#once the leader-of-the-gang-who-couldnt-fight flashback comes then itll make a difference
cheswirls · 3 years
aight im on ch130 of tokrev so time for an update
first off that emma chapter was so sweet??????? omg the fact that mikey got his nickname to make her feel better abt hers like that was so sweeeet. and seeing little baji like that was!!!!!! too much
the emma chapter did so much tho like. seeing all 3 (?) came from different dads but were raised under their grandfather. seeing a bit more of shinichirou and how he was rly a good older brother to mikey and emma (there was a line in another ch abt how he raised those two but to see a lil bit of it adds a lot) is amazing, theres more weight to his character now tbh. and knowing that mikey is so strong bc he trained at the dojo? or at least did up until a certain point, since his grandfather told baji he was a genius and did what he wanted, and he showed up that one time to show off. but it makes sense!! now im wondering why shinichirou didnt take that up as well, since he lived there for a while, and it wouldve been a useful skill to learn w the ppl he ran around w
the conclusion to the xmas conflict was honestly so amazing too, seeing hakkai get motivated and overcome his fear, seeing yuzuha doing The Most to protect him, god i think shes on my top 5 favs now. and seeing more mitsuya was rly good!!!! seeing the younger sisters grown up, and seeing wht he did the day he ran away was hang out w draken, and that he has a tattoo hiding under his hair, and that hes such a g ood older brother hgrhgwrgwh mitsuya is my fav toman captain now
chifiyu continues to be SO good god what an amazing character. i cant believe how close he is w takemichi now like. we know from context he was super close w baji but its different being told something and experiencing it. i wonder if their relationship is jus like his w takemichis, or if it was deeper, like if they were the sort of friends that did everything together. every time we see takemichi in the past now chifuyu is there and ik hes a plot device now be he knows abt the time leaps, but by god if the captaina dn vice captain arent absolute friends
that last jump to the present rly hurt ;< seeing mikey like that was shocking, the hair is so different? esp bc the only future mikey so far has been the picture w the slick backed hair, even teh longer black hair (which ig that confirms he dyes it but?? in the emma chapter it was blonde n he was super young, so maybe he dyes it black? iunno i always thought he and emma had the same hair color. ik its a delinquent thing to dye your hair but ive never thought abt that for mikey soo) looked better that the cut he had when he died. the fact that naoto shot him too was jus ughhhhh and when he realized mikey was never gonna shoot takemichi??????ughhhhhh my heart
this new idea that kisaki can time leap makes sense in a way but iunno how i feel abt it. ig bc it introduces the notion that eventually we’ll have to know how it works, and why only certain ppl can do it. i honestly didnt think it was gonna be that type of story, adn that once the past was fixed the idea of timeleaping will become unnecessary to consider, and will fade, but now that multiple ppl might be able to its become smth thats necessary to figure out.
when takemichi said he wouldnt return to the present was UGH like i get that the past is more interesting BUT its the returning to the future and seeing the payout and non-payout that rly makes a difference. that chapter came out around 2019 and i think the manga started in 2017 so? i dont think its an endgame moment, i still have abt 100 chapters to go so maybe something changes
and now the kawata twins are getting spotlight!! i feel like ive gotten a good read of smiley based on the panels so far, like before the focus chapter w tenjiku, and its mutou that iunno what to think of yet. damn tho if the past few chaps havent been entertaining, angry in particular im interested in bc i thought he would be a pseudo-bak*gou, but his words show that he cares, like he’ll say he dont push yourself, if we get too beaten lets run, etc, but he always has that angry mark of his face. anyway i love their dynamic so far!!!
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