#one cecetu is ace/aro
syngigeim · 6 years
#2 - Silenced
“Code P everyone. Those who can, please head for Tailfeather in the Dravanian Forelands,” said the voice of Syngigeim into Cecetu’s linkpearl. She couldn’t help but smirk at that. It was near just like old times, with the call to slay Primals to be sent up and Cecetu coming along. Another “Warrior of Light,” or so the people sometimes said about her. Even though for her graces, Cecetu was just fine exploring dungeons and only occasionally doing a good deed. Like a regular adventurer.
Funny how some things stay the same even if everything else changes, she thought, feeling more keenly the gun at her backside.
A few hours of travel and Cecetu exited a cavern that exited into the Dravanian Forelands. She felt awed by the majestic peaks and tall trees but there was absolutely no time for this. Soon, after the fight, I’ll take a look around. she promised herself setting off on the road before her.
Dodging the flies that were along the road, (they were nearly her size!) Cecetu spotted an aetheryte beyond a gate. To into small settlement in which she presumed was Tailfeather. Just by it was, yep, there’s Syngigeim. Ever business as always. Alongside her was Eleone, Cecetu knew she was around the area, and Kaen, the standoffish Miqo’te astrologian.
“Where’s Mariko?” Cecetu strolled up and asked. “Thought he would be hanging around you.”
“There seems to be a spate of beast tribe activity down in Eorzea. He said he’d look into it while Arashi and I deal with Ishgardian business,” She said. “Shame that. We could use him right about now.”
Cecetu nodded. “Speaking of which, where is she? And aren’t you with uh, that Alphinaud guy?”
Syngigeim just pointed a bit further ahead. There she spotted the Elezen lad with an impatient looking dragoon fellow. He seemed to be nervously looking at Syngigeim, who just gave him a wave and a nod. “He’s nervous because we left Arashi and Ysayle down in the Gnath lair,”
And then Syngigeim filled in Cecetu in the details. About how she met up with Iceheart, the woman who summoned Shiva and are going to try to prevent a Dravanian attack on Ishgard via diplomacy. “Utmost secrecy on that by the by.”
Cecetu shrugged. “None too many Ishgardians trust Lalafell’s anyway,” she said.
“Now then, how many are going to fight here? Because by my recoking, we’ve got five,” Kaen matter-of-factly said.
“Q’hara informed me that he’s going off to get Aubin,” Syngigeim responded.
“That still makes seven. Which I guess is doable but do we want to risk that?” Kaen said.
“Certain we can’t use him?” Eleone asked, jerking her head towards the dragoon.
“Sadly, no. While he is capable, he does not have the Echo,” Syngigeim said.
“Did some say the Echo then?” A smug voice called out. The ladies turned around to see a very tall man striding confidently towards them. The first thing Cecetu noticed was the scales around his body, similar to Arashi but dark colored. The second thing was a burst of aether crackling around him. Heat, spark, ice-cold. He wears the vestments of black!
It felt like a slap in her face. Here was this stranger, following the path she felt forced to give up. How dare he! How dare he take her place!
“Well, I came to this land for I heard there were others like me. Those who receive visions and talk to others. Bit of a shame that when I arrived, the whole - sect was it? - was disbanded under the threat of treason!”
Oh good. Cecetu breathed an internal sigh of relief. She could legitimately hate him now.
She heard Syngigeim take a quick breath to steel herself. Ever the diplomat. “Who are you? And you have the Echo?”
“Ah! The name is Chotan Sasaki. Pleasure to meet you all,” He said, giving a low bow. “And why yes? Mother Hydaelyn bade me to travel on a journey to this land, as there would be need for my services. I just didn’t think it would be so literal!” He laughed and said.
All four of the women gave him the stoniest, harshest glares. Chotan coughed at that.
“Syngigeim! I’m back and I got him!” Q’hara called out, a reluctant looking Aubinaux following behind. He flinched when he saw the tall Au Ra. “Whoa, who are you!?”
“Chotan Sasaki! Nice to meet you!” he said, extending a hand to the bewildered Miqo’te. “I was just introducing myself to these women about myself. I happened to overhear that you needed someone who could fight and here I am! Amazing and wonderful is it not?”
“Uh yeah uh, right! Uh...Syngi!” Q’hara scampered on over to her and the two began whispering to each other. Cecetu, Eleone and Kaen continued staring at this strange man whom for his part, tried to start up a conversation with Aubinaux.
“So uh, are the women around here normally so standoffish?” Chotan asked.
Cecetu spotted Kaen putting a hand in front of Eleone.
“They, and myself as well, are wary of any new strangers that are as loud and boisterous as you,” Aubin said. He then noticed his staff. “You’re a mage?”
“Yes actually. None too many where I live. Aether is quite harder to reach. Not like here. It’s as if the very air itself is just bursting with energy,” He smiled quite eagerly. “It’s quite amazing and intoxicating, if I must say so.”
“Hmm. Well, I have an idea. We need a general uh, competency check on you. Cecetu? You wanna make sure this guy is decent?” Aubin asked, leaning to the side of Chotan to even see her. She gave him a shocked and angered look, a look of betrayal. Aubin sighed and added. “You’re the only one who can judge well enough.”
“Excellent! Yes! Exactly what I wanted to do! Prove to you how excellent I am!” Chotan said. “Come! Let us find some beasts to cull!” He said, running off. Cecetu gestured a rude gesture at Aubinaux as she ran off after him. It was rather annoying catching up to him. Cecetu was a fast runner but he had the legs! Eventually she caught up with him when he decided to actually take a look at the wildlife around him. “Now let’s see...aha! That looks trouble!” Cecetu panting, looked up and saw him pointing at a bunch of bears hanging around a bridge, catching what fish seemed to fall from a small waterfall near it. “What do they say in Eorzea? Tally ho friend! Let us face these beasts!”
Cecetu groaned, pulling her gun out from behind her back and sticking her new Gauss Barrel at the end. The two set to work, Cecetu looping around to tackle bears from the other side of the bridge. Mercifully, Chotan was quiet while focused on his magic. But much to her frustration, he was...well. He actually was good at this. Fire and ice seemed to flow from him naturally, his enemies burning in due time. All as a proper Black Mage should do…
It angered her! That should have been her mantle to wear! Instead here she was, fiddling with this! All because of actions she didn’t do, that she wasn’t at fault for! That she wasn’t even accused of!
Focus! A bear was right on top of her and about to strike! Quickly she ran up to the bear and fired a blank, forcing it backwards. A sizzle of fire exploded around the bear and it fell. Finally, the remaining bears fled back up the river, terrified of the two vicious adventurers.
“Well, what do you think? I was wonderful no?” Chotan asked, grinning. Instead of a positive affirmation that he was seeking, a gun was cocked in his direction. “Wh-what are you?”
“You...are fine. But please, shut up or I will not hesitate to do it myself.” Cecetu said glaring at him. She slowly looked up at him, giving him a look of venomous hatred.
Ha. The fear in his face. Been a long time since she saw that. It was when she last held the black. She smirked and strode down the river’s path back to Tailfeather, Chotan, so blissfully, walking alongside her. Quiet as the grave.
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