#one candle for mom and one for vito
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kofolacitrus · 8 months ago
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Decided to draw more m2 art! Inspired by a wonderful and very memorable song by John Lennon.
This one is also very special to me and not just because of the bond between Vito and Frankie, which is so interesting, and it deserves much more attention.
Working on this was very healing for me, and I found again the joy from what I love the most.
The fanart itself is actually quite personal to me because I lost my own mom, too. However, I had a lot of fun and a good time while drawing this, which is important in my opinion. Sorry for a little over sharing.
Anyway yeah...that's it.
Details and the inspo song down below 👇
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My mummy's dead
I can't get through my head
Though it's been so many years
My mummy's dead
I can't explain
So much pain
I could never show it
My mummy's dead
- John Lennon
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theramseyloft · 4 years ago
2/15/21 Loft Notes
Alex got right up on my foot this morning.
Lucy, Dio, and Reo are the first on me every day.
Alex got on my elbow for a second, went OH SHIT, WHAT AM I DOING!!! and hopped back down on my knee.
Pippin just tread Indica.
Glaring at Pookie the whole time. Indica was gracious enough to still give his tiny husband a turn.
Vito remains an obstinate super bastard.
But Ginger got a few minutes to eat.
Indica and Pookie are trying to nest again.
Vito is vying for a spot on top of the retirement list too.
Pretty sure Nica and Ginger would have no problems on eggs without him constantly chasing them.
He won't let Ginger rest or eat or settle anywhere. How Dare Nica like him better!
Ginger isn't helpless, mind. He eats and rests and courts when ever Vito is distracted, but Vito isn't going to let them have a nest.
Nica and Ginger tried to claim the top center nest as it's the most defensible.
But Vito still got in, threw Ginger out by the scruff, and is very surprised that Danica refuses to join him.
There are no ladies who look like him but Nica.
He's really dead set on that meaning she is  the only lady.
You see that a lot with birds raised in homogeneous lofts.
Nica's reclaimed her box and is dead set on not letting Vito in.
Pookie just went to remind them that "Nah, bitches, this is MY box!"
All boxes belong to Pookie!
He and Indica go home on the 24th.
I have only refrained from bringing them into quarantine because they are not bothering my nesting pairs.
Vito has had enough of Danica not joining him, so he's just chasing Ginger all over the loft
He's significantly larger than Ginger and knows it.
But an angry Danica is significantly meaner than him.
Leela had Vito's attention for a minute.
And now all the cocks are riled and crave violence.
Also Mj. There cannot be good chaos without Mj.
She's just threatening any other bird that wants lap or shoulder time right now.
Nica and Ginger are soundly in a box, and Vito is now menacing every one on the floor.
Leela has chosen now to remind everyone that she is a single lady.
Vito tried to surprise Cody in his box.
When that went badly, he just fucking tackled Tandy out of the goddamn sky on her way to her box.
And now we know where Pookie got his craving for chaos.
Pippin just dove into the box where Ginger and Danica were snuggling and reminded Vito which one it was.
Once again, Danica attacked Vito for intruding and left to join Ginger.
Vito tried to woo Tandy on the window sill, but she noped right tf outta that shit!
Nica has returned to her box and is calling Ginger.
Ginger joined her.
Vito is firmly uninvited, but trying to figure out how to join them.
Then got distracted by Tandy.
Who once again noped RIGHT tf out because he came in in full bully mode and she is ABSOLUTELY not here for that shit!
Aaaand he threw Nica and Ginger out of their box again.
Who are still together... Across the loft from him.
Nica is very done with Vito's shit.
Now he's straight up just attacking her.
And everything he can get his beak into.
Luxie is a lot lower on the list than Vito, Mj, and Liang now.
She can at least mom.
Farthing is DONE with Pookie!
Pookie tried to insist Farthing let him tread. Farthing straight up punched his face.
Pookie was reminded that Farthing is WAY bigger than him!
The rest of the flock will get real tired of his shit real fast.
Pippin and Cookie just changed guard.
So maybe there will be slightly less chaos.
Vito tried to woo Tandy again, who once more noped RIGHT tf out of that shit!
Vito is gonna have to change tactics if he wants any pleasant hen attention.
Holy shit, the sun is out and MJ took a turn on her eggs!
Indica immediately chased Thistle off of me.
Apparently, my shoulders and head belong to him and Pookie.
Let's see if I can get any of these candlings done...
Wukong and Suki's egg is fertile!
Satin and Sprinks first was, but died.
Danica's stress lay was not fertile.
Thistle and Mj's second is alive!
Jesus christ, I may end up swapping Betty and Vito on the retirement list if he don't quit his bullshit.
Just not letting Ginger eat or drink.
Also, attacking any bird he can get to, regardless of sex or demeanor.
The second he glances sideways at an established pair on eggs, I'm isolating him.
He's getting every cock in here defensive and riled up.
Whiiich just earned him Indica and Pookie's attention.
Unfortunately, temporarily isolating them makes problem cocks think they are master of their own territory, and they come back super aggressive.
That's how flock rank is achieved and why I prefer to bring in new blood as young as possible.
Ginger did get a chance to drink in the chaos.
And immediately offered to feed Nica.
Pookie has decided no one gets to tread on the floor today but him.
Alex landed briefly on my shoulder.
Vito has until Hoss weans to be less of a flock disruption.
If he isn't by then, Betty stays and Vito goes.
Or if, at any time before then, he starts shit with any of my nesting pairs on eggs.
This is why I prefer adding weanlings over adults for new blood.
Hens can fit in pretty ok. and so can some cocks.
But with cocks, it's a coin flip between making any attempt to fit in and being an absolute chaos-bastard.
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bestfriendforhire · 6 years ago
Entry 375
 Portentia was satisfied to see that the prisoner was still here, despite the lack of locks.  Papak had assured that he’d devour the poor man if an escape was attempted.  Some of the younger vampires as well as a couple older ones went blood drunk when they fed, so I stayed behind and watched over them while the others got started with their tour.  I had seen a fair amount of the tour before and would surely visit again many times over the years to come.
Time could seem to pass incredibly quickly for me these days.  As I watched over the vampires, I reminisced about the past years as Dani grew, since I wanted pleasant thoughts for company after seeing the vampires overact their feeding.  Papak had bit one of Portentia’s arms off to try shocking my daughter.  I barely had touched upon Dani’s tenth birthday when Vito and Ariadne popped in to visit.
 “James, you’re not here to steal our staff, are you?” questioned Vito with a small smile.  “I know perfectly well that they’ll never want you to leave, having met you.”
 “Sorry.  Papak is giving my family his part of the tour, so I volunteered to watch over this lot.  They had a bit much of Portentia’s blood.” I explained.
 “Ah.  Yes.  I do appreciate your consideration.  Sorry to have left you alone with Papak, but we didn’t realize you’d be here quite so soon.  That was quite the quick flight.” he told me.  “Is Portentia still around?  I thought I smelled her. on the way in here.”
 “She’s here.  I hired her for the duration of the visit, so she could help feed everyone.  Feel free to get a snack before stopping to talk.” I told him.
 “Is my niece with you?” questioned Ariadne.
 I used a spell to mute the area around us, not wanting the other vampires to hear.  “Always.  You know her.  She’s not officially here though, so Portentia and my daughter don’t know.”
 She nodded and said, “Vito, would you mind tying them up, so James can join us?  We brought souvenirs from our trip.”
 “I’m surprised you don’t just…”  I snapped my fingers and created a small flash of light around them.  “I can’t imagine a reason you’d need to shop.”
 “Need, no, but I do like to get out occasionally.” she insisted.
 As she spoke, Vito unleashed a spell he made.  From what I saw, I estimated that the vampires here would be trapped for half a week if they didn’t know how to undo the spell.  Vito surely wouldn’t leave them quite that long, but I did appreciate his skill at spellwork.  
 Smiling, Ariadne said, “Thank you, dear.  Let’s catch up with the others before Papak makes up too much about Vito and Zachary.  They’ll be fighting for weeks if he gets too carried away.”
 I followed as they leisurely walked out.
 “How’s Raine coming along?” questioned Vito.
 “Still skittish.”
 “But how’s her magic?” he questioned.
 “She doesn’t consciously use any yet.”
 “What?” asked Ariadne, turning around in surprise.  “She could handle all of your shopping with ease if my niece didn’t.  What I do doesn’t hold a candle to what she could do.”
 I nodded and said, “I know.  I need to work with her more, but I’ve been waiting for the right time.”
 “I’d tell you that there’s no time like the present, but my niece is probably involved.  That girl…” stated Ariadne, shaking her head.
 I grinned, catching the momentary smile on Ariadne’s face.  “Keeps life interesting, doesn’t she.”
 “That is certainly one way of putting it.  Has she ever made you watch her use that scythe of hers?” questioned Vito with a shudder.
 “Too often.  I don’t even get the bad memories anymore.  You do know the scythe’s just for show, don’t you?” I questioned.
 Vito frowned and said, “I’ve guessed, but that is still a terrifying weapon.  She could no doubt devour the world with it.”
 “She could snuff out a galaxy on a whim if she tossed it into a star, told it to conserve its energy, and left it for a while.”
 “She speaks to it?” asked Ariadne, surprised again.
 “You could say that.”
 “Aren’t you worried about saying too much?  You obviously know more about that thing than we do at this point.” stated Vito with obvious warning in his voice.
 “She’d just kill me again if that were a problem.”
 “Again?” questioned Ariadne.
 I shrugged.  “She’s Death.  There’s really no difference to her whether someone is alive or dead.  We might as well have on/off switches.”
 Ariadne gently touched my arm and asked “What happened to you on your honeymoon?”
 I smiled and patted her head.  “Much.  I can’t tell you a hundredth… well… less than that.”
 “You’ve aged, James.” stated Vito with a tone of surprise.  He was staring into my eyes as if he were trying to peer into my soul.
 I smiled.  “Just don’t go calling me ‘old man’ yet.  My daughter’s only fifteen.”
 “Most people will think you’re still going on twenty.  If I didn’t know Carl, I’d be at a complete loss.  As things are, I’m still very curious.”
 “I know you’re patient.  Give me a hundred years from your perspective, and I should be allowed to tell you a great deal more.” I replied.
 “How long will that be for you?” he questioned.
 Ariadne elbowed him and said, “Be nice.”
 “I honestly don’t keep count.  If I knew my age, I’d probably brood about it.” I told him.
 He grinned wickedly as he said, “Maybe Aaliyah will let us throw you a party when you pass us.”
 Ariadne punched his gut.  “Be nice!”
 “Yes-yes.  Always.  I’d invite you.” he assured her.
 She sighed dramatically.
 Papak charged down the hall toward us, grabbing me with one hand and scooping up Vito and Ariadne with the other as he flipped around.  We let him carry us to where he left the group.
 “Got them!” exclaimed Papak with a grin.  “You’re up, Vito.”
 “I see.” stated Vito as he straightened Ariadne’s shirt for her.
 “Are you two dating!?” exclaimed Dani with a grin.
 Vito raised an eyebrow as he appraised my daughter.
 “Dani, this is Ariadne and Vito.” I told her.  Turning to them, I said, “And this is my daughter, Dani.”
 “She’s pink!” exclaimed Papak with a big grin as he pointed to Dani.
 “Really?” questioned Vito, feigning surprise.  “Are you certain?”
 Papak stuck his enormous head up next to his brother and said, “Yes.”
 “Well, thank you for informing me.  I would never have figured that one out.”
 Dani quickly ducked under his arm, tapped on his cheek, and asked “Are they dating!?  They feel like they’re dating.”
 “Do they?” questioned Papak as he eyed Dani.
 “Sorry.  She’s exceptionally energetic today.” explained Alma, as she ducked around Papak to grab Dani.
 “But Mom…” complained Dani as she was being pulled away.
 Ariadne smiled and said, “Yes, Dani.  We’re dating.”
 “See!” exclaimed Dani as she bounced on her feet.
 “You are… quite interesting, aren’t you.” stated Ariadne, looking at Dani curiously.
 “Still doesn’t have Portentia beat.” stated Cosette with a smirk.
 Dani frowned and tried to move toward Cosette despite Alma holding her arm.  “You don’t think I’m interesting!?”
 Cosette smiled, stepped forward and patted Dani’s arm.  “You’re very interesting, but Ariadne’s an incredible healer.  She was examining your physiology.  You can tell by the soft glow around her.”
 “Ooooh.” stated Dani.  She quickly turned to me and exclaimed “Daddy, don’t kill her!”
 I sighed, walked over, and hugged her.  “Dani, you know I don’t randomly kill people, even if they give random medical exams.  Besides, Ariadne is Aaliyah’s aunt.”
 “Is she really!?” asked Dani as she stared up at me.  “That’s so cool!  No wonder they look similar!  She must know all sorts of things!”
 “Let me apologize in advance.  I can’t compete with my niece for knowledge.”
 “Does Aaliyah really know that much?” questioned Portentia.  Seeing everyone’s gaze turn to her, she said, “What?  Aaliyah’s a super genius, but she’s… what… thirteen now?”
 “Tell me what you think in a couple hundred years.” stated Vito with a smile.
 “Did James tell you that Portentia’s here as lunch?” questioned Papak.
 “He mentioned it.”
 “Wait.  You think she’ll be around in a couple hundred years?” questioned Portentia.
 “I thought you had found out that she doesn’t age.  Interesting medical condition.” I explained.
 She nodded and said, “Life’s so strange.  Just a year ago, I thought I’d be wandering the streets alone forever.  Half a year with James, and I’m surrounded by immortals.”
 “I’m not!” exclaimed Dani with a grin.  “Immortal that is.  I’m going to grow old, sooo old.  There will be wrinkles and everything!  It’ll be so cool!”
 She knew quite well that her species didn’t get age wrinkles, but she became obsessed with them after seeing “through the years” collections Mila had shown her while expanding her knowledge of this planet’s art.
 I was still against my daughter aging.  Aging wasn’t even a tricky thing to prevent for Aaliyah, but Death would claim her one day.  Dani would smile and grab my hand just as her heart stopped.  The faded color of her hair was ingrained in my mind.  I had been too young to watch my daughter die, but she had been so very happy in her new world, excited for the next adventure in a younger body.  When she died, I’d be the one smiling as I escorted her to her new world this time, not the one sobbing at her side.  For now, we had time.
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bffhreprise · 4 years ago
Best Friend For Hire Reprise, Entry 373
 When Ariadne and I returned home, I caught a scent so pleasant that I could’ve missed the others for my joy.  Portentia was here.  After tasting her blood, nothing else had been satisfying, and the best part was that she wouldn’t even be injured by feeding any number of vampires.
 “James, you’re not here to steal our staff, are you?” I asked, giving him a smile.  If he were, then they would go.  With Aaliyah’s backing, James could do anything, and I couldn’t begrudge vampires an even better life.  “I know perfectly well that they’ll never want you to leave, having met you.” I commented, feeling his aura affecting me.
 “Sorry.  Papak is giving my family his part of the tour, so I volunteered to watch over this lot.” he told me, motioning to a bunch of hooligans that couldn’t handle the power within them.  “They had a bit much of Portentia’s blood.”
 “Ah.  Yes.  I do appreciate your consideration.  Sorry to have left you alone with Papak, but we didn’t realize you’d be here quite so soon.  That was quite the quick flight.” I pointed out, wondering if they even did fly.  “Is Portentia still around?  I thought I smelled her on the way in here.” I told him as nonchalantly as I could manage.  The cravings her blood would incite around here would have to be stamped out when James left, but we still owed him for the easy and exceptional meals.
 “She’s here.  I hired her for the duration of the visit, so she could help feed everyone.  Feel free to get a snack before stopping to talk.” he replied, not even bothered by our blood requirements anymore.
 “Is my niece with you?” questioned Ariadne as she looked around warily.
 James quickly and neatly made a spell that would prevent sound from leaving our vicinity.  Then he said, “Always.  You know her.  She’s not officially here though, so Portentia and my daughter don’t know.”
 Ariadne nodded, acknowledging the point.  “Vito, would you mind tying them up, so James can join us?  We brought souvenirs from our trip.”
 “I’m surprised you don’t just…” he snapped and created a flash of light in obvious imitation of Ariadne’s powers.  “I can’t imagine a reason you’d need to shop.”
 “Need, no, but I do like to get out occasionally.” she insisted.
 Meanwhile, I trapped my young brethren, planning on releasing them later, since I doubted any of them could figure out that particular spell before it would naturally dissipate.
 Ariadne smiled up at me as she said, “Thank you, dear.”  Then she told James “Let’s catch up with the others before Papak makes up too much about Vito and Zachary.  They’ll be fighting for weeks if he gets too carried away.”
 James followed behind us, but I was certain he could find his own way just as easily.  Something was different about him since last we spoke.
 “How’s Raine coming along?” I asked as we walked.
 “Still skittish.” he replied immediately.
 “But how’s her magic?” I prodded.
 “She doesn’t consciously use any yet.” replied James, shrugging slightly.
 “What?” asked Ariadne, turning around in surprise.  “She could handle all of your shopping with ease if my niece didn’t.  What I do doesn’t hold a candle to what she could do.”
 James nodded and said, “I know.  I need to work with her more, but I’ve been waiting for the right time.”
 “I’d tell you that there’s no time like the present, but my niece is probably involved.  That girl…” stated Ariadne, shaking her head.
 James grinned, probably noticing the momentary smile on Ariadne’s face.  “Keeps life interesting, doesn’t she.”
 “That is certainly one way of putting it.  Has she ever made you watch her use that scythe of hers?” I asked as I allowed myself a shudder.  I immediately suppressed those memories as they tried bubbling forth.
 “Too often.  I don’t even get the bad memories anymore.  You do know the scythe’s just for show, don’t you?” he asked, studying our reactions.
 I frowned and said, “I’ve guessed, but that is still a terrifying weapon.  She could no doubt devour the world with it.”
 “She could snuff out a galaxy on a whim if she tossed it into a star, told it to conserve its energy, and left it for a while.” he told me with certainty.
 “She speaks to it?” asked Ariadne, surprised again.
 “You could say that.” he elusively replied.
 “Aren’t you worried about saying too much?  You obviously know more about that thing than we do at this point.” I told him with a note of warning.
 “She’d just kill me again if that were a problem.” he said with a shrug.
 “Again?” questioned Ariadne in surprise.
 James shrugged again.  “She’s Death.  There’s really no difference to her whether someone is alive or dead.  We might as well have on/off switches.”
 Ariadne gently touched his arm and asked “What happened to you on your honeymoon?”
 He smiled and gently patted her head as if she were the child she appeared to be.  “Much.  I can’t tell you a hundredth… well… less than that.”
 Realization clicked in my mind.  “You’ve aged, James.” I asserted.  Looking into his eyes for some sign that I was right.
 He acknowledged my assertion with a gentle smile.  “Just don’t go calling me ‘old man’ yet.” he insisted.  “My daughter’s only fifteen.”
 “Most people will think you’re still going on twenty.  If I didn’t know Carl, I’d be at a complete loss.  As things are, I’m still very curious.” admitted Ariadne with a look that said she wanted to pry the story out of him.
 “I know you’re patient.  Give me a hundred years from your perspective, and I should be allowed to tell you a great deal more.” he assured us, speaking of a hundred years as if that was nothing to him as well.
 “How long will that be for you?” I asked in surprise.
 Ariadne elbowed me and said, “Be nice.”
 “I honestly don’t keep count.  If I knew my age, I’d probably brood about it.” he told us, actually sounding old for a moment.
 I gave him a grin fit for a T.V. villain as I said, “Maybe Aaliyah will let us throw you a party when you pass us.”
 Ariadne punched me in the gut.  “Be nice!”
 “Yes-yes.  Always.  I’d invite you.” I assured her as if that’s what she was worried about.
 She sighed dramatically, looking to the ceiling and rolling her eyes.
 I didn’t dodge as my brother charged down the hall toward us, grabbing James with one hand and scooping up Ariadne and me with the other as he flipped around.  He carried the rest of us through the mansion far faster than I could have managed on my own, but that was his reward in return for stunted magical talent.
 “Got them!” exclaimed Papak with a grin.  “You’re up, Vito.”
 “I see.” I told him as I unruffled Ariadne’s shirt.  He could have been a little careful at least.
 “Are you two dating!?” exclaimed a pink skinned girl with brilliant blue hair and amethyst eyes.
 I had never seen anything like her.  Despite the odd colorations, she was stunning to behold, even as she grinned like a kid in a candy store.  How had she come to her conclusion so quickly?
 “Dani, this is Ariadne and Vito.” stated James.  Then he turned to face us as he said, “And this is my daughter, Dani.”
 “She’s pink!” exclaimed Papak with a big grin as he pointed to Dani.
 “Really?” I asked, feigning surprise.  “Are you certain?”
 Papak stuck his enormous head almost against me, saying, “Yes.”
 “Well, thank you for informing me.  I would never have figured that one out.” I told him, pretending to be grateful.
 Dani ducked under Papak’s arm, tapped on his cheek, and asked “Are they dating!?  They feel like they’re dating.”
 “Do they?” questioned Papak as he eyed Dani.
 She felt we were dating!?  What sort of power was that!?
 “Sorry.  She’s exceptionally energetic today.” explained Alma, as she ducked around Papak to grab Dani, whom she smiled at affectionately.
 “But Mom…” complained Dani as she was being pulled away.
 Ariadne smiled at the two and said, “Yes, Dani.  We’re dating.”
 “See!” exclaimed Dani as she bounced on her feet.
 “You are… quite interesting, aren’t you.” stated Ariadne, looking at Dani as curiously as I was while using her magic to see what I could not.
 “Still doesn’t have Portentia beat.” stated Cosette with a smirk.  She had been observing us by one of Papak’s old trinkets.
 Dani frowned and tried to move toward Cosette despite Alma’s hold on her.  “You don’t think I’m interesting!?”
 Cosette kept up her smile, stepped forward and patted Dani’s arm.  “You’re very interesting, but Ariadne’s an incredible healer.  She was examining your physiology.  You can tell by the soft glow around her.”
 “Ooooh.” stated Dani.  She quickly turned to face James and exclaimed “Daddy, don’t kill her!”
 He sighed as if that was a typical overreaction of his daughter, walked over to her, and hugged her.  “Dani, you know I don’t randomly kill people, even if they give random medical exams.  Besides, Ariadne is Aaliyah’s aunt.”
 “Is she really!?” asked Dani as she stared up at me.  “That’s so cool!  No wonder they look similar!  She must know all sorts of things!” she exclaimed, making me wonder how much she knew of Aaliyah.
 “Let me apologize in advance.  I can’t compete with my niece for knowledge.” stated Ariadne immediately.
 “Does Aaliyah really know that much?” questioned Portentia in legitimate confusion.  Seeing everyone’s gaze turn to her, she said, “What?  Aaliyah’s a super genius, but she’s… what… thirteen now?”
 “Tell me what you think in a couple hundred years.” I told her in with a smile.
 “Did James tell you that Portentia’s here as lunch?” questioned Papak.
 “He mentioned it.” I replied, though I was craving her blood just looking at her.
 “Wait.  You think she’ll be around in a couple hundred years?” questioned Portentia in surprise.
 “I thought you had found out that she doesn’t age.  Interesting medical condition.” explained James.
 She nodded and said, “Life’s so strange.  Just a year ago, I thought I’d be wandering the streets alone forever.  Half a year with James, and I’m surrounded by immortals.”
 “I’m not!” exclaimed Dani with a grin.  “Immortal that is.  I’m going to grow old, sooo old.  There will be wrinkles and everything!  It’ll be so cool!” insisted Dani, weirdly excited about the idea.
James’ only reaction to her statement was to roll his eyes, but Alma looked quite amused by the idea, which was weird.  When did Alma start looking like a content mother?
 As Dani elaborated a little more at how cool growing old was, James’ eyes grew distant, as if he was remembering something or looking elsewhere.  He actually managed to seem very old as he did, despite the obvious youth of his body.  Waiting a hundred years for an answer to what had happened might actually seem like a long wait if he kept surprising me.
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