#once you're convinced that your parents will take care of everything in many ways you've kinda given up your freedom.
snekdood · 1 year
The problem with wealthy families is that the parents can kind of use their money to puppeteer their children, especially if they spend no time teaching them valuable skills like cleaning or cooking, let alone teach them any sort of discipline or problem solving or anything to know how to survive at a job. So in a lot of cases the children are dependent on their parents wants lest they be dropped financially and sent into a world they have literally no idea how to navigate. The dynamic is inherently abusive, and a reason why we need to teach *more* things in school, it honestly shouldn't be assumed that any kid knows anything about taking care of themselves or whatever considering how many abusive households kids are grown up in where their needs aren't met, so they dont even know they deserve better or to know more.
I wouldnt be surprised if most of those right wing christian kids/adults who are from a wealthy family and are super about their family and almost cling on to them in one way or another are a result of this abusive dynamic, in fact, im damn sure theres jesus worshippers who do this to their children since its such an easy avenue for control, probably JW's or something.
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galactiquest · 1 year
I want more Legato x reader soooo can I have headcanons of him and reader having a kid? It’s based on this: https://www.tumblr.com/mediocreanomaly/722565867660034048/baby-fever-with-trigun-boys
Hi there!! I'd LOVE to do a Legato x Reader for you, I especially have a soft spot for kids so I'm excited to do this one.
I'm focusing more on Maximum Legato, since we only catch a glimpse of him in Stampede and don't really get the full story of him in 98, and let's be frank: if you're a fan of Legato it's probably because you read Maximum. Probably.
Legato Bluesummers x Reader: Raising a Kid Together
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Content Warnings: General allusions to Legato's past. If you've read the manga, you know what I'm talking about--but nothing in-depth, more there as an explanation of his overall feelings. Also, implies some sort of "good ending" where people survive. I just like things to be happy...
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Let's get one thing crystal clear: Legato isn't super open to the idea of kids--at first. Much like MediocreAnomaly's "baby fever" headcanon list, Legato's had a hard enough time as it is, and didn't get a childhood himself. Trying to raise a kid when you have no idea how it's supposed to be like? No way. No how.
But if it's you... Well, maybe for you, he could change? I mean, if you've gotten far enough in a relationship that you could even bring up the concept of children... I think he could at least hear you out.
Regardless of how a child for the two of you comes into the world, it's going to be a bit rocky at first.
If it's a natural-born child, he'd definitely be fretting over you over the whole course of it... Reading every book he can to possibly prepare for the day and making sure you're always well cared for.
If you're instead planning for adoption, he's still reading up on everything he needs to know for the age range of the child. Double- and triple-checking paperwork and documents.
Speaking of reading up--you'd probably catch him at least once or twice falling asleep in a chair while trying to read through a book on childcare. Cover him up with a blanket, put the book on the side table, plant a little kiss on his head and assure him that he's going to be a great dad.
He's a worrier at his core, but he tries not to let this weakness show, especially around you, his partner. He's afraid that his worrying will make you worry, because if someone as intimidating and cold as Legato Bluesummers can get worried, then there's no telling what it'd do to you!
With a newborn child, he's afraid to even hold them at first. It takes a lot of convincing. But once you do break through that fear of his, he's completely taken by this little life that's now in your hands to take care of. A little glimmer of hope, that even though he didn't have the best start, this child can. He can be the change he wants to see.
A similar situation would happen with an adopted child, where depending on the age, he'd be a little cagey about spending time with them and taking care of them--he'll be watching you for guidance, seeing the way you take care of your child, mentally writing it down.
Once he gets into the swing of things, he's being the best parent he can possibly be. Not only supporting you as his partner, but also supporting your child and all three of you as a collective family unit. He'd lay down his life for you, and now that same sentiment has been spread to your child.
Though it's taken a long time for the world around you to become (slightly) more peaceful, you both want your kid to be raised in a safe, loving, and peaceful environment, without having to worry about warfare or violence.
He's actually very good at house-chores. Like a little house husband (who would have guessed from his appearance?). It must be something with how the tasks are repetitive and orderly--this gets cleaned, that goes there, etc. etc.
Also cue many cute moments of your child growing and trying to put on Legato's boots or pauldrons. You both hope they'll never have to wear anything like that to intimidate enemies, and maybe just enjoy it for the style (and for reminding them of their dad Legato!).
Speaking of their dad Legato: he didn't feel right being called by a title like dad or father, so he prefers to introduce himself to the child as Legato. It sounds a little strange at first with you trying to encourage the child to say your title of mommy/daddy/insert a preferred title here (if they're at the age when they're just learning words) and Legato just goes with his name, but you might get some babble back like Leggie or Gago. You find this funny. Legato doesn't.
Hey, how about extended family? I think the Gung-Ho Guns would be itching to visit--well, some of them, at least. Elendira, for example, wants to dote on the new child like an auntie. Legato has a variable amount of patience for this, ranging from "leave" to "leave right now". It's up to you, ultimately, to decide who gets to come see the child and who doesn't.
Knives silently approves of the child from the shadows, but might still mutter something about weak little human babies can't even walk or protect themselves. It's up to you, ultimately, to decide how hard Legato slaps him for that.
It's late at night when you come into the living room and see something you'd never thought you'd see. It's Legato and your child, sitting together on one of the chairs, kid in his lap, book propped up in his hands--and they're both fast asleep, just like Legato had done before when he was fretting over all this.
The two are too cute--you can't help but smile as you bring a blanket out and tuck it over the two of them, putting the book on the side table and giving both your child and Legato a kiss.
He really did end up as a great dad.
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End Notes: I really hope you enjoyed this! I don't normally write for Legato like this so this was really my first time. I honestly see Legato as a kid of my own, so this was sort of like writing for a grandchild lol. I think Legato could be a good dad, he's got all the potential in his heart when he has you by his side.
Also, please let me know if the formatting for this looks OK! I wanted breaks after each bullet point for better readability.
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alrawabi-imagines · 2 months
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror Ch.1
Pairing: Step-sister!Hiba x Female!Reader (platonic) 
Word count: 1738
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Hiba had been your step sister for about two months and it was clear that neither of you liked each other. You stayed out of her way but it felt like she purposely went out of her way to make your life hell. The only good thing was that you managed to convince your father not to transfer you to her school,so you weren't stuck with her all the time.
"I hate you so much." Hiba mutters under her breath as she passes you in the hallways, bumping you with her shoulder. You rolled your eyes and walked back to your room. You just wanted to be alone and avoid her as much as possible. Hearing footsteps outside your bedroom door, you prepare yourself for the inevitable knock. You hear someone knock on your door, and as you open it, Hiba is standing there, leaning against the door frame, arms folded.
"I need to talk to you about something." Hiba says, trying to sound polite. But her voice is fake and you get the vibe that she's only saying this so your parents don't get onto her for being rude.
"Like what?"
"Like, I need a favor." She says, her eyes rolling as she says the word 'favor' as if the idea of her asking for anything is beneath her. You sighed 
"And why would I help you?"
"I need to borrow something from you." She says, rolling her eyes as she completely ignored your previous question.But you can tell that she's just trying to act cool. She's clearly nervous about asking you for something. You decided to ask what she wanted before you slammed the door in her face 
"What do you want?" Hiba takes a deep breath. She's not used to having to ask people things and her ego is making this hard on her. 
"I need to borrow one of your outfits."
"You sure? I’m afraid it's not your style,I don't dress like a whore" you fought back for once. "Why do you even think I'd let you?" Her face turns bright red, and she is unable to contain her irritation. She clenches her fists. 
"Just so you know, every guy I’ve met thinks I'm hot and they would never want a prude like you."
"At least I don't put everything I have on display and let the guys think I'm easy. They don't like you they just think you'll sleep with them easier,and I think you already know that"
"Ugh, you're so jealous of me! I've never had to try to get a guy to like me, they just worship me and you're probably just mad that no guy in their right mind would ever find you attractive."
"How many have stayed after they got what they wanted from you? How many really cared about you?"
"I don't care if they left!" She says. 
"That wasn't the point." It's obvious that she's trying to hide the fact that she feels slightly hurt by your comment. You knew the guys didn't care about her,they didn't want to date her, they just wanted to sleep with her. And once they got what they wanted they left and didn't come back. Hiba's ego refuses to admit it, but you know you've gotten to her with that comment. There's a reason why she's so sensitive about the topic of guys treating her like she's just a piece of meat. She's never had a long term relationship and she hates being lonely. So she seeks out any relationship no matter how short it is. You sighed "I'll lend you something but you have to return it in one piece and clean,got it?" She's caught off guard. She was expecting you to tell her to piss off. But she's also grateful that you're willing to loan her something. 
"Yes. Yes, I'll take good care of it. Thank you." She says, her tone slightly less harsh than it was before. You sat on your bed as she looked through your closet. 
"What's this party for?"
"Oh, it's for my friend's birthday. I need something to wear." She says as she finally finds something she likes, a short black dress with a strap tied around one of the shoulders, accentuating the curves of a woman's body. She holds it up to herself to see how it fits her. You remember that dress,you bought about a year ago when you were asked out on a date. Only for you to get ghosted,he left you waiting in the rain and you never told anyone. You shoved that dress far back in the closet and forgot about it until now. As you looked at her you realized how stupid you were for thinking someone would actually want to date you. The dress looked good on her,making you feel even worse. You can't help but feel a sense of envy. Here she is, your step sister who's treated you like garbage for the last several months, and she has no problems attracting boys. Meanwhile, you've been single for the past year and you can't get anyone to pay attention to you. And now you see her trying on the one dress that gave you a glimmer of hope one time, the one time you thought that finally a guy had seen something in you. It's more than you can handle. You turn away, feeling completely worthless.
"Just take that one and leave"
"Really? You're going to let me take that one?" She asks in disbelief. You can tell that she was expecting you to give her something older and boring that nobody would ever want to wear. It didn't cross her mind that you would let her take the one dress that you've been saving specifically for a special occasion.
"Just take it and leave," you said a bit more seriously this time.
"Okay, I'll take it... Thanks." She says. And she quickly leaves your room. You wait till she's gone before allowing yourself to break down in tears. You hate how pathetic you are. You hate that your own step sister doesn't even respect you enough to ask nicely for something. And you hate that she reminded you of the one time someone seemed interested in you and how quickly that fantasy was dashed, confirming the reality that no one would ever desire you. You felt pathetic,You feel like the biggest loser in the whole world as you cry into your pillows. You cry about your lack of friends and about your lack of a boyfriend, about the fact that no guy would ever look your way even if they were paid to do it. You cry about how unfair it is that your stepsister is so much hotter and more popular than you and how she has everything that you will never have. You were up late,sitting in the living room. Eating ice cream as you watch a show. Your eyes were red from tears,you had stopped crying but your eyes were still red. You look completely miserable as you sink down in one of the couches, using your blankets as a makeshift pillow while you watch a cheesy romance movie on TV. Your mood is definitely not helping with your self-pity as you watch the attractive main characters who have absolutely no problems in life falling in love. Just the sight of them kissing caused you to feel even more lonely.
It was around 2 am when Hiba came back,finding you laying there. You didn't bother to look up at her. Your step sister was a bit surprised when she saw you sitting in the living room all by yourself. She figured that you would be sleeping by now, not watching a cheesy romance movie. She didn't ask any questions though and just sat down next to you, settling herself into the couch. You pushed the ice cream to her,still not saying anything. She looked at the ice cream, and then she looked at you. Your eyes were still red from crying and she could tell that you were in a bad mood. She didn't say anything either, simply took the ice cream from you. It was then that she realized that something must have happened to you to make you cry so much. She felt guilty about the way she had treated you ever since she moved in with you and now she felt genuinely concerned for you. You just kept watching the movie,not saying anything. You hoped Hiba wouldn't say anything,you really didn't feel like talking. You were confused as to why she sat down next to you and why she hadn't said anything. After a little while, Hiba noticed that you were still completely silent and she started to rethink her decision to sit down next to you. She thought that maybe it was a bad idea and she should just leave you alone but then she remembered that maybe this is exactly what you needed, someone to be there for you when you were going through a tough time. She decided to stay and watch the movie with you, occasionally throwing a quick glance at you to see if you look like you're feeling any better. Once the movie was over you got up and cleaned up before going to your room,still not saying a word. Hiba watched you as you stood up, not knowing what to say or how to feel about the situation. She thought about following you to your room and making sure that you were okay, but she figured it was probably better to give you some space. So she stayed where she was, still sitting in front of the tv, feeling a mixture of disappointment and concern. The next morning you felt bad,to the point where you had somehow convinced your parents to let you stay home from school. You woke up feeling emotionally and mentally drained. Yesterday's crying had taken its toll on you and you just felt emotionally numb. You had managed to convince your parents to let you stay home from school for a few days and they seemed to sympathize with you. But the truth was that you just needed some time to yourself and you didn't want to have to face your step sister or anyone else for that matter.
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astromaki · 3 years
part 2 of 5000 $ - shoto todoroki x fem!reader (1597 words)
part 1. (previous)
tw ; minors dni, angst, nsfw, toxic relationship, mention of cheating and breakup, shoto is a complete bastard here
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you finally did it.
you broke up with him a week ago. for real this time, not like the last hundred times you'd yelled at him that he was a heartless jerk. just so he could get you into bed the second you calmed down.
no, you threw him in the trash the day after that party. by message, but it was a start.
even your social media status had gone from 'in a relationship' to 'single <3', you'd even reinstalled tinder, and accepted follow requests on instagram from those boys in the same class as you in college.
and shoto seemed to have abandoned you too. no news from him, and you hadn't even run into him on campus in the last few days.
so why did it still hurt to think about him ? why did your lips refuse to say his name ? and why the fuck did your sheets still smell like him despite the many machines ?
so you could tell that you felt a little joy when you saw this message.
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he had sent you this two days ago.
and it's been two days, you've been wondering if it was a good idea to see him again right away.
never mind, you were already at his door. besides, you didn't have to talk to him, just take back what belonged to you and go home. it couldn't go wrong ? right ? it's ridiculous, you even had to convince yourself now.
you knocked, once, twice, three times. you could hear someone inside. and you knew he didn't have a roommate. this rich kid could buy the whole building if he wanted.
fuck. you just had to go in and get your stuff, and it's like you were never there. he wouldn't notice you were there.
you opened the door, and were surprised to see a second pair of shoes at the entrance next to shoto's sneakers. which is more like a pair of rather feminine shoes, pumps.
a strange feeling made you shiver. it wasn't like you to track down your exes, but you don't remember seeing a new girl with shoto on social medias.
slight, imperceptible sighs escaped from his room a little further into the apartment. bed squeaks, that male growl you knew all too well.
fuck. fucking hell.
you knew what it was, you knew what those noises were, who was causing them. why he had asked you to come and get those so-called forgotten things.
and yet you still walked to his room, your brain screaming at you to turn around and stay away from that boy and his unmitigated evil. your heart telling you the opposite, to keep going to find out if he still cared about you. no matter how small, you wanted to know, you had to know, if you ever meant anything to him.
or if you were just a joke, that he could throw a little money around.
"shoto, fuck, yes, right there oh fuc-"
you felt tears welling up in your eyes when you finally saw shoto vulgarly fucking a girl in that room, where you used to spend all your evenings.
but that wasn't the worst part. it was that he had taken your best friend to bed, ochako.
"you're so fucking good, i -" he says in a low voice.
he had already created that crack in your heart. but now ?
his blue and gray eyes finally met yours, his gaze was nothing but arrogance and contempt. the only things he ever felt for you. and even though he was fucking your best friend, busy pacing back and forth, he had the nerve to look you up and down. a smirk lit up his face.
and that asshole finally said the three words he never disdained to say to you.
"i love you ochako," he finally said, looking you straight in the eye. you're the best sex i've ever had. "
his words were spoken clearly, slowly, so that they were articulate for you to hear. a mixture of anger, and sorrow suddenly overtook you
as if you had come back to reality, you suddenly left the room. your steps were disordered, you had lost all your balance, gravity seemed to be slightly stronger. your hands dropped some objects on your way.
what was wrong with you? why?
ochako had finally noticed you after her orgasm, and weakly called out your name, as if begging you to come back would make things better. that he was cheating on you was one thing, but with her ? the one who had pushed you to leave him?
you could hear heavy footsteps following you down the hallway to the front door. and a muscular hand grabbed your wrist to turn you around in one simple motion.
obviously, who else ?
"so you just walk into people's houses without knocking now?"
wow, how did he manage to make you hate him a little more every time he opened his mouth ?
"stop it. don't mess with me. you sent me a message to come in today to get my stuff." your voice was firm.
his face was as haughty as ever, yet he already seemed a little more natural and relaxed than the other times. you would have found it attractive if it wasn't after a romp with your best friend.
"ah, that's right. and so it's okay? you got everything? "
his deceptively kind voice made you want to scream. to take anything and throw it at him. he still had this annoying habit of driving you crazy even after you'd broken up. you wanted to hurt him like he'd been hurting you for months.
but your shaky, broken voice didn't reflect your desires. you were about to cry.
"i don't understand why? why you're being so mean to me. i'm not stupid, shoto, i know that you invited me here today just to see you fuck her."
his face hadn't changed, nor had his eyes. he was glaring at you miserably. as usual.
"i was hoping we could talk if i came to your door so we could maybe work things out, get off to a good start." and it's true, that message he sent you had falsely given you false hope. and you had fallen off the deep end.
a slight sigh escaped his lips. that slight sigh that made the cup overflow.
"why do you care ? we broke up, right ?"he said it in such a carefree tone.
"fuk you shoto. fuck you. you don't even realize how fucking toxic you are! you throw money around to get what you want, you fuck with people and play with their feelings! you're a fucking asshole. and you're a lot like your father for someone who hates him deeply. "
your words of hatred and anger that you had been building up for weeks, for fucking months, poured out on him like a lava flow.
it was mean, it was sincere, and it hurt shoto. it hurt him to see that he had done too much this tim.
his emotionless gaze watched you get angry, cry, push him, hit him, dry your tears that he couldn't tell if they were of melancholy or rage. he saw you push his hand away as he tried desperately to calm you down.
you couldn't see it, too busy screaming and drying your tears, but you managed to wring a sincere expression from shoto.
he was just panicking. he was panicking because he knew he had crossed the point of no return. that not even $5,000 or $10,000 or even $50,000 would bring you back.
his love, full of flaws, who never knew a healthy role model from his parents, would not be enough to make you stay. not to leave him alone.
because we know the cliché, the rich boy who didn't know how to love. didn't even know how to make the one person who always cared about his own selfish self, stay. but that was shoto though. he was that boy who only had toxic love to give.
but please don't leave him for good, he was begging you mentally.
if he had put his pride aside to express himself or even make you understand, maybe you wouldn't have left.
"i hate you shoto todoroki. i fucking hate you. but know that you'll end up alone, you and your stupid money. and i'll be the first to laugh. "
fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck.
" i- y/n just wait- "
he didn't think you'd hate him so much. the young man knew he was just an asshole with a fat bank account. he just thought that by fucking your best friend he'd get you to come back to him, out of desperation, out of a desperate love.
he didn't think he would feel such a pressure on his chest when he saw you slam the door, leaving him alone in the apartment with your best friend and a big hole in his heart.
he didn't think he'd regret his actions. he was a rich guy who always wanted what he wanted, whether it was money or sex. so you were easy. right ?
he never imagined that he would miss your perfume, your exasperating smiles, that he would miss you.
you were barely gone, and he knew he would miss you.
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a/n ; i've never written such a nasty shoto sorry 😟 kinda want to leave this story like this...
please lemme know what you thought about this second part, should i make a third one ? (+ reblogs are appreciated <3)
🔖 taglist; @deepestranchgoopdeputy @kizuatonoaiko
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celestiasophie · 2 years
"Saeran, have you ever wondered why I agreed to be your game tester without much fuss back then?"
They were laying on the couch while sipping lemonade juice all day since it's burning hot out there. Saeran looks up from his phone with a slightly perplexed look on his face. What an unexpected question, he thought. He's always open to talk about the past with her but somehow, he gets a strange feeling that this conversation will take a different course this time.
"Hmm... I always thought it's because you like and trust me from the start?" She smiled faintly at his teasing but the serious glint in her eyes makes him sit up and think about a more appropriate answer to give her.
"To be honest, I'm a bit surprised when you said yes so fast. I thought I'd have to convince you for a while before getting you to agree. But I'm happy since the plan is going smoothly so I never think much of the reason behind it." He said truthfully.
She nodded at his answer without any words. But Saeran knows there's an unspoken thought laying underneath. That faraway look in her eyes says it all. He takes a gentle hold of her hands and places a soft kiss on them, watching as the blush slowly creeps up her cheeks. "But I'd be glad to hear your reasons now if you're willing to share it with me, my love."
She bite her lower lips while avoiding his gaze, contemplating whether it is okay for her to share something that she's been keeping for so long. She silently cursed herself for asking the question in the first place, knowing damn well it would be reflected back at her.
Saeran, who senses the hesitation that flicked in her eyes slowly rubbed the back of her hand to soothe her nerves. "I will never judge you if that's what you're thinking. You never judge my past actions and I promise I will do the same to you."
She nodded at his reassurance and took a deep breath before looking at him once again. "If I said that I just want to be taken care of for once... would you believe me?" She nervously fidgeted with her fingers for a while before continuing.
"I had a big fight with my parents that day and I... got rejected from my dream university. My result is not good enough to get chosen even though I worked so hard for it. I feel like my future shattered into pieces but no one seemed to recognize that. So, I was a bit lost when I was sitting alone at the cafe. And then you came to me, offering a getaway that I desperately needed from all the conflicts in my head..."
He hummed a little while she was recounting her stories, indicating that he was listening to every single word that leaves her mouth.
"You keep saying that I'm your true salvation, but did you know that you're the one who saved me too that day? Sure, it's not all sunshine and rainbows at Mint Eye but in the end... you did save me, Saeran. More than anyone ever did. You..."
You pulled me out of the darkness when others don't even bother to check on me. You're the home I've been searching for years, ever so warm and cozy at the end of my tiring day. You are never the darkness, even as Ray and the angrier you. You've always been the light waiting to be discovered. For me, you are the epitome of love in its purest form. You're the brightest star in my heart, always guiding my way when life makes me tired and exhausted.
You're both my weakness and strength, and I wouldn't change it for anything. There's never a safer place for me other than in your arms. Your unwavering love keeps me alive all this time. You saved me, figuratively and literally. You always did. I... I want to stay by your side forever. I love you. I love you more than the skies and seas and everything in between. Can you feel what I want to tell you, my Saeran?
The hidden, endless words keep spilling out of her head without warning. She didn't even realize she was crying until Saeran's delicate fingertip touched the corner of her eyes and wiped the tears away. There were so many things she wanted to say to him but somehow, the words seemed to be stuck in her throat.
She's never been good at letting her emotion out to anyone. She's so used to putting up the all-is-well face for the public eyes to see. That's why it always caught her off guard whenever Saeran can see right through her deepest emotion without any problem. It's like he's gazing right into her bare soul and the thought makes her feel both relieved and furious simultaneously.
"I know. You love me just as much as I love you. You don't have to say anything, my love. I'm here and I'll always be there for you. We're both free now so nothing's going to hurt us as long as we're together." Saeran murmured against her and gently pulled her tense body in his embrace, rubbing her back with so much care and affection.
She leaned into his touch and let all her senses filled with the love of her life. His warmth, his touch, his scent. Saeran's white shirt always smells like flowers and she always finds it comforting whenever she needs to ground herself. How in the world that she could be so lucky to have a man called Saeran Choi as her lover?
"...You'll stay with me?" She buried herself deeper into his arms. She knew the answer, but she asked him anyways.
"Until the very end." He reciprocates her action, holding her just as close. His answer is always the same every time, and no hesitation can be found in his voice.
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Being Pollys Long Lost Child Would Include: (Part #1)
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Showing up the Small Heath with nothing but a suitcase and a vague idea of where to go
You actually run into your cousins/brother before you even know who they are on the way there
Breaking through their group right down the middle, unaware of who the Peaky Blinders are
A few yell or tease, but you don't care, not when it's this important
Telling Michael to fuck off when he makes a comment about how rude you are, unaware he's actually your brother
Still, you won't let those assholes ruin your big day
Staring down the front door
What does someone say in a situation like this?
Sorry I didn't visit sooner, I never knew you existed? Did you ever give up a child so many years ago looks like you? Do you have any kids?
You barely knocked twice before the door swung open
You weren't sure who to picture. . . . the woman all those people described seemed like a million women. . . Sometimes she was a mastermind, other times a drunk, she could be feared or admired, smart or stupid. . .
Instead all you saw were her big brown eyes and look of distrust
"Are you, uh. . . did you. . . I'm y/n, I think you might be my mother."
The statement comes out stuttered and flunky, but it's strikes her none of the less, leaving her quiet for a moment
Anna was dead, Michael had come home, but they never found her baby
She couldn't let herself get her hopes up, knowing anyone could have set you up to this now that business was growing and so was their list of enemies, but she couldn't deny you if it really was true
Against her own judgement, she let's you in before anyone sees you
She knew she shouldn't have, but when you're sitting there, before her, she can picture all the times you were a baby
How your features matched, though of course that had been a long time ago, maybe she was just making it up to match for her own good
She thought about you every day, about the life you could have lead, the person you would have become, it made her sad, but hopeful, the same way she felt when she thought about Anna
You let her look, and after a while, she spoke up
"What did you say your name was?"
It's not the name her baby had, but you were so young, she figured they could have renamed you the way Michael's parents had
You found yourself telling her everything, talking before you could stop yourself or even realize what you were saying, wanting to unveil something that would convince her you were hers
From your parents, to your siblings, your grades in school and all the detentions you'd gotten, the friends you made and the hobbies you had
You never told anyone about all the times you felt different, strange, like you didn't quite fit in, and yet you were telling a complete stranger all of it and more
It wasn't until you mentioned your baby blanket, the one you'd actually brought with you, did it catch her attention
That was one thing your parents neglected to change
Polly was the one to sew the holes in it, passing it down from your siblings to you, she recognized her own stitching
Suddenly you're in her arms, being called another name
You found her, you found your mother
If Polly could have kept you for herself, she would have, knowing the kind of world you were walking into, the dangers you would face by associating yourself with her
In return, she tells you about your brother and sister, stories about you as a baby, memories coming back before she can stop them
The time your sister dressed you up and pretended you were one of her dolls, when your brother thought he could trade you in for a puppy
Like Michael, you're thrown into the family before you know what's going on
The boys burst through the door, all of them talking at once, interrupting your time together
"What are you doing here?" You question, recognizing Michael
"Me? Who the fuck are you?" The two of you look to your mother and Polly knows, just by your fighting, you're her baby
Being introduced to an army of relatives all at once
Your cousins are welcoming, friendly, the oldest ones laughing, teasing about how chubby you were as a baby
Your attitude towards your brother doesn't change, he's a pain in the ass already, but you'd never had an older sibling before, you figured he wasn't the worst of the worst, right?
Besides, you barely know one another, you hope it'll get better the more you get to know one another
It doesn't take her long to explain the business
You're curious, and observant, two things that work in your favor and against your mothers
You're not naive either
Sure, you didn't grow up with any of this, and though your parents tried to shelter you, you always knew where to find trouble
The way they cling to one another, how the crowds disperse, the mere mention of your family name, the gleam from their caps, this was not the kind of business one would brag about being part of, at least not in the company of others
You weren't stupid
Still, Polly tries to keep you away, at a distance, as do the rest of your family
You're still a kid in their eyes, but you make that pretty hard
It becomes clear what your parents were trying to hide from you, protect you from, but you weren't scared like they were, you were fascinated
It also becomes clear how easy you fit into it all, becoming a shadow to your mother, your brother, anyone who will let you follow and watch until you show them just how much you've learned
This lifestyle was dangerous and addictive, and like the rest of your family, you understand the appeal, much to your mother's dismay
Eventually she lets you in, let's you practice shooting a gun with your brother, go to the bar with your cousins, sit in on family meetings
Her one rule is that you are never, under any circumstances, alone
You take to the lifestyle quite easy despite her fears
The feeling you've always had where you never could quite fit in with your family, your siblings, even the kids around you, it all went away
Being paired up with Finn a lot since you two are the youngest
You don't mind all the time though
He teaches you a lot of tricks with his brothers, the other blinders, ways to get people to listen to what he has to say, share all their secrets
You prove yourself not only worthy of the Gray name, but also your place in the business as well
You don't quite idolize Thomas as much as your brother does, and when you can't bite your tongue any longer, it can get you into trouble
Luckily, your mother is always ready to stick up for you
She catches herself calling you by the name she gave you, and though you're not quite ready to take it, you know she means well
"Fuck off, Michael."
"I'm telling mum you said that."
Fighting with your brother becomes normal, not all out of hatred anymore, but a constant, dull annoyance
You begin to find your place here, in the job, the family, everything
Part of you hates to admit that you don't miss who you used to be, who you thought you were going to be
Your parents knew you were smart, but they always assumed you'd live a life like theirs, one of safety, predictability, a life that was boring
Here, you had a life of excitement, danger, one that kept you on your toes, where moving up in the world was something to work towards, not just dream of
Polly knew what you were leaving behind, and she wouldn't have stopped you or blamed you if you decided to turn back, but it was the happiest day of her life when you knocked on that door
You were giving her the second chance she always wanted
Your parents, on the other hand, are anything but happy
You call home a few times, assuring them you miss them, you're thinking of them, you might visit, and that you're happier than ever, but your parents know something is up
Word spreads quick in a small place like yours
Rumor spread you'd run off with a secret partner, skipped town after getting into trouble again, joined the circus
The more time that passed, the crazier they became
But your parents knew
They should have suspected you were lying from the beginning, that you were after the one thing you' d always asked about, that you figured out all along what they'd kept secret. . . . .
Now they regretted not seeing it before
It takes a little while for them to figure out where you went, where Polly ended up, but they found you again, and they were coming to bring you home once and for all
A/N: Ahhh okay I know I kinda left it on a cliffhanger!!! I hope this part was as good as the first!!! There might be a third idk yet :P
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ikassienatics · 4 years
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐥 ↬ 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩.
summary: half the population survived the blip and that includes peter your boyfriend, while the other half was erased from existence just like you. five years later, the snap was reversed but the world you once lived in changes
warnings: angst but not really, mj being a really cool bad bitch, life lessons from michelle jones, peter moving on, endgame spoilers? but i know you've seen the masterpiece already, mj cursing a lot like a lot.
author’s note: y’all it’s been soo long since i wrote something and this idea popped inside my mind while watching infinity war for the hundredth time, and i just can’t help myself!!!! though to warn y’all, i’m actually not that proud with the outcome of this one, it felt like something is not right, like something is missing or whatnot. and if there’s probably a fic i wrote in which i disliked, this will be it.
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a handsome god trying to invade new york is bullshit, a malfunctioned artifical intelligence trying to take over the world is too much. but a purple alien named thanos erasing half the population in your planet is full of shit. the world is a crazy place indeed, you thought you guys have enough, that everything is being handled with care, for fuck’s sake earth has avengers. but turns out, even the earth’s mightiest heroes can’t stop nor survive the snap.
everything happened so fast, one second every student in your university is standing happily inside the gymnasium as they awaited the announcement about the upcoming ball, then the speaker suddenly turned into dust, she fades away like she was nothing, like a bubble, turned into ash. then everyone panicked including you, you just saw a person turned into dust before your eyes, of course you will panic
then you stood up from your seat, taking your boyfriend peter with you as you both decided to run for the exit, then it happened to everyone too. they also started turning dust
then it was your turn.
you didn't really know how it was your turn, you just sensed it that you will fade away just like them, so you did what common teenagers would do. you clung in your boyfriend once you felt the tingling sensation inside your body. it was a scary feeling, and for some reasons the numb pain started fading away, like it find some way to connect with your brain to tell it that there's nothing wrong when technically, everything is wrong. like it was convincing your mind that you don't feel anything. you have never been scared like that before
peter was by your side when that happened, holding you tightly on his arms as if he's trying to stop you from leaving. but nothing stopped the snap, no one manage to stop the blip. not even the earth's mightiest heroes.
and now you're back, sitting alone on the bench with no peter by your side, you stood up from the bench seeing mj looking at her hands weirdly, only half the students inside the gym remains and the speaker on the front, the other half? your peter? they're not here.
rushing towards the tan lady, you approach her with your hear beating faster "mj!" she look up from her hands, eyebrows furrowed and seemingly as confuse as you are
"y/n?" she stood up before you can even reach her sit "what the fuck just happened?" she look around as well, everyone started reaching for their devices, calling their family to make sure they're safe and okay, some even rush towards the exit while some started crying
"i have no idea." you pursed your lips, you and mj are never close. you always get insecure because of the tall girl, thinking that she may have a thing for peter but she always assure you that she don't date boys, she prefer girls. so standing in front of her, let alone talking to her is still awkward for you, but there's no time for that
"did you just came back as well?" she asked you, reaching for her bag and hanging it around her shoulder, you nodded your head "i was actually wondering where peter was. . ." your eyes widen, she might think you don't care about anything but peter, or maybe she will think your ignorant because even after what happened, even if there's a lot to be concern about, you still ask for your boyfriend first "i mean, everyone, i was wondering where half of the students are."
"yeah, me neither." she grabbed her phone from inside her bag, planning to text her parents just like everybody else when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the date on her lockscreen "oh shit!"
your eyes widen "what? what is it?" even though you two were never close and you felt like overstepping a line, putting your nose in her business. you can't help but get curioused because of the expression written all over her face
"what the fuck is this." she showed you her phone and there you saw a 2023 instead of 2019, your eyes also widen in realization reaching for your phone as well and seeing the same thing in your lock screen, you even saw a couple of text and calls from your parents and friends five years ago
five years ago
what the fuck
you licked your lips, about to call your mom when you heard someone speak from behind you and mj "y/n?" the voice is familiar, turning on your heels, you came in contact with a person no other than ned leeds, one of peter's friends.
mj also turn her head making ned switch his eyes from you to her "mj?" he asks, still can't believe what he's seeing. ned changes a lot even after just five minutes, he grew a beard, his hair looks so fresh from hair cut and his body is more lean than before, he looks older. weird
"ned! oh my god." you run towards him, jumping in his arms and hugging him tightly, he did the same closing his eyes in the process and praying that this is not a dream, not anymore, no. this has to be real, everyone has to come back, this has to be the reality.
"hey, man!" mj nodded her head at the man in front fo you, he still looks confuse but not as confuse as the pair "what happened here?"
his eyebrows furrowed "you don't know?" the way he said those words made your heart clench, what really is happening? and where's peter? if ned is here, then peter must be somewhere near, knowing that guy. him and ned are usually always together, even in your dates ned has to tag along, not that you mind. you enjoyed it most of the time
"what? what do you mean?" you look back at mj "we just came back, what happened? why do you look older? did you just came back as well?" you bombared him with question
he shakes his head "no, half of the population survived." your eyes widen, then if half the population survived, does that mean peter survive as well? or maye he's also part of the snap? but where is he. you look back at your seat not long ago, expecting your partner to pop our of nowhere. but there's none, no peter.
"while the other half fade away?" mj continued or more like, asked.
"y-yeah." he nodded "it's been five years." so that's why it's year 2023 and not 2019? but how, how could it happened? why? who did this? you can't help bur ask yourself
"yeah, that answers our question." the curly brunette beside you spoke, referring to what you both just witness a while ago. biting your lip, you fidget with your fingers as you find the right time to ask him a question
"what are you doing here if it's been five years?" you questioned
"i helped my cousin get enrolled, then everyone just. . . just started to come back and i think of going here to see if both of you came back as well." he answers softly
you slightly smiled at him "w-where's. . . where's peter?" you saw how ned's body froze, how almost all the blood in his face dissapeared by your question, like he's suddenly afraid of something. his happy and chill personality faded just like the snap
"p-peter? y-yeah uhm." he clears his throat, you look down on his fingers and unexpectedly saw a ring in one of them
"you're married?" both you and mj said in unison, he look down on his hands as well before nodding
"yeah, betty and i you know. we made it work, aftee graduating i decided to take our relationship in another level." his eyes sparkles with joy as he tells you the news "she's. she's actually pregnant, two months."
"congratulations." you and mj both said
"and peter, uhm. he now lives in, he no longer lives with aunt may and he also. . . he's not an avenger anymore." you saw how ned had a hard time on telling you what he knows, the ned you knew not long ago is gone, ned usually knows how to compose himself immideately and maybe that's one of the reasons why him and peter fits each other perfectly, your boyfriend is an akward person, a weird one and he always stumble upon his words, while ned is more composed and often helped him.
"wait, what?" michelle gasp
while you stayed still, confusion erupts in your mind. how did it happened? why did peter left the avengers? he always love helping people, finding comfort in swinging around queens and fighting for those who cannot fight, and being an avenger? it's his dream, so why would he turn his back on a life he always wanted to have?
at this moment, you felt like you never knew peter anymore, or ned, he changes so much and you wish peter is still the same after five years even though you know it's impossible, many things can happen in those years, many things can change.
"yeah, after. you know, he got anxiety after the blip, he really had a hard time with keeping up so, uhm. yeah."
"wait, i don't understand a single thing." mj speak once again, trying to make the situation clear
you saw how ned gulped, as if he's about to spill the biggest tea there is "he just, shit happens. you know? and people change, how they see life, their perspective and peter. well, peter. he, he change. he's grown up now."
"like, how grown up?" did he move on?
"i can't tell you that, i'm sorry but he lives in." then he started tellng you the adress which you gladly wrote down on your phone with shaking fingers, imagining how peter would seeing you after five years, would he be happy, sad? or maybe he moved on?
god you don't want to think about it, peter moving on from his relationship with you? can that really happen? can peter really do that to you? no, no. peter won't do that, maybe ned is right. he changed but he's still peter, you refuse to believe that peter forgot about you, that he replaced you after being a part of the blip, because if tables have turned? if peter is the one who has been snapped and you're the one who survived? you don't think you can forget him or move on.
the trio was about to continue keeping up, but ned's phone started to ring and you saw a picture of a woman on the screen "sorry, wife calling." he turn his back on you quickly answering the phone while you and mj just nodded your head, giving him a chance to answer the line
"i always knew peter is a freak." she whispered beside you, trying to make the mood better as she started to see the doubt in your eyes "but a grown man? come on, just because he grow up and finally became a man doesn't mean he has to forget stuffs, you know?"
you slightly smile at her, nodding your head in agreement "you're right."
"anyways, i got to call my dad. you call your family too, they must be worried and confused. all this shit is probably all overt the news by now."
two days passed after you came back from the blip, everything you thought you knew? gone. it's like you never existed in the first place and you had a hard time keeping up, keeping up with the world you once knew. your parents on the other hand, they are more understanding than ever, letting you stay lock up in your room so you can think but occasionally asking you if you want to go on a family vacation but you told them you have to fix yourself first. your parents reaction when you came back is priceless especially your mom, she almost didn't want to let you go after embracing you if it weren't for your dad and you saw the longing in their eyes.
of course, their only daughter went missing five years ago then came back as if nothing happened.
you tried to read as many newspaper as you could, news from the last five years, trying to blend in once again. you felt sick thinking about the new society you are now stepping on. but even after those things, you have mj with you and you two became close, facetime here, facetime there. helping each other stood back up from their feet.
two days later, that's when you decided to visit peter, two days of dreaming about the guy, imagining what his reaction would be if you showed up in his door step, and a part of you wished you didn't came back after what you saw, after what you learned.
the house that ned told you was huge, it's white and there's a mailbox standing outside with a name 'parker' in it, it's more like a family house, a car on the garage and a small bike right beside it, a small bike? why does peter have a small bike on his house?
and if you weren't that stupid, you're going to be able to put the pieces together, the bike, the house, the mailbox, ned seeming like he's nervous about something. it all made sense especially when you knock on the door and it was opened by the one and only liz allen. the small bump on her stomach also didn't go unnoticable by you, and the small boy running around from the inside looking like you're boyfriend? yeah, fuck. you get it. he moved on, what else can you do?
nonetheless, she invited you in and you could have said no, but you didn't. there's a lot of question you want to ask peter, why? and how? but you're not going to blame him because of the decision he made. you fully understand it, that maybe his feelings for liz didn't really fade away just like he told you when you two started dating, or maybe he forgot about you. five years is a long road
and that's how you saw yourself inside the kitchen with peter sitting in front of you, the house smelled like home, like love, like family. his family, her family. liz was upstairs trying to give the both of you a time to talk while their son went out to play with some kids outside.
"you're married?" you asked, although it's obvious. you still want it to come out from his mouth. your voice came out like a whisper but you know he heard it, he only nodded his head in response, not knowing what else to say.
"you left me for her." you said once again
and that's when he spoke back "i didn't left you, you left me." his voice is deeper than before, more manly and he didn't stumble upon his words just like before, he looks like be know exactly what he's doing, what he's saying.
he's not the peter you once knew anymore, just like everybody else.
"are you blaming me for what happened?" you whispered shouted, not wanting liz to hear your conversation even though you know that peter will tell her later once you got out
"i'm not blaming anything on you, i'm just trying to explain that i'm not the one who fades away to dust, who left me with nothing for five years. what do you expect me to do?"
"i expect you to wait for me, i came back didn't i?" you saw how your vision started to get blurry, telling you that any time soon a tears will fell from your eyes.
"i waited for you but i lose hope."
"how could you do this to me?" and that's when a single tear drop from your eyes, then another. but you didn't do anything to stop it
"how could i? can you put yourself in my position for once? i was left with nothing for the past five years! i have nothing, tony was a part of the snap, may and i fell apart because all this shit! and liz? she's just, she's there with me. she stood by my side during those times and neither of us can't help it." and if your heart broke after finding out that peter moved on, now it's being shredded to pieces especially after what he just told you
"you find comfort in another woman."
"don't pretend like you will do this differently if i were the one who got snapped." you drop your palms on the table causing it to make a loud thump
"don't you there turn the tables, because if i were the one who survived and you're the one who does not. i will still wait for you no matter how fucked up everything is." you said angrily "did you ever loved me? or did you just used me to get over her? to make her jealous?"
"don't fucking change the subject." that's the first time he ever cursed in front of you, in those eight months of you two dating, no matter the situation, he never cursed or yell at you. yeah you fight often times but it didn't come this far, no yelling, no cursing, just a calm fight.
you wanted to be selfish, to steal peter away from liz just like how she teal him away from you. but you couldn't, you can't even think about it. you don't want to be the person, the woman who stole their dad away from them, you don't want their child to grew up without a dad, to grew up longing for a father.
"look, i know it's hard but believe me or not. i loved you." he said softly this time "but i have a family now, a family to take care of, a children to look after and none of this can bring back the past, none of this can bring both of us together just like before. you have to understand the situation that none of this is inevitable, maybe we're not meant for each other, maybe this is meant to happened, what matters right now is you're back and i have the family i always wanted, maybe not with you. but i'm happy now."
he held your hands from the table, soothing it gently to calm you down "i loved you, and i still do until now but not as much as i love her."
"you don't know how many men will kill just to be with you, you deserve beter and i wish you all the happiness in this world." he added, you look down on his hands, biting your shaking lips as you refuse to believe everything he told you
everything is just too much, it happened so fast. that your brain could not even keep up, but you have to accept the truth, the truth that the both of you are no longer the couple you were used to be. that he moved on and you must do the same
you lay down, facing the ceiling before sighing. even after two weeks, fourteen days, even after all those minutes passed you can't seem to get used to the world you were in right now. you're starting to drift away from your parents, not liking to go out and instead you prefer to self isolate yourself inside your room. but no one can blame you for your actions, it's hard. keeping up with everything, it's hard facing complicated things like this especially because peter is not by your side unlike before.
and for once, you just wanted to. . . you just want everything to stop for a while. everything, just. just to give you time to understand
if only it weren't for the snap, or what everyone prefer to call that 'thing'. if it weren't for that, then maybe you already graduated by now, maybe you're the one who's married with peter instead of liz. maybe
"i thought that if i acted like it didn't matter. it wouldn't." you said, eyes still focused on the ceiling as you tried to think about everything that had happened in the past ever since you came back from the ash
mj, who's quietly reading a book on the sofa inside your room decided to join you in your comfy bed, laying beside you and facing the white and boring ceiling as well. unlike you, mj asked for help. she started seeing a therapist to help her get better and to guide her in this journey where she's trying to fit in once again.
but you? you prefer to be alone no matter how many times your parents tried to talk to you or asked you if you need help, even if they kept their arms open for you, even if every person who survived the snap kept their arms wide open for those who didn't. you can't bring yourself to do it, to ask for help like mj. unlike you, mj handled all the problems like a champion, you never see any discomfort in her eyes ever since you came back. yeah maybe the first day, you saw how scared she was but now? she's getting better while you felt like you're getting worse.
you drift away from your parents, never answered or check your phone, you completely shut down peter and liz no matter how many times they tried to invite you like when their son celebrated his birth day. but you see yourself getting closer to mj
which is. weird
you never see it coming,
you never see any of this coming.
"it's okay not to be okay, you know?" she mumbled from beside you. closing her book and fixing her eyeglasses
"shit happens, we get sad, stress, depress, you name it. and that's okay, that's normal. everybody felt that too." she added
from the ceiling, you turn your body to face her before asking her a question "how did you do it?" she seemed taken a back but manages to compose herself right away
putting her other hands behind her head, she licked her lips before answering your question "how did i do it? i didn't do no such thing." it was a whisper, but because of the silence evaporating inside your room you manage to hear every letter that came out of her mouth
"i was scared, afraid after all this shit you know? and it made me think that feeling those things, that self isolating myself or being sad or what the fuck will not make anything better." she told you "like, if i cry in my room because i felt left out, will that make anything better? no right? if i stay in my room and get so emotional, will that bring back the past? will the pain bring back everything? no, that's why instead of being like the others, instead of following what i feel, instead of letting my fear take over. i just told them to fuck off, i go out, tried understanding the world more, have fun, be with my loved ones, forget the fact that i became an ash. because no matter how sad you feel, or how depress you've become. the world will not stop spinning for you, and because of that. might as well as spin with the world, you know what i'm saying?"
from her laying position, mj sat up completely facing you and holding your hand in hers "i know you're having a hard time, we all are. but don't forget that you're not alone in this. you don't have to be, you don't have to face all this shit alone because i'm here for you, your parents, your friends, peter. maybe not in the way you want him to be, but all of us will be here for you." she said sincerely
"i know it's tough, and it's probably much more harder in your case because of peter. but things aren't always going to be there, you know? nothing is permanent. i can't be sitting here with you forever because i have to go home or else my dad will probably burst out." you laughed at her humor "but i'm serious, sometimes everything is not meant to be that way. and i think that's what makes life special, nothing is permanent, because of that life teaches us how to cherish every moment."
"avengers fought with their dying breath just to give us a second chance, and i'm glad they did. we were all given a second chance to live in this world and i don't want to waste that."
that's when you realized how lucky you are, she's right. you were given a second chance, a second chance to live, to be happy. avengers bled for this, for all of you to return. you should live your life to the fullest, and that's what you're about to do
peter is one of the best things that ever happened to you, maybe he's not with you until the end but at least you manage to be with him and to feel the love from spiderman in the past.
maybe in some other life, in a distant universe, in an unknown world, in a small city, you and peter have your little love story going on, and you both are living there your happily ever after.
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disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. the author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where Dabi Gets Involved With Overhaul’s Girl, Part Sixteen.
Edited: 2-26-2021
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"You're with child. You've got a baby growing in there. Our baby."
When Kai says the words to you, you're still in complete shock. A baby. A literal baby was growing inside you. You couldn't imagine going through the horrors of childbirth, you couldn't imagine pushing a baby through your vaginal canal. With Kai and all his health rules, no doubt that baby would come out a whole ten pounds.
Would you even be a good mother? Your own mother abandoned you and your sister with your grandfather. She callously tossed you both to the side without care all because your father died. Your mind flashes to Eri, your mind flashes to the deep maternal feelings and protectiveness you feel over Eri. No, you would be a good mother. You would be a great mother, one who protected her child no matter the circumstance.
You put your hand to your stomach, on top of the one Kai held there. You would be a great mother, and you would protect this child, your child, no matter the circumstance. That brought you back to reality. This wasn't Kai's child, this was your child. You weren't sure if this baby was even Kai's or Dabi's, but it didn't matter. You would raise this baby as your own, and you weren't going to let Kai influence or touch them. No, you were going to be long gone before this baby even came out. You, Eri, and this baby, even if it killed you to do it.
"It's going to be different now. I meant what I said, I want you to genuinely love me. I'm gonna be nicer."
Kai moves his hand up from your stomach and touches your cheek lightly, he brings his other hand up and cups your cheeks as tenderly and carefully as he can. He holds your face in his hands as if your glass, and it just makes you sick to your bones. He wasn't like this weeks ago, why would he change now? He was merciless, he beat you, he hurt you, why would he suddenly change now?
"I'm gonna be nicer, gentler."
I can't believe you. I can't believe you'd change like that. Not so suddenly, not so quickly.
"It'll be so different. I won't let you be hurt, I won't hurt you. I'm gonna make it so you're nice and safe from everything."
I can't believe you. I can't believe you'd change like that, now when I've got this baby inside me.
"We're having a baby."
You have to force the words out of your mouth. It takes everything in you to smile at him. Putting your hands on Kai's hands that cup your cheeks takes every bit and every ounce of strength in your body. You have to make him believe you. You have to convince him.
"We're gonna be parents."
"You're gonna be such a great mother."
"You're gonna be a great dad."
You feel nauseated saying it, but you say it so convincingly, so utterly slick and lovingly he must have bought it. Kai withdrawals his hands from your cheeks and turns around with a small smile on his face as he rummages through the medical equipment.
"We should do an ultrasound to determine the due date. I already know when the due date will be, but I just want to make sure the baby growth will be on track."
Your stomach churned at his words. You knew there was no possible way he would know whether or not Dabi was the real father, let alone that there was another father in question. You had slept with Dabi within a week of sleeping with Kai, the time frame between them both was too short, and the due date wouldn't look suspicious. While the thought of that floating in your head made you anxious, that wasn't why your stomach was churning. Just the idea of having an ultrasound, the idea of letting Kai think he could be in this baby's life, letting him think you were creating a happy family with him, filled you with guilt.
He hurt you, you shouldn't feel such guilt. He hurt you physically, seeking the comfort in another and cheating wasn't nearly as bad as what he did. Yet, seeing him with such a smile, excited at the prospect of having a child with you, filled you with sorrow. Seeing him tell you how things were going to be different, promises you weren't sure he'd keep, promises he'd change, filled you with such sorrow and guilt.
Kai took a machine and wheeled it over to you. It was tall with an old boxy-looking computer screen on top of it. It had a thick cord running out of it, and that cord was attached to a circle remote-like nozzle, a remote control wand.
"This is a sonogram machine. I'll put this gel on your stomach, then I'll roll the transducer over it. It'll pop your ultrasound up on the monitor."
Despite your nervousness and churning stomach, you didn't show what you were feeling. The stakes were too high now. You had to convince Kai how submissive you were, you had to show him that you loved him devotedly. Showing no hesitance, you pulled your shirt up to your bra line, giving Kai complete access to your stomach with a smile on your face.
Your lack of hesitance only seemed to put more glee in Kai's body. With his lips tipped in an upward position, Kai pulled a new clean pair of medical gloves on and grabbed an alcohol wipe. He ripped it open and carefully swiped it across your stomach, with such precision and careful immaculation. He treated your stomach with such fragility, as if had he touched too hard you might break open into two. After he trashed the wipe he grabbed the gel bottle off of the sonogram machine.
"This is gonna be cold, don't get scared or startled, alright? Having an accelerated heart rate is bad for our baby."
He took the cap of the gel bottle and squirted the gel over your stomach in a back and forth motion. He put the cap back on the bottle and placed it on the edge of the sonogram machine before he grabbed the circle wand-like remote. He moved the tip of it across your stomach in a circle, spiral motion.
You both looked over at the machine as Kai moved the wand around. It looked like a regular ultrasound, you had seen one when your mother was pregnant with Eri. Rather than a white baby being inside the black circle which was your womb, it was a tiny white dot the size of a bean. You knew that you wouldn't see a whole baby until later, around the twenty-second-week mark of your pregnancy, but even seeing the tiny bean was surreal.
"She, he- They're so small."
"Mm, our precious little peanut. We won't be able to do another ultrasound until around your second trimester. Doing too many ultrasounds can mess with the baby, our baby."
"Can we print some pictures, I wanna keep some. You know, so we can give some to my grandfather once you restore him back to good health, and our child will be able to look at it them once they're older."
Your words come out so convincing, cunningly convincing. You weren't even sure if Kai was ever going to restore your grandfather to good health, not when it allowed him to run around leading the Yakuza. The lie is a perfect coverup for the real reason you wanted pictures, so Dabi could have one. He deserved to have the sonogram of his possible future child.
"Of course, we'll have a bunch printed out. I'll have to get some pregnancy books for you. Now that you're carrying you'll have to change your diet and we'll need to put restrictions on when you're awake and what you do. It's important you get a moderate amount of sleep and exercise."
Kai took his gloves off and discarded them before he placed them upon your face. He cupped your cheeks just as delicately as he had handled your stomach, with such careful touches. He lightly pressed his lips onto yours and slid one hand down to your right hand as he pulled away. He pressed a quick kiss against your knuckles before dropping your hand. Kai grabbed a towel to his left and used it to clean the gel off your stomach, then he discarded the towel and grabbed your hand again with the fondest of smiles rested on his face.
"You'll marry me, won't you? I want our baby raised right, both parents in a loving marriage."
You had a feeling that regardless of your opinion and answer, you'd end up with his ring on your hand. Willingly or not. You muster up the best smile you can and give his hand a tight squeeze.
"Yes. We're gonna be such good parents."
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127-mile · 4 years
Une seconde avant noël.
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Pairing: Lee Ten x reader.
Genre: Christmas, exes, fake dating, feelings realization / Fluff, angst.
Warnings: Vulgar language, alcohol consumption.
Word count: +5.2k.
Prompt chosen: It’s Christmas Eve. It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people that we always hoped we would be.
Plot: What an idea to break up before Christmas, Ten thinks, as he announces to his mother that yes, you will indeed be present at the annual party organized for Christmas Eve.
A/N: This is part of the Walking in a winter wonderland collab hosted by @suh-insane​ and @neocitybynight​.
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"Do you always have to be in my way? Fuck Ten, be careful where you are going!" you growl, looking at the content of the box strewn on the floor. You have a ton of work to finish if you want to have a meal break, and Ten really is not making it easy for you. "You piss me off." you mumble as you kneel to retrieve the glitter bloxes, and sigh in exasperation when you notice of them opened. You'll find glitter everywhere for a month at this point. Who is stupid enough to think of glitter as a passable Christmas present for a child, you think, rolling your eyes.
"Can't you be polite? We have customers, damn it!" you turn your face to Ten who looks at you as if you caused the accident yourself when this idiot was hunched over his phone at the time of the impact. "And you, can't you at least pretend to work instead of checking how many sluts you'll be able to bring in your dingy apartment this weekend?" you stuff the glitters into the box while huffing, you can't take any more. If you didn't need the money so much, you would quit your job this instant.
Ten's chuckle is enough to make you angry once again. You can not stand hearing him and his stupid laugh anymore, and if you looked up at him, you would see his annoying little smile. "Are you jealous?" he asks, and you bite your lip so as not to laugh. They are causing enough commotion in the middle of the store, you do not need your boss to come and see what's going on. "Jealous? But why would I be jealous, Ten. You really need to take the time to think and calm your fucking ego, it's not good for you."
"I'm not saying you are jealous, I'm just saying that worrying about who I can bring back to my apartment is suspicious." you look at him, shaking your head. God damn his face would be beautiful with your fist pressed against. "You're so full of yourself Ten. I don't care what garbage you take home, all I want is for you to get down to work, before if you haven't noticed yet, it is almost Christmas and the store is full of customers."
"Garbage?" he asks, tilting his head, and you turn on your heels. "As far as I know, I took you back to my apartment at one point." it is too much for you. You leave the arts and crafts section, and you put the box at the feet of one of your colleagues who looks at you, incredulous. "I'm going to be sick, can you take care of it." you are not sick, but if you stay with Ten for a minute longer, you will eventually be.
You ignore a client who ask you about an interactive teddy bear they sac on TV, and you know it's wrong, but you have no choice, or you'll end up spitting your venom on a poor innocent person who wants nothing more than to please someone for Christmas. You push the door to the break room, and you walk to the bathroom. As you thought, it's empty. The boss doesn't allow anyone to go while they are working.
You push the door open, and you sit on the closed toilet. It is not the cleanest place, but it is the only place where you'll have time to think, and where you can calm your sudden urges for murder. It's sad to see where the relationship between you and Ten is. It was not always like that. There was a time when you weren't insulting each other at any opportunity, when you could smile at each other without wanting to throw up. There was a time when you were in love, and convinced that you would spend the rest of your life together.
You tense when you hear the door open, and you remain silent, pressing your hand against your mouth, as if it would help you go unnoticed when your feet are visible under the door gap. "Y/n?" of course, there is only Ten to follow you to the toilet. He approaches the door and you see by his movements that he sits on the floor. You grimace, because you do not know how long the cleaning person has stopped washing the once white tiles.
"Ten, it's disgusting on the floor." you mumble, and hear him sigh. "What do you want? What's important enough for you to follow me into the bathroom?" you ask in a voice barely above a whisper. "I am sorry." he says, and you shake your head. This is not the first time you've found yourselves apologizing to each other after a little quarrel in the middle of the store, and you know it won't be the last time either.
"We only have one week left before Christmas, after that we won't have to see each other as much anymore. Can't we make an effort to ignore each other?" your voice is so weak, Ten feels his heart skip a beat. He never wanted the situation between the two of you to become so chaotic. He wanted nothing more than to be happy. Be happy with you.
"But- but I don't want to ignore you." Ten answers, and you get up to open the door. The boy almost rocks forward, since his forehead was pressed against the door. "Ten, you need to learn about the existence of germs on the bathrooms." he smiles weakly, and he stands up too, dusting his uniform pants. "What do you propose?" you ask, cocking your head.
"We're burying the hatchet." Ten crosses his arms against his chest, and you sigh. "Ten, we've already tried dozens of times since we broke up, and it always comes back to the same scenario. It's useless."
For the first time since they broke up, you do not pull back when he puts his hand on your arm. "But we can try. For real this time. We were friends before we were a couple, maybe we can be again?" there is so much hope in his voice, and in his eyes, that you can't afford to deny him anything. "We can try." you finally say, and Ten's smile is so bright that you could almost be blinded.
"Perfect! So will you come with me to the party my parents are hosting for Christmas Eve?" he asks, and this time, you pull back at his touch, and you clench your fist to punch him in the shoulder. He whines loudly and you refrain from not doing it again. "You asshole! Why are you doing this to me?" Every year, the Lee family host a Christmas Eve party. It's always lavish, with beautiful decorations, and exquisite food. You loved spending Christmas Eve with Ten's family. So reminding you that you will not be attending this year hurts.
"But I'm serious!" he explains by rubbing his shoulder. He takes a step back to make sure he doesn't get another hit, he knows you all too well. "You are invited." you frown as you dig your hands into the pockets of your pants. "We are not together anymore, why would you parents invite me?" for a moment Ten looks embarrassed, and he is unable to meet your gaze. "Ten, what are you hiding from me?" he hops from one foot to the other, and you are ready to ask him if he feels like pissing when he opens his mouth to explain. "It may well be that I didn't tell my parents we broke up."
"But why Ten? You told me you did! It's been months now." the fact that he is embarrassed is at least a good thing, he is still human. "I was going to do it, I promise, but my mom started talking about the party, and hse said she missed you and really can't wait to see you. You know how much my mom adores you, I didn't want to break her heart!"
It's really mean to include his mother and her love for you in the story, because he knows you considered Ten's mother like your own when you first met her. "I'll tell them everything after the holidays, I promise! If you come, I'll never ask you anything again, and I'll disappear if that's what you want."
"I hate you, Ten." even though it's a phrase he doesn't like to hear, he knows you do not mean it. At least that's what he hopes, because he doesn't know what he would do if you really hated him. "So?" he asks in a whisper, and you roll your eyes. "I'll come, but this will be the last time I do anything for you. Anything, do you hear me?"
He nods, and he smiles once more. "Good, very good! We'll take my car, and I won't carge you for your share of the gasoline, don't worry." he is so excited that you start to feel the excitement too, but you do not show him, no. You walk to the bathroom door, it's time for you to get back to work, but before you leave, you turn to Ten. "I need my day tomorrow, so I'll let you tell the boss you're going to use your day off to replace me."
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The following week is the calmest week you've had since breaking up with Ten. You meet in the store, but you ignore each other. Well, you ignore him every time he tries to talk to you, it's much better than insulting him until he resigns himself to being silent. And when Christmas Eve comes, you wonder if you really made the right decision by agreeing to follow Ten. And pretend to be his partner again.
You wait outside your apartment for Ten to arrive, your hands in the pockets of your coat, and your face niched in your scarf. The cold wind is whipping your face, and the snow have started to fall on the city which is festive with the fairy lights, the decorated trees in the streets, and the laughter of the locas who are eager to come home and celebrate Christmas Eve.
Thanks to Ten, you were able to get out of work early, and also, you won't be spending Christmas on your own. That's the only positive things you can find in this strange situation. Even your friends have told you to text Ten and cancel, they all think it's bad, and they think it will do them more harm than good. And you understand them, you too wonder what will happen after the party is over, once you have to go back to your routine without each other.
But that's life, and sometimes you have to make sacrifices to avoid hurting the people you love, you think with a sigh.
When you feel ready to freeze in place, Ten's car pulls up in front of you, and you huff. Finally. He gets out of the car, and he opens the door. Seeing him do that make you roll your eyes. "I can open a door." you mumble, and when he lifts his big shining eyes, you sigh. "You'll catch a cold, Tennie." he shakes his head, and you get in the car.
You feel a weight being lifted from your shoulder as your warm up, and Ten watches you, smiling when you take off your gloves. "You want a photo, it'll last longer." you say, and he shrugs. "I'm just glad to see you." yeah, you don't believe that lie, he must already be playing his part not to be caught off guard in front of his parents.
Ten starts the engine, and begins to drive out of town. "I had my mom on the phone earlier, she is excited to see you, and so is my dad." you hum. "Me too, I really missed them." Ten's lower lip juts out, and you avoid looking at him, he knows you are weak when he acts like that. But not tonight, no. "Ten, don't forget your promise. We can't do this at every family reunion, you know that, it'll only hurt more every time.
"Yes I know, and I will, I promised, didn't I?" you nod, and you turn your head towards the window. You watch the landscape gently getting cover by a thin layer of white snow as you approach the countryside. You love the city, yes, but you would love to be able to land in the countryside, and have a simple life, far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
The rest of the road is silent, and you slowly fall asleep, you head against the window, rocked by the vibrations. It's Ten's hand on your shoulder that wakes you up. He is out in the car, and you notice that it is now dark outside. You stand up, yawning. "We're here." he says. The Lee family house is impressive, and decorated with lights. It is really beautiful, and you expected no less from Mrs. Lee whose favorite holiday is Christmas.
You get your bag and get out of the car. Your legs are numb, so you take Ten's arm to avoid tripping in the snow. Yeah, that would be fun, but you do not really want to soil your clothes now. Maybe later. You stop in front of the door, and Ten turns to you. "Ready?" and when you nod, he knocks on the door.
It only takes a minute for the door to open on Ten's mother. She looks at the both of you, and she smiles with a sweetness all her own. "My loves, how happy I am to see you! Come in or you'll get sick." Ten lets you pass, and when you enter, you are immediately engulfed in a hug. You melt, you can't help it. You feel like coming home, and god damn your heart hurt at the realization.
Ten clears his throat, and you refrain from laughing. When Mrs. Lee lets you take a step back, you both turn to the boy who frowns. "Impatient." his mother says before taking him in her arms in turn, for a shorter moment. You are pretty proud of it. "Come into the living room, the guests have already arrived."
You follow her into the living room, and you greet the guests. You and Ten have been together for a few years, so you know all of the family and friends who are used to being invited every year. "Ah, the lovers have arrived!" his father says, and you nod. You put the gifts you brought in your bag at the foot of the three, and you smile. You had a great time looking for the perfect gifts.
Immediately, you are taken aside by Ten's sister who is surprised to see you here. She is the only one in this room, besides Ten himself, who knows about your situation. Because yes, maybe you were drunk one night and called her, crying to complain about the ordeal your life had been like since breaking up with Ten. Tern is younger, but she is quite scary, so you hardly swallow your saliva when she comes face to face with you.
"What is this mess?" she asks in a whisper. "Did you get back together?" you worry your lower lip, giving Ten a furtive glance, he seems to be in the middle of a heated discussion with his father, and you shake your head. "Ten didn't say anything to your parents, so he asked me to come over, so as not to break the holiday spirit." you mumble, and if the Lee family was not there, you know Tern would go and slap her brother right away.
"You both are idiots." Tern says, and you shoulders slup. "Are you masochistic or what? Do you like hurting yourself?" you do not know what to say, you are just here to help Ten. "I know it's not the right thing to do, but it's Christmas Eve, so I'm going to pretend it's okay, smile, laugh, and be happy beofre I go back everyday life without Ten."
Tern sighs, tilting her head. "Is that what you want?" she asks before resuming. "Go back to a life without Ten? Because a person who has no more feelings would never agree to help their ex." That's the question, you don't know how you feel, your head is empty and your heart is a mess, it's been like this since Ten left. So you shrug. "I don't know Tern."
As you are about to speak, you are called out by Ten's mother who beckons you to approach. "Come help me in the kitchen for a minute, please." you nod, apologizing to Tern before joining her. There's nothing more to do, so you frown. "It's the only way to have some time with you without Ten jumping on you." she explains, and you can't help but laugh. "He learned to behave in public, don't worry."
"Is everything okay?" Ten's mother asks, and you nod. She looks worried, and for a second, you feel ready to tell her everything, but you can't, you promised Ten, and as he said himself, he doesn't want to hurt her, and neither do you. Not tonight anyway. "I'm asking because it's been a while since we've last seen you."
You nod. It's true that before, you used to visit the Lee family a couple of times each month, even though Ten was busy at work, and even more during the month of December, used to help Mrs. Lee prepare Christmas Eve. But being convinced that Ten had warned his parents, you did not do it anymore, you found it inappropriate.
"I was overwhelmed with work, I'm so sorry. But it's true that I should at least give given you a call." you explain in a weak voice, and the older woman shakes her head, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You have a job, you have a life, you have you own family, so you don't have to apologize for not having time. I get it, I was your age once."
You blame yourself more and more for the pain you are going to cause her, but you bite the inside of your cheek. Sometimes things don't go as planned, and you have to adapt. "And with Ten, is everything going well?" the question you would have liked to avoid. But you smile. "Everything is not perfect every day, but we both make an effort, because our relationship deserves it." Ten's mother smiles, she is proud to hear that her son has matured enough to do whatever it takes to keep his relationship healthy, and going.
"Don't hesitate to tell me if he crosses the line, then I'll give him a piece of my mind, believe me!" you laugh softly. You know that Mrs. Lee is, and will always be, there to help you. At least for now. But you need to stop thinking about the future, and focus on the present. You need to enjoy this last night you have with your surrogate family. "Thank you Ms. Lee, I appreciate that."
When she offers to return to the living room so as not to worry the guests, you follow her. Ten is still talking with his father, but the conversation seems to have calmed down, and you are happy. You know that the two men are used to arguing, and you have witnessed some rather disturbing scenes already, and you do not want that to happen again. You do not want to have to pick up Ten again.
"Everything okay?" you jump when Ten comes up behind you, and you turn to him. His cheeks are flushed, and you pursue your lips to stifle a laugh. "Don't tell me, your grandmother's friend?" he shakes his head with a poud, he doesn't like it when old little ladies pull his cheeks, it hurts. "My poor child. Maybe she'll stop someday."
"When she is in a coffin, yeah." Ten mumbles, and you put your hand over your mouth. "Don't say such things, Tennie!" you giggle and he smiles. He likes to be the reason for your laughter. "But to answer your question, yes, everything is fine. Your sister was a little surprised to see me here, but outside of that, like clockwork!"
Ten nods, and takes a sip from his glass of wine. He looks around him. The three, the decorations, his family, their friends, and you, and for a minute, he completely forgets that things are not the same as last year. Nothing is as before, everything is only an act. And when he turns his head towards you, and sees the lights of the tree reflected in your eyes, he thinks to himself that maybe, it was not a good idea.
See, you and Ten had a long relationship. You are his first love, and he always hoped that you would be his last. And to be honest, he still hopes so. But he knows that despite everything that has happened, all the insults you have exchanged, it would take very little time for him to fall in love again. No, he wouldn't need time at all, he is still in love, he always will be, he knows it deep down inside of him. And seeing you here, acting as your girlfriend, knowing that you'll probably never will be again, hurts like a bitch.
You think the same, and it hurts you too, but you both have too much pride to say it.
You then meet around the table, enjoying a fabulous feast prepared by Mrs. Lee. That's what you'll missed the most, the food. Ten is next to you, and every now and then, he leans in to whisper a joke in your ear. It's a tradition that you have, you try to make the other laugh, and get all eyes on yourself, knowing that it will be too inappropriate for you to say the joke out loud. At least some things are not changing.
You honestly can't remember the last time you had such a good time with Ten without it ending in an argument. What you do not notice is Tern's gaze. She watches you both, frowning. She can read between the lines. She knows that you still love each other, but are also too stupid to admit it.
The meal stretches over two hours, and when you finish, a full stomach, and ready to explode, it's time to open the presents. You get up from your chair and collect the packages. You give one to Ten's parents, one to Tern, and the last one, you hand it to Ten who titls his head. "You didn't have to, you know." he says in a whisper, and you shrug. "I know, but I got it before.. well before you know what."
Ten also gives you a present, and you arch an eyebrow at him. "I didn't want to see you pout thinking I forgot about you." he mumbles, and you smile. You open the present, and sigh. Inside is your favorite book, but not just any, the very first edition. It's old, rare, and probably extremely expensive. "Ten.." you whisper, and the boy smiles. "I know you've always dreamed of it."
What makes your heart beat a little faster is not that he gave you the book, but that he remembered it, because you only mentioned it once almost two years ago. Perhaps accusing him of never paying attention was wrong, now that you think about it. "Thank you so much Ten, you have no idea how happy this makes me." you lean over, and place a tender kiss on his cheek. And when you take a step back, you notice the rosy tint on Ten's cheeks. Cute.
"Come on, open yours!" Ten nods a minute later, the poor man needs to recover from the sudden physical contact first, then, he unwraps his present. If there is ont think Ten loves more than himself, and you, it's his watch. His father gave him his own watch for his 18th birthday, and it quickly became his most precious item, and unfortunately, he broke it a few months ago.
He thought it was irreparable, but nothing is ever irreparable, so you grabbed it one morning, and sent it over to have it fixed. It's not much for you, but when you see the tears in Ten's eyes, you knows that it was a perfect idea. "I thought I lost it." he says under his breath, and you shake your head. "I took it from you, wanted to surprise you, but I didn't expect it to take that long. I'm really sorry if I worried you."
Ten shakes his head, and he wipes his tears with his free hand, before a smile spreads over his beautiful face. "This deserves a kiss!" Ten's mother exclaims, and you hear Tern sigh loudly. "Mom, don't embarrass them." you are grateful for Ten, but you have to do it. So once more you take a step forward, and you cup Ten's face, and your face meet in the middle for a long, and soft kiss. Yeah, maybe you wanted to kiss him too. And for a while now.
"How beautiful young love is!" one person comments, and you smile weakly. Ten does the same, and you help him put the watch around his wrist. "Thank you, thank you. I don't think I will ever have enough words to thank you. It's the most perfect present." he says in a long sigh, and you smile. "I knew how much you cared about this watch." you run your fingers through Ten's hair to pull it out of his face, and realize how easy it is for you to fall back on your old habits.
The rest of the evening goes well.
You sit on the couch with Ten, and you listen to the stories the family members are telling, laughing every now and then, but you can't really focus with the heat radiating from Ten's body. Proximity in your hands. It would be so easy to take his hand, or rest your head on his shoulder.
Why the hell not, you think, it's Christmas, and you are supposed to be acting, so might as well make the most of it. You rest your head on Ten's shoulder, and if he is suprised, he doesn't show it, he lands a kiss on the top of your head. You feel his shoulders relax and you smile. You always have the same calming effect on each other. True love, but you refuse to think about it.
It's getting late, and you can't seem to suppress a long yawn, Ten notices. He stands up and you pout at the sudden lack of contact, and you sit up. "We're going to go mom, we still have a way to go, and it's snowing again." she nods, albeit a little sad, but she knows it would be too dangerous for Ten to drive if he is tired, of if there is too much snow.
"Thank you for coming, my loves, it made me very happy." once again, you find yourself engulfed in a long her that you give back with pleasure. And you thank her and Ten's father again and again for the invitation. And in a few minutes, you find yourself in front of the car. Tern follows closely behind you, and before Ten gets into the car, she puts her hand on his shoulder to take him aside. "Take care of yourself, and your heart, okay?"
Ten nods. "Don't worry, I know what to do to keep my heart safe." he looks at you to see if you heard him, but no, you are half asleep on the seat, and you would not even hear if a bomb were to explode near your ear. "Really, don't worry." he places a kiss on his sister's cheek, and he gets into the car after making sur the passenger door is closed. You collapsed into the seat, your new book clutched to your chest.
"It was a very good evening. You family is amazing." you say, and Ten can only agree. "You are right. Thank you for coming." you smile and lean your head against the window. You do not want to fall asleep, you want to enjoy your last moments with Ten, but unfortunately, fatigue quickly gets the better of you, and when you open your eyes, the car is already parked in front of your apartment complex.
"Thanks for taking me home, and thanks again for the book." you lean in to kiss the corner of his lips, but before Ten can say anything, you get out of the car. He opens the window, and you turns to him. "Have a good night, Ten." his fingers tighten around the steering wheel, and you see that he wants to say something, but he holds back. "Good night Y/n, and merry Christmas."
You walk towards the door that leads to the lobby, but the sound of the door opening and closing catches your attention. You turn around and find Ten in front of the car. You embrace your body with your arms to fight against the cold. "What are you doing, Ten?" you ask, and the boy finally approaches. He's so close you can feel his breath against your lips. "Would you like to go have coffee tomorrow? And maybe we can go check out the Christmas lights."
You smile, and you nod. "I would love this, Ten." his smile is as bright as the moon, and you chuckle softly when he places a small kiss on your lips before heading back to his car, not without a victory move that almost makes him trip in the snow.
It’s Christmas Eve. It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people that we always hoped we would be.
And maybe sometimes, you can decide to stay that kind of people.
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turinn · 3 years
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Sometimes, the Best Laid Plans Work Out Just Fine
Hokuto Hidaka x GN!Reader
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Summary: A notebook full of planning, and all the date going well relies on is the weather being right. Oh, and Keito not catching him sneaking out of the dorm at 11pm. Hokuto really knows how to keep things exciting.
A/N: Remember how I said I wasn’t up to full writing? My brain likes to do this wonderful thing where it makes me a liar, so uhhh. Hi!! I was thinking about how some popular tropes are popular because they’re good and I got the idea to write my take on one of my favourites- so here we go! This is inspired by a video I saw like 2 years ago and cannot for the life of me find. EDIT: for some reason this god awful website added multiple extra spaces between a bunch of words and deleted several words so? sorry abt that. fixed it now.
Word Count: 1.4k
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Sneaking you out past curfew might not have been his best laid plan- it was a bolder move than he should really pull, and at the very least sure to get him on the receiving end of a very long Keito lecture- but for the chance to show you something magical, Hokuto was willing to take the risks. After all, you made everything seem worth it to him. Hajime's light breathing and the fans of his laptop were the only sounds in the room as he double checked both time and weather forecast once more, shutting down the machine and sneaking out of the room. He was extra careful to shut the door quietly, as not to wake his roommate up. At least Keito was working late as usual. He didn't want to be stopped before he began.
The cold tingle that hit him as he stepped outside sent a shiver right through him and he huffed, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets- but behind his scarf there was the hint of a smile. The chill and the light mist that lingered in the air and cast a white haze over everything the street lamps illuminated were both telltale signs of winter, and he was counting on the weather that usually followed to make tonight perfect. It had to be perfect. Week after week of planning and distraction and discussion had gone into this surprise. He'd zoned out thinking of it so many times that even Akehoshi had noticed something was up with him. A whole notebook was dedicated to the idea, from writing out the plot of the dream that had inspired it to finding a date he was sure he could make it work, and a place to actually do it. It was the most elaborate date he'd ever planned, and you had absolutely no idea it was coming.
Not a single light was on in your house, and Hokuto crossed his fingers with the hope that you'd still be awake. He'd never exactly climbed up to your window before, but he'd spent enough time with the rest of his unit- and various others- that climbing buildings had somehow become something he was fairly good at. There's a reason he doesn't try to think about his time at Yumenosaki in too much detail. With luck, it only takes you a moment to open your window after he knocks, a large can of deodorant in hand to presumably whack him with if he's dangerous. He tries not to laugh. He really does.
"Kuto??? It's like 11pm, what on earth are you doing here?" You half whisper and half hiss, clamping a hand over his mouth to silence his laughter. If your parents find your boyfriend on your windowsill in the middle of the night it's not gonna go down too well. "Get dressed," he's smiling so beautifully, face half illuminated in the dim light of the waxing moon, that you almost forget to question him, "we have a date." "Um, I have a curfew, and it ended an hour ago." "We can sneak out. Just this once, I promise it's worth it." "It can't wait until morning?" "It won't be half as beautiful in the morning, koibito." You've never seen him this close to pleading, and that nickname always gets you. You sigh. You never could say no to him. Not really. "Turn around, then." Hokuto stares at you quizzically, and you wave a sweater at him to indicate your desire to get dressed. He quickly obeys, grinning. Five minutes and 3 sweaters later- ’I can't go downstairs to get my coat, tenshi, they'll hear me. Leave me and my 3 sweaters alone’ -  the two of you are turning the corner of your street, and you're staring at him suspiciously.
"You know, if you wanted to murder me you could have done it at home?" "I'm not murdering you, idiot." "Oh, I see, when you want me to come with you, I'm sweetheart, but then when I agree to, I'm idiot?" "Exactly." There's that grin again, the one that could convince you to jump in a freezing lake without question- you're suddenly scared he's going to try that- and you're rolling your eyes and giggling. "All right, if you're not murdering me, where are we goi-" His hand on your shoulder stops you both mid-step and sentence, and he turns you around to face the docks you were about to walk past. "The docks??" "Yes." "It's-" "About 10 minutes before our boat leaves. Right on time, if you ask me." "Our what?" "Boat." "I repeat. Our what?" "Oh, just come with me." In another moment, he's tangling your ungloved fingers with his gloved ones, and the fleece dragging across your skin feels like fire when your nerves are so on edge from the cold. "Babe my hands hurt, could you loosen up?" "Oh no, I forgot." Hokuto groans. Suddenly, he drops your hand and passes you a pair of gloves from the inside pocket of his jacket, warm from their proximity to his body and double lined. You could cry from the relief they provide, and from how thoughtful he can be- even if he did forget about them. But as you board the boat behind him, the confusion settles back over you.
"So, where are we going?" "We aren't going anywhere." A beat. A glare. No response. "Where is the boat going." "Nowhere.... Out a little. Then back." "What's the point in that." "You'll see. Come, I want you to get a good view." The two of you find a spot on the deck just as the boat departs, and you lean against the railings with him. 5 minutes out, you realise just how peaceful it all is. "Is this what you brought me here for? The peace?" "Not quite." He murmurs, looking up at the sky. "Give it just a moment." As he takes a step closer to you, his hand linking with yours once more, snow begins to fall around you.
It's breathtaking. The way it falls, completely surrounding you, reflecting so beautifully off the still surface of the water. All you can hear is the gentle purring of the boats motor and the calm waves, and all you can see ahead of you is snow. You stand there, staring up at it, your jaw hung open slightly in silent wonder. And he stands there, staring at you- taking it all in. The way your eyes shine with awe, the slight upturn in the corners of your mouth, the way you fight to find something to say only to change your mind and decide to leave the moment silent for just a little longer. The way you repeat that motion three or four times.
"It's... it's gorgeous." You whisper eventually, as soft as you possibly can. "Yeah." He replies, just as softly. "Yeah, it is." You don't notice that you're talking about completely different things, that he's captivated not by the snow, but by you. A snowflake lands on your nose, and you scrunch it up at the cold sensation- an action he finds so adorable he can't help but laugh. "What?" He doesn't actually answer your question, instead catching your chin in his hand. With the free one he brushes what is now a droplet of water off the top of your nose, and then he’s kissing you.
As first kisses go, it's pretty good. His lips are cold, but so are yours. That comes of standing in the snow at nearly midnight, naturally. And while your back pressed against the railing of the boat doesn't make you feel particularly safe, you don't even realise that until you run it over in your head later. All in all, it's kind of romantic as hell, and something about that plus the cold and the late hour almost makes you cry. Almost.
"I love you." He whispers as he pulls back, hand falling away from your chin. "Oh..." You dip your head a little, avoiding his gaze for a moment. "I-I love you too." The both of you fall silent again, grinning, and you go back to watching the snow. If his cheeks are red, he's sure it's just because of the cold.
He gives you his coat when you start to shiver, ignoring your insistence that your 3 sweaters are more than enough. He reads you awfully well. Unfortunately for him, the cold his chivalrous gesture left him with does nothing to spare him the 3 hour lecture Keito had prepared about getting back to the dorm past 1am. For you, though? Well, he'd say it was definitely worth it.
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I know of a heart like yours.
The sickening sound of a heart being crashed
The animated laughter that sounded demented
The shivers and chills that tear from morning to night, then back again.
I know everything, kid.
I know how it feels to be breathing, but feel like the dead.
To have your eyes open and be reminded of what's no longer there
To miss someone so bad, they keep you lost in dreams
You can't hide anything from me.
I've been there.
I'm still there.
"What happened to you, kid?" You ask, and I stare.
How could I answer that without breaking?
Your haunted eyes pierce mine. The pain in them was so like my own, that I would have lost my footing if you weren't holding me.
I search for whatever strength was left inside of me, but the tears still flowed.
"You made me lose you."
Sometimes the worst distractions do not come from the outside. They come from within you, and nothing anyone can do or say can pull your attention away from the invisible storm that only you can feel.
Peter Parker's heart is about to explode into a billion pieces of combustible dust. His head hurts. His throat feels dry and he could swear his saliva tastes like gravel in his mouth. His shoulders are bent and his legs and feet are firmly stuck to the ground, the weight of everyone's expectations keeping his whole body still, too still that not even Happy's murmured "Are you okay kid?" can bring him back out of the orchestrated walls created by his own mind.
He stays rigid, head bowed and eyes unblinking and blurry with unshed tears.
Blinding camera lights keep flashing all around him, the reporters rapidly firing their questions without pause. Pepper, Happy and Rhodey and the SI security team try their best to pacify them, but their efforts are in vain.
"Were you aware that Tony Stark planned to make you his successor?"
"What does it feel like to be the legacy of the saviour of the universe?"
"Mr. Parker, what are your plans for the future of SI?"
"Are you planning to be the next Iron Man?"
"Before the reading of Tony Stark's will, no one's ever heard of Peter Parker. Can you tell us why?"
"Why did Tony Stark hide you from the world?"
"Who are you to Iron Man?"
"How did you know Iron Man?"
"Why did Tony Stark choose you as his successor?"
"Do the Avengers know about you?"
"Peter, Peter, come on! Kid, we need to go," Rhodey's voice was pleading as he tries to usher them out while Happy shields them with his body.
Pepper urges the crowd to give them a path, going as far as to threaten them with lawsuits but they wouldn't even bulge.
Peter stays frozen through all the commotion.
Every breath feels like Thor's hammer plunging straight into his chest. Every second feels like an eternity too long. It would have stayed until…
"Mr. Parker, do you intend to follow your pseudo father's steps?"
Peter drew a gasp then, to everyone's shock and excitement.
His chin lifted from being glued to his chest, and his head turned to the reporter who asked.
The crowd quieted and they all waited in stunned silence as they were greeted with his red brimmed eyes, tears still fresh and pouring down his cheeks.
None of them expected the hollow laugh that came out of him.
How could they?
They couldn't possibly know that all these are news to him.
Peter knew nothing, thought he was nothing more than an annoying protégé to the man who apparently saw him as a son.
Peter didn't even know Tony Stark cared about him that way. He'd always let himself believe the man had only acted out of pity.
But now he knows, and he wanted to scream at how unfair it is to be told all these after the man had died.
He died for you.
He invented time travel because of you.
He risked it all for you.
He wouldn't have died if it weren't for you.
The voices inside his head are back with vengeance and Peter swayed and would have fallen without Rhodey there to steady him.
"You're going to be alright kid. We're going to bring you home safe and sound," the iron patriot promised in the same soft tone that everyone who knows his true relationship with Tony had been using since the end of the Infinity War.
Peter nodded but didn't speak. He could tell Rhodey believes his words, but Peter doesn't.
All his life, Peter's never really been a good liar. But this lie, even just thinking it is too much. He just couldn't.
"To Peter, my son…" the lawyer had said back in the boardroom as he read the last will and testament of Anthony Edward Stark.
"…I leave all my techs and Stark Industries, the latter to be received when you've graduated college and under the mentoring of my wife, Pepper Stark…"
"You back with us kid?" Happy's voice asked him this time, and he blinked to see that they had somehow managed to get him inside the limousine.
Peter bit his lip so hard, he tasted blood.
How could he be alright?
And where even is home?
He didn't even know he had one since May died. He felt barely alive when Tony took him in to live in the Tower. Even then, it had taken a while and a lot of angry outbursts from him, and patience from the man before Peter finally started to feel like he could build up the broken pieces of his life again. And then the fucking Infinity War happened and now…Now.
The glass shatters.
The car screeches to a halt.
Peter had punched the window, glass shards embedded in his hand when he pulled it back. Pepper shrieked in horror, while the men cursed.
Happy was yelling to get him out for some air, but Peter couldn't hear them, too busy having a panic attack.
"Breathe kid. Breathe with us," Rhodey encouraged. "You can do this. Just like Tony taught you, Peter. You got this kid. Do this for him."
And Peter breathed as if those were the magic words.
Because of course, he would. How could he not?
He'd do everything for Tony.
But Tony's gone now.
Just like his parents.
Just like his Uncle Ben and Aunt May.
And now Peter has no one.
For a boy who is no stranger to loss, this feels like the last straw keeping what's left of his sanity intact.
There are so many words he wanted to say to Tony, so many things he wanted to do with the man.
Now, he could only wonder what it feels like to be able to call Tony Stark "Dad" to his face.
He could have done it before, he supposes. He could have done so many things if only he'd known the man had adopted him and made him his legitimate heir.
But no one had ever told him. And just like every time, the universe was adamant to mess with his head and see him crumble.
Peter didn't even know he was more than a charity case to the man he saw as his mentor and hero.
Every time Tony did something parental for him, Peter thanked him but stomped down on the warmth inside his own chest. He convinced himself to believe it was all business for the man. Peter is Spider-Man. And Iron Man needed Peter to be Spider-Man so they could help save the world from chaos.
But Tony had made sure to let him know that he cared for Peter Parker as well. He never said it out loud, but Peter felt it evey time he'd ask about his day, about his friends, his classes and everything else important to him that isn't related to his alter ego. Tony had made sure to show up at his contests. He'd cheered for him and even treated him and his friends for a job well done. The man had spent nights in his room to calm him down from nightmares. He'd been there when he was sick, when he was wounded, when he was sad.
Peter was a mess, but Tony had been there for him to make sure he wasn't alone.
There were many times Peter wanted to cry to him, and just thank him for doing everything he'd been doing for him. But Peter held himself back. He held back because thanking Tony would give a name to their new normal. It would have overwhelmed him with a sense of family, and that more than anything, was the label that scares Peter the most.
Everyone he loved, everyone he saw as family, he had lost. And he couldn't do that to Tony.
Peter couldn't find it in him to believe that the man cared for him, truly loved him like family, in fear of adding a name to his long list of losses.
But he lost him anyway.
To Peter, my son, Tony had called him in his will, having chosen him as family if the adoption papers were anything to go by.
It was everything Peter had secretly wanted but never once believed he could have again.
But he had it. Apparently, he had even if he hadn't known.
Peter feels like a curse.
He really doesn't deserve to have anyone on his corner.
If Tony hadn't adopted him, he could have saved himself from the Peter curse.
Why did he even adopt him in the first place?
Why did he take him in?
He could have just offered money and paid for an apartment, but no. Tony insisted that Peter lived with him. And now he's dead because of Peter.
Tony Stark is dead, and Peter Parker's left trying to pick up the pieces left of his tattered heart and soul.
It's not even his first death of a family member, and yet this feels ten times worse for some reason he couldn't identify.
Mary and Richard Parker were lost in the plane crash when he was six. Ben Parker died in the mugging when he was fifteen. Then May Parker followed in a car accident a year later, half a year after he became Spider-Man.
You'd think that after four losses, Peter would be used to it by now.
But damn it all, he still isn't.
Losing someone never gets any easier no matter how many times it happened to him.
Thanos came with his army. The Snap happened and Peter died along with half the universe. Then it was reversed and Peter was brought back with all his fellow victims.
Peter had been shocked by Tony's reaction at seeing him alive. Tony Stark didn't cry. But at that moment, Peter felt his tears of joy and relief as he'd pulled him into a hug.
We're there, it screams. Like an echo in a whole room of silence, and for a second, only for a second, there was no war but only them. People broken and lost, but together, were mended by each other's presence.
If Peter had known how much the man cared for him then he would have hugged him tighter and not let go. But he hadn't and now he couldn't hug his mentor ever again.
Hours later after their short reunion, Anthony Edward Stark died saving the world and Peter feels like he died with him.
"Sssssh," whispered the soothing voice of Pepper as she pulled him into her arms. Peter could barely hear her through the noise of his guttural cries.
If only he was more conscious of his surroundings, he would have seen the pitying looks of the small crowd forming around them, would have heard his broken voice as he cried out the same word at the universe that took away everything he'd ever loved.
"Dad!" he sobbed, burying his face in Pepper's shoulder. "Bring him back! God, please bring him back!"
The rain started pouring.
The pain didn't stop.
Peter heard the voice again.
It never will.
A/N: Read the next chapters in the link below. Please don't forget to comment and leave kudos! 💞
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spicymayo1983 · 3 years
Hiya. This is chapter 13. You return to Yavin 4 where Poe has a surprise planned for you.
As your pregnancy advances you couldn't be more uncomfortable.
Warnings, angst, XXX smut, female ejaculation, pregnancy, pregnant sex, not for anyone under 18.
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Yavin 4
Poe's big surprise was an elopement to your lush, jungle covered homeland.
Neither one of you wanted a large ceremony or reception, it felt inappropriate to you.
You did, however, want to wear your mother's wedding dress.
The morning of the ceremony feels bittersweet. With tears in your eyes you twirl around in front of a mirror, wearing the stunning white gown that your beautiful mother had worn decades earlier.
It fit you like a glove, no alterations were needed. It looked like it was brand new too.
Deep down, you always knew that this day would come, and that your husband would be Poe Dameron.
It was written in the stars, it was your destiny. He was your soulmate, after all.
You were going to have a few kids and live a comfortable, happy life as husband and wife.
It seemed like a fairytale, "seemed".
The only thing missing were your parents. You had always assumed that they would be there.
You felt like you had taken their existence for granted. You still felt like you could've done more to be there for your terminally ill mother in her final years.
You struggle to push aside these negative thoughts as you admire yourself in the mirror with a hint of a smile on your face, Poe was right, you were starting to show just a teeny bit.
"Baby, I hope you're doing well". You tell your unborn child as you lovingly pat your belly. "Mommy and daddy just want to hold you, we love you so much".
The ceremony was held at the ancient temple that you had both spent your formidable years exploring. It was a familiar place with many memories for you. There were only 3 other people there besides you and Poe.
Your best friend, his father Kes and the justice of the peace that was officiating the ceremony.
Poe looked devastatingly handsome in his dress uniform. His face was shaved smooth (but in less than a week you knew he would have a full beard) and his thick, curly hair was styled neatly.
He looked better than a fairytale prince. You couldn't believe that this stunning man was going to be your husband for the rest of your life.
He took one look at you, in your mother's gown, and tears immediately began to well in his velvety brown eyes.
"You're so beautiful, oh my gods". He whispers into your ear.
After exchanging your vows the two of you run off to your honeymoon.
Your honeymoon is scaled down but still very romantic. A beautiful tent had been set up at the edge of the rainforest.
Maybe it's the euphoria of your wedding day but you actually didn't feel like death that evening.
You've been intimate with Poe many times but that night it feels different. You're preparing to make love to your husband and the father of your child.
The two of you slowly, teasingly remove each other's clothing. As Poe kissed and nibbled on your neck he whispered into your ear,
"Lay on your back".
With a smile on your face you follow his command and relax on your back.
He knew that your breasts were still extremely tender so he wanted to do something to make you feel better.
Poe's rough hands on the silky skin of your tender, engorged breasts felt divine. He began to gently massage them in a circular motion, leaning down to suck on your sensitive, darkened nipples lovingly.
With a content sigh you spread your legs wide, revealing your silken folds glistening from arousal.
It didn't take long for his head to find it's way to your sweet spot. Before Poe started to eat you out he stopped and planted a series of soft, fluttering kisses on your lower belly, right where your baby is growing.
The sensation of his full, sensual lips tickled, the gesture itself was so soft and beautiful.
The skin on his face felt unbelievably soft and smooth.
Poe was giving your baby their very first kisses from daddy.
You, on the other hand, receive very different kisses.
He absolutely devours your pussy, licking, sucking, tongue fucking you until you writhe and scream in absolute orgasmic bliss.
You experience a gushing, squirting orgasm all over his handsome face.
Poe closes his eyes and licks his lips, enjoying the taste of your warm, salty fluids.
"That is literally the hottest fucking thing ever". He tells you with a slight laugh as he positions himself on top of you and penetrates your soaking wet hole with one swift movement of his hips.
Poe's cock feels especially large and hard that night as he's making love to you.
Your erect clit brushes against the thick, dark hair surrounding his the top of his shaft, making you curse under your breath.
His balls were soaked in your juices too. You already had no problem getting wet but being pregnant intensified everything.
Your pussy is gripped onto his perfect cock as you experience an out of this world, g-spot orgasm.
Poe cums deep inside of you, you can feel his cock tense up and release.
The rest of your wedding night is spent relaxing and talking about the future.
Mainly the arrival of your baby, both of you are convinced that your little one will be a boy.
"I'm terrified". You tell him with a slight laugh. "Not about giving birth or anything but what life will be like once he's here".
"I'm just thinking about the day when I can start giving him flying lessons". Poe tells you with a slight smile as he leans over and kisses your belly.
"Ugh, only you would say something like that". You tease, laughing and rolling your eyes a little.
"I can't believe you got pregnant the first time we had sex in 20 years". He continues, smiling. "I've never gotten anyone pregnant before, well, to my knowledge I haven't".
"It's been a roller-coaster ride so far and I'm just slightly over the 8 week mark". You explain, smiling softly. "I hope things smooth out a little".
Six months later
You are now nearly 8 months pregnant with your first child.
Just as you had both suspected you were having a little boy. He was strong, healthy and extremely active in the womb.
Poe loved to talk to your belly and kiss it. He also loved to feel every kick and movement.
You just knew that he was going to be gorgeous like his father.
You've experienced the gamut of pregnancy symptoms and couldn't wait for it to all be over with.
Weight gain (50 lbs) a sore back, swollen feet, mood swings, sore, leaking breasts, you've experienced it all.
Poe was on paid paternal leave but he was on standby in case him and the black squadron were needed in combat.
He's been caring for you, cooking, giving you massages and even helping you bathe.
All while he dealt with the burns on his body, which had, at long last, healed.
Your sex drive has been through the roof too. Despite the discomfort you're experiencing in late term pregnancy you've never wanted Poe sexually more in your entire life.
He's more than happy to indulge you too. Mainly he's been pleasuring you orally because intercourse was just too awkward.
Poe was indeed the perfect husband and was going to be an even better father. He was caring, considerate and totally devoted to you and his child.
It's late, and you are two days past your due date. Both of you have been discussing ways to jump start labor, sex being your last option.
Side by side with shallow penetration was your only option, his penis was too long to penetrate you fully because of your sensitive cervix.
Poe had to insert himself carefully, inch by inch, it felt like absolute torture.
You're able to take 6 inches, but you can tell as he's thrusting that he's frustrated that he can't be fully inside of you.
"Fuck it, go deep". You beg him, as his thick cock stretches your sensitive, wet walls.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt the baby". Poe replied as he kissed you on the neck.
"If anything it might send the kid a message to get out". You tell him with a laugh.
Poe indulges your whim and carefully slides fully inside of you, immediately his large cock hits your cervix but instead of pain you feel intense pleasure.
"Oh gods that feels incredible!" You moan, closing your eyes and biting your lip. "Don't stop, go harder".
He thrusts hard into you, as you cum hard your wet pussy grips his cock and you squirt all over him.
"Wow". Poe gasps as he's drenched in your fluids. "That will never not be the hottest thing ever".
Your own climax triggers his, he's filled you with a huge load, so much so that you can feel it run out of you.
Afterwards, as Poe cuddles you nude, you laugh a little and say,
"This kid needs to get the message and get out already, I'm not kidding anymore".
"He'll be out when he's ready". Poe replies back quickly as he kisses you.
Poe was joking but you really weren't. You couldn't wait for the pregnancy to go ahead and be over with..
End of chapter 13
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Mind Readers
Harry Hook x reader
Soulmate au
Based on: this request
Requested by: @descendantofthesparrow
Summary: Soulmates can read each other's minds, so you and your soulmate communicate with each other, no matter how far apart you two are.
Warning: some angst (lots of fluff tho)
Word Count: 6305
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Everyone has a soulmate, one that's always connected with you by mind. When you have a soulmate, you are able to read each other's thoughts. And that's what you did all your life.
Being the daughter of Moana felt a bit lonely. You would always voyage everywhere, so it would make sense for you to be connected with your people, but you weren't. You felt like the odd one out, especially when you announced that your soulmate is from the Isle.
You tried talking to your mom, but she was always busy. She would get even more distant with you when you'd ask about your father. She said that she loved him, but they couldn't stay together. She wanted to continue voyaging, and he wanted to stay.
So all you had left was the sea, Pua's children, and your soulmate. If felt better to talk with a person than a bunch of pigs though. It started off when the two of you were kids.
Hey again.
Hiya. You could hear the Scottish accent.
I wish I could see you, so I could give a big hug.
I've never gotten a hug before.
It's okay, because once you and I are together, I'll always give you hugs whenever you ask for them.
I don't think we can, y/n. I'm a villain, and yer a hero.
That's not true! It'll happen, promise.
You grew up talking to him through your mind. You also felt connected with him by the sea. You dreamed about going on a ship with him, sailing the sea together and enjoying the ocean. The ocean was a friend of yours.
One day your mother told you that you won't be voyaging anymore, and instead going to school in Auradon. This was your chance. You had tried talking to people about the Isle of the Lost, tried to convince that maybe the children shouldn't be in there. But no one listened. They saw you as a freak, and made jokes of you being a villain. All you had was Harry, and you were fine with that.
But someone finally did listen. Ben talked to you about it, and agreed. He said that when he would be crowned king in about a year, he'll have some children of villains to attend school with us to show others that they aren't the bad ones.
You were ecstatic.
Why ye thinkin so loud, princess?
So I just made my first human friend, apart from you of course, and he said that he agrees with me. His name is Ben, and he's the King's son.
Ben, hm? Is he as good looking as I?
I don't know how you look like, but you're probably more handsome than anybody I know. But sh, listen! He's going to be king in about a year, and he said that he's going to bring some VK's to Auradon to show that they can be good!
I have to wait a whole year?! I want to see ye now princess.
We just have to be patient. We'll be together, Harry. Don't give up hope. Please, for me?
Fine. But when I get there I'm showing em how a pirate can truly be.
He heard your amazing laugh ring through his head. You got yourself a deal, pirate. But just not too much, okay? I want to stay with you once I got you.
Like a fish on hook, eh? You could practically hear the smile from that.
Exactly. I gotta focus on homework now. Talk to you later hookie.
Bye fishy.
"Harry!" The angry voice of Uma snapped him out of his conversation with you. "You wanna cut the daydreaming and get to work?"
This would happen a lot. Harry would be talking to you when he was supposed to be doing stuff. He didn't really care, as long as he got to hear your voice. Usually when you weren't talking to one another he would just block out what you were thinking.
You're the reason that he's usually so cheerful, although in a bit of a crazy way. You always talked him out of his fits of rage, reassuring him that he'll always have you.
He'd make the excuse that his dad had the same levels of anger, but you told him that he was better than his father. That's why he listened to you. Everybody on the isle tried to live up to their parents, but here you were saying that his dad could live up to him. That's how he knew that you were worth waiting for.
As he was occupied with his crew, you had made your first friend, Ben. It was nice having someone to physically talk to, at least until Audrey showed up. She didn't like you, and you didn't like her.
"You know what y/n, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be sitting here with us." She said cheerfully one day at lunch. "You'd probably rather be talking to your soulmate, since that's really your only friend, right?"
You looked at Ben, who didn't say anything. "Um, okay."
When you left, he decided to speak up. "I don't see what the problem is with her sitting with us."
"Ben, she has been filling your head with crazy talk of villain kids being good. You've heard, right? That her soulmate is a villain?"
"Yeah, and I don't see a problem with that. As long as they love each other, it shouldn't matter."
She annoyedly shook her head. "Let's just eat, kay?"
Meanwhile, you went to your unshared room and began to tear up. You just didn't understand why nobody liked you. Although you didn't realize it, you were thinking about how horrible Audrey was.
What's wrong princess? Those are a lot of nasty thoughts about this Audrey girl.
Sorry Harry. It's nothing.
Hard to believe that when ye were sayin some not so nice things.
I know, and I shouldn't be thinking that way about anyone! Ugh, I must be a bad person for thinking this way about people.
Bad person? You heard laughter. Las, you're my hero. It's okay to be thinkin those things about people. Nobody but me will hear ye.
Tears silently fell as you sat on your bed crying. You didn't have to pretend to be anything around him. I just lost my only physical, human friend. All because of his horrid girlfriend who loves to comment on how amazing she is. She isn't even his soulmate.
Well I guess I don't have any more competition for ye now.
You never did hooky. You know you're the greatest thing in my life, but it was nice to have company. I just hope that she doesn't fill his head with dumb stuff about villain kids being bad.
It'll be okay princess. Some day we'll be together, remember?
Yeah. Thanks for listening Harry. You're the best, as always.
Ye welcome love.
A few months later, Ben had been trying very hard to talk to you. You didn't know why, especially now, but you didn't care. If he wanted to leave a loyal friend for some bully, then he wasn't worth your time. At least that's what Harry told you.
Until he followed you to room without you noticing. Before you closed the door, he ran up to your room and stopped you from closing it. "Y/n please. I want to talk."
"Talk to your girlfriend." You tried to close the door again, but he wouldn't budge.
"Audrey wouldn't understand." He looked a little sad, but dating her was his choice.
"Ben, you're a prince. You could talk to all of your other friends, since you probably have so much."
"No, I really don't have that many friends."
You fake smiled. "Gee, I wonder what that's like. Bye now!"
"Y/n please, it won't be more than ten minutes." He said. He sounded desperate. "Please."
You said nothing, but opened the door wider and gestured for him to come in. He came in, pacing back and forth until he noticed you just staring at him. He then stopped but still antsy. "Uh, take a seat."
"No, it's okay. I'm okay. Sorry, I'm just nervous-"
"Ben sit. What's wrong?"
He took a seat at your chair where your desk is. "I'll be king in two months, and I have no idea what to do or how to lead. A king should be able to know what decisions to make and how to help his people."
You sat at the edge of your bed. "Well, what do you think would be good for the people?"
"The Isle. The people there will also be my people too, and it's not fair to the children on evil people to be stuck there. When you talked to me about that for the very first time, I was already thinking about it. For my first proclamation I need a citizen to agree with what I propose."
"And what are you going to propose?" You were praying for what you think he's going to say.
"For some of the villain kids to be brought to Auradon. I want you to be my citizen-"
You ran up to him and gave him a hug. "I'll do it. I'lldoitI'lldoitI'lldoit!"
He laughed. "That's great news. We'll finally get to meet our soulmates."
You were out of breathe for some reason. "Yeah!" Then you thought again about what he said. "Wait, what do you mean we?"
You both talked some more, and you understood why he saw what you saw. His soulmate was a VK. He didn't know which VK, since she tried blocking out her thoughts when discovering that he was the son of the king. You told him that you'd talk to Harry about it to see if he knows anything.
Harry pulled a few strings, but found out that her name was Mal, the daughter of Maleficent. Ben was ecstatic, saying that he would have her be one of the people who come, and will slowly get to know her so she would realize that they're soulmates.
"Go ahead and pick your three people, and those three, along with Mal, will be the ones that I choose." You quickly chose the daughter of Ursula, son of Gaston, and most importantly, the son of Hook.
You were so excited to be able to hold Harry and look into his eyes and kiss him whenever you wanted. You waited for two months, time going by slower that you could ever think. Finally the day had come, and you were in the room when Ben announced his first proclamation to his parents. They were unsure, but allowed it. Everything was going to be written and delivered for the limo to get them, until Audrey showed up.
"I'm sorry, but I found these notes regaurding Ben's first proclamation, and I don't think this is a good idea!"
"They already agreed. The deal can't be undone or else they will be dishonest and untrustworthy about their word." You argued.
They told her that you were right, but she was ready for that. "If you can't undo this, then I have a better way to rearrange this."
She proceeded to talk about how the daughter of Maleficent didn't get along with the other three from what an anonymous source told her. She said that it was most important to gain the trust of the daughter of the evilest villain, so the three VKs would have to be changed. To Mal's three friends.
Bell and her husband agreed. You ran out of the room, Ben running after you. You made it outside before you began to breathe hard, finding it harder and harder to maintain breathing. Ben rushed to your aid and calmed you down as you had a panic attack.
Meanwhile, Harry didn't take the news too well either. He was heartbroken. He was angry, but more importantly devastated. He shoved his way to his small room on the ship and went inside, laying down and crying his heart out. He wanted to be with you, feel you, love you with all his might. But good things didn't happen to villains.
Once you were okay Ben made you another deal. If the four VKs coming so good with their stay at Auradon, then it'll be easy for him to bring others once he's king. You nodded.
When the four of the villain kids came, Ben had asked you to be there as well. You found them fun and easier to be around than the fake, royal students at Auradon Prep. As you showed Mal and Evie to their dorm, you joked with them about Auradon and Audrey.
"You know, you're not like other princesses here." Mal said.
"Oh, I'm not a princess. I'm the daughter of the village chief, and it's not like I have my own castle or anything. We're voyagers, so we go where the ocean takes us."
"Eh, must be tiring to always travel with your people. But whatever, you here are all probably full of friends wherever. You just enjoy yourself anywhere you are with your buds."
You let out a laugh. "Hardly. The only friends I have are pigs, chicken, the ocean and Ben. Nobody likes to be around me after they found out about my soulmate." It just slipped out of your mouth. You didn't know why you were nervous since they're villain kids, but you still felt that people wouldn't like you for it.
"Who's your soulmate?" Evie asked.
"Um, the son of a villain." You said nervously.
Both stopped you. "Your room should be right there." You pointed.
"Back up a second, your soulmate is one of us?" Mal asked. You nodded. "Is it Jay or Carlos?"
"What? No, it's someone else. He was originally supposed to come, but Audrey, being the home wrecker that she is, changed that."
"Come on, we need to talk about this is private." Evie said, the two of them dragging you to the room. They pushed you inside that closed the door.
"So, who is it?"
"Um, Harry Hook."
They looked at each other. "Harry Hook?" Mal asked. "As in Uma's little henchman?"
"I think he's think of cute." Evie said.
Your ears perked. "Is he?! It's not like I've ever seen him, so I was just wondering." You said very fast, voice full of hope.
"He's no prince, but he's nice to look at." Evie said, taking your hands. You smiled and went back to your room to talk to Harry. He had rarely left his room.
Hey Harry.
So today I heard that you were handsome. I guess I hit the jackpot. Kind, funny, and attractive. Who would've known?
That doesn't matter.
I know, it's just a bonus. The sound of your giggles filled his head. He weakly smiled.
How are ye so hopeful?
Because if I give up, then I won't be able to have you in my arms. You're my soulmate, which means that we're perfect for each other. I don't wanna give up on my perfect match.
He felt better. He felt special. Somebody cared for him that much. I like ye.
I like you too.
Over the course of a few months a lot happened. The four VKs, who you befriended, decided to be good, Ben was made king, and Mal was going to be a lady of the court. Until she decided to run away. That's when everything went downhill, and Ben ended up captured.
You were walking to your dorm and passed by Carlos and Jay's room. Their door was open, and they were talking to Chad. "Look, Ben's been captured." You stopped in your tracks to listen. "And if we tell anyone he's dead meat, so we don't have time for your weirdness." With that you took off to grab swords from the supplies closet and waited outside.
When you saw the two outside you stepped out of hiding. "I'm coming."
They both jumped and turned around to see you with swords in a bag. "What are you talking about?" Jay asked. "We're going...to the... Waffle House."
"Nice try. You guys are going to the Isle to save Ben. I'm coming, period." You stared them down, and they reluctantly agreed. You excitedly walked to the limo. "Let's go!"
As you focused on preparing yourself for a fight, your mind slipped off of the fact that you were going to the place that your soulmate was. When you got there you gave Mal and Evie a hug. "Y/n, there's something you should know," Evie said.
"There's no time, E, we gotta go." Mal said.
You smiled at her. "You can tell me after."
You then all went to where Ben was being held captive. A pirate ship. You looked at the others. Jay spoke up, looking down. "We didn't know how to tell you."
You were taking bigger breathes now, not knowing how to handle this. "Let's just, let's just get Ben."
They nodded. Carlos side hugged you, and you side hugged back. He was always the sweet one. You then started to focus on Harry's thoughts. They were about Ben, and Mal, and the wand. He was thinking about being with you when they get the wand.
What are ye doin up so late princess?
I know about everything your doing right now.
Harry this isn't the way to do things.
Love, I'm tired of waiting. We'll be together y/n. Don't ya want that?
Of course I do, but not like this.
It'll be fine, I'll have them go easy on yer friends.
Harry you know I'd protect my friends. One of them being Ben.
I'll talk with ye later. And with that he blocked you out. You huffed. He's always been so one track minded.
You all got there. Mal and Uma were arguing, and soon she took notice of you. "I see you brought one of your little princess friends. Hope none of us villains smudged your tiara."
"I'm not a princess." You said, voice sturdy. "I'm a Voyager."
Harry's smile that he had on quickly fell. "Is that..."
Ben heard his mumble. "Yes, it is. That's y/n, your soulmate."
Before he knew it, Uma called out for him. He snapped out of his thoughts, tugging a tied up Ben with him. Uma had him cut the ties, and gave them the wand. In a blink of an eye there was a sword fight. The wand was a fake, and they couldn't let the heroes go. They were villains after all.
Harry's mind went off of you as he fought, and he was at his overly bubbly self. That was, until he made his way to you. Immediately he put down his sword.
"Y/n." He said. You looked at him confused, until you looked down and saw that he was holding a hook. You looked up at him. "Princess, it's me."
You drop the sword and run up to him, immediately wrapping your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist in return. "You don't know how badly I've wanted you." He said lowly in your ear.
"Do you trust me?" You asked. He looked at you, confused. Please say yes.
"Of course I'll say yes, las." He smiled as he looked down at you.
"Good." You slip out of his arms and grab his hand, jumping off the dock and into the water, taking him with you. Harry expected to crash into the sea, but the water went up, gently putting you in the ocean.
As you both floated in the sea under the docks, Harry pulled your waist and brought you in for a kiss. You put your hands on his face as he tilted to deepen the kiss. You pulled back for breath, putting your hands on his shoulders. "I've waited all my life for that." You said as both your foreheads were pressed against each others. "I figured we shouldn't be seen."
"How do you plan on gettin back up las?"
"The ocean's a friend of mine." You gestured to the water that was moving up on its own, waving at the two of you. Harry smiled in awe and hesitantly waved.
"I don't want to let ye go princess." His blue eyes gazed down at you.
"It'll be okay Harry. I'll ask Ben to bring you with me. Now that he's seen the island he'll sympathize."
He looked away from you. "Are ye sure? I may have threatened him a bit." He pressed his lips together.
You brought your hand to his cheek, having him look back at you. "Yes, I'm sure. He forgave the other four for trying to steal fairy godmother's wand, so I'm sure he'll forgive you."
"What if he won't let me there?" He looked like he was in pain. Soulmates are supposed to be together, having them apart puts an emotional strain on each other.
"Then I'll come back and stay here."
"Princess-" you cut him off with a kiss on the corner of his mouth. You knew he wouldn't want you staying here. But you didn't care.
"I want to be together. I don't care where I live." You heard Evie calling your name. "Dip your head under the water to make it look like you fell."
You both did so, the ocean gently bringing you both back up. He grabbed your hand. "So beautiful."
You gently squeezed his hand. "Bye hooky."
"Bye fishy." You then went back to your friends. You looked back, the smudged eyeliner on him making his bright eyes even more piercing.
As you went back to Auradon in the limo, you sat in the front with Jay, looking out the window as silent tears fell down your face. Evie wanted to make you feel better, and designed a dress for you to go to cottilion. Although you didn't want to go, she was convinced that this would make you happier.
As you were in a white and peach dress at cotillion, you stared out at the sea, wandering what it would be like if Harry was there with you. If he took your hand to dance with him. If you were in his arms. If he leaned down to kiss you.
Harry heard all these thoughts, and was so excited to finally be with you. He shut out his thoughts from you temporarily, and got ready. He put on red leather pants with his red long sleeved jacket. Underneath he had a white button up with ruffles and a loose red tie, as well as fingerless gloves.
Meanwhile, you sucked up your sadness and out on a smile as you saw Mal come down. A moment later Ben came down, and, to the horror of everyone present, Uma as well.
As you questioned her, she dropped a surprise on you. "I figured that you deserve happiness too, y/n, so I didn't come alone."
Everybody watched as Harry stepped out, walking straight up to you, bowing and kissing your hand. He smiled as he came up. You hesitated, not knowing if this was a dream or not, then brought him into a big hug. He hugged back, feeling complete.
"Harry, what's going on?" You said as you pulled back.
"I can be with ye now, princess." He smiled, putting his hands on your waist.
You put your hands on his face gently. "You know that's not what I mean. What's going on with Uma? Is she planning something?" He looked away from you. The only ones who were next to you were Mal and Evie. Harry!
You tried to read his mind, but couldn't. He blocked his thoughts from you. "I can't betray Uma."
"Hooky," you said quietly. "Look at me." His sad eyes looked into yours. "Please. Do Uma and Ben really love each other?" He didn't say anything, and that was all you needed. You understood, that was his friend who was probably just as loyal to his as he was to her. You then faced Mal. "Does she know how to use love spells?"
It seemed like something clicked inside Mal's head. "My spell book! I left it on the island. She must have gotten it."
After Mal confronted Uma and Ben, she and him kissed, breaking the spell. True love's kiss. Uma and Mal were about to fight after turning into an octopus and a dragon, but Ben stopped them. Uma left, feeling bad and leaving Harry.
After the Cotillion, you talked with Ben about bringing more VKs to Auradon, with Harry right behind you. He was trying his best to behave himself, in fear of losing you again. Ben agreed and even allowed Uma and Gil to come as well.
After this, Harry didn't let you out of his sight. Everybody seemed to be afraid of the impulsive pirate, but you didn't care. You were always on your own, you didn't care what the others thought. As long as you were with your soulmate, you didn't care.
He had two periods with you, sitting next to you in both since everyone was afraid of him. About a week later, the new VKs arrived. Gil greeted Harry with a hug, while Uma looked around. Her eyes then landed on you. "You don't seem like much, princess."
This took you by surprise. How were you supposed to respond to that. "Sorry?" You squeaked.
Harry walked behind you, grabbing your waist and putting his head on your shoulder. "Oh, but she is Uma. So much." He gently squeezed you, igniting a giggle from you for being ticklish. You smiled and put a hand on his cheek.
As it turned out, Ben arranged for you to share your room with Uma. You put on a weak smile and thanked him. He was just trying to be a good friend, but something told you that Uma wasn't going to be the kindest to you.
Day after day, she tried everything to push your buttons. She wanted you to get angry. There was no particular reason why, she just wanted to see it. She's never met someone so shy and nice before, it got on her nerves.
She would never pick up, use your stuff, 'accidentally' break things, leave wet towels on the floor, and laughed you off every time you kindly asked her to please stop.
But that wasn't the worst thing. Worst of all, she never let you sleep. She would make noice or leave the light on. Sometimes she would train at night.
This took a big toll on you. Everyone noticed, but you brushed it off. Of course, nobody believed you. Harry confronted you about it, especially because you too tired to block your mind from the thoughts of what Uma was doing.
When he did confront you, you were so out of it that you just hugged him, snuggling into his chest and taking in his warmth. "You're so warm Hooky."
His flustered mind didn't know what to do, so he just hugged back. When you pulled away you kissed his cheek, caressing the other with your hand. "What can I do to help ya, princess?"
You shook your head with tired eyes and a gentle smile on your face. "Nothing. It's okay though, I'm fine. I have to get to class."
After you took off Harry went over to Uma. He opened the door to your dorm room to see a mess everywhere. But it was all Uma's stuff. "Bit of a mess we got here, isn't it?"
She looked up from her tv. "Harry, hey. Just living life in Boradon with your girl."
"Why is she so tired Uma?"
Uma laughed. "Right, that. That's because I want to see how long until I break her. She's always little miss perfect shy princess, but everyone's got their bad side. I just want to see hers."
"Uma let the las be. Ye know she means a lot to me."
"Don't worry Harry, I'm just having a little fun."
Harry huffed, not knowing what to do. He exited the room as he thought over the situation. He went to class, not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying, but more on you.
When he returned to his room after class he was in for a pleasant surprise. He found you curled up on his bed, sound asleep. This then happened frequently, not that Harry or Gil minded. Harry found your sleeping form cute, and you and Gil had become good friends.
There was one particular night where you had it with Uma, and you spoke up. "Turn the music off Uma, I'm trying to sleep."
She looked up from her phone that blasted out music. "Oh, I'm sorry princess. Did I mess with your beauty sleep?" Her smile made you angrier than ever.
"What the hell is problem with me? What did I ever do to you?" This made her sit up.
"Oh princess, you've done nothing wrong. I'm just simply evil, in case your royalty brain forgot that."
You stood up from your bed and put on your normal clothing. You couldn't stay here, not when Uma was trying to drive you crazy. "You don't have the right to call me that!" You said as you put on your shoes. "I'm not a princess, and I'm not royalty!"
She scoffed. "I was wondering when that whole nice girl act would wear off."
"It's not an act, it's called a personality Uma! You should try to get one."
She then stood, anger coming to the surface. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me! Every VK here is happy here. Just because your parents are villains doesn't mean that your a villain too. The four original VKs are living honest lives that they love, Gil finally doesn't have to try to be tough since he could never hurt a fly, and Harry is the sweetest person I've ever met. They're all so happy to live their lives here. But not you Uma. You just want to make others miserable to satisfy yourself! Let me give you some advice, people will like you more if you stop messing with their lives and start living one of your own!"
And with that you slammed the door, leaving a speechless Uma. You stomped over to a certain dorm and knocked, being greeted by Gil. "Oh hey y/n. Everything okay?"
Harry stood from his bed. He heard your fast and frustrated thoughts running through his mind. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Um, is it okay if I sleep here? Please?"
Gil immediately understood. "If you want I could sleep in your room and you could take my bed."
You hugged him. "You're awesome Gil. Thank you." He smiled and headed to your room. Harry stared at you the whole time. "Did you hear everything?" You said quietly with your head down.
He nodded, walking toward you and wrapping his arms around you. It was then you fully realized that he was shirtless. The warmth of his skin made you feel safe and able to talk. "Maybe I shouldn't have said those things." You didn't look at him.
You couldn't help but feel bad about what you said. You barely had any friends, and you felt self-conscious about your personality. Maybe this was the reason why people stay away from you.
"Fishy, look at me." You looked up at him with sad eyes. "It's not a bad thing for ye to stick up for yourself. Don't feel bad for it. I'm proud of ye."
You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I think you're rubbing off on me Harry."
He then pecked your lips. "I think you don't have anything to wear to sleep y/n." He was right. You had put on your normal clothing to go to the dorms. "Don't worry princess, I'll let ye borrow some of mine."
So there you were, coming out of the bathroom, feeling extremely shy as Harry sat up from his bed to stare at the huge shirt on your short figure. You felt your face burn up as he didn't take his eyes off of you for a second. "What?" You laughed nervously.
He got up and took your hands in his. "You look beautiful las. So beautiful."
He then walked backwards and lead you to the bed. "Wait, Harry-" Do ye trust me? You smiled. "Of course I'll say yes."
"Don't worry princess, I just want to hold ye." He smiled at you as you both laid down on the bed. He didn't need to tell you that he was touch starved, you knew. He buried his face in your neck as you ran your fingers through his hair, both of you dozing off.
When you woke up you let out a content sigh as you kissed the top of his head. Mornin' las.
You smiled. Morning Harry.
I'm a bit hungry. How about we have ourselves a little breakfast date, hm?
"Sounds like a plan." You felt him smile against your neck and hug you, rolling you over and causing you to giggle. You got up, putting on your clothes but leaving his shirt on, which he loved.
As you two were enjoying yourselves by the docks eating your plates of breakfast, Audrey came stomping by. "Sorry to bother your little low budget date, but King Ben wants to see you both."
You both came into his office with Audrey leading the two of you, head held high. Uma and Gil were standing inside as well. "Ben, what's this about?" You asked.
Audrey spoke up instead. "There's a chance that these pirates could be getting sent back to the isle."
"What?" You all exclaimed.
"Now, hang on a minute." Ben said, standing up from his chair. "Let's not act too rashly about this Audrey."
She chose to ignore this. "It's against the rules for any males to be sleeping in the female dorms, and the same goes for girls in the boys dorms. I saw with my own eyes Gil go into your dorm room last night, and people have seen you frequently go into their room." She crossed her arms. "Care to explain yourselves?"
"We're sorry, we didn't know that it was against the rules." You said. "There wasn't any harm done anyway."
"Aren't you two weirdos soulmates? Who's to say that you two aren't doing anything gross when you sleep in his room? And is that his shirt you're wearing?"
"First of all, asking what we do at night is the creepiest thing ever Audrey." She gave you a look. "Which is, for the record, nothing. People say that their going to sleep somewhere to sleep." You then pointed at her. "You're disgusting."
"Hey, guys let's be civil." Ben meekly said, offering an awkward smile.
"She was never civil with me. I'm done trying to be nice to someone who only cares about herself."
"You dare speak to me like that? I am a princess. You are some traveler who never stays in one place for long. You've lived on a boat." She then scoffed. "No wonder why you're friends with pirates."
"Excuse me?" Uma was now offended.
You put a hand on Uma's arm, giving her a smile. "It's okay Uma, I know how to deal with girls that have a silver spoon up her ass." Audrey gasped. You then turned to her. "Gee Audrey, it's so weird that you're trying to insult us, when we're all happy with our lives. You, on the hand, find it necessary to try to make yourself happy by having others below you." You put a hand to your heart. "It makes me sad that you can't just go on with your own life. I mean, it must get boring to do nothing but sit and judge people all day in your palaces. I encourage you to get a hobby, but, trust me, involving yourselves in other's lives isn't the right one."
She looked at you angrily before running out of the room. Sweet innocent Gil spoke up. "Um, can we go now?"
"Unfortunately, no." Ben said. "A rule was still broken and action must be given. Why were you sleeping in each other's dorms?"
Uma looked at you, ready for you to speak up and cause her to be punished. But you didn't. You were silent. Gil cleared his throat. "Um, so Uma-"
"It's my fault." You said, your expression blank. "The full story doesn't matter. It was my idea, and accept all responsibility."
"Are, are you sure?" Ben asked. "Honestly the only one who could be punished is Uma. I've seen how tired you've been." Uma looked at you, a tiny bit of fear in her eyes. She didn't want to go back.
"Uma didn't do anything. Like I said, I accept full responsibility." You smiled at him, and he nodded his head.
You ended up getting a three day suspension. You silently thanked the Gods that your mother was busy at sea to know this. As you were going to walk back to your room, Uma grabbed your wrist. "Hey. I just wanted to say thank you. I went too far."
"It's fine." You smiled at her, and she smiled back.
"Well las," Harry said. "You have three days off. What are we gonna do?"
You put your hands on his cheeks. "You have class."
"Eh, I got my soulmate right here. That's all I need." He wrapped his arms around your waist.
"You are positively evil, Harry Hook, and I love you for it."
"And you, my wee little princess, are the love of my life. I love you too." He then kissed you, with ever ounce of love and devotion in it. It felt right. He was your soulmate, after all.
Author Note: So I just watched Descendants 3 and this kinda contradicts it, but this is set kinda between 2 and 3
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yanderecandystore · 5 years
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Heaven is closer than you think [Yandere teacher - Headcanons]
I'm going to do the teachers first because why not :v? But honestly I could do the twins too, no problem.
Btw, this may be a little edgy.
Matthew Robinson:
He just doesn't know what to do.
This is so new to him, and also so weird??!! Should a teacher be this close to a student??
Because of the twins bullying you haven't gotten a lot of attention and affection. You didn't have many friends, most were from another school, and your parents are too busy to give you that.
Sometimes, you caught yourself liking your bullies attention, is the only kind of attention you received recently.
Even if it hurts you, you still find yourself liking it. You hate it so much!
It was so suddenly too! You just hugged him from behind after his class has ended.
It's not like he didn't notice what you been doing, you been wanting his attention and wanting to talk to him every time that his class ends, with he is very glad that you trust him that much.
But until this point it was all about conversations with an safe distance between you two.
He snapped at you, not really thinking straight about the whole situation.
He was not as exactly mad, just flustered and exhausted.
Exhausted from trying his best to be away from you so that he can learn to control this feelings but, God, you're always here. Is like you're provoking this man.
He didn't mention how he felt though, he only said that you should not do that and that it was so unprofessional for an teacher and a student to be found like that.
You were crying.
You hugged him out of pure instinct. You've been feeling so confused lately because of the bullying and the lack of people to talk to. You been noticing how one of the only people that talks to you, Matthew, has been avoiding you.
In fear of loosing his friendship, you hugged him, as a way to say don't go.
Then he snaps at you, saying all those things. You managed to make your only friend in the school mad at you.
You fall on your knees, there is no strength left on your body.
It was hard for him to see what he had done, that he had made you cry, it was even harder for you to explain that you didn't want to throw yourself at him like that.
He kneels downs next to you, trying to hold, to calm you down, this is not what he wanted. This is so not what he wanted.
He apologizes, a million of times while explaining that he didn't mean what he said. That you caught him by surprise and that he had an busy day.
You say sorry and try your best to explain why you did it. He is taken a little, did you think that highly about him? Is he so important to you?
He is also really mad, how dare those brats make you feel like this? But for some reason he feels happy. He feels way to happy to think about those two.
You seemed a little happier too, is that all that you wanted? Some attention?
. . .
He then realized why you hugged him, and then he realized why he is so happy. He doesn't tell you, but you can see his face change as realization hits him, and how he then, changes again.
You'll probably never know what he was thinking on, but he only tells you that you don't need to worry and that he promises he will never yell at you again.
And he also promises to be there when you need him. He'll make sure to always be there for you after school.
He tries to convince himself is for your health.
And not because of his greedy little heart.
He starts to pet your head for basically anything you do.
You don't mind though, is comforting.
He sometimes gets a little too close when you're asking him about something on your assignment.
Honestly, he doesn't even remember that conversation correctly anymore, but since then he has been closer to you.
He actually wanted to pet your head since day one, but always tried to control that stupid instinct. But now?
It feels natural. And talking to you has always been an pleasure.
Especially after school, there are no students around. No twins to bother you.
Just, affection. The love and affection that you rightfully deserve.
Madeline Allen:
Oh boi.
You were doing you're best in her class, trying to understand as best as you could but you just couldn't focus.
You were afraid of going crazy, of being alone, of being forgotten. The twins seemed to be the only people that you could relay on.
They did said once something about: "...if you do what we want, we'll stop our little game, we promise, you just need to do something for us...", something like that. You weren't listening at the time. You were mad at them for treating you like a pet.
They never specified what they wanted. But lately, you been considering taking that offer, even if you knew they would do something terrible for you to regret it later.
But lately, you been desperate, maybe if they stopped bullying you, you could finally make new friends. That fought alone was enough for you to plead for their kindness.
You started to day dream in class, trying to figure out what you should do and what were the consequences. Madeline notice this and the decided to ask if you were doing okay.
You were crying and shaking while thinking about you're life. You knew that giving up and accepting your bullie's offer was an bad idea. But you been feeling alone, for so long now.
Madeline asks you to see her after school. She doesn't know what is happening, why were you like that. But if those two little rats have anything to do with it, she swears she'll-
She'll have an nice conversation with them after she calms you down. She decides to not show the ugliness of her thoughts towards the twins and just pet your head as comfort.
You . . . You hold her hand before she could remove it so she can sit down. This is, new? You muttered something.
"- . . . please . . ." Oh dear you started to cry again.
"- What is it, sweetheart?" She asks you.
"- please... don't leave." You say, holding as much as you could to not cry. She is the only one still listening to your pleads.
. . .
She doesn't say anything, she stands there quietly, no one is paying mind to you, you're an weirdo, most students are aware of that.
"- . . . Meet me after school." She says, you can't read her voice, she doesn't sound like her joyful self, neither does she sounds angry.
Some students heard it and were just as shocked, what have you said that made her change like that?
Did you managed to loose your only friend in school?
While you were scared to even look at her face, she was trying to keep her cool.
She may have been a little cold on her response, but holy moly was she screaming inside!
That was so weird for you to ask. She was caught off guard. She is blushing furiously.
She didn't want to be too close to you in fear of freaking you out. She was considering to stop her head pets so you could have a little more space.
She thought she was starting to get too smothering with you. But suddenly you say something like that?? Out of nowhere???
God, you make her blush. She isn't ready to confront you about, what the hell just happened.
She has notice that you were acting weird lately, but she thought it was because of her!
But, putting the pieces together, maybe you weren't trying to get away from her.
Maybe you were trying to get closer ?
Get closer to her....
. . . . . . . .
Oh my God, she can't believe it, but it makes sense??? When she thinks about it makes too much sense!!!
She feels, flattered, happy, flustered, mad because she couldn't connect the dots earlier, and so, so happy! Is like in a movie when a character realizes that the other character actually do love them, and then they-
. . . Is she taking her fantasies too far? She doesn't know if you really love her though, maybe she is not really getting what is happening here.
When the day ends, you go to her classroom, and although you're scared and still a bit sad. You tell her everything.
And hopes that she doesn't find you weird.
"- Oh." Is all she says, God, that wasn't reassuring at all. But in reality she isn't weirded out or anything.
She is just slowly taking that information. She normally is more quick to notice this type of things but something about you makes her think for a little longer.
Makes her want to think about you, a little longer.
"- I'm-I'm so sorry Miss. Allen, I'll-"
She just pets your head across her desk. She shushes you, there is nothing for you to be worried about.
You can talk to her whenever you want, you know?
"- Ye-yeah! I now-"
You scared her for a moment now, love.
"- Oh really? I'm sorry-"
Is fine now.
"- Sorry but, how did I-"
Everything is fine now.
She gets up from her chair and goes around the desk, hugs you from behind as you're still sitting.
For so long now, you been alone, now you finally felt . . .
Loved. Even if it is a friend's love.
Although, that's just how you see it.
She'll make sure to be there when need to talk, or just to get an hug.
She'll take care of you.
She won't leave you, she promises.
Isn't this beautiful? She always wanted to hold you this close and now she can.
She always wanted to take care of you, and now she can.
She wanted to spend more time with you and now she can. Because you said so.
It may not be normal to feel this way, towards a student, or towards anyone.
But look if it isn't beautiful? You basically said, that is okay for her to feel this way.
Look if you aren't just beautiful? Simply made for her. You asked for her help in a time of need and unconsciously made all her worries go away.
Truly, you were made for her and only for her to protect.
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Jac & Savannah
Jac: Cannot stop thinking about that one dress in that last boutique we checked out though... Jac: so lowkey mad at Isabelle for having to go home to walk her dog 🙄😩 Savannah: UGH I know! Don't get me started yet again on how her mum is literally never there to do anything for it & they don't even have a garden Savannah: I'll go back & get it for you, she can't stop me Savannah: I have less than zero reasons to hurry home Jac: Lowkey like, who do I call again? 😬 Jac: the poor thing, as if breathing wasn't issue enough without having to contend with getting overweight and her mum's vape habit Jac: You're so pure 🥺🥺 Jac: and I'm personally not over seeing you in that one shade of pink like ??? Jac: 👼🏾 walking Savannah: ^^^  the levels of cruelty make my heart hurt, honestly 😢 but I won't get to Heaven until I convince them to see the error of their ways & that is a battle I simply do not have the energy for today Savannah: you could literally wear that AWFUL dress that Isabelle was considering- thank god we talked her out of that much! 🙌🏾- & still look like an actual goddess Jac: Seriously, I don't know how they can live with themselves Jac: that would be their business, because I'm not as caring as you, or even close, but the fact it hurts you means it's mine too 😤 Jac: actually though, would have had to pretend to not know her, oh my God Jac: not to mention how short it was, as well as just hideous...like this is a SCHOOL event, girl, I... 🤦 Jac: it does mean we're scheduled to help her keep looking though Jac: which is becoming a trial, like I'm so sorry to say but wow Savannah: I likewise don't have the necessary reserves to try and teach her the difference between positive & negative attention Savannah: Can Amelia not help her look? I highly doubt her wardrobe is fully stocked with suitable school event dresses so surely she still needs to keep looking too? Jac: That's a whole conversation her mother should be having with her but also needs Jac: sad, really Jac: Poor, poor Is Jac: Meels is a committed outfit repeater, no matter the occasion Savannah: She can't wear jeans to this though Jac: 🙄 I've also tried on that subject Jac: it'll just become a whole THING Jac: us trying to sort both of them out and getting nowhere with our own looks Savannah: 😔 I'm exhausted by their indecision, it's taking the excitement out of it Savannah: I understand that they can't and don't feel themselves in just anything, but it's getting ridiculous Jac: ^^ Totally agree Jac: although us being on the same page is not anything like a surprise these days Jac: it's so unfair, really Jac: they're not even THAT bothered about the whole thing Jac: we've put effort in before this whole step even Savannah: I knew you'd understand, despite feeling like I'm the one who is being totally unfair by saying anything, the rational part of my mind which isn't on the verge of tears as a result of Is' complaints or Amelia's apathy is like no, Savannah, you're not wrong Savannah: it does matter to us & it's allowed to be viewed as important Savannah: not to mention enjoyable, god forbid Jac: You NEVER need to doubt yourself Jac: you're a complete empath, honestly, to your own detriment Jac: but that isn't your fault and people should try to give even a fraction of what you give them back Jac: so, for your wellbeing, I'm calling a time-out on this and them Jac: you've got to focus on you for once ❤ Savannah: I can't tell you how wholeheartedly I wish I was the person you think I am, Ty & I had a HUGE fight earlier & I've been plagued by self doubt ever since Jac: Oh no, okay, what was said? Savannah: He seemed to think that we had plans today, which is not a conversation I remember us having, so of course I wasn't going to cancel on you all Savannah: & that makes me the most thoughtless girlfriend he's ever had Savannah: I'm so sorry the girl you dated for like two weeks dropped everything without a second thought if you even hinted that you wanted her too because she didn't have a life Savannah: they broke up for that exact reason Jac: He's totally got the wrong day Jac: you don't double-book Jac: not dragging him, he's clearly just so busy with his own stuff too but yeah, no way Jac: he'll work it out and owe you a great apology Savannah: it was beyond upsetting, I swear I need a mental health break from everyone but you Jac: I get it Jac: no boy drama but my family are driving me INSANE right now Jac: I vote we go test 💅 colours and get a hand massage to boot Savannah: Can we? I don't want to be responsible for causing you more family drama Jac: Ugh, no, they're fine Jac: and you're more important than any of this drama, Is and Amelia's too Savannah: ^^ I don't care how hard Ty is sulking, I'm not going to leave you to cope with them on your own Savannah: you needed my help first Jac: Like, he can't put that on you Savannah: he's never spoken to me that way before & I have no idea where it came from Jac: Is he under a lot of pressure right now, on the team? Jac: or at home, school Jac: either way, the issue is not with you, and he probably knows that already Savannah: No, everything's going really well Jac: 🤔 Savannah: It's me, it has to be Jac: You've not done what he's saying you have Jac: accusing would be too strong a word but Jac: we'll work it out but I'm totally clueless right now Savannah: me too 😢 Jac: Lowkey mad at him now Savannah: I shouldn't have even said anything, I told myself that I wasn't going to Savannah: but then Isabelle & Amelia started sulking too & it brought it all back Jac: No, I want to be there for you Jac: and make you feel better Jac: which I definitely will Jac: but I just can't explain away why he's being like this 🥺😢 Jac: and I wish I could Savannah: You'll definitely make me cry, you're the best Savannah: he was acting as though I don't make time for him, which is not true, but if it were, the reason would be that nobody deserves as much of it as you Jac: making you cry doesn't sound like something the best would do Jac: you've got to have your own lives, own friends Jac: you do NOT wanna be THAT couple Savannah: if you don't want my tears because I couldn't be happier to have found the love of my life, I'll keep them in, since they are yours, it's totally fine Savannah: yes, exactly & he knows that, he has more friends than extra-curriculars & he has as many of those as I do Savannah: it doesn't make any sense Jac: I will treasure them Jac: and make sure they never, ever spill for anything less than the happiest of moments, because that is all you deserve Jac: I could talk to him...totally on the low and in the most well-intentioned way Jac: maybe it's something he doesn't want to burden you with? but he has accidentally burdened you with this doubt and worry instead Savannah: 🥰🤗 Savannah: you'd do that? Jac: Of course! Jac: You're my soul sister, so I hope Ty at least considers me a friend too at this point Jac: he's going to have to get used to having me around 😅 Savannah: if he doesn't we have a bigger problem than I thought because I love you so much Savannah: & I will run away with you if anyone ever tries to make me choose 😄 Jac: He's smart, he's not gonna do that Jac: though honestly, I could do with the break right now, would not say no Savannah: maybe we could have one, it's essentially my right as a child of a broken home to play my parents off against each other Savannah: & if my dad is foolish enough to believe he can buy back any of my love or respect after what he's done, why should I feel bad for treating him like one Savannah: I refuse to, I do need to focus on myself Jac: In terms of making-up-to-do, he's in the lead no question, or so far behind everyone else, looking at it that way Jac: I think it would be the most appropriate way to end transition year Jac: God knows if my parents would go for it 🙄 Savannah: I'll talk to them, I've never lost a debate so far & I couldn't be any more well intentioned, my heart is in the exact right place Jac: 👼🏾🥰 Jac: next year is when everything gets REAL Jac: we need the holiday we are NOT going to get until...I don't even want to think about the next time we'll be able to take a real break after this Savannah: ^^^ Savannah: whatever I have to do to make it happen & be perfect, so be it Jac: the salon is the EXACT right place to plan all this Jac: all the inane questions they ask about your holidays will actually be useful for once 🤭 Savannah: 😄 Jac: This is like, just a you and me thing, right? Savannah: of course Jac: Okay because helping Isabelle pick bikinis is the opposite of fun 😂 Savannah: oh my god, I don't even want to imagine Jac: if the dress breakdowns aren't bad enough Jac: we'd be so stressed we'd be put on the no-fly list, honestly Savannah: Amelia would probably throw my body into the sea, weighted down by rocks or Isabelle's dog, I swear she hates me Jac: How could anyone hate you? Jac: and she's friends with me, so her taste can't be THAT off Savannah: we won't mention that she's also friends with Is Savannah: any excuse to talk about how perfect you are instead Jac: I seriously think if we wouldn't, who would 😶 Jac: you'll make me 😳 Savannah: OH! The tans we'll both get Savannah: you'll be sightseeing & I'll just be staring at you in disbelief because you somehow got even more beautiful Jac: Oh please Jac: you're so stunning they'd be running to write new laws just to make it illegal how good you look Savannah: stop, nobody can see me 😳 but I still feel it Savannah: it should be illegal how you make me feel Jac: sorry, but a world where you don't know and aren't told how perfect you are is just not one I wanna live in 💁 Savannah: I don't deserve you, all I've done today is mope & wish your friends away so that I can have you all to myself Jac: We deserve each other Jac: if I didn't have you, who would I be able to get excited about this with? Jac: I'd be going on my own, most likely Savannah: okay, you're right Jac: I just get sad thinking about all the time we weren't friends and didn't know each other properly before Savannah: No, don't be sad, baby, we trust in the universe because it was meant to be now not then Savannah: lord knows I needed my glow up before I could be around you Savannah: 👼🏻✨🌞💛 Jac: That's true Jac: I'm more thankful that we have NOW and the promise of forever than I could ever be sad Jac: definitely not ignoring how blessed I am Jac: also blessed that my hair grew back in and I lost the puppy fat look 😬🤦 Savannah: I stand by what I said when I first saw the pictures Savannah: you were ADORABLE Jac: you're too sweet but I'm not gonna complain about it 🥰 Savannah: It's true & you know that because I would never jeopardise our connection Savannah: you're the only person I can talk to with total honesty, it's so important to me Jac: I only feel like myself with you Jac: no one else gets it all Savannah: I feel like a better person when I'm with you Savannah: but with none of the pressure that my parents put on me not to fail or the fear I have of letting Ty down Jac: You're the best person Jac: if all I do is give you the confidence to believe that, then that's totally worth it Savannah: You're going to achieve everything you want Jac: I can't wait to be Dr Taylor to your Dr Moore Savannah: 😊 Savannah: I'll be there to make sure every second of your life is worth it until then & of course after Jac: Naturally ❤ Jac: have you seen the groupchat? Savannah: please don't judge me for not having opened it Jac: I couldn't even when I'm just sat here like 🤨😑 Jac: Is has sent a million links and they seem to be getting worse every one I open ??? Savannah: Well I can't face that until later when I'm 🛀🏾🥂 Savannah: not that I'll be staying at Ty's unless he apologises to me Jac: You can always stay with me Savannah: I don't think any of your family would be fine about the always, but I wish I could Jac: They'll deal, I have to put up with all of them so 💁 Jac: I'm trying to persuade them to move the sofa bed from the hangout area to the music room, make it more of a spare room too, more privacy Jac: it's not fair that Jesse has a whole room with all his crap in, there's plenty of space in said hangout room for him Savannah: 😄 I'm sure we could win that debate too, I definitely have as much passion about the subject as you if it means I don't have to go home Savannah: it's impossible to 🛀🏾🥂 when my mum is mid-breakdown in her en-suite Jac: 😬😥 Jac: she needs to convert the passion she had for couples therapy for solo therapy now Savannah: Honestly! It's a full time job making sure she's adequately but not over medicated & if I'm worrying about it I know Sienna is Savannah: I have to unlock the door to let her in & before I know it I'm re-doing her braids or checking her homework, all the while my bath water is going cold Jac: You're actually such a good sister, and daughter Jac: In awe of you Jac: I wish you didn't have to work as hard as you do, but it's really admirable Savannah: like, so sorry that you had to go home to walk your dog, Isabelle 🙄 it's no wonder she doesn't understand me Jac: She doesn't even try Jac: she lives on planet Is where the most important thing is which bland boy she's going to get off with next Jac: I can't claim so many of your experiences and struggles but I respect the hell out of you, and try to make your life easier where and when I can Savannah: oh my god, the boy from the other night! I can't Jac: 🤢 Jac: her taste! Jac: worrying Jac: ugly dresses are the least of her problems Jac: I feel like I can't leave her alone sometimes, honestly Savannah: if this thing with Ty is leading to a break up I refuse to date any of the boys in our school Savannah: that would be another full time job working out which of them have & haven't done what with her & when Jac: tell me about it 🙄 Jac: they're all so lacklustre Savannah: ^^^ Savannah: we know our worth & we're simply too good for any of them unless they have a serious emotional glow up of their own Jac: Mhmm Jac: Ty is never gonna break up with you though Savannah: I don't know anymore, I never thought he would raise his voice to me Jac: That's pretty out of order Jac: he knows about your dad, what he's like Savannah: & it's really out of character too Jac: Yeah, totally Jac: men and anger issues are a whole can of worms Jac: there's something he isn't dealing with, for sure Savannah: or something he's not telling me Savannah: I just hope it's not a someone Jac: who could even come close to you? Jac: he's not that cliche of having the perfect girl and risking it on some skank Savannah: Logically I know that but I'm so scared Jac: Babe 🥺 Jac: you NEED to put you first, even just for the length of this nail appointment Jac: you don't need this extra stress from him Jac: I've started the convo, you can read it all once we get to the meat of it Savannah: I just want to be excited about 💅🏾 & all the iconic outfits we saw Savannah: it's SO unfair Jac: I hate this Jac: I wish I could take you away right now Savannah: you do, I'd be even more a wreck if you weren't the amazingly intuitive person you are, earlier without even having to be told I was upset you made me feel better over and over again Savannah: and right now you know what I need, way before I can put it into words or coherent thoughts Jac: we trust the connection too 💫💐💞 Savannah: I love you Savannah: I'm not devoting time & space to anyone else today, from this point on Jac: and we're definitely getting lunch after, my treat Savannah: no, mine Savannah: you've already been taking such good care of me Jac: Okay, but we will be going [place] and I will be getting you your favourite dessert Jac: no arguments 😘 Savannah: Okay, I won't fight you on it Jac: there are so many more important, and fun, decisions for us to make Savannah: ^^^!! Savannah: is Is still trying to force you to make outfit decisions for her though? Jac: I've said we've got more pressing matters right now Jac: I've made it sound like a me issue though, don't worry Jac: they'll have to cope without us for a while Savannah: Thank you, I can't cope with their relationship advice at the best of times Jac: Yeah, there's less than zero chance they'd have anything useful to say so Jac: they don't need to know Savannah: We won't tell them about the holiday plans either, that way you'll have a nice secret to keep as well as my stupid boyfriend drama Jac: to secrets 🥂 Savannah: 🥂 Savannah: Are you still thinking about that dress or have I ruined everything? Jac: You could never ruin anything with me Jac: so yes Jac: but I'm also remembering that other shop we didn't even get a chance to check out Savannah: their window display is INCREDIBLE ✨ Savannah: we should go Jac: I KNOW Jac: I've been window shopping every time I go past Jac: and to be fair, I think it's a bit out of Isabelle's price range, so it actually wouldn't be nice to take her there Savannah: the universe has spoken, I'm taking you there, our secret Jac: 🥰 Jac: I swear I only have fun when I'm with you Savannah: you're so much fun that nobody considers you might not be having any, but I promise I'll always think about you & what you need Jac: You'll make me cry now Savannah: Baby, no 🥺 if you start you'll set me off again Savannah: I'm a really ugly crier & you look like an 👼🏻 Jac: Okay, okay, no crying Jac: we'll stay flawless Savannah: that's harder work for me than it could ever be for you, but I'll do my best Jac: You're the most perfect person I've ever known Jac: inside and out Savannah: I feel that way about you, I'm not just saying it like, oh sure, me too Savannah: you're so perfect I should hate you Jac: Yeah, I know Jac: sorta been there done that Jac: not that I ever hated you really Savannah: I couldn't Jac: No, in the way how perfect you are SHOULD be impossible, that's how hating you felt Savannah: that's it exactly Savannah: & I just wanted you to notice me, I'd wait all day sometimes, getting more extra about everything Jac: It was like, I should've been mad at you but I could only ever be impressed Savannah: Well, I can't lie, I'm glad because I've never worked that hard for anyone before Savannah: it'd be super awkward if I failed Jac: 😅 Jac: I'm flattered Jac: how many boys wish, like Savannah: of course, but boys are easy Jac: duh, if you need to try then you've got bigger problems Savannah: I don't understand what Amelia's is, a smile & a hair flip & she could be dating anyone in our year Jac: Yeah, me either Jac: maybe she's had the same 💭 about Isabelle's seconds Savannah: 😄 Savannah: at this point I'm seriously expecting her to come out as asexual Jac: 🤔 maybe you're onto something Savannah: I do have good instincts for these things Jac: True Savannah: one of Sienna's friends is & nobody's been anything but really supportive about it Savannah: her year group are so sweet though Savannah: I was not like that a year ago Jac: Awh Jac: yeah, she knows we'd all support her Jac: and no one is going to say anything to her Jac: no one with half a brain cell anyway Savannah: & even if things were said it'd be no worse than what they say about her now Jac: Facts Jac: I don't know if she 1. genuinely doesn't hear 2. pretends not to or 3. seriously doesn't care Savannah: & you know her better than anyone so if you aren't sure she probably isn't either Jac: 😕 Jac: if she gave any indication, I'd do everything to help her Savannah: I know you would Savannah: I'm honestly so jealous of how close you two are & have been for like, ever Jac: but we're just as close now Savannah: I can't help but envy all the shared history you have though, all the pictures & stories that I'm obviously left out of Savannah: I shouldn't think like that, I know Savannah: but sometimes it does get to me, even though I try & be a better person than that Jac: We're going to make so many memories together though Jac: from now 'til forever Savannah: of course we are Savannah: it's no wonder he also accused me of being over sensitive, that one is very clearly true Jac: people just say that when they don't want to make allowances for other people's inconvenient feelings Jac: you can feel that, and I feel it too Jac: I wish you had been there Savannah: it just feels like she brings up all these past anecdotes as often as she does to try & leave me out Savannah: but maybe she doesn't realise how much it hurts me Jac: I'm sure she doesn't, but I'll make extra effort to clock it and get her to chill now Jac: we don't need to dwell on the past, especially at our age 🙄 Savannah: I don't want to cause friction, I can totally understand her wanting to reminisce, if we'd known each other then, I'd be the same Savannah: I talk & think about you literally all the time as it is Jac: Not even Jac: I don't want you feeling left out, or anyone Savannah: you would never Jac: you're so important to me Savannah: you've always let me know that Jac: 🥰 Savannah: I don't know how I would cope with anything that's going on in my life right now without you Savannah: I didn't even realise how badly I needed someone to talk to Jac: You look after everyone, you need someone to look after you Savannah: I can't rely on anyone to do that though Jac: me 🙋 Savannah: you can't leave me ever, I swear I'll go crazier than my mother Jac: I never will Jac: I promise Savannah: okay, I'm yours to look after then Jac: I can cope with that 😄 Savannah: you've definitely handled me at my worst, I haven't forgotten my bathroom breakdown, trust me Savannah: the embarrassment will last forever Jac: it so easily could have been me Jac: and maybe I wouldn't have had the courage to ever reach out if not, frame it like that Savannah: No, I hate that Jac: Okay, but no embarrassment either Jac: because you're the strongest person I know, and nothing I've learnt about you has changed that opinion Savannah: Well, I think you're the bravest & I fully believe you'll always find the courage to do whatever you want Jac: 🤞 Jac: I've got a lot of things I want and intend to do Savannah: 👏🏾 Yes girl! Savannah: I can't wait for transition year to be over Jac: Ugh, I know Jac: on the one hand, LOVE the extra opportunities and learning experiences they simply do not bother with the rest of the time Jac: but the other half is having to do lessons I have NO intention of carrying on with, which is just, pointless Savannah: ^^^^^^^^^ Savannah: my auntie was complaining at me as if it was OPTIONAL & I CHOSE it, excuse me Jac: Ha! 🙄 Jac: we all know it's meant to be in theory Jac: but if you don't go to a school with a high teacher to child ratio, with the budget and time to care about tailoring the learning experience to each child...then you're gonna have to do it with the rest, like it or lump it Savannah: She's a product of the American school system, there is zero place for her criticism Jac: and I- 😶 Jac: even our worst school would be preferable I'm sorry 😂 Savannah: Right?! Jac: Compared to the English and American systems, except maybe the super-elite English ones, I feel like we're still going to be at an advantage when we go to Uni Savannah: Agreed Savannah: even this year we've totally made the most of so far Jac: You've got to Jac: or you'll end up with a mediocre life and what is the point in even living Savannah: Ugh, exactly Savannah: I can already tell who is going to end up living like that Jac: I know right Jac: like, sorry to break it to you, but they're called FORMATIVE years for a reason Savannah: mhmmmm Jac: you can still have fun without ruining your life and future Jac: you just have to work hard too and some people are simply too lazy 💁 Savannah: ^^ we manage to have it all Savannah: I'm not sorry if they don't want it enough to secure it for themselves Jac: Exactly Jac: can't be sorry for you if you chose to act that way Jac: maybe some of them will turn it around years down the line but it'll be so much harder than if they'd put the work in when they were meant to Savannah: It breaks my heart that everybody doesn't have you to guide & hype them Jac: Only you deserve me though, that's the truth of it Savannah: I'm willing to work at that for the rest of my life too so Jac: 🥺 Jac: Ugh, I just love you Jac: you've really solidified all my life choices, if that makes sense Jac: like I know now everything I want is exactly what I need too Savannah: It makes perfect sense & I feel it too Jac: Thank God you do Savannah: My family are always pushing me to go to Trinity, they don't understand at all Jac: like, yeah, it's a good Uni, but we've done Dublin Jac: it's also the point of Uni to expand your horizons, put roots down somewhere else Jac: your hometown and Uni town are NOT meant to be the same Savannah: ^^ thank you Savannah: Sienna is the only one whose opinion is valid because I will be leaving her here alone for a year before she can go wherever she decides to & she'll actually miss me Savannah: my parents just want to control me Jac: Right, you aren't being selfish about it Jac: it's because you're too useful to them, like you said, looking after Sienna and your mum Jac: but those are actually both jobs your dad took on when he got married and made a family so Jac: he still has to deal with them Savannah: He gets to literally walk out but god forbid I take the next step in my life Jac: Right, he has to realize you are not a surrogate carer Jac: and that sorting those things out will always be his responsibility Savannah: He takes no responsibility for abandoning us never mind the fact that he spent years emotionally destroying my mum & then walking out when he didn't like who she became Jac: He's going to have to face his blame one day Jac: if nothing else, he does love you and Sienna, he wouldn't let anything really bad happen to you two Savannah: I don't feel loved, I feel like he decided none of us were good enough Savannah: maybe I'm too much like her for him to handle too Jac: I hate that he's made you feel like that Jac: but if anything, that shows failure on his part, not yours Jac: you're brilliant and loving and you're still there, even though it's so much for you to handle Jac: you don't need him, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable right now, and that it's shit that he isn't stepping up Savannah: I hate him & I can't stand that he's made me carry hate in my heart when that isn't who I want to be Jac: Oh, Sav Jac: you wouldn't hold negative feelings towards him if he wasn't giving you that energy first Jac: you're never a doormat, again, it shows you're strong Savannah: Don't let me be with Ty, okay? Jac: Promise Savannah: Throw my phone into the 🛀🏾 if you have to, I'll forgive you Jac: 😅 I've got it in writing Savannah: 😄 Jac: would never drop it in 🥂 Jac: such a waste Savannah: Lord no, I need the full 🍾 Jac: 🙌 I can get behind that Jac: it's been a DAY Savannah: it had it's genuine 🙌🏾 moments nevertheless, because of & featuring you Savannah: I've looked at the pictures so many times, I CANNOT believe you really look like that Jac: 😳 says you Savannah: yes & I'm going to keep saying it until it sinks in for both of us that you're the most beautiful person that has ever existed because I'm hoping that if it does for me, at least, whatever dress you choose won't take my breath away as soon as I see you in it Savannah: otherwise you'll be trying to twirl but also having to catch me as I legitimately faint Jac: you'll have to not kill me before then or I won't be any use to anyone Jac: just a blushy mess on the floor Savannah: that isn't fair, on the one hand, you can't die, I need you, but on the other that sounds ADORABLE Jac: it's unfair how much of an 👼🏾 you are to me but I don't wanna share so Savannah: pink is one of my favourite colours, you know this & you wear it so well 🌺😳🌷 Jac: I'll wear it for you Jac: even if I don't go for that dress Jac: I wonder if we can get corsages or is that too extra 🤔 Savannah: I'll get that dress if it makes you happy, I'll wear anything you want me to, including a corsage Savannah: there is no such thing as too extra when you're talking about 🌷 🌹 🌺 🌸 🌼 🌻 Jac: my sentiments exactly 😄😄 Jac: I don't think Amelia will wear one Jac: but we can get them Jac: we can get our birth flowers and favourites and it'll be so cute Savannah: It should be an us thing, the holiday is so far away Jac: ^^ and it's more our vibe Jac: doesn't go with a short dress or jeans, really Savannah: 😄 Jac: I've got some books I need to return to the library, do you wanna meet at that little coffee place by there? Savannah: how many books? If you need help carrying them all I'll meet you at the library Jac: love the romcom fantasy 😅 Jac: you know me, there's a few... 😬 Savannah: 😊 I'll be right there, baby Savannah: no more struggles today Jac: ❤❤✨ Savannah: 🥰
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makiema · 5 years
For SNK Positivity Week Day 1 : Character Positivity Day ||
Zeke Jaeger : A Character Sketch
This is going to be a long rant in appreciation of Zeke's amazing character arc. He's not really my favorite character but the reason why I picked him for the character positivity day is because his character is often misunderstood and he gets a lot of unjustified hate. I did that too at one point; tbh I hated him with a passion but I'd grow out of it and even begin to feel for him eventually.
First off, let's run a background check on him. He was obviously neglected as a kid. His eyes speaks volumes here in this panel.
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At the age of five, when all a kid looks for is love and care, his parents imposed the responsibility of the whole world on his shoulders. At an age when a child has a hard time spelling correctly, he was expected to infiltrate the government, fight for his brethren, become a double agent and what not. The psychological toll on a child who faces negligence and abuse at home is unimaginable. Paralleling that with stats of recent times, it's seen that bullies often come from abusive families. That's how psychology works. Once you've been victimized, you'll project that on others. That is exactly what happened with Zeke. The reason why he appeared so sadistic was because someone else put through hell before. The reason why he failed to love and empathize was because he himself was denied feelings of warmth and love. A child learns to emulate what he has learned from his parents. Can you really blame him for failing in the beginning?
But then, as the story of his life progressed, a more humane side of his character was developed with the coming of Xaver. Xaver was the first person to show Zeke parental affection. His contribution in shaping up Zeke's fundamental character is noteworthy. Even though he gave Zeke the love that he needed, his influence was not at all something appreciable, something better than before. If Grisha and Dina had wrongly used their son to meet their own selfish needs, Xaver was the shrewder one who showed affection on the surface only to permanently mould Zeke into becoming a pessimistic, merciless individual who had little to no respect for human lives. Zeke already bore the scars of his past; Xaver rather than inspiring him and guiding him decided to gaslight him into somehow believing that his whole life is a mistake and the same goes for all Eldians.
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Imagine prevailing upon a teenager, whose personality is just developing, an idea that horrifying. If you sugarcoat the idea of genocide and instill that in a teenager, what do you even expect him to believe in? Drawing from our world, this was a tactic employed largely by Hitler in Germany. The only reason so many young people voluntarily took part in genocide was because they were spoon fed terrible ideas and convinced of false righteousness by their most trusted ones (often members of the family). The people we look up to for guidance are our parents and then comes our instructors. Zeke was unfortunate when it came to both. His instructor was the one who made murderous ideas seem okay to him. He's not at fault; he was only a teenager looking up at an older person for guidance and perspective.
So from there on we see how Zeke actually becomes a double agent serving in the Marleyan army. He has nothing to lose. He wrecks whole towns but deep inside he feels nothing. This lies in direct contrast with Eren who had an upbringing full of love and warmth. Remember how Eren couldn't accept even one soldier's death whatever be the cause? Again, both the character arcs follow the basic lines of human psychology. Environment, circumstances, influence -everything goes in the making of a person. However, this is true only until a certain point. You cannot forever be a product of your surroundings so once pubescence is reached, you're expected to make your own choices. Levi asking Eren to make a choice has a great significance in his life. It makes him responsible for himself. Similarlyen Zeke met Eren, he also made a choice - a choice to love someone. For the first time, he actually learned to love; for the first time he honestly wants someome to believe him and he feels like he understands Eren. Zeke realizes that he shares a common ground with someone and seeks solace in him. He's just a forlorn character seeking love and understanding.
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He did love his grandparents before and also loved Xaver, of course, but that was more of being loved and then returning it. When it came to Eren, he made a choice of giving love to his sibling in spite of knowing his true intentions. His victim complex immediately assumed that Eren was also a victim of parental abuse and he chose to take care of him like a big brother. He never once doubted Eren. Even for someone as cold and sadistic as him, even for someone who had just murdered hundreds of SC members without a second thought, love existed; and with this a possibility of redemption; a hope of adopting a new perspective at life - one that is not inspired from hate, abuse, negligence or pessimism. From this point onwards, Zeke's character arc takes an interesting turn.
Ever since he met Eren and got to talk to him, we've seen him trying desperately to protect Eren. He's a product of negligence and he believes Xaver saved him. Therefore, he wants to save someone he loves too. He loves his brother and Eren is the only one who matters to him. He'd go to any extent to protect him. Hence the "Onii-chan is here" in the ending of Chapter 117.
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He is adorable and his love for Eren is exemplary sibling love. It can be even compared to the likes of Itachi, Ace, Lelouch and Tanjirou - the famous big brothers in the animanga history. In 118, he knows Colt feels the same way but Xaver took away the feeling of empathy from a young, naive Zeke and so he goes on ahead with the Scream. Is it his fault ? No, not really. He was never accustomed with the meaning of life. He was a child growing up amidst war and devastation who looked up to a wretched cynical figure as his father. How can we expect someone to attach significance to life when all he was made to believe was that he is somehow at fault just for being born?
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This directly contrasts how Eren was made to believe that he's special just because he was born in this world. The contrast between the brothers is never so eminent as in here, in this astonishingly different approach towards life.
There is a quote in Banana Fish that goes like: "You cannot be loved unless you love"
Ever since Zeke took it upon himself to save Eren, to shower him with love and affection, he showed us a more humane side of him ; a side I'm sure even he didn't believe he had in him before he came across his brother. He opened a portal to a kinder world when he learned to love. He was a sad, unfortunate creature unloving and unloved for most of his life. But now that he has so much love in his heart, even at the moment of betrayal, he gets to know how being loved feels like.
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I cannot even begin to elaborate on the shock and the disillusionment that Zeke had to face when he learned the truth- that Eren was the one who manipulated Grisha and not the other way round. The good thing that came out of this was that Zeke learned that he was genuinely valued by his father and that he trusted him to stop Eren. However, Eren ruins it perfectly when he throws salt on Zeke's open wound.
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Of course, years of negligence cannot be forgotten and/ or forgiven at the expense of one tiny moment and Zeke is hesitant to call Grisha 'dad' at times
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but at least he knows now that Grisha regrets his wrongs and that he loves him. Isayama had granted Zeke what he was long due, when Grisha confessed to him. Zeke's love for Eren is so pure, so selfless. Even when Eren says he had only used Zeke, even when he is rude and nasty with him, Zeke is convinced that it is all because of Grisha's brainwashing. He is so upset when he learns of Eren's betrayal in this panel.
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Of course, Zeke's love for Eren seems to be leading him to nowhere and this is sort of payback for all his crimes but at least, with Chapter 121, it can be said that Zeke Jaeger is no longer a tragic unloved character. He was loved by his father and he more than deserved to know this. His character arc is churned out wonderfully. He began as a villainous character but then Isayama gave us a glimpse of how tragic his story is; from there on Zeke's character evolved and his development reached its peak with his sincere and genuine love for Eren. Gradually his sad arc that made him to be a pitiful unloved creature is resolved with a confession of love from the most desirable person, not to forget that this new found love also came with Grisha's faith that Zeke would be able to stop Eren. He saw how in the impending future Zeke's plan will fail but even so he still has faith that he's going to stop Eren.
Wow this became longer than I expected it to be. But I have been getting a lot of feelings for Zeke recently and I felt like I had to highlight him for the character positivity day because he is so misinterpreted in the fandom. I really hope people forgive him because basically nobody is evil by choice, it's the effect arising from cumulative traumatizing experiences as a child.
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