#once you get the hang of it it's actually pretty interesting with the Storm and the time-travel
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cheriafreya · 5 months ago
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ah such a good time to come back to this game :> plus it's officially coming to Steam in a few months!
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baddiewiththebook · 8 months ago
Over the Years | e.m x reader [18+] | p. 1
-> The origin story of Eddie Munson, and how he fell in love with the worst person he possibly could - his best friend.
-> eddie munson x you (she/her)
-> friends to lovers, slow burn, angst
-> warnings - strong language, suggestive themes, smut [18+]
a/n - another short chapter, but please bare with me here.
-> <-
June 1972
Eddie Munson has taken your doll. Your precious princess with the silver tiara glued to the top of her head (because you lost the tiara once and you wailed for hours until your mom found it, and she decided to glue it to her head to keep this from happening again).
Never go past the porch. Your mom has repeated time and time again. So, you sit with your feet kicked out in your gingham dress that your mom insists you wear.
Across the trailer park, Eddie is counting down the minute until “blast-off.” Tying your doll to a toy rocket he got with his allowance from his uncle, he knows that this thing won’t go to Mars. Perhaps, a nice landing in the tree hanging above his house would be nice.
It would - until Uncle Wayne soils his plans.
“Eddie!” Uncle Wayne scolds with a newspaper rolled into a swatting weapon. Smacking Eddie upside the head, he warns, “you be nice to her and give her back that doll!”
Eddie huffs, “I wasn’t going to hurt it.”
“Why don’t we give her one of your toys to play with?” Wayne smirks knowing he’s about to win this tireless battle. “G.I. Joe would look pretty in a dress and a little makeover.”
“Ugh,” Eddie tears the strings that hold the princess doll hostage, “I’ll give the toy back. Jeez!”
“And apologize,” he sighs.
Eddie kicks the dirt below his feet and storms across to the trailer there. You’re a pain in his side. Blubbering about a doll? Really?
Wayne constantly reminds him that you’re younger. Actually, you’re about two years younger than Eddie. You can’t chase him around like he wishes. There’s not many kids his age in the trailer park, and the ones that are his age fear the Munson name.
You’re not sure you want to be friends with the boy who keeps taking your dolls to throw around. There isn’t much choice now that your mom has to work, and she’s handing you over to Wayne in the mornings. She offers him a list of emergency contacts, and warns him not to feed you too much sugar.
It’s then you’re left to play with the thief, who steals your dolls. And, for a while, Eddie ignores you. He digs in the dirt with a plastic shovel until he finds a slimy worm. Thinking this would be the perfect time to show you he’s in charge around here, Eddie grows a sly grin. He hovers over you, while you take a keen interest in the toy dump truck left in the sun. Dropping the worm onto your hair, you squeal and shake off the invading insect.
Despite his short victory, you’re now toying with the worm. Rolling the creature between your fingers, you find a nice spot of wet dirt for your friend to crawl around in. Muddy hands grasp at the legs of Eddie’s pants.
Wayne rolls in laughter from the porch. There hasn’t been a moment that Eddie has gone so mute. A shrunken look of dispare drops against his nephew’s face. Jutting out his lower lip, Eddie goes back into his corner to play in the dirt. It just so happens that Eddie’s crafted his own little mud pile, so he can fling a clump or two in your direction.
It isn’t until Wayne is done wiping the tears away from his eyes that he realizes what Eddie has done. Standing on his two feet, ready to scold his nephew, you’re actually too quick for him. You toss mud back.
Thus, a mud fight begins.
Mud in between your fingers and mud between your toes and maybe some mud even squeezes behind your ears.
Wayne waves his hands desperately trying to get the children to stop throwing mud at each other, but alas it is far too late. By the time he gets either of you wrangled, you’re dripping in muck and so is Eddie.
There’s no way he’s trusting either of you inside of his house in such a state. Wayne gathers a garden hose from his neighbor, who will just have to deal with it.
The older man makes sure the water won't freeze your skin, or cook you dry before holding the nozzle at your feet.
“Spin,” Wayne directs.
You wave your chubby little arms back and forth, before wobbling in a semi circle. Warm water douses your entire body. Still, mud manages to cling to the parts of you that Wayne doesn’t see. You’ll have a bath later in his house, and Wayne will offer you some of Eddie’s clothes that he’s outgrown.
During Eddie’s hose down, the young boy shakes and rattles like a wet dog. He flings a disastrous amount of dirt across the trailer park, and onto you and Wayne. Before he can wrap a towel around Eddie, the boy is weaving past him into the house so he can get to the shower first.
“Boys,” Wayne rolls his eyes.
You giggle at this.
“Oh, but you’re as pretty as a peach,” he tells you, “don’t worry. My nephew will come around.”
Wayne brings you inside, and has to help you bathe yourself off. At first, he lets you splash around in the water by yourself feeling a bit uncomfortable washing a young girl. When you discover the joy of throwing water outside of the shower, Wayne steps in to help you. He’s also there to wrap you in a towel, and he helps dress you.
Eddie has already claimed a comfortable spot on the couch. There’s a screeching car chase happening on the blaring television in front of you. This couldn’t possibly be what your mother would approve of you watching.
Wayne’s belly tightens.
“Ed-,” but he stops himself.
Bobbling around the carpeted living room, you squeeze around the shoes left in the middle of the floor. You’re reaching the edge of the sofa where Eddie is. Eddie breaks from the television to scoot forward to the edge of the couch. He puts his thumbs under your armpits and holds onto your chest tight as he lifts you onto the couch with him.
Eddie doesn’t really think you’ll scoot in so close to him. There’s plenty of room that even his uncle could fit between you two. But, you chase after him as he gets comfortable sunken into the cushions.
There’s a moment when the older boy freezes unsure how to handle another person in his space. His eyes go wide and stare a hole through your head. It’s curious your mom chose to put your hair in pigtails - anyone could tug at them. As tempting as that might be, Eddie resists the urge when the car on television crashes on the side of the road. You slap your hands together and laugh.
Wayne mutely coos at the two kids on the couch. Perhaps his nephew will have a real friend out of you one day. That would warm his heart.
“Uncle Wayne?” Eddie kicks his feet out.
“Yeah?” Wayne replies.
“Can we have popcorn?”
“Sure, kid."
-> <-
[Sep. 1974]
tags -> @leelei1980 @sheneedsrocknroll92
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 1 year ago
Deck the Halls 🎻
Bale!Bruce Wayne x Wife!reader
A/N: This is the ultimate crossover, Bale!Bruce and Christmas, what more could you want??? I don't know quite how I feel about it mainly because I wrote most of it at 3 am lmao. Love-hate relationship, I guess. I hope you like it, anyway!
~Fi 🐝
Fi's Christmas Market ☃️
Warnings: implied angst?? Mention of his parents' death (very briefly), so much fluff omg, starring Alfred, Selina, and Lucius, Bruce is obsessed with you <3
Word count: 3.6k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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"A Gingerbread house contest?"
Bruce gave you a skeptical look as you explained your idea for the annual Wayne Yule Ball. You were sitting at the meeting table in the office of Wayne Enterprises, brain storming ideas to make this years Gala a little more interesting. The events were always quite boring, the only thing keeping your spirits up was the bar most of the time.
You'd occasionally hang around on the side lines with Alfred, people-watching Gothams wealth. This year had to be different. You were sick and tired of the fad and dragging evenings.
This was the Yule Ball, after all. The Manor would be decked in lights and ornaments, the lovely tunes of Christmas would echo through the halls and you'd actually have some fun for once.
Bruce would try to make them more bearable for you, inviting you to dance as much as he could, even if it earned him detesting looks. He wasn't a huge fan either, but it was his duty. He'd rather be curled up with you, feeling your warmth against his skin while doing your favorite festive activities.
Selina was seated next to you, twirling a pen between her fingers, looking like she was about to collapse from boredom. Alfred sat next to Bruce with a notepad, writing down any ideas that had come forth. Lucius was there too, of course, hoping to aid in any technical things.
"Yeah, why not? We need to do something interesting this year, and a making Gingerbread houses is a pretty classic activity, no?" You responded, shrugging slightly.
"I'll definitely come to the Ball if you pull through with that." Selina smirked. Bruce sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, honey? I mean, most of the people that attend aren't really ones to get their hands dirty."
"If I may, Master Bruce, I think it's a great idea." Alfred interrupted politely, making you smile. "I think it's important for the rich of Gotham to not lose touch with the average life. And, it'd be quite sweet, wouldn't it?"
Alfred grinned, proud of the pun he just made. You let put a small giggle while Selina and Lucius were smiling slightly. Bruce, on the other hand, sighed as his brows pulled together.
"Alright, so if we do this, who's going to be the judge?" He asked, finally caving in to your request.
"I knew you'd come around," you smiled, watching as a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth, "I think it's pretty obvious. Alfred should judge the houses."
"Me? Miss, I'm flattered but I don't think I have the expertise to-"
"Nonesense, Alfie," Selina cut him off, "We've all seen what you can do in the kitchen. If anyone's going to judge anything, it should be you."
"I agree. He does make a mean Victoria Sponge." Luscius agreed, his reasoning strong enough to make Alfred ponder for a moment.
"It doesn't just have to be houses. We can just give them creative freedom, let them go at it." You suggested, earning nods of approval.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this," Selina mumbled, inhaling a sharp breath,"What if we make it a family event? Let them bring their kids. They'd probably be more open to the whole idea that way."
"Good thinking, Miss Kyle."
Bruce chewed on his lips as he thought. This would be very different than most years. His parents had started the tradition of a yearly Yule Ball, and he was afraid to make changes. But then he thought back to how his parents always tried to keep a somewhat humble life to be able to help the people in need more efficiently. Also, he could never say no to you.
"Okay. Why not. Even if they don't enjoy it, at least we'll have a good time." He smiled softly, looking at you. You almost beamed with excitment.
"We need a price too, right? What's the point of a contest without a price." Selina intervened. A silence fell over the room as everyone was thinking of what the price coule be.
"I say we give the winner an hour with Bruce's credit card and see how much damage they can do." You snorted, meaning it as a joke but when you weren't met with disagreement a surpirsed expression took over your face.
"Fine by me." Bruce shrugged. You forgot that he was a billionaire sometimes.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that but that just upped my determination by 100%." Selina grinned, making Bruce roll his eyes.
Bruce started talking to Lucius about the organizational aspects while you discreetly high fived Selina under the table. You'd talked about this idea before, your friend mostly finding it funny that the most esteemed people of Gotham would have to struggle with sprinkles and sticky icing.
She was quite impressed you pulled through, although that Bruce agreed wasn't a surprise to her. He'd do about anything you asked, which she sometimes used to her advantage.
"You truly have him wrapped around your finger, huh?" Selina mused, sending a sly smirk your way. You leaned back in your chair, inspecting the shimmering wedding band on your hand.
"Well, he wouldn't have put a ring on it if I hadn't." You grinned, making Selina shake her head with a chuckle.
"When do I need to be there to see Gotham get down and dirty?"
"December 25th, 8:00 pm, Wayne Manor."
"See ya then." The brunette gave you one last grin before taking her leave, claiming she had some 'business' to attend to. The so called 'business' would surely end up on the front page of the Gotham Gazette tomorrow morning. She was a great friend despite her passion for her illegal hobby. You couldn't really blame her, though. She'd grown up with nothing, and had to fight to survive.
You were the last one to complain if one of Gothams renowned business men mysteriously lost a couple of million dollars, which then appeared donated to a charity the next day. She'd never steal from you, or Bruce.
That's not to say she hadn't tried, but Selina did find that Martha's necklace suited you just a tad better than her. She had quite the soft spot for you, you weren't like the rest of the wealthy people she knew. You were honest, understanding and kind. Selina put a great amount of trust in you and she knew you'd never break it. If that meant having to put up with Bruce once in a while, so be it.
Alfred slipped into the seat next to you, Bruce and Luscius still discussing the guest list, when to send the invites, and to order all the necessary things for the contest.
"Truly a marvelous idea, Mrs. Wayne. He never dared to make any changes before you came along, you know?"
You turned you head towards him, a slight blush on your cheeks. Did you really have that much of an impact on him? To think that you were the one that made the Bruce Wayne soften and be more open to change made your heart swell with pride.
"Really? I thought he just never cared that much. For the Ball, I mean." You said, intrigued of what you were about to learn from Alfred about your beloved Husband.
"No, no, not at all. It was his favorite thing as a boy. What I'd do to see him happy like that again." The older man sighed, a melancholic tint in his eyes.
You smiled at the thought of Bruce being excited for Christmas. Just being a boy. You reckoned all of that changed after his parents' death. The warm and loving holiday was now left in gray dullness and the emptiness that he felt in his heart when he'd sit under the tree, all alone, yearning for a hug from his father and the gentle touch of his mothers lips on his cheek.
You were determined to fill that void, shower him in all your love until the gaping hole in his chest was fixed. Who knew if it was possible, but you were willing to give it your all.
"You will, I promise." You replied softly, gently placing your hand on his arm. Alfred gave you an appreciative smile, the sadness in his eyes wavering slightly. He softly padded your hand, resting it on it for a moment.
"You make him so happy already, though. I suppose I can't complain too much, can I?" He joked, making you laugh softly.
"I'm just loving him, that's all."
"That's all he needed." Alfred smiled softly.
Bruce glanced over to you, his heart pouding with pure love as he saw you laughing with Alfred. His two favorite people were getting along so well, it made unbridled joy bloom in his chest. You had changed his life, only for the better, you made him feel like a person again.
For years he'd been aimlessly wandering, hoping to find himself. He was lost in the dark, going through life pretending to be someone he wasn't. Or was he? He didn't know. But you were his guiding light, your gentle flicker lighting up his path. Your soft warmth getting him through many a cold night when the thoughts of self doubt and fear were gnawing at him.
All he needed was you pressed against his chest, your soft breathing like a sweet lullaby to him as you slept peacefully in his arms.
"Mister Wayne? Mister Wayne-" Lucius voice broke him out of his daydream, his back straightend and he cleared his throat, hoping no one caught him. You were still chatting on with Alfred, so you hadn't noticed, good. But when he looked over to Lucius, there was a knowing smirk on the man's face.
"Yes, Mr. Fox? Do you have the guest list ready?" Bruce questioned, fiddling with his fingers. He looked at Lucius expectantly, trying to hide his slight embarrassment.
"I don't blame you for staring. She fills the role of Mrs. Wayne perfectly." He answered, a gentle smile on his face. Bruce's shoulders immediately dropped, the tension fading away. He let out a small huff through his nose with a tight lipped smile.
"She does, doesn't she? It's like she was made for this. Made for me." He said quietly, the adoring look in his eyes as he admired you not being missed by the Inventor. Lucius placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
"Why don't you spend the day together? I'll take care of everything." He said reassuringly.
Bruce's eyes widened slightly and he turned to face Lucius.
"No, I won't hear it. Go on, spend the day with her." He gave him chuckle before patting his back and gathering his things.
"We're done here, Mrs. Wayne. You can have your husband back." Lucius laughed, packing up the last of his documents. You giggled, which immediately set Bruce's heart aflame.
"How gracious of you, Mr. Fox." You teased, getting out of your chair, Alfred by your side.
"Let's go, my love. We have Christmas movies to watch and a dog to cuddle." You chirped, dragging him out of his chair.
All he could do was smile as he let himself be taken by you and wonder how he got this damn lucky.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You were now curled up on the couch, Bruce by your side, his arm draped around you. Your dog, Rudy, was snoozing on your lap as you scratched his head. The extra weight and warmth of your pup made it hard to keep your eyes open.
You were resting comfortably against Bruce, who traced gentle patterns on your arm as he was tentatively watching the TV. A smile tugged at your lips at Bruce's soft breaths, his strong chest falling and rising, lulling you to sleep. Your smile was cut off by a yawn. You lifted your hand from Rudy's head to cover your mouth, but he let out a whine, immediately nudging at your hand.
You chuckled groggily, trying to keep the sleep at bay so you could enjoy your moment with Bruce.
"'M sorry, buddy." You cooed, going back to petting your fur baby.
"You're tired, honey, I'll take over. Go to sleep." Bruce said softly in your ear, gently moving your hand and replacing it with his, making Rudy's tail wag slightly.
"S'your fault for being so warm and comfy and- you." You mumbled, letting your head fall against his shoulder.
"I mean, I can stop." He teased, taking his arm away from around you. You caught his wrist in a surprisingly tight grip.
"Do it and see what happens." You slurred, eyes still closed. Even in your sleepy state, you were still your feisty little self.
"Alright, I'd like to keep my arm, please." He laughed, wrapping his arm around you again, just a little tighter this time. You nuzzled closer to his side, making Rudy begrudgingly adjust his position as well.
"Are you excited for the Yule Ball?" You asked quietly, looking up at your husband as best as you could with sleep tugging at your limbs.
"I am. For the first time in a while, actually. Thanks to you." He replied with a soft smile, placing a chaste kiss on the tip of your nose. A lopsided smile crept onto your face, and you stretched your neck a bit to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
"I love you." You mumbled before finally dozing off with a smile on your face.
"I love you too, honey." Bruce whispered gently, his lips pressed to the top of your head as he sunk into the couch.
He couldn't wait for the Ball. Something he loved so dearly that was tainted for him for many years was now coming back to him brighter than ever. All thanks to you, the lovely woman he chose to marry.
He'd marry you anew every single day if he could.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The day had finally come, and you were a nervous wreck. You really didn't want to mess this up. You had big shoes to fill; Martha Wayne was loved by Gotham, and now that you held the title of Mrs. Wayne, you didn't want to disappoint anyone.
Not the people of Gotham, not Martha, but most importantly, not him. You'd been running around like a headless chicken the entire day, double checking everything so nothing could go wrong.
The decorations were being set up, and you might've snapped at a poor worker for hanging one of the garlands a little too much to the right. You were stressed out of your mind, regretting ever suggesting this. Right now, you were checking if all the sheets of Gingerbread had arrived and if all the decorations were set up.
The gentle touch of Bruce's hand on your shoulder snapped you out of the frenzy in your head. He guided you to a quiet corner with a hand on the small of your back.
"Bruce, I have to get back to-"
He interrupted you with a firm kiss, cupping your cheeks.
"No. You're completely stressing yourself out, and we can't have that. I'll take care of everything. And now you need to take care of yourself. Take a bath, get ready, do whatever you need to do. Please, calm down. Everything will be perfect, I promise." He said it so softly you could feel all the anxiety and stress fall away.
You let out a deep breath as you leaned into his touch.
"Okay. Thank you." You sighed with a small smile.
"Good. You know very well that tiring you out is my job." He said lowly with a glint in his eyes. You huffed and playfully hit his arm.
"Go check on the sprinkles."
"Yes, Ma'am."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You did as he said, you took a bath to ease the tension in your muscles that had been building up throughout the day.
Now, you were sitting at your vanity, adding some final touches to your make-up. The guest would arrive soon, and you were glad the excitement took over the anxiety.
Bruce walked into your shared bedroom, fixing his cuffs.
"Are you almost ready?" He asked, not looking at you, still fiddling with his suit. You responded with a small 'Mhm!' and walked over to him, brushing some wrinkles out of your gown. When he did look at you, he visibly stopped in his tracks.
You were wearing a green velvet gown with lace accents, and he was completely enarmoured. When his gaze trailed upwards, he caught sight of his mothers necklace sitting around your neck. If you weren't already married, he'd would've proposed right now.
"You look stunning." He breathed out, hie pupils dilated. You chuckled softly, brushing your hand over the lapel of his jacket.
"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." You teased, earning a small smirk from him. His hands settled in your waist. Bruce hastily pulled you in for a passionate kiss.
The air was knocked from your lungs as his lips moved so perfectly against yours. You melted into his touch but caught yourself before you'd do something that'd make you two very late.
"Alright," you breathed heavily, steadying your hands on his chest, "that's enough, Lover boy. We have a Ball to host."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
All the guests had arrived and Bruce stepped into the center of the room, beginning his welcoming speech.
"Welcome, Everyone, I'm very glad you could join us here today for the annual Wayne Yule Ball. This is a tradition that my parents started that I wish to keep on as long as I can."
"This year will be a little different. Courtesy of my lovely wife, Mrs. Wayne," he looked in your direction and reached out his hand for you to take with a gentle smile, which you did without hesitation,"there will be a gingerbread house contest. I see you've brought your little ones and I hope that this will be a pleasant and memorable evening for us all." He ended his speech with a soft smile.
"Feel free to take as much times as you desire. Everything you need is provided, so all you need now is your imagination and creativity." You spoke up.
"Your delicious creations will be judged and the winner gets a nice reward. I hope you have a lovely time and a Merry Christmas!"
There was a small round of applause before old and young scrambled towards the tables decked with gingerbread, sprinkles and icing, to begin their gingerbread builds. You participated too, you'd teamed up with Selina, who had been nursing a flute of champagne until now.
Bruce and Lucius decided to indulge as well, already planning out their engineered masterpiece.
"Let's show 'em our claws." Selina smiled slyly. The lights made her dark blue dress embroidered with sparkling stars stand out. She looked very good this evening.
And Bruce might've paid for that dress... unknowingly.
"You got it, kitty." You replied with a smirk.
You were going the classic route. It would be a house, but more of a whimsical cottage type. Vines if icing were woven around the gingerbread walls, blooming into blankets of Ivy. The roof would be decked in sweet snow and delicate sugar flowers.
Selina couldn't help but add a tiny cat hidden at the back of the house. The atmosphere was delightful, laughter and chatter whisked through the room accompanied by the tunes of Christmas songs.
The decorations that adorned the walls and ceilings of the Manor dipped the room in a warm glow. You decided to glance over at Bruce and Lucius, to see what they'd come up with. When your gaze met their creation the piping bag of icing slipped from your hands and your jaw slacked.
"They built the goddamn batmobile." You said in disbelief, making your partner perk up.
She scoffed and went back to, now aggressively, pushing small sugar decorations into the icing.
"Show offs." Selina grumbled.
Bruce noticed your staring and shot you a toothy grin.
"A sweet ride, don't you think?"
You groaned at his terrible joke and shook your head.
"Unbelievable." You muttered, going back to perfecting your little house.
The chattered had died down as the judging began. Everyone watched in anticipation as Alfred made his way through room, inspecting each Gingerbread sculpture carefully. He made some small comments here and there, mainly on the ones the children had made.
In the end, a little girl and her sister won- they'd built, or at least tried to, a castle. Alfred thought it was very charming, and it reminded him of home, so naturally, he picked them as winners. They were overjoyed, jumping around excitedly, gushing it about it to their parents.
The girls earned a round of applause, and an arm slipped around your waist.
"A shame we didn't win." Bruce sighed playfully.
"I can't believe you built the batmobile. I expected a lot, but not that." You laughed, the lights reflecting off of you perfectly. Or at least that's what Bruce thought.
"But it was fun, don't you think? Thank you, again, for agreeing." You said softly. Bruce smiled at you, and gentle squeezed at your side.
"Anything for you. I can't wait to see what you come up with next year." He kissed your cheek, pulling you closer as you watched the joy and holiday cheer fill the room.
He truly couldn't wait for next year, to deck the halls with you by his side.
It didn't turn out as Christmas-y as I wanted it to, but I hope you enjoyed reading it nonetheless! <3
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maleyanderecafe · 8 days ago
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Pearl (Visual Novel)
Created by: RootFU
Genre: Romance
Although this one is a demo, I am a sucker for yandere type monsters and the artwork in this is gorgeous. It's pretty simple though, with the idea of going out with friends on a bit of an ocean adventure after having some nightmares before a storm comes in.
The story starts out with Pearl having a nightmare, someone dragging them into the ocean. They wake up with a start, remarking how their nightmares have been difficult for them. They drive to the ocean to meet up with their friends, who have planned an event for them to help them feel better about their nightmares. Once arriving at the beach, they meet with one of their friends, Katherine, who has been waiting for them. Their other friend, Derek has gone to get drinks and probably flirt with another girl and is likely to fail spectacularly. When he does come back, Katherine reveals that they are actually going to sail to Kruelto island, unlike their original plan of just hanging out on the beach. However, as they sail out, the weather starts to get bad, raining and storming and they get stuck in a middle of a cyclone. Pearl bumps their head and wakes up to a merman trying to take care of them. If they freak out and attack them, he will get angry for them calling him a monster and snakes will come out to attack and kill them. If not, Pearl will freak out, and the merman will calm them down, with Pearl possibly complimenting him and making him blush. After some conversation, Pearl realizes that Derek and Katherine are missing and goes to look them, however, when he does find them, the merman is nowhere to be seen.
The next day, the storm seems to have kicked in, and after taking a nice sleep, goes to take a shower. However, upon turning on the faucet, they see a strange goo coming out of the tap. The goo reforms into the merman, who explains his situation of how lonely he felt and asks Pearl to come back to Kruelto with him to be together with him, basically telling Pearl that they can become a merperson like him. Pearl tries to back off, but the merperson grabs onto their legs. When Pearl asks why, the merman explains that they were the only person that didn't turn their back on him. Regardless of if you choose to go back or to stay, the demo will end.
So as I said before, the demo is relatively short, but the artwork is very pretty, especially the artwork of the mermaid and his CGs. There's a great mystery to what's going on with Pearl and the dreams, which likely seem to be caused by the merman himself, or at least somewhat related to them. However, it does seem like the merman has never met Pearl before prior to their initial encounter, so I'm not sure how true this might be. The merman, who you can name, also seems to be pretty touchy about whether or not he's seen as a human or not, especially since he sends out snakes to attack Pearl if Pearl attacks him first. I'm not sure if these are actually a part of him, or if they're more akin to familiars, but it does make me wonder where they came from. Perhaps its a power that he will use if Pearl refuses to go with him back to the island. Either way, I hope it's something that we'll be able to see soon after. The other thing I thought was pretty cool was the idea of the merman being able to basically turn into goo and come in through the faucet, though that does lead to a bunch of other questions, like how did he know where Pearl's house was, what happens when he loses too much of his goo, and generally how does he rearrange himself afterwards. Unfortunately, as with a lot of demos, we know very little about why the merman specifically is into Pearl, other than they were the first human that he had seen in such a long time that treated them kindly. Does make me wonder what other poor humans woke up confused to find a giant merman with three eyes staring at them.
Overall, interesting concept and pretty art. I really hope that this game has more going on later down the line because the idea of yandere monsters is very fun and very lacking currently.
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rendy-a · 2 years ago
Hi! I saw that your requests were, so don't mind me dropping in^^
I constantly see Malleus/or Sebek x Reader fics where they give reader a rock or smt for the dating ritual and reader is clueless- ye non of that.
Reader is the definition of Goblin core or just Goblin in general, the moment Malleus/or Sebek presents the rock, they run to Rumshackle to get their pretty rock and later reader is like "have a rock of love... My love for you"
Can I request something similar as a scenerio for Malleus and Sebek? (If you don't feel like both, then plz do Malleus)
Thanks for dropping by! It does feel like a fae would be one to gift something strange and mundane as an important gift. Here is your request of getting an unusually random item from the fae boys as a romantic gesture. Hope you like it!
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It wasn’t every day that one got courted by a fae prince.  You’d become somewhat of a legend among the first-years for taming the fearsome dragon prince.  When your dear Malleus happened to approach you while in a group, all the other students would freeze up, but you’d just smile at your sweetheart and wait to hear what he wanted.  It was usually to present you with some sort of gift.  You’d become used to receiving gifts, sometimes of immense value, as an everyday occurrence.  You’d just smile at the jewels or such and wish your boyfriend a happy day before going back to your business. 
Your friends, though, they were always eager to check out what you’d been gifted and bemoan their own luck at not receiving such riches.  “Ah,” sighs Ace, “my last birthday, I got socks.  Look at what you get for it just being Tuesday!”  Ace lifts the bejeweled…whatever…and moans again.  Sometimes, no one was quite sure what the gifts were, but each gem-encrusted piece gave off an air of sophistication.  You consoled Ace good-naturedly while also mentally planning a visit to see Lilia later and ask for more information on…whatever this was.
Lilia was always more than happy to invite you in and hear more about his ward’s courting progress.  “Ah, a gilded corset cover.  How nice.” Lilia smiles at you knowingly.  “I’m sure you were happy to add this to your ballroom staples for your future in Briar Valley.”  You pictured it; men and women dressed in elaborate clothes, decorated with such things as bejeweled corsets.  Well, you tried to picture it before shaking your head and leaving that in the category of ‘things you’d figure out later!’  You returned the short fae’s smile, “Ah yes.  I’ll just store that away with my other ballroom garments and accessories.” You flash him a tight smile and he chuckles at you before handing you a book.  “Thought you might be interested in this.  Many old fae customs and traditions in there.  For, oh I don’t know, someone looking to learn more, so they don’t have to go chatting up their grandpa every time they get a private gift.”
You’d smiled at him gratefully and accepted the book.  You were glad to read up on the culture of Briar Valley and found it quite fascinating.  There were even a few notes specifically on dragon fae.  In retrospect, you had recognized a few of the things mentioned in Malleus’s behavior already.  It felt good to be in the know for once instead of always running to Lilia for help. 
You were especially glad to have that knowledge before receiving the gift you’d gotten today.  You were hanging out with your friends in the Basketball Club, listening to Ace brag about things he’d actually done (scored 2 baskets from the 3-point line) and things he’d only imagined (breaking past Jamil).  That was when you noticed a sort of hush had fallen across the gym.  You closed your eyes and felt a sort of sensation, like electricity or a storm brewing, that you knew meant your sweetheart was nearby.  So, it was no surprise to you when you opened your eyes and turned to find Malleus at your side. 
You smiled up at him warmly and greeted him.  He returned your smile and greeting with a soft fondness that was characteristic of your relationship.  “Dearest Treasure, I have today a boon for you.”  Saying this, he pulls from the air a branch and holds it out to you.  You gaze at the leafless twig and back up to his nervous expression.  He waits patiently but cautiously for your response.  A great grin spreads over your face and you accept the branch.  “Oh Malleus,” you say, barely containing a tremor in your voice, “this, this is wonderful.  Thank you, it was just what I was dreaming of.”  You beam up at him and show your branch to your friends.
“It’s just a stick,” you hear Ace whisper to Floyd.  Malleus’s mouth tightens a small bit and Jamil notices.  He immediately goes into full blown retainer panic mode.  “A stick of great quality!  Your Highness, I have never seen a stick of such fantastic proportion before.  Surely it is the greatest stick of all.”  Malleus preens at the praise.  Floyd tilts his head and only comments, “I don’t see it.  Land-dwellers sure are strange.”  You give your confused friends a small laugh before grabbing Malleus by the hand and leading him from the gym. 
You lean your head gently on his arm as you walk, smiling happily at your branch.  “It is a particularly nice branch, isn’t it?” you ask with a smile.  Malleus gives a contented hum from deep in his chest, “So what do you intend to do with it?” he asks carefully.  You look up at him surprised, “Why put is around my bed of course.  What else would I do with it?”  He laughs merrily, pleased by your response.  Yes, you know what this is.  The first branch of many that you will use to construct a dragon’s nest.  You can’t believe you’ve just received a proposal from a dragon.  You pull your treasured branch close to your heart and smile on.
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It was a rock.  A round sort (but not perfectly round), with a crack running along one side exposing some glints of the interior.  It was most certainly a rock.  “It’s a rock,” Grim offers, “If you can’t eat it, what good is it?”  You look over at your companion disapprovingly, “Plenty good.  Plus, you eat rocks all the time, so I don’t think you should be one to judge.”  He gives you a disdainful look, “Only the good smelling ones.”  Then he wanders off, leaving you alone in your Ramshackle room with the rock.
You smile and wander around the room, trying your special rock in many different places.  You finally settle on the mantle in front of the mirror, where you’d see it every day when you got ready.  It really was a nice rock.  You turned it around to look at it closer.  The crack along the seam appeared as a flaw at first, until you noticed how its jagged shape resembled that of a lightning bolt.  Through the little lightning bolt gap, a few green sparkles of the interior layers were visible, peridot, you thought.  It was perfect.
You remembered a conversation you’d had with Sebek long ago on books he’d read.  You’d asked him for some of the stories from his childhood and he’d told you a tale he read as a small child about a brave bird that walked to the ocean to find a pebble for its beloved.  It sounded like something you remembered from your own world, and you told him so.  He smiled and said that this was an old traditional tale in Briar Valley.  Now, you understood what sort of tradition it had created.  Smiling at your pebble, you set yourself to your own task.
“Here’s a pretty rock,” Deuce offers it to you.  You examine it carefully before tossing it back on the ground, “No, that’s nice but it’s not the right rock.”  Ace walks over to a pile and picks up another, “How about this one?”  You look at him and roll your eyes, “Ace that’s just a regular rock.” He tosses the rock down in frustration, “That’s a regular rock, this is a regular rock, your super special rock is just a regular rock; Prefect, they are all just rocks!”  You frown but continue to scan the ground below you.  “You don’t have to keep coming along if you don’t want to.”  You knew that to most people, it would seem like a pointless endeavor.  Finally, Ace heaves a large and exasperated sigh.  “No, I’m coming.  I just don’t get it is all.  How about this one.  If you turn it just right, it almost looks like a heart.”  You smile and obligingly look at the rock, already knowing it wasn’t YOUR rock.  “It’s nice.  Why don’t you keep this one?” 
He moves to toss it but then appears to reconsider and pockets the unusual-shaped rock; it was a neat rock.  You don’t say anything but smile to yourself.  That was Ace’s rock; sort of average looking but when you twisted it right, it was a solid heart.  You didn’t need Ace’s rock though; you needed your rock.  Just like Sebek had looked until he found one that perfectly represented himself, you’d look until you found one that fit you just right.  That was the point of it all.  To journey as long and far as the penguin of legend and find a representation of yourself to offer to your partner. 
You didn’t know how long it had taken Sebek to find that perfect rock, but you knew he’d have never settled for less than the best.  He’d have climbed a mountain and traveled great distance; anything it took.  So…you’d just have to do that as well.  One day, you smile to yourself, you’d be able to return the gesture and offer back a rock, and with it, your entire self to him.  Then you’d place the rocks on a mantle together, maybe in a little cabin of your own in Briar Valley and live happily ever after.
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yourfatherlucifer · 10 months ago
Without Me (SM/JY)
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Ex!Idol!Mingi x idol!afab!reader x idol!Yunho
Summary: You supported him through his journey, until he realized how famous he had become. Then he threw you aside like you were nothing. Unfortunately for him..you had a plan.
Warnings: none except mingi and Yunho fighting and this one shot being shitty
AU: None
Genre: Angst
WC: 1.3k
Nets: @newworldnet
Inspired by Without Me by Halsey
“Mingi! Look!” You shook the paper in your hand in excitement but all he could do was wave you off.
“I’m busy, Y/N.” Mingi readjusted his headphones and completely blocked you out once more.
You sighed in defeat. You had been working on your lyrics sheet for so long and when you finally finished it, you were excited to share it. As usual, Mingi pushed you away without another thought.
You wondered what got into him lately. He was the one who invited you to the studio to begin with. If he didn’t want you there, then why.
You folded your paper and shoved it in your pocket and left the studio.
You remembered when the two of you used to be so happy together.
“Oof!” You slammed into someone’s chest the second you closed the door behind you.
“Oh my, Y/N, I’m so sorry.” It was Yunho.
You couldn’t help but smile at his voice, relieved to hear someone who was actually interested in talking to you.
You looked up to meet his eyes, his cheeks lightly flushed, “Hi, Yunho, I was just leaving.”
“Why? I thought you were excited to hang out with Mingi?” He genuinely looked confused but he knew how his member and best friend could be around you. Even he noticed the change.
“Um..He just..he doesn’t want me in there, I don’t think.” Your shoulders slumped as your voice slowly began to quiver. This hurt Yunho.
“Do you want to get something to eat with me, Y/N?” Yunho held his hand out to you with his attempt of a comforting smile.
Weeks had passed and you noticed Mingi was straying even further from you. He even stopped engaging in conversations with you unless someone else was around.
He looked so happy on stage and surrounded by fans but when he was around you, he’d turn sour and ignore you. It hurt so much. Did he even love you?
You even noticed how he’d flirt with fans on fancalls, the evidence being posted online for you to see. It would only give you tears.
There’s no way he still loved you. He never looked at you.
He even stopped inviting you to hangout with him and the members, or even just the studio. The boys had to invite you themselves and even then, he’d ignore you.
Every night was filled with you crying into your pillow. You stopped receiving goodnight texts from him several weeks ago.
Eventually, you gave up. You had to confront him.
“Song Mingi.” You stomped up to him.
“What do you want, Y/N?” He didn’t even bother looking away from his screen.
Your fists clenched in anger and his members stared in shock, too afraid to say anything. This was the first fight they ever witnessed between the two of you.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, dude.”
“Dude?” Mingi set down his phone in disbelief.
“Do you even love me?” Tears brimmed your eyes but you didn’t give up.
“What are you talking about?” His eyes grew bored and that pissed you off. He truly didn’t care.
“I’m literally the only one trying to keep us together, Song Mingi. You can barely even look at me!”
Mingi ignored the stares from his members and chuckled, “And? I’m not complaining, might as well break up then.” He shrugged you off like it was nothing and went back to his phone.
You couldn’t believe him.
“You..what?” Tears flowed freely down your cheeks, “That’s what you really want? After all we’ve been through? I’ve been with you since the beginning..and you get a taste of fame and all of the sudden you don’t love me anymore? I was there for you in your darkest times..”
Mingi nodded his head agreement, “Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Goodbye Y/N.” He wiggled his fingers in a mocking goodbye.
“Fuck you, Mingi.” You stormed off without another word.
His members jaws were dropped in shock, “Mingi..what have you done?” Hongjoong mumbled.
Even Yunho wanted to run after you but he didn’t. He’d find you later and comfort you in peace.
It had been a year and you made your hot debut. You were thriving, you had your revenge planned since your breakup.
Fighting against the standards, you wrote a song, a song exposing your ex, Song Mingi.
The stage scared you, but it was time. To showcase your debut song, Without Me. But of course, Ateez was also showcasing their comeback after you. Perfect timing.
Your fingers were wrapped tightly around your microphone, the cheers finally dying down as the light focused on you.
You took in a heavy breath as you sang your revenge.
You were doing so good so far when you reached your chorus, the part you waited for, the part targeted towards him.
“Tell me how’s it feel, sitting up there? Feeling so high but too far away to hold me. You know I’m the one who put you up there. Name in the sky, does it ever get lonely? Thinking you could live without me.” You were seething as the lyrics flowed within you.
Yunho watched in amazement, he was excited for your debut. Even texted you everyday telling you how he couldn’t wait. He was the only one you kept in contact with.
He saw how Mingi couldn’t even watch. He knew the song was about him. He knew it was too late. He regretted his actions but he didn’t deserve you. Even Yunho told him that.
The day the two of you broke up, Yunho was pissed at Mingi. How could he let such an amazing thing slip right through his fingers? He even punched his best friend, something Yunho never would have done but he was angry. Angry at how horrible Mingi treated you. Treated you like you were nothing to him anymore.
Hell, you supported him all the way to his debut. You were there everyday for their training, every single day cheering him on. He was even jealous of how in love the two of you were but it was for nothing anyway. Not when Mingi let you go so easily.
Yunho couldn’t look at his best friend for days, he even had to pretend on camera that he still liked him.
Even his CEO didn’t blame him for hurting Mingi but he still had to talk with him, especially because of the busted lip he gave Mingi. The whole KQ company was like family to you, they were sad to see you go since you were there from the start.
Yunho watched as you fought back tears as you reached the end of your song. Oh how he wanted to run up there and hold you tight.
You bowed towards the crowd as the cheers erupted. While you wiped away the stray tears, you waved at your fans and walked off stage. Only to meet Yunho.
“Hi, Yuyu. It’s good to see you.” You hadn’t seen him in awhile, especially since you’ve been so busy preparing for your debut.
“You did amazing.” He stepped up closer with a smile on his face, hand reaching out to grasp yours, “I’m so proud of you.”
Mingi walked towards the voices, seeing how the two of you were interacting. He was jealous. Yet he knew fucked up. There was no going back. He couldn’t change the past.
How could he let you go?
“So, Y/N, I have a question.” Yunho’s cheeks were once again tinted with heat.
“Sure, what is it?”
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” Your heart filled with excitement at his words.
“I’d love to, Yunho.” You squeezed his hand tightly, oh how you waited for this.
Mingi saw this coming, he had to right? If only he didn’t break your heart, you’d still be his.
Now he truly lost. His world had come crashing down. You were gone forever.
His best friend won you over.
You would never be his again.
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artful-aries · 2 years ago
Can I please have How they flirt headcanons for zhongli scaramoche and Childe? Thank you in advance 🤗
Hello hello!!! I have no excuse for taking so long to put out content other than my job killing me and getting distracted with oil painting
How They Flirt With You (Zhongli, Scaramouche, Childe)
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His flirting is as refined as osmanthus wine
He is very gentlemanly when he flirts; chaste, grazing touches, deep, meaningful looks, and his willingness to jump at your beck and call are very prevalent as he seeks to woo you
Zhongli wouldn’t overload you with compliments, that would make it seem like he only cares for your physical appearance or that he is too obsessive. When he does compliment you, it is pure poetry that falls from his lips
“Your eyes shine like the purest noctilucous jade. For all of the wonders of Teyvat, you are certainly the most captivating.”
He knows his compliments can come off pretty strong in their own right, which is why he keeps them to a minimum unless he is absolutely sure that you are okay with it
None of his flirtations would come across as needy or desperate, he is calm, cool, and collected as he effortlessly but respectfully flirts with you
Being as old as he is, he does not clam up when it comes to things of this nature, nor is he afraid of the possibility of rejection. It’s all part of the mortal experience that he wishes to see more of
The unfortunate part of Zhongli’s flirting is that he can be incredibly long winded and wind up telling you the whole history of processing silk flowers into usable fabric before he can think to stop himself
He tries to pay attention to what you’re interested in, but if a topic comes up that he’s knowledgeable about, he can’t help himself but to delve deep into the topic with you
It’s not that he’s trying to show off in a conceited way, but Zhongli does like showing you that he is knowledgeable and capable in a wide variety of subjects. He just has a hard time reigning himself in once he gets started.
If you decide to flirt back with him, his demeanor isn’t going to change much other than he’s going to have a soft smile permanently plastered to his face
The way you flirt amuses him, but it makes a warmth seep deep into his heart, and his hands tingle slightly as he practically eats up your flirtations
He wants nothing more than to kiss you in these moments, but Zhongli is going to bide his time and wait. Like stone, he knows his feelings are not subject to change for a long, long time, but mortals can be fickle with their affections. He wants to wait and see how serious you are about him before trying to take things to the next step
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Chant “tsundere” in the mirror three times and Scaramouche will appear
When he starts developing a crush, he’s going to deny it to himself for a while. What use is a crush to him?
As the feelings only continue to grow as he’s around you, he has two options; avoid you, or bully you (these are clearly the only two rational options for when you have a crush on someone)
Scaramouche will attempt to avoid you first, going weeks meticulously avoiding you before he finally just gives up. It’s clearly not working for him, if anything, it’s making his thoughts of you worse
So, dropping back into your life like he never left in the first place, he starts bullying you
He never gets physical and doesn’t say absolutely horrendous things, but he will frequently imply that he thinks you’re an idiot or a weakling
You might genuinely think he just hates you, and rightfully so. Yet if you ever actually get genuinely upset with him, especially to the point of storming off or giving him the silent treatment, Scaramouche will internally panic
He won’t apologize, at least not outright, but it is very easy to see the shift in his demeanor. He makes sure that you’re in earshot to hear him say nice things about you to others, or he just sort of hangs around you as though he’s silently begging you to forgive him
When you do finally start talking to him again, he can’t help but feel a little giddy even though it makes him feel weak and pathetic
From there, his flirting actually begins, but he’s certainly no charmer. Scaramouche is still as abrasive and hard to get along with as ever, but he does random acts of kindness for you now. He’ll call you an idiot, but give you bundles of your favorite snack. He’ll scoff at you cooing over a cute cat, but will sneak a cat plush he made himself that looks just like the kitten you were cooing over the other day into your belongings
If you decide to flirt back, he’ll laugh and ask if you’re serious. When you confirm that you are in fact serious with your words, a blush will develop on his cheeks, and he will finally be rendered speechless instead of running his smart mouth
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This man is quite the tease, and it’s hard to tell when he’s just looking to get a reaction out of you or when he’s being genuine in his flirtations
He’s touchy to a fault. He sees no problem with hoisting you up randomly over his shoulder and carrying you off somewhere. The way you fluster and struggle against his hold his just so cute to him, you can’t expect him to behave when you give him such nice reactions
If you gave indication that you would genuinely start hating him for being so handsy, Childe would reign it in. As much fun as it is to push your buttons, he doesn’t want you to hate him
His touchiness doesn’t completely die, but it’s a lot more gentle and sweet, more like proper flirtation rather than borderline manhandling you
With his connections to Northland Bank, he likes to spoil you just a little bit with gifts. Nothing extravagant since you’re not dating yet, but just nice little sentimental things to show that he’s thinking of you even when he can’t pry himself away from his work
Childe also flirts by showing off, especially when it comes to fighting. He makes sure that the fight is never too dangerous or scary, but he wants you to see him absolutely decimate his enemies
It’s like he’s showing you how strong he is, that you can rely on him if you wanted to
That being said, he definitely gets a little cocky and gets himself hurt a time or two, but that just gives him an excuse to play up the injury a little so he can get you to tend to him
He will totally give you flirtatious winks and teasing remarks as you help him apply bandages to his bare torso, saying that surely you must have been dreaming of the day he got hurt so you could do this
This would be your chance to turn the tables on him and get him flustered. Shoot him a teasing remark back or let your hand ghost over the curves of his muscles and the man will turn as red as his hair
Childe loves a competition though, and will ramp up the flirty comments and gestures until you give up and walk out a blushing mess or you give in and finally kiss his stupid lips already
He knows that no matter which way things will turn out, it’ll be all the more thrilling for him
The Harbinger totally doesn’t mind staying in the flirting stage for a while; he almost likes the chase more than the reward. Almost.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 months ago
Pandora Paradox
Summary: Bloom learns that her girlfriend might be autistic when she asks about her favorite movies. 
AN: Bestowing autism upon Icy because I have autism. apologies if thus one isn't as quality as some of my other fics I typed it on my phone at an airport after pulling an all nighters. Whoops, no braincells.
Will post this on Ao3 when I am not on my phone.
Icy likes to sit on the left side which is a fine enough arrangement because Bloom preferes the right. She had tried to mix things up once and Icy had left the restaurant; Bloom supposes that she should have known that, “Bloom if you don’t let me sit in that spot right now, I will walk home” was not a bluff. Icy has always been pretty damn stubborn.
And so Bloom takes her spot on the sofa’s right cushion. She imagines that Icy will be even more particular now that they are in her apartment.
There is a lot to look at here; the walls are covered in horror movie and band posters. She recognizes some of the movies but almost none of the bands. There are figurines to match those movie posters and a pretty dark blue guitar that Bloom isn’t sure Icy can actually play as well as lots of ice sculptures, decorative skulls, and incense burners. There are other trinkets too; bones, old looking keys, mini-cauldrons, what appears to be a handmade broom, and a few crystals that may or may not be authentic. 
“Hey so, it’s kind of cold in here.” She remarks of the temperature.
Icy nods. “As it should be.” 
Bloom blinks. Icy stares back. Bloom coughs. Icy stares. “Um…?”
“I said that it’s cold in here.”
“And I replied that that’s how it should be.” Icy nods and takes her spot on the sofa. 
“I was hoping that you could get me a blanket or something. You do have blankets for guests, right?” Why does Bloom get the sense that she does not? Probably because witches aren’t exactly known for their hospitality. 
“I have blankets for Darcy and Stormy.”
“Can I borrow one?”
Icy shrugs. “At your own peril.” 
“I’ll take the risk.” Bloom decides. 
Icy gets up and tosses her a blanket. If the storm clouds with the angry faces on them are anything to go by, this one belongs to Stormy. She sits back down and pulls out her phone. Usually she texts Darcy and Stormy, sometimes she plays games. The sort of games that have plenty of blood and parental advisory warnings. Bloom tells her about her day and inquires about hers. Icy doesn’t even pretend to be invested in Bloom’s story and replies simply that her day was ‘uneventful’ and ‘pretty boring’. 
“Well are you enjoying the weather? Winter is almost here.”
Icy nods. “I guess. Yeah it’s fine.” 
Bloom sighs. She swears that, somehow, Icy was a lot easier to communicate with when they were taunting and insulting each other across any given battlefield. She is starting to think that the witch doesn’t know how to communicate in any other way. Small talk seems to agitate her but how else are they supposed to get to know each other?
A lot of the time Bloom wonders how she’d managed to start a relationship with Icy when she doesn’t make conversation easy. She thinks that it is nothing short of a miracle that the two of them have made it three months now. 
“Soooo-o…what movie is that poster for? It looks interesting.” 
Icy looks up from her phone to see where Bloom is pointing. 
For the first time in about a week the witch’s eyes light up. “Oh that. That’s a limited edition print of the third unreleased poster for the first Thorn Noose movie. It was the image that they were originally going to use for the 1992 release but they scrapped it for the version of the photo where the noose is simply hanging in the background rather than around Sybilla’s neck. It is signed by several of the actresses, including Sybilla’s, and the film director.”
“That sounds like it was hard to come by.”
Icy nods. “Darcy, Stormy and I spent the night at the theater so that we could be first in line on the premiere date. The first thirteen people in line got to meet the cast and some crew members. I have the meet and greet photos, they’re in that album on top of the decorative box. The one between the two rows of DVDs. It’s a prop box from the Pandora Paradox franchise.” 
Bloom nods along. “And what’s that movie about?’
“Thorn Noose or Pandora Paradox?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. “Thorn Noose is about a woman who was hung using a thorny vine. She was killed after being falsely accused of murdering her own children. She haunts the forest that she was murdered in. She usually takes the form of a raven.” She pauses. “The Pandora Paradox franchise is a bit more complicated. It’s more of a psychological horror film. One of those where you have to pay attention to every single detail and moment or else you will be completely lost. It’s sort of like…” She hums to herself. “We should watch it today. This is a movie that can’t be explained it has to be watched.”
She makes her way around the room, pointing at poster after poster and sharing how she had acquired the poster and what movie or band it is for. The largest band poster is, apparently, a band that had made the soundtrack for a movie called ‘Dread Knot.’ The movie had been named after the band too.
And that’s how Icy is sometimes—grumpy and untalkative until the correct topic is brought up. Bloom doesn’t mind letting her ramble. Not at all, it is rather charming really. Even if Bloom struggles to get a word in, it is rather nice to see Icy in a more chipper mood. 
She pulls a prop dagger off of the wall and lets Bloom hold it. And she lets Bloom look through her CD collection. 
At least now Bloom has a good idea of how to make conversation with her. It’s a start but she would like to be able to talk about their days and silly things like favorite foods and colors. For the time being she continues to ask Icy questions about each movie and band. She probably won’t remember all of it, but she can’t imagine that Icy would have a problem talking about it again. She has a whole lot of opinions about a whole lot of characters and about which sequels were necessary and which ones were just awful. 
It is, Bloom decides to herself, rather precious. She will never say it out loud, lest Icy never show enthusiasm about anything ever again. Regardless, it is up there on her list of things that are kind of cute.
And then they are watching Pandora Paradox and Bloom, despite giving it very intense and undivided attention, has no idea what is going on. Which is fine by Icy who rather enthusiastically takes her through every plotpoint until Bloom, after several yawns and a few glances at the bedroom door, mentions that she is getting sleepy. 
Sometimes she lies awake and overthinks things. It is fairly easy to do. The day had gone well enough. But she thinks that she has gone overboard again. She doesn’t particularly like bringing people over to her apartment because her apartment is comfy. And when she gets comfortable she lets her guard down. And when she lets her guard down her facade starts to crumble. She has worked rather hard to build it up. It is fairly effortless to keep it in place, usually a good glower coupled with a standoffish demeanor does the trick but Bloom has gotten used to that demeanor and tends to just ignore it. She takes disgruntled and aggressive expressions as some sort of challenge. 
The fairy in question is snoring quite loudly next to her and Icy finds herself gritting her teeth. It is such an ugly, grating sound.
Icy rubs her hands over her face. Just as she is about to give the fairy a good jab Bloom's eyelids flutter and she stretches her arms. “You're still awake?”
“You snore really loudly.” Icy mutters. But that isn't the only thing that keeps her awake tonight. 
“You could try a silencing spell.”
She casts it less for the sake of ceasing the snoring and more for the sake of evading the questions that Bloom comes to ask the next morning. 
The interrogation begins innocently enough. With a batting of her lashes and a. “why don’t you talk about the things that you enjoy more often?”
Because once she starts, she usually never stops and people at Cloud Tower don’t take kindly to that. She only gets away with it when she slips up because she has the right interests this time around.
Icy shrugs.
“I hear witches talk about things they like all the time.”
B“Yes well…” They don't talk the way that she does. 
“Well what?”
She offers only another shrug.
“You are really mysterious all the time and  for no reason.”
“I have a perfectly good reason.” It is the reason that she has had for as she can remember. Mysterious is cool. It is dark and alluring. 
It keeps her safe.
A nice little mask to cover all of those traits that witches torment fairies and nerdier witches over.
“And what's that?” Bloom tilts her head.
She really ought to tell her the truth. But she hasn't even managed to admit it to Darcy and Stormy. 
To herself even.
“Are you actually secretly a really nice person?”
Icy scoffs. “Don't be ridiculous! I am not a nice person.”
Bloom hums, “if you say so.”
“If you're not a nice person then what are you?”
Icy gives a slight grimace. Sometimes she does feel like a what rather than a who. Sometimes she hates the human body and all of the sensations it comes with.
Sometimes she feels like a witch's body doesn't suit her at all. But she is nit like Mirta, she is no fairy. She is no specialist either. They are all human in shape. Sometimes she feels like a void or a black hole swirling with snowflakes. Sometimes she thinks that that form would better match whatever she has going on in her mind.
That thing that she tries so hard to keep in her head.
That thing that comes out when she gets too comfortable.
Bloom's face falls. “Careless question?”
Getting her to talk is damn near impossible. Bloom supposes that she shouldn't be surprised, Icy isn't exactly forthcoming, especially about things that embarrass her. 
And Bloom can always tell when she is uncomfortable; she stops looking at her, starts tapping around on her phone instead. 
“You're hiding something from me.”
It isn't a question.
“Yes.” Icy replies simply. She frowns slightly and mutters, “from everyone.”
Icy twirls her hair around her pointer. She likes to do this, usually when she is bored. Sometimes she braids and I braids her hair just to braid it again.
“Well what is it? Why aren't you telling it to anyone?”
“Because it…I need people to see me as I like to be seen. I don't need you looking at me differently.”
“You stole my magic and tried to very aggressively take over Magix. I don't think that anything you can tell me will change the way I see you.”
“Actually it will.”
“Icy, I've seen Stella stuffing her bra with pillowcases. I don't look at her differently.”
This does not draw the laugh that Bloom had been hoping for. Instead she swears that she sees the witch bite lower lip.
“I'm autistic…” she puts a greater effort into staring at her phone screen. She looks up for a moment. “You don’t look surprised.”
“Because I'm not.” She shrugs. “You have this sort of energy. Musa would call it a vibe.”
“A vibe?”
Bloom nods. “I've never met anyone like you before. It's kind of refreshing…even if I do have to put up without particular eating and sleeping habits and I suppose I will give you a pass on you offensive dislike of cheese pizza.”
“Right. Well, most people don't find it refreshing they find it aggravating and ridiculous.” Icy folds her arms.
“So what? You just act aloof, mysterious, and mean to keep people from judging you?”
Icys face seems to falling Bloom cringes. She had always imagine there would be at least a slight sense of triumph in hurting the witch’s pride but the look on her face blows away the last lingering embers of resentment that Bloom had for her.
“I get it…” Bloom mumbles. “It's easier to do the judging and mocking than to be on the receiving end.” She pauses. “Well I guess that I don't get it because I kind of always let people say what they wanted to me. I would tell them to leave me alone and stuff but that never worked.”
“Yeah.” Icy mutters. She is quiet for a good while before confessing, “I used to be pretty open about it…the autism thing.”
“But then…”
“People are assholes so…” she shrugs 
“You became the asshole.”
“I prefer ‘bitch’ but ‘asshole’ works too.”
Bloom breathes a small sigh of relief. There's the sassy, sparky Icy she is so fond of. “You don't have to do that around me though. Or Darcy and Stormy for that matter.”
Icy swallows.
It does sound nice.
To be herself without so much polishing and refining.
Without so many restraints.
She hasn't had that in so long. 
“I don't think that Darcy and Stormy will take so well to that.”
Bloom quirks a brow. “Well I think that Darcy and Stormy have known you so long that they've already figured it out and they just don't want to make it weird.”
“Glad that you have no such restraints.” 
“You should be!” The fairy declares boldly. “It's liberating. Soon you'll have no problem being all kinds if dorky and…”
“Now your pushing it, pixie.”
Bloom raises her hands. “Or you can continue being g a super grumpy menace to society that is too cool for activities like roller disco.”
“Roller disco?”
“Slap on a pair of roller skates, dress in your favorite brightly colored nylon attire, and skate around a roller rink.”
“I'd rather let Clout Tower students take a guided tour of my apartment and…”
“Yes! That's right! Embrace your quirks!”
Icy sighs.
“Make Cloud Tower students pay you money to talk about your favorite subjects!”
Icy sighs again and flops back onto her mattress faces down.
“Just talk until you feel the shame vacating your body like your chance to take over Magix did!”
She holds up her middle finger. Bloom takes her hand and gives her finger a little kiss. 
“Or I can just be so whacky and unpredictable that nobody even pays attention to your bitterly disappointing aversion to pizza.”
“Don't make me regret confiding in you, pixie. I promise that you will rue doing so.”
“You won't regret it.” Bloom smiles in earnest. “This will be good for you. Trust me.”
“Maybe it will be.” She murmurs. She can’t say that she as truly tried to be unrepentantly herself. It would be nice, she thinks, to have a real sense of confidence instead of a false bravado. 
Witches are known for their quirks and oddities anyhow. She takes well to that crowd for exactly that.
She opens her mouth but ‘thank you’ sits so strangely on her tongue. Instead she says, “your advice was surprisingly unshitty today.”
“You're welcome!” Bloom pecks her on her cheek and her face flushes lightly.
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starlightsuffered · 5 months ago
Snow Storms and Guessing Games
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Pairing - Regulus Black/fem!reader
Warnings - smut, cockwarming, oral male and female receiving, mentions of masturbation, unprotected sex, friends to lovers
A/N - this was unexpectedly super fun to write for personal reasons. I am AFAB but identify as genderfluid so writing from a male perspective gave me a thrill. I hope you enjoy. Sorry about the format I'm on mobile.
"Hey there Mr. Black," she said plopping down across from me at The Three Broomsticks. She had no idea how beautiful she was as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and ordered from Rosmerta. My grip on my butter beer became tighter when I noticed her eyelashes were adorably flecked with snowflakes.
"So, I'll show you mine if you show me yours," she said wiggling her eyebrows before bursting into laughter at my expression. Being in love with your best friend was hard when she was never opposed to making dirty jokes, not to mention how carelessly touchy she could be.
Last week when I'd asked Y/N what we were doing in Hogsmede this weekend, since we always went together, she'd blushed. She told me Peter Pettigrew had asked her out and she'd said yes. I had wanted to throw something against the wall. Once again my stupid brother and his stupid friends were trying to steal something away from me. I had immediately scrambled to get a date so I wouldn't look so pitiful to her. I'd asked out Amelia Bones who had been mad for me since fifth year. It hadn't been hard to get a yes. Y/N and I agreed we would meet up later to compare notes and hang out as we usually did. I had been miserable on the date, as pretty and interesting as Amelia was, no one was Y/N.
"You go first," I said, taking a sip of butter beer wishing I was old enough to purchase fire whisky so I didn't have to be sober while hearing about this.
"He was as skittish as a rat," Y/N chuckled. "Which is kinda sweet I suppose."
"But," I smirked. I knew her well enough to know that 'but' was coming.
"He just isn't my type," she sighed. "I like confidence, and,"
"Quidditch players," I finished for her with a chuckle. It always took a concentrated amount of effort to not remind her that I was a Quidditch player when she said that.
"You know me too well Black," she said. She stretched and yawned, her chest was being pushed out as she bent back. It was hard to concentrate.
"It's a bit warm," she commented and took off her large winter coat. Underneath, she was wearing a sparkling dark blue velvet top that was very low cut. I nearly choked on my drink when I saw it. I now envied Pettigrew even more, he'd gotten to walk around with her in that.
I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to act like I hadn't been staring. My grip on my mug was white knuckled. Could she really be so blind? Did she truly not know what she was doing to me?
"Reg?" She called, her voice finally breathing through my thoughts.
"Sorry, what were you saying?"
"I said how did it go with Amelia?" She asked as she fiddled with a necklace I'd gotten her for Christmas the year prior.
"Well, she didn't seem to like me very much once we actually went out."
Her laugh rang out like bells, making me smile as well.
"Did you go into typical Black brooding mode?" She asked.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"When you have a lot on your mind you get this look on your face."
"What kind of look?" I questioned.
"The best way to describe it is like a storm cloud became a human," she chuckled.
"That's harsh," I grinned.
"I'm just being honest my dear friend. Sirius does it too you know. If I didn't know you so well I wouldn't go near you when you have that face, I don't blame Amelia for being apprehensive."
"You're so kind to me," I stuck my tongue out at her and she returned the gesture. Oh the things I wished she'd do with that tongue. No, Regulus, focus, she'll definitely notice if you get a hard on, she knows you too well.
"So, who is next on your hit list?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.
"I'm not a praying mantis, I don't decapitate my mate."
"My bet is on Potter, you'll probably try to work your way through all the Marauders for bonus points."
"Don't be daft, Potter is so stuck on Evans he probably doesn't know I exist."
"Remus then," I suggested, wishing she'd tell me that it was only me she wanted.
"He's nice," she mused.
"Just not my brother."
"Oh La La, Sirius Black," she taunted. "He's got good hair, definitely has confidence. He doesn't play Quidditch, but maybe a few bedroom favors could convince him."
She was joking, I knew she was joking to bother me, but I felt sick to my stomach. The images she'd just put in my head weren't going to go away soon. I knew I'd be tossing and turning in my dorm tonight trying not to think about what she'd said.
"Actually, I do have my eye on someone," she said and for once she looked nervous. "I've had my eye on them for a while, but I don't think they'd like me."
"I don't see how they couldn't," I responded after gulping down my disappointment. "You're so-"
"Did you guys hear?" Suddenly Evan Rosier was skidding in front of our table.
"What?" Y/N asked.
"Potter and Black, got into another duel with Snape and Mulciber. Mulciber, the idiot, tried to blast ice and snow into Potter's chest but he missed and it must've hit a cloud or something because there's a huge blizzard. McGonagall is here and she said students should go to one of the inns and wait out the storm. She said Hogwarts is paying for all the students lodgings until it's safe to go back to the castle."
"Of course," I ran my hand down my face.
"Fuck, come on Reg," she said, getting her coat.
"Me?" I nearly squeaked.
"Yeah, come on," she held out her hand. "Before it gets too bad."
It ended up already being bad. The snow was so thick we could barely see in front of us. Good thing an inn was right next to the Three Broomsticks. Y/N clung to me the entire way over and I relished the way her fingers dug into my skin. I wished it were my back as I pounded into her, showing her how much she belonged with me and not whoever she was fantasizing about.
"Two from Hogwarts," she said at the cashier. The man's eyes drifted slowly to me. Y/N knew that I wasn't naturally confrontational, but it seemed people always thought of me that way. The name of Black carried a lot of weight, and some of that weight could be deadly.
"Oh Mr. Black no worries, I'll get you the finest room."
"It is really no problem, you must have many guests pouring in from Hogwarts." I tried to be nonchalant, but it irked me when people acted this way.
"No, no good sir, you and your friend shall have the best we can offer," he gave a toothy grin and handed me a slip of paper. On it was the password for the door.
"Thank you," I bowed slightly, and pulled her along.
"Fickle Feather," I said to the door once we'd reached the correctly numbered room.
Y/N opened the door to the room and her mouth dropped open. Everything was gilded, gold seemed to cover every surface. Almost every piece looked like it would empty out a normal wizard's Gringotts account. Of course, I was used to such lavishness, but Y/N came from a small town muggle family.
"So this is what the name Black does," she said in awe.
"I'd give it all up just to have you," I thought to myself just as I noticed a problem. The bed, singular, as in just one bed.
"Um, I can take the couch," I gestured lamely at the golden couch that did not look at all comfortable. Stupid rich wizards always choosing looks over comfort.
"Oh," Y/N was actually blushing, a sight that was rare to see.
"No, no Regulus, I can take the couch. We may not even need to stay overnight here."
"No way am I making you take the couch," I said folding my arms.
"Oh stop being so chivalrous," she rolled her eyes.
"I don't care what you say, I'm not letting you take the couch."
We stared at one another for a long moment. Eventually my curated Black glare won out. She shrugged her shoulders, but what she said next took me off guard.
"Guess we're sharing then huh."
"What?" I gasped.
"We're sharing if you want to be so difficult. The bed is the size of like four of the beds in the dorms anyway."
She ran over to the bed before I could respond and began jumping on it, giggling.
"Come on Reg!" She demanded. I sighed, knowing I'd literally do anything for this girl. I stepped up onto the bed and she immediately grabbed my hands. She urged me to jump with her.
"If you like this, you should let me take you on a broom ride," I offered.
"Sure Reggie," she said, smile growing and my heart was soaring. I was so focused on her I lost my footing. We tumbled down, and I was smart enough to turn us so that she landed on me.
"Sorry," I huffed.
"No problem," she cocked her head to the side, not moving.
"Bet Pettigrew wishes he were me right now," I chuckled. In reality I was breathless, trying my best not to give into temptation and wrap my arms around her.
"Oh hush," she rolled her eyes and got up. She adjusted her top and I had to force myself not to look again.
"Regulus," she said suddenly as I was running my hands through my hair to fix it.
"Yeah?" I asked turning to her, and felt the breath leave lungs from the way she was staring at me.
"Has anyone ever told you, you're really pretty," she was moving closer and my whole body felt like it was buzzing.
"Only you, several times," I gulped. She did tell me often, but it never ceased to make me feel like I was flying.
"Well you are, and there's no one I'd rather be stuck in a snowstorm with," she beamed.
"You're going to be the death of me," I thought to myself.
"Regulus, can you finish what you were going to say at the Three Broomsticks?" She asked in a near whisper.
"What was I saying?"
"You said you didn't see how my crush couldn't like me because I'm so, but we got interrupted."
"Oh," I cleared my throat awkwardly. "I mean, there's many ways I could end that sentence. You're so kind, you're so brave and loyal and smart."
"Yeah?" She was biting her lip, hope filling her lovely eyes.
"And you're very um...," I trailed off scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. "Let's just say you aren't hard to look at."
"Aww Reggie, are you saying I'm pretty?"
I felt a blush creep up my face, and I couldn't meet her eyes.
"Is that weird?"
"No, I just called you pretty," she reasoned.
"Yeah but you always give people compliments, I'm awkward with my words."
"Well I think you're great," she beamed at me and it took all I had to not pull her into a kiss.
"Who is it?" I blurted without thinking. I mentally cursed myself but it was eating away at me.
"Who is who?" She hedged but I could see she knew what I meant.
"The person you think you're not good enough for?"
"I don't wanna say," she looked away.
"Why? Is it embarrassing?"
"A bit yeah," she crinkled her nose.
"How about this, we'll play 20 questions and see if I can guess it."
"How does that benefit me?" she quipped. I thought for a moment of how I could convince her. My self deprecating mind was having trouble coming up with anything she'd want that I could give. That's when I remembered something I had in spades. Money.
"I'll buy you five books at the store," I offered quickly.
"Whichever ones I want?" She lit up like a firecracker at my suggestion. I nodded.
"Okay fine, guess," she folded her arms.
"Sirius," I hated myself for asking but I had to know. It was the one that would hurt the most.
"Nope," she popped the P and something in my chest loosened.
"Are they in our year?" He asked.
"Yes," she confirmed.
"So, not James then," I mused and she rolled her eyes.
"I told you already it wasn't James."
"Are they in Gryffindor?" I asked, it was likely since it was her house.
"Wrong again."
"Ravenclaw?" I knew this had to be it.
"You have fifteen more questions loser," she said nudging me.
"No way, Y/N, no way they're in Slytherin," I gawked at her, the majority of my house were assholes.
"Is that a question?" She countered.
"Is it a muggle?" I asked curiously, still not ready to believe her crush was in Slytherin.
"Very much not a muggle," she chuckled.
"Oh fuck it, are they in Slytherin?"
I was wracking my brain now for any boy in our year that it could be.
"Please tell me it isn't Evan Rosier," I begged.
"No, not him," she smiled, knowing she was winning. "You're honestly getting colder as you go."
"I just can't..." I was floundering. I genuinely couldn't think of who it could be.
"You really don't know do you?" She asked.
"I give up, I'll buy you your books because I can't think of who it could be."
"Use your brain," she challenged now, seemingly changing her mind about wanting me to know.
"Avery?" I tried weakly though I'd hardly ever seen the two interact.
"Ugh," she threw her head into her hands dramatically.
"I'll take that as a no?"
"Yes! take it as a no. You're so stupid," she moaned from her hunched position.
"Ouch," I joked although it had hurt a bit.
"You idiot, you're going to make me say it," she said raising her head, her cheeks were flaming red.
"I guess so," I said in confusion. Why was she so mad.
"It's you, dummy."
My world stopped spinning. Had I imagined what she'd said? No she was looking at me intently, waiting for a response.
"M-Me?" It was all I could say.
"Yes, you," she responded looking as though she might cry.
"Me, Regulus Black?"
"Yes," she said in a sob. "This was such a bad idea, you're so weirded out." She was truly crying now, tears slipping down her cheeks with embarrassment.
"No, no!" I was such a fool, why hadn't I spoken up sooner?
"I'm sorry love, don't cry. I thought I was hearing you wrong is all," I told her, taking her hands away from her face.
"What does that mean?" She asked. "What do you feel?"
"I've been in love with you ever since you hexed Snape for saying I looked like a dementor."
"You have?"
I nodded, wiping the tears from her face. She smiled under my touch.
"I think I fell in love with you when you opened up to me about how much you missed Sirius at home."
"Really, not when I caught the snitch in the first ten minutes of the game that one time," I joked.
"No," she smirked. "But that is the first time I realized I wanted to fuck you."
My heart dropped into my stomach and my mouth went dry. She was always bold but this was a whole new level. She was never hotter than when she was pushing the boundaries.
"Regulus Black, I'm going to kiss you now," she said, eyes flicking to my lips.
"Please," I breathed and her lips were on mine. She was talented, lips expertly fitting into mine, her hands on my chest. Her touch ignited me. Just her lips had me needy and wanting.
She wound her fingers into my hair, pulling lightly. I couldn't help the whine that left my mouth. She began to kiss down my neck and I could barely catch my breath. She took my hands that were placed lightly on her back and guided them to her breasts.
"C-Can I?" I breathed, although she'd put them there.
"Please touch me Regulus."
That was all I needed. My hands were slipping up her top, feeling the skin of her breasts. She pulled my mouth back to hers, the kiss becoming more breathless and heated. Suddenly, she pushed my hands away and stripped off her top. My eyes were bulging out of my head as she reached for the hem of my shirt. I didn't resist as she pulled it off.
"You're amazing," I gasped, so taken with her boldness.
"Come here," she said, but ignored her own plea and straddled me.
"You are everything," I panted as she kissed all over my face while she pulled my hair.
"No," she replied. "You are, you don't even know what you do to me."
"Tell me," I begged, I needed to know if she was as addicted to me as I was to her.
"Touch me while I tell you," she demanded and I shuddered. My hand went to the clasp of her bra. Her breasts fell heavily as I threw her bra into the corner.
"Do you know how many times I've wanted to tackle you on the Quidditch field when you're all sweaty and cocky in your robes. I want to make out with you in front of the whole school so they know how sexy you are."
I tentatively touched her nipples that were peaked. She moaned, and arched into my touch.
"All the times I've looked at your lips and wanted to kiss them, or suck them, or bite them."
"You should have," I whispered as I got more confident with my hands. I was pinching and rolling her nipples between my fingers.
"You don't even know how many times I've wanted to pull you into an empty classroom and get on my knees for you."
"Fuck," I moaned, my cock so hard it was throbbing. I leaned down to suck lightly on the hardened buds.
"Shit, Reg," she whimpered. "Imagine it Regulus, how many times I've woken up from a dream about you and my panties were soaked."
I could barely stand her words and the images they put in my head. My moans vibrated against her skin. She ground down on me and I nearly choked.
"I had to use my stupid fingers and pretend it was your hand, or your tongue, or your cock."
"I'm going to help you with that," I said as I popped off her breast, leaving wet circles in my wake. In seconds I had her on her back. I kissed down her body until she was right above her heat. I pulled down her panties with my teeth, and couldn't resist touching her with my fingers.
"Reg," she arched up as I pressed a finger into her.
"You're so wet," I shuddered with need.
"For you, all for you, only for you," she promised.
I began to move my finger in and out of her and her moans sounded like music. She was bucking upward, trying to ride my hand, and it was one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever seen.
I removed my finger, feeling an overwhelming desire to taste her. I dove in and was rewarded by her curses. She grabbed my hair, making me groan into her. My name and profanities were the only words on her lips as I lapped at her.
"I'm going to cum, please don't stop," she begged and I continued my assault gladly. She made the most erotic sound I'd ever heard when she came, her thighs clamping around my head.
"That was so good," she panted, sitting up. Her hands were immediately on my crotch.
"You're so hard," she whined and I felt dizzy with need for her. She pulled down my boxers and I watched as her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.
"Regulus," she moaned out my name making it longer than usual.
"What?" I asked with concern.
"You're so fucking big baby," she complimented, and I swear I felt my chest swell. "Why didn't you tell me that's what you were packing?" She asked and I could nearly see her salivating.
"Not really a common friendly conversation topic," I joked.
"Sorry, I'll do the best I can," she said and I was confused about her meaning until she dove down, taking my cock in her mouth. I nearly screamed. She was right, she couldn't fit all of me down her throat but what she couldn't fit she worked with her hand.
I was in heaven. She took me so well I couldn't even describe it. Her mouth was causing wave after wave of bliss to wash over me. Not even winning the house cup felt this satisfying.
"Stop, stop," I begged. She popped off of me, my cock covered in saliva, her eyes slightly teary from gagging.
"What, are you okay?"
"I'm more than okay, I was so close, but I want to cum inside you angel."
"You say the most beautiful things," she sighed as she situated herself on the bed.
I hovered overtop of her. I couldn't help but stop and appreciate the moment. This was all I had wanted. She seemed to understand because she reached up to stroke my cheek and give me a chaste kiss.
I lined myself up with her and rolled my hips forward to sheath myself in her. We moaned in tandem. I began to thrust, and I watched in wonder as I disappeared inside her. How many times had I pictured this? How was it possible that it was better than my imagination.
"Regulus," she was gasping as I plunged into her, her nails were in fact clawing up my back just as I had wished earlier. I felt my chest swell with pride that I could make her come undone like this.
I attached my lips to her neck, needing to mark her as mine. She moaned as I suckled. Her legs came up to lock around my waist as I thrust, trying to get me closer.
"I need to stop," I groaned into her neck.
"Why?" She whined.
"I'm not going to last," I admitted. Her sounds, her breasts, her tight wet heat, it was all too much.
"I don't care, fill me Regulus. We can fuck all weekend for all I care, but I don't want you to pull out, I need you inside me."
Her words were all it took, one more thrust and I was gone, cumming inside her. She came from the sensation, her walls clenching deliciously around my cock. It was pleasure in its purest form.
"Fuck, don't pull out," she begged. "I've wanted to be close to you for so long, so please, don't leave me now."
I obliged her request happily, pulling her close to me. She was bright with the afterglow of sex. She was looking at me like I was a god among men and it took me a moment to stop tears from welling in my eyes. I wasn't used to looks of love of adoration. I was used to scathing glances, to sneers and insults. This is why I knew she was it for me, there would never be anyone else but her.
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years ago
hi, i love your work
can i ask for yandere peter parker that asks the reader to fake dating him so he can get mj jealous but he end up falling for the reader.
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Hi! I'm happy you love my work! It's been a while since I've written for Peter, so thanks for sending something in :)
Warnings: Yandere themes, fake dating
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Now, usually, I wouldn't see Peter resorting to stuff like fake dating unless absolutely necessary. He's a sweet boy; he doesn't like leading people on or tricking them.
But after a while of crushing on MJ (Just crushing, not obsessing, as Peter also isn't the type to jump from obsession to obsession), he would eventually get desperate
It wouldn't initially be his idea to start fake dating someone to get MJ's attention. Either he'd hear about it from someone else or you'd be the one to propose it.
Either way, Peter would only do it if you're fully in and ready to sell it. It would be even better if you also benefit from this in some way. Like you're also trying to get someone's attention or make an ex jealous.
Once you fully agree to the deal, Peter would be pretty awkward. He's never been in a relationship before. Even if this one is fake, he knows he has to make it look real, which means he's going all out o he can make MJ jealous.
At least, he's trying to. If you initiate any sort of affection, he's blushing up a storm, especially if you outright kiss him. On the cheek, hand, lips, doesn't matter, he turns beet red and refuses to make eye contact.
It's not that he doesn't like it. As time goes on, he really, really starts to like it. He's just shy. Once he gets to be a bit more comfortable, he'll also start to initiate affection, but after a while, it becomes less about making MJ jealous and more so about feeling your skin on his in some way.
Peter does try to take you out on dates. In the beginning, it was small things that were in MJ's eyesight. Stuff like eating lunch together with just the two of you at school or studying together while in class.
This also means that you two would end up spending time together outside of school as well. A lot of the time, it's you and Peter hanging out with MJ and Ned, and he makes sure to hold your hand and pull you to him to show off.
But at some point, you guys are left alone because MJ and Ned want to give you time to do whatever couples do.
And Peter thinks you might as well watch a movie or something. You guys are alone sure, and MJ probably thinks you guys are kissing. But you aren't so you might as well watch Star Wars :D
After spending so much time with each other and getting to know you, it's no wonder Peter's affections end up with you.
MJ's not showing any signs of jealousy. In fact, she'd shown nothing but happiness for you two and had actually shown some interest in Brad, which meant this whole operation was a bust, at least on Peter's part.
He should've been heartbroken that MJ still wasn't interested despite all his hard work, but he honestly couldn't care less.
The longer this went on, the more obsessed in love with you he felt. He went out of his way to kiss you, hold your hand, and spend time with you all out of MJ's eyesight. He loved spending time with you.
It's only when the object of your interests brutally rejects you that Peter swoops in to comfort you.
He hates how such a rejection made you feel, but at least you're seeking comfort from him of all people.
Now that both of you're intended targets are clearly not interested, he finds it easy to suggest that you just drop the whole "fake" part of your relationship. Everyone else thinks you're actually dating, so why not make it real?
And it feels like a good idea to agree. Peter looks and sounds so genuine about he's fallen in love with you over the course of the plan. He's treated you with nothing but kindness and tenderness.
Now, he feels like a much better option than the person who so cruelly rejected you, and Peter will never let you find out he was the one who tormented them into doing so.
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thepenultimateword · 2 years ago
Old Bones Part 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
CW: Blood, violence, death/defensive killing, torture, captivity
Lav’s skin flushed a shade that would have been pretty if it weren’t also so warm—moist and piping pink like a cut of underdone pork.
“You’ve got a fever,” Vampire said, lifting the back of their hand from their host’s forehead.
“Only a little one.”
“Should you be getting fevers?”
Lav shifted onto their side, pulling their puffy covers to their chin with a tired exhale. “Sometimes.” When Vampire’s hand landed on their forehead again, they added, “I’ve put something off too long, that’s all. I’ll be fine.”
They covered Vampire’s hand with their own sweaty one, briefly interlocking fingers.
A shock as electric and hair-raising as lightning coursed up Vampire’s arm, and they jerked back so sharply they bit their lip, sharp incisor piercing a shallow hole.
Lav’s hand hung in the air a moment before quickly tucking back beneath the covers. “Sorry.”
Vampire looked at the ground embarrassed by the overreaction. “S’fine.” It took them a moment to muster any more. “Can I get you anything?”
“Mmm..." Lav hesitated, flopping their cheek against their pillow and staring past Vampire at the rosehip hangings over their door. "A book? If you don't mind reading aloud for a bit that is.”
"Of course! One moment." Vampire retreated to the guest room, shaking the contents of their satchel onto their bed. Now. Which title to choose. A research text? A story? What was Lav's taste? After reading passages to them most nights, they should know by now, but Lav always acted equally interested in everything. That probably should have taken off some of the pressure, but this was different. They didn't want to be humored. They wanted to actually deliver something enjoyable. Something comforting. Helpful.
Their fingers brushed over a dark leather cover with dark silver lettering. Field of Flowers.
A romance. A sappy one but…well...it would be entertaining. And a softer story would probably be more welcome than a thick scholarly tome.
Vampire headed back to Lav's room, plopping down on the foot of their mattress. They made no precursor before starting into the first page. "Marian Sterling had only three things to her name, a yellow linen dress already worn and lightened from the sun, a pocket booklet of pressed flowers, and her mother's locket. The booklet had been a gift from her father before he left to sea, never returning. And the locket, well, she'd had that for as long as she could remember, with only the contents, a small couple's portrait from her parents' courting days, to know her by."
Vampire gradually painted Marian's tale, her tiring travel away from the cruel relatives who raised her, her close call with thieves along the highway, the humiliation of being turned away dirty and penniless when she finally reached a town with an inn, her fateful encounter with Lord Sebastian when he caught her plucking the flowers from his meadows, the recognition of her locket, the accusations of thievery and the eventual invitation to work in his home. Vampire read rabidly, glancing up once in a while to watch Lav's reactions or to make sure they hadn't fallen asleep.
They were proud to find Lav just as rapt as them, eyes dropped but alight with thought. It wasn’t until the first romantic scene that Vampire realized their mistake.
A hot blush crept up the back of their neck, the blood ringing in their ears so they could barely hear the words they spoke. "Sebastian took Marian's face in his hands, warm, calloused fingers stroking the tears off her cheek. "'Marian," he said, his voice soft, like the first roll of thunder in an approaching storm. His breath tickled her face and...um...h-his lips...his lips pressed soft..." Vampire swallowed. "You know, this part is a little boring, why don't we skip it."
"Boring?" Lav said, raising their eyebrows high over dark circled eyes. "Au contraire, I've been on the edge of my seat for Lord Sebastian's confession, please continue."
"You're sure...?"
"Of course, do not hold back on my account. I may appear tired, but I promise, I'm at complete attention."
That was what worried Vampire. This wouldn't have happened if they'd just chosen a book about frogs. Vampire swallowed again and took a deep breath.
"...firstothecurvehernecknextothesmoothlineofherjawandfinallytohermouthcatchingherbreathinherthroatlikewindinakitetakingherhigherandhigher. Dangerous. Thehighershedriftedthemorelikelytocrumpleifdroppeddoomedbyachangeofwind. Shepushedthethoughtawayfornowthewindswerefavorable. Herfingerstangledinhishairand--"
Lav burst out laughing, freezing Vampire's tongue against the roof of their mouth.
"Stop, stop!" They wheezed, coughs riddling their chuckles with halts and starts. An especially violent fit seized them, and they rolled over onto their side still grinning as they simultaneously clutched their bedcovers and chest.
Vampire blushed harder, fighting the urge to chuck the book at Lav's face and run. They won against the first part, but they shot off the bed before they knew what they were doing.
"Wait!" Lav's feverish hand grabbed the hem of their tunic. Vampire could have easily broken their grip. After all they were weak from the sick, practically teetering on one elbow, but Vampire held, book folded tightly against their chest. Lav swallowed the laughter but none of the warmth. "We can skip it. I'm sorry. You were so cute and awkward trying to get through it, I wanted to see a little more of it. I'm sorry."
Cute. Cute. Cute.
It repeated over and over in Vampire's head. Did it mean anything to their new friend? Or were they simply being familiar? Kind and playful as usual.
"You should probably rest," Vampire said, turning only to place the book on the bedstand. They avoided's Lav's predator gaze, burning so intensely into the side of their face. "I'll be back in a bit with lunch."
"I've upset you."
"No!" Vampire held out their hands. "I'm fine. But I've kept you up, and sick people are meant to sleep."
They snuck a look at Lav's face and found their expression somewhere between exhausted and distressed. "I don't want you to go."
"I-it's only for a couple hours."
"I don't want to be alone again."
Vampire furrowed their brow. Were they still talking about this moment? They probably weren't thinking straight with that fever. In a moment of boldness, they took Lav's shoulders and pushed them back against the pillows, drawing the covers up to their chin and tucking sweaty hair behind their ears. "I'll be right here when you wake up."
Lav drew their lips into a pout, but eventually, begrudgingly, they closed their eyes, quickly drifting off into fitful sleep.
Vampire spent the rest of the afternoon between rooms, changing cold compresses, searching out the contents of the larder for blood tea, holding the teacup to a disoriented Lav's lips. Their host was losing their lucidity throughout the day, staring at Vampire in a confused daze whenever they woke them, then drifting off once again. By evening, the other undead seemed no better than they had in the morning. In fact, they seemed worse.
Vampire settled next to the hearth with uneasiness roiling in their gut. The larder held quite a bit of raw boar and rabbit, things Lav could eat, but blood was low. Not to mention a day full of compresses and dishes was using up what was left of the well water. It was fine for now, but a day or so more and they'd be out. And that would be it. Lav wasn't strong enough to leave, and Vampire... Maybe Vampire would have to brave the trip outdoors.
Their throat tightened as they sipped their blood tea, making it hard to swallow.
Everything's going to be ok.
They repeated it in their head like a mantra, until they were almost convinced it was true.
Then came a knock on the door.
Vampire flattened themselves against the cushions. They probably should have heard the footsteps outside ages ago, but they'd been too caught up in their own thoughts. What did they do? Lav was sick. They couldn't come to the door.
The knock came again, harder. "Open up!"
Were they planning to knock the door off its hinges?
Ignore them. Ignore them and they'll go away.
"I can see the chimney smoke, I know someone is at home."
Curse it!
"For the safety of the people, the town has voted in favor of home searches. It will only take a few moments of your time."
No, no, this wasn't happening. This was a dream. Maybe Vampire could slip out a window. Disappear until they were gone. But...then there was Lav. They were completely bedridden. And what if the villagers had become suspicious. Their eyes had grown more distrustful with each visit. The look of prey in the presence of a predator. And the contents of the Larder weren't exactly balanced. If they so much as suspected...they wouldn't be taking any chances.
"If you don't comply we will enter by force."
Vampire snatched a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around them like a hooded shawl, covering the points of their ears and much of their slender build. If they kept their head down, maybe they could pass.
They took a shuddering breath and opened the door, just a crack. Just enough to see three villagers on the porch steps, the same broad-shouldered redhead from the last few times up at the front.
“Hi, um, my friend is sick right now, so--"
Before they could finish the villager kicked the door, cracking the wood on the wall behind and sending Vampire sprawling.
Their shoulder slammed against the wood floor, hands loosening from their blanket cover. A succession of gasps filled the room.
"That's it!"
"There it is!"
"I knew the thing was holing up out here."
Vampire scrambled toward the the stairs, blanket tangling their limbs and felling them more than once along the way.
Heavy boots pounded on their heels, a thick meaty hand catching them by the scruff.
Vampire twisted and hissed. Something forced into their mouth, first cold and bitter and then suddenly burning. They shrieked, muffled against the iron bar wedged between their teeth. Tight leather straps came together at the back of their skull, securing the muzzle in the pace.
Vampire shoved at the bit with their tongue, raising blisters and numbing the metallic flavor.
“Look at those fangs!” admired one of the men. His pencil mustache curled upward with the sick grin beneath it.
Vampire summed up their undead strength, planting a rib-cracking punch to the redhead's abdomen. He released, falling back on his rear with a string of curses flowing off his tongue.
Vampire hit the ground on hands and knees. Something sharp immediately jabbed into their back. followed by the same searing pain in their mouth. Like being hit with a hot poker, and as they writhed they saw it was a poker, black and cold and iron.
Redhead slowly rose to his feet, clutching his side as he stalked toward them. One big boot flew into Vampire's nose with an audible crunch. Dark blood drizzled sizzling over the metal bit and into their mouth. "Cursed parasite. Samuel, get those ropes."
The third man rushed forward hesitating only a moment before snatching their hands and tying them behind their back tight enough to lose circulation.
“How did it stay hidden so long?” he said, stepping back from his work.
Redhead spat on the back of Vampire's head. "They say they can make people do things. Look'em in the eyes and you become a living puppet." He walked slowly around the perimeter of Vampire's shaking form. "Or maybe that recluse is a vampire too. Perfect cover, all alone out here." He crouched in front of Vampire. "You said they're sick?"
No. Leave Lav alone. Take me, but leave them alone.
Vampire flexed against the ropes, clenching their teeth painfully over their muzzle. The poker withdrew from their back and returned in their side. They wailed. Why did it hurt so bad? Was their flesh actually curling off the bones? Was that charred scent in the air real or just in their head? They flexed harder, and the ropes groaned.
"Secure it tighter!"
"Someone just kill it!"
"Idiot, we can't just kill it! We need to bury it!"
"Then stab it some more! I don't--"
Samuel slammed against the couch. A couple shouts split the air followed by the sweet scent of fresh blood.
Vampire's neck prickled, and they squinted through tears at the figure rising from Samuel's limp body.
Lav. But not Lav. Their Lav didn't have those hungry dilated pupils or that empty gaze. They didn't walk with that predatory slink, claws, and teeth born and bloody. They cock their head back and forth as if listening and measuring their prey's reaction. They didn't look like a monster.
The poker clattered to the ground, and Mustache backed toward the door. Lav trailed silently after until they stood directly over Vampire. Those burning eyes fixed on their muzzled and bleeding face, peeling the skin back layer by layer by layer, reducing them small and helpless. Vampire stared back unblinking, unable to look away even as they shrank against the floor.
"It's just another vampire," Redhead snarled. He pulled his own iron stake from his belt, raising it over his shoulder. "Come'ere you dirty, blood-thirsty--"
Vampire didn't even see them move. They just heard a shriek as both Lav and the redhead disappeared out the open door. A thunk of a body in snow, the muted sounds of thrashing. Mustache stood paralyzed, face going paler and paler.
The man made a run for it, stumbling boot steps fading in the direction of town. These were quickly followed by something heavier, faster. One last scream split the dusk. And then only silence.
Slow footsteps in the snow.
Lav slumped against the door frame, their front completely soaked in blood. They streaked a gory hand across their sweaty forehead before trudging back across the living room and dropping to their knees at Vampire's side. Their head lolled a little as they regarded Vampire, eyes no longer darkened, but still somewhat glazed. The way they reached for Vampire was almost puppet-like.
Vampire ducked their head, eyes squeezed shut, but then the belt was undone and the iron muzzle dropped to the hardwood with a clang. Vampire stared, testing their ragged tongue against the other raw parts of their mouth. Hot tears gathered in their eyes, but they fought them back with a stinging swallow.
Lav fumbled with the ropes on their hands for a moment before finally snapping them into pieces. Vampire slowly drew their wrists against their chest, rubbing the indentations. Lav's breath blew hot on their neck too heavy and too fast. The fight surely hadn't done them any good. Vampire wasn't sure how they were even still upright.
"Lav--" they began croakily.
"I'll be back," Lav said coldly. They trudged to Samuel's discarded body, grabbing the back of his collar in their fist and dragging it toward the open door. Vampire hadn't noticed before but the air in the room had iced over.
"Wait!" Vampire cried with a shiver. It hurt to talk. "Don't leave me alone!"
Lav stopped but didn't turn. Their fist clenched at their side. "Darling..." A piece of them broke through the cold mask, pained, "I'll be back."
The door slammed behind them, and Vampire knelt for a long time watching it. Just waiting for the moment Lav passed back through. Eventually, when at least an hour passed, they summed up the energy to drag themselves up to their bedroom. It wasn't until they'd tucked themselves shivering and fully dressed into bed that the tears broke loose. And once they started they couldn't stop. They cried themselves into exhaustion. In fact, it was the last thing they remembered doing when they woke in the morning.
Their head pounded from the sobbing but that was the worst pain. The wounds in their mouth and abdomen were still there since they'd been made with iron, but they'd reduced to a mild tenderness. When Vampire checked the stab wound in their side it looked like a bad scrape. If only the emotional wounds were so easily healed. They shuddered at the memory of last night.
The floorboards creaked downstairs, followed by the slosh of water.
Dread and longing struck Vampire all at once. Their host's behavior last night had been horrifying, and yet, they'd saved their life once again. Vampire wanted nothing more than to join them at the table and drink one of their hot blood teas. To listen to them soothe and tease and smile that wolfish grin.
Vampire swung their legs over the mattress and slunk quietly down the stairs before they could change their mind.
They wanted to see them. They needed to see them. Whatever the renewed warning in their chest. In their spine. In the hairs on the back of their neck.
They passed the crackling hearth and tidied living room, the cracked door the only sign of last night's break-in. The kitchen met them warm and lavender scented, bubbles floating across the room from the great wash tub at the center, where a figure stooped elbow deep in soapy water, washing the metallic scent of blood from their clothes.
"Lav..." Vampire said. Why did it come out so quiet? So pathetic.
The figure turned, and Vampire froze.
Yellow eyes stared out from a ruddy, square face. Large hands wiped water onto high-rising trouser legs while a broad chest and set of shoulders stretched their shirt. A shock of red hair framed the sharp cut of their jaw and the smile curving up it. Something both hungry and familiar that sent a shiver down Vampire's spine.
Vampire stepped backward, and the figure mirrored it, beefy arm outstretched
Not Lav. Not Lav. That wasn't them. That was the redheaded villager from last night. And every fiber in Vampire's body screamed at them to run.
Part Six
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii i @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia a @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin
@ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax x @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotesthetoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @tauntedoctopuses
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lfghughes · 2 years ago
Jealousy, Jealousy
a/n: got a little carried away with my writing but writing a jealous jack was pretty fun.
warnings: some slight cursing here and there
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The talking stage with guys was always weird because sometimes you were just unsure where you stood. You and Jack had been talking romantically for a good month and a half now and it was all really simple. You two got to hang out a lot but you didn’t really talk about a lot of personal things, it was really just you two getting to know each other and with the way his schedule was there really wasn’t a whole lot of time anyways which you completely understood. You completely understood because your cousin who was one of your closest friends and more so like a brother to you played for the Islanders which wasn’t all too far from New Jersey so you got to see him pretty often. But you never really brought him up in conversations because there just wasn’t a reason to and you and Jack just hadn’t really talked about family that deeply. When Jack got you tickets to go watch his game that was against the Islanders you were actually so excited about the fact you’d get to see Jack in action but see your cousin too, maybe after even introduce them to each other but even though Jack got you tickets something was off about him. He had started being short with you and you weren’t really sure why the sudden change so you didn’t talk a whole lot and you didn’t bring up him hanging out with you and your cousin after the game if he was just going to be in a bad mood. But you still came out and watched the game, waving to your cousin as he skated by and then to Jack who ignored you once again. At this point you’re not even sure why he gave you tickets, maybe this was his thing for ending a relationship, he gave girls tickets to soften the blow or some weird boy thought. You watched the game intensely, noticing how much more physical Jack was being than normal and your jaw dropped when he got into a fight with one of the Islanders, actually not just any of them but your cousin to be specific. You were in complete shock over this. Once the game ended you waited in the usual spot where he would come find you after games and when he showed up he basically stormed past you. Yeah, you were not putting up with this today. You weren’t sure why now a month and a half later he was suddenly being a jerk and if he didn’t want this going further all he had to do was say he didn’t see you two working out romantically. So you followed him out to his car, sliding into the seat and he looked over at you like you were some stranger almost. “What your boyfriend can’t take you home or something?” He asked and your jaw fell slightly at the aggressive tone. “My boyfriend? What? What the hell is wrong with you Jack?” You asked as he pulled out his phone, searching for something clearly before he tossed his phone onto your lap. When you looked at the photo on his phone you saw it was you and your cousin having lunch a few days earlier. “Okay, I don’t get it?” You asked because it still wasn’t clicking in your head why he was upset about your lunch. “If you want to date other people that’s fine but I’m not interested in just being one of your many hockey boyfriends.” He snatched his phone back and sat back like he was waiting for you to leave his car. “Jack, what in the literal hell is wrong with you. That is my cousin. He plays for the Islanders and yeah you made a great impression on him tonight.” Now it was his turn to go silent as his jaw dropped. “Wait…What?” He asked quietly and you nodded your head, a little angry but also mostly hurt. “He’s my cousin, not a secret boyfriend and I can’t believe that’s what you think of me and you weren’t even going to ask? You had to make a big deal out of it for what?” You asked as you moved to get out of the car. “Wait no, shit. I’m so so sorry. God I am such an idiot.” He apologized, his hand going out like he was trying to stop you from leaving. “Yeah, you are.” There really wasn’t much else you could say to him. “I am so sorry, fuck. I should have talked to you. I really am sorry, please let me make it up to you.” He begged and you knew it had been a whole big understanding even if you were still hurt and angry. “Well for starters I think you owe him a big apology for that random fight you started. As for me, you have a lot of work to do but I really like you Jack so I want us to talk it out.” You told him and he nodded his head slowly. “I’ll do anything, I promise. I really like you too and I just I don’t know I got jealous because I thought you felt the same way and I was going to make it official with you but then I saw the photos but I should have talked it out. I’m so sorry.” You knew his behavior wasn’t excusable but Jack was a good guy a genuine good guy so you would forgive him. “It’s okay…Wait does this mean you’re still going to make it official?” You asked and he nodded his head at you. “I mean if I haven’t completely ruined my chances, yes.” The answer was yes from you too, you wanted to at least try and see where this could go officially. “Well my cousin is going to give you a hell of a time now for sure."
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deathnguts · 7 months ago
I agree with you but I also see Tiffany and Chucky as Bartylue variants. Who do you see in the scary movie franchise as Bartylus, besides Billy and Stu!
I’m gonna be so real and honest with you, the Tiffany and Chucky post was originally Bartylus but then I was like ‘no, no one’s gonna see it and they’re all gonna say rosekiller 😔’ so you definitely get it like no else anon
As for other other couple besides Billy and Stu (because I will fight until I die that that’s Bartylus and not just rosekiller, Barty is too Stu coded for it not to be), I don’t really watch anything but horror movies so I could definitely name a few! (Though I watch a lot of cheesy slashers that don’t really have a lot of characters so this is really just a fight to remember anything I’ve seen that has romance in it lmao)
Number one, and kind of not related to brief but still important to me, I can definitely see Barty as Harry Warden from My Bloody Valentine (the og or the remake honestly, the only time both were good) ((also an underrated fave of mine <3)) With how (spoilers) the killer actually isn’t Harry and is just one of the mc’s who got like a Harry Warden DID alter and started killing people and then forgot he did and was just as panicked as everyone else is very him post imperio to me. ‘Harry’ doesn’t really have a love interest in the movie, but the mc pretending to be him is in a love triangle with the final girl and another guy so you could view that as like the Bartylus vs Jegulus thing everyone enjoys so much (but Bartylus sadly loses at the end if you view it that way because they do not kiss 😔😔)
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And for an actual couple I have to bring up the older couple from Dolls as an even more niche pick. That movie’s about a little girl and her family who hates her and a few other people staying at an old couple’s house for the night because of a storm and their house is filled with hundreds of dolls that are (surprise) alive and start killing people but they spare the little girl and this other guy that was helping her because of like the power of your inner child or whatever and the older couple are pretty much all the dolls’ parents and the movie ends with the little girl genuinely loving the dolls and the couple a lot and wanting to see them again soon and the couple smiles at her and tells her she’s always welcome and like fucking tell me that isn’t Bartylus when they’re older cmon now!!
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Ugh and then I couldn’t just not mention Eyes Without A Face, because oml Christianne is beyond regulus coded. Her father is a surgeon who gets her into a car accident that ruins her face so he kidnaps girls to surgically remove their faces and try to give her a new one but he had to frame her death for it so they could get away with the murders and stuff, but she has no hope at all that the surgeries will work and says multiple times she’s terrified of herself and just wants to die. Also she has a fiancé that thinks she’s dead that she calls to just hear his voice because if she spoke over the line he’d know she was alive, so she literally just stays silent on the line until he hangs up. Until one day she whispers his name literally once and he recognizes her immediately and goes to the police proclaiming she’s alive and TELL ME THATS NOT THEM BECAUSE IF YOU DO YOURE LYING.
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And this one’s not a movie but the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Gothic Horror Musical is one of my favorite musicals ever and I would be willing ti argue that Barty could be seen as both Jekyll (brilliant scientist that’s seen as a delusional, sinful visionary) and Hyde (genuinely off putting and creepy man who lives for only what he desires and doesn’t know shame but does know vindication) AND I could further argue that Regulus could be seen as both Emma (Jekyll’s fiancé who’s father is the judge that ruled his research inhumane and didn’t allow him a human test subject for it, which she she feels awful about since she knows how much it matter to her soon to be husband, also there’s a whole song about the town’s opinion on their marriage and pretty much everyone agrees that Emma marrying a doctor like Jekyll rather than an heir is naive and shameful on her part, probably how the pureblood society would view Bartylus tbh) and Lucy (the hooker that Hyde is attracted to and seeks out almost immediately upon gaining control of the body he shares with Hyde, she has a whole song about how she views men as a past time and pretty much a snack to hold her over in life and that feels akin to how regulus views people to me) so I think it’s perfect because like two halves that aren’t supposed to match, yet both halves love each other?? Just say you’re meant to be and just say you’re Bartylus at that point.
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And while we’re on the subject of horror but not movies because I got off track, let’s stay off track and let me bring up Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton. I’m convinced they’re the og toxic yaoi. And they’re Bartylus because: do I have to explain how regulus is Frankenstein? (They’re frail Victorian boys with practically delusional ideals for the work that they’ve admired their whole lives and then threw themselves into only ti discover they were misinformed and then send themselves into their own demise trying to prove their original ideals through an impossible mission, also they’re dramatically tortured poets who are gay as hell) and then Barty as Walton, I will defend to you now. Walton is a an explorer, he’s a free spirit who wants to find something new and above that he just wants to be out there searching. He’s implied to be wealthy yet doesn’t have a family besides his sister which is strange for the time, meaning he actively chose a different life style that most higher class people look down upon. Tell me that’s not Barty in that setting. And then you bring in when Walton meets Frankenstein and he practically falls in love at first sight? He’s tending to this complete stranger just to hear him speak, then gushes to his sister about how he’s tragically beautiful and he speaks so eloquently and he wishes he could just soothe all his problems and take that suffering from him but in the end there’s nothing he can do and Frankenstein dies cold no matter how hard Walton tried to warm him (just like canon compliant Bartylus with their school years and then regulus dying at seventeen)
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And speaking of Barty paralleling sailors, let’s talk Sweeney Todd. Saying Mrs. Lovette and Todd are Bartylus is wrong because Todd doesn’t loved her back and unrequited bartylus is tired. Yknow what isn’t tired? Fairytale, angst with a happy ending, sweet, non toxic Bartylus! And yknow which couple has that? Joanna and Anthony! Joanna as regulus (the locked away beauty with a ghostly aura of tragedy practically bred into their flesh) and Anthony as Barty (another sailor who takes one look at their soulmate and their breath is taken away, only Anthony succeeds in saving Joanna and they make it out alive this time.)
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And I can only fit one more picture so let’s come out of left field and throw in a horror game. Resident Evil: Village, you love to see it in the year 2024. Karl Heisenberg and Donna Beneviento are my favorite characters from the game because Donna’s mechanics are the best and Karl’s voice actor is awesome but here’s why they’re Bartylus (also I should mention that I don’t subscribe to idea that they’re siblings obviously, they were just kidnapped by the same cult which is not the same thing like some people seem to think??) so Regulus is Donna because come on, creepy doll maker in the hills/woods that wears all black and shrouds their face behind a veil and has extreme,h concerning experimental horrors in the basement of their creepy cottage? That’s literally him, what are you talking about. And then Karl as Barty makes sense to me because they’re both vulgar and brash, but incredibly intelligent and forward thinking in their schemes and also a core part of both their characters is disobeying their father/‘mother.’ And as for why they’re Bartylus since they don’t even talk in canon, I ship Donna and Karl anyway and their fics on ao3 read very bartylus to me.
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And yeah that’s it because I’m out of photos. Thank you so much for this ask, it was really thoughtful and cool to explore! I hope your satisfied with the outcome of your question lol
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dreamsofwasteland · 3 months ago
actually, because im once again replaying the rebrushed version of EM, seeing all the lil details here and there and comparing it to the og game mentally, and having collected a good chunk of the new concept art, i got Thinking....
in the past, for years my favorite zone was the pirates/ventureland zone. that was mostly because of my side special interest on anything pirate, and how captain hook was my favorite disney villain for that same reason, but after rebrushed... now it definitely is the dark beauty castle in the final part of the game. and funnily enough is because of pretty minor changes in the grand scheme of things
or well. in my opinion, it actually reveals what epic mickey Would've been, given a more—maybe not really "modern" but more like taking in what epic mickey Is, it's essence and the main ideas, and Expanding on it fully
kinda what they did with the clock tower fight too! adding new things happening in between what people who have played the first game already knew, but ranking up the difficulty for a new audience too
a specific idea i have to do that in other parts of the game too, is actually with another boss fight, but this time being the captain hook one:
and because im having trouble explaining it in other ways, here's the full lead up and the fight concept from my head to fully illustrate.
first, we start in a modified skull island area—that is in the eye of a storm like im pretty sure is in the new game too?—but instead of having to just go to simple mini islands around the skull to free smee's boat with paint anchors, is some sort of bigger machine connected to something holding the ship down. tho, i dont have it Fully figure it out yet, i just know there's now one new shipwreck, deep in the sea of thinner that is gonna be accessible after moving something Inside the skull, revealing some sort of weird, impossible ravine opening up the sea, and is going to have a paint-thinner bomb for the animatronic machine too besides the Thing for the ship
after that, the path opens and Now mickey can go after hook. but... is not gonna be as easy as just showing up this time.
there's two pieces of concept art that i always liked in the loading screen of that boss that half inspired this, one of them being this—
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and this other one—
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—in the version of epic mickey that only exist in my head so far, the first phase of the battle with hook starts at sea, finding a way to slow down the jolly roger either with paint of thinner, like in the second image
then, once the jolly is slowed down and you can Get in it, enter hook with his monologue and trapping you in the jolly. and the thinner routes for this are Fairly the same—one being crashing hook against falls until he falls apart or throwing him down to the crocodile—but it still has some parts of the paint route, that is where things get Really interesting
like. in the new game it was made even more obvious how certain parts and hanging platforms were hanging on Nothing, very visible at times, and. well yes, is a game, that can happen for the gameplay, but there's missed potential in there—
mainly because instead of already having those platforms there, in my version captain hook sees you climbing up instead of fighting him, goes on another tiny monologue and very literally Unfolds the jolly roger, extending the mast where the fairy is up, making the boat bigger and with some holes to the thinner sea below, unfolding Also other machinery—Anything to make it as tricky as possible for you to climb up. And now also has full control over the ship and how the parts move, specially the now actual hanging platforms, and make it a Fight for you to get to the fairy
like, this not only would've Looked cool, but takes the original boss fight in the original game as a base, and expands on it, like i said and like other parts of the game already did
and i love the rebrushed version to bits, but. in my head i would've been so much better, i can see it reaching for that better that i have been dreaming of for Years, and now...
honestly, when i learn how, i would make it a reality. some day,,
(and in that note, ask me about epic mickey Please. i have so many thoughts about changes and details i wish i would add, but idk how to even Start talking abt them..... or well, maybe this is a start, but where do i go from here—just. give me a location or an specific boss n i'll tell u abt it o(-( )
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year ago
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Idyllic Island (Webcomic)
Created by: maryonnaise
Genre: Drama/Horror
To be fair, I did actually see this webcomic floating around when I was checking the yandere tag, but it kept going in and out of my attention for a bit. Now that it's finished though, man reading the entire thing at once is quite a trip. This comic is r18 though as it breaches topics of things like rape, self harm, suicide, PTSD and a lot of other things. If you are interested in this webcomic or others that are similar, check out @maryonnaise for more things.
The story starts out with Caleb reliving the trauma of being robbed at gunpoint at his job as a cashier. Due to this, he often will smoke weed and play a game called Idyllic Island to calm himself down (basically Animal Crossing). He seems to have suicidal tendencies and gains a crush on a pink haired customer who comes to the store. After suffering another panic attack due to a TV report on his robbery (as it turns out he was robbed by a fake gun), he ends up being taken advantage of by a coworker. Soon after it gets worse as he's fired from his job. He ends up hanging out with the pink haired girl he has a crush on in the alleyway back of the store and plays never have I ever with him, but with stripping rules. Eventually after a heated deep discussion, Caleb asks Bunny to slice his chest so that he can feel something, and Bunny, entertained by his company gives him her apartment number so they can hang out again.
A month later and Caleb comes to Bunny’s apartment to hang out where the two play blackjack. Winner makes the loser do what they want. Caleb talks about his trauma with Bunny and Bunny offers to help him with exposure therapy, showing him a realistic gun (that’s really a water gun). Caleb is able to win, leading to Bunny reenacting the robbery with him, but Caleb ultimately passes out. Afterwards the two of them have sex and Caleb admits that he’ll do anything for Bunny. Caleb then steal birth control pills for Bunny with the gun in his pocket as a way to do the exposure therapy before they drive over to the rich district. Bunny reveals that his dad is a rich lawyer and ends up parking in front of a house. Bunny tells Caleb that the man who robbed him was declared innocent thanks to her dad and that they are in front of the robbers home right now. Bunny re-enacts a scene of Caleb storming up and threatening the guy which Caleb is successfully about to do. However, when he does try to storm in, he falters and ends up vomiting before the two are chased by the cops. Bunny reveals that it wasn’t actually his house and the two end up bonding, becoming exclusive with each other.
While at Bunny’s apartment, Bunny cuts his hair before hiding Caleb when her dad comes. Her dad scolds her for getting bad grades and threatening to no longer pay the apartment if she doesn’t do better before leaving. In a rage, Bunny attempts to kill Caleb, but backs down when Caleb accepts his fate. She reveals that she was sexually assaulted when she was in school, leading her to try to kill herself and getting hospitalized. Caleb confesses that the two should run away together upon hearing this.
The two of them end up going to a romantic place near a cliff side before Bunny reveals that she’s invited someone to meet him. She gives him the gun and tells him to use it to threaten him if things get bad. Initially Caleb is very against this idea before finally accepting it as he believes he will do anything for Bunny. A man named Ethan comes and seems pretty angry that Bunny isn’t there. While talking, Ethan essentially admits to raping Bunny, causing Caleb to whip out the gun in anger. Ethan doesn’t seem phased by this at all, attempting to guilt trip Caleb into saying that he was there on the night this happened and that he was too high to do anything. Ethan also calls his bluff on the gun, causing Caleb to snap when he points out that he was tricked by a similar gun when he was robbed. Caleb ends up shooting Ethan in the back (it’s a real gun, surprise) and Ethan beats him up, only for Caleb to stab him in the eye in self defense. Bunny comes to stab him in the chest, killing him for good, praising Caleb on how proud she is of him.
Caleb freaks out after seeing Bunny kill Ethan, and is afraid that she will kill him next. Bunny ends up deposing the body by throwing Ethan off the cliff and faking a suicide note. She’s able to convince Caleb this was a good thing since he had raped other women as well. The two of them kiss afterwards believing that they can help others if they get rid of the terrible people in this world.
In the epilogue, Caleb and Bunny are in a party dressed up. The two are able to get two others to sleep with them before Bunny kills one of them outright. As Bunny goes to kill the other, Caleb plays Idyllic island, completely deafened to the screams.
First of all, I gotta say that this webcomic is very raw with it's colors and I like it. That being said, I'm sure the more neon greens and pinks are probably not something that everyone will like, but I honestly think it adds to the heighten emotions that the two of them have. The comic is really good at showing what it feels like to have trauma via PTSD symptoms, with Caleb for instance gaining more masochistic tendencies (well, MORE, I assume) because of his lack of control and his reliance on Idyllic Island and weed to calm himself down. Meanwhile Bunny is opposite, as her trauma makes her a lot more cold and she instead develops more sadistic tendencies to gain control, which eventually leads to more killing. I also like how casual the two of them are for the story, and nothing feels too dramatic or out of place (in my opinion). For both of them (but especially Caleb) it becomes a downward spiral that they can't get out of, and probably will lead to their downfall at the very end.
Caleb is a kind of strange case of a more submissive yandere because he's so desperate to relinquish control that it ends up getting him used and broken. He seems completely devoted to Bunny despite the two not knowing her for very long, and following along with everything that she does, whether it be something that he's afraid of or something that he feels is wrong. He's very easily manipulated by Bunny even afterwards, just being dragged along with a leash so that Bunny can go around killing people. He's willing to get killed by Bunny when she tries to attack him and seems to try his best to get anything that Bunny wants. The real question is if the two end up breaking up, would Caleb still be desperately attaching onto Bunny, begging her to take him back or if he would be so broken that he would just accept it. In that case, Caleb would more likely to be a yandere in the former and not one in the latter. You feel bad for Caleb since if the robbery didn't happen, I would like to think that he would probably not be in such a bad situation. I will say that I do like it when when the yandere guy is actually in a lower situation than their lover and that their lover is the more dangerous one.
I both really like Bunny and find her kind of frightening. She is the opposite of Caleb-rich, sadistic and always wanting to be in control. The two share their experience of PTSD which connects them and while their reactions are different, it's enough to keep them together. Still despite the fact that Bunny does have a lot of traits of a yandere (namely, being cutesy, killing and manipulating people) I'm not entirely sure if she is a yandere because I don't know how attached she is to Caleb. Most of her killings come from a place of revenge, rather than a place of love (like protecting Caleb or trying to isolate him), which doesn't disqualify her as a yandere really, just usually are more traits of a yangire. I guess it all really depends on how much she actually cares for him, and if she's willing to throw him away or not. That's not to say that yangires can't love, but usually their main focus in life isn't love, and that's what I get from Bunny. Still, I do like (and relate) to Bunny on the aspect of sadism, since the way she describes it is generally how I feel towards it (though afaik I don't have any PTSD thankfully) so it is nice to see someone describe it in a way that feels relatable. I also absolutely love couples where the male yandere is actually the less scary of the two, since that means you really screwed up there buddy.
Overall though, I think it was a very unique and interesting concepts that are shown in the story, yandere or otherwise. I was reading their other comic recently and it's pretty funny. Being able to write a drama and a comedy is no easy feat. If you are interested, please check it out! It's not too long and it's on Tapas.
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cleolinda · 11 months ago
Weekend links, April 14, 2024
My posts
Honestly, I spent much of the week coping with storm migraines. You can tell, because I was reblogging a lot from under a cold compress rather than doing anything useful with life. 
Reblogs of interest
The Hot Vintage Lady Polls are rough out there, y’all. Round three started closing yesterday (see what’s still open here), and as of this writing, we have lost Bette Davis, Alla Nazimova, Theda Bara, Myrna Loy, Barbra Streisand, Fay Wray, Lucille Ball, Ginger Rogers, and Olivia de Havilland--and it looks like Catherine Deneuve, Clara Bow, Lana Turner, and Mary Pickford are on their way out. Meanwhile, I learned about a ton of actresses I’d never heard of before, only to shriek when Sharmila Tagore, Nadira, and Waheeda Rehman lost this round. (Edwige, I will never forget you.) 
Let me remind you (and me sometimes, too): Not everyone has the same taste or childhood attachments or cinema experiences as you. And everybody in this bracket loses. Everybody but one. 
(I can tell I’m not cut out for brawling because I’m like, “I will be very sad to see Norma Shearer go, but Hazel Scott seems nice!”)
“Actually, Mr. Musk, I am an attorney. Do you know that?” Here’s the highlights of Mark Bankston, the man who brought down Alex Jones, coping with Elon Musk and Elon Musk’s Lawyer, who is not even licensed in Texas, for 100 pages of deposition. 
Hozier Watch 2024: “Too Sweet” has now charted higher in the UK than “Take Me to Church,” and it’s getting real close on the US charts. This is a song that didn’t even make last year’s album. I am endlessly fascinated. 
Happy Leland Melvin Day!
Happy Neil Banging Out the Tunes Day!
“Posting endless DNIs because we can’t (or don’t know we can) make spaces just for the people we do want to interact with” actually makes a lot of sense in this centralized social media hellscape. 
There is a 20k mg weed gummy and nobody needs that. “Forget meeting the Hat Man this is what turns you into the Hat Man. This is worse than that torture drug that makes you experience 600 billion years in a second. This is the secret to honest to god shifting.” 
One of the best uses of the Kate Beaton Poe comic I’ve ever seen
“Americanisms that tell you to check on your American” (they are all correct)
“Tuxedo Mask is the first example of being ‘Kenough’”
Just this once, I will allow this AI rendition of a “traditional Polish family” and their traditional Polish woodchuck. 
I am absolutely not saying there is anything wrong with being into tentacles; I’m just saying that Pyramid Head doesn’t even have them and thus is a pretty tame choice to complain about. 
Little Guy, a game
A cursèd chair called “Oops!”
Sparrow Tarot: Honestly, this is one of my favorite takes on the Hanged Man.
This dog is a biscuit and she is precious
One of the things that’s so great about this Ilia Malinin free-skate program is, he makes it look so effortless that I would have never figured out on my own, without Tumblr’s commentary, that there’s a couple moves in here that no one in the world can do but him. Like, the very first jump and the announcers start screaming. 
A journey from fearing moths to raising them
A dude puts on a dress For the Meme and then discovers that he loves it (and then he styles it as a full outfit and it looks SO GOOD)
Watching this cat ride around on a roomba on a sped-up surveillance camera is self-care.
So is this (although it’s a bit strobe-y)
Bat type: hi doggy
Was the jello for the tuna salad lamb supposed to be lime?
The sacred texts
Holy Shit, Two Cakes
The origin of “Me, an intellectual”
Personal tag of the week
Designer Roberto Cavalli, who passed away this week at age 83. I reblogged several fashion posts--I hadn’t even realized myself that he had designed Beyoncé’s famous yellow dress in Lemonade.
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