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aasthaoncologyassociates · 1 year ago
Who is the trustable cancer specialist in Ahmedabad?
Cancers that develop in different types of tissue are named by adding the word "carcinoma" or "sarcoma" followed by the name of the type of tissue from which the cancer developed. For example, a cancer of the liver parenchyma is called hepatocarcinoma. When cancers spread to other parts of the body, they are referred to as metastatic cancer.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 1 year ago
Where to find the best oncologist in Ahmedabad?
Cancer is a disease that starts when cells in a part of the body grow and multiply without control. These abnormal cells can attack and destroy healthy tissue, including organs. There are more than 100 different types of cancer, but all cancers start in cells.
Normally, cells in the body divide to make new cells as old ones die. But sometimes the cells develop mistakes in their DNA and keep dividing instead of dying. This can cause the cells to grow out of control and form a mass, called a tumor.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 1 year ago
Who is the best oncologist in Ahmedabad?
Vulvar cancer develops in the vulva, or vagina. It usually begins in the cells that line the vulva or in nearby skin tissue. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for most vulvar cancers (about 80%). This type of cancer typically starts in precancerous lesions. Melanoma and sarcoma are less common. The outlook for vulvar cancer depends on its stage and whether or not it spreads. Most patients with vulvar cancer that has not spread to lymph nodes live for 5 years or more after they are diagnosed.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 1 year ago
Who is the best cancer specialist in ahmedabad ?
When these cancers spread, they usually go first to nearby lymph nodes in the neck. When this happens, it is called metastasis. If the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is a different type of cancer and is treated differently. Benign (noncancerous) growths may also form in these areas. They include gray or white patches of cells, known as leukoplakia, or raised red patches, known as erythroplakia. These growths need to be examined for cancer, because they may lead to more serious problems if left untreated.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 1 year ago
How can a cancer specialist in Ahmedabad play a crucial role in the early detection and treatment of cervical cancer, ensuring that most women have positive outcomes?
Cervical cancer occurs when the regular cells in the cervix undergo a transformation into abnormal cells, leading to uncontrolled growth. Early detection and treatment often result in favorable outcomes for most women. The cervix represents the lower portion or neck of the uterus.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
To Know More About Cancer Specialist in Ahmedabad
If you're located in Ahmedabad and are looking for the most effective options for treating cancer for your family, Aastha Oncology Associates Aastha Oncology Associates is the top option you could choose. They are working to make life simple and easy for patients suffering from cancer the hospital is focusing on the most complete cancer treatment ever. 
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Did You Know About Best Cancer Treatment by Cancer Specialist Doctor in Ahmedabad?
If you're located in Ahmedabad and are looking for the most effective options for treating cancer for your family, Aastha Oncology Associates Aastha Oncology Associates is the top option you could choose. They are working to make life simple and easy for patients suffering from cancer the hospital is focusing on the most complete cancer treatment ever. 
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Did You Know About Cancer Hospital in Ahmedabad Gujarat
The cancer treatment offered is among the most cutting-edge in nearly every way. The institution is true to its name by offering a new perspective to cancer patients. Go through them once, and you'll discover the best option to ensure the highest level of expertise.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Do you know about cancer specialist in ahmedabad?
Prostate cancer develops in the prostate, a small walnut-shaped gland that sits just below the bladder and in front of the rectum in men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB). This gland secretes fluid that mixes with semen to keep sperm healthy for conception and pregnancy.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Do you know about best oncologist in ahmedabad?
Treatments for breast cancer usually involve surgical removal of the tumor. This can be done as part of a lumpectomy or as a mastectomy. Radiation therapy is sometimes used to shrink the tumor before surgery.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Do you know Vulvar Cancer Surgery in Ahmedabad?
Another form of breast cancer is invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), which starts in the glands that produce breast milk and may also spread to nearby tissue. ILC is more difficult to diagnose than IDC because it's harder to see on mammograms or other tests.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Best Cancer Prevention Tips That Can Be Helpful
Cancer is a complex disease that can be a result of a variety of factors. Some of them can be due to genetics, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices. Of course, there is no way you can prevent the caner and its appearance altogether, there are a few tips that can be helpful in arriving at the prevention of cancer to certain extent. Experts at the Cancer Hospital in Ahmedabad Gujaratvouch for the fact that following a few lifestyle habits can help you prevent the disease.
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Maintain a Very Healthy Weight
Being obese is one of the most possible cause that can make you susceptible to cancer attack. The service providers and hospitals such as cancer specialist hospital Ahmedabad can be helpful in avoiding the cancers such as breast, colon, and pancreatic cancer. For maintaining a healthy weight, you should take the best food such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
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Take Part in a Regular Exercise
The best cancer hospitals of Ahmedabad, Gujarat opine that a regular exercise is the best option to help you in fighting and preventing cancer. It is advisable to go for at least 150 minutes of less intensive exercise or 75 minutes of more vigorous exercise per week. Hospital offering the best cancer treatment in Ahmedabadsuggest taking part in a host of exercise activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, or strength training for staying fit and fighting cancer in every way possible. Staying fit will increase your chances of fighting the cancer by several counts.
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Avoid Smoking
Smoking is an open invitation to cancer and that is something that you need to avoid at any cost. In fact, smoking has been considered to be the leading cause of the preventable cancer deaths. You can talk to your healthcare professional to help you in how to deal with the smoking habit. Talking to your healthcare professional will help you in quitting smoking. Some options would include nicotine replacement therapy, medication, and support groups.
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Limit Your Alcohol Consumption
Drinking alcohol can cause developing certain types of cancer. The alcohol is known to induce several cancer types that would include breast, liver, and esophageal cancer. Limit your alcohol consumption to not more than one drink per day if you are a woman and two drinks per day if you are a man. If possible, it is advisable to quit drinking altogether.
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Go For Regular Cancer Screenings
Regular cancer screening can be helpful in letting you detect the cancer early. That would assist you in undertaking the treatment plans well ahead of time. That would be the best means to help fight and defeat the cancer cells. You can talk to your health provider to find the frequency of your cancer screenings which would be based on the age, sex and medical history.
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It may be noticed that there are several things that would be helpful in preventing cancer. If you can follow the instructions and guidance offered by the best cancer surgeon in Ahmedabad dealing in the cancer treatment, you can be assured of staying away from the dangerous disease. The Aastha Oncology Associates is your one stop solution for getting access to one of the best care against cancer. If you are looking to find the best cancer treatment by Cancer specialist Doctor in Ahmedabad, you would find the Aastha Oncology Associates to be a great pick to go with.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Signs and Symptoms of Cancer by The best Oncologist in Ahmedabad
Cancer is a group of diseases that start when cells in the body grow and divide out of control. This happens when genetic changes (called mutations) interfere with the body’s normal growth and death process.
The abnormal cells form a lump (tumor), which can be malignant or benign. Some tumors spread to other parts of the body and form new tumors, called metastases.
Do you know Common Cancer Myths and Misconceptions?
It’s easy to get confused and overwhelmed by the vast amount of information available on the internet about cancer. This can be especially true for patients.
One of the biggest causes of confusion is myths and misconceptions about cancer that are not true. By dispelling these myths and misconceptions, we can empower people to make more informed decisions about their health.
In general, if cancer is detected and treated at an early stage, it can be curable. This is a very important fact to know, as it can significantly improve the chances of survival.
Brain Cancer — The Best Cancer Treatment in Ahmedabad
Brain tumors grow when cells in your brain become abnormal. They may develop quickly or slowly over months or years.
Some people don’t have any symptoms from a brain tumor, but it’s always important to see your doctor if you notice any unusual changes in your brain or other signs and symptoms.
Headaches that are more severe in the morning or wake you up at night can be a sign of a brain tumor. Difficulty thinking, speaking or understanding language is also a common symptom of a brain tumor.
Numbness or weakness on one side of your body is another symptom of a brain tumor. It may happen because the tumour is pressuring on or damaging nearby areas of your brain.
You can’t prevent a brain tumor, but you can reduce your risk of getting cancer by avoiding certain environmental risks, such as smoking and high levels of radiation. Your healthcare team will help you learn your individual risk of developing a brain tumor and what steps you can take to lower it.
Breast Cancer By Cancer Specialist Hospital Ahmedabad
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells in your breast tissue (ducts or lobules). It may start in just one area of your breast (locally) and then spread to the surrounding breast tissue, lymph nodes and nearby parts of the body (regional or distant).
Your doctor will check for signs and symptoms of breast cancer with a medical examination. Symptoms can include a lump, swelling or other change in the size, contour or texture of your breast.
You’ll have imaging tests that show the inside of your breast. These include mammograms and ultrasound. Your doctor may also do a biopsy of the breast tissue. if you are looking for the breast cancer surgeon in Ahmedabad and breast cancer surgeon in Gujarat, you are at the right place Aastha Oncology Associates is your one stop solution.
Colorectal Cancer By Cancer Surgeon specialist in Ahmedabad
Colorectal cancer happens when cells in the colon or rectum (the last part of the large intestine, closest to the anus) grow out of control. Often, these cancers develop because of changes in DNA, which is the code that tells your body what to do.
People are more likely to get colon cancer if they’re older and have certain risk factors. These include having a family history of the disease, inflammatory bowel disease or obesity.
Getting regular screening tests for colorectal cancer and polyps can find cancer early, when it’s easier to treat. Fortunately, survival rates are higher for people diagnosed with colon cancer that’s caught early, according to recent ACS data.
Genomic Medicine
Genomic Medicine is a medical field that uses the information stored in your genes to tailor treatment to your unique genetic makeup. You are born with your own body’s complete set of DNA, or “genome.” Each cell contains a section of this DNA ladder called your “gene.”
In genetic testing, the doctor can determine whether you carry a specific inherited altered gene (germline mutation) that causes a certain medical condition. They can also use this information to identify whether you may respond to a particular drug or therapy.
Genomics is transforming research and treatment, risk assessment, drug development and clinical practices. But it is also raising important questions about the technological, ethical, legal and economic realities of this new era of genomic medicine.
Head and Neck Cancer
Head and neck cancers usually start in the squamous cells that line moist surfaces inside your mouth, nose, throat or voice box (larynx). They can also develop in other parts of your body.
Generally, head and neck cancers are linked to tobacco use or heavy alcohol use, as well as infection with some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV vaccination in adolescence may help prevent some head and neck cancers.
Treatment for head and neck cancer usually includes surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Your health provider will recommend these options based on your symptoms, the stage of your cancer and your overall health.
HPV and Cervical Cancer
Most cervical cancers are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a common virus that can be passed from person to person through sexual contact.
Infection with low-risk types of HPV doesn’t usually cause symptoms, but long-term infection with high-risk HPV may increase the risk of abnormal screening results and cervical cancer.
The cervix is the lower part of your uterus that connects your uterus to your vagina. Healthy cells grow and multiply at a set rate, but they can get changed into precancer cells if an HPV infection stays in place for too long.
Getting regular screening with a Pap test and being vaccinated against HPV are the best ways to prevent cervical cancer. If a woman has abnormal findings from her screenings, she needs a biopsy. This helps find and treat precancers before they develop into cancer.
Lung Cancer By Best Oncologist in Ahmedabad
Lung cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells that line the lungs (epithelial cells). There are two major types: small cell lung cancer, also called non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and squamous cell carcinoma.
Symptoms of NSCLC may include cough that doesn’t go away, shortness of breath or chest pain. They may also include a hoarse voice that lasts longer than 3 weeks or unexplained weight loss.
Lung cancer can be very dangerous if it spreads to other parts of the body. This is called metastatic disease. Early-stage cancers have the best survival rates.
Aastha Oncology Associates is one of the best cancer hospitals of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We have a team of the best oncologist in Ahmedabad, Cancer surgeons and Cancer specialist, Who provide the cancer, plastic reconstruction cancer surgeon in ahmedabad & tumor treatment in Ahmedabad.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Searching for Best Cancer Hospitals of Ahmedabad, Gujarat is Good Option for you
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Cancer is when cells within our bodies change and expand rapidly and uncontrollably. They may also infiltrate (grow into) other tissues and then spread into other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis.
Cells have to adhere to an exact set of guidelines to keep our bodies in good health. These rules are composed of genes that instruct cells how to develop and reproduce. If a gene is altered the way it functions, it's known as an alteration. The mutations may occur by random events when cells are growing or result of things that are from outside the body, for instance, tobacco smoke's chemicals.
To stop the possibility of a mutation, our bodies have a system known as checkpoints. These will stop cell division when there is damage evident or something is wrong. Checkpoints can cause cells to stop growing and end up dying, or allow the cell to divide.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Looking for head & neck cancer surgeon in Gujarat?
Cancer is a disease that affects our body in many different ways. Often, it begins in cells, then spreads to other parts of the body. This happens because abnormal, rapidly-growing cells called tumors can form in the body's tissues and organs. These cells disrupt the normal functioning of these tissues and organs and can cause symptoms.
Cancer starts in a cell when its DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) or blue prints within the cell nucleus is damaged. These mutations in the cell's DNA "tip" the balance to favor excessive cell growth, which is what causes cancer. The cells can then grow and multiply uncontrollably, invade other tissues, and create tumors.
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aasthaoncologyassociates · 2 years ago
Do you know the best cancer specialist hospital Ahmedabad
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In most cancers, the stage of the cancer will determine how aggressively it needs to be treated. The best cancer specialist in Ahmedabad may recommend radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy to treat the tumor.
There are different stages of cancer treatment, and a care team will determine your stage based on the size, location, and type of tumor. In some cases, your care team will use a biopsy to find out what kind of cells are in the tumor. This information will tell your care team whether the cancer is low, intermediate, or high grade.
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