. And it turned out great! This is one of my favorite stage outfits, it's just sickening. I was one of the first people in the lineup, so I went on stage during daylight. I was sweating a lot, nobody could even tell that i was actually feeling hot due to the weather 'cause this fit made even more sexy if my body was glowing with sweat. The crowd that day was insane, I swear it felt like the whole world was there and it was electrifying interacting with that many people.
I remember not feeling nervous at all that day, but something felt weird. Then I realized, I didn’t see Haneul praying for a moment backstage. That threw me off guard a bit, the fact that I would be doing this all by myself. Don't get me wrong, as I said, it was amazing have the opportunity to do a show like this, a lot of people praised my performance and i was very grateful, but I did realize that I wouldn’t be as happy in this industry as a solo artist compare to when I was in the group. So when the infamous day came, I found myself in a very privileged position where I could choose my well-being over a job.
9. Interview on the Tonight Show
This was me in New York, arriving at The Tonight Show. Dressing here for those types of schedules seems to be a big deal. I knew that people were already expecting me to wear something slutty, something revealing, so I decided to do the opposite of that.
This tie is from an independent brand based in London called Ella Boucht, they makes clothes for the queer and transmasculine community. They created a tie collection with words and phrases on it, and one of them had "dyke" written on it as a way to reclaim and be empowered by a slur that is often use to offend queer women. The tailoring of this Alex Perry suit is amazing, the white shirt is from Moschino and the derby shoes are from nontitle.ml, which were so comfortable that I took them home even though I'm not someone who wears this type of shoe daily.
I just wanted to wear a look that was comfortable yet very memorable. Yeah, lesbians had a field day! I got more thirsty comments over this look than any bikinis photos on instagram, and I get it, I also would do anything for a woman in a suit.
10. Raye's Talk Show Interview
It's fun to noticed the difference between interviews in South Korea and the States. In Korea, you can show up to work for these schedules in a more casual look. Everything here feels more personal. Out of all my looks so far, this is the one that still represents who I am as a person and what I wear in my everyday life. I will never get tired of a jacket-and-jeans combo.
I'm very serious about my jeans collection, by the way. The key point is that my ass needs to look great in them, but they also need to be looser in the leg. I don’t like skinny jeans, but I don’t often wear baggy ones either. I'm not even joking when I say I can spend thirty minutes just looking for a pair to wear, I keep checking myself in front of a mirror, even do squats to make sure they’re comfortable. It’s a whole ritual with my jeans, and these Nili Lotan denims went through it as well.
This baby tee is one of those things I thrifted and then randomly found in my closet. When I saw it, I thought, "Wow, this is so pretty! I should wear it more!" And so I did! I still wear it to this day, it's my go-to whenever I leave the house to exercise. It’s become one of those tees that you wear so much that eventually will turn into your pajama, you know?
11. Billboard Music Awards Red Carpet
I feel like people expect me to explain this look in a deeper way than how I actually wore it. I was working with Ludovic de Saint Sernin team again, and they had this runway collection with this sheer dress on it. The model wore it with her breasts exposed, so I decided to do the same. In my opinion, if you want to wear something see-through, you should go all the way in, because sometimes if you try to cover it with a bra, it can look cheap. Oh my god, not me of all people, saying something is cheap. Anyways, I’m really comfortable with my body, always have been, so it wasn’t a problem for me at all.
One thing that was planned last minute was those David Koma gloves. In all my seven years working as a singer, I always tried my best to listen to the staff and work with them. However, our nail artist always got pissed with me because I would eventually cut my nails. So, they came up with the idea of using press-on nails, but I kept losing them. To save them from stress, I mostly wore gloves, especially on stage. Since this was an important event, and our last, I promised them I would get my nails done properly. But the night before, they didn’t last long... I felt bad, so I just told them to give me some gloves. They handed me the David Koma ones, look at head to toe and said it: "Whatever! If someone can pull this off, it’s you!"
I didn't understand why it had such huge reaction from people when this red carpet moment happened, as if they had never seen someone's nipples before. Which isn’t true, many other celebrities have worn revealing outfits on the carpet before i even existed. Charli XCX did it, Emma Corrin, Bella Hadid, Rihanna, as many others... But because I was a k-pop idol, they made it a big deal, like i'm the first k-pop artist to do that. It was life changing for them, South Korea discovered a woman body that day. My boobs are not even huge to made this commotion.
12. Spotted in Incheon Airport
That was a funny story, nobody was supposed to see me that day. When asian celebrities have schedules overseas, the airport gets crowded with reporters and fans carrying professional cameras. I'm not part of that culture anymore, so nobody knows when I travel. But a couple months ago, I was coming back from some errands I had to run in Thailand, and it happened to be the same day some group was returning from their own schedule. Someone recognized me, and soon articles started popping up with titles like "Hailey Honkrut Returns to South Korea After Years".
There’s not much to talk about. That’s just me on a regular day and the most recent you guys could find since I don’t do fit checks on instagram anymore, sorry. Again, I will forever be jeans and jacket type of girl, those Gucci blue jeans are my favorite right now, and those Puma sneakers are so cute, they’re my favorite too. Oh yeah, I recently started using watches, but only from this Thai jewelry brand called Patcharavipa cause I think they are cool. This is my travel bag from Chloé that I use for short trip. I mostly go back and forth between Bangkok and Seoul, and once a year, I take a vacation somewhere I’ve never visited before. And that’s about it.
13. Go Off Teaser Video
After seven years and a lot of soju in our system, wndr decided to have a reunion! And as I said before, I would only work as a singer as long as I was a wndr member as well!
I wanted the music video to have the kind of comedy often seen in chick flicks. I got really inspired by old Mariah Carey music videos. Basically, I played two characters: myself in a blonde wig I use it in Kill This Love, yes that bitch was back and she was wearing glasses and started working as the assistant of a powerful boss lady at a company, who was also played by me, and she would follow her everywhere while singing the lyrics.
For one of the scenarios, we were looking for an elite type of sport to be her hobbie, and I immediately thought of those Wilson tennis rackets with the huge "W" on the strings. W for WNDR, simple math! this Casablanca two pieces is originally a tennis dress that we cut it in half because I wanted to show my waist, and of course, every shoe in the music video had to be Louboutins.
By the way, I spent two weeks straight learning how to play tennis because I wanted the shots to look like I knew what I was doing. I asked Seulgi to come with me, she’s one of those people who are good at everything on the first try. She’s also very competitive, so I knew this would motivated me to improve in a short period of time.
While I as learning tennis, I had another idea. I didn’t want the company to announce my comeback or anything like that, I would have more effect if was a surprise. So, i came up with the idea of a youtube ad that would serve as both my comeback announcement and a teaser for the single, it was a clip of me on a tennis court teaching people how to "serve" cunt. It was a wordplay because in tennis, you start the game with a movement called a "serve." We actually got the ad to be played before people watch any youtube videos, I hope everyone learned a thing or two about serving!
And that was my life in looks.
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I realized I haven’t like put all of my thoughts regarding Blake’s sexuality and Bmblbe in one location so I am going to do so now. (I am talking about both because one is tied to the other given Blake’s Bisexuality is claimed to be confirmed because it is claimed Bmblbe is confirmed).
One of the very popular “gotcha” moments I see is that Bmblbe and Korrasami have a lot of similar beats in terms of how the pairs acted around each other and Korrasami is confirmed so Bmblbe will definitely be confirmed.
The big difference however is that Korrasami had Nickelodeon censorships that they had to work around and fight tooth and nail to make them be canon in the end. Bmblbe did not have corporate censorship to fight. They didn’t have to play this game of giving them scenes like blushing and forehead nuzzling without having either character verbally express they like each other to try and show the developing romance while making corporate homophobes happy. RT could have made Bmblbe canon whenever they wanted. They could have given Blake and Yang lines about having a crush on a girl, any girl, they could have had Blake express confusion and admit to liking both Yang and Sun, they could have done all of those things but they chose not to. The issue is that the straight couples get to kiss and say they are going on a date and say “I love you” but the one queer couple with the main characters conveniently...doesn’t. It’s conveniently a “slow burn” it’s conveniently constantly having these moments like the canon game having Yang refer to Blake as like a sister, with having them go dancing with another team with an unresolved question of what is going on between them. It’s all the painful signs of queer coding that we’ve spent decades seeing play out on screen only for nothing to come of it.
For example, let me jump over to Star Wars Rebels and specifically Kalluzeb. Now this ship is kind of....different. Their screentime together was very limited but fans latched onto what they could get and ran with it. Zeb’s VA Steve Blume also ran with it fueling the shipping with tweets about the pairing and how much he shipped it. Season 4 comes around along with the epilogue that only one of the VA’s knew about. In this epilogue, we see a scene of Kallus and Zeb on a ship together heading to Lira San, a secret world Kallus had no idea existed. We see Zeb leading Kallus out covering his eyes in a way that felt very similar to the library reveal in Beauty and The Beast. We see Zeb wrap an arm around Kallus’s shoulders as the voice over tells us Kallus and Zeb lived together on Lira San and Kallus was accepted as a member of the planet right along Zeb. Their is video footage of Steve crying as he watches this scene unfold as the internet explodes over this with everyone celebrating that Kalluzeb was canon. Even homophobes and haters of Kallus where grumbling and bemoaning them becoming canon because Korrasami set the expectation that moments like this meant the couple was canon. (It should be noted when Korrasami first came out, a lot of people did not see that the ending scene in the final episode confirmed they where canon, the creator himself had to come out and confirm that they where together and they where in fact a couple.)
But then Disney and Filoni (the shows creator) stomped all over the moment. Filoni made a big statement when Steve tried to thank him for making his OTP canon insisting they where in fact not together and that they where just friends. It was a frustrating reminder that no, we could not look at moments like the Korrasami ending as confirmation a couple was together because homophobes will just deny it and rip it away from us at the blink of an eye. Steve, the hero he is, just denies this and continues to post tweets as if they are confirmed but at the end of the day according to canon, they are not. Zines and other fan projects that only do “canon” couples refuse to accept anything Kalluzeb, their is a fear that the new Ahsoka show will make some comment about Kallus or Zeb or both now having a girlfriend and making a point to make sure they are seen as completely and utterly straight.
Bmblbe having similar beats to Korrasami is not proof of them being canon, because other couples that have similar beats to Korrasami have been shot down in the past, in fact RT themselves have done that very same thing with Fair Game. I don’t ship them myself, but watching the show and their scenes together, they share similar beats to what people use to show that Bmblbe is canon, Clover winked at Qrow, Qrow shyly rubbed the back of his neck when Clover complimented him while giving him “bedroom eyes” as CRWBY put it. They have complementary semblances and colors, near the end Qrow even arguably tried to flirt back and gave a fond eyeroll towards him. CRWBY posted Qrow’s boyfriend counter and highlighted scenes read as romantic. A former animator was excited when someone picked up on the fact that Clover winked at Qrow while saying the same line as the waitress we knew Qrow was sexually attracted to. But when Clover died and Qrow screamed in agony and kept his lucky pin as a reminder of him, CRWBY insisted they where not supposed to be seen as romantically interested in each other. They insisted it was just rogue animators that put in those moments. At the end of the day, CRWBY could just turn around and do the same thing to Bmblbe. They could turn around, give Yang a boyfriend, have Blake get with Sun and insist that it was never their intention to have the pair be read as Queer. Their is no moment we can point to in the show that bmblebe has to confirm them as queer that Fair Game did not have as well. The animators shut down Fair Game, what’s to stop them from shutting down Bmblbe?
Blake should be bi, we should all be able to look at her and say, “Yes this is 100% no questions asked a bi character” but we can’t, not in the world we live in where even today the LGBTQ community is constantly fighting to maintain our rights. A real human person does not need to do anything to expressly confirm their identity yes, but Blake is a fictional character being used to tell a story. She cannot make choices herself, every decision she’s made was one made by the writers. In a world where so many baited characters wound up having nothing come of those tender moments we cannot just take these little moments as “enough” because it isn’t enough. Anyone can deny or backtrack and pretend they are straight. Most people will look at Blake and go “Well yea she has feelings for Yang it’s obvious!” but homophobes and homophobic companies like RT can and will deny and twist the moments in canon and pretend they don’t exist when its more convenient for them for those moments to not exist.
I want Blake and Yang to get together, I want to see Blake be confirmed bi, but after so many years of being burned, what we have so far is exactly what so many other shows have used to string us along and I want better for fans. We’re in 2023, we should be able to say, “I want better” and not get harassed.
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must be something
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
Prompt: omg if you’re taking Wandavision requests, could you do wanda x fem reader in the decade of your choice where they’re neighbors in westview that fall in love? - @sapphic--reporter A/N: i chose the 70’s for this one!! i ended up scrapping what i had for it and starting over, but i definitely like how this version turned out much better.
You smile when you hear a knock on your door and look to your watch, 4:00 pm. She’s right on time as usual. You hurry over and open it, seeing Wanda standing at the entrance, “Hi Wands.”
“Hi Y/n/n,” She breathes out, cheeks looking a little flushed.
You smiled at her, ducking your head before clearing your throat, “Uh- I’m ready to go if you are? You can head out to my car, I’ll be there in a second, I just have to grab my stuff.” Wanda nodded and gave a little ‘okay’ before taking her time getting to your car, the gentle autumn wind blowing her hair back a bit.
You hurried back inside and grabbed your picnic basket and bag from the kitchen before locking up and meeting her in the car.
“I’m really excited,” Wanda spoke over the quiet radio when you guys were about a minute away from the park.
“Are you?” You smiled, heart fluttering as you glanced over and saw the little smile she wore on her face.
“Mhm, I don’t think I’ve ever had a picnic before,” She let out a small giggle and you chuckled.
“Well I’m honored you’re having your first with me,” You nodded and pulled into a parking space before turning off the engine and grabbing your stuff.
Wanda carried the picnic blanket you brought and set it on the grass right in front of a large tree for shade, and you put the picnic basket in the center before the two of you sat next to each other.
You kneeled down and leaned forward to open the basket before sitting on your legs, “So, I know yesterday was your official two month anniversary of living in Westview and I wanted to celebrate, so I baked us cupcakes. I was going to give them to you yesterday but I felt like I should wait until today?”
She had a soft pout on her face, “You’re adorable, thank you.”
You blushed and handed her a cupcake, giggling when you saw her eyes widened slightly when she realized what she’d said, “It’s no big deal, I’m glad you’re my neighbor. And thank you, I think you’re quite adorable too.”
Wanda rolled her eyes playfully, peeled part of the wrapper down, and spoke before taking a bite, “Well now you’re just teasing.”
“Maybe,” You smiled and took a bite of your own cupcake.
She groaned when she tasted it, “God, this is amazing.”
“Really? I wasn’t sure if you would like red velvet, I have some vanilla too if you want to try it.”
Wanda nodded and swallowed her bite, “I love it, Y/n/n, I didn’t know you were so good at baking.”
You shrugged, a blush gracing your cheeks, “It’s just a hobby.”
“A very tasty one,” Wanda noted, which made both of you laugh.
An hour later, the two of you were leaning against the tree and talking, the outside of your thigh touching hers and she was leaning onto you a little.
You weren’t really listening to what Wanda was talking about, but you couldn’t focus when all you could think about was how pretty she looked, her eyes crinkling when she smiled, the pretty way her hair was styled, the way her lips moved when she spoke. And then your mind was occupied with the idea of kissing her, her lips moving against yours, how soft her lips would feel, how she tasted-
“You aren't paying attention,” She said, matter of factly, looking at you with a blank expression, but a smirk threatening to show.
“I- uh, no- you were talking about um..” You paused, willing yourself to remember a single thing she’d been saying.
“Mhm,” Wanda snickered, a smile spreading on her face. “What’s got you so preoccupied that you won't listen to my hardware store adventures?”
Your face flushed and you shook your head, “Oh, it’s nothing I just-”
“Must be something,” She said with a raised eyebrow. “C’mon, spill.”
“I just,” You looked down to her lips again, and you lost all self control when you noticed the way her breath hitched and her lips parted slightly. “I really want to kiss you.”
Wanda surged forward eagerly and cupped your cheek, pressing her lips against yours like she’d been waiting for this day for years.
It took you a moment, but you moved your lips against hers, which made her let out a quiet hum that made you smile, and after that the both of you started to giggle. Her head dropped onto your shoulder and your hand went up to the back of her head, scratching lightly at her scalp.
When she lifted her head and looked at you again she bit the inside of her lip, “That was very..” She trailed off.
“Very wow,” You nodded, playing with the hair at the back of her neck.
Wanda grinned and her nose scrunched when she did and you could’ve sworn she’s never looked more adorable. Her hand went down to your free hand and intertwined your fingers, “I’ve been trying to figure out how to ask you out, so thank you for making it easier for me.”
You snickered, “You’re very welcome.”
“So,” She leaned forward, bumping her nose against yours and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “What do you say we go on a proper date?”
You nodded while biting your lip, but your teeth lost their grip when your smile got too wide, “I would love that.”
Two weeks later, you and Wanda were sat on her couch late at night watching tv, your legs draped over her lap and your head resting on her shoulder. One of her hands was resting on your lap and the other arm was behind you, her fingers running through your hair.
“Sweetheart?” Wanda murmured, getting your attention.
You hummed sleepily and lifted your head up to look at her.
“Will you sleep with me tonight?” She tilted her head, her fingers still running through your hair slowly.
Your eyes widened and you blinked a few times, “What?”
Wanda laughed and shook her head, “Oh, not like that, you perv. I just want to wake up next to you.”
You smiled and nodded your head, “I would love nothing more, I just have to run over and grab clothes to change into.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes with a smile growing on her face before she kissed your cheek, “Don’t be silly Y/n/n, you can just borrow something.”
“You sure?” You asked, feeling giddy and really excited to be spending the night with Wanda.
“Of course,” She nodded and nudged your legs off of her lap, but took your hand and pulled you up to go upstairs with her.
You smiled at her and she bit her lip as you both walked into her bedroom, hand in hand.
“It’s really cute, babe,” You said, looking around at her decorations when she let go of your hand to go find both of you clothes to change into.
“Thanks,” Wanda smiled, handing you a pair of gray sweatpants and an oversized mens t-shirt. “If you want you can change in the washroom.”
You nodded and thanked her before heading into her bathroom to change.
When you walked back out, she was pulling the covers back, dressed in her own sweats.
She turned around and smiled at you, her arms reaching out for you.
You smiled back bashfully and walked into her arms humming softly.
“You look really adorable in my clothes,” She murmured.
“I like them, they smell like you.”
Wanda’s heart soared and she chuckled, kissing your shoulder before urging you into bed.
You giggled as you let her push you down and cuddle up to you, “We ended up here fast, didn’t we? I guess you just really wanted me in your bed, huh?”
“Shut up,” Wanda snickered, shifting to rest her head on her elbow, just gazing at you.
You blushed and nuzzled your face into her shoulder, “Baby, stopppp.”
“Stop whining,” She chuckled and used her gentle fingers to tilt your head back up and towards her. “You’re beautiful.”
“I hate you,” You groaned.
“Mhm,” Wanda laughed and pressed kisses to the underside of your jaw.
You hummed and shifted so you could kiss her, sleepily albeit.
When she pulled away, you stifled a yawn and she smiled, “You’re tired.”
“I am,” You nodded and tugged the arm that was holding her head up with no force. Wanda complied and dropped her head onto the pillow and brought you into her arms, kissing your forehead.
“Goodnight, Wands,” You mumbled into the fabric of her shirt.
“Goodnight, Y/n/n. Sweet dreams.”
#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff imagine#wanda maximoff oneshot#wandavision#wandavision imagine#wandavision oneshot#wlw#wlw imagine#wlw oneshot#sapphics#wanda maximoff x fem!reader
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Just Stay - Bakugou Katsuki - pt.2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing
Summary: it’s been almost 2 years since the breakup and Bakugou refuses to move. No matter how many times people tell him it’s time, he ignores them because he knows he’ll run into you again. And he was right all along.
Pt.1 Pt.2
Almost 2 years. About 24 months. Around 104 weeks, 730 days, 17520 hours, or 63,072,000 seconds. And every second of everyday, you run through Bakugou’s mind.
Memories of the two of you always pass through him and he always smile at the good ones. But as time went on, he realized he really wasn’t the same person anymore. Especially not to Y/N. In the beginning, he was hopelessly devoted to you and he craved to be around you. He always wanted what was best for you until he realized in the end he grew selfish. He stopped caring about your needs, neglecting you, and just assumed you’d stay because you still loved him the same way he did you. He was wrong though, and the horrible day of your split arrived.
After you left his house that day, Bakugou remained in the same place for hours. He stood there and cried with his back facing the front door, and when his legs grew tired, he fell to the ground and continued to cry.
Everybody thought he would move on but he didn’t. He still held onto hope. So for 2 years, Bakugou worked to fix himself just for you. He went to therapy to work on his excessive anger, he stopped going out as much with his friends and worked around the house to improve his home skills to help you out when you would return, and he even went as far as to get a lil dog for himself to learn to be a little more loving and compassionate.
His name was Bomber. He was a Pomeranian.
During those 2 years..it’s like you disappeared. Bakugou, and none of your friends, saw sight or heard word of you. Some people thought you moved, some thought the worst had possibly happened. But Bakugou was still going strong. If something was wrong, he would’ve felt it in his heart, but his hope was still going strong. He knew you were out there.
And he was right. For the past 2 years you’ve lived...everywhere! You never stayed in one place for too long in fear of someone from your life may get word of you being around. You’ve lived in the beautiful islands of the Caribbean all the way to the blissful cities in Paris. You’ve been all around the world and you’ve enjoyed all the sights, but you were getting tired of not really having friends and spending so much money. You missed Japan. The food, the culture, the songs, the celebration. The people. And so you decided it was time for you to head back.
You moved back home about a month ago and you made sure none of your old friends would hear about you. You wanted to settle for a little bit before interacting with the people who were a huge part of your old life and you enjoyed the quite peaceful nature. After some time, you decided it was okay to meet up with your old friends, but instead of going out and looking for them, you waited to see what destiny brought you, and now the moment has come.
You sat in the old park you used to love being in when you lived in Japan. It was spring time and the cherry blossoms were out as they covered the trail you made for yourself when you came here. In the past, you found a hidden area of the park forest that seemed...magical. There was a crystal blue lake that were filled with Lilly pads, lotuses, and koi fish. The sunlight hit perfectly on the patch of land, and dusted it with a golden honey scheme. The cherry blossom trees surrounded the place along with tall pines that reached the clouds. The cute little creatures that lived in the secluded area included bunnies, fawns, beautiful birds, and adorable foxes.
It’s been so long since you’ve been here. The last time you even stepped foot into this park was when you were with..Bakugou. But even then, the last time you went with him was about 4 months before your breakup. He was the only person you ever told about this spot and you both had so many memories here. You weren’t gonna lie, you missed him, but you didn’t know who he was now. As the 2 years past, Bakugou has gone through your mind a couple times, and you smiled towards the sky as you wondered what he’s like nowadays. If he’s any different than the last time you saw him. You really wished nothing but the best for the man you love.
Every once in awhile, Bakugou would step into the hidden sanctuary that Y/N showed him. He enjoyed going there to get away from his reality and thoughts of Y/N always came to him when he entered that special place. This time, his imagination seemed really strong because he felt like he was staring at the real deal.
He looked ahead and leaning against the tallest cherry tree was the beautiful goddess herself, Y/N L/N. She held her cool expression as she held a cute little bunny and her golden jewelry sparkled in the sunlight that hit her body perfectly. She truly did look like a goddess.
Bakugou smiled as he saw you, but he quickly shook it off as he realized there was no way it was possible. He then chose to walk to the spot, hoping that the image of you would just disappear, but he also hoped that you were real. He snuck up on you from behind but you were smarter than that. Once he got close enough you walked to the other side of the tree, out of his line of vision and went into stealth mode as you quickly used your quirk to be seated on a high branch. Bakugou saw you walk and disappear so he sighed as he “realized” you were just his imagination. However, when he finally settled and looked out beyond the valley, you jumped down to surprise him. You hopped off the branch, grabbed Bakugou and spun you both around so that you were laying against the tree and he was facing you.
“Long time no see, Bakugou,” you said with a little break in your voice as you spoke with such a “cool girl tone.” You held a sassy smile as you stared at him with all the confidence radiating off your body. Bakugou just looked at you in shock. His mouth hung open as his wide eyes traveled all around you to make sure you were real. He shook a little as he stared at you and soon his tears began to pool at his eyes.
“Hey, hey, hey. You don’t gotta cry, it’s okay,” you said with a concerned smile. You wiped a stray tear that fell from his ruby eyes with your thumb and you felt heat rise to his cheeks as he leaned into your palm. “....Bakugou?....Are you- woah!”
Without warning, he quickly grabbed you and pulled you in by the waist to give you a hug. He held you tight as you were shocked but you smiled against his chest and held him too. He cried on your shoulder and after some time he finally spoke.
“I’ve missed you so much Y/N.”
“.....I’ve missed you too Katsuki.”
“Where have you been?” He asked as you both were seated on the grass. You and Bakugou both held onto each other for awhile as Bakugou cried his heart out like a big baby. You finally settled him and you both were sitting next to each other laying against the tree as you both sat on the grass.
“I’ve been everywhere!” You laughed out, “I’ve went to the states and hung out in L.A and Hawaii, took some time in New York and hung out in Florida. I then went to the Caribbean and partied in the Dominican Republic, and I even traveled to Europe and stayed in Paris for a bit. I’ve been all over the world traveling and finding me again.”
“You seem happy about that,” Bakugou said as he looked at you with loving eyes and a small smile that only you could ever bring out.
“I am. Ever since...um...you know...I’ve been a little lost. I lost myself and I missed the old me. My trips and alone time brought out the old me again and I’ve been feeling so much more alive,” you sighed as you settled, “but I’ve missed my roots. I’ve missed Japan and the people.....I’ve missed you too Katsuki.” You said with kind eyes as you smiled at him causing him to blush immensely.
You both remained silent as you guys enjoyed the sounds of spring. You felt the breeze blow in your hair as the warm sun comforted you. Soon, you felt Bakugou’s hand slowly touch yours. You knew he was scared to go and do anything else, but you openly welcomed his touch and he clearly became less tense.
“So...what have you been up to while I was away?” You calmly asked. You noticed Bakugou’s hesitation and deep breath before he spoke.
“I’ve been....I’ve been trying to better myself for you.” Your brows raised and eyes opened up a little wider. For the past 2 years, he’s been trying to better himself...just for you. “I’ve gone to therapy for my anger, stop going out as much, learned to do more around the house...even got a little dog to learn to be a little more compassionate.”
“Ouu! What kind?” You excitedly asked. He chuckled at your cute aura and answered your question.
“Cute little Pomeranian named bomber,” he admitted.
“No way! Cuteeee!” You squealed and Bakugou just laughed at you once again. How cute. As you thought about everything he said, your smile dropped a little into a little lip curl. A silence came over the two of you before you spoke again.
“You...you did all that for me?”
“Mhm. I wanna prove to you that I can change. That I have changed. ....I’m not telling you this to get you to come back to me..I want you to come on your own choice but I want you to know if you do decide to come back, that I’ve become better.” He explained.
You smiled and hummed to yourself in happiness. Your cheeks dusted with warmth as you smiled so much it hurt.
“Why don’t you show me how much you’ve changed Katsuki?” You offered.
“Hehe, let’s start over. I don’t know if you’re still down for anything...but I’ve missed you over the past 2 years and I remember you saying that if a certain ‘goddess’ wanted to come back..you’d be waiting with open arms...” you looked at him and he gave an open smile that held more disbelief and happiness than excitement.
“Can we try again Suki?” You quietly asked, but Bakugou stood and picked you up. He pulled you up by your arms and pulled you even higher which caused you to jump and wrap your legs around him. You laughed out in excitement as he held you like that and rested his head in the crook of your neck.
“I should be on my hands and knees asking you that, princess.” He softly said with a broken voice but it was clear he was letting out tears of joy. You wrapped your arms around his neck even tighter as his hold on you never faltered. He started sniffling and you pulled him out of your neck as you wiped his tears.
“Suki! Stop crying,” you giggled, “this is supposed to be a happen moment.”
“Shut up! I don’t cry!” He said with a flushed face as he looked to the side but still holding you. You raised your brow at him and he only nervously laughed as he placed you down. He stuck out his hand for you to grab onto but you placed it down and wrapped your arms around his. You pecked his cheek and leaned on him as he smiled down at you. This was the moment he’s been waiting for. His princess finally came back to him. Everyone told him to move on but he knew better. If he did, he would’ve never been here right now with you again. And this time, he would make sure you’d stay.
“Yes princess?”
“.......Can we go see Bomber?”
“Heh...whatever your heart desires.”
#bakugo x reader#bakugou fanfiction#bakugou fluff#bakugou imagine#bakugou katsuki#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugou x y/n#bnha#bnha bakugo katsuki#mha#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugou#katsuki x reader#mha bakugo x reader#mha bakugo katsuki#mha bakugou#bnha bakugo x reader#bnha bakugou#boku no hero academia#boku no hero bakugou#my hero academia bakugou#my hero academia#my hero academia katsuki#mha katsuki#mha kacchan#bnha katsuki#bnha kacchan#bakugou katsuki fluff
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I’m sorry but you guys give D&D way too much credit. You really think these idiots went “ok so we’re gonna make Dany leave her hair up and Jon too so people can see their sex is a service and not love.” This is D&D we’re talking about.
Hi, Anon.
Well, short answer: Yes, I do think they did that.
1) when speaking on the GoT commentary, Dan was notoriously obsessed with the tiniest details (which to GA would have seemed inane and not worth their time), to the point where even David would tease him about it. Dan was also the one that allegedly got upset about 8x03's airing and being so dark.
2) Have you seen behind the scenes of the Dany and Sansa scene in 8x02? D&D were directing Emilia on how to gesture to Sansa to sit, even though David Nutter was the credited director of the episode. This once again, goes in line with the point above.
3) D&D were the ones to convince GRRM to do a show in the first place. He had turned down offers before that. The story is infamous at this point, and GRRM confirmed that one of the reasons he agreed to their pitch is because they had guessed who Jon's real mother was, after going back over the books.
4) They had crew working for them that played into the details like the hair being left up or down. Sophie Turner confirmed that Sansa's hairstyles usually echoed who she was learning from and/or channeling. If you look, you can see at one point in the series for each queen who Sansa learned from/was channeling. Season 8 has Dany-style hair for Sansa even. Michele Clapton, the costume designer, has confirmed that not only did she put little clues into the costumes as much as she could, but that the crew did these types of things knowing full well that people would go back and rewatch the series over and over again, and their goal was for the viewer to find something new each time (a la the books).
5) The show utilized different storytelling devices that many television shows and films use, across the board. That includes different shots and angles, framing, panning, set dec, props, music cues, lighting, costuming, blocking (like when Dany is moved away from fire), actors' performances/notes, editing, and of course, the dialogue/writing. Each one of these examples is present over the course of the series.
Look, I'm not saying that D&D didn't screw things up in the end nor am I defending them nor am I calling them as geniuses, but they both did do some decent work as showrunners at some points during the show. I don't think they were stupid as much as I think their egos grew too massive and got in the way. They literally rushed the last season so they could go make Star Wars which lol they didn't even do. They had started pulling their celebrity friends in for cameos (that had nothing to do with the show or industry at all, I think one of them was an NFL player iirc), and even put themselves into the show (in 8x04 as the widlings Tormund is boasting about Jon to). Some might say, well Taylor Sheridan put himself into Yellowstone or 1883, and they would be right. But the difference is, the characters he embodied worked with the story, and he was an actor before being this highly successful writer. These two simply put themselves into the show because they wanted to be immortalized in this series (and they chose the feast scene of all scenes to do it) and did it in the last season because that's what they were doing with all of their celebrity friend cameos. Getting it in as a last hurrah. Massive. Egos.
So to go back to your point, Anon, yes, I do think they did that to show that Jon was simply giving Dany what she wanted. When you break down the boat sex scene, it's pretty easy to spot what they did there. They are still in the Queen Dany and Bent-the-knee Jon here. Same as in this scene:
If they were in love or just having really great sex but bonding then we would have seen Dany like this:
Or Jon like this:
Especially when you compare it to Dany's love scene with Drogo where she takes control, the seduction scene with Daario where she takes control, and then her pillow talk scene with Daario (photo above).
So yes, Anon, I don't feel that we're giving them too much credit. I do think they absolutely kept in mind that people were going to rewatch the series and find new clues each time, just like they themselves used to do with GRRM's books. Listen, they screwed up in a lot of ways, but as for what they showed with Jon and Daenerys in that boat scene, I don't think they did.
Hope you have a great rest of your day!
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About Obey Me! apparently not being F2P anymore.
I just wanted to say something about this. Because I’ve seen so much outrage in the fandom especially about their recent anniversary celebration.
Sorry if this might end up being long.
It’s just, so many people cry and complain about the game allegedly not being free to play anymore. But that is where the lie is.
And that’s also what will bring down the game a lot faster. Them constantly getting complaints and feeling like they’ll lose their player base will make them start to milk the game out of the last cent a lot sooner then knowing they have a few more years.
The game is free to play. You download it for free. You play for free. You have to pay nothing and to be honest, if you invest some time you get a lot.
This is a gacha game after all, you also need some luck, but in comparison to a game like Genshin Impact, that a lot of players seemed to have started to pick up as well you get a lot of materials to get the most out of your luck.
I’ve been playing for 432 days and those are all my cards. I haven’t given them a single cent. Did they get a lot of my time? Yes- but I was willing to pay that price.




I’m not trying to show off with that in any way, I just wanted to show that you indeed get a lot. As an F2P.
So it’s a lie saying the game is starting to become Pay to Play. Because it is not.
You don’t have to spend anything if you don’t want to.
Could they have handled the celebrations differently, like letting everyone chose their desired background at the end of the login? Sure- they could’ve done that. But they simply decided not to.
And that is their right as the company paying for the servers you use for free, paying for the artist that do a super good job providing about 14 brand new hand drawn cards per month, plus the voice actors, plus the animations, plus the story writers. That is a lot of work. That’s a new card every two days. They pay for promotions. They pay for all the IT working on the game, programming it, customer support, social media managers. Do you think this is free? Do you think that’s payable with just some advertisement here and there? Fun Fact: It’s not.
Small rant in the rant: A lot of people also make money off of their copyrighted materials and therefore take more income from them. As they would have to pay for usage right to be legally allowed to sell fanart. Just saying :D
How’d you like someone take your character and makes money off of them, not really, am I right? I don’t know why people think it’s okay since it’s a company. Their designers want to have a wage too.
So it is definitely not P2P.
I will however agree that the events are Pay to Win.
And apparently most of you don’t understand the difference of pay to win and pay to play. And listen, there is a big one.
I don’t know why the Obey Me! Fandom seems to think they are entitled to getting every single card that’s been put out there, to find it in their inventory. Like you can even see it and download the art from the Wiki. Heck spend 5 minutes on YouTube and someone uploaded the Devilgram too. The visibility of the Card is not behind a paywall. Is the additional story or animation that cost additional money sometimes behind a pay wall? Yes- and that is ok.
I don’t know if you noticed, but aside from the Lucifer Paws and Claws UR there is not a single Pop Quiz UR in my cards. Not one. And I got Lucifer’s grinding my ass off in Lonely Devil, spending weeks doing my daily battles. Because that card was worth it to me. In the normal events I can max get the Memory SSR, spending all of my savings on nightmare beforehand. I have like two of those. Two of which we got completely free. Leviathans UR was completely free. You realize they could’ve converted the points and taken the card from everyone, which tbh was the move I would’ve done but long term the realized it would make them lose more people and therefore money. Amos UR+ was completely free. Lucifer’s raindrop card I just got in this rerun, spending all of my savings from the past two months or more. Mammons was my guaranteed BDay card. 3 of those completely free so to say. The 14 were all I got with 432 days of playtime. That’s about a card each month. Doesn’t seem that much anymore don’t you think? Also most of the gacha cards I got from after they raised the odds to 3%. That also needs to be mentioned. They did that. 2 are character birthdays. Again with savings and time you got them. All the old cards I got doing that free pull you get every two days. That’s 4 of them as well. Only 8 of them being from limited gachas, in about 1 and a half years of playing.
But especially in gachas you should know that you can’t have everything. I don’t know why people got that impression? I don’t have every card that comes out because I don’t pull on every nightmare. I use the time there is a character I don’t like to save up. And with Obey Me! you can save up a lot.
Bringing up Genshin again: It’s fandom seems to be aware that as a Free to Play you just can’t get every character, and they seem to be fine with it. They save and manage their resources. I’ve been playing since 4 months and I have 2 5 star characters and one 5 star weapon. 2 of those I didn’t want and lost the 50/50. But that’s just how it is. I enjoyed what I got since I only spend my time how it is worth it to me.
I have to admit I had a lot of time to spend on games and if you don’t you won’t get as much, but that’s also normal. OM dailies take about 10 minutes and you get your 18 DP and can work on your cards. That is a lot to save up. And so far I pretty much got every card I wanted as long as it wasn’t an event card. And I could get those too if I invest even more time. I am just simply not willing to.
There is too much to do in this game already for me to keep up. So I really can’t understand what more you could ask for. I am home all day long and I can’t keep up with everything, so why are people complaining about not getting everything? There is so so much to get. Just focus on what you want and don’t turn into miniature Mammon’s that just want everything. And also like: Have you noticed? Most of my cards aren’t even close to being fully leveled. What do you want to do with even more of them? That won’t bring you anywhere?
But anyways I’m losing track of my own rambling where were we?
The fact that people here seem to confuse Pay to Play and Pay to Win, that was actually all I wanted to ramble about.
Manage your resources and you get a lot. If you want an F2P game that has no aspects to generate money? Well go make one. Teach yourself how to do everything, consider how much time you spend on all that before even starting. And then not getting a single cent back.
I also probably forgot half of what I wanted to say again, my body can’t keep up my big brains idk.
#obey me#obey me rant#obey me otome#obey me fandom#I don't know if that even makes any sense#I'm not reading through this again#I just wanted to get that off of myself#because it's kinda making me angry#how ungrateful everyone is starting to become#like idk tell me what more do you want?#pls I'm interested in getting some input#why do you think you should get everything?#did your parents buy you everything you ever wanted?#sorry but life is pay to play#so they probably didn't#or you became one of those arrogant kids#I know those#none likes them esp at a later date when your indoor pool becomes uncool#and ppl care about their personalities more#sorry for potentially offending someone with that uwu
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A Character Analysis on Seong Gi-Hun (Squid Game)
made at 2 AM running on 1 hour of sleep so I hope it makes sense
A lot of people were baffled by the ending of Squid Game, where Gi-hun actively chose to not get on the plane for his daughter and try to stop the salesman trying to recruit a player for the game.
I think it's actually quite fitting for his character.
Now, I'm not saying that he's not a bad dad for doing this, I'm just saying that all his actions make sense, especially if you analyse it.
Still, I'm going to use the bad father narrative and the common comments that come with it to form a clear picture for his main character trait:
Firstly, the fact that people say his daughter is his main motivation to play the games. Now, at first, you could definitely argue that this is true. He's first approached by a salesman (Gong Yoo, which, holy shit, he's so fucking hot, by the way) right after his daughter's disastrous birthday celebration. He plays, and makes his way home. At home, he finds out from his mother that his daughter will be moving to the US and he can only get her back if he can provide for her. Seeing it as harmless and a way to make quick money, he calls the number.
However, when the first game ends, he votes not to continue, and is sent back home. Here, we find out that his mother is severely diabetic. This leads to an argument where he vows to get the money for her treatment one way or another. Subsequently, he tries to beg both his friends and even his ex-wife for a loan, and almost gets the money from her ex-wife's current husband, who told him to stay away from his family. He's seen walking home in the rain and sees the business card right after that.
I think this episode cements the fact that his main motivation, is not, in fact, his daughter—she's only a small part of it; his main motivation is his desperate need for money for his mother's treatment, and that little jab of the stepfather to him just adds insult to injury, and therefore, just a bonus perk of winning the game. In fact, this is further proven in episode 8, when Saebyeok asks Gi-hun what he'll do with the money if he gets out, and he sees he'll use it for his mother's treatment, and then set-up a proper store for her, because it's actually her dream. Only then, so he says, would he try to be a good father to his daughter. His daughter was not on the top of his priority list for the prize money.
Next, the argument that he knew from the very start that he's playing for blood money, so why doesn't he just use it to provide for his kid?
I don't think that argument's very fair. I genuinely think that he did not, in fact, know what he signed up for, and that's because the game mods had phrased their rules in a very particular way.
The game mods had told them that if they survive all six games, they get to win the money. That is very open to different interpretations but what I think Gi-hun thought is that there isn't one winner—anyone who survives 'til the end will get a portion of that money. So my theory on his thought process is that he only signed up to risk ONLY his personal health and safety, not thinking he'd have to kill anybody else. In fact, in that one scene in Episode 4, when a few players don't get enough food and have a scuffle leading to the death of one player, he is the first one who demanded something be done about it, saying that they're not there to kill each other like animals, before it's revealed that foul play is, in fact, condoned and even rewarded by the game mods.
But now Gi-hun's stuck there and he has to see it through. But he doesn't have to be happy about it.
I think one of the scenes that further cements this is in the Tug of War game—in the moment, he doesn't want to die, but then they show alternating perspectives of his team and the opposing team, and there's a myriad of expressions on his face; one of them, possibly fear and guilt as he sees the faces of the people on the other team struggling to pull back. Then, in the elevator, we have a shot of him staring at the rope burns in his hands with a clearly conflicted and horrified look on his face—which I interpreted as the moment it had sunk in that he'd have to kill people to survive.
Next is the reasoning on why he left the prize money untouched, but gave 2/3 of it Sangwoo's mother and Saebyeok's brother, but not his daughter.
Now, we've established that he probably sees this money as blood money; Gi-hun probably feels incredibly guilty or blames himself for killing his friends and other people, or at least having some kind of hand in them. He's already promised to take care of Saebyeok's brother and Sangwoo's mother, so I'm not particularly surprised. The thing is, I think he gives the money to Saebyeok's brother and Sangwoo's mother and doesn't feel bad about where it came from is because he knows that's the reason why they played the games in the first place. It was their blood that was spilled, so it would have only been fitting for them to get money.
But why not his daughter? Again, this goes back to the guilt argument. Gi-hun thinks this is blood money; and knowing how he'd gotten it, knowing what he had to do to get it (and not being able to fulfill the main motivation on why he joined, treating his mother, who died before he could come back), it would weigh on someone. It would also make sense that he wouldn't want to give his daughter that money and try to explain it, not wanting to relive or come up with a lie for what he had to go through. In his eyes, that money is tainted, and he doesn't want his daughter anywhere near what he experienced in that arena.
Lastly, why he didn't get on the plane. See, this ties in to what I think is his main character trait; he sees a salesman trying to find players for the game, indicating that it is, in fact, still on-going, despite Oh Il-Nam's death, and interrupts them.
The reasoning behind this is that he knows his daughter is already well-provided for: even in the first few episodes, we see that she has a nice house and clothes, attentive parents and is clearly doing okay with her stepfather getting a steady job in the US. In his mind, she'll be just fine.
But he was in these people's shoes before—desperately trying to make ends meet, finding away to survive, only to be taken advantage of and made to sign their own death warrant for entertainment purposes. These people have no idea what's to come for them.
In Gi-hun's head, it's his daughter's life, who is already set and comfortable with her new family, versus the lives of possibly hundreds of people who had no idea what they're getting into, many of whom may not be as lucky as he is.
That would eat at his conscience, or so I think it would. Knowing that the games are still continuing and doing nothing to stop it with the little knowledge he has of them... That screws with your head, especially with his morals intact. So he doesn't get on the plane, and chooses to try and stop the games.
And that is the running vein of his entire character:
We have his mother, who only has him to help her, as his main motivation, and we see him help those who need help as the team builds—particularly Oh Il-Nam, or player 001, whom he perceived as someone who needs to be helped at his old age (but he isn't, honestly, fuck that plot twist), there's Saebyeok's brother and Sangwoo's mother who also lost their only providers in those games, and finally, to cement the on-going theme, there're the hundreds of people, just trying to make ends meet, being swindled into playing these death games for the entertainment of rich assholes.
Seong Gi-hun doesn't take care of everyone except his daughter.
He takes care of everyone who he thinks needs it.
And I think that's a wonderful core trait for a person to have.
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Pairing: Jaebeom x reader
Genre: Series | Eventual Smut | Angst | Fluff
Warnings: break up, cheating, strangers to lovers, mentions of drinking
Words: 3.8k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Your head felt dizzy and you wouldn’t lie if you’d say that everything caved in and pulled out from under you.
The first sip you took was when your foot exited the store, unscrewing the lid of the wine you bought, immediately. It burned your throat, but the whole in your chest burned ten times stronger and you chose to deal with your inner pain first. Your feet walked you through the streets of Seoul, trying to focus your brain on something other than the void inside of you but failed miserably. The first bottle didn’t do its job yet and when you pressed it against your lips for another sip you noticed how it was already empty. The nearest bin became it’s grave and the nearest store became your saviour, allowing you to buy another drink. This time your eyes fell onto the beer, and you bought three bottles, opening them in the park nearby, you sat down on the grass, fishing out the cake you had baked a day before from the bag on your shoulder. Not bothering with the way you’d it eat you just bit into it, getting cake all over your face. You chuckled to yourself, wiping sweet goodness from your skin.
You turned on music in your headphones, playing every upbeat song there was, nodding your head and moving your foot to the beat, right until you felt warm trails of tears on your cheeks. You laid your head on the grass, hiding your face in your palms, not holding back anymore from crying.
You weren’t able to believe it, you couldn’t believe he did this to you. You never thought he’d cheat, you never thought you’d find out about it in such a bad way. You never expected this from Jeno, but then again, who ever expects their partner to cheat?
Your mind went again over everything you’ve been through in the past 8 months, your mind went through your friendship of 3 years, 3 years of you being head over heels for Jeno until one day you became more.
Suddenly you remembered how Jaebeom told you to break up with him making you hate everything about the situation even more. If you listened, you would’ve not went through what you just went through, but why would you listen to a stranger anyway? You hated the fact he was right, but one single memory of him made you want to see him.
You fished out your phone to search on the internet open hours of the bar. The website said 5 PM, making you shift your eyes up to the clock of your phone. It was already three, and since your plans for the day and maybe even life were ruined, you had no better things to do than just come there and wait for him. Wait for Jaebeom for no reason. Just because he was the only person that didn’t know Jeno, just because he was the only person you wanted to see.
The route in your phone promised you that you’d be there right before opening if you’ll walk, so without hesitation you sat up, collecting yourself and walking in the direction of the bar.
You tried to do everything for emptiness in your hands to bother you more, than the new feeling of having your heart ripped from your chest, and halfway to the bar you went to one more alcohol store, getting this time a proper drink - rum. You didn’t know where this rum addiction suddenly came from, but now you guessed it should be your signature drink when it came to meeting Jaebeom.
The familiar by now burn of the drink gave your brain one more reason to think about Jaebeom. You have almost forgot that you spilled your drink over him, almost forgot the way he said your name. Memories of him almost made a small shard of your heart go back in place, almost, because the image of Jeno with HER, made all of your insides clench in pain.
Jeno. Jeno. Jeno. Jeno. Your brain went in overdrive, repeating his name like a mantra. Your fingers ached to dial his number but your brain knew you had nothing to tell him. Your love have died just like that, it didn’t go somewhere overnight, you didn’t wake up and understand that you didn’t love him anymore. He killed it with his actions, Jeno killed everything there was with his actions, and now you were killing memories of him in your head, finding the neck of the bottle with your lips.
From the side you must’ve looked like a psychopath, crying, laughing, talking to your own self, walking in a quicker and slower pace. Doing everything that came to your mind. Now you were free in every meaning possible, why’d you bother about anything?
You got there quicker than your phone have promised, seeing the door of the bar being closed. Not finding a better option than just sitting on the bench not far from the entrance, you placed the bottle next to you, only realising how tired you got from walking when your butt rested against wooden material of your seat. You looked around, noticing how the area of the bar was actually pretty quiet. Your eyes ran over the streets that were surrounding the building, wondering in your mind if one of those roads led to Jaebeom’s house.
Alcohol from the rum hit you like a rock, crawling from behind your brain with tiredness. You closed your eyes for a slight second, only to feel someone touch your shoulder the next moment.
“Are you alive?” a man asked you carefully. Your eyes blew open in fear, noticing how it was much darker outside. Your eyes focused on the man in front of you.
“Jaebeom.” you said quietly, sighing.
“Celebrating your boyfriends birthday to the max?” he joked, grabbing the bottle from next to you. You tried to smile back, biting your upper lip and lifting your eyes up to the sky to prevent from crying.
“No, I’m alone here.” your voice trembled and it was the last bit before you broke down. Hot tears streamed down your face, making you feel embarrassed. You barely could see Jaebeom’s face but he went quiet and you guessed he didn’t want to deal with that, expected.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, calm down.” his hands touched your cheeks and your insides turned upside down. “We’ll work everything out, you can tell me.” His thumbs drew soothing little circles under your eyes making you want to put it all in you to stop crying. You blinked multiple times finally being able to see his face properly for the first time this evening, seeing him squatting in front of you. He probably noticed you focus your vision on him, gifting you a kind smile. “Hi.”
“Hi.” you cleared your throat in a couple of seconds, finally replying. You thought he’ll let go of your face by now, but he kept his fingers glued to your cheeks, keeping his eyes glued to yours. You felt your breathing get heavier, but you attributed it to your recent crying.
“How come you’re so beautiful even when you’re crying?” he chuckled more to himself, beating air from your lungs completely.
Your hands slowly found Jaebeom’s on your cheeks, covering his hands with yours. You wanted to make him let go of you, but when you got the taste of what his hands felt like with your own, you changed your mind immediately.
People passed by, drunk and sober, some were just going in and some were already leaving. You didn’t know how long your nap took, you didn’t know how come you got so lucky to be woken up by Jaebeom and not some weird creep.
You stared at each other, both of you being scared to break the moment.
“Ya, Jaebeom, where did you get lost?” the voice of a guy made you jump in Jaebeom’s hands, turning your head in unison with Jaebeom to face the guy.
“Get lost, I’ll come later.” one of his hands left you, showing the guy to leave.
You let go of Jaebeom’s hand when he turned back to you, and he let go of your cheek too, sitting on the bench right next to you.
“Why did you sleep on the bench?” he asked not looking at you.
“Buy me a drink.”
“You wanted to buy me a drink twice, now I agree.” you looked at him.
“I won’t.” he turned to face you.
“Why is that?”
“You’re drunk.”
“I’m not.”
“Is that all you had? Half of the rum?”
“No…” You said shamefully.
“What else?”
“Wine, beer and then this.” you listed quickly expecting any reaction from him, but he just watched you.
“Let’s go.” he quickly stood up after some time of silence.
“Where to?”
“Cafe next block. You need food and coffee, and when you’ll tell me everything I’ll see if you’re allowed to drink any more. Come on.” he signalled for you to go with his head and you stood up too, grabbing the bottle to take with you. “Give me that.”
“I’ll carry it for you. Don’t worry, I won’t throw it away, I see that you have a special relationship with rum. I won’t fight it.” he shot you a smile, pulling the bottle from your hands.
“Eat up.” Jaebeom moved the plate closer to you when the waitress that eyed him wildly finally left your sight.
“Thank you.” you sighed, picking the fork and a knife, cutting up the pancakes in the plate. Jaebeom took the coffee pot, pouring hot beverage into your cup and placing the pot back on the table. “Hey, have coffee too.” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“You eat, you need to sober up.”
“I never offered the food, don’t even dream of that.” you played with your eyebrows and Jaebeom chuckled at you, smiling at you sweetly for a few more seconds after you lowered your eyes to the plate.
You cut through the pancakes, sticking a few pieces on the fork. Lifting your eyes up you noticed that he poured coffee for himself too. You waited patiently for him to lift his eyes up at you.
“Open your mouth.” you commanded the next second he looked at you. A smirk lit up his face and a sudden regret rushed over your body. Maybe that was a bit overboard, maybe that’s the rum inside of you speaking. Whatever it was, it was way too late now to back off. Jaebeom nibbled on his lower lip with a smile, opening his mouth slightly and extending his neck towards you. Your hand moved up and froze in the air when your eyes focused on his mouth. Redness flashed over your face at the thoughts that ran in your head. How soft would his mouth feel on yours?
His hand quickly grabbed yours, moving it towards his face, forcing the fork into his mouth and biting the pancakes off it. He let go of your hand, letting it fall back onto the table.
“So tell me, what happened?” he asked you after he finished chewing. His elbows laid on the table, making you feel as if you were under interrogation.
“Don’t be a party pooper, I just began feeling better.” you whined, making Jaebeom laugh again. What’s up with him laughing at everything you say? We’re you that funny…? You never noticed before.
“I didn’t know you considered this a party.” he sighed. “I’m sorry.”
You nodded quickly, forcing your attention into the plate, knowing if you’d keep your eyes on him a second longer you’d cry.
You stared into the plate through the whole time you ate, finishing the coffee in your cup, feeling how he stared at you quietly while you were consuming everything that was on the table.
“Jeno, my boyfriend, the guy you told me to dump, I guess he dumped me.” you leaned more into the seat, seeing Jaebeom’s face for the first time in a while. He kept quiet, allowing you to continue but you didn’t do it.
“On his birthday?”
“Right after you came with miyeok guk?”
“Yeah… well, I think technically before that.” you chuckled hysterically. “I came to his place, punched in the code and got to his bedroom only to find a topless girl on top of him. They were…” you coughed awkwardly.
“Fucking?” he asked carelessly.
“Yeah… that. So… I guess he only called me last night to find out if I’ll come early when she was already there, to see if he should make her leave or what. I shouldn’t have lied, if I didn’t I would’ve lived my happy clueless life. Want to know the funny part?”
“There is one?” Jaebeom seemed surprised.
“You were right about the girl, you probably did see her somewhere because she was the one with him. I doubt she is the friends sister now.” you sighed and moved in your seat worriedly. You felt better but at the same you felt wrong sharing this with him. “The ridiculous part is that you really did read through my entire life in a second. That’s really annoying.” you looked him in the eyes, chuckling. “And concerning as well, should I be listening to you from now on in everything I do?” you tried to joke with him once again and he gifted you another smile.
“I won’t protest, but I won’t force you either.” he looked you deep in the eyes. He did that way too often as if he tried to speak to you through staring.
“Would you like anything else?” waitress broke off the silence, ruining one of your moments.
“No, thanks.” Jaebeom gave the girl the same smile he always gave you, and a weird pinch of jealousy hit your chest. “Give us the bill, please.” his voice was soft and the girl smiled even brighter than before.
“Just a moment.” she bowed and left.
“So you’re friendly like that to everyone.” you noted to yourself but did it aloud for some reason.
“I’m friendly to everyone but for you I’m all that and even more.” he leaned in and extended his hand to you, laying it with his palm up for you to lay yours on top.
“Why?” he stretched his fingers signalling to you that he’s waiting.
“There should be a reason?”
“There’s a reason for everything.” you replied, fighting an inner battle if its appropriate now to touch his hand.
“Okay, then my reason is that I’m naturally attracted to you. Didn’t I tell you already multiple times that I liked you?” he sounded so casual as if he spoke about weather. Your hands felt cold due to fear you were experiencing. Was he meaning he liked you as a person? As a company? Or did he mean something else…? Something more? The idea of asking him to clarify these questions gave you a whiplash. His whole presence gave you constant whiplash with everything he said, did and even with the way he looked at you. You knew for sure you weren’t about to forget Jeno in a second and you were afraid to tell that to Jaebeom in case he didn’t mean it in that way at all. Jeno broke your heart and you knew that you needed more time to over-live it than 8 hours. At the same time you were afraid Jaebeom would laugh at your silly assumption of him wanting you by his side in a different way.
Giving him your hand to hold wouldn’t hurt anything though, right? You thought to yourself it wouldn’t and laid your palm on top of his.
“I thought you said I’m okay and we could be friends, now you doubted to lay your hand on top of mine for 10 minutes, I’m offended.” His fingers wrapped around your hand moving it closer to his side of the table. His other hand laid on top of yours and you shivered unconsciously hoping he didn’t notice. “ you’re funny, cute and smart, that’s his loss, you shouldn’t be crying about someone who didn’t only disrespect you, he just showed what type of person he is. He’s a trash bag if he cheated, don’t waste your nerves on that. It’s better you found out more or less quickly. If you need someone to rely on I can be by your side. You can call me anytime.” Jaebeom lifted your hands off the table, finding your eyes with his, biting his lower lip. Lifting your hands higher, he lowered his head, planting a small kiss on the back of your hand. You couldn’t help but smile shyly at his gesture. “Give me your phone, by the way.”
“Oh?” you asked surprised but didn’t want to protest or question him any further, moving your hand from his and getting your phone out on the table. You unblocked it getting startled by the photo on the home screen. The photo of you being on Jeno’s back, kissing his cheek sweetly, while he bended and smiled into the camera happily. You wanted to change it quickly for Jaebeom to not see but your hands just froze. The void in your chest suddenly enlarged to the previous size.
Jaebeom grabbed the phone from your hands before you could even realise it and began doing something you couldn’t see. It took him longer than you expected and you bit your tongue to not ask questions.
You watched him focusing his vision onto the screen of your phone, probably typing his phone number into your contacts while you were just appreciating his handsome features.
“Would you like to pay by card or cash?” the waitress appeared scaring you once again.
“Card.” you said in unison. Jaebeom gave you a look, laying your phone by his side.
“I ate, I’ll pay.” you expanded your hand to grab the phone and pay with it but he caught your hand with his, making you blush because you could definitely feel the waitresses eyes on your hands.
“No.” he nodded strictly and the piercing gaze that he gave you killed your will to fight with him over that.
“Thanks for food… and for words you said…” you told him when the both of you exited the cafe. “You really are a good friend I guess.” you lifted your eyes to see his face.
“You want to go home?” he sounded disappointed. “Sounds like you’re saying goodbye.”
“No, I’m just saying thank you.” you smiled. “Or were you hoping to not spend any more money on me? Didn’t you promise me a drink?” you whined jokingly.
“I thought you’re trying to run away from me.”
“No.” You shook your head.
“Good, i wouldn’t let you anyway.” he stepped closer invading your private space. “I’ll buy you as many drinks as you’d want me to…” he raised his arm and you stopped breathing to see what he’ll do next and he moved his palm closer to your cheek, making it burn with the electricity that was forming in the space between you two, but dropped his hand back down the next second. “Just stay by my side… for tonight, at least.” his hand found your wrist, pulling you to go after him towards the entrance of the bar. 15 minutes later the both of you were sitting at the bar, waiting for the bartender to notice you called him.
“Rum and coke?” Jaebeom asked with a laugh.
“I’ll have what you’ll have.”
“Okay.” he nodded seriously, lifting his arm again. “Two shots of vodka.” he gestured number two with his fingers.
“Just a second.” your eyes ran from Jaebeom to bartender quickly, trying to see if he was about to tell you it was a joke, but he didn’t. Even when the shot glasses hit the bar he watched bartenders moves quietly, only looking up at you when the order was done.
“I didn’t know that’s what you meant when you said you want to buy me a drink.” you laughed awkwardly.
“That’s just because you said you want what I want.” he pushed the glass towards you more.
Your eyes ran between Jaebeom and vodka.
“Okay, on the count of 3.” you grabbed the glass.
“No, no, both of these are for you.”
“Drink.” he gestured.
“Jaebeom.” you sighed disapprovingly.
“You’ll feel better when you’ll stop thinking about everything.”
“I’ll pass out, if it seemed to you that I’m a great drinker, you’re wrong. I’m not drinking often and I’m not really taking it well.”
“You can chill out, I won’t let anything happen to you even if you’ll pass out.” his hand reached your cheek, caressing it a few times.
“Give me a single reason why I should trust my life to a stranger?” you asked curiously.
“To see that I’m not just a stranger to you anymore.” his hand stopped moving and his eyes glued to you in anticipation. Your hand slowly found the glass without looking away from Jaebeom, raising it to your lips, you exhaled, quickly downing the shot. Now that you were completely sober the drink burned like hell and there was nothing to wash down vodka, so you just grabbed the other glass too, downing it in a span of a second. You felt Jaebeom’s hand move from your cheek to your neck, while you were wrinkling your face in disgust, suddenly pulling you by it from where you sat into his embrace. You fell, resting your body against his as if you were a small child, feeling his hand let go of your neck and rest against your back. Your face hid in the crook of his neck and you couldn’t not point out to yourself how bloody good he smelled. Everything about him was always too good to be true. He seemed perfect to the extent it felt concerning but you guessed it was a bit too late to back off now.
When you finally were able to open your eyes again you still felt his hands on your waist, moving yours to rest against his shoulders to push back a little. He didn’t let go of you, leaving his fingers to burn the skin of your sides even through the clothes.
“I didn’t think you’d actually drink both.” he chuckled “you fine?” you nodded yes and he allowed you to sit back.
“I want more.” you turned to face him when you sat.
“More of what?”
“Whatever you’ll buy me.” you smiled at him feeling a bit drunk. Jaebeom nodded at you, biting on his lower lip.
One more round of pure alcohol, and that’s the last thing you remember of the evening.
#jaebeom#jaebeom smut#jay b#jaebeom fluff#jaebeom fanfiction#jaebum#im jaeboem#jaebom#got7 jb#jb fic#jb smut#jaebum smut#jaebum imagines#jaebum fluff#got7#got7 jaebeom#got7 smut#got7 fluff
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in the same day i’m back. because im a fool, MLB’s fool, trying to invent sense where there is none, because i stick my middle finger to the sky and Thomas Astruc’s logic, but whatever. May as well give you at least a few options to choose. This kinda blends a bit of part 1 and part 2 but is a bit more detailed than part 2. Am i actually writing these because i might need a sensible timeline for a hypothetical fic that may or may not actually get written? maybe.
preface: So, we know Cat blanc happens on St Athanasius’ feast day because it’s Adrien’s 5th name day (saddling a kid with 4 wasn’t enough, Gabriel?). Catholics celebrate it on May 2, and France is Catholic. If you google the feast day it’ll tell you january 18th (the byzantine one), which is why i made part 2, but well, France isn’t Greek. lol. It also probably looks more similar to the one on the Wiki, except mine blends s1 and 2. (btw love how the wiki said screw you to canon and wrote it out year by year.) Some watching orders would naturally be shuffled around but no way in hell am i writing that all out.
The usual logic applies. (As in “the writers/animators won’t do X so therefore Y doesn’t have to apply”.)
Emilie coma: June 2015. Because in origins, Adrien defied his father to make it to school, as if his mother’s (more recent) disappearance had put fresh determination and angst in him.
S1+s2: Sept 2015 to June 2016. Marinette turns 14 late 2015, Octoberish. Chronology messy, seasonal weather nonexistent, some season 1 and 2 episodes are next to each other. exhibit a: dark cupid. Snow magically appears in the christmas special (Dec 2015) where it’s adrien’s first christmas without mum, and doesn’t show up ever again (it’s gone by dark cupid). Heroes’ day could be any day since it’s nonexistent irl, thus, June.
Shanghai: June 2016. (according to thomas there may or may not be overlap with the start of season 3). Since they’re still in the same school year and France finishes slightly later in July.
S3: July 2016 to June 2017. Cat Blanc: 2 May. Felix arrives after this on the second anniversary of Emilie, not the first. (Maybe it's 100 weeks to make it closer to cat blanc). Lady Noir makeout sometime after the 2017 new year, which makes them more logically couple of the 2017 year. (I’ll bet Alya voted for that 49,000 times.) Marinette turns 15 late 2016.
New York: June 2017. Miss Bustier announces she’s preggers and from there remains amazingly flat-bellied. irl that can actually happen lol. Mr Pigeon 51 happens, and from then on probably gets akumatised twice a day.
S4: July 2017 to April 2018. I chose July since Marinette’s shown riding off after school with Luka early on, which could finish early July, then as Marinette’s frantically talking to Alya in her Ladybug suit she mentions it’s holidays. So it could be summer holidays. Also Miss Bustier’s had the baby in March.
Ephemeral can actually be anywhere, really, but for poetic reasons i kept it around the 3 year mark. Initially, Gabriel says “100 weeks”, but given that this is now impossible (hem hem nevermind within the show itself lol), that means i can pick any date i want. unless we want to make it 3 years, which is 156 weeks, but that doesn’t quite roll off the tongue. 150 weeks would make it in at least April. Marinette is now 16 (from late 2017) and quite old enough for a boyfriend by now (heheh).
This time frame also accomodates Qilin’s ‘more than a month late for Mother’s day’, placing it near the start of the season (but after Mr Pigeon because protective charms) and not near the end. Also makes room for Dearest Family’s January 6 setting for King’s day. Therefore watch order is still a little shuffled.
Total passage time between origins and end s4: 31 months.
i by no means expect them to continue with s5 in a way that lets me keep this (bahahaha hell i’m already going outside ‘canon’ to write this). As the seasons go on, we can expect more of these timelines to appear. If/when Miss Bustier ever gives birth, i’m going to disregard it just like they disregard other things.
#mlb timeline part 3#dear lord i spent 90 minutes on this#i was supposed to be watiting for my retainer to clean#miraculous ladybug#please validate me
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I’ve debated writing this for a while, because who wants to read my inane thoughts on the matter? What are my opinions really worth in the grand scheme of things? I’m not so self important to think this will be of any value. But, I’m an extroverted thinker, so this might help my brain finally shut up, and that’s worth something to me.
The hypocrisy surrounding Jikook.
Are they a couple? Maybe. I legitimately don’t know. I don’t default into thinking they’re straight. I don’t default into thinking they’re gay. Every member is a blob, sexually, until they define themselves one way or another. Because honestly, I don’t care. That’s between them and their potential paramours. There’s nothing wrong with either option, heck there’s nothing wrong with both or none. Live a life, man... good luck!
And I have no problems with shipping, to the extent it is done in a sane way and fans do not impose their ships onto the actual people. What I mean is, if you think Tae and JK look good together and you want to read stories or draw art of them as a couple and you want to explore their dynamic, you do you. However, it crosses a line when fans get mad when real people or real situations do not adhere to their fantasy. When they contradict footage and quotes and the feelings of those involved because it doesn’t fit into their little shipping box, that’s when it’s a problem. Be realistic. Have distinct lines between fantasy and reality, between what you might like and what is actually happening.
It is this reason, that I think shipping generally innocuous and indicative of the shipper more than the celebrity, that I also don’t think the celebrities in question need to be defended against shipping. Because if it is distinctly fantasy, then unless they express an opinion on the matter, most celebrities don’t really seem to know about it or care. It’s harmless. That defense, those hackles raised, again say more about the fans than the celebrities. When Xiao Zhan’s (XZ) fans got pissed off that some fanfic writer was portraying him as trans, XZ never weighed in on it. It wasn’t until those fans, in DEFENSE of their idol reported the writer and those of their ilk to the censors in China and got AO3 blocked on Chinese internet, that’s when XZ stepped in. And not to thank his fans for defending him, but to apologize to all the innocent Chinese fanfic writers who lost their work and their sanctuary because a handful of his fans had gotten the site banned. Again, the problem here was fans imposing their own beliefs on the celebrity, in this case thinking he would be upset by this and thus needed to be defended. They ended up causing more harm than good.
So the crux of this, what’s been kicking about in my brain, was the need for the fandom to “defend” JK from “shippers” the day after “hickey gate” and why these things only ever seem to focus on Jikook moments.
First off, “hickey gate” stemmed from footage that was a full, editorial choice to be shared on the part of Hybe and BTS. It was behind the scenes, closed set, pandemic lockdown footage edited together and released as official content, not some concert fancam or paparazzo on the street catching a private moment. They chose to leave in both Jimin and Jungkook on TWO occasions addressing the bruise/bite/hickey on JK’s neck, with the source being attributed to Jimin both times. Thus, people discussing this after the fact is a natural biproduct of it being shared. Is it even “shipping” when we are given the footage and the explanation? Is it not just a strange fact? This isn’t someone superimposing a fantasy onto them. This is the boys flat out saying Jimin bit JK and left a mark on his neck. I get debate over whether it was a bite or a hickey might lend itself more to “shipping”, with the latter being more shippy, but seriously, just looking at it would make anyone to question whether the BRUISE was more a hickey than a bite mark. What it says about the nature of their relationship is a whole other animal, but the fact is, it happened. And people are going to have THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about this. And that’s obviously something Hybe/BTS were ok with to share it in the first place (seriously, we would have never known, we DIDN’T even have a whiff of this until they put the whole thing on the DVD, so they were obviously OK with this leading to speculation, because how can a member saying they BIT another on the neck not?). All the content we are given of the boys snuggling, biting, ear sucking, tenderly addressing each other, etc.. is mostly a choice. And that choice will lead to questions and debates, and they’re obviously ok with it. It’s not wrong for people to be like, “huh” when they do questionable things and choose to give us said content about the questionable things.
But, there always seems to be this backlash when it’s Jikook. We have to “defend” JK, a fully grown man, who brought up the bite himself on camera from people talking about the bite as he himself said it was given to him. No backlash to people saying Jimin claimed doing it to cover up JK’s secret girlfriend (uhhh, when homosexuality is a no-go in SK, that seems a weird choice, but sure, ok.... like just cut it from the footage and slap some make up on like they do during the concert, since none of us noticed it then, and move on if you want to cover it up). But that’s allowed supposition despite having NO EVIDENCE to support it. And what we are TOLD actually happened is not ok and “shipping”?!?
Worse, when days later some innocuous “TAE AND JK WERE STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER OMG! THEY’RE IN LOVE” trends, where is the “save JK from shipping” rhetoric? That is CLEARLY shipping. I’m not saying Jikook shippers don’t do this, too, they do. And I laugh and shake my head at every little thing being dissected and offered as “proof”, but there always seems to be this backlash when it’s Jikook. ESPECIALLY when it’s undeniably... different. Neck biting. Ear sucking. “with JK at 4 a.m.” when they found out Dynamite got number one. Golden Closet Tokyo. These things are facts. Again, they’re... weird facts that do lead me to raise an eyebrow a lot, but they are facts and they were shared by the members as facts. I don’t think it’s necessarily shipping to think weird facts are weird and may lead to conclusions that don’t adhere to the THEY ARE ALL INHERENTLY STRAIGHT manifesto so many fans seem to have (and I think “straight until proven otherwise” is a shitty perspective anyone could have in any walk of life and again speaks to inherent or unconscious heteronormative perceptions in society - hurray -_-).
But even the dumb shippy stuff that ALL other combos have, is always an ISSUE when done by Jikook. Their bond or interactions are downplayed by major accounts. They’re an outlier. Some shippers even try to make it out like they hate each other (whaaa? HOW?!?!). Any odd interaction that really is just odd is deemed “shipping” and cast off into the no-no void, where it’s WRONG if you side-eye it. And I know WHY. I know it’s because they ARE different and they do do stuff people just don’t want to look too closely at because it makes them uncomfortable, so it’s easier to just deem it all “other” and “crazy supposition” and get rid of it. But it’s frustrating when it’s legit and it’s stuff they’re choosing to show and give us. It’s frustrating to be told you’re not allowed to go “huh, weird” because now you’re just a crazy shipper.
And again, I’m NOT saying Jimin and JK are in a relationship, because again, IDK, but I’m also not saying they're NOT either. I’m going to keep side eyeing the fuck out of some of the stuff they do and just enjoy that they are 100% each other’s person in the interim. And if that makes me a crazy shipper, then I guess that’s what I am.
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I forgot to post Class7 meeting for what would be “christmas” for us - no idea if they actually celebrate christmas too ^^’
As Fie is portably already telling you, this plays after the end of the first Kuro no Kiseki game. Fie even brought something sweet from that famous bakery as you can see.
This picture is part of the 2023 Calendar and I was VERY tempted to get it, just for this picture. I am very class7 starved and I could barely keep myself from wasting money on that calendar that I otherwise didn’t exactly wanted ^^’
Thankfully someone posted the picture on Reddit. (Thanks to whoever that was. It made my day!)
I want to point out a few things here:
1. Millium looks absolutely adorable in that outfit! You know I usually find it sad that physically speaking, she want mature anymore, because I would have loved to see her become as beautiful as the other girls did. BUT I guess she would not have looked half as cute as she actually does here, if her body would have matured. So... I guess its fine.
2. Jusis and Millium sitting next to each other and Jusis looking at Millium makes me feel like everything is right in the world. My shipper-heart can rest in peace, when it comes to those two I guess.
4. I think Crow will be wearing glasses now. I believe we’ve seen him were some at one of the Hajimari-Epilouge Pictures too. (I might have to mention that he look quite hot in that damned casual black outfit... but I should not say that over the man who I nicknamed “the azure traitor” for a reason ^^’)
5. I overall love the fact that they all wear casual clothes (slightly festive, but overall casual) because its such a huge difference from what we usually see in the game. And while we are at it... can you believe that none of the girls show of their cleavage? That is so freaking rare.
6. Almost all boys wear a necklace. Did they ever wear some in the games? I’ve noticed this necklace on Rean already in the post Hajimari-picture. Makes you wonder if it has any meaning, if he still wears it with different clothes. Crow wears a similar one. Maybe they shaped their stupid 50 mira coin into two pendants for their necklaces? I wouldn’t put it past them XD
7. I love how Falcom just casual has decided to show us our class 7 characters favorite alcoholic drinks XD Rean apparently prefers bear, Alisa likes white wine and Emma red wine and someone who sat next to Alisa (maybe Laura) apparently had a glass of champagne or something like that. It does not matter at all, if you ask me, but I still find it funny that Falcon took the time to decided that they have the time to think about what drink which Falcon character would like, instead of just giving them all read wine or something like that. (Also, we put ice and a straw in Milliums drink, to make sure that everyone sees that it is non-alcoholic ^^’)
8. I’ve been wondering ever since Hajimari, if Falcon plans to make Laura Gaius squiere. They interact a lot with each other since then and we know that its not supposed to be a shipping-hints. And I mean ever kind of wanted to travel the world, that would be one way to do that. But I could be wrong. Maybe they just get along because Witches and Grahlsritter work well together.
9. Look who is peaking through the window XD Apparently, Towa, Angie and that damn Traitor were not invited but still decided to check on class 7 and their besty Crow.
10. I had to laugh so hard when I locked at the comments under the reddit post, because something MULTIPLE people actually pointed out is that (not very surprisingly) Rean and Alisa wear matching colors as per usual. And while I would say that is just Falcom being assholes to everyone who doesn’t ship them some people went as far as saying that they are wearing a couple-outfit. You know, as in Rean and Alisa as characters chose it specifically to match with each other. (Someone even said that the picture purposefully hided Rean and Alisas left hand because there might be a ring hidden there but trust me Falcom won’t go that far. Especially not without us XD No, seriously, Rean will stay in Limbo with Lloyd and possible (depending what Falcom decides for him, when it comes to romance) Van as well - not that they won’t keep hinting certain girls stronger than others XD
It really felt amazingly good to see Class7 and ONLY Class7 (and no new class 7) back together again.
Bonus: I think the reason we don’t see new class 7 here is because they are now over 2 years older and would have physically matured significantly. I think Falcom wants to show them off in the game, instead of on a Calendar that not everyone gets.
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